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9-29-1982 Woolsack 1982 volume 23 number 4 University of San Diego School of Law Student Bar Association

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Digital USD Citation University of San Diego School of Law Student Bar Association, "Woolsack 1982 volume 23 number 4" (1982). Newspaper, The Woolsack (1963-1987). 140.

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Students who are interested in By Beth Kowalke-Baier summer or permanent positions with federal government agen- An air of festivity and intern a- cies nationwide, and particularly tional frie'n dship appropriately in Washington, D.C.. should be su rrounded the announcement aware that applica tion deadlines of a proposed Mexico-Unit ed are approaching rapidly. Earl y States Law Institute at th e Univer- deadlines ex ist for several agen- sit y of Sa n Diego. cies including the Federal Trade The announcement by Dean Commission, with a deadline of heldo n Krant z ca me last week October 1, 1982, and the Depart- during an elaborate luncheon on ment of Justice, with a deadline of the USD ca mpus, featuring Gov. October 8, 1982. Interested stu - Ed mund G. Brown, Jr. and Gov. dents· should consult the " Federal Roberto de la Madrid of Baja Ca li- Agencies Information Book" in fornia. The luncheon was part of the Career Planning and Place- th e Third Annual U.S.-Mexico ment Office for complete details. Border Governors' Conference, a two-day program held in and San Diego to discuss bina- Law Review tional issues. Attendance at the luncheon Announces included bar members, business persons, educators, politicians and press members from both New Members sid es of the border. Gov. Brown j erry Brow n Roberto de la Madrid On Thursday evening, Sep- took the opportunity during the California Govern or Governor of Baja Ca lifornia, North tember 16, the fifteen editors of luncheon to sign an Assembly Bill the San Diego Law Review held by Rep. La rry Kapiloff establishing rath er info rmal ly acr oss the " USD has a special res ponsibil' Krantz said school officials at tlieir final writing competition the Office of Ca lifornia-Mexico bord ers rat her than leav ing the ity to ass ist in improvi ng this rela- the Nat ion al Autonomous Uni- meetings for the purpose of Affairs. tas k to those in Washington. The ti onship," he told the luncheon versity of Mexico Ci ~y have been decidi ng which competitors "The signing of this bill d e mon~ governors of New Mexico, Ariz- audience. Krantz later ex plained receptive to the ideal of forming a would be invited to join the Law st rates friendship, economic ona and five Mexica n border the responsibility resulted from partners hip with USD to ass ist in Re view. The meeting was the cooperation and recognition that sta-tes ~ l so were involved in the the school's prox imity to Mexico atta ining the goa ls of the pro- cu lminatio n of two and a half both countries (Mexico and the conference. and its deve loping program in pose d institute. weeks of intensive review of all United States) are tied together," Of parti cular im portan ce, comparative law. Some of the specific undertak- eighty-nine papers submitted. the governor said amid a round of though, to USD law students was The purpose of the institute will ings of the institute being consi- After hours of discussi on, the applause from the audience. Dea n Krantz 1s announcement of be to increase understand ing and dered include: Board of Editors d eci ded to " Five years ago this would not the pro posed law in st itute. In knowledge of both countries' - Development of training and invite the w ri ters of t he top have happened," Brown later mak in g hi s ann ou ncement, lega l system s, to develop practical lega l education programs in each eighteen papc·s to join the San said, during a press conference, Krantz noted that although the and feasible research project to country for lawyers, educators, Diego Law Review. Congratu la- referring to the binational gather- governor's conference demon- reduce unnecessa ry lega l barriers, students and business persons tions to the following students ing. " The building of a close rela- stra ted a "great spiri t of coopera- to stimulate exchanges between comparing th e legal systems of for exhibiting outstanding legal t i o n ship betwee n th e two tion," se rious barri ers still exist fa culty and st udents, to increase each country; writing and research skills: countries has been a continuing betwee n th e two co untr i es th e numb e r of Mexican- - Creation of a Mexican law Carolyn Bookstaff, Michael process." respecting the d ifferent lega l sys- America n law students at USD col lectio n at USD with significant Coppess, Tom Dombrowski, Texas Gov. William P. Cle- tems, w hich are inhibiting eco- an d to focus national attention of vo lumes translated into En glish; Dermot Doyle, Cheryl Edwa rds, ments, Jr. al so noted the remarka- nomi c deve l o pm e nt a nd impo rtant lega l iss ues affecting - Mutual exchange of faculty Sandra Flannery, Davi de Golia, bility of the two countries to meet cooperation. th e two countries. (continued on page 3) Beth Kowalke-Baier, Debbie Maclean, Maureen Mc air , Dan Morrin, Hal Mosher, Jean i~~~~~:~~~~~~ n ;:;~~~~~· ;~~ Scottish Student Compares Legal Systems

