- Problem Drill 20:

Question No. 1 of 10 Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully (2) Work the problems on paper as needed (3) Pick the answer (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed. 1. ______is the reaction between an amino acid and an alpha keto acid.

(A) Ketogenic (B) Aminogenic (C) Transamination Question (D) Carboxylation (E) Glucogenic

A. Incorrect! No, consider the amino acid and keto acid structure when answering this question.

B. Incorrect! No, consider the amino acid and keto acid structure when answering this question.

C. Correct! Yes, Transamination is the reaction between an amino acid and an alpha keto acid.

Feedback D. Incorrect! No, consider the amino acid and keto acid structure when answering this question.

E. Incorrect! No, consider the amino acid and keto acid structure when answering this question.

Transamination is the reaction between an amino acid and an alpha keto acid.

The correct answer is (C).


RapidLearningCenter.com © Rapid Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved Question No. 2 of 10 Instructions: (1) Read the problem statement and answer choices carefully (2) Work the problems on paper as needed (3) Pick the answer (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed. 2. and are examples of what?

(A) Ketogenic amino acids. (B) Nonessential amino acids. (C) Non-ketogenic amino acids. (D) Glucogenic amino acids. Question (E) None of the above

A. Correct! Yes, lysine and leucine are examples of ketogenic amino acids.

B. Incorrect No, this is not a correct response.

C. Incorrect! No, this is not a correct response.

Feedback D. Incorrect! No, this is not a correct response.

E. Incorrect! No, this is not a correct response.

Amino acids can be either glucogenic or ketogenic. Lysine and leucine are ketogenic.

The correct answer is (A).


RapidLearningCenter.com © Rapid Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved Question No. 3 of 10 Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully (2) Work the problems on paper as needed (3) Pick the answer (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed. 3. Glutamate is ______in the mitochondrion by .

(A) broken apart (B) oxidatively deaminated (C) carboxylated (D) reduced Question (E) None of the above

A. Incorrect! No, this is not the correct answer. Consider what the enzyme glutamate dehydrogenase does.

B. Correct! Yes, glutamate is oxidatively deaminated in the mitochondrion by glutamate dehydrogenase.

C. Incorrect! No, this is not the correct answer. Consider what the enzyme glutamate dehydrogenase does.

Feedback D. Incorrect! No, this is not the correct answer. Consider what the enzyme glutamate dehydrogenase does.

E. Incorrect! No, there is a correct answer. Consider what the enzyme glutamate dehydrogenase does.

Yes, glutamate is oxidatively deaminated in the mitochondrion by glutamate dehydrogenase.

The correct answer is (B).


RapidLearningCenter.com © Rapid Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved Question No. 4 of 10 Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully (2) Work the problems on paper as needed (3) Pick the answer (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed. 4. Which statement below best describes how are modified during digestion?

(A) Chemical changes in during digestion results in breaking of the due to proteases. (B) The proteins are hydrolyzed.

Question (C) Protein digestion begins in the stomach. (D) HCl denatures the protein. (E) All of the above

A. Incorrect! No, this is a correct statement but not the best response to the question.

B. Incorrect! No, this is a correct statement but not the best response to the question.

C. Incorrect! No, this is a correct statement but not the best response to the question.

Feedback D. Incorrect! No, this is a correct statement but not the best response to the question.

E. Correct! Yes, this is the best response to the question.

Digestion of proteins: The chemical changes of digestion are accomplished by proteases of the digestive tract that catalyze the hydrolysis of native proteins to amino acids. Protein digestion begins in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid secreted by parietal cells, denatures proteins, kills bacteria and activates the inactive pepsinogen to active pepsin. The alkaline content of pancreatic secretions in the small intestine activates the zymogens for further hydrolysis of proteins into amino acids.

The correct answer is (E).


RapidLearningCenter.com © Rapid Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved Question No. 5 of 10 Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully (2) Work the problems on paper as needed (3) Pick the answer (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed. 5. Which of the following is not a use of amino acids?

(A) Protein synthesis. (B) Building blocks of proteins. (C) Oxidized for energy production. (D) Stored as a form of fat. Question (E) Precursor of heme.

A. Incorrect! No, this is a common use of amino acids.

B. Incorrect! No, this is a common use of amino acids.

C. Incorrect! No, this is a common use of amino acids.

Feedback D. Correct! Yes, amino acids are not fat molecules.

E. Incorrect! No, this is a common use of amino acids.

Amino acids are not used as a form of fat storage.

The correct answer is (D).


