

Date: Febmary28, 2018

From: Matney M. Ellis PurchasingDirector -^

To: Board of County Commissioners

Subject: Agreement- SouthwesternBell Company dba AT&T Oklahoma

Submitted for your approval and execution is the attached agreement between the Board of County Commissioners on behalf of the Tulsa County Information Technology and dba AT&T Oklahoma for relocation/removal of cables andpoles for constizictionof new facilities at ChandlerPark.

Respectfully submitted for your approval and execution.


Original: Michael Willis, County Clerk, for the March 5, 2018 Agenda.

Copies: Commissioner JohnM. Smaligo Commissioner Karen Keith Commissioner Ron Peters JohnFothergill, ChiefDeputy Vicki Adams, ChiefDeputy RichardBales, Director, Parks Department DanPease, Director, InformationTechnology

Form 4363 (Rev. 4-98) ... ^.^^ . I..

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Ttu^ li@tter ism<' fiaTeteto your reqaes^ for S©umwe^m;W^le}3^^^©mpa^ O^ah&rnd (MSrejapr "Southwe^m Beil ^iepbor^iGompairly^ ^^ you. Enclosed please find an Application and Letter of Agency "for Custom Work. This application describes the custom work you have requested along with the associated charges for us to do the work.

Both the signed application and the purchase order must be received by our office before we can proceed on your behalf. Our mailing address for these documents is listed below:

AT&T GailMopri 509 S Detroit Ave, Room 900 Tulsa, OK 74120-3617

Please send purchase order made payable to AT&T.

If you decide not to proceed with this work or if you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me directly on 918-576-2318. Please refer to the CWOT # 36-18 when calling. You may also contact our office by calling toll free, Q77-957-7775.

Sincerely, ^uJL^o^^3 Gait Moon Construction & Engineering Southwestern ri1 at&t

S09S Detroit Ave, Rm 900 DATE: 2^0^18 TutsaOK 74120-3617 CWOT#: 36-18 Phone918. 576. 2318 INVOICED ATT0003618 Toll Free 877. 957. 7775

Bill To: Tulsa County 633 W 3rd St TulsaOK74127





TOTAL $8,565.57 Makechecks, moneyorders or purchaseorders payableto AT&T Ifyou have anyquestions concerning this invoice, contact Gait Moon, 918-576-2318, pp0391@att. com

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. l^^^L^ATre^^^it ^^ N@^RIPTK)NOF CUSTOtt WORK: . At&t project wilt reJ6cate/remov^< cables and pbtes for conslhictf^ti ^^gwi^mwss. ' '". ' "^:- . ' ~ -»W»*^TO

CHARGEFOB CUSTOM WORK: ESTIMATED COST: $8,565.57 (Actual charges may exceed this estimated cost.)

TOTAL: $8,565.57 AJPPtica2L;6quesls^tf1at ^soythwester'LJeJi.. TelePhone. ct>mPany d/b/a AT&T Okfahoma. (hereafter "SOUTHWESTERNBELL TELEPHONE COMPANY") act as its agent in performing the above^escr'ibed^ustom work on-APP!icant's behalf- Applicant agrees to pay the charge(s)~for such work. The work is to be done on"an cosr' a11 BACtua!. basisl char9®(s)will be computed in accordance with Southwestern Bell Corporation's ordir accounting practices under the Untform System of Accounts for Class A telephone companies and will include alloc^ed cost and, where necessary estimated, costs for labor, engineering, materiats^ "transportation. " motor vehteles, tool and supply expenses, corporate overhead loadings, and sundry billings from sub-contract'ors'and ^lSP^i!o^^l-k-?r!cll ^at^ri?ls -re^.d to , th® Job-. The APPl'ca"t affi"ns that the cost estimate furnished'bythe Telephone Company has been considered only as an estimate of approximate costs and thai the actual costs inc"rred by the. TelePhone Company in doing the work at the particular time and location might be higher'. "Said estimated cost is subject to change due to any number of factors including, but not limited to, changing'conditroris in the field, weather delays, or changes in the scope of the work. CHANGE ORDERS ?^!5i. concTaJ^d .condit!orls exist, including conditions that may exist below the surface of the ground, or if conct!tiorls. ex!st that could not. have been anticipated bySouthwestern Bell Telephone Company at the time'of"this agreement, Southwestern Bell Telephone Company will be entitled to additional funds and/or additionai~time"to complete the work. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company will request such additional fundinaand/or additional time through a request for a changeorder. ^o^d^APPIic^nt,, ^ JtsaQents' servants, or employees order or seek changes in the scope of the work, ^^^tfr!l-, ?e-ILTetephone , comPany is entitled to'seek from Applicant, its agents, servants. 'or'employees'I additional funds.as nscessaryto Perform the work, and additional time, as necessary to complete the-work7sard request for additional funds and/or additional time will be through change order. All change orders will be in writing. All change orders will be submrtted and accepted byApplicant, its agents, servants or employees, before -5^w^t. e.S. Be. "Te^eph. ?n®comPany' Prc>ceeds to execute the work or, if work has been initiated on theproject, continues with executing the work except in an emergency endangering life or property. «';~:^ . ^'.7^7^ '- ;^^-. "--'. -. ^ ''w'' i>; >^ r'4 : ;'^^ ^'. /-"it-Kf.t^.: , .^' ssw^ '^^^: .^»"t -> . v". ^l. »^? . i-W-?;';;'. .S';'/':';.:^.. ':':''. :. ;. :''t.''- *.... -" ." ' ^^:, ^^'i'-<"..^. -. -;':^.^::;":.';':"r:^l?.'';'''';.'. ' -^ ~"'. "'^.'l:.'l:.;"'';, ';i^;^-".':^:i".!''. . -' . '... fr. ^'; ''''. ^^^. ^. '!. ^.^::'.Li'^s,-'^^^':.:' :^-? ': ' " ; .,;^. ^^';:;;:;'';'^.r.^<;-.-l.-;...:^;.^'^^.i!?.:i/-.-'^-« '', -'".^.i:.'. '. .'^-.'.:C .V^^''.' '.>'?-..'."". '. iy^^ ^^t5. ^!^^^fff!^^^^e 'dew^^i^iac^^^^^^^^T^w^^ '.