By Zaneta Meyers lega l practi ce. Laurence w ill aga inst th e Commo n M arket single principle when other fac- begin 1hi s las t step w hen he were criti ca l of th e process th ey tors, w hich, may be crucial to the Golf Tourney Laurence M cGeady obtained returns to Sco tl and. observed. case, are not exa mined. He thinks his law degree at the University o f this may ca use unneces ary con- Held Oct. 22 Strat hclyde in Glasgow, o ne of He was President of th e Univer- Law schoo ls in Sco tl and differ fu sion; a system which incorpo- The 7th Annual Michael Mohr fi ve law schools in Scotland. He is si ty Law Society (a counterparl to structurally tro m USD. Classes are rates both methods would be Memorial Golf Tournament will cu rrently enrolled in the Master USD's SBA) w hi ch p ro m o tes much smaller; 60 studen ts is usu- optimal. be held on Friday, O ctober 22, of Comparative Law Program at social and aca demic concerns o f ally the maximum in any cla Laurence feels that " too much 1982 at the Singing Hills Country USD and is one of two recipients the student body. One of the M ethods of tea ching also differ. deference is given to the Ivy Club's Willow Glen course. of a prestigious $10,000 scholar - accomplishments of this o rgani- The essential, foundatio nal mat e- League chools." Students should The tournament will have a ship awarded by the St. Andrews zat ion wa s the success ful protes t rial and principl are prese nted not define them el es by the rela- shotgun sta rt at 10:30 a.m. and will Society of the State of New York. aga inst th e termination of govern - in o ne hour le tures which meet tive status of th e school they be followed by food, no host bar, Th is scholarship is offered to out- mental finan cing o f the Diplo ma two or th ree times each week. attend. In cot land. he said, " the awards and a prize drawing in the standing students o f Scottish d eg r ee. A lthough prev iou s Ca ses are use d to illustrat e the ac enl is much more on th e indi- Fi esta Room at Singing Hills. ances try w ho att end Oxfo rd, governments had support ed this concepts. Seminars of 7-10 stu - vidua l th an on the hool." Check-in time is 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Ca mbridge or Scottish Univers ities. program, th e pr ese nt Br it ish cle n1 s supplem ent th e lectures. At Strathclyde, over a period of Checks may be se nt to Lewis Law and Medical Schools in government threa tenetl to dis- They meet less frequently (o nce 10-15 ye ar , graduates and stu - Muller at the above address by Sco tland ar e ex tremely seledive co ntinue fi nan cial -:. upport. This eve ry two weeks) and focus o n dents have managed to rai e th e October 14, 1982. They should be in their cho ice o f candidates. The would ha ve res ulletl in the eco- small group discuss io ns of the reputotion of th e chool by indi- made to the Michael Mohr Mem- grade sca le also reflects a ve ry norni c exclus ion o ( mJn y ca ndi- m ate ri al cove red . Th e case vidually demonstrating theircom- o ri al Fund. Students will be able co mpetitive orientati on; a '>Co re tlat es: onl y 1h e wea lthy would method. Laure nce feels, cau se p e t e n ce and int eg rit as to pay two weeks in advance a l a o_f 7_0 is considered as very good. ha ve th en bee n ;iblc to o btain a 1he stutlcnt to work harder; prep- a11 orneys. tudents " should sho1 table set up at the school pri or to Simil ar to th e Ameri can sy~ tcm , a degree in ld w. Th ei r objecti ons to ;uotion i ~ d built -in fca tur . A le - more confidence in themsleVes as the tournament. You r fee covers law degree requires thr ee yea rs to thi .:. po1cnti al imbc1 lancc and "elit - lure w ith no stud ent parlicipation indi iduals and in that wa • b green fees, cart, food, drawing, complete. An o ptio nal fo urth i.., 1 c1 1ti 1uU e'' were• (_ •ff cr1 ivc; th e• o f1 en p r o m o t e~ r e l ax~Hion of a reprc ent ing th e s .hool. they prizes and trophies. year (ca lled Honor;) involvl'' fin.inling hd ~ bef' n lontinued. s1udent 's ,1 ttit ude. although this is irnprove it s image,'' hesugg sted. Entry fees will be as follow.: comprehen sive leg al re"'t'd opc1...1t1or1., o f tlw 1.1 .C (I LllO- clJs::.e::.. With our meth od. fir st o n "s tr en uou s r ese arc h " Mark your ca lendar now. W(• thin~ s to th e curr icu lum ve ry reu·ntl y p('Jll f c o notnic Commu rrn y) P~11 - yc.:i 1 ::. tud enb ent er classes wi lh although he that e>posure need J rccorc..l turn-out. Bring a 10 111 (two yea rs ago) Jnd 1.., d1~~ ig1wd to l1o111 w11t. DPlq~ .ltl' "' 111 .111 e11d.1 nce ve ry little basic informa tion Jbou t basic law in th e da sro i iln t fri end , bus ines s as sociate . etc. simula1c- actual offiu· cu nditmn ~. w1·rl' 11 0111 Brit .1 111. Cl'rlll.illy, .. 1 p.11 ti cu H1bj c I .111d ,1rc lefl I cxc ll ent i,va y learn abo ut lhe Our goa l is 144 golfers. Diploma 1es arr 1h c 11 1c·qu1r l·d to I c 1· .rnd lt.1l y. P.11l1.11nt·nt '>1.' I \ th ei r own init i,nivc to lea rn lh c::. Ameri an legal sys t m. This is If you ca nnot att end , any site complete two ycJ rs in an ...i ppren - p o l1 ( y bu1 1.., po l111c .tll y u11 .1 hl P to 1 udimcnt .i ry co nce pb. Th ey are es pe ially truefor those who1 an t donation wi ll be most gredt ly tices hip to familiari1 c 1h crn sc· lvt•.., <' nfor l L' Jn y (J f 11.., d c•t i'> 1on 'a. I ho .. 1· cx pos.c cJ to ca::.e s wi th th e nar- lo stay in Ca lifornia to· pra ti appreciated. with 1he pragrnat1Lal d ~ p ecl\ o f d ... 111U e 11 1.., who l1;1d \('lllirn cnb row ed vision of scM hing for a lriw. a eptember 29, 1982 -

