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Godd N P Ari T^Umbc GOP Smells in Senate Cc

Godd N P Ari T^Umbc GOP Smells in Senate Cc

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J, , I r.|______— Godd in n o F n i n g ^ ^ — Today-sforecaleasfc------——*— : ------S u n n y 'io d a y w:w ith h ig h s n

| H " JACKPO T - A piplane cra.<:h early Sun- - ...... - Indoor golf day morning killeded IIii Twin Falls man and A new businessss ini Kctchum offers a loll two Cowling; rcsircsident.s in serious con- ______chance to play sunnjnny golf courscs while a ™ • dilion. ------thcru*5~sTil{ ^o w -o n ' i§ ^ 3 == is^PaaCTggrNicbatalmh

------^ ^ '■ * ...... ” ' V V ...... ^ ■ :...... > • ’> . - ' . ...I... .. _ . • • ‘ •• .. ■'•■It... ______;___y _ . r r r ~ ------~ ~ [• ____ - ...» ...... '.../r . ■,______------A-2—‘Ttmoa-NowSVTwrnFtfiTdllo. Idaho' 'M onday, Marchch 7.'- , ; • ^er-up^^— 1 tion with WhitowotcTrtho— ------—Gontinped-fn.f r o m A l — ^ ...... --H- the'Watergatc-scandal,-Tcfcrrining-to the-*octly-thc*aituation JMVeathher tendcncy'ofo(Ticials suchh as Nuss-. failed Arkonsassas real estate dcvelop- . . c o v cr-ilp ,. nntlind he nnd oil o f us here blic disclo- ment in which:h tJthe Clintoiis invested ' know wc opcni-crate on a different level o f b;baum to tiy to prevent publi ...... ,...... -SI-sure o f cmboTTassing infofo rm atio n ....during the 1970s70s anil 1980s, a span o f ' integnly.'* '' -llicy-can't -lim r^^fflcloaciodcd*eiimonTtcmirc'"iis __ L.;:: r /“ Vcnrwas'as' CHiJlon:himsclfr-^;;nis^“’—‘‘^ei-Jiiyariobly. flnd-out-il for noorr; Monday, Me archr7r~" ■ '------iuTd in trying to unsucccssfull;illymanage^'gbvcmor." ’ The Accu-Wfeather® e forecast foi ______w c l U s firel.-1aa6 a} S » g'orcm bar- ' he added: "I thin!think the atmosphere ex-- tality here is dumb. Wc tempt to su p p ri^ damaging siege mental I ifn o crim - isted therc.thaLcnlUTOiied-this-behaviorin— m from the past and not rc- rassing ^ information — even ii . o u ^ t to Icam l - a general woy.” ______p c a til.-W c 6should-gct-all h o the-fact?ouf —tnal activityl5inv0tvisf:~ - - - notc that ift Some Whitee HouseH( aides say Hillary ssmcnt .wiis.'cchocd by sea^__ Indeed, Ruth and others nc ...... • ...That asscs'sn Watergate, • Clinton was cspe1994'Accu-Woat?ithor. Inc, ^ Prossuro ::Er Sena "-EZ3 --E3 S ■ fr o m .A I — ------'■: -‘‘What presidents do mostistly in off- - -C U n to n ’s.job-,ioB-'approYaTrailTig-harrr H L EE53"S E3”' throughout his first 14 S U N N Y ' 'PT. CLOUDY CLC cy for can- pinwheelcd thro HIGH L O W - SHO:HOtveffS RAIN - T-STORMSS FLURRIES I - SNOW- ICE i It in m ind, th e political year y' elections' is raise money didates,” said^political onal>ilyst Stuart months in officcTicc, but in the lost six Via AssoaaloO Press wing of theic ’ W hite H ouse and the d: enjoyed a.lO percent ;.National Committee arc Rothenbcrg.'"Clinton R haslas do n e a m onths h e ’s cnj l*pc Spokano- 45B 21 - Democratic.N tuch of the good feeling i m Temperatures for an eight-month effort good K' job balancing the vararious clc- boost, with much 2 3 2 ..... g e a rin g tip foi is.approvaj__attributed to gro\growing consumer con- — .....- ' Max™,„PCP Mil aimed-Qt protirotcctingTainton.'s-work^-n' —mcnts-jn-his-party.-and-his. M onday, March*7 to see him fidcncc. . . Albuquorquo _ ,70 J l ing majorityity in both houses of numbers JJ' arc up. It’s hard to ; Accu~WcalheT*fottCTilI forfor' dayliiTic cohdiu'on* «nd bletHBPpea T w . m F a i i s Rothenbcrg, whow publishes a non- Allbnla 78 47 C o n g re ss. Tniercarc-21Dcmocratic ill --hi being much o f a minus." icrwisc, ar- paitisan'poliHcalical newsletter, secs Rc- ^ CAHAOA Boston 34 27 X Min Pep sc ats in th e SenateSci being contested, Republicans suggest other 1 3 3 ...... M“ ' sopular ap- publicans pickingking up two t(> four Sen------Chicago 58‘ 3£ ..... Yoslordoy mmn mr m ..... D e m o c r aats t s around Clinton'arc guing S’ that the president’s po ------Oaitos------7 6 -9 drand-that-atc^scal3,-wiiJiophopcn-scats-in-Arizonn, ----- Lastyoor 60"a buoyed by/ rirecent polls showing “ provanHaybc-shorPlivcdr P^ • Donvor 52 3: icnt, a n ti- -Ohio and Michtgchtgan most vulnerable, • 33-01 Normol 48® 2 6 ..... widespread1 ppublic approval for his the || strong anti-incumbei c£ Q ^ D cs Molnos 48 3J im ong th e to GOP takcovtr.'vtr. ^ |CooufD’Alonoj40‘~| ' - . Sunsol today 6:35 p. -pcrfonnancc,:c. O utside the W ashing- W^ ashington sen tim en t an- Oolroll 57; 3i 3 5 .3 5 sunriso tomorrow 7:( ist the ma- Not surprisinjsingly. GOP strategist May, however, edgy electorate will work against r P ^ Honolulu . 82■ 65 ..... Lunar phaso: Now ;.rcmcmber-I993.,-whcn_JCJority,pi^.^ ..... Camey likes Rq)Republican chances in a Houslon______76.£:5 .£ 3 _ ------tZrtlrsrquonorM : states, including-Mary- arty lost a pair of Senate "W e're pretty bullish at th:this point,” host o f other stal Indianapolis 65' 4C'’O ..... Jull M arch 27; last“ l " r S Clinlon’s part, ive director land. New Mexicexico, Pennsylvania and iLcwtslon I races, two gutgubernatorial contests and stsaid David C am ey, exccutiyi .K ansas Clly ' 62 45 of the National Republicani SenatorialS New Jersey, Las Vogos • 761 5S: 3 ::: mayoral elcctiictions in.the nation's two ^ Committee. ’‘It’s hard not to be opti- A pair of inciincumbcnt Democratic . Los Angolos 67 5£ largest citics.s. ^ ^ T-mistic-whca-w«-look-at_wAKtiat hap-- .senators.-Charlcnrles Robb of Virginia ------MOmpttra— ------79-47 Idaho______------:------— ATTnggrcssesslvcprusidcntial'cam*"^*^ »mc o C lh c -tu n lfR n k U uutenbcrg te n of New Jersey, -- .MlnmlSoach 76I 595£ ■■*■■. . Mn>¥ Min> P rp ■ p nig n c ty lr mr» nened in 1993 and nt.som are seen as impcrip'cniafwilhKobb'like. ------|JP __Milwauteo____ 51 _35_02,.3S ____Bolso______59 2 - in-lhfi-Housc *" flnd Senate, Clcandidates w e've recruited. ^ublicrof-—ly-to-confront-facks, a family judge in :ords on how many Ameri- ^over his union fees with theth city of David G. Sack ^ ^ Salt Lake Clly 53I 44C 0 .1 7 ' Salm on B 48 2 0 ...... not keq) rccon I troubled by A c train) of -acl-on.thcir.ownlcgal-bc-—VChicopee. During that timtn c, he has Springfield, is tro ______Snownri r-Uiyma Haw fkimttm t inow m Sunnr PI CkkjOy£S_C££t— San Francisco—72-4£•_49 ...... Soda^Spring#—m m -n-30—— -cans-overall-ac icch' p”ro“8b”law ycf8'^ho ■- • I agree the numbers.havc fifiitsl lawsuits all the way upI'to t( the U.S. poVcrtyrStrickcn: SoalUo 50) 3J3 5 ...... Sun Valloy m_mn m m ..... half. But all a ,gh his courtrooih. F|or jcolly.in recent decatlcs.-...... SSupreme Coun and even arjir^ed ver- trudge through ______^ s c n dramatico rt.~doingrc-~them.~it'5Tio-hobthobbyrbuf-thcTonly oIlfT^------^ u y in tlirPliocnlx urea—«^^lly^jn-stale SupremC-Court.: ZrZ Z:7=::::::- ^ r e c a s t s ■" ■:...... aI T X B A ^ TefTfflth'ftcs-that start a t ----- ^ e a Wter.siunm t ar-y— at least one of the parties «scorch at a local law. libmiyy and< occa- native to lawyers ey, Rupert. Jenmie sod Ooodingog: Today *0“ " ^ ' r friend for around SlOO anin hehour. as dominated by wijnn high pr«press.,ro . TvviiiJiJti, Buriq, iro se in 24 pcrccnt o f 1980 .sionally .?> iurning to a'lawyer I • • The Gem State wns d sunny.,Highs-near 50, W est winds 10-15 mph, ToniDnlghiand ‘ wM acting pro •‘It’s not a surprisesurp lhat people who - ure at the surface. The result c IQ divorcc eases.s . Ten years‘later, that fig- informal advice. aloH lind high pressure Tuesday fair and cool.ol. LowsI 2 0 10^ . H i^ju 45 to 50. ----- Not content w th previouss rmixed de-- have trouble paypaying-for-a*nK)rtgage, [c.mqsvly;sunny;^skii:^andjmld isl to 88 pcrccnt. ; 11':::;; :..patlem.gave.lhc.siaic,n U LllEEi:::.:cam «a'ti«ioc and'-ind-Wood‘River:.VaUcy: Today -c isio n s, hc-is nQW.suing.thciiC-Citv_for groceries, rent^and: and heat are having trou- mrdcool. Judges andd lawyers1 nttribute such in*—ci ~ pcrjilurcs Sunday aftcjfiernoon. The high pressureure also ^ighs in ihe lower 40s.40s Tonight and Tuesday fair ai .5 million. ble paying forFa a lawyer,”li hc‘said. “M y near 40s. crcascs 10 thehe streamlining of divorcc S brought down ihc windiinds to make il a raiher pleasansani day. l o ^ s near 10 aboveizero. zer Highs in the unRcr30s to nt Brown c?timatcs that he wouldwc have greatest concern iiis ... people coming in ly incrcas- law in som c; states Sl and a proliferation Even the fog und low clouds lhat hud blankeleeled the 'Extiaded fotwascic SouthernS Idaho - Wednesday lad allowed .here who arc uniunable to enforcc their iahsinthc . of do-it-yours0 clo'lds. T^WS inI theihc upper 20s lo upper 30s. Hiftl —lawveTB-i(i-rtrrhH-w"rt-i “* eould novef - iig lit^ ^ '...... -T oudy with sion of cusl^>:atnjanii5rHKdTg|n£st5-ibr—|g lly fair weather and higherr cclouds 50s lo lower 60s. Thurhursday and Friday partly clou have afTorded what I’ve beencn through. In a rcccnt rppo:-pport, an ABA p>anel pro- midaftcrfioon. Moslly jbft40s-i{>-~ —restraimng-trnJjidcrs; broildcT jurisdlciioa jj; :ainedLcare,^_ ^ synny with ii few locflti•ations reporting higher eloudlid co v er. Tonight fair. Lows lower low 20s lo lower 30s. TuesdaylajTmosily ------lawycrs-fccsT brain domage that she bliblajoes on and encouraging;ing lawyers to prgvide No precipiiation wns5 reportedrc] by any Ipcalion. 40s to middle 50s. Somc sclf-taf-taught lawyers, while ac- h sunny. Highs upper 40s mandatory childhood vaccinatlationsv said limited advicc: for a fee without insist- ;cd from ihe lower 40s to thehe low er Elko County ^ Toda;oday mbslly sunny and warmer.r. IHighs in knowlcdgingg Ilegal costs as a motiva- T ______' _ Tempcalures ranged a lawyer could not match herler personal ing on taking over an entire case, j ' ‘ .rskies_..l^w_sj_n_ilic upper teens/s,and 20s. tio n . contendd they t can do better work “ 3bs. Wajud Ciiyin the^hcTitmlhenst wns the wnnn spo:;pot.w ith Ihe 5Qs. Tonight fair sk ...... The Arizonola SiSupreme Court tinder- ; m y and a liple wartn'cn H ig h s in'in'tJie-SOs- - than-rca! lawyc/ycis-onyway. ------?commitment. 52 degrees. Hiiiley wu's wu? Ihc cool sp o l w ilh onlyy 442 dc- Tuesday moslly sunny casc as one -took-a-pilot-prcrjcjrcrjectlast-ycar^ in-three ------:micsc.guysiysibrgclj:nUB.topJlf_evL_ “r m nonookihg nt'this-ca, _ gfccs; ~ ------cast to !ower609 wcsi<- s o n " = T n y —citicrwhere-it-plflt-pIacJcdcounbousc;c6m-— — e ry th in g ," saicsaid M elvin Brown, a 63- ' case in loom jls'ls’myso Winds at 3 p.m. were/ere generally light ul mosl loci puter booths lhathat teach a peison to-fill— • year-old retiredred firefighter. s*son,” she said. ' i' j. calm winds. se lawyers out divorce foitnsifms or eviction notices in . _. . wilh some reporting cal Brown, whcvho quit high school after But many reluctant pro se 54 ofpctidons, either EnglishI or Spanish — and then The highest temperaleralure in the slate Sunday w the ninth grairadc but later gained an aiarc clearly lost in the maze o f degrees at Malad. SianStanley reported ihe lowest al pipleadinip, judgments, statuteses, dockets, print out the compompleted forrtis. . . M o r n i n gg : : Jupiter, M erci }. "W c know how well it’s nmntng be^ gree. jurisdictions and courtrooms. ) r o a d r e p o r t « t at home causc JK« onc pdsonpcrs h ^ lud to ask any . Elsewhere in ihe nationnati Sunday, th e highesl len-lem pera- Ma I d a h o I ‘•When 1 have any projcct la rs, S atiirn ------that requires more than a hthammer, a of the'court staffitaff at thc’pilot sit« for ______lure was 92 degrees;o:s .ai Colulla, Del Rio and LLa ared o , The state roroad report was unavail- nail, ni and a screwdriver, I (»ilill a cdipen- help,” said Lynnmn Wiletsky,' managw o f • T ex a s. H oulton, )y1aiiic,inc, reported the lowest tempoiperature ' EVCl'ening: V enus I a b le nt p re s s titim e Sunday. • - • . tctcr. Somctiincs it’s importantml to c u l a the project ; nt -9 degrees.

)uth-cenh-al statites ■ ' I " Q p.m. weekday*. To report laicIC news and per week. SiudCTi/milll/military' s^ ic c delivety Thunders!rstorms churn in Southwest, sou Circulation |sports results aRer 5:30 and onn >weekends, $2.30 per week, $27,6(27,60 for 12 weeks. Sales- T h e A ssocioW l Press Dry weather prevaevailed ocross the rest of theIC nation, Allen Wil>Wilson, circulaiicm director '-j'call 733-0931. lax included In allill above ab p r i » A eharse , witii sunny skies oyerver much o f the Northwest andnd South- Circulaiioilion phone lines arc open be-, ofS15.00willbele'»e levied for all returned twccn 7 and'id 101 #.m. only. If you do noi rc-. Thunderstorms develcveloped Sunday’in the Soulhwe;west and usl. ; - Advertising- n lllinoij, cciv=yoari»i• paper by 7 a.m,. call ihe number the soulh-eeniral partI oof f the notion, w hile m osl of ihIhe rest Dense fog developiloped in Wisconsin, northern 1 Pcier Y o*. advertising direeto: southwest Louisiana and centn ^m isem enl, MaU fafonnatfctt o f Ihe country stayed diy-liry souihwest Kansas, sou ■Wendeir-Oooding-HuBcnnan If you wish lo place an advei . c8ll.733-093l.-eh«>ifiedads.s.c all.7 3 3 - ,.Th.cTin«hNew»(l^ (U P S 631-080} is pub- ...... - Thundcrsiorms andid ; showers stretched along an warm da. Fog reduced thehe visibility, to a sixteenth oof f “ m i l e ...... 536-2535iS ...... < 0931 Monday ih ro u ^ Friday frefrom 7 a-m. liihed daily at 132 Third St. W:, Twin ..nonhTeeniml_and_ northeasternm Texas around Madison, Wis.Vis., and Melbourne. Fla,, nndd ireduccd Ourley-RuiRupcn-Paul-Oftklcy , I ____ _front-cxtcnding. fronj.no: - -unlil3p.m.and5aJuniaysfromltXajn^uniil. FBll»..ldaho,J_330_|3301. by Magic Valley the visibility io nearir ztzero around G rc ro BiiyTW is.-s------678;2552-J2------1 inlo west'Ceniral Louisiaisiana. 10 a.m. InfonnaUon on display adsad is avail- Newspapcn Inc. SiidSndilau postage-paid 'cr much of Wisconsin nnd M uilcfonl Showers assoeialedd wwilh a slow-moving cold'fronront also Fog lingered over i ts • ’ 1able weekdays only. at Twin Palls by TheT he' Tinws-News. OfftcUl _ hil Souihcm C alifomlia. ia. and thunderstorms croppedled up in Sunday aflernoon osts wellw as Nebraska tmd Florida. , - Fila.RogeiDgenon-llolllsler ______city and county ncwt|:icwspaper pursuant lo See- iSstatcsrTnominglows-werc 'dfclahoma, western Atki'itkaiisas, norlhwcslcTn Lbuisian;iana‘a n d ------l_ttjjhcLowcr48;s TC b e lo w ------125^537575------^------• ------ftiSoipeoorita*------Mton6C-I08oflhcTaicldahoCodeTTKniaayTr------>f th e Plateau and Rocky Moununtain rc- Twin Fall*iilU and all other aresi Home delivery: daily and Sumjt^ y .$ 3 ,0 0 hereby-designated as m uch o f Texas. freezing in much oft! 4 as the day of ibe week' and-o«ntrsl-PlainMho-uppctMiM itti« tip » ------73,?-:9??,l,,u ------:______I Sk;JH!l%_o»*hi«b4.gaU«ioa<»tioa«wiUb*pubH«bad, ------“ ■ ■ "■ ' “ A“ltw ialiisliOWtia“frirfril-iif ilic upperl&hio Vallerai,-tMKhhe— giaVia«yN

- -^T he'Iln;m e s ^ f e w s — . 2 6 6 n ^ t m iifiM iiii s i i i ' ' UK WEATHi1JR SKI LIIINE I MOVW IES SAWrrQOTH l COMi\AMUNiTY SPORTS i07T£/?V lOCAlFOtECASl . MCMEUJTINCSN E PRO • COlUCt • KICH \LENDAR l^iMEM¥xyAi^ ^REPORT CALIALft»MWOTiVlNTS______S g ^ l i i r ▲ ...... -J? . : Press 7 K ^ llTheTiniegNjii^ r ^ IjTh&T^ m g j 'f e i w l ...... • Therm iea^^L; I TheHmoNews

7 .' /*' -'7 ••'...... ——— ’---- Mbntjay.-rMa Twin FalU. ldi.Ho A-3- ^ ------. 'NNation ' W orld jjo tecrists if :£ z endseiiaiofflze;SSfaiQOti .•tlm J ------NEW-YORKITAP)OT) — mem- hiteilw til 3 .V bers of an ultra-OnlDnhodox Jewish ■group buried a tccn-icn-oger-who-was^-^^^^l . WASHINGTON (AP) — ^ killed in a shooiootii\g..on th e.-^ ^^^l uricjnT'ourof'lhrcc-workirs-i - —- Brooklyn Bridge,, hi h i^ a m ily said I wuiworld’s labor forcc either has i o y m e n t Kis killcrsh'ouldi fac^tho^dedth-fc I ------i,r-it>r-is eartling-toci litllr In livc.d!SS_,une!Tm !oV penally for terrorism. ly,_the International Labor 1 We are currentlyitly iin th e w prst , 1 Amid heavy pol security,' Organization reports. global employmeiTTienl crisis sin c e ! ______thousands ginheredid SundayS outside ______DespiteE a decline.in joblessr , tha GreaLP.epresic e sjb n .o f th e | the United States, the U.N. org ______Ihe Bfooklyn'hcadqidquarters ot the S k s - Worldwidiwide, one of ' —. LubavitchcTHnsTdisidic se c t fo r a * l iiion'with o l 169 member cou d women are . ' ' calls the situation "ihe worstil global ___ funeral that mi^edd COld World tra- |||^ H f. ' oved or not______TTiftsaioawyr^— cTTtploymctit-criwr. fiinco ilic. nr^ni nithar unemolove 3h for-aminimum.-|-— Gov. Mario CuCuomo. Mayor Depression of Ihe 1930s." earning encJugh fi Rudolph Giuliani anda numerous President Clinton has inviteitcd offi- sta n d a rd of living'ing. ■ • • I______^ turned out for the ciQlS'Of-flix'Other^^jor^nd'idustrial—h ~ ■ _o lh .ct politidanJi Uin' ------• i m t T; T p ~ ] c o u n trie s ------Ja p a n , G en:rmuny.:-r N’.Amorica-g futieraJ of 16-yejyen'r-ofd Aorgn_^^^W cu i m m m . n i ...... - '•••'------HalbersfatnrHc-dr'd l^ Saturday Britain, France;'Italy and Caninuda — ...... Canada g t> 14 and U.S. gm ^ . 9 i ' •night, four days afleifter being shot in kAK^^^^B to 101 a two-day meeting March ’ the head while ridinjding in a van w ith 15 in Detroit on ways to creacate new j Jepan ' & ______■ . — I I Q .B . 14 other young rat^biit^binical students. P r c ‘ jobs. I .. Ocoania p , ■■MaiQ.g.-r- Lebancsc-borrirn'taxi ’ d riv e r Labor leaders from thee seven | Austrdia ------Ra8had-Baz^-28,-w,,was-charged:jn_^^Hra countries, including Laoe KiiCirkland. j - Now ZealandI ■■■■9.8 S I 10 to ld I______Europo B i Ihe shooting lhalIt w ounded ihree —CISrircsident of the AFL-CIC ______othcrs.as well. Hiatiial Mqhammad, Labor, Secretary Robert Rcleich on | Austriaii— ^ 4.6 "1 I ■ Friday’that more governmentIt spend- [ BelgiumI ^ ______JordaniansJiviDg.in.,.in.thc.borough o f _ ^ ^ ^ | chools is 1 ■ Denmark; ammm ^2'^ Brooklyn, were chargedcha with bin- needed to create jobs. — • i ■ FinlandI m and weapons '•Unemployment, not inflallation. Js Franco' S S » i i . 7 i dering prosecution APphcKO possession by helpiiilping Baz dispose the main threat to the econonom ies," Germany' h— | n -J— - — o f Ihe guns and ihehe

------'------'I.______'a -4 ’ fimoa^NowaVTwlh FolliFolIaridQho Monday. Marct>7i7i 18941 ------NatibiF^ !icnpts-fshow-KO ^ingce r TscicffiisFs ddiscount pEead ^ getecd a s tr aa d e b a iit-7 of esommonn rodentt-b®riLejvirus w as te , . r , _ discovered in the •ITA (AP) — Urban rats 7 . I ness have 6ccn dis it in the nearest' garb ag e < X - -United Stales: NEW Y O RK (A P) —Thcallcgttd ' j ------] c h a rg e d in it V subway tunnels and ____ ^ ______tlip p lo t to sh^hnes nnd dress him nnv-tt • U l ' • Th5-Southwcstccstern-fllrain: " ______masicrmind of a nioi1 to bnmb the ;e scurrying through cup- Facts aboi illcd a Louisiana ------^bnc that killc Ijc wiLS lold to ^ —___ b o tn b th c hihim and procccd.” :jioUhcxuIprits— >— ------United Nations said tic ’ __!lHc_said-ludc-w4lh-h.h im -a n il_____ er ns trade bait— j .— ^ :_ U . n i t R d------ll health officials say ^ (O ■■ man. ■ ______kWiiupJJcnry_Kissinscrj • lijcy’ll release all the bi J L p __ • One.discoyere.tcred in co tlo n ja ts , to .fxcc ihosc chargcdI in the World Nations. Js of rodents that usually . Tianta^^ ■rJP When ararrested in thc trade cent in Florida. Trildc Center bombing,g, accordingn lo .' 1 humans are the-most _ The Associated Press 1 considering ihe ...... '/ J I B ------thtf— d c fc n l Si eriny the liuiitavm is-that— . ■■ • The CDC is co ------sectcliy ^apc^].Cl>!iV,c^^iU[i^OTHms:------possibility ot^wo.,wo.more separate ...... _ '■•dants were __.But.nt one point,.Siddig vn up in thc Northeast _ .Several hundred pag)ages o f tran - T*'------To-.avoid infcjction fifrom -simins.-the c«cjn^ n the Northeast ------□ltiSss«:ialcil_ a rre ste d in ththe Kissinger plan wouldi ing more than 30 people ______scripis^cvicwcd-byjlic -bccauBc-thcTotmer dipli rodent infestation: . . . and one^feCalifomfomia. I’rcss, give ihe clcurcsi:si 'view yet of ‘'' —-trude-^b« jlhwesu .; I c e n te r c a se , longer.has. lo the.same ini • Usc traps that kill. A'Avoid weC^wTow'^hatjhcre'.s a ^ _ un-alleged corispiracy-lhMhat-prosecu*—H | u | | h| | | n thtinvcstigaiion of the according t6 ihe transcripts. handling thc rodent." Dislrslnf^ ■ Very diverse picp ic liifc d T haTi-“ ' — b o m b in g . m m Siddig All ac il respiratory illness, sci- . toi* say included the During apqthcr coriversa'salion. Ihis _ the dead animal and trapP ’with tavirus,” Childs;s saii a id .' Fifteen men will stand , ______suggested to from thc-Genters-for— - nd irial in l]ie A bd o l-Rlahmati al snlcrn that une oi between Salem andwl Ahftel- enlists fro liquid disinfectant bel Each of the newlew strains appears conspiracy ease in Scpieipiember. “ isc n sc CControl o and Prevention Id kill some FBI agents in RRahman, the informant is c • touching., ...... ’ - linked icra-particuticular rodent, said Four nien were convinvicicd Friday they could 1 they rflight be dealing • If thc infestation is i n. He also said that if the tctelling thc sheik he consi s con- c .J .'P c tc rs , 'dhicflie f o f thc C D C ’s in ihe W orld T rade Ceniienter bombing, retaliation. w virus. fined, open windows lo vi is-were sentcnccd to Ufc in_U_UJlifed Wations-the “hbu; imer83-they-Ieamed-morc----- ''f f llil- __spccial.pathogcns_bns b r a n c h . ______' devil” and is planning a siri laicTicfdfc cleaning. Vsc the suspect- in the . :niencing May prison, “we've'll hit them with missiles' di : illness and investigated Deer mice, the ______out parole at their senu or nn omn aboUl ihC il _ uid cleansers that disinlinfect. __5inmhwest. haveve 1been abundant and wc w'linaKirlrostages.'' lir ------—t^evajUating-onc-and.nnt^ lOOKlook pUccnlacc “ VUlluiil bliai Do nol vacuum or sw)W.eep chcre and in othlished-reporls-last_ycar.__r( ntavirus,-in an even-'rarer Salem and Siddig 'ATT'ilso / fill- H™'" ~ chills,'muscle-achcsand-f gen* d a is now“say lhafa"earller-Ttport lhat ------thc W aldorf Astoriaria Hotel was lawyers whowh had viewed the tran- n lhat now under invcsii- dc.scribed plots to bom b th(Ihc Holland ' .cral listlcssncss. The^Jisliseasc of jj house mouseuse .infected wilh a thw arted w hen the FBI learned of :!icripis befjcforc they were filed in d as infected rodents in thc and Lincoln tunnels, whvhich link p.on has 'p ro g resses rapidly lo brc)realh- fQfn, g f hanlilaniavinis has been ' ; court wererc quoted as saying Salem, a .y U nited StaStale’s for'vears without , (he plans. -^JcwJYork'andJScw.J.erscy, ing_difficultics_as_a path 5del-Rahman,-n—and-Siddildig-Ali-had-diRCUsscd-2' ^jidcmicsrf------— ------s _discrediied. ------•—SheikO m ar-A bdel id'^isri’cr-"* lungs fill wilh fiuid. PcPeople Evgn so, there’sre’s good reason to •gyplian clcric .abductingg 1former President Nixon The transcripts are filled hosc.'infected withahe ' • 55-ycar-old blind Egy follow Ihc And Iho who believe they maj «th rodents, y inspired and and forinimer Secretary of Stale erenccs e lo men eager to f< llscovered forms, most “y, : ' avoid contact wilh who prosecutors say i leaden; in a newly disi infccted should see a dodoctor. Hantaviral pulmonary pu syn- lirators, told the ' Kissinger,r.‘ ■■ ■ ■ ' orders o of their religious lei ly deer mice, are usually authorized.iffc conspirat . They also commonly There is.no specific trcatiatmcni ^ discdiscase is called, is amagc to thc ' Thc tran:anscripts reviewed by Thc holy h war for their cause. 1 lUt in the w oods or in the men “to inflict dam !d to speak for thc disease. carried in airborne Associatedled Press mention Nixon, indicate ii lhat thc meh tried :hildssaid. . believed to be car American Army.” K fields,” Chi States with confirirmed particles of driedtied feces or urine Siddig Ali, the but mainly_ly involve Kissinger. • in ii codc at limes. e is no indication that ' - • Siddig Ibrahim Sii lin g d c v ic c casfs:.. Symptoms develop- ______;d mastermind, Accordirding to the' transcripts, They referred to a limit ______&&gusdent^?y_n donspiracy's alleged r that*5Hlem-flhowed-Siddtg ■ Mitonall aiSntr*2 [u after cx’posurc. ______wanicd-tQ-kiU.a..man.■in h r r niise_he Sitldig-AlLliUold-Salcro-hc-had-visiied—l! r hoyse mice arc going to Cow»do5 r a{ago. That virus related weapons cha:hargcs and is wearing electroniccl dcvices. “throw l .Rosenberg!rg. who died in January states; al infected aboutIt 3.0003 American ' w h en hee ireturned lo^hool InI ^cases of hantavirus in 16 st Korean War, killing L.______Rhodc.Islaisland after u'^ysil home on, .j least 36 deaths have been:n caused soldiers in the Kor •“ 'bytht: virus-since-Mayr—— ------190 by-dcstroyinilying their kidneys.— •- - New York’rk’sLonglsIjfnd. ^ v e s ^ b aateover^ )f deadly The virus itselfIf w;was nol identified _ _ j______~ S p j - aaserevh Last wcc/eck. CDC a;\d New York ' " So far, three strains of fficiub wuLC gluv[^s_wjuler - h t antav lrtis'-caTlslhg resj^iriitfardry -iU— uniii more IhiiiT20f 2 u years later. ~ T" . —K G B^ t ^ t o iFwhoA^f ^ e n t h o i rne pmty-conc^paeyYurchcnkoJ ;Soviet ^bassy in Washir ^'HHiNUlUN (/(a P)’ a . " ! , : : " M y ! imesthatitknockejedouti 1 a.ssignci} to cscorl Yurchcr stery fill rignitcd a debate w c n l biack. a c ''t9 the.-Soviets, in : A m es spy ca.se has reigr m askcd-as a ------curious-threc- -Novembercr aficf "she spumed him-as—'s -w h c rc Martynov:Wo.«i unm; ------1 ------r spy fui the m i and e xetit«uledr4;nUI-----w y v i M l • -- month defection off KKGB officer a traitor"‘l» ar rd' lie'‘'got really SOrtf over » • March. 1985, Yurchcnko:o had been J . , E J L d J ______Vitaly Yu~rchenko inI 191985 was gen- som e veryry nasty interrogators here," 1 i.:iworking-ih-CQunicrintcll:lligcncejp ______uine or a Soviel trrclfrcirdesigncd-to—according-t g-to one-former-iniclligeftce-^-' find U S. spies inside the: KGB.I> If he d t v PR^^IT ' Los'A ngc 1 css RRcgionarDrug-arid , protect their highest-ist-ranking spy officer. SIDE. Calif. (A P)'— ■ , was a real dcfcclor, why 8 - h a s Poison Infofmaiicnation Cenlcr. , inside the CIA. S in c c hhis return to Moscow, ' Hacked thc problem like ‘ThaVs why this lary question is: Y urchcnk(nko has periodically beenI ' warn U.S. officials l)iat tl in a highMcch thriller, laHlsa There havee beenb similar cases, This time the primary .bean such a mel e a i a - . t v o emergencyicy roomsI were evacuat-,^ Did Yurchcnko revealal the.spyingl of quoted ihin IhT^jrcss"and seen byI' • siispcctcd Mahynov? hemsclves in space suits, t Yurchenko's defenders event, becausee It'S • cd in 1991 in Perth,Per Australia, after a,, • cx-CIA officer Edwari/ard Howard so Western correspondentsco jn ways that an autopsy in a spepi^lly. - number his doubters. Thc two ambulance crew,' thc KGB.could arrcsrest U.S. spies have ncvcivcr quite resolve the qucs- i 3cr, examining air samples never happenined doctor and two in several ways. iHirsl.- •_ : mcmbcrs.-wcrccrcovcrcome bjhfumcs:; betrayed by thc CIA’s's /Aldrich Ames tions aboullul him. . - • • ^ i ' liikcli iro n raacoffirT t - that we knowl^ from a man vhowho had swallowed pes- • ...... - wHthout casting suspicioitnon on A m c s? ------But the1C arresriasirftrofilh df 31-^ sameme way in ihcibody, ’ ••■Molchunt" about theh ^IA ’s search morale prproblem because the FBI 1 workers struggled Id save: recordedr the scene. 4 Robert M. Gates, CIA(f director in ^ hospital w )son. Both are treatccl I; for Soviet agents. WlW sc said he's ohcsted 101C Soviet spies during 1984 uddenly felt like they were “That's why ihis has bc<)cen such a said Thompsor 1- the Bush administration,, hash said the her. they s»di ne, the nerve-gas anti- convinced ihal “part-ort' of thc answer and earlyy 1985,1 and might have con* -~m cdia evenl, bccausc'il’s nnever hap- with atropme, a dramatic, phbny defectionn agency eventually discovc.vered ".some lo»- ' ,” said Dr. ootc sometimeimes issued <0 combat goes back lo ... Yurchcrihcnko." coctcd a d iiory therapist Matfrcen, |Jcncdf thai wc know of,” )uld use information fromTl problems that couldn’t bew blamed on Rcspiraio :ctor o f the trodps. .A t the lim e, thc CI.CIA concludcd so ii coui d she felt muscle spasms, ^Gregory Thompson, direct ) round up C IA spies bul pro->- Howard.’' Eventually, thcic trail led lo Welch said ? ______that^'iirchcnko, ^_gen<■eneral-dcsiBnatc A m es to rc ------^------^jcrk-hcf-bodjody^Shc.couldolU>reathc.— of JCGB spynTg leci its nc\ricwogchtrAmcs, bydeflcc^— and dcputy 'c h le f 6U ------.“WcJcnewbyll98TMhihat^Howaid.—She ;heard.hLher colleagues mention •...... alm cd at thc Unilcd.-SM-Sffiies, genuine- ing suapicilicion to H o w a rd r------:s didn't explain all the'Iosstaes, said one something aboutat fumes that smelled ■; ly defected irt/Romc in A ugust 1985, “W e initially ini thought 'these losies ' ITH E. DAVIS, M:l ;x p Ia in a b le .b y _ H o w a rd ’s_s former official — mmeaning if' like ammbnbnia, apparently coming r KEii - - • dissatisficd-w ilh hisI jobjo! and hoping - w e re e x j 3in the blame- ftbm.RamlreIrcz-s-body^People began:..: — Family. BTi’xacUce Jnclucnng.Obs)bSf0ff/CS__...... V - iderittt)^:ft-ihf.. nciiona/’.'R^’’Tuiid one form er ©fficei;.. ■. Y urdienko was senl to pir to live under a new-ic y UH Howardrthc-Russiiuinn

______■ I

."T'------■ .______- • Monfloy. Mm

...... '[ II V i . J. 1 ______uNatioii I ■ S iew groim p b a cz k s youiith_ I 1 •J ------• ------L ■ seegtdirgtc(g M astQiiMbdtt NEWARK Gathered luictly in a faux wood- fS paneled ;)m,' their backpacks, and "m parkasfas jumbled among fold* . * . ing chairs', a ddozen or so young peo- pic sit down'n to1 write Ihcir obituar- i ...... L J W ies. V Brenda&inSanchez. 24. great------^

Todd Behli:hling. 25. "worked and " It everythingc he put his mind id his. love of humanity ' definedhischchosen work." Hoover HciHerrera, 23. "can be best :d as a man who liked to v do ing to make someone K a little happier. To his farhily, heMiMl'be remembered as a B ----- APfhcB— ^tTDng^nd-Te1-TCsponsible-father-who— 3- his fieeds above anyone W ie Castlemont High Scho■ I never put his ------TH^Saav -laaaa Jflcktekaon leads an audience:e o f m ore th an 500 a t tHe ( else’sm hislis home. To his commu- te auditorium In Oaklamand, Calir., in pmyur Salartardfty-dunng4hft.BalQbo>30W C oalition’s one*dayrS S to p __nitv. which1 wasw the city of Newark.__^ Violence summit he will be rerremembered for his coni i -■ . cerns and eflefforts in helping youth rh r pfovidingng many positive oppoi .'’V r them to take advantage Jackso])iii, otherrsorgani ize to fig] f W ^ l i 4 « Jitl Rotrma.man, 21, "will be remem- I-:, r n C ------bered niuslTdrniVKcr fdcuVbn the sue [ginnerycityTOut cessful revaivamping of the welfare ...... ^ w a r fa rreramonj hich eventually brought system , whic fr. m to an end. She was also . Knight-Ridder News SenService domestic vioviolence. After'a dramatic opening;} prayer in the program t T h e dayy ;started with plenty of wlwhich he invited hundredsIs of men. responsiblele for iniiating housing to gather around him andi pray,] he program s ihiIhat provided homes to ^ ^ ^ ^ OAKLAND. Calif.—— An estimat- rhetoric. PiPahiciponts blamed the lo - . ______K , ' “iQunchcdinto-an attack-on-n-ihe w ay------m ilH onV "b"of ‘Americans who ’ ed l,20p tcachcrs, cbiinjiinsSdrsrstu- problemsyoyouths^ace*on-ihe'sysiem. IQ' d told his ' wouldn't havlave had them otherwise, dents, gbvemment offtcii:icials; business socicty. thehe establishm ent, whites, things th are in -America and cheering audience that itt iis up to Most impoflortantly. however, she h: people and ministerss —- the Rev. blacks andj n-machines. ch ges. social started a_pro{rogram that rid the coun- t - , ______------Jesso-Jack6on-amon£3ng-the'm_— _Martin,WiWaukzo. exccutivc_director_ ththe victims lo make change and personaTT^We, the; \victims. try of iRellUlllegal'Orugs tHat used'to • APplWtf jammed into Castlenlemonl High of the Natlative American Health ar must stop the suicidal.S]spiral .of .plagueourciicities." School on Saturday to> drawdr up strat- Center, saidlid that "killing has become m jethlnj group la the firstBt pprogram In a ^ spiritual surrender. Wc mulUSt break John Hill,11. 20. stops the exercise. NiNev^ark.-N.j.'s. Do aome egy to end the fratrlci(icidal w arfare so routine :th that Ihe public has become sp the cycle of self-destructionon." Though thee ggroup has been asked to ninew community service9 icampaign that foundersers h o p e will •' among inner-city youth.h. almost indifdifferent. Who in this city th Society, he said, mustt question c start withI tltheir endings, his talk em brace and activate yoi'oung people natlonvi/lde.je . ______i ‘IWe’ve got to stopp t:the killing," talks lo stratrangers-OT children. They jt«! vnlue«i thn* hrniighl}ht.usjuai ------tonigh(-i«M>wiQluaUj‘-*bout-bflgHi—— said'Oiie speaker dttci^n'Another. “This prefer to taltalk to.mngbines comput-_ it; W hktle’s Channelncl One.-Several ‘ ^dowovsehoolsrlack of co>ounselors nings. He amand nis young colleagues “ ------tyTrcal^farrtfrffitaTToTiopc or death ers, new s^papers, TV and radio. In Ae ,.d( a v e major magazines ha\have offered free and play supervision "yet: hhas state- are.here to10 seize; possibility, and ‘Young people ha' and dope," said Jacksckson during a Indian way,ly, Ihe most important way at ad space, and BIocllockbuster Video of-the-aH jails." cornmit thenlemselves to the kind of a whole bunch o stirring hourlong keynotnote address to to communiijnicate is person lo person, ol I • • has agreed to makece DDo Something’s . , a re n ts to __vision theirir fifutures will require. ______energy «_enthusi' Ip jtc T^ftfi fiiii.__ ------irsaiiairig-roora-only-rot'audience:------This-is-lhe-^t-way-wwolvft^roblcmej:------matcrials-availablc-ai "lake your children to schohool, meet "Right novnow. everyone in here lias The overriding thenie the of the Opheliaia’Long, chief .executive' "t asm , idealism .. lets. with'teachers and exchanange tele- done an obitibituary." says Hill, a New National Rainbow Coaloalition’s Stop officer off IHighland Hospital, said w but th ere are fe)W \ Inside the brickick building on phone numbers, turn off thetli TV at Jersey Yououth Corps counselor iugJt—Boulcvaril,______------ihtAaolcnccLflnd^wlnii]Inim Our Youth that “there:e i is more than one way lo _p_l ----;-re 80 }jrces-and-d ------Martin-LuUier-iCiug. person." She cited racism leleast three hours every night ni onu whose .turnn iti is to lead ihis wecK.:s over Chinese lake-cke-out and steady Conference was a calcall to action, lynch u per . "So if you'have ihat in structures sncc. the results of which check cl report cards eve/ery nine workshop. " rounds of applause,se, arcj young pco- After a mom ing full o3f f sspeeches, the and violenc :ry day o f your li.fe. or n the county hospitals. weeks. w mind every in place.’ pie beating the oclds.odd Many have participants divided;d ithemselves she sees inti :y when you wake up, hildren are dying all around “We know teachers teaeach chil- every day j.,0 2 lost siblings or friendiends to ihe streets; among seven worksho]hops in w hich '.‘Our chili ng you do should — Michael Sanchi gh violence, and wc must d:dren differently w hen thehey know everything . ’ many have knownn teitemptation ihcm- . they drew up specificc pplans lo save us through J. REFLECTr Vwhere you want lo be at from lives of stop Ihal viviolence. We care for the llthe parents,” Jackson said. program co-Touninder sclvis. the next g eneration fri In an afternoon session,m, A rnold in the end.. YouY understand that?" drugs, crime and violeno•nee. results off llIhat violence." She urged — — Jermaine Puryeaiyear. a new grant- C h a v e z , d ire c to r o f Ihihe Court Everyonenc nods. Il’s pretty basic The participants Ieam'am ed how they' participants[Its to get involved in volun- C thing, as long as ihey’re etc:reative recipient, was standiandingiquarcly. in . Appointed Special Adadvocates stuff, as bajbasic as the name of the can join’as volunteersrs to.I help men- tary prograi>rams to help teach parents,.,y^ and effective. trouble’s patli. Hisiis nmother was into ■■(CASA), outlined onee plan of project thatlat has drawn the group tlic i ''wasii’l ic^Hy------7 tor, leach and guide you,'oungsiers; how how lo dealeal^ith their children from (' ___EjLcnUsling-lbe-helpofjicacatoncd--dfug3 andHiis f.uhcr attack. O thers were simila:inr CASA------togcihcr^onionighti-Do-Somcthing;------iy thejim c he wa.^ Ssrhow.-to erad— prenatal cariMrc to adulthood,- . -- -i^- a; hough-it’sgetting-late.-Q—_community.actiyists who canin act as there for mt J y tl 3dHClng Jllckson. Ihe Rev.'J. wworks wilh children who have'b'ecnh‘ Even thoi Mans io 16. his high schooljol w-ttMD-Nvuik with------In llllluUc energy moves quietly mentors;. Do Som ething pU Imith said.Jackson and the charged c whh_a crime. An/ adult certain cm ards o f and a baby son .soorioon would follow, • - police; how to dcal-wilhvith gangsta-rap_Alfrcd.Sml I'e-circle of chairs, among establish autonomous boar mentor is'assigned lo thee child for ' around ihct er funds Car-jacking, whichich made its name ahd gratuitous violencenee in movies; Rainbow’ CCoalition are “challenging fi icolored group of bright young directors to administer the life o f Ihe case. , - * ’ this multicc ir’s end\|.in Newark, was theIhc icrime of Choice and how lo protectt w om en from America tori:o rise to a new level of living.” tl II of the kind of idealism ‘nin at least five cities by year’ people full I 'o u n g m en in his ,r is more or less dead in Ultimaiely, *■' Ihe hope is foror suchi 'among many youi -partnerships-to spread and fiiflourisU ‘jfleighborhood.------I f ' ...... yoiing AiTietnerlca.’ . I” around the country. ' He hadn’t gottenten intoi any serious here2 eiintersne^jw phase The brainainchild of actor Andrew ar B iosph d.his.child.hoodbuiidyj "Young people have aI % w hole trouble, “but 1 could)uld see it coming." tc. . Godfrey._____ S h u c _ a n d J nrideal-—ForiunaiclyiforPui-Puryear. now-21, ------AP)-=::-Ai-hun- ■the'expcrinirimeni's operator.-will stay’ “2-34rof j\ustTaliarChariotte Sanche_^_Do Something is _"bUiklrof pi energy, enthusiasmr 7 ...... “-ORACCETAnzTCAP ■ ism and almost invariably want w td some good people)le : also showed up frnhi • n n dnvs5. ^22. of Tucson; Rodrigo F Mii'g the nation’s younger is: ------n iiu d ii ftel V.ille. 24. o f M exico. ; take action, but there ar say- Hie 2K y c a rinliL,— t — n group nfien over- la illion project, backed by,’ , IRam M ahalo, 30. ot Nepal. - the-chance to make a dif* .• resourcesre and structures inI place.” p found mentors anUnd 'spirilual; fiuldcs:------airlock Sunday for theihc second mis- S150 mill , • , looked — til in another piilh.. a • illiqnaire Edward Bass andI Biosphere 2 has rair says Sanchez. 26. who‘ruiuns Do They set him on a sion inside Biospherec 2.2 Texas billi in New path that sincc hasas o;only widened, i to run for 100 years, willI cocean, savannah, desert .^“Th“ 'fun.and. sel for an official . SiSomething's main office ir The low-key sen,doi.doff marked a designed K am Do Something I continously. like a remote: cchaparral, marsh, a farn n.May, will administer YYork. Wilh help from new research-phase: fofor the domed carry on ci .year-old and a 515,000 granjrant from the new station. with.rotatiiig crews, conc'person'apartments. Il up to $50ff1o innovators Thanks in pan to the 27-yc ecological lab as on earnesteai scientif- research st; Naiional Service., )rojecl is private and for-• tfrom the outside world; , young people who might SShue. best known as BilHlly on Corpor.ition for. Na ic tool. A policy changimge now allows - The pro I;"!'"'” S„dcr30,y; ing a program thai Its goals includc findingr iraises its food and rccyc y c lc s a ir, 5,^,start u recycling cffort_or "1“Melrose Placc." the fl^tc d g lin g I’uryear is starting -sciciitists in forshort-tet-terrh projects, 'profit.. Its brgiiniration already has received rei combines autobodyDdy repair and high . igy p ro fe s s o r ways to solsolve Earth'.s erivirpnmenial1 ^w ater and wastes. . . day carc ce;center for single mblhers. Harvard zoology Between missions, lig:ghts were , , celebrily support and commiiiilmenls school cquivalenc;ency courses with Stephen J.. Gould lold)ld Ihe five men problemsis anda developing technolog* rs or help build affordable' C' plications for commcrcial1 iinstalled over-lhe farm to improve - . ' oof airtime from thec Fox life lessons, suppopport und a strong , and two womcn thatlat the “secon’d ical applii Broadcasting Co., MTV andnd Chris emphasis on sclf-estr-estecni. lardest, and also spinoffs. winter food production. . . Program:ims can encompass any- B time is limd is the har< i D u rin g __th e __ first m issio n . —:------lin.a-kty.rcspccLthtjnomosiimporlanl’l:___Ihc_c.<;iC.5r.c_m?ny_jl.Lcj*^far^lcss s Biosphere 2 lost crcdibilit)lily with the ' . — with consistcncy.ijy .th e goal-and.*.. media intenterfst than the first crew s 1 g the outcome. Sept. 26,S, 1991, sendoff for a two-- ipublic and scicntist.s becau 7 t h - g r aader’s t projefct science still w atching tl ious mishaps and unexpec . The crew comes} fromfr M ex ico , year stay,y. ' ■ • ■ i > •ngland and the “The eyes eyi of the world aren’t on1 opmenLs.< Claim s aboul ils f i n d s hjgh i j lead levels Nepal.'Australia, Eng - cicncy were deflated as cr )ut one will stay , you any/ more,n but the eyes of sci- i Elljl— Onife'a sta tc srA ll but lentcd with STATESVl glass-and-steel ence arc.:. anda the hopes of the world.i.. iand. food.w.os supplemei IVILLE, N.C. (AP) — ■ inside the 3-acre gla s and seed. Nichole Conmnnolly didn’t have much CM months. are," Gouli]uld said. 1previously stored crops ; bubble for at least 1(M 1 lo sustain a reputatiotion as a scientist. Still, ;z-Romo, 40. a Othercrew cr members: John Druiii, ' Oxygen was pumped in i Norbcrto Alvarez-l f the crew, and prominentnl scientists authorities thought thi il wise lo dou- ,nd a vice presi- of Englanland; Matthew Finn. 35. of i native of Mexico and I. on ils advisory panel quit; e disturbing discovery of phercs Ventures. Washingtcgton. D.C.; Pascale Maslin. i i; blecheck the d dent of Space Biosphe ^ .. her science prcjjecl. r the 12-_year-old's find- t halt missSion ing that wale:itcr from-aJauE.cj.i'i. NASAssaysprobi)lem won’t elementary scschool hod dangerously of lead was verified by a . ' or tw o Hays or three days I The thin rods, once:e snapped hjgh levels of ,'CAPE CANAVER/■RAL. F la. (A py one day oi f an oblong state-certifieded lab. nday it did not -won’t.specpeculate,” Bri.scoe said.‘“ButIt together in ihe form of i '— NASA said Sundi d tower or space station trusfe,it w ere Her project,set, which won first place ... intend to init short Coluiolumbia*s 14-day w e're goin,3ing to gather all that data and in the applied science cat- look at il. For now. wc’rcc shaken to sec how they wouldw hold -last montVin t mission j— al least notno yet. despite take a loc ieorchers say egory at West est Iredell Middle School, ne^connected to a happy willvith whal w e’re seeing on thee up in w ei^tlessness. Reset trouble wilh a fuel linc\< ___Ihcjjndlng^ill help Uthem build has made h«ier a local celebrity, ------— crucial auxiliaqr-powci.;v<».’un it__------s stronger space platforms,; '■ “If she hadladn’l done this wc still " vn taat this point Columbmbia and ils~five astronauts “What it boils down i h --.M ission Conlrol surprprised the ;-wouldn’t know kr about it," said sme uncertainty,” aren’t supsupposed to return to Earth -• is that there’s still some astronauts with a shortirt video of Iredell-Stalesicsville schools.^pokes- .. M i^on Control’s'Gregiregory Harbaugh until Marclirch 18. ilharine Davidson. "§hc « ;huttle*s three auxiliary power:r Friday’s'liftoff that was scnls< to their woman Calhi told the space shuttlee ccrew. “There is The shu job.” /hile nol used in ‘orbit, supplyy laptop computer as-part:t o f a high- did o great job ^ no discussion al thiss pointp< about any units, whil at; "I’m enjoyi3ying this but it’s all hap- :o hydraulic systems vital for>r speed communications test 'i kind o f earlv missionn termination.”le power to 1 :ast."'Nichole said in an and landing. TJial’s how thele ‘i ’m watching the liftortoff. This is pened so fast For the tlilrd day( inIn .a row , epgi- launch am 'riday. gear, and brakes are deployedd great!” astronaut Mareha hIvins said. mtervicw Frid neers studied unusuallyally high pressure landing ge ;hd6wn,. for example. readings from the hydnifdrazinc-fuel line, for louchdi ------^Theit-best guess.was.th5 that the line was NA.SAA flight’ rules require three gluixilinry-power unils,-or- blocked vnth ice or SODsomeldndofcon- working j ■ allhou^ a shulU^eould land - taminanl,. ______^ y s , a l l l vith just ohe. If a uriirfailed in' Mission operationsDns director L ee safely will s iv e t m t o r shuttle would hove lo return ' I iscoe said the analysilyses wiU contin- orbii, a sh ------1 uniirenginccrsuniunderstand w hat to EarthI as soon as possible,. . . ^A L E l! » *, in. 1981 and 1991. NASAI B MDIU C T ig N & < used the readings,igs. which were Twice, \ncredihie Low PHces'O :— ^------t tecied-o-fcw-bours-irc intn Ihe flight CUl shortrt shutdei m issions _____In icnt failure in orbit. buHfevcr iFS CarilsltrS . I iday. The preSsursure in the line equipmenl ' • Treasure\ C raft Soutiiw est 0 1 s liiri ' ( opped to normalkl aafter the crew forabad^iiA P U . Assorted Southwestern DDe e c o r . . mbia’s crew ment ils third day - 5 ritiji'ed to backup heatershe: Saturday. Columb .y ■ :e building Erector 9et-Iikc I said. in space “W heiher thBl (analnalysis) w ill lake structures. a SOUTHERN 4V (Fonnetl)' ^ C«ndle>SUclc — B Puk and ■■ I UG^ I . Southern I -.734-3444 J .. ExpoMirc) - TONICBHT 7:06 Watch - lUBSda^ Marc\rchS-9Mpjn. KKW35 “IstheE-.nd r o f t)ie World ChClose?’! f B I n c

a ".

