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NATO Star at Castlegate Bunker. Picture by Adj. Leo Roos (NLD A), JFC Brunssum, Public Affairs


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hen I wrote my last east to combating terrorist and radical Periodic Mission Review. (VJTF), able to begin deployment within refine the Resolute Support Operational your people, I ask that each one of you look article for the Northern threats from the south, east, and within, two to three days. Additionally, we led the Plan in order to ensure continued support after the best interests of your family. Talk Star, I provided those supporting NATO and the European I also met and discussed with several way to establish 6 of the 8 multinational and the appropriate command and control to them and let them know what is going you with my first region are routinely confronted by complex political and military leaders across the NFIUs in the eastern part of the Alliance to the mission in Afghanistan. Additionally, on in your life at work. Ensure they have impressionW of JFC Brunssum. I was and multifaceted challenges, to include region, including Chiefs of Defence, to assist in training of Alliance forces and our planners are busy developing and the knowledge and resources they need in in my first 100 days of command and the refugees problem as well as the overall Permanent Representatives and Senior in the reception of reinforcements when refining the Graduated Response Plans the event you are deployed for an extended was already well settled into my seat. instability of North Africa and Middle East Military Representatives to NATO, as well needed. (GRPs). On the exercise front, we remain period. Ease the stress in their lives, and During those first months I saw as region. as military commanders within both the extremely busy, having recently completed give them the peace of mind they deserve. I much as I could and met as many key NATO Command Structure and the NATO HQ MNC NE is another success. It provides Exercise Bold Bonus II and continuing our invite all JFCBS key/top leaders to support players as possible. This allowed me It is these security challenges that will Force Structure. I participated in the 3rd a persistent and permanent presence in the planning for Trident Javelin 17. During the families of their subordinates as much to understand well the environment, continue to bolster JFC Brunssum’s role NATO Force Integration Unit (NFIU) northeast of SACEUR’s AoR. As a three star Bold Bonus, we focused on internal as possible. It is important to balance the key leader’s position and plans, on the international stage, and will keep Conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, where HQs with a regional emphasis, HQ MNC staff processes and the development professional commitments with the needs and build upon JFC Brunssum’s us busy – very busy. It really is incredible all stakeholders had an opportunity to NE delivers additional NATO capability and of an essential comprehension of JFC of individuals. Families should be fully assigned mission. how much is going on right now. As I write discuss the roles of the NFIUs within the singular regional expertise to the Alliance. Brunssum’s area of responsibility, the GRP, integrated in the wider JFCBS community this, JFC Brunssum just completed hosting guidelines of the Warsaw Summit. We As such I envision HQ MNC NE to be the and our role as a Static Headquarters. The in order to reinforce our duty of care and I have now been at JFC Brunssum for General Curtis M. Scaparrotti, Supreme also recently witnessed the opening of our “NATO Regional Sentinel” in times of knowledge and experience gained from to foster a sense of belonging that will be nine months, and since arriving, my Allied Commander Europe, along with newest NFIU in Hungary, which provides peace and prime force integrator at least in Bold Bonus will also help prepare us for critical in the event of a crisis response, or appreciation for the continued importance military leaders from across the alliance a visible, forward NATO presence in the the first days of crisis. This is an important Exercise Trident Javelin 17, a complex deployment, when we ask the most of those of the Headquarters has only grown. for the two-day SACEUR’s Commanders’ east of SACEUR’s Area of Responsibility. role alongside the responsibility to provide multi-layer Command Post Exercise. closest to us. As demonstrated by our exceptionally Conference. It was a great opportunity Additionally, in November, we conducted RSOM and facilitate the deployment of high operational tempo, breadth of for NATO’s senior military commanders the 3rd Northern Headquarters Conference VJTF(L), with the support of NFIUs. As you can see, there is a lot going on within In closing, please allow me to take this responsibilities, and increased tasking, to discuss emerging challenges that face in Bodo, Norway, emphasizing the our Headquarters. While it is important opportunity to express my gratefulness for it is clear to me that JFC Brunssum is at the Alliance. My hat’s off to those who importance of partnership, transparency Building on the Warsaw decision to further that we continue to accomplish the mission, leading such a proficient team of Military the forefront of NATO’s efforts to address contributed to planning and organizing the and collective defence in the Northern strengthen the Alliance’s deterrence and we must not forget that the true power of and Civilians who are truly committed the changing security environment. We extremely well executed event. Well done! flank of the Alliance. The results were defence posture, JFC Brunssum has been JFC Brunssum is the devoted and talented toward JFC Brunssum mission and for are prepared to implement the decisions very concrete and the Northern Family is working with Framework Nations and people – military, civilian and contractors – their daily support to myself. As we are made during Warsaw Summit, and we I had the opportunity to visit the Resolute becoming stronger and stronger. Host Nations to establish an Enhanced that make up our team. In order for us to be approaching the season of giving and the are ready to protect, defend and fight, Support Mission in Afghanistan twice, Forward Presence (eFP) in Estonia, Latvia, successful, we rely upon our people – their New Year, please slow down and enjoy the wherever and whenever needed. NATO’s where I was updated on the latest Within our Headquarters we continue to Lithuania and Poland. Part of the biggest professionalism, creativity, and innovation. simple things with your family and loved essential mission is unchanged: to ensure developments in theater, given an make great strides enacting the decisions reinforcement of Alliance collective defence That said, taking care of our personnel ones, rest and recharge your batteries to that the Alliance remains an unparalleled opportunity to discuss the development of of the Wales and Warsaw Summits. Since in a generation, the eFP clearly demonstrates and their families is a top priority of mine. be ready to face the challenges that the community of freedom, peace, security, and the Afghan National Defense and Security the Wales Summit in 2014, NATO has the solidarity, determination, and ability We must ensure our personnel have the New Year will bring. I will deliver soon my shared values, including individual liberty, Forces (ANDSF), exchanged information taken a range of steps to reinforce our of the Alliance to provide an immediate resources and skills they need in order to directive/guidance for 2017 and you will human rights, democracy, and the rule of and views on the progress of NATO’s RS collective defence, enhance our capabilities, response to any aggression. Additionally, do their job. I look to each of you to live find objectives, lines of effort and priorities. law. Mission thus far in 2016, and shared some and strengthen our resilience, and JFC JFC Brunssum has begun work on a by a set of core values, including courage, But now is the time to enjoy the incoming very good insight with General Nicholson’s Brunssum has played a critical role every functional assessment of the current NATO humility and integrity. Know yourself and Christmas season and I will be glad to The current security environment across enlightening vision for 2017 and beyond. step of the way. As part of the Readiness Command Structure to ensure the structure continually seek self-improvement; focus meet with you and your family before the the globe poses broad and evolving While there is much work to be done and Action Plan we have worked diligently remains robust, agile and able to undertake your efforts on what is important; stay deserved break to celebrate Festivities and strategic challenges for all of NATO. We more time needed to complete the mission, to enhance the capabilities of the NATO all elements of effective command and headed in the right direction to achieve the New Year. I wish you and your family a are living in an age of unpredictability, and the continued international support to Response Force (NRF) in order to adapt and control for simultaneous challenges across success; take responsibility for your actions; Merry Christmas and happiness today and the international order is continually being the RS mission is encouraging, and the respond to emerging security challenges. the full spectrum of missions. and enjoy your work while working hard! throughout the New Year. challenged by new and emerging actors. development of the ANDSF sends a strong We have contributed to efforts to create a From deterring Russian aggression in the message to the insurgents as stated in the new Very High Readiness Joint Task Force In the planning domain, we continue to In addition to taking care of yourself and

4 5 VISITS AND ACTIVITIES October 2016 / November 2016 Prepared by Adj Shirley Ham – ter Haar

General Salvatore Farina attends 3rd NFIU Commanders’ Conference 19-20 OCT 2016 21 OCT 2016 Outreach in Action