J. • •• ''1"'·' ~ ;. ~ •. Commentary • From the Readers SBA Bu d get: W e D1ssent Twoweeksago, the tudent BarAso iationmetforitsannual Saturday We Still Can't Find a Parking Spot budget allocation marathon. Ten of th e 11 elected represe ntatives and the four voting B officer (President raig Tak enaka administers the Editor: meetings and exercizes only a tie-breaking vote) apporti oned some Parkini; t i c ket! Th e very author of Art Be ll 's Compendium, na l Defense Bar. $20,000 in fund among 15 student organizati ons. In addition, their task tho ught ca uses blood pre,sc11·es 10 and possibly ludge Greer of th e 4. $50.00 "Meet the Faculty" included the rather thankless job of denying requests whi h totaled rise, temperatures to flare. and the San Diego Su peri or Court. Topics wine and cheese reception. some $10,000 above th e BA 's an ticipated revenue. USO bank accounts to grow. covered will include pl ea bargain- Open to all students. B nearly all account we heard. Mr. Tak enaka 's new proce dure Anyo ne who spends 20 minutes ing, bail, c;ca rch & se izure, mental The end res ult of Women-In- through which organizations presented r quests for funds prevented driving around looking for a defenses, sent encing, Beagl e Law's thoughtfully submitted past problems of pre-formed voting blo k among the representatives space ca n att est to the fa ct that motions, other evidentiary issues, budget request: A $50.00stipend and interminable hours of in-fighting. Kudos to raig for outstanding th ere isn"t enough porking. and political implica tions. Fees approved by an overwhelming administrative efficien y. If you're wondering what your are as foll ows: $75 for general law- majority. ub tantivel , though, the budget appropri ations left us wi hing fo r a $25 fee bought you, th e answer is: yers , $50 for NLG/CPDA lawyers, Contrast the Women-In-Law powerful and acti i t tudent judi iary to hear o ur appea l. With mo t a ticket. When the parking is $60 fo r lawyers wishing to acquire r equest to the In tramu ral organizations who planned law-related activities for the school year ex hausted, a student is left with NLG/CPDA membership, $25 for Department budget request of crippled by budget cuts . the one non-law related activity - intramural two o ptions. He or she can either general law students, $30 for law $3,766.66; a llocatio n of sports -walked away' ith 11 percent of th e budget, nearly all of which go ho me or park illega lly. Assum- students wishing lo acquire NLG $3,163 .00. Wome n - In-Law's goe for referee fees . In addition, the SBA retained $3,645 for parties. In ing the second choice is made, a membership•, and $15 for NLG enti re budget request was less short . 34 percent of the tudent budget went to ball games and beer. ticket will surely be forthcoming. law students. Th ere will be a 1 Y2 than the amount trimmed from BA Day Vice Pre ident Seth Madnick, who made the motion to fund (Think of it as a fi ve doll ar hour lunch brea k; lunch w ill be the Intramural budget I intramural sports for $3,163, explained that " intramurals are so mething donation). prepa red for a reaso nable charge. Ju stificatio n for the tremen- students enjoy and they provide mental relaxation." The security personnel claim N LG Vice-President Barbara Dud- dous budget allocation for We agree that tho e USO and Ca l Western students and USO alumni that law students ca n park on the ley will preside over the seminar. lntramurals was that it serves at who opt to partici pate in intramurals do so because they enjoy th e other side of ca mpus where there For additio nal informat io n, con- least SO percent of the student exercise, the sport, and the comraderi e as a welcome escape from the is adequate spa ce. But is it fair to tact Marj ori e Cohn (263-3030) or body. lntramurals at USO are tension of law chool and practice. charge students for the opportun- Nancy Dorner (239-3333). very important. Even more per- We agree with Mr. Madnick's assessmen t that " I M 's are an integra l ity to be inconvenienced? suas ive, th ey provide a link to part of going to US O." Perhaps the law sc hool should Coopertively, the San Diego legal community And we'd like to add that the years of good spirits and time Professor be limited to law students. Present Robert Burns, in the way of alumni participa- Lou Kerig has devoted to the program has done much to enrich it to its parking p e rmit s all ow both for NLG-SD tion w hich can lea d to positions present popular status. undergrads and high school stu- upon graduation. I agree that But we do not agree with the majority of representatives that the dents to use the parking adjacent Women-in-Law lntramurals are important. In tudent Bar Association should pay students $4.00 an hour to referee to More Hall. fact, I am a member of one of the football, softball and basketball game . We know of no other law school In the meantime, if you arrive Intramural softball teams. organization which gives a salary to participants. We think the referees before 6:30 a.m., spaces are avail- Disappointed By What I disagree w ith is the rea- hould volunteer their time just as the rest of us do. able. Th at brings us to another so ning that Women-In-Law is an More importantly, we do know of several· st udent groups w ho had argument of the security depart- SBA Budget esoter ic group unworthy of planned activities to enrich our legal education which were either aban- ment. Law students are la zy and Dear Woolsack Editor: recognition. Women cu rrently doned or insulted by the budget allocations. irresponsible. It 's just plain stupid I _am a first-year SBA represent- comprise nearly 40 percent of • The one ports group which uses its funds for a student scholar- for a law student to arrive at ative. As such I was able to sit in the current overall student pop- ship - the Michael Mohr Golf Tournament - received no SBA school five minutes before class. and vote on the SBA budget allo- ulation according to Dean funding. Th e res ponsible thing to do is to ca tions to student organizations. Krantz. The number of women • A new law chool org>nization - Students Active for Nuclear arrive 30 minutes or so before- It was very disappointing to see students is increasing each year. Oisarmament (SAND) - received no funding. hand to allow time to walk the the Women-In-Law's m odest Compare t his to the SO per- The several organizations which will recruit next yea r's " diversely distance from either the other budget r e qu es t of $570.00 cent of the law school st udent qualified" students did not receive sufficient funds - even with a side o f campus or across Linda whittled down to $50.00. One of body represented in I ntramu- matching grant from the Dean's office -to pay for the transporta- Vista Rd. the SBA members justified the rals, the vast majority of which tion and accommodation costs they will incur in recruiting. For So unless you have a reserved paltry amount by referring to are male. Do you think female example, the As ian American Law Students Association (AA LSA) space or are independently Women-In-Law as a "sm all) spe- law students are represented in received only $55.00 to finance USO representation at the three- wealthy, quit complaining and cial interest group" not repre- an y of the eight football teams day Asian American and Pa cific Island Law Students Association start walking.· se ntative of the entire student which received a total funding of co nference in San Francisco this fall . Dan Peterson body. Therefore, any but a to ken $648.00l Most women law stu- • The Woo/sack , the only regularly published law school publica tion allocation was see n as excessive. dents probably wouldn' t even which all law students, faculty, administrators, and alumni both Women-In-Law is open to ca re to participate in this Intra- receive and can participate o n, received less than $1.00 per every female and male student mural sport, yet their SBA fees are reader (compared to the over $5.00 per intramural participant). Proposition 8 o n campus. Their propo ed supporting a hefty portion of the Mr. Madnick, w ho was unaffiliated with any student organization at budget items were : tab. This amount is in excess of the total amount requested by the budget meeting, but who has subsequently become a participant in 1. Honoraria for speakers : Seminar Slated Women-In-Law. IM's, explains that his goal in the allocation process was to give gro ups $420.00. with the highest number of participants the most mo ney so as to benefit Dear Editor: Wom e n-In-Law hosts three I am not suggesti ng that as many people as possible. The NATIONAL LAWYERS speakers, once per month, to lntramurals are unimportant. What I am suggesting is that Again, we think that is a laudable goal, but we are by no means certain GUILD and the CALIFORNIA participate in panel discussions that it was effectuated. PUBLIC DEFENDERS ASSOCIA- of different areas of the law. In Women-In - Law is also an extremely worthy organization Distributing an inadequate diet of student funds to 15 hungry groups TION will jointly hold a compre- the past, topi cs have included: 11 deserving of at least a healthy may not be an easy task. It does, however, force voters to se t keen hensive seminar on Prop. 8," the litigation, sex discrimination, priorities. We hope that Mr. Madnick's remarks that " by the time Th e so-call ed " Victim's Rights" initia- politics and the judiciary. All stu- allocation, if not 100 percent funding from SBA. Woo/sack came up, we were already over-budget" does not suggest that tive recently passed by the voters. dents and faculty are w elcome to the majority of representatives simply decided to fund groups until they The seminar, entitled " How to these programs. It is money well I also want to reiterate that ran out of money. (We were the thirteenth of 15 groups to ask for fun.el s.) Survive with Pr op. '6' : A Detailed spent , n o t simp l y for th e men as well as women are It may be time for the SBA to practice some preventative medicine so Analys is," is slated for O ctober 23, Women-In-Law o rganization, encouraged to attend all meet- next year's budget allocations do not cut so deeply. Once they have 1962, 9-4 pm, in USO's Moore but for members of the entire ings and se minars. Just ask Pro- fessor Steve Hartwell. reformed their corporate identity and adopted by-laws, we hope they Hall. Speakers are Charles Sevi ll a, student body. will consider whether or not it is time to increase student fees. Chief Assi st ant St at e Publi c 2. Group members hip fee of In closing, the SBA members In the mean time, will someone remind us why we thought a Student Defender, Alex Landon, Execu- $50.00 for Lawyer's Club. This is will be voting in the spring real- Bar Association would give their priority to funding law-related activiti es. tive Director of DEFENDERS INC. , an organization consisting of loca tion of funds. I hope that Gerald F. Uelmen, Loyola Univ. female attorneys in San Diego. A Women-In-Law will be appro- law professo r, Pe ter Hughes, group membership would give priately funded the next time 'IDlje ;ntloolsnck counse l for Lewis W enzell, Eliza- every female stlldent at U 0 the around. If you feel as I do, speak Editor-in-Chief: Maureen M cNair The next issue of beth Semel, prominent lawyer ri ght to attend any or all of the with the SBA rep re entatives you Associate Editor: Douglas Hearn currentl y d efend ing a major Lawyers Club meetings, which elected to represent you. Business Manager: Adrienne Cobb murder case ra ising many Prop. includes spea kers. Sincerely, Student Contributors: Kathryn " 6" i sues, and po sibly Art Bell, 3. $50.00 for Women' Crimi- Debbie Carrillo Brumbaugh, Cyndi Carrie, Dan Fea rs, Dorothy Hamplon, Beth Kowalke-Baier, Pam Jones, Zaneta Meyers, and Barbara St Sauvcr- In up-coming issues of The Woo/sack look for: Rei nt-cke. Mlustr.i!ions: Cover, pgs. 1 & 3: Doti Corser ; pgs. 4, 5, & 6: John Horn; will appear • The Woo/sack annual Bar Review pg. 7: Libby Straube. Facuhy Advtsor: Maimon Schwau - chi ld. O ctober 13. • A stress test designed especially for law students iI~r Illuulsad1 is published ev ry other Wednesday, excluding holi- and attorneys by clinical psychologist days and finals weeks. Deadlines are th • previous Friday by 8 a.m. Th e deadlin e for Gloria Harris The Vll"W\ expressed herein are 1hcxt' of 11 t l J C.Hldl f1oa1d or of us copy is Fr iday, by-lined rcporl crs JnJ con1ribu- • Interviews with USD's new Masters of Compar- 1ors, and do not nctt.'\ ~ Jrily rcUec.1 0 L 8, by 8 a. m. th 0<> 1 of the s1udcn1 body, f.1 cuhy, at ive Law students · o r dOm1n1$tra11o n unl<:-S!. 01hr-rw1 '> t' spct1f1 cally !.lated, cx clud1n8 M;iff. [ Ip• lllool011rl1 we l co m e~ Students interested in writing for Th Wool ack or in selling Publ1 .. hed by the !. Tudent must IJP ' ign ed by <1dve rtise m nts are invited to our offic hour on Wednesdays at Law , T lephone (714) 291 -6480. 1>1 . the author. noon in Ro m 103. 4343. 2 [lie !rluul01tclt - September 29, 1982

