
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 69 (2016) 69–78

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Grounding in : A broad perspective on embodied

a,∗ b c d

Giovanni Buccino , Ivan Colagè , Nicola Gobbi , Giorgio Bonaccorso


Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche e Chirurgiche, University “Magna Graecia” of Catanzaro, Viale Salvatore Venuta, 88100, Germaneto, Italy


Faculty of , Pontifical University Antonianum, Via Merulana 124/B, 00185, Rome, Italy


Faculty of Philosophy, Pontifical Gregorian University, Piazza della Pilotta 4, 00187, Rome, Italy


Institute for Pastoral Liturgy of Padua, Affiliated to the Pontifical Athenaeum St. Anselmo in Rome, Via G. Ferrari, 2/A, 35123 Padua, Italy

a r a

t i c l e i n f o b s t r a c t

Article history: This work reviews key behavioural, neurophysiological and neuroimaging data on the neural substrates

Received 1 March 2016

for processing the meaning of linguistic material, and tries to articulate the picture emerging from those

Received in revised form 29 May 2016

findings with the of meaning coming from specific approaches in (the

Accepted 27 July 2016

“internalist” view) and (words point at experiential clusters).

Available online 28 July 2016

The reviewed findings provide evidence in favour of a causal role of brain neural structures responsible

for sensory, motor and even emotional in attributing meaning to words expressing those


experiences and, consequently, lend substantial support to an embodied and “internalist” conception


Internalism of linguistic meaning. Key evidence concern verbs, nouns and adjectives with a concrete content, but

the challenge that abstract domains pose to the embodied approach to language is also discussed. This

Philosophy of language

Sensorimotor systems work finally suggests that the most fundamental role of embodiment might be that of establishing com-

Mirror neuron system monalities among individual experiences of different members of a linguistic community, and that those

Canonical neuron system experiences ground shared linguistic meanings.


© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction ...... 69

2. Meaning in philosophy of language ...... 70

3. Neuroscience, “embodied” language and meaning ...... 72

3.1. verbs ...... 72

3.2. Understanding nouns ...... 73

3.3. Meaning and experience ...... 73

4. Possible objections and perspectives ...... 74

4.1. Abstract linguistic domains ...... 74

4.2. The problem of ...... 75

5. Conclusion ...... 76

Acknowledgments ...... 77

References ...... 77

1. Introduction

How do we understand the meaning of words, the basic ele-

ments of our linguistic practice? Asking this question might seem

∗ odd, as we live immersed in a linguistic environment. However,

Corresponding author.

such a question has been extensively investigated since centuries.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (G. Buccino),

Philosophy addressed this issue earlier than modern linguistics.

[email protected] (I. Colagè), gobbi [email protected] (N. Gobbi),

[email protected] (G. Bonaccorso). Nowadays, neuroscience brings key data into this inquiry, and


0149-7634/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

70 G. Buccino et al. / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 69 (2016) 69–78

seems ripe for articulating those data with other approaches to sion. The stereotype is a conventional, socially defined notion that

language and linguistic meaning. gathers important and typical features of the extension of a word

In this review, we first summarize the main basic trends or expression. The extension is the of items a word or expres-

in philosophy of language about the issue of meaning. We will sion refers to. A speaker must know the socially defined stereotype

start by considering how this problem was originally dealt with for acquiring the meaning. Moreover, under this perspective, the

in early philosophy of language (Frege, 1892; Russell, 1905, 1910) extension defines the stereotype and, consequently, the meaning

and then focusing on some late-twentieth-century developments of a word or expression. In Putnam’s view, this implies that the

in philosophy (Putnam, 1975; Searle, 1969, 1979). Namely, we will meaning does not depend on what the speakers think, perceive,

assess two fundamental streams in the philosophy of language, the experience etc., but on the “real ”, the true (physical, chem-

so-called “externalist” perspective and the “internalist” approach. ical, genetic, etc.) “hidden structure” of what the expression refers

Does understanding the meaning of words resort to “external” to. This is so even when the speaker does not know such nature or

(physical or social) entities or to “internal”, embodied experiences? hidden structure (Putnam, 1975 pp. 145-6 and 166). Therefore, the

The central section of the review will focus on very recent extension determines the conventional/social stereotype, and the

findings in strongly suggesting that the stereotype is what speakers must grasp to understand meanings.

meaning of several classes of linguistic items (i.e, verbs, nouns Despite differences between Frege’s and Putnam’s philosophy

and adjectives), especially when indicating concrete actions, objects of language, the two positions share a rather “externalist” and dis-

and intrinsic features of objects relevant for action, is grounded embodied conception of meaning. According to this conception: (a)

in sensorimotor experience and related brain circuitries. The main meanings are supposed to be understood by grasping some kinds

emerging from these findings, in keeping with the embodied of (physical or social) external entities (like senses or stereotypes),

approach to language, is that the speakers understand linguistic and (b) “the psychological state of the individual speaker does not

material thanks to a reactivation of those sensorimotor systems determine what he means” (Putnam, 1975 p. 192).

involved in the experiences expressed by that linguistic material. Soon after Frege’s proposal, (1905, 1910)

Thus, we will discuss the aforementioned streams in the philosophy reacted against both the notion of sense and the general idea

of language in the light of recent findings coming from neuro- that meanings are unrelated to real and concrete experiences. He

, and show how they offer evidence and arguments in favour claimed that we can understand only those expressions that are

of the “internalist” approach. entirely composed of constituents we are acquainted with, where

