University of San Diego Digital USD Newspaper, The ooW lsack (1963-1987) Law Student Publications 9-29-1982 Woolsack 1982 volume 23 number 4 University of San Diego School of Law Student Bar Association Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Law Commons Digital USD Citation University of San Diego School of Law Student Bar Association, "Woolsack 1982 volume 23 number 4" (1982). Newspaper, The Woolsack (1963-1987). 140. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Law Student Publications at Digital USD. It has been accepted for inclusion in Newspaper, The ooW lsack (1963-1987) by an authorized administrator of Digital USD. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Briefly Krantz Announces Mexico-US Law Institute Speaking During Border Governors' Conference Here Students who are interested in By Beth Kowalke-Baier summer or permanent positions with federal government agen- An air of festivity and intern a- cies nationwide, and particularly tional frie'n dship appropriately in Washington, D.C.. should be su rrounded the announcement aware that applica tion deadlines of a proposed Mexico-Unit ed are approaching rapidly. Earl y States Law Institute at th e Univer- deadlines ex ist for several agen- sit y of Sa n Diego. cies including the Federal Trade The announcement by Dean Commission, with a deadline of heldo n Krant z ca me last week October 1, 1982, and the Depart- during an elaborate luncheon on ment of Justice, with a deadline of the USD ca mpus, featuring Gov. October 8, 1982. Interested stu - Ed mund G. Brown, Jr. and Gov. dents· should consult the " Federal Roberto de la Madrid of Baja Ca li- Agencies Information Book" in fornia. The luncheon was part of the Career Planning and Place- th e Third Annual U.S.-Mexico ment Office for complete details. Border Governors' Conference, a two-day program held in Tijuana and San Diego to discuss bina- Law Review tional issues. Attendance at the luncheon Announces included bar members, business persons, educators, politicians and press members from both New Members sid es of the border. Gov. Brown j erry Brow n Roberto de la Madrid On Thursday evening, Sep- took the opportunity during the California Govern or Governor of Baja Ca lifornia, North tember 16, the fifteen editors of luncheon to sign an Assembly Bill the San Diego Law Review held by Rep. La rry Kapiloff establishing rath er info rmal ly acr oss the " USD has a special res ponsibil' Krantz said school officials at tlieir final writing competition the Office of Ca lifornia-Mexico bord ers rat her than leav ing the ity to ass ist in improvi ng this rela- the Nat ion al Autonomous Uni- meetings for the purpose of Affairs. tas k to those in Washington. The ti onship," he told the luncheon versity of Mexico Ci ~y have been decidi ng which competitors "The signing of this bill d e mon~ governors of New Mexico, Ariz- audience. Krantz later ex plained receptive to the ideal of forming a would be invited to join the Law st rates friendship, economic ona and five Mexica n border the responsibility resulted from partners hip with USD to ass ist in Re view. The meeting was the cooperation and recognition that sta-tes ~ l so were involved in the the school's prox imity to Mexico atta ining the goa ls of the pro- cu lminatio n of two and a half both countries (Mexico and the conference. and its deve loping program in pose d institute. weeks of intensive review of all United States) are tied together," Of parti cular im portan ce, comparative law. Some of the specific undertak- eighty-nine papers submitted. the governor said amid a round of though, to USD law students was The purpose of the institute will ings of the institute being consi- After hours of discussi on, the applause from the audience. Dea n Krantz 1s announcement of be to increase understand ing and dered include: Board of Editors d eci ded to " Five years ago this would not the pro posed law in st itute. In knowledge of both countries' - Development of training and invite the w ri ters of t he top have happened," Brown later mak in g hi s ann ou ncement, lega l system s, to develop practical lega l education programs in each eighteen papc·s to join the San said, during a press conference, Krantz noted that although the and feasible research project to country for lawyers, educators, Diego Law