Corvula Sanctaeluciae Jordan, 1889 Note: Bairdiella Sanctaeluciae

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Corvula Sanctaeluciae Jordan, 1889 Note: Bairdiella Sanctaeluciae click for previous page 1604 Bony Fishes Corvula sanctaeluciae Jordan, 1889 Frequent synonyms / misidentifications: Bairdiella sanctaeluciae (Jordan, 1889) / None. FAO names: En - Striped croaker; Fr - Mamselle caimuire; Sp - Corvineta caimuire. gas bladder sagitta lapillus inner surface Diagnostic characters: A small fish, body oblong and compressed. Mouth moderate in size, slightly oblique, terminal. Eye moderately large. Teeth small and conical, those in upper jaw set in narrow bands with the outer row slightly enlarged, teeth on lower jaw in a single irregular row. Chin without barbels but with 5 pores; snout with 8 pores (3 rostral and 5 marginal). Gill rakers long and slender, 23 to 26 on first arch. Preopercular margin thin, nearly smooth.Spinous dorsal fin with 10 or 11 spines, posterior portion with 1 spine and 21 to 24 soft rays; anal fin with 2 spines and 9 (rarely 8) soft rays, second spine moderately strong, less than 2/3 the length of first soft ray; caudal fin truncate. Gas bladder with 2 chambers; ante- rior one yoke-shaped, without appendages on posterior margin, posterior one carrot-shaped. Lapillus (small earstone) enlarged, more than half the size of sagitta. Scales on body ctenoid (comb-like); basal half of soft dorsal and anal fins scaled; lateral line extending to end of caudal fin. Colour: grey or greyish blue on back, silvery below; sides with faint streaks, oblique above and longitudinal below lateral line; fins pale, yel- lowish, dusted with dark spots; a faint dark spot at pectoral-fin origin. Size: Maximum 26 cm; common to 20 cm. Habitat, biology, and fisheries: Common over muddy and sandy bottoms in inshore waters; juveniles are also found in rocky areas. Feeds mainly on shrimps. Separate statistics are not reported for this species. Caught mainly with small seine (mandingas), bottom trawls, and traps. Not often marketed for human consumption due to its small size and second grade quality; mostly used as bait. Distribution: Throughout the Antilles and along the Caribbean coast from Costa Rica to Guyana, very abundant in Venezuela; a few specimens were also collected from the mouth of the Indian River (east Florida). Note: Bairdiella sanctaeluciae (Jordan, 1889) is reassigned to the genus Corvula Jordan, 1889. Perciformes: Percoidei: Sciaenidae 1605 Ctenosciaena gracilicirrhus (Metzelaar, 1919) TEG Frequent synonyms / misidentifications: Umbrina gracilicirrhus Metzelaar, 1919 / None. FAO names: En - Barbel drum; Fr - Courbine maroto; Sp - Verrugato maroto. gas bladder inner surface lateral view sagitta Diagnostic characters: A medium-sized to small fish, body oblong and moderately compressed. Mouth moderately large, slightly inferior; teeth villiform, set in bands on both jaws, outer row in upper jaw slightly enlarged. Tip of chin with a pointed flexible barbel, its length about 1/2 eye diameter, and 4 mental pores; snout with 8 pores (3 rostral and 5 marginal). Eye large, about 3 times in head length. Gill rakers short and stout, 21 to 25.Preopercle margin smooth to finely serrate.Spinous dorsal fin with 10 spines, posterior portion with 1 spine, 21 to 24 soft rays; anal fin with 2 spines, 7 or 8 soft rays; caudal fin rhomboidal to rounded in adults. Gas bladder carrot-shaped, without appendages. Sagitta (large earstone) thick and ovoid, lapillus (small earstone) rudimentary. Scales relatively large, ctenoid on body, cycloid on head; lateral line with 50 pored scales. Soft dorsal-fin base covered with a row of sheath scales, small scales extend to 1/3 of fin height. Colour: body silvery, grey on back and white on belly; inside of opercle lining black, appearing as a dark trian- gular blotch externally; base of pectoral fin and axil with a dark spot; upper half of spinous dorsal fin dusky; other fins pale. Size: Maximum 21 cm; common to 16 cm. Habitat, biology, and fisheries: Usually found over sandy mud bottoms in coastal waters and upper regions of the continental shelf from 10 to about 80 m.Feeds mainly on shrimps.No special fishery, caught mainly with bottom trawls as bycatch, particularly abundant off Araya Penin- sula and in the Orinoco delta (Venezuela). Usually not marketed for human consumption due to its small size; mostly used as bait. Distribution: From Nicaragua along the Carib- bean coast and the Atlantic coasts of South America to south Brazil. 