ENGLISH In the north of the province of A Coruña the regions of Eume, and Or - tegal constitute an exceptional tourist interest. There are a lot and various re - sources offered by this territory, from stunning landscapes, passing through wild beaches for the sport practice or small coves for a r ,est day, high cliffs, leafy forests, singular culture, emblematic buildings, pagan feasts and pil - grimages, and of course, an top class cuisine.

The Local Councils which forms part of the tourist destination are a total of 21 : Cabanas, , , , As Pontes, , Ares, , , Ferrol, , , Narón, Neda, San Sadurniño, , Valdoviño, Cariño, , Mañón y .

In this guide book, we have tried to reflect a small part of the numerous re - sources of this territory. To be able to discover more places of tourist inter - est and other remarkable resources it is missed out on the website


Edita Fotografías Mancomunidade de Concello da Comarca de Ferrol Arquivo PDPT Ferrol Plan de Promoción Turística do Xeodestino Ferrolterra Mancomunidade de Concello da Comarca de Ferrol Concello de Ortigueira Deseño e maquetación DMC Item-Aga Comunicación Depósito Legal Textos xxx-xxxxx Mancomunidade de Concellos da Comarca de Ferrol © Da edición, do plano e dos textos Mancomuni - Traducións dade de Concellos de Comarca de Ferrol. Inglés: Xulio Vázquez Deibe (ICE Galicia) © Das fotografías, os seus autores. Francés: Lucía Rouco Paz (ICE Galicia)

GENERAL GUIDE 2 FERROLTERRA - RÍAS ALTAS INDUSTRIAL TOURISM on a boat through the estuary, from where The establishment of the different industries everything you have seen before acquires a in Ferrolterra has left its mark in the Local different colour. Councils of the region. Places that once were pioneer production Do you know that…? In Exponav you centers now have been converted into tourist will be able to travel across time and go attractions. Anyone visiting these attractions into the inside of an old galleon of the will be able to discover where the stories 18th century or to go into one of the which take us to the past will be found . modern day frigates. The visit to the Shipyard and the Arsenal of “This visit can be only done with a guided tour (The trail of Shipbuilding Ferrol, both included in the Trail of Ship - during the weekends in summer or building ; the water mills of Neda and Narón Easter) or during open days. In the event (that has been a Royal Mint ); also to the can - of not being able to enter, from the Her - neries of Cedeira and Cariño, or to the Ther - rera Gardens in the city centre, there is a mal Power Station of As Pontes are a good really good panoramic view over the example of all the different industrial tourism base and its warships .” resources offered by the destination.

The Trail of Shipbuilding Industrial heritage of As Pontes Since 2011, in Ferrol people can make the The panorame of the village of As Pontes de Trail of Shipbuilding . Venturing into this cir - García Rodríguez is impressive. Really well cuit allows people to go into an unknown known because of its Thermal Power Station, world until recently. As Pontes offers an industrial landscape The military infrastructures combine cen - where nature now is also present. turies of History, really valuable architecture The towers and the huge smokestack of the with the latest technologies used nowadays thermal power station crown a landscape by the Navy. The set of buildings constitutes that offers even more. This is the case of the a huge museum where you can find the naval As Pontes Lake . The natural environment of history of the fertile Estuary of Ferrol. the opencast mine, closed in 2007, has been There are eight points to visit. The route restored. starts at the Bastion, in the Curuxeiras port The lignite mine has been exploited since 1976 and the former Hall of Arms of the Arsenal. for the supply of energy power to the thermal Separated from them, the route continues power station placed on its banks . The area of through the Ditch of La Campana, the Naval the mine is now full of water, coming from the Museum, Exponav and Navantia. Eume River, forming a magnificent blue lake. Further away, standing guard the entrance of Its measurements are awesome : almost 18 the estuary of Ferrol, there is the San Felipe kilometres of perimeter and 205 meters deep. Fortification, the last point of the route. To On the lake bank, close to the centre, lays an top it all off, you will be able to make a trip artificial beach of more than 400 metres. Al -