Krantz Outlines Mexico-US Institute Goals

(conlinued from page 1) and tudents between U D and one or more of the best Mexican la' schools; - Increased emphasis in U D's ma 1er of comparative law pro- gram on 1e,ican-American comparative la" subject<; - ponsor hip of national con- ferenc~ on issues of importance to both countries. such as 1mn1i- gration and the fishing industry; - E tablishment of a joint research and development pro- gram focused upon priority law- related problems which inhibit economic development and cooperation. Although the institute still i in the planning tages. Krantz aid he hopes to announce the insti- tute's creation within several weeks. He said the school still is seeking funding from both public and private sources. The amount of funding obtained will deter- mine the mechanics of the insti- tute, such as whether the Pier er Speyer, Presidenr of the Commission for the Californias, ra lks with Ca lifornia Gov. Jerry Brown at the luncheon institute's direaor position will be held before rh e Baja Governors' Conference. full-time or combined with a teaching position. A faculty- student committee is being organized this year to offer guid- ance to the institute and to mon- itor its work. Two offices have been reserved in Guadalupe Hall, the new building adjacent to the law school, for the institute. Krantz said that many people have been working toward the creation of the institute for some time, including Alfonso de Limon, a Mexican-born anorney praaic- ing in San Diego. The institute, Krantz said, was listed as one of the school's priorities when he arrived in San Diego in July 1981. HThe time now is ripe 10 estab- lish such an institute," the dean said.

About the cover: Law School Dean Sheldon Krantz announced a proposed Mexico-United States Law Institute at the· third annual Baja Governors' conference held at USD last week. The University Board of Trustees approved the Institute shortly before The Woo/sack went to press. Piaured, from left, are ~ California Gov. Jerry Brown, Dean Shelton Krantz, USD President Author Hughes, orth Gov. Roberto de la Madrid, and Bi shop Leo T. Maher. ERMIT-;DERBY Professor Kerig throws the first softball of the rhe-H ~ONDA.Y season. OCTOB:< 4!!! Grand Prize: a REAL pinball machine! Prizes for the winners of each head

~~Jt,~VSJtA. coV.EJt! A. M.VSfjV~ Of ~.EMORA.BlLU 3655 Sports Arena Blvd. San Diego, CA. 222-2791 Seplember 29. 1982 - <1:111· lllnnl•,,,k

Book Review Laugh at the Lives of Legal Nonsense In Those Other Law Schools

Al Work At Leisure Ono Dote

The Drudge by Mari Stein. Reprinted from 29 Reasons Not To Go To Law School.

