


BULLETIN, 1927,No. 13



'CHIEF . 4


[Advance sheett from theBiennial Survey of Eclucationin the United States, 19241926f


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or . I 111: .... , ...... , i 1 . .' . d .... F'L 1 i; 41 , A . v ,. , 6 ,, i L 41 SimuSzl... i ...A. br, . 1.11: . Is.% .. .. 1.. 1'. ..,.- . ...- " ; - ,.._j_kr,j2.t..--121.0.. kit Lij: 0:-.4 . .; , . t- t . . 4


'b Statistics of kindergartensand of elemezitary andhigh schools, supported by public fundsin the various States,aregiven'intfiis report.The major itemspresent,edincludetotalenrollments, high-schOol enrollments,averagedaily attendance- inall schools, number of teachers, number ofschool buildings, valueof school property, and expenditures.The dataarefor the schoolyear 1924-25, excepting fortwo states, Arizona and Wyoming, which amfor 1923-24.Data for private schoolsare notincludedbecause theyareincomplete. .Since 1925 marks .the closeof the firstquarterof the twentietji century, advantage is taken of theopportunityto review theprog- ressimadein that period and'to showafew of the trends. . Certain increases andimproementsover1924areworthy of notice.,Total enrollments increasedfrom 24,288,808to 24,650,291, while high-school enrollmentsincreased 'from3,389,878 .to 3,650,903. Average daily attendanceincreased from19,132,451 to 19,838,384, and number ofteachers from 761,308to 777,945.The number of school buildings decreased4,421, but the. value of sclloolproperty increased $507,548;186.Total expenditures increasedfrom $1,820,- 743,936 to $1,946,096,912. Theper centwhich the school population(those ofages 5 to 17 inclusive) is -of the totalpopulatipn has decreasedfrom31.3per cent in 1870 to 26.6 pet:cent in 1925, but theper centof population enrolled has increasedfrom 17.8per cent to 21.7 per cent in thesame time. . Since1 924 theper centwhich ,the number ofpupils enrolledin high schools is ofthe totel enrollment has increaseafrom14 pier cent to 14.8 per cent.Thepercentage of attendance _in all schools, in- creased from78.8 to 80.5.Length of session increased1.3 days, and average number of days attended by all childen enrolledincreased 4 days frAm41924to 1925.Salarks of teachersincreased$25per annum, andperpupil coit increased$2.93, making theamountper pupil-inaveragedaily attendince$98.10 in 1925. Reductionin amounts ofcurrent expenditures and outlaysare notedin,these States: Alpbama,California, Maine,Minnesota, e s 1

a 4 2 BIENNIAL S7RVEY OF EaUCATION, 1924-1926 . 1 Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota,Ohio,Oklahoiaa,and South Dakota.Reduction in enrollmentsarenoted in Alabama,Colorado, Georgia, Kansas, Montana, New Hampshire,New Mexico, North

Dakota, Texas, Vermont,Virginia, and West Virginia.Reduction- in high4choo1 enrollment is indicatedin Colorado, Maine, Michigan, North Dakota, South Dakota, Texas, andVermont, althoughthe increase in high-school enrollments for theenitedStates is 7.7per centoverthat for 1924.Thetwo-year increase from 1922to 1924 is 14per cent. TWENTY-F/VE YEARS OF PROGRESS

From 1900 to 1925 the populationof the United Statesincreased 50.11per cent.The birthrate has been falling off,sothat thepbpu- lation of schoolagehasnot keptpaçewith the generalpopulation. Thegroup5 to 17yearsofage,inclusive, has increased38.78per cent, while the 5 to 14age groupincreased 39.34per cent.Total enrollments in public schools have increased59per centduring the past quarter ofacentury.Thegreatest increase is in the high school, 603.11percent, while the elementary school enrollment hasincreased only 40.15per cent, anincrease slightly.greaterthan the increasein the schoolcensus.The 'Umber of pupilsinaveragedaily .attend- ancehas increased 86.58per centduring this period., and thenumber of teichers, 83.89percent. The number of school buildings has increasedonly 4.4,per cent since 1900.This low increase is due largelyto the fact thatmany one-roomsChoolbuildings have beenreplaced by union,consolidated, orcentralized schools,one newbuilding taking theplace of fouror five smaller buildings.The numbei ofone-roomschools is smaller by 37,175 thati itwasin 1918. Original costs generally determine thevalue of schoolproperties, sothat inflated values donot account forany partof the increase in value.The value in schoolproperty has increased 673.05per cent dining the past 25years.This Showá that largerand better buildings. must have replacedsmallerbuildings of lesser value... Other increasesareshown graphically in thefollowing diagrams and graphs: Fiiure 1. shows, byfive-year periods, increasesin the- annual salaries of teachers, superiTiscirs,and principals. Since the purchasingpowerof theadoIlar has fluctuatedmaterially during thisperiod,theseaveragesalariesaredeflated,oractjusted, by using the cost of living' index published"by the Bureauof Labor Statistics.The purchasingpowerof the 1613 dollaris taken a4a base.Fpr 1905 the index is estimatedto be 80per centof the 1 3 base.No index has been computedfor 1900y Previousto 1913tke

"1. , 4 I STATISTICS OF STATE SCHOOL SYSTEMS,1924-1925 . 3 ,dollar would buymoregoods thanit did in1913.Since the base year,the dollar has lostsomeof thepurchasingpowerthat it had in I 1913.In 1920asalary of$871 bought less goodsthan didasalary of $386 in 1905, thedifferenceamountingto 46 of the 1913dollars. In 1925 it took ahaveragesalary of$1,252 to purchaseas\muchas $726woulcihave purchasedin 1913.Both actualand adjusted figuresareshown the graph. Figure 2 shows the tiveragenumber, of daysthat schoolswerein session in'the UnitedStates foreach five-yearperiod from1900 to .. 11111111.1111111111111111MINIMIIREIPPRIMIOIRMIRIMINIIIIW AVERAGE ANNUAL SALARIESOF TEACHERS, SUPEROISORS,AND PRINCIPALS,ACTUAL AND . ADJUSTED, 1900-ISII?S w




IMO ;,

SIM 2443 .S41,5 .e0°. 4437.. SJOG 11.30 5325 .0 .1% /°°

/> L.

troo.g. 1900 1.909 1 *I 0 1916 1910 Ihas ACTUAL CEM3ADJUSTED

. . 1925or,in other words,the schoolopportunity for thosepf schoolage. The diagramshows also thenumber of daysactually used bythose enrolled andtheper centof the totalopp9rtunity usedby those enrolled.Length ofsession hasincreased17.53per cent&and the number of daysattenclexl bythose ,enrolled hasincreased3,7.88per cent during thewhole 25-yearperiod.Theaverage number of days of attendançoby those of schoolageincreased57.66per centduring this period.4n1900, public sChoolswere,in sessionfor 144.3 days. In1925, the length ofsession hadincreasedto 169.6 days.During the periodfrom 1900to 1925, theaveragenumber,of daysattended 3 by thoseenrolled increasedfrom 99to 136.5 days.Thepercentage GP 4 BIENNiALSURVEYOF EDUCATION, 1924-1926

1 of %attendance increased from 68.6to 80.5.During -this 25-year' period thepercentage of ,the session not use4 by those enrolled

decreased from 31.4to 19.5. . -! Figure 3 showspercapita costs- of public schoolsupOn thdbasis of total population from 1900to 1925.The totalamount e;xpended



, 16 9.6

411. 161.9 .9# 157.5 159.4

150.9 .` 144.3 E

A 138.S

I' 121.2 121.2 113.0 r 105.2 99.0 I.




. 5 684E4 69.754 72.4:4 76.0 74.97 80.516

1900 1905 1910 19 15 1920 1925 FIG.2. increased from $214,964,618 in1900 to $1,946,196,912 in 1925,an increase of 805.31per centduring the whole period.Thepercapita . of populationcostincreased.503.87per cent, orfrom $2.84 in 1900 to $17.15 in 1925.The dataareshown in Table 1. In Figure 4areshownpercapita cOstsuponthe basis of the number of pupils inaveragedaily attendance.These costaareadjusted to

1 STATISTICS OFSTATE SCHOOLSYSTEMS, 1924-1925 3. meet the change in the purchasingvalue of thi:,dollar, the1913aollar being takenasthe basis foradjustment. The1920percapitacost, although nearly twiceashighasthat in1910, NI?asnot sufficientto purchaseasmuch materialasthe 1910amount.







$6.63 SW'

$4.64 11)

t. 13;53 s.

V2.84 . .


.1 I

.1 1900 1905 1910., 1915 .1020 192$ FIG. 3. Agradual increasein actualpercápita Costsoccursfrom1900 to 1910, thena more rapid increase until 1922, after .whichthe' annual. increase drops off gradually until-1925.Thecurveshowing actual . costs has the appearance-ofreachingalimit in heightwithin the nexi


al fewyears.The actual and the adjustedvaluesaregiven in the follQwing table:

.1 Costsof public schoolsper capita ofaveragedaily attendance,

Actual t, 1 Year Adjusted Year ActualAdjusted coat cost cost cost

1900 $20. 21 1916,...... _.____$41. 72 $39. 49 1 1905 25. 40 $31. 75 1918 _ a. 49. 12 34, 49 ! 1910__ _--- 33. 23. 35. 73 1920 ...___ 64. 16 32. 19 1913:_ _,...... 38. 31 38. 31 1i.1922,-_ _ . 85. 76 49. 20

1914.. iM... .._ ! __ _ __-_. i39. 04 38. 12 1924 1 95. 17 54. 95 1915- 40. 43 39. 25 1925_:__ _ . . 98. 10 56. 87 -I


I SO is...... o . o .. % 70

I 60 . . 4 SO 1 40 1- .. 7 se' - - so° ftlip 1 41. 411.1 30 , al I. . 4


11 .. . 80 I 411

. '1900 ,190S 1910 19111 1990 . 1923



Twenty-three Stateshave already exceeded$100 in 1925, four I spendingmorethan $150perchild.Seven Statesarespending less than $50perpupil inaveragedaily attendance.Many 'citiesare spendingmorethan$130 annually for each pupil inaveraged-aily attendance forcurrentexpensesalone,::;;hileonespendsasmuchas $175perpupil.Theaverageof $98.10 for1925 is_typical of what- STATISTICS OF STATE SCHOOLSYSTEMS 1924-4925 1 7 . schools in the differentStates and localitiesare now spending pet pupil inaveragedaily attendance. . One elemint in theincreasingcost of !Abbe schools during tilepast 'sixyears is the resumption of buildingprogramsthatwerecurtailed during and just after the.warperiod.In 1920, outlaysrepresented 14.8per centof the totalexpenditures; in 1925they 'represent22.3." percent.The totalcost of outlays, sites, buildings,andcontents for 1925was'$433,584,559,or morethan 'fourtimes theamount spent-in 1915,$102,7,56,375, and neaily thsreetimes theamountfor',

1920, C53,542,852. . The rapid increasein the number ofhigh-school pupilsis another factor in increasingcosts.Thecost of educatingahighschool Pupil is generally fromtwo to.three timesasmuchasthecost of educaing

_ do ENROLLMENTSIN PUBLICHIGH SCHOOLS,I9I5-1923 _ 6 _ 3,000,000 _ . r

o o I . I

4,000,600 I I , Or Ill 011110 I


tfl us. 3 ,000,00 I I I -4, 4 I 4 2 _


a *a ,000.000 16- =11 .. 1 O - ,..


1 II o Loot000 ! 1 4 . a . 111 o _ _ _ ..._ A " A 1 A.. dr \ sols . 1916 1930 191/ 1913 1914 1lia . lias 198?

FAG. 6. anelementary gradepupil. In 1924 thecast *per pupil enrolled in . the high schoolswas$173.72 and in the elementarygrades$58.03. The publichigh school enrollmentdoesnotas yetshow.anysigns of slowing up. onthe rapid increaseit has been- makingformany , years past.The increase inhigh-school enrollmentin 1925over 1924 is264,025, and this isgreater than theaverageannuarincrkase from1922 to 1924, and morethan 52,000greater than the; annhal . ." increase for-. the past.10years.Again, the juniorhigh school isa rapidly growingorganization, andjunior highschoo14ministration costs morethan that forelementary schools. . Enrollments in publichigh schools from1915 to. 1925, anil the trends for 1926 and 1927areshown in Figure5.In 1915 the public. high schoolenrollmentwas 1,561,556, in 1916, 1,710,872; in1918, 1,933,821; in1920, 2,199,389; in1922, 2,873,009 in1924, 3,389,878; 45806°-27:---2 ut e 104.. - _-=71111- It - 8 BIENNIAL SURVEY OFEDUe-ATION,1924-1926 r and in 1925, 3,650,903. An estimate baseduponthese figures indicates that the high-school enrollment for 1925-26 will reach 4,000,000, and for1926-27,4,300,000.These figures donotinclude junior high school' pupils below the traditional ninth grade. The regular high-schosol enrollment in1900was8.47per centof 'thenumber of children in the United States ofages15, 16, 17, and 18. In1905-itwas10.12per cent;in 1910, 12.53percent; in 1915, 20.96 percent; in 1920, 28.94 per cent; and in 1925, 47.11per rent.The high-schoolerirollmentcan morethat; doubleand stillnotinclu'deall children of high-schoolage.It isnotlikely that this limit willever

be riached, but the break in' the increase in high-school enrollment. hasnot yet begun. SOME PROBLEMS OF SOHOOL SUPPORT States having Joyperpupil expenditure for schools generally haveahighpercentage ofchildren in the lotal population.South Carolina has 33.85per ,centof her population in theschool age's 5 to 17, inclusive, anda percapita expenditure for each pupil in averagedaily attendance of $46.68.For Mississippi theseamounts are33.01per centand $29.97; for North Carolina,32..78per centand $59.99; for Alabama, 32.77'perCent and $32.87; for Georgia,32.23 per centand $31.89; for Arkansas,32.17per centand $29.11; for . - Louisiana, 31.01per centand $61.98; and for Tennessee,30.28per cent and $37.73. A hie& percentage of childrenmeans alowper- . centage of adults to support-scheols.In the States mentioned abov'e, thepercentage 'of the populatioq 21yearsofageandover ranges from 46.33to 51-,96.Annualpercapita income in theseStattIcs range&from $346to $438.Per capita wealth ranges- from$1,216 ki $1,855.The avera¡epercapita income in the UnitedStates is $627, and theper,capita wealth is $2,918. . States havingafiighperpupil expenditure generallyhavealow,; percentage of children-of schoolage.In the District ofColumbia, only-17.71per centof the populationareof schoolage,and the expenditureperpupil inaveragedaily attendance is$148.98.-For California theseamountsare19.82percent and $164.p0; for Nevada,

. 19.92per centand $163.97; for New Yprk,22.74per centand $162.71;. for Washington, 22:80percentand4112.92; forOhio, 23.12per cent and $11Z31; for Michigan,23.77peer centand $138.96; and for New

Jersey,* 24.33per centand $154.62. :Theperceptage of the popula- I tion. 21yearsofageandpverin these Statesrangeskoln60.14 to 69.76per cent.Annualpercapita incomerangesfrom $690to $887. Per capita wWthtwingesfrom $2,883to $6,998 in these States. Inch-Wing pupils, teachers, andother school officers, and all others that put in full time in educationalwork of all kinds, arottimately, twopersons outofevery sevenin the United Statesareeligaged ins Ws. LENGTH OF SCH9OL all LIrc. ILLI TE RACY, PER ARRAYED ACCORDING CAPITA INCOME, AND PER CAPITAAVCALTH40, on ow .*Of STATES n Ro Ord 101,000IPER CAPI TA INCOWC 11?C.TCAR3 04$001.10.00 to LENGTH Of SCHOOL 'LIFE. ILL1TC11AnPtRC&N? 1 a KR ss000 WCALTh CAPITA 4" grcrz 'A' n* E. >a).-3 4 SO .00 O 10 4100 ocr.. g- m .1,co -3 ag:11 TOO 444 411 J 4.000 =°0..... gow0 vai0'V 41, t*4 410. 7.00 eio., 40. 41. 0 ie s.gr0 '0 a . 5. t. 400 GAO Nbe se . a.ss... . ag Fw1a g 4 zW a. 1coa 44 owe% ,t) 41& Nr r , 1.0**. ?-. Go gi . 4.001.00 a 1.1100 f". iattm01 o ;Tr'g r4i Are) p ow1 too 111111111/11111LT. STATL3 I.C.IGTOI Of SCI400t. 1. 'C. 4 SAN 0 limmommilmome46 LNGtN OP OCIf401. L am C AøAYtD. I 5181 a. .. at PER CeNT IN.LITERATC Pta ,pAPI TA ViCALTPI I 'ICONIC SWOOts ea). ' ! -01.- Put CAPITA ir1 G. G. 41"6 i 6 4"" - I 1 4 Is d lo 'BIENNIAL SURVEY OFEDUCATION, 1924-1926 , school graduation.At thepresent time theaveragelength of school life in the public schoolsof the United States isaboutseven years. Dataaregiven.in Table5 which show theaveragenumber ofyears of school life for eachState, theper centof illitqacy forthose of10 yearsofageandover as'determined by the CeAtisBureau, theper capita'income,aRd thepercapita wealth. In Figure6an attemptis _madeto show graOhically.how lengthof school life correlates withilliteracy,percapita income, andpercapita wealth in the varionsStates.The Statesarearrayed accordingto length of school life,that is, theaveragetptal attendancein public schools, measuredin 18Ndayyears,for eachpersonof schoolage. Thecurvesfor illiteracy,percapita income, and'percapita wealth aresmoothedto make the trends standoutmoreclearly.Names of Statesareomitied,but theymaybe identified from Table5. States with the -highestaveragelength of sOlool lifehave lowrates of illiteracy, highpercapita incomes, and highpercapita wealth. States with lowaveragelength ofschoc:1life have highrates of illiteracy, lowpercapita income, and lowpercapita wealth.While it is not contendedthat length of school lifecausesall the fluctuations in the other three factorsasshown in Table5, itCorrelatessowell with each of the three O that school attendanceseems tobea strong contributi9g factorto the welfare of the Nation. - 111



. s- 91. . . .



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rIVINNZIS co o-6 CID 12 JO F 1-8 Xamins `Norzironaa 9Z61-1PUI ct 2 7 8 5 6 5 1 2 9 4 8 7 3 7 9 83 15 10 26 - 1. 252 5. 14. 26. 21. 80. 16. 14. 78. 51. M.. 57. 109. 136. 113. , $1, 7 * $17. $98. 9 1925 2 4 8 8 2 9 2 1 7 3 8 2 8 3 2 6 16 26 80 2. 5- 10. 26. 20. 77. 74. 14. 13. $871 14. 94. 78. 59. 39. 161. 121. $9. 1 $64. principals. 1920 principals. 13,638 24,734 1 3 7 4 2 5 4 6 1 9 5 4 63 57 17 57 26 03 43 6. 2. 4. and 26. 76. and 19. 15. 60. $543 77. 25. 19. 74. 159. 121. . 7 $40. 1915 supervisors supervisors 1 4 1 1 2 1 8 4 6 9 56 49 83 24 64 23 113 5. 4 3. 9. 26. 72.1 $485 14. 21. 16. 72. b9. 21. 19. 157.5 73. $4. 7 6,583 7,809 $33. 187d-1925-Continuéd 1910 , plus plus 1 4 7 2 9 7 4 3 6 8 3 9 8 94 35 74 24 53 40 4. 4. 28. 69. 14. $386 11. 19. 19. 16. 09. 60. 19. 70. 105. 150. positions positions $3. combined, 7 $25. 1905 , . ' --. 3 3 6 teaching teaching 3 8 2 9 5 2 5 6 schools 51 43 99 14 68 64 84 21 3. 4. of of 28. 17. 68. $325 71. 19. 10. 29. 16. 20. 72. 464. $2. 7 $20. . 1900 . * ' , number number 9 5 5 5 6 9 6 4 secondary 3 7 8 7 5 2 t4 69 55 437 41 2. 4. 8. 28. 19. $286 93. 32. 16. 66. 18. 67. 13. 64. from from 2o. 71. 139. $2. .7 $18. and 1896 * - ' - r . I . , ' 6 1 6 7 2 3 5 4 4 4 3 6 9 8 32 61 16 24 23 Computed Computed 1. 5. 8. 29. 64. I 86. $252 59. 18. 34. 18. 67. 65. 12. 134. M. 68. $2. 7 $17. 1890 elementary of " 1 1 1 3 3 1 8 6 7 50 67 71 56 1. 9. 30. 62. 53. 81. 42. $195 71. 19. 65. 130. $1. 7 $12. 1880 summarv positions. 3 2 3 2 7 7 4 7 8 average. 57 82 55 64 1. fft 31. 50. 78. $189 44. 59. 3& 11. 17. 132 $1. 7 ' this $15. 1870 - - in teaching of , _I _ by 1.-StatistiU - age (in- to- total day inChmked - aver- of popu- number schools of attend- % age in teachers not of enrolled._ per from- attended is . of (cents)__ lands school th9 all attended . years TABLE from devoted of statistics pupil . * and taxes days States capita high enrolled years 5-17 days etc days * derived of per in per . of of - population local Items teachers population 6-17 salaries attending funds ezpenditure Computed Several purposes sources enrolled_ Derivative enrolled . I I and children children pupils total revenue day_ expenditures child scission pupil buildings, taxes number of of school of of number total number ormen of annual of other other in pupil expenditure each exptmditure attendance each each cent cent cent cent cent cent cent Permanent - State All Salaries cent Sites, County All . (inclusive) population ing were by each clusive) age lation for . - - . Per Per Per - Per Per Average Average Average , Average Per Per . Per - Total' Total Average . . ' .:- . _ '- .- .. .: . . * . .... : .? . -I . : - :. : - .. ; e: - - - . - :T. . ::., ,.. -. , t-- i'-: `n ;.-1" .:...' f'... {...... t.' A-7 - -a, .... ''',, '': -. - :( . ".. ,... - - ..;: ,H.-. :.:".--z: . . . -*: T. .... ';'A'"' kt. r:4-- -.:".:: . J. -. ¡...e.7.... Pf-7:.z.s...: ;:-: r.-,'-.."7.;.: P,;,-.::,- iVit..»,1,-, a.i.--;-,. l',0:?* .'',.., '' - 'r i.;--:-...... -- .t '-1-"-- i..-'::;:::: .':.'-.-: .,:,7::-'-z"." .v:::::-..,-,. Ig- rf: '*' FL.' IP (- F i FABLE 2. Distribution grades, in public schools I of pupils by 1 3 only, partly estimated . Pupils 1914 1915 1916 1917 1 1918 1919 1920 1921 3 a - 1922 1923 1924' 1925 NumberTotal enrollment_ in and high schools elementary 18,19, 762,153, 643786 19, 295,704, 126209 20,19, 351, 917, 687 685 - 20,20, 602, 602 451, 370 - 20, 853, 516 298, 386 20,21, 398, 215, 996 916 20,21, 612, 578, 917 316 21,22,408,772 364, 532 22,23,239,277 116, 146 24 764, 017 7 10 24, 238, 808 I 24, 650, nI -3ON Inin elementaryhigh schools' schools_ 17, 330, 5181, 432 095 17, 733, 5701, 561, 556 18, 206, 7931, 710, 872 18, 256, 4781, 794, 892 . 18, 354, 5651, 933, 821 . 18, 393, 7122, 005, 284 18, 481, 2622, 131, 65.5 18, 935, 9152,428, 617 19, 39CÇ3672,725,579 .19, 640,22, 827541, 6532, 900, 826 10 23,19, 067, 891, 161 0873, 176, 074 10 10 23,20, 522,081 158, 5663, 363, 515 *. -*: , " - Pe; cent in each . FirstSecond_ grade: 23.14. 0 4 22.14. 8 3 22.14. 6 2- 23.014. 1 23.14. 4 1 23.14. 1 0 22.14. 9 0 21.14. 9 2 21.14. 1 4 21114. 9 1 20. 6 19. 9 - . - FourthThirdFifth__ 11.13.13. 4 2 7 11.13.13. 42 6 11.13.13. 42 6 : 11.13.13. 5 2 6 11.13.13. 52 7 13. 4 13. 2 13. 2 5 12.913. 7 13. 8 13.13.13. 3 8 9 13.13. 42 7 4710 - . SeventhSixth 9.7. 6 9 &9. 0 7 aa 1 s 8.9. 9 1 &9. 0 9 10.11. 50 & 2 10.la11. 40 8. 4 10.11. 2 5 8. 6 10.11. 4 5 8. 8 10.la11. 41 8 8. 9 10.12. 5 0 9. 1 10.12. 73 0 . Eighth high school: 8. 8 7. 0 7. 1 6. 6 6. 2 6. 4 6. 6 & 9 7. 2 7. 0 6. 8 7.9. 3 5 1-3 -Per tent in ThirdSecondnot year year year 26.40:18. 8 6 40.26.18. 9 7 4 26.40.18. 95 b M41.18. 54 1 28.242.17. 2 7 26.41.17. 29 8 26.41.18. 17 0 26.42.18. 70 0 , 27.42.17. 32 9 40.27.18. 6 2 6 39.27.19. 2 1 2 M.39. 60 Number in each grade: Fourth irst pearl g86 026 13. 8 4,043, 254 14. 0 4. . 114,-735 14. 1 4, 197, 874 14. 0 4, 281, 013 13. 9 4, 253, 355 14. 1 49 2.25, 697 14. 2 13. 3 12. 6 I 13.6 14. 5 14.19. 8 6 CA Second_ 2, 495, 599 900 11 2, 585, 365 2, 583, 845 Z 58Z 325 - '- Z 580, 9G03 Z 579, 666 4,2, 154, 682, 921 768 .2, 785,4, 084, 870 145 'I. 2,4, 772, 093, 496 964 4,2, 103, 759, 782 123 4, 000, 836 o FourthThird 2, 287,374, 632285 Z 340, 831 411, 766 47 124 2, 41%487, 829 194 11 2,Z 49%417, 534090 Z2, 458, 4711 703 158 Z2, 500,442, 316782 qc 2,21549, 501, 711468 2, 503,656, 105154 2,2, 679, 696, 826 963 2,2, 656, 741, 548 771 2,664,6492,698,0742,766,487 - extt-4 , Sevanth.8ixth.Fifth. 1,1,663,Z331, 369, 975, 113 683 2,1, 021, 720, 627 156 414 686 2,1, 1,075, 474, 784, 574 750 266 2,1, 00f,471,802, 507800 471 2,1, 1,107, 468, 368 263 too, 93.5 u 1M4,Z1, 106, 512, 943552 732 2,1, 105, 848, 736 952 557_ 201 11 2, 1,17Z1, 930, 631, 423 649 028 2, 1,012,239, 704, 346110 855 29646,2, 316,395 033 2,2, 393, 681 079, no124 ' 2,2,484,824 160, 450 0741 Number in Eighth_ high school:______1, 178, 477 1, 241, 350 1, 292, 682 211, 158 1, 129, 634. 1, 175, 273 ul 1, 220, 912 ) 1,312,947 1, 404, 982 1, 375,757, 490 ea0 1,11810, 346, 338 1,1, 468, 94V, 661 106 ' , SecondFirst year year 3E3,584, 801 295 416,638, 677935 400,692, 9CG 225 476,743, 406 064 492,793, 588224 840,525, 602 299 887, 980 1, 019, 686 1 151 392 1, 178, 638 . 1, 244, 601 1, 312, 222 .' e, . ______. 558, 010 649, 745 u 788, 218 11 86Z 038 893, 660 :yt $. -7* - .ThirdFourth year year 197,266,370 629 218,287, 618326 241,316, 511233 . 251,VA, 163259 261,331, 285 815 281,357, 843540 301,383, 795 870 322,436, 716 470 741-,11-9 343,4891070 638 393,540, 917 053 459,61 156 279 11 497659, 983 650 co - . e *- aI Estimated from 19161918 and and 1918. 1920. ' / Not including 009,650 kindergarten pupils and 611,968 undbtributed. . *. - - I Estimated fromfrom 1920 1222 i1/4ndand 1922. 1924. education of the several EnrollmentNot including dace 1918 509,684 kindergarten pupils and States; enrollment for reported to the Bureau of Educaticm 1915, 1916, and 1918 526,526 undistributed. by the departments f i-2- ate -high-school, e NotExcluding kindergarten pupils, and including 129,235 and postgraduate elementary pupils. kindergarten pupils and excluding since 1918 junior 593,846 undistributed. college, poetgrado- . ment reported to the bureau l11 TotalsThe class from Table 29. beginning in 1914. by the sever& high schools. computed from enroll- 7-.71 " t-.V.F.._:' . A s 1 gLE 'El, 806 'El , irtl '14 90CZLO81111,M4/0991 '9ZE '91 `6L9 8969/0tt, '191 TCEVC nEtL9680 '8 'LE Vti: 1 682.E9LE6E91t `8St '98'II ESP/66fitt 'I'94P 9EE96E '9 Li 'Et t SU6tLBit "Z9 t6S'fiL ¿WOE9E116ZLZO '06Z '9 '6E I MI 'Of 7.668LZt 19 `ZOE alicisdurvn ooTtaK,stagSnor maNrtaN toC1 LSZOttL./.9 42EL 'LZ9 '911 EMIZS1L6E pn't.st/EE sin 'Lae i Z6ISD8tyt9I '89E VC Wil1ZZ '0O TOI c svsOsVIT 'isIEZIZE I 999itteZES 'IC'6 '92 89E6,0En 'ZE9 '96'19Z TI LZ1. 66zi '91, /LI918 '61, 'LEI e -IxsuageN spimaN co11as Z9Z4t1.89968E6 'LW, '01 9 ILtICSIPtEI '99E 'Ea ZVZ8t9US601 'ZLZ'icZtt8E ta we88COtL VET `12'L8 99S979 1E619160481'99 'Li sos£18ZEL6t9 sa9 '6E t 88t899LIS '8St 1369 ALIESLLSOns '9ZZ 'ESEVIE 'LIE t VOL060091, 'LIZ19E '9IE t "In09011IIIOrsSisSi liInnuow t-OZ .4 912autE9999 '09z `9L9'LOP 'Lti /91gs9OtO96/.. ISZ 'EL 'wein I 89t009ZS'OL6 'I6Z'661 't/ 'ICI 0660909E9 tvo 'LZ 'OC ZI91069CEE69 491 'EL'PI 610EPO'6IZie '61 t `Z I SEZ61090SKTt/g TEST90- 'OMVI'ZI9 998CIOZOI091'Oh '09Z TRI '66Z VS 6LEGOOZORZEO 'ORI Vz'19 'ElE en MIcrultgpiw qpiesssw wimp/ Og44 OCVEK96,409/LI95C 7:09 ta 'T 00Et98at92t '999'WC '6oz'LIE OCTZE999ED6 4889 'Et;PgaIn 6SVEZ661,So IsTII I 06ZLS99tt VII T9'Pt `L9 Z6EZOZ916600 VI '09 'St1'Ot 81./.saLC9CM '601 '819 '1 'SCE 2,0z68OW `61zItpz4991 OEt6t*EE6 't9Z'6tZ tu -vawnoliirmaeg OA1E4F40 , 082901TIEL8I `88ZVOL 'LI I ELELg8919ID 49,1VE 'we 'LS /X969t g L 'eig'at'I tI 99999L iso'9O`Z9 "a 6E6/9ZVZS T1 tE LZL88t997 'OE'01'ZI nitTar901'96 419Z ti.9 901L02.906010 'ILT '61 tEI'al ZEL61/00C8EL 'I '61P'ZLg IE ;11p. 6EL 406Z 'isc W9909 '61 'Di 9E19911E9 tS1 '61VE t 696MtNS "'LI 'It '9 8L9668110 '61 '9`E 99S6016E '9 t tz OLL9R9 'ICZ 69 tE . 6Rt896 '91 '6Z 'VZI 296gn2,Z9 sal '6U ttlgrunto3 Jo 1113j10611110j -0/811111jaa -vpproulaglfila a2O o86VCEauetZ499t 102 '190 'I 99ZIII21899z `9C'ESC 'ICS Tzr 998990Zglir6tg8/6 `LC'ISZ UT ZZO61818U9 1 '6TE 'LK'OP 0E9E906Z91691 '91 'ILI1Z 68,99LOttTEE '9I '61'ELI 't gOZ99CII6 41!., TELtoz 8Z91039EL 'LSE'10I SESLLSL606zs tor `9LE -1111110n1133 SISSUVIIIV001.10103. Z 16Z1E/ 4099 '009 OIE4I9ZZIZ69 'ZOE 6E1 410Z E06Ztt '099 '17 t 9S8VIZ 1106'RZ I 861 `EZ ttl 'I RRE68Z89619 '666'61S 'Og SE'S41tv.CZ, 'PLZ 'IC Mg 1M'919 'Pa '0I saris pawl a pl1tuarmu03 ggilleqUty- 81:11)7Pir PI re101, glITO slog gli10 sdoa t . siCog 11310,1, 93'--P361 '(gaivis viidnd Arepaciagg unlyn Ramondnp 5ultpnpx3) gildnd ørnB2JpuJ panolua spdnd *C t1.40 pav Lnrwatnem alavI 2228 .30 77) b-5 1-3 064

