4 TACTICAL ANTENNAS A whole range of ARA antenna and antenna systems are available for military and tactical applications including search, surveillance, SATCOM, signal monitoring and ECM systems. These antennas feature: ♦ COLLAPSIBLE DESIGNS FOR STORAGE CMA – 5240 ♦ LIGHT WEIGHT ♦ DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY WITH MINIMAL OR NO TOOLS ♦ COMPACT PACKAGING (MANPACK DESIGNS) ♦ EASY TO CARRY AND TRANSPORT CPRA in Crate Type of antennas available for tactical applications include; ♦ Broadband Antenna Systems Comsprising antenna(s), Masts and Positioners ♦ Portable Satcom Terminals LPD-3100/C2756 in Bags ♦ Collapsible Reflector antennas ♦ Broadband and High Gain Collapsible Log Periodic antennas ♦ Broadband Omnidirectional antennas ♦ Multiple Noncontiguous band antennas ♦ Tunable Beam Tilt Satcom antennas ♦ Crossed Loop HF antennas ARA-01300 ♦ Manpack Antennas for Satcom applications DFA-118/C41 LPD-410/105 ARA-2576 Telephone Fax WWW.ARA-INC.COM 1 1-301-937-8888 1-301-937-2796 (MD) 1-877-ARA-SALE 1-781-829-4590 (MA)
[email protected] 4A TACTICAL ANTENNA SYSTEMS LPD-C2756: 30–1000 MHz LPD-C2756 antenna system is a mast mounted log periodic antenna, ready for deployment and stowing repeatedly in minimal time in a military field environment. It comprises: 1) LPD-3100/C2756: 30-1000 MHz collapsible log periodic antenna. LPD-3100/C2756 Assembled Vertical Polarization. OD green finish, All captive hardware and elements. 2) DMS-C2756: Dielectric mast interface section for LPD- 3100/C2756 and WTM/C2756. 3) WTM/C2756: 20’ crank up mast, manually raised. Green, anodized finish. 4) NBG/C2756: Base guy assembly for field use of the WTM/C2756 with base plate. 5) LPD/W4S -1, -2, -3 LPD-3100/C2756 in a bag Three tear-resistant, zippered cases to carry the collapsed antenna system including the mast sections, RF cable and mechanical hardware.