By Maureen McNair profession. classes - co ntracts, civil proce- la w students from around the There are two reasons (lawyers Th e book describes both law dure and remedies (Approximate country. Jeanne S. Scott, from the All USO students, of course, pair off]: (1) other lawyers don't school and legal praaice, profil- · time, 8Y2 hours) University of San Francisco School wouldn't trade attending law ask for free legal advice, and (2) ing everyone and everything from Sun . 2:00 p.m. - Sit down in school here for anything. None- of Law, prefaces " Intimate Pl ea- non-lawyers generally avoid law- " The Compulsive Talker" and front of TV to enjoy game su res" this way : theless, we thought it would be yers on social occasions because " The Book Stealer" to ·"Lega l Sun. 2:08 p.m. -Fall as leep just fun to look at how other students they are contentious, boring and Ethics" and "Becoming a alter kick-off At a cocktail party during my view their law schools. second year I overh ea rd the fo l- never offer to pay. Pa rtner." Sun. 4:48 p.m. - Wake up as 29 Reasons Not to Go ro Law The authors are at their best game ends and head for law lowing conversa tion between two Despite so me heavy-handed School is written by two former young women. when they portray law students library. criticism, 29 Reasons Not to Go to law students. Ralph Warner, from and law school. For instance, they 'What form of birth control do Law School is an often delightful Boalt Hall School of Law, is cur- recall their agenda for " Th e Super Helpful Hint: Yo u will want you use?' reminder of the lives of legal non- rently a writer and publisher. Toni Bowl Weekend": to reso lve not to waste so much 'Oh, I don't use any - my hus- sense students at those other law lhara, from King Hall School of time next weekend. band is a law student. ' schools live. The many line draw- Law, is currently a designer and Planning Ahead: Back in the classroom, they rel- The second part of the collec- ings w hich depia their plights writer. The illustrator, Mari Stein, Sal. 5:00 a.m. - Awake and ish th ei r casebooks, which, they tion, however, on the practice of consistently hit their marks and never quite completed her law comp/ere Mool Court Briefs say, co me in " three principal law, at times abandons the light- alone make the book worthwhile. school application. (Approxima1e time, 10 hours) colors - bruise blue, open- ness of part one and quite openly Together, they have assembled Sat 3 p.m. - Go to law library, wound red and bile green." chasti zes lawyers. There is no joke a telling colleaion of ca ri ca tures work on contracts research paper to the scenario which explains and cl assic legal si tuations that (Approximate rime, 9 hours) One of the highlights of the 29 Reasons ot to Go to Law why two lawyers might marry are at times humorous and at Sun. 5:00 a.m. - Start rea ding book is an opening comment to School, 128 pages, paperback, each other or li ve together. other times openly critica l of the and briefing cases for Monday's each chapter made by one of 29 $4. 95 from the Nolo Press. o

Moot Court News

Attorney-Client Competition Attracts Many;

Alumni Tort Competition Begins

By Pam Jones an nounced at a reception at the for se lling liquor to a minor who W es tgate Hotel. Six tee n l ams negli gently injure a third party. The USO Appe llat e Moot adva nced to th e erni - final The second i ue deals with se t- Coun Boa rd w ishes to thank all round. Th e final round argu- tlement agreements in a com- persons who panicipated in l h rn enl were prese nted in th e parative n gligence jurisdiction. 1982 Allorney-Cli enl ompeli- Grace ourtroorn with Walt The brief i due Wedne day. t ion .. Thi s yea r 's co mpc1i1i on H iser, Sa ndra Thomas. and eptember 29 at 5:00 pm. Con- dll ra c te d 1'14 p.11 1i cip.111 1s and o rk y Wharton as judge . tes tants ar requir d to argue over 100 judges, timekeepers recepti on in the fa u lty lounge both ide of the problem. and b,1iliff> . conclude I thi we k' event s. I hi s yt•df's winning tcll W,\S hf'ld at two mJjor is u . The first h ue the Fa ulty Dining Room. II 1h '-• S.m Dil'KO ~ up c ri o r urt- fo mes on wheth r a licen ed student are in ited to attend the ho u, 1·. I 11 .., 1 night re ... ull\ w l'!'f' liquor seller ca n be held liable ompetiti n and reception . 0 4 il:i1r l!lou l•och - September 29, l982