The 3rd NFIUs Commanders’ conference, hosted by and will be completed by the first semester. These missions by Major General van GRIENSVEN, JFCBS’ situational awareness amongst JFCBS and appropri- Major General Vitalijus Vaiksnoras (Chief of Joint battlegroups are multinational and they are a con- Deputy Chief of Staff (Plans). The aims of this ate NATO members, partners and other stakeholders Staff of the ) was conducted crete symbol of solidarity and cohesion, being ‘one for gathering were to enhance the established working e.g. International and Non-Governmental Organiza- 19-20 October. The occasion served as an opportuni- all and all for one, as in the spirit of NATO’. relationship and ensure awareness on matters of tions. ty for all stakeholders to shape and discuss the future He also pointed out that ‘no NATO Ally is alone, the mutual interest. evolution of NATO Force Integration Units (NFIUs) Alliance is already present in this region, demonstrat- Major General SYZDYKOV expressed his country’s within the guidelines of the Warsaw Summit. ing that cohesion and unity are rock-solid, as well as Briefings focused primarily on partnership and the appreciation for the support provided by JFCBS the determination to defend and protect all Allies, four core missions of the headquarters: Resolute especially in the realm of training via the regular de- ‘NATO is a defensive Alliance, not looking for escala- without generating escalations while always aiming at Support in Afghanistan for which JFCBS is the out- ployment of Military Training Teams to his nation. In tion but still ready to defend and protect allies: their dialogue and prevention.’ Joint Force Command Brunssum (JFCBS) was of-theatre supporting operational-level headquarters; this, he underlined the high standard of professional- territories, citizens and common values’, General additional entities are activated six NFIUs will pleased to host a visit of Major General Bakthiyar NATO’s Response Force (NRF) for which Brunssum ism displayed by NATO subject matter experts sent to Salvatore Farina, commander Allied Joint Force From Wales to Wa rsaw many steps forward have be in operation under the command of Headquarters SYZDYKOV, Kazakhstan’s Military Representative to is the standby headquarters should the NRF be ac- train and educate Kazak military personnel. In con- Command Brunssum, stated at the conclusion of the been taken by NATO, and according to General Multinational Corps Northeast (MNC NE), based in NATO, 21 October. tivated until 31 December 2016; strategic commu- cluding his remarks he expressed his government’s conference when addressing the media. We monitor Farina ‘NFIUs are already well on track after about Szczecin, Poland. nications-led Assurance Measures which aim is to desire to extend the existing relationship in new ways the situation on the Eastern flank – he continued one year from their activation; the decisions made in Welcomed by General Salvatore FARINA, Command- reassure our allies and deter potential adversaries in stating: “I hope the cooperation will go on and would - and we are ready and prepared to respond in an Warsaw will require further adaptation and evolution “I would like to emphasize that security is a team ef- er JFC Brunssum, Major General SYZDYKOV was north-eastern Europe; and Regional Focus, an like to emphasize the good relations enjoyed by my effective and proportionate way to any threat to the even of our newest structures, such as the NFIUs fort” – Lieutenant General Manfred Hofmann, Com- comprehensively briefed on the status of JFCBS initiative that facilitates enhanced interaction and country with NATO”. security of NATO Allies.’ themselves, which are unique and specifically orga- mander MNC NE and chairman of the conference nized to carry out tasks in the best possible way: they stressed. He added: “Together with the NFIUs, our When describing the situation on the Northeastern are not identical, but similar.’ forward enablers, we have officially become NATO’s Republic of Korea Delegation Visits JFC Brunssum border with regard to NATO’s presence, Commander Regional Custodian of Security on the North-Eastern 26 OCT 2016

JFC Brunssum said: the ‘glass’ is already half-full The NFIUs in Poland and the three Baltic States have flank. We are ready to support the battalion-sized A group from the Republic of Korea visited JFC levels via briefings received in Brussels and Mons, and more liquid is going to be added soon with the been active since September 2015. These are now battlegroups in further enhancement of safety of the Brunssum, as part of a larger trip embracing SHAPE the Korean guests were provided the opportunity of enhanced Forward Presence: the deployment of the being followed by the impending activation of their region in a legitimate and proportionate way.” and NATO HQs, over a 3-day period. a roundtable discussion - led by our Civil/Military battalion-sized battlegroups will start early next year sister units in Hungary and Slovakia. Once these two The five Korean officers from their nation’s Combined Cooperation Branch - focusing on issues at the ‘opera- Defense Transformation Group - which is under the tional’ level of command. direct control of the Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff - visited with the goal of learning more about NATO The Republic of Korea is one of NATO’s ‘Partners processes and how the Alliance cooperates with other across the Globe‘. stakeholders in the context of a multi-national and multilateral security environment.

Latvian Permanent and Military Representatives to NATO Visit JFC Brunssum 21 OCT 2016 After receiving an overview of NATO operations, through the lenses of the political and strategic

The Permanent Representative of Latvia to NATO, Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Janusz Adamczak, Ambassador Indulis Bērziņš, accompanied by the was included in the visit programme to provide a The Importance of Remembrance Latvian Military Representative, Major General Juris platform facilitating an exchange of views regarding 04 NOV 2016 Zeibārts and Deputy Military Representative, Colonel the Assurance Measures and, in particular, the Alli- Didzis Nestro, were hosted by the Commander JFC ance’s plans to bolster its presence in north-eastern and talks to pupils of the Trevianum School (Sittard) opportunity to try on a respirator, chemical protection Brunssum (JFCBS), General Salvatore Farina, 21 Europe. Beginning in early 2017, this enhanced on the topics of remembrance and role of the armed clothing, helmet and flack jacket. The event proved a October. The intent was to discuss the implementa- forward presence (eFP) will comprise multinational forces. great success. tion of Warsaw Summit decisions and for Major forces provided by framework nations and other General Zeibārts to pay an initial call on the JFCBS contributing Allies on a voluntary, sustainable, and A total of 217 students attended a presentation ar- commander as he assumed his position in July 2016. rotational basis. Briefings prompted discussion on ticulating the significance of the poppy, remembrance During the meeting General Farina summarised the the details of eFP, Graduated Response Planning days and the sacrifices that have been made, and status of post-Warsaw initiatives undertaken by his and the participation of the Latvian National Armed JFC Brunssum has been particularly proactive in the continue to be made, to preserve freedom and peace. headquarters articulating what remains to be done Forces in common exercises with JFC Brunssum. implementation of Assurance Measures and contin- Following a video presentation including the Last to enhance the effectiveness of Assurance Measures At the end of the meeting Ambassador Bērziņš ues to be at the forefront of initiatives designed to Friday 04 November, Wing Commander Johnny Post at the Royal Albert Hall in 2015, it was time activities throughout his Area of Responsibility. expressed his conviction that JFC Brunssum is fully sustain stability and security in north-eastern Europe. Briggs RAF, Flight Sergeant Nicci Burdett and Corpo- for the presenters to discuss their military jobs and engaged in the implementation Warsaw Summit ral Tommo Thompson gave a series of presentations lifestyles. During this session students were given the A round table discussion, led by the JFC Brunssum decisions. In his closing remarks he recognised that