FERROLTERRA - RÍAS ALTAS 3 GENERAL GUIDE ready on the lake, are two islands : one to rep - This delicious pepper is under the protection, resent the native flora and the other one used since 2010, of the Protected Geographical In - as a bird sanctuary. dication. This means that this product has spe - In As Pontes there is a mixture of industrial cific characteristics because of its cultivation tourism, which feeds its personality, and the place. ‘’Pemento do Couto’’ is produced in natural habit. the localities of Narón, Ferrol, Neda, Val - doviño, Cedeira, San Sadurniño, Moeche, As Do you know that…? The smokestack of Somozas, Fene, Ares y Mugardos, being part the thermal power station is one of the of the Ferrolterra region all of them. highest in the world, with 356 meters high. “Go to the top to take the best picture re - flecting the multicolour mosaic of the Do you know that…? The peppers from landscape. ” O Couto are never hot. “Come to the feast of the ‘’Pemento do Couto’’. This is celebrated every July in GASTRONOMICAL TOURISM San Martiño de Xuvia (Narón). ” The destination Ferrolterra - Rías Altas com - bines inland and coastline. From its land and sea high quality products are obtained, con - The Bread from Neda verting the local cuisine into a tourist attrac - The huge amount of water has given and still tion. In addition to this, there are a lot of is giving really tasty bread. This converted gastronomical feasts spread around the region. Neda into the capital of the wheat of Galicia, In any locality you can taste the best local prod - when in 1588 the Royal Factories were es - ucts and from the traditional Galician cuisine, tablished here. These were sponge cake fac - all types of fish and shellfish from the estuaries, tories and ovens of provisions that provided like the barnacles from Cedeira, the famous oc - the Armies of the Kings of . topus from Mugardos or the clamped sardines A good opportunity for tasting the famous and the canned food from Cariño. From inland, bread is the first Sunday of September, when you will be able to taste the peppers of O Couto, the Feast of the Bread of Neda is celebrated. bread from Neda, pound cakes from As Pontes, Furthermore, this exaltation of the product turnip greens from Monfero and Cerdido, veal was declared ‘’Fiesta of Tourist Interest of from A Capelada or honey from San Sadurniño Galicia’’ in 2013. and Moeche, from where it is famous its “tetilla’’ cheese. Do you know that…? In Neda there are 15 mills preserved giving an insight of Peppers from O Couto its important medieval bakery tradition. The denomination ‘’Pemento do Couto’’ “Taste the traditional bread in each and comes from the name of the monastery of every bakery of Neda. ” San Martiño de Xuvia, situated in the parish of O Couto, in the local council of Narón.

GENERAL GUIDE 4 FERROLTERRA - RÍAS ALTAS Octupus from Mugardos The preserves continue to be processed in the The highlight of Mugardos is its gastronomy, traditional manner. This tradition comes from a traditional cuisine characterized by the the last part of the 19th century. This deli - quality and the variety of its products from cious delicacy can be found in the Municipal the sea and the octopus is without any doubt, Market, and other shops around the village, the favourite of the kitchens. as well as in the factories. The fishermen village lived for decades on In Cariño you can find delicatessen preserves fishing for this tasty and valued sea creature. of any kind. From north tuna, cod, conger, The octopus from Mugardos was the most re - horse mackerel, octopus, mussels, scallops... quested at the fairs of inland Galicia. in scallop or pickle sauce or in olive oil. The quality of the captured product binds to From all the fishes, the star dish is the one of the peculiar way of cooking it which is differ - clamped sardines which is semi-preserved ent from the rest of Galicia. The ‘’pulpo a la using the salting technique. Its preparation ac - mugardesa’’ is really well known worldwide. cording to the ‘’cariñés’’ style is a secret and Its recipe : it is cooked with sea water until it you can enjoy it during the Skate Casserole reaches a tender texture. In a frying pan you and Campled Sardines Feast, one of the un - make a fried mixture of oil, onion and sweet avoidable events in August in all the region. pepper and then you add the octopus. The final For several years preserves have been made result is served with boiled potatoes. in Cariño making use of the quality of the Every second Saturday of July, Mugardos products coming from the products of the hosts the Octopus Feast , declared to be of land. We can find marmalades of tomato, Galician Tourist Interest. kiwi and even turnip greens preserve, all made with seasonal products. Do you know that…? During the Octo - pus Feast 4,000 portions of the famous sea creature are consumed. “Visit one of the factories where you will “Take a walk along the port of Mugar - be able to buy a preserve traditionally dos, with its colourful houses, after hav - made .” ing its famous octopus. ” PILGRIMAGE ROUTES Preserves from Cariño Two important routes run through this region. Talking about the preserves of Cariño we Upon this pilgrimage can find their own spir - bring together under the same name the dif - itual route in the beauty of the landscape and ferent canning industry brands of this fisher - the natural richness that this area can offer men village. All its products are distinguished Devotees from all parts of Galicia walk to the by their high quality, based on the excellent village of San Andrés de Teixido, offering a fish and shellfish used for the refining tribute to the Saint of the same name. Pil - process. grims from all around the world start their pilgrimage through the with the