' r ' : > : • I...... r - I


'■ i • • ?.. ■ I - ptBfcw I ^ Otherr-views p u z z zn EchoH[law k n o t!: sole educaation - j \ ...... siippo]3rter in goovernor’s r a c e '— ’------it^iio-wonder;r thatt the Idaho teach- —___ IiJs scarit comfort itrfrlcfrle n d s 'o f ed-— — _ ers’ union wouldiild support Dem ocrat' uiu c a tio n lik e W in d e r, a BiBoise com- V ' Larry EchoHawawk’s campaign for mmcrcial real estate broker,;cr, and Beit- governor. Butt FRepublican Chuck clelspacheV; a Grangeviliee uutility line-’ \ ------W iirdcr-harijvcrvcryTight-to-vvbndcr—m-manrthat-Stbcks-won-that- lat-racc, end-..: - w h y it- isn ’t supp(pporting his campaign ing in Svcrdsten’s chairmansanship of the \ a s w ell. Senate Education Commiimittee. They So docs pcmemocrat Ron Beit- kiknow that the lEA endord o rs c m e n t is • * i ______,clspachcr,/orJhathat_mancr. ' ______^ one of the most valiiable)lc legs lip a “1 was rightt ono on the issues,” cicandidate can get. ‘W inder said thehe other day in Twin Attorney General Echoo,Is that ■ 'doesn't'translateUe into-support from 'm ight have been equaleded-but . could the teacher’s’ unioilio n , as leg islativ e v e t- not nc have been surpassed. cjan Beitelspaehe:her^already knew be- But W inder is correct:t tto suspcct Leotters fore the lEA recrcccntly voted to cn- -th■that'that isn’t why EchoHjDHawk is the ------I dorse EchoHawa w k a n d E c h o H a w k IElEA’s. only endorsed camandidatc for Tavocs, government wastete rising ever, that i ^Mr. r H affner were to actuallyy w e continue to shieldeld the Magic Valley from ‘ li------only.-Thc-union_tn_has made a practice „g(governor well before thy• RiRcpublibans ^axes, ” delvb into thele wv ritings o fo u r founding fa-fa- these episodes,.all wwe c do is,add to the igno- lost o f us realize,-the deadlini ralJifeiisucs^Plci^elct __ ; of choosing amonIpng.ils ^Hcndsjii en- or Democrats pick their• pcparty’s"can------As mo: lino for u x - -th crs and varioiirious govem m cnt docum entsts o f - -,-nince cdnccm ing real? ------• e sisd raawing v near once more. W e a! would find the exact oppositele to us decide rather thanan ant extreme cotiscrva- dbrsing political:al candidates, rather d di id ate. ' ...... ~ s also have - that crarhe-woi tion year upon us with the ususual can- be true, tivc w ho w ould likece tclo hfde his head from is- i------than-giving-eaeh-iih-ils blessing-and-part—— EchoHawk-is-so-far-ahtiihca(Ua-thc_ ™ etoic ■aria irKiimBFtilsljroniisingg fofi x u l ta X :~ ^ t's 'b e e n saleiaia'iHatTt'something i f repeal•atcd su raj^”disruptivc'anc'andfri^teningihan the------polls that even timber gigiant Boise d'dntcsai i ( of its money. stop governm ent waste.’ tple w ill accept il as foci. Unfcifor- overw helm ing violcncIcnce against society and i p a s . p r . c - A n d a t tim es,, it has endorsed candi- Cascade C. is breaking from iw nile, taxes continue to go[0 upi and tunately, thiss is w hat has happened in regt!gard individuals show n daidaily. I dates who were•e I less frie n d ly to th e tice ti( and giving^im mone.ncymaddi- govcramiment waste still goes on. A^ comC' m on fo today’s fiawiiawed interpretation o f the Finirst JAYNE CARY ■ :------^eaoher9^aus«-thi-than-thoir^ponenlSr .,.ti<.tlonJQ_the money it is giviiliving Repub- ^complainlint. O ne would assume that« ssom e-___ A m endm ent.t. T he am endm ent reads: T w in Falls i; either because;e i they had a better litians; not on religion but orTtlrthe There is talk aboutjut thet hombsexual agen- Timiae to sm asisli cigaretlH V W ho’s’s kidding who? A nybody wlwho buys gospel of Jesussus C hrist." da not being a probleriblcrif in Idaho, yet it is grocerieses and pays utility bills idiowows how The fact thallal (Christian convictions were inintii- brought to our ownn livliving room s via national w e standid w ith inflatiori. Docs it costOSt a politi- cately wovenI intoini our government cannot bet)c TV and is the subjectcct o( f controversy on one i n d u s t r y^’s ’ butts cian or a Civil servant any more toa live?li —denied. In hiss fafarewell address, George Waslish- o f our Idaho universir:rsity cam puses this week. ' ■ ■L.i ______(Lely's keiw. A ny o f them start in :conomy.ib.flnally_.'!howing s n • know there is a t leastast mpanics run the world. 1 am Tie court went on to cinrST-prw part o f the am ended C Inn Or. Chnstian. The sg-a s if-tlw ^N ative-An^os------I "M hem . I m'more memorable” to youthIth than other bemocrarats and R epublicans flghtinj ting its ‘decision. Not only that,J, a^bout as mlicU stJiisB-n lid have im plem ented . ' I Even when smoknoking declined among ada d characters, arid that rccognDgnition of the' member,T, a house that is divided will 11844, the Supreme Court rulecIgj cans (Indians) w ould I cartoonxharacterwas 73 percent,per com-'------stand. THfhe-problcm Is'ovcrchargirigIs. -SSS laws that w ould haveive im m ed aw ay all o f the I" - the aduh populatiortion; teen-agers'smokcd co must teach morality through the i hospitals to M edicare andd lv = ,f a „ : boat people o fth c MMayflower a because they I bccause they beli\elitve everything bad papared to 90 pcrcent for Ronalm aid M cD on- tors and I vs. Girard). md Little Cac- It shouldId be stopped. ' -...... ,j,,g w ere unable to speak!ak tdie native tonguel I' ' happens to someoneone else. al(aid, th e E nergizer B unny and To quote Mr. Haffner further, “Believin For extrxample, if you have to haul 'f idino T here w ould have beebeen very few immigrants lults who continue to sasar. nomhn things uutruce isIs the some as the blind lead |l Today, the. adul o m Boise to Twin Falls in an am b u - . e s c - from G erm any or ariyoriy European country. . Ij smoke do so mostostly because they are Which might be persuasivesive until you -hope he and otheri w ill g iv e ! n oxygen, it w ill cost the sUit It to this issue in the future. I11 be- A nd I really got a bigbi kick out o f your I; desperately addictcictcd to to b a c c o ..T h e y re:realize that Joe Camel hasisn^erbeen .r 5,„5o,,;0 if they arc on welfare. I kncknow this is nous'I'cugbtll luld requirc.non-English licveoursoeictciety w ould be m uch better oflofT i f ' suggestion that would \------fccl-powerless-agaigaiast-it. even though onon TV. because there are-no'noTVajsfor' Buebecaeaus^ it h a ^ e n e d to a friend Its o f crim inal trials to_“ai- t.were.to.takc.our.Christian-vavni speaking defendants o ! th ey k n o w all aj>oux)ut the health d^gcrs. cijcigarcttes. ' •' m ine’s filfittle boy. T he surgery toe nc ------tenaTo'rhany-hours-wf English cla3se3"-as------The survey also begs thele cquestion of .jwasSlOO00,000 alone. And to fly him:.v. (Uie a;,- ues to heart, im ent. G ive m e a break! < ' They live'with thehe social ostracism and mlbisdis- STEVEN HIHUETTIG part of their punishme the inconvcnienceice of standing-outside wlw h y , i f Jo e C am el is so ineiineffective an uncc on;n a helicopter was more than .-Some people gb ihroutrough 12 years o f En*. ; smoke-free woriqihqjlaces - and approach adadvertising tool, R.J; Reynoloiolds contin- Si00,00000 each time. He flew twice.”e Just glish-only classes and they can’fexpress 'h a tth e total price is...... e ach physical examam w ilh dread. uelies to use it as an icon, andnd why it has think whi isoniig TV program - themselves, let aloneinc 'of 'o pimic drbpoutbeingig atai 50 percent.-" This !■ ' mention1 tlthe fact that the suite judge ^hiIbatdou--. sitcomwhiehh im a b o u t S 2 '- ‘‘“ ^ " 6 w ithI sosome real-life issues and chotioic- would be a much.monnore^o^itivc-approach ’ : juries’ oward in the case from ------1 bled.theji g is the M agic V alley going tc10 than ^ i n g to implemtleme'pt laws th atw ill limit million to more than million by allcillowingin-- es. How long IS e scenarios don’t exist in ourIT certain people fromn leleam ing how lo com m u- terestandid attorney fees was Judge J..W \^ illiam pretend th e y « com m unity?' W hy not leach the public thehey nicate and lipiit themem fromi reaching their ■ Hart, the!e sitting judge In that case. m ay eventually bccom e moreire Am erican dream, ITieTinK^-NewsJ is indeed a very strange andId iinterest- do exist and mi . . E 3 __ This is ______prommentin.Ion Idaho? T his isjio U o M y j incndi;^ _ Sometimes w henn I11 hear ideu such as Slcphfin Harigcn darkWahvortK - —AlUsrt'WItibtt All ------^------PotorYor vidually, peopliople m ust i n t e ^ t e this into ththeir ybiirs that'sdund like'iikcnothingbut sugges-“ York ------ERTL.HAYE • Publl^cr Managing cdlior ' QrcUlfltion Qr mariogcr Advcrthlnthing director • ' HLBEI own fam ily mom orals and values, but it cannuio t tions in w ays o f keepi::eping certain people ig-^= iFalls ...... T w inF ~ be tucked awa^va^ and ignored, norant, it m akes mle e th ir^ that m aybe the Iri- The membersmt of the editorial boarjard and writers of editorials n n t l n n Id o n ’tcdnsHnsider m u ^ e r, tape, m olestatjitjon dians did have tenribleible irhmigration laws! ore Stephenhen Hartgcn. Oork Walworth.th. Mark Kind and Steve Crump™p. C hriststianlty woven into n a n O Q dom esticc violencev: a “norm al” lifestyliyle , L et’s propose legisiatislation that w ill help peo-' • separation either, y et it is showi n on public television^n on pie fend for thcmselveelves i n s t e ^ d f trying to I In'a recxcent letter concerning the s( iierstated ----- a^ily-basiSrAirAs^ducaled-individuals andjd--— v - k ^ them silentl------■ o f churchch:and staterWillianrHafine ^ . ■ ; want any parenta, it shoulould be left for us to decide : ^STONANDOSALI that “ourir founding ftthers did not w sure, how- whether thesese pf r o g r a ^ enter our homes.s. I f T w inFtU * — Letter;rs religion1 iiin the governm ent." I ’m sur -----^Dooo n e s b u r y jA RRY T^D ^i) • this nation, under God, shallall haveI a new ______tj.s. founded onOB belief in God J' V is y i^ ANPHOtHOUJMWy ' f bnbirth o f freedoin.'-aiia'-ibat-'tKiithift.govOTmcht— ilwer.the rccent letter . of \t>0y0UHAV&^^^^ H ^ /s n e ______Lfeeliimve.tQ.angw o f th& people, b y the p e o pIe, le ,;for the people iitttr^FtAKTO— SCHBPUl • • by HafTnerrei m'AHYMORB" ' ■ IPUI£D------— ------ijegardingJhc.phtose__ _ghshall not-poriflh-from-the.eartlarth,” ______■ '' iSOeOPMf------lO tX f ALVOF-IHBM------, "In G o d W e T ru st" on our m oney a nd the O u r country, even today,r, hihiia prbo’fo f k , ust^ss... ■ 1 - ■words “under Ood” adadded to o u r P ledge o f th e faith in G od o f o u r found) inding fathers in I G M peA susey A lle ^ a n c e . the form o f sUitues, churches,ies. documents, ) t” w as added to o u r . ^ , “ In G od W e TruBt" > books an d artw ork. T h e ir faitfaith in a divine 865, b y an act o f ^ coins 00 March 3,186. civ ato r inspired ahd Bhapedd o u r D eclara- ^ \ Congress. 90 years carearlier than the d ate o f tion of Independence, the CoiConstitution and M l ^ 1955 referred to b y MMr.HafFner. i •, -Tthe Bill d f Rights. If our foun r G od” w ere added to ■ funding fatheirs ' T h e ^ o r d s “un d er G cbuld'look in on our lives tod iance in 1954, as N t. . today a nd se e , ' o u r P led g e o f Allegian ho w w e have p erverted th e ir ' Hafincr states. Presid?;id?nt Eisenhower initi- sir v iew s a n d al-, ‘ |]l j h tered th e m eaning o f th eir law ated this action in Con]:ongreM because' o f the ' I®* law s, th ey /N S ft w o u ld b e aghast. im pression m ode u poion n bis conscience b y I i u h ...... President Lincoln’s farfamous speech, “Thp _ —L.RUBX.QBBHART ] / • t-7 ------Gettysburg Address,”,” andt I quote: “...that B uriey '

■I. .... ______V - _ _ I .... . ■ ' i .. '■''I— -' 'V'. Jv ,' Monday. More1X0^7.1994 Tlmo3-Now3. Twinwin IFaJig. Idaho A-7 • ' r World ______■/ V ■ ^ i * Bosiii:»h s c o iittenfl SearjBs^bcwB H lrbriidgiEr“ t .... ■ t M ^ ...... N>^0;offiqeijrs^ufcstion bombtogrepcjortfrorrtbesiiieged Muslimim town -:-J ' ■ I " " i .S ' • 'SARAJEVO, ‘s. Bosnia-'Herzejwgovina ' i ; ^ ^ .-'' •______. . ' I-. — (APAP) — ivjk-NATQjel swooped — bcsiicsifgednonhenrtawn-Sunda BosiBosnian state radio claimcd Ser^e^bwar- ^ '^ 1 planolanes dcilroyed a bridge in an attack I ■ ■* - - ■ - iimilar to the ope thal prorovoked . rraS NA''lATO retaliation. With Serb troops "barring aoaccess to , ^ Ma^VlaglaJ, there .y/as no way forir 1NATO ’ ' or)r U.N. officials to visit thele site 10 I . :hcck lhe claim that planes altackedr^ al ___ ^ ______^ chcc -w , i ■' thhe e Muslim-held : town about 404( miles . . j k :' ^ nortlorth of Sarajevo. Bul NATO) cofficers ^ — ."i:—. nii5j•aiscd qucslion-s about the rcporo rt ------t. ______... Squadron Leader JohnJefIctfcry, a • , L ' MATO spokesm an'in Naples,es. Ilaly. J W 'V ' s r - ' said>aid early w arning aircraft: ddid nol deleJclect any air attack on Magiaj.aj.-ifwe ;;j ■ lad, we would have taken acticlion," he saidaid. t i S w • ___S]Such 'a raid would be a flaghi'hinl uio-;: Z'S’' lotion ot the no-lJy zone impoposeiTCy” 7^7;^ the:he U.N. Security Councilcil over bBosnia. o s It also would be a ch:rhallenge'. to;o ^NATO, which has been patjatrolling lhe;he zone since April and hasas begun ' sho^ihowing a new re.solvfc to actI fforcibly i : .- i s igainst warring parties in lhele former .- yugoslav.iUale—. ------ir' Last Monday, two U.S. Air^ir Forcc ' “ ' APtM, p.KF-16 fighters shot down four BBosnian ce n tra l AC roat soldierler covers the barrel ofr a 203 : mrn howitzer beforore handing It over to BritlBritish U.N. An Israeli soldier andid ^young Palestinian stonone thrower square Seri5erb fighter-bombers in c aid were forces at theirIrbase I In Vltez, centralI B'Bosnia, Suriday. off in the Jebalta refugfugee camp Sunday on ththe occupied Gaza Bo®Bosnia that U.N. officials sail iltacking Bosnian governmcni t ced to of Sarajevo and laterIter in the capital Strip. Rather than firere ihis weapon, the soldleiller later retreated. It targets. Serb planes largergeled M aglaj’s only U.N.^I. cofficials said the Serbs agrees A NATO official, s p ik in g c pans the Bosna rivcr^ removnove the weapons, w ith B osnian Prc:President Alija . • . dili(Jilion of anomymiiy, said vi; i and dc.slroyL-d il.I. FHINA said ils s to ^ Scrlscrb solditrs also fired al Fre'rench Izelbegovic. was too poor when Ihe two be :ports from ham radio U.N.N. troopsI hear Sarajevo's Jewewish Akashi said he: m ade p ro g ress , will prossecute rruns reportedly took place foi ^ operators in Magliigliij. cemrnelery ei Saturday night, in wwhat loward reopening TuzUi'uzla airport, whjch ; Israel v rale altacks on a bridge. NATO rate Oen. Rasim Delic.Dc commanilcr of U.N.N. officialsi said was a dclibe;>eraic has been kepi closcd:d fifor much of lhe ; J naisnaissance aircraft also flew °o< ” nri-lheJ}osnian_au'armv. reported the atlackiick on peacekeepers. One Fre■rench n early 2-year-old1 war wa by shelling '< ^f^atdumI^hc-lirIlc^ttre-s h ^ w alleged bombinjing lo i.1. G en. Sir soldici'dicr was sliglilly woundc3. anXN! L from Scrl) artille^. “ inassacere suppjo rters^bombing.run was reported bi Michael Rose,'co'com m ander o f U.N. ..spoke;jkesman, Ma|. Rob Annink., s said. In the facc of NATO\T O 's readiness to ^ nothing, not! he said. peacekeepers in, Bosnia,B( and demand- Frencl:nch troops returned fire. back words with aclioiction and pressure. JERUSALEM (AP)’) —• Israel President HosniHo Mubarak about Bosnian B Serbs ridiculeled the gj cffeclis:live" NATO action. llII wwas the .second incident in three l) from allied Russia, thelhe Serbs said last took fresh steps io crackick down on reviving the: peacep< talks, but refused Muslim-led Mu governmenl’ss i c ja im . Bosnian radio said:uid Serb artillery also daysys involvingi French peacekec|:epcrs week thal they reluciaucianlly agreed to Jew ish m ililants Sundayy asa; it sought lo talk to rcporporters. - acCTaccusing the Bosnian army, ofof faking shelled Magiaj aftcifter the air attack. al the cemelery in soulhem Saraj^re.havc.hfxn no (nir^x))jombard- Serbs were tcstinRngNATO. ‘.firewl; when Bosnian Serb snipers sh(ihot at Izelbegovic said onionly "small diffi- . but Akashi cau- talks. Riibin opposposes dismantling any of ments n,d o f M agiaj.” said a siailatement U.N. offTclaT^.^ir . ‘i^t^l^3tIrrdfly-lh^^y— cullies" remained, bu ■feetncnt wUh But Prime Ministerier Yitzhak 80,000. Arab!abs in the heart of the Rabin's government hesilesitaied on a West Bank towntov o f Hebron. ^ decision to uproot Jewiiw ish settle- A t le a st half ha the 14 ministers ■ ab anoth[ier dissi(ident emoving the Hebron set- Chinese ^ ; authoriities gra ments. The governmentnt fears that advocated rem ------cooldHoofc-Hko-caving-4g -in -j(<.PT n . tiers nt Sundaidnv’s Cabinet meeting._____ ■lluck. leges, wfiich arc granted gr; to most “'BEIJING (AP) — Authth o ritirs — ; in fournalisis and with Shalli demands — and possibl;ibly ignite a said Tourism?Tl Minister.U?i Baram. J d 10 IS assistant se'wiaTyofisiiite„e^for-U.S,-tradc^janncrs_ I against removing them detained'a' top studcnt'lcadcJer from PollCCc e h a v e '= ____ f cbcllibri^among .t hc_sejsettlers and Ministers aj lhe-1989-pro-democracy-njo\ nyn_righls. ______; ___ TTie progres.s. hc_s:IC said, was in the . sai'd they “w'cTr"opposed~only— w |he- ovcmeni— roundodtl-up-at-least— Cl out areas onhe ex^oiiaoilafion ofprison ------^_theirsujipoi;tcrsr- in n continuing crackdow n t Police woiild lik'cl>“ want W ef : to order'the bccause thee ttime is not right. “It m r BSldents in when lubor. restrictions on emigraripo.-ande Tiie .Cabinet did vole to sent before Secretary ofIf’sini’c ninodlsa lown in the coming weeks, w large anyone would look liklike we’re really accept- sen tional Red Cross attorney general io char^ Warren Christopher’s visit,] sourcess Boljinj i n g a n d ' . the: nationalnn legislature convene:les its possible Internation [ue m assacre ing the opinicnion of the PLO,” said wai :r vis- contact wilh prisonersners. ■ who praises ihe mosque said Sunday. ' Shanghll^ai sinc6 annuanual meeting and Christopher ishable with Agriculture M:M inister Y aakovTzur. “ 'd Zhai. the sluderilril leaderI arrested ~ 'With incitement, punish Police have rounded up nla Icasl Wediiii n e s a a y . Rabin refusifused to allow a vote on .P lown Sunday, was No. 6 oion the list of,21_...... several years in prison. lin e .d is s id e n ts iri B e ijini r ^ and _ Wei's secretary, said he Jefl K que njassacre the.issuc andnd deferred further dis- nj^n ice of student, leaders sougljught by the gov- -- ^ -,s T he killer in the mosque Shaiighai.since Wedriesday.-T-Tne^lui— renew C h in a ’ss trading I .privileges, p? his own free w ill, to a plac« •. iI«fbel-TV cussion untilil nextri week', Bairani said. Sha from crnment in the craclrackdbwn on the was a Jewish settler, il est was Zhat Weim'in. who seserved a with the Unitedd Slates.S Tlie Clinton ' s ch o ice, to re c u p e ra te fr ng and danc- Settlers' leleaders threatened to est W.hcni-198?_Tiananmcn 5qu-Square movement. ; ------showed settlers rejoicing 3yi^year^ntcnce.for-his pro-t liguc and heart trouble..W. w ut the m as- - ^csist-any-aHattempt to uproot.the )-democ- -a'cfmmisiralion is iIhreutening lo sirip to go, He ,v/as take^n ‘aWayay Vby fpur.pcople ing when they-heard-abou ra'cy-activity in the Tiancnanmcn China of those5 pprivileges unlcssit -^Jj^^^cd. « Shatm ck said lhe United Sti ad calls for planned civilvil disobedience cam-; . {oh • . brief detenlion. cases, said in a brief rcpor:port Sunday thal have been'widespread for human rights.-who w as in Chma • _ ------^ w asis •' •pleased" about lhe rclea for II sign the uulhorilics m ;hould Wci had been detaintained because he , tougher action. paign- last week for two days of wwhat he One apparenis I argued lhat parole rules she imon Peres is _ Former chiehicf rabbi Shlomo Gotcn 'as' I is that on Sunday al (,« j1 dis- violated his parole,c, butb did nol say Foreign Minister Shimo called “intensive; serious; ddiscu s- t be used to silence peaceful leetingwith saiaHe gave'e ai religious ruling that med police and plain* sent. what thelallcged violaiolation was. trying to arrange a mee sions with the Chinese govern It. Arafat, powi- ending thee JewishJ presence in sior :re stationed outside Qii deten- His secr^ry, TonjPong Vi, said Wei PLO chairman Yasser Ara Some of the arrests occurred■d durinc clothesmcn were Clinlon has denounced the dc bly this week,-throughgh Egyptian Hebroti “requ:quires lis to tesist it to Son the apairtment cocompound where he ijons.ns. and Chrisopher said Satu:turday was nol mistreated;d v| vyhile detained. H o f us', every Jew.”. B ut "ishis visit. :e. refu.sing lo allow j, at the She sai,d she did] notn| know what ' ... intermediaries in an effortfort to revive the death, all < Shalluck, speaking at a nevews con- l^«ps his office. It human rights would be at Palestinians, he forbade scseltlers to fire on sol- , S g_Kong^rcjgnj[cporlcrsjrsjnsidej ------^------,o pp-of—his~agcnda“ -c in—Beiji ___ direct contactt with the Pa ______-____ f«rnie'oncjnc else to try j Police may expand, theirleir scarch to believe onee \was W est's daughter, two other locations, heesaid, » refus- Heather,.whivho disappeared seven wkI use youour credit cartl w hen y our fiioface is on the -years ago at the age of 16, and- ■ ing'to elaborate. • why Rimk urAineritfu:ricacuinc.oui ______„ Frederick West, the: 52-year-oldS: - anotherwos-Ss.Shirley:-Ann Johnson, a .. ., ____ :______IxxuiLuOt-IC e, has'-beeii pregnant 18-l8-year*old lodgbr. The. owner of the house, wilh the RPljotocnnI— your pholo j'mdiind signature . charged w ith m urderingg hihis teen-age third womanin was believed to be in ------dati^ter-nnd-tycrptfaer-wT w omen.-H e —h e r ^ y - 2 0 s)S; .- - ■■■— - ...... ' — ng h i oil the tl lixjni ol your UiuihA;ikAniericaru" — - ftfTiLNierCnrdircr*^orVlKn‘*‘-crcdlrcnrrtrItIt

______. : ■ . 'i ■ ■■ 1' ;■ ...... ^ ^ , i ' 7 - I . T l .. . A-8 Timoa-Nowo,I, TwinTv FnJb, Idaho Monday. March?,Ma 1994

— W p E idr r — • •>-

1 B ■ n


T h e s e; M agic VaUey Bus^su sses are phaseded to announce theieir recent change or addition to H

o u r d i s t uleliee u business co mnmunity. That is whatwl New Faces &; Places1 is aU about-ut—The unique H

o p p o T t m t\ilf i l to introduce theheir re-location, nevl e w management, chhanged nam e, or u}hu)hatever neios I M '

they fe e l iiis exciting. •i, I are interested in havingh your busineness appear on thisI page, j contact your H tesentatii)e-or:oup4etelem arketing-deparartm ent toiiay at /S.? 3 ^ 0 9 3 7 I g r A SlcfHan bodyly cage,c Jn which a condeid em n ed p erso n w as p u t (n an d tak e n out aas s a skeleton fater, andd as i7th century guillotine, i d l e s r e p n W ^M Is o n display InIn Rome'sf Criminology ara n d T o rtu re M useum . ' X i ( aicndo UnsJns, owner, and Steve Uns,1, tanningt£ assistant. Invites youou to c o m e i i i S l i 3cauUful new facility compleKlele with Wolff tanning l ^ s - Including . ^ • 1 the “world'iId's largest tanning bed*. TreatTr< yourself to a visit to NallsN Plus. Muspposite directions; gettinj ncrous mcjuntings. In addiddition to bronzing babyy crime and the respcsponse to il through strappe)ped to a wheel and raked ovciTto jj ' y sonal bronked keepsake usingusi athletic, pet, businesi;ss or other memorabilia.a. Call' today for the ages," said Nicolicola Coco, scientif- barbs;)s; being impaled inside in thi to ‘_ H i , . >-obligation consultation1 in y o u r hom e. S ta r t a n eww fam ily tra d itio n . ic consultant to Rome’s Ro Museum of "Virgirgin of Nuremberg,” a spike B i V i ■ ^111 i Criminology. f ille;d d :metal chamber favored•'op bj B B r o9 i n z e B a b y/'s S h o e s century German courts. The collectionon — one of the 16lhce lin g V . 1) , honp 734-7787 for Yourr jAppointmont ie Enlightenment brought othe ______»5!lliliEj!csLli!2r£!)rehouscs of torture The psake Consultant implements andid records — was mcthotllods. th e • ^ ^ ------;------—Axiihc ------opened "tO'thc'publiublie-la.<5t-week'0fter— ^Som<)mc-devices— such-as-thc-guilik c - t e being used exclusiusively for students lotinele s and the hanging cage, whenI by and'researcherss f v n o M 5 ! ...... ■ - ...... years. ^wereu;: used in Europe until early ther thii DIANE SMITHI - formerly of Custorrj Ha.lair - is th e r \ ^ o w n er of Razor's Edge ‘ The exhibits have hav already drawn 'centurjury, before electric chairs anc ------& w a n ts to extextend-a-speclal invltatioio n -to her longtlme'Clleclients & a warm- ...... - thousands of visiiis ito rs '— sbm e b f Icthalil injectidhs.i The cage was'Ins w e lc o m e to allII newr customers. Dianene specializes in perminning. coloring, & whom arc driven;n tto make an early used in Sicily in 1928. here ^ . cutting hair so ycyou-can maintain it "you)ur way." She is a 'NEWiV I* hairpiece exit. “Enough,” saidsai Laura Lumino, A_papan pfjhe.muscum is.dcdicat -technician.- doingng-sales-and-service on all y o u r w ig & hairpiecee needs...... n who accompanied*ed hef two teen-age cd to] objcctso! used to punish or con • Hair replacemeinent consultations are FRIREE. sons. "I don’t kno(now how they can trol wowomen, including chastity belt: ■ All services byy appointma ent only. ■ After/ hours arrangementlents can be made, ...... enjoy il.” ...... and legleg irons...... - t...... ' l ^ t g J.ti ■ Regafartioors:-;rs: 3 3 0 - 4:30 Monday^VIWednesday - Thursdayy -F- 1 rid a y ------8;30 to 2:30 Saturday,/, closed Tuesdays______icat- M a n w hh i o ^ v e d P wWhen Ju st'T alk in q To RAZOK k V ^ I B., L i-riena isn’t Enough.leits . E D C E f 830 FILER. AVE.. ------j2 8 & J e w s ^ ■ 1 1/2 blocks w. of N.BKftBWe Lakes • Tw in Falls sndty confWonliol outpollonl jorvicoj 733-.644Z ^ \V -‘ I II \ ^ After houhours 734-3723 - porsonoL.omollonal, psvctwlogicql, ROME (AP) —- Goclfo-Zamboni,< id olcohoVdrug problflms. '' - PARKING LOT &ENTRWCWNCEINTHEREAR. • ‘ ", an Italian diplomatTiat who savqd 280 f o l L l l - ■ Jew s in Greece frqm frqi depc/rtation to A buse/Traum a VIctinif Ih . ^ ^^ 1— ■ the Auschwitz dcartidc camp, died Oriel & L ou icos i Saturday. He wasj 9797. Parenling Ziimbonif^who3 wwas awarded one •__^, A teohol/D rua-Probiem i------^ I ~ of Israel's fijgfieitiest humanitarian ■ • }uplM/Marrtage/ram[ly Counseling mWEsrrlS^^URTc^ G A C E " awards,.died at hisis hhome in Rome. ♦ Ff«-roo Inltbl Coniulfatlons Zamboni was, consulco general in * pi]*'rhlldion-Adolotconls-Adulls-Sonlon =, in 1943 w h c n -h c | JJJjnOlvldUal a 0 ro u p Counsoling Salonica, Greece, i: Uloroablo Coro . ^L0(•OCATEDAT: 113 2 LLOCUST STREETE T ' • arranged fdr'spedalHal passes to Italian- . :onvo(Mont Locollon & Hours controlled Athensens for 280 Jews. • prot*rotoulonal Slotl TWIN FALLSI Thousands of Greclreck Jews were sent • SfoiiItoto U consod ^ ' n^HSl ^odlcoio/CHAMPUS • to Auschwitz andid othcrconccntra-( * M h a n d le ? a ll typi'pes of mortgage loans specjpecializing in fe A , Covered by Many Insuroncos tion camps. In 1992,>92, he was awarded ‘ conventiortional and property developi)pmcnt. Far West Mongageage recently opcneci -l-thc-m edol-of'thcthc-YacJ-Vashem 24 Hour Halplln* offices in Nampa, Boise and Twivin Falls. Our parent comompany, Soutnland : Holocaust'memorialrial in Jerusalem, 7 3 3 -4 7 6 9 F in a n c iaa L l FoUs, J ID • 736*6064 Salon axtdpUnty,of frcfigfKp-Icfng fa backi i 1 ■ V w J

J m m - mC ~ ~ ~ •/■■'•I ^ ...... ' ' • V '

, , ■ I— __ _ _ 1 .

i l

w i i s S [ItroiinC i t lo lf s iij^ l a t the vaalley h i t s ii t b i gr. '' Local outfittitters apply * : ^QaibOTNetwciwcrt ' ■ ' ally playing die real couisc. Times-Novs corre;)rrcspondcnt ___ j_J . The simulator even addsJds sorni'd eiTccLs of______^ for guide pellermits '-“ b ird s chirping and trogsgs croaki.ngc in the KETCHUM - TwoJO ioutfitters have.apr - W hat to do? There’s s till,I , background! • plied to the Kctchumn FRanger District for qf'Y/inter before the -grass onI The play.T is in full controntrol ofthisganie. permits to conduct guic’uided u ip s on Forest- .■ I turns green. ^ You bring your own1 gogolf clubs, select - - Scrvicc trails and roadsro in tl^e upper sit back, flip the channcls ondI whii;h:oncs.,yo»!ll iise.and.lindJiopiLyQi'rjjwini; ______-- W ood RivcrVatlcy. :_ha?.w|iaj_it. lakes lo-scndI the hall where vou______’ Son~VaHcy Siiiglc-lie-TTackrou-ned-and-^ ------climate. . .. wantii. operated by Steve DcffTardsf ------The quiz competitionion will bc held at 7 lo the Wood River Valley. ! feet or inclics to the pin.n. A superiiiiposed p.m. Tuesday at the Gocjooding High School T is set up in a darkened 12- overhead view o f the drive.-e is also shown, al- Multi-Purpose Room.n. Donations1 will be 1. lowing the golfer to see anymy variances in tlie taken at the event to helhelp pay somc of the ad selects one of four pro- terrain. mcdical expenses ofDf 1D aniel D ew ey, a urees - Pinchurst til in North Joye says another Simulanulator is in use in , Gooding boy who haslas been hospitalized :iful Municipal in Utah, Banff Boise and a less technicalI vetversion in Pocatel- with cancer. rta, Canada, or Mauna Kca in lo. This 540,000 machine mayma; be costly, but 7 Magic Valleyy groups] :r generates the holes of the ■ ' for SI2 an hour, one golfer)lfer can “play” 18 to receive mo^eney OARO NElWERTmM Tta ng a display o f the land and holes; There’s no cart to rent,‘cnt, no balls to look KETCHUMatures. - ' Water and sand haz- for and the machine keepss the score...... TWIN F A L L S -T he Idaho Community IHal Beem er says he kee{:eeps hls.golf gam.e In sh;;hape over the winter at j another mon&.qf"ituatcd with-the trees and------. But-with4kll.lhc8«dv!mntag^ritVimpossi*— tag ~ cd~ifs.Biving~~prant5~ — q ______Eound&TiQti.QQiiQi]nacd_ ^Tn3obT"drlvln^fa>ig*— the golf courM thcplnycrAvould'sw’ifactu*“tun “ blcto’cheat.'' to 33 community orgirganizations across Some m i^ t sit I • southwestern Idaho, iniincluding seven'lo- ' watch g televised b : catcd in the Magic Vallealley. . . n warm southern d ir ... . ^------The Camas Clvie OrjOrganization will get— Twin J F allUs counccil to dis( But for thoserking, wl riiim cbminmittee .700 from the foundsndation to conduet'a ' linkti a Katohum r study, on getting a heallealth.clinic in Fair- B)^.ScanUM cCartiv-- ...... w o u ld .b e.Ic.punished.with a,.$19.tick tive for Wnter-bouittee...... ’ ...... widiin 35_f«t of the rim.n. - - ...... - - • , “'■field."' ■ ■ ■■ ■■ Times-News writer ci rased to3 eithere S35 or S50 if not paid David Joye tee has would smdy land use pat-I - ...... 'Q'lialfi, whose 6'vm'ei^hii;rship along the rim m-______Castlcford High Scho:hool will get Sl.OOO 4^ hours. . Golf, but it’s notrim yi as they relate to the poten-1- cludcs the site of motorey)rcyclc'dare'devil Evel ^ •«. for a seicnce program1 ththe school will con- . TWIN FALLS - Downtownfm poridng| regu- The BIDID also wants to change the i lange. .ys and open spaces. T he com-I- K nicvcl’s unsuccessfulI^um^^lOf[thci^iiyon jui • duet-\yith the Collcse! o f Southern Idaho. -nn-pi.Mie-f.mgti^i'-Lpnrlfmg Ir — J t ’s-thc-FulI-Sw II— ------• Ihc l:ilpr-J'ubiic L.ibrary. i^ will get $450 anare on the City Council's agendanda today. . a.ni. to 5:31:30 p.m. M onday through I as life version o>uld f o b e u se d in th e funire. city stait has suggcstec:sted that the council for equipment in the IdiIdaho Arts Archives - _ The* public i^ invited to jhtie et ■council meet- These lotsts currently are regulated bc in which the golfapeople havc-contactcd Cityy also consider members> of the city’s bicycle 'and Research Center. in{ing, which b c ^ M at 4 p.tp. at'Cat'City*Hall. Be- -9:30a.m a^3j30.p.,m.an the game. :to r LaMar Orton to ex p re ssIS and-pedestrian comminectec and the city plan- The Jerome Countyty Historical1 Society cause cat no public h earin g arc schscheduled today, Morepveva, the BID suggests' cohven “A lot o f thein ski scrYing_on_such the rimn ning and zoning c'ommissioission for appointment ____ will get $500 for presecservation o f an old the regular 6 p.m. meetmg hasIS b develop< a canyon rim rnaste simulator that leadgc appealed a council deci*I- rccreation planner for the fcderal Bureau of students. . — . Parking 1 illegally in a handicidicapped space has recomnim ended the fomiation o f a la 4iX)m golfenthusiasle Desmonds to build a housee Land Management. ----- 1— Tlie-Twin-Falls-Ghildlild-Proteetion-Team------In a game where will get Sl.500 to buyly nmaterial for a new y- can set. baol^'event sexual abuse curriculuiilum for'elemeijtary I ers. students. Critics que;estion Buhtil city plai . That’s wby Halrest I Serviice givesi^ 1 K I And Volunteers Agaigainst Violence will _ tical engineer, ha: planning eicfforts.ofTwin Falls County get 51,000 to replacee thetl heating system B y Katfay Suniely daily since the golf Times-News coirespondcnt “ I’ve SCIicrved on the-commission f in th e.W o m en 's Emnergency cr Center in . ." I ’m kiij^ o fa n ______y c a c s . a n dd_the_city - of Buhl has nev keep driUUing for goldg Twin Falla..-- ...... - practices in the hi the city’s future proached, us,'”ii B a rlw sai3r*‘rf’iT is i ~"BU H L - A 't o f t plan for’the turn green, his Hofferbcrswi toward'the way we impleiplem ent lh c deci- would encourage developmenilent beyond the tant it shoilould be done now while,-yi tions. i correspondent sion.” id last week. putting thislis plan together." • - - city’s impact area, critics said I ^‘Il’s 05 realistic BioMyne staked mineraneral claim s in the • Residents spoke out at a memeeting to dis^ Barker' alsoa questioned the plan c you can’t reallyM d- Despite public opposi-i- W est Fork o f W arm Sprinprings in 1988 arid rof^ o f the city’s for the instistallation o f dry sew er lines i • A w eekly look cuss the last chapters, in a dmf^ "Beemer said o firest the Service has granted a has conducted mineralsals < ex ploration in comprehensive plan. It w as the last in a se- . ture ht>okc up i to the city system in a,.i 8 t th e num ber r * ^ spring to comc to^'erals tl company peirnissionn the area sincc 1989. Itss prproposal for this her public c o m -' to septic tankstai in new subdivisions. of felonies ', -ir^ ries of four meetings to gather The simulatorrilling is for gold in the West•t y e a r’s exploration includi:ludcs rcclamatiori' mcnt on the plan. ■ ' . • '"Home: Ibuilder^.will be paying do re p d ite d to th e V\ h by 17-foot room.irm Springs Creek east off ofyall temporary roads,s, topsoilK replace-_ • an would guide he said.j"C‘Once a^in, we will drive j Twin Falls \\s 'L.When completed^ the plan ' A control pads summer. : -' r'-'ment, reseeding, rcplantinjnting a nd pluggiitgT the city's planning and'zoningngbo^rd. 1 opmentbutlUt o f the impact area.’’.^- gramed golf courscuoticc.signcd-bylKetchum^ n' of all test holes.. . ' ------______CltyPollpe. - r \ y a rro h ected t^-ii------H ea lsoD'objected'tpi^e-plan’s-defi 'i ------= Department ~ \ ^ •-•'JinfJ3aric,cr,-8 local-Reaitorr< Carolina^ BountifulIger Alan Pinkerton allowss Visual quality issuesles raised during submvisions in -o f a^ubdi-division as.aiiy division of an d Twin Falls \ provision that would block sul Spring in Alberta,ic., to collect mineral sam-,- public hearings last yearear have been ad- ranedifltclyjout* T^e state oof Idaho ijpfihes' it as five 1 --Coun^- - •\. the impact area - the-areo-imm Hawaii. ) drilling sites between Junee dressed, according to Pink’inkcrton. ------te school facili- m ore, he sasaid .-— ------J l Sheriffs \; side city limits - if adequate s The computer..3.0..Morejhan g two miles off “This alternative miniminimizes visual in­ B uhl Joioint School District Super . Department I ties' were not available, ;cess road-will be construct-:- tru^on and insures an unspoileduns view of ivelbpment out- dent Genene Pyles questioned thefrn i iiirfrii . cours.q, i()cluding i .. “This Just encourages devel surrounding fcatui - the scenery from the top of Baldy,” he g a gap between- :grow th smtlatistics, saying^that eorollm side the impact area; leaving a it an ards are accentuiic interest and depth o f feel*• said. TWIN FALLS-Twin(in IFalls law enforce- he said. the districtict had not changed much orted the-follgwlng the city and developed areas,” 1 — -— ^'—moumains tharthethir proposal, was tremen- Copies of the decision.fon.notice and en- nient agencies reporti " the Twin Falls past forty' years.> P yles’ projections th crim es froni last w e ek k '":' " " ' ■ ^Jim Barker, a m em ber o f thi Pinkerton. “My intent is toD v iro n m e n ta l a n a ly s iss didocuments arc g commission, 1998 show>wed 0 slight decrease in e Lastttw % e e k YTD . County Co planning & zoning c ;al requireyehts, protect thec avoilable-.at the Kctchumim RangerI District ling for coordi- ' ' Twin Falls Police DepartmentDe . quiquestioned a statement calline isure the utmost sensitivityy Officc ort'Sun Valley Roatload in Kctchum. ______Car Burglaries: 15 107 nainating “aJI local plans withth lthe regional' P le a s e ^ e B Uscuss ^ par ■ ~ ■ Home Burglanes:-—------5 ------Total Burglaries: • 2 0 “^154 • ^ J icket..in!i__advisory committe* Attempted Burglaries:as:___ 0..______5 _ _ . _ .r i . lid within That committee —- —— QramhTheflsr* ------8 — — 4 7 - - U S Rep or-lst ge , . terns along the rim 0 . 11 I Agg.< Assault: udly): He’s the ...... — ~ • Bad Checks: 1 11 IU.S. Rep.-Mike Crapq looksks to1 be in pret- ic openit-J 'tiai for greenwaysm stale1 representative from —- Vandenbcrg (proudl - ...... F ra u d :...... _____ 0. .. 3 . .' ty.ty.gopd shape, as he; h w ^ into hl^ first re-_ h ^ ^ ^ ^ | youngest Democrat in the;the state o f Idaho', Total Felonies:.. 3? 305.. . eleelection bid. D p s w h Friday.' h o w ^ e rim shouldactually will run against Simpson (after a slightight p a u se ):,T h a t’s N ot d n iy 'lm the fteshmanI ReRepiiiblican yet between At least six lerpc( said, depends on family why we have public ediicdiication. (Uproari- - - Twin Falls Sheriff's'a IDepartment ' loto attract an oppdnent (althoughugh at least one H D S S B V S P Planning Directorwhcther^he can raise the ous laughter)- • ______L— Burglary;— ------a------DemocrarlrrcrtouslyTwnsldcrTierin8Thg~TBce)rH~g:|a^B| /erslon of their interes't |ncredible‘campaign.— ! ------•• Aiito Theft: ■ I-■ '“TOh'polltlcs- ]■ i. -buibut a new poll shows him to10 tbe extremely ic system committee, :hum Mayor Gerald. Seif- Witty legislative banter,iter. Part II: A day r ' Child Abuse: - ' e hour o f That list includi earlier, Rep. Celia Gould,'ild, R-Buhl, carried Total Felonies: 5 46 P°lpopular in the 2nd District the 1992 Democratic con- Sixty-five pereent o f those• surveyedsu rated The surjrvey was conducted in I ■ Mead, Tim Quaillination to J.Dr-Williams,, a bill to regulate ostrichII fanfa; n in g a nd other C ra p o -8 perforTnancras-“ex“excelfenf* or“ Februaryrfor I The Spokesman-Rehired by ZuckandQiar Alely ponsidering another run. giant-bird .ranches. That'hat prompted her ' ed from staff r^oits "g("good,” while just 2 percent raterated it “poor.’’ n e w s p a p>er e of Spokane and Boister plan. In January, Meai ' husband and.fellow leglslsjislator. House Ma- ) -- a---:------J ((In fapt, Crapo’s ratings were/ere higher than KTVB-TVV. Its findings jibe withI land use sion to allow theBtive £ banter. Part I: Last jo rity L eader B ruce N cweiiweomb, to ask her v thethose for U.S. Sens. Lwiy CCra raig and Dirk polls and th e g ut feelings o f m o st poi ate'Rep. Marvin Vanden- “I understand the ostrichch anda the emu and KeKenrathome.) observersI - that barring some unfbr d'Alene,- stood up in the; the cassow ary, but can youyot teU m e w hat is When asked ifth e y would1 vovote to re-elect disaster, OCrapo is a heavy favorite ti ' to aimounce that his seat- the ‘ooh-aah’ bird?” " is the geiitleman - CnCrapo or for ,8_hypothcticfl,l_o]iljopponent, 46 a second teiterm in C o n g r e s s ...... «i 1 - Forir D e m o c ra t G in o W hito, . Gould replied: “As t “ ^ ObituaWs...... percent said tli^' would Votee forfo Crapo and Poll nunumbers notwItKStanding, e 'ai father for ihe'flrettlm e;—~ knows,' the -‘ooh-aah ’ -birdbird-is the one that- - ...... 9 percent said they would voteote against him. Rep. Johnfl Alexander,< a proouremeni lia l o ^ e then ensued: lays th e square eggs.” . - .. W e s t r ; T B 3 : Thirty-^ightI percent said they'ey would “con* cialist a t the'th Idaho Natiood EngineS.X to tkerh Mike Simpson, R -' lever ap-______^ :rs pWtics for The : ' ' Sports B 4-6 sider" Sid replacing Crapo, andanc 7 percent Laborator>ry, said last week that he Amite's son) a RepublicanI Drew DeSi7vcr covers i — I wew eren’t sure. -looking atIt