1606 Bony Fishes Cynoscion acoupa (Lacepède, 1801) YNA Frequent synonyms / misidentifications: Cynoscion maracaiboeneis Schultz, 1949 / Cynoscion similis Randall and Cervigón, 1968; Cynoscion steindachneri (Jordan, 1889). FAO names: En - Acoupa weakfish; Fr - Acoupa toeroe; Sp - Corvinata amarilla. gas bladder inner surface lateral view sagitta Diagnostic characters: A large fish, moderately elongate and moderately compressed. Mouth large, oblique, lower jaw slightly projecting; maxilla extending beyond hind margin of eye. Teeth sharp, set in nar- row bands on both jaws; upper jaw with a pair of large canine-like teeth at tip, one often more prominent, with a row of enlarged outer-row teeth; lower jaw with a row of enlarged inner-row teeth, gradually increasing in size posteriorly. Chin without barbels or pores; snout with 2 marginal pores. Gill rakers long and slen- der, 10 to 16. Preopercule margin smooth. Spinous dorsal fin with 10 spines, posterior portion with 1 spine and 17 to 22 (usually 18 to 20) soft rays; anal fin with 2 weak spines and 7 to 9 (usually 8) soft rays; caudal fin rhomboid to double emarginated in adults; pectoral fins about equal in length to pelvic fins. Gas bladder with a pair of long, straight, horn-like appendages. Sagitta earstone thin and elongate. Scales large, ctenoid (comb-like) on body, cycloid (smooth) on head;soft portion of dorsal fin unscaled except 2 or 3 rows of small scales along its base. Colour: body nearly uniform silvery, dark greenish above; without conspicuous spots on side but with diffuse dark areas along base of dorsal fin and on margin of spinous dorsal fin, ventral side of head, lower margin of pectoral, pelvic, and caudal fins often yellowish orange;inside of opercle dusky. Size: Maximum 120 cm; common to 50 cm. Habitat, biology, and fisheries: Usually found over sandy mud bottoms in shallow coastal wa- ters to 22 m; also abundant in estuaries and in brackish mangrove swamps; sometimes enter- ing fresh waters. Caught mainly with seines, gill nets, trammel nets, bottom trawls, and on hook-and-line, along the entire Caribbean coast, Guyanas and to northern Brazil. Mar- keted mostly fresh and salted; gas bladder is also processed for isinglass and as an oriental delicacy. Distribution: From Panama along the Carib- bean and Atlantic coasts of South America to southeast Brazil. Perciformes: Percoidei: Sciaenidae 1607 Cynoscion arenarius Ginsburg, 1930 YNR Frequent synonyms / misidentifications: None / Cynoscion nothus (Holbrook 1855). FAO names: En - Sand weakfish (AFS: Sand seatrout); Fr - Acoupa de sable; Sp - Corvinata de arena. gas bladder inner surface lateral view sagitta Diagnostic characters: A medium-sized fish, body elongate and moderately compressed. Mouth large, oblique, lower jaw slightly projecting; maxilla reaching slightly short of hind margin of eye. Teeth sharp, set in narrow bands on both jaws; upper jaw with a pair of large canine-like teeth at tip, one often more promi- nent, and a row of enlarged outer-row teeth;lower jaw with a row of widely spaced larger inner-row teeth, grad- ually increasing in size posteriorly.Chin without barbel or pore, snout with 2 marginal pores.Gill rakers long and slender, 12 to 14. Preopercle margin smooth, without spines. Spinous dorsal fin with 9 or 10 spines, posterior portion with 1 spine and 25 to 29 soft rays; anal fin with 2 weak spines and 10 to 12 (usually 11) soft rays; caudal fin double emarginate in adults; pectoral fins slightly longer than pelvic fins. Gas bladder with a pair of horn-like anterior appendages. Sagitta thin and oval elongate, lapillus rudimentary. Scales large, ctenoid (comb-like) on body, cycloid (smooth) on head;soft portion of dorsal fin with few small scales rows at base between soft fin rays. Colour: uniform silvery grey above, without conspicuous spots, silvery below; pel- vic and anal fins pale to yellowish; a faint dark area at bases and axial of pectoral fins; inside opercle darkish, often visible externally. Size: Maximum 45 cm; common to 30 cm. Habitat, biology, and fisheries: Usually found over sandy bottoms in shallow coastal waters, being relatively abundant in the surf zone; during the summer months the fish move to their nurs- ery and feeding grounds in river estuaries. Feeds mainly on crustaceans and fishes.Caught mainly with bottom trawls, pound nets, and gill nets; also by anglers. Marketed mostly fresh; a highly es- teemed foodfish. Distribution: Northern and eastern coasts of the Gulf of Mexico mainly from Florida to Texas, rare in the Bay of Campeche.Shallow waters through- out its range, but no special fishery. 1608 Bony Fishes Cynoscion jamaicensis (Vaillant and Bocourt, 1883) YNJ Frequent synonyms / misidentifications: Cynoscion petranus (Miranda Ribeiro, 1915) / None. FAO names: En - Jamaica weakfish; Fr - Acoupa mongolare; Sp - Corvinata goete. gas bladder inner surface lateral view sagitta Diagnostic characters: A medium-sized fish, elongate, moderately compressed, and deep. Mouth large, oblique, lower jaw slightly projecting;maxilla not reaching below hind margin of eye.Teethsharp, set in nar- row bands on jaws; upper jaw with a pair of large canine-like teeth at tip, one often more prominent, and a larger outer-row teeth; lower jaw with a row of enlarged inner-row teeth, widely spaced and gradually increas- ing in size posteriorly. Chin without barbel or pores, snout with only 2 marginal pores. Gill rakers moder- ately long and slender, 9 to 13. Preopercle margin smooth. Spinous dorsal fin with 10 spines, posterior portion with 1 spine and 23 to 27 (usually 23 to 25) soft rays;anal fin with 2 weak spines and 8 to 10 (usually 9) soft rays; caudal fin truncate to double emarginated in adults.
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