6 7 VISITS AND ACTIVITIES October 2016 / November 2016

Working Group on Deterrence 10 NOV 2016 13 NOV 2016 A Service for Remembrance Day

and Dominee Joachim Stegink (Sittard Minister, these ceremonies and has done so since 1946. This On 09 and 10 November JFC Brunssum hosted The objective was to ensure that the level of United Church in the Netherlands). year Sandy & Irene Grieve and Kevin Toner accompa- a Working Group on Deterrence, chaired by operational expertise and procedures in Allied This occasion marked the 70th commemoration in nied by his partner, Dianne, were special guests of the SHAPE, at Castlegate, . Command Operations (ACO) is maintained at a Sittard since the end of WWII and the 49th year that Committee. The Working Group consisted of subject mat- high standard. This includes ensuring deterrence the Sittard War Graves Committee, the Mayor and The climax of a beautiful, well supported and ter experts drawn from NATO HQs and NATO policies are reflected in relevant ACO Directives community of Sittard have joined with members of memorable service was the laying of wreaths at the member nations. and Manuals. JFC Brunssum to pay their respects to the fallen. cemetery. Amongst others, wreaths were laid by the Mayor of Sittard, JFC Brunssum, the Sittard War In the Commonwealth War Cemetery the graves, Graves Committee, the British Contingent at JFC apart from a few dating from November 1944, are Brunssum and the Royal Air Force Association. A nearly all from January and February 1945. Of the touching gesture was the individual laying of a red 239 graves six remain unidentified. Most soldiers rose on the grave of each and every soldier. Sunday 13 November the annual Act of Remembrance buried here were members of Scottish regiments was conducted in St Peter’s Church, Sittard, and later belonging to the 52nd (Lowland) Division, who were at the Commonwealth War Cemetery, Ophoven. The engaged in battle in the local area from the 18th to service was jointly led by Priest Frans Bronneberg (St 24th January, 1945. Their objective was to clear an Peter’s Church), Diaken Roger Fleischeuer (Sittard area to the West of the River . Brunssum Annual Remembrance Ceremony 11 NOV 2016 War Cemetery), Reverend Francis Noordanus (Angli- The Sittard War Graves Committee invites relatives caans Pastor/Chaplain, Trinity Church, ) of fallen soldiers from the United Kingdom to attend

The annual Remembrance Service was con- Army Officer JFC Brunssum ducted at the Brunssum Commonwealth War Group Captain Cummins – Senior Royal Air Graves Cemetery 11 November with the Rever- Force Officer JFC Brunssum end (Wing Commander) Ashley Mitchell presid- Squadron Leader (Rtd.) Thomson – Royal Air ing. An excellent turnout comprised, amongst Force Association others, serving military and civilian personnel Mr Stollman – COM De Mijnstreek (Former from JFC Brunssum, the Brunssum Mayor’s Marines Association) JFC Brunssum Autumn Fun Run office, veteran’s associations, local schools and Mr Snackers – VOMARNS (Committee Former 16 NOV 2016 local people. The service constituted a moving Marines) tribute to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice And representatives of Veteranen Brunssum, so that we might live in peace today. Wareham British Legion, Eldershoes and stu- was deliberately organized over the lunch period to Henk Goblet. Also, Kevin Konings, personal trainer dents of Broekland College. allow participants to sneak away from desks in order and instructor at the Gym, rewarded some lucky run- Wreaths were laid by: to stretch their legs in the fresh but invigorating air. ners with vouchers for free personal training sessions Alderman Frank Joosten – Representative of Historical Information. Approximately 41 runners braved rainy conditions with him. Gemeente Brunssum Brunssum was liberated in September 1944 by and cheered each other on. Mrs Anne-Mie Koopmans – Foundation War American forces; they were, shortly afterwards, engaged in clearing a triangle of land between Cemetery Brunssum joined by the British 43rd (Wessex) Division, the Rivers Roer and Maas. Later, other fatalities The first placed man - Pabb Alvarez, who finished in Major General van Griensven – Senior Dutch who made their headquarters in the town and, were brought to Brunssum for burial. These Officer JFC Brunssum in turn, were succeeded by the 52nd (Lowland) included 50 men who were killed while clearing 19 minutes 15 seconds - and first placed woman Air Commodore Huggett – Senior British Of- Division. - Helena Slaatmo who finished in 23 minutes 47 ficer JFC Brunssum mines on the German border at the beginning FC Brunssum Fitness Center sponsored an Autumn seconds - each received a voucher for a free massage Colonel McBride – UK Senior National Repre- The first burials in the cemetery were made of January 1945. Operations in the Geilen- 5Km Fun Run Wednesday 16 November. The event from the Fintess Center’s licenced sports masseur, sentative JFC Brunssum by an Advanced Dressing Station and a Casualty kirchen sector account for a significant element Commander Wiseman – Senior Clearing Station that were based at Merkelbeek of the soldiers buried here. Officer JFC Brunssum There are 328 British soldiers buried in this Lieutenant Colonel Holbrook – Senior British in November 1944 when the 43rd Division were cemetery, of which one remains unidentified.


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The gratitude of every home in from many of the Nations who sent pilots dore Andrew Huggett, Senior British Offi- our Island, in our Empire, and to fight alongside their British counterparts cer at Brunssum took the salute at a sunset indeed throughout the world, in the summer of 1940 were present. The ceremony performed by Royal Air Force except in the abodes of the JFCBS Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General NCOs under the direction of Warrant Of- guilty,“ goes out to the British airmen Janusz Adamczak, from the Polish Armed ficer Tony McCabe. who, undaunted by odds, unwea- Forces, was the guest of honour. ried in their constant challenge and Officers and guests from all 3 services, ac- mortal danger, are turning the tide Guests gathered at the Schinvelder Hoeve companied by Polish, Slovak, French, Bel- Is your website getting old? of the World War by their prowess Country House on a beautiful late summer gian, American and Canadian colleagues and by their devotion. Never in the evening which commenced with a Spitfire then enjoyed a traditional guest night din- field of human conflict was so much flypast from the RNLAF Historic Flight. ner. This featured vignettes telling the sto- Brand new websites at brand new prices owed by so many to so few.” Winston The pilot, Air Commodore (Retired) Chris ry of the Battle from the perspective of dif- Churchill Lorraine, reinforced the Anglo-Dutch con- ferent participants and was accompanied ’t Swarte Schaap nection as he has served in both the RAF by period music. The event concluded with Contact Rob and get a free off er Sint Franciscusweg 36-3 The 76th Anniversary of the Battle of Britain and RNLAF as did the Mk9 Spitfire he flew, the Toast to “The Few”, a fitting tribute to 6417BD Heerlen was marked by the British Contingent at a veteran of the D-Day campaign over Nor- the sacrifice of our forebears. JFCBS on 24 September. Representatives mandy. Following the flypast, Air Commo- +31 (0)45-571 61 16 [email protected] 10 60TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE HUNGARIAN REVOLUTION AND INDEPENDENCE WAR IN 1956

Composed by: Lieutenant Colonel Jozsef Csosz (HUN F)

