LIST 27 3 July 2020 Applications Registered between 29.06.20 – 03.07.20 PLANNING APPLICATIONS REGISTERED The following applications for Planning Permission, Listed Building, Conservation Area and Advertisement Consent and relating to Tree Preservation Orders and Trees in Conservation Areas have been made to this Council. A copy of the applications and plans accompanying them may be inspected on our website Representations should be made in writing, quoting the application number and emailed to
[email protected] to arrive not later than 21 days from the date of this list. Note: Representations on Brownfield Permission in Principle applications and/or associated Technical Details Consent applications must arrive not later than 14 days from the date of this list. Application No. Proposal Location DC/20/1007/FUL Planning Application - 1no. detached tractor Pelham House VALID DATE: and trailer store Low Street 19.06.2020 Bardwell APPLICANT: Mr & Mrs D Witton IP31 1AS EXPIRY DATE: 14.08.2020 AGENT: Mr Kevin Burton - Kevin Burton GRID REF: MCIAT 594079 272908 WARD: Bardwell CASE OFFICER: Nicholas Yager PARISH: Bardwell DC/20/1038/HH Householder Planning Application- Single 41 Bishops Croft VALID DATE: storey rear extention (following the Barningham 02.07.2020 demolition of existing utility) IP31 1BZ EXPIRY DATE: APPLICANT: Mr Josh Haines GRID REF: 27.08.2020 596905 277092 AGENT: Mr Mark Lewis - MNL Designs Ltd WARD: Barningham CASE OFFICER: Olivia Luckhurst PARISH: Barningham DC/20/0833/TPO TPO238(1973) - Tree Preservation Order - (i) 15 The Street VALID DATE: 2no. Beech (T1 and T2 on plan and within Barton Mills 02.07.2020 area A1 on order) - reduce in height by up to Suffolk 3 metres and lateral spread by up to 2 IP28 6AW EXPIRY DATE: metres, overall crown thin by 15% and 27.08.2020 crown lift to 5 metres (ii) 1no.