Program Flower Development Workshop, Presqu'île de Giens, France 18 to 22 June 2019

Tuesday June 18

18:30-18:45 Welcome from the organizers

Session 1a: Floral transition/Flowering Time. Chair: George Coupland

18:45-19:05 PELAZ Soraya (Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics, Barcelona, Spain): TEMs together with MYCs repress flowering and drought escape

19:05-19:25 KOSKELA Elli (Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland): Photoperiodic flowering responses in woodland strawberry.

19:25-19:40 IMMINK Richard (Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands) Identification of compounds omitting the vernalization requirement for flowering in Arabidopsis.

19:40-19:55 ANDRES Fernando (AGAP, INRA, Montpellier, France): The role of SVP-like genes in the control of the dormancy cycle in apple.

19:55-20:10 BENLLOCH Reyes (IBMCP, Valencia, Spain): Metabolic changes associated with floral transition in Arabidopsis.

20:10-20:25 CERISE Martina (Department of Biosciences, University of Milan, Italy): OsFD4 promotes flowering in rice by interacting with the florigens.

20:30 Dinner


Wednesday June 19

Session 1b: Floral transition/Flowering Time. Chairs: Soraya Pelaz & Richard Immink 8:30-8:50 COUPLAND George (Max Planck Institute for Breeding Research, Köln, Germany): Mechanisms conferring age-dependent flowering responses to vernalization and how they diverge between related annual and perennial . 8:50-9:10 HU Jingyong (Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS Kunming, China): Genomic dissection of regulatory mechanisms of floral transition in roses and Arabidopsis. 9:10-9:30 AVIEZER Iris (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel): Is there a right way to flower? Unfolding the Tomato 'transition-to-flowering. 9:30-9:50 SCHMID Markus (Umeå Plant Science Centre, Umeå, Sweden): Regulation of flowering time by trehalose 6-phosphate and SnRK1 signaling

9:50-10:15 Coffee break

10:20-10:35 GOTO Koji (Research Institute for Biological Sciences, Okayama, Japan): Structural and functional analysis of tomato flowering genes belong to FT clade. 10:35-10:50 WAHL Vanessa (MPI of Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam, Germany): Regulation of flowering and tuberization by metabolic signals. 10:50-11:05 VALVERDE Federico (Institute for Plant Biochemistry and Photosynthesis, Sevilla, Spain) A novel role for CONSTANS in flower senescence. 11:05-11:20 COLLANI Silvio (Umeå Plant Science Centre, Umeå, Sweden): An atypical DNA-binding site could reveal new FD interactors in Arabidopsis thaliana. 11:20-11:50 Flash poster presentations (4 min/presentation) BOUCHE Frederic (University of Liège, Belgium): Perspectives for the update of the Flowering Interactive Database. SILVESTRE VANO Marina (CSIC-UPV, Valencia, Spain): bZIP class I proteins, novel regulators of plant architecture through TFL1. SKORZINSKI Noemi (Umeå University, Sweden): TPS1 N-terminal domain not necessary for induction of flowering. LHAINEIKIM Grace (Weizmann Institute Rehovot, Israel): Beyond Flowering: Regulation of Apical Dominance and Sympodial Pattern by the Florigen Activation Complex. ZHANG Xiaoni (Huazhong University, Wuhan, China): Global transcriptome and co-expression network analysis identifies regulators for petal boundary and floral meristem patterning in Dianthus chinensis (Caryophyllaceae). WU Quanshu (Huazhong University, Wuhan, China): Petal color formation mechanism based on RNA-seq analysis in Rosa 'Burgundy Iceberg' and Rosa 'Iceberg’. YESHVEKAR Richa (University of Leeds, UK) Duplicated SEP transcription factors govern robustness of flower development in Arabidopsis thaliana