SOLLEILLVIS Pao t4 ri2 .513 48 118 722 834 247 748 189 409 596 286 444 321 278 096 079 823 603 7848 515615 588 710 044 181 366 4, 2, 1, 3, 04, 173.116 241, 55, 655, 179, 132, 809, 830. 955. 163, 480, 136, a 659, oit, 554, 323, 392, 8°511, 130, 23M20 1, 1, 1, 1, . 1. 135 254 729 938 054 483 834 167 232 887 632 509 440 752 454 069 388 329 103 957 254 253 788 697 310 357 550 schools. 1, 2, 2, 85, 1, 88, 85, 80, 66, 31, 25, 26, 406. 610, 324, 958, 904, 24S, 329, 501. 194, 159, 280, 3co, 103, 471, part-time .0111 178 580 593 993 983 726 177 914 709 654 277 812 838 344 534 457 519 62.5 791 in 003 818 334 457 25(3 056 703 831 1, 2, 2, 1, 87, 90, 67, 82, 69, 32, 25, 403, 28, 630, 996, 330, 925, 231, 515, 330, 198, 164, 273, 298, 126, 659, girls 37,077 55 872 302 308 856 879 09 419 804 537 791 070 767 760 419 394 914 335 424 252 634 531 802 381 877 686 and 8, 11, 23, 80, 3, 36, 15, 7, 29, 50, 24, 10, 26, 54, 65, 32, 310, 220, 40. 243, 3 172. 174, 3 boys 43,933 19 426 757 289 265 095 124 25 296 667 112 626 480 200 183 306 407 034 205 732 752 272 197 222 984 784 1924. 7, 5, Li, 4, 1, 22, 44, 19, 3, 16, 1.4, 13, ZS. 93, 31, 17, 34, 156, 94, 113, 3 13, 3 I 128, for including Figures 446 545 591 784 123 38 019 44 680 'sot 403 591 113 911 287 048 360 130 882 692 069 159 259 818 680 902 7. 5.507 3. 1K, 10, 1, 36, 17, 3, 12. 10, 13, 22, 14. 79, 23. 31. 80, 1M, 107, 3 115, 77, 3 3 860 M2 808 262 368 770 944 339 182 059 495 561 677 114 KM 685 264 399 596 515 635 207 655 242 112 489 434 1, 1 4, 2, 3, 53, 43, 149, 6-14. 768, 51, 574. 14Z 117, 020, 5b6, 138, 451. 109, 608. 844. 499, 258, 360, 427, 222, 3 1, 3 1, 1, 1.089, grade. 303 497 049 870 559 167 710 565 2131 432 687 134 146 397 345 420 864 634 205 831 113 097 234 t112 804 573 525 1, 1, 2. 72, 1, 09, 57, 661 53, 26, 21, 802. 383, 496, 24, 28(1, 776, 99, 232, I 300. 408, 249, 124. 176, secondary 209, I 458, s of 647 159 035 809 392 603 774 schools 234 798 164 063 725 990 837 265 450 404 765 909 175 804 818 421 438 376 861 587 1, 1, 77, 2, 1, 73, 59, 72, 56, 26, 21, 842. 385, 523, 293, 26, 810, 218, s 307, 436. 133, 250, pa, 218, 122, 031, 3 vocational and normal States local in United estimated. the pupils of a parts . Includes Distribution 4 s 3 Islands 3 Samoa Outlying Island Dakota Carolina Carolina Dakota Islands York Zone Virginia_ Rico New Ohio_ Oklahoma_ North North Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode South South Texas Utah Tennessee Vermont Washington West Wisconsin Wyoming Alaska American Canal Philippine Guam Porto Hawaii Virgin u I 1 oi en ó aa-11 C0 :Ate -N


L4 TABLE 4 .-Pupas enrolledin public elementary andsecondary schoolsat different per1od8.---PARTI

State 1870-71 I 1879-80 1889-901899-1900 1909-10 1910-11 I 1911-12 1912-13 4 , I 3 2 4 7 8

Continental U. S 7,561,5829, 867, 505,12, 722, 58115,503, 11017, 813, 852.18,035, 11818,182, 93718, 609, 040 Alabama 141, 312 179, 490 301, 615 376, 423 424, 611 434, 748 429, 72% 433, 195 Arizona 4, 21 0 7, : 16, 504 31, 312 31, 31 33, 310 35, 100 Arkansas 119,927 81, th 223, 071 314, 662 395, 978-404. 7 409, 740 429, 462 California 91,332 158, 7651 221, 756 2(4), 368, 391 384, 911 414, 078 446,916 Colorado 4, 35 22, 65, 490 117, 5. 168, 798 173,229 177, 428 177, us Connecticut 113,588, 119, 894 126, 505i 1M, 190, 353 193, 055 197, 852 206,914 Delaware ...... 20, 0,58 27, R23 31, 434 30, 35, 950 .35, 9501. 35, 9Cf4 35, 953 Dist. Columbia . 15,15 26, 36, 908 . 46,51 55, 774 56, 784 57, 781 58, 151 Florida 14. 000 39, 315 92, 472 208, 874 148, 089 149, 651 157, 161 164, 727 Georgia 49, 5 23(1, 533 381, 297 482, 673 555, 794 565, 078 571, 230 will, 808 Idaho 5, R34 906 14, 311 .36, ! 76, 168 79, 126 84, 902 88, 860 Illinois 072,d 704, 041 778, 319 958, 9111, 002, 6871,007, 894 987, 3791,010,215 Indiana 4.50, 05 511, 512, 95, -564, 807 531, 459 531, 459 532, 821 537, 5C0 I - Iowa 341, ! 4.* 426, 057 493,air 566 510, 661 Kansas 492, 778 507, 109 488,171 89,77t 231, 434 399,3221 389,I: 398, 746 398, 749 395, 064 393,992

r776, J. Kentucky 178, 4. 399,6601 tall 294 494, 863 5M1,022, 513, 118 f32, 196 Louisiana 57,639 77, 642 120, 2. 196, 1 i 263,617 278, 355 287, 988 293, 522 Maine 152, II 149, 139.-67f 130. 91 144, 278, 144, 582 139, 957 139, 944 Maryland. 115, 683 162, 431 184, 251 222, 3 238, 393 237, 119 228, 425 237, 835 Massachusetts 273, 661 . 306. 777 371, 4 474, 891 535, 869 538, 845 646, 914 557, 211 Michigan . 292, 4 362, 556 427, 032 504, 985 541, 501 545, 279 555, 137 572, 2M Minnesota...... 113, 983 1 80, 248 280, 960 399, 207 440, Oft3 443, 792 446, OKI 448, 857 M ppi. 117, 000 236, 654 334, 158.386, f037 469, 137 469, 137 492, 756 492, 756 Missouri 330, 07 4 82, 986 620, 314 719, 817 707, 031 696, 893 687, 93) 690, 4g4 Montana 1, 657 4, 27 16, 980 39, 430 66, 141 63, 2:b5 70, 06Si 75, 806 ... Nebraska 23, 265 92, 54 3403001 288, 227 1281, 375 282,753 285,2201 283, 848 Nevada 3, 1 9, 045 7, 3 87 ft, 67 110, 200 10, 200 11, 098 11, 098 . . New Hampshire 71, 957 M, 341 59, 813 65, 63,9721 62, 294 63, 186N63,004 New Jer3ey... , . 109, 4. 204, 961 Z34. 072 322, 575 429, 797 442, 958 459, 189 478, 935 New Mexico 1, 3 .1 4, 255 18, 215 36, 735 56, 304 57, 430 61, 027 64, 577

New York 1,028, 11 1, all, 5931, 042, 1 1, 209, 5741, 422, 9691, 4361 5801, 457, 3911, 485, 706 North Carolina. 115, 000 2.52, 612 322, 533 400, 452 520, 404 528, 413 525, 507 599, 647 North Dakota 1, 660 . 13, 718 . 35, 543 77, 686 139, 802 136, 668 139, 361 142, 434 Ohio 719, 3 72 729, 4 797, 489 829, 160 838, 080 892, 875 853, 002 87D, 612 Oklahoma 99,602 421, 399 443, 227 449, 027 469, 809

Oregon 21, 000 37, 533 63, 2M 89, 405 118, 412 11 8, 41 2 139, 520 145, 488 Pennsylvania 834, 614 937, 3101, 020, 1, 151,: 1,282,9651, 286, 2731,322, 2541, 343, 055 Rhode Island 34, 000 40, 604 52, 774 87, 231 80, 061 84, 037 81,799 84,327 South Carolina 611, 056 134, 0" 201. 260 281, 891 340, 415 354, 270 331, 587 361,161 South Dakota (I) (I) 78, 043 98, 822 126, 253 130, 297 132, 764 132, 764

.Tennessee 140, 000 300, 217 447, ! 485, 354 521, 753 529, 669 539, 911 544,017 Texas 63, 504 220, 000 466, 87 659, 598 821, 631 824, 686 Utah 1 830, 642 830, 642 16, 992 24, 326 37, 27 1 73, 04 91, 611 91, 532 Vermont 92, 129 94,743 65, 384 75, 328 65, r' 65, 964 66, 615 68, 831 64, 518 64, VS Virginia 131, 0 220, 73 342, 269 310, h9.5 402, 109 409, 397 409, 825 427, 937 Washington...... 5, 000 14, 780 55, 964 115, 104 West Virginia 21 5, 688 220, 461 224, 410 229, 993 ..... 76, 999 142, & . 193. 064 232, 3 43 276, 458 275, 252 284, 757 289, 951 Wisconsin 265, 285 299, 457 351, 723 445, 142 464, 311 460, 794 4,38, 460 424, 718 Wyoming 450 2, 907 7, 052 14, 512 24, 584 26, 040 26, 27, 536

I Estimated. I Included in North Dakota,

41. j,!.!.4.-0*. . :-. ;14 1.1. ..; . STATISTICS OF STATESCHOOL SYSTEMS,1924-1925 17 , TABLE Pupils enrolled inpublicelementary andsecondary schoolsatdifferent periods-PART I I 1

. State 1913-14 1914-15I1915-16 1917-18 191%-20 1921-22 1923-24 1924-23

I 14 11 1 11 1$ 14 li 14 17

Continental U. S19, 153, 786 19, 704, 209 20, 351,418720, M. 51.21, 578, 31623, 239, 22724, 288, 80824, 650, 291

Alabama 1 473, 1 465, 608 514, 601 573. 7, 941 Arizona. .. 569, 592 610 001, 17. NO, 731 . - 44, 303 43, 316 51, 077 67, 9 76, 06, 290 439, Se 73, ':1 73, MO Arkansas_ 624 447, 726 447, na 461, MI 483, 1 SOO, 8M 501, 7.: 504, 324 California 480, Ile 508, 590 539, 688 602, 7 : 896,238l 838, 7731,02Z 1'11, 081, 729 Colorado 178, 3!, 191, 611 184, 471 200, 7.% 220, 232 240,T721 247, 1' 246, 243 - Connecticut,...... 211, 97 218, 459 234, 609 243, :.:1 261, 463 283, 7 s 288, 927 293, 739 Delaware 35, I I 43, 213 45, 327 37, 1 38, 483 39, 142 39, 037 District of Columbia_ M. 563 57, 533 X 5 50, 526 61, N 65, 296 69, 641 72,015 72, 313 Florida. 177. 154 177, 154 198, 365 . 196,I, 224 1 237, 770 266, 31: 288, 105 Georgia 615, 044 624 854 667, 635, 679, 661 690, 91 730, 873 747, 2131 705, 586 Idaho 92, 43 90, 367 95, 772 104, 115, 192 110,164 116, ' Illinois I, 043, 41 1, 064, 221 117, 187 1, 084, 6401, OM 3911, 127,56011, 249,1.1,316,: Indiana MA, 4' 552, 927 564, 252 84. 1.v. 1, 34 430 Iowa 5M, .:** 501, .41 623,.. 642, 496 517. ! 522, 423 5 579 530, 37 M4, 521 543, 430 533,'' Kansas 392, 662 392, 385 1302, 777 40Z 860 405, 31 406, *.: 1 415, 1:0 424, 501 423, 398 Kentucky 532, 196 50R, 261 537, 008 t 5.11, 35. 535,.s -NM,31 867 Louisiana 784. 136 876, 225 304, 47 3 320. 300 325. 571 354, ' 390, 324 390, 407, 634 Maine__:...... _ 144, 6.-1 147, 686 149, 149 140, 774 137, 681 147, 1i 147, 1 147, 8811 Maryland...,..._._ _ _ 245, 258 257. 7117 243, 077 235,.': 241, 61' 250, 328 256, 302 3O, 769 Massachusetts .576, 511 .591, 582 . 604, 073 630, 8 623,: 698, 268 737, 57 747, 938 Michigan_ ...... 572. 201 MR, 159 620, 861 655, 941 691, 674 707,645i 818, 721 844, 262 M i nmsota1...... 457, 011 4a6, ono 481, 583 488, 3= 501 597 ,531,i , ' 544, 44 MI 914 Mississippi. 492 758 492, 756 492, 756 i M issouri 540, 756 I 412, i 560, : Ism 971 627, 2,IS7 70N 364 711, 355 721. 7n, 664, 412 672, 483 736, .v.i.i nes 814 Mo n tans 85, 782 94, 591 735, 589 , up, 768, 122 124 6 1W, !P'' 117, 793 116, 577 . - Nebraska 287, 566 289, 326 292, 725 300, 011 311, 821 3210. 128 828, 306 Nevada..... _...... 11, 710 12, 611 326, 13, 356 , 14, 51 14, 114 .-,14, 4 I 15, 970 16, on New Hampshire. _... 63, CO4 75, 849 67, 441 64, (r21 64,1, 67, 394 74, 354 74, 118 New Jersey____._ . _ . 495, K99 519, 880 540, 287 562, 3W 594, 780 New Mexico 628, 689 664, 496 ,079, 165 .... _ _ _ .. 67, 147 78, 803 77, 0112 85, 677 81399 80, ..,, ! I 88,4 87, 283 New York 1, M2, 1511, 579. 0401, RA 777 North Carolina.. ... _ 1, 666, 5891, 719, 8411, 821, 1 1,9s2, 6511, 955, 722 599, 617 606, 350 649, 246 634, 2. (91, 24' 753, 698 793,046 North Dakota 148, 021 151, 647 809, 34 151, 647 168, 034 168, 283 173. 238 174, 797 173, 116 Ohio. 895, 167 930, 783 905, 071 951, i1 1, 020, 6431, 120, 2931, 200, 1171, 241, 118 Oklahoma_ 496, 908 495, 722 515, 493 551, 385 589,.:0 637, ! 64 7Q0 655, 247 Oregon - 133, 819 141, 799 142, 3M 145, 891 151, 1-:I 164, t 175, 51 179, 189 Pennsylvania 1, 401, 3251, 461,4071, 504, 794 Rhode Island 1, 514, 9841, 610, 4 591, 709, 6771, 803, 16311, 830, 748 86, 50.5 87, 064 89, 879 91, 864 93, 801 101, South Carolina 378, 669 J0S,9O$ 132, 409 372, 641 415, 766 394, 467 478, 04, 479, 309 467, 42. South Dakota 130, 812 480, 596 130, 842 134, 136 138, 144 955 157, 483 162, 588 163, 286 Tennessee . 593, 437 586, 186 610, 23, 591, 346 619, 852 642, 126 657, 234 US, 444 Texas_ ___ ...... _ _ __ 830, 642 950, 0001, 017, 0831, OK ' '-'1, 035, 648,1, 166, M21, 194, 655 Utah 96, 678 1, 017, 321 HA 037 10K 359 110, 193 117, 406 123, 427 130, 322 Vermont_ 136, 278 ...... 65, 137' 65,, 730 65, 380 6Z 04. 61, 7&5 63, ; 64, 113 . 64, 0i16 Virginia 427, 937 474, 210 486, 134 481, 1' 505, 190 546,1 , 566,078 554, 079 _ Wrishington _ 238, fi83 240, 521 245, 419 262, :,' 291, 053 301, MO 316e8901 328, 603 Wmt Virginia 299, 135 290, 575 313, 8T3 317, 144 346,258. 3KI, 391 .399, 41 392, 8Z1 W Essen nsin 440, la3 453, 023 4M, 1 W yoming 449, 403 465, 243 500, '< ms, 75.5 601, 848 ..,. 29, 301 30, 813 32 630 . 38, 271 43, 11 *.47, ' :.: - 51,i 51, 748 1:1"-a----1., Outlying parts .4 ... Alaska 3, 163 Amer. Samoa 3, 341 3,ii 3. 97 4, 166 Canal Zone , , 1, 494 1, 515 2, 14' . 2, 774 3,:. Guam 3, 706 4,0051 55, 044 Hawaii i , 2, 376 2,-654 4, 588 32, 228 31,967 41, 3 I 44, 256 50, 914 2, 710 Philippine Islands.. 662, 287 671, 398 935, 6781, 077, 3421, 132, 7191, 130, 366 Porto Rico Ç. J49, 986 Virgin Islands. 141, 589 180, 458 214, 387 213,0201 230, 120 3, 112, 3, 112 3, 151

I Figuresfor 1919. .18 . /HENN=SURVEY OP!EDUCATION, 1924-1926 TABLE b. Population, schoolcensus, rates of illaeracy,per capitaincome,and per capita wealth by States

- -, - .Total esti- AveragePer cent mated Population number! illiterate Per Per State 6-17years Population, ofyears 10 yeara capita capita (inclusive) ; .* 1925 of school of age Income wealth life andover