Review. Congratu la- referring to the binational gather- governor's conference demon- reduce unnecessa ry lega l barriers, students and business persons tions to the following students ing. " The building of a close rela- stra ted a "great spiri t of coopera- to stimulate exchanges between comparing th e legal systems of for exhibiting outstanding legal t i o n ship betwee n th e two tion," se rious barri ers still exist fa culty and st udents, to increase each country; writing and research skills: countries has been a continuing betwee n th e two co untr i es th e numb e r of Mexican- - Creation of a Mexican law Carolyn Bookstaff, Michael process." respecting the d ifferent lega l sys- America n law students at USD col lectio n at USD with significant Coppess, Tom Dombrowski, Texas Gov. William P. Cle- tems, w hich are inhibiting eco- an d to focus national attention of vo lumes translated into En glish; Dermot Doyle, Cheryl Edwa rds, ments, Jr. al so noted the remarka- nomi c deve l o pm e nt a nd impo rtant lega l iss ues affecting - Mutual exchange of faculty Sandra Flannery, Davi de Golia, bility of the two countries to meet cooperation. th e two countries. (continued on page 3) Beth Kowalke-Baier, Debbie Maclean, Maureen Mc air , Dan Morrin, Hal Mosher, Jean i~~~~~:~~~~~~ n ;:;~~~~~· ;~~ Scottish Student Compares Legal Systems By Zaneta Meyers lega l practi ce. Laurence w ill aga inst th e Commo n M arket single principle when other fac- begin 1hi s las t step w hen he were criti ca l of th e process th ey tors, w hich, may be crucial to the Golf Tourney Laurence M cGeady obtained returns to Sco tl and. observed. case, are not exa mined. He thinks his law degree at the University o f this may ca use unneces ary con- Held Oct. 22 Strat hclyde in Glasgow, o ne of He was President of th e Univer- Law schoo ls in Sco tl and differ fu sion; a system which incorpo- The 7th Annual Michael Mohr fi ve law schools in Scotland. He is si ty Law Society (a counterparl to structurally tro m USD. Classes are rates both methods would be Memorial Golf Tournament will cu rrently enrolled in the Master USD's SBA) w hi ch p ro m o tes much smaller; 60 studen ts is usu- optimal. be held on Friday, O ctober 22, of Comparative Law Program at social and aca demic concerns o f ally the maximum in any cla Laurence feels that " too much 1982 at the Singing Hills Country USD and is one of two recipients the student body. One of the M ethods of tea ching also differ. deference is given to the Ivy Club's Willow Glen course. of a prestigious $10,000 scholar - accomplishments of this o rgani- The essential, foundatio nal mat e- League chools." Students should The tournament will have a ship awarded by the St. Andrews zat ion wa s the success ful protes t rial and principl are prese nted not define them el es by the rela- shotgun sta rt at 10:30 a.m. and will Society of the State of New York. aga inst th e termination of govern - in o ne hour le tures which meet tive status of th e school they be followed by food, no host bar, Th is scholarship is offered to out- mental finan cing o f the Diplo ma two or th ree times each week. attend. In cot land. he said, " the awards and a prize drawing in the standing students o f Scottish d eg r ee. A lthough prev iou s Ca ses are use d to illustrat e the ac enl is much more on th e indi- Fi esta Room at Singing Hills. ances try w ho att end Oxfo rd, governments had support ed this concepts. Seminars of 7-10 stu - vidua l th an on the hool." Check-in time is 9:00 - 10:00 a.m. Ca mbridge or Scottish Univers ities. program, th e pr ese nt Br it ish cle n1 s supplem ent th e lectures. At Strathclyde, over a period of Checks may be se nt to Lewis Law and Medical Schools in government threa tenetl to dis- They meet less frequently (o nce 10-15 ye ar , graduates and stu - Muller at the above address by Sco tland ar e ex tremely seledive co ntinue fi nan cial -:. upport. This eve ry two weeks) and focus o n dents have managed to rai e th e October 14, 1982. They should be in their cho ice o f candidates. The would ha ve res ulletl in the eco- small group discuss io ns of the reputotion of th e chool by indi- made to the Michael Mohr Mem- grade sca le also reflects a ve ry norni c exclus ion o ( mJn y ca ndi- m ate ri al cove red .
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