Corner Store o advertise in the Corner Store, 500 4 door sedan. Contact Christopher whole thing thanks Tom-Ala Contact tom T-send your ad directly to the club Walker at: 912-271-4840 or E-mail at cd- lawson at: 256/355-0218 or E-mail at and it will be posted on the WWW as
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[email protected] (AL) well as in our magazine. No phone 15 inch Spinner Hub Caps 15” Spin- 1966 Galaxie 500 XL trunk emblem ner Hub Caps for ‘63 Galaxie 500XL. 15” insert,spear mldg I am currently in need ads are taken. Members are allowed FoMoCo wheels that will fit 7” tires and of a XL trunk emblem insert,trunk spear 3 free ads per year, up to 50 words. other misc. interior and engine compart- mldg & pass side XL,7 Litre or LTD 2 door Any more than 50 words please send a ment parts. Contact Tom Hogye at: 831 rocker mldg. Contact Jeff Dunn at: 518- check or Paypal at .15 cents per word 214 7578 or E-mail at thogye@ecsrefin- 926-0435 or E-mail at jdunn62@msn. past the 50 allowed. If mailing, please (CA) com (NY) send ad typed if possible. ALL SALES Someone to restore finish to spinner 1968 Galaxie XL Fastback I am look- ADS MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY hubcaps. 1965 Ford Galaxie 500 Need ing for two things at the present time... PRICES or else Best offer. This is on the someone to restore the dull gray finish to I thought I had them covered but I do 4 hubcaps with spinners.