1 . 11 3 I $ 7

ContinentalUnited States 113, 493, 720 29, 704 264 & 92 WM 3627 3203 Alabaina. .., 2, 467, 190 820, 426 4.05- l& 07 Arizona 407, 702 346 1. 244 107, 828 t 94 15. 32 Arkansas 1, 852, 905 664 3, 511 002 973 463 9. 35 379 California 4, 021, 320 1, 439 802;042 7. 42 & 83 814 Colorado 1, 019, 286 257, 252 4, 007 & 89 3. 24 639 3, 3113 . . Connecticut....4...? 1, 531. 355 364 077 & 84 & 111 717 Delaware 234, 720 3. 610 . &3, 918 7. 42 792 District of Columbia. 497, 906 & 87 2. 744 Florida_ 84, 004 IL 08 2. 79 884 3,8n 1. 090, 7M 304,726 Georgia &26 9.M 420 2 341 & 053, MO 989, 976 4. 84 l& 29 804 1, 303 Idaho , 491 071 . 141, 758 & 08 Illinois. et. alt 950 1. M 720 3, 301 1, 665, 161 R. 36 & 36 765 Indiana 3. 060, 416 & 295 lowa_ 774. 787 7. 31 . 2.21 561 2 DU 7, 5as. 509 1105, IMO- R. 68 1. 08 706 4, 274 Kansm e l BMCI 472, OM 7. 74 1. 63 6D2 3, 492 Kentucky 2, 438, 4Z1 Louisiana 710, OM 4. 35 R. 44 302 1, 439 1, 879, 024 579, 544 & 07 Maine nz 541 21. 89 429 1. &ki Is& 383 1k 78 3. 24 SKI Maryland_ 1, 637, 085 Z 586 373, 454 7. 00 & 56 690 Massachusetts 4, 127, 653 95, 170 Z 065 I 08 4. n 788 3, 243 24 Michigan 4 4, 104. OS 974, 180 7. 79 3. 04 704 Minnesota 2, 5631 660 641, Ka 2,383' 7. 45 1. 84 638 3,-443 Mistimiurfpl 1, 790, 618 694, 598 M 4. 22 , 17. 16 351 1,21$ a,466, 781 , 859, 074 \ Montana 7, 58 3. 05 535 2,91X 646, 806 169, 304- . 7. M 1 26 512 3491 . . Nibraska 1, 355, 371 34 285 Nevada 7. 66 1. 36 702 4. COI _i77 407 16, 543 New Hampshire 7. 64 & 95 MO ei, 998 out 171 102 175 & 51 4. 3A New Jersey 3, 504 428 V7 3,074 868, 166 & M S. 12 MR 3, 524 New Mexico 379, 074 115, 417 & 83 1& 56 408 2, 299 New York .1) 11, 105, 625 2, 525, 793 8. 59 & 06 North Carolina 2, 750, 014 774 7, 471 ; 9I2 400 & 10 13. 10 38.1 North Dakota.- 686, 424 1, 703 Ohio 219, 437 7. 66 2 11 514 3, en ... 6, 321, &19 1, 447. 737 Oklahcima 7. 87 1 83 685 3, 015 2, 234 536 708, 777 & 69 & 76 E34 1, 8M Orteoli . 846, 061 197, 683 8. 56 1. 46 Pennsylvania 9,317,647 711 4, 183 Z 444 889 7. 95 4.Aa 683 Rhode Wand 639, 401 3, IV 1621,891 7. 96 & 47 720 South Carolina_ 1, 779 OM 3, 086. eos.238 4. 24 IA 10 436 1, 383 . South Dakota_ 666, 380 185, 983 & 80 1. 68 OM 4, 481 Tennessee . t' 2, 4.24, 616 . 737, 2816 Texas - &45 10. 31 865 1, M 5, 097, 574 1, 518, 931 & 74 Utah . . & 32 504 2, 010 492, 478 149, 435 Vermont IL 97 I. 89 M7 3, 247 352, 428 .84, 931 Virginia 7. 85 2. 98 529 2, 384 2, 449, 443 725, 358 5. 37 11. 16 e . 429 2, 050. Wmhington , , 1, 478, 214 342, 773 7. 86 f.68 786 3,NO West Virginia 1, 601, 130 479, 403 Wisoonain I & 69 & 41 448 3,040 2, am, oos a 706, 240 Wyoming & 30 2. 44 557 2, 887 .. 221, 842 54 666 7. 08 2 00 --r 789 4, 663 Outlying portsofVieUsaedStates I -- . -s . . . _Asks 54 036 . AmericanBataan A, 056 CanalZODe Otam 25, 297 _ - 13, 275 Hawaii 305, 352 , . s Philippine Island's . . 12,018:166 Porto Rico 4 uo,251 . I Virgin Islands. 26, 061 a I 4 o STATISTiCS OF STATE SCHOOLSYSTEMS, 1924-1925 . 19

1 TABLE 6.---Per cent of the total population enrolledin school and ratio Ofenrollment to school population at different dates -medals eIMINMII

6 Per cent of total population Ratio of number of children enrolled enrolled in public schools to population in public schools . 6-17 Fears of age,inclusive State 7

1 18741 1879-1889-1899-11909-1419- Ig7o 1879-1884-,1890- lwv-,191,, 71 180 90 1900 10 20 , 25 I 80 901990 10 30/28

1 4 7 16 Itti 13 14 18

19. 119. . Continental U. 8 20. 31 20. 5 19. 4 A 4 21.i 61$6554685 0.7246731 mQ830 Alabama. 11 14. 19.9i2116 19. 24. 324. .404.426 .617i. .7411.730 'Actions 10. 13.4i 114 15.4 22.91/4 18.81 532.527.519,.620( .fflq.711 . Arkansas itta.219.4 24.0 nit 27.6 27.;.403 .308. .710 .8001 836, California . P;)164 1&4 162 155 263 249I.636.734 .n4 7961.7/431.02541.349 Colorado...... a31IL415. i21.8i 21. 123.4 A21.423.608 v49.950,957 Connecticut. 2 19t 17. 0 17. a17. 1&9 19.1.808.770.720.74.:d.731i1.803803 - Delaware . Is. l Elf laI& a o14. 3 17, 3 14 .500.652.662.753/..719.733.724 District of Columbia. 11. 14. 16 14 716.9I 14.9 14.51-416.M4.631 ' .843.860 Florida. 7. l& 21 20. 619. 7 23. 2 26 .212.444 .711 .68E i531. .KZ.943 Georgia 4. t&320,8321 821.3.6 219 1 . -, a 119 .482 1 7 .713 17.O Idaho 5. 17 22. 721 4 214.7 Zt81. Iflinob .779 .4,:t.827 360 n 2a319. 917. 8 17. 4 19.31.810.746 .727.71 .721).107 Indiana 26 25.10i 6 23. 22 414 7 19. 3 21.01.785 .834 .811.784.794.875 Iowa 28, 26 25si25. 4 2 211 21. 4 24.1 .844.835..&s..891. .861.945 Kansas 2121CP, 26. 51 :a3Lb 21 7 23A 233.742.792 .803.802,.887-.079.897 Kentucky. 11 I& 7 215121 21.7171223...... 7361-.7821.tot Louisiana 7. &3110. 21 8,14. 160 19. r 21.r.248;259 .435.5081.5351.703 Maine 24. 3 21 1 19. 5i 17. 21. 1 l& 91 14 87 . .814.8451.761.792 Maryland 14.617. 4 17. 71l& .. 71)1.4 167 17.0,.467.581 .6713,.6991. .098 Massachusetts 1/L 17.2 I& l& 1 159 162 141.723;718 .4 . rii.7131.791 Michigan 24. 22. 211420. 18. 9 24.3.797.781.iÌLS.771 7soi.793.987 Minnesota 24. ZIA 21.622. 21.Z21. 121.3 Mississippi .759.789.745.776. .81 .845 13 72Lk9 2&9124. 2 5. 1 PA 135.01.405 .613.sett,.733 .804 1.065 s Missouri 1S71 213 23.2, 23.2'21. 19. 8 21. . . 330 .6897 786. .81 .7831.856 Montana...... 7. 510,4 119 l& ...... i17.6 23.1-18. .702638.711.7281 Ale.922..589 Nebraska 16. 21 5 ?17127.0! 23.7 24. 124. 1. .64$.7 .845i.8551.945.918 Nevada 7.0.14. 5 16 115.. 11. 1 15.2 21 .540.797. .741.7394.91 .972 New Hampshire 22. 4 I& 5 15.- I& 14.914. New Jersey It51.013 .813.713.740.6661.643.725 1& 318. 116. 17. 117.0 18. 19. 4.632' .648(.672.685. 7001.774.791 1. New Mexico ,1.44. 01 11. -VI l& 17. 2 22. 23.1 New York...... _ .. 2120. 3 17. 4 16 15. 6 16. 6 17.612aso.771.707. . : .728. North Carolina 10. n4 ...._ ...... la 1 9.9i21. 123. 27.0 29. 1.312.5591.564.030.735t.824.888 North Dakota...... 9. IQ2It. 24. &24: 2 26 0 25 Ohio 1.3430 .417.713.813.854,.8401.789 26. 8 21. 19. 917. 6 17. 7 19e.840.767.76. .754 Oklahoma_ .7381. .887 . 25. 025 5 29.1 293 ..... a2o1.tra61.$181 Oregon 21.6121. 20. 1.7. 21. 6 19. 3 21.21;677.750.748Eat.792.841.906 Pennsylvania_ . . 16...... : n 2 21. 19.4 1&3 1845 19.61.764.744.614.1 .657.71 749 Rhode Island 16114. 7 3 :4 15. 11714. 16.6 M.7'1.692 .69R.527.688.631654 .866 South Carolina 9. 113. 5 17. a 21. 022. 4 28. 4 .271.406.471 007i.673.109.791 8ouh Dakota I 7 21. 23. L.24. ()(4), n 24. o 5!(9 (1) .8 .795.777829,878 Tennessee 10. 19. 5 25. 24. 024.021 5 27.1.320 .682.741.751.795i .876 Texas.... 7...... - - - - 1.3.8 A 21. 521.1 72.2 26 . 1.424.595. .6721734. Utah I& 61 l&917.'SW 424. 26. 1 Vermont 27. .334.506.553.810.843.872.912 6 19.81 22. s 49 19. 2I& 17. 18. - Vlrginit la si 14. 8721 .822.if .734.755 20. 21 019. 21. 9 n .3231.450.II,.632. .733.764 Washington 18. 4 19.716. 22. 214021. 5 21. Wmt Virginia 1.690.724 879.853Oil .944 169 23.11'1.324. 2 8 23.724. .495. . Wisconsin n 692 753.786.779798,.819 24.6 22.8 20. 21.519. 17. 21. .739.738.696.725,.72i .852 Wyoming 4. 6 14. 11. 15 716 0.11 22. 2Z. 1.453.774.64 .667 .916.942 Outlyingparts of the United =1,11MI Slates Alaska -& 1 7. American Samoa. 21E180 Canal Zone la O Guam la I 854 20. 4 ft. Hawaii l& ... NI PhilippineIslands Porto Rico 9. 4 16. j VlrginIslands 12. .

J11 1Appro !mate. " A Included in report forNorth Dakota. I Enroll' .. . figures for 1919. . IPopulation for Dee. 31,1918. Enrolmeat figures twinreport ofthe Swoon of the .1 . . Oeusw Pupils of legal @abaciage. . %. ? : r r ; " . : . I .1 61 f ...6 6 , y .. Pt V ) . 401. %4 , j ..1:4 0.1.7 :1_+.44, '" , .. . - ., t0 . ., !` ".'.` r.,. 4.0 ':,. 31,v 4 1, . t , , -"a- - ,' ' ;4',. f...` .ie 20 ' BIENNIAL SURVEYOF EDUCATION,1924-1926

. Minix Averagedaily attendanceandaggregate'number of daysattended,.1924-tó

Awns daily attendance Aggregate numbei ofdaysattended State . Elemen- tary a Seca y41 Total Elementary ISecondary I Total

.1-0///I 1 1 4 11 7

ContinentalU. 8 11439%584a 1, 794, 907 19, 838 384 :111, 513, 243, 846a 280, 858, 9933, 362, 821,GOB Alabama_...... 393, 387 43,019 436, 406 50, 801, 431 fk 803, 040 57, 684491 Arizona6 47, 41V 7, 492 54, 911 Arkansas. 7, 824 255 1, MT, WO 9, 116, 233 365, 714 6 4% Mk 390 California NO, 455 155, 555 746, 010 Colorado 107, 157, 993 25, 550, 565 135, 708, 591 186, 166 t 33, 137, 548

Connecticut 213, 432' 36, 636 230, 068 38, 90K 654 6 6, 773,9ttlil 43, 64 650 DelaWare i 2K, 269 4. 890 33, 168 5, 175, 729 AK, 314 6. 054, 043 District of Columbia 49, 389I 11, 344 Florida_ 60, 733 S. 468. 386 1, tfui., 530 10, 433, 916 Georgia 216, 221 30,755, 102 544, 307 n, ssa. voi Idaho . III 89, 893 14, In 343 . 923, 615I Jib;486 1, la 101 165, 537, 754 37, 910, 106 206, 44tk 580 Indiana . 807 380 Iowa ...,...... 105, MI, SO , sMC, 538 69, 324 666 Kansas. 353, 512 . .. k. 61, 8644 690 Kentucky' 378,78 32, 749 411, 227 Lottitdana 61, 691, 914, 5, 763, 824 67, 453, TX 318, 556 .48, 137464 Maine . 106, 124 24, 337 130 461 18, 544, 317 4,419, UZI Maryland 184, (al a165. na 26, 510 211, 131 i Massachtwtta 4 34. 150,Ora 4. 925., ti 30. 07k 973 511, 107 111,133 622, 240 93, RA 035 20,126. 320 114, 414, 3U Michigan 679, 538 130, 276. 255 Minnesota 439, 197 M Dpi ' . TV, 33k 053 428, 386 a 23, 974 452, 340. I 57,ICAl,410 1 4, 07S, 560 litouritsWW1 s 61. 904. 990 , 56k,305 100, 603, 74$ Montana 80, 488 . f 17, 443; 97, 931 13, ThIS, 644 3, ONO, 954 14 ns, 496 . i Nebraska.. , 210, HT Nevada 52, 1 11 282, 228 37, 589, 078 9,M. 300 42. 812, 378 10, 363 2,3ZA 12, MI' LINK, 330 4tt, 182 2, 301k 512 New Hampshire 1 51, 376 11 New Jenny 10, 223 . 61, M19 9. 23K 313 1, 60, 162 10, 901, 473 .." ' 4ink 849 75, 000 573, MU New Mexico 94, 282, 343 14, 175, 118 108,457, 461 60, 368 6, 658 67, 026 11, 665, 875 New York . 1, 44% 170 241, 394 -1, 890. 564 320, 284 421 North Carolina - 596, 211 85, 2* 446 North Dakota , i 141,503 . . . .23,347,917 Ohio...... _ .... SA 080 Oklahoma... PK 722' 1. 040, 802 149, 936, tas 34,n1,4xs 184, 706, 251 ...... 457, 118i 70, 223 52 7, 341 69, 481, 1X36 11,937,910 81, 419, 646 Oregon 123, 353" 34, 199 157, 534 21, 134 112 5, 872, 893 27, 229, 005 Pennsylvania. 1, 323, 762 216. ON 1, 539, 454 Rhode Island .337, 1,410. 102 V 40, 096. 447 277, 686, 549 South Carolina v111, 621 vu,761, 506 335, 334 -1 47, 617, 426 South Dakota i 133, 115 Tennesse6 22, 84750 418, 933 42, 225 461. 180 63. 308,31r1 7, 35k-182 Texas-- 70, Ma 701 858, 830 134. 574, 703 Utah 93, 062. Vermont . 21, 633 114, (05; 15,882, 719 3, 710, 239 19, 572, 931 Virginia 54, 0031. 9, 121, 374 MAXI 50, 586 422, f136' .59, 034, F76 025. 444 67, 060 320 Washington . , 203, 630 St 637 257, 267 344 203 9,720,523 44086, 026 West Virginia. 30% 836 28, 837 331, 673 Wisconsin 44, 651, 465 .5, 611, 847 . 50361, 312 I 510, 989 ... .ja 94'441. 513 yoming4 34. 284 6, 062 41, 14611- 6.000.215 1, 202. 4631 7, 204 678 ; *tatterga!As Alaska 2,i34, 431 3, 38.5 American Samoa. ., 505,700 74, 819 580, 519 Canal Zone 1, 470 290, 341 ...... _. 3, 552 381 3, 933 625, 152 87 056i eft, 205 I Guam . 2, 431 Hawaii 431, 477 . 52, 146 111,490, 572 Philippine a Islands 956, 241 1466993 Porto Rim 185, 807 6. 908 192, 715 Virgin Islands 30, 843, 984 L 233,888 : 32, 127, 872 3, 104 . 4160 621,150


I Includeskindergartens. , ." I Includes localnormal and vocationalschool& . I For Statesreporting distribution. .2 4 Figures for192i. . .V 1 'I RsUmated. ' '',* p.Not .inductingpapa In vocationaland continuationwho*. SOLLEILLVIS O ELLVV3 r1001108 'EIMIZ3AE1 gz6TnOT ruin is allasAsy up fin rauppuano us ilaripatuap put, lbvptso;frn gimps 1p luziaPP taIDP

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)rtal)..1011t10,) 13 09 919AL 19 992 'lit 199 t In 06r Vol cm ION 990 anialftaki 'It et, 6,2461 0004 essbei 'a 999 "tt 991 Wnsi(t Jo quinto.) MI `IX Lt9 96tt11 In 991 traitt eu UL 'VP1301.1 bt 005 61919 V/ COO 018 %St 064 lt6 *Imo 'It ue VII 061 4002 VOL ISE 19tt Set eLfit 190 Melt' OtIV oas OS '8 oog '19 226 19 Litt 111 'es tee 1 it Sio 'in MI 'lit Vt9 ott 91.9 0106641 080 mean 1 Pa Innq 110496C 1gt ova viz "en 999 OL: St Ill' 'LOD Ot . 'gtt I LSO It SI C99 a6C5 918 OK's% tit nt Vet au Lat'sOt 102 XV 1 sot 912 aistnni 4C9 69 'La e99 'DC OM ix Ise &tsi toc 1St JIIVION 'MI 9141 1141 000 %Tit ett Vi8 'VII 961 silt XI ittnnst 40, 01:09 00Cts 919 'vt tet 'at so NM al 9294111g ot1P111i C6C6001 9114901 116 t99 'Ls IA gse 9884911 18, LI1111 puvl In stt 11114911 4031 19T 001191 E84 V.1 -zit '119 121 nlastiqakmil/ ()SLIM 1Z1 VA 016 `999 913 It, ow %iv soil 421:9 OK %et WO 'owe Ow In 000 IS19 99t 'Litt 99, intirs 1619 fitt .111 000 VIC ta 11091itt '16C 6t9 10409 9t04121 t term 090406 '991 194 10110E 4t9g OCS '192 Kit CM trt Ott L1Q On igg SOt i ta WO Woe WC in 'Off '060 . 4929 t `1 001 000% 969401 00e92 'it tit »ta 192 trIssiterN li 00C 091'09 49,1 '191 111.2 '181 Igo 91140Z SKIM itpita si OM 10,t riOsi It 262 '1 oot .01 ftg9 10491 AWN unit aimal Vp ovt 995* t ges atz '07 lo tit SIC 612 662 asoN .(Jamf VI It z $6111 911C 'Los 08 la ea '11/t 196 tt9 AWN IV 001%4 Ofe I t 00011 tet 'a en 169 tit 99019 JeaN voA illt 9t9 tA2 'fl9 t96 '1.S11 1111t Ghent', 00019V! I '009 WI LOAN vullont.) 000 ()Wm toe oo: '90: 216 9926199 CV9.91.1 'tee us a tt t qiiu Inora 41 oto orw Wog ett 009 01106 'fig act twin 'at -at claim t9 4919 se "1119 Voe au 't 'NO goo Innotre110 19 81/ `11.1i 099 esvt 1St III

1,10331 sit 000 It SD 11, Ist Vet 91.9 am 'Stu time "199 1st Wtog 091SW 'MI lot '1 °Vent I %V Kt oPoq11 PuT151 ÇR,TZ ts ugh '19 Let it/ IN to 'nog q eu1to.n3 00e» 009406t 'IOC CM tIC 106 191.1t1 ttt grog inoirea ..... a e '99 000 'ot tro US LOB to al

1241 GOMM 00018 VOC ttt Vet 999 IN eft .1.9t; '19, 091 1;11121 0001t ts, 000 690 61 'w) lee 19)L '898 qvIll tt &Lilt 409 fet 9IC .tu teem looms» ow 909 'LP WO 'CV 001 921 1:0019 f Hit 469t let sifir 911941X1 11112.44% tOt tOt `91ts DX uozuqn41 oat gol ett ote 691 Nte etzlig 199 Iskit get boVI8 out 4191 Kt `0131 006 '999 6LI uptuoalti 000at. o0o toe Ls', 0011460C `01:9 VOW '019 At !MUMS ova 1 age t Du 0S106 Ote91 'CC IX "It 9tI simacci== Solinft rjad 10 pmisa ramg V .114V91 1111t1 V 01114.19111 +mum] 91941 PM.) ilan us% WW1 Tat Minn att. ipaggrecqddinqd '828 tog oliod 00111 1:61 91Z .1 001 VITA MOM a , e JO; . Mall 181 II Eralir"ratfIlin IOU IM13as3 pepnpai qna twotti Inova 22 . BIENNIALSURVEY OFICDUCATION,1924-1926 TABLE 9. Averagekngthof schoolterm and schoolaUendance e» Aver*=Miffal days schoolsItem In team1171-1925



g. I. V. 4.....immomis11111101. traIN

1 1 1111 1 $ le

Continental U. R ....inI130 135 144 158 I 161.9 _141 5 13&6 181 6 1$ek ,.... 80.3 Alabama . I tu 74 78 1.17 In 1 12130 1640'132 2 Arizona 106 126 135is136 161 6 96 3 73.9 Imo Ira co Hi& 0 121. Arianism.... %...... 1 75 rs 107 126 3, 74.9 California 113.,0 98; s. .. in 147 136 186 175 174. 0 161. 711 5 163 6 1,11 9 12.1 Colorado. or', I92:132 344 130 156 167.9 ea 0 ..... IT& 0 136.6 71.4 Connecticut 172 119 163 189 RS 181 5 In 34.; 184.9. III 7 'Mowers ' 132 1S6 166 In 3 331 170 173 181 7 In 1 110 4 161. Districtcat Coliimbia.. ; 1M. 9 PA0 200 193 178 179 161 Ink 0 171. 5 171 4 Florida 171. 11 141. 3 640 120 93 108 131 I 142 2 °earl&...... ; . se165 ss 101 8 73. 1 ...... 1 112 144 145 0 ...... 141. 0 Idaho 130.1 77.1 , 4.1 94 70 4061137 tn.?_. Moab , 165. 0 115. 0 76. 7 ...... 147 150 133 112 171 1 191. 0 . ta 3 184.0 131 7 Indium ' 99 136 110 152 147 15.1 K/ Iowa. .1 174. 0 164. 3 130 146 136 IN) 172 174.0; 94. 176. 146. 2 Kamm ...... 116 .13.1 133 1 as 164 1640 M.2 176 0 146. 1 81 1 Kentucky 110 102 94 Ha- 12S11210 Iato 176 0 164. 0 . A 117. 1 Loftin* 65 7V101 120 1Nk1 141 9 71.4 151. 1 111t. 1 Maine _ ....._...... I96 109 71 1 ._- 112 141 1!.11) Mi. 2 174.. 7 161. 6 176.0 Maryland t . 183 IN7 1%1 6 t ! 164 163 11141716; PA 0' 161ti 168. 1 149. 8 illsoactussetts..-...... e e..?169 In 177 189 1N6 179.4 81,0 la. 7 164. 7 161.9 IS&0 EL 3 Michigan . . 140 ..... 1:8 136 164 171 1 172.0 177.0; 141 5 Minnesota- ...... -... K1 tifl3 94 126 169 149 I tea Of_. 111l1 6 beissippl . Ns ILA. 3 , 90.4 .. . .1110 73I 101 1234122.0 LW 9 Oft. 7 Missouri..... 90 1104 144 1:.5 73.1 IN 161 8 1611. 3 Montana ! 137.0 $3. PO 96 ,-, ILI 107 16.5 166. 4 17i:i 177. 1 172. 3 Nebraska 144. 84.0 72 82 I 140 113 174;164.0 IX 9 177. 0 176. 8 Nevada 142; 141. 5 AM4 _ 143 140 , 1341145 167.0 171 1 177. 9 174. 0 New Hampshire..... 137. 4 I. 0 70 105 1 DI 146 ; 164 174. 0 179.6 1617 177. 0 New Jersey_ . 147. 1 XI 1 0...... 1714 192 193 , 166 164 1911 0 189.0 189.0 Ida. 0 139. 7 New Mesibo 111 111 1 St. 3 i a 97 1000 165.0 174.0 133. 7 76.6 . Wow Yogi...... 1761 17g 167 175 166 188.0 North Carolina 189.4 161.11 Oki. 4 so BO 1Y9 71 102, 134.0 - 144. 7 North Dakota 1 ..... 106. 9 71 4 75 96 113 . 156 147 11M159 Ohio . .. 161.0 .134. 9 ".. . 165 183 162 165 170 163.0 /IL 7 Oklahoma 176.0 184. 3 177. 4 146. 8 81 9 ...... 9$ 140 i 106.4 151 0 170.0 134. 4 lal. 3 110.11 Oregon 90 90 1111 117 136 152.0 473. 1 171. ? 173. 152. 0 izzpinata. 127 113 148 167 170 17& 6 V. ode 171 6 186.0 MO. 4 151. N. 1 170 I 164 186 191 193 161 1 Ka0 I86. 0 156. 8 94.3 South Carolina' 100 70 70 811 101 6 142.0 119. 1 as. 11 South Dakota I ($) (19 145 129 166 167.0 172.0 140. 2 81. 5 Teammate 77 ss ss 96 .130,; 1.33. 5 151. 1 174.2 107.2 69. 9 Taus 140 72 100 106 131 IA 6- - - 1134102 122. 5 Utah 152. 128 133 161 84.4 A 163 166. 4 , 170. 3 17i:5- 17o, 7 Vermont 116 143. 6 64.3- 126 136 156 1613 4. 161 0 1610 174. 0 16& 9 142. 3 Virginia...... 92 113 118 120 140 147.0 U. 3 I5& 6la& 6 IA 6 12L0 76. 3 W*h1nitim...... »60 1 91 97 : 128 173 176. 4 West Vlarinia V& 3 181. 21 179. 1iI41.4 ;. 79. 6 n 90 97 106 134 136. 9 147. 4 IOC 6 .1. 151. 51 126.9 Wisconsin 153 165 159 M. 4 1 180 471 3 In. 0 150. 3 'Wyoming i 1191120 84. 9 111°3 141 153. 0 176 0 175 0 171 0 1312 Oidtgisq perk 7...... 47:=2= ===. ac==== 79. 5 . . -4 . Masks .1: ' ...... 177.4 171 2! 173.6! 171. 3 I American Samoa- op_ 139. 3 81 3 Canal Zone. . ¡ 197. 5 191. 6 91.9 Omim .. 154.6 176.0 . 176.0I 176.0 NO. 9 II& 7 Hawaii . in. 5 19). 2 AIL7 -1 .. 181. 0 In 0 172.4 Phill islands. I ..5 94.7. Porto:Jo° , 193.0... 195 0 161 0 ste 181. 0 166.0 185:9 VirginIslands I 186. 7 139. 6 83.7 i . . , 1 300. 1 191 3 97.6 - I Estimated. 4Figures tor 1919. 4Inc4u4tes Xindergart-ens. s Included inreport tor NorthDakota. Ikohstiss local normalsod vocational=book. s Mans torNM 1. STATISTICS OFSTATESCHOOLSYSTEMS, 1924-1925 23 . ..TABLE10.Administrative officersuperrisorP,principals,and teachingpositions, 19S4-2, - ^