PAD Activities Drive for Battered Women Library Consultant Identifies Problems; Begins In October Will Offer Short, Long Term Solutions PAD will hold its annual Bat- By Douglas Hearn tered Women's Driv in October. ca rry th e money away." Clothing for women and children Oakley will be making his final The school of law re ently hired and ca nned foods are needed. recommendations by October 15, a consu ltant 10 help find so lut ions Plea e start to ga th er appropriate before the law school budget pro- 10 library problems. Robert Oak- items for th e dri e. We will cess begins for the 1983-1!4 aca- ley. the new law librarian at announce later the details of demic yea r, Krantz sai d. " And Georgetown University, was on some of his recommendations are ' hen and where to bring your ca mpu two weeks ago 10 look donation . undoubtedly going to ha ve impli- over th e law library and make cations for that budget process" Kegger ne t Thursday, ept. 30, recommendations. he sa id. 9:30 p.m. in the " Writ ." Evening law chool Dean Sheldon When Oakley makes his ections -Beer and wine (pop- Krantz said, "Josep h Cies ielski recommendations, Krantz sai d, corn ). orry, no cheese. (the law libraria n) and I are awa re " We wi ll obviously review them of th e fact that we need to make ca refully, and assess those along some ignificant improvements in with the assessments that we are Annual Initiation, the li brary, and it was appropriate making ourselves right now." for us to get some outside assess- Krantz also stated his continu- Beach Party, Judges ment along with our own of what ing committment to the librarv. Night Planned our priori ty needs were." " We want to make sure that as " Several problems were identi- ti me goes on we' re going to ha ve Unfortunately the honorary fied by a faculty-student task force th e best library for a sc hool of our initia tion of Governor Brown has that was esta bl ished last yea r," size and quality," he said. " We're been post poned. The good news said Krantz. going to make this a very strong is the general fall initiation is set " Th e task force," according 10 law library." for Sunday, O ctober 3rd! The Ciesielsk i, "was set up in res ponse Joe Ciesielski ceremony will tak e place in to a student petition. Th ey tried to Grace Courtroom and a recep- accomplis h as many things as pos- According to Kr antz, " We have (a bout th e new po(icy) went up tion will follow. Those to be sible that the students wanted." to take a broader look at our they started lo behave," he sa id. Library initiated include students wish- Problems identified by the space needs, our staffing needs Th e library has also installed a ing to join this semester and members include the library and what our collection should Tattletape system which requires Enforces Policy members who misse d the reshelving policy, the secu rity sys- look like." Krantz also said that people to have books demagnet- ceremony last year. All members tem and several miscellaneous the rapidly escalating cost of hard- ized before they leave the library. On Food, and guests are welcome to areas. Perhaps the most pressing bound volumes is a major "We won't be able 10 tell attend. problem they identified, said Cie- concern. whether the system is working or Smoking The beach party honoring law sielski, is the lack of space. In 1979-80, the latest figures not," the library director sai d, Eating, drinking and smoking in associates will be happening Sat- However, " Oakley made no available, the library received " until our next inve ntory.," the Law Library is restricted to the urday, October 2nd. Everyone is preliminary recommendations, " $250 per student for book acquisi- The new system cost over Second Floor Lounge only. invited to come on down to Ciesielski said. " What he sa id was tion, Ciesielski said. He also said $15,000to install, including 11¢for The Law Library has employed Crown Point for picnicking and 'You need more space than I do the hard-bound collection is magnetic tape for ea ch book. personnel to enforce this rule. All volleyball. The barbecue, beer and we already bought a city growing at a rate of 4,000 to 6,000 Another problem facing the persons in violation of the rule are and games will be provided from block in Washington to give me volumes a year. " But the biggest library is the lack of functioning su biect to a $10.00 fine and/ or 3:00 p.m. on. extra space'." part of the library's budget goes photocopying machines. Univer- removal from the Library. The L.A . Alumni are holding a There are no plans to expand for sa laries and for continuations sity policy is that the print shop Grades will be withheld until P.A.D. Judge's Night, October the library facility at the moment, -those things like looseleaf servi- controls t he photocopying outstanding fines are paid in full. 21st at 6:30 p.m. at the Sports- according to Ciesielski. Nor is the ces, pocket parts and keeping up machines on campus, according Repeated violations can result men's lodge in Studio City. The libra ry likely to expand to the the reporter systems. " to Ciesielski. in suspension of Librar y cost of the dinner is $11 .00. The third floor of the building. Ciesielski regards the new pol- " Right now it's even worse than privileges. LA. Alumni also sponsor a Big " The problem with the third icy on eating in the library, under it was before," he sa id, " because If continued abuses regarding Brother/ Sister Program which floor may be that it ca n't take wh ich students can be fined $10 the machines are 'down' most of food, beverages and smoking pairs alumn i and student much of a load. It would probably or lose their library privil eges, as the time because they are too full persist, the only alternative will be members. be the same problem we had successful. We also have guards of money. The print shop is not to remove all vending machin f'< Check out the P.A.D. bulletin when we were on the third floor sta tioned in the library to make al lowed to come here to empty from the Library and forbid the board for additional information of the law school building. Struc- sure· people don't eat, drink or them unless security comes with bringing of any individual fooo on these activities and much, turally, it just couldn't take the smoke. The guards have really them, unless a guy with a gun and beverage items into the much more! books." worked. As soo n as the signs comes with th em, so th ey ca n buildi~g. D BETTER GRADES LEXl5 OR YOUR MONEY BACK! That's right. If your grades don't Improve after attending my ADD: NEW six-hour seminar and following the precepts In my new book : "The Bar . Exam/ Essay-Writing Primer"; If my copyrighted three-step CIT ATOR approach and unique insights geared to dissection and mastery of any and all legal essay hypothetical type exams don't transform SERVICES your law school experience Into one of confident, knowledgeable preparation and masterful exam-taking, resulting In better grades, By Barbara St. Sauver-Reinecke may be limited by history or treatment. I'll refund your entire tuition. 2. AUTO-CITE - Ban croh- LEXIS is a full text, computer- Whitney's Auto-Cite is now ava il- No one else (including your professors) has evolved the art of ized lega l retrieval sys tem avail- able as well. Auto-Cite verifies the able for use by law students who accu racy , contents and official sta- effective legal essay exam writing to such a precise science that have successfully completed th e tus of case law citations, and pro- first year resea rch and writing vi d es references to L.Ed2d , he can offer the above guarantee. Take me up on it! What have course, the first yea r moot cou rt ALR2d, ALR3d , ALR4 th , and ALR you got to lose? program, and a two-hour LEXIS Federal annotations in which the training session. Students may req ues ted case is ci ted. Auto-Cite To reserve a place In my November 6 or 7, 1982 seminar at the University Hiiton sign up for training at the Law di,plays parallel cit ati ons, in clud- ing references 10 selec ted loose- Hotel, 3540 5. Figueroa St., Los Angeles, send a $10.00 check or money order to Library Ci rculation desk. This is an Wentworth Mii ier OR Legal Essay Writing Seminar, GPO Box Brooklyn, NY excellent opportunity 10 learn lea f rcpor1ers, and citations to 2293, and to sharpen compu t er appellate cou rt der isions direc tly 11201 Th e full tuition (which Includes the book) Is $55.00. Obtain a $10.00 research skills for free. Author- affecting the va lidit y of th e cited discount by remitting full payment by October 31. Additional Information upon ized users ma y sign up for 1 Vi case as preu~<.knt . request. J. LEXIS - l he standard Lex is hours of computer time daily. If more than one seminar date, please specify your preference. Include your name, Three new citator se r vice~ are data bank Jlso hds J unique ci1 (11 o r now available on LEXI S: ca pabiltty. Since Lex is contains address, telephone number, law school and year with your remittance. 1. SHEPARD's - You can now 1h e full tex t of 1hou\.1nd' of Th Primer alone may be obtained by malling a check or money order for $12.00. unpublisht•d opinion>, including Shepardize on Lexis. Shepard 's Due Lo th sophisti cati on of the method, however, attendance at the seminar Is citations displays pa rallel c11a - those tht11 ar C' mm t cuircni. your Cd Sl'., recommend d tions, and lists all reported cases search rl' tri C'vcs which arc ci ting the reques ted case with edi- not included in 1ht• ~ h c· pa1d \ or w ntworth Miii er Is a Rh odes scholar, a graduate of Yale Law School, and a torial ana lys is of th e citing refer- Au to-C 11 c· <., c·rvi((.'S . I he c it ati om practi cin g attorn ey In New York City. He has extensive experience Instructing law appear in cont ex t so the only C' d1 · ences . Citing case s ma y be stud nts 1n eff ctlve study and exam-writing technique. displayed se lectively by para- tori al judgmc•nt o f the ci 1111 g cou 11 graph or headnote number, and trea tment is your own. u September 29, 1982 - U:i!" rn.,.,1 .11 d 1

Professor in Profile 'Don't Get Defensive, I Love You' And Other Dicta From Kelleher

