
Fc. En:rance exams" 2318-19 v M.A. (PhilosoPhY) lil{ffq s{q

1 qF&q q:iq d Rc}qdK 3lR €q

1. Schools and Characteristics of Indian Philosophy Charvak_ Philosophy - Perception, Refutation of Inference and Shabda (TestimonY). J. - Syadvada, Jiva and Ajiva, Buddhist Philosophy - Four Noble :.uth, Pratityasamutpada, Theory of No-self.no Momeantarism 5. Nyaya Philosophy - Four Pramanas. 6. Vaisheshik Philosophy -seven Categoraes. 7. Samkhya Yoga - Satkaryavada. Theory of Evolution, Ch'tta Bhumiyan, Eight Fold Path. 8. Vedanta - Advaita and Vishishtadvaila - Brahma, Atma, Maya, lshwar and . I A 2*e


qrsqKq Eqr{ 1 q€ft 1. g6r|fl - ERift6 | grc I 2. d - 6T f-qrd. silq 3lr6rq t 3. G$q - oRqiTr or fuqrq, eq 4. c-+*. gd-iT" ernrrgq ar {tdr ft'qr r "i1 5. gRsT<-#-stefftoq€frt q{r+rqrq Rq-+sr - snSqrsr t t dEf{d - €rqRgq|E, q{ wrF-a vrqce ot fr'qq t crgr{4R - do - sffiqie't q-trq-afq sa'& - gsr fiSrqTffi sreR-e t g€id, q+fqrq; (W - FIFI orisr 61 s".sq, th]ffi I 7. 6rre - sSHrqK. gk a1 Western PhilosoPhY

1. Socrates - Philosophical Methods. , Plato - Theory of Knowledge. Aristotle! - Theory of Causation' Matter and Form 4. Anselum - Aquinas and Augustine - Concept of God' 5. Rationalism - Descartes - Philosoph:cal Methods' Spinoza - Theory of knowledge, Pantheism' Leibnitz - Monadology, Pre-established Harmony' o_ Empiricism - Lock - Theory of knowledge' Berkley - Subjective ldealism, Esse :st Pe'cipl' Hume - Theory of knowledge, Refutation of Causation' Skepticism. 7. Kant - Criticism, Categories of Understand:ng' iidsn(a q{ <}s' ft-{iei qtqnr, dqor, sr^qq{-hqq{, Faq}er fld-ql€, rnq-qrrd Rtl, orqiortro ed

Log,c Squate of Opposition' 1 . Truth-Validity, lnduclion-Ded.lction' Traditiona: lnformal Fal:acy, Calegorical Syllogism |rLa

*fivrr (rncfr"q sq q{+.q) %3 r zu*a gwpJ. qol-!-'t' ofl&rq q!. ?q--E 6J *rr 2. cTErd, T6l.10, ff'{6{. or€i.r dFr. o{ 3ir g{dq 3. 6ddl O ra{g ofld, -{iqe{ 3fE?T.

a. ift-o gqrqrE, *er. lia I Ethics (lndian and Western)

1- Rinatray, Pu:"rshartha, Varna-, Ashram- Dharma, Nishkam Yoga. 2. Anuvrat, Mahavrat, lriratna, Eight Fold Path, Karma and Re- birth. 3. Duty for Duty sake, Calegorical lmperative. 4. Sthical Hedonism, Bentham, Mill. qffq

q6iq r. e'i al qft$r. EE tq. cs A6Tq t q{ qsc yq qrsr{ qrF|o z. E€h or t ft€rt{ oit wtrd strc.tr r grq{ s. *i erke tg rwu r

Philosophy of Religion

1- Definition, Origin, Development and lmportance of Religion. 2- Natu.e and Problems of Philosophy of Religion. Religious Belief and basis of religious beliei. 3- God and Proof for Exislence of God.