Allative Adverb 165–166 Locative Adverbial 111 Manner Adverb(S)
Index This index combines authors with topics. I have also included topics which are not discussed in the book. These are denoted by either the abbreviation ‘n/a’, indicating that the topic was not deemed relevant in Kurtöp grammar, or ‘not discussed’. In the case of these latter topics, I have not yet been able to determine whether or not it would be a relevant concept in Kurtöp grammar. abbreviations 440–443 allative adverb 165–166 ablative 66, 68, 72, 110, 112, 113, 115–117, 123, locative adverbial 111 126, 128, 130, 153, 164–166, 221–223, 233, manner adverb(s) 82, 143, 351–352 338, 440 affective construction n/a ablative adverb 166 affirmative copulas deictic ablative adverb 165 affirmative equational copula 199, 200, absence 22, 57, 59, 281, 355 240, 250–251, 252, 253, 255, 256, 273, absolutive 39n1, 39n2, 125, 155–157, 160, 299, 309, 314, 323 170–171, 173, 175, 177, 179, 181, affirmative existential copula 199, 200, 182n1–182n2, 183–184, 439 240–243, 246, 247, 255–256, 299, accusative case 95 309–310, 323, 355 active voice n/a affixes 124 154 198 234, 240, 243, 245, addition 134 281–282, 332, 336, 338, 340, 353, 357, adjectival semantics 153 367 adjectival function 352 affixation 4.7, 73 adjectivalizing function 132 definition 82 adjectival phrase 99 hortative 285 adjective 73, 74, 4.4, 82, 84, 91, 92, 99, 118, 120, prohibitive affix 442 (appendix) 132, 138, 145–146, 150–151, 233, 266, 352 quasi-nominal suffix 7.4 adjunct 197n, 206, 261, 440, 442 sequential adverbializer adpositions 90, 91n, 108 typological profile 6.2 adverbial
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