MINUTES of the Meeting held on Tuesday 10 September 2019 at 8pm in The Village Hall, Chevington

PRESENT: Chairman: Mark Leadbeater Councillors: Dennis Bibby Peter Ebbens Nicky Moncrieff Andrew Rabett Mary Evans ( County Councillor) Susan Boor (Clerk)

1.. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Andrew Read and Mike Chester, Councillor.


3 MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD 9 JULY 2019 The Minutes, having been circulated before the Meeting, were taken as read and signed by the Chairman.

4. POLICE REPORT – no report

5. COUNTY COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Councillor Mary Evans reported that she is arranging a rural policing meeting. Councillor Rabett stated that there had been suspicious behaviour at Hall Close. Councillor Evans recommended that if this happened again residents should telephone 101.

GCSE results were very good for children in care. GPs report a good rate of uptake for the MMR jab. The National Crime Agency have a very good rate in detecting illegal and fake goods at Felixstowe Dock. Safeguarding Children Service has been rated as outstanding. Rest bite care for foster families has been introduced. Panels of young people in care are involved in the recruitment of Care Workers.

Anglian Water pipe work is to take place in the area. Concern about the ‘deer strips’ on the A143 near was expressed as they are wearing out.

6. GRIT BINS It was agreed to purchase two Grit 12 cubic feet Grit Bins from at a total cost of £213.98 plus VAT. Councillor Rabett agreed the delivery could be made to Depden Hall and a way to weigh them down to be found, as they can move when empty.

7. WEST SUFFOLK COUNCILLOR’S REPORT Attachment 19/12 A report from Councillor Chester had been emailed to Parish Councillors.


9. SALC REPORT – no report


10. FOOTPATH REPORT Councillor Ebbens reported that the footbridge on Footpath no. 1 is overgrown again which he agreed to cut back. Footpath sign still not replaced at junction with footpath nos. 3 and 2. Wire netting on stile behind Rookery Farm has broken away. Footpath sign on A!43 has still not been replaced. There is a new bridge at the junction footpath nos. 5 and 3.


11.1 Community Account.

Cheques for the following were approved and signed:

Susan Boor (Clerk’s Salary) 203.22 Susan Boor (Clerk’s Expenses) 28.15 HMRC (Clerk’s PAYE) 50.80 Came & Co. Insurance 337.71 Millennium Farm Trust – Grass Cutting 87.50 Chevington Village Hall 10.00

When £640.00 has been transferred from Business Day Saver Account a balance of £4.70 will remain.

11.2 Business Day Saver Account – when £640.00 has been transferred a balance of £5386.34 will remain.

12. NEW MANDATE The Clerk confirmed that the new mandate had been approved.

13. TELEPHONE BANKING Barclays Bank have stated that the Telephone Form dated in June had not been received and a new form had to be signed. The Clerk confirmed this had been posted ‘to be signed for’.

14. BUS SHELTER ROOF REPAIRS A quotation of £800.00 was agreed to replace the cedar shingles with plain tiles on the bus shelter. The Clerk agreed to ask the County Councillor if she would fund this repair in place of the Grit Bins which the Parish Council would fund.

15. SEAT ON THE GREEN A quote of £150 plus materials for the base for a new seat near Claremount on The Green was discussed. Councillor Rabett said he would obtain a further quote.

16. DATES FOR 2020. It was agreed to keep the meetings on the second Tuesday alternate months starting January with the Annual Parish Meeting the second Tuesday in April.

17. NEWSLETTER 17.1 An email had been received from the Benefice Newsletter requesting that from 1st January 2020 that each Parish Council who publish reports in the Newsletter would be charged £112.00 a year. A decision was deferred to the next parish Council meeting.

17.2 Items of the Next Newsletter - Bus shelter repairs, the seat on The Green and purchase of Grit Bins.


18. CORRESPONDENCE ** File SALC e-bulletin Community Awards ** Rural Services Network Bulletin x 9 West Suffolk Community Chest ** Anglian Water Works SALC re Green Access Consultation Email from West Suffolk Councillor Robert Everitt Community Action Suffolk Newsletter x 4 SALC e-bulletin x 3 West Suffolk Affordable Housing Rural Services Network Conference SALC Review Consultation Matt Hancock MP Newsletter x 2 Atrial Fibrillation Programme Rural Services Network Funding Digest SALC re Area Forum SALC re ICO Data Sharing West Suffolk Plan former FHDC SALC Training Courses ** West Suffolk Council Car Park Survey West Suffolk Rural Task Force Survey SALC Finance Training ** SALC Budget Planning ** SALC Campaign Management ** SALC Area Forum Invite from The Erskine Centre opening of refurnished ‘Bar Area’ Clerks & Council Direct Magazine

19. ANY OTHER BUSINESS There were none.

20. DATE OF NEXT MEETING The next Parish Council Meeting will be Tuesday 12 November 2019 at The Village Hall, Chevington at 8pm. . There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.20pm.

Chairman ...... Date ……………………….