ollowing Stalin’s death Rákosi) - didn’t want any reforms, but more became the focal point of the events. Soon the disbanded State Security Police and ian government. Our troops are fighting. rested and executed on 16th June 1958 and in 1953 the Soviet block and more demanded radical changes. the shooting had started and by night-time from the army, and liberated the political The government is in place. I am making buried in the prison courtyard. Later their started to moderately the freedom fighters seized control of the prisoners. Smaller units of the Hungarian this fact known to our people and the whole bodies were moved to an unmarked grave lessen the established The Revolution: Radio building and some other important Army joined the freedom fighters, others world.’’ in a faraway part of the Municipal Ceme- environment of terror. parts of Budapest. handed over arms and guns. After an ini- tery of Budapest (the famous No. 301 slot). Mátyás Rákosi, Hungary’s leader, The tension reached its peak in October tial fight the Soviet troops withdrew from The Hungarian National Guard fought In the following years of communism it was F nd rd th th resigned after having been criticized 1956. On the evening of 22 October 1956 On the eve of 23 -24 October Imre Nagy Budapest by the 28 October. bravely but without any hope against the strictly forbidden to speak about the `56 by Moscow, but he stayed in the back- students of the University of Technology in was appointed prime minister. Soviet tanks overwhelming Soviet force. In the unequal revolution. ground. Budapest started to demonstrate and artic- appeared on the streets of the city trying By the beginning of November the Soviet fight thousands of Hungarian fighters died ulated their demands in 16 points (includ- to bring down the revolution. On 25th Oc- leadership realized that the West would not and hundreds of Soviet armored vehicles After their rehabilitation the remains were Afterward Imre Nagy became the leader ing withdrawal of the Soviet troops from tober 1956, in Kossuth Square, the Rus- provide help for the new Hungarian democ- were destroyed on the streets of Budapest. exhumed and reburied with a proper fu- and embarked upon a series of reforms that Hungary, free elections, liberty of speech sians started to shoot on the peacefully racy, and ordered a joint invasion army led The last resistance ended on 11th November. neral on 16th June 1989 with the participa- increased living standards and lessened and press, abolishment of surrendering of demonstrating people. The demonstrators by Marshall Konyev, commanding more tion of hundreds of thousands people. This the burdens of farmers. In parallel a review goods, Imre Nagy to be appointed to prime tried to seek refuge in the ministry of ag- than 2000 armored vehicles and hundreds Retaliation and Consequences: was considered to be the key event for the of the cases of those illegally condemned minister, removal of the Stalin statue). riculture building but they weren’t allowed of thousands of mechanized infantry to op- political changes in 1989. Finally, the Hun- started. People felt instinctively that with in. Around 800 died on that day in that is press the revolution. Hungary appealed for The retaliation soon began; the surviving garian Republic was proclaimed on 23rd Oc- Imre Nagy a positive change in the politics On 23rd October 1956 hundreds of thou- referred to as “Bloody Thursday”. UN assistance to counter the Soviet inva- participants were executed (hundreds) or tober 1989 (same day) from the same bal- had begun. sands demonstrated on the streets: they sion, but only received verbal help. sentenced to forced labor or long term im- cony that Imre Nagy delivered his speech went to the Parliament and demanded Imre After the massacre on Kossuth Square the prisonment (tens of thousands). Hundreds 33 years before, indicating that the new The members of the previous leadership Nagy to deliver a speech. After his calming revolution was unstoppable. Imre Nagy an- The emotional speech PM Nagy gave on of thousands fled the country fearing for re- democracy was based on the legacy of `56. however feared for their privileges and that speech the mass on Kossuth Square broke nounced that a multi-party system was to national radio on November 4th, 1956, in- taliation and emigrated to Western Europe, they would be held accountable for their up. But by that time other demonstrations replace the communist single-party dicta- formed his people that Soviet forces had the USA, Canada and Australia, Hungarian On that day each year all Hungarians com- unjust deeds. Therefore, as a result of pres- started in several other parts of the city. The torship. The government declared its intent entered Budapest to put down the revolt. communities that still exist today (the gen- memorate the national heroes who made sure from Rákosi and Moscow, Imre Nagy hated Stalin statue was toppled on Heroes’ to withdraw from the Warsaw Pact in order eration of 56ers). the ultimate sacrifice in the hope of estab- was removed from his post and excluded Square. to be a neutral state. The freedom fighters ‘’At dawn today, Soviet forces began an at- lishing freedom and democracy. from the party. The new political leader - unified their forces in National Guard units, tack on our capital, obviously with the aim The political leaders Imre Nagy (PM), Pál Ernő Gerő (a former second in command of The headquarters of the Hungarian Radio confiscated weapons and ammunition from of toppling the legal, democratic Hungar- Maléter (MoD) and Miklós Gimes were ar-

12 13 Gëzuar Krishlindjet Vitin e Ri! • Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! • Chestita Koleda i Shtastliva JOINT FORCE COMMAND BRUNSSUM HOSTS Nova Godina! • Sretan Bozic • Gutes neues Jahr • SACEUR’S COMMANDERS’ CONFERENCE Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! • Veselé Composed by: Lieutenant Colonel Johan van der Spoel (NLD A) Vánoce a št’astný Nový rok! • Glædelig Jul og godt nytår! • Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année! • Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein glückliches Neues Jahr! • Kala Christougenna Ki’eftihismenos O Kenourios Chronos! • Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket és Boldog újévet! • Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo! • Priecigus Ziemassvetkus un laimigu Jauno gadu! • Wesolych Swiat i Szczesliwego Nowego Roku! • Boas Festas e um feliz Ano Novo! • Craciun fericit si un An Nou fericit! • Vesele Vianoce a stastny novy rok! • Feliz Navidad y Próspero AñoMerry Nuevo! Christmas • Noeliniz and Ve Yeni Yiliniz Kutlu Olsun! • Gleðilega Happy jól og New Hamingjusamur Year! Nýtt Ár! • Vesel božic in srecno novo leto! • Gëzuar Krishlindjet Vitin e Ri! • Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar!

oint Force Command MARCOM, NSHQ, SFN, NCISG, NAEW&C and ‘cyber’ as a domain of increased signifi- Brunssum Hosts SACEUR’s and ACCI. The list of attendees was com- cance in today’s security environment. • Chestita Koleda i Shtastliva Nova Godina! • Sretan Commanders’ Conference pleted by the Political Advisors and the Senior Enlisted Leaders of the respective The second conference day comprised a Bozic • Gutes neues Jahr • Merry Christmas and a JJFC Brunssum provided the venue for the headquarters. closed round table for the commanders to SACEUR’s Commanders’ Conference 3rd specifically discuss some issues in greater and 4th November 2016. SACEUR rou- Once COM JFC Brunssum had welcomed detail. The Political Advisors and Senior Happy New Year! • Veselé Vánoce a št’astný Nový rok! tinely gathers the leadership of the NATO the delegates, SACEUR set the baseline for Enlisted Leaders adopted a similar posture Command Structure Headquarters to dis- discussions during his opening remarks. by gathering separately in a parallel format. • Glædelig Jul og godt nytår! • Joyeux Noël et Bonne cuss NATO’s current and future challenges He particularly elaborated on NATO’s path and provide direction and guidance to his from the Wales to Warsaw Summits by The conference’s primary objective was subordinate commanders. The conference shifting from assurance to deterrence and to provide a platform to synchronize the Année! • Fröhliche Weihnachten und ein glückliches is held two times a year, in spring and au- provided his perspective with regard to NA- thinking of the Alliance’s military leader- tumn, and rotates amongst different NATO TO’s ‘keys to effectiveness’ while following ship vis-a-vis current security challenges Neues Jahr! • Kala Christougenna Ki’eftihismenos O headquarters. this posture. and NATO’s response to emerging threats. But, concurrently, it was also about people Joining SACEUR and COM JFC Brunssum SACEUR’s vision and priorities were fol- and solidifying inter-personal relation- Kenourios Chronos! • Kellemes karácsonyi ünnepeket (host), participants of this year’s second lowed by briefings and intense discussions ships. Both aims were achieved. conference comprised: DSACEUR; the about a range of topics including: com- és Boldog újévet! • Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo! Chiefs of Staff ACT and SHAPE; the Vice mand and control; the coordination pro- Chief of Staff SHAPE; and the command- cess between different European stakehold- • Priecigus Ziemassvetkus un laimigu Jauno gadu! • ers of JFC Naples, AIRCOM, LANDCOM, ers; NATO’s training and exercise program; Wesolych Swiat i Szczesliwego Nowego Roku! • Boas 14 Festas e um feliz Ano Novo! • Craciun fericit si un An Nou fericit! • Vesele Vianoce a stastny novy leto! • THE BUNDESWEHR - ON OPERATIONS WORLDWIDE Composed by: Colonel Klaus Buecklein (DEU F)