Then, we will briefly consider a recent proposal in linguistics “to be acquainted with . . .” essentially means “to have been directly

(Dor, 2015) that stresses the experiential ground of linguistic mean- presented with . . .”, or simply “to have experienced . . .”. It is impor-

ing, i.e. the idea that words point at clusters of experiences the tant to note that, in Russell’s view, we are not directly acquainted

has had with the objects, actions or situations language is with objects, but with “sense-data” coming from our experiences

about. with objects (Russell, 1910). Consequently, for example, we can

A following section will deal with some implications of the per- understand the word “unicorn”, though we certainly cannot be

spective emerging from the previous sections, addressing the issues acquainted with unicorns, if two conditions hold: 1) if we know (or

of (i) the meaning in more abstract linguistic domains, and (ii) the are told, or read in, e.g., a dictionary) that a unicorn is a horse with a

inter- of meaning. horn on the head, and 2) if we have experienced horses, heads and

horns. Note that condition 2) should not be understood, from Rus-

sell’s standpoint, as meaning that we know the “” of such

2. Meaning in philosophy of language objects like horses, heads and horns, but that we are acquainted

with certain clusters of sense-data coming from our experiences

It may seem obvious that the meaning of a word is its refer- with horses, horns and heads. Moreover, if we learn the word “uni-

ence (or “extension”), i.e. the thing, or set of things indicated by corn” because somebody explained it to us verbally (or as we read

the word. However, of language – born with its definition on a dictionary), our understanding of “unicorn” also

Frege’s (1892) “Sense and Reference” (see also Dummett, 1973; implies that we have learnt to associate the words “horse”, “horn”,

Colagè, 2013) – began questioning this point. Frege noted that two and “head” to certain clusters of sense-data. In this way, the defini-

expressions with the same reference (e.g. “the morning star” and tion of unicorn as a horse with a horn on the head serves the task of

“the evening star”, both denoting Venus) do not necessarily have linking together our past experiences of horses, horns, and heads.

the same meaning. Indeed, compare “the morning star is the morn- This opens up a more “internalist” and embodied stance about

ing star” with “the morning star is the evening star”: if meaning meaning, according to which the meaning of linguistic expressions

were all about reference, these assertions should have the same is fundamentally rooted in our experiences. We will see in Section

meaning, which is not the case as the first is a mere tautology 3 that such experiences can be understood in terms of the neu-

whereas the second conveys a past astronomical discovery. This ral activations linked to actual sensory, motor and even emotional

led Frege (1892) to distinguish reference from sense. The sense experiences (this obviously a level of analysis not explicitly

of an expression is “the way in which it refers to its ”, or considered by Russell). Incidentally, it may be interesting to note

the “” associated with it, and this is what distinguishes the that Russell’s focus on sense-data (and our proposal to generalize

above expressions and assertions. Moreover, for Frege, senses must this so to include sensory and motor experiences as well as related

be also disentangled from subjective representations (or “”): neural activations) has still unexplored consequences in philoso-

the representation is private whereas the sense is public and can phy of language. Indeed, so-called reference theories of meaning in

be shared among speakers. It is worth stressing that the distinc- most cases tend to conceive reference as reference to objects, and

tion between sense and subjective representation, and the claim not to real (sensory, motor or even emotional) experiences. The

that the sense is public, intend to ensure the intersubjective nature treatment of the wider implications of this point for philosophy of

of language, which would be impoverished if the meaning of lin- language falls outside the scope of the work.

guistic expressions were to resort only to private representations As far as the linkage between meaning and experience is con-

(ultimately stemming from subjective experiences of the ). cerned, however, provides further interesting .

This stance also characterizes another, more recent proposal in Let us take the assertion “Il gatto è sul tappeto”, an Italian expres-

the philosophy of language. Putnam (1975) claims that the meaning sion that may be translated into English as “The cat is on the mat”,

of a word is given fundamentally by the stereotype and the exten- an example used by Searle (1979) that we shall recast a bit for

G. Buccino et al. / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 69 (2016) 69–78 71

Fig. 1. Cats and mats.

Pictorial representation of possible interpretations of the Italian sentence “Il gatto è sul tappeto”. (A) A domestic cat on a dining-room mat (likely the usual interpretation

of the sentence). (B) A cat suspended above a mat (note that although the English preposition “on” would prevent giving this interpretation to that sentence, in Italian, for

example, the preposition “su” in the sentence “il gatto è sul tappeto” may correspond to both “on” and “above”). (C) A cat on a flying-mat. (D) A cat on a mat positioned

unrealistically; E) A cat-puppet on a mat positioned unrealistically. (F) A cat on a gymnasium mat. The fact that the interpretations depicted in B–E appear as eclectic depends

on their being far from our usual experiences of cats on mats. To some extents, this holds true for F as well: though hearing the sentence “the cat is on the mat” in a gymnasium

may readily prompt such an interpretation, this still depends on the sensory-motor experiences the hearer is having (or has had) in the gymnasium.

the purposes of this review. In common circumstances, everybody positions that Searle (1983, pp. 143-44) finely distinguishes into

attributes to that expression a meaning roughly represented in a local and a deep background. The local background gathers the

Fig. 1A (i.e., a common domestic cat on a dining-room mat). How- usual practices about socially and culturally characterized items,

ever, that expression may have several different interpretations. such as to know how to manipulate technological artefacts, how to