12:00 Lunch

Session 2: Inflorescence architecture / meristem identity and organization. Chairs: Claire Perilleux, & Martin Kater 16:00-16:20 KATER Martin (Department of Biosciences, University of Milan, Italy): Role of the ALOG family genes in inflorescence patterning. 16:20-16:40 BALANZA Vicente (IBMCP, Valencia, Spain): The end of flowering in monocarpic plants: Beyond the FUL-AP2 pathway. 16:40-17:00 PAJORO Alice (Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Köln, Germany): Coordination of floral transition and stem development. 17:00- 17:25 Coffee break 17:30-17:45 JOUANNIC Stephane (DIADE, IRD, Montpellier France): Diversity of panicle architecture in rice. 17:45-18:00 BODEN Scott (John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK): CATION AMINO ACID TRANSPORTER1 regulates inflorescence architecture in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). 18:00-18:15 GAULEY Adam (John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK): Elucidation of Photoperiod-1 dependent flowering pathways under field conditions in bread wheat. 18:15-18:30 LIANG Wanqi (School of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China): THERMOSENSITIVE FLORAL DEFECTIVE is required for Inflorescence and Spikelet Development in Rice. 18:30-18:45 SERRANO-MISLATA Antonio (Instituto de Biología Molecular y Celular de Plantas, Valencia, Spain): Deciphering KNAT1/BP function in the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis. 18:45-19:20 Flash poster presentations (4 min/presentation) MADUENO Francisco (IBMCP, Valencia, Spain): The SINGLE FLOWER gene encodes a MYB transcription factor that controls the activity of the secondary inflorescence meristems in legumes. ADAM Hélène (IRD, Montpelier, France): A set of AP2-like genes is associated with inflorescence branching and architecture in domesticated rice. BOUMLIK Rachid (IPS2, University of Paris-Saclay, Orsay France): Cis-Regulatory Elements (CREs) controlling inflorescence architecture in tomato. GAURON Carole (IRD, Montpelier, France): Cellular and molecular description of early developmental stages of rice panicle. KHONG Ngang Giang (IRD, Montpelier, France): Characterization of a GWAS-derived QTL related to panicle architecture in Vietnamese rice landraces. SANCHEZ GERSCHON Veronica (IBMCP-CSIC, Valencia, Spain): Global proliferative arrest control in monocarpic plants: searching for new members of the FUL/AP2 pathway. YEO May (The Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge, UK): Investigating the mechanisms of petal patterning in trionum.

20:00 Dinner 20:45->…. Poster session 1 ______Thursday June 20 Session 3a : Flower and fruit development. Chair: Lucia Colombo & François Parcy 8:30-8:50 KAUFMANN Kerstin (Institute of Biology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, Germany): Controlling plant developmental gene expression in time and space: enhancers, epigenetic factors and gene-regulatory networks.

8:50-9:10 DE FOLTER Stefan (Unidad de Genómica Avanzada, Irapuato, México): The integration of transcription factor and hormone signalling functions during gynoecium development.

9:10-9:30 GREGIS Veronica (Università Degli Studi di Milano, Dipartimento di Bioscienze, Milan, Italy): BASIC PENTACYSTEINE PROTEINS (BPCs), understanding their roles and molecular mechanisms during reproductive development in Arabidopsis thaliana.

9:30- 9:55 Coffee break

10:00-10:15 SMACZNIAK Cezary (Institute for Biology, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany): The roles of LEUNIG HOMOLOG and SEUSS in target gene regulation by floral MADS domain transcription factors.

10:15-10:30 FRANÇOIS Léa (RDP Laboratory, ENS, Lyon, France): A miR172 target-deficient AP2-like gene correlates with the double flower phenotype in roses.

10:30-10:45 GALSTYAN Anahit (Max Planck Institute for Plant Breeding Research, Cologne, Germany): Dehiscence zone as a developmental timer for explosive seed dispersal in Cardamine hirsuta.

10:45-11:00 HUDZIECZEK Vojtech (Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic): Sex linked gene SlAP3 is required for proper anther development in dioecious plant Silene latifolia.

11:00-11:30 Flash poster presentations (4 min/presentation) DRENI Ludovico (IBMCP, Valencia, Spain): The role of NGATHA genes in style and specification is widely conserved across angiosperms. MONNIAUX Marie (ENS Lyon France): Contribution of cellular layers to petunia petal development. AURIN Marc Benjamin (Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany): Structural requirements of the bacterial effector protein SAP54 for targeting of floral homeotic proteins. LORENA Siena (Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Argentina): Trimethylguanosine synthase depletion alters reproductive development in Arabidopsis thaliana. BENSTEIN Ruben Maximilian (Umeå University, Sweden): Using SAM-specific INTACT for the investigation of the floral transition. BRUNETTI Patrizia (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy): The role of Gretchen Hagen3 (GH3) genes in Arabidopsis and tomato development. CHEN Dijun (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany): ChIP-Hub: an Integrative Platform for Exploring Plant Regulome.

12:00 Lunch

Session 3b : Flower and fruit development. Chairs: Kerstin Kaufmann & Chloé Zubieta,

17:00-17:20 ZUBIETA Chloe (LPCV, CEA Grenoble, France): Protein-Protein and DNA-binding specificity of MADS Transcription Factors.