------‘ « f S ^ k e t c h u m “ • tion, the Fores Califom ia mine double" ..^o.resume drill: /e .devei- KeSfi^m ulS's™

S rta lc K r- -^15:0nd Sepu.3.0 eplar;s tempomiy accci

llrS T th c . "The public ; , >ng tow ard thi; ■ a ; doL,” said Pin meet our legal IHL/B2

32, is a tWo-term s Pocatello. ■Whether he ad I Crapo, Alexander ' ■ ■ concerns and wh jg ------^ -m o n e y to ruji a ere • Formisr Ketchu: fcrt, who lost the in late gressional nomini R e v ie w also is reportedly p B o is e 's • • • ih other Witty legisl8ti^ political Wednesday, state foreseen berg, D'Coeur d*. : to win House chamber to 1' Plumjner E g , s ta te 7 had just b«orae"ai ent spe> The following dial ineermg House Speake he was Blackfoot: Is (Wh sxander, or a Democrat? . ------______I ■ i ■ . '

------S -2 — ^T4me»-Nows,TwiTwin.Falls. IdQhcj-- M onday. Mai/ a i c h 7 , 1994 in e e ^ P a n e l startsjon sehcool fiiiia hislweelik a tC S I P OISE fA>) —- TTlic Idaho Lcgis- ’ EducnonarTecHnolfa"rDgy'lmiiailve^ ndSiMes ihe-Housc.Edu-- foun( laiurc’s 2U>incmbcib e r b lT d g c rp a n c l------..-_;;=.tfndorw:.d-Frid.'vy-by-.th< will Mart workiny, on its loughcst job _ --j.— ■ , ir: Conimittcc. Rep. Pam_ ..__Yhe-lic-following-is-a-hchodulo-or -or-mectings^and-cvcnls-that- “ todajT ; ’ ’ Ahr’e'ns. K -B o ise ;'w a nms i Iho U-eisla- :-lluveek'reconimi.MHlcd S625 mil.mil.- zoomed through the H o u se .c o m m it-, ■ ; And whenlen ;.she was discovered on • ag.rccmunl on sch'iu)u)ol_ financing than lion for public schools. Thc Ijousj)use tec on Friday and wass > se n t lo thc full Saturday aflaficrnoon. Eva Risley ■ when the session starilartcd Jan. 10. Educati•ation panel waiKs a hudge'lI of o: Mouse for a vote, jprobably o a , TrUESD lil A Y . didn't undcrsiicrsiand what all ihe fuss The Republicann leadershipIc dccid- Sf)20.5.5 million, and ;:acli has differ:fcr- Wednesday. — rd Training School will bee heldh( f(om 8 a.m. tb 5 p.m.1. in Desert ^ w as aboul. ------ccJ o n a p tib l ic sschool-rectuesi c h of ent idealeas of where ihc.nioney shouli,)uld Ahrens s:iid all but illiiboul S3.5 mil- KMC.^ • “She askedked us .if K omeihing was. • • S623.5 inillion. thehu amouni xecoin- be largergeled. - . - - lion of hcrtechiiology-y-plnn-could be - - ineral Molors'SchooI will be held froirr8:30-a;nirtD-4:3:30 p.m. in - • • wrcjng w henen w c found h e rr“said J e f f - . . . mundcd by a coalid'ililion of education' Lead(aders of'ihc Joint Finance-ApAp- financed by money,airJicaily planncil canyon'on 130A. Free of Sandfm dpoint Search unci Res------L-inlcrcsi.s. TImLwQu?uld k h e an in c re ase pr(>prial•ialions clim m ^tee have iiJdical.cat- for the public/ichool fun'inding measure. Alcolcohol/Drug Awareness Progr:jgram meets al 1 p.m. in De.seisert 112. cu c. “S he wjiwas a lillle shaken and of SyS.5 'm illion1 Over0' the current ird'Hniriai If ihey dm in.rgct a .linglc-rec-ret— Mcitnwliile,-final-Scik .n iu c -« i;|io ii-i5 ------^ ,,1,,;ilitary iM ting^lI be heldlifCinrjmrin-Shir.ids-lOi ------; wct.'so'wc^icrpickcd hcr-up-nnd-Ktartcd- - budget, and if appro'proved by lawmak* onimenendation from life Senale and anc 'scheduled Monday oro n Ihc viclim s ap-on Tools New ProductI 0:Orientation will be held att i6 p^m. in .:to carry her.'icr. out, but she said she t:rs woultl be (he larlargest increase in- Housee commillces.,c the spending,pri-pri- rights conslilutionalal amendment canjon'on 130A. ------diiJn'l know)W \wliy there wa.s .such a — history. o ritics Vwill be decided by Ihc budgeJget sponsored by Attorney:y General Lar- commotion."n." ‘______d iv id e llie money remains panel.I. ■ ry EchoHawk at Uiee request of a WEDlEDNESDAY .. Almost 20 hours after the search the problem. Commplicaling p ihe work is Ihe lUalu[alur'coalilion'of victims rigl:shtssrotJps_ - I - Fortrd School continues from 83 a.a.m. to 5 p.m. in Desert 104(*4C. -...... - began. Free;e srsaid. hc ltjokcd doxvnun------j ------] C e:nernl iie MbtDfs^CllfTOl'COnrintrinuc!rfTOm~8r3t) a.m . to 4:313t)-pnn7-in------jrmbimtancnr^jnr^ Tid'snw-Rislcy-walk"------1 Canyon'on 130A. ing along; aboutab 50 yards off ihe • '. •______• M acii iKic Valley Arts Council meeileets at 7:30 p.m. in Desert 11113: main road. . Idahoiho Society ol KadiO Amateur[Turs Ii^ttdb^ai 7:30 p.m. Ill S iilhlcllJrtOS: bonner CountyCoi .Sliertn s uepuiy “ - T Deatl &s-. ■ ' ______, . Swin]/ing Band rehearsal will be: heheld at 7:30 p.m. in Fine Art?rtsl2l. Bob Howard;ird said Risley explained she knew wherewh she was and had ^ Orval Eugene.ie Jones n o u nneed, c t hy M o lfell's MenuWialial 10 the funeral. Arrangemcnents are under THUHURSDAY only gone fotfor a walk. H ow ever, il the dircclion of thc Summ , : BELLEVUE-O- Orval Eugene Jcuics. id in Buhl. rd School conlinues from 8jaa. .m . to 5 p.m. in Desert 104(4 C.~ ___ pol loo darkil^ an i! d .she was unable lo • _ ------i tonius-iiiM ounlainJIom c. _ ^ _ & i c L Genemeral Motors School coniinuiinues troni"S:.'iu a.m . to. 4:3f30 p.m .-in ~ finci h erw ayay fihome. . ' ------I Twiil Falls. inces M. K ettcriing — . ------— Ciinyonon-l3()A ------...... -R isle y wask'as transported lu Bonner Futicrai arrungctigcmcnls ate pending RUI’IUI’f-RT - Franccs M. Kcllcrling."H- Harvey G. Hunt Magiiigic Valley Chorale rehearsalrsal will be held at 7:30 p.mm. in Fine . General Hospiospital where she reporied >r knpcri. ilicd Saturday. March 5. al Dcmaray's D D«c rg in C h a p e l in 6(., d H KUNA - Har>-ey G. Hu;lunt, 30, died Arts 13!133. fn'stable condl>ndllinn:indTclcascd;--'— - I W .:. a al i her home in Rupert, ■ Shoshone. Friday. March 4. 1994.1. o f n a tu ra l Howard said saii Risley’s-roommale, Func:meral services will he conducted J- causes. FRFRIDAY Diana Smith,ith, reported Risley m iss-' Charles Parkhikhurst -I* n ii.ni. Wednesday. Match | ‘m , Graveside interment wwill he held pci c he Ruperi United Mclhndist I Roping School will be held:ld all «Jay in the Expo Cenlcr.:r. ing about Fridi'riday evening.- • TWIN FALLS5 - Charles Parkluirsl. •!i. Tuesday al 2 p.m. al ihihcEmnieir • ------— Rescucrs-si•s-snid Risley may ^lave. . _ Vash,.and formerly of ch wilh I’iisior William l.inchcrry Ceineiery in l-.mmell. Art^rrangemcnls ,«2. of Yakima. Was ______^^SATj\T U M 3A Y ___ __ ;______w andered a all. ll.n ig h tjjn an e ffort .to. '■ ialint;. Hurial_will follow ul.lhc. -anrundcrlhc dircclion of- 1 Twill F'alls. diedd SaturdayS evening. >f Gloverd.nlc - ^ __ /.ia uih» li» Personnel exam will be: givengi' at 8 a.m. iri Shields 2■01. 0 1 stay warm.. TeTempcratiircs during the' _ • M areh 5. 1994. at Magic Vnlley Re- Ceniclcry, l-rieiiils may call al ihej T'uncral Home in Boise. litary testing will be held atit 1011 a.m. in Shields 102. :d into the 2 0 s; '— [ ^ gional Mcdical CenIrenter. Hansensen Mt>riuary on Tuesday from MilitJ night dipped ir •K p.m. and al the church one hour i all day in the Expo Center. V Funeral arrnngciigemcnis will he an- : CSI1 RRoping School continues all An estimatenatcd 35 members of ihe lo Ihc funeral. 7 nounccd by Rcynol•nolds I'uiieral Giapcl Harold O. Baker - search unil1 looktot part in' ihe mission of Twin Falls. HAZELTON - Harold 0Orvcl Baker. ' •'.... • SUISUNDAY . along with nimnine tracking dogs. M abbel e V. McKee • 7d CJLHlLHNNS FERRY - Mahcl Violeiilei 5, 1994. ul his home in Huzuzcllon. »ec, 90. of Glenns Ferry, diedicd Funeral services will be conducicd |______o mother S -Nicholas "Nick" ___ Idaho TWIN FALLS - nesday. March 2. 1994. in ii hos-os- 111 the Emerson LDS Wardd ehapcl-with--I ------WcKxJ. 20. o fT w/in in Falls;1 and formerly Bishop U ircn Duff of thc: EmersonE l.st I o f M cC all, died1 SlSunday m orning al P'*-'.' in Siicramenlo. Calif, meral services will he condiiciedted Ward officiating. Burial wiwill follow al sue school , o f injuries siisi’ained “ :may s . Jackpoi, Nevada, o( ted Ihe I’ella Cemetery in Pellilla with mili- ■■■< ______*in a^ilane crash. [).m. loday al ihe King Hill United ill I ll I,’iry gtuwcMdc-rilwitJriiiht:Ihdi^inay call------1-uncral arrangciIgcm cnls Will He a n- , V ^ nihfiLiaflilenda c>l' at the Hansen M ortuary MiMonday from ------^ nounced hy Rcynol'nolds Funeral Chapel al 'will follow in Ihc Glenn. RoV ids (i-K p.m. and at the chape ______ofT w iri Falls. .C cnieiueiery in Olcnns Ferry. Friends pel one hour ___r- u ■ -».-Blt-«Mh«-t-liiifdi-ont^n*r-prTor-io r ..■ p rio rln th rfunfn ih------low ing-irxliTTr'Uf gOVdmTTTSniTCntai meetings lhat arc scliedi:duled this POST FAL•ALLS (AP) — A Post w e e k in the Magic Valley. This li.stlis is compiled fro^ advanoICC schcd- Falls parentit wlwho says she forced the Beatrice Poultoilton. “ u les, ThThc Timcs-News suggests; il|;iliat^you confirm tlic informmation by p„s, Falls SchiSchool District to react to ' BURLEY-Beaireairicc I’oullon. 79. of 4 c a lling thetl appropriate clerk’s officffice befori: attending. incidents of;)f r racial harassm ent has -- Ourlcy. dicU Saiurd;irday. March 5. 1W4.’ lervices not ruled oulul Iclegal recourse, _ at Cassia Memorialial Hospilal.1 • ------TOTODAY. Inez Andiirsdiirson .said Salurday she A gtavcside scrvic:rviccwillhchelilal I , . n)bus (Jack) Murinus Adriouiscn.cn. Dorothy Evelyn Fricdricirieh. o f Bur- A cequ:quia City Council, 8 p.m..-Mi•Mayor Larry W all's home. Post Falls Police Friday p.m. W ednesday in the Oaklcv ceme- talked lo Post jpcri, 11 a.m. loday. Hansen Mor­or- ley. 2 p.m. Tuesday. Calv;Ivary Bapiisi Burlej lery wilh BishopI A. Paul Brown offi- ley Ciiy Council. 8 p.m.. City:ily Hall. about possibsible criminal charges Church. Wesi 27ih,in Burlurlcy, (Paynt . Cassia may call al McCul- in Rupert...... ;sia Cdunty School Board, 77 pp.m .. central office. 237 E.i. l ‘Jih S L , against studenidents -W ho.dirMted_racial____ , ; ciating- Friends mr Mortuary itt Burley). loch Funeral Homeme on .Tuesday frf TTwin \ Falls. . “ "i; • a.m. 10 12:31) p.m. :)ding City Council. 7:30 p.m.,.m.. Ciiy Hall. filing a racialial i discriminatioii lawsuii . . . l»rrsh)iiiytcri:in rtiiirL-h in Glenns Ferrv__ m. Tuesday. ' ______iscir£oinmuniiy=Libtary<’Boa i.-H nascn____ agaiasLthiLach'scliooldistrict._ ' ...... Eugene J. Brov-own . - p^,iIfl p,J p nrry iin V ’in Pnlk I p tii — Jiiiis)__1__!------Commiu ------^------RbPERT^KngcHBcmrJtKcph umwn. y. ‘ Reynolds Funecal Chapel in Hollisilister City Council. 7 p.m. officials agree!;reed to a Tuesday forum 1 , 70. of Rupert, diedcd Salurday.J March 5. Twin1 Falls.F;i Grace McFarland, off Kimberly. Jeromi)mc County commi-ssfoncrs.s. 9 a.m., courthousc. 10 explore whalwh; can be done lo im- ; l|■J94,uj^Mimdoka^:a Memorial Hospilal. ------•‘mcniiiriul scrvicc,-l4-a.«a.m..-Itriday, - Ketchichum City Council; 6:30 p.m.'.m.. Ciiy. Hail...... prove Ihc highigh school clitnate for- ...... '■ Ro.sury w ill b)c'recited c 7 al ll’ a.m. johniui .Arthur Conner, of Wendell,, 2 'W hile Mortuary. Kimbererly Chapel. Magicgic Valley Regional Mcdicalical Cehter^Board. 7 p.m... hospilal I non-Caucasiansians is she forced ihc is- ; Tuesday wilh massiss ofi Chrlslian burial _ today. Hagerman Christian Cen*:n- 712 Center Sl.W, __ b o a rd roiroom . ■ * ' io follow al Ihc SjJ>Jidiolas.Qill.olic.{er,(p„,Sj^ Rcmaray's Wendell ChnpcI). ----- in'Falls City Council, fi.p.m.,n . City( Hail.------...... “ I had thrcaircatcncd th’c administra------1- — Church wilh .Fa'ihcfihcriRogcr, U iC h a iic c ______RoberLCwCoopcr_o£ in-Falls County-commi^iuncrincrs.^8;30ji.m.,,courthouse. tion to startt sosomething because liiey and Falher John KoeKoelsch as celcbranls. Euge:igcnio Silonis Sr..-of Wendell,:ll, mouth and formerly of•Jerome, J 10 ‘ ...... did not w antIt to lo start anything on cul- Arrangements urcc underu the direction ms-irv sl Church in ry. 7 p.m. today. Dcmaray's^''s a.m. Tuesday, Firsf B a p tist' TUEUESDAY tural diversity.' r rrn n n iiprrt , Irniirn Mrm------inc Cotiiuy em niiilssluiiui.^.79'xm 9 „ courthBuse.------^—j------■ The AndChtt a.m. TuiTuesday, St. Eli/ahcth’s Catholic,lie. ory Cliupel in New Plymoui)uih), , Bpinc 1.. a school in the district. Coeur d’Alenelene to Posi Falls prior to Verna M ay WerVelch C hu/chch iin Gooding.. B laminc e School Board, 7:30 p.m ..: T School Board, 7 p.m.. elemc:m enlary school library. ' . ' thc start o f the 1993-94 school term .' “ ' :: W EN D E L L -• V(Verna May Welch, Vivian E SUtcr. of Buhlihl. memorial Filer S Andersonn sasaid ihere have been 25 86. of Wendell, diedlied Sunday. M arch 6. N ttnqincy Virginio Frilz. of Alhion.. 2 graveside service. 11 a.mm. Tuesday, Goodi:5ding School Board, 8 p.m.,., schools< administration officez c i •!. 1994, in Jerom e. p.m'. TuiTuesday. Joseph I’avne Memorialial Sunsel Memorial I’atk in1 1Twin Falls. Jeromiime School Board. 8 p.m.. middlemi< school library. L or more incicncidents olxacial slurs Funeral arrangciigemenis will he an- Ch.ipelel ini Burley. (W hile M orlu'iry in Twin Fall.s), Fi K imiberly bc City Council, 7 p.m.,., communiiyci center, ~ against her• three thr children,'ages 13. . R uperilert. DeMary Memorial Librabrary Board of Trustees. 5:1515 p.m. li- , 15 arid 16., Their Th friends also have b ra ry ,4417'Scvcnth 1 S t.in Rupert been called. names,nar she said. ------. T w hrhr Falls City -Plaiining-nndd 2Zoning-Commission. 7_p.i litars Hall. T o l i c e‘dogkifled— d r i Hospi ______Twin-iin-Falls-Couniy-jCommissioncrncrs'.,8:2Qji.m.*-Courlhousc_ in Falls School Beard, 7 p.m.,m., I.B. Perrine Elementary School,Sc “in arm e ; , M A G IC VALLE'^LEY R EG IO N A L N ^ I C / ^ _.CQ'TTER g Rhonda Bell and,d AAmy BycrsSholh of Heyhurnrn; and Pam • Twin I n^standoff“~ Welzslein of Alhiorhion. . ■ Adm itted SWANLAKlAKE (AP)— A shotgun Kevin O'Connellell Enterprises, ' blast.to the: moulhme killed a Bannock Released ley: Verlen AllredIred and Carol Stroud,1iolh of Heyhurn; Dcclo:lo City Council, 7 p.m.. Cityity Hall.: County Sheriffcriff’s Department police Keith Binghamn ol o f Burley and Charles Wojcikicik ofTwin Brandee Brcweriornon of Paul; Leonard Hall off fMalta: und Heybu'burn City Council. 7 p.m.,, CityCi Hall. dog as the trainirained animal attempted lo Falls______...... Datby I’otlcr andd DIDIainc Rasmussen, boih of Rup“ PC«;, H ollisilister City Council. 8 p.m.,., CCity Hall.or grange (dcpenending on help apprehendlend an armed man during CASSIA5IA m e m o r i a l ' H O S P frA L * atlendaniancc). a standoff alon(long Stale Highway 91. ^ ------A (Siitted„'______: Births • ______Minidclidoka City Council, 7:30 p.m).m.. City H ,ili.. Gerald Cox.ox, 37, Ihc man police say i . y e r^ o lH c y - ...... 'J.- Viekic A llen. KelKelly Bowlin, Alhcrl Chrislcnsimsen. Marla " a’ baby was Iwri;Kirn lo Mr.. and Mrs,-Tcrry-Dye: ilaugh C ily Ct5uiici!77;30'p;mrmTOtyHall: ------“ ------shot-thenJog,g, u:undenveni surgery later ‘ I n. ■ He Was a life momborjr'ofthoNa- Ruperticrt Area Chambcr of Comnji?nji^Cc,^ponJ;Rupert E lks Lodadge. Dorhcckcl. ocials arc suggested lo the.ie . lional AuctioneorS.As£ssociation. Twinn IFalis County commissionerners, 8:30 ii;rn., courthouse, C ox's injurieuries are not lifclhrcaten- . . B U H L - Afllo MaiMarvin Patlin, 53. ol Baseball Program. past president ol ihe'ldIdaho Live- . Twinn TFails County Planningjmdnd ^n: in g Commission, 8 p.n.m .,T w in ■ ing. Lynn said.lid. i ' . Bubi, died Saturturday. March.5. on and Ida- stock Market Assodatior bounty Office Buildingr246116 Thifd Ave.'E. ' ’ Lynn saidtJidtJuring a standoff with^ 1994. al the Magicgic Valley Regional ■ ho director for'tho Cortiirtifiod Live- . ‘ ^ 8 City Hall. • ■ ... ___ aulhorities'albnalong a roadway near Me- Medical Center. I T r o u t t stock M arkets Associiciation. He' Wendcidell City Coiincil, p.m., Cil Ho was born JuJune 19, 1930, in Cnmmon, Cox'ox was said he wanted to IMETT - Kon' Troutt. 61. ol Of sold the 4-H stocks forfc Elmore be kilkd andd taketal officers w ilh him. - Castisforjj-io.hilrailiranLjnd_^rna^a etl...diacl_Thursday;' M^rch 3.3, County and managed tht:he Gooding . FFRIDAY R I . ■ King Partin, HoD graduated^fromg . in a Boise hospital allef a Ijviaslo'c^ln'Gooding...... • :------• —— Malta-trCity-eouncilr-7:30-p,m„-I1.,-Raft-Rivcr EJedric .C0 :0 p_p_C onfcr- ’ . Casllolord High SScl chool In 1948, Ho nonth ' b’altlo wilh .pancreaticlie Survivors include hisIs wlio; lour encc Rocloom, I m arried J og L eot CiCullimore on April ‘ er, , - . children and thoir lamilieilio.s - K alhy , T w inn Falls[ County commisstonu;n u s. 8:30 a.m., courthousc. 9 . 1950. in C ostlololoford, Arlie worked oi^ir ^ •vices will be conducted at 6 Troutt Houk and son .JoJosh.ol Em-.> —------tnHhe-fish-irtduslry-rtry-lfom^igsO-unhif-— -,^,lodarat-ihe-CapitarCtiristiatr- jn im tll ' f^’prm^r-^TVniiH :;=;Jr;?=gnd= ------;------__l__ L — be-aslitod-Ho-lovoov o c jv th e-o u td o o fs. or in boise witn castor KorT3n daughler.Brooke ol Emrrimett: Kevin" and was 0 bow.fiu.hunter, and lisher- tOanlfnt loHiclalino, ^ i.'.mjii; n- Troutt and son Sam of Bolso;B< Kellys tTTHECM^'itUCSALEI ~ : ~man. . ■ tffTTrentramrdnoQhtar-A H e Is survived bybyhiswileotOuhl: Bird*^City.f^n., tho only son of TJ. son JaK0~orSwoet; two s hi a so n , B ilfa n d Marl;larla Parlin of Buhl; uoyd-ar|-and Carol Trickett TroutL Hislis Holton of Pueblo. Colo.o., and Lila ^ - ...... :______a daughter. ArtindaIda and Rick West rnolherer died In 1941. He gradual-It- Wayer of Escondido'. Ct 9WP-: ■ ; C ontinuea'ja'from Bl ‘ . letter to the Buhl Economimic Council^' „ c ^ f of Buhl; throe> sgrandchildren, gd (forrom Brewster High School in mother Evelyn Troutt Bei ised on figures from thcc "Presently we arc makin;ing attempts .Heather and Tiavisivls'West and Troy Brewstcster, Kan,, in 1950. and'at-It- .lene. Kan.-;-and several•a^^ouslns, • ' to adjust a plan which bebears no rc.- - Parlin; and a alstoistor, Share Hall of tended^>dM

z : : z : £ 3 ; ,; ...... -.....^ ...... - ...... - ...... n ...... West - y . ’ - Judge r«■efuses to► drop< I H o s5tage*tsa k e t h ee l d m i l ii t a r y }?i[ l i i d g e _____ SA L TLA iC EC E C1TV(AP) — The , On)n Sunday, jralice slill knew’ Hilil- room al ific main brancnch o f the Salt money inI ihllie.mililury. Hc- said he • j kedmgrc]charges— ~TffinrwhotooknonO~p<6p1e~hQstasc^at~ tle~ab(about' E)ppcrr:whcrind,-Jivcdnrdrin—Lake Gity-ybriiryr-but-it-Folsomrsaidnwaotcdnrp^ [TiSiiIbTTfrolO’reardcn'ii; „ ------a-downtown"libr.ibrary was a drifter a dowownlown residence hotel sint:cenll co ntactedI bjby him ," Folsom sa_id. “1“The logic ii_lhe pants.1. The1 potentially lethal ' tw oH clays in the defendridants' -lriar :ovcr the DEA”)2A-handling o f cvidcncc had herded his cafcaptives Saturday. - pcopltiplc-wtio identified thcmsclvc!Ivcs sort of flawed, biii;:..”' bomb wass'.made n of a can of black last month. - - - 'while lawyer;ycrs.argued abojit the J Mbrc-than-flvo-ivo-hours lateV w hen - as” DDraper’s r parenls.-Vuyk saiciaid ,— Drapi:r lold the ra.radio station gunpowder:r withv more-than KM) lead The DEA and local ofljfficcrs on a lapse. \ an agitated Drapciiper lold the hostages Drapciper alsb apparently had beenn inir w anted to speak on thele air and read .balls gluodJ (oil,it policc said, task for.ce withheld evideiJence during The jury returned, retii and on Feb. 8 they would haveive to draw lots and Ihe military, mi but he could not sajsay a list o f demands and1 explanations.c The shraptapndl could have,killed or the trial, of Joe Gironn Jr., Rudy convicted thele tiioli on charges jnvolv- ■ _bc executed, SaSalt Lake Cdunty Sundaiday which branch., but* policc lold the cnemployees lo injured somemeone near tht biiriib, said G onzales and-Jcsse Alv::varez. Ev*'n ing. 2 poundsis of o cocaine and-a con- ’ S h eriff’s L t. Lio;:.ioyd Prescott' used Draj)raper also apparently had beerlecn refuse. Ray- Dalhng.ng. a police bomb-techni- federal prosecutors were; unawarei of troversial infoniformant who had set up ...... , his concealcd wetweapon to shoot and in Te;vri'crnmcnl arid Draper "fre;reaked out and out with ll-iyear-pWI boy J Q lI i ofajobforthoscisc pcopie in lh«e.” Drapeiper held 18 hostages in the claimed he was billilkcd oul ol bigsurvivalial gear and everyihing. - ■■ hits2peopIi then crasheiescar D oHh^ a k e r JS-pO£G£e la iii= br i i d e s — ------MONOAY.-IAY,-MARCH i i 1994 ^ — SEATTLE (AP) — Ar\ n 11-year- Wedflino 4 Rcccpiiiccplion Decor Rental Business- old boy was being heldd following Twin Tl Falls What sta;arted as daugighters weddining^gift-has tuximed into bu)usiness__— iL.wjld-downlown.driVLijLin.a.siolen______«tiscmcnl*M arch4 car. lhat icfl two pece d e s lria n s AU.AMERICERICAR AUCTION CO.7 — ■ injured before the vehiclc lc m s h c d LONGVIEW. WASH.W (AP) — motherer o( J her wedding day^' AY, MARCH 7,1994 Last S eptem ber; RuRulhann Zeilenga “Thehe best thing aboul il, il docsoes I inlo an office building. . . . . Marie: a& flcRex Simpson • Fiim ■ wenrtoPhocnixforfor the w edding o f not haviave to be a bride in the future,ire, - I The driver, who escapaped, injury , . Machinery • Buhl ’■ - hcr-daughterrBoblobb i.-A t-a-b ach o — A-man- his wife I in the e s c a p a d e S a tu rd a y , Adwtiscw tisc m e n i-M a rc h S ...... ^ lorettc party for Bo'Bobbi; her mother on theireir lOlh w edding anniversary.” B-appcarcdto-bc-tindcrthc-le-influcnccT- — MASTERS» AAUCTION SERVtCS— ------presented a gift: A\ 25-inch2 porcelain He couldcc then do whai Zeilengafiga I o f drugs and had a histor;ory of men- doll. h as see.een her new son-in-law do. 'jfi I lal illness, police Sgl.I. W illiam THURSDAY,Y, MARCHM 10-1 1 A.M. "She burst ouVCrCrying,” Zoilcnga ChildI psychologistp: Emilio GonsalezIlez I Edwards said. LotCflBinBinoham-Ha«Hon. recalled. “She saidaid, 'Mom. that’s of Phoeloenix sits on the floor-in front I Bob Gedrose of Seutllele and John Ttaciois.T;ucksiucksBeel&Giain Equipm ent...... I Herrmann of Portland, COre.. were s-Ncws3/a.AoWecWy3/5 ' nie! T hat's m y dress!essl"’ . of leIhe case where Bobbi's dolloil r - tSMITH AUCTION CD. It was as closc as il gels. The sur- standss anda remembers how his wife/ife I listed in satisfactory cotondition al MESSERSMI prise doll replicatcdted^ob^i’s color- lookeded when the church'.'doorso rs .. .. I Harboryicw Mcdic^il CeCenter with _ _ _ I multiple injuries, includitJing broken AY. MARCH 1 0-1994 ing, her w edding-dajday'harrdo and her openeded ahd she started down iKe -- oan an d Ja c k G le£ : ' gown — right dowr)wn lo lace under- aisjc. .. I arms, broken legs and F aiMachincfy-GeoCinfl S wear, a garter beltIt tand a tiny “dia- Thee weddingv gift lhat bccamc ea a ___ ..A ' V I . m jurics. a nursing supervrvisorsaid.^ (B lisem cnl ~ M atrfl 6 ■ ' * "• ~ B ui_ T-om-^ .ar-tw r-ig h t ^ f =i — — MA8 TBtS-AIS^UGTTOII-SERVWE— ------______WtouJj'tainchilJiilngview three years ago from I Place Market and werere w alking jujnimjnitaandAtan Posey the 51-year-oIdI LLongview doll Arizona)na. Earl’s brother^ Don, is a I ip.ward Pioneer Square w hen a .sii- FaimMacn M achinery •Je ro m e '■ ( f i ^ I vcr-gray Buick veeredd on to the AdvctlisofHlisem ent • M arch 9 m aker has begun her own bridal dqll local piphysician, and the Zcilcngas H n r a '- . i : b u sin e ss c a lle d FcF o re v e r B rid e s, fell inI lolove w ith the area on a visitt tolo % I sidewalk. MASTERSAIS AUCTION SERVICE Zeilenga plans lo0 nmarket the cus- Longvieview. iI i h I ■ "Bob got hit almost inimmediate* ------lom. handcraftedd Fporcelain doUs SheJ vworks pan time as a secre- I ly,” Cartw right said. “ He^e went up SATURDAY,lAY, IMARCH 12.1994 nationally. Since she placcd an ad in lary, sellssel Avon, and spends everycry ; I onto the windshield. Johnhn got kind IflaRaichEischEstalc-Household I • Modern Bride magazine in other a\available minute on her dollloll - I of clipped and cartwheel;eled down ^eal Estalo - Jeiome I Ihe street." Adv.-Maflic Values'aiucs.M aicht; Classified/sot. D cccm bcr. sh e’s ha(had more-lhan 40 makingng.-She’d-like to.makc thethe , . . Match 4 &SB: 6: TTlmcb-News March 10 calls from across thcgan...... JMAAlA AUCTIONEERS------Canada, and even GeGermany. ual ord>rdcrs much like she madeIde r ’ I after officers in an unmimarkec^ c ar “A woman fromm the East Coasi Bobbi’sli’s dblUand with the sJmc 5 -aaw-thc-Euick^hich-1 ------i»n!i»iAnanzri9M— ------: ...... tola-mc-Jicr-4^ 6ar-f concernc aboul the polen- an Producers said Ihe problempi first tial for anolholhcr attack on Ihc Dosanjh Owaino's Auloilo tSei o v lc o ■ Tools ■ Haoetnian which has ifo-cffeci;cl on taste or lex- bagged:d their'frliit on Ihc tree in an I Advertiscicitisemcnt' Maich ts turc but leaves'thfr.cifr. apples virtually attemptpt to get perfect, blemish-frecrec , appeared on packingg lines after family. Inspespeclor Ken Davies said, AUCTION SERVICE worthless on the freshesh'market. . .. apples,s. which command prices as apples were taken oul oif f cold( storage^ . D osanjh.h. 26, was gunfied down . , w « T « !! Fuji orchards Ihroiiroughout most of h i^ asis $96S a box for gift packages>'in in A p p les lhat w ere la!taken .pff.'the , Fcb^ 25 in;in.a ne'arby back alley," THURSDAY.lAY. MARCH 17,1994 . the state are affecfected, said Jim Taiwan,an, said Paul Tvergyak,-ak,. packing lines because oTiT the bleinish- I trapped betwctween two group.s'or-men *> • - - West€n(JCEndComnunityAuclion •.Evefythlnti-8util“ Ever ' Maitheis, an applee researchcrrc al Ihc Washingington Slate University exten-cn- cs have.been sold domim eslicaJly in who shot himhin os he ran for his truck. - ins for $120,. He had beencn charged with one killing ' Advettbeiertbement-'M aichlS ...... ' U.S. Deportment of)f /Agriculture Tree sion ageigent dnd post-harvest, specialist,ist. 650-pound tri-w all bin IS AUCnOM S C ^ C E F ru it L a b o ra to ryy in i Wcnatchee. “Thele people| who bagged Fuji are said Steve Terry, saless i m anager for and was undiinder investiglion in several . . There has been no repreport o f the prob- little nervous nei bccausc they put out3ut. Beebe Fruit in Chelan. oihers. policelice said. i HonlflP FRIDAY.Y, MMARCH 16,1994 Mi. & Misi.StevoGoodma'-Haffilion. SId , . , AdvcniMicn isem en t M arch 16 WAUALlAUCTIjmEEBS ------SATURDAY,lAY, MARCH 19,1994 ------—i-SplBnU-l-J -MaaJtori------Ailiaues^CWltciiliKiediUes - Consionm entsiRlaxne • " F ila Fairgrounds ...... — — Iisemert-Martfrl3&17 E 5 ICJM jiiR T irn SEBVICg E p iAYrMARCH10;1994 , I M E I - ^ — - - • - —1 SAiURDAYr - ——MtnIWISTHETII • Fni - deftywfrConwiaitK— 'JffOff — 1 RiMiantor rtrtisanent • March U - 2 BIGIiOWWSIGNMEtffIAUCTIONS - W AitALtAUCnOWCElft 3 ^ SATORDAY.llAY, MARCH 19,1994 JEROMEEKMABCIL119, JS94 3 — -ForSailiBnSiS e r v i c e - - -MtmCasslaComI Gonvnmlty Auction‘Cassia '1 i E V ER;RY MONDAY' INrCRT! “ I :«flilyfairotoun(b—_— — :— LY^MABCHI1^6.1994 " ^ dertlsemant.-M S S ar^lS ■ - ^ ' K i dJs s under 12 eat forfc FREE! ■ KIMBEBI _ 1 3 3 - 7 i j „BIU .E8nUftAStOCIATtST a ___ ^ some restrlctions'niay'apply a, CONSIGN YYOURITEM^O\ OWSO niEY^ - ^ I SATURDAY;!IAY; m arch 28,1994 . | * i ------

.. ______. p . . _ ~E8HBBBEi ___ I______: |i5 w ...... r. , -FWIopni U t a h m a r a t p a < ^ •' 7The AAsociotcd Press "H e m adc.iL.tactical mistJlistake,’’ he- . ‘I didn[n’t run any said sai o f Borzaghi. “ Il is still a r ■ “ I did n ’t run any faster ti _.LO S ,A N G E L E S - Paul PilPlikington. . fa steirthahw r as' line ------; ------1 ------p pre-planned. It wasn’t a ssporadic paid to be the pacesetter inm Ihe Los - - Angeles Marathon, pulledL’d a m ajo r P ' ®• ' r p l a n n e d . ’ pa!pace. It wasn’t fast. I don’t understand;un surprise by winning the. race:e SSunday, • , _ why he didn’t go.” No one was more_shockjck ed than • Paul Pilkington, jPilkington was only the second American lo win since Wcic 5Sayre in ' _____ «snuia. Lucn BontaKhi o f Italy, who " ___ O I L hhis-race_strategy_„_Aj i 4 6 ...... - sccond. tKe inauguran^fiSXTrSTaraiFfaiRon. " ‘ . / BarTaghi was' so confidentlent tHanie Krjysclii ofiPo]oland also said was lold . .*Pilkington was timed in 2 hours,h 12 .-fV . niinuies. 13 scconds, and jusjusl.bcat a • / Jji'' . . . Nobody elsIse is t h a t ,rmentnlly chose the color, .hehe w antcU ir ,r ^ a c c ,5c llc rr iwould drop out, ,“ 100 cloudburst which hit after he crossed / stupiipid...... fifor the luxury car that wen'f " ' ■olhe ncrcenl for sure. winner. He said he dfdirol-prI pjKrPIlk- Pilkingion. 'ajiigha sch'oorEnglish” *^': 2:12:52 and , inglon ir becausc hc was tolda llIhc page- acher, in Roy. Utah, said j. Bagzaghi wus timed at 2:1^ 59 Krzyscin o f Poland in 2:13:21:21. s»setter would do just lhat, setCt Ihcll pacc, he did nol undndcrstand why anyone ~ and nothing more,______, Fractions o f a second belli:eliind werc ------^=-S©nlonji^olfer^R oeliy ------^ ______w,Q,uid-fla!tumg Mnmix“Qocgcbcurof*Bci^:l^ium ‘and~ ~ "The reason why 1 didn’tn’t go was since,'as an ArAmerican, he was also M exico’s Gumcrcindo Olmcdiicdo. Thompson, askeda< hovy he because ,,, it 'V,^s,my strategy-Igy-to stay competing for3r the U.S. Track and no one ^sed a ______» P ilk in g to n and led th thi e pack - knew that nc with the elite s .' ____ Field, rnarathon□n championship. This I ■ ■■'«'ph£KO driver irt-compeitjetltioh as long "I was loiaiH tT r^it’ woiwould"3rop was the first titime the Los Angeles Ihrdughoul. refusing to ditjpp'bulailhc' b • * • ------a& hiti 5^ _/Mlt ’M'l* f jj.l B.dneignBUd. a6.li»Mia— ilOlhntfwnyninrk ______Los Angeles) s Mayor Richard Rlordar'dan congratulates- Third-place, finisher Andrzej / tional championanship race. Please see MARATh.TH O N /B 5 w inners O lgga j Appelt and Paui PilKln[Kir'iyliiH SuiiUay—------

5 "^^58 contestanin t s begin - ‘DLonelj/^^golf(K^ sn e a k n P o r a lIJ-BSUwwomen Iditarod’s frorozen trek Huston plays alolone when |^ H ------—WILLOW-Aljiskn—I— Tlic-Iditarod-Trail______enter piplaj^ffs ““ Sicd Dog Race sianed*d :again Sunday, and ~ihjimes force paijaftner, ihis lime it was for keepseps, ; . Hundreds of dog-raci■acing fans shook off Couples to with(hdraw on uppnofe sub-zero.moming tempcitperaturcs to clteer tlie •, The Associated Press ____._58.niushers..\W io onc-b;;-by-one pointed tlieir I The Associated PresPress ' heavily loadcd'^c3s.os. ouCoTllfe'starting” ' ------MIAMI - Playing as a oneS'nesom e afier Fred B v j p ' chuie and toward Nome.ne. P ------B O lSE— L-idiya-^ya-Vnrbanova-scorcd------Couples withdrew with a bacback injury. John ^ 7 , A ccremonial startrt \was conducted in" ,, 18 p o in ls S u n dday ay to lead No. 20 .Huston caiiie from four.shots5ts 1behind Sunday | B downtown Anchorage5 oion Saturday, largely -J - Boise State to a 98-4598- Big Sky Con-; , to shoot a 6 -under-par 66 andind win the Ddral . B for die benefit o f advcrti'crtiser^, Musheis and • fercnce victory ovciaver a mistake-prone Open by three strokes, te:iin.s limiti:^ to six dog:logs traveled less lhan Idaho. .. Huston.was alonc.ovw the first 11 holes W a mile on city sirvets bcfcTcfore loading up their ■ ; ______No.-l-7-Montonaina.and Boise State at b oral’s Blue. Monster cou:ourse afier Cou- ______tniclcs nnd drivin}-.7n-piI piiliM; nnflTi fnr-Qiin. • ended the rcgularir scseason lied al 12-2 pics — iiis"5CTr5atniiy"pUiyftig1rtgTnrmcr^*iiF”~igl||iJfl day's real start. in league pTay., and an 22-4 overall. jurcd'himself-warming up andanc withdrew be- First on the 1,100-m)-mile trail — deter- Montana wbfTTTcorcfftm oss and^wiH------_fore teeing o ff______' ------niinecrih~n“prc^acc'loi■loncry=^varRick ------lio st-th ^ ig -S k y -toMoumament-sluning i ------■••1 }iii one ball and it fell liklike my back ex- Swenson, who. ha.s wonk-on the race a record Friday.in Missoula.lla. ploded,” said Couples, a, formerfo Masters ------fivc.tinies.X w o hqure; lailater, Kazuo Kojima, . f, ' -Idaho ended theIC y added 14. Angie. EviEvans and Michcllc DELEIAY BEACH,I, Fla..f - Slcfli Graf, pace pi myself coming home." Schultz scored 100 poinlspo each. yet to lose a set Uiis yeai/ear, defeated Arant.xa Huston finished at 14-undeiider 274 in regis- n &.0 Q, Poocuu>1-3CM>2.Cuiry(KK>(M)0,-J»f*Kt*2-4tW14,. ------' 1-11-23, P»r>«>w1-51.2 1-5 4,Ae»UKm»nOO(W) straigln year. The triumph, his firsI sincesin 1992, was • s ____ Q..T0Utl 15-5J8.1143. " “ Graf. thc'world^-NoNorl woman player-t : -:-.worth$252,OOO.froiri \ i lhtfSl-4l-4.iililliori.pur>c:_;; ______-I XKf 6-7 2'2 14. V«rtMfK»»r'- Third-round leader Billylly Andrade and . ... B. EMM 5-13 CM) 10, Otrs DJ______since Monfca Seles was/as stabbed last April. Ptonon 0-7 34 3,4Vo>liman !■ is 2 2 -0 this year andI has ha won ,45 straight. journeyman jo Brad Bryant sharedsha second at / ' 0pUi 4), OMm SI, ' , -ldar»2i.0eftOy# 101. IdiN 5 cup on the I7ih H 23 (Evant 9). Tocal lou»-ld«ri ■ o f 66 . which was snapptpped by Sanchez Vi- iron ir( to within 3 feel of the ci ttieai»-a«ry. »837. cario in ihe 1989 Frenchch ( ^ * n final. hole hc and needed that birdiee pputt to close lo Q " It's bctter llian a loslosing streak," Graf within w one with one hole:e I lo go. But hc » )s clinch __ said after accepting thele S580,000 firet prize, pushed pi it lo the righl and hisis hlast real chance ' ■~givihg'herS624;065"on'dn-*cyw.-^Tv^bw:i- --_was.gonc.-- w; ------I Broncos rziii.ih i^ im atio trb cfoTe.'I'ipo out on tJie court Af^er hitting his second, shotshe to the green *------APphet fspot and never tliink o f tliosese things."iJ “rfirilr(ridr 8 lh, A n d ra d e acknOWTJWlcdgcd'defcat; ------Aftci* exchanging brealreaks early in llie sec- Hashing fit a ‘‘thumbs up" sigri•ri'io”Huston t in a John HiHuston of InnlsbrooK, Fla.,Fl; m akes a b lrd lo putt ond set.' the level o f plajplay soa/x:d. Sanchez ' televisionlel booth. D o ral-RRydor Open Sunday Inn Miami,R Fla. I playoffrad^ii” s ^ Vicario. charging thele net.i held two set poinLs at 4-5, tlie first agaiigaia« G raf this year, ^ '^^witlrroa5 • . je k e n d I. - Dam ori A rchibald G o ld e n E] a g le s !g o 3 -0 co v e r we< T he Associated P itss F rien d s, fan s chekating center where ON’rARIO, Ore. - Collegelege-of Southern r*ers liying Eastern Washington on rlcd with an error and threerce walks, picking up thee v>win. Jedd Soto and ChristiaI*:, clinchcd ihe final spot liis Olympic dreains bcgaj:gan,.. . Idaho downed a pair.of opporponenls Saturday gles start< fly ball rode the wind out oaf f thei park Nickum finishedled on ihc m ound, R: — Big Sky Conference t* Before about 800 chccheering frichds:and to {° complete a 3-0 weekendn d and raise its Beck’s fl) 4-12 overall, .7-7 Big- 3 S Ia 5 -2 lead. CSI returnss lclo Ontario Thursday for th 83-65 victory over Easi fans, including his parentsmLs and brother Mike, baseball ", rccord to 9-4. lo give CS a 10-3 lead aiid never Bibeau storte^d and went sixsix innings T re a su re V oileilley Invitationol that run Sunday. Jansen was honored w1 ith:th speeches and a pa'- "The Golden Eagles got onlynly three hits and Brett B: conference road victory asurc Vallt^ 5-4. for the vjivictory-Croig Peek pitcheded the last through Saturdayday. . The Broncos (14-li '•y,-. '■ radcat the Pettit Nntional:lal Icc Cc-nter. ' ’ needed only one to trip Trcasu Eagles (5-21, 0-14) be- n the fifih inning three toeacam a save. cst oooosnosQooorAso- , nc Sky) jumped out to a 1 ------ll’s the some trainingig rink1 where Jansen----- CSI exploded for-11 runs in tl ky team to finish a sca- ist Spokane Tails, thc'Eaglesc s c i s i c d a iooooceiM6<- - - ...... , trailed in their-firsl conl honed the skills lhat: wouldw win him an o f the next gam e to rout Spokoi)korie Foils 16-6- ‘ Agoiris'i conferencc victory. ifter four innings by sendingng 14 ba t- Oumft«m[5).V»oUw^! r^ 18) and HutfHinn. W-aOuu. L-WeK>w of the season. The Eag Olympic gold medal in Liilehammer last “ 1 told them wc had lo rcachch andlheri plateau 2 -2 tic aft ;ton cut Boise State's Ihc plate In the fifth. Devinin C h a v c z , camc the first.I^ig.Sky t month. eacheai weekend wc play these: things,”thi said CSI lers to th< n Donald Smith hit a' ihould be a good copped Ui(the inning w idi a three-run hohomer. 8pe*»ft»F«in 010 jV I- son w ithout a sm gle cor A 10-foot-high baiuicincr arched over the Coach Jim Walker. “This shoi St period. The Broncos .Keswick added a two-runI homhi er In— ^ Eastern Washington • ojwning o f tHc Pettit Cen:::entcr wiili the n ip * hilling ballclub. W e're ju st notot cconsistent.’’ Brian.K 3 see BR0NC0S/B5 Brad Beck’s fifih inning grandgra: slom hom e the ninlli. lead to 23-20 when C bers 1:12.43— Jansen’sI ’s world rccord time to jump shot in the first p in w inning the 1.0 0 0i-metcr-m speedskating -w ...... , Please se event. “You guys laughjght me how to win W im and how to lose," Jansenjcn lold the flag-wav- Boilermalikers wressstBiglO I lead fron - ing crowd craning theiricir-nccks-to'sce-lhe_ __^ ------Olympic champion. Michigairrbehind ttop”scoreijr Rabinstson~"~5lil ______ComW ed fiom wire r^oits Thiy-/^»Biirn* PrCOfl ------lThat-was.alUl. that wos in m v m ind. A H:: a three-f^int play wilh 49149 s ^ n d s left ------thc^cj-Ave-lr-losMhis'yeai^»-had-an—I—to niakoit-o-bnc^poinl-game Rose m issed a 3-poinlerer w> ith 35 sec-, — —ANtLARBOR, Mich. - ThereTh may opportunity to0 win.i This time w e fmal- s l ^ aon_^aii.down__ 3 p m. - Cn«nno( 13, >bMkMt»I.EbgSouinCon: bM -. iiavc lii' been sbriic doubt if iH clEfsB o t w o u l( t'~ ly d id 'n -’* •' • ,------V. — facwica Tcunamanl . . . . go in. There, was-no-doubuj u v h o - w a s j __ J lo b i n s o n . ______;S-30pm-Ch«^n,«o4loo»'l _____ 80 ._ball.around.^waiting to_gct_i Con(»f»ne* T6i*wwol taking it. — ------__ '•______. 29.4-points percr game, d idn’t jm isclc by__b ;et_fouled.iPur-_:__^^^^H 7.30 p.m. - Ch»nn.l 13, COO^•0«bu>MMll.Ml*wurtV«J.' I IGlenn Robinson cappe'd ycl another Rose, he rounn oroundi him wilh a cou- due d didn't foul and-Rose'S'fI's p a s s J O L K in g _ _ j^ ^ ^ H j—tof.ConrnfoncajDumttnflm_____ ^reat performance-with •a-driving—-plcoCdribbles.- a- s .-..: .- : ____.V went off his.hands ond outoy o f bounds 10 p.m.-CrwMe< t3.ooB«g«b*• ba*k«tt>all. Watt Conl ’ ?*'' with lO J seconds IcfL ConfofwvaToutnwrwm JU'jumper from just inside thele 1foul line “Hc mode a tough shoi ” Rose said, v - •____ I 'wilhAVI 6.5 seconds left Sundayday to give “He spun a coujuple of times and made a . .. . “.Wc didn’t execute in1 ththe lalc-gam c—. _ NcNo. 9 Purdue a 95-94 victoryty «over No. tough shot in theih lane. Y ou have to give ssituation and we cracked.'cd.” MIchigon 3 M ichigan and move the Boilemoakcrs oil: him crcdit for' thoL”tl ccoach Steve Fisher said. "1 don't know PH team I SPORTSSLINE J into first place in ;he B ig .T enn . ;, , - — T h e c rc d it was w MicHgAn's for lhc_,i-if-w c-lo si o u tp o isc, w e justiust had a c o s t ^ U u ^ - ^ i«tO»COlUCC»H>CHSC^ ^ ^ S C O R E S "*l The. nation's leading scorerrcr finished taking. The WWolverines (20-6, 12-4) ty | turnover w ith iO.5 seer. irwardsaid. .advised 3-pointinici> Robinson converted! PURDUE©5_back.flaW ,______T h e T i m e sif j ^ r N e w s ______J mmoke t the shot,’* the junior forwi n’aJMakht^r Ndlaye and Pi /' htft^aTBbouria^unday ii I . i ' • / ______/ . ■ —