Fig. 1B-F depicts some of these possible, alternative interpretations sit on a chair, conventions about foods, etc. The deep background

of this sentence. It is worth underlining that Fig. 1B may be unclear concerns abilities rooted in the biological makeup of our species (e.g.,

to an English speaker, as the English preposition “on” implies being because of bio-mechanical constraints, we can do some movements

in direct or indirect contact with a supporting surface. However, with our limbs but not other ones) and in implicit presuppositions

in the Italian language, the preposition “su” stands for the English about fundamental features of the world (e.g., objects tend to fall on

prepositions “on” and “above”, respectively, so that the situation the ground). The deep and local background clearly the way

depicted in Fig. 1B may be still expressed with the statement “Il we understand the meaning of linguistic expressions. For exam-

gatto è sul tappeto”. Now, why do we usually understand the sen- ple, as we have seen, Fig. 1B–E represent possible interpretations

tence properly (i.e. roughly as in Fig. 1A)? Searle’s answer might of the sentence “il gatto è sul tappeto”; these interpretations, how-

be summarized by saying that the meaning we usually (and, in ever, would violate basic aspects of our experiences of the world;

most cases, properly) attribute to this expression is the one associ- thus, such experiences constrain the interpretations we would be

ated with the usual experiences that we have of, e.g., cats, mats and ready to give to the sentence. In other words, the background con-

the condition of being on. This point may be spelled out by means strains the understanding of all the terms constituting the sentence

of Searle’s notions of network and background (Searle, 1983). The (i.e., “mat”, “cat” and “being on”). The reader should also note that,

network constitutes the subject’s general state (including current although “il gatto è sul tappeto” is a declarative sentence, the same

, , desires, , , etc.) accord- reasoning could apply to the question “Il gatto è sul tappeto?”,

ing to which s/he understands (or uses) linguistic expressions. irrespective of the answer we are supposed to give.

This is utterly relevant for grasping meaning of words (and of the Resorting to Searle’s notions of network and background makes

sentences they compose): our understanding of the word “mat” it clear that the speakers’ “internal milieu” is essential for grasping

changes if we think or see that the utterer is in the dining room the meaning of linguistic expressions. The notions of network and

or, instead, at the gymnasium (compare Fig. 1A with Fig. 1F that background also emphasize the importance of taking into account

depicts a cat on a gymnasium-mat). In other words, as the sentence the actual (sensory, motor and even emotional) experiences of the

“il gatto è sul tappeto” is often used in relation to a domestic set- speakers as an indispensable root of the meaning of words.

ting, one usually understands it in the sense depicted in Fig. 1A In the next section, we will review recent neuroscientific find-

(i.e. the usual experience of cats on mats). Further elements should ings highlighting the linkage between linguistic meaning and the

be conveyed (explicitly by the speaker, or implicitly by a different brain correlates of sensorimotor experiences, thus supporting an

context) for that sentence to be understood in a possible alternative “internalist” and embodied conception of meaning.

meaning. The background indicates all those abilities and presup-

72 G. Buccino et al. / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 69 (2016) 69–78

3. Neuroscience, “embodied” language and meaning between 100 and 200 ms after stimulus onset, to a subsequent

facilitation, operating later than 200 ms after stimulus presenta-

In the last decades, the theory of “embodied language” has been tion (Chersi et al., 2010). Note that this late recruitment of the

widely discussed in the neuroscientific literature (Glenberg, 1997; motor system, leading to a motor facilitation, has been interpreted

Barsalou, 1999, 2008; Pulvermüller, 2002; Gallese, 2003; Gallese by some authors as a side effect, at the motor level, of distinct,

and Lakoff, 2005; Zwaan and Taylor, 2006; Jirak et al., 2010). The causal and upstream cognitive processes underlying language pro-

theory claims that the same neural structures involved in mak- cessing. According to these authors, at most it may represent a way

ing sensory, motor and emotional experiences are also involved in to colour conceptual processing, enrich it and provide it with a rela-

understanding linguistic material related to those experiences. This tional context (Mahon and Caramazza, 2005, 2008; Tomasino et al.,

approach contrasts with the “classical view” claiming that language 2007). Indeed, this interpretation appears less plausible when con-

is essentially a-modal and mastered with specifically dedicated sidering an early recruitment of the motor system (150–170 ms

neural structures (e.g.: Fodor, 1975; Pylyshyn, 1984; Mahon and after stimulus presentation). Although also in this case one can-

Caramazza, 2005, 2008; Chatterjee, 2010). The embodied approach not completely rule out that the recruitment of the motor system

has achieved significant empirical results. occurs because of upstream cognitive processes, it may be -

ably excluded that it follows as a side effect due, for example, to

3.1. Understanding verbs motor preparation or motor imagery of the verb content or just to

provide it with a relational context.

Brain imaging studies show that the presentation of verbs In addition, increasing evidence of a causal role of the motor

expressing actions performed with a specific biological effector system recruitment in language processing come from lesion stud-

(e.g. the hand or the foot) activates motor and pre-motor areas ies. By using six different tasks aimed at probing of

where a motor representation of that biological effector is present action in a large group of brain-damaged patients, it has

(Hauk et al., 2004; Tettamanti et al., 2005; Aziz-Zadeh et al., 2006; been shown that lesion sites associated with impaired lexical and

Kemmerer et al., 2008; Desai et al., 2010). conceptual knowledge of action included brain regions within the

Electro-encephalography (EEG) and magneto-encephalography fronto-parietal sensorimotor systems (Kemmerer et al., 2012).

