Matters from Staff Agenda Item #

Board of County Commissioners - Staff Report

Meeting Date: December 19, 2017 Presenter: Keith Gingery Submitting Dept: Administration Subject: FY 2017 Certified Local Government Annual Report

Statement / Purpose: Review and approval of the Teton County Historic Preservation Board Annual Report for FY 2017.

Background / Description (Pros & Cons): The attached Certified Local Government (CLG) annual report meets the Teton County Historic Preservation Board’s (TCHPB) annual report requirement necessary to maintain our CLG status. A CLG is a city of county that is certified by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and the (NPS) as a community with historic preservation commitments. CLGs are eligible for matching grants to carry out preservation activities. The Teton County Historic Preservation Board is currently wrapping up a grant received through this program to document historic properties in Teton County. There are currently 24 CLGs in , and close to 2,000 in the United States.

The CLG annual report is filed each year with the Wyoming State Historic Preservation Office. The report meets the CLG annual reporting requirements stated in the Teton County Historic Preservation Board Resolution, Section 3(I), which states that, “an annual report of the actives of the Board shall be submitted to the Teton County Commissioners and the SHPO. Such reports shall include but are not limited to items such as: proposed National Register nominations, updated resumes of Board members, appointments to the Board, meeting attendance records, progress reports on survey activities, National Register nominations reviewed, and problem areas.”

The Wyoming SHPO supplies the CLG annual report form and requirements. The 2017 annual report includes an activities checklist, Board contact information, copies of meeting minutes, a copy of the CLG Annual Report (submitted separately via email), introductions to new board members, signatures from new board members stating their review of the CLG program guidelines and TCHPB bylaws, and a brief statement of the preservation boards greatest accomplishments and challenges of 2017.

Stakeholder Analysis & Involvement: NA

Fiscal Impact: There are no costs associated with this item, though filing the report is a requirement of the CLG program and makes us eligible for CLG grants.

Staff Impact: Filing the report will have no impact on staff resources.

Legal Review: K. Gingery attended the November TCHPB meeting and is aware that we are required to submit these reports to the State Historic Preservation Office annually. He has not reviewed this particular report.

Staff Input / Recommendation:

Attachments: See attached annual report.

Suggested Motion: I move to approve the CLG Annual Report for submission to the State Historic Preservation Office.

Organizational Excellence * Environmental Stewardship * Vibrant Community * Economic Sustainability

Board Contact Information:

Teton County Historic Preservation Board P.O. Box 4083 Jackson, WY 83001

Phone: 307-732-8688 Email: [email protected]

Current Board Members:

MEMBER ROLE PHONE EMAIL Katherine Wonson President (307) 739-3469 [email protected] Mackenzie King Vice president (307) 733-9551 [email protected] Betsy Engle Secretary (307) 413-7788 [email protected] Bob Zelnio Treasurer (307) 699-7515 [email protected] Shawn Ankeny Member (307) 413-0904 [email protected] Frank Johnson Member (307) 733-3709 [email protected] Kurt Dubbe Member (307)-733-9551 [email protected] Sherry Smith Member (307) 733-1958 [email protected] Michael Stern Member (412) 956-3750 [email protected]

Cassidy Stickney Advisor [email protected] Morgan Albertson Advisor [email protected] J.P. Schubert Advisor [email protected] Millie Parks Advisor [email protected] Jesse O’Connor Advisor [email protected] Sara Adamson Advisor [email protected]

Member Profile for New Members:

Mackenzie King:

Mackenzie grew up in and around national parks and preserved areas, including Glacier Bay National Park and Mt. Rainier National Park. She received her Masters in Architecture from Washington State University in 2012, and currently practices with Dubbe Moulder architects in Jackson, WY. Prior to her current job, she worked for the Western Center for Historic Preservation in Grand Teton National Park. She enjoys fishing, hunting, skiing, and crafting.

Michael Stern:

Michael Stern is an independent urban and landscape design consultant living in Jackson Hole, WY. Prior to establishing MAS Places in 2017, he was a founding principal of Strada, a cross- disciplinary design firm in Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, PA. Michael led the firm’s urban design and landscape architecture efforts, working closely with architects and designers on projects from riverfront parks to district master plans. Before founding Strada, he was involved in many of Pittsburgh’s major urban design and planning efforts. He led the Pittsburgh Downtown Plan, the first comprehensive master plan for the greater Downtown area in 35 years, and the Pittsburgh Regional Parks Master Plan; these documents are still touchstones for planning in that city, years after their completion.

Michael has lectured widely, and he has published and edited numerous articles and journals on planning, urban design, and landscape design theory. He is an active member of the Urban Land Institute and participates in the national Urban Revitalization Council, as well as on numerous Advisory Service Panels across the country. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from Grinnell College and a Master of Landscape Architecture from the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

What was your commission’s greatest accomplishment during the fiscal year?

We had several notable accomplishments, including surveying fourteen more historic properties, recommending and being granted stays on two historic properties proposed for demolition, and increasing our local visibility. We’ve built stronger relationships with the Jackson Hole Historical Society and Museum, met with Teton County Parks and Rec regarding the possibility of adaptive reuse of historic structures on parks and rec properties, and have begun collaborating with the local housing authority on how to incentivize the rehabilitation of historic outbuildings as accessory residential units. We hosted our biannual Plaques and Awards ceremony, recognizing five local citizens for their preservation efforts and presenting the and Hardeman Barns/Teton Raptor Center with bronze plaques. We have also met with several property owners who have rehabilitated historic properties to better understand the challenges they faced during the process and how the Teton County Historic Preservation Board can help address or alleviate some of these challenges. Finally, we participated as a consulting party in the successful development of the Bar BC MOA with Grand Teton National Park.

Last year we reported that our biggest challenge was getting in front of our local elected officials. This year, we feel our biggest accomplishment has been our improvements in this area and the results of increased visibility with our elected officials. Specifically, as a result of our efforts, the exploration of preservation incentives is now on the planning staffs agenda, and we have had many productive meetings with the planning staff on how to approach preservation incentives and how to mitigate and avoid zoning regulations that unintentionally may incentivize the demolition of our historic fabric. In addition, language has been included in the recently revamped zoning that allows non-conforming properties deemed historic by the Teton County Historic Preservation Board more lenience when meeting certain compliance requirements. We hope to continue to work closely with our town and county planning staff and elected officials in the upcoming year.

What was your commission’s biggest challenge during the fiscal year?

Our biggest challenge is the economy. Without preservation incentives or regulations in place to stop or slow demolition, we are seeing an increase in the demolition of historic properties. Thus far those demolitions have been mainly limited to residential properties with minimal community attachment, but we are concerned that we are going to start seeing the demolition of recognizable commercial properties with strong community attachment. We fear the demolition of properties like the Van Vleck House (Café Genevieve’s) or the Coe House (Sweetwater Restaurant) will occur before we have time to get incentives in place to help discourage their demolition.

We are also still working against many misconstrued impressions of historic designation. The misinformed view that historic designation—such as National Register nomination---restricts private property rights is perpetuated not only among Teton County citizens, but by town and county employees as well. We continue to work to correct this impression and assure people it is an honorary designation.

How can SHPO better serve your commission?

We would be best served by in-person visits for board training on topics from CLG basics to Section 106 responsibilities. While the webinar trainings are excellent, the benefits don’t rival what can be accomplished in-person. In-person visits also allow us to more deeply explore and explain our current projects, challenges and highlight newly nominated resources.


CALL TO ORDER Katherine Wonson called the meeting to order in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room of the Teton County Administration Building at 7:02 p.m.

PRESENT WERE: Katherine Wonson, President; Bob Zelnio, Vice President; Betsy Engle, Secretary; Cheryl Katz, Treasurer; Frank Johnson, board member; Sherry Smith, board member, Kurt Dubbe, board member, J.P. Schubert, Advisor; Erin Gibbs, Admin.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES: The agenda was approved with modification, moved by Wonson and seconded by Zelnio. The September minutes were approved as presented, moved by Engle and seconded by Smith.