, .. j Monday,ly, March 7 .19SM ; fi'mos-Nows.)ws. Twin Fall!}. Idaho B-5 ^ e c o p o in t s]itajQatinag liftssNiets, BroncQtthMclads s]shine at • , before. The Bulls have lost« lfive strtight, on a 50-34..rebounding rel edge'because.of EAST RUTHERFOP■ORD. N.J.,(AP) o n ^ p s ^ _ their longcst skid since theyey dropped six p o o r free-tlirovtrow shooting (26 of 43). •' Champioi >ro b ask etb all, Big Sky - Dcrrick Coleman hadha his second ' PW r ,— in-s row-tn-A priH989i------...... T om-ChomInmbera-3cofcd-l-7'point9-orr-T------carccr-triplc-doublc-wi -w ith-l 3 points, Washington. Idaho • Antonio's 37 fourth-quorlcr•r John Williams, subbingig-for injured thebcnchforlsrUiah. ■ • - I POCATELLO (AP) - Tlic 1994' hiid 57, Ea.slem:m ’ 12 rebounds and 10 assassists andNcWv Son An reland widj 2^ ...... — ------J-guide a 16-point eomeb'aclc inq ; Bnid paugherty,-]ed Clevcl -ir —Dig Sky Confcrcncc Indiidoor Track - and Montana1 roirounded out the bot------^JcTScysct-a-lcam-rcwrt;6rd-with-nm ti:l_P°‘‘I“ ‘f.S' ’ points and made^lhe foulI sshot that put iSonicS 102, and Field Championshitlip is com - tom tliree, _ ------pointcre-Sunday-in-a-l: )2, Kings 85 s6n'uISO'hndl3 leboundsrscven—;jraevelah1l:iilicad;1jy*iiir:n =wite5tacg=-gggig^ |i ±pictC -Qntfcfloiac-Slale ,l.‘l^nivnrsiry „..,Jn-rBm cn’fc:C,!c-c«nip^itioD^oiii&=: j . —: o v e r P h ila d e lp h ia . od..«ix-blocl:^-&h0t6-in h is-d u el—5l_on^laplay. — ; • ton scorcd 24124 points and Vincent Askew swept the meel, turninjng in high Slate earned 98 point.s,.followedf by londo-f.rnter.ShQquille O^Neal._ ------added o carecrecr-hlgh-19 os the Seattle Su- point totals in both ther mn en's and W eber State willwilli 80 and Montana •strcnk:;sim;c;»lc who morkirked leani-high totals of'322-m el03,Suns 92— .perSonics beat>eat Sacramento 102-85 Sun- w om en’s cdmperttton. with 55. , 1972-73 season. . ; points andmd M rebounds on his 22nd PHOENIX— John Stoclickton had 18 day night forbr their sccond victory over On the men's side, BoiseBe State Northern ArizonaAri: procured 48 New Jersey took the he lead for good binhdtiy. . poinis ond 20 assists, morlony of which" **e Kings in1 lessle than 24 hours, ' garnered 140 poini-s, foiollowed by' poinis in thee mmeet, followed by midway through the firstfin qtiarter, but _ Orlandodo shot only 33 per ecnt from ^ helped Karl Malone score a ilean-high 30 XendallGillGill contributed 17 poinis for _ -hosLschool.ldabo State,tc_wilh 100..Mdnlana.State.>vte.with .44.points,.Ida; ...... ------Phiiadclphia-got withirihin-fourr65-61-,—thc-fieldd inii the fourth fluarter-as the - ah Jazz defeat- Seanle,-whichIch- b u itt;a-20-polnthalfllm e" "l^intsraslhc'itrcaking Utah poinis and Nonhcm Ariirizona with ho wiih 43, IdaIdaho State with 39 on a basket by Tim PenPerry in Ihe'third Magic were■ere outscored 37-17. cd the Phoenix Suns-103->3-92 Sunday lead iind crui:ruiscd to its eighth straight 89. Weber Smtc cam e^^78_points,, and Eastem-Wa-Washington-with 27— en pul the game - night for their ninth stmight'It victory. ' victory overr Ihcth Kings, Sealtle also com-_ quarter. The, Npts then - ■ ■ forihc'ihcct 'nnd MontJitana State' points. . away wilh a 19-3 burst.rs, ‘ C avaliciicrs99iBuUs95 u n s lJ Q - g a m c , pleted -a five-j!'c-gam e-sw^ of the season ______RIGHFIEFIELD, Ohlo— B X Arinsinjeigg hbme'court winning streakik and won in series. . — Spurs uirw ragirK: 103 __ commiti^;ed a criticaliO'Second violationn Phoenix for the first time sirsincc March 7. Andre Spcrpenccr. signed lo a ID-day • SA N A N TO N IO - DcDavid Robinson.,.jijjlic finalI'al m inute and C leveland scoredd 1986. ------contract four ir(1 days ago, scored-18 points •. scorcd 36 points and Dnic)nlc Ellis added 22 its last five;ve points on free ihrows. - . Cedric Ceballos had 22, ppoinis, Kevin off Ihe beachrh'for i Sacramento, which led 3arklcy 19 fo r o n ly once, 4-2, 4-: less than two minutes ‘ okRed Sox avalicts won their 10th in a row,aths ____ E O R U v lY E R ^ la . (A.A P V ^T h e_ LOS ANGELES; (AP)(/ - Denny ■ A fter watching his stoitersT3 straggle ear- O E lo'S tatCite 82, Indiana 78 . - [ Boston Red Sox, for yearssoneofihi: c ' I V S gjom o i l ^f^be a ] ' — ly in-the-sccond half,'Willis Crum, who shouldJcnpj:now, says.it.v^as — - - C o ll«llega basketball— liams bcnched- c q l UMBUBUS,'Ohio - Lawrence Fun- sslowest team s in ba.scball, _ a ll five. The reserves then wc irent gam e; a Ultle'early for peoplepie to be writing — went ono I u-^ derburke-hass alwaysal said lhat playing In- ing j into a latter-day,versi( J, rim to get the I3th-nmked Ja;J.yl„»k.tack OfT U C L A . squanderei:rcd its chances in the closing e Ieam he left before ending (Go-Go Sox. w e * r e ggoing o to stay • ih the game, and Kansas wei.tnlonlobcl up.iOhioSl.Slalc — isn't anything spe- The I5lh-rankcd Bruins,Bn who had moments.ts. I _ ' Oklahoma 84-81; ' ■■ The Red Sox tied for.«ccicond-worst ’ a a ag n r e s s i v e . ’ ------Iflfit-thrcc^Llhair Inst fi in the major leagues wiihtl 73 ' stolen . ’ The Jayhawks (24-6. 9-5 elieve it,*' Ohio Slate coach |, Sunday's meeting ag ichusetts^74,-I------got-«il3cored-8-i.in.the first. bases last season — fewer;r'than one — Otis Nixon, L ouisville, b e a t th e Car<:ardinals, 75-72. St. JO SCs c pJ h ’s 5 8 o f the second h a lf to fall bmk_Qfipn_alUhe_-. And-^peed-caJ-cannovbe-m«asurcd-— ------^------—pitohere-in-tho-Na(i«naUL

ar Ko- > 4.t24412.SiW N. kM«79.Tulu73J NtwYqrt t 3 J90 rol,No.Ani..Am.. 9.39. S. NkM DucUrgnam. as fl rating their pickofT move;■'*^5. Boston leadingng 9-:4.‘ With lhe count NBA standings 0 3 .000 Ucm8l.8.■ S- 72. « 3 .000 U-Uatwi-a —1. JoytaRatwaiar,E.Waih. Jeff McNeely leads thee Red Sox at 2-and-2 onn baiterbe Tim Naehring, ; EASTERM COWERtNC 4enW)0.0^0-naa Si,7J0,9.I1.9. Crunkwva Mdcocn, E. WuR.. ' p n iS i ■ SSf,'5=,..™UiMni - 7-12 2-217. R>M 92.Ma«4 U 4a-1.S^1. sri*i«r Smatnan. MonL 4:99 87,2. Tlie original Go-Go SoxIX were the • went to 3-and-2id-2 on Naehring. who .SBX7.92-218. Oanvb■lU nHlp PMoMpMa 8. Tor w»e*'a. < 1» M. 3. o»»- ' . s s t r * ■ i , ' 5 « f, JSSSiiSiaia. ..DMlame4 Stloiii8.Danma»2- S« i C S a * n ra . KaranOty9,Ho>HouWn|u)4 . . . HiMol*.NO • W«uw>5te»i IB 40 . i(u)7.N»«iYof1iYarti»»t9 ot.Wee»fSItsrdSl-’A 'S;.® .- •five f years later, the Red1 Sox-hopeS - Mo Vaughn;in ; w ho had 101-R B ls— ..... C«nMDM(len, 32-2a,«floaal1.2 9mttrnam t N«rYc>kUM(u 10 710 - 2'24.Dnxp01.3W)2.F»n.FumerCMJMO.To- SW Loittant 99. N•wOrtMia&Sm O Bortsn 3. CNcaeot^Wi;uSo<2 Sl.908.09.1.09. hnheyI can use speed to marlanufacture for the Red Sox>ox last season, said lhe W.KanuekyB3.J(ducndtioNa«72 - 0«ta4.0r(«lanw.MwrakMal>(U)2 SS49.2.U4I nms in a similar fashionI anda make addition of Nixo'itxon and the increased ■' X a ■ Ci” . 57 28 a 2S-U7------om*> >tati2 ChaflonaUa —up-for-a-lack-ofteam power,er. ------omphasis-on-spi-spced-wilLgivc-him------M M iSmm 0-1. - Ecitart 77. Mahw CT k.Uont.OH. 2.199,8.SnannKara«i,W». 10 CM M (P»e» 91, Total foUa-Mma Doral-Ryderle r Open CwSl.2:18 half os the BoilerDilermakcrs took a 49-47 0«nvw 29 29 Continued from B4 • ' -MSmnotl------19 41'i! KcmxlIiRuincnar .. CMoagaVMaSoiSa^)vt.Pfl>euc^al 242a'*''^lii • halftime lead.1. RoSeR( was able to slow -i5.08._____ OayAnnd*. S123.2WI.2W 7tWM9.7>-jn OanRn-Kma TantUW.SL.29-2.^ _ • . _tin-said.-.tThc.baH’s ti going li ------(MJtnSbia------34-23“ Wnia4-9IM8.------*nThwpt,M7J4TT----___ ea.7a«.Ti-ira— ------S S 2 S crcdit”for playing oui- 39 J75 21 t V l t '- * ^ OA Wacmo, U7.U7887 74MR>. tST.BSS7.BeT7^7M«■7I—279 am. . 3.J«MTm,Tuaa.Ucrt.SL.100i83.4.A;V» f. ense the whole second - OiuiNlMClM.t43.833833 7M9-7l-«7—281 , Lo* Amala* n..N*wYcrtUa(aalP«nPon Nl -UaO«sn.ld)Mdal».l0Jl7A9.S,Cfift»v -• • "w e w ere going to gel it lo hir him,” said Michighn’s- - 833 71.74-e»«7—211 St Ludc.F;*.. 11:10a.m.IM U.Nal.Na Aca* '> Michigan still had two Xnccs el to ?S»insl-bta .633 73.7MM9-28I Doalon vi. TnMHMPonCnailoW.FIa.11:30 I O M MMUctitSl, 10:t3W. ' - Jiiwan Howard,ird, who had a caretjr-- LenARsMrti.t(ie33 aro —l,Abloa)Farsu»an.Ooia«Sl, win, but Dugan Fife missed t s. ” to«a6.i(Wio, — '•■♦^■^iinri hnii -Cet>*>9* 9-18 4-« 22, K Jtft —tsssshSA«X) tSSS tS m S iS H ’nT iwll^ a m ,___ ~ RU-XJoriM red"<2 of his 14 second-:------: tAani03,Pto»iuS2 Zl.Maieno2-a2-4t. B J 3 S 5 . SXT S 7t.T».71«-283 0*»JafUn.S^«a*atP«iia.A«..1ffipm. VaWa.WMwSa»SL 3?j7S.'iJljefriaor. ..}- the rim at lhe biuzer. < S«UMia2.S«as>T«)ilo«5 ,087 7>72-7M8-2S3 Sao Fnmaa VI.rt.CNcaooCut)t«MMa. < MaMSL.37L. 37-02.29,8. A/9 *H*fsU. Mont. “ jn 3-poiniers. Wqddell; Uendt/*0«nM_ WnlM1-<7.AlnM24|. 2M^0Jot»H32-7> . «6.7frC9-79-2B3 Artt.IflSpjn. 37-02JS “ W e didn’t wani them to DoeanatMi«ni.9»pm. >,840 7S-73-«M7—284 CaMofNa n. CcMidVKtoalTucaon.AnL.tO) H>onjump~li(i-I.Qi«lO*4« _lQng_poss.;i_RQbinson_said^ s^o;n7 ad-delt2 2 rrtifrih-c:^=^ la; is u a at UtMukM. 0 30 p m a ^ __ gui’o n ju il'll.*»auMBlt Oan8WrMC Bob* St,■I^'i^cSwJwljijLNo!^ W ttto ma_ke th e m ^ L it o n out c ______Cc*)«n_5<»imPnffjfKi n.yinm.K ------T2-7«0-7&-2S4 . l.-OSpA 7,9.ennSc(;^,^^.Sl.^8,.C «, ------ilso a career-high, while; ------• SlocMont-J.MalonaO-tr- - UrtC*«alfcl1l 6 £um en.P*« "court and dribble it.” l»ints-and.Rose finished; ■ NBA b o x '^ o ^S ~ „•______DwolO-t.CerMO-tiHcni «w Relay — 1. Wobof 81J-49 *8, Purdue has'w on four o f thi . Ptowli2.1l|M4«1«2-9.r “ " ’»— , Kan»nan.Otn.OIMVHoM^ Ccb: 2. klahs Sl. line assists, • ■ - ""P w u l)e L ^ ”(w) E B i m 3,Dola*StM,3.3949,4.UanlSl. ’ , < gamest belween lhe teams in Pwty 3^ 1-2 9. WMinwoonfl4.l25^t3 4.1 FJoWaonO-I.OartJayO-t.. >80MO 7I.7MO-72-289 ai2.9e.9.u9,IM>oJ^79._e.£aal.Waan. ° ; one game lef). al home LoctMTMMO. ■' roi^oul-Ntna. asari!ii!s“ bor. but Michigan had woron Ihe last Purdue teoni i7.7<4-5ll • R»t«r>l»-Wl*h42(Cc«t>ln 74-71-S6-72-2S9 ______B«gaahl7JIL2a.JJM»«7d.^ ------ror*wn3):Ain«t»-W]*r- '-fcranTicctingsrincluding‘a-la»#.n5-«17. 5s-!SSS£S-BigSky€ CCI-OTirOn^-----»7Jaa 2M Ual*rlhaln.a«»» cision'carljenhis season."' ______■' Penn-State-Dl-hor-home^ndNorlhwcstem ------pnoeru to. j«^p^n^n.ua1,920 73.73-n-7D-288 mUSOIMttM id to us up on Ihc toad. 2.3 9.TOU1.37.78 21-29OT » 7J.T«#.7l-289 TratfcanSFlaldCn conduct*. N H LL Sstandings ,, “Wc know what they did NCW.£RSEY|t2S] iS S S S S J ” 7B-71-

73-ie2 UcKkMy. WM■rSl.4899,9,OmdRoOnv 8 ImAngtm N«m m IM 12. W>fla»ficn»i 7-17-190014, S,«i..ei.O«>ngg-J^T! M»-«.flJl«19 ISoa i.i sssRis 7J.73.79-72-W JSi.’-arJ Cdt.UsnlBL.1Jiaw4.8.ftiinvy^r«. M«3.a«aga3.M w tar- ' D2rtPMi^ii!7fB° I NKkPlM.t2.7t8 79-T>7>73-J»4 VanL. I53.80. ' l8.MMMmO p o rtan t to sla y wi NAidanan 1-4|.S««AiaM.'imsi;V -B liiil ;?zrrK;a2.' s s a ! ! f ! L « pnicih'gtoh7'?5.~~h'as'~} b e e n a lionil OTck oil’d,in’d?ficld'chompi 6'nsHip. ' ' IllSrtM 44^*7, Amawna 2-a 4« HAmoiM er . Boay a4-9 0.w«itt«ian ------•' ' ------marathon runner for a ddzozen years . jj a friend ondmd training partner of 20 2-20;P>aonUM}0.S.W«i ^ I ! 1SS8 rsisis,!:E!Alil,»WMA5.Byton -*T l^A■A F lSEcONS-®giJ?K» , ZtMol- " .2 1 .887 OnwAdlNo.J .J^Ua-».#uS!S^vSiW^mTfl . ~r oimi . . I . n>vttn«iTiwt.'ta*IArM.)rwtfCOr>- - annd has acted as a "pbbibit” in the piikington. EyesEyestone pulled a groin .75310791 QldOBrnnlonra^W^ 2 -t .887 Ptka.lM«»Sl.U.9M#.e.e.Jmrw«-1.Bn^A tM LM a*Si.18- -OETnOIT^llONS-SijMtf I 8e«n Uileh*ii, J , . , r>hlL7-l6ft.f]LMU7-«t3;j 1 1 .900 OeA2.PuO«.l Japanese marathons. His a^agent. Bob nin ond did notot finishfi in the top 10. 1 2 .333 8hmAnM-.lda 5SS5S5^nrONREOSKHS-SlonadKwtlV'c V 12.2a.l«.24 - “ S 5SSS^ £s II.?4,6,(W»Va*.Bal*»$l. •Wood, would nbl disclose: howh much Olga Appell,ell, a Mexican who be- . I s -_£j5nss,'iniw uert^m ri ^ PiUdngton would be paid, forfi setting came a .U.S-citi•citizen last moDdi, led. % n k o l« h » 1 s n .2 . OTTAWA Bt the pace, only saying it depepcnded on ij,c women clocl:locking a personal best. 01 3I .000s issrssKWabar^tl&ST. U2ia4-«a wTT” ST 0 4 .000 EMLvAt^K^ 'iXSf-SS^i^ thow fast he ran per mile..Piikington F ,of2:28:l2. AL 4040-ycar-ofd Italian run- KSaSM I liltJ>4 of (h* Amarlctn Hoclier f I laj'. . ssi r e f u s i to say how much heie made. „ ner, Emma Scaii>caunich, was second at L « s s S i , . lElPHIA FLVER»-^Tr»l*MMnd8l70,Wiitfi8His ie r /;,. .FWdt...... -. I ! ’ffi-S5S«rfis ig job is to Calif, at 2:40:120:12 and Russians Olga 2 1 ,807 —TM,IMySi

I — : ...... i‘ I ■ • ; • ~ ’I

I B-6 ■nmoa-Nowo. Twinwin Fnlla. Idaho MondayrMarcfirch7.1994 ' . •. Neighlibor? m l e i t f f ffo i y a ttsa k e s fiiig fatiiii m oefed± o w ^ t-ANGOLES (AP) -: Oscar Do-Do-Lii ling'how 10 deal with frusirailot — ^"weleeome--#! Jim mni i Urcdahl desperately run and clu lch c d . .« ------b u t finall lally-thc-champion'couldn’l-hidhidc..D (^ -- -in~bi!rflr.TttgtirrtTf a nr'inTncincrstopped~^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B Kerri}iga0=-“ ,nc.in 10 rounds lo win the Wli ju n io r ' “Tiginwcigcigli'rCfW n'Satiintaynlghtr^- sfoNEHAM ,, MMasbT^P)- Bredaldahl, who spenl most of ll f ig h t Nancy Kerrigan, bnbreaking down b:ickpeda;daling, was knocked down thr tim es, in iclirs :it the outpoi[pouring of sup- a n d p o rl, w a s lo n stc d inii her home- . s e c o n d r o u n d s town Sunday by aI crowdcr of some ___ M y pain in-lhc- J...... 50.000 iKartumcdJ o'l o'u l'to r an 613^ • ' ^/as^ 3 to kill ioiii fashioned parade. v e 'ry , ------7-; " U ;s’ liard io ill you how this hIs.stomach,. i frustrating ' r. ' feels.” ihc .skatin]ting slar said. butit he killed. f ro m the-- ti; first "They’ve all saidd Jlthey’ve been my „ face - on," De Ul proud of me, and1 to icll you the said.'^His ; truth. I’m p roud to3 be from Slone- ‘‘1 s o a w k - . hum iihd to be frfrom Massa- T h e f i r s t m m ~ '—------^ ' ehuscds and lo be an American.” Jimmi Bredahl )unds ^ I was The crowd linedcd Main Street ______trying l()_l(2_:idjus!_lo_^B ______• ...... a n d ja m m e d Sl'ofici)neliam Siiuafc~ ^lylerlc. 1 was studying tiim and.'lie lie Kept on V for a 2K'-hour cclc clebralion that running'.'e'-’ ' look on the air off a block party. -My leftle hook didn't work becau;;ausc of his ■ . ____ — _Bcneaih-^-brisk-bul but-suDny_sky------sionccr-E-^very-lime-Miad-him-hiirt.-wh i .whcn-l-wa>;_l ------I Kerrigan’s friends,Is, relai tiv e s a n d con n ecling, tin he would run for his life." i admircrslhailed ihche ' Olympic sii- d ,. -al -, Hoya. the only Americanan 101 w in a B ^ " vcr^ m edalist fromI apartment ap bal- boxing■gold g( medal ai ihc 19112 Olymlympics, es------conics, slorc roufloiftops and low- scntiiillyly ei n d ed the fight e a rly in llicc fiifirM ro und I - ...... flying'airpl:ine.s. le landed^ a^f'^g^ tl B re d a lil's H ; V — - r - ’■ .. Among ihe gifls:is : a keV to the face, crun ------w m ahd llic lla g. U that i new over -I’justist d ro p p e d h im ." D e La Moy:oya said of Ihe U.S. Capilol1 the ih night she ,hc punchnch that seemed lo come oul t nOWC;_ won licr silver mccncdal irt LiJlc- f,cre. "I[was w slatkinu him." - hammer, Norway.' B redahlahl got up. jusi as he did aflerierTwo I later APfMo Kerrigan andI herh mother, knockdowlowns, hut spent ihe rest of ihche fightI just Brenda, cricd as the skaicr to survive. His face battered,:d, Bredahl O scar De Laa Hoya lands a punch to the head of his opponr tthose dosed in 1987, buljul renovated by ils new own-n- will when referee Pat Rus;Russell Slopped the bout Children calledI out,ou "We love was imprepressed by Dc L;i Hoya. c ro w n s. ' ■ ers for what theyi hopeh< will be weekly boxingig at 1:03 of the round. Al that instant, Lillies y o u N a n c y ,’' a s KCerrigan en passed ' -i ,h„ujought 1 was good: he’s good,’^d," Bredahl He gol SI mimillion for fighting Brehdahlahl, but cards and other everv e n ts .- toppled over backwardll arand remained moiion- them on (he panidc: TDuieID o r w aved • 's i i i d . “vly M y strategy was lo kill his sloiiltoinach; but -halfunhargot[ocino'buyTiut'hisconiracrcfwith Dcspilc'lhc prescescncc o f hom'UlbWtrhcro-De)e -Icis-on the canvas for• sc\several minules before from the dais. - She’s aj good skalcr he killedd mvr face fii'si-’’ ______his former mn cxl^ust— La-IIeyftHlrere-wcr ne ue was apic-io.gct-mi------,a ifoya is with 11 kniV n o c k o u ls“ 55tJ.UUU. 7;500-seat arena Saiur3aySal night. ” "I saw my own bloodd andan knew I had to take grid Hersh. an 11-ye;-year-old figure Bredahl'isI'is/tfi-l. wilh five knockouls.s. Also on thee 1card to mark Uic rcopcninning of Toney, cut badl)idly above his left eye by a care of business and firfisIrtish it.” Toney said of skalcr from Groion.'• De Ua H I oya w eig h ed 129K- pou n dds, s, his low- ihc Olympic; >A uditoi’ium’.’uriScalcn James Ja -hcud butt in the: thirdIh round, rocked Littlescs the gash over his eye. "I lold you he was a • K errig an and hcr er parents | laler est for aa pro| ffghl, and Bredahl -weit/cighed Ihc Toney defcndciled his IBF super middlcwciwcight wilh a combinalicalion midway through thata t b u m .” addressed a varietyy oof issues.that. limhof'1 Ll 3 0 . ■ title wilh a foururth-round knockout of previcvious- round, then knockjckcd him down before thele Toney, Ann Arbor,, MMich., weighed 167 ______h a v c-d o g g cd .th c .skjkaier a l sincc she . Allhoufc)ugli the WDO doesn’t have'c llie-pr'cs-I ly undcfcatcdTTim Littles. • ...... ro u n d e n d ed , b u t Lit Littles regained hisiccL- ...... -.. - p o u n d s a n d im p ro v e dJ.his .hi record to.42-0-2. was edged for ihc g0 -otooh e Q^fBoe^6 u n d ay ^1 On Sunday,' Kcrrigrrigan said she enough cacar to beat him.”...... ------HlcnM6nd Internaiioional Raceway in Richmcno n d , Va'; Above, p a rts) flyfl; a s Harry G ant, left, arandloick ______Dudc-Uic-commont-t;nHwcrosr-shc Behindnd Irvan and W allacc in ihe wa.s worried the delajclay would dc- 400-lap,1, 300-milc3 racc were Icad-lapIp Trlckle-ocllide^durlngig th e race. ; flalc the crowd's enthinthusiasm. _ fijijsjiers.rs.Jctf-Gordon, Dalc-Earnf- c ig h th c a u t i o n s r ^ c .sevin^nth -was at -and everyboibody else cither had nag- ...... - Earnhardt said his w as^Tthird- or McReynolds-tri'1-tried to prepare Iheir ------— --“rjustmcanr;ici'sit's ger ifover Kurdl, kylcK' Petty, Mark Martin, lap 349 for oil bn thele track, the ging mcchanianical problems Or simply ., ffourth-placc car. “so wc cat:an'l be loo Ford Thunderbinrbird identjcally'lo how .!______wilh, nol get il ovc)vcr with, but Rick Maslast, Brett Bodinc andTcrry eighth at 378 when JoeIC Nemechek couldn't keepe e p u p . ______-__ - Cdisuppoinlcd-wiih-finishing-ig-founh.i:— McRcynolds-prnce-Irvanv-Walla«»;—u ulklayt^^ ------^------— =------setup-sheei!*-w<*-were-worth}esR-ti}is------— ------d i d n ’t m e a n a n y ththing-bad-ty i ------and-W alluilluce^ed-lliree-timc.s for 96.-- • gu lck esri 6:«y7r7ind~the~n'~nveroge~5top~"Gordon:and: id~Eamhnrdr-bcgan~to~as~- Daytona~5(ffl~winncrSterlejjips:Mar!:z=titPe^ — = •.------^ -^ fe c c p ric^^fiiPlap i 379,-^hich^ESborife— wiiiTjusi I7.'8l seconds.. ““Ernie'di'd a sen thern^v^vcs.‘ ...... rlin lost tw o la p s w iih “ah”:'carly-race c “None ot ■thTspringsthe trbiri last ~ Last week nt Disr>isney World, led underler caution, cither W allacc or great job today." W allaoice said: “He Milrtin leded '27 laps before he was; fflat tire and lOst some: irear-end year worked in practice,’’p Irvan said.. where Kerrigan appcapeared in a pa- irvan led;d lthe final 247 laps, had a better car, and hisis crew had a forced ifito0 tan extra stop when his: ggrease in the final 100 lapsps. He fin- "We started from froi last year's base- rade with Mickeyy Mouse,^ she „ ready was a tvJo-car race:e great day. I just couldnin't run him throttle stuckick. “We had a pretty good i:ished 19th, three'laps behi:hind, on a line, theti changeinged as we went along. ;; ■■This IS s o , w a s h e a r d s a y in g : ' le sixth caution flag waved at down at the end. car,” he saitlaid, "but we kept giving liday when he felt he mightI hhave been rr We ended up> dodoing things you nor- corny. This is so dumlumb. I hal= 11. lap 3,2.1, I for debris. W allace wentnt ' "My car was a little: toot tight; it back in the: pipits what wc made up on aa contender. mally don't do Ihere, but they were This is Ihc most com;jniylhinglvc : p|pits leading Irvan and camcle d id n ’t w a n t lo tu rn in the tl corners., .the irack." "Ernie and Rusty were lolough, and -things the car wwa a n te d .’’ overdone.’’ . . _ - oul irailiniling; ...... - ...... We aired the tire pressunjre up a little' Gordon andar Earnhardt also Jed I didn't have anything forr tthem," he, Irvan couldn'tdn't resist o dig at the ' t was respond- j ...... Kerrigan said she w y don’t pruclicc or work outJt for a short run at the; end,c and.it briefly bul1 vweren’t legitimate con- .said. s Morgan/McClurriure team he Jeft lost ing to her agent’s ,nsi«en«ins ihm ich," Irvan'said, "but I’ll putLit made me push, push”’ towardt the tenders to win.wii Gordon’s team failed “Third place is what wec 'would've fall. “They saidsail I couldn’t drive ,she wear her silver medal.me "I wa., „y g„ys/s agai;ist his any day. Wc'c w all. to tighten hi;his left rear tire during a h a d if U-e h a d n ’t c u t that titire at the RichmontLbecaecause I'd never fin- ’ .. . r , ta u g h tn o tto b r a g ,” sh d e n n ite ly lhad better stops."’ * •The S850.947 racc; was> fairly stop at lap} 2274, and he fell behind startc s Shoulda, woulda, couilulda ... but ished good,”,” he h said,.grinning, Q u ic k) - A w a k e n e d • - v y ■ iif._Aless. to beeN o. 1 In the play. 1 didn't really have a-gi-great read couple winnersrs aand he was on a roll « by being knocked dowr)w n fo r th e first ' than-siellar performancece was good ■ Id right how.’ on o his serve, and when I gotDthisserve at'tnattime. time in his professiosional carcer, enough for Pete Samprasas to win the W Orla Newsweek Chairipions Cu] bback; he was on top of' me.r And “Arid in thee fifthfi set, he wos just Kenny Kccne pinnedled challenger ^ 1 'up Sunday, thal’s not really the way I w a n t, to b e tter than I w/a as.' s .” Bobby Crabuce againstn st th e ro p e s in Under threatening skieses and being — Petr Korda, ti 11 V ploy. Sampras brokeoke Korda in the eighth Ihe fourth round wilhth ai barrage of threatened by Petr Korda.). the world's . non Pete Sampras. .. p "Against Petr, you justst hove to game of the fourtounh setiind-in the fir^i _ body and head blows>ws to s c o r e a^ No. 1 player camc from behindb for a ■ - - hang in there and hopeful!illy he ran and fifth ghmescsofthefifth.iofinolly 0 ' technical knock out andani secure the.' - 4-6, 6-3, 3-6, 6-3, 6-2 victictory, before' -was going lbto have'to1 play thtie really h miss the shots.-And-that’s''s-w hat:he.-take.control.. , :— :yacant-Worl The title was (he third 1 But not until after he wo:/on two of* in a long matchch 1like that, but 1 don’t Ke’enc, o^ Emmett;1/ Idaho,Ii un- d o f the y e a r m a k in g q u itete aj bit of errors," Sampras — foc-Samprast-who-pickcd- —the-firsl-three sets.— ------— Tnlndriald'SamiJampras, who ricededT ' . ------defe!rTcd4n’2dTmjfcssiresional-fights:— d-up-a-chock—saidr“Whcff-ItrlrgotHnlcrthe-fiftfcsctri-— is 1994 earn- M i tiV/» 1 hn>' h{m hfrniia^ Jjg go{ jj ... “I didn’t moke the breakk pojnts In. hours 8 minuleslie s to fin ish it.;-:”I fee l ____ CfabUcc,.&Qm Hot Sprisprio^, A rl(,.is^ for $245,000 to boost his . --in g s ib m o re than S600,0(X]0 0 , ------^ - little-down on himself.------——------tlthe be^ n irig of lhe_fpunhjll.set,” said that'ln a longeriger match, ihefbetler ______------iio w -5 2 -^ -3 .------■ Korda, who squandered twotv break playe'fshould wwin in!” ^ : T*------RccTre7-25r-6t»f4e

• .. •- ; " ’ ' . ....

I s s M le t o a ^ n n !s iy ja ^p a n ^ P o l l : s t f a v ' ! ta M ^------^ ^ ------

• Thie Associated Press.is. only o v e:r r :a long tim e. . ias tf'friendly nation br a1 cclose ally, friendly bulI nnot a close ally, is not _ B y 5 55 pcrccntr to 4Xp<;rccnl.-l. Bufa rcccnL ABCJ^cws-Js-_Washingr_fricDdly.butJ:tJs-not_an-cncray^or_is ------’ " - -NEW YORK^— ihjlf.Japan resists those pollc)lled said Japan’s econom-- tton Post poll that askedi speciflcal-s unfriendly :inn^!ack..lhc_l;_U !.S._ccdnom y.w asJn rc,:: j_,D1P o f 1.003 adult Americ ^ N ‘’J_4JLp_cjic.c.nl' D K -____ z z r s r f^ i ; . Japanese products thathat can be sold cession andam the fading of the Sovi- ‘states 5 cxcept Alask'a andd IHawaii. N A tl perccnicnt. ____ Will change only.ovor------______sold hero. - here. -.^t threatt wasV shifting attcntjon loJ Results were weighted;d to renrc- ' - 4 - J apan ha;hus-resisted opening-its a long'time' Dom kiww/.\ ------• —5 8 p c rc e n f s u pppbrtcd p i ah ini-?'ecbnbmlcilc co'mpTmofT'sucinnr^iTT^t'tluj'popuJiilfon by key k' demo- markeis ioI AAmerican goods. Do grap h ic la c to r s sucTi ass age, sex, yoii.lhink thalthi is something that ' p(H^ tax to m ak c'Japlapanese . prod* 'Japan. ’ ■ , I Ataxon ucts less competitive.c. N ow , JaJapan’s ccono'my is stum*i iregion and education. will changc;c soon (19 percent), \ Japanese - • 5 No more than o,ne ^ii Wilt never change j •. 44 percent saidid t they pcrsonT bling a nid'its d ' political cohesion is 7-of-w«ll-nw .r-^ h i no.------ollj^would refuse to0 buyb Japnnt^Sf lpf>n»ninft_Ig ’T P " ’- —. .t should ehnnee varintioi ------ose y maKeythem------iban's arcrc ■more likely to follow/ sample 5 cause the resultills to vary ( 2 1 'percent)?)? DK-NA: 4 perccnt. -— % j cost more’ ' {^resident Clinloo0 (dccided last such newsws,'lhat could explain why/ by1 more lhan 3 perccnlailage points 5. I’m goinjling to read three things Dbn’Uinowy no answer . / than U.S. week to use a tradeide provisjon a slim majnajority of those with fam-. from I the answers thatI would\ be that could ha]happen if Japan contin- ^ products. /■ obtained if all Amcricileans were ues to resistt opcniiigo its markeis to ' ■ « " , ,know^ as Super 3011 tlthat sets up a ily inconi'imes above S50.000 now' < .. IDom know/no onswof 2% “ hit TisI7 of countriesics who won’t reject thehe view thal Japan .is an1 J polled; This margin off sampling American gocjoods. Tell me whether open their marketss toK American economicic threat.t ' 'error ‘ is larger for resps p o n se s o f 'y'ou favor orir coppose each option: g. Japan Is one of thevyI world's major economic powers:ers; Do you think products. If 18 monthsiths of negotia- The upfipper-income group also) 's-subgroups, such as age cacategories. • A limitIt c on Japanese products . ■ Japan's economic popower threatens the economicc w€well-being of tions fail to remove tn ly rejected a personal boy- There arc o'ther sourcirces of po* that can be: ssold here. Favor: 70 : trade barriers, decisively the United Slates orIf not?t the administration cancan impose rc- coti of JapJapanese products, an idea-1* tcntial I error in polls, incleluding the percent. Oppc>posc: 29 pcrccnt. DK- taliaiory tariffs.'Thoshose are taxes also unpb|pbpular with adults underr wording, ' and order of qqucr>tions>. NA:-2 percentenl. . - . ' that could raise,'even’cn double, the age 35. TheTl strongest willingness' Here 1 are the AP poll qquestions: • • A lax onoi Japanese products price of imports. • to boycottoil. occurred in those born1 (Bccause ( of rounding, ssums may that makes> llthem cost more than Q Still, few were pptiiptimistic about from the Great Depression1 nol i total 1 0 0 .) U.S. productscts. Favor: 58 perccni. trade with Japan who'h en they w ere through thethi 1940s.______1. I'd like to get youilur attitude Oppose: 400 ]pcrccnt. DK-NA: 2 •—to w a rd thfl-p c o p lc- o f. Jlap art In__percent, tion, by lCIT”Survc;vey ■R«e'arcti ate ovcr"tf■tfadrmalfcfrr831^rccni~Jf~gencralrwould-you'say-j'-yourfccl------•— Y ou“pi:i7T:n;opally'rcfusing-to ------^ Group of Media, Pa.,1., jpart of AUS of Amcrlcrlcans describe their atti-- ings i toward the Japancsesc people buy Japanesese products. Favor:-44 Consultants. • tude towAfard a ihc Ja p a n e se p eo p le: arc i friendly or unfriendlylly? Friend- • percent. Oppc:pc)sc: 54 percent. DK- • Don't k n o w1 poll and continuing a < Of Modio, Po. pan ot AUS Consuisuluints. Maxgin of uunpling orroi is pkplus Of menus 3 soon. Another one in five said it longtimee v warming trend. percent. J ■* fifel option,1 , plus those who op- |»rcontaoo poiots. Sums mny notfk total 100 pofcont bocauso 0! toundoindino- would never challge^Cy iand mostsof The AP^P poll found little chaogc; 2. Do you feci ihat.JiJapan is a . pose it but1 ffavorthe.second or .. the rest thought it wcwould change in Ihe pcrccrccntagc who view Japan1 close < ally of the Unitedd Slates, is third optionI is 85 pcrccnt. _ S u lJ Iu F b if ff ^ r o u ^c sT o n f[y=TBnt t o r F to f a t r

llie Associated PressI ji dale withh theirt two children. Danny n i/ed aruj raised money forjr Scars- Tsuyuki. Mrs.s. K atz a n d o th e rs say ' ' and Debbibbic studied Japanese on daidale's Jiipan Festival, a fourur-month that because Atnei.nierica's economy is' SGARSDALE, N.Yl.Y. — As her weekends,ds, and they had their barr celebrationcel of Japanese cultjlture — • now up and Japanpan'^rnr down, fewer signed to ’ Japanese :ire heirl>eing transferred to name implies, Kuq^iko0 Katz is some- and bas mitzvahs.mit films, concerts, plays — desi{ thing of an expert,, oion Japanese- Meanwhivhilc, thousands of Japanese say thank you to their Am.merican. Scarsdale. American relations. — em issarsarics of Japan's economic neighbors. For sim ilar rea;reasons. Americans So th o s e ,w o rrie dd aabout a new miracle —— were moving into Scars- There were discussion punanels for don't have suchll a chip< on ihe shoul- ■' round of Japan-bashinging should lake dale, a Newlew York C ity suburb famed1 Japanese on Americans an;ind vice der about Japan. I "Every- Pebble Bcach's:h’s Japanese buyer note: Mrs. Katz is more3re concerned al for its nicecc houses and good schools. vetversa, including one callcd " the m om^t about PTAFA lhan GAlT, By 1990'90, about 20 pcrccnt of the ‘ thing You Always Wanted to Know later sold it at.’u’lf.’a’loss (a transacticm 'About the Japanese but W erere Afraid (hat got a fractio:tion of the original ______1 talks about lar- school por3oriulalion was Asian, and l^ndJcwJmeresMJnjal yas^td4o=bcJooking.--~ '■ I riff.baTrijsrs than InI tatalks o v c Ac;«,«c — J ^ ...... lorc lhan a quarter OTllie'en-" — The towiv4»as-mud6-ils ownvtv^sfforu—to-cut-iuLlo^scs-u e transla- tures, Japan's highhigh-definition lelevi- “If wc have communlunication here, rolltntni at two of the town's five el- Several PTAs print Japanese 1 ,y lags behind thal of people cannot be Inflnfluenced iHal ementaryf schools.s< lions of their parent handboo3oks. and sion technology la easily by what governernmcnts say,” Most of the Japanese were busi-;, some municipal employees haveha tak- the United Stales.Ics. And. despite pre- I say^ Mrs^ Katz, a Japiapanese native nessmcn1 a and their fam ilies who.'M' encn a course in basic Japanese.£. dictions. Rockefelli:feller Center has yet arroll in-.- to ccIebrate-Christiiristm as-w ith -a-b o n su i------" ^ 0 is married to an1 AmericanA and had to nionovc'tb'lhc United States' tNow, when Sgr. Tom Car irglary-at—tree------— — :,nve?in-ScarsdalcT^'‘—"-I-knovirmy— withxmly^jjra-few months-notice. Most- ve^vestigul^s-a'rCpqrt of-a-burj ______ncighbois.JThcy-knowwJtmi.OK.".1 spoke little Fnglkh-and-kncw-th&tfd— i ll frr-sh <-rn p in ni-i-d:cd-Qf-accull»ri/ation. I i her neighbors courscs. _ — :ilLljUikc-a-seasonal-Ui. I’t take it Indeed, the flawlaw in Scarsdale’s say the recent collapse» cof U.S.-Japan Meanwhwhile, an internalionol cco-' comes'and goes, and 1 don't suyuki. a Japanese-Americarican relations is sim- - trade talks has nol shakttaken Scorsc^e, nomic rivalry riv .was heating up., so seriously," says Larry Tsu ried to tin pie: Th'e Japanese.^rse go back toJapan. where one in six householdshoi is Japanesee corporationsc were domi- Japanese native'who Is marric Scarsdale “There’s not a agt g re a t d e al o f so c ial- . —------Japancsc-and-whexc-te .merican markets from cars American. He has lived in Sc .forJwo.decadcinnd-WCjrK^isa s a CT)n- I'^ing a m o n g aduiLsroirc c 'C 'c ir rir)W :--5a yi;-- - — - —.— T;n:aometimes:beenden3cbcbctwccitnewrr“iO:«)mpute uterS(-and-buying-American— suliant for Japanese compnnielies. '.- - Joe B runelt^.^h"wh'cTpuKlTshes tw o ------comers and oianim ers.^ ' ------assets frdr rb'nrRockcfellcr Ccnter to- I sa native who Is mairiMfifloanAmerican;uys t< Kuhlkq Katz, a Ja p a n ^ He adds: "Thet'c was a bi|big com- magazines for Ja]Japanese in greater . Mrs. Katz — ncc KcKoga — came Pebble Beakach. . re<^'u.S.-Japan trade;e>vars have not shaken Scarsdale.S< N .Y .-^ J :r Centcr NcJw York. "Onene co f the greate.M dis- to’New York City 25i5 ;years ago lo In 199191, New York magazine motion over the Rockefeller as if Mit- appointments for Japanese here is study physical therapyapy, and met a printed anan article entitled. "The: >Westchester'town considerler a virtual diet doctor” (H(Herman Tam ower). deal, de: but now that il looks as ot make friends with teacher named Jeffreyrey Katz. They JapanningIg of< Scarsdale" and report-• ‘takeover’' is ruffling far morem feath- Mrs. Katz; a:and other Japanese de- subishi sul losl m oney, you nevi:ver hear- that they do not r Americans.” married and in 1984 m ovedo to Scars- ed that "wl'what many in the exclusive: eers than did the m urder of thet town's cided it wils timtii e.to act. Tliey orga- abcabout it.”

' T[lieT l iiiiesl'JE w s “ < Reach more thanan 53,0001 reatlers a llslay with jiist one phoneone call!


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_____ - — ' C-^ "nfflos-Nows.1. TwinTv Falls' Idaho ■ Monday,ly, March'7.-1994^ ......

