MUVI 05 / 2014: Muzeji – Video – Film

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MUVI 05 / 2014: Muzeji – Video – Film PROGRAM 4. – 5. prosinca 2014. MUVI 05 / 2014: muzeji – video – film MJESTO Muzejski dokumentacijski centar Ilica 44/II, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska Muzej suvremene umjetnosti Avenija Dubrovnik 17, 10000 Zagreb ORGANIZATOR Muzejski dokumentacijski centar [MDC] T + 385 1 48 47 897 F + 385 1 48 47 913 [email protected] PROGRAMMe December 4 – 5, 2014 MUVI 05 / 2014: museums – video – film VENUE Museum Documentation Center Ilica 44/II, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Museum of Contemporary Art Av. Dubrovnik 17, 10000 Zagreb ORGANISER Museum Documentation Center [MDC] T + 385 1 48 47 897 F + 385 1 48 47 913 [email protected] umjetnici i muzeji / artists and museums 5 MUVI 05 RICHTEROV POGLED, 2013. RICHTER’S VIEW, 2013 HR, Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb HR, Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb KRATKI OPIS SYNOPSIS U sklopu projekta Sint-art, u kojemu suvremeni autori Richter’s View, a film by multimedia artist Bojan Gagić, istražuju i reagiraju na radove Vjenceslava Richtera, was shown as part of the Sint-Art project in which con- prikazan je i rad multimedijskog umjetnika Bojana Gagića temporary authors explore and react to the works of naslovljen Richterov pogled. Rad je prikazan na istoimenoj Vjenceslav Richter. The film was screened at the exhibi- izložbi kustosice Leile Topić održanoj između 26. rujna i tion of the same name, curated by Leila Topić and held 23. studenog 2013. from 26th September to 23rd November 2013. Riječ je o videoradu koji, uz izbjegavanje linearne naracije, Avoiding linear narration, the video shows a park of prikazuje park skulptura ispred Richterove kuće, na adresi sculptures in front of Richter’s house at his home ad- Vrhovec 38. Pokrenute slike Bojana Gagića statične su, dress, 38 Vrhovec. The series of images by Bojan Gagić mirne, meditativne, krhke i privatne. Privatne u onome are static, calm, meditative, fragile and private – private smislu u kojemu pokušavaju rekonstruirati pogled Vjen- in the sense that they attempt to reconstruct Vjenceslav ceslava Richtera u vlastiti vrt, otkriti njegov mogući odnos Richter’s view of his own garden, his possible relationship prema prostoru kontemplacije, njegov moguću šetnju oko with a contemplative space, his possible walks around the skulptura i moguće izvore nadahnuća. sculptures, possible sources of inspiration. Gagićev rad ističe ideju kako pojedinačna prošlost nije In his work, Gagić emphasizes the idea that individual ništa drugo doli određeni odmak od naše svakodnevice, past is nothing more than a certain distance from a rekonstrukcijom eventualne šetnje Vjenceslava Richtera our everyday life, while the reconstruction of a stroll tijekom ljetnog dana ukida se linearna vremenska pro- Vjenceslav Richter might have taken on a summer’s day gresija i naglašava istodobnost i koegzistencija pojedinih does away with linear temporal progression, underlining misli i ideja. Titranje na rubu duhovne izolacije i ulaženja the simultaneity and coexistence of individual thoughts u službenu povijest naglašeno je autorskom glazbom and ideas. The themes of shimmering at the edge of Bojana Gagića koja je opora i mračna, a svojim jetkim, me- spiritual isolation and entering official history have been taliziranim zvukom uspostavlja ravnotežu između suncem underlined by Bojan Gagić’s harsh and dark authorial obasjanih Richterovih skulptura i prizora snimljenih blizu music, the caustic, metallized sound of which strikes tla, koje asociraju na raspadanje, prolaznost i smrtnost. a balance between Richter’s sunned sculptures and (Leila Topić, Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb – sadr- scenes recorded close to the ground which suggest žaj filma i tehnički podaci) decomposition, transience and mortality. REDATELJ Bojan Gagić DIRECTOR Bojan Gagić SCENARIJ Bojan Gagić SCRIPT Bojan Gagić SNIMATELJ Bojan Gagić CAMERAPERSON Bojan Gagić MONTAŽA Bojan Gagić EDITING Bojan Gagić TRAJANJE 8’3” DURATION 8’3” IZVORNI FORMAT HD Video ORIGINAL FORMAT HD Video ZVUK Bojan Gagić SOUND kolor colour 6 MUVI 05 IVAN MARUŠIĆ KLIF – IVAN MARUŠIĆ KLIF – IZMEĐU FREKVENCIJA 2, 2014. BETWEEN FREQUENCIES 2, 2014 HR, Umjetnički paviljon u Zagrebu HR, Art Pavilion in Zagreb KRATKI OPIS SYNOPSIS Videosnimka s izložbe Ivana Marušića Klifa prilog je uz This video is a recording of Ivan Marušić Klif’s exhibition tiskani katalog izložbe Između frekvencija 2, multime- Between Frequencies 2, a multimedia audio-visual instal- dijske AV instalacije koja je bila izložena u Umjetničkom lation that was on display in the Art Pavilion in Zagreb paviljonu u Zagrebu od 17. lipnja do 6. srpnja 2014. from 17th June to 6th July 2014; the video functions as a godine. Voditelj izložbenog projekta bio je viši kustos companion