01 England 1791-1809
1 BYRON’S CORRESPONDENCE AND JOURNALS 01: FROM NEWSTEAD, SOUTHWELL, AND OTHER PLACES IN ENGLAND: NOVEMBER 1799-JULY 1809 Edited by Peter Cochran Work in progress, with frequent updates [indicated]. Letters not in the seventeen main files may be found in those containing the correspondences Byron / Annabella, Byron / Murray, Byron / Hobhouse, Byron / Moore, Byron / Scott, Byron / Kinnaird, Byron / The Shelleys , or Byron / Hoppner . UPDATED June 21st 2012. My thanks to Paul Curtis and Ralph Lloyd-Jones for the additional material. Abbreviations: B.: Byron. S.: Southey. 1922: Lord Byron’s Correspondence Chiefly with Lady Melbourne, Mr Hobhouse, The Hon. Douglas Kinnaird, and P.B.Shelley (2 vols., John Murray 1922). BLJ: Byron, George Gordon, Lord. Byron’s Letters and Journals . Ed. Leslie A. Marchand, 13 vols. London: John Murray 1973–94. CMP: Lord Byron: The Complete Miscellaneous Prose . Ed. Andrew Nicholson, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991. CSS: The Life and Correspondence of the Late Robert Southey , ed. C.C.Southey, Longman, Brown, Green and Longmans, 6 vols 1849-1850. Curry: New Letters of Robert Southey , Ed. Kenneth Curry, 2 vols. Columbia 1965. LJ: The Works of Lord Byron, Letters and Journals . Ed. R. E. Prothero, 6 vols. London: John Murray, 1899-1904. I am very grateful to John and Virginia Murray for permission to quote texts from Byron’s Letters and Journals , ed. Leslie A. Marchand (John Murray 1973-1994). NLS: National Library of Scotland. Q: Byron: A Self-Portrait; Letters and Diaries 1798 to 1824 . Ed. Peter Quennell, 2 vols, John Murray, 1950. READER! This edition gives you a raw version of Byron’s correspondence.
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