_V ...... , ■ , J...... _ ,j ______V ,■ L e g a lIs^noanc s e v e n t s - —

L-LEG Aj. NOTOTfe.E LEGAL NOT3T1C& LEGAL NOTICICE . LEGAL NOTICICE LEGAj. NOTICICE toi UOST4FOUW) I pss Losi: Qroon roiainor I ______j'JNyLTATlQN.TO.lrO B lD _ ___tho AgriculturalI GGround Soured Managonfpnlll PIPlan7 Ouuli^ ’ • - THER NOTICE UNLEl roloctlOnrtho-State-PMbcido-M,..Man— 1410 N,-Hilton------^YOU-HESPOND-WrrH T im e sj Magic Vnlloilloy Ro- Wbtor Quality-pro!' nd.tho -Bolso.Idaho 83607-129 . . . . gional Modical ComJontor vnD Proflmm is .to proto■otoct tho o flo m o n t P la n .ta n d .i 2 9 0 - - 20 DAYS. READ-THEIf I -543.5665. . rocoivo soalod whttc•htton bkfa sta te 's gnsund wmtorjind att Grouf^d W ater Quallualiiy (208)334-5879,______^._for_ono.{lJ oach-Jln.Timo and_{nlorconnoctocL,fiU:^ui!ac£LL£lan.Jtit^rooram sm.ro-_-NOT1CEOF-TAX SAL WAT------TWIN FALLS— ------,AnoDdonoo .Sottyynn(vnrp S vs- w ater from’ contamiamlnabon -quios tho dovdopmenineot ol Noiico is hnroby giv a n im a l SHELTER - tom until 10:30 n.m .‘ MBT o fig ln a lln a 'lro mmgricul^infomiatiot>-af>d.cduci -n j uc4lion_ihat.tho.loUowing.pnnsoi lanage- foai proper^ horo Jn i ) on T hursday, Marctorch 17. tu ral activ itie s. ThiThe pur- straloglos. Bost Mono 1 do- TIFIED fflttt fn oitfor F W n d & #^or A d o p llo iiS i^o cau or come'S ^ y ThieiTimeip- — 1S94, Dt tho offlcoico or the poso or tho progranram \» to montProcllco sirologilogios, acribod will bo soldId at defend this lawsuit, annap- 0 Dogs aro'tlsiodin Tuoi•uo°s" ^ a r e u n a 'A dm inlstrnlor, Magi,tagic ypl- doschbo tho managugomonl ond rogulatotv stratogitogios. Public Auction to tho high-hl| ■ propriate writton rospon day. WodnosdoyJThun^urs- N ^ s o f f lc e », s i m p l y c l i p a n d[ nm ail this order ' loy Roglonal Modlcaaical Con- o p p fo a C tie s lo pFovofU p r And LosHy. ttio Progi^ram oj, bidder, pursuantntto must bo rilo.d with' tl*''0 day. 4 Sunday Timot -to r, P .O . Box 400.». 8!850Ad- nround-WQter-contJsntamino-- ostobijsho# a^omminp.'it^polo Section 3<-8O0. Ida:taho .above doslgnnlod coicourt Nows. Ucotod 139}6ih 61 f o r m t o o u r classified'departm c m c ent so that 've ~ ' dislon Avonuo Wostlost Twiff twn ond lo respondnd to tho provide multi-disciplinplinaiy Code as amondod. . within 20 days altor' si•"' Avo W.. ■Itnrnoon Falls, ID B3303-04K>409. tele- o c c u r ro n c o (s ) or such coordination on ogric r ^ Is vice of this'Sum m ons« < only,.Mon-Frl. Close , can get your ada started-w ltlioati t c d e l a y . • ...... j* phono (208) 737-2H-2102, All ground wator contijntamlna. tupil ground wator pro Falls you. II you fail lo soo ro- i Sot, & holldnys. Co tion procticos and sinsirato- counly Idoho bids will bo pupublicly bon, spond tho court m ay onlenter 736-2299 for m oro Infoi ! print clearly with darka rk p e n d l o r p » ’, oponod-and roadi al■'.0'"- Tho Timos-Nows. . tho S th'floor Olossrcssroom ol Codo, public hearlnjirlrMs art) D ralt Agricultural Q ui ------(Inclndiiling blank spaces) per:r Ulin e . to allow Proiocbon Program dc tho Modlcal Contor.er. being conducted to Parcel NumlTiber- A copy of tho Coriipla PERSONALS t e s c h e d u le w hich^ | ' > ' In stru ctio n s to bicbidders, public comment,1. f P u b lic moni Is availaoki. Iroc Is sorvod wilh ihis Sui — • Please! {pay according to rate t .raviowodrchftrgo, for publ£-rov-ISSni RPT001119017AA^ ——r------bid-flpodficabons-mi-and-Wd-commont-wiU-bfl.rov flS s^ Lost ownor oftocoidiS; S .P __ mon#. Ifjfpu.v?i8hjp,n>-“ oH. - z E-OLA W EIGHTLOaa-^ ------lorms may bo obtairItained by by the Groundd \ W a te r a t the Rogionol Offlcoi tho odvica or roprosom«niQ- PRODUCTS. 326-5052. collino More Horrljirrlson at Quality Council ondind incor- tho Idaho Doportmoni tion by an attorney in If finii!.dniJt_Hoolth_and W o lfa ^ t L .n Noodridomornings,Mor ------i------(2O0)i37^O19.-ln.-instruc-—poratDd.intQjha_nna ______manor. you_8hould do i Fri.-TwinloKlmborV.wl [".'.“ please runr m ^ d liLclassissiflca¥on_ ~ | .. ; .. tens to biddofs indindudo all. ot the Progmm.thal[hat is to sion of EnvIronrrn>7s r T a “ «“ ' ' - . __ _ promptJy io that your wi .statutory biddlnoI rcrequin>- bo submlltod lor incInduslon • Quality, and nl tho Id is' to ton rospdnso, if any. - mi ) g . ^ o n v o M . 7 334796eVOT._ toiliuni Said public nucllon III 1 - # _ _ _ for _ d a y s . ! monts contaifwdI in TIUo by a m o n d m o n t InlIn lo Iho Dopanm ont or Agricul . bo hold ot tho hourur of bo filooin timo and olh I 31, Chapters 36' or and 40, iooho Ground WaiorilorQ ual- a s listod boknv: n tho )<>gal rfghts protoctod. 107 SPEOAl. I (Print one cHaraciictcr per space please. Incluicludlng blank spaccs.) | 95 Logic- tdaho'Oopartmoni ol f Anri- 1000 o'd ock o.m. on • Idaho Codo, ity P la n ly tho 1995 ^ontiaS 13th day of April, 1094,3 4.01' - An appropriate writtonm mr - :. NOTICES______I 1 Magic Valloy Rog^ loglonal laturo. culturo. 2270 Poniionl 3S of sponso roqulros comp I I Modical Contor rosrosorvos PUBLIC HEAIEARING Road, Bolso:-Divislor unty ance wilh Rule 10(o)( ALCOHOLICSs , ------1 tho riflht to woivo InxIrrogular- SC H ED U LE: T holo ^ i u b lic . Environmonl^ ^ aHiy: ;hos- and ojiof I^ o .R ulosa« oj ANONYMOUS; . I...... ______; i . ___ lllus uilO iujw.t any -Ty^ffl~Chrit“Piocodur> nind“sh;-shaH- Cair735:B3Q0------____ I ;00 p.m., lice, 1420 N. Hilton, Bo ------bids.-' ’«^ r S ' Fall®. Idaho. Tho termTIB s of' o(so indudo: _ OVEREATERS I ______• I s/Maglc Valloy RRo( e g io n a l in th o Idaho Dopadmirtmontol North Idoho Roglonal #®W salo to bo cash. ThisT 1- The titio'and number I ------Modlcal C«ntor _ • Health I and Wollorooro Con- fico, 2110-lronwoodd PiParit- Board ol County Comnnmis- this coso. ^ ° ANONYMOUS Is nn 734-4547 I ______Dato: February 9., 1©1994 forenco Room, 60TJOr Polo way, Coour d" Alono;rAni Of ttionors roservo.lho righ;sht to 2. ir your rasponso Is i PUBLISH: Monciay,loy, Fob- Lino Road. Twin Fall;=alls; N of* Central Roglonal rojoclanyandall^lDids Answer to tho Complairilaint. .PREGNANCYCRIStS- 1------1 ’ rudry 14 and Mnr^ n rc h 7. April 27, 1994, 7:00;00 p.m., (ico. 1118 F.' Stro>troot, mado ror said proper.orty tt must contain odmissioisions CENTER I 1994. In tho Bannock Room R o ol Lowiston: , , Each bid m ust bo aceocom - or denials ol tho M poraarato Froo tostlng. Can 734-7472 LEGAL NOTICEricE ------tho Quality Inn. 1555555 Poc- - South Conlral Rogiog io n a l ponied with tho addltloiBonnl—a llo g a tio n s o f th « CSom- on ori-600-371-7472. !------T--- South Conlral CoiC om m u- otollo CrooK Road.d. Poca- orflco. 601 Polo’e Li 1. ® W.CX3 por pago10 for pIo>nt and other dofens< ThanKyoutorvoorpalfon ------1 nity Action AgencyTV vwill bo tolto; , Road. Suite 2. Twrn Fal pro- w u m ay claim. • ogo during ino Homo j ______1 o c c o p ti^ bids forr its 1993 Moy 4. 1994, 7.000 p.m.p in S o u th E a s lo rn R ogioS i , 3. Your signabiro. malllrInning Q'^aon Show. Congraiula ______-I ______oudlt. Tfib-draft aiKaudit re- tho Kootonai Countuntv Ex- olfico, 224 S . Arthur,ir. PHOC- Any o b jo c lio n s to said s i addross and.tolophon Mn__s |-A l Y llllress= r —— ipiotod-by— tonslonr^k«nm unity-ity-Moot-— atello;-and— ^------^tho—fwmberohfourattomoy.- ■ r •ast Dal- North East Ronlonol ^ a ^ Proof of mailing o r d< . I Juno 1, 1994 forr ththo op- >ng Room. 106 tas' Twin"^ons Ccwnty A. ^ ^ Rainbow. Consolallor15” I Clty/Slat0/Z lp_ ------^— I Coeur fico, 900 Nonh Skyllk y lin o o, com m isslonors In thoir th llvofy of a « p y ol your n provsl ol Exocubvovo Diroc- ton Avenue, ' C ir ro- prizes havo boon awarded I •DrivfiT, Idaho Fans. ollice In Iho Twin Fo= alls sponso to Plaintiff's altoittor- [| you n,o a rociplonl. yoi I Phone Number. b r ar>d Board. d'A lene; — ^ I RFP package is iavoll- May 5, 1994, 700) op. m In SUBMISSION OF •Vli? WP J.* County C o u rih o u so , 425 4 nw'.'as designated aboveWO- will be conladod by>ourt giftgit i . ftd r ^ n TEN COMMENTS. ASS orth To dotormlno whothcthor department. Again lhant abk>, upon roquost,st, iat 726 Pons 1 ond 2 of tho Shoshono Siroot Nor f o r S I_____ Shtfahono Stroot01 \W ost, • Bulldino of Iho Rnr INICAL Tv/in Falls. Idoho a tt 1tho you m usl pay o filingIJp fc o yoo for kooping tho! tm I □ My check or moloney order is enclosed for ------Bw tcvng-!-iw in-foiiTTmSTTOT=Tlvr=B7T^YTTrST » -houM>«-1 oo a o'doctULn m wilh your .rasponso, COI iocal '□ Bill my VISA orir MI aster Charge (cwtooo#) ' may submit vmtlen y o• ' 62lBtuoLMk»$BlvdNN _ Expirationm Date______• -I ------'--tional yoars - nogotii70liablo-tr th o D ivision of EnvEnviron- Quality Proloctiann PPfO;- Jamos P. Fraloy ‘...... ' January.-1994. 3 , S .’ 73ay SctiedlMI u l e ______s vnll bo rtuiy b e presonlod at BY/S.O'Brion tave ■ < P r o p o s a ls m u sSI l b o ro - Tl>o hoaring sllos * Robert P, Fort .(ronl & ba ck door. Park0( coivod, at SCCAA, Tvirin accessible to theODhv^ p abovo-notod-pobllc hoh»«r- -ciork - K H um ber Dt naiiavs — - ...... CCharae per line ^ orators «9». of wntton commoim ontt PUBLISH! March 7, 17.7. 24 pk''^SH/*M'ond»y. FolFob- ior ollice & chock*ln lo = I Falls olflco, 726 Sho2 “tiooTTng—frfny*t>o*nraiiodTtnhinh tn r rr-a T id 3 i p § g 4 .------■--- rOBiy ■7T"t4r;21 lintJ' 21 ...... $37T0 p s r line ~ ' ------SffoorW5st%X:3Cr ____ 1994.______" nam ^n?Call^^loizJT ' 1-3 days ...... provalling timo, Marctarc*-^! impairmonts. and bi a loch- IN THE DISTRICTr - ' ------324-2801. __ ^ 4 - 7 d a y s...... $4.75 p e r line oservos or (apod Informaticitlll^'for wfc^tion ol^io- ______1 9 9 4 . S C C a A rose j.j—jair'-nlcol-naturor-fljritacUJc U th e ___ COUBIOF-TUEJtIRII ______fl- 1 5 d ayy...... SB.QPper.liM______rfwTJgFt 10 relusot anany ond porconrwlttrvtsual'ir o n la c t JUDICIAL DISTRICT O ' I M PROFESSIONAL .™ .J14.50^rHno :onlacl; monts can bo pro\rovidod undorsianod; or conli 1 6 - 3 0 d ay s____ all proposals. Con fi notiM Oaiy Bahr. W ator Qua□uaUly THE STATE OF IDAHC SERVICES Betty Woolen, 733-923-9351. u p « ' •'«» (5) days n -354S. IN AND FOR THE 7 9 ond nmingomonts,f p Analyst (208) 334-35« PUBLISH: March 7.1 slonod at DopartmonI olilAgri- A( . COUNTY OF 11.1994.______contact tho underslgrwgnoo a« ^ O y p^^U, ~ # l i n e s ______J :____ x S / l ln e .____ L_ ■ (208) ^-5879. onlton- TWIN FALLS ------NOnce-OF-PUBL ------tiary—R oad^-O —B_ B o jt___n a sn CV-94iaOQ 1^ — - - For each Sundayy Insortkin.ll add for Magic Value!allies. . HEARINGSS D ESCR IPTIV E SURlUMMA- 2205, Boiso. fS h o B37C13707. SUMMONS “ 0" Indudo your adJ IrIn Ag W eekly for only 5 3 p e r-w wei e e k . AND RY: TTie DraJfcABrteirteuttural • All written com m entnl o ond* RYAN J . WATKINS NOTICP.OF AVAILAUUBIL- Ground W ater Qualitjality Pro- data concerning ihis isp pro- Plain 9 900 ITY O F DOCUMENTINT FOR lection Program and one Ap- posal must bo diroctod:tod to vs BANKRUPTCY: T o t f t T " 1EW pondlcos doscrlbtIbo Ih e tho undersigned ar>d mi m usl ROXANNE M. WATKIN! an alfonMslo aHomaliveY I______L. PUBUC REVIEV 1 lo t ‘ LOST & FOUND SUBJECT; Publicic IHoar- stalo's ovornll approairoach to bo dolivorod on or boltbolora Dolendti . -,(of sinpplnajmditDra 4 bill ■ ^ T h c T n m sN cH fl conoctow-Froo consuRattor Mail your 3 Ings Schedulod andxi FPublic ogrfcultrual charndaldal and 5 p.m., 13,1994.4. N O T IC E : YOU HAVffX I Big otl whMo dog rosomWo ^^CUSTOMER> P.0.BU548 Commonts Requosto}stod on nubiont managomontonL Tho D ated this 18(h daylay ol BEEN SUED BY Tl-■ H b purpto collar, noutoroi FranR-KombluRi order form to: * Twlo^ldaho Oocumont TTiilod Program locusos oron Iho Fobrua/y. 1994, ABOVE-NAMED malo.Rewn;dl734-244S. _ Allomoyat Law -733-5900 ~ J y R y i C E •AgrioJltural Groundnd \W ater c o o rd in a tio n o t oxi:e x istin g Doflnis D. Rhodos 66 n ®33(B -, Quality Proioctionion Pro- progmms such as thoth< Ag- Rosoarch and Analyi TER Fbund:3-2-94oWorrodmaJ BANKRUPTCY gram for Idaho.* ricuTtural Pollution1_ Abate- A __Buroau JUDGMENT AGAINSNST H ooior. on so u lh Blui____ • AH C hapters 4 AQ - -reR PO SE=Thq=go:^at-of=-rtwwi=Plaff;=iho=Nor AlBr4-t-B tosr73fe22y>, ' . , rolalod ca se s mBma»=y0t3=WtIH0a‘rrP-m Froo Tolephono Consultation . L - 538-7760800-540-2166 nok) W m H U ulbony 3luo 2 2 y n E x p f l 0noe e g fc n nET* —------II m m ■ w m 1 ^ " * i S ! M i l lA T I i!■ 6.A .C.. f - a M t e 'l a d e f th ii] AirContt - ^ l E *>J H t ■Bai«-»Cleanc«r~- \ —— Till Wheel 77^ • V6 Enclne ■ p E l H ^gSS^'CndMCoiitfol' I J'S' y f o rj^BD Dealln' Dick ^ B L Day's Prica... ^ B IB I & H i r ^ C onlgl • 198919 HYUNDAI 1982 IA PICKUP 1 9 884 BUICK RECEGAL 2

^ Sol. pric S2995W 5 ,10.99% ' ", n .9 5 % PBtMO,. I H AP«,36monthi.: Q f ^ o . . 3 >1 GMC ^ M O N ^ : « . S ; * rHAWK 1991 » m m u i i B i •A M ffM • Cruisa Controls i #45995,9,90% ^ < PowerSaaU- « ■ . ... . months. I ' 9 ,Da«IIn' « 1SSE' ; - ■ B . Stereo . . J t a m S S S i i s iH : 1 9 9 2I (G EO m e t r o O M l I n ' 2 CHEV. S-10 PB ----- 1993FOI1DTArAURUS - ' __ 5 9 D ic ic . r a n i : H -T-— ? - ...... D ic k e A 9 8 ! ^ - ■ - ■ Soto prier $7995, B D a y 's ' iYBOUGHAM -i ' APR, 66 monlhi. m | | | Pric*...' 0LDS 98BECENCYS PICKUP 19870 •Automalic .... .Aircond. ; ! u IR tM • (^niiss Control O /2 Ton g a i'- f e f a o i B ^^^••FtWlilftalDrtii : ! ■ •SCylliidsr Auiuiiiiikl fcT-.vr-T'-i) )2FORD~iPI]^ >Cni$sContn)f rRDNNEITi ~ z i : ^ : t “i :99s ■ I D M lIn ' ■ D i c k .; f^CORP"^ I - _ _ 1 \ S WS^ \ ' . f ^ ' ' i9SFH(Ekin»oa D4alln* > a lH E H : . , p i p k _ r s s p


m ...... ______e ^ ____ :___ :______^ ___ J_L_ — M o n d. ^March 7 , 19t)4 Timos-Nowa,1W8. Twin Foils, Idaho C-3

Announ(ncehients>E■Empibymeili i i l t J V - ; 1109-213 • - n : - 13 USCELUNEOUS - .2133 HSCELLANEOUSI . 210 SALES ' 212 TRADE - . 21212 TBADE______^2f2 TRADE ^ ' '2 1 3 Someone out . 206 UEDiCAU OPPOBTUKfTlES. ^ OPPORTUNmES ' ■ DENTAL______Concrelftworkari.nnlshors,, pi Musi have 0^ ^m Plo bTng & Iln6 nmning sor- Local RV bu sln o is looking PAINTERS: kpaldw r noodod, time, 'BURUjflSYJUNiORCARRiER at for the right porson to sQll & Iramara. For Interview ,rience with aulomoflva vice yi porson needed. Full- Otep fuO f W \ therejyiintii the_,e_l jRN^^IIIon'ava^Bblo^ tlm o, will nood CDL w ith ■ 9X(Km^oeholplu^,-4)plk»- ROUTEAVAILABLE Rl lah: rflVronAnaftlfmfcba*!*^ Jomatpbolru acooptod at: Rout*'ute 4 tO :" tfl, Sand resum e to Manegor, ~ ~^^^-^-DHivgHt:— ' fth- -PO Bon272rTwln Falls;------lyoardO T H ------1 rT W rw onofcw lS nw afri© " =28-2S4i(th'AvoSB^'F«ls. •■em — B portinff^gear— person. Groat earning po- PkiPloasebrinoTwumo..' ockyJ3oad_, — ____’ . "^ T 7 - ^ n u ra ln g . For Tunhar Infor- IP83303. .. . Dick&monTrud^ .p ------1-600.727.8e85------renilalrCallMondaytfiru- ^ eon - . — y ot’i p a id g o n c i- 452SPaikAveW,^ _£]Friday. 6-6.733-0988.------Parmlme ^ help wanted, Must ^Almollm o -...... su^^n^i^i'F^.c.-liI1" MANAGEMENT- be 16. Evos & w eekends. • LoratoraLn PlumbofS-toumoyman ’ PTSi PT: 48 Stato carrier bosod aooUng a woll organized irt-In- OPPORTUNITY DRIVERS - In Bolso. looking lor quail- W In pOfBOn only, Mon. Hyool.foo live In ihwo aroaa and _._money- fo r a n d .^Ivldual ior busy olflM.^ TOPOPPOHTUHmESFOR long or ahofl term. in Woo. Tnurs, Frl, from arolriro Iffloroslod in ttelivortag______YOUR will you earn $20,000-- -OWNEROPEHATOHSJN- 1.5(^58^708 _l^ «*- -*30,w0thl»iwand'morer tOi11-amrProtzol Timer “Thd~■hd~nme« Nows. Pioaso THREE FLEETS: Tr *it678-2^Of733-0«1 n o lo n g e r'n e e d . *i odgo o7oo^irior,Vhavoy® In future y o a ra ? Iniorna- Tranamlsslon mechanic good bonofits, Csll l-BOo- MaqloVanovMaD. call 6- good phono aklllt. rrolor'0^ tional Com pany In Its eth RQldcation S o n k a i, Blan- noodod r proter, Ford o » 0ff- -fa(M)1t3.BudDodoo,- K |- - indlvWlual wilh modlcal - ketw rap and High Value.- oncorC a ontffct Frank Gro- ■ai docado of growth noods- Sdki company noods lull & T . badiareundoxper.Fultimo"0 thfoo sales roprpeortatiyoi. Products. Outstanding trafr Qory. a 677-4108. _ « Rise T o N ew Hieig e h ts A t... :______-p o am o n .P lo a tam B lI ra* - p art time rope .-tntemationdr- - - In this aroa. Aro you: Wantod: Warohooso dolivory . food sdonco.wHh growing . aumo:Atln: Peraonol. PO drivor. Must havo orac- " S o u lu tio n ? JBox 666, Joromo,‘ 10 '"S'ESS""* monihlysakis. sooks a n a °o • quiro CDL A n iy in porson " rope, upward r t ^ l r t y ^ ^ • B33M. • • __ • Ambitious North American Vtn Unas, aI t Soil Sorvlco Furniture, " CBGIe l u s olitaavalidslo. Con Chris T h a w y Toch'a nocktod, fuD-a- •Sc«dablovrHh 800448-2147 7705 Bluo U k o a B W d .N .^ ' , Classifieds! I DeptDI»23. ^ for Intpnrfow. 734-9634. tlmTAM A FM ahlfta avoU->11- goodroloroncos? Wo a re now taking jssO m es _ ablo, working with pro-0- H you quality, you will be' ExpoflenoodkxkBnopereior....< i a ;ll- guorantood:' P e t e lor busy lood packaging ^l ? r u ^ k « .‘Tql5>mo"’n‘l 21=213 USCELLANEOUS ■ i M B tSSGRICASIIO>«j/oa>oi:tcwDA ■ J/ In- • 3 w ooks oxponso paid oporators. & loborofs. Sond OPPORTUNITIES voTved.CallTorosaal . training resum es to Valloy Paving^, _ 0 W E.HAVe IMMEMEDIATE C a ll —T- fOuarantoedfnaomeloslan^ POBox775.-Botfovuo,ID -- Needaxtranwney? — -CcwipMsbe nolit-and . . - . i I l l A B L E F O R ------1 ------VMMa^FSmo-TMpnBwn 83313 or soo us al our cl- AvAvon noods ntprosontotlvos. “ :“ OPENINGS-AVAItA I th^Mforkxalovygonn ‘ roUromofll packogo. nco, St. Hwy 7 5 .4 ml. S. of - No door lo door roquinid. . ■RooniAttene n d a n ts * — —oompa^^^, !«■ Unllmliod earnings potenllolI Fannoqulpmontik)ok>f.!n— -Boltevuo.-g from eam-4om,------C< Can 734-9256 Of STO^TO______. . and advancomonl pocsWI-' BdsohMlminodWoopon- rvatlons” -' \ B - M (Inii •Inglofoxpoflenc^u^ rr :r« PBX/Reserv; To place ybiir TfflnFflPMPWm— ikn awoil you. Ad today (or , H B v u k i asocurotommofTow. • Security'C■ C o o k s classified Ad For a porsonol ond confidon- SalaiyOOE.- lin e n 207 OFFICE/ — ‘tlaTk^rvlew coll Rich Diolz Schtolman Tractor Co. eXPERIENCEEED SERVICE j • H o u s e m * B K : CLERICiU. - - ^K 'V Htr* at 676-3501 Sunday ovosI 376.3333.'askl0fS1eve- • Cashier/Hoste:t e s s - K e n o 6-10 pm or Monday thru TECHNICICIANS ____ ■Jp^dcmofnj^ojd^ ' Hoavy tnicii modimic n ^ ______dowBht — DutservIceftiiilllvQilotfenthe perfed R u n n e r /WWriter*^ r V ^tonoo^Ei^^ ------^ pofBon; must havo buikHng.- “ enviranmenHorlhe righright-oersoiriiHlo^iii- - =—• I oanntn»Ti (ni maintanco,'& mochanlcal5^ WEHIREPEOPLE, • S e c re ta i TIicTim cs^w NOT PAPER best work. We want to Italk lo you if you ’IndudM lnc«ntlvo Bonus ^ S H g g . CfMmtv/telsamBnuladufor' ol Industrial malnienanco are strongJn g in : Tfiisth Is your opportunity lo growrow and become part 0 ! . • Offico & Clortcaijxiclsions.^ chemicals, dogroasora, In- ^["(Srdya&7346542. •Diagnostic‘ Eletilettric Service Ihe itii dynamic Cactus Petes* Feami:ami We ofler excelleol ■- “ “ E X P R E ^ •tHutJor)al. commorcial and Joumoyman Oool tiud Iram- benefKs, including 109 PROFESSIOHAL. . 203 AoiaCUVhJHAl. PERSONNEL SERVICES working condKlons and be taperalSry^ll applKtor* •fueilnjetijection ^ ^ S d profit snaring. Many SERVICES ------TwinFi, 733-7300 • f!5SlKSKS,S:« medical/dental Insurance and pi _____ WANTED: F a rm handi i all Buriov. 678-4040 • No tooa looking lor a sell-motl* Reloroncoa required. Cali You musl also hove 2!yeot5^!erai!PJJX ys ._ . positionsp ; also Include sloniiicanileant tips and Incenlive_____ . - DinIL In English required.)d. Call a 733-0931 ext1 :2 for more Infomi r m a t l o n o r y o u r Sservice € represehtatatlve _____ RNandLRNpoaWonaaval S alary I I .200. C an Maty COLLEEN'S CLUBH0U8 5 2 ; Both Crane 733-9554. «xf. >n. m r n m j m m ' i r . a r g z a«4fl s Ap^olCataiaMomorii l i M M ll a i i m r n r - Hoaplal, Homan Roaoon cr, ^BRTinnlK M |» i i « |i J&C DBye«re>Llconie s s s : : : : - . AutUrto, Home Owners. HeaJth, 8laflCPH&FAe*flifi8d. P arte Ave. BurBuf* onasemasteraabbdlcalro-ro- DRAQT DAIRY .t i l l l®y. >0 83310. For more b placemont. may oxpand ASSOCIATED DELIVERED Ufe Insurance quotes. ™ ° R s e r am lo 6 p m . Mon>Sat.^ Construction & Welding Sand c & gravel topsoli- In M M aeeSrtod. 734-1206%A iO(^k>naD20e^7&-i f spring aomoslor to dirocting- RIVERWEAR GENERAL . ' Independent agency.Many COATINQS ' lorejnslojroflram. Closas CONTRACTORS New or Remodeled __ ■u-MifTftstnrhnfaft— -----7*33-722 3 3 ; io r 326^5857 « • _ _IN THEIYNWQOD^ _ CntirJnKn^Aimji_ _ c o „ I ? - " ALTOWTtOHTAHD REPAIR “ ^ M W . r e > 0 ------5 ^mmQtcial.Jndu3td^* ■ Intho conogo cl Southern ktaho. = F . . . rosldosldentlal. Buildup roofs. . W s'llfltorfix...... - - 734-604. Must Human Resourcoa Dovol- Fami Equipment \] NOHTHWEST LaaliLeaks repaired In 24 h ^ ...... ------b a o a n lll a d a n d o n aslata ia opmant, P.O. Box 1238,)8, Sklwear, Sportswear, - - •• Repairs Manufacturo . CCMPAMY, INC. _ *? Uo#n»dO«yC«“* rtgW ry. MuM bo aalf-mo^lOlt T«5FJi,k)633aH238:36. ja c k e ts ,'P a n ts & PacksI i 324-eftib. ■• Gates 4,Tr8llers ,7 3 3 -1 2 3 4 W> 1 — . valad. honaat a n d abla3l0l0 AA/EOE______CUSTOM SEWINQ 3860 N. 2160 E. Gravel Salts ■ LleenMd^ti»al733-47S<4 ------work •ndapandantly'X ,'" DIRECrOfl of R h /erw ea r R e e c e _ Filer, ID B332B _ _ OFWAWTENAMCE - H B i Garments & Shell coats ------“ VEABLC^l^^O - S a d contact LofffleUm THE WOODWORKS 326-3264 R *J!L Qoodino County Mamorl 7 Si2WXL-4XLInReo 4 Tall - JO H N 'S _ ■n«M°il!!»W73W7g m otiyJSparaoo with ex- ^Counter tops, custom ■ rony'« Landacaplrig g a - E^iUmtU km tM ai -A,A Hotmlmprwamarrt------—SHARPENING"'« --AB types lawn care ------______SE R V IC E ______^_____ 736-8714 “iS Sienl^ii vanHIwr ^ . pervisory axp«(Wnc«& Doug Hughes Start your redwood deck hoine repair seryk»s& morel CCarbide arb & ste el San'S, in H S^^pHfi^^'piy^ y in- ■--^ a l n g ng ^ S ^ — ------yaa-^B 2 - - ^_ .. prqlfctnowl ; , SSAVfTOOTHSHEEI^ •We do whai you cant dbr -b bus u sin e ss slnce-1976.------iSYTjo^.l-me^maiw.' __ i141 £ Bracken SL S. I j W ^ «d«y raauni#.lndiid^rBf^ Experienced. h - 73 4 1 0 5 0 ------____ -encaatoanfvebyMareh.h . Call &4-2S62 Hurry! M f l CNA-NA Opening now avaR-ava 16th to: Mtn Home Schodd •• Commerdaia ------T B ablathat^raraaallaatllatla- Distrk41B3,POBox1300, ALAN'S Qeneniciirpentiv • • ResldenUal _ j your Mountain HomeJD 63647.S ' S T O P l - For Inex^nslve L I H faetlon. a x p an d a yoi : DON'T LET JUST­ _____ RenxidetotNew. | m ‘ awaranaaa olhtimanU.hUy, Phone 2 0 6 1 ^ -2 5 8 0 ^ ^ construction‘ S p e c if J (208)733-854 ‘Ir . reliable lavm care cali sSTAN t SNOW CPA try lo — P lowtf)H your haartploa i IN A N Y O N E — docks,.patlo»r-pafioeovwi------M at'Henbeat .Stan.«i-Scott.Sno.w s t a ______iS r repalr^iraudlorvldqo; ~ r r ; ------ifWTJiual benam iT W ra can»rts,Bhe(is. Sman jobs ------, ^frlDRYWALL------■ ------7 3 3 :J Z 3 B ------' • T a x re tu rn '301 ADMINISTRATION/3N/ looking for a p td a lp to p lot a car equrpment. We |j^RQ 273|H j tople Great oommlsslens. Sot 7 3 4 ^ 4 4 JDrywall lnstallatk)n, taping & ■ Free eailmateat preparation MANAQEkEHr to baeofflt p tf of ourip'ip*- - yourown schedule,lull or h a v e th e factory taxturlng. 16 yrs experience. B 17 S B 3 E _ • Auditing ■ — f - dal car* gh%ig taam: HycHyou Mft time. Can 7341^26. _■ authorized equipment Jobs large or small. ' * ------.F• Financial l Planning ...... Mtnaoimanlpeslilon wl & expertise to 00 the . Greg Lu^^ow nsr R A Y & S O N __ . r Bookkeeping & a iS i! J j ; 209 b S a URANI/ lob right. Do th e y ? L(pert- p i a ^ S a S S i r ^ M t . Via ____CONSTRUCTION ------EPETERSEN f UWN CARE ______BayrolJ------_ ____; _ __ lS £ S ^ BMO*- ^ a j C a n t a r ^ W JU ^ ust- - J — i.W H 9E ------— ■ T “2 2! 5 Y R S E X PE R IE N C E Paj^ng ^ foolnuchfor • FarmFar Accounllng.Senrfco — Precision vid e o & Audio Uiwncara? ______------7 3 6 -1 7 1 1 ------Responsible, F rellaWe.____ -rCallOavldWhMTar,67 Tt* In ^ ^ w Ie n c ? S » lo rr e d ,^ o y all phases ol constnjction. -Top " q i^ lfy senrfceTirftft------'^ 2 i 9 '5 i n - A w r E : ------2201. durtng WMk of it o • r — lower out of pocket c o st Mon-Frl 6-5, ____ _to n . Apply bp « to n 6 N L Y cbn^^^R^a Ibuiuijuiuiiii 77^-5369 FrHeitlmatesI ■ 'f.u . ______HaanhcaraladliwiooUr>Um at: W ^L spU re Can-■rv — Refs ^ a l l Bonded. All ■ Free Estimates 734^9 o th e r tim e s b y a p p t I lor a moOvMd, d a ta oar^ tar.640Rlof'Vve.W..TF. MV. out d area consktefsd. w m AQRICULTURAL Hid aotlvlllaa diraoloe tfi: Wantod: Part tlmo days, ev-8V^ 326-41S6 or 638-6731 WHYBUY^EW? ~~ > C ^ eram ic tile Installer | h ox x ' •'y ^ l'flrw ee k o n d . P^kiaso f o r F rM Estlmataa . 'W E C A N R E P A IR h b s b I SS STAHCRAFT moat branda h ^ u ! . '^flT/n'SnTs ■ g S a E 5 L . G la ss & alum inum SatelWe systems • . SH E L T O N 'S T R E E _ boats. Fishing, skiing & ♦SURE GLOW* t Commercial irasidenSa] • . SI- KTTta NatlonaJ Trantctfpllon Sa Audio -Video equipment ^ SERVICE ll?led 210 SALES Housecloanlng* carpet . F r e e E s tim a te s TIinaiNawB,P08ox64X 640, vloa looking lo r qualllla all styles In stock. iKTERIOHAEJfTERIOR tree topping, tree _____ Madlot! Tranicrlptlonli gwjgjng*noMttlg John Ragan 643-4966 ^ Merccrulser stem dHve. House, bams, outbldgs .arremoval, chain saw \ l m CALUNOAU. REALTORSiiJ Force i Mercury outbosnis. Farmhand naadad: Mu 25 yrs experience. ■ AJiM work A preparation work,'Shrub trIminIng iif Full sales &Sarvlca. . •A-lrefersrw«,freee!S!S Usually b : 423-4236' done by h ^ . or removal, fiauling of . iture 734-3032 far moro mfo) Authorized rBpairsenrtee (or Same Day Service Jr— Estimatesr any kind. Yard woix or gr SlK SIrtt — MEHCURY&FOflCE Ward's Home CoRCtru^on Fann ha^w anlad: Expart25; 8aodraauma:%PalOra#«reeni AVON C a tlJ P E S W Jim Waggoner 5434271 W HA TEV ER •nc«dheafil«.rMr,eropi JRoom J additions, remodeling, ■ g g ; . 360 E BOO S ^ lla^^l PRODUCTS. 733T2310 today FREE ESTIMATES ” • HARBAUGH MOTORS, -electrkal.piumbiftg.Nojolj FR ...... ' ^ ^ ‘. s s g r too large or too sman. 20 yrs h 733-7438-324-6641 n'ont Boise baaed gourm et lood INC.636-6323 fl Uaedboat8 In stock exper, Free estimates. ■ ib *i company has o p e r ^ lor 1 Coward 734-6294 | 9 6(LTREE SERVICE lA 'a . a a i ^ m . 1 ^ commis. BsjifiiM iiuyii D6( TrTrimmed or shaped, ’•y •' aion earnlnga 1300 • .raxnovalA stump— - Follllmajn^ltwrwwtadJ•dor •ooordrnoloaxparianoij||M -. f lOOO'f per w eek for thatlat .aadKita3giAr,csi)Mli1^^ iat~ ■ K in T K R T fT jlB Upgndsyourold ------'Bdk)s&maintains se«nent " ISwns^nkling “ ^em s," □rtndlng. Free estim ates. ~ ~ tM ^ S e e o H '’ ...... Sni be 5ed"cated“fo ourlur - system to . . vinyl house siding. »V«mp«lr.H»co ” 1or& /nsurwf. 536-5186 or O aoam l lann hand winl^. l # MadoCamOantaf.iF^j___ iralnlnfl* lead programs.ns. 386or4S8power , ► . Free estimates. Refa. J 1-800-536-5185 muatknowonyttyintsalk me & lneuranc»£^ i^ ^ ^ .» starting et : General handyman repairs. ™ o \ J . C . B U IL D E R S 670-1814-678-3744 Kan'a Handyman Sarvka S ^ S S s ’ 'pa'Bj.'sMK ComditiConitrudlonSwvIca $199.00 . ^li'TszrcSf’fi ltal real loam Player. aRClETCONSTRUCnON 328^oravaa32M4S g ASB2 havo mao.. iy. c.llBMJteo734S047g._Ji_ Home building, roonfi f a s s i a --IHSTIwgrngjMPlg. ■ ___ I Qartafaltaftirmntf naida| i y . — Tilln.- -B u a h ea rD N d o rp o temal— W - addltlona,-remodeling - -Up.to-BgVsavlnoal^ i M » r- sowwpgriPiw laymaw; " ELECTRdLUX and how lo run m o sR tw a S r SSST'MlEMJirk>- 324-2426 734-1667 1 ____ . .calper»onw«haaleeimai».-in------= HO NEY D O , INC.I1 » ^^acuunw l sham pooers; ' • . . : jaiSBSBL22551S_ Nojobtoosmalil central vacuum s. ___ *(■ TheReflnlahtr ^ } -___.-10HyiV— :------C all D EW EY T U B B S ...... ___ .5 4 3 -4 9 3 4 -_____ SaltS ales, senrfce & repairs. Comptrtyrgyafms 734-6271 Archi^l^mb^733-S61B ------a L_ ■■fflH ISTH HI FENCES ______;______Arcl imrtPu 4880X286MHrVlB~ ------r E R C E S - ~ ______.flraln>4 ro* ofop farm I C a rte Je w e le rs In n e s ^ 6MBRAM.5.25*iai‘HDH» FENCES - 340 MB IDE HDD ...... • n e e . For m ore Info oall-Si. “ T T T * i4'Co(ocSvaA;2aNi Fendrtg Special S P A R R O W I ' 43M 234;0flaav»m aq. a. 324-9607, Je ro m . HONEY DOJNC. ■ Free Estimates CONSTRUCTION " _ _ -BOOKKEEPINQl :• 32 bit wnd seed, a/1 MB . “ MoU#erDOS.-MSWIndow8- ~------HEARTWOOD------V._____ SERVICE CONSTRUCTION . V Computerized $1999 LAYTON RV** b y AfiVERTISE^ 640MBHDD4t237 A Reqsonable Rates_ 1 ______-wSiVsnyMf lS^ --8KYUNE---- , WORD'S WC WORTH ! YQUP ■ r ~ ~Margir^ Tubbs ------208-734-6663------.—Wehave.a good MesHonriWodPtocettlng Prof* _ - ... “^ERVICrSPECfALTYLIY (20fi) 734-6271 1039 Blue LbMBMUTF | — • selectionSI of NEW 5th Repo ■. IN TH IS DIRECTORY VimEELS, TRAVEL "Ha s a r s T . . •EaDdlCDtli ,' p PAUL'S HOME REPAIR -TRAILERS 4 . . 733-1606 " nfeadunOtft/ttlm^of00/ ■ ■ •neuntl» .S g ! S S ? Faucets, toilets. f.EXPANDOS In stock. IS25AdtanAnEIH03(aliOJsQ1S25^ _ IHTERBOUHTAIN a- ’ fourcM ttl.. : . - ■ • B M .. -. BookkeepliwAiax— - w ater heaters. Also large selection of ------^COMPinERSEBWM W orid , IWRQANOFRCE SERVICE preparstiort* ^ loan Old Flodring R epairs Installation. Starcratt Tent Trailers.. HOR Your ad Wm » a e h 22,00 Secretary & ofncs support assistance • Invoica . • Computor taj^inparation USEDRVa&RVRep^ Seer a i ■®'’S S S - « H a rd w ^ l& a tlo n ^ HARBAUGH.MOTpRH Word V\ Processing, . c iii ■ ' Stan _ . collections Fr^lnW jl ' c o n su lta tio n 7 3 6 4 6 6 8 Flnl8hlno& Reflnlshlnp 3 2 4 - 6 5 1 7 INC6366323 Data entry. • ■' s« 'sr4 «^ Bonded DeDesk_^wbik^tng meat S e e t f O n B ^ V . ' siayp-Asrs««>• - iMdiiyata arakMWngj^' y \ I

■' • i ...... — . 7-...... ' .1. ■ ... • . Q'll Tm oc-Nows. Twin Falls,ills, Idnho Mcndny, March 7,7 ,' 1994 ■ , ; :

Employminent-Finaniipial-instrucictio ri-R ealI Estate/Saale«Rea^Es [S tate/R entt - : 2 1 3 - 6 ( W I

-f J jT h eeTim l es^few s BUY I f‘ - SELL 11T - FIND T I t LSmOMEB - > ■ ^ i S E B 5 3 I. ' " " S S i i ^ M poBraHafli£ -1 j

