Bibliography of Works by Ellen Meiksins Wood, 1970–2012
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Bibliography of Works by Ellen Meiksins Wood, 1970–2012 1970 ‘The Separation of the Economic and ‘Canada and the American Science of the Political in Capitalism’, New Left Politics’, with Neal Wood, in Close Review, I, 127: 66–95. the 49th Parallel etc: The Americaniza- tion of Canada, edited by Ian Lums- 1982 den, pp. 179–95. Toronto: University ‘The Politics of Theory and the Concept of Toronto Press. of Class: E.P. Thompson and His Critics’, Studies in Political Economy, 1972 9: 45–75. Mind and Politics: An Approach to the Meaning of Liberal and Socialist Indi- 1983 vidualism, Berkeley and Los Angeles: ‘Agricultural Slavery in Classical University of California Press. Athens’, American Journal of Ancient History, 8: 1–47. 1978 ‘Marxism without Class Struggle?’, in ‘C.B. Macpherson, Liberalism, and the The Socialist Register 1983, edited by Task of Socialist Political Theory’, in Ralph Miliband and John Saville, pp. The Socialist Register 1978, edited by 239–71. London: Merlin. Ralph Miliband and John Saville, pp. ‘The State and Popular Sovereignty in 215–40. London: Merlin. French Political Thought: A Geneal- Class Ideology and Ancient Political The- ogy of Rousseau’s “General Will”’, ory: Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle in History of Political Thought, 4: 281–315. Social Context, with Neal Wood. New York: Oxford University Press. 1984 ‘Marxism and the Course of History’, 1979 New Left Review, I, 147: 95–107. ‘For Sale! Strategies for Winning the Review of Medieval Slavery and Libera- Class Struggle!’, Canadian Dimension, tion, by Pierre Dockès, Social History, 14, 1: 13–16. 9: 101–3. 1981 1985 ‘Liberal Democracy and Capitalist ‘Beyond Class? A Reply to Chantal Hegemony: A Reply to Leo Pan- Mouffe’, with Peter Meiksins, Studies itch on the Task of Socialist Political in Political Economy, 17: 141–65. Theory’, in The Socialist Register 1981, ‘The State and Popular Sovereignty in edited by Ralph Miliband and John French Political Thought: A Geneal- Saville, pp. 169–89. London: Merlin. ogy of Rousseau’s “General Will”’, in ‘Marxism and Ancient Greece’, History History from Below: Studies in Popular Workshop Journal, 11: 3–22. Protest and Popular Ideology in Honour 312 • Bibliography of Works by Ellen Meiksins Wood, 1970–2012 of George Rudé, edited by Frederick Review of Bread and Circuses: Historical Krantz, pp. 117–39. Montréal: Con- Sociology and Political Pluralism, by cordia University. Paul Veyne. History of the Human Sci- ences, 4: 469–71. 1986 The Retreat from Class: A New ‘True’ 1992 Socialism, London: Verso. ‘Custom against Capitalism’, New Left ‘Socrates and Democracy: A Reply to Review, I, 195: 21–8. Gregory Vlastos’, with Neal Wood. ‘Locke against Democracy: Consent, Political Theory, 14: 55–82. Representation, and Suffrage in the Two Treatises’, History of Political 1987 Thought, 13: 657–89. ‘A Reply to “Looking for Alternatives to Reformism”’, International Social- 1994 ism, 35: 129–38. ‘Democracy: An Idea of Ambigu- ‘Why Class Struggle Is Central’, Against ous Ancestry’, in Athenian Politi- the Current, 10: 7–9. cal Thought and the Reconstruction of American Democracy, edited by 1988 J. Peter Euben, John R. Wallach, and ‘Capitalism and Human Emancipa- Josiah Ober, pp. 59–80. Ithaca: Cor- tion’, New Left Review, I, 167: 3–20. nell University Press. Peasant-Citizen and Slave: The Founda- ‘E.P. Thompson: Historian and Social- tions of Athenian Democracy. London: ist’, Monthly Review, 45, 8: 8–14. Verso. ‘Edward Palmer Thompson: In Memo- riam’, Studies in Political Economy, 43: 1989 26–31. ‘Oligarchic “Democracy”’, Monthly ‘From Opportunity to Imperative: Review, 41, 3: 42–51. The History of the Market’, Monthly ‘Power and Oppression’, New States- Review, 46, 3: 14–40. man and Society, 2, 70: 30. ‘History of the Market: From Opportu- ‘Rational Choice Marxism: Is the Game nity to Imperative’, Mainstream, 32, Worth the Candle?’, New Left Review, 41: 11–21. I, 177: 41–88. ‘Radicalism, Capitalism, and Histori- cal Contexts: Not Only a Reply to 1990 Richard Ashcraft on John Locke’, His- ‘Explaining Everything or Nothing?’, tory of Political Thought, 15: 323–72. New Left Review, I, 184: 116–28. ‘Ralph Miliband, 1924–1994: The Com- ‘Falling Through the Cracks: E.P. mon Sense of Socialism’, Radical Phi- Thompson and the Debate on Base losophy, 68: 62–3. and Superstructure’, in E.P. Thomp- ‘A Tale of Two Democracies’, History son: Critical Perspectives, edited by Today, 44, 5: 50–55. Harvey J. Kaye and Keith McClel- land, pp. 125–52. Philadelphia: Tem- 1995 ple University Press. ‘A Chronology of the New Left and Its ‘The Uses and Abuses of “Civil Successors, or: Who’s Old-Fashioned Society”’, in The Socialist Register Now?’, in The Socialist Register 1995, 1990, edited by Ralph Miliband, Leo edited by Leo Panitch (with spe- Panitch, and John Saville, pp. 60–84. cial coeditors Ellen Meiksins Wood London: Merlin. and John Saville), pp. 22–49. London: Merlin. 1991 Democracy against Capitalism: Renewing The Pristine Culture of Capitalism: A His- Historical Materialism, Cambridge: torical Essay on Old Regimes and Mod- Cambridge University Press. ern States, London: Verso..