eacekeeping and peace- Preconditions for the Deploy- AFGHANISTAN – German Sol- Operation Area of Operation Operational securing measures outside ment of German Soldiers diers have been there since 2002 Strength the Federal Republic of Germany have been part of In 1994, the highest German court, i.e. the In 2002, Germany started its commitment RESOLUTE SUPPORT Afghanistan 965 theP Bundeswehr’s mission spectrum Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesver- in Afghanistan, i.e. its participation in the since 1990. It all began with “Opera- fassungsgericht) finally bindingly clarified “International Security Assistance Force” KFOR Kosovo 540 tion Südflanke” (Southern Flank), a that Bundeswehr operations are consti- (ISAF). The Bundeswehr was part of this mission of naval mine countermea- tutionally permissible in conformity with mission with, at times, up to 5350 soldiers MINUSMA Senegal, Mali 540 sures forces in the Mediterranean Article 24 (2) of the German basic law (i.e. from all areas and even today, it still sup- Sea and the Persian Gulf during and exclusively within the framework of NATO ports the follow-up mission “RESOLUTE EUNAVFOR MED Mediterranean Sea 304 after the Second Gulf War, from 16 or UN mandates). Additionally, this verdict SUPPORT” with up to 950 soldiers. August 1990 until 13 September 1991. includes the condition that deployments of EUNAVFOR Somalia ATALANTA Horn of Africa 97 The deployment of Surface-to-Air armed German military forces abroad al- Bundeswehr Operations in 2016 Missile Wing 2 in Diyarbakir, Turkey, ways require the approval of parliament. Anti-IS mission Middle East 456 followed from 30 January 1991 to 17 Currently, approximately 3500 soldiers March 1991 within the framework of A new Dimension - the KFOR Mis- are on operations on behalf of the Federal EUTM Mali Mali 127 Operation “Desert Storm”. In 1992, sion in Kosovo Republic of Germany and that in 13 coun- the political decision was made to tries/regions around the world . They fulfill Operation Inherent Resolve Training Support in Iraq Northern Iraq 133 send medical personnel to Phnom In 1999, for the first time in history, the their mission in numerous operations, each Penh to establish a field hospital Bundeswehr, or the German Air Force, par- of which is based on a German Bundestag UNIFIL Lebanon 129 within the framework of the United ticipated with 500 sorties in a heavily dis- mandate. Nations Advance Mission in Cambo- puted operation in terms of constitutional UNMISS South Sudan 15 dia. Further operations of the exten- legitimacy, international law and domestic ded Bundeswehr mission spectrum policy i.e. the Kosovo war. Subsequently, EUTM SOM Somalia 11 were Operation “Sharp Guard” from German armed forces took part in the 1992-1996 in the Adreatic and the de- KFOR mission to protect the population UNAMID Sudan 4 ployment of the German Composite and the relief organizations operating in the Force in Somalia from March 1993 to country. This operation was based on UN MINURSO Western Sahara 3 March 1994. Resolution 1244 from the very beginning. STRATAIRMEDEVAC Germany 41 16 17 UNAMA Afghanistan 1 THIRD NORTHERN HEADQUARTERS CONFERENCE TAKES PLACE IN NORWAY Story by JFC Brunssum Public Affairs Office ANIMAL HOTEL ABDISSENBOSCH The address where your pets feel at home 40 YEARS

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Opening hours: Mo-Sa 08.00-12.00 and 16.00-19.00 odo, Norway - The third In his opening remarks General Salvatore was an ideal platform to discuss selected Sundays and holidays closed for bringing in or picking-up. Northern Headquarters’ FARINA, Commander JFC Brunssum, outcomes affecting the AOR, to focus on Conference was conducted emphasized the opportunity to discuss op- NATO`s High North and parts of the long during the period 08-09 erational challenges and find practical solu- term Adaptation Measures of the Readi- Reserve on time due to the holiday season. BNovember, at the Norwegian Joint tions focusing on our area of responsibility ness Action Plan e.g. the Very High Readi- Headquarters, Bodo, Norway. As a “where we are working closely together“. ness Joint Task Force (VJTF), NATO Force security forum for operational-level He thanked Lieutenant General Rune JA- Integration Units (NFIU) and the estab- headquarters within the Joint Force KOBSEN, Commander of the Norwegian lishment of an enhanced forward presence Command Brunssum (JFCBS) Area Joint Headquarters, for his hospitality and in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland in of Responsibility (AOR) in the north- articulated appreciation for the close link to early 2017. General FARINA underlined eastern part of the Alliance, the fo- our partners from Finland & Sweden, “who the important role of the Multi National rum enables Commanders from have a significant contribution to make Corps North-East, Stettin, Poland as the Vogelzankweg 230 • NL-6374 AH Landgraaf • Tel +31 (0)45 531 72 17 NATO and Partner Nations to discuss to security in the strategically-important permanent Land HQ that guarantees ex- areas of common regional interest northern region.” pertise, situational-comprehensive and (also in English) and to raise NATO’s profile within, land competence in the area where the eFP and on the periphery, of Alliance ter- With the outcomes of the Warsaw Summit will be implemented. ritories. fresh in everyone’s minds, this year’s event

18 NATO E-3A COMPONENT FLIES 1000TH ASSURANCE MEASURES MISSION Composed by: Maureen Geraets-Head, GK Public Affairs Office

n October 5, 2016, the HQ airspace of the alliance,” said Brigadier since 14 March 2014 is a magnificent mission very well. In a way it looked a bit be part of that first crew who performed concentrated over Poland and , NATO Airborne Warning General Karsten Stoye, E-3A Component achievement. Although this is only one of like our normal NATO Integrated Air and this first mission so well. Congratula- but later orbits in Turkey and the Baltic and Control Force GK Commander. “As a unique military tool a number of measures introduced by the Missile Defence System (NATINAMDS) tions to all E-3A Component members for States were introduced. E-3A Component flew its we have sent a very strong signal of NA- Alliance, the AWACS contribution is ar- missions we regularly fly at the NATO achieving the 1000th Assurance Measures The first AWACS AM flight was flown O1000th mission in support of Assur- TO’s presence and reliability, especially guably the most consistent of all the mea- borders, but the political and military set- mission”. from NATO Airbase Geilenkirchen on ance Measures (AM) put in place as to Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and sures. It is a public and visible demon- ting of these new missions was, of course, March 14, 2014 and AM missions have a result of Russian military activity Romania. Despite future missions in the stration of NATO’s resolve, cohesion and completely different. There was defi- Historical AM background been flown on an almost daily basis since. in eastern Ukraine. south in support of ‘Counter-ISIL’ ac- commitment to deterrence and collective nitely excitement amongst the crew and AM missions are flown by the Mixed tivities we will be a consistent partner for defence. I congratulate the E-3A Compo- a strong determination to make this first On March 10, 2014, the North Atlantic Force comprising the multinational E-3A NATO AWACS, tail number LX-N-90444, these countries. We will go on with our nent on this impressive accomplishment. one a success. And it was! We had to work Council, in response to the situation in Component, the British E-3D Compo- took off from NATO Air Base Geilen- surveillance flights and we will be present “ around some issues but this mission was the Ukraine and Crimea, implemented a nent, the French E-3F Force and the kirchen with a multinational crew on frequently!” Colonel René Moerland, Deputy HQ flown according to the tasking providing range of measures to demonstrate Alli- Turkish E-7T Force. The Mixed Force board and returned several hours later. NAEW&C Force GK E-3A Component surveillance, weapons control and elec- ance resolve. One of the measures was achieved the 1000th AM sortie milestone “As part of NATO’s Assurance Measures Air Commodore Ian Teakle, HQ NAEW&C Commander, who flew on the first AM tronic support over Romania and across given to the NAEW&C Force, which was on Feb 11, 2016. the NATO E-3A Component has con- Force GK Deputy Commander/Chief mission March 14, 2014, said, “I still re- its borders, for example into the Black tasked to conduct surveillance missions ducted over 1000 missions in the eastern of Staff, emphasized, “1000 AM sorties member that first Assurance Measures Sea. This mission was the first of many in the airspace of the eastern NATO coun- more to come. I am still proud that I could tries. Initially the AWACS orbits were