RapidLearningCenter.com © Rapid Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved Question No. 6 of 10 Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully (2) Work the problems on paper as needed (3) Pick the answer (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed. 6. Transport of ammonia is mostly in the form of ______or ______.

(A) , lysine (B) Glutamine, (C) , alanine

Question (D) , (E) , alanine

A. Incorrect! No, this is an incorrect response.

B. Correct! Yes, the transport of ammonia is mostly in the form of glutamine or alanine.

C. Incorrect! No, this is an incorrect response.

Feedback D. Incorrect! No, this is an incorrect response.

E. Incorrect! No, this is an incorrect response.

The transport of ammonia is mostly in the form of glutamine or alanine.

The correct answer is (B).


RapidLearningCenter.com © Rapid Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved Question No. 7 of 10 Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully (2) Work the problems on paper as needed (3) Pick the answer (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed. 7. Glucogenic amino acids that give rise to either pyruvate or TCA intermediates can be turned into ______.

(A) Actyl CoA (B) Fructose (C) Glycerol Question (D) Acetoacetate (E) Glucose

A. Incorrect! No, glucogenic amino acids that give rise to either pyruvate or TCA do not produce this.

B. Incorrect! No, glucogenic amino acids that give rise to either pyruvate or TCA do not produce this.

C. Incorrect! No, glucogenic amino acids that give rise to either pyruvate or TCA do not produce this.

Feedback D. Incorrect! No, glucogenic amino acids that give rise to either pyruvate or TCA do not produce this.

E. Correct! Yes, glucogenic amino acids that give rise to either pyruvate or TCA can be turned into glucose.

Glucogenic amino acids that give rise to either pyruvate or TCA intermediates that can be turned into glucose. Glucogenic amino acids are those that be converted into glucose through .

The correct answer is (E).


RapidLearningCenter.com © Rapid Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved Question No. 8 of 10 Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully (2) Work the problems on paper as needed (3) Pick the answer (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed. 8. Ketogenic amino acids go to acetoacetate and ____ and do not yield ______.

(A) Acetyl-coA and fructose (B) Acetyl-CoA and glucose (C) and glucose (D) Pyruvate and glucose Question (E) None of the above

A. Incorrect! No, this is statement is inaccurate.

B. Correct! Yes, ketogenic amino acids go to acetyl-CoA and glucose which do not yield glucose.

C. Incorrect! No, this is not a correct option.

Feedback D. Incorrect! No, this is statement is inaccurate.

E. Incorrect! No, one of the statements provided is correct. Review fatty acid metabolism.

Ketogenic amino acids go to acetyl-CoA and glucose which do not yield glucose.

The correct answer is (B).


RapidLearningCenter.com © Rapid Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved Question No. 9 of 10 Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully (2) Work the problems on paper as needed (3) Pick the answer (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed. 9. Digestion of protein begins in the stomach HCL activates ______to pepsin.

(A) Lipase (B) Pepsinogen (C) Peptidase (D) Amylase Question (E) None of the above

A. Incorrect! No, this is not correct statement.

B. Correct! Yes, HCL activates inactive pepsinogen to the active enzyme pepsin.

C. Incorrect! No, this is not correct statement.

Feedback D. Incorrect! No, this is not correct statement.

E. Incorrect! No, this is not correct statement.

Chemical changes of proteins are accomplished by proteases of the digestive tract. These catalyze the hydrolysis of native proteins to amino acids. Protein digestion begins in the stomach. HCl secreted by parietal cells, denatures proteins, kills bacteria and activates the inactive pepsinogen to active pepsin. The correct answer is (B).


RapidLearningCenter.com © Rapid Learning Inc. All Rights Reserved Question No. 10 of 10 Instructions: (1) Read the problem and answer choices carefully (2) Work the problems on paper as needed (3) Pick the answer (4) Go back to review the core concept tutorial as needed. 10. Which of the following statements about the urea cycle is best?

(A) The urea cycle in many animals produces urea. (B) Two of the five urea cycle reactions occur in the mitochondria. (C) Three of the five urea cycle reactions occur in the Cytosol. (D) 3 ATP are hydrolyzed to 2 ADP and one AMP. Question (E) All of the above

A. Incorrect! No, while this statement is correct it is not the best response.

B. Incorrect! No, while this statement is correct it is not the best response.

C. Incorrect! No, while this statement is correct it is not the best response.

Feedback D. Incorrect! No, while this statement is correct it is not the best response.

E. Correct Yes, all of the previous are correct, so E is the best response.

Yes answer E is correct. On slide 17 labeled Reactions of the Urea Cycle you will be able to compare that all of these answers are correct with respect to the urea cycle.

The correct answer is (E).


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