(MEG) studies show the recruitment of motor and pre-motor A very recent study (Desai et al., 2015) tested manual and

areas during the processing of verbs expressing concrete actions semantic abilities in chronic stroke patients. The authors found that

(Pulvermüller et al., 2001; Pulvermüller et al., 2005a; Pulvermüller the degree of impairment for action word processing showed cor-

et al., 2005b; for review see Pulvermüller et al., 2009). This recruit- relation with the impairment in manual performance. In keeping

ment is quite early, occurring just 150–170 ms after the visual or with this, another recent work showed that reversible inactivation

auditory presentation of linguistic stimuli. of hand pre-motor cortex (obtained with repetitive Transcranial

Complementary to this, behavioural studies where verbs were Magnetic Stimulation, rTMS) in healthy individuals may hinder the

used as language material have shown that within the first 200 ms comprehension of sentences expressing hand actions (Tremblay

participants give slower motor responses if they have to solve a et al., 2012). Moreover, several studies (Bak et al., 2001, 2006;

semantic task at the same time (Buccino et al., 2005; Boulenger Cotelli et al., 2007; Fernandino et al., 2013; Cardona et al., 2013)

et al., 2006; Sato et al., 2008; Dalla Volta et al., 2009; see also de have shown that lesions affecting the motor system even at subcor-

Vega et al., 2014). By means of MEG, a very recent paper (Klepp et al., tical level may lead to impairment in action word processing, thus

2015) has shown that this early slowing down of motor responses is supporting the notion of a close and causal relationship between

due to a suppression of beta rhythm weaker than that found during sensorimotor and conceptual systems of the brain. Taken together,

the preparation and execution of actual movements in the same these results show that the brain motor system, including the mir-

time window. ror neuron system, is crucially, and possibly causally involved in

Other behavioural studies have demonstrated that the execu- processing action verbs.

tion of a motor response is facilitated by the comprehension of A strict relationship between action and the evolution of

sentences that describe actions taking place in the same direction as language has been put forward (Corballis 1992, 2002), and fur-

the motor response (e.g. Glenberg and Kaschak, 2002). This action- ther supported by the discovery of the so-called mirror neurons

sentence compatibility effect (ACE) occurs when the response is (Rizzolatti and Arbib, 1998; Arbib, 2005, 2013). The mirror neurons

performed soon after the comprehension of the sentence or right (Rizzolatti et al., 1996a, 1996b; Gallese et al., 1996) are active both

before its end (Kaschak and Borreggine, 2008). More specifically, when a subject performs an action upon an (e.g. grasping a

Taylor and Zwaan (2008) have observed that, within the sentence, cup) and when the subject observes the same action executed by

ACE is time-locked to the comprehension of the verb that defines another individual (Rizzolatti and Craighero, 2004; Fabbri-Destro

the action or to a post-verbal adverb that does not shift focus from and Rizzolatti, 2008). Therefore, the mirror neuron system is not

the action. In comparison with the studies quoted above, where just a motor system but subserves broader tasks such as under-

the recruitment of the motor system during language process- standing others’ actions. Additionally, some mirror neurons also

ing has been shown to occur at 150–170 ms after stimulus onset, respond to the typical sound of some actions (e.g. nut-cracking),

the action compatibility effect appears to be a later phenomenon. suggesting that the mirror neuron system may be engaged by multi-

These data have been interpreted as resulting from an interaction modal inputs, i.e. by visual as well as auditory (Kohler

between activation of the motor system for language understand- et al., 2002). This is a key as language is usually medi-

ing and activation for motor responses. Additionally, there is fMRI ated by auditory inputs (as well as by visual inputs in the cases of

evidence (Baumgaertner et al., 2007) that Broca’s area (namely, left sign and reading). Moreover, the mirror neuron system

pars opercularis of the inferior frontal gyrus) a) activates in a simi- displays a somatotopical organization: mirror neurons for differ-

lar way when actions are presented visually (video-clips) or in the ent biological effectors are segregated in distinct parieto-frontal

auditory-linguistic modality (sentences describing actions), and b) regions (Buccino et al., 2001; Wheaton et al., 2004; Sakreida et al.,

processes high-level conceptual aspects of action understanding 2005; Dalla Volta et al., 2015). Therefore, the mirror neuron system

(see also Sub-Section 4.1). seems to be able to discriminate action domains in relation to the

As a whole, these findings may lead to the conclusion that involved biological effector; discrimination of action domains may

the modulation of the motor system during language processing also help discriminating semantic domains (e.g. “kick” vs “grasp”).

changes over time, going from an early interference, operating Taken together, these considerations make reasonable to hypoth-

G. Buccino et al. / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 69 (2016) 69–78 73

esize that understanding the meaning of action verbs may rely on at the early timing, and only when the response is given with the

the mirror neuron system in the brain, thus contributing right hand, which is controlled by the motor cortex in the left,

to support the view that linguistic meaning is rooted in the brain language-dominant hemisphere (Marino et al., 2013). In another

circuits engaged in actual sensorimotor experiences. study (Gough et al., 2012), the subjects had to read names referring

The role of the mirror neuron system in processing verbs has to either graspable or non-graspable artefacts (e.g. hammer or air-

been also highlighted in a recent paper (Kemmerer and Castillo, plane) or natural (e.g. orange or ocean) objects. TMS was applied

2010) aimed at reviewing empirical data supporting the so called on the hand motor cortex at 150 ms after noun presentation. The

two-level theory of verb meaning (Levin and Rappaport Hovav results show that nouns referring to graspable artefacts, as com-