to the printed catalogue of the exhibition. Radovan Vuković. Ivan Marušić Klif is a multimedia artist and one of the Ivan Marušić Klif multimedijski je umjetnik i jedan od naj- most interesting figures on Croatia’s new-media art scene. zanimljivijih protagonista domaće novomedijske umjet- He mostly works within the areas of interactive installa- ničke scene, koji uglavnom radi na području interaktivnih tions, robotics and interactive videos. Given his tendency instalacija, robotike i interaktivnog videa. S obzirom na towards improvisation and experimenting, Marušić Klif sklonost improvizaciji i eksperimentu, u procesu stvaranja uses visual, lighting and sound effects made with the help likovnog događaja Klif se koristi vizualnim, svjetlosnim i of “primitive” technology, which is part of a computer- zvučnim efektima proizvedenima “primitivnom” tehno- controlled system made up of video projectors, movable logijom u sklopu računalno kontroliranog sustava što ga cameras and wobbulators, to create visual art events. čine videoprojektori, pokretne kamere i wobbulatori. The video is a recording of the installation as it is dis- Na videu je snimljena instalacija u izložbenim dvoranama, played in the exhibition halls, accompanied by authentic popraćena izvornim zvukovima i uz prisutnost publike. sounds and surrounded by audiences. (Nikolina Hrust, Umjetnički paviljon, Zagreb – sadržaj filma i tehnički podaci) DIRECTOR Ivan Marušić Klif SCRIPT Ivan Marušić Klif REDATELJ Ivan Marušić Klif CAMERAPERSON Darko Bavoljak SCENARIJ Ivan Marušić Klif EDITING Hrvoslava Brkušić SNIMATELJ Darko Bavoljak DURATION 10’45” MONTAŽA Hrvoslava Brkušić ORIGINAL FORMAT Full HD 1080p TRAJANJE 10’45” SOUND IZVORNI FORMAT Full HD 1080p colour ZVUK kolor 7 MUVI 05 BORIS DEMUR: SPIRALNO PUTOVANJE, 2013. BORIS DEMUR: SPIRAL JOURNEY, 2013 HR, Umjetnički paviljon u Zagrebu HR, Art Pavilion in Zagreb KRATKI OPIS SYNOPSIS Videosnimke uz izložbu Borisa Demura Spiralno putovanje Video recordings of Boris Demur’s Spiral Journey exhibi- prilozi su tiskanom katalogu umjetnikove istoimene tion are a companion to the printed catalogue of that izložbe održane od 15. prosinca 2013. do 5. siječnja 2014. same exhibition held from 15th December 2013 to 5th godine. January 2014. Ti su zapisi nastali na Danima otvorenog ateljea (javno- The video recordings were created during Open Studio ga spiralnog slikanja), organiziranoga prije otvorenja Days (of Public Spiral Painting) organised before the izložbe, od 29. studenog do 6. prosinca 2013. u prostoru exhibition opened in the Art Pavilion in Zagreb. Umjetničkog paviljona u Zagrebu. Snimke dokumentiraju The recordings document Boris Demur’s creative process stvaralački proces Borisa Demura u sklopu pripreme as he prepares five painting for the Spiral Journey exhibi- pet slika za izložbu Spiralno putovanje te izlaganja o tion and the lectures he gave for visitors (primarily high- ishodištima akcijskog slikarstva, utjecajima i nastanku school students and students at the Academy of Fine Arts) njegova “spiralnog” slikarstva što ih je održao posjetite- on the origins and influence of action painting, as well as ljima izložbe (ponajprije srednjoškolcima i studentima the genesis of his “spiral” painting. ALU-a). Uz odabrane snimke umjetnikove komunikacije s posjetiteljima, dio videomaterijala prate skladbe Četiri godišnja doba A. Vivaldija i Planeti: Mars, Venera, Jupiter, DIRECTOR Darko Bavoljak Neptun G. Holsta. CAMERAPERSON Darko Bavoljak (Nikolina Hrust, Umjetnički paviljon, Zagreb – sadržaj EDITING Alfred Kolombo filma i tehnički podaci) DURATION 32’36” [10’45”] ORIGINAL FORMAT Full HD 1080p SOUND REDATELJ Darko Bavoljak colour SNIMATELJ Darko Bavoljak MONTAŽA Alfred Kolombo TRAJANJE 32’36” [10’45”] IZVORNI FORMAT Full HD 1080p ZVUK kolor 8 MUVI 05 VASKO LIPOVAC: VALOVI, 2013. VASKO LIPOVAC: WAVES, 2013 HR, Muzeji Ivana Meštrovića, Split HR, Ivan Meštrović Museums, Split KRATKI OPIS SYNOPSIS U prostorima Galerije Meštrović na splitskim Mejama održava- For the past few years, the Meštrović Gallery in Split (part of the ju se izložbe u sklopu programa Umjetnik kod Meštrovića. Tako city called Meje) has hosted exhibitions which are part of a pro- je 2013. gost “kod Meštrovića” bio Vasko Lipovac. gramme called The Artist at Meštrović’s. In 2013, Meštrović’s guest Lipovac je svoj zadnji opus posvetio vječnim valovima koji was Vasko Lipovac. donose i odnose. Na bolničkom krevetu narisao ih je stotine, Lipovac dedicated his latest opus to the eternal waves that bring da bi ih kasnije prenio u veće formate koji su, pak, samo mali in and take away. The metal and iron ones, those with a patina or segmenti njegove vizije beskonačnosti. Metalni, željezni, s coloured, those with shades of blue, carefully connected to cre- patinom ili obojeni, s valerima plave, pomno složeni u ritam, ate rhythm, as well as the fragile, glass
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