I A dminiStrativeoakenISuperriaces of Princiipals 1 and assistants instruction : .4 lit .. IA !of. so. 13P. state "" &gi 42,5 %.:51 I t ;E gio a i4v ...-1 guta 1 t .2 E oft g.t43 s. 1 14, .s (- ca .17- tr. F. ,IMMIM ,1111..ww.1 . I4 11 I 6 7 9 It U 14 I ,IMM.11/1111011, usi ImIN...111111* ContinentalI'. $ 4304.3432. 433 11, 116 4, 409I,7167. I& 14110 & 92024. 734771, . MAIO&138,..,_ AlAhanta. . . rz 43 f 1314. 93 ---7444 411.--. A dims.,. 132.- 14.901i13, lid 72, .H 63 53 94 30 LIU Afitsnow 2. 373i tell 731, S. KS, 9 .. (101 io California. ix !Lin man ii 118, ;o1 94 792 403 2, 216'41$ .2,611S 30.1013a 414 Colorado. 63t 1 . 167 94 I 3451 LS O.._-..1, & GO Connecticut...... 27 61 11g!417 4 VA' 109: ti7'ik 9, M7 1)elaware ...... 1II23. ill 361 IN 41 I.3 1. 3011 District 'II Columbia_... 91 19 .... to . I t 2, VI Florida ...... 1 73'. .1, (1) 4 & 349 .... : 1 17.01 17. J13 Idaho . 6 41, 12711 38I 1 , Cil Minot,...... 21 1991 3iNi "4,iii4. trio ... . 434 Indiana. 1 921 ' 04 236' 1913 1, 030 i44.1! 1(151:4;a& Iowa. 991WTI () . I (I)i24cos, Kansas 14 1051 H. X Ma 361). 10i; ,,3' 14.731194901 Kea tuck y it120 194 2511. EIS 14, IVP il Louisiana 1 61 M alna. (s) 11,M411,e1S Maryland A 21 6,213 14 -361 tli.. $41 7, 7.873 assachusstu...... 541 1361 641iiil 21, Ilk 1 Mkhigan. ft.%1 .... 1 Minamoia sfol2( 7411b1 sk14#.3 1Il1M S21.' *43' 401'773 6740' gm Mississippi. . 121 it2 r1. .1 136 4343301 1, I 14ISir tfC2311 MI 21 11411 7sI. 110. ....1(.1) 1, 23.Iasigt3k, 2112 Montana 74; 3()%isi ass ...---I 6,7441 4610 Nebraska. .. 931 921 , 1911 76 1St::: 140 143. SS) 13,11:11. 14, Nevada. 4i. . I N ISI 1 12i I I `71 'qv New Hampshire 111 Oi 12: 56. 79: 401 13 New Jersey i vi,211 1 57..... 1001 410: PS 44.1 44161 1011.'J, New Medoo 31' s4I D 109 i =Ia"I 1.6114 *: 1 & i il MIa. I . New York . 1 59, MI MS 99911 0!'OM r,611 214 1, CM 64.WYJ67, M11 North Cantina., 122!.. f (I) . (I) 11, 31 211, 3111 Noll* Dakota 11e 1(01 4?: -1 ,.....; 766 21 777 SJ77; Ohio 123 SZt. 273 1,370 9, 00 Oklahsima ...... 674 . .,. 1. 193 A 100,40, 306 3007ei 45i 1121'133 io a mono& art ótvgati 2 Penal. I soi 1 7, 36d7, 106 .. (4)I 3 (1) . Rhode Island. 9 1.330 3& 161033, art South Carolina, Ioøi3, 1101 & 41.211 ..... S 41 123 10 z ,124371 Still Aouth Dakota .r 10 1 121 sni 4. I.... 19s1 ' (I) (8)i11,ao krill Tennowe - 13 9s127i I 'Naas i zs (i) (1) sit% lool Kau .6 19 231 7. 1,03D9.06181 Utah t --- 1 xoiiii-fon as...TojOt194 Siits1S' 32. 21' 3 Vermont. . 4. ma 4. 351 Y" 4 1081 104 Virginia. 841 2, 702, Mil 1 126! . 3311 32414 16, 16. 4 Washington 1301 4161" 4 ' 1301 ...... 1 622,12.7801.lo,793 West Virginia- 641 64 198' Wisconsin 44 I 226; 14, 10614, 416 1167i134134O , I. 7flI 273..,..,... . _ I 623; 100, 2210 WyominS 21 7 105' .1111.. 47 111 37 1 [1741 1116 esosmoo c=== ---,-, otiayine parts ."..."...... 4 .."...---'7

.Alaska q. e e. American Samoa .. 12 Iii S 44 41. final Zone area Guam -/St 12S1 134 1 WS. Hawaii. i 96 Si 76iI, 6001 PhilippineIslands . 11 ..... 63 1. SO 1/1- 4. (9 22.4 Porto Rico IS 14111 76 26.151 ila 4. Virgin Islands 1 6,060 .... si 21 , 123 , lai. , ., :., 1 Figures for 1934. " 4Included in column4. .1. I Estimated. ,.... , *Not includim 648part-timettupervisonoand Madras. 0' -*Included with . , -,'',,, . .Umbers. ..1Citiesand MIMI adv. , .. rtii-47; . . ..,;:...1', 14 .4 ,e0 - . . 4580V-27-4 411.1.;Pi. -. , , . , 1 1, ' ,..4.. !I.' , N 4 , . .4.` .:ti . J;41,1'1 , , ;, r la1; *: .17 g IGI a' . IV...TS' ' ", f';¡ . ;$ _ i%al . JulrIO, .;.a,a r .a4a.4 -.-_ '' tiA°2 rfs....

24 BIENNIALSURVEY. OF EDUCATION) 1924-1126 7' TABLE 1 1.-Numberandsexof teachers employed,not including slperintendenk. supervisors,orprincipals, when separatelyreported, 1924-26. rl Alb

Elementary I SecondaryI Total Total State number of teaching a MenWomen TotalMenWomenTotalMen WomenTotalpositions

1 3 3 I. 4 & 6 7 8 16 11. Continental U. S.. 75, 735546, 442622, 17755, 429100, 339 155, 768131, 164646, 781 777, 945 771, 595 Alabama 1, 716 10, 665- 12, 381 1, 188 1, 735 2, 923 2, 901 32, 400 15, 304 14, 901 Arizona I 253 1, 998 ' 2. 251 191 . 339 530 444 2, 337 2, 781 2, 373

Arkansas 1091 3, 409 7, 93611, 3;15 427 994 1. 421 3, 836 8, 93012, 766 12, 183 California mg1 19, 266 20, 054 3, 567 6, 76210, 329 Colorado 4, 355 26, 02830, 383 30, 383 784 6, 875 7, 659 740 834 1, 574 1, 524 7, 709 9, 233 9, 233 . Connecticut 90 6, 668 6, 758 607 1, 099 1, 706 Delaware 697 7, 767 8, 464 8. 464 74 1, 014 1, 088 81 171 252 15,` 1, 1851, 340 1, 340 District of Columbia_:._ 139 1, 914 2, 053 189 396 585 Florida 6, 719 17,7 328 2,3102, 638 2, 549 4 1, 069 4 4 219 4 608 4 n7 1,288 7, 3278, 615 8, 342 Georgia ., I 1, 308 12, 84914, 157 1, 276 1 2, 856 2, 584 14, 4291 17, 013 17, 013 1 Idaho_ 459 Z 654 3, 113 490 476 966 949 3,1301 4, 079 4, 079 Illinois 4, 130 30, 21:1434, 334 3, 695 5, 836 9, 531 7, 82536, 04043, 865 43,1915 Indiana 1 3, 167 11, 825 14, 992 2, 532 3, 202 5, 734 . 5000 15, 02720, 726 20, 453 Iowa -1 434 18, 03418, 468 2, 499 5, 7. 557 2, 933 23, 09226, 025 26, 025 Kansas_4 1, 647 12, 00514, 342 1, 580 2, 64/ 4,231 3, 227 15, 34618, 573 18, 573 f Kentuckytucky.._ ------I 3, 019 9, 85312, 872 84.5 Lenisiana 4 1, 099 1, 964 3, 884 10, 95214, !16 14, 836 1, 431 8, 95010, 381 358 1, 186 1, 544 1, 789 10, 13611, 925 11, 925 Maine_a,,,a . 4 3254 5, 118 5, 443 4492 4 R53 1, 345 4 8174 5, 971 6, 7M 6. 215 Marylanil. 597 6, 150 6, 747 679 873 1. 452 1, 176 7, 021 8, 199 7, 786 Massachuset tS_ . 842 17, 05317, 895 2, 182 3, 618 5, SOO 3, 024 20, 67123, 695 23, 695 Michigan ''".... - 4, 137 22, 066 26, 203 466, 2, 727 3, 187 4, 59724, 79329, 390 28, 780 Minnesota 1, 120 15, 35216, 472 500 3, 847 4, 3-17 1, 620 19, 19920, 819 20, 819 Mississippi 3, 118 10, 80613. 924 359 869 1, 728 3, 477 11, 67515, 152 15, 152 Missouri 4 4, 0264 15, 181 4 19,207 4 984 ! 3, 7084 4, 692 5, 010 18, 88923, 899 23, 899 Montana_ 344 4, 858 5, 202 394 683 1, 077 738 5, 541 6, 279 5, 745. Nebra;ta 578 10, 79111, 369. 1, 004 1, 975 2, 979 1, 582 12, 76614, 348 13, 680 Nevada -- 48 573 621 54 114 168 102 6871 789 759 New Hampshire. - - 98 2, 278 2, 376 240 335 575 338 2, 613t,2, 951 2, 951 New Jersey_ ___ 900 16, 01716,917 1, 364 2, 7424, 106 2, 264 18, 7591 21, 023 20, 918 New Mexico 391 1, 981 2, 375 289 426I715 683 2, 4073, 090 9, 090 New York 3, 987 48, 869 52, 856 3, 884 7, 9f 11, 844 7, 871 56, 8291 64, 700 64, 700 North Carolina 3, 729 17, 615 ...... 844 570 . c1,77 1, 497 3, 799 18, 5421 22, 341 22, 319 North Dakota 1, 058 6, 690 7v 748 341 527 868 1, 399 7, 21718, 616 8, 177 Ohio 4, 09825, 8 29, 926 3, 939 5, 442 9, 381w Oklahoma 8, ail 31, 2701 397307 38. 509 2, 754 11, 77914, 533 1, 793 2, 162 3, 955 4, 547 13, 94118. 488 18, 411 Oregon 452 5, 059 5, 511 698 I, 1571, 855 1, 150 6, 216 7, 366 7, 366 Pennsylvania 4, 593 34,317 38, 910 5, 030 8, 22813, 258 9, 623 42, 545 52, 168 52, 168 Rhode Island cra 2, 564 2, 663 215 430 645 314 2, 994 3, 308 3, 280 South Carolina4- __---.1, 858 8, 92210. 780 459 1, 432 1, 590 2, 017-10, 35412, 371 12, 371 .South Dakota_ 1 668 4 6, 460 4 7, 128 4551 4 823 41, 374 1, 219 7, 283 8, 502 8, 502

Tenntbssee 1 2, 856 11. 40714, 263 897 918 1, 815 3, 753 12, 325 116, 078 16, 208 Texas 1 r- 2, 184 10, 25421, 438 2, 898 4, 493 7, 391 5,08223, 747 28, 829 28, 829 Utah 737 2, 723 3, 460 461 371 , 832 1, 198 3, 094 4, 292 4, 292 Vermont_ 78 2, 303 2, 381 164 3 532 Virginia_ 242 2, 671 2, 913 2, 787 1, 096 12, 00013, 696 977 1, 957 2, 934 2, 073 14, 55716, 630 16, 630 Washington.. 415 6, 952 7, 387 789 1, 624 2, 413 West Virginia 1, 204 8, 5769, 780 9, 780 - 3, 744 8, 72112, 465 673 : 1, 641 4, 417 9,689 14, 106 14, 106 Wisconsin -"- 1, 171 13, 89915, 07 1,851 3,473 5, 324 3, 022 17, 372 20,394 20, 394 Wyoming 3 214 2, 137 2, 351 134 283 417 348 2, 420 2, 740 2, 741 Outlying posts Alaska. 1 145 1M 12 37 22 17 192 192$ American Samoa_ 84 4 38 1 1 35 4 39 39 Canal Zone 44 63 107 Guam 8 15 18 47 78 125 125 34 . 5 86 2 1 3 38 53 89 -89 Hawaii, 164 1 i I I,* 68 137 195 222 1, 497 1, 719 1,990 Philippine Islands_ _ 14, 191 10 20024, 391 723 384 1, 10714, 914 Porto Rico 3 10, 584 25. 498 25,498 4 1,416 :4,7,4 4, 073 4 107 4 172 4 279 1, 5 3, 4304, 952 I4,952 Virgin Islands 31 . 82 11 4 a 7 01/,. 35 85 120 120. I Includes kindergarten teachers. 4 Distribution estimated. I Includes teachers in local normaland vocational schools. $Not including city high-school,teacbers. IFigures for 1924. t. p. . t .111 r .1 d .44 .7 Li .. 4,7,4 1.' , . ..t 9 . .. STATISTICSOF STATE . SCHOOLSYSTEMS,1924-1925 , 25 TABLE 12.---wSalaries ofteaçhers -andpercentage ofmen teachers

Or. Average Percentage amen annual . teachers li %salaries of 8tat4 teachers, I. it supervisors, and princi-,1870-711 1899- ir 1879-80 1889-90 1909-10 1919-201924-25 pals, 1900 ,

1 2 1 4 5 *. 7 8 94h

Continental UnitedStates_ $1, 2521 41. 0 42. 8 34. 5 29. 9 21. 1 14. 1 16. 9 Alabama as 66. 8 63. 8 Arizona 62. 9 30. 1 35. 0 20. 3 19. 0 1, 523 47. 5'. Arkansas 8 27. 3 17. 0 10. 8 16. 0 632 75. 6 78. 4 68. 5 59. 7 47. 0 California 1, 854 40. 0 31. 2 30. 0 33. 6 21. 4 17. 8 13. 8 12. 2 Colorado 1,296 4& 8 14. 3 36.4 26.2 249 1&6 9.2.! 16.5 Connecticut 1, 806 221 1 72. 8 I13. 4 1 9. 0 Delaware I, 321 6.2 7. 3 R. 2 29.9 46.6 1 District ofColumbia 31. 0 25. 3 13. 7 10. 8 11. 8 2,021 82 7.8 13.0 13.1 11.5 Florida 743 11.9 11.5 Georgia 7 61. 6 48 0 36. 9 25. 7 15. 8 743 71. 4 1 65. 2 15. 0 53. 3 44. 0 24. 4 13. 1 15. 2 Idaho 1, 188 64. 3 57. 4 1334 31. 2 25. 5 14. 8 Illinois 1, 530 43. 5 23. 3 Indiana 39. 7 32. 5 26. 4 18. 5 15. 0 1, 272 60. 5. 57. 5 17. 8 Iowa 51. 1 46. 2 35. 7 16. 9 27. 4 1, 064 N. 0 33. 6 Kansas 20. 6 17. 2 9. 8 8. 2 11. 3 1,112 47. 2 46. 1 - 40. 8 32. 7 18. 0 12. 1 '17. 4 Kentucky 752 66. 0 64. 6 49. 8 .45. 5 41. 7 21. 0 Louisiana . 856 50. 9 46. 1*44. 7 .47. 9 21. 4 Maine 842 24.4 13. 7 15. 0 Maryland 127.2 1 160 1 16,4 11.2 & 5 12. 0 1,318 45.0 42 27.8 21.7 17.1 11.5 Massachusetts 1,680 12. 7 14. 8 13. 2 9. 8 8. 8 9. 1 8. 6 la Eip Michigan 1,441 M innesota 26.3 29.2 22.3 20.3 14.0 11.5 15.6 1, 251 33. 7 35. 9 23. 9 19. 4 12.0 8. 8 4 M ississippi. e4 448 60. 8 7. 8 M issouri 61. 2 49. 6 44. 2 31. 0 22. 0 22. 9 1, 123 65. 3 58. 1 44. 4 37. 6 26. 4 Montana 1,104 16. 2 21.0 60.3 38.5 219 .16.6 12.0 10.7 1L8 Nebraska 1,078 51.9 Nevada 40.7 27. 1 21. 8 11.9 7. 3 11.0 1,451 324 46.7 16. 3 11.1 10.8 9.0 ., New Hampshire 1, 034 15. 0 12.9 New Jersey 16. 8 9. 8 8. 9 7. 1 8. 3 11. 5 1, 884 32. 5 28. 5 18. 4 12.9 12.1 New Mexico 1,004 10.5 10.8 91. 7 78.0 1 62.2 1 55. 2 34. 4 20.6 ZIA New York 1,986 22.9 28.0 16.9 14. 9 11. 7 NorthCarolina 752 10. 3 12.2 73. 2 1 71. 3 59. 1 49.-4 28. 5 15. 8 NorthDakota 822 .24. 7 17. 0 Ohio 1 40. 8 28. 3 28.8 17. 4 12. 3 1, 420 43. 2 16. 2 Oklahoma 47. 8 43. 1 40. 4 31. 1 18. 0 20. 4 1, 014 42.8 26,2 18.9 .24.6 Òregon 1,251 51.7 48.3 43.3 28. 4 Pennsylvania 1,439 42.8 19. 4 12.8 15.6 RhodeIsland 45.5 34,2 32.0 22.6 16.3 18.4 1,472 20.4 2a 2 12.6 9.5 89 8outh Carolina 737 7.8 9. 5 62. 4 59,-6 49. 6 1 43. 5 23. 1 14. 7 South Dakota 888 16. 3 (3) (2) 29.0 24.4 16. 6 10.5 14.3 Tennessee 683 75. 0 74. 4 61. 8 1 54. 0 37. 0 22. 4 23. 3 Texas 870 77. 3 Utah 1 75. 0 61. 1 48. 9 30. 8 18. 0 17. 6 1,217 56. 0 54. 5 46. 6 36. 5 26. 6 24. 9 Vermont 878 27. 9, . 16. 5 16. 8 12. 0 13. 6 8. 9 3. 7 8. 3 Virginia 743 64. 5 01. 8 41. 5 31. 5 19. 9 10. 9 112. 5 Washington 1 41 46.5 37. 4 40. 6 2& 9 20. 0 9 WestVirginia...... 0 79. 0 12. 3 Wisconsin 75. 2 63. 4 57. 9 48. 0 2i3. 7 al. 8 .1,213 Wyoming %.8 289 19.8 18.4 11.8 8.9 14.8 . 51,105 28.6 44.3 22.4 15.6 12.8 11.0 .126 Outlying partsof the lUnitedStates Alaska .1, 769 11. 0 American Samoa 315 11. 5 89. 7 Canal Zone *,1, 482 31. 4 Guam 388 37. 6 Hawaii 1, 475 .40. 4 PhilippineIslands -. 11. 1 11. 5 Porto Ricok, 60. 6 4 58. 5 VirginIslandb P25 27. 8 30. 7 . 078_ 29. 2

, q' 3 Estimated. * ' . % I Included inNorth Dakota. r. a r1., e .!'.. . , .1 \ :" 44

, ;! . 26 -.BIENNIAL SURVEYOF EDUCATION, 1924-1926'

MOLE 13.Schools and schoolbuildings, 1924-25


I COnsolidatedschools A .School buildings used One- room State school- Foreiv- Estab- Total houses For ele- ondas y . lished number used mentaryschools Total t. thisyear schools exclu- sively

1 1 3 4 j s 7

Continental United States 11C27 . 15, 704 158, 225 I193, 745 I7, 405 258, 859

Alabama 42 438 3, 332 6, 122 6, 335 Arizona 3 12 36 zt.') 525 Arkansas. 3170 3 3, 800 6, 540 20 6, 560 California 1, 8CA 5. 009 339 5, 30 Colorado 166I 1, 656 2, 644 00 ., 2, 734 . . ConneCticut 587q . . ... 1,373 .64 . 1, 437 Delaware_ 255 Dist rict of Columbia A 474 5 479 143 15 158 Fidrida. 0 151 .0945 Georgia 2, 316 0 15 2, 331 .. 174 612 3, 881 7, 130 Idaho 4 50 Illinbis 957 1, 639 49 1, 688 2 123 10, 123 13, 764 600 14, 364 Indiana. 1, OGI 29 3, 114 5, 150 275. 5, 425 Iowa 407 Kansas 9, 756 11, 310 774 12, 084 ' 171 424 8, 641 641 9, 282

Kentucky 5 350 6, 122 7, 151 Louisiana 707 1. 7, 858 , 0391 Maine 1, 629 3, 227 34 3, 261 - 3 38 2, 102 2, 765 89 2, 854 Maryland .1, 402 2, 4Z2 20 2, Massachusetts 657 2, 749 210 2,959 Michigan 2 248 8, 502 Minnesota . 8, 897 14 371 7, 500 9, 149 75 9, 224 . Mississippi 84 862 3, 518 6, 750 4 250 7, 000 Missouri 232 Montana 10, 099 93 2, 994 3, 552 47 3, 599 Nebraska Nevada 101 8, 648 8, 587 133 8, 722 1 -21 232 330 15 345 New Hampshire 3 15 697 New Jersey a 1, 059 32 1, 091 New Mexico 274 585 2, 113 112* 2, 225 1, 425 830 1, 425 , 48 1, 473 New York North Carolina 23. 387 8, 423 12, 165 105 796 Z 720 7, 088 North Dakota 4 Ohio. 505 4, 316 5, 076- 21 5,097 Oklahoma 1, 661 6, 522 7, 874 881 -8, 755 2, 438 3, 638 6, 229 92 6, 321 Oregon 89 1, 706 2, 576 135 Pennsylvania 43 2, 711 Rhode Island 461 8, 519 13, 379 388 13, 767 South ('arolina 1 8 115 506 3 509 South Dakota 40 382 2, 285 4, 444 4 150 I 4, 594 119 4, 728 5, 314 Tennessee Texas 53 614 2, 872 8, 493 Utah 158 1,060 1 5, 048 9, 517 210 9, 727 a r 103 Vermont 657 ao . 707 Virginia 4 50 1, 105 1, 401 24 4 1, 425 . . 1 625 3, 460 6, 271 30 \8, XI Washington West Virginia° 28 344 1, 535 2, 958 150 3, 108 Wisconsin ... 292 4, 940 8, 874 311 ,7, 185 W yoming 3 .. 73 6, 669 8, 136 149 8, 285 53 1, 170 1, 352 28 1, 380

(Milling partsof theUnitedSlates. tr Alaska o American Samoa o 52 77 o Canal Zone o 3 s 45 o 45 o o o 21 21 Guam o o Hawaii 2 21 o 21r. o 0 203 586 Philippine Islands 35 .621 . Porto Rico 7, 695 94 ,789 Virgip Islan(1s o 300 403 1, 480 17 ,497 1 1 o 6 21 .6 26 . I Total for 41 ¡take. sliguresfor 1922. s Valensfor 1924. A rgm 4 Estimated. 7 -1 .* .6". 'N STATISTICSOF STATESCOWLSYSTEMS,1924L-1925 27 TABLE 14.- Valueof publicproperty used forschoolpurposes, 1924-E5

Vkllue of Average erydipmentrValueofall value of State Value of sites (furniture, propert y used school and buildings apparatus, for school propert libraries, .purposeS per pupil etc.) enrolled

1 2 3 o

Total for Satesreporting $3, 336, 067, 193 $327, 192,969 I$4, 252, 328,900 $173 Alabama Arizona I 35, 658, 016 3, 856, 421 39, 513, 137 ea 12, 131, 560 164 Arkansas 22, 780, 812 California 3, 013, 630 25, 794, 442 51 Colorado. 257, 000, 563 30, 472, 699 287, 423, 262 266 t 43, 947, 337 4, AM, 358 48, 803. 695 . . 198 Connecticut Delaware 72, 998, 914 249 -.- 5, 820, 641 District of Columbia 18, GM, 169 149 Florida j 1, 698, 169 20, 132.338 281 34,432,441 . Georgia 2, 916, 217 37, 348, 658 130 34, 549, M9 3, 486. 163i 38,035, 722 54 Idaho 1 Illinois 1.7, 867, 881 2, 767. 409 20, 635, 290 176 Indiana 270, 85, 323 22, 057, 907 292, 943, 230 218 114, 373, 847 Iowa 9, 172, 390 123, 546, 237 192 Kansas 114, 294, 969 8, 636, 675 122,931,644 204 72, 652, 901 172 Kentucky . 34, 503, 1M 4, 986, 718 39, 4g9, 873 Louisiana 38, 517, 159 Maine - 4, 41;. 378 42, 984, 537 105 Marylimd -i 21, 3411.425 3, 810, 887 .25, 152, 31_2 170 Massachuset . 11, 622. 503 129 ts 8 . 169, 212,778 13, 587, 025 182, 799, 803 244 M ichigan 1 Minnesota 219, 341 321 260 Mississippi 132, 353. 764 2, 128, 834 134, 482, 598 248 M issourl 35, 818. 310 921, 319 36, 737, 629 102, 730, 269 69 Montana 11, 773, 453 114, 503, 722 156 23, 262,154 3, 561, 744 26, 823, 898 230 Nebraska. 54, 969, 346 Nevada 7, 593, 050 62, 562, 396 102 3, 907, 911 626, 251 New Hampshire ...... 4, 534, 182 282 New Jersey ... 13, 853, 095 1, 601, 413 15, 454, 508 209 172, 594. 600 13, OKI, 277 185, 677, 877 New Mexico A, 241. 440 -273 1, 113, 675 9, 355, 115 107 New York North Carolina 524, 530, 253 41, 910, 512 568, 440, 765 290 North Dakota .70, 705, 838 87 Ohio 38, 052, 613 220 155, 1M, 200 15, 898, 052 171, 083, 252 Oklahoma 62, 608, 677 138 12, 365, 850 74, 974, 527 114 Oregon. Pennsylvania 29, 182, 378 5, 869, 858 35, 052, 236 16 350, 807. 535 33, 380, 710 . 384, 188, 245 Rhode Island 18, 942, 382 210 South Carolina 1, 919, 428 20, 861, 810 158 28, 688,997 2, 839, 642 31, 529, 4539 South Dakota 20, 474, 750 66 3, 849, 208 24, 323, 858 149 Tennessee Texas 24, 177, 203 2, 437, 141 26, 614, 344 40 Utah 111, 261, 809 15, 195, 252 126, 457 061 21, 761,486 124 Vermont 1, 800, 646 23, 562, 132 173 Virginia 9, 002, 890 140 45, 893, 213 4, 212,603 50, 105, 816 90 Washington 55, 344, 785 West Virginia 7, 286, 818 62, 631, 603 194 Wisconsin 54, 737, MO 102, 955, 552 139 WyomingI 14,442,440 117, 397, 992 8, 525, 750 206 1,645, 747 10, 171, 497 197 .Outlying parts ofthe UnitedStates .