2005; Pinker, 2007). According to this theory, verbs have two pared to nouns expressing natural objects, differently modulate the

distinct levels of meaning. One level reflects the uniqueness of motor system, as revealed by motor evoked potentials (MEPs). Sim-

every verb and is called the “root-level”. The other one is a ilar findings have been collected by means of fMRI (Rueschemeyer

common representation shared by all verbs belonging to a spe- et al., 2010). Words expressing functionally graspable objects

cific “action-structure” (e.g. the verbs to spray, to splash elicited greater activation in the fronto-parietal sensorimotor sys-

and to squirt all have the same action-structure as in “Carol tems as compared to words of graspable objects that do not have

sprayed/splashed/squirted the flowers with water”). This common any specific functional use. Considering that artefacts and natural

structure is captured by the “template-level”. In their article, Kem- objects are supposed to be represented in distinct neural struc-

merer and Castillo propose that the root level (i.e. essentially the tures (Peeters et al., 2009), these results may suggest a similar

one we discuss in the present review) may have its neural coun- modulation of the motor system during the processing of nouns

terpart in mirror neurons somatotopically organized in different and pictures of objects corresponding to those nouns. A very recent

sectors of the premotor cortex. The template-level may be pro- behavioural study strongly supports this view (Marino et al., 2014).

cessed in Broca’s region in the inferior frontal gyrus, where a few Participants were presented with both photos and nouns of gras-

studies have found a common representation for verbs describ- pable and non graspable objects, respectively. Scrambled images

ing actions actually performed by different body parts (Tettamanti and pseudo-words were used as controls. They had to decide

et al., 2005; Baumgaertner et al., 2007), or presented through dif- whether the presented items were objects present in the environ-

ferent modalities (either verbally or acoustically). ment around us or not; responses were to be given with either

At this point, it should be mentioned that the role of the mirror right or left hand. Slower responses were found for both photos and

neuron system in action understanding and language processing nouns of graspable objects as compared to non-graspable objects,

has been recently disputed (Hickok, 2009, 2013). As a whole, the independent of the responding hand. These findings suggest that

criticisms mainly point to some weaknesses of the current research processing seen graspable objects and written nouns referring to

on mirror neurons. In our opinion, these criticisms should be graspable objects similarly modulates the motor system. In turn,

regarded as an invitation to deepen, refine or circumscribe the role this support the view of a common semantic system for both nouns

of mirror neurons and mirror mechanisms in action understand- and their corresponding objects (Ganis et al., 1996; Vandenberghe

ing and language processing. Considering those criticisms as a clear et al., 1996; Van Doren et al., 2010).

indication to abandon this research line would instead require more In with the idea that action-verb processing recruits

solid empirical data as well as the proposal of empirically-based the mirror neuron system, it may be suggested that processing

alternative hypothesis on the neural mechanisms underpinning nouns of concrete objects relies on the fronto-parietal system of

cognitive functions like action understanding or language process- so-called canonical neurons. Canonical neurons, first discovered in

ing. the monkey brain (Rizzolatti et al., 1988; Jeannerod et al., 1995;

Murata et al., 1997; Raos et al., 2006), activate both when indi-

3.2. Understanding nouns viduals actually manipulate an object and when they just observe

it (Binkofski et al., 1999; Chao and Martin, 2000; Grèzes et al.,

Behavioural studies (Glover et al., 2004; Tucker and Ellis, 2004) 2003a, 2003b). These neurons are most likely involved in sensory-

have shown interaction between the activity of the motor cortex motor transformations linking the physical of objects

and the presentation of nouns as linguistic stimuli, in clear anal- (e.g. shape, position, potential , etc.) with the motor

ogy with the findings about verbs (see Sub-Section 3.1). Nouns of strategies required to manipulate (e.g. reach, grasp, displace, etc.)

objects graspable with precision grip or whole-hand prehension them.

were used as stimuli. Participants were requested to deliver their Taken together, these considerations suggest that understand-

responses by means of command-handles involving the same kinds ing the meaning of nouns indicating objects may rely on the

of prehension (i.e. either precision grip or whole-hand prehension). sensorimotor, canonical neuron system in the human brain. As in

The results showed that there is response facilitation when the the case of the mirror neuron system (Sub-Section 3.1), the early

kind of prehension required for manipulating the named objects is recruitment of the canonical neuron system after presentation of

coherent with that actually used on the command-handle; on the nouns suggests a possible role in comprehending their meanings,

contrary, there is interference when the kinds of prehension are and not just a side-effect generated by upstream cognitive pro-

incongruent. There is also evidence that when the pragmatic fea- cesses. To the best of our knowledge, however, no study so far has

tures (affordances) of graspable objects are modified (e.g., a mug systematically investigated an impairment of noun processing fol-

with a broken handle), a corresponding modulation in the involve- lowing lesions of the fronto-parietal sensorimotor systems, which

ment of the motor system occurs (Buccino et al., 2009; Makris et al., would allow one to claim for their causal role in this cognitive task.

2011). These studies employed a TMS paradigm where the mag- Very few works have shown that noun processing is impaired in

netic stimulation was applied at 200 or 300 ms after presentation Parkinson’s disease patients (Cotelli et al., 2007; see Cardona et al.,

of whole or broken objects (see also Sub-Section 4.2). 2013 for review).