17:20-17:40 SZECSI Judit (RDP Laboratory, ENS, Lyon, France): TCTP and CSN4 control cell cycle progression and development by regulating CULLIN1 neddylation in plants and animals.

17:40-18:00 CARDARELLI Maura (Sapienza Università diRoma, Rome, Italy): Different ARF8 splice variants control male fertility in Arabidopsis.

18:00- 18:25 Coffee break

18:30-18:45 MARZI Davide (Dipartimento di Biologia e Biotecnologie Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy): Shedding light on Arabidopsis stamen development. 18:45-19:00 MOSCHIN Silvia (Botanical Garden, University of Padova, Italy): Isolation of MADS-box transcripts expressed in the floral buds of Trithuria submersa.

19:00-19:15 NIGRIS Sebastiano (Botanical Garden, University of Padova, Italy): MADS-box genes orchestrate fruit development and maturation in Nymphaea caerulea: conserved traits and modern inventions.

19:15-19:30 CHOPY Mathilde (RDP Laboratory, ENS, Lyon, France): Cell layer specific actions of the PhDEF transcription factor drive petal tube and limb development of Petunia petals. 20:00 Dinner 21:00 ->… Poster session 2 Friday June 21:

Session 4 : Evo-devo. Chair: Günter Theissen & M. Vandenbussche

8:30-8:50 THEISSEN Günter (Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Germany): On the origin of floral quartets – ancient exon duplications shaped the evolution of MIKC-type MADS-domain transcription factor interactions.

8:50-9:10 VANDENBUSSCHE Michiel (RDP Laboratory, ENS, Lyon, France): Divergent Functional Diversification Patterns in the SEP/AGL6/AP1 MADS-box Transcription Factor Superclade between Petunia and Arabidopsis.

9:10-9:30 DI STILIO Veronica (University of Washington, Department of Biology, Seattle, USA): The ABC model of flower development in non-core : a functional synthesis in a ranunculid.

9:30- 9:55 Coffee break

10:00-10:15 BECKER Annette (Institute of Botany, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, Germany): Evolution of carpel developmental regulators: combining phylogenetics and gene expression analysis.

10:15-10:30 BEMER Marian (Lab of Molecular Biology, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands): Evolution of the multifunctional transcription factor FRUITFULL.

10:30-10:45 COTA Ignacio (CRAG, Barcelona, Spain): RAV gene function along the green tree of life.

10:45-11:00 GRAVENDEEL Barbara (Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Leiden University, The Netherlands): Evolution and development of orchid flowers and fruits.

11:00-11:15 VERHAGE Leonie (LPCV, CEA Grenoble, France): How LEAFY changed binding mode – shifting the balance between two cooperative states.

11:15-11:30 ZHANG Teng (Viikki Plant Science Centre, University of Helsinki, Finland): Growth and Phyllotactic Patterning of Asteraceae Flower Heads.

12:00 Lunch

Session 5 : Sexual plant reproduction. Chair: Charlie Scutt 16:00-16:20 COLOMBO Lucia (Department of Biosciences, University of Milan, Italy): New insights in female gametophytic development in Arabidopsis.

16:20-16:40 DRESSELHAUS Thomas (University of Regensburg, Germany): A Battlefield: Signaling Along the Pollen Tube Journey.

16:40-16:55 AUTRAN Daphné (DIADE, IRD, Montpellier, France): Morphological principles modulating reproductive fate and plasticity within the Arabidopsis ovule.

16:55-17:10 SPRUNCK Stefanie (University of Regensburg, Germany): Double fertilization related proteins and their evolutionary conservation.

17:10-17:35 Coffee break

Session 6 : Omics and new technologies applied to development Chair: Mohammed Bendahmane

17:40-18:00 PARCY François (LPCV, CEA Grenoble, France): Challenging in vivo data with in vitro’s and vice versa

18:00-18:20 JUST Jeremy (RDP Laboratory, ENS, Lyon France): High-quality chromosome-level rose genome sequence provides insights on domestication and major traits.

18:20-18:35 MUINO ACUNA Jose M (Humboldt-University, Berlin Germany): Combining ChIP-seq and SELEX-seq experiments: a tool to identify the target regions of particular transcription factor complexes.

18:35-18:50 SANCHEZ-PEREZ Raquel (Department of Plant Breeding, Espinardo, Murcia, Spain): Transcriptomics from dormancy to flowering in temperate fruit species, the case of almond.

20:00 Dinner

Evening: Party

______Saturday June 22 (morning) :

Departure after breakfast