FERROLTERRA - RÍAS ALTAS 5 GENERAL GUIDE target of reaching the tomb of the Apostle The Way to San Andrés de Teixido Saint James. One of the best pilgrimage ways of the region is the one to San Andrés de Teixido. Even if The English Way the pilgrims arrive from all around Galicia, The English Way is one of the eight ways to the old way to San Andrés , starts from the de Compostela. This route is one of monastery of Xuvia, in the locality of Narón. the less crowded, it is ideal for the pilgrims From there, and crossing through Valdoviño, preferring a quieter and relaxed trip. Further - the pilgrims travel for 26 miles until they more, and even if this is a shorter way, it of - reach the goal, the sanctuary of San Andrés fers a really rich landscape, both coastline de Teixido, in Cedeira. and inland. In addition to the original way, other two The British have been reaching Ferrol and ways are added : one departs from Ferrol closer ports through the sea since the 14th (from the port or also from the Santa Comba century, which is the reason for its name. The hermitage, in the north ) and another from English Way starts at the port of Curuxeiras San Adrián de Veiga in the locality of Or - in Ferrol. From here there are about 74 miles tigueira. This 14-mile layout crosses through to Santiago. the dramatic mountain range of A Capelada. In Ferrol, pilgrims pick up their accreditation There are a lot of legends and rites related to of the Way in the tourism office at the port or this saint. At the fountain, the pilgrims must also at the San Julian Co-Cathedral. From drink water from the three taps and make a there, the route keeps going through differ - wish. You need to throw a bread crumb in the ent coastal localities of the region during the font to know if this has been granted. If the first stages. crumb floats, your wish is granted. Another Pilgrims will be passing through Narón, belief is that the ‘’fall in love herb’’, that Neda, Fene, Cabanas and Pontedeume where grows up around, allows love to develop be - they will be able to sleep due to the pilgrim tween two people. As the saying goes, “who hostels which can be found in Neda and doesn’t go to San Andrés while alive, will Pontedeume. Throughout the Way, they will come while dead’’. Believers or not, the way be able to see part of the cultural heritage of is really worth it. There are a lot of interesting the Ferrolterra-Rías Altas destination. places, like the monastery of O Couto, the mill of Aceas, the Pazo of Libunca, the Moun - Do you know that…? The English Way tain of the Children, the medieval bridge of starts also in A Coruña, but only by Porto Cabo and of course, the sanctuary of starting it from Ferrol you can get the ‘’Compostela’’, a document certifying San Andrés itself, and its baroque altarpiece. that the pilgrim has done more than 62 miles to Santiago. “Enjoy the natural environment and the views from the mountain range of A Capelada, just 1 mile far away from the sanctuary .”