Another recent behavioural study concerned a linguistic catego-

rization task (i.e., choosing whether nouns name abstract objects 3.3. Meaning and experience

or objects to be used with the hand or the foot). The subjects

had to respond with their right or left hand. The response was There is further preliminary evidence that what we have

requested early (150 ms) or late (1150 ms) after presentation of reported for action verbs (see Sub-Section 3.1) and for nouns

linguistic stimuli. The results show that interference occurs only expressing graspable objects (see Sub-Section. 3.2) might also be

74 G. Buccino et al. / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 69 (2016) 69–78

true for adjectives and -related linguistic items. A recent 4.1. Abstract linguistic domains

study (Gough et al., 2013) considered adjectives expressing pleas-

ant (e.g. soft) and unpleasant (e.g. thorny) motor (pragmatic) The first objection has to do with abstract linguistic domains.

features, and applied TMS to a hand-closing or a hand-opening The data reviewed in Section 3 mainly concern concrete verbs and

muscle. The results show that unpleasant adjectives modulate nouns. How can the embodied view and the “internalist” under-

the hand-opening muscle (which would avoid contact with the standing of meaning be extended to abstract linguistic items? This

unpleasant stimuli), whereas pleasant adjectives modulate the is a key question, which scholars within the embodied approach to

hand-closing one (which would induce contact with the pleasant language are aware of (e.g. Gallese and Lakoff, 2005), although no

stimuli). Moreover, processing words expressing emotions recruit definitive answer can be given to this question at present. However,

the same neural structures (anterior cingulate, insula, amygdala, we would like to suggest that the embodied approach to language

and ventral pre-motor cortex) that are involved in emotions is not forced to postulate an immediate and simple link between

(Niedenthal, 2007; Citron, 2012). abstract concepts and brain correlates of sensorimotor experiences.

The findings reviewed above in this section and the just- Abstract concepts are, by definition, far from single, actual

mentioned preliminary evidence begin making a substantial case experiences. Rooting the meaning of abstract terms in concrete

for a direct causal link from the brain processes involved in sen- experience should take into account that abstract concepts are

sorimotor experiences to the attribution of content to linguistic symbolic constructions that much more strongly resort to the

material associated with those experiences, in line with an inter- lexical-semantic dimension of language; in a sense, they are more

nalist view on linguistic meaning (see Section 2). A recent review “language-specific” than concrete terms are. Nevertheless, it is in

of behavioural, electrophysiological, neuropsychological and imag- not impossible to think that the meaning of abstract terms

ing data (Vigliocco et al., 2011) suggests that even the distinction is rooted in actual experiences. We have seen in Sub-Section 3.3

between word categories (e.g., nouns vs. verbs) may be primar- that also according to linguistics, the meaning of words points at

ily rooted in semantic processing (i.e. words content) grounded in experiential clusters. Yet, the meaning of words is also defined by

sensorimotor experience, and not in a priori syntactic categories. establishing lexical-semantic webs of among words (see

A recent proposal in the field of linguistics (Dor, 2015, spec. pp. also Dor, 2015). This is what dictionaries are all about. We often

44–46) seems to reach similar conclusions. This proposal defines grasp the meaning of an unknown term (i.e. a term about which we

a linguistic sign (typically, a word) as a “discrete instructor of do not have, or even cannot have, direct experience) when, pass-

imagination” whose basic function is to point at a certain set of per- ing from word to word, we eventually connect the unknown term

sonal experiences of the speakers. In other words, in actual events with some clusters of previous actual experiences (recall the exam-

of linguistic communication, the words have the primary role of ple of the word “unicorn” in Section 2). Dictionaries also report

expressing, on the utterer’s side, a set of experiences that the utterer uses of words, i.e. social conventions about when, where and how

wants to focus on or convey, and of raising, on the hearer’s side, an employing an expression. Even in this case, dictionaries point to

analogous set of personal experiences. Obviously, the links between possible concrete situations and experiences (take, e.g., “anger”).

linguistic items (such as words or larger expressions) and experi- The same may also be true for abstract terms like “virtuous”. We

ential clusters is established along the course of repeated events of do not understand the meaning of “virtuous” by way of grasping

actual linguistic communication occurring concomitantly to those some kind of socially defined abstract entity; we rather connect that

experiential clusters: this is what Dor calls “experiential mutual- term with our experiences of virtuous persons or virtuous actions,

identification” (2015, pp. 35–44). This is a key point as it stresses the they generated in ourselves, the comments we heard

that the meaning of words is not constituted by an external object about them, etc. Certainly, we might have made such experiences

or by an external abstract entity but by clusters of personal expe- directly, and/or we might have been exposed to reports of similar

riences. For example, according to this proposal, the meaning of experiences (e.g. from tales, newspapers, books, TV news, sacred

the word “chair” is not a particular chair or a set of chairs, and not texts, etc.). The depth with which we understand abstract terms like

even the stereotypical chair as a socially-defined entity that each “virtuous” is in some sense proportional to the amount and vivid-

speaker is supposed to grasp in order to understand the meaning of ness of related experiences we have had: the meaning we attribute

that word. On the contrary, the word “chair” points at a cluster of to terms like “virtuous”, “sad”, or “lucky” changes in the course of

chair-related real and concrete experiences that the speakers (both our life, on the basis of our experiences.

utterer and hearer) have had in their daily life. This proposal in lin- Clearly, given the complexities of real, ordinary linguistic

guistics is “internalist” by nature: meanings cannot be reduced to communication (as opposed to more or less simplified contexts

external abstract entities like senses, socially agreed stereotypes, addressed in the laboratory), finding out direct empirical evidence

or to external objects which are supposed to be grasped ideally unveiling the brain mechanisms involved in all this is a of

or a-modally. Under important respects, the notion of meaning future research. However, the path is open, and studies aimed at

implied by this linguistic approach and by the embodied approach addressing more complex linguistic situations are already under

to language are extremely close to one another, and the neuro- way.