TB-MOBll£ HOMES-— ^ 602-1:-UNFURNISHElO-^rr— 60 4-UNFURNISHED -U f ------401 SCHOOLS A W ...... 5M “Hoiis : ...... , T i r i TrUCREAGE5'AND~^ 'STB- HOUSES. ..A. a l p t s /d u p u x e s ■INSTRUCTION-- • FO R S A L E ...... I - l o t s ------973 GroatLakos mobilo ____ ' home,24x60',2bdrm,2. j^^lrr Jnn apt for rent, now car- Personal tutor for lo ss than ~BrBright & choorfui opon noo7~ 4■ Salo S by ownor 1 ocro lot, , 2 drm, 1 balh,-attflchodg»-. 1 bdnn 1 2.46 ACRES ON bath, all carpM loss lhan 2 . . qgo, j fenced backyard, pot.p:II. point, utilllWe paid, - ■“ J1.00:hrStatoottho nrt- -‘■'plan,'oooollholarB06t3, i . CalllorniaCi Pinos, N Calll. ROCK CREEK vrayrs old. Must bo moved, llSmo.-. roloroncwre- . mu!U-raodIai?UBpUtorwl(lt.. bdnn, t 2 boih homos In Iho _S90QO K 324-6533 ------j ;?5 n mo 4 $300 dop, no I41S r 'wo sopar& to pro p o rtlo s. tl4.Q0Q»Hor:S32^139 t l 4 • ^■ta. 326-4493 ovos rlrnd Call 734-9922. ‘ K-12lhgrodooducotlonal- Ofoa.Lnrgo20x2 j 0 famlly 3uy. Bu) t»U, roni of swap wlih a p Back parcol is 1.46 acros, ,»OT^Champton. 14x52. Call 35 ^ ^ im opt. no smoking, 1st Botiworo. Financing avail- iroom with privojovfcw of a -- „oitrolloroOK.hasoosomont 334 abto. Coll 734-2226. |xlandscopodyortishadod last mo ront. Call 324- and is fight on Roeii Crook, i76Mon-FrioflorS Truck DrlvlnB'&Hosvy . :2 kivoldod(. Fomiyroom 51012 'FARMS/RANCHES bdrm, 12x 60, oxcollont lo- 3? nDRM c HOME: 5 mllos S o l S576j; Front parcol is ono aero drm ,^g^ra^^o potr. ' i i p i . Equipmont Training has fun 2 0 tl.ll3ra;ywe!l, ANODAIRIES . . . wilh wll 3 bodroom, 2 bath cation f®* *Tho M eadow s*, ximi;m borlyJ525m o + $500 1 bdrm Hands on training: ShortAong■' Bo6ca I wood^iovoA eky- douWowido on foundation. largo '*'» dock, trussod root, H>.Cail733-9250------< ^ -.n custom eobinots, otganlior RESOS d B t ,1 coufMo; C .D l. rolrostwrs: Iflhls, I vaolod IWng room ~• lOOOACRERAN^ F?( lomian: O piionjo buy. 4 212 ft 3 BEDROOM- • ” J placqmont ossistoiico; li- wHh many windows & 1.■ocatod / just 40 nnrotoo CA ;roa.viow;garaoo,.shop. TlTOWNHOUSES '______—iw«e««MiraalMOrUrB«~ 3^<.; a 2 .I 9 4 .0l!7------■cflUih'fli&uTivniioy.------3 ? ll4.7S0.726-0944- ^ XiTrdrmr3TJBttTr*M0------NOWINTEfERVIEWING ^' by 'ACCSCT.piotol Truck vwonWMehonhasloodsol pfxcollom „ hunlinq; door. oIK. I i $850. feves 837-4499 WashVashorftdryorhookup Driving School lofovorSO counior&cabinots.Now phoaaanl. and diukkor. ' a t2 Govenor, 14x70, Lazy J. S<1^466-9258 l i ______SiWSmall yanf&storoM —vonrsn^OO-888.7073^------dtshwd ashorasoH dooniog' vtfdfatdr flghlsTATtrMrrlm ------f No DOtal 734-6600 ______^ E O R VAIflRIOUS— ...ovon.Sopomtotaundry.,, ONES-WE.HAUL= oludod.5396,000.— 1 Jsuollycannitwoyou . ZWm.jnn.noarLynwoodmall, - } 402 MISCELLANE^~ ...... room with siorago. G as Cell 1 Phil Conger, Sun GEM ; )05. for 1 or 2 pooplo. I hoat. oir condition, all 00 ^ JYWHERE for kiss than IRrUNITIES ■ LESSONS , Vallov floaltv 622-3392 STATEi REALTY —^ CASH lor usod- ANV srpon.W-Dfadiily.Call JOBOPPOH _ ono tovol. This homo b 7^ 734.0400 ronBng a truck. Nood 0 aero lami south of Costlo- __ - mobile homos. ™loadstoCoIifftAriz. ^ -A52-11>22ii^^^^^___ ; Piorw tossons In your homo, doan. MOVE IN 4 SfT. 6? ' ! 'A acros by ownor: Noar Brockmans B 324-4203. 1° $103,900,733-1301. lord, lull walor sharoo, 2 'A FREEESTlM iW ES *' JPARARTMENTS: T Cloan, qui- ' oxporlonco to.Qchar. all ^01^ ^ , $89.000,,Cali Snako |n Rivor Canyon. 1-800-773.3167. P' TUESDAY, Mm a r c h 8 - , noM. Call 73B-2057 OIIConiaaoLono 9‘ $15,000. Call 423-4355.------Can324-34S0. Ot,, &ft toffictont. 1322 Wash- 2571 Nnvn?>Circlo. -Z2 glonStN.TF»733739. 1 toundaifen. 3 bdrm. 2 bath, 0 ? ' By Ownor Lovoly 4 bdrm. 2 TODAY!! J" wkh-kH, sm down, ownor fi- 460.MJ.Main Stroot S 1000- c s iI kweiton,km very Ig 2 bdrm. ! 11:00 AMUto 6:00 PM ba., 4 iovol. 2 liroplaco. Prk'ricod ot $125,000. Sharp 5 doublo carport, sibrno nanting ■''•I; or rent to own. 6250 oppls, Quiol NE. 8 9 ^ 734-9136 b(bodroom . 3 bath homo in room, shod, ftbasomont.- NO APPOINTMEMlENT NECESSAHY BoaotiMviow.SWofFJtef. Roasonablo. gO' Call 734- 13001lOKimboiiyRd 2 3 -1000 wlhcc quiot cu l-d o -sn c In NW SouthLocufit _ 1420 $525n Closo to Jorom o: Comfort- Qt Cnfl 326-5036 lor Mpt. - - S S |7 ^ & p^_ --- A,'- -T------“ J11C.1I >25m -able-home on-BV^ofoer- ^ Twin Fsllf 2 rrvMrie^ ^Cflj nwoiivll 'lllk'foncod back yard foaluros t-on - acro s wilh ton sh a ro s ------wiyran>odotod2bdmico«- Voryliiry large 2 bdrm, eppls, _.44tl0 sqfl homo. 423-4934 ggartion spot wkh fnjit troos. wator, can bo splil ono ■ go in Klmbor^. Autontatk: wslor ater sanitation pd, now from Sun Vallalley available { Covoroo patio plus dock. .1.limo. G roat location, Jusl ■ HVparklng. Much, much AN EQUALOPPORTUNlUNITYEMPLOYER F/M For salo by ownor, hooso at • R ' souih ol Buhl. Pavod rood. ■ ass& rrte"/ m -23i-Ekni»,Castl«l0t«L.l-0f- jnofQ...Cfi!LDoQnna.for.dQ:_ _o>oetBOrprosOnlljMofmodrll- -■^ 9 1 jrpctrveryeie8ftr$465a------2 bdrm. 1 both, nico lot. tails 1(d nt 733-0636, m -0 4 8 Jjiwill bo gono by sum m or. ■ onth plus $300 deposit. " FORRENT Pricod at $15,000 firm. Col Possbk) ownor cany. C A a I olofoneofl roq. 4 2 3 4 4 8 t_ noww 33I bdmi, 3 bath condo, 20B-S43-SS50nHnr6pm. a EQUALHOUSING -2 THOMAS LLOYD AT 324- ff oshono: Nioo 3 bdrm, poo $700 per mo.+ $700 do­ Sho/p Twin Falls homo. 2 I 3752. #93-377. I! /ail. approx. 3/15. $475 p posi e ^ . No pots, Contact TWINFALILLS JUNIOR OPPORTUNITY =bdnn.2boib.dblcorga. GEM ^ 0.1st7Taslmo.. + $200 ___ 3 Al roal ostota advwUslng In t»9 rago, ri oak kitchon. w inkior ' ; >0. No p d s. 788^117___ nowspapof i* sutjjodto tho FaJf j STATE REALTY. i W 3 bdrm, covorod park- systom.otc.. $ 5 9 .m C a !l 734-0400 I 02 UNFURNISHED - ' i | ?4 E bdm . 3 bath, family rm, %B for 2 cars, vory wotl in- Hcu»ig Act vthd) m a te I legBl W $ B 0 0 .4 2 3 - 5 2 0 6 ._ TUSja'i; CARRIERR0U1UTE AVAILABLE n a advMIss ‘any protoronco ...... -R i HERE’S THE FARM - ^GEM ?-.-.-HOUSES------ilalodftsoundproollng.------I bnUcn cr d x A i s i ^ based cn STATE REALTY ~ - Hrino and Stuan dist., all FOR YOU! S yrkiosetn Joromo. 3 bdrm, eo3 1500 block';k 4th A ve. E. raeo. o±r, rti^m box. horricaf^ 504 50< BURLEY/RUPERT . 7 , 734-0400______I FURNISHED S)pls, . ' WD hook-up. leaso 7 acros full w ator sharoe. ___ Sbath. nopots. $565. I tv tM sta& or h * x d otVa or . HOMES...... go SmborlyRodi Crook proper-.. APTaOUPLEXES $S60-iSo- $350 dop. 754-4121 . - Harmon1 PF a r k A v e . gauxJpipo.Comlottablafo.. Kimt Can 324.73k . ------...... or734- on inlansion. u makfl any tutfi __ m odolod lom ily h o ^ o . 4 - ty,ly, 5 acros. Sconfe building ^ 734-ag74.------pioforonco. •Ilmllatton .or bw lbdnT u440& m . $400 mo. 1 bdridrm furnished apt in TF, n e WL^ L o c; u u s s t S t . BY OWNER: Prosllgious bdrm S s. 2 baths, now motal siteflW$26.Q00.734-2140. . 2 M i WLY REMODELED: Largoirgo 1 bdrm, W/D hook- 1 * ! ! ! j ^ «hop-(30:x50UnsUlolod)L _ ijiNEW HAGERMAN— ^ •------Ai \ ls l s o - t ------:— - othor outbuildings. A good rWmt7<46Srre6.1664:rr. w aiy. te^ng^^^'par^tso^S {? SUBDIVISION ^ itlons, tuts no cookSng^- ‘~sanlfS ------5^0-blO G k-8thlth-& -8ttW W a^-^ .- aistodiarrptoonaftl-women and -JI buy-lor-$4«9TOOQ-£ALl_ _ ^jjo*.paikiJ»mos..2idrm.. _?«lo p ^ ^sottrtig cutPdy g chfctsn _ li KATHY PARTRIDGE AT loautilul waiorrrohl lois &n 1 bath. 1 car go iM o .i^. cflity LUXURK}UScuslom4 - 3 : livo stroam. Unobstructed WD hookup, gas/A d, WOO J o f lj 1600 block 2ndnd & 3 rd Ave. E. 324-3800 OR VIRGINIA «« . bdrm,2 bash,codarhomo, ELDREDGE AT 730-1735 ^views, now pavod road, un- m o f$ 600.Nopot8,n o Voryiry nico small studio, utils • 733^7739. dorground utiUios.1 ocro lo Anyone interest!isted In delivering Thjno««ww»iine«lox7**itfy vmwofSnakoRlvor&boat v FOR p( DETAILS. #93^50. smoker*. 1 yr loaso. Drive paidsId. close-in, $275. Call ^ , QUIETq l LIVING , accopi any sdvertblng lor rvil dock accoss. Boom col(- 2'.4 ocro parcols with irriga- ^v^241 &249 ElCamlno. hs-?6-0eS5,______^ ^ ------Cloan ccompiox, 1 2 bdrm csaio »tt«^ b in v k 3 i^ ol Vie inos, |r hardwood floors, fam- ^ lion walor pipod to each b l. t 4< lon ft fs-Newscall law. Our foadars are' hereby lly room. Foncod yard. i Pricod from $20,000 to »oon 2 bdnn, Hanson. $300 604I UNFURNISHED Roll The Times- $27,500. Ownor flnanclno inlormod that all dwonings $169,OOO.Oualiiiodbuyors c 1 V $ 2 0 0 d o p ^ . 423-4509 APTS/DUPLE)£S dishdishwasher, laundiy . advettlsod m r t t now^sapor a n at e s wilh 25% down & 733-093)31 ext 202 - only. 654-2524. GEM I K3WNT0WN LOCATION. 1 ------fiJdlitkis, no pots Nico nowor 3 bdrm houso, STATE ■ REALTY flo>floxkjto torms. Rosorvations P P " 1 & 2bdrm opts ^84 864 Quinev < 734-0600 _____ or Doug sa^sK S isssss fii; 734-0400 boibobg taken now. Constnw- bdrm, oof appls, walor, sanii ask for c aIH U O T otS oai-fiO O «9- groot 8| location, closo to __ .£urolPari(Apanmonts oshono: large 2.bdrm, shopping &-schools. Call SalJalo Of toaso: 357 acros farm Jjoilionldbeginoarlysprlng. 176Mautio)TN.,TF. 9777. Tho Toll-lroe tolophcns ^ Famasllc focallon. Beautl* §«l'MANAOEM|fife._ -J'ti , 171 - ruTber tar r o hoaVig Im pM b 6^678-9159.------o01 rca lllo oporation wllh 2 733^)739. ------Z 3 t i i l 2 5 i _ _ . heat, homos. 10dacrosin|iiOT ful viewa of Hagerman ------I i-eo»3Z7-ez7s. ______[ —------h< Vallay. Groat invostmont Exc(•xcollont location, now 3 2bdrtdrm. washor-dryor hook-. 4dop.tea. Can < 686-24:^. 213 USCELLANEOUS potoniial wllh lonits to suit bdrbdrm, 2 bath, dbl car ga- up, dio^t.in Buhl,,close to — r ' > - 505 SOi GOODtNQ/------'^iveci^yoaJii£fl.8tisaoi._ g' s a g ; ------OPPORTUNmES------WEHDEDTHDHES------?! :tiDolsft shopplngrOsil ' S02 ^ P______TF canal-wotor, realtor «■*: l3^7orsg^964. ownod 543-4930 543-5669 ______Enlroptanouu^uainosB. 8Y^)WNERr2 bdrmri-b«h- -2 ;THE4IANAGElEMr.C0— r-«>uiliTy Hiy.hi«, J-tyjrm—----- =------buitoors noodod to launch h ^ B homo in Gooding. $32,000,^ 514 . INCOME • ^ 733-0739. 3bdndmi, 1'Abaih,slngk>ga- -3batl-bath; lamily room, wittC . company in rogion. oxcol*' . .. rm llo Eol Hagorman. t 5ia...ACREAGESAN0 514 Ulor aJ>datcauoltyJipra.^ _r«ii oU]ar..cov«red.palio; lent trolnlnu and on-goIng . houso, garaao, on e i — LOTS ‘ ...... - ^ P R O P E H T Y ------^ No pols, no smoking. R a f ^ »5Si ncod yard, sprinWori. oak .. ..su p p o rt, upward moollity,- acros. Ruin Evans, . 1^ eroncod roqulrod. $ 4 ^ mo. 24-8171 ext. 277. j , | i ^ B37-4975.______506 =0( JEROME HOMES Juiklyoordfoam homo ovor NIC41CE MOBILE HOME ^ ichen, garage, AC, 6 bonofils Qvolloblo. FT or 326-4431.______11 3bdndffli. 2 both duplex. $575 monthonth loose, no smoking or PT. Call -9634. looking valloy on 10 acros PARK,p t oiwoys fun, high in. ^ " 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 2400 sq il. 2VSi 2V acro8.^14x70 mobiki ^S of Twin Fads. $6,000 por _ como, co only qualiliod nood Qooi okKt. + $600dop. p o9ts, ts,: $900 month > $450 . .. vaullod, oxionsivo oakiilo, Fuol attopdant_noodotf._r . 301-BUSINESS — ------ocro.Ca)l734-^1. . a»lv.436-1374ovos.u> doc an734-S767.------deposi» 08it;CaB 686-2^97.------! ...... Part-tlmo. can work IntoI . OPPORTUNITIES now carpol, 2 liroplaco, cany.’$6500down.balanco ^ ■ fulMimo. Abo, dbh woshof, iacuz2ilu b .2 carQorago, & in15yrs'.10V«39.500. i. various sNns. A p ^ In por-I; OwnpOH3hooorouto.$1200r m o ^ $ 110.000. W akool- Call c 324-5532. ______A — BOO, Tf«volortOisi8, north." wkjKontlal.Uf»lquooppor.------riljm anW da..______3 bdrmhou6orl937-#Q < t-B - tufiilv. 1-eo(M te-7M 2- 4 bdrm. 2 b a h , basomonl, |>lus tismt 00 2^ ^ 8^with- Full timo dotlvory person" W H A T F - garago. 568.000. P warrtod. Must bo noat In ap-„ Icouklshowyouahomo 374 Guincv. 734-6692. ^ ----- — pofl woo-Applw. ln,paraon ■ BY OWNER: 3 b d ^ , 1 both. - l iM M M JBlma iv rrMniTliir- ■ Tarth-y tioi' ■f f l r p 568 Blue La)(osfelyd'N._ AVAILABLb- ni - coukJoomup... nowj^ - KImborly School Olslriot IsI« • - '4 5 % rotftllproflt. - N.------t o d a y - - " Nko. comfortoblo ieoo sq'tt ^ S pSSSd.S?fius In Wmboriy. 3 bodrooms. 2 Extra Exi sha/p 4 bdnn homo In Mrt-tlmo bus drivor. Appll-^ 5%olthoOH088rotaiI baths, coiy family room, country e sonlng. wkh rodoo- coUofis'cafl bo picked up a® - aaJosbf^roaanlzoikjn—•------Two dockergreoHamily- ;-o tho district olfko. 141 Con- Whhoutaboeaoremploy- homo. Can Dan on mobilo. s ts r S t W ost. KImborly. Or oo< llmkod ovofhoad & 420-5811. Pricod at acres * Aus walor shares, In can.4ga-4t7a.______stait-up costs undor S50. $74,500. #93-516 excollont « location SW ol Joromo. Must see to appro- ~AToydJBvTinS^Otl t h a r ^ ------______K.>iUn Is now *ccoptlng-«p— plicattens for parWimo to*- '> so n a l om ploym oni In o u r . niam b IsI S till ■ 6 r d ! ~ ~ GEWi507 KETCKUM/SUN lam bly Pbul-Sai( a m a ______S t S S J S i S ST - . INTERNATnNAL ------STATE REALTY— - VAlIEYflOHES------^ BUSlNEBSREVIEVrard 734^)400______B«autllul4-leve1with4bed- ATTENTION Al DEVELOP­ 5P>. Looking lor school bus driv­ 4 rooms, 3 bath, now carpel, ERS: E Two prime develop- S a l e * ers to drlv* In TF ar*#. Will s living room , Jamily room m n snt sites In Sun Valley. s s s irtln. ipproxlmately 15-20s "SMS’S I w lh flreplaee. approx 2400 Four F acresll* and a 1.7. l a m T o d a y ! hours por wook. COL II-’■*’ to help introduce to Jdaho. sqft,$l16.000.fayowner.. aacre sKe, zoned commer- osn se roqulred. Must haVt« Patented Products. clll»3»-2544------colal. Can (se hotel, bed- g ood driving record 4 b#• ....WOULD IT BEWOHTHI BESTBUY: we.ooo, near bbrsakfs*t. eondo*, *io. Ab­ •bl* 10 p u s physical. C t«t> 20 MINUTES OF YOUR -CSL^I113^ig^_ ^ •solutely the best parcels'» ~ TsiwOM , 9«m-ipm. Traln-V TIME?Fofai»t734.976e_ led. Call Toni Lash ft Co, ■ Ingsla/^lnflpo^ RssItors20a-72»-C123or 7. 302 MONEY TO LOAN ” 1094 TEHMPOSPORT work hours ar* .tl^Spm & - EXCELLENT BUY BIQ^OORIVER FRONT som* Salurdays. Exparl-f : ISNEEDCASH7 •djaoent te dty of Sun Val­ one* • must. Also, mustIt W e buy n o te s & real estates - ON THIS Sley. Flv* acr**, 335 feet ol * ^ hav* r*fsr*.no*s. Call Jimm contracts. Creative FinanceI SPACIOUS BRICK hrivsrfront. hugelroutpond, ,ltt733-ie25. 1 ^ W M C Q 9 .---- FAMILY HOME IN y ir round stream, all ced Including a ooTMl. /8 u m m * rc am p d lia cio rs aft 304 INVESTMENTS - r- .GREAT . I Private road and bridge siatl n*«defl for oirt scout : NORTHEAST J $075,000. T e n lU s h ft Co. camp* near MoCdlft Salm­1- For sale: Acreao*SW o( TF, l o c a t io n ; j Rssliera30ft<72M122er w S32.000. Lonsiarm leas*. on, ID. Call Ja* Emery, '• 6 bdrm*, 4 baih* wllh 4400 ^ Af=TER RE WT E 3^-a0lt.eint07. - __ -i6%ntum,^utlalytaxde-^ sqltclllvlnpar**. Hard* BUILDtNOLOT, gi one sunny * * * * * * _ wood fb o rt. Main lioor tarn* acre, a liv* miles south ol NEW HAGERMAN DYioomoffrooontfyremod- CSunVatoy.Wsterftpower g VIRGIN RIVER d e d kitchen. Fofflial living arcln. a Bordsrs on green _ SUBDIVISION a n d dining room s. L arge beir. b One ofaklnd^now. » Bucket Soots'•Air * -- HOTEL-CASINO-> Beautiful waterfront lots on sd Manuol Ovordrive-*Cloth Bui ;; p riv ate fencod backyard s 1 SE Trim P a c lw g ^ ______' live stream . Unobstructed° wkh o o v ^ palk} T >«frosler •light Group •Sport SE B I N G O , IN views, new paved road, un- In a x«ung buyer r«b _ ____^^„..*Duouol aedfic.M IfTors— -■------M E S Q U IT E , N E V A D A ito wW^i^to oach^t Priced at 1179,900. #93- ^TEN ACRES OF BIOWOOD ~ I t looking for the Priced from $20,000 toI 279.______. . . flRIVER FRONT aeoluded to llo w in o g re a t *27.500. Ownor flnanclno, and private. 7S0 feet oP MCROWM at«% wlth2S% downft rhvr front, huoe troul pond n ftoxMe terms. Resotveiions and atream . Poet end rail ICTOBIW ^ fencod. u**i, full sun. At ^ - - ag a fe ! GEM .=4^iMfcie-tFtjw j c»y o|l S u n - W P f iveootM. m ust b e sKTF . to wonriff7shill, starting 4 1 ^ ^ ful view* ot Ha'germsn . bridge W ® . * , W»9*dop0«>d*.oiw-. ___aaT©nLL*sh.ft.6 >. 5-^-rFANTA&'nC^ “bReeltorsZ^TOOiaor . 1; -X fflS ffiir.'Si : STORY HOME m ^ PLUS BSMT - j; JS 3B SM !-* lii one ol th e nicbst s u b ^ I - 50 KIMBERLY/’ ...... * Bue person* all shift* slons in Twin Falls. Fea­ HANSEN HOMES . . W 4»pefhowp(usltof^,• :305 CONTRACTS AND' tures 5 bdrms, 2 ^ baths It MORTOAGES • E * e* tu n t w*Q> » b * n e m By ow ner: 3 bdrm , 2 bath r a i s ^ - ^InKIiTiberty.VlOEIm 5 S ? K p“SS;« |< Contracts, trust doods, pur- lub room, dock, g«z«bo. SI S N. L arge fen ced lot •4 .6 1 V-0 AAoduIor Englno-»E!ocloclronic O D A ulom ollcTronsmsm liijjion •Ait. V ■ outo'sprinklora.airtdaa- ^^ ® d ^ t $62.000. Call' loHEI X Co'ndl,ndiilonlng •Power W indows &1. locksI •Cnjiso •Till •RMr.Wim/V indow DolrosI II -JWS5S“a2r; ■ rago openere, built-in*. l.iod-772-4666 K _..rC>onvpnierwe ory Group *DuoI Air &Bog SoFety •Front Rear Floorir /vVatsM •M ocbI 'only.1*«qO-94«'7721. z ■ heat pump,*and:ffluctt^ 5115t O U T ^ S T A T E • -FOR-YOUR PERSONAL r —- P R O P E R ------2i7"]^uiyiE SHOWINQ.ffOMOO.. » PREPARATI^ Southem Oregon coast: 41 _uok AM jnotel^collont— ra#i200H or ouat6inIx*d ccM n yfcnn. A real nwmv mikerl Long term'ownor t- GEM !nandng. $1^450.000X10. STATE REALTY WMr Tuttle 603-247-6606 or ■ • ove* 5(^-247-7628., ^ ^ • Cfndyal7*weo«^-- . , 7 3 4 W 0 _ _;o IBB

------• ■ t ------1 - I

' ' V ^ • , . Monday, l

6 00 » 4 - 8 1 9 R e a l E s t aite/R t ent-F aam ier's-l\/lafirketj/liscee l l a n e o u s

r jT h Sj'Umesl'fews ' iU Y IT ■ S£LL ITT - FIND II L STOMER 4 c j j y J 133,\-0 9 3 » M W K ^ | ------:— ------. - ~ 7 - ..______' - lUSfCAL • 604 UN^RNl^EO 7{ 10 HORSES 809I COIffUTERS ,' 81T FURNTTURE F 817 MlMISCELLANEOUS 'f f m i S 7fl2 CATTLE - ' 70705 FARM 710 ^CTRUMEHTsr:. “ APTSJOUPLEXES^ ■= — -ttACHlfOY— -AND CARPETS— ------FORSALEF( ------:------FO Day old Hoisloln buli colvos _ >to- lie compolor, monitor, . . { and. Imago WTfior,prtntor, ro„ o(, iload quilting Imm'o, Aniiquo0 uprightup oak piano .Hoo«nnsn:2bdmi,2bath,4 Jtofsate.tlOO. 53&'292a. CERTIFIED c CENTENNIAL- - M l nodoling: Matching so la 16x68 fiifiroworks booth for Homoslo 300 or trade lor firowood. & chair.chc 5 175; onloriain^ cftlo.S:n tgQQ Cflll 734-8697. HinlonbiCTlohlquaniy,liteh^H», & *'^Hoavy Ho dralt •m u l0 ^ n m ~ ~ T ^a«a37.664a.------mnn^- 00virr$73rrofrtgoratofr 6& 9yrs,old. IBMcQ492.______nd now cuslom m ado docKkig homo, vlow, »250. Call 8ALEB3BULLS [ 1.to0.733-l@ ______«aof.Call 733-5319. S550- 423-6443 ovo- B37-44&0of466-B25e. i^bfrth^j^^l J MFTHBA : ranch broko 7^ а. coffoo tablo ond dfotso or wookonds,•— • horios lor salo, Juddaboth w486SLC66mulimodia ‘ 5°'“- >inan Powor Baso 4000 . 30sS = 3i“- W------WOTEL.ma«to»-736.lcaa- ^ ^ lo a n p r N-5 «qm bino In hori — ooflwulors lor sa te - : alching ond tablos. 2 Coloma ' Simmonial's tor salo. Maluro good celncn. vory good ■ Wanted: 1 young ctocKccMrT- WOMC-biflvrt»Dl.Bpraftdof.lan. —J!.” ? }paIlals.CalL7.J3.'0931. $5():a!U< - rofflfl.-cableTVwHhHBO. .VS CariB0r-257'-5061------• = »vom06sago^------jh o T i i57S0,436-5184ovos------^ ■ Kanda on. gonllo. C al 537^" ''j'ilruck. 55000 or poBSlblo can 0 Timos Nows, or stop $50; OhK h r « ^ moia Borvlco ovoryday. i id oak onlortainmont con- ^ tIho h o olBco bolvifoon 8 am all lor $; proownod planoa bo- ■ Stop by and chock Hoot bo- J6871 aflftfSOT.______1trodo. 733-3983______Pointsoints, Ovoros, Toblanos, all »,«i n n E W o o o 5250.734-6542 . Qualiyproo IH 5500 groin drill, 6 x 2 4 . coiccolors, woanlings, yoar- r, liis 5 0 -big scroon TV. a nd5rd5pm.132 3fdSt.W, _ Movings0 soli, couch, dryorA tow whojoti^olosalo. 6 ^ 2 7 1 7 . tore you ront. 380 W. Add^ Wanlod; VS Pasluro tor calllo, >H lings. 2 yr olds, meros. Top p r r - OSS doors on both Bidos Q rovca »on.TO3-«021-______20; pa Ira. 543-6659.- «soodor ailachm ont. Nicol Unga )0 firowood. NoodB 10 bo glosc y carpot kit - loom layer, kjtchon)n tablo 601, $75 oa.'« R8«ter»dPl■>dPlano..7a3-3905 537-6609 ______^ Woohtl^linw. 733^93 ovca ^^ili Id ovor TV. oak lowor on’^^oglop ol plywood comport- misc. 7:736-3904,------Wurliizormor multimaiio organ, . Rooms lor ront: Cablo TV “YEARUNG ANGUS ni ogls. QHgolding. 16yfs, ------; >ors lor vidoos ond olhor )nis. 65''x96*. good p^pgj InclHBO, houookooplng. IH 560 irador & cab. %2QX. RogIs lo r cooior wilh filling with Bonch,banc $300. Evob. . BULLS FOR SALE. Flashy, oxcol. roin. Hunts, orago, Porfoci condition. gjocoir^no. $250.73X4638^ X s aB .d oora. $800, C all 829-5968. direct dial phonos, convo- ' 6 row boan cullor, 5550. rlas “ ■ V -zsa------sowl280OH>ntvLUOOa- r 252^______nTonntownlown locollon. -Hniorr$350.-Moworrti95: TpoctM cka^roposrQulck ft a lh - — 110 gym. Pro Form Sya- Mon-RlFarB:6:i24.2375. SmtralCo^iw^' t ^______r.llITiNG 4x4 DIESEL 819 OfFlC»T1CE ■ horso. 51600-677-4521 * 2'B Stlil AvBlialA.' lnlo^^a!lonei54eetrac)o^4 -S2S AHD CARPETS S dido ndftkjn 324-3660, •TRACTORS . EQUI•Q.UtPfcCNT Ofl. QH golding, u so d In ____ onl loadors. scropors, ______-WD,axccond.537-6609 Rop. oroo & VCR. lots ol sldr- u«i rout iroi OBiiy nowtpopat W'lh Iron 606 IIIOBtLEHbMES .. ' ~siLViRSPWN G~^ HSh--SChool 4 -C d lo ^ B o -- -4-pl# otK lor you . . . toad ond moworsors. post hoio diggers, Business■wss phono syslom,~ : JD235contor-foid 10-6* doo, hoads; heols, ofoak 510 RANCH vu«. Idaho ------r e n tr ^ Hanson. |4 0 0 m o v ^ , last j< tud strvice.APHAChos- wnli box GprioQ, st« (n ptostc. (iuB intoinl convorsi’on vans or Horso.0 1Ranch Equlpmont. Cai:8 3 ^ (20617889631 or7ee-3096. ~ III125 001734-8881. BUburjburbana. Call 326-5052 joron,, • nut"Ul TfihlMno^yaWs flood ___g j m o. Frorn Ppiro J.l CopiorsforB for sale. Large so- ~______[ ■&3tefeop». * 704 CUSTOM FARM &lum )tRI tlVlliy lUUIII Ml.^- ' n 01 ffiiondSlMI u p i- ~ ■ with duals,'1060 hr uso, Duch. lovoBoal choir^nd uprtghichi piano. $300; lablo & S. Rod.>dshop! J _ Ort «2rth« Small 2 bedroom mobilo oarling stud coll lor salo. coucuch & iovosoal. excoilom . orting at $295.1 m r SERVICES Ihas romoining warranty. At- Yoarl bio. cofloo tablo & fool-. 2.chaiiihairs, $75: dovono. $25; RENT n^avallablo.Call j homo, waior, aowor & Bant* lomoon. Idaho Fails.. SlrwSiroodty Easy te ta n y out cononditlon, 5400. Tunluri ffTING 4x4 DIESEL w arranly lallon lurnlBhod. 5275 ♦ “ of S tafI Ridor QH m aro. sloe oof. Earth lonos, 5350. -esJ DodgoDo PU roor window. TRACTORS 734-9968. -^0Qdopo?^,’3S6-?741^ f all 324-5837 boforo 9pm $so0.e2g-521t.324-5036_ & ,fon *- ROCKPICKtNO.surtocoor ; r ------onl loadors, scropors, Minolta EPEP 310copior.$500: Must soil. 2 orch 8 t ^ buM- ??oo.?2?:S62i o If« T 10 lllnfta, muti •all! a ■ioavomoMogo, |oq _ 5 /sh ^ o r & drvor. $25 o a .. moworsors, post hoio diflgors, orboetoH* undorground '"J iomma^uoon^zo^71^ ------tfoHor.934-8194. ; — ^ 6 0 7 - o m c p . A N n •. - —WavnoBowef54»671ft— - 1t-HCflSF..- , ^ ______Iroon lo z o r, $56. Biazo King corrugoigaiora.roiotillors. pas- rREATINQ&AlH ------vJroai55acT6V0r$200r8’incn- -fusnim RETAL SPACE ' OrlllBrorronl.6drillB.no'q ? , EQUIPMENT' orbrbos1otl&r,734-0292 a Systom, 3x8 with 4 Ollvor row a o p 66, roody to ____ ■CONDfTIONlNG lod campor sholl. $200, 208-324’^ - 5 8 5 8 • Hobby os. Warranly. In- • wailing. Convonlionai & work or goto tractor pulls. II hoadboard, framo. Irlpk) ' 17-6436 otiof Som. Horso;o R anch Equipmoni, no4il,P^'«;73a-1456- ■ '

—MOREWARRAN Prime beet ground, 460 802 APPUANCES acres. Sprinklers. Beet5 3 3 ± ’b« 1 3 S 'A ? S .5 Y eor/60,000 MW ile dumo close by. 2650 E. _ft Iraniport:.40-Il-Cslk|iv: 10-20% olfolw ashenft d r y -. — « ■ S1 0 % off T)f ranges— — W arranly-Absolutievley-|s|Q =^raaS - plow, 1 MO-11 heavy duty, ,709 HAY, ORAN '* high clearance, new hang • also pans lor' * Deductiblel ,613 WAMTTOREMT on harrows with Seikie box- ANO FEED ".do I yourselves. : i b : 47 It H e ss plow with - Clesn-eut pratesslonsl mint newhang-ofl harrows: 14 ft 1 M ORE VALUE TH n eeds house or apartment ‘ ausranteedi m 150 hoe drill, 1 0 'spao- . a n y o t h e r S MMALL ...... to rehl. Prefer rur*l.«tSA^ _ ------tOOOlonoom ftberiey------~4% dAve.8. Can 206-455-2550 P.WHWM;' sUaa#|2a»biij^trtw. _ 7»3089______TRUCK IKI THE MM t l G I C T Wanted to rent modest* drill with new sty le press 2 do o r refrig erated cooler VAUEYI I' e eu n try h o m e . 2 bdrm s, with compressor, I 12B. ^ Md hav. c iji 7^M OT4° ’ Ml 12Btons 1st culling,tested ^ f ' 10% p ro tein . A irbollom ElsElsctrto douWe w tM a n g e . proteoied, most lop cov­ TiHnfit,IPWW. ‘ ered. lOOOstnsllbalssof , Young guy needs simple • rtrawaiso. Call 733-6664. Ong^ra»C3Q9, < j c hsap room in T«^n FiJIs,* <5 bottom Waiis ptowJH 480 . Nonlh •; . tandem ^,fi«»blad«., ISOtonoflBlhsy; '' 8ignatur*sid»by4lde,. 9 9 5 . * 1 31 9 ^ rio rain. Also de an siraw.^ rs m iVN. 7,& j\ APR. 72 paym«dud»d.J. ■' v ^ i S n t F T O o o m S o p ^ . 734.2177or734.S126 CQi ' '■•Sol.prittJT^,7993 0>Hfr»to> z n o CAM DOWN. SIS ROOMMATES . - . 2 row com ft hay h*»d. 1let ft 2nd culling hay, no Whi • ftectrto oontrols^ l WO^. . rain, delfveryavdlable. Call .oo WANTED 733-8458. ______ToSyssrsold, W exo. condi­ tion, elmond-bla^. 5400 Rooms torrent. 116 0 -f dep. . , a W » . J ,ad;.C 1l326j5128._____ Vfliita W estinohouse porta­ ■ 1 9 8 99 ^ 1 i MW 8 ble dishwasner, like new,.- 1986 CHEVYY]1 1986- 5225. Marbte metal kHchon IGIX SUBARIR U X T 6 gyftw^rtwllhfauoel. SPECTRUM1 SUBARU G( L M U S T A N l .S " » »i7 g | V 47 324 #UB60802A,<, OnlyC 28.227 I tankbeethafvester.. ^ c l Drivo, # 4 7 1 1 9 A , Qnly- 1 ------^.X tuiso,jA llgy' ______...... les" y ------MllesrAuiomohc; vet LocSa, M orel'*-' ^ MATERIALS 0 tie o n Cruiso, Till. Brand1 Newr Tire* W heels, Powct I I r i n * s t < w 17% protein, ___ ^ndaioni^!°4% w^ Spood, aunniof, Extro C m 4 0 W x 1 5 ’ Wghquoftsot - -Choioe-nayrWUI-wll-am.------— ler$996S^incrB«e.— B f f l l j W i _ ip:::ag_5L«^?34j3arT j fsm m l i i I ------4-«>(>-a924>t«, 1^2988iW iT ! ' -rnneunter-too-aoo^wr — 2>2yr old; purebred'Angur < . cw/y.OuamyiA/iwWtoy : SK YHAW K, «3?B66B bults^ proven'ft testtd, . I 9 8 7 f 6 r o ^ б , «PA45B88A.’ . * 28 8 9 3 I9_8?ByiCK! *S777 li 720 JD Pony, wid* front. Ing, 54 bundle. 4 d o o r s ,^ >. ■ power sieerirfli ; nmaistiSto sea mlso.Seeat203.Ad- 1, #33273A:..; • 38 8 8 2 1989BUICKI: REG A L, KPBOMA.,..;...... •5878 Hav* o w ts for sa le, some-9' ,9N Ford tractor. 3 point . ]Hay for sa te. 1 ton bates ft _«]ams.TwInFajr ______1987 MERC. SA Bli, fraah fiaim g C 0 9 9 . _ weeder.«ll«toiby^^ . email bales, also-1 ton. fPllr^58^^^59. ID ’A M , IZOllOSSA ...... * 8 8 8 8 ' etm w balec..6all 351-1286 ,1 ^ GEO M Elitp,V«P30!0A..'... •30 8 8 8 1 9 9 1 G i t A N E . 0f6244544»Yee .J ------— TAURUS,-«zAt2_o?iA,'..... C a t h a y .a n ^ m o u n ta wel;- ^ TM'S^'^BTwaoo. „ 1993 FORD F E f^J #W 242d5IA.* 41 8 8 7 8 1989 FORD T •7788 • W an te d lja ttu ra: In Hagor- 808 COMMUNldniON >E SH A D O W , If 12606JA.' 1988TAURUS'W OK #47289A .. * 5l77l 7 1:993 DODGt S- BurieyTreetorSatveoe m ail P *'f .. DEVICES^ • • oSSU ftfrgggfflM- - WE h a u l H A r 536:2267 ; ^Basc'CB radlo-w/antenna,; 1125. Mobil* OB .radios ; -tiT h o r ^ - ' ’' r ^BuaiM ss ban radlee: B«a»;^ i /'harrotf. 1 S' dual*. E verr.. ' unlrfopaatsf. 3 mobiee. 1. - i J f i i n corrigatoroper»e*i -; rhat>d heki, ad phonrtxom t^ touch-tof)*; naa, tcwera. Cemplat*.' I326-4604 afler 60m.

- • ■ ; ' - - ______I ■ v H — . C-8 Tlmofl-Now«. Twin Falla,Fal Idaho Monday. MorchCh 7 .1.9D4

arieous-Reticreational-l-Transporttatio n _ 8iB20-1002

Theljmra^Sfews BUY I'IT - SELL IT ^ FINDD IT 1 l ^ c iCUSTOMER SERl?iGE^ ^ S S I IE i E Em m m d

ID>9 A inO D EALEnS.______— S09-SNOW yEHlCL£S------.lllM^AinQPEAi.ER5 _|lO ]l a« AUTO DEALERS , ||lW».AUI0PEAl.EB5 l [ ]lO1099 AUTO DEALERS. 1099 ' bm'petsano" B25 W ^ E D TO BU Y Z ' w j it a t v ’s -a n o - ^ — r r — ' "MOTORCYCLES ------^AKO EQUIPHEin’ : . A p p l i e s ___ _ W anlod: .14* tram poline —:------lOTWoomwporeBrtKrNOT l l 1973 Polaris. iW3~Rupp. (oufidland. noulurod. $1 OC m ns g c ^ ; ^ ^ condTInn. ■ C an36e-2705.- • . Wanted; .194041 WillwcoojSST or423-4162. ^ or truck. Also 1 9 8 4 - 1 ^ 2 fomalo Ouoensland Hook i990YojTiahoBigWnool80.r 'l ^ Skl-Doo MachlXLT. - S, molalToxacogaaatollotIlof’ oxcoltorflcoodnkin. $700. Can John 734-6060 days or promotionnl con. Call 326-3251. __ 733-6241 afler 6pm. ■ - CT8-4277______I— . 1992 CBH 600 F2 SS motor- 1990 Y am aha P hazor II, *Adofftbto MfniflTuro Po^om 10 $2850 or best offer. 1981 nlan pupplos, AKC roBl<3nl2: Wantod 20-25 cal aquarium cyclo. low mllos. $5200 ___t«n>d.$2S0 'o rC 0 0 wiihoiihout tonkoflaxgor.. ' tirm. O il 934-4738 ovos. JDLIqulfIro, $500. Call Minimum dinonalofa. . ■■.--_papefB..C«n4g3-4S77._ — gS»13x16yir7334623r- I7fl.Cai!QP m o lo r^ d o , 0*010 ------1.------cond. now lu n o % , aakihg'rg' T w o 440 SkPDSb'inbWrt®;— AKC Chosapoak'o pupa, toi Wontod: 2 axlos to bu»d ha] quallly, oxcolloni blood hay i7SQ. 733-2311 loovomsg-r bilos, run gnMd. $1000 pair, 1 8oo*,3malo?,eholco$1SC?,°4. lnJl.r.Call543-KB3. ____ 78SuiukiDR370.$600ordr Coll 7 3 4 - 4 ^ . _ _ . Is Yoiir lilasist GhariceI Of inie Seie a s e n “ > 702->SS-2507 Jncteot _____ • Wantod; Chlropmctofs 1/0000- brtslollor. 423-5952, AKC Oonlon Sottor. liontnblo.old^loJonginolino, :------— 610“ SPOfmNQ GOODS------0 Clearancee S a le l 250. ter model airplano, low T irS avre f JDuring Our Triick toffloio. 1 '^ 'y o o n old. S250 903 BOATS AND - CnI 7^.4977,______pflcod.2 2 rilloforyoung DP slalr stopper, with oloc- jiij; mon.734-€219bo«toco!iS i . . MARINE riEMS • tronic9&Powor150rowlnfl A roal classy Roitwoilo ------botwoon7-8nm.----- = — -maehine.-Excellenl-ooftdf— ------m nlo rn o o to rD d rt'/iiy r* 14‘ olum inum boatwilhnow tion. $250.734-0481. B0WC04X4Ix u r Iovlfw.t300.677-452t Wanlod; DouWo wkJo, 2 or C covor.tlshlindor, 10hp.4 -i994BRI ,v Electric goll carl. Taylor Boautilul AKC Pomoranloi cycio m otor w/tank. to a y ^ -“rdffi^SorcoS.e l°:- - k a d trlfrCompWfr-lof-Jish------p u p rrrtn v k s T iB re hlo o is tc r ^ iii fiQvo it m ovod. Cal I i3&)oach.^-5559 Ing. 997 Tfottor Or.______— 324-6504 ovoninflS^------Ih Exorciso bike. Call now nnd rosorvo you :— 15 ft C hrysler trl-haui with hop- Wanlod: Fax machino^ 0 . fnBlQfflndtmnor.7334S59a Tuntoriairc^, roglslorod Austmllan Shop p good condition. herd puppy. Chhmploiplon doesn't havo 10 work. Col 17" fiol bottom V-Drivo bool, linoA. oxcol w orkingJ inin- 733-9444. — tondom a*k)tral!dr. '■ ^ sllflcta. BS6-2644. ' ____ Wontod: Good condilion mo SS- y . ~^ot8-slzol3orl4.Als< - r not ftsh basket, landfng net. ' 5I 0 18-a1umlnumboolwilh65hpf 2 taddoboxos, fishing chair l a ^ ------Fancy foghlorod Bofcto Col w anlod '8 5 Ford F-25C_ John»on&9hp Evlnrudo. Uo p ^ . tmponodTwoJWmm r -bodyXxLll^r^fl....— paronls. Coll 733-S22ii222 Wontod: Good slido pro|oc- oc $6900. Call'Bob Richards •S,0LEnV-8»Bedroni(Ai lonftiff^flolh——7- ____ iof.32&4735.______wookdaw 9-5.324.8827. _ -I99«WL0RER4m^J.-4X4XW____ loavo meaaaoo. ______— 911 TRAVEL CaplQin'sChQin*AM/FMCe » . 1 Wantod: Largo hardwooc FfooiZndofttblopuppiw.' 1904 15-(ri-hullBoy1lnor.7O TRAILERS •Untwy Group • lomalo Bordof CollioX;'X’ 1 farm toblo with 4 to® ,f < ■ to Evinrudo motor, lun cov. ^ATTHI$7 iood choirs, oxtro hoovy siout ors.oioctrk: trolling motor. i9e9K it1S’travollfaiior. WAS\ $24,446 . < PRICE! > ±_ _flood cond,. $1 OOP or best fto o AKC mnkrScooio. 7 yr ^ Wdhiodi'WondMnrAtOTlook ■ h^for'ploho. Coil 536 ^ ill**. old. 324-493S. ' 1987 BoySnof Cobra *Fish *& 1973 3 r Streamlino wKh 7T - SW . 125 hp Forco. (rollingJg mony oxfra*. oidor unit but Wtintod: Maturo hoailh] molor, tlsn llndor, doptn^ bulll woll. vory cloan,. Boots. Coll 934-5580 oorl] Lab pope. AKC yollow. goo. “ f'y nndor.2 llvowoll8 .AM-FMy $4500,837-^8 ______•4.0 LER V-6 *5 Speed Msnuo:nuo) OD •XLT Trim *Air Coodilionlng*AH/>AM/TM Stereo Cfloefle hunting & tamify dogs, ®dowdo> nmoroVog.------___ cassotto storoo. $7900. •Power Lo^ & Windows *(0(1Coil Alrnninum Wheels •LunoQ* fl«k •P23SiUI•fZ Terrain Tlrss po Coll 734-4663 ovcninoa. ' 1976 Kil travel trailer, 2 4 ‘ elawod, wormod & shotsto ts. Wontod: Old/aniiquoiypo — fully sell cont. Asking • •Much More! Can 886-2260,______eports mofnorabilia for oil 1987 Supra Comp, now oor- - typm;8a»^l.lootbo]l, $42W. 733-5102. WAS $23,845 - Lhoso Apso: Malo. $150 ago covor. 280 hrs, 200 ijoSottajll. Skiing, fishii>g.ng. tfO.SOO, 678-1577 ' 1988 24 11, YiikonWildor- Whito fomalo. $200 ^ n e s t, oxcol, cond,..m.ariy _ ' Tralnnd&paporod.CalColi otc. 734-9^53, 1990Baylinor19Vili.15p extras, call oltor 6pm wook- 733-&4S9.______^ W anlod: old troodlo aowiniving outboard, oxcoiktnt condl- a i B 1^ 94 F-150 SUPER)MCAR PMIoduRdoQfood. machino. round ook lobhablo lion. $9400.733-1298 or 1994 RAMINGE»~SDPE»CJI 40*-$7,W ' (op, wood sprayor (or tracrac- 734-3875______1 4 X4 xur , 4X4XUT ...... jB ^hflaL toflmiin- . « ia - v n u T Y ------:------1 ------^ _ £ j ______— adod.j3orotoot t-LLuV- TRAILERS ^ : , ; ^ 7 j TAT — TwtnFatl*,ID734-lM949 Wontod to buy: Birds, cagosflo«, boom, hoalor. spare prop, . SAT ? A t«eoo-7ea-443a. oirs. only 211=RobfS. $15,500. njTT ^ THIS > — sy.ergJK"'"___ , - J s lo ia T ovoflina^v^ ------Wo»-Matan>mo^ -pup*r- “ T ------• $50 oach. Wanted to buy; Gun solo. 1< unit. 733-5695 atk lor - Cnl73fr0722-_.. . gun or largor. Must havi'iJo 904 CAlipERS ' Glonn.StotTCotpOffllion irs Msy to odvonl«a In d^ a u 5 l : eomWnailon fcxk on it. CanCo a n d s h e l l s 1994 32' goosonock fiatbod, nad. a u « can 733 0931. _ 734-7039. — iripto axle, throe brand now Wantodtobw; Honda tIOiIF * 6 pack 6’ ovorahot campor.°v oloctrlc brakos, modal ido stovo. Ice box, 2 crank dod<. $ 4 4 0 0 ,9 ^ 5 6 6 - 822 TOOLS AND. — - - 4x0 goll-ATV till be d . 13* MACHIKERY ____ W antod (0 buy: Lltllo Mor w h^.$5», 4234886.- ckot. mald.PotorPaniLo^Jjv& 8- aluminum shoH. $ 100. C ^ S-X18-X4-$1000 734-4624. WoldIng oqufpmont; JacKoi Call 829.5424______•5 boots, olovDe, 2 hont ^ holt 8 Tho Vramp vldooa. Cal “p ■9430‘5lhwt»oloquip.1rtr.3 •4.0LEnV-6^SSpe«lMani> Sosed Moiud Tnmsmhsion «XLT Lorkil 2 hdm ots. stingor. chlppin'f f i 734.1206,______AlumI Took Covor foron 8' axle, slide under ramp. •AM/FM Sleteo Cauatls^Cosl, Sf4S, -“ i s t i ,-if, A S e n c s Group •MAH Sfsrso.W *Ar i's S r sh & Wantod to buy: old cranbornQTTY pickup box. rolls up when W •Drfnr's Side Air Bog hamrnor. wiro slag brush t (hor nol In u se . 6 m onths old.Id $52^0 or be st olfor. 536- ______, lpolb9».,?175,7^B1,31___ aiaas, pteWocaslor. & oltKH ’ 6251 cartvam brdvos, __Quality o M ^ ^ s w o . CallCaJI 1450.678-4265.______------F ib o r g r a e t^ a m p a w f ta uiuz ; International ptrtup box tralK ------824“ V10EO------—WAfAS$19r76I ^^WAS$2i,202 t a n LoorVlacho, 72 W . Lota3t, or. heavy diJitf^Trnai^ . EMTEHTAINMEMT[T. . . Wantod to buy: Suburbai yZ shodis. r e m o v a l 5 r high di08«l.65.murih0vu4x44x4. of w lndow a. F Itt Chovy * TELEVISION -L- Call lo n g b ^ a n d others. $600.^ stock rack, sullablo'for small livestock or exconent — wood hauler, $400 or best WanSddeaderaiiw! ^ 75m Fiborglass shell & kit. oxc. TVa.VCRI.aiA^. Wanled^to bu^:^tlnlod tron ofrrrebott:______-J ^rd- -oond>tlonr^»3-ahort-box B 8 ^ ^ 0 GM. $650. O al 324-5813 TTX Granda,4dr.orcantradi 1 8 4 8 - ’PrK<)indwko»CO Youngig &B««n llebole, cr«f«*wporti 0 teviowV------10" & L iraar non-workinfWng Wa),:od to buy: Travel traitei35T • tion, dafSblue. $350. Call color TNT* iV CR 'a. CaCal) Mtfc ------M EPA1R8------CttFI73«-ai40----- ^ gde GUNSAKD 1988 CHEVY 0 FORd ~M 1992 DODGE -1970 350 OfcJsmobllo — r if l e s ------350 w. Qonoratof. 733-7808M8_ Wanted; Used cabinets, k rebultt engine whh 5-tO PICKUP- - DAKOTA « IUBteO«A,W»SS4!!S...... iSiSA, m sms ..r....~ 7 8 8 35ntm SLR camera & kmso GUNFORSALEIAlsoa1 transmission, both $400. ..::*3788i.',?B?s -IM122<5C-WBSI4,!9S.------In 00^ co«J wanlod! •!*«x .-sass.'s'saf l _ Cafl 734-9749 aHor6om. 1984 FORD 1988<« CHEVY ------J£M 10 gardaaliaclof wil )ans. Ti<-0310 ' . _~ 4flBO.OWB.CullB8s; 261-mo*- :TO1GERzz:^z=z; 1991 CHEVY RuoerMarKil.22 plstol.~6'. S ' tor, 350 trans. lots oPblhor , «71SB!.W»SS49I5:...... * y . ^ ’5 1 0 ; 9 9 5 = = 8 4ao 9 PICKUP - jl3.882• _ barrel, Holsior. Perfect con-on- parts. Also 4 Dunlap tiraa :#3896=a ■B==«7J3SfcWAS.S!5,99Sj 7" 3 p< hitch. h«ng-on moww>WW.- W ant to buy: 30-06 or 270!SJ' f ------d ltro n .$ 1 7 5 o rb estO ffar.i«r whh Olds wheel, less th a n - -1988 FORD------.1 prolor Ford or Forguaor•on. to. S43-5M1W543-S422. 1,000 miles. $150. Call' Rour ’ <801 . _1.9SZF0RD__ . good cond. 3 pt hltoh ______F-150 W ant to buy: Electric guiiai r ------~ T!a-ms, n»a65i,w*ssi>!s...... !79S».W»SS999S...... O O l 5*13,988 Ran\j-on iprtyor jyyS w» Ja ck a o n , Ib o n ei or,GT>JTX. 908 MOTOR HOMES 350 Chevy short block fac ­ ..:*39B2 'Si i m IU304I3*. WIS 515,995 booms & pump. 125/15'1??, Can828-i214------tory rebuilt, $500 ex- OFORD ______^ a h d r v s _ 1987 DODGE . o a l. WILL PAY CASK Want to buy; Mazda or For ___ change. Oood prices on RAM CHARGER IGER4X4 • f t Q l i 1992 FORD , 73^.6234 5jfj- Co^^i^lokuptorpani ‘ CAMPERJACKS.CHAIN *” •- 1978 Motor home, 460, MW «M3593JI,W»SSH9!...... *3968 S t749B,WASS10;99^....- V 0 1BV I F-150 ,5*13,988 I OR CABLE D R I V ^ E O —^ tires, new big frig., bed In D f (ai224U.WtSSI6.295 “ back. This unit Is readyrto to '80 Honda Station wagon, .1984 CHEVY '0 CHEVY jjjjH flo to Alaska. 736-7262 n te d s engine work, $175. _ I992FORD , ir W I I S-10 BUtZER ^ CaB324.5Sa?._------«B3020!B,W*SSS!!S...... *3973 fS^l*^W «,0,,9S.„*9.8aBQ F-150 9^14,693 * 95. 850 Holly double pum per. D O n«BIH7<«.WISS<5.995 r . w anted. Also. AKC rogli0S^«^ I I I U H■ I or $150. UsadTHSM trans, 1987 DODGE 10 FORD ______yollow Lab male lor slueiiud. II > .<7 ffn Dealer, call 536-6323 or I 1990 FORD , \ m 536-23^1 ------— $l00.CaH733^13after6 DAKonr Can 733-9344, lod Pffl.askfor Kelh • - ■ 9' Chinook sell contained JBM359JA.WASS4)!!-----„«3988„.SI!M sn,9,s...:....*997Vft F-250 4X4 ,5*14,796 > Computers, prlntpn, aty tdl- FA C TO R Y ^U IL T ', IQ /KM056U.W«SSI6,995 thing •lactronic, NO 1984 GMC 18 FORD------" 5 i i e 5 WoflKINQorWOhKINC:iNG. I I B: “ 35OChevy.$409.3O2Ford- _:.i199J-CHE¥Y_ . Iroa,’ S-15 PICKUP - . 733-6760, WII plcfcupffpo — VJ9 SMOWVEKICIES $409. Many more in stock. (l«03iMB,W»SS599S._...... *3997 V 9 9 # «PA5&4i2SSj B,WASS1U!S..„..:*999 *14,888 ■ UtlloTy1i» c a « ( ^ o w . w Call Number 1 Auto Part, B M7w !^5!995,. aonabtvprieod 733:693a.iw ** 901 ATVSANDr- <, " AND EQUIPMENT 1986 CHEVY - „ 1989119 FORD _ 3 2 * ^ 1 - _____• 1991 NISSAN ^ Mechanical slot machlnihlne . M0T0RCYC1£8 1977Skl-Do Everest, excel:cel Fgm ^atfi^e. bast oiler. S-10 PICKUP JI97B, m SI I.99S...... T I B 8mt PATHFINDER 9 *14,81179 wanted. CaJI^ Sjfo mi 1972 Classic TH-6 Trlump -/f3070B,WJSSi995S_...... *5777 fc1l,?7 ^ cZM^jysT' 12 DODGE— — ‘ Mid sera travel trailer w«n(» ^ •’*TTI^lL4:S»2cSto - 1991 CHEVY 22 or 24 ft. In good cond i-aoooes-sTET PICKUP ~ t to . C a B T iw S e #ro09B051,W»SS7995...... 9 9 5 * 1 0 , 7M 8 CHEROKEE^~~l? I 4 ^ 1986 Husky 400 Enduro.rai _ RV cam and iiftera lor small .:..*5983 S I >od block GMJ2.000 miles, D f IM90jU.WISS1i.99S Cl ” nice ooncnuanrpBat inour^ 1990 Polaris SKS600, good 1989 DODGE M condHiori.$2500lirmrCal:al 1100-Cal ^70-4268^____; __1991 FORD , — taln&ihff.^tojg. Stock ear - hd):_ _l9B9-YamahaXT,350j«l™!Sfe go-soio.______...... ii?Bl,WBSl!,99S- 1 0 ^ 8 8BB_BR0HC0 5^8.888 I 750.' -I990rad£xcnar;ltomp^' ...... *B992-S l!nM7U.WtSSi7;995- tterv legal, trail ready. il7 5 ( older style camelback ex- M FORD :__DOL 3u2ukl Quad Sport ; 1986 GMC •rrr wheeler. $1B50. BotBoth aWne. Fox shodia, ported, }-~ siEnm ~' ~ 199170RD^---: Older Harrty Davkfson.• rui clean, mechanically axesxoel- rtmagraat. , *18,998 ning condition, want t ' C a l 3 2 « ^ , 0f734^18 , a. /ua2021»,WASS7995...... =^998-I5i • p e ^ $2000 bul win cotcon. M.liaJI436^181. . 1992F0RD \ ■ 19911»lf0RD - 0j _ ■■ HtTOlg F-150 :— n o r n j- RANGER 4X2 ?lB9*,ir5SW’Sv. ■mDloyment. aeoklntklng I ow ntrftfltfW M ble. Iare101 itic Transmission , UMdriumb«f,6-10*wM •4 .8 E nnhoncad h j Engine • Automatic staun ■ • TITUt W heel • C niU e C ontrol •>A Ar odM oni - —Gmy^SeltPricKr.^^17y474*- —\fs r fK m ~ " •PrtoAAtrBtbM

^ ...... - NEWCAR - — Canal Company lowtlr• t l n a - = ■ HOTLINE:------•wan^»^.dl(rtpumS i ------‘.-.---T!W E S T L A|T y . O 1-800- •- 733-1823 Afofo! I , . I ■' - T'- r ..i TtJ-T-r:------. ' ■ "I'...::' • • ' i ..