Members of the public, Terry and Claudia Winchell, were in attendance.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Terry Winchell spoke to the board regarding his demolition of garage and cabin at 15 E. Kelly St. and the subsequent reconfiguration of the structures using the original logs. Winchell also reported on his experience with permitting for historic preservation and the obstacles historic property owners face in terms of zoning and code when attempting to preserve, reconfigure, and move historic buildings.

Board discussion followed Winchell’s report. Zelnio commented that 15 E. Kelly could be used as a case study in an effort to document the issues faced by historic property owners for presentation to the Town/County. Wonson cited the 1980s town planning document that put forth ‘western guidelines’ for the preservation/rehabilitation of historic buildings. Dubbe offered technical assistance.

ADMIN REPORT: Admin informed the board that the Alpenhof Lodge was officially listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

Admin reported that Sandra Murphy from St. John’s Medical Center had contacted the Board regarding historic cabins currently used for patient recovery lodging. Murphy anticipates the demolition of these cabins as the hospital feels they can no longer serve the needs of patients. Admin thanked Murphy for reaching out and urged her to speak with the board to potentially find a solution for updating the cabins while preserving their historic integrity.

Admin informed the board that Patricia McCoy called to express her anxiety over Koral’s approach to asking permission to photograph her property. McCoy was also concerned about the validity of Koral’s information regarding the history of her property. Admin spoke with McCoy and assured her that the board would respect her wishes to have her property taken out of the survey.

1 COMMITTEE REPORTS *These reflect the old committee structure

Preservation & Public Lands: Mercer Cabin - Dubbe provided an update on the Mercer cabin, informing the board that someone was enthusiastic about moving the cabin and logistics needed to be worked out with the town.

125 W. Hanson - Engle provided information on the status of the cabin located at 125 W. Hanson. The owners have received several calls inquiring about moving the cabin but no one has committed to date.

Demo Permits- There were no additional demo permits. The demo permit for 15 E. Kelly Cabin was approved via email by Ankeny, Dubbe, Eastman, Engle, and Smith.

Administration & Partnerships: Letter to Mayor/Town Council re: Workshop on Historic Preservation- Wonson informed the board that she had not heard back from the town regarding the letter. The goal is to get on the agendas for both the County and Town. Councilwoman Macker is receptive to historic preservation; this is an issue that the board should press during this election season.

*The board decided that members should attend the public forums to bring up the question of historic preservation to council candidates.

*Schubert suggested the board reach out to the Chamber of Commerce to partner in historic preservation.

Education & Outreach: Survey Book - Engle reported that Koral is back in Jackson, has been in touch weekly, and is currently adding information for properties in the Elk Refuge.

Fall TCHPB Outing- The outing will be scheduled for Wednesday, October 26 and will include a bus tour of town historic properties.

NEW BUSINESS: The board discussed changing the committee structure to an Incentives Committee (new incentives), Preservation Ordinances Committee (including demo permits), Grant Oversight Committee, and Award Program Committee. The board voted unanimously to test the new committees in the following months and reassess, if needed, moved by Katz and seconded by Zelnio.

The board reviewed the possibility of applying for the 2017 State of Wyoming CLG grant. Engle suggested that with the current grant open, applying for an additional CLG grant would be beyond the time available to the Education and Outreach (now the Grant Oversight) Committee. The board unanimously agreed with Engle. Dubbe suggested sending an email to Erica Duvic to inform her of the board’s decision and to express interest in applying for a future grant.

2 The board tabled discussion of the revamping the plaque program, contract for website and GIS, and ‘Building better Boards’ webinars until the December meeting (Wonson will be absent for November’s meeting).

Admin brought up the question of changing the board name to something without the connotations ‘historic preservation’ brings up in Jackson, such as ‘Heritage and Sustainability.’ This was tabled for further discussion for November’s meeting.

ACTION ITEMS: Wonson: 1. Send the BCC list from the Letter sent to the Mayor/Town Council re: workshop on historic preservation to the Board 2. Invite Steve to next month's meeting 3. Follow up with JH News and Guide article 4. Follow up with Chamber of Commerce 5. Send out email for Fall outing- Possibly October 28 (Friday), 5-8, Limo Lounge

Eastman: 1. Email Bob McClaurin regarding an update on the Mercer Cabin (CC Kurt)

Gibbs: 1. Attend the October 19th Candidate Forum from 7:15-8:30. Pose question put forth by Betsy. 2. Call Patricia McCoy regarding the Board's discussion of surveying her property 3. Send Sandra Murphy the town survey and invite to next meeting 4. Write thank you notes for Old Bill's donors 5. Follow up with the County regarding Building Better Boards webinars

Smith: 1. Attend the October 27 Town Hall meeting from 6-8:30. Pose question put forth by Betsy. 2. Consider becoming a "Guest Shot" for the JH News and Guide

Engle: 1. Word question for forums (completed) 2. Share notes from JIM presentation last month 3. Send out SHPO webinar schedules to the group 4. Email Erica re: CLG grant and CC everyone

Zelnio: 1. Contact Sam 2. Attend Old Bill's fun Run party- October 24th

BOARD MEMBER ISSUES: Schubert expressed interest in approaching the state with an archaeological survey for the CLG grant.

There was discussion of Ross Solderini (sp) attempting to track down the Shady Old Lady Saloon sign. He would like a call back with any information.

There was no public comment.


The next meeting was scheduled for November 8, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at the Teton County Administration Building. Zelnio will be leading the meeting.

ADJOURNMENT: Wonson moved to adjourn the meeting and Engle seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote at 8:50 p.m.


CALL TO ORDER Katherine Wonson called the meeting to order in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room of the Teton County Administration Building at 7:03 p.m.

PRESENT WERE: Katherine Wonson, President; Bob Zelnio, Vice President; Betsy Engle, Secretary; Frank Johnson, board member; Sherry Smith, board member, Kurt Dubbe, board member, Shawn Ankeny, board member; Erin Gibbs, Admin.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES: The agenda was approved with modification, moved by Smith and seconded by Zelnio. The October minutes were approved as presented, moved by Engle and seconded by Dubbe.

A member of the public, Sandra Murphy from St. John’s Hospital, was in attendance.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Sandra Murphy spoke to the board regarding St. John’s hospital’s plans to potentially demolish parts of the Hitching Post Lodge. Murphy contacted the board in October to inquire about the procedure for demolishing historic properties. The board and Murphy spoke concerning potential alternative solutions to demolition and suggested scheduling a meeting between the Preservation Board and the hospital’s board to talk through next steps.

ADMIN REPORT: Admin informed the board that their Alliance for Historic Wyoming membership had been automatically renewed. Concerns were raised regarding the auto-renewal and potential recognition for the board’s continued contribution. Admin did not have the letter with her for the meeting to clarify the amount of the renewal but will be reporting particulars to the board after following up with the Alliance for Historic Wyoming. Ankeny made a motion to continue auto- renewing with the AHW at $500.00 or the highest level. The motion was seconded by Smith and unanimously approved.

Admin reported that Katz had been added as an authorized signer to the board’s bank account.

REVIEW OF ACTION ITEMS The board reviewed action items assigned to members for the previous month.

Wonson reported that the Chamber of Commerce would like the board to present the issues they are currently working on at an upcoming meeting. Wonson took on the responsibility of scheduling a meeting. Wonson also notified the board that she had not heard back from the JH News and Guide regarding a TCHPB feature.

Smith told the board that she had decided to not try to ask the historic preservation question at the mayoral forum but was able to ask the question at the town council forum. She reported that Jim Stanford was the candidate most informed on the issue and that the others were receptive. In

1 response to her other action item, Smith told the board she had not yet decided whether or not she will become a ‘guest shot’ at the JH News and Guide.

The board discussed the possibility of approaching the JH News and Guide to ask about a weekly feature. Engle suggested that as Sam was already going through the surveys, picking out a featured historic property for highlight in the paper could be added to her contract. Zelnio was tasked with contacting the JH News and Guide regarding the possibility of a weekly TCHPB feature.

Zelnio reported on the effort to find the Shady Lady sign. He has been in contact with Sam Ford regarding the sign but the historical society does not know its present location. Zelnio will contact Ford to see if there is any new information, contact the man who wants the sign for his shop in Denver, and contact Snow King in to ask if they have any information on the sign’s whereabouts. Dubbe will be contacting Jim Darwish about the sign and admin will be posting a notice on Facebook for anyone who might know its location.

