Memorials of Old Suffolk
I \AEMORIALS OF OLD SUFFOLK ISI yiu^ ^ /'^r^ /^ , Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from University of Toronto MEMORIALS OF OLD SUFFOLK EDITED BY VINCENT B. REDSTONE. F.R.HiST.S. (Alexander Medallitt o( the Royal Hul. inK^ 1901.) At'THOB or " Sacia/ L(/* I'm Englmnd during th* Wmrt »f tk* R»ut,- " Th* Gildt »nd CkMHtrUs 0/ Suffolk,' " CiUendar 0/ Bury Wills, iJS5-'535." " Suffolk Shi^Monty, 1639-^," ttc. With many Illustrations ^ i^0-^S is. LONDON BEMROSE & SONS LIMITED, 4 SNOW HILL, E.G. AND DERBY 1908 {All Kifkts Rtterifed] DEDICATED TO THE RIGHT HONOURABLE Sir William Brampton Gurdon K.C.M.G., M.P., L.L. PREFACE SUFFOLK has not yet found an historian. Gage published the only complete history of a Sufifolk Hundred; Suckling's useful volumes lack completeness. There are several manuscript collections towards a History of Suffolk—the labours of Davy, Jermyn, and others. Local historians find these compilations extremely useful ; and, therefore, owing to the mass of material which they contain, all other sources of information are neglected. The Records of Suffolk, by Dr. W. A. Copinger shews what remains to be done. The papers of this volume of the Memorial Series have been selected with the special purpose of bringing to public notice the many deeply interesting memorials of the past which exist throughout the county; and, further, they are published with the view of placing before the notice of local writers the results of original research. For over six hundred years Suffolk stood second only to Middlesex in importance ; it was populous, it abounded in industries and manufactures, and was the home of great statesmen.
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