scientific data reviewed above may lend support to this linguistic A TMS study (Glenberg et al., 2008), for example, has shown

theory. a similar recruitment of the hand motor area during the process-

ing of sentences expressing a transfer action (moving away from

one’s body) for both concrete (e.g. “I give you some pizza”) and

abstract (e.g. “I give you my opinion”) objects, thus suggesting sim-

4. Possible objections and perspectives ilar mechanisms for the two categories. In a similar vein, in an fMRI

study (Boulenger et al., 2009) the comparison between brain acti-

The view of linguistic meaning considered so far on the basis of vation due to abstract sentences (such as “He grasped the idea”)

recent neuro-scientific data cannot as yet be considered as a com- and concrete sentences (“He grasped the cup”) led to the activation

plete and final answer to the question about meaning. There are of similar brain regions including parieto-frontal areas. A stronger

serious challenges that it should face. In this section we would like activation for abstract sentences as compared to concrete sentences

to focus on two possible objections, and show how they might be was found in the inferior frontal gyrus (Broca’s region).

overcome in the future thanks to further empirical and theoretical Within the embodiment framework, some studies point to a

work. specific role of areas known to be involved in coding emotions

G. Buccino et al. / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 69 (2016) 69–78 75

when processing abstract words. In a behavioural study (Kousta The point is that the experiences of different subjects may

et al., 2011), it has been demonstrated that abstract words differ nonetheless have common aspects. These commonalities impor-

from concrete ones because of their emotional content. In keeping tantly (though not exclusively) depend on a shared “internal”

with this, in an fMRI study (Vigliocco et al., 2014), the compar- organization ultimately rooted in a common biological and neu-

ison between words led to the activation ral constitution. One’s experiences of grasping cups, for example,

of anterior cingulate bilaterally, an area known to be involved in intrinsically depend on the constitution of one’s biological effec-

coding emotions (Etkin et al., 2006). Therefore, available empirical tors and one’s neural structures implicated in controlling those

evidence seems to suggest a recruitment of specific areas in the effectors; but the features of biological effectors and the neural

brain also for abstract words, including emotional areas besides structures and mechanisms controlling them are shared with pos-

(and beyond) sensorimotor ones. sible interlocutors.

Moreover, there are interesting preliminary results about pro- From this perspective, the discovery of the monkey mirror neu-

cessing of words explicitly related to emotional contents, such as rons and the human mirror neuron system plays a crucial role as

“fear” or “spite”. Using -related fMRI, Moseley et al. (2012) it may shed light on how the private character of one’s own expe-

found that emotion words activate brain areas involved in face riences is actually broken up, and how those experiences may be

or arm usually involved in expressing emotions. Con- shared on the basis of the common, species-specific structure and

sequently, motor knowledge may be crucial for understanding functioning of the (human) brain. Indeed, the mirror neuron sys-

abstract emotion words. As the authors explicitly note, this is tem, at a very basic level, ensures that experiences may be shared

related to Wittgenstein’s (1953) proviso that words expressing among different individuals, thus establishing links among the “pri-

“internal states” cannot be treated by classical reference theories vate” experiences of several members of a community (Rizzolatti

of meaning as the “objects” they refer to (i.e. the “internal states”) and Arbib, 1998). As it is well known, the mirror neuron system

are radically private. In line with Wittgenstein’s positions, instead, mainly concerns actions; however, there is increasing preliminary

Moseley and colleagues suggest that the use of emotion words is evidence about the of other “shared circuits” in the brain

learnt in social contexts where those words are used concomi- concerning sensations and emotions (Gallese et al., 2004; Keysers

tantly with the actual expression of emotions through face- and and Gazzola, 2006). More generally, intersubjective experiential

arm-movements. links among distinct individuals may be established by means of the

Therefore, the social dimension may play a more relevant role common biological and neural makeup of individuals pertaining to

for the meaning of abstract and/or emotion-related words (Scorolli the same species.

et al., 2011). The so-called “words as social tools” (WAT) theory Along this line, it is worth stressing that even the comprehension

(Borghi et al., 2013) stresses that words are social entities that we of seen actions seems to be strictly related to the kind of expe-

use (as tools, indeed) to do things in collaboration with other indi- rience that the observer has of the seen actions (sensory, motor

viduals. According to this theory, the meaning of concrete terms and even emotional) and the correspondent neural representations,

is embodied directly in sensorimotor experience about the objects subserving that experience. An fMRI study (Buccino et al., 2004)

denoted by those terms, whereas the meaning of abstract terms recorded brain activity of human subjects to whom video-clips of

is embodied mainly in the intrinsically social experiences of using mouth movements performed by other , macaque monkeys

them, and are acquired through exposure to such uses by others and dogs were showed. The mouth movements were either biting

(Borghi and Cimatti, 2009, 2012). or communicative gestures such as silent speech for humans, lip-

However, stressing too much that words in general, and abstract smacking for monkeys, and barking for dogs. The results showed

words in particular, are external social entities (Borghi and Cimatti that the observation of biting activated the same cortical areas (in