Alaska 4 AmericanSamoa 4800, 000 100, 000 900,000 216 64,000 .9,000 Canal Zone_ _ . _ 73, 000 48 Guam 550, 000 120 Hawaii I 110, 000 4.,000 118, °do 44 6, 274, 802 PhilippineIslands 690, 250 6, 965, 052 127 Porto Rico 15, 950,063 . 14 5( VirginIslands 14...... 82, 5001 45,000 411. 127, 500 40 I Figures for1924 , . . 28 BIENNIAL SURVEYOF EDUCATION,1924-1926

. TABLE15.-Permarientschoolfunds andschool lands,1924-25

Permanent school funds Unsold schoollands State State County Loail Total Number I Value. 11 ofacres

1 2 3 4 5 2

Continental UnitedStates Total for Statesreporting $425, 548. 51942, 088.(sAT$450, 894,647 dbtribution $374, 267. 111 $23 284,805$16, 889, 072

Alabama 3, 127, 247 0 14, 87 3, 137, 834 Arizona" 964 736 130, opo 2, 000,000 9ti4, 736 7, 298, 324 21, 894,730 Arkansas 1, 314 500 o 0 1, 314, 500 California _ -_ 9, 095. 356 O 0 9, 095, 356 Colorado I 7, 235, 269 SOO.1100 1, 600,000 o 0 7, 235,269 32,735, 354 341,030, Rio Connecticut. 2, 025, 974 o 975, 886 3, 001, 860 0 .Delaware 944, 407, o GO, 000 1, 004, 407 . Florida 4, 000 000 0 0 Idaho o 0 4,000,000 201, 919 9, 958, 281 O , 0 Illinois 948 955 9, 968, 281 2, 463, 711 24, 637,118 O 7, 084, 297 8, 033, 252 3 4, 0724 19, 402, 050 Indiana 13, 078, 860 O 2, 495, 769 15, 574, Iowa 629 489 . 33, 379 , 14, 800,000 Kansas 0 . 10, 451, 140 O 0 10, 451,140 . o Kentucky 2, 034, 141 I Louisiana O 0 2, 034. 141 0 0 I 2, 540, 000 , 540, 000 I 118, 252 11, 791,775 Malin 545, 878' O 643 513 1, 189, 391 Maryland 402, 022 0 0 Massachusetts O 0 402, 022 0 0 5, 000, 000 o 0 5, 000,000 Michigan 5, 599, 000, 0 0 5, 500, 000 O 0 0 Minnesota 46, 813, 788 0 O 0 46, 813, 788 600. 000 85, COO,OW Missigippi 1, 036, 519 M issouri 0 . 0 1, 036, 519 575, 000 (s) 10, 190, 489 2,520,391 12, 710,880 Montana 10, 480, 065 0 0 10, 480, 0654, 600, 000 Nebraska 10, 177, H95 44 000, 000 Nevada 0 O 10, 177,895 1, 579, 121 22, 025, 198 2, 900, 547 0 O 2, 900, 547 I 557, 845 701, 420 New Hampshire .. _ .,.. _ _ 59, 723 0 554, 829 1114, 352 New Jersey 11, 682, 572 0 0 o650,000 0 12,332,572 New Mexico 1, 133, 046 (*) I2, 350, 000 New York 0 O 1, 133, 0468, 689, 796 20, 000, 000 9, 546, 803 0 0 9, 546, 803 .North Carolina 1, 217, 767 O 0 , 0 13 1, 217, 767 o . O North Dakota 17;962, 008 0 o. 17, 962,008 1, 405, 581 Ohio f. 3, 910, 957 0 28, 111,620 Oklahoma O 3, 910, 957 9, 431 362, 5&3 44, 607, 464° 0 O 24, 607,464 Oregon 7, 336, 507 . 300, 000 7, 241, '86 Pennsylvania 0 o 7, 336, 507 660, 000 1, 650, WO .. 1, 021, 824 0 O 1, 021, 824 0 1 o

Rhode Island . 291, 601 0 O 291, 601 South Carolina I 63, 511 0 . 0 .0 O 63, 511 O South Dakota 23, 150, 462 . 0 . 0 23. 150,4622, 201, 406, Tennessee 2, 512, 500 75, 000, 000 Texas 0 O 2, 512,500 0 0 75, 000, 000 12, 444,316 87, 444, 316 500. 000; 1, 000, OW Utah 4, 900, 000 I Vermont 4, 900,000Z 500, 000 6, 250,000 1, 373, 127 1, 373, 127 I 47, 220 Virginia 5, 424, 500 I 1, 770,000 Washington 5, 424,500 .0 0 Ar" 19, 081, 7841 0 19, 081, 786 .West Virginia .. 1, 018, 958I 10, 189, 580 I1, 000, 000 0 1, 000, 000 0 1 4, 0 Waeonsin 4. 000, 000 ... 10, 311, 531 12, 820 Wyoming1 10, 955. 373 60, 000 10, 955, 373 3, 079, 310 30, 793, 100 .Outlyingparts 0. Ala0a 700 700 0 Porto Rico 4. 126, 450 0 2, 163, 179 0, 289, 629 0 0

3 Figures for1924. 3 Figures for1922. I Twentyfivecity lotsadditional. 4 Chiefly in Chicagoreal ('state. Includes estimatesof royaltieson iron ore of approximately I Valuenot known. $80,000,000. 7 Riparianlands.- IEstimated. ...' ,', ' . ' . , I'.. - ... ' ., a . p .:', , ', ,)_ 4 ,1 ;., ,. ito ..* : .. ,,; .; ..!4.:c!,4*,',";;-1:20. . '' I .1 ,;.,;: , 0, . .. . / . I,. . " .. ; e11. '' 1 t.... ' 1. ...t....;,-. .,y1 a ., t ,- -, ot.,,,k,tw,.--,,:..1.- . Vel 'eq..* ry4;1-4. 4. `.. f.101::.,-,. ,, rA"...... - . ,...... ,... I , ..,,,,. , ,...... ,, ...:,,4...-- .....,:., i.., ..., . t ...1.4d...._,!...... 3),,...... q.,,..fit. i.....,,"_..,N.,.i.....1.:,:le ... .4.01.y..... ,....",...11,,..,,1.A.-zi;:il,;...:t,',.." .....r 3..;::::,.. ' :. i li ., ' i. -ii..-n.---'"-- my- la -L 1111, -'.--,....:-.-.- I. - STATISTICS OFSTATE SCHOOLSYSTEMS, 1924-1925 29

TABLE 16.-Indebtedness,sinking funds,andpaymentson indebtedness, 194-245 41,

School bonds Total Bonds and outstandingamount in other Transfers Interestr State paidon and other school indebted-to sinking Refunds forms of sinking. ness paid funds indebted- .debt funds- in 1924-25 ness

11 3 4 6 7

ContinentalIT 9 sl, 627, 252, 176 1 os, 074, 416117 923, 751$19, 487, 019$59, 231, 289$1, 129,249

Alabama 14, 693 609 I -0 Arizona 1 871, 781 189, 448 30, 114 9.853,09sf 2, 258, 843 338, 217 40 469, 737 Arkansas 9, 494, 328 398, 392 California 165, 444, 174 (I) Colorado 29, 897, 766 451, 821 1, 634, 649 Connecticut 1; 588, 459 722, 030 967, 423 I»laware 1, 157, 780 0 134, 206 70, 735 3, 748 Florida- 25, 221, 332 Georgia 3, 121, 488 1, 305, 256 7, 228 . 246, 638 Mi a. Idaho 11, 773, 115 789,662 1, 0061864 789, 662- 853, 617 32, 061 Illinois M. 972 621 3, 036, 673 4, 204, 741 Indiana. 55, 674, 598 2,3 Iowa 141 7,991, 591 (2) 2, 612,088 12., 651, 584 Kentucky (s) Louisiana 4, 223, 990 -883, 479 1, 037, 211 4,087 Maine . Maryland 341, 242Va. V...... 23, 596, 812 802, 752 546, 4b5 Michigan__ I ie ... 127, 718, 738 10, 401, 330 M innesota 73, 045, 634 5, 409, 693 (1) 6.104mmvVve.vV Misqissippi 6; Mu, 100 1, 050, 810 (1).,se 1, 050, 810

Missouri 420, 314, 628 Montana "IS 12, 842, 206 1, 247, W1 717, 604 432, 410 Nebraska 754, 205 8, 998 . 34, 188, 534 15, 304, 785 839, 335 1, 480, 717 Nevada 1, 774, b78 161, 010 New Hampshire I 131, 398 131, s34 103, SO8 3, 540, 964 17, 166 570, 939 190, 277 New Jersey 135, 545, 017 New Mexico 10, 449,105 4, 976, 245i 726, 501 5, 699, 663 5, 930001 1 251, 132 266, 465 -126, 094 288, 388 New York 121, 772, 610 * 9, 242, 5541 108, 956 5. 611, 427 86, 175 North Carolina , 000, MO 1, 274, 169 North. Dakota 503, t91i 1, 594, 928 17, 140, 835 3, 299, 528 2, 710, 716 1, 939, fr, 3481 206 ...... 11111, Ohio 219, 600, 460 20, 675, 000 13, 700, 000 1 4, MO, 850 . Oklahoma 51, 605, 151 ...... V Oregon 13, 470, 909 2, 754 042 12, 486 2, 073, 680 14, 911, 466 6, 124 611 431, 232 Pennsylvania. 174, 442, 722 Rhode island 16, 100, 235 18079, 810 3,288, 924 9, 613, 249 i4a,947.- South Carolina , 524, 000 886, 740 South Dakota 19, 978, 700 1,887,624 2, 510, 006 V ..Tennessee 1. 1, 144, 796 4 4, 229, 000 334, 150 Texas 87, 010, 904 (1) Utah 10, 453, 542 1, 577, 195 3, 190, 601 11, 746, 703 673, 577 415, 195 110, 146 500, 345 Vermont 1, 619, 513 Virginia. 107, 092 (s) Washington 1, 846, 881 455, 102 J 29,080, 320 2, 777, 002 1, 766, 815 1, 492, 969 West Virginia 15, 476, 000 Wisconsin 683, 774 720, 407 659, 148 . 19,-600, 716 . 1, OM, 416 4, 778, 793 754, TO 446, 881

Wyoming1 212, 623 74, 566 Outlyingparts of MsUnited

Statu , AlaSka 190,000 -- I Figures. for1924. A 4 Figures fork922. sIncluded in column4. s 1924 districts only. ' Included incolumn 69 sCity school data,1924.



410 . s.

.* 4 S .

q * 7 . 7t*S1 .. . S.. -.Z. , , r-" t4.-4-4 ; ' v . 1 Iti;.$14.T 3 ° ; -v ? , - - 1' : 'IS r' .4 . . . e . %, .1 : : - . a _ . F-1.4". :*:1- .. 30 BIE NNIAL SURVEY OPEDUCATION, 1924-1926

TABLE 17.-Receipts from.permanent school funds and leasesof schoollands, 1924-25

Receipts from- Total receipts from-permanentfunds and- leases of school lallds

State Total, PermanentLoam of school 1* State County Local includ* -funds lands undistrib- uted items

1 3 4 S. 7

Continental United States_.$21, 006, 648 $3, 089, 620121, 3K 675! $807, 578$1, 952, 015$24. 096, 268

Gib 174, 011 Alabama 0 174, 011...... 174. 011 Arizona 1 114, $25 163, 574 278. 399 278, 399 Arkansas 65, 725 (15, 725 I 65, 725 California_ 456, t333 36, 053 492, 686 I 492, 686 Colorado 914, 251 (2) s. 914 2.51 914, 251 . 1 Connecticut 208, 001 O 114, 483 93% 518 I t08, 001 Delaware 50, 849 o .47,798 ...... 3, 051 50, 849 Florida. , 122, 439 122,439 122, 439 Georgia 0 0 0 Idaho 566, 945 143, 712 710, 657 710, 657

'Illinois 451, 930 1, 060, 537 57. 006 1, 4M, 467 ,512, 467 Indiana 934, 478 765. 477 .169, 001 934,478 Kansas. 537, 092 0 536'.. 092 537, 002 Kentucky 149, 876 0 149, 876I 149, 876

Louisiana I 101, 625 55, 890 55, 890 101. 625 157, 515 Maine 68. 366 0 32,7"13 r. 35, 603 6Ik 354 Maryland -20, 'all 353 0 20, 353 20, 353 wachusetts a a 405, 050 0 405, 050 405, 050 Michigan 350,000 0 350, 000 350, 00 Minneiota 2.000, Of0 2, 000. Of0 r, 2,000,*(V Mississippi 62, 1 91 '228, 832 62.191 228, 832 291, 023 Montana. ,41' 563, 771 269,1188 833,759 833, 7!.9 Nébraxita. 505, 600 4; 634 510,234 510,234 Nevada 128, 154 33, 680 161, 834 1 61, 834

New Hampshire 29, 152 0 2, 389 ?r, 763 29, IF2 New Jersey 521) OKI 500 000 25, 083 525, 083 New Melted -11 80, 895 297, 743 378, 638 378, 638 North Carolina 47 224 47, 224 47, 224 North Dakota 975, 772 207, 734 1, 14 506 1,183, 506 - . .Ohio '267, 497 36, 000 267, 497 36, 000 303, 497 Oklahoma - 1, 854, 392 312, 487 2, 166, 879 2, 166, 879 Oregon 407, 031 407, 031 407 031 .Pennsylvania. 1Cilf, 379 101, 379 Rhode Island ...... - 4111. 101, 379 27, 892 0 9, 290- ...... I 18s 602 27, 892 . . pr. South Carolina 3, 262 0 3, 262 3, 262 r, South Dakota 1, 730, 550 (I) 1, 730, 550 , 1, 730, 550 - .Tennessee 150, 750 0 1501 750 ' . 150, 750 Texas --`3, 460, 320 2, 962, 547 I497., 773 .. 3, 460, 320 Utah J 368, 166 (I) 388, 1416 368, 166 MI:1 Vermont 09,tlie 12, 385 69, 656 12, 385I .82. Oil Virginia a. I 88 676 0 188, 676 . 188, 676 Washington 885, 183 226,371 1, 091, 554 O . 1, 091, 554 West Virginia 50, 643 0 50, 643 50, 643 isconsi o 137, 395 137, 395 137, 395 : ¡WyomingI 713, 575 7 41"-"- ,j17.2. (I) 713, 575 k , 713, 575 ======a1111= Dzimita; _ Porto Rico I 2S1, 585 ossI - -: 86, tarI 251, 585 1. . , 4 1 Figures. for 1924. :Included in Column2.. Estimated.


.414* . s.

Vt.. A !. .* . 4.1. .. 4: : 4 .. r...... 4.,.4. 4.. ,...* .. l'Z'4";4. s'1:-t'',.::::":..V.) :.. ,. 1: . . : . .. 10:4441:1.1:44,,fri's.1'4.44.e...?rot tivb.iii,,-. ,r:-.:1,,,;...1 .:-y,,i, .1.:.V. ,...4.i.C;;J,..j.., ....., -.c.t%.-",.. ,.4,44. .,..=. r, ;- ; .. : ...... -----4.= ,,,,...... _:L.,.iic.....,2_,..L.c...... k. .tr. ,...,. ,i,' .' V1-: 4 . , -'r ' v il'' . te ..,t."...rs -tt .r r * 1r i'- -4-----. - -,-4_.- 1.-.; : 1-AS.1--. --- -.--- .....L.--.-:-. `i 4'..." ( 4. ---, '1 --410-" STATISTICSOF STATESCHOOLSYSTEMS,1924-4925 £1 1 TABLE I 18.-hicome fromappropriation andtaxation,1924-2

Oh. e. To State State County .clu . und /lb uted items

1 3 11 .' 4 Continental United States $240, 114, 707$16$, 133, 271 $1,175,450;352$1, 583,698, 330 . .Alabama 4, 427, 458 Arizona I 4, 149, 041 3, 032, 902 11, 609.401 1, 406, 523 2, 293, 160 Arkansas 3, 425, 686 3. 199. 577 6, 900, 262 Cali torn - 6, 318, 442 9, 744, 128 Colorado 19, 748. 440 34,63i/907 40, 344,612 148, 000 94,128, 959 a 5, 218, 489 13, 681, 899 19, 948, 388 %% Connecticut - 11 993, 703 21, 592, 295 Delaware 2, 23, Mk 998 as,x20 . 512,262 District ofColumbia 12,711,430 2, 807. 482 Florida 10,162, 119,. 12, 873,349 - 510. 906 4, 804, 853 Georgia, II 4, 615, 945 4, 415,617 10,021, 704 7, 720, 509 1.012, 414 13, 148,540 ...Idaho , Illinois 2, 510, 991 5, 279,939 - th.380, 424 7, 790, 950 Indiana.. 110,666,89.1 119,047, 319 Iowa 4, 884, 112 .. , 1,810,614 48, 924 ni 53.811,003 Kansas 45,117,398 44 928,012 40,606, 829 40,606, 829 Ken tucky 4, MO, 268 4, 636, 047 7,165, Louisiana 3,514,440 354 16 431, 669 Maine - 12, 115, 204 15, 629, 644 M afyland 2, 811,347 7,465, 3, 342, 783 10, 277, 130 573 5, 126, 537 7,817,168 Massachusetts 6, 423, 308 16, 286, ...... 66, 471,592 72;894, 900 Michigan .- 782 54,291, 532 Minnesota 7, 322. * 125, 314 0 Mississippi 163 34C94,886 44,019,051 3. 434,156 3, 265, 005 M issouri. _ . 5,216,045 3, 143, 236 11, 91 5, 206 . 226, 746 46,995,018 Montana_ 111, 880 50, 275, 000 4, 662, 719 6, 506,001 11, 280, 000 Nebraska...... 289, 929 20, Nevada _ 604,678 20, 874, 607 ...... 247, 449 1, 052, 90K New Hampshire... 378,139 1. . - ...... 690, 755 678, 496 New Jersey . 5,733,131 , .- 6, 423, 886 - _ _ ..... 15, 326, 831 New Mesh& _ VA 672 52,213,773 432, 981 67, 910, 276 3, 225, 959. 812,707 4,471, 647 New York . _ . 41, 008, 570 . NorthCarblina. t 148, 363, 7PS 180, 371,785 1, 640,486 17, 230, 447 North Dakota .. _ 7, 197, 540 . 26, 068, 473 ,2, 619, 150 4 Ohio- 947, 070 I 11, 680,52.5 15, 246, 745 3, 188, 108 '23, 588, 657 'Oklahoma 45, 1M828 A 71. 892,593 886, 284 3, 893, 098 s. . . . 23, 213, 439 27, 992, 821 Oregon 2, 072, 743 2, 584, 722 .8, 429, 329 Pennsylvania 20, &, 460 13, 086, 794 Rhode Island 114, 195, 360 135, 049, 810 South 444, 233 8, 109. 721 Carolina_ 3, 815, 290 8, 553, 964 South Dakota 3, 563, 417 5, 347,261 13, 225, 968 14, 252, 471 14,-252, *71 Tennessee.-. - -. Tegia 4,608,539 8, 387, 079 5,096,397 I. _t_ 17, 486,015 Utah 14, 132,040 21, n47, 828 , 3, 143, 287 35, 979,868 Vermont '- 5, 664, 659 8, 807, 946 Virginia_ 944, 270 3, 692, 322 5, 301, 933 4, 636, 592 3, 814,132 8, 045 17, 418, J10 Washin gtv- 6, 517, 628 West Virginia_ 4, 001, 705 16, 082, 054 26, 601, 187 1, 647, 841 21, 508, 663 Wisconsin 3, 973,4M 23, 186, 494 . Wyoming I 3, 274, 589 30, 747, 673 37, 995, 738 1'0203, 142 742, 608 2, 762, 784 4, 708, 534 Outlyingparti of the UnitedStates A laska American Samoa ado, 301 108, 564 4* 865 Hawaii. 1.7, 573 Philippine 637,187 3, 015, 409 Islands 7, 458,411 3, 652, 596 Porto Alba Ift 7,458,411 Virgin Wands 104, 475 4, 472, 344 . 104, 475 t Aguestor s Federal Mt.- appropriation. s Distributionrettnuited. .'

