Total population Country Name of functional urban area Class type ID on the map (2008) Netherlands Amsterdam Large metropolitan area NL002 2,210,410 Netherlands Rotterdam Metropolitan area NL003 1,469,110 Netherlands 's-Gravenhage Metropolitan area NL001 820,021 Netherlands Utrecht Metropolitan area NL004 714,185 Netherlands Metropolitan area NL005 693,033 Netherlands Groningen Medium-sized urban area NL007 458,686 Netherlands Enschede Medium-sized urban area NL008 390,388 Netherlands Arnhem Medium-sized urban area NL009 382,752 Netherlands Breda Medium-sized urban area NL012 333,757 Netherlands Nijmegen Medium-sized urban area NL013 289,165 Netherlands Medium-sized urban area NL010 282,697 Netherlands Tilburg Medium-sized urban area NL006 281,151 Netherlands 's-Hertogenbosch Medium-sized urban area NL503 261,478 Netherlands Zwolle Medium-sized urban area NL511 237,524


Netherlands Leeuwarden Medium-sized urban area NL015 233,870 Netherlands Apeldoorn Medium-sized urban area NL014 232,141 Netherlands Alkmaar Small urban area NL514 194,441 Netherlands Amersfoort Small urban area NL504 193,576 Netherlands Small urban area NL505 186,104 Netherlands Venlo Small urban area NL515 184,715 Netherlands Leiden Small urban area NL507 172,977 Netherlands Sittard- Small urban area NL016 168,215 Netherlands Dordrecht Small urban area NL506 150,107 Netherlands Haarlem Small urban area NL501 148,373 Netherlands Almelo Small urban area NL519 147,135 Netherlands Roosendaal Small urban area NL020 128,851 Netherlands Deventer Small urban area NL513 120,623 Netherlands Middelburg Small urban area NL032 112,231 Netherlands Bergen op Zoom Small urban area NL028 110,579 Netherlands Delft Small urban area NL017 107,242 Netherlands Ede Small urban area NL512 102,401 Netherlands Gouda Small urban area NL030 102,383 Netherlands Hilversum Small urban area NL018 100,750 Netherlands Alphen aan den Rijn Small urban area NL026 79,234 Netherlands Katwijk Small urban area NL029 59,569

Total functional urban areas 11,859,874 Share of national population in functional urban areas 72.1% Number of functional urban areas 35

Notes: The functional urban areas identified with the methodology described in the book Redefining “urban”: A new way to measure metropolitan ares, OECD Publishing 2012 are here listed by size, according to four classes:  Small urban areas, with population between 50,000 and 200,000  Medium-sized urban areas, with population between 200,000 and 500,000  Metropolitan areas, with population between 500,000 and 1.5 million  Large metropolitan areas, with population above 1.5 million

Each functional urban area is an economic unit characterised by densely inhabited “urban cores” and “hinterlands” whose labour market is highly integrated with the cores. The geographic building blocks to define urban areas are the municipalities (LAU2). The cores are defined using the population grid from the global dataset Landscan, referred to circa year 2000. Polycentric cores and the hinterlands of the functional areas are identified on the basis of commuting data (travel from home-to-work) referred to circa year 2000 (Census year).

The list of functional urban areas takes into account the results of the consultation with the European National Statistical Institutes launched by Eurostat in June 2011 on the definition of cities and by the OECD with Delegates from the Working Party on Territorial Indicators. This list of functional urban areas may be reviewed on the basis of additional comments provided by Countries.

The OECD metropolitan areas database (MAD) comprises the functional urban areas with a population of at least 500,000. A preliminary set of statistics for the metropolitan areas database are available here .