Engle reported on her action items (to share notes from the JIM presentation, send out SHPO webinar schedules and to contact Erica Duvic regarding the CLG grant). There was no further discussion.

COMMITTEE REPORTS Incentives Committee: Reports from Community Forums - See above. Admin added her report from attending the county commissioners forum and told the board that she did not get the opportunity to ask the preservation question to the candidates but that Trey Davis and Nikki Gill did express interest in historic preservation in their responses to other questions.

Wonson will be meeting with newly elected county commissioner Greg Epstein and will also schedule a meeting with Jim Stanford and Pete Muldoon early in 2017.

Preservation Ordinance Committee 445 Vine St. - The demo permit for the associated buildings at 445 Vine St. was approved via email the week of 11.17. The committee voted again to unanimously approve the permit, moved by Engle and seconded by Ankeny. The action was logged in the demolition permit record located on the Google Drive.

290 E. Kelly St. – The demo permit for 290 E Kelly was unanimously approved as presented, moved by Engle and seconded by Ankeny. The action was logged in the demolition permit record on the Google Drive.

Discussion of the status of the Kudar’s demolition permit resulted in an action item for Zelnio, who will be contacting the Kudar to see if their plans have changed. Ankeny will be looking into the status of the demo permit for the Kudar to see if there is a time limit for the permit.

Grant Oversight Committee: Survey-

2 Engle reported that Koral plans to have a draft ready for the survey by Thanksgiving. The current plan is to review and return the survey by January. Engle will send the draft to everyone once she receives it.

Award Program Committee: Plaque Program- The board agreed that revamping the Plaque Program is the responsibility of the Award Program Committee. The Award Program committee agreed to meet in the upcoming weeks to work on the program and report out to the board during the December meeting. Engle will be sending everyone on the committee the requirements/criteria as they currently stand.

NEW BUSINESS: The board discussed the contract for the website and GIS layer for the county. Members of the board feel that the GIS layer needs to be expanded and then put on the website so that it can be used. The board recognized that they will need outside help for the project. Engle will be writing up two scopes of services (one for GIS, one for the website) for the January meeting. They will be sent to the board before the meeting for review.

The board considered CLG reporting requested by the SHPO. Engle and Katz will be in charge of completing the report, which includes adding new member profiles, identifying greatest accomplishments, and reporting on the board’s finances.

The board discussed the possibility of awarding the owners of the Fish Creek cabins in Wilson a Jesse O’Connor award. The Awards Committee will discuss this further during their November meeting.

The possibility of changing the board’s name was tabled until next meeting. Smith was tasked with speaking to the county attorney concerning the possibility of a name change.

ACTION ITEMS: Wonson: 1. Establish a meeting with the COC 2. Meet with Greg Epstein re: Historic Preservation in Teton County 3. Set up a meeting with Greg Epstein and Jim Stanford (shoot before inauguration) re: Historic Preservation in Teton County and in Jackson

Gibbs: 1. Follow up with Historic Wyoming membership 2. Facebook post for the Shady Lady sign 3. Call Snow King re: sign 4. Write thank you notes for Old Bill's donors 5. Stay in contact with Sandra re: meeting between the two boards 6. Contact the county re: posting agendas and minutes

Smith: 1. Ordinance research with the county attorney 2. Name change research with the county attorney

Engle: 1. Share defining features information sheet with Sandra

3 2. Send plaque requirements and criteria to the Awards Committee 3. Send draft of Koral’s survey to the group 4. Write up scope for website/GIS contract for January meeting

Zelnio: 1. Contact Sam Ford re: Shady Lady sign 2. Recontact man who wants the Shady Lady sign 3. Contact the Kudar re: demolition plans 4. Contact the JH News and Guide re: weekly feature

Katz 1. With help from Engle, CLG reporting

BOARD MEMBER ISSUES: The board expressed concerns over attendance for the next meeting. It was rescheduled for December 6, 2016.

ADJOURNMENT: Engle moved to adjourn the meeting and Dubbe seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote at 8:49 p.m.


CALL TO ORDER Zelnio called the meeting to order in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room of the Teton County Administration Building at 7:08 p.m.

PRESENT WERE: Bob Zelnio, Vice President; Betsy Engle, Secretary; Sherry Smith, board member, Kurt Dubbe, board member, Shawn Ankeny, board member; J.P. Schubert, Advisor; Mark Newcomb, County Commissioner; Erin Gibbs, Admin.

A member of the public, Keith Gingery, county attorney, was in attendance.

The meeting started without a quorum; no items requiring a vote were discussed until a quorum was reached after public comment.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Keith Gingery spoke to the board concerning the enabling legislation for the creation of the Teton County Historic Preservation Board. He walked the board through its ‘organic act’ from 1996, highlighting the provision in the legislation that prevents the board from being a regulatory body. However, Gingery also explained the board’s role as advisor to the county, which is in line with the board’s goals to put preservation incentives in front of the county commissioners. Questions and discussion followed Gingery’s comments.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES: The agenda was approved as presented, moved by Engle and seconded by Ankeny. The November minutes were approved with modification, moved by Smith and seconded by Dubbe.

ADMIN REPORT: Admin reported out to the board that she had heard from Sandra Murphy (St. John’s) and that they would still like to go ahead with holding a meeting between the two boards. Murphy suggested that they wait until January. As an outstanding item from November, admin informed the board of the perks they receive as a ‘foundation partner’ with the Wyoming Preservation Alliance. Admin reminded the board that there was a SHPO webinar scheduled for December 7 on the subject of local designation and regulation. Admin notified members that Trey Davis from Sweetwater had called and offered to donate the historic French doors from the restaurant, but that anyone interested would be responsible for pick up.

Lastly, Admin reported that the board was invited to attend deliberation regarding the Grand Teton National Park Historic Properties Management Plan (HPMP) as a consulting party. Admin will be keeping the board abreast of upcoming dates. Engle will be sending out the HPMP for the board to look over prior to attending the meeting. Zelnio introduced a proposal to form a two- person committee to represent the board at HPMP meetings. Smith and Dubbe agreed to act as representatives for the board.


1 The board reviewed action items assigned to members for the previous month. Only those requiring further discussion are listed below.

Admin reported that she was still unable to speak with anyone from IT regarding access to TCHPB county email and the county website to post minutes. Admin will continue to try contacting the county.

Wonson established a meeting with the town Chamber of Commerce and met with Greg Epstein concern historic preservation in Teton County. Wonson had not yet had a chance to schedule a meeting with Jim Stanford or Pete Muldoon.

Zelnio spoke to Sam Ford concerning the Survey Book and informed the board of an updated timeline. The book should be ready to review February 10th, 2017. Zelnio also reported that the management at Snow King believes the Shady Lady sign to be in storage at Snow King.

Engle reported that she was unable to reach Koral regarding the county survey. Engle will notify the group when she has an update.

COMMITTEE REPORTS Incentives Committee: County Agenda - The committee reported that that they were working on getting on the county agenda. Wonson was tasked with emailing Mark Newcomb to inquire who was the best person to contact to get on the county commissioners agenda.

Preservation Ordinance Committee St. John’s Hitching Post Lodge - Admin informed the committee that she will be keeping them abreast of any communication with Sandra Murphy.

There were no demolition permits to discuss.

Grant Oversight Committee: Survey- The committee decided to set a date for Sam so that she is independent of Koral’s timeline. Engle will continue to try to contact Koral.

Award Program Committee: Plaque Program/ Jesse O’Connor Award- Ankeny reported out to the board concerning the committee meeting held in November. Preservation awards (Jesse O’Connor Award) will continue to be for outstanding preservation projects or people who have shown to be committed to the preservation of historic buildings. Plaques will be reserved for highly visible historic buildings and will be designed to be mounted and on display. For out of date plaques, the committee suggested remaking copies that include the chronology of the building’s recognition. The committee decided to limit the number of plaques and awards issued per year to five, and that scholarly research should accompany the nomination process.