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vF gr lUllpx1 xzzzrni[ 1 4 , - . New York ' 484 959 ; 10, 634, 839 10, 434, R39 41, 494, 529 i ' Vb North CarolinaDakota 213,121, 253 88426, 707 111, 075 265, 133 3, 808,6321, 414, 652 281, 169 3, &At1, 414, 632 6U 6s7, 377 3,3, 668, I,KW, 020, 858 363 660 23,17, 495,947, 5806;57070 j 154 OK 05449,13, 050, 005, 400 1777, 478, 700 200, 492, 68376,26,17, 307,804, 871, 975956 610 , Ohio OregonOklahoma , $5,97, 444310 , 1, 384 155 364 026 . 1, 384 155 366, 026 Z3, 515, 150& ON 607 3, 584,584893, 722098 24 578,4659, 817, 484 n 622, 170 RhodePennsylvania Island_ -r 348, 08933, 373 .. I 8, 5.11, 021 172. 237 8, 523. 021 21, 303, 918 2, 144, 022, 29914, 917, 290 southSouth Dakota Carolina 30,78, 125 108 . ! 4. . I,1, 764,40, MN607 1,I. 469,754, KM607 17Z W 3,1, 894 760, 660 675 4M, 896 3, 563, 417 I in, 718, asr16, 007, 0787,8, 316,300, 965560 17,a 777,767, 753oaa4, 7a7, 456 VermontVtabTensTennessee _ In112, 491 01321,14. 376 833 ' 5, 612, 718 26, 686 1 801, 997 4, 947, 362 286,141,190, 161 850 339 10, 540, 1, 943, 284,217, 161 a 800,79638659.4,1, 271, 029, 515302 759 a. 10, 497,189, i _ 076773 , 24 795, 1903,a, 5,99R 864, 232, 867 998 257 50,19, 183, 092, 759 6355,9, WM4t4, 513626 WestVirginia V 104 40863,58.337 202 I -161,392 ..i 4 1 2, 341, 267 614,845, 014018 192, 3411267 614, 018 5 71,6, 695,co :118 4,3, 001,814, 705132 1410, 977, 643, 069 312 2420, 757,052, 685461 WyomingWisconsin I Outlying perts of the United States 124 23916. 581 ..1. 235,ZIO, 746175 230,234 744 175 4,1, 236, 933, 110 298 761, 3, 742,774, 6011689 . 30,22, 983, l 2Z 419 6712, 9M. 969_ 34a 494,sm. 118 asi68 am to Amick=OdomCanalMo. Zoos Sanwa la. 6 8077 262,300, 301728 I Ms, 564 468.262. 865 728 17, 573 Haman 1. 637, 187 48. 161 a, 1 4 3, 662. 506 48, 161 VirginPortoPhIli Islands 4. blands . -7, 458, 411 104,166, 475oas 1 sktoo i1 I ' 06, aa7 -7, 4544, 472,411 344 101, 473 ' " 's I2 IncludesIncludingFiVirte for municipal 1924. Federal aid for receipts. vocational education, column 2. AppropriationIncluded tn Table from Fefteal Government 18, column 4. for all ?dwelled. PTO 49t1 . . . . `0V6 '9I 91080)%080T96 V»%Wet "CI409 Bunion 19 'ea 'L 'so I 9t1_ 6U t99 '9TZ _ 'E 1g,Ise 6t 6gZ Vtbt LOP 468 1 9811 69, Ks V& .'11CIII11:182f . LL9 'OCE "CI - 076 'SOO '9 I.ES 'ow OM 411 989fn 91,962 '/ *ES 'COI '69 gtg1LP 'lot 'LV)419 '09 ...... MO 691'61 V9Z199 101'99Z NiZ '6 I , 199 '99'L 6 siAgincruit r. . '01t1tt2 6/1 61 919 lEtt 998 'ELE 091Sit 'GOO"6/C `L . 99; 'COI 'VC weacmintraPPIPL ' _I_ . ocoI Ises 49 COL108996 %Pi'111 'ITZ 1 1/9 '61 11 SZZit9in IfIZ 'V '9L94t81. '01 Eo 109111'69,4'M 4'006 MCCSC001 'OK '999%let 1 V 900OMI6L 199 '9E9 Z '6Z9 '9 . V60 '6Z7VS tI6 'Z49 2 mein a) LSIZ198 t99'999 491 ut 9911089CS6cat£11 `on'998 '0121Z `st'49 ' L9 909SIZ106196 *99t 'L91,'LI/ '006 I* '19 49T LOC '911C 'V 8962Lß'V&l9Z9 '0064T les 9404011tilEHO 116 '61Z '9 et ti6In '6Z0;vet :1 i OKcWrite g9LeI 91,9166t06tu '0111V16'ZS6 "g Nan -guns:InnAlPu;00X sesinggurrPI X 999899 'Oa '6C9 gEltWO '91.94961 Vet L90 ISL I 166 4019 'Z WOL1RK:41 %IL'S 446ZOVE4911 'WO 66 999 tZ2 COL9C6sty '129 ISZ799 g86S'el 'LIS 'VW '01 't . -man :7 , . , 0 gIl az9C8600 sago UP 3 `s Witlet 190 191 'CZ 'OW 'Z1 9E991CDO '1St VI tri 91'01'9 099 *711 609ecs let. 'L 6168 't 9I9ode910 119sin Itt, 616NItag Val '6 '619'fast 1 1tt '99 649 'VP 616tI6t IS'92.6 '912 6 TO, 'Z ---vgboso -salon sloul 'MN - -) , vz Icy 972u9 'IC I CO8010 'L99 '906 'Ot 9619I.LOCt '61,t '111 % t 1Lt ate 9t1 'OR 'S 912zr9 611 OD909 TOP II '01i lemarnloo P noPoLd " A do V= ts 990 UP sit It 112311a9u090 °lea t '...qtY 1 ga J sa Vs: le Its In '1.4 . 601 `9Z0 'tZ 891ViCs;COL 'VW Itt OOOOOO C/1Lid 1Z9 4901 'I . LIS 46ZZ . , 1";,---,-1 i 0 LL6to 'LOP =1 ' '9L9 '01 ter LIS east 'a ite 'et, lei LOL 106 'Et 1, . °plum^ ' *- gla meta 6L WI 'US/ I 1 , OP 989919 'Vet'Cat '4 " 699999 1r'11.9 %LP '91 '9 f9Lst9 lot L 'DO 't Lit '009 90g '91:8 1 st, step 98,119:castor, 010PL8 '101 4tit - I SS,tZ9 119 IC/ . gtuxangasesmilivi -- ... ,-, ci0P 99/ '1St 1LPS us 'at 7.80%* KZte9 1904995 tzr IS ' 9t1us '66V9 t Vets J 129ea In'29 1123 419 '919 Vitt t MI 'en '9$ en t80 '26. 191492490eMt L6I 'I i gams peitun . iintlearSiMa lituvo, suaspy a. . - ;::-A -2...,' -.'t et -'114 ' Pnn(11414Pan . arum ndigoei sittaan mf usinstri Jo * . - - !,-:i -11 .1194 Kr1Z81. U104 paps . PullniPut P1101, pool Llama ems yrinol -moo anuaA as spagoo_idAgnft.sa pui JO SIMI MOMpacx1 pal *VS . . . soasTwgpawl sogspq 311a1pups9 'seldteaei PawlsaMAIMTIOU clo pa. Stlaildal pin sidleoas mix) enuelamom MOM MOM ei938 2. t - g14$0, `Puri uo ra2uvrn putt 'eripoas v jo ?viol 'rldwas anuazutsoAr-7.0g4ilevi, Nebrmka...NeNew Hampshire - . 4, 287,447, 620 391 42. 703 111, 144 11, 544 65,49, 976 678 4. 008, 353 363, 340 42, 703 723,439.834, 196427207 2s, 726. /437G. 165. 3,,S0 420. 042. Wt. Mi. co446,1, sr27, 033 555 4, 602, 174 966, 496 NorthNewNew York Carolina_MexicoJersey. 30,23. 396,517, 7033468, 097 094 336, la Zet, 48322, 904 448, 800 96.47. 161549. 30,2a, 517, 652, 348 7958, MS, 974 456, 198 41, 40415, 911. 529 1'002, 320, 861 903. 847 17,944, 4003, 231, 316 394, 7M 189, 515, 40278,15, 023, 175, 4006111, 270, 008 231, 009, 93135,94, 440, 9325; 406/ n1 1, 855 ISO, 281, 10411, 196, 327 526,253, 736344 OregonOklahoma.NorthOhio Dakota ' 24. 637, 0864,3, 502, 1,056, 419 771 G6 560 1, 449. 000 28,47. 306 385 701,333, 61113'7 26. 440, 62381 104,1. 419.1M0 061 3,3.&24& 150. MK, 007 913894 23. Mt, 6573, 992, 456 I47. U70 25,75.491,08313, 582, 095, 108 177 , 102, 748, 59873,19, 726, 291, 731 100 160, 1. 004, 137 487,82s, 430ugs . Iv*ni& 37, 242, 788 37. 243, 7886, 2329,78 21, 303, 9182, 315, 064 584. 722 159, 902, 10915,050.462 20, 150, 263 4111P0 2, 509, 20 . South CarolinaDakota ode Island_ 1,000,957-1, 907, 586 1, 006,807, 957586 3. 1.MK 700. 000 615 486, EQ6 11,503,117 17, 014, 0369, &124, 300. 541 500 131.I,08718,16,384, 774, 61117108, 787, 456 ' ,26, 066,3676, 1,794, 768, 335 760 . Texas.Tonneaus 10, 95& 004Z 113, 172 472, 671 795,11:77, 457-030, 88K 894 11,981,0332, zn, ono 22, 890, 7964, 771. 302 10, 319, 154 497. rrn 38. 776, 2237. 123, 238 02,21, 913,164, 094792 3, 3r/7, SOO UtahVW:DOOR- 586, 710 3.1. M9 029, 513 759 3,6, 990, 440. e67 706 10.000. 223 a. 404.170 . - Wash 1 8,2, 819, 718, On864 206, 028 &z 919, moo 002 7.3, 97/4,395, 911017 4.$. 001, $14, 7061412 20.13,567.304 746, 130 22,976, 353 020426 41, 1,300, elk 906 161 78, 549 WyomingWisconsinWest I )rinii. 8, 085,1, 436, 717 366 304,106, 616 13490, 048 HZ 025 -1. 342.0, 032. 490 90, 048 4. 1.236. 933. 110 298 7n1 086 9,314, 416 742, ens 34,976,56122, 212, 7194, 633, 449 . 48,23,12, 974,576,577, 406746 an7, 211, 356 18, en, ONit, 413, 372 AmericakElamos Olf#/iiff peg* of A. Used 'States 1956 ===== 380 301 -gx,=="1:===araw 106, 364 414S, 866 1, 201 002 , BrIndiOnazaCanal Zone.. ili 7, 458, 411 637.203, 187 46. 161 sai 3, 015, 409 7, 3,652,458, 411 nee 203, 6264& 16117, 373 VirginPortoPitelidsnds Wands 1 Mimi for 1931. 104.47$163, 058 4, 723, 929 104, 473 N. . e ,


TABLE 21.-Perceniageanalysis ofremisereceipts: .

Total revenue receipts 11:11"5:Zital'a

I Receiving and 41WIWI...4 Ins body Source ofrevenue ,111111011 -{ State . Penn. sent 1 Taxa- Other imbed tion qmum, StatCountyLocal. funds and ± ,State1 Count Load inland- 3 , and pro- trig i I Maws of Prior rotund

I tIon aid A

i schoollands . .:._...,____ 1 9 IS*

k" Continental U. B.. Id 0 10.1 73.11 1. 4I 92. 9 &7 .'15.71 10.6 74.7c' Alabama 33. 2 U. 9 26.9 1. 2 81. 4 17.4 . 3& 1 33. 8 Orison&I 25. 2 TA. 1 rt.e & 6 , 911 6. 4 Adman's XL 4 33.3 44. 3 :1 31 .7 ¡, 1141.8 , 2.8 &I 2 M. .California X1 11 i&2 44.0 .6 96. 1 3. 4 30. a 36.6 I. 42.6 Colorado 4. 0 19. 1 I 7d 9 3. 4 62. 6 27.0 ; . 27.4 71. Connettirut 9. 3 90. 5 Ss 913 3.9 43. 5 e Delaware...... -18.3 1. 7 96.8 1. 8 AIII . Ift. 2 District of Columbia. . 21. 1 ...... 9 .99.9 .1 21...... 719 florid* & 6 40.5 619 1. 0 r ld 0 & I , 4R 8 4111 Georgia. XL 7 && 6 1L 8 .. 94. 3 & 31. 0 ad 7 7. 7 Idaho 1 IL 0 27. 2 M. 6, T. 7 1 84. 3 7. 8 52.2 67.1 Moots - d 9 . 91.1' 1. 2 91 4 & 4 7.0 wt. o Indiana id 3 $0. 7 1. 7 9d 0 Iowa ' 2. 3 9.1 911 - - 96 3 92.6 7. 4 3.9 ..... 96.I KAMM i g&ri 1 et: . L. 3 Id 6 .1 .. 100.0 1 Nanttwky 29. 3I 17.8 s419i .9 3 .6 2 2* 2 Louisiana. 11.0i a. 71.4 7.6 , .0 1.7 7.4 8,i 77.3.. Maine . :7 0 ...... 73.0 . .6 96.8 2. 6 .4 ;le Maryland. . . 1 10. XL 0 . 47. :1 91 3 L 20.3.' 3L3 4k 0 O. 4 hlaseachweiti - ...... 90,6 .3 00.0 1. 18 ; 91. 2

Mkkiraft 20 6 1 79. 5 , 5 91 3 7. 2 21.8 71111 M inneeota 11t. 21.2 4.0 . V.6 &4 16.6 O. 4 M litursirpl 77. 4 3IL 7 43.9I 2.2 91.0 6. 2*.5 1, /7.4 45 8 1)*1 ---6.6 4 9101 0).6 .4 6,21 . .3 Wt. 1 Montana 7. 8 3 í M. 9 61 7 90.3 3.0 1.0 4 41.3 !E.% , Nebraska...... 1 3. 6i 901 2 2.3 93.1 1 0 1.3 4 06. 7 Nevada_ ." 1 .23. 3 6 30. 1 & 6 89.1 1. 3 . 14.C. C2.7 22 5 Now Hampshire. 1 1 1. 1 1...... 9 4 9/ 4 I. 2. 10.8 Mk 2 New ivory. i 22. 6 i .6 It 9 .7 96.0 & 31.'22.6 .3 76. 9 New Meifoo t ld 3 63. 3 16.4 7.6 90.3' 2.1 9.7 72.1 Pk. 2 New York ; ID. 7 79 3.... 94.3 & 3 21.7' 78. Noeth Carolina__ _1 7.1 's.I Tres .3 95., 9 2.9 d 681 27. 6 North Dakota ... 21. 4 6.3 73.3 &I 63.8 & I 17. 2 I* 6 Ii a Ohio-- . 4. 314 44.3 .4 91. 2 Oklahoma 8. 4 4. 4t U. 61 10. 3 12. 7 77.0 Z 1 91.4 L 3 3.3 129 81. 9 Oregon 16, 9 17.3 MA 1.7 17.7 9.6 l& 19. 8 64.4 Poona tania 14. IA 2 .1 91 7 , 6. 2 l& 4 64. 6 Rhode Island . & 3 ...... 4 3 . .3 97.3 14 &2 94. 8 South Caron= 28. 4 .. 21. 1 49.8 .o U. 3 10. 3 26. 9l'"21.9 44. 2 -South Dakota 9. 9 ...... 90. 1 9.7 SO.2 10.1 4.4.... we. 100.0 Tonnage* 21. 7 81.7 28.6 .8 68.sl 10.4 22. 9 410 23.1 Tens 45. 6 1.0 &1.4 to 71 7 21.4 39 3 60.7 Utah 37. 8 ...... , 62. 3 3.9 03.6 2. . 33. 7 M. 3 Vermont . 20. 5 ..... 00. 79. 5 1.6 91 4 6.0 20, 4 79.6 27.9 .. 19.0 33.1 .9 8& 9 1.3. 2 30. 4 21.9 47. 7 Washington 27. 3 119 0 & a 92.3i I. 7II at & I& 0 60. 5 West Virginia...... 7, 4 916 2 1 Wisconsin 97 0 2.8 7. 1 92.9 11, 0 & 3H 80. 6 . WyomingI 4 OIL 7 , .9 10. 5 &6 80.9 Si 1 l& 1 , U. - 12.6 U. 1 ' O1===11; 4.1 21 6 16. 7 38.7 mar*pots IANIMPL 811111=2.1 Masks.. it8 .... 73. 100. 0 76 8 .... 23.2 American Samoa...... 41.. _ . C Zone_ -100.0. 100 0 .,,,o ..... ,.... 100. 0 Gatin. 100.0...... 100. 0 eb `'Hawaii . 17 4 U.6. 4. do* ,4 Mil p0ne Islamic . .. . 100.0 17. 4 8Z 6 100.0 ..1...... 100. IM 0.. Porto Rks...... & 3 1.8 & 3 I' , o> 94. 7...4...... Virgin islands 100.0 ; ... Ii4140 190..0, ., .. t ...... ,, . .... 100.0 .4 J "i I Inoluding Federalaid Ix vocationaliduintion. s Mears IWO& STATISTICS OF STATESCHOOL SYSTEMS,1924-1925 37

. TABLE 22.Percentage analysis ofexpendastra, 1924-U 4*

rTotal expenditures,sr- Total expenditum excludingpayment ci bonds dudins payments for . outlays andofboob

. last:ruction Mat* Test- books Mimed- Oi and stsuo tea Out- d LI. 1, titan stvir sT' .4-; control ra,.other lays 11011111"01 ' In 11Sgui-'4 Totalrent OIL uott area- IKONS : lion ins ; 6411). scesoob Plies

1 3 s 4 6 9 e iÌ

Con I1nen1a1 V. H. 10 M.7 tal 0.3 144.9 19, 8 21 3 S. 9 70.71 23. 4 7 labama. 4.4 011.64 1. 2 3 70. 9 11. 9 12 & 0j Rt. 3 1 IL? A I & 2 Owns 0.9 4. 1 M. 0 21. 9 16. 9 & 64.9 211. A . .1 6. It rz s 1...... 15 s 6. 5 .11. 3 7.6 65. o 7.4 Calitontta. 2. 8 30. 4 , 11 1 2 SI 6 13.6 30. 0 4.1 76.5 114 Colorado 1.3 47.4 41.4 8 22_ 1. 7 61.1 37.3 Connecticut._ 18. 0.4 3.8 .6 83. 17. fl 2S.6 3.11 72. 3 U.9 Delaware...... ! 13 38.7 4.8 1. 0 IS 4 IR. 6 11 3 766 District of Colwnhl 4. 1/1.9 1.3 57.6 11 .9 I. 13 3 24. 9 , 1. 7 1k1. 17.5. Irtodda. 1I. 41. b 1 41. 6I tm 7 23. 6 18 5%, 9 41.3 Uremia 1. 1t 7'4.0 1 7 72. 9 11. 3 11. 0 4. 1 111 2 lilt aho 1.1 ' M.3 1R 39. 3 V. 10.o 11 416 0 ame Illinois_ 3,0 3111 Its .5 36. 1 21.3 1& 7I. 1.11 co. &

Indiana 1; 4.2 41(.3 3.4 1. 0 31.7 22. 6 21. 3! & 3 63.9 0. 8 tow* 4 40t 9 & 4 . - M. 3 36. 9 13 4 .3 GSA 104. 1 gams& 1.6 57.6 57. 6 211 6 11 2 1. 8 65. 6 31 Kent tack ...... , &6 67. 2 67.2 1 14.2 110 1 3 .77.1 16.3 I doutaiatta. 111,1 I 1 1 $1. 61. 7 M 21. 4 X lt 2. 6 61 7 5 aine I 5 11, 5 2 .4 M. 1 21 8 H. 6 4. 1 0. 2 Maryland 13 346 3.4 .4 M. 4 IO 2)4.L 35 75 7 a M ataachuset . 31 3594 4. 4 .3 611.6 1&O 16 1 I. 8 74. 2 o Mich Isan. . . . 1.0 44.8 44.8 2%. 7 II5 I. 4 ea 36.0 NIinnebota 3.4' 147t &4 vo- ee M 1 SI 1 16 4 4. 1 64. 7 31.2. 1 _ .. . M . 2.3 M.0I 34.0 16 1 27. 4 3. 4 74. 4_ n.s. Mtg%ou ...... 6 34.0 ; 34.0 16. 0 77.4 . 74. 4 34 Montana- & 2 37.0 3.8 90.6 159 4. 1 13 63, 4 al 1 Nebraska ..... 3.7 67.41-3.0 62. 4 1 al 6 13. 3 4. 2 730 28.6 Nevada S &i. 1 5. .3 61. 2 21. PI .11.5 6.2 69.2 6. ,*. New Hampshire.... 6. 0 ! 31 7 & I 0.0. e. S e e 67.8 Z.I II. 1 R 65.0 TZL 2 New Jeney...... 18 46.8 L2 .6 80. 6' 20. 6 35 3 S. 3 Mk 6 g New Mexico. &O 656 1.4, C. 0d X. 4 36 6.3 II 5 ILl . New York._..... i 1 3 41 9 1LI .9 52.2 13. 3 32. 2 3.3 77. 0 19.7 North Carollna..... 3.8 46.9 .4 47. 3 14. 34. 7 5 8 72.4 21.8 North Dakota 4. 1 34.9I 1.9I...... bet.8 32.6 6,3 4.4 Ohio 01 7 $te & 4 63.8 3.9 .3 610 , 21.4 17.2 4.1 71 0 SLO Oklahoma. 15 . 61.9 ; 1.5 .2 (15. 6- X. 8 1 1 LS 70.0 U.11 Oregon- I. 3 54 9 1. 6 56. 5 20.6 21.4 1.7 71.9 311.4 Pennsylvants 4.6 46.2 & 7 51. 9 ; 2& 5 23, 0 5 9 67. 4 26.7 RhodeIsland. : _., 2.3 554 46ie S ...... Mk 0 IR. 6 1 19. 1 / 74 2 21.o South (_11 _ wit= $. 0 38. 3 M. 3 i 14.8 ; X. 9 3.9 7&6 19.5 SouthDa' 46 32.6 .1. 54 0 : 30. 5 10.9 51 SO. 34. 2 Tennessee 3.2 616 1.3 64.9i 17.2 14.7 1 7 _ 71. 1 Xt. 2 Texas & 4 40.3 &4 1 .1 51.8 . 21. 7 *17. 1 6. 5 67. 4 ti. I Utah 4.7 56.5 4. 1 .3 00. 9 21. 4 13.0k 4. 4 TO. 0 SQ. 6 Vermont 4.14 410. 2 6. 1 .1 61 4i 1.1.6 3! & 0 TO. 1 24.9 Virginia 1.9 410.2 1.2 61. 4 11 5 M. 2 1 3 75. 1 22.6 %Ion Wahl 3. 9't M. 6 1 4 1! M. 0 24. 8 13. 3 4. 5 Mk 9 6 West V la. .... 4. 2 OM 3 .7...... 61.0 17.3 17. 1 11. 1 71 9 .o Wisconsin 3.0 33.9 3.2 59. 6 10.1 IL 3 I. 7 72.9 324 yominsi 56 $4.9 $9 38. 8 21.9 13. 7 & SI 1 4 Outlying pert* 111=11T= ===g A tasks e & 9 , 72. 4 8 73.3 169 . 2.9 7. 1 7& 4 17.5 , A tnerkan Samoa ..... 73.8 13. 1...... 91. 9 . & I 91.9 IL Canal Zone. 55 753 8.0...... 83.4 ,, 9.3 1.8 5. 6 84. 9 9. 5 a 70. 9 h . 4.3 1.3. 74. 2 21 6.. 4. 2 70.9 9 '1'i Hawaii 1.6 * 74.9 5.6 80.3 6.3 11.6 1, 8 91.1 , 7.1 . Philippine Islands... 11. 1 74. 1 7.9,!...:...... ; 821.41 1 9 5 0 12.5 RC 5 - LO Porto Rico 916 4.4 .. 97 5 25 .¡ 97.5 .2.5 Virgin Islands, i :.793: 1.0 ,,6 7* . 41 81.3 18. .j.., 81.3I 1& 7 01 .. .1 ;,. .1 1'. I afil:Pt. I 1 , - 1. 1 J -*

Figures for 1934. Se. t- 1,"q ill ),* male TABLE 23.-Paymenis General control foz gent4al control and instruction, 19e4-25 Instruction 4 jgate boards School apd Superintend- Cornattendanoe pulsory Salaries.expenses and of isors 1 ... Suppliesus iii Instruc- . businessoffices their officesen ta and and school oe IOUS Total and andsuperv salariesof teachers principals raymentsfor."'''''''' text- , k, 0 . -instructioninstructionexpensesand of other eveningschoolstalon in instruuuon,_Totalments for _.,_pay. 1 3 4 I 7 . 8 . Il .., le ' ArizonaAlabama TotalContinental for States United reporting.distribution States _ $14, 625, 707 _60, 7`85 $29, 395,903,63a 897057 4823 $4, 440, 608-38, 414"21, 950 $.518, 417,MO,925, 858 g79022 $1 ,. 006, 408, 5-38 9, 951, 813 $19, 911, 822 42, 870 $37, 120, 504 131, 376 $5, 606, 198 37, 560 $1, 069, 0447, 060 10, 163, 619 CaliforniaArkansasC olorado _ 245,191, 057 336 452,148, 340 000 30, 000 3, 495,727339, 397461 336 61,12, 938, 519, 932 33173, 787, 980 226830 300, 391 45, 549 3, 693, 706 319,278, 863550 * 65,12, 933, 519, 029 3318,4, 107, 304, 089 929 FloridaDistrictDelawareConnecticut of Columbia - 230,116, 560 108481 3 581,197, 47154361, 144 85, 155 5, 771 897,112,115, 258 715 588 15, 395,5, 1,210, 846, 960 912 81r 356, 14783,59, 324 526 824,119, 381 31895, 768 182, 82176,33, 913 373 16, 759, 1605,490,2, 035, 515579 . - 9eorgia- I 30, 992 559, 123 I 46, 663 636,313, 778579 I 12, 646, 4196, 206, 626 (3) 16, 517 2 197, 358 (I) 12, 843, M6, 223, 143 IdahoIndiana A 1, 552,51t) 103, 27162, 980 2,1, 950,151,104183, 149 316 247,377, 843 670 34, 267 2,3, 502,418880,280 563329 29,67, 121,102, 0765075, 070, 870 ...... i_ _ _ 3, 204, 285 125, 806 1, 467, 186 441,221, 934008 596, 951 - 71, 244, 7515, 418, 610 . 'DumasIowa 239, 815 509, 623 ea, 1zo 591,239, 773 815 27, 685, 955 233, M 54314040 __ _ _ 3, 055, 810 e607, 449 . 31, 195,276, 711105 _ -LouisianaKentucky 408,16i 408,978, 566940 01, 10,11, 208,663, 951640 (4) (1) (4) 21,11, 233, 663, 396 640 MarylandMichiganMassachusetts _ .4 4;434 000 97,42, 487779 800,362,2844P 000 165 57,14,fhl 712 2, . 930,349,341,517, 000 665 344744 ' 42,10, 157, 378, 623 2935, 234, 524, 1, 143, 576 359,262, 477770 2, 149, 748 336,243, 829228 & 221, 224 81,40, 283280 45,11, 672,10, 155, 208, 171 8U9615, 780, 802 MontanaMissouriMississippiMinnesota., 154 685 9, 000 3 738,295,320, 589 163496 24, 4, 000 t15 1, 918,295,333,843, 489 496 093lea 26,28,4Z 849, 293,890, 062 4889286, 7,417, 322, 481 965 (3)1n. 929 1 1, 793, 658 21' 3, 989 A 26,4Z28, 849, 293, 684, 062 488 5866, 7,849. 322, 399 965 - . I. - 6. 6 41I- s .` . .filaop 10-0'111' I Ist.' uJi9th1'LAW S113 ZuTImP121 p saPupul PelluLl 20N stET .'Inpv21 . moo Suomi petnqpmp maps RIZT129113 19t13010j anuadre !Lino 9 =MOO wows istrorpooA U PingtaPira PaPMR 13111 t e .. 1P Z. " , extuoo puma jo amirpuedre roo soar Josum 101 024-92$ 21:11PnPuluoilINI-11sWal PePntatrI 4 wain:so uoling113141) 000 '8 =Moo til Po . 11:61 10; '13 gt - . 09I0661ETOO `9021 lac azi ZE8910 41 '661 LC .138 1 . . _t_l e stink! SPUWIST WI24A' . II6 'KC sl sa 'ea , 629 tivw '1 :3(1TIT oszka T. " 91,8 4L ett 'act 'II -TPUVISI dfiNd. .-4 ' =- 911. tile42E I. 081 'IOC 969 '294 IZ 289 4/2 VT* - . 891L91, '91 46IZ 984ZO8'egal '01 it»SO '01 41 DORHzsT 'ET'96T 'it 000mg 'Z II 000En eZ Tr . ott 6 6 MAIMtwig!) 99t 'OE 698 12 k (t) (1) 969 tEE 09£ ILE Ogh (10 019 42 . . VOMIT . - MCI Valk) =weary -talVerir * 120r:88 '9E9 690 'LE 191 tE6 ..5.1. 041,9Z II 4E19 - 616E8L07640tet b98 `sit - OIL8CLZE 'OE `I. - Et,KZ '29 lot 800199 '1.08s - 69z110-1-169 '2Z2 TIVS Pal/ua 'VP ilnd Dupturio 8arcnoim 911 Vet - E68499I . 2SE '966 ' LO9 alsuocsui& 09 '999491 IT 91E4998168 46,1 (t) ICE 4L18tee 11 1Z8 41 489 '44 090 989401E g=q3:38.1g, =. 42 ; . II tit '098 4ZI . '669 `ZI LES `962 . - 9991184eTEL 111, 49 , sts dE - - 146 406Icgs 'ts6 698VWon '611lot `EL SgtZ16r2r toS4909 42 t 969 "90g OIL969400 `StVIt1 . ohssttTEVER 46tz ILI 9999I164 1 'Lz 1E1 `Lc luoauaAg11:11111A - f '. 994tI9 4999 la `ITNM Losus 4E6 te £20KT 'LIZ. 990 4E9E t CULog 4102 0890996011296 099'La . Let."16816 `a 2191306 '1,43£ siZE tE St8OC941/ 692 OVALtina - ; - - 966 `ILI '6 142L 'L tet 0E9 VOL 481 46,9 664111 LE6 '999 9104992 e IZS41.8 easseanej, z -1 ;.. r. its : I - :1 ; /1 Vat 42 g 986 4Z/Z 109 'LkI 9661E6 'IZI 49,0 '9 IvOI8t8 460C191 - 806 'at COg ing1on3 RIMSv2o4va trinoS rts 449948 89t2 '98 (1) 6E9/01 '899 `KZ '9 lez. CMZ80 4110 444 9Zt00 saZZ4919 '1. 608091 6gE 11/ . UMsa 139s 'MI 4Z 909 Velg49, 3, Pauly' ePolfli `8T OEL COE - tit 46 . 919 tat . -vpramiisaum . uo&uo 121° L8L'ES `sT.LtEE '19 . 099 19'Ott 601 `titspas `E 006CEP VT 499Z `t t IN 4618 '81 ZEZ98Z 'EWE 4990 'I L9Lilt96Z 61.6Z , Sit toe tOt 492, . gta0EMPIO .....-- : - DE4889 'L - Z14 % VIE `E9Z TZE910 'En '49 tEt 6L 9t1 '299 4 , r Z.90 . 894/88 '069 sit9Z '1 , - 991 VE91 `tez . 8209r84:1 WON ONO " ¡;:.k ..: ..i 841 4=9 4EtI19 'toe '9I . 960us '492 szt 61, Do saLL 914 '19241 Elit 69ZZ 4I -: 900996 'MI 61 MITTIMS3 qUON ....I. 3 ISO UV t 409 '801E1 )6t 11Z 49 tet - 86't1l989 - : .1 666 `La 42 in tit t '891 LE ICZ 4/.6Z . In 's ' t98 -VOA klabl .-:. . 988 '69 41 81.0 `LIZ 4248 -.. Sit /1,4Z 9S8 699 '9/, LOP '9E9 4' 1,24 '994 , 998 `LOT `t 90t sot 'II ` 99I KZ 462Z 9/1 40LE , scc 'soh tEL - 4s81 Mnrapsz Ainq Ktvas *a "2 z80 " .. KtIOZNo 181 4E622.4 9281611t9£ '199 888Z/Z tet '1 'sit Ls8WSits4zir 46ge `LS8 8619961Z '9E LIZzL 4Z9Z 4Z11 .. ESL;9269/ 'VS '88Z 'I . am( af lam max shi . en 'en vt *el t61 Et8 1E9 "[Taiga"( ' ::. . :441 i t o '-; . of* . 4 . 379458 588,455, 13, 8.53_ 124, 6031 330, 205 754, 1 9 187, 807 821i, (7) , 1 750 169, 7771 384, (7) 287 16, 9931 58,47) 603 328, (7) 206711 936.134, 8,1, 722 591, 4841 542. Montana. . 873 710, 3, , IgO 1, 163 lb 4fia071 894,707, 26,8, ...... 482071 894,707, 26.8, 050,(2)' 732f 531, 4, 388(2901027 068,013,694 2,1, % , 746 496,1 506,987, 1, (9 226864544 572.187,25, 1, Z254,329 686204257 242,352,127, 22,5, 257 127, . Minnesota14kAiiganMissouri 'I..: 506736892252 894,423,82,4,752, 4,1,5,13, .1 679136 569,013, 1, 82717381756 324,423,811, 1,12,4, 242485211 037,546,341 1, 769939794 70,162,192, 766938067737 163,842,597,187, 1,3, , 267837771 260,958,111, 378850196609 126,501,413,271, 1,1, ., 446535157 788,206,79 388)370704 8,27, 07416131153184 66,535,597,402, (I 3, 093441 911,134,948, 1,6, e29,206'781 44Z Massachusetts yland_ Maine Mar . !- 125 246, 2, (1) 1 243. 11 346, , ,s, 37, 1, 7 333, . ?-:," *J. .: 683286 738,484, 8,4, ...... 68 989, , 285001 749,484, 4, 7 584 GM, 2, 119 081, (7) 4, 947 117, (') 2, ,1 (7) , 230 985, (T) 1, (7) 717 132, 627 707, (7) 1,161.8191543461 535, 10, 1 Kentucky.Louisiana Kansas -z . I 742 961, 12, 602 820, 1,2, 252140 166,141, 23,10, 088741 204,512, 4,2, 75 893,566, 120688 443,891, 3, . 076 48, 529881 532, 3, 93, 484 217,0 300 002, 2, 001 655,492, 4,7, 950 376, 2, 051 278, 2, Iowa : . 22818325,001,264 919,914, 1, 992764 143,323, 464191 595,770, 1, 638617 246,853, 817488 126,137, o 589551 591,356, 4, 458506 488,25, 3, 979515 549,308,250, 845308904 224,12,13, 6 170758936 420,29,66, 068221654 229,374,54418, 6 729893 616,904,939, 11, 7 301,540,025, 66, 915781851 314,398,878, 5,6 ..m.s.....1 ...... IndianaIllinois Idaho , -...... -71%7; t 0382.252,063013 606,838, 3, 476793784 389,43,264, 252220587 563Z987,3,466, 1, 735256 70,305, 1, 448219401 15,63,87, 383835808 133,163,608, 2,- I 769985578 160,093, 2, 805850411 118,2,506, 10, e - 819 8, 586314,948 316, M9,1861747 274, 923 97 217,44, 263771 229,431, Columbia_ Florida_Georgia :'.- 71:'.4:- 5 798403902 828,937,982, 36,5,7, &43 434, 403359 548,937, 5,7, 4231649 634,967, , 147953 503,450, 1, 276891 942,521, 4, 8599.471 1*055, 313 585, (1) 213689 166,(3) 60,415596 3, 1, 466231 264,83, 1, 930307718 535,197,361, 5,2, 4 683 159,100, 1, 850247 201,97, 1, Connecticut" Colorado_Delaware Dist.of i.- .-s', l ?. . 850886000 839,344,200, 1, 888347000 283,53,200, 998503000 556,290,000, 1,1, 446737 189,469, (2) 173512000 174,115,100, 816 31 335,535, 4281 034 19,178, 3, 152984 114,460, OM 16, 143297420 40,42,466, 506,9641203260,075852 309,292, 3, 018596167001 500,488,339,439, 7, 512894 182,249, 655197 250,297, CaliforniaArkansasI Arizona . 1/.:...', _ . ..- :...-,- f i, 841 015, $43, 291 442, $328, 434 498, $15, 732 873, 5461$30, 922, , 990 738, $6, 4 251, 472 389, $4.4, dis- button Alabama_ . . ; 559 584, 11 $433, 14 13 135 50, 12 $59, 805 066, 11 $36, 379, A $59, 8 7 . 827 252, 7 827 334, 4 $172, 3 S States ContinentalU =ruts for 1 Total - ments) (not repairs) tions tingencies) . I etc. . 4 capitalpaymentsoutlays for equip-(not replace- ment grounds,altera- tedness b con-contribu-surance, Lions, forauxiliaryagencies . auxiliaryagencies of pupils tation ofhealth tion Libraries and replace-rers) ants, operation of cost supplies,janitors'power, . engineers, etc. . Total of Cost ew building Newand Interestin- on (pensions,in-cbargesFixed rent, Total e Other Transpor- Promo- (upkeepManta-L.charges,Dance Total . Fuel,light, of janitors, Wages Mate ; 1;:- 4. rct outlay capital outlay andCapital indebtedness, on interest charges, 116 fixed agencies, agencies auxiliary Auxiliary maintenance, plaht, school of plant operation school of forOperation 24.-Payment3 TABLE o . .- _ e 4-4.! r ...16i r1 14

