TORRANCE PRESS READERS Automobile* for Sale 200 1955 Chevrolet "210" 2 Door
TORRANCE PRiSS Monday, August 4, 1958 Page S*v»n AutomobiUs tor Salo 200 Automobile* for Salo 200 Automobiles for Sale) 200 Automobiles for Sal* 200 4\utomoblU» for S«l« 200 for Sal* 17 Automobiles for Salo. 200 Automobiles for Sale 206 Automobiles for Sale 200 "WHYTblUOW" HAVE ECONOMY WE NEED MONTH MILK UNLESS ITS THE LEADER HAVE FUN USED -END- WHY BUY? CLEARANCE UNLESS ITS HAVE PRESTIGE CARS if NO Have yourself a real good deal with one of these low, * THE BEST low, priced imported used cars . CAflH * CARRY Due to the huge Increase In Used Car sales during the WITH A GOOD A-l USED IMPORTED CAR DOWN WHY PAY? May-June campaign, we find our Used Car Stock ex VERBURG tremely low. PAYMENT UNLESS ITS '58 TAUNUS $1795 (German Ford) 4 door sedan. Radio, heater, whit* walls. 2 ton*. If Qualified UP TO 36 MO. TO PAY DAIRY THE LEAST '57 SIMCA ARONDE $1195 Highest Prices For 18158 CRENSHAW WHEN 4-Door sedan. Heater, white walls. Wagons - Wagons - Wagons 1956 Plymouth Custom Surburan Wagon Chevrolets V8. Automatic transmission, radio, boater. This 4<loor DAv"s9-H9l FRED GLEDHILL '56 SIMCA ARONDE $1095 station wagon in perfect condition. 2-tone color, black 2093 W. 174TH 4-Door sadan. Radio, haatar, whit* walls, two tone. over white. Low mileage. THE LEADER and Full Price $1595 OPEN DAILY '57 FIAT ...... $1295 GIVES YOU 600 sadan. Radio, haatar, whit* walls 1954 Ford Ranch Wagon V8 Automatic transmission, radio, heater. A beautiful two- tone red and white. Runs like a dream.
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