All board members will be responsible for filling out a nomination sheet for discussion during January’s meeting.

2 Admin will be responsible for posting a call for nominations on Facebook and in the paper. January 10th was discussed at the potential deadline. (Further discussion via email pushed the deadline back to February1 or March 1.)

Once nominations have been submitted, the awards committee will meet and confer, write up small architectural descriptions for each property, conduct limited research on the property’s history, and order plaques by April.

NEW BUSINESS: The board tabled any discussion of a name change until further meetings.

The board discussed scheduling a strategic planning event. Smith will be out of town started January 13th. A date was tabled until the January meeting.

Gibbs volunteered to attend the Art Association Event on December 8th.

ACTION ITEMS: EVERYONE 1. Fill out nomination forms and send to Shawn

Ankeny 1. Send out nomination forms for preservation awards

Engle 1. Send most important/salient sections of the Historic Properties Management Plan (HPMP) to the group 2. Send Grant Teton National Park’s preferred plan for the HPMP to the group 3. Attend SHPO webinar and report out to board 4. CLG reporting 5. Circulate Koral's draft survey 6. Circulate letter regarding the HPMP sent to the park this late summer/early fall

Gibbs 1. Keep group informed of future HPMP meetings and exchanges 2. Try again to contact the county re: posting agendas, minutes, and upcoming meeting 3. Thank you notes for fun run 4. Keep the preservation ordinance committee informed of St. John’s meeting/planning 5. Post historic properties nomination on Facebook 6. Attend Art Show

Wonson 1. Email Mark Newcomb regarding who to contact to get on the agenda for the Teton County Commissioners meeting.

BOARD MEMBER ISSUES: There were no board member issues brought forth.

ADJOURNMENT: Ankeny moved to adjourn the meeting and Dubbe seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote at 8:51 p.m.


CALL TO ORDER Wonson called the meeting to order in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room of the Teton County Administration Building at 7:05 p.m.

PRESENT WERE: Katherine Wonson, President; Bob Zelnio, Vice President; Cheryl Katz, Treasurer; Kurt Dubbe, board member, Shawn Ankeny, board member; J.P. Schubert, Advisor; Erin Gibbs, Admin.

A member of the public, Dale Dieter, USFS District Ranger, was in attendance.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES: The agenda was approved with modification, moved by Katz and seconded by Ankeny. The November minutes were approved as presented, moved by Katz and seconded by Ankeny.

PUBLIC COMMENT: J.P. Schubert, with input from Dale Dieter, spoke to the board concerning the Upper Gros Ventre Land Acquisition and the Bridge Creek Land Exchange. The former involves inholdings that the Unites States Forest Service (USFS) will be acquiring from the Trust for Public Lands. Schubert took the board through a report of resources (compiled by USFS) detailing their description and eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places. The board expressed interest in acting as a consulting party for the Land Exchange and will be offering comment on the report, to be sent to SHPO and USFS. The latter agreement involves the transfer of USFS lands to private ownership. The main cultural resource located on the land to be transferred is the Gap Pouche cabin, which, although privately owned, was under a USFS guiding permit that will soon be expiring. The new owners have expressed interest in maintaining the cabin. The board will request to act as a consulting party for the agreement and will submit their comments to SHPO and USFS.

ADMIN REPORT: Admin reported to the board the different mail, email and phone correspondence to the board. The more notable among these was the continued communication with Sandra Murphy (St. John’s) for the purposes of establishing a date for the two boards to meet.

Admin also relayed a message from John Spina, a JH News and Guide reporter interested in the Mercer and Murie Cabins. Spina expressed concern over the future of the cabins and inquired whether there were plans to restore or demolish the structures.

The board was informed of upcoming events that included the APT Mountains to Mesa Conference (3.23-3.25), SHPO Webinars, and the Building Better Boards event (1.31).

Admin reported that as requested, the board would be running an ad in the JH News and Guide and JH daily as a request for historic property nominations. Dates for the advertisement were undecided at the time of the meeting, but admin had been in contact with the JH News and Guide advertising department to decide type of ad and runtime.


Lastly, admin went through the December Action Items for review. ACTION ITEMS: EVERYONE 1. Fill out nomination forms and send to Shawn

Ankeny 1. Send out nomination forms for preservation awards

Engle 1. Send most important/salient sections of the Historic Properties Management Plan (HPMP) to the group 2. Send Grant Teton National Park’s preferred plan for the HPMP to the group 3. Attend SHPO webinar and report out to board 4. CLG reporting 5. Circulate Koral's draft survey 6. Circulate letter regarding the HPMP sent to the park this late summer/early fall

Gibbs 1. Keep group informed of future HPMP meetings and exchanges 2. Try again to contact the county re: posting agendas, minutes, and upcoming meeting 3. Thank you notes for fun run 4. Keep the preservation ordinance committee informed of St. John’s meeting/planning 5. Post historic properties nomination on Facebook 6. Attend Art Show

Wonson 1. Email Mark Newcomb regarding who to contact to get on the agenda for the Teton County Commissioners meeting.

COMMITTEE REPORTS Incentives Committee: Meeting with Elected Officials - Wonson reported that her meeting with Greg Epstein and Natalia Macker was successful and that both county commissioners were receptive to the board’s goals. Mark Newcomb will continue to be the board’s county liaison.

Consultant for Researching Best Incentives- Wonson introduced the option of hiring a consultant who specializes in research the best preservation incentives for difference communities based on their existing legislation, community makeup, and host of cultural resources.

Preservation Ordinance Committee Conversation with Johana Love re: weekly feature - Zelnio updated the board on his correspondence with Johana Love, who is interested in running a weekly feature on historic buildings in Teton County.

Demo permit- 125 W. Hansen- Wonson gave an update on the status of moving the house located at 125 W. Hansen. The board entertained a motion to recommend a 90 day stay on the demolition permit in order to give the interested party more time to move the building. Zelnio moved the proposal and Ankeny

2 seconded. The property information was entered in the Demo Permit log located on the Google Drive.

Grant Oversight Committee: Teton County Historic Properties Survey- Engle not present to discuss the survey

Award Program Committee: There was no new Award Program Committee Developments.

NEW BUSINESS: Preservation award nomination forms and discussion- The board decided that February 6 would be the deadline for the public to submit a nomination for the Jesse O’Connor award or for a Historic Property Plaque. The deadline for board members to submit their nomination would be February 7. The nominations will be discussed at the next board meeting.

Strategic Planning Retreat- The board tabled discussion for the strategic planning retreat until next meeting.

Historic Properties Management Plan and Preferred Plan- The board tabled discussion for the strategic planning retreat until next meeting.

ACTION ITEMS: EVERYONE 1. Fill out nomination forms and send to Shawn

Ankeny 1. Draft email (send to board) to SHPO and JP/USFS re: consulting party for Upper Gros Ventre Land Acquisition (also Kurt).

Engle 1. Complete scope of work for consultant.

Gibbs 1. Draft email (send to board) to SHPO and JP/USFS re: consulting party for the MOA for the Bridge Creek Land Exchange. 2. Send Kurt information for APT conference in Utah

Wonson 1. Attend Building Better Boards Seminar 2. Email editor of JH News and Guide for follow-up 3. Set up meeting with Pete Muldoon and Jim Stafford 4. Get on County agenda 5. Share consultant information

Zelnio 1. Attend Building Better Boards Seminar

BOARD MEMBER ISSUES: There were no board member issues brought forth.


ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM by unanimous vote.


CALL TO ORDER Wonson called the meeting to order in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room of the Teton County Administration Building at 7:07 p.m.

PRESENT WERE: Katherine Wonson, President; Bob Zelnio, Vice President; Cheryl Katz, Treasurer; Betsy Engle, Secretary; Shawn Ankeny, board member; J.P. Schubert, Advisor; Erin Gibbs, Admin.

Members of the public, Ragan Jolly and Alex Freeburg of 125 W. Hansen, and Esther and Philip Judge, were in attendance.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES: The agenda was approved as presented, moved by Zelnio and seconded by Engle. The January minutes were approved as presented, moved by Zelnio and seconded by Engle.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Ragan Jolly and Alex Freeburg were in attendance to offer comment regarding the 90-day demolition stay request for their structure at 125 W. Hansen, passed by the board during the board’s January meeting. Esther and Philip Judge, the party interested in moving the structure at 125 W. Hansen, were also in attendance to offer comment on the stay.