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he Odd Fellows Grand 20.00 hours. The meeting normally has the Freemasons and is situated at Heg- We are looking forward to your visit: Lodge of the Netherlands a duration of one hour. Hereafter we genstraat 16a. This location is only a and Belgium has estab- have a brief debate on the topics pre- three minute walk away from the Vri- lished a thriving Odd sented during the meeting and then so- jthof (city center). FellowsT Club in the heart of Maas- cialize with drinks and chats at the bar. tricht. More often than not, regu- For more information, or if you wish to lar contact with those who share Those who are acquainted or know the attend one of our meetings, please con- a common interest will result in background of the Odd Fellows are, to- tact: meaningful friendships. Research gether with anyone wishing to experi- has shown that people in mid to ence what Odd Fellowship is all about, Norman Andrews; telephone number: Marcel Oellers Sandra Zitzelsberger Karl-Heinz Purrio later years who have a wide cir- very welcome to visit our club as a guest; 0513-464592 or mail to : gobr@oddfel- (Head of Sales Volkswagen) (Center Manager) (Head of Sales Audi) cle of friends tend to be happier, this without any obligation. healthier and live longer. At present we have three mixed Odd If you wish to find out more please visit The mixed gender Five Stars Odd Fel- Fellow clubs and in total 90 Lodges in our Facebook page at: Odd Fellows Club lows club in Maastricht meets once ev- the Netherlands, of which one is in Ant- Maastricht ‘5 Sterren’ Audi Zentrum Aachen ery two weeks on a Monday. Doors open werp, Belgium. Jacobs Automobile GmbH & Co. KG Zweigniederlassung Geilenkirchen at 19.30 and the meeting starts around Our club in Maastricht is shared with Webpage: Landstraße 48+50 - 52511 Geilenkirchen Tel.: +49 (0)2451-98700 22 +++ +++ 36TH INTERNATIONAL SMALL-PITCH SOCCER TOURNAMENT HELD AT JFC BRUNSSUM

Story by Master Sergeant Markus Grettern (DEU F)

2016 Tournament Report

he 36th International Small- the end 1st DEU/NLD Corps, followed by participating teams were welcomed by Oldies’ Cup afterwards were all the more thrilling. Each Apart from the sportive aspect of the world’s Pitch Soccer Tournament FschJgRgt (Paratroop Regt) 31, emerged the Head of the German Delegation in the of the remaining teams still had the chance biggest small-pitch soccer tournament, annually conducted at JFC as the candidates for the two semi-final Netherlands and, in the same way as their 21 Teams competed at the Oldies’ Cup to to win the trophy. Accordingly, all matches the GNT once again highlighted the Brunssum took place on matches. male counterparts, matches were played win the coveted trophy. While the group ended pretty close with, primarily, only one tournament’s benefit to the public. In the T25th and 26th August 2016; this year, Group B turned out to be somewhat following the “everyone plays everyone” A matches were quite balanced, it became goal difference or after a penalty shoot- past, the GNT already supported projects under the patronage of Commander more balanced. 3./LogBtl (LogBn) 161 model. The teams proved to be quite clear quite fast in the other groups which out. The ElokaBtl (EW bn) 932 team was by the Dutch host nation as well as people JFC Brunssum, General Salvatore came out on top with 11 points, while HQ balanced but in the end, after 15 exciting teams showed particular ambitions to the only one showing a clear 4:0 victory. or comrades in need with this tournament. Farina. Within the course of this LANDCOM positioned itself as the second matches, it was the team of the Brunssum be successful. The first 4 teams of the Looking at these results, exciting matches This year, the GNT was glad to be able to two-day tournament, organized by in the group with 8 points, just ahead of Allstars who won the cup - followed by group phase qualified for the subsequent were to be expected for the quarterfinals. donate 500.00 € to Basissport (a the German National Team Soccer Debeka Eschweiler (also 8 points) on goal Rhenania Richerich and Ladysniper. round of sixteen matches. UniBw/ Still, unexpectedly, 2 teams were able to sports institution for disabled people) as (GNT), more than 60 teams competed difference. Positions 4 and 5 lagged behind Lkdo (Bw University/LC) Hamburg, clearly prevail over their opponents, while well as to the Bundeswehr Sports School’s at the “Slag Heap” sports grounds of by 1 and 2 points, respectively. After the Delegations’ Cup and Ladies’ BAPersBw (FedOffcBwPersManagement), the other two matches were much tighter. group responsible for sports therapy for JFC Brunssum. On the first (bright Cup award ceremonies, guests had the Team 383 Oldies and SDBw Oldies In the end, 4 teams made it through the the treatment of deployment-related health sunny) day, General Farina opened Hence, in the semifinals, st 1 DEU/NLD possibility to join the Welcome Party in (BwEnlistedPersOffc) won their quarter quarterfinals and hence faced each other issues and to little Johanna Sokoll (Rett’s the tournament and provided the Corps had to play HQ LANDCOM, while the party tent, where all present enjoyed finals. Both semifinals ended 1:0. In the in the semi-final matches: Youngster 1./ syndrome). The German National Team starting signal for the 13th Delegations’ FschJgRgt (Paratroop Regt) 31 played 3./ themselves and celebrated their positions, final, BAPersBw played Team 383 Oldies. FJgRgt (MP Regt) 2, SanRgt 1 - Teile is proud of being able to give such support Cup. He expressed his wish for a fair LogBtl (LogBn) 161. Two thrilling matches accompanied by good music. After a highly competitive match full of Berlin (MedRegt 1 - Berlin components), thanks to the proceeds of the tournament competition without injuries. finally ended with both Group A teams, who thrilling goalscoring opportunities, Team PzGrenBrig 41 – St/FmKp (mechanized and also promises to keep on supporting had both won their matches 1:0, playing The next morning, the second day of the 383 Oldies finally won the Oldies’ Cup. infantry Bde - HQ & signal coy) and such projects in the future! Delegations’ Cup each other in the final. Having played tournament started with fantastic weather. In the small final, the SDBw Oldies team ElokaBtl (EW bn) 932. While the SanRgt a hard but very fair match, which was After a good breakfast the 36th Commander’s prevailed over UniBw/LKdo Hamburg. 1 - Teile Berlin team won 3:0 against The German National Team thanks Twelve teams competed with the common decided in a 9m penalty shoot-out, 1st DEU/ Cup (Youngsters - Oldies) was opened by Youngster 1./FJgRgt 2, ElokaBtl 932 had all participating teams for the fair goal to win the Delegations’ Cup. Playing NLD Corps emerged as the winners of the Lieutenant General Fernando Alejandre, Youngsters’ Cup to fight much harder. However, they finally competitions as well as all sponsors while in two groups, the two first places were 13th Delegations’ Cup. The match for third JFC Brunssum’s Deputy Commander. won 4:3 against PzGrenBrig 41 - St/FmKp. looking forward to the 37th International determined by means of the “everyone place was also decided by a 9m penalty Just like at the Oldies’ Cup, 21 teams started Like this, the candidates for the final were Small-Pitch Soccer Tournament next year plays everyone” model. In this phase shoot-out. It was the 3./LogBtl (LogBn) 161 Both the Youngsters’ and the Oldies’ Cups the competition for the trophy. The “U30” determined: SanRgt 1 – Teile Berlin vs on 24th and 25th August (with hopefully already, attractive soccer was played by all team who won in the end. commenced with preliminary rounds (below 30) teams played their first round ElokaBtl 932. The high-quality match similarly good weather conditions). teams. In group A, it became clear pretty consisting of 4 groups. Besides the fact matches simultaneously with the “Ü30” was enthralling and in the end, SanRgt 1 - fast that three teams would be the potential Ladies’ Cup that all teams wanted to have fun in the first (over 30) teams’ first round. Teile Berlin made it and took the coveted semi-final candidates 1 DEU/NLD place, of course, they all had aspirations to trophy with them to the capital of Germany. Corps, FschJgRgt (Paratroop Regt) 31 and After the Delegations’ Cup final, the 15th be the group winners, too; still, all matches No team particularly excelled in the first PzGrenBrig 41 - St/FmKp won the match Einsatzführungsbereich (TACCG) 2. In Ladies’ Cup followed right away. The 6 were played in a spirit of mutual respect. round, but the ‘round of 16’ matches for 3rd place by 5:2.

