THE WEATHER NET PRESS RUN Porecaat by i>. & Weatiiw Boreau, . Hartford. AVERAGE DAILV CIRCDIATION for tile Montii of February, 19S0 Fair and much colder tonfgffat; Saturday increasing cloudiness and 5 , 5 0 3 coatina^ cold. Memben of the AnOlt Biurcan of Clrcnlatloaa PRICE THREE CENTS SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., F*RH)AY, MARCH 21, 1930. TWENTY PAGES VOL. XLIV., NO. 146. (Classified Advertising on Page 18) FAMOUS FIDDLER AS “SILVER BULLET” TUNED UP AT DAYTONA BEACH PfflSONUQUOR SENATE REFUSES ALCOm PLEA SAVED BY WIFE FOR RECORD DASH » THOUGRT am FOR RETURN OF Mellie Dunham Gets Out ofj A TARIFF ON OIL Blazing Home in Time But} " m His Prizes and Relics Are| INDEmHERE CONViaSOX’d Burned. i Norway, Maine, March 21— 'M FOR FIFTH TIME (AP) —^Mellie Dunham, famous Arthur Aitken Dies Sudden fiddler was saved by his aged 5#^ Lalone, Moulthrope and Lan helpmate, “Gram,” from a fire which destroyed their century ly After Drinking Hooch, Watson, Republican Leader, dry to Be Brought Back old farmhouse on Crockett’s JOBLESS SnUATION Ride today, but his many “fid But Inyestigation Shows Announces That Upp^r X dles” and prizes, relics and , To This State to Face antiques were lost. , -V BAD AS IN ’14 “Gram,” awoke at 2 a. m. to find a room adjoining their bed Booze Not Direct Cause. House Shall Stay In Ses ^ Other Charges. room ablaze. She awakened Mellie and three grandchildren Arthur Aitken, unmarried, an out- i So Says New York State Of- sion Tomorrow Until It in smother room. side labor time keeper employed Hartford, Conn., March 21.—(AP) Assisted by “Gram,” Mellie —State’s Attorney Hugh M.
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