Proies,or John Kelleher i' him , draw him and quarter him, beginning his eleventh year at and take all his money. U D. In addi1io11 10 Contra IS. he Yo u're already a law student if reac/1e; ecurities Regula1io11s, you ca n say ''reasonab l y "This (Lu ten Bridge] rs UCC II, Professional Re;pomibil- uneduca ted." ity and Legal Hi'IOry. Lasl year. a (re: "1w school) You have to one of my favorite student in his Contracts da);, decide if you like combat. If recorded Kelleher's dicta on top- you're a fundamentall y disagree- ics ranging from 1or1s to sex and able person, welcome aboa rd. cases ... Th is is how I from law school to di·co. The s1u- (being unprepared to amwer a den1 submi11ed 1hem 10 The question) You ca tch me with , if felt in law school, like V ool ack anonymously and we not my pants down, at leas t my fl y pre enl them below. unzipped. Don't get hung up in moralit y I was building a bridge (in la w school) or you'll get in a lot (re: Monday ighr Football and of trouble. to nowhere." a/ways reaching a Monday night ... political science, sociology, c/a ) I've foregone it for nine and those other bullshit majors years and I' m tired. I want to that brought you here .. --John watch some professional blood- (a fter asking a difficult question sports. of the cla ss ) I see tops of hea ds. Kelleher (apologizing for his office being (in response to a persistent adjacent to the law clinic) I'm questioner's off-the-wall quesli- not one of those fruitcakes. on) Not tonight, Petz e, I've got a High school is mostly frustrated headache. sexual activity. (to a student) You're antici- ... but, legalistic whores that we pating again. I'm going to come in all are. . here some day and shoot you. Richard Nixon, whom you (s tudent: "I'm not very good at won't hear me quote often. math. ") That's why you're in law I liked Property. You won't. school. That's what happens when you Since it's 9:13, I'll close by saying flunk out of law school. You be- that Tort law is an oxymoron. come the vice-president of some (a nswering a student's ques- bank. tion) Let me answer that para- ... it's someone you thought bolically, as usual. was dead, his name was so big.. I am convinced beyond a (correaing a student's answer reasonable doubt that automo- to a hypothetical) You ha ve a bile salesmen li e for fun. question to ask Alice, first, ... res ipsa loquitur. That's easy though. Can she pa y you? to understand. You only have one The English are very cluttered, dog, you come into the living and not very bright. Too many room, and there it is. generations of in-breeding Sometimes commercial moral- the anxiety level is so high and I goes to Small Claims Court and new lawyer. M y first wife was Engl ish. ity changes for o ne-quarter of a can't do anyt hing serious. So I'll gets $1 ,500, you bill her $100 for ... but outside Disneyland and Another tort infestation point. talk about love. your time. Everybody's happy. the California Supreme Court, You're going to be so happy that Young gentlemen of polite (re: cohabitation agree- This (Luten Bridge) is one of my one must have a reason to appeal. we don't do that bullshit here. society don't say " v." ments) Ca lifornia, again, has dis- favorite cases . . . . This is how I felt to get some bargaining (re: Balfour v. Balfour) But Those of you who didn't read tinguished itself by marching at in law school. like I was building a power. Now that I've got your divorce then was a sca ndal. It any further ca n dream about your the head of its own parade. bridge to now here. wallet and your girlfriend, why wasn 't sweeping the country like ,ordid sex lives. . .. th ey got married. And then, (re: Clint Ea stwood movies) don't we talk? disco. . .. to;ted one another, married when the fairy dust wore off, .. People like to see him bash hea ds. (s tating 1he sincerity of his need Professor Reid said it was a little o n p anoth Pr - to th<> Px tPnt on <> (re: "deep pocket" theory). A n Arab bargain , with a for a makeup session after having hot in here. We'll see if we can't can distinguish that from a and you were standing next to euphemism. is where both parties missed a class) I hope that one chill it with a little reason. 1o rt - . each other, or in the sa me vicinity, walk away feeling had. of my evening colleagues will (student : " You' ve got me co11- (tu d >tu clent) Do n't get de- or in the sa me parsec of the Kling- (a nswering a srudent 's ques- drop dea d. fu se d.") That 's not difficult. fensive, I love you. on empire .. 1ion) Th e question is, Does it . .. in th e real world, or at least ('That 's all right, I'm sure I'm not (discuss ing a tori/contract case If I could count I'd be tea ching bother me, I'll 1ake that as a rhet- in the Torts world? the only one.") I'm nor so sure about an exploding toilet) in the Business School. o ri ca l question. The answer is, No, (re: Peevyhouse) What do I about that. and you pull the chain, and the And what if she leak s? (Student: it doesn't. · ca re if they strip mine Claire- (answering a hypothetical from tort goes down. "She?" ) Yeah. A lea ky base ment is (answering a h yp o th et ica l mont? It's all the sa me. the Vernon book: Problem 2- (anno uncin g th at second always fema le. client 's question) Actually, I Suppose I'm a private person 13) Bob should be shot. Turn semester would begin with family (answering a hypothetica l by would probably be historical and and I own Mount Vernon, and I him over to the Toris faculty and law cases) It's my ex perience sugges ting that the client should philosophical abou1 it, and Bob propose to detonate it because I they ca n pummel him, cast rate that until all the exam s are p0>1e d, go to Sma ll Claims Court) She would go out and find himse lf a think George Was hington was a r-~~:-~iiii;;--(I----;;~~;~c'i-.. ._ ~ ' HAIODESIOH SALON CLASSIFIED ADS Cla sified Ads are 1 O~ a word. ::. < 7608 Linda Vista Rd. -' "' · Meaa Colleae Dr. to Hwy 163 Dea dline for. the next issue i 266 66 5 Friday, O cto ber 8th Room 103. · 6 ..inovato" of Creative Hair Design. The ultJmate In hair cutUng, ottering the best quality and prices you can think of!!! THE first PERM (Body, Solt, CJrlyJ PROFES 10 L RE UME ER - Rec- Vl1't WOMEN (Cut & Cond. lr\duded) >Ul .00 3S.OO COUNTRY DELI VICE - pecialist in per onal- MEN (Cul & Cond. Ind.) 42.00 30.00 i ze d im age c r ea ti o n . I BM COHO. TREATMENT 10.00 6.00 Execu1i ve Typi n g - Qu ali t PRECISION CUT & STYU (Blow Dry or Set) WOMEN (Shlmpoo & Cond. Incl.) 18.00 14.00 Prin1ing - Special tudent Dis- MEN {Shampoo & Cond. Ind.) 14.00 10.00 count. 263 -5875 FROSTING OR STEAKING 40.00 2S.OO All The Pancakes BLEACH TOUCH UP 30.00 ro.oo EUROPEAN COLOR ro.oo 14.00 EX PERT TYPING - IB M E e u- CELLOPHANE & HENNA 30.00 15.00 ti ve . lass Paper - Reports - SETS 8.50 6.50 You Can Eal FACIALS (Aldo Gtey Skin C..) ro.oo 15.00 Res umes. 283-5875 MAKE UP (Pro1n5lonal) 15.00 10.00 INOIYIOUAL. LASHES 15.00 10.00 ggc: MANICURE (Women & Men) 8.00 5.00 Kegg r nex t Thursda " pt. 30. PEDICURE (Womon & Mon) 15.00 t0.00 9:30 p.m. in the " Writ s. " Evening WAXING (full Body) 60.00 40.00 Also try our $2.29 Country Breakfast (Loe Wu) 35.00 25.00 ectio ns - Be r and wine (pop- 1uo & e,.1>