Wonson opened the public comment period by summarizing the events leading up to February meeting, including the passage of the 90 day stay request by the board that was submitted to the town for review and subsequently passed back to the board for comment after the town council meeting on February 6. Wonson stated that the original request was issued in order to give the Judges time to relocate the structures since a move date had not been set.

Ragan Jolly was the first to address the board. Jolly asked the board to lift the stay request immediately due to the fact that she and her husband have the same goals as the board for moving and preserving the building, and have no plans to demolish the structure before March 15, 2017. Jolly also spoke to the history of correspondence with the board, stating that the planning process for moving the building began in September of 2016 and that this process has been faithfully overseen by her and her husband since that time.

Esther Judge addressed the board to express her support for the private collaboration between herself and Ragan Jolly and Alex Freeburg. Judge stated that she is committed to moving the structure to her property and has supplied the necessary information to all parties who will be involved in the process. At the time of the meeting, the party hired to move the structure has not been able to provide a date for executing the move. Judge noted that she was working with the mover to establish a date in writing.

Alex Freeburg asked if he would be allowed to speak regarding the demolition stay request and was given the floor. Freeburg stated that he did not seek a compromise and that the 90-day stay

1 request should be lifted immediately. Freeburg specified that he is an attorney and presented four points as arguments against the 90-day stay request. The 90-day stay request should be withdrawn on the grounds that: 1. Freeburg and Jolly were told in an email by board member Engle in September of 2016 that if they worked with the preservation board, there would be no demolition stay request submitted; 2. The stay request itself was not issued properly as the municipal code states that the property must be historically significant, yet at the county meeting on February 6, board member Ankeny stated that the structure was ‘ubiquitous in Jackson,’ indicating it is not historically significant; 3. The reason for passing the demolition stay request was done based on the structure’s movability, which is not considered a legal term and he questioned how this aspect could be defined; 4. The structure is not listed on the county’s website as one of the structures listed as historically significant.

Freeburg told the board that his main issue with the stay was the encumbrance it posed to his property. Freeburg ended his comment stating that he believes it would have been better if he and Jolly had not worked with the preservation board.

Board president Wonson responded to Freeburg’s points one by one. Wonson stated that first, Engle was not speaking on a board decision during her private email correspondence with Jolly. Furthermore, as the correspondence did not take place within a public meeting, the email cannot be considered representative of official Teton County Historic Preservation Board policy; for such an agreement to be entered into, a vote during a public hearing would have to take place. Freeburg responded that this point could be addressed in court.

Wonson stated that second, the structure located at 125 W. Hansen was once ubiquitous as a building type in Jackson, but is now rare as there are few surviving examples. Wonson apologized if Ankeny was not clear at the town meeting February 6. Wonson further stated that the board includes multiple professional architectural historians and historical architects who used their expertise in these fields to determine that the structure is historically significant.

Wonson addressed Freeburg’s third point and stated that the board’s protocol for determining if a historic property is worth requesting a stay is based on several aspects, of which movability is one; the other aspects include things like significance and integrity.1 Because the building met several of the other criteria, the issue of movability is unsubstantial. Wonson also stated that while the board is unfamiliar with an official threshold for determining which structures are able to be moved, a 479 square-foot-building qualifies as movable, based on the board’s experiences with moving historic properties in Teton County.

Wonson spoke to Freeburg’s fourth point and stated that the list of historically significant properties listed on the county’s website is not exhaustive and is not meant to be exhaustive.

Wonson further explained that the board’s ability to recommend a 90-day demolition stay is the only regulatory tool at its disposal, granted to the board by the town of Jackson. Wonson stated that the board has the power to lift the stay at any time once a date for moving the cabin is established, suggesting the board would lift the stay the day before the move was to take place.

1 The full list of aspects that determine if a stay is warranted are Significance; Integrity; Condition; Age; Community Attachment; Movability; and Timing.


Discussion followed public comment. Freeburg stated that he did not believe that he and the board were going to come to an agreement, as a motion to lift the stay the day before a proposed move was not satisfactory. He stated his preference for a firm date.

The board acknowledged the owners’ efforts to work with the board early, suggesting that should the Judges’ efforts to move the cabin were to fall through, the board would not pursue additional movers given the time frame.

Discussion time was also dedicated to Preservation as a step in the planning process, similar to applying for a demolition permit. The board explained that compliance, including compliance vis a vis preservation, is part of property ownership. The board offered similar examples of complying with night skies requirements, wildlife ordinances, and certificates of occupancy.

After speaking with members of the public and deliberation, the board offered to propose a motion requesting a demolition stay until April 15, understanding the stay would be lifted one day prior to the move date, once established.

Freeburg and Jolly stepped out of the chambers to discuss.

Once returned, Freeburg and Jolly stated they would be comfortable with a motion requesting a demolition stay until April 1, after which time they would incur additional costs if the stay were to continue without a move date. They stated that they had spoken to their builder, and he concurred. The board notified Freeberg, Jolly, and the Judges that they would introduce the motion and vote during New Business.

ADMIN REPORT: Admin reported to the board the different mail, email and phone correspondence to the board. The most notable among these was a phone communication between Gibbs and a member of the public, Tecla, who was interested in listing her building. Gibbs notified the board that Tecla was not aware there was no town or county historic register and informed her that she could pursue listing her historic structure on the National Register of Historic Places. In the course of their conversation, Tecla told Gibbs that while speaking to Kelly Sluder from the town planning department, she was told that if she were to list her building, she would no longer have full rights to modify the structure. Gibbs explained that this was not the case, as the board does not have regulatory power over design. Gibbs suggested someone from the board contact Sluder to clarify the board’s mission and powers as well as contact Tecla to discuss options for her historic structure.

Admin also relayed a message from Matt Young regarding moving the Miller House.

The board was informed of upcoming events that included the APT Mountains to Mesa Conference (3.23-3.25), SHPO Webinars, and the Building Better Boards event (moved to 2.28).

Lastly, Gibbs went through the January Action Items for review.

EVERYONE 1. Fill out nomination forms and send to Shawn


3 1. Draft email (send to board) to SHPO and JP/USFS re: consulting party for Upper Gros Ventre Land Acquisition (also Kurt).

Engle 1. Complete scope of work for consultant.

Gibbs 1. Draft email (send to board) to SHPO and JP/USFS re: consulting party for the MOA for the Bridge Creek Land Exchange. 2. Send Kurt information for APT conference in Utah

Wonson 1. Attend Building Better Boards Seminar 2. Email editor of JH News and Guide for follow-up 3. Set up meeting with Pete Muldoon and Jim Stafford 4. Get on County agenda 5. Share consultant information

Zelnio 1. Attend Building Better Boards Seminar

TREASURER’S REPORT Katz reported on the board’s proposed budget and notified the board that she would continue to structure the budget as in years past. Changes to the budget may include setting aside additional funds ($6,000 as opposed to $5,000) for increased administrative support. Katz reported that she would include in the report funds from the SHPO allocated for state grants.

Engle moved a motion to approve a budget request of $13,000 from the County. Zelnio seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved.

COMMITTEE REPORTS Incentives Committee: Meeting with Sandra Murphy and St. John’s Hospital board members - Wonson reported on her and Gibbs’ meeting with Sandra Murphy and two staff members from St. John’s Hospital. The staff members expressed a desire to demolish the entire complex, but were open to the possibility of preserving the main lodge. The board members also expressed interest in continuing to work with the preservation board. Wonson told the board she hoped the individual lodge cabins on site could be moved and reused nearby.

Consultant for Researching Best Incentives-

Engle reported on her draft scope of work for the incentives project. The scope includes two parts, the first detailing what is feasible within Teton County and the town of Jackson, and the second looking at how and if up to five of those possible could be implemented. Recommendations would include those that are best poised for the board to pursue. Engle will be distributing the scope for comment.

