The BG News January 31, 1994
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Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 1-31-1994 The BG News January 31, 1994 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News January 31, 1994" (1994). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5641. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. G The BG News "A Commitment to Excellence W Bowling Green, Ohio Volume 76, Issue 88 Monday, January 31,1994 Monday Feature Israelis to leave by Aimee Lewis Gaza strip soon says Arafat Weather causes hardships by Alexander G.HIgglns Later he told reporters the The Associated Press signing would be within 10 days. "This really is the final stage," Physically challenged deal with many winter obstacles DAVOS, Switzerland - Israel he said, adding that all the major and the Palestine Liberation Or- issues had been resolved and ganization will reach a final only some "finessing" remained. agreement The issue of security was re- "very soon" for solved by an agreement that Israeli with- would keep Israeli agents from drawal from being visible, Moussa said, ap- the Gaza Strip parently referring to suggestions and Jericho, that they would be behind one- PLO Chairman way mirrors. Yasser Arafat Israel Radio cited Egyptian said Sunday. sources as saying the only re- Israeli For- maining issue was the size of Jer- eign Minister icho, and that there would be Shimon Peres joint Israeli-Palestinian patrols stopped short of any predictions in Gaza, apparently referring to on the arduous negotiations, but securing roads to Jewish settle- Egyptian Foreign Minister Amr ments. Moussa told reporters that the After both sides reported a PLO-Israel talks had cleared all good start Saturday night and the major hurdles. possible agreement by midday "We would like to have a com- Sunday, the Israelis started em- prehensive peace," Peres told a phasizing the many areas of dis- privately organized gathering of agreement that must be ad- political and business leaders dressed before Israel will agree from around the world. "Let's, to pull its troops out of the areas Mr. Chairman, stop the follies of to be ceded to the Palestinians. our own generation," Peres add- "We are on our way to bypass ed in a speech that steered clear all the obstacles which had been of specifics. raised in the last weeks ... to have Peres told reporters, however, very soon, very soon the final that many differences remained agreement to start directly the to be resolved. implementation of the peace Among major issues are secu- agreements," Arafat told the rity arrangments for the new forum. Palestinian areas that will meet Both leaders told the business Israeli demands for keeping out leaders of the need for In- terrorists while not infringing on vestment in the Middle East to the Palestinian sense of build a stable economy that will sovereignty. enable peace to endure. Arafat Moussa, who has been actively said the Palestinian areas would involved in the negotiations here, have a free-market economy, and joined Arafat in taking an upbeat a U.S. official noted that Wash- view of prospects. He announced ington was inviting business The BC Newa/Nalkaa Wallace that he expected both sides in leaders to a discussion Feb. 7-8 to Cairo soon to sign their accord, promote investment in the University student Paul Mortimer uses his wheelchair outside of only one major problem this winter because the snow wasn't ade- which he said was almost final. Middle East. the University Union last week. Mortimer said he has encountered quately removed near Overman Hall. ■ ^ ach day, physically sidewalk and ramp entries are self in times of emergency," he cleared and safe in time for Federal Reserve M ■* challenged people are cleaned and salted. said. them. faced with many hardships on In extremely adverse weath- In addition to the transporta- He also makes a list of the campus, not including the er, transportation is provided tion offered on campus, there buildings which need special attention depending on the may raise rates extra strain of rain, snow and for the disabled on campus, he are volunteers who act as es- ice. said. Shuttles equipped with corts for the disabled students weather conditions. The winter months can loading systems and on-call on campus. "The grounds people do a by Martin Crutslnger set targets for money growth for create tough times for those vans are available for physical- Cunningham works with 215 real good job" Cunningham The Associated Press the new year. who are disabled. Slippery ly challenged persons. students, faculty and staff said. Many analysts believe that the roads, sidewalks and snow- These students may also use members who need accomoda- Becky Utz, a radiographer at WASHINGTON - For Presi- central bank is preparing to do banks can can cause injuries if the Campus Escort Service and tions because of a disability. the Wellness Center, said it dent Clinton, the economic news something it has not done since not properly taken care of. the BG Taxi service to get In order to assist these peo- was important for all students could hardly be better - the 1989 - raise interest rates to In order to prevent any ob- around in bad weather, accord- ple, Cunningham said he sends to take caution in the winter fastest eco- dampen economic growth - and stacles for these students, ing to Robert Cunningham, co- memos to plant operations on and look out for themselves nomic growth that Greenspan could set the Robert Martin, vice president ordinator for disability resour- campus with students' sched- and one another. in six years, stage for that change during his congressional appearance. for operations, said his de- ces. ules so that the building en- See CHAllENCED, page 3. declining fed- partment makes sure all the "I'd even pick them up my- trances and walkways will be eral deficits "There's a widespread opinion and the best in- on Wall Street that the Fed will flation per- have to tighten at some point, formance in perhaps soon," said Bruce Stein- two decades. berg, an economist at Merrill But the big Lynch in New York. "If the Fed 'Black-on-black' crime rises question is actually wants to do that, Greenspan is going to have to The Associated Press according to a police study. der, but also through the prison whether Fed- "I've never been worried about system where African Ameri- eral Reserve Chairman Alan start explaining why." Black-on-black That is certainly an explana- CINCINNATI - African Amer- white folks and the back-room cans are being locked away." Greenspan is about to step in and tion the Clinton administration icans committing crimes against conspiracy theories. I'm worried In Ohio, African-American Crime play the Fed's traditional role of offenders choose African- party pooper. would like to hear. The adminis- each other a "self-inflicted geno- about what we've done to our- tration has made low interest selves over the years," said Wil- American victims 95 percent of Many economists believe that cide" that has African-American S In Ohio, African-American rates the centerpiece of its eco- leaders looking for ways to call a liam Al'Uqdah, an assistant Ha- the time in violent crimes such as the central bank is about to start offenders choose African- boosting interest rates to slow nomic program and sees no truce. milton County prosecutor. robberies, rapes and assaults, reason that with inflation re- Every African-American per- Coramae Richey Mann, an In- according to a 1990 National American victims 95 percent of economic activity and keep infla- tionary pressures from getting maining low, that situation has to son murdered last year in Cin- diana University professor of Crime Survey. Caucasians the time in violent crimes such as change anytime soon. cinnati died by the hand of an- choose Caucasian victims 83 per- out of hand. criminal justice, said black-on- robberies, rapes and assaults. With the global economy still in other African American, The black violence threatens the cent of the time. Greenspan was scheduled to </ Caucasians choose Caucasian the doldrums, with world oil Cincinnati Enquirerreported race. A 1993 city safety department give the Fed's assessment of the victims 83 percent of the time. current state of the economy to a prices falling because of soft Sunday. "Either way you look at it, report said African Americans demand and with continued African Americans aged 14 to whether from the victim's or were victims of violent crimes 88 / On average, black-on-black congressional committee Mon- day, the first time he has done so weakness in labor markets, the 25 were "almost completely re- offender's standpoint, it is a form percent of the time and offenders killing occurred every two weeks administration insists that con- sponsible for the epidemical of self-inflicted genocide," she in 83 percent of the cases. Cauca- since July. In addition. Fed poli- in Cincinnati last year. White-on- cymakers will meet Thursday sumer prices this year will be as rise" in violent crime during the said. "I'm saying that we're kill- sians were likely to be victims or moderate as last year, when they last decade within the city's ing each other, wiping out our offenders 10 percent of the time.