•• ' ------MondoyrM■Uaff-h 7. Timoc-Nows.W5. 1Twirr Falls. Idaho 0-7 - ”

T r a n s p oD l ita tib n . 1j (0 0 2 - 1 o a ? -

|l028 CHEVBOLEr ^ . r iHE A cl:es onbripc>GE® BOBBY W OIFF • l ! E I 9 C ...... 11976ChovTolot2drMolibu Ctosaic. low mDos, 1 ownor, "Notblag Is ImposslBleJBle tor the maa ■ NORTH J-7A T Satisfactionn o fm ^ . 1986 CORVETTE now Uros. Customers ------<^lmdoesn’t-bav6-M o - ^ ^ - 3 ------^ ArH.-Welier-^------? ; — ...... ___ .♦ K .Q J : 5 ...... _ shutllo system. Must soo f U ^ t v m W '^MercuryfUealer < 7 "th is c a rlo bollovo it. C all— ♦ K J 7 ^ 734.2823------'I had my nine5 winners,"« cx- WESE.____------EAST------.lU-Chovy' Blazer, excel m row!^ ^ ______ploIncd-South.—"i-justjusfdldn’niave ♦ J lO 9 7 55 4 Q 8 2 cond. $3500.734-4675 rrlMurf&tf^yearsim enough conununlcatiia U o n - -to ‘-‘ heMddini J5 5 0 * 'IT S d ’I _ ■89 Dodoo Caravan SE. oxo j O j l peai^, South badI n in e w in n ers. _ m Weft Norlh East ' oond,18900. MIko 733- However, tha, sltuatluation chaneed. J'' r n 1 9 0 4 LiN Pass 3 NT All pass ■kcuRY ia ifS4 PONTIAC quickly. West led anotmother spad6 to ------______VCAR COUGAR 4■< DOOR BOOOO LB 2 OOOhR TOWNkITSTIEKm. cnuis(. MR. J ____Auiouahc. wwtB ETttaiw,UNO, powtn flMXES. — - - AutomaticWT1C. Alfl. F«WR STItKHCrrowmBWIS.ES. #0-0133 AoTOiWTiC, III! sr ‘ k n o c k o u l S outh’s;.accnlng lead: Spade Jack _ t w i FORD ___1 - was left with no sureure entry to his WAS $2299 caCUTTO.... I w;WAS $2995 CUTTO.... WAS $3995 CUTTO.... Cl ______queca-ofxIubs.'He-ca9l 1970 Ford F-150; sopor - cashed dumrhy’s ~ 2AD WITH THE ACES ];cloan PU. $2100., 829- high mlnor-suit cardiirds and led a J-7.B . ‘S794 or ovoa 829-4202- h e a r t to his k in g , b uJt t itil didn't work. ' south holdi>lds: ■ 11993 Ford Escort LX. FWD. Thc defense took thc rest for one 4 dr. 1415 mllos. AT, AC. « I 5 I0 0 n1 8 0 0 I « 3 01 l 0 0 do'ira; . ♦ Q"J 9 " ‘ 'V : ------•• or. lmmacuialo. Sacrlflco i987O LO D BE ~—^ South severed bisIs iown lines of ▼ A Q 4 2 $ 7 ^ . Must son. c o m m u h iu tlo n . A ftete r th c fir s t lead ♦ 9 8-7 SHADL ~ 4 DB.. Aijfiuiiic.AiR cokdiiioniilONlHO, ffiONT WlltEL OR, /H-B!rt-8280 Extra SH«»piKao£ ANO out! Amo.. PWR. sTEiRiNO & enws.WS.CflUISC.Wrtl. I WIWXWS, to d u m m y 's g lu h o to *oU7 Soli U 8 8 9 5 ll* 4 9 ! . diamond jack with hUhis ace to lead semlsolld ' f S S I d three-card holding over ■ tt)« (ow coti way . . . with o o ! i _____ W w t.'a-aca-appears.— 't I thobrokcn:en four-cardhcarLs^L ------_ _daaiiflntl. 733:0031. but South now has a seconds entry. ______P*.aaiBe,fuwmmi)a. fflwtiH AuTounc IMS, cats conn, m ' H is d ia m o n d s ix c an1 overtakeo^ dum- :« s qneiUoni lo T bi Aco. P.Ol B«x 1042 ^ OEO — 7 — ^ t*xu n s j . with MU-iddm*td. ' WAS $6995 CUTTO. WAS $7995 CUT;U T T b .... ^ ,= s s s k • my’a five and SouthlUlnposlUonto Is mlep* ter ftply. T ntt(.m«.UalI<4radod, groat gas * mlloago. summor lun os ^ -convertlbl4H)r'koop-ha(d— top on. 76J)00 mJos. Must JlO O l 159S9 0 10C2 AUT0PAHT8 1D07 TRUCKS 1008 4X4 sacriflco. $6700 or best ol- - t?f.9or[7??ug2a------• : . t REPAIRS ^ D A ~ 1986 Joop pickup, bodllnor,i « r 1990Chovy'/{lion 4x4, king “ /A-n22 fiocs ma. iwft. Km Wl R, tc r i9 9 2 HON ■an, bod, air. cmlso. am-lm t iS tuddod anVw llros, P215’215- nowliro«,runsQroat,cioan, ^ 1044 HONDA NOW... - 76. S75 tor all 4. Call 324.324- white in color,looks nowlDwi aolto. towing pkg.. now _ WAS $7995 CUTTO. PRELUDkm KOCXVoflOf. 734-1935. 'tiros, bod Inor.trooiodwllhfi i 1986 Honda Proludo SI. rod. . j s i L ______:------— UC. <9.950.734^4.__ tim ed windows, now tiros, \ A utom atic TRANSMISSION. AIRIR CONDITIONING.-c( 1988lsuzu,65.000miloa, REO SYSTEM, LOW MILES, LOCAL. 1 OWMEfl.C • 24> 1990Goo.Tradu>r.Bpo(los8.I . struts, good condition, liocs AUTOSOTHER — - .-runs good, $2500.-324* y $ 6200. Call 734-3557 or ____ 5933 a r t for Dick. dcbnomlcal, drive any 16.995 THEISENF^ PRICE.... s r whora this winiorwhh tho . *598______. WAS$1 1 _Z 2 tS 2 S a------*6501 W FortCourtor.«tl».»SM 1991 Isuzu PU. 2SK ..aat«ii • '78 Oodgo Coll ata won w hoal^^odj^^damaga, hardtop on. thon onjoy runs Qood. tSOO. 734-1 fe4 0 * ' summor fun ^ h soft top w< 10SO1 JEEP ------n»CArad*-«rc8ffipM«rroo La»-oonvertlbla.-Z6?00. - iroiM ^M ondodcab,S niilos. Most cations. Musl^ 19861 Joop chorokoo, S7(X»“ or. good worldng chassis i . offof.ClOBn. 324-5276 teMonolno&tmnsmtobna ottorCajr733^— 1991 Chovy Sllvorado.% . f NEW MAZDASS 1992 Dodoo Rom 50. undor^ ton, 4x4. short box. low ml- » = B 8000ml. liko nowl lat>o,Mu3tsool324-8239._^ m1 et MAZDA : NEWBUICKS? g CaB 733-8356 — • '86 F-150 short box XLT. i 1992 FORD NEWPOMTIACS 1982 RX7 GSL. a u n ro o l, 1 9 9 0 HONDA I . 4x4. 302 EFI, robuill stereo oassetle, cruiso. \MGEREXT.CAB ■' 1008 4X4 . . AT-CD & translor caso. ACCORDLX N E W G M C S '• ktathor Norior, oxc. shapo, 1 owwii,A;m)..Aifi,spoiuR, L e s s T h a n I n v o l c« e I l Jl 1975 GMC 4x4. robuilTerv^ loaded! 2 tono paint, now" stroogmrtof.nolwdydam- CASSCTTI fenwo. IWtEO cus4, ^ K shocks, good tiros. Mako9 ngo, local car. $3000. Call- hvolco may nol bo our actuactual rdno & transmlukM. noodi CUTTO.... WAS$9995 CUTTO..:. V WAS $ 1 5 ,8 9 5 NOW : C coo.butrtdamcioealI cexbuoratlon work. $1000)W. oHof.423.571S,______- 733^4320. . CALLNOWIII CBnS3fr64e0toavom»a.a. -88 Ford F-150 XL 4x4.3022 i 1966 323.4 dr. 5 spd, supor ■ c l978Chovy4x4.4nowt(rosfM EPI. auto, now tiros, sholl,{• claan,M c^|M mlloago. 1-800-333-7445* 2 _ PS. PB, brand now onginolino' oxcollont oondDlon, $7200. 3 o J Con733-0398.______- 13.995 HI ------good condlllon, $3000 oi 9875 - 1992 Mazda Protogo.aOfD. *8688 *8958* S Sost oflor, 78S-2fefe ___ -90 Chovy ptekup. sport sido. ■ AC. noods tlreaawhi^l taaZM BBCUHXm L S A B L E ______«w.$6M0:67&-1577^ owwn. AinOMATlC. AIR cowmowiio, rT^W«ClDR..UJWMI|iS. w WAS $11,995 NOW: W WA8-$12i995-N0W€vfoNtYTT.^-^ ------^ h o n o 0 ^ 'B 3 ^ or «v»•va- tires, M TaSo934-4^9S8 ^ ~i 1062 MERCEDES.BEfg _ .nlnn.aa4.5571. I “ *19raBlaw.62dlosol. options, mint condition,1, • ------.1008 SEW S 4 HEAVYL tuna D o o d . i ^ . CaBI $y7,9S0.tfl>il>7 72^6873 ^ UERCEDES *10.475 *1 EQWMEHT 734-fl4^cf734-8522.' ‘92 Mazda Navojo 4x4, low , r Mintcond.5cyldioaol.’8 1 .| p W 1 7 0 1984 Bronco II Sport. V-6,^ miloajO| luiyjogdod, sun- I i i i - ^------1681-Ford CL-9000. 351 CD playor.-ACnhTOUH w ^tfatA ^oi^^avi - - — CummlnarWgcaffl.-IOBp; ~whOoH:tfoanunit.-$3750,'50.- -sSGMCe^turbodiosolPUrTr ’72Moroodos250.AT,^.J. H ainiiL luitaia. bai JPS,. - Cril 208-543-4140, ___ oxiondod cab, long box.( studdod snow tiros, AWFM . » Low MiL£5.-/un-co»omciniw. pownsiafiSre£RIW.POMRBn*»IS- ______0 cass., wil takopofttBl trade 1984 Bronco II XLT. V -65 .5 5 8600gvw ,ldadod. 19.000 foe 40 v n n :: daniliiBi U ia'lniat I ' . ; C U T T O ... \ 1985JO544Ctoad0f«rtth_ “do. • of tha p an to1 of( tita ^ N tth a loi I ;3nt v a lv e,^ c^-CaO r f n T ^ o li [ i y J J ^ ^VdwTcRcuRY lacom pIafiTla L ■S43Ty"‘‘ = = ■ 1966 Ford Bronco XLT. now^ >93 Suboiban kadod convor- ■ - '------f |087lntomattenal-eabov«i« e r r ~ tiros.,$6S00: Can « 3 4 2284 8 4 •- 8k«;:k>Ba)er &~watnut trim; ^ — ir«-p«M :aHi s ^ m s s s ^ ^ ^ I aalacllon, tba il w o - n nfl. 7 l » a i r i , 11,0Mml'lofl'.Dan . fot lha ilglit ? rTTT- 1986 Ford F 250 4x4, Ex- ^ 678^4 or 678.2981. . aanica a oayiy a a W aafc Y W 'a I fee paterbiit. 377 b-c1v•',1V. toododCab.6.9dio«ot.rDa( jj 1068 MSSAN ------rtrB^raSSiiil^' ^ ta93FOHDEXtXPLORER f 4 0 0 , now roda » niBlnstin s, rocoivor htlch & lold-downjwn' For salo: 19B7j^yj|w3TX J H btoia lam alaina #1 y*ai' atta 1 OWKOt, AUTOMATtC, MR, m .M n XOW>.tnRTI|U)WHEaS, M . now clutch. 70% rubbof Sih whool ban hitch, rod ox- - ’84 Nissan Maxima, lully M ai.d^citfUm « MTOIUTK 4 WKEB. DR., $ T ^ n nrR.nsuno&Bauo. . ST acea^ng all ollari. Cai torlor. 149.000 mllos, ^ o ^ ^ d ^ o ^ m lloago, Ihalsan PfanI iaI ima laaaon w hi -S7500. CaU.726-32Saot°i;.-lo w , VANS 1BUSES„ .„ ._ naiaA n Hoioldia. cnatbm ai. ‘*04 90' a h iHltool oqulp. trtr.:lrtf.3 7889226______curtom efS'.7nirniafanad-liy-aonie axlo, allda undor ramp 1984 Ford E-350, high lop1 .1P70_ P tJ D S ^ B I U ...... Tiglil piica a . $5250 or bast oflor. 536 avialor. oonv.-van, 46b law H hThalaanllot V-8, low mllos. loadod, : s -iunv Tludssn.- ^ SIIVI 1986 Calais. IronI wheel m - ■: e25lBI^OT0f«. T SoB 'R onl tar yaat. Tha • ...... J Wdfyv«itraBot».ons»ou a ttoroo.-lols mora. In groa 1990 Oodgo Grand Caravan,-'' 3al 3.3 UtorTAT, AM-FM cas- moo $ 2 5 0 0 .5 3 6 ^ 6 9 ------hy osai 80% of - i ’ Botto.sioroo. roar window I. ara iapaat ; T n i — dofog4wipor».AC.PSw-'■ ■1075 PLYMOinH i m i a 1968 Toyota 4x4 p tc k y .,?5' ox HU. cruiso. poworbfoak, . naanajriio to ■ • taw s, tra c ab . S R 5. AC. 5 epd'P'*' auto roar sid e vonls, toww •-86 Lazof, good cond. $250o7 COLN TOWN loloia;—^C — - - -IINCOLN TOWiWN CAR Kanwood sloroo-caasotto pko.Excol cond. $8950.). bwtcffor, 3 2 ^ 7 6 . ____ LHll ------now tiros, linlad windows i Moicf Co, it ~ S i g n a t u r e - E x e c u t i v e tool box. Mum soli 96200 ejlesi entrj. powfT door poor TOUCK8 . 1993 Ford lull-slM convor- 1078 ^ POMTUC . . - . . SIE L . Seriei . I’Ct u;mdou>i. automatic ____ CaB 733.9638.______sionvan,16.000ml.5.8 . oitry: povtT door locks, cruise conirol, co air i 1063 Dorfg* V4 ton with utOil■«iljty 1989 V4 ton GMC, a u to , < , V-8, TV-VCR. dual hoatofs,!, 1977' Trans Am. oxcol c o o d ,, • |J|^;7irrj rear ^ jrp u a , < corxiapnin/, all luwij cpdoiuBom .ptuW , a i j j i i j ] tSo‘ . ” pg?m^73Jl4l2«n^S° loui milu tf (ma-lodbrato. ^ 7 3 3 ^ Of734-3050,----- 1993 Murcury Villager. Hha• 1963■ FontiaoFkobird, S spd. CAR 1 9 9 3 1 rieeS G M C V Iiton PU. axoaxe 1990 Chevy Suburbah. new. groan, iow mlles,I, custom tires and whools, } ecnd. 73^4400 (8< pm )« U » •>»jrf«l<».IX10.673.g62>_ . «»raat carl Can 7 3 4 ^ , _ ------733-7^f«» m i '** * ' 1993 Ford Exptor0rX L T ,«0: Sl'liJSM ShiSS'r- ■Ic^ IsMo tan. eta new^bf ihpo- - 324.6914. • ^ 9 » 3 “ ^ E RRCURY:SABU- < w n , AC sa n d s le ss. Loaded. Call t oa^tpafBhall, runs good =•" WOoiia.JtamZSO.Inndl-r ' 1992 Bonneville, low mile- • .These oreipecioliy fintJuth o se d from Ford M otor C o . u; h M e, k>adod. axo. condition, - r goMaa.tiOOOorbfls drive, bonier suering^.pQ\ver pc ^a kes, rear dc/rojiCT, 1003 pwri RiM W XLT. ^55! ly Fl4.S00.Cah 733-1648, [ &tef.Call7&041g. ■ control, jterco sjstcm , deldeluxe fnicrior, excellent cor\mdi ______h977_C60.Chavy.2,lon.irue* -87 Pontiac Trana-Am GTA, \ 16' steal bad with holti ~ "dassiastone-oft the road,.- ^ 55.000Mlualmilaa,elea) . .■saDodgovsn.loadod. . , truck. 7a3-S6 M ^k foi S ' 1993 Toyota. 4X4. oenroirh•k>- lowmilea.axtracH>an. YOUR I E - 3 T O . C H O O S E F R m lerlor, chroma step bars, 1084 SUBARU I. urfth Off bags, , ^ 1 wheel 5 o o CHOICE: I1670.P-150,2 WD, SS.CKX rty. - “ 1990 Subsfu Lagacy, 71,000 i m er, a h ctmditiorung, cruise i ------milesrbodrdamage. rune— - - 1015 AUDC i ’tion/ ' _ ., ? ffllJMOQO^alL734 ------'—■- •' • : A ______! 3t63a>afSom. 3TF»dF^4*4.^ca5' RAND^MARQU ^ rand ! ^ SA R Q U IS ^ S. . T S A u d lF o x .a d o o r.'S u nn mnigrcriilse control, ------•Beaudfid bum m dy[j tiMth leather interior, p m ^ sa •, leather mterior, air cohdiDonSi 11980 Chavy 'A ton pu Of rool. $1200 firm, undertr 1067-i TOYOTA ws, stereolcasseae, I a 0 J 0 0 M _ v w (^ a n . mui - 61J» a o ritfn a l miles. 734- . powervmdows, ccruise a m tro i.m c o n d itio i^ r,powerseats,pdujeTunTuiow,: - •76CalleaJ34J466 kes. — — l i i Q^ericeeiTng. t)Owouier brakes, defroite r. /u st loade ftouer sieermg, power brakes. h o e s ^ w P1J. 9 9 5 ^ - • IW ^O^La^.y 1 11 19^r m s s A N ^ ml ^ e g B P ^ — ^ - - C U T — $ ^ lu is ^ ___i-9 » a ■seaa, - SiIi«rmcoIor,I m m Tcardcjroster, W 0 ■ M ore for. iues...OurH(fputatiiitim grows ^ Jiiks^Ofarrison'.It's ' ‘Th‘

531 frSp-dWO-kmion' ^ HanlBody . j y i c h f f i y w n ^ b ,IS- vai EISBIfie L^end Conlint IHI 3 World To Buy A Car a s H § n S r e : For 40 yVears The Easie. t p * r ...... W H 1 - 8 0 0 - iQ i M A I N AAyE.E.1Win Falls I T0LLFREE;-1^m m s a . l»2r": rratm»Di*iO«»=*»-V ■ iest Place.In The i. . lls 733-7700 1 5 ‘'-- ' V ______:______fc--fc_____ ^______. „ i _

...... •- ;•.! . , i -_ r

...... C -8 _X!moa-Now3 , TwJ March7.1B94 , . ■, / .

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...... •-■'■■--...... - - ' ■ ' ■ t - B S ilS j . . . y . ■ . SiMlil-1-.^ ■ ------^ ______i T O iM i a ISS --^^-reaiasbns“ j W hl a t t e lasSicai “You cajail-get i j 50 ways toto l e a v e music: isi dull your blublb b e r — - Whytlonlt-rcgularpir pcople like classical J_____ into thalat ■ . . niusic? This is thele (question thal was Highlights from Collcgillcgc o f Soutlitinj___ posed to nie rccchti'htly in a letter from ' Idaho fitness instructorir JaJan M ittkidcr’s ------T-imothy-W-Mufnttritt, the music'tltrcctor— —_-__swiins]u luit,— ^ ” ifty-Ways to-beave-Yoi-Yout^Biubber.-Hj ----- — ------o f thc_ U niversity o f T exas S y m p h o n y ' cipss handout: Orchestra, which haslas gained intcmation— ■ ; •-J^or the cookie lover,ver, clioosc a Fig : al acclaim for its: renrc d itio n o f “ A chy but th ei^reare-^^ Newton (1 gram o f fat),it), instead o f the Brcaky Heart’*. - -chocolatc-chip cookie: (K(10-13 grams of ___ No^ Km sure it’s> a fine orchestm that fat). plays a serious progragram of classical mu- noshor)rtcuts r • Spice up boring rawiw vvegetables with icrntic nnroc tharpf,-- — - _ thi.s tnngy din: Mix I cupup cof plain, nonfat • • flats, cicfs, bassoons,IS, deceased audience By Cathy Walworth yogurt with 2 teaspoons ' members, etc. ■ ' V - I ' " ; Tim es-N cw s corresponaondent______- . ______and 1)^ teaspoonss of( prepared ------Anyway ,-Mr;-MulTiiimtt-«iates-ihfll-he-has— — horricradKJi. ' ...... — bcco'asked-toduct-a condutseries of con- . J ■ TWIN FALLS - Summer Si is_Piily_ :__ : ___ .. '.--•-.Invcst.ina.saladspinncr,uicr.-which.makcs. ------—- —cert^for the Louisianaana Philharmonic Or- —: ^ wccfe owoy, and-itsy-tiy-bitsy swimsuits cleaning Icttucc a quick{ task.tas Do a whole c h c s ^ next fall; the g le gool is "to get peo- dangl(i from tecny-wcpinp*cverv inaTur iili* ------And-make-no-mistu s ia k e ,- lh e - i- ^ ______very skinny cheek.s.-,>j__ • nonty-gfoup and-genjender, goes oround punch of diet and exerc:ercise is the only • Dance naked in frontnt oo: f your pets, or kicking villain butt.t. I have not w orked way to trim fat off theihe ribs, local cx- , at Iciisl laugh. Dr. Williamliam Fry o f Stan- : out the details of the plot, although it p ens soy. - ford University refers lo0 laughterIm as “ in- 4 would deHnitely involv'olve a M agic Tuffel. “Don't believe.weij/eight-loss prod- B tem al jogging,’’ which1 relieves rei tension ' ' But getting back to:o Mr.N Mufiltt’s qucs-- ' ucts, even the goodI ones,"oi said Jan B and.triggers endorphinss wiwith associoted tions: Our first taskc is to define exactly Mittleidcr, fitness cootoordinator at the B feelings o f well-being. what wc mean by “c“classical music." College of Southem IdaIdaho. . ■ ------^ W hen w e look in volvolume "M" of our “ ’Two wtfcks andm d I lo s t f ig h t ANDY AREKZmt* son’s World Book< EEncyclopedia, wc "The fat cell is thei originalor couch ' pounds!’ the ads say.Y. You’d^ have lo Expertss say you can only safel]^ely lo se ab o u t a p o u n d a w eek — an d k eep it potato," Mitlleider said,lid. “It takes al- find, on pages 838-9, llthe following state- run more than o momthathon to bum off mcnt: "Mosses growiw and reproduce in If y o u ’re going to squee:eeze Into' that swimmingig su it th is sum m er, most nothing to sustainin o0 fot cell. But more than a pound of)ffat,’’J^ittlcidcr. fi off'S oll os muscles gel stronger,jer, they require __ two phasM — 'sexual;ual‘ and ‘asexual.’” said. s ta rt novow. ^^D^D^ly^h5I^■but-du:-during-the-^oxual^!------m ore energy to exist."___ ------Thsninhappy-fffcTTiiTTDrrWayhirCat:------StlUlUrtiie'WM"“ longloi vfiii Hn exploit the fact that: culmralcu norms are enouglIgh already, while cdpfy andunt cnrfQt__or. 8torcho&)r^o-^ouMi-use-30 ycitciil u f^it. 2. AfoiiL O fpaingj}!:______rbioiogy:------“ sticks3 don't quite provoke epicur:urean de- those calories to convert them into fat. If gansi Having-sexI Prot’robably smoking lit- “You have to rememberjer thati if you’re "There is no quickck fix," Mittleider light, you eot too muchuch fat, the conversion rate going . to lose weight withA'ith d ie t alone, tie onc-cclled cigarclKcitcs oftcrward! Par- said. "It’s slow and ^dual, and (weight “ni(liere's a million and one thirJiings you is "som ething; likelik 3 percent," Mittleider \ ning nti-in-yn»r/-nm . J ___ you’re probably going to3 lo?lose m ore m us-______■ rrilsrthis rniilri hn gnin intem&l'metivation, ' can'dodo ------likemake-a-deviHs-fot■food^ake—saith------; -wuttity. I think w c shoshould alert the Rev. cle than tat,” Tesch said^ not on w hat som ebodydy ielse.wanls you to with applesauceai instead o f the fat,’’fai Mit- ' "It pays yoiitil t to. eat 60_to 7 p _ p ercen t.- —But-by-incorporating-acnaerobic, cxcrcisc do." ^ ! - tleidoilor suggesteo. "watcn mei6 'ponlon] act!y~lntuke‘ frifiu'ili fiuits,' vegetablca^- in ld - n i 6=fUT-lU!i!i pio g iaiitr .... But wc also needI to defiiio “classical ___—1—_j — —The-per&onjtas.to.lto-bc-ready-for-the—sizes— I 'a'serving is a half'cup;*’~------legum es o s and use less meat," she } ------7-mu5ic:^7n^Itre-Iaflfici[her on in the World the heart and lungs workork together to discipline," ogreed JanelJan Paul, o regis- Youlur-fi'st is about the size off a bup of said. ______,, \bum fat. _ ____ --Book; wc come b-the;he section.on.m usic,...... -tered dieticion^ “Youu d don’t w an t to set • food sisuch as^a^etti, vegetable;jles o r cut ...... , • which statcs::‘Thcrc a!arcjwochicf kiri^ ' B ecau se ev e ry b o d y 'ss dldiff;eremi’ Vt‘s’ ” ' ----- ...yourself up for failure."e." . fniit,s:.shesaid. . _ ...... — 1 '_ . .■..:So:much.for.wir.whQt you con sneak p a st' ,tough to set a standard rate o f exertion ■ ■ ■ ; of Western music, do But there ore times,JS, Paul says, w hen M osost of us can.handl,e.a.littletie choco- your lips. How'tcv'to take carc of what’s ol- i Iar." Thus wc see thatfiat “classical music'.’ for burning fat, she said. .other people are helpful>ful OS 0 companion, late cacake in our quest for ibw-fatfat foods, ready on your hiphips? - Instead, Tesch preferss “p“perceived ex- ___ l..-is.defmed,-tcchnically,lly, as “rausic-that.is ...... ------^ ------T h eg c ...... o r 0 trustcd~fnend: goal is to lose fal,-sd o f all theth foods------"B egin walkinjldng-20 or-30-minutes m ost.-j' crtidn." ” . ; not popular." This coicould be one reason Paul asks students} to write down cv- you eaeat, they must contain no momore than days," Mittleiderder suggested..“Walking is ___ ,.._why the "average Joe"3c" docs not care for •. “That's when o person1 conca go through erylhing they eat in a food'diary.i That 30 perercent fat if you're going; t(to reach one of the mostost effective ways lo bum an j aerobic workout and stilstill continue to it. diary is shared withth ia friend. When that gogoal. fat." • ' I m yself am not a big fan. I will go to a talk — w e call it o-talk testtest.-As long as— ' ' ______you're accouiitablc-tc5-to someone. she . But.i^ c fo rc .y o u .get b o g g ^ dowtown with- -Larg^emusclesles bum fat: They Tjum" fat they\ can comfortably carryrry on a convcr- ____v - 1. ... |.. clasHcal-xoncart^nly-tlyinder-very-spccial— ------say si'y o u tend lo tfiinliiink~beforeiyou In- Big nuilumbers, try~brc^»ig th'at"db" lOve an d ^ h c y b u m som e P lease seese( LOSE/D2 ' circumstances, suchI as lhat I'Jiave been sim ple>le rule of thumb: For evevery 1 0 0 more ju st lookingdng good. ; told to make a ransonsom payment there. ------^B unrntil-I-gonhis-lcttiIcttcrfrom-Mr.-Muf------fitt, I never knew wh;why I felt this way. — • I’ve been thinking aboutabc it, and I have t-fre^a]nordlow’-fat fooods ■ come up witiTwhaiTBc"believe afe'thffihr6<5“ S tgH ifl ' main problem s w ilh claclassical music: The Times-News - Pretzels, Ak-:ik-Mak Stone Ground AAr rm enian : 1. I t’s coniusiiig. WiWilh "popular" mu- • Crackers - ^ sic, you understandi w h a fs happening, All of the foods 11:listed here are fat-frei or , Health Vallelley Spicy Vegetarian> F at-F ree ^ For exam ple, in the sonsong “Long Toll S a l- _ _ havejess than. 1.0. p eercen t t faL Bon a p p a titl.11.------Chill------~ly,'-w hen Little-Richiichard*slng5r^LT)ng Froo • Ga8pacho ■ Tall Sally, sh e 's buill,i fcfor speed," you can • All v e g e ta b le s3 except o olives, Kraft F How m uch1 {Is too m uch7T ry these rxJiesJles of thumb: ' ^ . j. be certain lhat the ncxicxt line is going to • Quake Caramamel Com Rice Cakes salad dressings • 1 fist= r<1 cup of cereal! spaghetti, vegvegetables or ■ follow logicalJy_{"ShiShe got_evcrything ...... ------• T o o ts ie R o lls>, ,'< candy corn, Jellybecs o n s , ...... 1 that Uncle John need":d"), and then there • Lentils . “ciilfrulL' ------A ...... licorice I ' ’ . • 1 palm = 3 ounces, the rocommendesnded emount . .. i ------P le a s e se see.BARRV/D2 . • Health Choice CCh h eese F ren ch B read PI:’Izza • Air-poppedI p o p co rn .' • Pita bread of m eat servivings. That would -be the9 open0 | palm, • Nonfat yogurt, so rb e t without outstreiretched fingers. '• G ood H um or Fudiu dg eslcle • Basmati rice:e • Popslcles, Jell-OJe gelatin pops • 1 thumb) ' 1 ounce of cheese —-a a chunk the _ .• Escargot, broilede d s n a p p e r thiim b Is about 1 ounce. • Scallops; lobi)bster, shrimp cocktail, s iz e o f y o u r thi • Marshmallows - , ,*1thumbtlI tip r 1 teaspoon. A teaspoonoon of peanut • T u n a ca n n ed In1 w ater • Swiss Miss Fj at F ree Hot C o co a Mix DearA bby D3 ^ butter, butter,r. mi ayonnaise or sugarJs.aboiabout the size • Bagels, Total cert • English muffiifflns, sourdough bread Parenting D3 ereal nt of your thumb. • TeriyakI sauce • Whole-wheatat waffles, Grape-Nuts cc lendfub = 1 ounce of snackck food,f such ,= C o ralc s.______D4 i ' ...... ' •.Fat-Freie.ElgfB N aw tb n s- ____ -.• .H a d d o ck ...... - ’ • ' • ...... as nuts or srr5mallcandles."Forchlp 5 'anoand’pretzels;------^ j To do for you ■ D6 • SKInless, bonelesle s s tu rk ey b re a st, • Roasted cheslestn u ts two hendfuls-arare-abouronrounter — ■ Atlfrultexceptayavocado and coconut—------Angelfood^^ k 0 —— ~ l - d o k iil ^ HeaaltlT iietees H j H ------s x r w i MHAT? An early symptom1 ooi f age-related w e i^ myse’self anymore" — and exercisesrises modOTtely. "I _[jFLor,EalI,jeeverything is . .hauiog loss,S, ray to0 relieve t oge-relatcd hearinging loss short o f o f a ^ g 'dn your ; muscles and joints byy adadding a program ent that eveiytbing old was new But Armainani really cut loose W ■ wearing a heatearing old. ofregulor.d, doily stretching to your routinetline------' _ag iia ...... , ...... with his eveiveningwear, .a bevy bf • B x S iG isSING n MODERATION: Youou d• on't need to NOTHIN[NO TO SNIFF AT: Pregnan;nanr women who Oi^rgid Anrioiii; on 'the'oiher^ beaded beaieauties: shimmering...... ■J.,,,.. go for the bun)um. So says Jane Fonda, whovho once burned sniff glue ooi r spray paint or other solventvents tnay increase hnndjidoesn't have-to-

^ I i e n i p t i n ig t r e a fi t s f o r ‘ p e o p>le w itt h a k o t t o Itlo s e

^ - - -—:------S e s a m ee-GingerCM - cker :-^Deva%l?o rchocolate^rostiiS n g J = = (Dora'Jones) _lI (^nMitllcidcdcf) ______/ ------1 rt>sp.-scsiimc seesceds.-Vaslud ------^ ------(4 oz) skinned;icdr boned chiekcn-brcast-halvl i v e s ------a m sp rd y ------.•------JT’ciig a p p lesa u ce . 1 tsp . g ra ic d g inng g c e r ■; ...... ;• ■ '^.Vegetable conkiinking‘spr.ny ------...... 2 cucupsall-purjxjse flour , cup soft margarinene • ' . ,1 tbsp. rcduccd-soi-sodium soy sauce ’ “ •... Thin green oniortion strips (optional)— ______1« K < ^ p s sugar I tsp. vanilla' / ccup u ' unsweetened cocoa powdiw der • ------”2 egg whites ______: ______J/i-t^-cup-skim-milk— ------W'cup'sugar-T'^^------— Combine the firstirst (hre'c ingredients in a sm;small bowl, stjj welJ and set;t aside.a; Place chicken betweiv'cen tw o sheets of hcavy-duljluly plasdc wnip, and'JTa((cnen to K-inch thickness, using;! me.i( malle( or rolling pirlin . C oat grill rack with cdokiioicing spray, place on grillI overo' mcdium-hol Joals. Placclace chickcn on rack.-and cocook four , Sprapray two 9-by-lK»-inch roundind pans with Pam, and dustt 1lightly with flour.,In_a'largeirge mixing.bowl, comr. ■ minutc^i o n c a c h siUtside, bas(ing-frequcntly wiihth isoy-wiucc, mixture. Transfer^fcr.-diicken.lo a serving plattctter...gar,- __ b in e: fl flour, xy- cups of sugar, coc«:ocoa and baking soda. AddI nmilk, marga^ne and vanilla,lla. Beal with mixer on g nish with green onioinions, if desired. Makes fou^:a^servings. , • lo w ToK30To scconds'br unlircombim blncd. B e a t b n m e d iu m to h:high.for-i-minutcs, scrapingng Ibowl sides. In small *Q ______. b o w'1, l, 1b eat e ^ w h ite s u n til so ftft ppi e a k s fo rm . G ra d u a lly oddJ y: cup sugar, beating untilil .sti.stiff p e ak s fo rm . F o ld S in to brbatter. Pour batter into pans,ans. Baljp a 350 degrees forr :25 to 30 minules, or untilitll aj lo o lh p ick in serted m - -v \ ; ■ ■ , _ c o mics.auLdcan^CooLiiLpans,Qn: cs, on.wireJrflcksJot-lQjninutcs.g R)»fnrtvi» n n n r lr c frnti

T u r k e y R oll-up Firenzez e ______(Fran Tanner) 1 cup bread cniinljm b s ; I pkg. frozei:)zen or 10 oz. fresh spinach Chocolate Fnr o s t i n g 2 clovers garlic,r. nmincfiT'" cup low-f;A-'fat c o tta g e ^h ee se (Jan MittleideiJer) , 1 isp. thyme , I'j, c u p qhoppopped mushrooms 2 ttbsp. b ‘ margarine y, cup unswecK/ectened cocoa powder H 1 isp. oregano _ c u p choppopped onions' 3 ccups u ' sifted powdered sugarr . - - • I-Up.-vnnilla— 6 turkey cutlciss(abou( (n 1 pound)______j'urguritjcrmcltcd ------— ------^— ^lwj>rn»'urt; ------3 tbitbso. skim milk ' P re h ea t o v e n to 3375 ‘ degrees. Combine brea«cad c;rumti.s. garlic, Ihymc imcti :at 2 tablespoons of margarinrinc and K. cup unswectcneu < ------processor,-(hen add-:dd-bread sliccs-and spiccs.).P).tound;cuUcliLbelween.tivo_sh' LSheets of.\yax paper.untiljhihin, S a h .______I medium mixing bowl, beat Ily-add'IH cups sifted powdciJcred suga^^bcating-wcll;'Slo^ Squeeze liquid outut oft spinach. Combine spinainach,'.cottage cheese, mushroorooms, sal( and onions. Placcc c 1/6 o f garincissoftcncd.-Gradually- ;poon of vanilla5Slowly beatt iin 1^5 cups siflcd powderedcd ssugar and additional > (he spinach mixtureurc on one side of each cut!nitlet. Roll up cutlets. Dip in imelted margarine^ Roll in b rea k 3ns of skim milk and 1 tcaspo< af spreading consistency. Makakes 1 cup; cnjmbs. Placc rolledlied cutlcts in shallow ca.?sero;rolc grease wi'th margarine or Pam.1 Bake 10-20 minute^i•i or< until .skimn nmilk, if needed, to make of s — R c d p c s cc o o u u : rte sy Ja n M ittlc id er cooked through. SerServes 6. 176 calorics per senlerving.

A b ou i t thosse fashlion shtows: ^W h o a2 re th oise_paaa p le 2 _

Knighl-Ridda iS^ce March aiand April; in October andid ' many companies out ofbuiilusiness.) the-great couwuture designers. Now the aand a captive audiencc of aias ima-hy as' sale. Invitations>ns loi the sh o w s are sent N o v emiber, b c designers disphiy their:ir Who dcddes when thc8li shows will be 1.XS1 day is resireserved for new fashion tal- 33,000 spectators — ihemsiiseivcs thc out by cach desiglesigner or fashion house. Thc sexy supcrmodel)dels, tfie top fash- spring ;mL;md -summer fashions. The rea-a- held? . cnl, upper echelon of the fashion1 nworld. Occasionally,Y3 W3:.arc:s!nged:byzdesi^cni=jl =jty.-ullo\vs:dcsigntifS:i6-selI Olother-p«xl— room'piisscs;------among^hc \vorld's-fas•fa!5hion-f.ibuli)us ^silircs tim^ime to place orders and manu-u- schedule each showr Inn N ew Y o rk , for tw o rea.soi.sons. O no i,s_to show jo u r- ucts, u such as perfume, pantyityhosc, lin- W ho is invitcd5ited? touched down in Milan,■lan, Italy, Feb.'27 facturersti-s tim e to produce (he lines, Ruth Finley, who publishthes a calendar nalists, ediioitors and store buyers thc gerie g and eyeglasses. Pierre: CCardin, for Fashion cditoiJilors, journalists, store v' for thc first leg of thc: fallfa designer pre- Tlic prepreviews usually run for fourur of U.S. fashion cvent.s, cocoordinales the. forthcomingg titrends for the next season, example, e has sold or licensedsd his name buyers, ton custoustomcrs, cclebrilies and u- views. Thc Paris colic□llecdons started weeks beg)cginning in Milan, followed byiy shows, along with thec Coi(ncil( of..-The secondid ireason is publicity and to t< more Ihan 800 products. IDesigners friends of thee designersdi are granted F ______' March 4; thc season corconcludes in New Paris nndind New York. This season,n. Fashion Designers of Ar\m erica. Bul . image. Photo:3tos or video footape from are a usuallV-paidjQvnltir.s fn u ^-tho-coUcctioniw-Pm-a.'i ■. ■ ■ r York in April. Here’s< a iprimer on fash- because-of;.of-the Easter and Passover hnU..ils,_duiiXtliink-it^ea5^!Tt-Mj vijlanrOtoTgfo-*1h'inie.s^ncr er tashi'on shows is given Iheir il names. Donna K aran,'I, w ho o n ly coveted a s th e ininvitations are, it’s the [' i.-. 'xjcfitysTTTitthe American sho\Vs trf'fallill Arm.ini and Gianni Versaoace fight to be worldwidee eexpo.sure. which help.? bccamc b a jWsvcrhousc in thehe l^t five seating at each:h shsl o w that counts. T o p r/ clothcs willwi not-commence until Aprilril Ihe la.st to show . In N ew York,Y design- establish thehe image of the designers, years, y lends her name to-p:-pantyhose, fashion editors:ors und ret.-iil buyers, T ______W h en are tb e fash ioo il k Ish o w s held? ■ ' (^. ecx have threatened each olhcroil and fall- making their,sir expensive, clo th es e v e n lingerie, li perfdme, jewelry arond leather socialites andJ celcbriliesce ore usually The ready-to-wearar (cojlections— (Londoidon. which used to be a mustst en oul over conllicting; shows times, more desirabkiBle:"^ ' ^ goods. g given Iirst-roww siseai-s. m e m ost uesir- designer clothcs (ha( cancai be purchased stop,’ has:is : fallen off (he fashion map.p. Paris is rrorc civil. The: showss there Tlie shows;vs are extravagant theater at How much does it cost to attend a able seat is frontsnt iand center, at the fool ' ^ off (he rack — arc shoshown (wice each Many of:)f its designers have fled toto always used to concludjde with the its best. Tlieyley feature (he latest music, show sl ? ' ' of the runway.ly. 'Thai seal is usually year.'T lic sho\vs that featurefcai clothes for Italy, Fraivrancc or thc United States, andid splendid designs of Yves Y Saint the most beaul:autiful women in Ihc world, ■Re fa.shion shows arc no101 open lo reserved for Ann:\nna Wintour, Ihe editor thc coming fall and winii/inter are staged in England’sJ’s lingering recession has putut Laurent, who is considerccred the last of opulent clolheIhes. brilliant choreography thclpublic tl and the tickets arare nol for of Americnn Vogi/o g u c.

L o s e ^ ______r Looking5 ------Continued from DI1 you w anIt ( t to lose ihe fat the most is • Continued from DI flaunted, ncnot hidden. Ca[hcrine '40s. High-waisted pnnts.-iililfp thn«;p TCssiuits-and-dr«BKvs .s h ------sation land nut gaspingIg forf air, they're probablyy vwhere you'll lose it laM." hing-fringcd“ Dcncuvirlierderdi?gPTrlTnhirfioii[ luw;—“ KanianncK M ^burn wore, brought emblazonedI wiwilh a hammer and ______turnj.ngj'nl,______!______Xesch-warn — pants-paircd-with-matchi passively a( thc runway back b: thc glamor years. sickle. ■‘it’s no( wcigh( youJU \want to lose,". Your, wrwrist^aich is likely'(o.hangr shawls wrapped aroundnd the hips, staring impa: id sunglasses. Two scats So did the designs of Pndadn. whirh Ov thf-finalo,altt^a-Ufiitcd-Notionji ------TcscK said. "Y o u w antIt to lose (he fat." befo:fore your belt tightens up) Thc evening was topped-:d off with a from behind aded-enstfm— away7-tltc-bob o b b in g~licad~qft e n n t r5 appcarco iif lo be taken straightht from the paraded it wasas cdifficult to rcfrajn ^ ------She-says-shc-enajura.uragc?t-i>eople-lo— nnicli.^------1- s e rie s o f stiinninp_iuUb'eai: r(5=sta^ard-ffxturc- af -loungcwcar-wom-|rrold“;4qs'■ lo O ^ovies.— froT^retiW ng^n ______look nt-indiciiiuis u f f’dribs.voiner'lli:m i n “'istay wwii ith i(.” she :iaid. ■‘D o n ’( ge(I b les. ; ^TJcrnhardrO :tio n s) cou ld b e seen. Longer, Li just-abovc-thc-knee:e skirls in' lion of ‘‘It’.s ^S^T a S w orld Aft!^ w hat the scalcs say. discourageiged. 1( has to be a JJfcstyle• All were suitable for a1 nightr put a t. these collectir -s a dizzying array of coaU.... jiatinyJia textures peeked unden:mcath tai- All." '■ "M o n ito r (he inches,s. tctoo," slrc said. c h an m ;" the O.scars, which, appararently, was ’ Tlicrc was a or everyone from animal lorcd lo wool blazers. The cf:effect W.1S If after six weeks. yuyou sec only a Alter yoyou've reached your goal. ,just what Armani had inI mind.n A list designed for how describ- rights activistsists to biker babes to hard- slightly sii dowdy, as if the modi one* or iwo*pound chanj;lange, Tesch says Tesdi said,lid, staying (here will require was handed out at thc sho >delsthrew , VK m S w ' ■ •vers. There were cream -'a.Jj-coat on over their nighiih lc lo th c s you have probably gagained muscle exercise oronly (hree times a week, If■ ing Armani's special gue;lests; Robert core fur love ■nriK with h ip «ih!>wl^>ll»rs before he ninninirtfgt Ihe-door,- “ -miLSS ana losi.a lot ott b

_ — -Continued-from-DI— opposingg >violin section. Tliis wouldd went into the men’s roomim (he had a would be diffiifflcult lo gel. s:iy, a harp Dave Barry is a humor ocolumnist. *EmmcnCY will be (he chom.s. or,r, aas it is known be good, long*'guilar”cord)rclosedfid the door,‘" ln to a’ restrooioom stall;-1 'am 'jusrsay -—-fo fo rth e Miami Herald. WriliiieiD 'him — -Repair------r • technically, "the ‘Oohloh baHy’ part." 3, Needscds more action. When 1 wass apparently relieved htmselself, nushcd, ing. Mr. Muftuffitt, that until the aver* c/o c/ Tropic Magazine, Thcbe Miami .HauscCalls ' in expect this level of Herald.H One Herald Plazn.a. M iam i, _ , W hereas in classical:al music, you in college,je, I saw the great blues har-- reopened t^c door and1 ccame back age Joe can —-— * Seniors------___ never know what w ill happen ncx(. monica pi:playcr James CoKon give a _ ou t a n d n e v er sto n n e d p la^ay in g ______cntcrtiiinmcritjrit-from-cIassicaLmusic,—W- Fla.-331-32.-i— ------OTns-stOp'COm“ ' performlance ar of’"Rockin’”ftoBiir’" Y oiT do n o t forget mu.sii.sical expcri- he is probabiibly going to slay home ■ D is c o u n t , ' pletcly in thc middlelie of thc song, wherein he sfuck his harmonica intoa enccsi such as those. watching T^,■V, stu c k 10 h is so fa lik e • | S n r ? l - •W alk ins thereby causing thcc aaverage Joe, his mouth,Ith, held his arms out side* ! am not saying thatIt classical moss on a roirock. But with less of a IDAHO ICE o n^E A M Welcome l Shopplna Cenlcr) mr^ajjpm || Las, perform ing "LcI.earier nf thc 8 ^ 8 1-80^39^674 Pack,” (akc.o;ily aboutlUt fo u r m in u te s s e a c ^ s a a ' MAQIC OflOffice-Hours: -to ;cll a dramatic and r •Thur»day 9 o.m.^ 6 p.m. Iday 9 a.m, • 1 p.m .. ' !— including a motorcyrcyclc crash. A ■ EN eiw w Shipments^ .classical orchestra canca take five f . ' ti m e s th a t lo n g j u sIt t t'lo s it d o w n . C f - C r y s t a l s There needs tO; bee more r of an ' emphasis on speed. ThiThere could be ■ - - .Symphony Sprints,,, wwherein two 1 tn f l? i orchestras would compmpete head-to- ^ I : H o u r s head to see who could!d g£ e t th ro iig h .a .. ------:~givcn’plcce"of musiclie tlic fastest. c B j** o f S e r v i c e There could even be defdefense, where- ^ B m in for example Ihe troml3mbone players 9 a.m .-1 p.m., , would void their spitit v a lv e s a t th e ------9 ^ 5 : 3 0 p .m ^ ------