Preservation Ordinance Committee Demo permit- 125 W. Hansen-

4 The board discussed next steps for the upcoming meeting with the town regarding the demolition stay request.

Engle introduced a motion to recommend to the town and county a 55-day demolition stay for the structure located at 125 W. Hansen, starting from the February 6, 2017 Town Council Meeting, which will expire on April 1st. Katz seconded the motion. After discussion, it was approved by unanimous vote.

Grant Oversight Committee: Sam Ford Zelnio reported that Sam was in a holding pattern regarding her work on the survey book, pending completion of Koral’s surveys. In addition, Sam needs assistance in securing high quality photographs to accompany her monographs. Zelnio also reported that the JH News and Guide has expressed interest in a regular column based on Sam’s monographs but will probably want accompanying photographs. Discussion ensued regarding the ownership of photographs included in the surveys. The board explored options for additional photographs associated with past surveys, for which the board only has scanned PDFs.

Teton County Historic Properties Survey Engle report that she had received seven of the fourteen surveys from Koral, which were distributed to the group for comment. Engle will distribute the additional surveys for comment once she receives them.

Award Program Committee: There was no new Award Program Committee Developments.

NEW BUSINESS: Preservation award nomination forms and discussion- After collecting board member’s nomination forms, the board decided the Award Program Committee will meet before next meeting to discuss the nominations for historic property plaques and for the Jesse O’Connor award. The committee will also draft a schedule for issuing the awards. The committee will report to the board their conclusions so that members can come to meeting prepared to discuss. The Award Committee is accepting nominations until February 21.

Jackson Hole Historical Society and Museum (JHHSM) Mercill Buildings The board will set up a meeting with members of JHHSM to discuss the strategy for the Mercill Buildings.

Historic Properties Management Plan and Preferred Plan- Board members Dubbe and Smith will review the amended plan and send comments to Grand Teton National Park and the SHPO.

Board Member Vacancies The board considered upcoming vacancies. Board members Katz and Johnson will not be renewing their membership. The board discussed a strategy for working through the process for finding additional members.

ACTION ITEMS: Awards Committee 1. Meet to discuss nominations and draft awards schedule

5 Ankeny 1. Draft comments for the Upper Gros Ventre Land Acquisition (also Dubbe). Send to board for review before submitting to USFS and SHPO 2. Email Steve Haines re: discussion/resolution of demo stay at 125 W Hansen 3. Reach out to Porgy re: board member vacancy

Engle 1. Email draft scope of work for incentives project 2. Send second half of Koral’s survey to board when received 3. Email Mike Cassidy re: original photographs for survey

Gibbs 1. Send email to SHPO and USFS re: consulting party for the Gros Ventre Land Exchange 2. Send Historic Properties Management Plan to Dubbe and Smith for review

Wonson 1. Meet with Kelly Suder re: TCHPB’s mission and role 2. Call Matt Young re: moving 3. Attend Building Better Boards Feb 28 4. Contact Jim Stafford re: discussion/resolution of demo stay at 125 W Hansen 5. Conctact Jolly and Judge re: 55 day stay motion 6. Keep the board informed of meeting with JHHSM 7. Keep the board informed of meeting with Sandra Murphy and St. John’s Hospital

Zelnio 2. Attend Building Better Boards Feb 28 3. Reach out to Sam Ford re: position with the Jackson Hole Historical Society and Museum 4. Attend next Town of Jackson council meeting

Katz 1. Call Tecla re: listing property on National Register/Tax Credits/Town code dispensations 2. Share draft budget with board

Dubbe 1. Draft comments for the Upper Gros Ventre Land Acquisition (also Ankeny). Send to board for review before submitting to USFS and SHPO 2. Draft comments for the Historic Properties Management plan and send to board for review Smith 1. Draft comments for the Historic Properties Management plan and send to board for review

BOARD MEMBER ISSUES: There were no board member issues brought forth.

ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 PM by unanimous vote. The next meeting will be held March 14th, 2017.


CALL TO ORDER Wonson called the meeting to order in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room of the Teton County Administration Building at 7:13 p.m.

PRESENT WERE: Katherine Wonson, President; Bob Zelnio, Vice President; Cheryl Katz, Treasurer; Betsy Engle, Secretary, Shawn Ankeny, board member; Frank Johnson, board member, J.P. Schubert, Advisor.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES: The agenda was approved with modification, moved by Katz and seconded by Zelnio. The February minutes were approved as presented, moved by Zelnio and seconded by Ankeny.

PUBLIC COMMENT: There was no public comment.

STAFF REPORT: In admin’s absence Wonson gave the staff report. She reported to the board the different mail and phone correspondence. The most notable was an invitation from EBI Consulting/ATT Mobility to consult in the 106 process regarding the proposed replacement of an existing wooden cell pole with a new 60 foot pole at 10995 S. Highway 89. The board will respond.

Additional correspondence from Tecla will be detailed by admin at the April meeting.

The board was also informed of upcoming events that included the APT Mountains to Mesa Conference (3.23-3.25).

Lastly, Wonson ran through the action items from the last month. Wonson also reported that the TCHPB website had finally been updated with the correct board member information.

ACTION ITEMS: Awards Committee 1. Meet to discuss nominations and draft awards schedule

Ankeny 1. Draft comments for the Upper Gros Ventre Land Acquisition (also Dubbe). Send to board for review before submitting to USFS and SHPO 2. Email Steve Haines re: discussion/resolution of demo stay at 125 W Hansen 3. Reach out to Porgy re: board member vacancy

Engle 1. Email draft scope of work for incentives project 2. Send second half of Koral’s survey to board when received 3. Email Mike Cassidy re: original photographs for survey

Gibbs 1. Send email to SHPO and USFS re: consulting party for the Gros Ventre Land Exchange 2. Send Historic Properties Management Plan to Dubbe and Smith for review

Wonson 1. Meet with Kelly Suder re: TCHPB’s mission and role 2. Call Matt Young re: moving Miller Cabin 3. Attend Building Better Boards Feb 28 4. Contact Jim Stafford re: discussion/resolution of demo stay at 125 W Hansen 5. Conctact Jolly and Judge re: 55 day stay motion 6. Keep the board informed of meeting with JHHSM 7. Keep the board informed of meeting with Sandra Murphy and St. John’s Hospital

Zelnio 1. Attend Building Better Boards Feb 28 2. Reach out to Sam Ford re: position with the Jackson Hole Historical Society and Museum 3. Attend next Town of Jackson council meeting

Katz 1. Call Tecla re: listing property on National Register/Tax Credits/Town code dispensations 2. Share draft budget with board

Dubbe 1. Draft comments for the Upper Gros Ventre Land Acquisition (also Ankeny). Send to board for review before submitting to USFS and SHPO 2. Draft comments for the Historic Properties Management plan and send to board for review Smith 1. Draft comments for the Historic Properties Management plan and send to board for review

COMMITTEE REPORTS Incentives Committee: Building Better Boards Wonson and Zelnio both attended the recent “Building Better Boards” workshop, and provided a summary and key take-aways. They both found the meeting helpful. Presentations were offered on how to run more effective meetings and the legal obligations and responsibilities of boards. They presented several key take-aways to implement at TCHPB meetings.

Incentives contract and meeting with Tyler Sinclair Engle stated that a draft of the incentives project scope of work had been circulated to the incentives committee for review. In the meantime, Wonson reported on her meeting with planning official Tyler Sinclair. Overall, the meeting was very positive. Tyler was supportive of the board hiring a contractor to assist with the background research and development of preservation incentives. After the meeting, Commissioner Mark Newcomb contacted Wonson to request a 3 page document summarizing preservation struggles and opportunities and benefits in order to propose to the Commission that preservation incentives be added to the planners work plan. The work plan will be set in the next few weeks. He encouraged the board to express their support for including preservation on the work plan through letters and attendance at the upcoming Commissioners meeting.

