Reading Herman Melville and Joseph Conrad with Deleuze and Guattari

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Reading Herman Melville and Joseph Conrad with Deleuze and Guattari Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Martina Kado SEA NARRATIVES AS MINOR LITERATURE: READING HERMAN MELVILLE AND JOSEPH CONRAD WITH DELEUZE AND GUATTARI DOCTORAL THESIS Zagreb, 2017 Filozofski fakultet Martina Kado POMORSKI NARATIVI KAO MANJINSKA KNJIŽEVNOST: ANALIZA TEKSTOVA HERMANA MELVILLEA I JOSEPHA CONRADA PREMA DELEUZEU I GUATTARIJU DOKTORSKI RAD Zagreb, 2017. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Martina Kado SEA NARRATIVES AS MINOR LITERATURE: READING HERMAN MELVILLE AND JOSEPH CONRAD WITH DELEUZE AND GUATTARI DOCTORAL THESIS Supervisor: Professor Tatjana Jukić Gregurić Zagreb, 2017 Filozofski fakultet Martina Kado POMORSKI NARATIVI KAO MANJINSKA KNJIŽEVNOST: ANALIZA TEKSTOVA HERMANA MELVILLEA I JOSEPHA CONRADA PREMA DELEUZEU I GUATTARIJU DOKTORSKI RAD Mentorica: dr. sc. Tatjana Jukić Gregurić, red. prof. Zagreb, 2017. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am deeply indebted to my supervisor, Dr. Tatjana Jukić, for her heartfelt encouragement over the last eighteen years, and for the impeccable combination of academic freedom and expert guidance she provided during the research and writing process of this dissertation. The crucial stage of my research was carried out during my Fulbright fellowship at the Pennsylvania State University in the United States, owing to Dr. Hester Blum’s generous invitation, and the governments of Croatia and the United States. The spark for this project was lit during my MSc program at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, where Dr. Penny Fielding, Dr. Randall Stevenson and the sadly late Dr. Susan Manning helped me develop my burgeoning ideas into a fully-fledged course of academic inquiry. Since we worked together at the University of Rijeka, Dr. Biljana Kašić has been an invaluable professional and personal mentor. Finally, this study is dedicated to my mother, my father and my sister, who accompanied every step of this journey with boundless love and support. SUPERVISOR BIOGRAPHY Tatjana Jukić Gregurić is Professor and Chair of English Literature in the Department of English at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb. She also teaches on the doctoral programs of Comparative Literature and of Croatian Language and Literature, and has been invited to lecture on literary history and theory by universities and research institutes in the United Kingdom, Ireland, Germany, Hungary, Serbia, Slovenia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. From 2005 to 2007 she served as President of the Croatian Association for Semiotic Studies. From 2007 to 2014 she was the Principal Investigator in the research project titled “Limits of Literary Memory: Croatia in Europe and Europe in Croatia, 1939–2005” (funded by Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, Republic of Croatia). She is currently the Principal Investigator in the research project titled “A Cultural History of Capitalism: Britain, America, Croatia” (funded by Croatian Science Foundation, HRZZ). Jukić is author of two books: Liking, Dislike, Supervision. Literature and the Visual in Victorian Britain (Zazor, nadzor, sviđanje. Dodiri književnog i vizualnog u britanskom devetnaestom stoljeću, Zagreb, 2002) and Revolution and Melancholia. Limits of Literary Memory (Revolucija i melankolija. Granice pamćenja hrvatske književnosti, Zagreb, 2011). While the first explores the intersections of the visual and the literary in Victorian culture in relation to the Victorian handling of politics, colonial experience, subjectivity and sexuality, the second undertakes to analyze the complex relation of the event of the revolution in modern societies, especially in the former Yugoslavia, to the junctures of subjectivity and political economy. Revolution and Melancholia was singled out by Oslobođenje, the leading Sarajevo daily newspaper, as the event of 2011 in literary studies. In addition, Jukić has published articles, in English, Croatian, Slovene and German, on nineteenth- and twentieth- century literature, psychoanalysis, film and philosophy. She is currently completing a book provisionally titled The Invention of Masochism. ABSTRACT Sea Narratives as Minor Literature is a comparative study of Herman Melville’s and Joseph Conrad’s sea-themed writing, using the wider critical-theoretical framework of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, centered around the concept of minor literature. Underutilized in maritime literary studies, this platform is highly suitable for studying the paradigm of nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Anglo-American sea narratives, including Melville and Conrad: first, the collective and political facets of minor literature provide an apparatus for reading the dominant elements in this genre – the experience of sea labor and the world of the ship. Second, the element of deterritorialization of language in minor literature highlights the technical language of seamanship (sea argot) in literature as an element of linguistic deterritorialization by default. Finally, with its focus on detecting subversive practices within majoritarian configurations, it enables the tracing of both emancipatory and power-complicit strategies in sea-themed literary works. The Deleuze-Guattari framework brings together Melville and Conrad not only as sea authors, but as occupying an eccentric position regarding the English language itself. I chart diachronic overlaps and departures in terms of how they articulate maritime subjectification with various forms of territory, mainly the space of the ship and the space of the sea, but also capitalism and nation. As a result, some existing Deleuze-Guattari readings of Melville as a minoritarian author are revised, while avenues of minoritarian thought are detected in Conrad. Tailoring the Deleuze–Guattari terminology, I introduce the concept of the ship-assemblage, articulated as a machinic assemblage and assemblage of enunciation, as a new tool for examining literary shipboard geographies in Melville, Conrad, and beyond. Examining both authors’ employment of sea argot against the concept of minor literature, I identify it as a sub-linguistic system which grafts itself onto literary discourse, able to function in a range of positions from majoritarian to minoritarian. Finally, sea literature in general, and sea narratives of this period in particular, evince resistance to categorization in terms of literary periods, genres and national literary history, fact and fiction, and the analytical apparatus of narratology. I therefore propose a new understanding of the specific textuality and narrativity of sea-themed prose as subscribing to what we commonly recognize as literature, but also transcending it. My research lies at the intersection of literary studies, critical theory, transatlantic studies, and cultural and material history of maritime practices. Keywords: Herman Melville; Joseph Conrad; Gilles Deleuze; Félix Guattari; minor literature; sea literature; sea narratives; American literature; English literature. SAŽETAK Cilj rada je doprinijeti književno-komparatističkim studijama Hermana Melvillea (1819.– 1891.) i Josepha Conrada (1857.–1924.) analizom i preispitivanjem manjinskih strategija1 u njihovim pripovjednim tekstovima s pomorskom tematikom. Analiza uspostavlja interakciju između tekstova Melvillea i Conrada te otvara prostor za čitanje obaju opusa u Deleuzeovu i Guattarijevu ključu kombinacijom pristupa: a) u žarištu je način na koji diskurs književnosti s pomorskom tematikom usvaja materijalne aspekte pomorstva, prostor mora i prostor broda te posebice pomorski žargon; b) analiza tekstova Melvillea i Conrada u dijalogu s Deleuzeom i Guattarijem otvara prostor za obostrano kritičko čitanje; c) revizija samoga koncepta „manjinske književnosti“. Komparativna analiza tekstova s pomorskom tematikom H. Melvillea i J. Conrada, premda evidentno legitimna, ujedno zahtijeva i pojašnjenje. S jedne strane, pola stoljeća stoji između vrhunaca njihove književnosti s pomorskom tematikom; pišu sa suprotnih strana Atlantskog oceana – Melville u sklopu formiranja američke nacionalne književnosti koja bi pratila novoostvarenu političku neovisnost Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, a Conrad iz pozicije etablirane književnosti Velike Britanije i njezine dominacije kao pomorske sile kroz povijest. S druge strane, radi se o dvojici najistaknutijih književnika pomorske tematike uopće; kao Amerikancu i Poljaku koji piše na engleskome jeziku, zajednička im je ekscentrična pozicija spram jezika i književnosti Velike Britanije. Nadalje, u književnim je opusima obaju pisaca očita ambivalentnost spram nacije i nacionalne književnosti, što je, obzirom da koncept mora poprima različito značenje kroz povijest američke i britanske književnosti, od posebnog interesa za proučavanje književnosti. Ipak, svega se nekoliko poredbenih studija dosad pozabavilo Melvilleom i Conradom zajedno, naročito onih koje analiziraju način na koji jezik i prostor mora figuriraju u književnom diskursu. Studija C. Casarina Modernity at Sea: Melville, Marx, Conrad in Crisis (2002.) se dosad najviše približila takvom pristupu, dok se među drugim relevantnim autorima drugačijih pristupa izdvajaju J. Guetti, The Limits of Metaphor: A Study of Melville, Conrad, and Faulkner (1967.); L. F. Seltzer, The Vision of Melville and Conrad: A Comparative Study (1970.); D. Simpson, Fetishism and Imagination: Dickens, Melville, Conrad (1980.); C. R. La Bossière, The Victorian Fol Sage: Comparative Readings on Carlyle, Emerson, Melville, and Conrad (1989.). 1 „Manjinska književnost“, littérature mineure, je pojam Deleuzea i Guattarija. S obzirom da uz dosadašnje
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