24 25 CHRISTMAS 1944 IN ‘DE SCHARK’ SAINT PIETER MOUNTAIN Composed By: Ed Frieser (NLD C) Source: Article Ed Frieser 2005, and Maj. Richard Komurek 2015; Book Snow & Steel: The Battle of the Bulge, 1944-1945; several websites such as;;

A rectified story

n 2005 I wrote an article in the Bulge, 1944-1945, page 395, it reads be rectified, although it remains noteworthy charcoal painting depicting a scene at the the then Maastricht Mayor Baeten to Dobrzynski in 1944, led the ceremony. the Northern Star and, more clearly that General William H. Simpson as Christmas approaches. front. He added a few hopeful lines saying commemorate these soldiers. A year later recently, in 2015 Major Richard (Commander Ninth Army) identified the ‘may the battle soon cease and peace rule some 250 veterans returned to Maastricht. “While I’ve forgotten a lot of things Komurek of the JFC Brunssum German attacks in the Ardennes as a major Casting our minds back to 1944 Maastricht over the world and you all return to your fa- On this occasion a wall plaque was unveiled over the years, I will always remember IPublic Affairs Office repeated the offence and offered what help he could, had been liberated for four months from Na- milies safe’. Soldiers wrote their names on by Brigadier General Kastenmeyer, the hospitality that you, the people of story. A story that has remained sending not only the 7th Armoured, but zi-German occupation by soldiers from XIX the wall and most of these names can still who served at the former Headquarters Maastricht, showed me in December, 1944. topical for decades describing how, the 30th Infantry (Old Hickory) and 2nd US Corps, “Tomahawk”, who were charged be read today e.g. James P. Morry, John AFCENT in Brunssum. In 1985 a sculpture I am grateful to be able to be here with you. 72 years ago in 1944, some 200 US Armoured Divisions (Hell on Wheels) as with the liberation of South-Limburg. The Hughes, Dan Sullivan, Allan English and was unveiled by HRH the late Prince Thank you for all your efforts through the soldiers supposedly of the 117th, 119th well. Within ten days, Simpson’s Ninth operation took place together with the 113th John Gregor from Cleveland, Victor Hogan Bernhard, father of HRH Princess Beatrix, years to commemorate this Christmas Mass and 120th Regiments, 30th Infantry Army had committed seven of its Divisions Cavalry Group “Red Horse” and the 2nd Ar- and Roy Mills. the previous Queen of the Netherlands. of 1944 that was so important to us back Division ‘Old Hickory’, part of the to battle in the Ardennes). In those days moured Division “Hell on Wheels”. In total More recently, in December 2014, as Major then and to keep alive the memory of those XIX US Corps, attended a Holy Mass the headquarters of the Ninth Army was some 30,000 soldiers were involved. On Immediately following the Holy Mass Komurek reported in the February 2015 who served during the war. May it remind on Christmas Eve in the cave ‘De located in Maastricht with a staff of 3000 Christmas Eve in 1944 200 soldiers of 127th 800 soldiers were ordered to leave for edition of this magazine, a Christmas Mass future generations of the sacrifices made by Schark’. ‘De Schark’ was a marl stone men. But these were administrative staff AAA Unit and, most likely, staff members the Ardennes where the situation had was dedicated to commemorate the 70th generations past and inspire them to work quarry of the Saint Pieter Mountain and not combat troops. According to USAF of the Ninth Army Headquarters were invi- deteriorated. There they participated in Anniversary of this historic event. Robert even harder for peace” said Robert Wisler. near Maastricht. Lieutenant Colonel Gouverne it is certain ted to the galleries of the marl caves where what has become known as ‘the Battle Wisler, one of the surviving soldiers, Hence, the words of Corporal Salvatore though that soldiers of the 127th AAA (Anti Brothers (of the Immaculate Conception) of the Bulge’. In 1980 the Maastricht ex- accompanied by 25 members of the Wisler Barraveccia are still applicable “… may Later research, however, undertaken by US Aircraft Artillery Group) were present of the Beyart Monastery had built an altar Commando veteran Charles Smitshuysen family, attended the Holy Christmas Mass. peace rule on earth, and that you all return Air Force Officer John Gouverne, revealed during this Mass in 1944. But the story and prepared a Holy Mass. Father (Lieu- organized, together with the Brothers of On that occasion Father (Lieutenant to your families safe … “. Especially during in 2012 that according to US Army sources became dramatic when it was reported tenant Colonel) Boleslaus Dobrzynski from the Beyart Monastery, another Holy Mass Colonel) Jerzy Rzasowski, from Joint Force Christmas, let’s not forget these brave men the Old Hickory Division had already left that of all those present only 55 survived New York led the mass. A part of the marl- to commemorate the US soldiers. It then Command Brunssum, who also happened that liberated South-Limburg in the period for the Ardennes on the 17th of December. however, today, there is reasonable doubt stone was flattened and decorated by Cor- became an annual Christmas tradition. to be an American priest of Polish descent September to December 1944. (In the book Snow & Steel, the Battle of whether this is true. Hence this story has to poral Salvatore Barraveccia who created a In 1981 a special relief was unveiled by just like Lieutenant Colonel Boleslaus