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A .6161 1 181 101 sisin3hi 201 slain2141 101 IQ:11AL , it L 103211upirfut JO 9AIST11axa 4 I 'U61-trinturro3dd Loi visa V e . 0161 J0i giga . - (.)0ri0 6LE'Pt9ItMO1E8 16 '661'1 t9066916 '609 't 91C '696 t - 81, Vws . e ozz8,1 VI/'sit 'I 'E 4- , . 4 swum alarm 0011( olioa 0 911SI98`992119 'LL9112 't on691,689'9616,1 '46I 'KC 'e `VZ 1.05 'KV t - , S91Z i t `111.tH 'I .. ' DMVS V.1105 " -i- gptretsi caladium MAIM IMIT1D E-144 961 VI 'Wog , 1 6C, 'IL,' =8 'eve . 906 sZLZ P 091 aosi votuvs trIgn.ráury euoz pruga rz4 , . -4--.... =... . -. , fo nzIG rPocr P34114 -minty o0 (WittgOL `z9E)281.9I It 'Lz t21,'2138 kLZ '9 ZLZZIC169 'L90 1919 '9,1 '81'OP tE9 'fig '9 09E4262881,990422ZC6L kL191,11 It L `OZ'LZ `g 611,100Z6L6CC01166162 '999 49 V.1 609998ZLZcreo`691,.19 VC, '089 'MO 'I 'ET '91 899VOt821E001 '291, '91,1kg8E'41:6 '9 'CI SIZZgREtoz 'ezs466E '912 '2 'Egi ti'ZI1 .. C96MCIn %So16(,)ILO die"9 'zI i 016earzo1E8 t9L 'L66'0E0 1 '9' I '9Z9 6E8EL2E98 'MI '90C'ZZ7 '1 't'II ge061,60=4682IZO '96.! '01`t U1JJA WM. utsuooliaIlagaol otgAnn0 1W1114. At 2L9 490e '9Z 909 'VIZ '1Z 680 '9L6 "Z1 LO9 '4'91 820 '90C 'L . 061 VOL '9 't tL8 'LL9 I PL8tit Us tI 'LL9 In 06 '098 'oj LK 'Mt VI gCDE-444 9L8919222 161,E LR9 '9W agg 1 '6 i.LLvLO82E WI 41, '69646 p 01Z6Z8860 '6CZ'909'882 TIE13 'E Z6942.99(ILL1,99 `10C2 `99E 41,Z '12 'Kt% Zr9019 '00C`Oa, 'g't sez,LEt996 '29g `nt kg 't 6Z91SL '1,96 1L 'I'1P '2 g 6EEtill 'It61'W.01 '2 g 989L9V9I81OC1t9Z '9Z9 '2 t 9106L9618 `9L9 V721'Lll'I t `1:291/.0t966'80911 41, , luoiniaAill VITA. - 160 'U8 '91 ..,- 918 '221 t9VI PLC 1 tI '01 1,10 tOL 'L DI118 VI '9 t6O'IZ sr..ttlu 49 09107L '2.98'2.e, '2'PI OL8°sr.' '998/.6),3,1 '2 ogr.'16,11I CO 'LL'2 '2 812 '1 vs 'II , fa066 'LLL t90 '1I t gsza4,tIgla tst t . tOi es 'o, ' e' . 4 ''s 619ZOI '1.99 t99 '6 Vi 968 'TACIT M06180 L 980 'f111.44 99Z809ns `LOZ'990 '4 9Z0 '8V2 1 09 '601 '1, t 239 '60r1 691,130'2 2L2 Tat 1 eemaniy, EfIno13 co:82.11 'we !%paw VI ; . . 9L0149,1:96VI L '9E1 'L 'tutu 'El'601 Z68CCE.'99LLIO'EL '06t29'9 'EL ' 166 ts3, tazLteLLEO '0E9 'On'996 '69 L'tLi *0 it lint0T69E26C6 'OLS'0/.9tO9 '1;IL '19 I;9ZZ98t I8 '90C '1,11`9t£ '52'E '9 V.»91:0`119ec9KU '1,16 6898 kg `K1115/ 'Z.9Z I 4stZU6Z68 109'00 '22.9 !ziL4z '9 'OP '91.9 `g 986zs9IIItIL 6L99 '96049 10, 'on 'Z1, 'z t 9L98E0Lt9elotCIS 'LIN totWE 'LEI'891 49at `z kg'tt . tWZPfrcJ1 an199t6Ca V.38 I. 49c8'196Viti 'OE `It t , suflono tn nog*Willavitre.itersuczedPuIrTs7 9P0(111 uobalco - 4 . I, k ": .7 . . Virgin Islands Porto Rico Philippine Wanda_ Hawaii Guam Canal Zone American Samoa Ala& Wyoming Wisconsin West V Wmhington Virginia Vermont Utah Term Tennessee Iiputh Dakota... Rhode Island South Carolina Pennsylvania Oregon at Oklahoma Ohio North Dakota North Carolina New York New Mexico New Jersey New Hampshire._ Nevada Nebraska Montana. M Missies' pi Minnesota Miohigan Massachusetts Maryland Maine Louisiana ICentucky Kansas Iowa Indiana Illinois Idaho Georgia Florida Delaware Dist Columbia Connecticut Cothrado California Arizona... Arkansas Alabama . 46 TABLE 27.-Percentage Ounying parts . Continental U.8 - ...... ,. _ State ...... _... 11111 ...... e---- . i r _ ...... _ ...... _ . P - ' , .. . .., BIENNIAL . 1 . 12. 7 29. 0 . 16. 7 school enroll- l& 8 17.0 19. 4 17.0 20. 3 l& 2 11. 4 2 & 3 l& 3 & 6 12.3 17. 8 & 9 2 0 & 3 ment 13. 5 1&9 8. 3 12 7 17. 4 high total 15. 4 18. 0 17.6 9.8- Wit 14. 0 16. 0 14. 4 l& 1 7. 7 &I 11. 7 18.3 10. 9 19.9 18.8 18.5 l& 8 9.3 Per 17. 4 & 1 32 2 17. 6 14.3 14. 3 .7. 5 l& 5 5.4 12. 2 , 14. 8 in a 1r of $ 9. 3 8. 9 & 6 8, 6 . -- V . 1&3 15. 4 tended 14. 3 20. 5 10 3 18. 7 la 1 20. 5 school 15. 6 23.7 1& 7 30. 1 l& 8 l& 6 30.2 18. 5 2. 4 I &7 l& 9 12. 1 19. 5 26 4 5. 3 & 0 & 16. 1 4.2 term 13.6 21. 0 15.5 16. 9 27.9 19. 6 l& 0 of cent 19. 1 19. 6 19..5 21. 9 28. 8 l& 19. 0 11.8 16. 5 23. 3 22. 9 not 1&8 24. 9. l& S at. rar ,- 24. 4 31. 0 16. 0 15. 0 14. 9 2&9 25. 8 27. 1 . 19. 5 `' f &S : , e 3 SURVEY OF attendance-School 1 N, . . 13. 79 r 10. 80 Annual income .., & 37 .4.84 10. 07 ' 2. 70 nrod 140 1.28 funds punil lands 2. 27 1 31 &84 41___ 4.33 from . $0. 98 ;. 88 . 1. 56 .34 and . 1. 27 6.06 .01 . 1.45 . . 1. 13 etC71 . . 1.30 i. 71 1 76 .77 .39 . 23 .46 . . . .46 13 . 23 . 21 S5 i . 24 08 . 4, .13 . 41 54 78 39 28 42 , 48 29 N - 12 04 10.42 2& 91 16.51 14. 85 19. 65 12.29 19. 05 32. 53 21. 55 4 4. 01 3. 13 20. 25 3. 63 14. 25 17. 90 1 27 13. 58 1&.84 24.77 2 18 & 52 19. 74 12. 96 25.30'.. 28. 72 $17. 15 1276 13,29 & 54 20. 70 72. 73 19. 52 17.41 14. 33 7. 18 20. 32. l& 28 22. 59 & 80 13. 33 1250 1924-25 10. M 19.70 20. 38 I& 23 18. 55 13. 72 13-88 25. 92 30. 59 R 17 20. 23 3 E2 7.57 .t "6 6. 97 ka t'l tit.P. S. 68 la 5.79 & 81 I a o EDUCATION, 1 109.27 . 47.83 32.84 19. 59 13. 12 17. 77 5&44 11. 61 97. 27 62. 79 59. 08 49. 90 113. 85 30. 88 64.00 59. 89 52. 05 22 W 78 33 Annual 24.80 M:64 70. 11 75. 16 , 4215 71. 05 .70. 29 73.14 2& 84 95.27 is& 30 53. 39 $61. 36 71. 74 92.67 49. OS 81. 25 79. 99 82. 31 5& 53 5& 62 36 43 15:70 28.21 76. 43 79. 40 73.66 75. 92 70. 11 21.88 93.98 38. 62 67.94 78. 95 81 17 79. 67 89. 20. : Per pupil 18.90 il. A g Is 2 iii 2 6 , th 2 in funds and rolled , . cost ofeducation .. . 14. 04 15. 50 10. 63 11. 95 10. 74 20. 46 21. 01 13. 19 45.37 7. 73 14. 75. 8.27 15. 32 34.34 1.03 $17. 59 14. 84 10. 79 31. 86 22 06 6. 86 1847 15.95 155 & 97 3. 88 9. 62 l& 48 20. 17 12. 01 7.77 31.14 10. 59 14. 50 4. 24 27. 18 18 61 & 12 24. 11 34.05 13. 31 2.00 15. 52 & 97 191 1 &is 3.g2 9.65 a 90 7. 80 2 72 40 238 3. 07 ts. .9 . t g en. 7 . 134.48 122. 33 33 66 23. 39 62.. 37 1& 50 6&83 19. 81 11. 96 110.22 113.98 73.96 59. 10 97.89 144. 18 46.48 110.31 7&96 101.00 71. 16 61. 66 32. 18 96. 08 35 54 6& 01 Itl. 39 85 48 52.37 84. 73 39. 17 69. 53 111.90 .64.04 :,!.48 86. 32 87. 47 110. 01 115. 53 $76. 24 60.61 21..n 120. 75 192471926 99.38 9& 93 _ 69. 82 46. 62 36. 72 91. 64 90. 89 94. 30 91. 39 77.92 2& 36. 92 74 51. 47 79. 96 25.86 28. 65 It Z Per pupil .1:43 1 latuis-Per Ca g - 1 & tending 6.41 '. , 19. 49 l& 53 12. 59 1&03 ea 10. 68- 12. 73 11. 80 24. 98 23.27 11. 14 15. 64 20. 82 8. 16 52.a $21. 86 17. 58 40.64 4.03 1.20 10. 79 19. 79 13.42 22. 83 - 9. 00 4.21 39. 58 22. n 19. 82 27. 24 5. 55 10.91 21.34 21 2,3 -. & 27 I5. 38 12.8 . 6.26 31. 89 37.08 17. 22 10. 17 31.92 2. 61 49. 37 17. 74 IR. 27 24. 49 4.65 a.213 5. 46 3. 53 47 3.25 4.-22 44 1 .. t I in at- 1, ra . . . - pupil attending h ' Daily Cents '"N35 tt - -61 1 17 14 34 37 11 78 it 70 42 40 55 as 45 42 43 21 56 25 48 49 34 8 48 64 77 58 40 eo 49 83 49 64 36 56 56 54 36 18 37 31 22 Pita 52 45 ni 1 M 49 52 20 36 65 44 51 62 64 45 22 73 19 ...... I, , .... e cost ft -

. For . current . Cent, ; ex pc rises costs, A . . ., . Il . .- 11 V le 14 12 . 4 10 23 1 1 14 z 9 11 8 1 e U 2 e 11 Z 9 13 Il i 4 7 3 u 10 . 10 8 E 4 12 12 1 e 10 17 18 27 1 3 ij 1 e 3 4 3 I 3 IFor qutlays # STATISTICS- OF STAiltSCHOOL 'SYSTEMS,19244925 47 TABLE 28.-Statisticaof elementary and secondaryschools for 17State.,s, 1914-25 6 L-ELEMENTARYDAY EICHGOLS ml VV

AverageCost per pupil Salaries annual attending Teachers, Average of Payments salaries princi- daily teachers. Payments of nri s for 4 State Pali, andattend' ----nd gd current for teachers, For super-, an : outlays princi- cur- For visors ¡m super- "Pena" pals, and rent out- visors super- es lays visors penses I . I I s g s e 7 8 s

0- Alabamu. 164 I2, 250 353, 94016, 591, 608$7, fa Calilbrnia 42, 6n 4021 $11282, 220 $538tn. S3.112 590, 45537, 479, 220 48, 640, 897 18, 611, 408 1, 653 -82 38 al. 35 Connocticut... _ 7, 723 213, 432 11, 897, 536 16, 367 502 Dist. of Columbia._ 5, 053, 530 1, 641 76 69 21 68 2, 032 49, 389 3, 871, 044 5, 029, 066 1, 278, 230 1, 905 101. 83 [Moots 34, 334 923, 615 25.138 45,0043469, 238, 179 14, 678, 101 1, 317 74. 945 15. 89 Indiana 16, 255s 490, 140 19, 710, 24528, 963, 416: 6, 869, 723 1, 213 59. 09 14. 02 Maryland 6, 476 184, 621 8, 187, 905 10, TM, 266 3, 931, 422 1, 284 613. 36 Montane . 4, 739' 80, 488 21 29 5402, 150 7, 004, 419 341, 458 1, 056 87. 02 4. 24 qebraska..... _ .... 10, 881 210, 117 10, 679, 139 14, 228, 52 1, 888, 857 981 67. 72 ,& 03 N1evada._ - 613 10, 363 795, 457 14, 1-' 1, 116, 304 Mt 462 1, NB 107. 72 lit 73 , 1 ew II atnpstai9gv; Z 392 51, 376 2, 249, 057- Z 686, 905 940 q ON Jersey 17, 735 52 30 Ef 498, 84933, 128, 823 46, 492, 370 15, 259, 843 1, 868 93. 20 3klahomn_ 14, 548 457, 118 80.'65 13,-303, 551 16, 81& 330 1, 004 460 914 36. 35 & 51 )regon 5, 651 123, 355 6, 491, 475 Tennessee 8, 968, 509 2, 1313, 475 1, 149 7% 70 17. 84 13, 846 418, 955 9, 164, 780 12, 003, 353 2, 242,385 662 Z. 65 1135

[7tah , 31 513 93, 062 13, 767, 785 5, 024, 960 736, 590 1, 073 54. 00 -7. 92 West Virginia_ 12, 691 302, 838 10, 808, 478 13, 330, 052$ 2. 823.033 852 44- °2 9. 65 Total 188, 351 5, 052, 1110,: 348, 8943141 039,1g278,811,268 1,212 62.16 1&60


klabama 2, 895 ,82, 466 ea, 360, 205 $3, 965, 327 l $487, 580 $1, 161 $47. , L'alifornia 10, 742 9i $& 91 155, 555 24, 469, 713 34, On, 918 18, 317, 390 2, 27721& 89 117. 76 :onnectient.-_- 1, 864 36, 636 Dist. of Columbia_ 3, 498, 274 4, 959, 885 2, 929, 372 1, 877 135. 38 79. 96 546 11,344 1,339, 916 1,654,275 973, 833 2, 454145.83 Illinois 9, 531 85.85 198, 48621, 881, 873 27, 994, 187 10, 325, 163 2, 296 141. Of 52. 02 [ndiana 0, 643a 117, 220 9, 410, 831 Maryland 13, 348, 202I 61092, 019 1, 417 113. 87 51. 97 1, 396 26,510 2, 190, 388 2, 912, 992 1, 820, 830 1. 569109. 88 Montana 1, 075 63. el 17, 443 1, 415, 322 2, 125, 549 113, 998 1, 317 121. 86 & 54 ebraska. .. 3, 218 52, 111 4, 514, 749 6, 770, 103 1, 833, 222 1, 403120. 32 35. 18 'ievada 172 Z 328 343, 815 524, 890 34, 069 1, 999225. 47 14. 63 4ew Hampshire-- - 660 10, 223 gew Jersey 906, 123 2, 044, 2M___- . _ 1, 373 199.97 4, 274-75, 000 8, 339, 584 10, 954, MO 81029, 494 )klahoma. 4,019 1, 951 148.08 107. 08 70, 223 5, 516, 290 7,889, 438 1,172, 379 1,373112.06 16. 70 )regon 1,875 34,199 Z921,807 3,840,848 Tennessee 1,528,001 1,558112.31 44.68 .- 24,362 42, 225 1, 909, 932 2, 286, 379 814, 908 809 54. 15 7. 46 'Rah -844 21, 633 1,531, 686 Z 198, 009 West Virginia_ 486, 325 1, 820 101. 60 22. 48 1, 725 28, 837 3, 518, 307 4, 616, 159 1, 281, MO 2, 040160. 08 4444 TotaL &a, 841 982, 43997, 062, 809131, 604, 465 55, 740, 163 1, 803 133. 96 56. 74