A lumni Notes Law Alumni Meet in Sacramento

Thi s yea r's (innu~1I Stat e Bar Lun cheon was held o n 13 severa l yea rs ago and more recently Pr op. 8. A M o nday. Se ptember 13 in S<1 c.n nw n1 0 . ra rt y-fi ve ..,pecial thank you goes to Sacramento alumnus, N . alumni from around th e S1a 1e ga thered to renew old Pau l Shanl ey '75 for hi s eff orts in pulling together th e on Contracts acq uai n1 cn ces and hea r bri ef remarks by Paul Gann, luncheon. who spoke .Jbout hi s (' xpen en ccs in organizing Pr op .

putzl (re : privily being fo und ro !(el (Studenl: "A couple of things to " deep pock er") It 's Tons. but about thi case di turbed me i1 's not law. quite a bit. ' ') ee our analyst. You 're probably agonizing over (criticizing a srudent for not that right now. an d wi shing Prop- being prepared becau e he had erty were as ra1ional as Contracts. been working on his Moot Courr (re: using the " deep pocket" brief) In that great court in the theory to override a liquidated sky, when they look at your tran- damages clause) They say it's script, they'll ,s;'-Y· " Oh, you 'P'd' in unconscionable, "ow ow ow it Moot Court . hurts," and besides that defend- . . out here where men are ant's an insurance company. men an d women still cook and Trial judges are in a rush to get ew, and drive tradors,.. out to the golf course. Appellat e (after a student apologized be- judges are too old, they're just cause Kelleher had not under- interested in when they get th ei r rood the studenr's question) next jolt of test os terone .... I told How long have you been you there was a difference. married I (And, regarding femme covert If it (parol evidence rule) was an and rile " protected" ro le of evidentiary rule, you'd be learn- women in the Common Law, the ing it from my brother Peter- oft-repeated:) Ah, there was freund. (softly, reverently) M y wisdom in the Common Law. o fa ther Peterfreund. Three of the alumni judges att ending the luncheo n LaRocca '77, Christine Bologna '77, M arla Martinez (quoting U. S. Dist rict Judge are shown here. Not pictured is Ho n. John Stroud '64 '77, Hon. Joseph Littlejohn '72, Hon. Dana Henry '72, Thomas Murphy, after a losing of the Sacramento Municipa l Co urt. From the left: Linda Lancet M iller '73, and Bruce M iller. attorney pledged an appeal ro rile Hon. Trevor Hamilton '72, M rs. Hamilton, John Supreme Court) " Counselor, as I understand it, I've got life Women's tenure. That means if I keep my hand out of the till I can 't be fi red. Legal Center You can appeal me anywhere you want." That's a trial judge's trial Presents Seminar judge. (re: lawyer talking abour client) Th e Women's Legal Center of What do you want to do I It's like San Diego is presenting a seminar the accountant - " You got a titled " Learn Your Legal Rig hts" at number in mind ?" three locations on September 30, (re : Holdsworth on rhe Com- and Odober 7, 1982. mon Law) He made up a lot of The prese ntations by area attor- really curious English traditions. neys will includ e disso lution You've probably learned about (divorce in Californi a), land- them in Property. lord/ tenant issues, employment (re:· ice rink in Prier) You've discrimination and sex ual harass- got all those kiddies running over ment, credit, and Small Claims each other's fingers and severing Court. them, and molesting each other Locations are as follows: in the restroom ... CHULA VISTA: Thursday, Sep- You can 't be forced to convey tember 30, 1982, from 7-9:30 p.m. the property (without a writing). at United Methodist Church Fel- Roger Traynor is dead. lowship Hall, 710 Third Avenue; (re : 1956 Suez Canal war) . DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO : As Luncheon Ch airman Paul Shanley '75 cent M as ters '72, Greer Kn opf '78, Howard Wayne '72 and the British were going to have Th ursday, Odober 7, 1982, from approaches th e podium, members of the audience and Marshall Hockett '72 to show their muscle, th eir 7- 9:30 p.m. at Sa n Diego Gas and who pose for pidures include: William Pate '71, Vin- remaining flaccid muscle .. Electric A udito rium, 101 Ash . .. it's from Anaheim. Anaheim Street. is burning, folks. We won't have The sem inars are presented Placement Office Please send an to look at it anymore. Instan t free of charge and no pre- update of all the news urban renewal. registrat ion is necessa ry. Dona- The court was once again off in t ions are welcome. Perso ns thats fit to print re : the Klingon Empi re. wanting more inform atio n may Invites Alumni to Speak your business and per- Most . .. of you have registered ca ll The Women's Lega l Ce nter at Th e Ca reer Pl anning and Pl ace- visi t the ca mpus to talk with stu- for (next fall), masochists that you 239-3954 between 10:30 a.m. and sonal lives to : Kathryn ment O ffi ce would like to invite dents. Both talks were very suc- are. Come back and see if it sti ll 12:30 p.m ., Tuesday through Raffee, USD Law alumni ro participate in our Gu est cess f u I and stud en t s h ave J. hurts. Thursday. o Speakers Program. If you plan to ex pressed an interest in ex pand- Alumni Ass'n., c/ o 28 be in the San Diego area and ing th is program. Pomona Ave., Long Law Students would li ke to p arti cipate, we as k If you have an hour or so to only that yo u meet in formally spare during yo ur visit to San Beach, CA 90803 for You're Invited t;o with student s for an hour or so to Di ego, please co ntad Susa n Ben- future publication in share you r ca reer experiences son, Ass istant Diredor of Pi a e- since graduation from USD. So far ment, (714) 293-4529. o The Woo/sack. PAK1Y HARDYll this Fall we have had two alumni

every Thursday Night (U.S.D. Specials ) A Moving Opportunity

$l95 If you have moved recently or would simply like to recei e The Pitcher of Beer Woo/sack al a different addres , )list attach the mailing label on Patronize th e ba k of th i iss ue and print )•Our name arid addre in the Rum 'n Coke 75¢ spa ces provided below. at Our O'Connell's Nan1c Sports Lounge Advertisers Address 1a1 Zi p 1.310 Mo rena Blvd. (at Sea World Dr.) Pl e d ~C return thi s fo1 m 10 the Alumni Relai to n Hi e, Univer ii)' of S<1n Diego ~rhoo l of La w. Ac,rla Park , an Diego, 92110. Ping Pong · Pool · Darts · Pl nball · Electronic Games 7 The Greek Islands come to San Diego '©lp~~nnlsarh OUZO·!!· HOUR Vol. 23, Issue 4 University of San Diego Law Student Publication September 29, 1982 5-7 Monday-Friday all Ouzo drinks half price. Free Greek appetizers. ~~TraditionalGreek Liquor

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VILLA~~TAV~~NA Old Town Harney St., between San Diego Ave. & Juan St. 299-1191