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’t Swarte Schaap Is your website getting old? Sint Franciscusweg 36-3 6417BD Heerlen Brand new websites at brand new prices +31 (0)45-571 61 16 [email protected] We wish you a Merry Christmas Contact Rob and get a free off er When did you arrive in the sion started in the South-East part of Koso- Technology continually improves and Netherlands and which posi- vo followed by a post on the other side of the makes sensors and systems less weather de- ONE OF US tion have you taken? border, in , in the Presevo Valley on pendant on one hand, on the other today’s the edge of Kosovo and FYROM. technology gives more accurate meteoro- LIEUTENANT COLONEL JOHN HEYNEN (NLD F) I returned to the Netherlands in November Prior to my posting to JFC Brunssum I spent logical parameters which are needed to opti- 2013 to take the position of Section Head two and a half years working at Allied Com- mise the use of capabilities. Climate change Photo by Adj. Shirley Ham-ter Haar (NLD MP), Meteorological and Oceanography, a section mand Transformation, in Norfolk, Virginia, is one of the other challenges becoming JFC Brunssum, Public Affairs Office which is part of the Joint Operations Centre USA, as a Subject Matter Expert in Meteo- more and more important in the military but not located in the JOC (Joint Operation rology. During this period I was involved in domain. Climate zones with drought and Centre). concept and capability development for NA- rain will move in the coming years due to TO’s meteorological support. Besides writ- the change of the general pressure distri- Tell us about your military ca- ing Bi-strategic policy, requirements etc. I bution, this means desertification in new reer. frequently visited NATO partner HQ’s and areas and flooding in other areas. Climate Nations to attend meetings. As secretary of change also will cause more extreme weath- Finishing High School in 1978 and bored of the Military Committee’s Military Meteo- er phenomena; extreme wind speeds, more going to school I joined the Air Force. Ini- rological Working Group we tried to bring intense precipitation, longer periods with tially, I started as a military contractor for 6 ideas, Nations and resources together to im- droughts, more intensive tropical cyclones years. My military training started in 1979 prove the meteorological support to NATO and tornados. Migration of people will be which turned out to be one of the most se- Operations. Not only plans and policy were the result in order to find a more hospitable vere winters the Netherlands had seen in coordinated but also Tactical Decision Aids, environment. The rise of seawater tempera- decades. After my initial meteorological software to enhance the capabilities of sen- ture will have its influence on the geopoliti- training as a weather forecaster I was post- sors and weapon systems, were discussed, cal situation. Improving accessibility of the ed to the former Air Base Twenthe in the improved and exchanged between Nations Arctic Ocean will make new shipping routes east of the Netherlands. Being in the Royal and the NATO Force Structure. possible avoiding the Indian Ocean and the Netherlands Air Force for almost thirty 38 Suez Channel. years I have had many postings and differ- Tell us about your job and ent jobs but always in the functional area of what kind of challenges you What does your future hold? Meteorology. The jobs I particularly liked face. the most were teaching meteorology and Less than three months before my retire- commanding the Air Force Meteorological At JFC Brunssum the METOC section which, ment I look back with satisfaction, pride Group. besides a section head is comprised of three and a bit of melancholy. There are things I Meteorological Experts and one Technician, really will not miss; bureaucracy, occasional Do you have any experience is responsible for a broad range of products. childish behaviour, military panic, and jokes with other international mis- During deployments and exercises our sec- about the weather. Things I really will miss sions? tion is the single source for meteorological are: camaraderie, professionalism, dedi- and oceanographic information, guidance cation and military humour. On the other My first international experience was in and forecasts. Not only do we advise our hand “it is better to miss than that you never 1981 where one of our NF-5 squadrons Commander on weather developments and have had it”. At the moment my wife is set- had a rotation with an American Squadron their impact on operations. Our section is ting up a restaurant/brasserie in . at Hahn Airbase, now Frankfurt –Hahn also responsible to coordinate and synchro- For now, she foresees me as Section Head Airport. Following this experience I vol- nize the METOC support, at and for, our Dishwashing Department, just me myself unteered to become a Tactical Evaluation Joint Task Force Subordinate Commands. and I. If I cannot stand the heat, I will get evaluator. Two or three times a year I would It is with pleasure and pride I look back to out of the kitchen and play the drums or hit evaluate Airbases, including their assets, in Trident Juncture last year. Although arti- a ball at the golf course. accordance with SHAPE standards. Since ficial, pre-scripted weather was used dur- Meteorology is a world-wide science and ing the CPX, throughout the second part of service I was lucky to participate in several TRJE 15 (the LIVEX) the different training International Civil Aviation Organisation audiences at more than 10 different geo- meetings, training serials and congresses. graphical locations were reliant upon our My first deployment took place in the late weather assessments and briefings coming nineties. As a forecaster I supported the from the JTF HQ, at Zaragoza, Spain. UK Mobile Met Unit in Split (Croatia) dur- Since meteorological and oceanographic ing the Implementation Force Mission over conditions set the conditions for possible the Balkans. Two years later IFOR was operations, windows of opportunity etcet- transformed into a Stabilisation Force and era the section is involved in all CPOE’s, I was deployed to the SFOR HQ in Sarajevo, JOPG’s and OPLAN’s. Based on historical Bosnia Herzegovina. My most demand- (climatological) data planners can fine tune Scan the qr-code for ing mission was working for the European their plans, allocate the required assets and Monitoring Mission, monitoring the social- improve the rate of success for operations. more interesting political-economic-humanitarian situation Our section makes a weather forecast for the information about in order to advise the European Commis- Brunssum area on a daily basis. This is ac- sion on their policy in that region. My mis- cessible on the Intranet at JOC-METOC. The Netherlands 31 FAMILY SUPPORT FAMILY SUPPORT MORALE MORALE &WELFARE F&AMIWELFARELY SUPPORTFAMILY SUPPORT MORALE &MORALE WELFARE & WELFARE WHEN YOU WORK, WE WORKWHEN YOU WORK, WE WORK WHEN YOU PLAY, WE WORK HARDER WHEN YOU PLAY, WE WORK HARDER

RULES DON’T APPLY 02 DEC 2016 FRI Alec Baldwin 126 min 1900 Warren Beatty

Doors open @ 11:30 03 DEC MOANA 2016 SAT Dwayne Johnson 104 min 1600 Auli’i Cravalho

Hanks 03 DEC ALLIED 2016 SAT Brad Pitt 124 min 1900 Marion Cotillard

04 DEC THE BIRTH OF A NATION 2016 SUN Nate Parker 110 min 1500 Armie Hammer

Doors open @ 18:30 09 DEC MAN DOWN 2016 FRI Shia LaBeouf 92 min 1900 Jai Courtney

Doors open @ 11:30 10 DEC MOANA 2016 SAT Dwayne Johnson 104 min 1600 Auli’i Cravalho

10 DEC OFFICE CHRISTMAS PARTY 2016 SAT Jennifer Aniston 1900 Jason Bateman

And 16 DEC ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY 2016 FRI Felicity Jones 133 min 1900 Diego Luna

17 DEC MOANA 2016 SAT Dwayne Johnson 104 min 1300 Photo by Morten de Boer Auli’i Cravalho OPERA ZUID

17 DEC COLLATERAL BEAUTY 2016 SAT Will Smith 94 min 1600 Edward Norton he Opera Zuid An intense cooperation is Figaro and it is performed singers want to formed, because the opera on a stage with a unique 17 DEC ROGUE ONE: A STAR WARS STORY make opera more company’s young artists decor - like a doll’s house. 2016 SAT Felicity Jones 133 min accessible, by meet each other during ev- Circle 100 readers can win 1900 Diego Luna lettingT people hear and ery production. tickets for this opera in the experience that opera is Sittard theatre. ASSASSIN’S CREED 99 23 DEC for everyone. It is played Along with guest perform- 2016 FRI Michael Fassbender and sung by young peo- ers, a diverse and powerful 1900 Marion Cotillard ple of this generation, opera theatre is created. Op- artists with passion for era Zuid is the first step to ClosedEddie Redmayne theatre! international stages for the 24 DEC 2016 SAT members of the company. 1900 During the past years, Op- era Zuid has mainly focused Their new production is the ClosedHailee Steinfeld on offering opportunities to famous Le Nozze di 30,31 DEC young (Dutch) opera talent. 2016 33 ------MONEY Win TicketsWIN TICKETS for Winners IS FOR HAVING FUN

FESTIVAL• We have 6 ticket VOCALLIS to give away for Opera Zuid! Lasergame & • In order to win the tickets, please answer the following question: What kind of decor is used in Le Nozze di Figaro? Glowgolf Fill in this coupon and send it to PAO, or send an e-mail to The Northern Star congratulates the [email protected], before 10 december 19.30u. lucky winners of the last contest. • For NATO ID card holders only • The winners will be announced in the next edition of the Northern Star Tickets won for Lasergame: Franck Sicot (J2) Marian Janssen (LEGAD)


What Is Fantastic Beasts And racter Jacob (Dan Fogler), whose Where To Find Them About? path crosses with Newt’s. We also graphic design know that Katherine Waterston’s J.K. Rowling has flipped the script Tina and Alison Sudol’s Queenie magazines in more ways than one with Fan- (Tina’s sister) factor into this bud- tasticBeasts and Where To Find ding foursome. And we’ll get into Them, not only in focusing a story more details about the cast in a bit. web services on one of the more random cha- In addition to featuring some racters teased but not actually beasts that have yet to be seen on support seen in the Harry Potter universe screen in the previous Harry Pot- thus far, but also setting the sto- ter movies, we’re also expecting to ry across the pond, in New York learn more details about magical City, in the 1920s. We know that culture in the United States. Some Fantastic Beasts will take place in of those details have already begun 1926, and that Newt Scamander to emerge in anticipation of Fan- media & more (Eddie Redmayne) is the central tastic Beasts, including the name character. of the U.S. version of the Ministry of Magic -- the Magical Congress The young magizoologist finds Of The United States Of America himself in New York City during (MACUSA) -- and the name of YOUR ADVERTISEMENT his travels. He was only supposed the wizarding school where North to be there for a day, however American witches and wizards when his magical case of titular get their magical education. That beasts goes missing, and some of would be Ilvermorny. Even more COULD BE HERE! them escape, Newt has to stay be- details about U.S. magical history hind to deal with the situation. The and culture have emerged, cour- [email protected] set-up for this story involves No- tesy of new writings over at Pot- 34 Maj (that’s U.S. for Muggle) cha- termore.