“ C reate a w orlc Aiyttes«t>rtw«.iwlu J Call o f s p a c e w I om ow. (ludola»enmdiB>g:vy. — fcDUrfml/.iWieMiew that mwrj of you PcfA! ^ i f a i • O ur unique ap p ro'ach ad ‘I H H H u B l 934-4433 w n tfic to w . because, w h a = For scheduling creates space w here tfereojidsin^p-jou. Aamt With Docnt^por ...... there was once no^ ' j II i I h W I an appointment ■ Tli^SanAMpcr Restaurjiant, in conjunction withtConiaJChiropractiCy C ; ------space atalL-W hethet h e r M * ou Dinner With Doc! ErEnjoy an inlecesting' It’s an overcrow dede d -- is p l e a s € c l t o b r i n g ,y o i Free Blood . ihicken; steak or pasta - ^ —:— — closet, cluttered1 — - - I . r ^ ■prgentation.along.yiA .. ^Prasstira Scrilenrng- iB 2-at4tOORfe e F = ■ basement or a garag£age [W nilH rn^n I OTO^fbr just$5^i il that no longer hasIS Ypur tic k e ts no w , a t 1 . room for the car. . I nay not last! G .C l ,1120 Montana SL, We have the'solutionion. I IMIh I . Qoodina-; Dl .G e t y o S f d d o ' - ^ 1309-N.E i l N G i C O U J attend cnly— ittUlM PL.yTW f^ ------DinnerWithDxBaaiticcduc t p n i H O S i ------^-A'limtednunibgd TBIEMOm ■ t . . ■ ■ V ------J - ’ 7 !r~ - L, , ^ ~ . ' I ; - = — _ _ I 1 Monday.ly. March 7.1 9 9 4 Tlmos-NowaJ Fainji Idaho D-3 peiise^il 1:Love,-siiutioi Fet h a iiJ« st4 icc e n s e — • DEAR A B ^Y : I mis.sc,scd Ihc letter person who recommendedd holding avai)«ble in bookfaokstores now. . • ■ ^ . from ‘^nkl-F.xshiQBftil;l.w, 11 I -your‘pei_whiloC il is "niil down”d/ lo Anyone whoin h; ha.s ever loved n c a t’ ies:andge ly did not appron of pepeople living m r-tw itr-ftttuy ;;make its Iasi passing momcticnls more will trcasure,this.thisJieanwamjirig-vol ------Sjbacfe:: togciWcr^bciore maTTlirgegerbutM had— “ bcaiable.-M)ad1iu»dcd over:•rlhdl la.sk 'umd. 11^514:951:95Tri‘thcTJhilcd'S[aTcs 9 izziAbtQail— -b = =iowTilc:toTro u ^ 'heo:iTTet:e ad thfcjeply-r^ Ihcr occa- and $20,99 in1 CanadaCa .., and worth w = =V anB urenpn ■rto:m>^}luW>and-oiuwo.otil!rj — 'frorfr“SRaron" - whchose fiance ~slonsrbut'lhi5-fimc;-with-ji-a-cat-Iia_cVery.‘p2nntDtt{.- i^trTfusl-me— • . to te , moved in with her prior’ tcto thclrm ar- ; 1 kloved for 13.years, I.chaiiiiigcd my . . . riagc to help fier with hercr breast can- aiapproad». - Some readersrs mayI recall a r~ ai^E cer treatment and all ththe physical And, Abby. tlhank you for all your "BailiJy" was my favorit all column of scvcrMrM months back . K Parenting and emotional issues sisurrounding work. Pleasese sign■ me tlthe cats I've had. We shareired a spc- in which I iumcd:d myr iconoclas- ' this disease. ; ... O NlEMOTTIER’SLOVEiN E ciclal relationship. 1 couldn’t a llo w her ______,tXc_fl a m e - 1 h ro wwcr_oa_‘‘lcainr.- c _ .^ E Sa |E J o h n ' - ..-My-daughtcr._Tiacy,y ^ w a s . n l s o ______lLO.UIS.VJLLE._COLO._lc_lo.fi0.tlirougli Ihis witlioui m y lo v in g mvAug^nnYBiBS I__ ^ ■building” in publicblic schools. It’s a F Rpsemond. - _ diagnosed w ith brea-st cacancer at the DEAR M(MOTHER: My sincere ■ tctoijch and voicc lo .soothe hciicr. ' " " a co;icept thathat generally — age of 24. Four monthsIK before her condolences:es on the loss of your M y g rief is stro n g e r W ithI thistl pel's A ...... “ in v o lv e s v a rio u ss ggroup excrcis- I— wedding, she moved init with her daughter. AinU m ost ev ery o n e w c kn o w p;passing than any pel I’vc-c'evci had. rfVyrrrai es and experiencences lo develop of how’ muchn fun everyone is fiance. Seven months.afteicr they were has losl a lovedlev one to ihis terrible BBul knowing that there was5 nor Strug- VJSiSSil — c o o p c r a t i v e , J r uusting s t relatiqo-^.havings5 a n d h o w m u c h th e y _____- married, w c Jo st her. .Shehe. was 29. I disease; I hoplopc in our lifetime a curc gle, g that she fell no pai'ain, and. " ■ ships between teaceachers and stu- ■ trust eachtch other and how every- thank God every day fofor the time foTciinccr is fo u n d . T h a n k y o u fo r rcremembering how she purrere d lo th e l/ANCED - — : , dents. I opined thattha such educa- one’s grai'rades have gone up and' she had to-cxpcrlencc lifeife as long as your.poignantant, sensible letter. • very vi end assures me that I d ------tio o a l - f a d d i s h nness-is-foolish—(hey-d-n< e s -nover-go-to-Q-school-I ------— she-couldHncluding-tl-their living _DEAR^.AB1lBBY:-My-granddnu8lHer-w -wHS-kindesl for-her.-Aftor t CARPE _ and ccfunterprod.•odjctiic..;O nc_ran becauause it wouldn't be;fun.— n r ogethcr, and cspccially fifor the great is ntw 25 years-old.ye; Ever sincc she and ai affection she gave ifie duJurihg her Fron E«llmatei > more exam ple^;“TsSia, of how ------T h e/^•rftTlght—If-lT y r an' a ------lovcmyson^ln^lnwrMailarkrhad-fon-was-bornrl-li l-havc-given-her-S50-on—H: -Hfetimcrit.was.lhc ycryjeaslisl I co u ld the rhetoric of.“sr.“self-esteem ” school,, itil wouldn’t be fuHTln • . her. He could have walket:ed away, bul every birihtlajday. '■ • ,g,givc i back to her. Thanks forfo lisfcn- " " ^ has contaminatecited Ihe educa- fact, I'm'm certain my students didn't. • She has nowno graduated from col- ing. in tiona^ process. Let’sLc dispense would "hi"hale” it on a fairly regii- I now w o rk w iih ,lhic_ e Colorado lege and hasjas a job. My question: - A M Y? S T . T r ; w ith nouveau fijrfi|n and games lar basis.is. I happen to be highly ■- Chapter of the Natioiiorial Breast When do 1 stopst giving her money? PEACHTREE CH and get back to0 tthe basics .of suspect:l of any educational ■ Canccr Coalillon, whose;e g o a l is th e S h e h a s d ojne n t no|hing for me. her DEAR AMY: Because j C Ihe familyfa of 19 ” ' ' “ tesching".' ■■ ------~ process( tlthat advertises itself as prcvention.and cure of brcneast canccr. 88-year-old1 grandfather.gi otobviously a cal lovcr.’you, w A fifth-gradede teacher in "fun.” MjMy life experience leads 1 do Ihis bccausc of Tracracy, and for -J.J. INT4 T E R R Y V IL L E , C O N N . lively li' adore the new book "C■CalK / 'I'alMisoii'Tudotft\ f TemjSe, Arizona,na, responded, rne lo coconclude that the most- my other daughters. 'Terry and DEAR JJ.:J.: You may stop when- Lctlers,'; L colleclcd corrcspcp o n d e n c c | a . > • iililli: lejiiiiiig'is iiiv a ri*- ^iunu. ” .lid fui you-f.ndH ke. And since she hiTS, in . of ol “cals in love” by Lei,c ig h w. M unsnes■s tot e?cpTess V ~ upset his'-3tud0nts;nts—H edefends—abiy-diffiifficultrsometimes gruel—- women.- — ‘ ; -----...... - - your-words,—■^I'donc noinlnB-fbr^*our^R~R»Hlrdirr 'published bv Dutu t t o n - a n d - . y ------■\ team*bui{ding,, t: taught to his ing. Thele really important stuff 1 send my love to "ShSharon” and righl now,ish’sh ’i to o so o n . |i s c h o o l b y a m aijor jo r U S. corpo- always in’involves obstacle, advcr- am so thankful she is a survivor. I DEAR AB\BBY: I wanl lo lhank 5 ratlin, as "a1 mt ethod for sity, erroiror, frustration and fail- hope you can publishI i this letter; you for printlintlng the article from the ZndTim e. S imTund J to (Daifj.AcKorliandy ^ i n c r e a s i n g pproductivity." r o ure. It'sS thex sweat_of_Icarning Tw enty-four ofif Ihis students that bring:ngs fo0 h the main ingre- • Antique Mall I t U c S C3/ue u Lal disagree- dient inn i any success story — • Collectibles 5 ment. Some exccrperpts: stubbornn jperseverance. No pain, _ U.S. COBnsumes Icless fat, ------;------llK i^ js-n o w -w anm t-t'to-be-treatcd—tio'gairiTT^77t3mrgglerT5a'dmg to a 'ng-Genter—f ------...right, wtlike whc/hen you were' a highly revrewarding outcome, / ■aniC to alC\ - kid. (My teach*h»r) trusts us This is the real world,' folks, more off everythi ling else Staff'ai enough, we werere :able lo chew and Amerlerica’s schools have no . gum in class. Wc have a list businesss fttl>dietT-Am«»rjcan!i- diets blby pjgging"but “ '*'l cam ” b u ild in g « Ig can help you Yup. ihoseih fifth graders are more of cvtfrylhing else — and grad- on Otother foods. _ . to trust everyone: elelse. .This year right on.I. II f I ra n Ih c ir s c h o o l, ii unlly gaining w eight in thehe proccss. ; we have done a lot of team wouldn’tI’t be a Tunhouse. It The figures come fromm the Third already showiiwing up as lower levels building so far. WeW have done would be b< tough. Standards National Health andI N utrition . of cholesterolrol in the blood (about 8 r.c-onc-pe« on—would-be-be-highi-6ood-citizon ------■ “ EXSrttlriailOft SucvcyX N HK7WES~111). ? pi;n;ciii Ipwgr 1 stands on a table^...... and thopco- ship woupuld not be an option, P---- ^ — conducted by thc.'Cerenters for lestcrol is a majori risk factor for pie on the groundd cjcatch Ihcm.” There'dd be no. iruslfalls or s n j e R E i Prevention, heart disease,,c. Bul fat intake remains -H Disease Control and Pr "W ithout team-1m-building wc team-buiUlilding days. Everyone’s They arc findings from aan ongoing higher ihanin Ihe. Public Health would never' be ab able to do our grades wouldn’tw( magically go survey of ihc Americaran diet, in Service's goijoal for Ihe year 2000, l e n t w o rk . B e fo re I mmoved o here my up fromn onec year lo Ihc next, which more tlian 2 0 ,0 0 0) iindividuals which calls foifor a rcduciion lo 30 pcr- NewSuurgical Treatmei class did moonwawalking, and I And whehen Ihey occasionally arc asked lo rccall everyrything they ccnt of caloricirics from fat and 10 per­ ! hear that it was5 fifun. Before I complaineined — as every previ- ate , or drank in the last 244 Ihours. ccnt of caloric;ries from saturated fal. - moved here I nevlever heard of ous generleration of children has The good news is that fafal intake as The bad nenews is that Americans Laser Assistted Uvulopalatotoplasty ). team-building,, butb il helps. — of "hahating” It. I’d sim ply _____- -a-perosnlago-of-toial, calorories-contin— secm.to.bematnaking-upfoc-lhcir-bctter— i------—Team-bnilding-is-res-reallyfun:* say, as mym parents did to me, ues , lo drop, as it has sinenee the mid- diets by piggiiIging out on other foods, 1E S D P ) “ r "The reason I likelik school this “You’re: notr in school to have 196Qs, w hen Uie average;e American ToiaX.AVcragrage caloric intake in • year it is fun. BelBefore I holed fim. Ynii*illlir hnrc ln.lRnrn_ ------■ -got-aboDt^40-perccnt-ofHol- lotah:alories-NHANES-Jll->II_iALa^200-qdo'rieK-p«r— - A ------5Ch6ol. ... O ne dayda^^ the whole What aai radical conccpt! !from fal. The NHANE5ES III data day, up fromm 1.969 in NHANIiS II. Available only at school did a tea:eam -building- . _ 3 ho.«_tha!_2kmc/jcans_nonow get, on Not surprisinginglv. the ncrccniagc of - ^T^^M agicV all^]“EarrN osc-& .Throat> a t - A s s o c . ------— - -flvemen. 34-pciCcm_pfJhsheir ciilorics .people dassifirificd w-ovcrwcighl also._ “Wc have a chartiart and if peo- psycbolog'ogist in privaie^mciice ~ from fat; 12 perceni of cci a lo ric s a re ro.sc. able. II, M.D. ’ pie see us workinking nice they in N orth^ CCaTolina. Questions o f from , saluraicd fal. The lesson.in, it seems, is that even ------M ark F. Grcfcnson,n, M.D. • H. Peter DobI( ^ sign it and after 20 20.pcople sign ^general ininterest may be sent to That's an improvcm;ment over low-fat cookiOkies can take a toll if Larry D . M axw ell,!I, M.D. • Henry W.Gronro n s k i, M.D. ; it wc go to the pa:park for lunch h im at the Charlotte Observer, ] NHANES II, which covcr.cred 1976 lo consumed in sufficicnl quaniiiies. Phliillip S. Key, M.D. __ andw.cdon!tgctlo::lo s L ’-.------P .O . B oOX-32188,-Charlotte, x -' •■■■ 1980,’ when ihose’figurc:rc5'wcre-36-Experts saidid a lack of exercise is I______Ih s h o r t, th e lettccucrs Wgfg fvll N .C. 2823 ______• -a m !—1-3—p e rc e n t,- re apapectively. pfobablj^lst 570 Shoup AveVC. W. • Twin Falls, ID 83301 : . l ^ E l n c o u ra g in g ly , J h c s e:_.d < ro p s_ a r e inc re asin g jnncidence c i of olicsity.' (208) 73M^ 5 5 5 o r 1-«00^DR-S1NUNUS

- Little advaataja igefoiindlin useo lumbalEM tsz------Extended evenning hours on Wcdnr d n c s d a y ' s ------M t H n tn f : T h e W a a U n g to D P oist s t accordingng to a team of orthopedicc week in New Orleans atit i th e a n n u a l i n t e r v i e w ."They " ! cari give you a UlTicei iir ?me______s u r g e o n s .. mccling.o£ thc.Amcricnnin.Acadcmy.. .sen<;c.pf whc'hcre_your_ body_is,_sp ...... OOpening p Kjon in E lk o _ L u m b a r l ) e l t s —- tthose extra- Jose R.R. Reyna Jr., Vert Mooneyy < of Orthopaedic Surgeon!ins: Lumbar you'can adju;ijust your lifting based : w ide support_b_el.ts.It s_o f t e n_s.c.c o _ a n.d _ i hleir ej colleagues_at thee 1 belts-don't-incrcnse-lhe! slfcnglh-of-on-the_feedt>as ibackj'.auigcLJEhpnJi's— _wrappcd.around thee waistsw of pro- U niversilsity of California, Sana I lower-back muscles, nol o r d o th e y p o ssib le to lisilise good body mcchan- fcssiunal weight lifters lii — are Diego, piilplit lumbar belts lo the lestt ; add to a person's.abilityy to lift and ics and workk morer safely." becoming popularir ioutside the on 22 vol^'olunteers. In one sel oJf | place heavy objects.____ The only studysti lo look at lumbar A B E S jl g y m . ~ "stti'dics.lhlthe researchers used a spe--■ “TiTshort", th'e belts don)n’t provide bells and InjunjuryTalesril'fOund'hO” These days’ they’i;y’rc worn by cialized tytype of excrcisq equipmentt j any physical advantage. decrease inI injuriesir among airline Call for other ddcs ure-back-muscle itrength-in—-----Dcspite-those-negaliveve-findings^baggago-hanandlers-who-wore-lhe— ______pQStof£icc_workets,-di.,.deliv^-tniclc—to-mcasurc K SS'o5:z?284'X 65ai5a™=;‘765: r — drivers,, garbage haulaulers and jusi volunteerers with and without thec ! R eyna said, it’s possible>le the belts belts. Bul Ihche research lastcd'only about anybody who) lilifts for a Uv- bell on. ■■ help i prevent injurics.’““They 1 may eight month;ths< Reyna said, and ■yDKlunjJU DiDaDas ______^.*310 P a«is r is____ . .>818 t they help pre- In anolh3lher study, they compared1 i make people more awararc of their longer sludieJics may be needed lo ing. The idea is that th ankfijit— j vent injuries by pro\roviding some belted amand u n b el^ volunteers’’ I bodies as they work,” hele said in an show any benie n e fit. b i CTBIT i M NiNewYoritCSly.*354 Praik I added support to thehe lower back, ability tolo placcTicavy boxes on1 • • O l ria o d o ______‘359 M aadrid d ii ___ >858 ! But their a.bility to3 pprevent back' highshelvi:lv e s ;...... • j injuries remains hyhypothetical, Their ccconclusion, presented last H(HK)luhl_‘3'.‘375 Dibscdi on loinfttin nv d Doixai; t os insma be OBdustd by M*tb i A L t O CQR S T a o)ENT i s H II.lW a d tn w J cziahea»|*ied.by JuDel5,imSsBstbiicdJitt I

■ ■■■ A'a re y o u sfiffetlid n g f r o m E A R E5 W INNERR S! B c h r o n i c pl a a i n ? . . Mr. J u a n 's C:ollege o of Hair Design]n held their annual compeletition on Wednesdayay, February, : M 23rd.Wewoulawn'Whlie, Sue Dudley H " i F o r i n fform o atlbn, call'L 73 7 -2 5 4 8 . • liege— B - 2260aM)EEAP-\:E 2 6 d ay a EnflnL Fmw, Sn Ash yo u r healthh c a m professional to referyr y o u to Dr. Davis or Aionla, Mociunl, Cctnunii, U t T r U m I Dr. lof Hair Desisign ^ Lynwood Mall •TW n FallaIlls " . ■ Hdufsn^londay^Fridayay 8:30-5:30 ^ IW M UcarCenleF 3 ■ Saturday 9:00-12:02:00 Moon ______; Iv ^ i^ -Magjc[iCfV alley R egjonalU ! Rem enjbe^OurTrave^e^ssS&SsiiJ " ~

-*»■*: - ' * - ■ I • 1 ' I o . • . ■ ■ \ ,'•'4 - D-4 Times-Nowo. Twin■ FolF qIIg. Idaho MoncJay, Marchrch 7. 1994 _

T Com ics ......

Br-or-For-Worso : -&flynftCohn6U?h : ~ ) A HlWrtNE i llT SAySI'/S H ^T riffT M ice I i T r ,« o 'm m ^ K i N o o F [ [ LOVE tHE S ST; T A R T O f "\ / ^ E4 e r e 's A ~ ^ taTn\ ’ 7 ' r defeatT)' I MOUS&TrW. U riO O S Af

^ s rrrr . A & &A ~ ' ■ . ______By JohnrnnyHart - ' YET SOME0O0O(f/ KBBPS ■SI COULO TWTWEY HAVE ME / I VP WITH SOME ) _ C O ^pA M -'.l conrri-< A.'WMAMlWH'W.'WtlrA^i! WIE ALU THESE . MIXED VP I MV'CUIB WITHME. ^ ^f^£V\ORDt*X/Hl5tlVl - OTHER W, ---- BUMSTEA ----- >-: c r ~ e> 7 ?— ■ ------"■ ______:'f • •______n ______

= ^ “ 5 S - J f « lu stth o dofl.::______;.7 . Garfield By Jimn Davis^ D ennis thleM e I en a ce ------ByHanlrKR-Ketcham------Thrhe Family eircus-.------By-Bil-Keane______— T— XZ ______LGARF.I£LP_a mM._\._ — — ------.TOO-BAP-CAT6-\f-ve5/-*r v £ S /-^ ------1^ V i a o e l k ? . >CAN'T TALK ( T M SAW^VING-^ Rip -.j.,.---. .. ■■'XfATT" m - " I © • ^ T ^

!TfiU?AVT:>.3-7- , —— S-E HI and Lois______By C hance BPiBrowne ' 3 f l | ^ j' S-—I V ^ c»UMce iwijuiin: 5 ^ * r w h a t a X m aAVrsHoW y V |J|r',_ ~ n ■ / THIS IS OUR V T ‘~7~^ I ^rihun L MiCE,c?U)Er W o Uul lt o Y&UR « » f.-Si. RBSTAORAUr/ X TA 40LE { j j ^ V .0 * rA/AtLte^ j “We're gonna have an Iditarod ‘ ______®______T S^xiX ------in our y ardl-d!=------_ j S ^ ‘HeturhseSEVERTTtUKfi IKTOFlH6 ERfO: FOOD I"

< 0 1 7 1 e y - O m a n p — ----- . _ 5 Nolions^ — ------~ B T r —Sydney T h e W izard o f Id ...... : By Brant ParlerfecJ,-Vo(Mro-MnMliv«-r ------n r U T 1 “ r^tTHuiTy------...... -OUT-OF— I I 'ZS'Avolds capliapliiro”' ]’*“| I —I -j— - toneabofothcrsbuls but Oiheri arc not .always z i z z I I 24 Elocirlllod T | |~~^ —cartng wfiefi y ijj arc E±i>\~ ~ parilclo------L l _ j for disCTiminaiiOT.n. ininsistence on quality'in . . -25 0ogin------— I— I— products and peopleplcbccomes I cvidentCur------P 2 . 26 Film cartrldErl(J0O \— \ — \ ______P j rent cyde hi^lighlsighls pcs.^1)Ic change of s i f o o 30lrrlgalos I I reudencc, marital1 slatstatus.. ------1__ 34 Hoip along'3. ' I I I _L _ _> -A R IES(M arch21h 2 I-A ^ .1 9 ): IndiviiJual ^ , r 35 Exam alylo'Ila n i f ^ h - 37.T.ilo pTcviously “in chajge _ k II iii-' =1CS3JnKPT>rej53FcirtSi_ tojL^molion^-Dcfinc— ------— : - ^ n nKnnmimoP ^ ' Hagar the Horrible -' - '— ----- tfy c ; n n sI ^ r o w n e ^ ^ - 39 Throo-loggo S h I I -tcnns,-makcinlcrUioflmioasayual dear. Older------lablos . .. family member warnwants to be “near you " - • T h Ild M A Y ^^^9 4IOopot:abbr ------Pisces involved. vY^egA^iEP . ' ^ dB k H 42 Old qaw ______TAURUS (April : pril 20-Ma'y 20): Bunlen '■ T M f h i r , M e / J j H 44 Larger amoimount [if ^ removed, accent traveltravc ,and romance, rcach 45 Animal fal BE ; rules, regvJatiotis. You_ m g m ------46 Somo 6lr>goi(QOrg------OIM4 Tr«un«MM*9«rYK«i,i«,,.ne:------03 48 Wllhoul rop(oposo "■ n'oiii* n«»«rY«d ■” wilh fame aiid'fortune. ------50-Hugo------Saturday-s-Puzzle-SoIviIvei{;------—,gpoUight. univcgaLafal appeal.investigalcJor;______^ ^ ■ 1 ■52Qoloro ,11 Ovor [ g i. B v J S3 Robbor 12 Porter ol music fTjl t-21-June 20): Study Tau- ■ S m S6 Orynoss 13 C oosos . L , L ms message. Romanonance that appeared "shat- T h j f l CO Noblomann ' 21 US pool 1 ^ r l F iM m l ^ "reconssonstructed." Lunar nosi- [ ' ^ a i 01 Take a s o/ioQ/io's 23 ShollNsh [T^ •p lH lS U jJ tion highlights finandlandal status of would-be own 25 Marine londing ■ - S jP B W i badccr. Hidden nssoiresources come to lighL 63Pi0fC0 . ploco [£] flJO pVIHI- Aries involved. I ggeuii------' - - M Jo m o s—-. . IIHim 20 Gem wolght - aide • 27 Follow the- ■ p a y - - : - c a n c e r (Junew21-July 2: 22): New'deil • -• •■ H IA I11L involves sig n ^ agitagitemenl. Spotlight on Beetle Bailey By Mort WWalker 65 stion rulo - • ...... ,, , . 66 Lot. abbr. 28 Car type A p W T O l romance, love, stylestyle, nurital'status. Be Ullljll I II 67 Qarnol and i 5 I y 0 3 • yourself and thenI you c u i'l he wrong. Fo- I CANT GET ) I'L'LLTHR0W~1 L xNpow't nd ruby 29 Oocoralo' • t h a t s s w h e r e ^jllllllllll 68Hommod 31 Follow aftor ■ cus on confidence,:, freshfrc start in new direo- BEETLE ■ J HIMIIM 'OUT OF THAT W/l 5LEEPlWe ^ / ^ 69 Coarso homlomlny 32 A pprolsoi [s] C IH IE lo l lion. Leo involved.J; UP • > < THATAT BEPOHTD 33 Thin boards [r] OISE LBO (July 23-7Vuj•TVug. 22): Reunion^3]h DOWN 36 Legondory [H •JE FLOOR.' A jl=== aI n N |A | "eoctnlric"family/ me member d o m in a tp C A ^ _ *' ' . H _ I 1 Wilchos knowledge Jox. do things your way krir^ 2- Tho Rod" j" 39 — llrmn uxJ i Id I e I r I “ •'* l!ie unorthodox, i v ' - . 3 nation monojnoy 40 Unoccupied 03/07/M g j c objections }o oflhose f I who lode faith. \ t ^ 4 FortunotollQi )llar 43 Protective - A ^ S Edison, for ( Of ono . g lasses ‘' VIROO(Aug. 23-SepL23- 22): Diversify, V ® ' , 6 Acllvlsl 45 Hoovy hammers experiment, make£ perstMialpi appearances, A H j ■ 7 Moke 0 mlat nistako 47 Leglslolivo body add to wardrobe. Lunar, Lur numerical c ^ e s w / . 8 Thing ol voli voluo 49 Numerical pretix 55 Angry _____ 58 English highlight physicalal atiraction.a creativity. _ ntt=::5t-01d-W Jm si=^5S :car-^— ^---- ^ t i i i w : ------Nxtur™ ' 53 Grizzly section 59 Shorp b C 3^ lOBootrocoJ ' ■ 54 Slorm S7 Tiny bli 82 Group:J.' iooor. LIBRA ^ (Sept. 23-<2 3 -O a 22): a e c k de- rint, be willing to revise, Frank and Ernest By Bob Thi■haves ' - n _ _ review, to reconsmxism ia “modcL” Product » h ” will be tested, youou ccould be on wny to •'■ •ll' • .“ridjes.” Family memlnember stands by you. ------LdO trif^nM ,- — B earrs sell for $505 an ind e.-Now-we— ------’— SO Q RPK > What’s what?( ...... capabilities, lel ottershers Iknow you are “ui Ihe ( o i v ^ — I Old WorldI IcjIc ^ n d ag g este d ihc'imagi------s t f F e f — \0LC0M U;;------iniy - gunfcen - c f '~™^AOnTARruSS 0{Nov. 22-Dec 21): ^ ::Wh«nJh«.-child{en-aj:»;latb«;(o. IB): Look MikeOradvcly covered third for the New' eaie a irm p as big M pmses. P ,,, .temdjhc immriiati ■'?!= = =^R nsFr1n=Igferin':bhe-pUyrt»erl7== «Hpninwttflirw r~.19-WIS-MirdiMjnocgaS: man’s throw soSO Ihc runner readied ihfail- af'odniission, of- quiu low, always,)Ts. And it > unce coomunkalknilioo 'iu v o N n romancc," ' _____ - 4. And t h ^' overo> the catcher's bead so set such rules m minimum ageje o f cus- travel, ttqulied signatigrwtufo . Busthfss oon* ^ TIT— tbe nuiDcr'reachached home. He w as a Cne. lotnets, loo usually 12. ' bines with emotkmalnal tttupoflics—your way ■ H r - . n j. •' 'maii7burnedrdo oot ialk-abom Ofady-r'"if ' " O ld Roman socks had toe pockickela: ' is n ^ w a y ;a n d k totodKBknowlL'— ( b « -.»J S f . 1 ------^ ^ ------I ■ . ■

■'•I; k___:I_____-•_ ■ ■ - \ ,-■ ;A - ■ ■ n - ' " — = 3 F Monday.ly. March 7. 1994'mrnos-Nowa.''wjj.'Twn Fallot Idaho D-5

!ues"---'\ ' "

Poopio who becom e tiredk J a n d d e p re s s e d in th e dark,rk. ccold winlor monlhs __somollmos.havoaconditlilitlon.caUeaSoasona! AffodiveJive.Disordor.(SAD). _ I the ligght, impjroveg Distinctive symptoimns'' BrlBhtligllight h e l p s ______^ = ± 3 k e ^ g = = ■ D eptBsfiodTOOOcn= Knc--— ...... - cnico 'C arley ■Tiaia^shTlKd'ughirshc sa wasr '-■Ta% ie"— ------_____■-(ordinaryTaryHluorflscanl-tiibea)------'—-—7>ie lalemJankJe'sJe-Bprnfn'i--on& InTwhlcK yourairanWg bucW esiowaid— • ------crazy.- • -■teHArgy-.------^ thB'outsld© - iss one01 of the m ost common injuniuriea to exercisers. I I _ W hen the leaves fellell in autumns Three yeaI'cars ago, she found a name; Physical symp^i/Tis f \ ‘i /o u have-a lot otpaln,ot p 6 your doctor; theI injinjury could be m ore . . . past, so did Myma Carlericy’s tears. She for how shehcfelliSAD... i _ _ ■ ' • ,dislin^ish il jrom , i_ Z .j:z — ^ Mrioufrtharn a^pr i : ------— ;—'The treatnatnicnl: liglil.'No one knows T -.-^T^mnOTniur ■ _ ’ depression or. y- ijury is called a^fdnieBpTajn:iin: ' ■ “ 1 would cry,” said CqCqrlcy, 50, who 'exactly why'hy light makcs'suffcrers o £ . • • In the first 24 to) 484 £ hours aher a mild, moderc normal sa d n e ss' eroteorchronlcsprain. 'I would feel.so SAD happicpier, but il docs, Maybe it’s . , think RICE: Rest.3st.'lco, Compression, Elevatiojtlon. • lives in Philadelphia. “I ' bln**! ^ fViM _lhc.MdnIcr.'!™ tl linked lo Jiormoncs. ho Or,ta.a.pcrson!s_ _ She is one of lhe th(:housands who cirpadian rh>rhythms, suffer from Seasonanal Affective Carlcywcwears a visor witli two bulbs More women puffer Rost: Stay off your loet. UseI •Disorder, or simply SAI\D , a condition thal shinei lightlij inlo her cycs.'ll'looks dutches il necessary. • akin lo the winter blu'lues bul much like somee <■spacc-agc gizmo, bul il . — ’ fwlen more serious. It causes a deep sadness; works. "1 feefeel wonderful." she said, . W omen^|^25% depression and moodineness, says psy* For somejnc.pcoplc, treatment requires •_ Ico: Apply an Ice pack, a bag3 ofo chologisi Brenda Bymene. coordinator a larger, lighight box or even antidepres-' D ally trere a a t tm e n t. iroifin’vegetables'orwaterfroz ------onhc'SAETPrdgranratarClorindrO—sanrdro^-ir- '— ^------:------■ ’30 miniitfli^jles each mofnTffri '' n a foam cup to the injured arcaroQ Margolis & Associates,s, a health psy- For Carh]rlcy, the visor (she paid r - l r - sitting] 16 18 inches from,lignl . ■ ’ , ' for ■ 'or 10 lo 2 0 minutes every houiour or Philadelphia. aboul $36060) is enough. When she two:wo during the day. ■ chology corporation in Pi ______M jj o a d wIwantags-in— a r ------At the bliiuJe throughjh Philadelphia; awakes cadach m ining, she pl.iccs.it_____ A Northern problem^*• ultravioleiiolet or-spedal Byme estimates ihui 7^ pcrccnlf o f the atop her heahca3~for about an hour. She Hew Hampshire full-spedpectrum, lights population suffer from1 SAD; 5 another 'needs it all fall, all .winter. Comc 9 .7% 15 pcrccnt suffer fromI a milder form, spring, comcrmc longer, sunnier days, she c - other tfeaTeatments r v ^ g Compression: Wrapa p your ankle snugly In which includes the winlciter doldrums. can put-awiiway the vispr.-Gome-fall— - elastic wrap; mako itlighler.aroundthefoolit I • Qrley'said she felt aI s.sadness during come shorteirrter, cloudier days, she puts Florida ■ AnlideproBprossant drugs ■ Stresss m;managomont f ij ^ than toward the calf.If. If I your toes foel numb _____ thC-Winter.months fotmtinuchpfherlife. il back on1 ajagain. Oirlcy also excrcis- 1.4%. \ t ^ 'o r t u m color,:|posentfn the wrap.------■ Exercise:lso As a childi she woqI8 bebe depressed by cs, Irying; lo lake a brisk, ihrcc-mile of population ______• ■ Psycholh.lolherapy *______H y . , ...... ' the sun's setting. Laler.:r, she dreaded walk everyrv day.i Shi* worlts nm „ 1 :...... ugylill.lUlinuu^.wocdici'raclcack. often with her.visor.______vated, antisocial. She aleal rich foods. Exercisese gives her pcp-encrgy. Elovatlon:'in: W hen posslblo. koop tho gaining w c i^ t, then losi3sing pounds in Light gives:s herIi pep, energy. SOURCE: Journnj of momo/ Amoilcon MoCcol Aun. ankle abov«lOve tho level of your heart on s the spring. And she criedcd. "Everything Now, cvci:vcn after the sun sets, saidI ^ I— :------:------:----- KRTIntooraofiics _____ b e d o r chairhair (0 keep bfood from poofing would ro^c me cry,” shehe said. - - Carley, "1 fetfeel great" iri yoiir arikli■rikle. -ReseareG h e i s s a y - 1body Gheianical^lov^aging4>process— W ithin 3 to 7 daylay s, if .swelling persists bul. isn'tis> increasing, use a The Washington Post , molecules arcire nalurally occuning toxic more m anlioxidant iiciivity.lh.than ihcit’ aging, said Richan:hard Cutler, chcmisl nl contrast balh. byproducts of the combustion process standard-issuc st cousins, and the th differ- ihc N ational InsInstitute on Aging's ------Here.'s.how:Altenitemaiely submerge.youc ankleikleJn co!d.waler.(45.to;::_____ ------Researchcrsrcportccicd’last week"-in'which ccllrcllsuscTOxygcn-lo-crcuie—et -ences-bflwecn-lhc-two-Klrains ns-cxcced— Gerontology Rcscacscarch-Lalwratory.— ------60 d e g re e s ) forT oneor minule and warm w ater3r ((100 to 105 degrees) talinns^______:_____ ------{ortwominutesrD;rDalhis-fon S'minutesrcncece ortwice-aday.'tor-a------ihey-had exiended-the^-!ife-spans-1 of—mctaboir&-cnicncrgy.-Frce-radicalscan—« - c d cvcn-thc-ficicniislxlcxpcctal wQOk or two. InI eaeach balh. gently, move yourur 1foot up and down to fniit nies more than 30[) pcrccntj sim- bum holcs in ccll membranes, destroy Most siriking. Ihc cngihcc ______^ ____ improve mobility^^atyiand .circulaiioii. Avoid inwarCard.ankie movemsnis.______ply by boosting ific instisccts’ natural snippets o f■ gcnclicg< material and start lived li up to 30 pcrccnt lonj © S O i l i p'rwluction o f two cnzyrymcs tha_t^can deslructive ch;chain reactions lhal causc a Ih be bought In health>fi-food siorcs. wrdenlngdrclircic of damage in the body.—-luse-itnd lu c.italasc. And'thc; ® C H O> (C O L A T E They said there was evidenceev that "They urc the price lhat all air-brealh- sfspend Ihc cxini time in an ias. the same approach coulluld add years ing animals; papay for life," Sohal said. • ing in home. "In Icnns of qualirS'S; 8 covi/ E R E D . . . 9 . A gehtio oxorcl:rclso is to sit wilh your* .. or even decades to the livesli of high- All animalslals. frorn the smallest fruit wwc really llujuglit the anlioxid;idani over- /VU u t tF u d g e A legs straight inn fifront of you, letling your )rrsaid. P • cr animals,Induding huilumans. fly lo whales:s aand ciephants, make m o i-'' piproducers were bcitcr off " On i n i l l a . N u t , .feet extend pastast the edge of the chair But don’t start makircing plans for cculcs dcsignegned to extinguish the fiery "This is really a beautifulI confinna- c or bed. Bend yoiyour ankle up and down lhat 120th birthday part;irty. Sdcntisls rampage off frfree radicals. But an csti- lion" li of lhe free-radical theoryth o f B uttei^t i e r C r e a m @ i s limes, two or or three times a day. :rceni of the radicals pro-' Stop it.youJesLpsl pain------______said the life-extending! eenzymes are mated 1 nero h t & D a r k Q icn taken o ra l-~ 4 u « d eachh daytl manage to throw a " unch or hvo-bcfore-gctting— « 2 5 ~ l b » — — ^ ------make more of its owiw n. A nd the tackled by thesethe chcmical bodyguard.s, jl ERICKSONS0 genctic technique by i w hich called antioxi()xidants. That adds up lo a II l A N D I E S Q researchers got the insesects 10 over- few thousandid hits; per ccll per day, sci- mmm ISED SUNDAYS ■produce those enzymescs is loo dan- enlists cstimalinalc. The result over time is j gcrous to use in humansIS for now. the progress!'ssive physical and mental ' i s a s e i s # Still, the pioneering; work^ settles demise called^cd'aging. . _ ___somcJijngsianding-quiaicstions.about__Xo_find_oi_out_yihcthciLoid_agcJs_ the causes of aging, A nd experts indeed Ihe result res of frcc-radical dam-| A k v h 10 see whether life might be said the findings couldI sisoon be used age — and to: ! A L E ! J to produce more cost-cfefficient farm extended by by boosting the body’s _ animals and even longer-er-livcd pets, antioxidant defcn-ses dc — Sohal and his 'ected craft ^ "Up io Ihis poini. we e’ ’vehadalol bMUcotleagnigmrWi 11 ntnrC rO rm ca tcd*^ e e f e - W K f ------^ ------nf nhn nl wh.->l thefcjnechanisms_a.gcnctic^y-c i ly.cnginccrcdjiiniitLolfiJiii_ ton-yarda^e—^ ------o f oging are, but no direirect proof for- fly. Gcnclicisl:isLs often experiment w ith - any of ihem,” said R ajindor S. fruit flicsbcca:causc the insects reproduce ■ “Sohal, a devclopmcnlalII |geneticist al quickly and1 bccauscb< their well-sludied ^50? Southern Methodist UiUniversity in genes arc verycry similar to human genc.s; ^ F R E D EERICKSON'S^ R Dallas and coauthor ofif the fruit-fly what proves;s truet for fruit flics often ^ C R A F T H A U S ^ for humans. d s t E. • 733-7624 ^ _ ^ la. ^ report in; Science magagazine. "Now. proves Imc for that't f a frce >;_ O rr nnd-SolSohBl-gQve-lh«if-ffuiPf1i«u- ^S-3Q MQN.FRI______T 7 ~ T ’ ...... 10^5:00^7.— ^-----^ . II -.TTadioJ liypotScwfroIl^^ g liiv a ird .-—c.xtra copict'of y|Y(; s an anlioxidant enzyme ' T T ^ That hvpolhesis, first5t proposed in lhat m akes a ;e is essential- 'callcd supcro;;roxide dismutase and one ------f-;'-:^NOTC:TW8Wonmttlor> 1956, slates that old age ^ 309 2nd SL ly the rciull o f cumulatIative damage::;:ihat makes,ca..catalase, another antioxi- perpetial^ oh the bodyly by chcmi- dant enzymene that normally mops up uttiteal6^ = —^fltrsnpcTDXfijxtiJtrtJi5nnii355rT7RT5rtnr“ 1^' KRT Inlooraphlca^A6 6 ER HICU These electrically charlargcd oxygen was a familyly of nies wilh 50 perccnt IVEBWEAI W a l k s relit Shoos r|5 1 k s uiriderestitimaten\ n m t a \ ia b ilil^- Knows 1 Older D i f f o F o n f M le selection of e__stood.Jean.Klaibcr,.manag(ificrjit Mount The resultsilts come from the most Knighl-Riddcr News SSer e r v i c e ------— p s y c h o lology-who-orchcsirated.thc__ ^ ffegufro D tftow»otwear’such as: ______study, saidlid older people will have trou-!• Nitlany Residences, whihich houses recent phasei ofc a siudy d f aging'lh'al id'someTcsl— Schaic-bcgaigairlTT-1956rThrTtudy— ~ Jancl Gnintz said shhe e! sees older pM- ble wiih oneon sEIl such"dsmcM)ryr>n'd.■d.~rilirriycrdcrir^pcoi)16rsiaid ■ s c A P r i i — ------n and handle retests proplcle cevery .seven years. O f the pic underestimate their:ir nmental abilities then b e^n;in feel worse about their ovcr-r- dents were very confident ofile I subjects, about 70 are left, nil the lime. all abilitiesies than they should, everything themselves. BtBut there arc original 500 su Check o ut o ur w ide » f the Philipsburg "Just becauseb« they have more difD-i- others who will lose ihcir:ir sclf-assur- and new pcoplople arc added every time, — quplrty sporting fooh Graniz, director of th Rtg. $78.00 said patrons will oilly pullinlling up a name o f som eone...... ancc, especially when relaiialives assume Subjects rangingcd from 29 to 95 years (Pa.) Senior Centcr, sail ------N i K E M R E S C hear about an activityy aiand say, "Oh, 1 Ihcy gcnerleralize and say because I’mTl control over bill-payingIg and o th er old. skills that were tested a rc . used to toiow how jo do ilhal, but now I having protiroblems T m no longer capable!e details of their lives. The five ski . Low Profile lency to t^_ v crb al meaniiining, spatial orientation, Ig decisions,’’ Schalc said.------— r_??Families.havc a tender ^ cari'f.” ’ " • ’ •...... ofm aking< asoning,- numerical abiliiy- TTiey oftenns rpalch up with younger p< B rc^ Greening EducaiiCfltlonal P ro g ram . By oppol •1675. . ecen t stu d y al were the oneson with'self-doubt. tio n ^ b o u t a^ n g are imprc)roving. If he O F r o th e re su lts o f a rec< f you arc a,woman who isIs a resident of Idaho, 40 yea have never had a Pennsylvania State U;Uflivcrsity that ‘Theirr mentalm alertness is better thann had done this study 30 yei^ears ago, he If y namimogninj, do not havc.ins^insurance coverage for a manM edical C enterimct deductible of ;; showed lhat older peo|icople underesti- they thinkikitis,” i Grantzsaid. ' expects older p ^ Ie wouldild have iKCn mar rce-mammograni undc^'lhe“^ f G rant Program ...... ______mate their mental_obiliJiilijTM^mpre often Barbarara Lindenbaum.1 director o f thec w n more pessimistic aboul)ut their abili- $55>55, YOU qualify for a free ointment only. Call 736-167»26-Shoup-Avenuc------^ than younger people. - - - Ccntrc'Reglegion .Senior Citizens Genter,— ------.------Lin.im itcd dum ber o f grants availvailablcTtJurTacllityTs'lijiSUiM Researchers testedI people’spe menial said peopleiple she dealt wilh w ere con*I- “There has been a moiore realistic Vest, Suite J. Call 736-1675.75. cars of age or older, and hav skills in five areas andnd askedi them to cem ed abcibout their mental skills, butIt appraisal o f what older peofoplecando,” ammognim, or have an unmcl :PR C lass " T u e s . & T h uurs., rs March 8 & 10, 4 - 7 p. 7 -2 0 0 7 .' , rale their performance.». 1 In three areas, hod a prett;-etty good idea b f where Iheyy he said. D CPF ’ M VRM C M ammography Gi older people — those;ovi:r70,— ov were adltrProfcssiCFnai-Plazar526-i 30 p .m . * ______Ihc mosLncgalive aboutut tthemselves. □ ChilIWldblrthClass •Wednesdisdaysv beginning March 9'tl K. Warner Schaie, aian EvarrHugh ------P rtcrcgfetratlon c i requlrcdr CalCall 737-2900.------professor of human devdevelopment and p .m . T o r e ^ e r , call 737-2C Clancer an Support Group • Thursday, Tl March 10, 7 p.n ting Area. For MOVIES iform ation, caQ th e Sou:herr\u m Idaho Regional Cancer Cthrough April 20, 7 - 9:30 j ------S -G tstle s a i^ n - G h f ld b l^ Class:^^'f* Mnt»ch 1 0 , 7 - tion not ______equlred. For infprmatlont1, acall 737-2900^ ' ■ .m ., C a n c e r C e n te r W aiting C m k : Z ' „ . ~ S Center at 737-2441. □ Sen!enlor M eal: “ S t. P a tric k ’s's DayI Celebration” ♦ Sund —1:30 p .m .------—- - j a d 4 :30 - 6 p.in^ MVRMCIC Cafeteria. For InformaHc p.m .Prt^btrailonection a t B Dr. Al£Ian Fox M 37-2065. Falla Avenue; «10500 • Twlh Falla, Idaho 8 3 3 « (208) 734*7077TH am e D ay S u rg ery C en tcr■ lOth10 Anniversary Open Hoinday, March 13, ll a.m. 13,- i 1 - 3 pim . V — ■ A n n oM u t i c i n g j S tion, caU the Senior Connecti g Course • Monday & Tue 9 a . m . - 2 p .m ., N e w O f fJ i il c e H o u r s □ 55 Alive” M a tu re D riving C n d n o b r - ^ f « r « n ce r ^I. . CCosti-SS.-Must.att^.'boib i |u Ircd ..T o ______. .. 1 : : - - inrThursday ^ __ regi! Tfnnt!on7xaltihc;Sf7i/or'Cb7inilouse • Sunday, March 13, j to b:UU p m lirtAIdandCPRFORBUSlUSINESSES. CalUmChplesday, M ^ 14 .& 15, 9 a. ' ^HUl^Frid h days.J*rereqistriiiioarcquir

jjestnut a t 737-2906.

U ueitfilac»to.U uh. - — — t ------^— ■ ^ - ' ■ - ...... V •

______D-6 Tlmos-Nows. TwiTwin Foils, Idaho Monaoy. Maniorch 7.1994 ; Danc(:e cham ps = = tM !uscles {sHII fleln n E J te HieH aitfor OoinHnl .. ing. Bodybuilder Lenny PaParrncinn puts ' Bnmaybe listen lo whiit.you l~lhe cuiiuree oi o profe.sslorrat'bpdybnild— To do:> for you

Exercise da^ fo'for s^iore w nrm eeteet^rom 7 to 9:30 p.m. al.lhchc date for the currenl class>s is scheduled marital arts.cis class will be held al 2 p.m.. For more information,in, call the the instructor)r fofor ihe-following-ium' : ...... ------* - Magic Va Valley Regional Mcdical Cenierler for 7 to 9:30 p.m. ThuilUrsdayiathc beginning> MarchN 17 at the Jerome: I SIRCCat737-2441. bling classes> andan< will be held on the scheduled todayay m Jerom e sccondi nfloor confcrcnce room-Thc_hc-_M agic Valley Regional MiMcdical Cenier Recreation QCcnler. dates specified::d: JEROME - A seniorior citizcns aerobic non-rcfunifundable w urse fee isS40. sccond floor confcrcncc roroom .. . The class>s isi open 10 all age groupss Walking' club sets n:monthly’ ’ * Pee W ceee aat-2 and 2:30 p.m. on cxcrcisc class will bee heldhi at 4:30 p.m. Desigiiigncd to prepare parents foro r There will be a labor rcrehearsal, plus from first grade gr through adull ages. , ■ Tuesdays, i meeting at mall foo willwi begin Tuesday and ------e ffiLC, 2444~Srl:incolTTOhrurcalM 2 :r^ ‘«»«'«- lation, call the ______Iflahn prc-iegislnilionon isI! required. The fee is______3389 for more informalination. ’cgislration is required. To prc-e- Education Dcparimcnt a l fyi-iW, Cancer sii^oHsi group iRegional Cancer Center, will(ill prescnl a “ wccK session for The jwc” . r or for more information, callill weekdays between 9 a.m.I. cand 4 p.m. , , id .S7 for the beginning, register oi plans shalaring session program\ entitled, “Everyily lh in g Y o u w « .class and ,S Tivin Falls sehio.iorshost “ TIMC Education Deparimenl at Wanted lo Know aboul Radiaiion F mlemediale and advanad classes. To 00, weekdays between 9 a.m.n- Intermediate Jiyil[itsu class TWIN FAI■ALLS - TTie Magic Valley’ Therapy."1 prc-regisier or fifor more information, free exercise clailasses Iind ^ p-tn-.m. ppon Group will meel at 7 call the Jeromeme Recreation Center at ' starts March 14 in Jerome ' The walkers club is co^spcponsored by -324-3189 TW IN FA LLS - Tl sday in the waiting room' the ^ Magic Valley Regiona!lal Medical 324-3389. Senior Citizens Ccnte nting, childbirth JE R O M E - An intcrmcncdiatc Jujitsu area of the; Soulhcm S Idaho RegionalI Cenier < and the Magic Val Iter, 656 Addison Ave. W. you is u calendar listirig cxcrcisc class at 10 a.m.a.m on Mondays, cOUrSe y manial arts class will be hiheld al 5 p.m. Cancer Ccntet Anyone interested in the cl >e offered WednesdayY ■ beginning M arch, 14 atIt the Jerom e A t this mo:nonlh’s meeting, members \ I n hcaUh-rchtedid wactivities, events and Wednesdays and Friday;days in the activity . : call the MVRMC Senior Coronaection at gt/matfon. Infomformation should be sub- room, 616 Eastland Driv3riv=. JEROW3ME - A four-week series ofi)f R’ecrcatio n C enter. Thrhe class is will have anin opponuniiv( to parlicitiate: -737^2065. • ------' — - edi£hiUIbi«h-and-parenling- vliu have lud In a group shasharing scssiofu — milted, fiu/scmrsday tor publication in md-illja!niors-Bre^l>“ P“ ^ I * J followingJ MtAfonday’s Features sec- ^ t-ncmi7?IgeTt~nnrt~Wgtrn will be offered this month fromm expericncc in-the Jujitsu m;manial an and The cancerMr support-group meets onLjQunblingxlasses^li ' ilated; ---- 30'p.m.on-WcdncsUyys“arSf.“If.—witF b c ijisiruL-ted-by-Shefiepherd'-Kcalc>-..tbc.aecond-i 1 I hiircflny ntThr mnnTh tices to-The-Times-News. ' • Benedict'id ’s Family Mcdical Center;r Tlie fee is S9 for a six-wiweek session.'. Refreshment!:nts are served and family pr^registratidn | reqouired' ''.u. aax j ence Room. The fee for the1C Pre-registration is required.:d. To prc-reg- and guests arc invited. ^ ddiver lo ourir oloffice at 132 Third St. JEROME - Shyrcl Sloddadard will be w. Anxiety, panic:disorders di ;$ 2 0 . ister or for more informat'latlon, call the seminar slatedI WednesdayV Designejned to prepare the expectantnl recreation ccnter al 324-33( . . . , . mother anand her support person for anin ■ ■ ______TWIN FALLS - AA fifree community ■ . j^Reginning-martiat ilili'i'i'lil'T rr = seminar enliUed. " iTig K le classes emphasizes changes . Treatment Jf 'Anxlei Drcgnan’^'. prep'aralion for laborf r class at Jerome re>' I’y Ihc 1.S1 dcltfss. [ Tlie.second class in Iheie -^^r^B nuSnt^ UxlBS la V«ztUrtaa K cai Pcic'r Ferguson, M.D.,.,m m ccIlcald.^or-5.Hcs--.lsoIso' serves as a rcfrcshcrdnss- ^ . a N EEWThlsWeekI V • of adult programs ata. (Canyon View ons who have previously taken“:^-D . isw m inu 8 i ...... -ftM e t - R x ...... Hospital and ^ u n selinling&nleis.— g •ed childbinn course.-Also cov-- ' Us8d Carpal Participants will haveivchcoppoitum-. e^dinlhcthe scries arc Caesarean binhs, m m W c A lsoIO IH ave: Dr. Klauuert’s 1 ty 10 Icam how anxiety::y ™d panic du- eding, post-panum care, new*I P^*V liiyls H B n C o u nitry t s Ilcaltta FonantaJ orders are diagnosedI andar ircalcd. Dr. b„n, •c and s a lour of the labor/dcliv- MEwHoutt: I — ------PcrgusQiLWil LreviewCW the common gfyarca " Roll Balance Ri9:30-9w

C zH E ljiaL ljiq lO0 qij t 'a i i 'o f iLiuice. io tfie./i£ c ^ M a q ic ■ B r e aI k Same! Day1 Surgeryy Center S p e cl i a l

^^^^^StayTtrsRapipe w hile-— = "' ■ C ~ttD nrerforspipring-bpealc- _ for Just— ^ ....H[OUSE i r . ------^gpgg~5 Sunday______MMarch 13 jr Spring Break Onl/. ’ „

» High Schoiool &.Collegee Students

^ Tours off theth center, including th

-: - « • Staff availsailable to answer questiot i o n s ______AT BOnTHLOeAlTIONS ______■ P g f Q l * O ' Refreshmements provided • C ardibvasculsilaf E quipm ent • Fitntness C lasses D oor prizeizes ~ . • st€team .R ppm ,& Jacu:u z z i ...... ^ L Jc ■%Uey Regional Medical^ ijelTtVr |

' . L . ______: ____ i -

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