2009; Borghi et al., 2013) may turn out to be a rather “externalist” the left inferior parietal lobule and in the left pars opercularis of

position (see Section 2). On the other hand, we have seen that even the inferior frontal gyrus) even when biting was performed by

webs of semantic relations and/or reports of words uses (as outlined monkeys and dogs (See Fig. 2a). As for the oral communicative

by dictionaries) serve the task of pointing at experiential clusters, gestures, instead, observation of barking, lip-smacking and silent

or of suggesting novel combinations of familiar sensorimotor or speech activated comparable areas in the occipital (visual) cor-

emotional experiences (see Sub-Section 3.3). tex, but only silent speech strongly activated left pars opercularis,

Therefore, embodiment and the “internalist” approach to whereas lip-smacking caused a very small bilateral activation in

linguistic meaning implies that at the two extremes of the com- pars opercularis, and barking induced no frontal activation at all

municative chain between utterer and hearer are their personal (See Fig. 2b). The authors forwarded that an action like barking,

experiences. In-between there are, of course, all the lexical, seman- for which humans have no personal motor experience, is possi-

tic, social and conventional features of language. However, the bly processed (and understood) in brain systems different from

utterer’s personal experiences are at the root of what s/he means, the motor one (for discussion on this point see also Hickok, 2009),

and the hearer’s understanding is grounded in his/her own personal for example in the superior temporal sulcus region where biolog-

experiences. ical actions are coded in pure visual terms (Pelphrey et al., 2005;

Saygin, 2007). In the same vein, an fMRI study (Calvo-Merino et al.,

2005) assessed that the recruitment of the mirror neuron system

4.2. The problem of solipsism during action observation is affected by the motor competence of

the observer. Thus, for example, capoeira dancers, compared to

Resorting to personal experiences as the ground of meaning ballet dancers, recruit their motor system to a greater extent dur-

takes us to the second possible objection. If linguistic meaning is ing the observation of capoeira dance; conversely, classical ballet

ultimately rooted in the speakers’ personal experiences, how can dancers, compared to capoeira dancers, recruit their motor sys-

one reach a true intersubjective level? And, how are solipsism and tem to a greater extent during the observation of classical ballet

radical incommunicability overcome? After all, if meaning is rooted sequences.

in the speakers’ personal experiences, and if these experiences were One implication of these studies is that the motor system res-

really private, the risks of solipsism and incommunicability would onates preferentially or exclusively to the observation of actions

indeed be concrete. However, the “internalist” and the embodied that are within the motor repertoire of the observer. This in

approaches, if correctly understood, may have resources to reply turn means that the agent and the observer must share com-

to this objection too. mon experiences and the neural structures sub-serving them. In

76 G. Buccino et al. / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 69 (2016) 69–78

Fig. 2. Shared motor experiences.

A) Activation foci in humans observing video-clips showing another human being, a monkey, and a dog biting food. B) Activation foci in humans observing video-clips

showing another human being silent-speaking, a monkey lip-smacking, and a dog barking. Note that barking does not lead to any premotor activation. See Sub-Section 3.2

for details. Adapted from Buccino et al., 2004.

apparent contrast with this interpretation are the results of a on the constitution of the individual that interacts with those

very recent behavioural study (Vannuscorps and Caramazza, 2016). objects: his/her perceptual and motor capabilities, the conforma-

The authors investigated the capacity to perceive and understand tion of his/her limbs and other biological effectors, etc. Something

actions in a group of individuals with congenitally absent or short- perceived as an by a human being may not be perceived

ened upper limbs. Despite the fact that they had no (or very limited) as such by a monkey or a bird, and vice versa. This suggests that

capacity to execute upper limb actions, these individuals could already our way of perceiving the world around us is constrained

understand and memorize upper limb actions as typically devel- by our species-specific biological and neural makeup, and therefore

oped individuals do. The authors interpreted their results in favour by the potential experiences we may have with external objects.

of the notion that action understanding/processing is independent In the light of what seen in this Subsection, the “internalist”

of action execution or motor experience, and, as a consequence, and embodied approach to language may overcome the objection

that the first task is “disembodied” because it does not require the of solipsism by showing that the individual experiences of the

second one. Indeed, if one considers the notion of experience at the speakers are not, after all, completely private. No need to resort,

basis of our capacity to process and understand actions and verbs, as an “externalist” and disembodied approach would do, to the

as outlined in this paper (see especially Sub-Section 3.3 and 4.1), postulation of external abstract entities like senses, stereotypes,

no wonder that these individuals could understand and process or the “hidden nature” of things. The common, shared (and share-

actions: they saw actions, they listened to them and/or they spoke able) aspects of the speakers’ experiences depend on their common

about them. In other words, they built up their own “experience” species-specific biological and neural makeup.

coded in specific neural systems (maybe not in the motor system,

as the authors seem to argue) whose reactivation, in turn, could

5. Conclusion

allow them to process and understand those same actions.

Similar considerations may be applied to objects’ intrinsic fea-

This review has first sketched (Section 2) two main approaches

tures that are relevant for action: the so-called affordances (Gibson,

to the issue of meaning in philosophy of language, identifying

1977; Gibson, 1979/1986; see also Buccino et al., 2009 and Sub-

an “externalist” (disembodied) perspective, and an “internalist”

Section 3.2). Affordances are particular features of objects that

(embodied) one. Section 3 reviews key findings in the neuroscience

automatically recruit in the observer specific action representa-

of embodied language, and shows how these findings are support-

tions to interact with the seen objects. Obviously, the affordances

ive of the “internalist” view. In the same Section the connections

depend not only on the physical features of the objects, but also

between the reviewed findings and a recent theory in linguistics are

G. Buccino et al. / Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 69 (2016) 69–78 77

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