GENERAL GUIDE 6 FERROLTERRA - RÍAS ALTAS AND NATU - The waterfall of the Belelle River RAL INLAND DESTINATIONS The Belelle River emerges in Fragas do The beauty and natural richness of the desti - Eume, in the municipality of As Pontes. The nation Ferrolterra-Rías Altas inland never river runs through A Capela, Fene and Neda leave the visitor unmoved. Coming into it is where it meets the sea. Also in Neda there is getting lost, in a good way, in the middle of one of its highlights, the almost hidden wa - the most luxuriant natural landscape. terfall of the Belelle River. Fragas do Eume whose length covers five While running to the sea, close to O Roxal, municipalities, is one of the Atlantic river - the river course falls in the shape of a water - bank woodlands best preserved in the whole fall. 45-meter high, this waterfall of the of . The forest, which is a Natural Belelle is one of the highest in the whole of Park, is the best tourist attraction of this des - Galicia. The spectacular waterfall and the en - tination. However, and not really far away, vironment where it is placed, surrounded by there are a lot of other places worth seeing, oak and chestnut forests, turn it into a para - for example the waterfall of the Belelle dise in the middle of nature. River, the banks of the Xuvia and Castro Rivers and in the north, the mountain range “The best period for visiting the water - of A Faladoira. fall is during autumn and winter, when the flow rate increases. ” Fragas do Eume natural park The ‘“Fragas’’ are the refuge for the flora and fauna of the region. Notable examples of the vegetation are the oaks, ash trees, alders, chestnuts, birches, hollies and strawberry trees. These trees species, most of them mil - lions of years old, follow the course of the Eume River until the mouth in the Estuary of Ares. In a rocky mound of the ‘’Fragas do Eume’’ lays the Monastery of Caaveiro. The origin of this construction goes back to the 10th century, related to the monastic life of the place.

“Visit the Monastery of Caaveiro. Visits from here are even more spectacular. ”

FERROLTERRA - RÍAS ALTAS 7 GENERAL GUIDE Proxected area Xuvia-Castro From all the sports, surfing is the king . The Xuvia and Castro Rivers give their names to coast has beaches, ideal for practicing it this protected area by the distinction of SCI throughout the whole year. Both, profes - (Site of Community Importance ) involving sional stars and amateurs worldwide find two different natural areas. On one head, the here the ideal destination. The main attrac - section of the Río Grande of Xuvia and its tion is the quality of the big waves of these main tributary, the Castro River. On the other well preserved beaches. Example of that are hand, the Forgoselo Mountain Range. the beaches of Bares (Mañón), Picón, San Vegetation on the riverside is really well pre - Antón (Ortigueira), Vilarrube, A Frouxeira y served. In the same space, we can find with dif - Pantín (Valdoviño), así como Doniños y San ferent habitats : sandy lowlands, natural lakes, Xurxo (Ferrol). temporary ponds or oak and chestnut forests. The quiet beaches of the Ares and Ferrol Es - Forgoselo Mountain Range presents soft tuaries allow the practice of windsurf, shapes and the landscape changes, finding kitesurf, sailing or canoeing for example in small forests and large fields. From the Raca - the beaches of Cabanas, Ares or Pontedeume. monde Peak, the highest point of 537 meters For those who enjoy underwater, they can do high, the views are amazing. If you find a scuba diving in almost all the municipalities. clear day you can even see a huge part of the mountain range and As Pontes, as well as Do you know that…? Since 1988 the Ferrol and Ares Estuaries. Pantín Classic , is celebrated every year. It is the most important surfing champi - The protected area Xuvia-Castro extends its onship in Spain territory throughout seven municipalities : A “If you are roaming around the region Capela, Moeche, Narón, Neda, San in August, come to Pantín to enjoy to - Sadurniño, As Somozas and As Pontes . There gether with thousands of people watch - are a lot of hiking routes allowing you to dis - ing the best surfers in the world. ” cover this natural destination from different points of view.

Do you know that…? During the ‘’’’, taking place every July, the horses living free in this area have their haircut.

ACTIVE COAST The Ferrolterra-Rías Altas Coast offers a huge range of possibilities, from a walk on its natural beaches, to the practice of different nautical sports, both in the sea or river.