Meeting with Jackson Hole Historical Society and Museum: Wonson and Engle reported on their meeting with JHHSM. JHHSM currently leases the property on Mercill from the county. The county recently renewed their lease for 2 years rather than the expected 5 years. The JHHSM is concerned about the buildings on the property once they vacate the lot. The meeting was mostly an informational and brainstorming meeting. Wonson, Engle, and Gibbs (also present at the JHHSM meeting) offered some possible solutions for the smaller outbuildings. They also encouraged the JHHSM to work closely with the Commissioners regarding inclusion of historic properties in any redevelopment plans, as there does not seem to be plans for the property in place at this time.

Preservation Ordinance Committee: 125 West Hansen Update Wonson provided an update on the effort to relocate the cottage off 125 West Hansen. While the building department has been understanding of the unique situation and has been flexible on some non-health and safety code issues, the couple moving the building is now facing a potential timing crisis with their bank which will push them right up against the April 1 deadline for the stay. Hopefully the current owners will honor their commitment stated in the March meeting to delaying demolition by a few days in order to see the cottage successfully moved.

The board then discussed the many lessons learned from this case. Particularly, the board feels that in the future all delays should be recommended for the full 90 days with the knowledge that a stay can be lifted at any time.

Grand Oversight Committee: Teton County Historic Properties Survey Report Engle reported that the final draft survey had been received from Korral and that Korral had requested payment. Because the board has only received drafts and not final surveys they agreed to pay 50% of the total invoice and will issue the remaining 50% once all deliverables have been received.

Engle thanked Zelnio, Smith, Johnson, and Katz for their assistance editing and reviewing the draft surveys.

Awards Program Committee: Ankeny, Johnson, and Engle from the awards sub-committee were present and reported that they had reviewed all nominations for the plaques and O’Connor awards. In total, 14 nominations were received for the plaque program and 13 were received for the Jesse O’Connor award.

NEW BUSINESS Awards Program The awards sub-committee reported that they had reviewed the nominations to ensure they met the goals of each program, and had subsequently eliminated a handful from each category. After discussion regarding some nominations with the board, the sub-committee recommended the following nominations be put forward for plaques: Alpenhof Lodge, Old School (150 E. Hansen), Hardeman Ranch, 185 East Hansen (Land Trust building), Corbet’s Cabin. The sub-committee also recommended the following be considered for the Jesse O’Connor Award: Terry and Claudia Winchell, Mack Mendenhall (220 Redmond St), “One Hundred Seven LLC” (155 West Pearl), Brad and Kate Mead (Mead Ranch), Robert Righter.

The sub-committee will review and research these nominations in more detail to ensure the board has the information necessary to proceed, and will begin notifying property owners once award recipients have been selected.

Wonson suggested that in the future we consider a third tier of acknowledgements to the plaques and awards program to distinguish awards between those who have contributed to preservation through their work and over their lives, and those who have completed single preservation projects to save and revitalize historic structures. This “beautification” recognition could also acknowledge the architects and contractors behind the projects.

Strategic Planning Retreat The board decided to table the retreat until after new board members begin their terms in July.

Upcoming Board Vacancies Terms are ending for Eastman, Johnson, and Katz. The board briefly discussed recruitment of new members.

ACTION ITEMS Wonson - Complete 3 page document for Commissioners and Council (by 3/15) - Follow up with Kurt and Sherry re: status of Historic Properties Management Plan comments - Attend council meeting on 3/20 - Email Betsy contact info for Sandy’s replacement - Reach out to Smokey Rhea - Contact Kate Mead Re: School Board interest in historic cabins, Mead preservation accomplishments - Email April Norton re: Housing and JHHSM Zelnio - Attend council meeting on 3/20 - Contact Steve Ashworth at Parks and Rec regarding historic cabins on park lands

Katz - Email response to EBI consulting thanking them for including us in the 106 process and we have no objections to the proposed cell tower project. Engle - Draft letter to elected officials stating support for inclusion of preservation on planning staffs work plan (by 3/15) - Email Sandy’s replacement for details on board vacancies/timing - Mail check to Korral - Draft letter to owners of nominated properties for plaques and awards Ankeny - Set up next Award Program sub-committee meeting Johnson - Reapply for board position

BOARD MEMBER ISSUES There were no board member issues brought forth.


CALL TO ORDER Wonson called the meeting to order in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room of the Teton County Administration Building at 7:04 p.m.

PRESENT WERE: Katherine Wonson, President; Bob Zelnio, Vice President; Betsy Engle, Secretary, Shawn Ankeny, board member; and Kurt Dubbe, board member; Erin Gibbs, administrative assistant.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES: The agenda was approved with modification, moved by Ankeny and seconded by Zelnio. The March minutes were approved as presented, moved by Wonson and seconded by Ankeny.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Thekla VonHagke was present to discuss her historic cabin in Kelly. She explained the challenges associated with current building code that would stipulate her to fir walls that would be a part of an interior remodel. She also explained that the Planning Department continues to tell her that restrictions will be placed on her property if she seeks formal recognition for her cabin’s historical significance. The board offered to help with speaking to the county regarding code variances in order to protect historic fabric. VonHagke will be sending a letter to the board with a short history of the cabin. The board will then present this to the county Planning Department who is willing to grant a code variance as long as it has TCHPB’s input.

STAFF REPORT: Admin reported on correspondence during late March and early April. The board received a letter from WYDOT requesting input for a project that would improve on US 89 between Thayne and Etna. Since this area does not fall within Teton County, the board decided to ignore the request.

Admin delivered the CDs of digital copies of the Intensive Level Surveys to the board, sent by Koral.

Admin informed the board that Shelly from the county budget office called with questions regarding the FY2018 budget meeting with County Commissioners on April 28th between 10:45-11 am. This information had been relayed to Katz, who would not be able to attend the budget meeting. Zelnio offered to attend.

Lastly, admin reported she had received a call from realtor Ryan Block who had a question regarding whether historic preservation plaques conferred any property restrictions. Admin called Mr. Block back and left a message stating that a plaque does not create any property restrictions.

REVIEW OF MARCH ACTION ITEMS The board quickly went through the list of action items for the past month. Outstanding items included the following: • Wonson sending contact information for Sandy’s replacement • Wonson contacting Kate Mead re: School Board interest in historic cabins, Mead preservation accomplishments • Wonson emailing April Norton re: Housing and JHHSM • (Possibly) Katz emailing response to EBI consulting thanking them for including us in the 106 process and that the board has no objections to the proposed cell tower project.

COMMITTEE REPORTS Incentives Committee: Report: Council meeting 03/20 Wonson and Zelnio reported that the issue of including TCHPB in the work plan had been moved to the next meeting, where they suspected it was approved. No one spoke against including historic preservation on the council’s agenda.

School Board interest in historic cabins – No Update

Glenwood and Kelly Property A property owner contacted the board regarding their 1940s log cabin near the Center for the Arts. The owner is having issues with required setbacks and is seeking a formal recognition for their property’s historical significance from the board to assist with obtaining a code variance. The board agreed to help with speaking to the planning department. Engle drafted a short history of the property that needs to be sent to the homeowner and to Tyler Sinclair. Engle brought up the possibility of using the next round of state grants for a MPD covering residential housing in Jackson.

Town of Jackson Parks and Rec Meeting: Zelnio reported that the meeting with Jackson Parks and Rec went well. The division listed different historic properties in order of priority vis a vis feasibility of preservation. They were enthusiastic about creating a ‘pioneer village’ property but were concerned with keeping strict restriction surrounding how many buildings to allow in order to avoid squatters/vandalism, and to ensure that any plan would be well crafted and would stipulate adequate and regular maintenance. Engle brought up the issue that the board needed to decide on an official statement regarding moving buildings. Engle raised the issue of having to decide between accidentally creating a false sense of history versus moving a building in order to save it. The board voted to add this issue for the strategic planning retreat, moved by Engle and seconded by Dubbe.

Preservation Ordinance Committee: 525 E. Cache Creek Drive The board determined that the property is less than 50 years old and the demo permit allowed to pass.

550 E. Cache Creek Drive The board determined that the property is less than 50 years old and the demo permit allowed to pass.

The board then discussed how they would like to handle future demo permits. The board decided that the committee will meet, even for those properties that aren’t deemed historic so they can still issue a decision.

Grand Oversight Committee: Teton County Historic Properties Survey Report The board received copies of final surveys, and the final payment is due to Koral. Next steps for the survey will be reported on more fully next month but are briefly discussed in New Business below.