I Includes kindergarten's. Not includinggeneral oontrol and interestpaidon indebtedness. Distributionestimated. Includes localnormal and ideational schoolsof seoondary grade. LLLP94it9z '09'49 4 svltzt '111II Otttogr t I 't 819C191 'Z 96E TZtri 'z S9891E'EEess °E e MOpet "Z99IsL ZYZrts, 1'6E OW012990 '9 98Eitt49 '139 9709,4'E 49 '11 LIE 196'00 % tO9 'El ttL 't1 9Z649t - - AsaN 90Etve WE 'LI'oc 9ZE61LE9L 'OZKO '9S't 'II WVSS)ILO 'V t 139199 '11W'2I 881.firZ9ZEL9/11 LGE001i996 Et9E09Eli 'LW '69 't1 ZEIL1E9LET IZZ '9 çw901ON '9 ISZ cm?Et9L19 '9Itz fet13181MI '1. - te6SOZ»6 `Ls '1 SIPICOII6SLP 'L '62 '1 019Z998/9 arie 'ZL'L 't 89E491OWLLIEZLL '6'16 9I209E69ZMet99L "L 'OP ' - WNW wryer/ Laraart uxsublONulna tpu.A9N ataNswig efiL899LIZtOhJIL9Z aliZ9 W.L '129 960otL'im IZZ'OS '9ZI'COI EI8LitLSEL89101 t '9 '81'9 1 E80C6Zall'9Kt 'LI 'OZ 90,1ZZ9Z4VEtie*LLZ 'LZ'9 6q9WOotavv, `9Z 'El 41 IMOZZIL1989e9r2 101.13$1, '1,v59 LE9 '96 EfILZILS61,1E9 ILL%'09 9E24S0969tEE `St '01 'L.9'19 SZEocs 'E9 'el t 4L9 19 '9LZ96OMtt.5 1Z 'IL 6E199Z600ti11 69 L'ZI $19'08 S6)atCOP 'SLpos, LLI CVO6E9 `9L. tr ti 9Z8WMI9TAZL169 trt'91 VII 909918109 491 ------1- 1ArssImig$1111Pa -strelgo 8z2z60zoo `1111VIZ'199'oes 8Z4totEEO '/Zty. 'A 'LI! VWET9 I6E'9 'OZ ¡mt.1St 19Ile '9 'tZ 109679899 41'L Ix =Vet El PD6ZfitirL1 '6 '9 - 889we VOZ'cm 4 90EtE106Ecoo 411 'LP '89 00111191960 '9999 099till696* '19 '01 VZ E9190E '8Z4L9181 11 Ot8126OS, `849sti P26C9091E VIZ 489Mires! '133 6E9EIS 'OE1SLPt! 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'OP t 11 i4LLatsu '9 %eV;HsVIZ `z 't 0,0011&Vstorta'a 1 MtPiztzz tlot '9 OLLSL99S9 'Et '19Z'LS' Welt1994ZtzcooISO '9 , 6619 VitZE '9 Pe 6Z186Ltit8ttz 41) ailL't 9168E1.69EE9 '9 ' la LIIPZ66CLL96 I'9 TEC imb96t989az 't '9 E096991Z)pis `VCPII '9 `9Ctot st)919696SEL 49t 'OL Zt9es VIILO '9 t t'1 -upituntoo jo I 1[1311390110 aril vp1101.1MINI twain Zt1 119tIO 'LE 'S eEL '01 COEDIL '69 *vi 999 '90r ' let 'L I 42/3 66 1 1E6 'IL '9g styzooKt 100'ea'we 00611 'EE .04I OWE¿Pi 't 'tZ 9189,819 '1 t96LW t zpvpi SOVIL)908 'EEL , VIZ9L6 '89' lE r904,111 tee91,91L `141, 9E9990ItZ '9Z 'EH.C9 EVERH I al:9 081RCS '98'9Z E91ILE TE 'ST I Z9Lt96 '89 I 1;10.10111113(mazy:* vimI PL. It; '009 'tg 919zstcuffs 619'EN 4E 686 'Lot JOEL' to'lI. Ef,*9UV '01 '699 ow 'us 6101101E'Z I ZLZLiotVII "LIE '61 'I 6SZ6E1 '61,9 'OL ,`SSL 4oz 6609101199 'LZ 4891 901Cti4 Welt'LCe 't est'99tezwizZ89 'lit 'V IZ8 619ON89 'Oh'Mat I 13 12.0aztsICE Veiet 11, '6 . 00Z969166 'LL'99 '6 9E8901Int691 '000 *L91461 'WI `ti 199rtiIlL82 '669t -Erb. fa1uatrrIF03 sump1inn.qviv v wimpy LI $I ti n II 1 L t - at Ira t T VIOl -pumas Ali nos( Jima pu0009 noiC ti iniaL -M14aput4Ali) puu aatuap ma') 1111134aapv41 q3 opss8 cra opentflx19 Oplifir11111.1 apsil 91)4111 t epsig 'Gina istraust pinup ¡WU glitioA MILLpariparil Lam:moat trI ifuld jo fino/ sag &pun Lzu'iuscuale . pus u9lit2npun trtmoji MILL UI puooeg1 ' ULU lapal X o 911t3E1 o 931-1161 'Iraprafi flq.otand jo tuausnattig:.6g frilly i if": -F.: " r 1 -, 1 J T1 I412, 301 ' 235, 894 206, 707 I 203, 191 1 2oR, 383 204. 7g1 170, IUD 'T I J. NorthNorthNew Dakota__YorkCarolina...1_ 2111, 748 198110 206, 10625, 997 111, 688 19, 338 ' 106, 846 18, 965 100, f103.18, 626 Kl18, 016 667 , 188, sa2at, 16,243 683 54,15, 246 196 ' 147 652 15, 954(I) 1, 67R, 253 7224,148, 729 973 138, 17131. 105 8, 094 80,21, 606 MO IN6, 177 165 I 51, 422 1 .4,35, 979 483 11, 0744, 305 - 305, 662 79, 216 # 1, 9.13, 935 Am. 945 " Ohio ° 506 144, 354 123, 668 123, 126 124 691 121, 336C44, 358 110, 028 100, 436 , 85, 417 9C3, 804 73, 677 M. 510 40, 813 201, 972 24, 143 173, 116 Oklahoma.. 124 591 09, 917 , 73, 537 74, 115 ' 33, 622 1, 165, 776 -s r 1 . 00, 243 1 51, 517 I 47, 585 574, 368 29, 659 22, 430 14 706 12, 459 80, 254 664, 622 326 - 2Z 917 17, 236 . 17, 306 I 17, 638 18, 503 17, 536 16, 063 1 15, 245 142, 770s. _ 12, 900 I ...... --- 24, 707 249, 539 221, 154 221, 337 214, 930 ,. 9, 698 7, 684 6, 237 36, 419 179, 189 Pennsylvania_ ._._ 5, 343 19, 040 ,.. 201,016 176, 8a) . 152, 135, 131. 265 . 1, 50t 933 89, , 64, 443 I 47, 233 36, 249 237, 815 1, 830, 748 .; e- ...... ,. SouthSouthRhode Dakota...- Island Carolina...-. a...- 761303 135, 12722, 065 75,17,14 214 441 148 ' . 64,16,14, 177 766925 - 17,66.14, 056377 879 44,17,14, 18t# 221,221' __ 32,16,12, 092 831520 23,15, 645 938 335 14, 414 (4)9, 915 431,138,117, 124 339 18, 7668, 51471 847 12, 8416,3, 6839011 , 9,5,2, 090 337963 4,5,2, 398 180279 45,24,15, 877 891 070 477,132, 001 409 .-' 739 160, 990 79, OM 11: : 4r) I 5 163, 386 .,4, .:'. : ' .14: --. z, TexasTeemeasee 8 - 8, . I A" ; 187, 713 17, 340 113, 17182,14, ft2). 072 0 116, 218 13, 777 . 118, 66378, 732 106, g3067, 814 1 54,97, 737 UV 85,41, 888072 34, 532 (4) 106,60a, 298 675 69,21, 4463710 47,11, 243 608 38, 103 9, 194 21, 649 6, 979 171, 78552, 244 663, 919 - VermontUtah_ ...., 1,2, 664444 110, 477 10, 607 73, 563 6, 866 - 6,76573, 217 ' 13, 9886, 743 . , e 13, 331 6, 446 12, 9485, 675 11, 476 5, 137 10, 8434, 499 109, 85953, 182 4,9, 235382 2,7, 054883 2,4, 836146 3, 1,564 MO 24,10, 836 914 I, 008, 083 134, 60564, 096 - . 74, 046 61, 315 6o, 777 41, 395 23, 134 1 500, 590 16, 081 12, All 17, 7ZI 2, 256 48, 075 567, 665 1 '--- .:`,":. WestWashin V 2, 634 823 39,73, 977 166 49, 196 068 48,31, 650639 50,32, 093724 44,32, 239 480 35,30, 981599 24,29, 471523 77,24, 4A) 545 351,Z18, 164133 24,11, 386 618 18, 882 12, 992 ° 11, 078 M, 333 . 323, 468 :- -- r.,,t Wyoming'Wisconsin '.. 24, 240 66, 145 7, 196 52,. 742 5, 802 - 42, 598 5, 788 - 48, 767 5, 332 48, 817 s, 102 43, 795 4, 872 45, 528 4, 370 43, 429 3, 882 416, 061 43, 114 28, 386 23, 468 8, 384 19, 001 6, 605 16, 368 5, 283 87,31, 223890 383,500, 064 284 : - no p. 3, 076 2, 358 I, 586 1, 151 8, 171 .. , - 6r, 285 r.:-. --t-. r..r Alaska Outlying parts_ 115 744 483 457 475 446 334 _ American Samoa__ 503 981491 624191 588172 . 631 61 497 32 328 42 23 . 253 13 3, 1,635 528 233 126 go s 74 523 4, 1,158 528 CanalGuam. Zone i + 13, 820 10246 8, 253 554 7, 382 399 . 6, 647 276 5, 507 92 4, 333 339 44 3, 038 276 24 2, 179 251 20 51, 059 2,4, 655 187 J, 263 145 41 906 14 576 .60 622 46 - 3, 257. 359 65 66, 316 4,2, 546 710 * ' . Wands 336,.88363,824 632 232, 42247, 718 438 ; 188, 87840, 941 507 143, 89626, 223 478 i 83,13, 601 887 ' 52, 568 8, 731 40, 6, 904 471 618 1, 080, 619 213, 746 23, 486 13, 806 2, 372 7, 1,771642 4, 724 711 40, 747 7, 686 1, 130, 366 221, 432 pavo wands n eallI1 Data Figures for 1924. taken largely from statistics of kinderprtens, 1923-24. 435 304 147 P, 72 eI Ninth 3, 033 grade, 2,640 pupils. &In 42 s 17 10 ea a 3, 1W .4I DistributionOn 7-year plan estimated on basis of 29ucept States In Atlanta and Savannah, Oa., and New with 8 elementary grades. Orleans, La. NinthThroe counties and Baltimore grade, 4,830 pupils. city on &year 'plan. q . . co 60 leniNIALSURVEY OFEDUCATION,1924-1926 r' ' TAILS 30.-Distributionof pupas,~Awl inschool in U Stain,accordingto the. kupth oftile schoolknout.1814-36

T SO . . ids . days 111-100101410131-14014I-180 111430 200 OverTaal days days 1111- gem -I MN ae &Mr don dots days days iiii7h. sw ( .1 . MUM,* - 1 I. I % t 11' S 4 s s __....4...... ;_. 7 -8 II as Total sxis saw sr$us, 4n , mooimam1, OM 4664. 7811, $861,512.447 I 4, 118a. 2S5.114 r. Alabama ....111 868MO, saI43, 73248, 790 47, 033 Arkansas..... 51 1M 332, 964 993 601731 ..... 66, 193'119, 442 tA 532: , . 73, as men In,I7o_ _ ... .. California.,.;- 38i 491 421 - - - - -' ,....,..... 33 ' 6, 791 Connecticut. - ...... 286, 708 3111, 472 SO I 67A 041 . al ea. IeeSSS '.. 34, 1I23 District ofColumbia. 2114, 01 , 1811,414 . 72, 313 .--- 71.211 Idaho_ U3 Indiana. 17 211 2, 732 17, 221 81 106 7,632 1, abs 171 es4 SW 174 mess 117, Oil Mains...... 0-0 . Mal 1,010, 17,925 101 883 Maryland. 811 32,161 159, Es el 74 4121 4 8, 913 it. 431 302, 174 Massachumtla. . 231 3111 56 227, 271 am 321 ZAINO Montana ...1,010 5(16 1, NI 2, 797 1 105 Nevada_. 80, 663 U. 471 16I 1111,5TI ... , 27 12 31 t N. 03 1, 530 1 12, 369 3, 351 6 Ilampablre - . '...... -...-. 17, 4CS New Waco.. . 67, 406 6,756 74, kW ...... !...... 11, an ; 10, 613 NorthDakota. ..- LS, 826 5. 237. 87, 311 11,lie 1, 10.' 10330,849 30, 633 104,318 11. 497 228 171,Ill Ohio , , i .1. i 1, 241, 118 , .Oklahoma .... 931 1 296 1, 341,111 16, 82031 303 181 849 411 997 66 Pennsylvania. 1 653, 361 89 as 364 No $41 187 715, 458 Utah 15 74 rrz 256 e!L 830, 741 30 4, 298 16, MS4 113, .Vermont. ,. 644 1, 390. .. 114, Si . e I a r.. 200 61302 13, 604 Oil OM 21. 4 186,t 674 3,902 ITI, 46 140, 433 N. cis . Asia27, 439 316,41 as. am r 37, 767 4 4311I Mk= 447,151 = _._ . Oidlyiagpads

Alaska 6; . 38 411 2611 -3, eanalZoos. 576 4, 1111 1 4, 588 Porto Woo 4...0.'1 41. 511 Virgin ...... 131-120 . __,. . Wind$. a oI i 2341Z - 3, 181 3,161 I . V I Elementaryschoolsoats. I 161daysor more.

MM. 2



. a


& :3 il )

I a , . . ! . . . . 1 , 4:,,%.1. , ,.... - *... . - , i o.1 , .. ;, .. ! . ,, , V 6 I' I;.; . . . ê : .. t ....., ti" ,,,. .. . " : q..." 4 .; . ..t. I . i w. . :07.. I 64 .. 4. .. . , ":41. 4.e: X':.V.4,X1:.l04...,,...1.1"....,r, .- :.: ;,..14 A ,Lii.1.4:-4i..'/. 40,:11:'VA WV¡ '1,, ., 11.1 .. ? - 'I '., si , , ''''...? ..» . . . t.v. . 'o 'Vir r 1. ''. a 4n,1 .,'' I' 14, . i 4 as4 ... si:.1.4..1 , . ;11. ,* i,.. A, ...... 4 0... sl, il .:. .. 4,,s , 1 I . s A, .N.-....I Atoi ..1a 71 r 4...: a , .7 kasi.g1,11,V_ . ;,s 4 )i .. 0 .,'...,.., 21.....,1,,L411'.,At.,:* ir0 f 'I I'AJJ-...,:.L.e--/...ix,, ,_,.,d-b I. k'...::L..,...--4,....:...d.,,,:. .1..:..t ...,...... ,....:3_.7.1_,LLIJqfv-_hs- - r Tennessee West Virginia, Oklahoma North Carolina Mississippi Maryland Louisiana Georgia District (74Columbia. Delaware Ark Alabama TABLE 32.Sch861 West *Virginia Virginia Tellnellia0 Oklahoma =ram North Maryland Missassippi 1 figuresfor1031 floras District ofColum- Delaware Arkansas Alabama . . TABLE 31.Statiatica . 1 NotIncluding bia f amps gate Virginia. a . Total _ ..... Caroina age census, 540years.Inclusive. 1 : ...... e . Irlarld - , 1 STATISTICS Mate . . 1 , . ... a tyWei-school , . a .1 1 362.377 . ea 952 74 7,736` 463, 736 e 507, 816 648, 430 630, 324 309,957 35A, 633 575, 401 VA 211 Population 3 453,025 513, 102 White 60,952 46. CO elusive years of terns 1 I , 4 , - . _ . 1 of whits k. 4 4., and i 1 464,748 OF Colored SAM na, _ vs. 449 223, Met 10. 133, MS 434, 808 103, 344 314 527 137,091 23, 935 teachers in 72. 318 es, los st , , ' teachers. 0 7, 53 s to 17 963 school attendanceof 9X1 NO schools STATE white 9 1 1511 1 137 sch In 3 151 164 165 Its Ltmth of 187 170 148 1M 172 183 142 States, 1924-e5 . - Wen) Whits school popu- and coliredschool 414 95. I 82. 4 II 0 a 9 la I 43. 3 a 3 61.6 57. a a 7 how that 86.1 U. 3 Per cootof 71. 5 6! 8 ' 4 , colored schools , term Im -1 130 . 1 114 eb 14 1 In a 1 SCHOOL e 168 145 143 las 174 111 137 109 172 184 III 30. 6 BO. 6 St 2 31. 9 a 4 43. 6 18. 0 is 17. 6 33, 3 a. 5 26. 7 ored 36. 3 13.9 C431. L 9 . 1 . Maim, 19/14-96 I j 1, _ schools whits 4. A yearnu& attended by to bet ofdays et:mtsll 4 8160164 1211 e Enrollment loel,- 371, 341 399, 787 sos. no I27 us 538, 9911 3X1. 1.6 224 827 311, 361 447, soe la 336, 110 119 156 213, 506 137 117 383, 130 116 40& 703 143 159 190 101 Wall. *us 21,793 ondary =boob ramillry and s ... SYMMS, 19244935 schools colored white andof i A ,i iv - 11 130 1, 7X,485 103 179 147 139 86 92 81 99 BO 78 93 71 Calmed 300, 430 154 438 154. 793 11k 446 3s7. C4 . 139, 534 MI, 194 :so.= 21. ISO A 457 49, 106 ss, sa 74 WI population, 6,244 7 schools s -white goo' , not attended . school term lo Per centof 6 22 31 28 16 13 20 25 27 38 18 19 17 IS Whits o. 717 1.026 sebod . . marmot Ratio of , .11ti . . . in . .746 . . .703 . 'Dhotis 631 838 as 903 colored 7116 683 MI su 816 colored schools 1 Watt?. public _ In 1 . 31 a 12 40 SI 28 116 77 26 23 a 39 15 ( soo ...... ess .1606 . . .810 . enrollment, and Cal' 091 lb 901 601 901 as Ns 646 748 No 723 771 te 0 so- e .L schools white pupas in patina di;j 4 MI Haig 143, NI * 11,671 In Per centet . 8 III, sn 13, 011 It* daily 17, MON 12, 60 I 10. X0 Whit* 116 u. as 82 78 70 76 83 76 el 811 81 87 4, 800 76 9, In

11.01. %sin 73 74 7,010 1, 136 1,188 Number of

.1.1M; 1S towbars

2Tti pl. . slimed- (soloed schools ea 0 33. 013 1 1,461 In 0 3, 611 3. 863 4 013 %la 4, 444 1, 211 1. 331 1, 1411 1. SW a. pa C411- u 71 72 71 60 a le 51 14 74 73 71 81 771 74 73 71 71 811 MO 52 BIENNIALSURVEY OF -.EDUCATION)1924-192644 , TABLE33.--Enrollmen4of white and ofcolored pupilsin 13 Statesaccordingto year of advancement,1924-25

White pupils Colored pupils Year ofadvancement Per cent Percent Number of total Number f of total .

1 3 a 4 . a Kindergarten First 18, 827 O.4 2 423 0.2 Second 559 20.2 464, 841 32.5 530, Third 386 12.1 23Z 644 16.3 Fourth - 535, 689 12.0 208,348 14.6 .Filth 540, 914 12.1 180,951 12.6 Sixth 482, 789 10. 8 134, 606 9.4 Seventh 412, 273 9.2 92,285 6.4 331, 409 Eighth 7.4 55,668 3. 9 191, 667 4.3 21,210 1. 5 Firstyear high a -1- Setondyear high 195, 748 4.3 17,582 L 142, 3a- 3. Thirdyear high 2 9,875 .7 Fourthyear high 109, 073 2.4 5,713 .4 70, 527 1. . 6 3,901 .3 Total 411 4,473,229 100.0 1,430,007 100.

TABLE34.Enrollment ofcoloredpupils in14 States,1984-25


Kindergarten andele- mentary Secondary Total .

Boys Girls I Total Boys GirlsTotal Boys Girls Total 1 1 2 3 4 e 7 8 9 II

Alabama 89, 169 !.:, 312 187,481 Art Arkansas .. 838 1, 712 2, 548 00, 005 100, 024 ...... 57,, 808 119, 376 878 940 1901,40/01 O 1, 818 58, 446 Delaware . 2, 870 63,048 62, 748 121, 194 5,1018 118 208 326 2, 988 Dist. ofColumbia.... 9, 285 3, 256 6, 244 . 10, 314 19, 599 1,303 1, 966 3, 269 -Florida1 10, M8 12, 280 34, 629 39, 995 74, 624 244 22, 848 733 977 34, 873 40, 728 75, 601 . _ Georgia 118, 382 O 135, 112 253, 494: 1,952 2, 228 Louisiana I 4, 180 120, 334 137, 340 257, 674 63, 997 72, 457 . 136.454 1, 440 1, 630 3, 070 65, 437- 74, 087 Maryland O 139, 524 23, 252 23, 771 .47, 023 779 1,406 2, 185 24, 031 25, 177 Mississippi 138, 378 156, 043 294, 421 49, 2{2 2, 824 3, 185 6, 009 141, 202159, 228 North Carolina 117, 561 127, 868 245, 429 2, 399 O 300,430 2, 610 5, 009 119, 960 130, 478 250,438 Oklahoma__ _01 21,95.1 24, 219 46, 170 882 1,405 2, 287 22, 833 25, 624 Tennessee M, 852 59, 951 116, 8031, 1. 177 48, 457 . Virginia 12, 466 3, 643 58, 029 62, 417 72, 179 78, 261 150, 440 120, 446 1, 492 2, 860 4, 352 73, 671 81. 121 West Virginia 9, 754 10, 176 19, 930 678 154, 792 972 1, MO 10, 432 11, 148 21, 580 Total.t. I815, 827901, 3351,717, 162 17, 002 24, 321 41, 323832, 829925, 6561, 7A 485 3Distributionestimated.



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. V 7 .(tii -r

I. ' TABLE . . 35.-Statistics of colored schools-Attendance and teachers NE. , Average daily attendance Aggregate days attended in 14 States, 1.924-25 Teachers 1,17 . . State * . I . (r. "' Elenjen-schools tary I Second-xhools ary Total ; t Elemen-schools tary Second-schools ary Total , Elementary schools Secondary scbciols Total . >- tre. . . -.- . .- 1 Men Women Total Men Women Total Men Women Total tra _:-..4.-: 4.: - -- 3 3 4 6 7 8 9 11 I 12 . 13 14 16 .. 16 i-4 ' .. . _ 132, 817 NIMNIII 1M 11 1 0 'ki';!.11..:-..'',,:::...... :' ArkansasAlabama 1, 932 _ 134, 74987, 165 14, 670, 762 316, 274 14, 987, 036 .. _ J. 568 2, 648 3, 216 63 64 127 631 2, 712 .3, 343 - DistrictDelaware of Columbia_. _ , . __ _ 16, 733 4, 434 Z 820 271 19, 6534, 705 814, 565 50, 416 11,331, 450 864, 981 20 172 192 - t- 7 5 . 12 706 27 1, 670 2,376 204 0 .. Florida . 55, 784 2, 865, 031 489, 357 3, 354, 388 74 596 .670 69 73 142 143 669 812 rn - 61 053, 455 In ...... ;;:.."-'-- ., . %, . .. 'Georgia- . 414.,..., . 186, 231 212 1, 373 1, 585 P-3 ,,,k, r ..;,...-, Louisiana_Maryland '1 34.169 2, 189 101, 98436. 358 5, 947, 030 394, 747 11,25, 513,320 2246476, 341, 776 407189 3, 1,828 037 2,4, 1,274235 226 117 51 92 209 74 1 433524 1 3, 1,920 915 , 2,4, 444348 CD .'...:,7,..-,l'i.:...1-1,.41.: *': 1**.s...; NorthMississippi Carotin& 169,206, 212340 . 23,23, 063, 522, 596 760 o kw. 62 113 1, 025 237240 4, 7763301. 099 . 6, 0131, 339 0III 5.s.tilt:..;--r - - TennesseeOklahoma AS. . 83,26, 630 874 Z 662 2, 247 , 86,29, 292 121 3, 842, 982 323, 588 4, 166, 550' 2 423226 1, 916 818 1, 044 I 103 I 71 174 ' 329 889 5,3551, 218 L-4 k, Virginia ' 110, 051 2,339 65 107 172 488 Z 023 fr 2, 511 8 14, 389 1, 069 15, 458 ! 15, 9C*915 416 2, 994 3,410 97 112 209 513 3, 106 P41 s : . .west._ ' Total_Virginia . .. A s 1. 156, 711 2, 400, 190 192, 327 149, 017, 295 2, 592, 517 113 498 611 89 93 '162 6, NO 182 I 29, 25C 591 35, 940 3, 619 773 . t,;".. . !Figures tor 1921. I Distribution ,. 2 . . - _ ;., . . estimated. Total, not including 86,292 in Tennessee. .1P .9°

. .1 / '2. v. -. . ; - A:1. ,&4,* ( 716 - - . ; *. . . 7 I. . - TABLE 36. Enrollment of colored pupils, o by grades, in 1ff--4.3141,48, 1924-25 . . 4 ' '--- f In kindergarten and elementary grades In secondary graded 1 , . IF,j+.11-.*\-.t:-1.,7.z.. I Z. . State Kinder-garten grade. First Secondgrade Thirdgrade Fourthgrade gradeFifth . gradeSixth gradeenthSev- Eighthgrade tenkindemx and el Total of Firstyear Second year Thirdyear Fourthyear second-Total Orandtotal r 54' " .. 1 3 - 4 * .7 !limitary ary 15;rs'0" rj; - - - .! 1 8 g 1 . 13 14 II 11 Is 17 E`14.-7-..r.:-: - DelawareArkansasAlabama_ 89 30,71, 432 197 1, 295 30,18, 757 858 790 27,16, 225 591 850 23,15, 293 864 838 16,13, 489742 . 743 10,11, 992 360 598 7,4, 890498 5,2, 260409 119,187, 376 481 1, 296 703 545644 290409 280199 2,1, 548 818 121,190, 194 029 . 412 283 5, 898 134 139 -or_ SIP " District of Columbia- . ' -l 01, 1, 651 _ _ _ 32, 942 3, 249 10, 9872, 400 10, 069 2, 448 2,7, 470 979 6,2, 169 829 3, 3741, 852 1, 906 480 1,1, 1 310246 74,18, 395 985 1, , 567517 822255 527125 45 . 403 ,8528 3, 1,289 042 346 75,22, 437 234 6, 244 - 2§. - -;7 Florida .. -or . .., I Georgia 90, 532 50, 758 39, 728 30, 705 , ' 21, 200 13, 291 7, 155 125 Louisiana 1183 58, 0E35 20, 254 19, 981 17, 010 ' 11, 044 6, 216 3, 368 253, 494 Z 555 1, 182 . 401 . 42 4, 180 257, 674 MarylandNorth Carolina . 89,10, 870 864 38, 773 6, 869 35, 433 6, 736 30, 94841, 4E2 22, 583 5,042 15, 8223, 775 9,2, 747669 (I)(I) 906 212,133, 978 95844, 006 3, 1,4151, 330 033 1, - 917613784 904407505 3)3420 3,t),Z 039 388 138, 99746, 372 TennesseeOklahoma__ . 19,13, 780 516 17, 990 5, 833 16, 423 5, 938 ' . 14, 882 5, 732 11, 613 5, 012 3, 747 2, 727 2, 028 44, 561 965 609 381) 341650 2, 304 976 249, 95246, 865 VirginiaWest Virginia_ I ' 40, 127 4, 922 25, 530 2, 805 .. 24, 207 2, 721 22, 044 2, 724 16, 747 2, 393 11, 5078, 0991, 852 7,5,1, 384233200 2,3,1, 059790794 150, 18597, 19,781 860 1, 538722 807 985965406 895256470 348610182 4,3, 1,028505 650 154,101, 21328621, 510 . Total 2. 423 I 464, 841 23Z 604 238, 348 180, 951 I 134, 606 92, 295 55, 668 21, 210 1, 392, 938 17, 582 9, 875 5, 713 AN' 3, 901 37, 071 1, 430, OM -.1. i On seven-year pliwkexcept in Savannah, Ga. I o

.4.1- - 4 - -