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PAYMNT ' Applicant agrees to make an advance payment of $0.00 prior to commencement of the work. A^^bte barges for custom Work willtoe billed on a special bill separate from-the bill thed/s^plieant receives for tetefriiione service.

Appli^rt, tts agente, servants^ or employees agree to make payment on change orders within thirty (30) days of the^|@(eW signature on the change order. Failure to make payment within the designated thirty (30) day^ifn& ^ pertESl-willoperate ;to;caneel the chaige order and Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, will'cease atTwork; aetft/ity-on the project until payment is made.

* Whence Parties agree to Interval Billing the balance of the Contract Price or Actual Cost (as applicable) will be made in monthly payments. If the Actual Cost made varies from the Estimated Cost, then a correcting adjustment will be made in the last payment. If the parties cannot agree to Interval Billing, Applicemt will make an advanced paymentas indicated above. * Applicableto ordersover $25,000and work will take6 or more months to complete.

CANCELLATION If the Applicant cancels the work prior to completion, Applicant must notify Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, in writing of said cancellation.

If Applicant elects to cancel the work prior to completion, Applicant agrees to pay Southwestern Bell Telephone Company for the costs it has incurred in starting performance under the contract. If Applicant has made an advance payment. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company will deduct its costs and expenses incurred as of the date of Applicant's notice of cancellation from the amount of the advance payment. Anyamount remaining will be refunded to Applicant. .y

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hold" WOTk ¥%rJssulng, a,stop. work^orB OT1®1'- Applfcant elects to cancel the contract, Applicant must infam£: ScH^»westem Bell Telephone Company, in writing of the cancellation. Southwestern BeiiT'etephone"Companv"wi dedu^, _any. _expenses.. incurred in Perf()rmh9 the work from Applicant's advance paym~ent"and~ refund'aw remainingfunds to Applicant. Under no circumstances will Southwestern Bell Telephone Company, be responsible to Applic allefled.. damages. 01'additional expenses incurred byApplicant as a result of a stop work order-or an o7der to "hold" work on the project.

HOICEOF LAW sh^"id. any_dispute. al'ise betwe®n th®.Parties concerning the subject matter of this agreement, or any term contained therein, the parties agree that the dispute or* claim shall be submitted toVcourt"of"comDetent ^. The parties further agree that the prevailing party in any such dispute will be'entitled to"recover attorney's fees and costs. Oklahoma law governs the application of this agreement and all terms contained therein. --V.?"


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^.. : ^ "... ^^ ... ^r...... ^:::' : . .. :.. ". . ^ . ^/. ^ . . :. :'. . ' . . ' "W^^. ^^^pe;l^ti6s a^6e that the tenns set forth hgn^ consffiiMe^.^ ler^^^gt^^ ttiere are not ;ea-i^ ^ fM^^awte regaj-dingthe project that is the subjectof tiiis agreement between ttie parties. ;^N ;^^llsK3ATt®lsil,& NOTICE .. ^;;]^ ;j;J.^i^-ta|>(3iticaftion^ must be made;in writing and signed by both parties. ' '::":':^^:

/^j^^rty ta^riijis^aireen^tjr^ w^;ooti!ce^jany ^K3t or condition t^ providinj^ii ia(|t;^ . ^V^WfilER^oqinwrBirig^txl'se^^ receipt requested. ^N^^:

<©(^'rEbEQR WtSAC»UNTY: ^- ^ :. Atrthorized Signature uthorized Signatur Title: Title: ManagerOSP Planning & Engineering Design

Company: Company: Southwestern Bell Telephone Company

Printed Name: Printed Name: Debra L Robey

Date: Date: 2/28/18