Awards Program Committee: Ankeny, Dubbe, and Engle from the awards sub-committee were present and reported that they finalized the nomination list and decided to contact everyone before awarding any plaques or awards. Not all members were able to contact their assigned property owner and would be completing this item for next month.

NEW BUSINESS Preservation award nomination discussion and decision Tabled until next meeting after property owners notified. September 26 will be the awards ceremony.

Upcoming board member vacancy Mackenzie King from Dubbe’s firm was recommended as a possible board member. Other people from the planning commission where discussed.

Survey Next Steps The surveys need to be sent to the SHPO and property owners. For property owners, the benign nature of the survey needs to be reinforced. The information then needs to be included in the county’s database. Grant paperwork needs to be included with the copies sent to SHPO.

Elect New Treasurer The board decided to wait until new appointments to the board are made. In the interim, Zelnio agreed to act as a temporary treasurer. He will attend the budget meeting with the County Commissioners on April 28th between 10:45-11:00 AM.

ACTION ITEMS Everyone • Email property owners re: plaques/awards (exception: Zelnio and Smith)

Awards Committee • Meet one more time to discuss plaques/awards

Wonson • Send Kelly and Glenwood letter • Email Betsy contact info for Sandy’s replacement • Contact Kate Mead re: School Board interest in historic cabins, Mead preservation accomplishments • Email April Norten re: housing and JHHSM • Email Tyler Sinclair re: historic preservation approved in 2018 work plan and next steps for incentives contract • Reach out to Mackenzie King re: board member vacancy • Reach out to George re: vacancy recommendation

Zelnio • Attend budget meeting with the County Commissioners on April 28th between 10:45-11:00 AM.

Katz • Email response to EBI consulting thanking them for including us in the 106 process and we have no objections to the proposed cell tower project • Send all pertinent information for budget meeting to Zelnio Engle • Receive letter from Thekla and make improvement if necessary. Send to Planning Department • Send intensive survey CDs to SHPO • Circulate refined scope of work before next meeting Ankeny • Set up next Award Program sub-committee meeting Dubbe • Further review the park’s HPMP • Contact Rush and Klaus re: Kearns Meadow cabin

Gibbs • Add tab to demo permit list for those homeowners working with the board • Fill in demo permit log sheet • Send notifications to homeowners re: intensive survey • Put add in paper for board member vacancy • Get more signed checks

BOARD MEMBER ISSUES Dubbe told the board about he and Johnson’s experience with the National History day with Teton Public schools and how impressed he was with the students’ presentations.

Issues regarding the fate of the cabin on Kearns meadow was brought up. Dubbe agreed to contact Rush and Klaus for more information on their plans.

ADJOURNEMENT The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote at 9:00 p.m.


CALL TO ORDER Wonson called the meeting to order in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room of the Teton County Administration Building at 7:06 p.m.

PRESENT WERE: Katherine Wonson, President; Bob Zelnio, Vice President; Betsy Engle, Secretary, Sherry Smith, board member; and Kurt Dubbe, board member; Frank Johnson, board member; Cheryl Katz, board member; Erin Gibbs, administrative assistant.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES: The agenda was approved as presented, moved by Smith and seconded by Engle. The April minutes were approved as presented, moved by Engle and seconded by Zelnio.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Carolynn and Bruce Hawtin were present for public comment to discuss their property at 115 Nelson Drive. The Hawtins spoke regarding the history and condition of the house located on the property as well as the work completed to mitigate the asbestos in the heating ducts and exterior cladding. The board and the Hawtins discussed the history, significance, options for moving the building, and subdividing the property. The Hawtins agreed to a 90 day demolition stay that would allow the bard to explore options for marketing the property with the house to a potential seller, while also looking into different options for subdividing the lot so that the house could stay in situ. The board discussed documenting the structure before any potential demolition.

STAFF REPORT: Admin reported on correspondence during late April and early May. The board received a letter from AWH requesting the board’s annual donation. While the board donated to AHW in the fall, the letter requested that TCHPB once again return to the regular donation cycle of giving during the spring. Smith made a motion to approve a continued partnership with AHW, which was seconded by Zelnio and unanimously passed. Admin will be responsible for sending a check to AHW.

Admin informed the board that Greg Prough contacted the board but did not leave a message. Admin returned his call but did not hear back.

Bruce walker called requesting information on a cabin located on his property at 2125 Coyote Loop in Wilson. He was told it was the original Teton Science School that had been moved from Kelly and would like to confirm this as well as learn more about the history of the property.

Lastly, admin reported she had received a call from Cerise Kudar, who requested to speak to Wonson. Wonson reported that the Kudar’s were planning on moving some of the historic cabins to the rear of the property, rather than demolishing them. The Kudar’s asked for consultation on winterizing the cabins Wonson and Dubbe will be making a site visit.

REVIEW OF MARCH ACTION ITEMS The board quickly went through the list of action items for the past month.

Yes No Moved Everyone X • Email property owners re: plaques/awards (exception: Zelnio and Smith) Awards Committee X • Meet one more time to discuss plaques/awards Engle • Receive letter from Thekla and make improvement if necessary. Send to X Planning Department • Send intensive survey CDs to SHPO X • Circulate refined scope of work before next meeting X Ankeny • Set up next Award Program sub-committee meeting X Wonson • Send Kelly and Glenwood letter X • Email Betsy contact info for Sandy’s replacement X • Contact Kate Mead re: School Board interest in historic cabins, Mead X preservation accomplishments • Email April Norten re: housing and JHHSM X • Email Tyler Sinclair re: historic preservation approved in 2018 work plan X and next steps for incentives contract • Reach out to Mackenzie King re: board member vacancy X • Reach out to George re: vacancy recommendation X Katz • Email response to EBI consulting thanking them for including us in the 106 X process and we have no objections to the proposed cell tower project • Send all pertinent information for budget meeting to Zelnio X Zelnio • Attend budget meeting with the County Commissioners on April 28th X between 10:45-11:00 AM. Dubbe • Further review the park’s HPMP X • Contact Rush and Klaus re: Kearns Meadow cabin X X Gibbs • Add tab to demo permit list for those homeowners working with the board X • Fill in demo permit log sheet X • Send notifications to homeowners re: intensive survey X • Put add in paper for board member vacancy X • Get more signed checks X

COMMITTEE REPORTS Incentives Committee: Report: Budget Meeting Zelnio reported that the budget meeting with the County Commissioners went well. The one question the Commissioners had was in regards to the CLG grant. Zelnio told the Commissioners that the board would apply for grant from the state for the 2018 application period. The board was granted their budget.

Incentives contract Engle reported that the next step in the contract process is review by Tyler Sinclair. A subcommittee will be formed next month to oversee the contract.

Preservation Ordinance Committee: 115 Nelson Dr. A motion was put forth by Zelnio to approve the demolition of the two sheds on the property, but request a 90 day stay on demolishing the house. The request was seconded by Engle and unanimously approved.

380 S. Glenwood The board voted unanimously to allow the permit on the garage to pass, moved by Engle and seconded by Katz. The board ruled the garage was not historically significant.

120 N. Milward The board voted unanimously to allow the permit on the garage to pass, moved by Katz and seconded by Johnson. The board ruled the garage had lost integrity due to neglect.

365 W. Kelly The board voted unanimously to allow the permit on the house to pass, moved by Katz and seconded by Engle. While fifty years old, the board ruled the house was not historically significant as it was not an outstanding example of the characteristics marking mid-century building stock in Jackson.

Grant Oversight Committee: No new reports.

Awards Program Committee: Engle explained to the board that the committee had brought Albertson into the nomination process and reported on the results of the meeting. Engle told the board that the Alpenhof owners were enthusiastic about the consideration of their nomination and will send managers to the awards ceremony. Mack Mendenhall was also excited about his nomination. The committee had not heard from Kate Mead or Terry Winchell; Jackson Hole Mountain Resort was wary of Corbett’s Cabin nomination due to the impending demolition in the next five years.

NEW BUSINESS Preservation award nomination discussion and decision See above in Awards Program Committee report out

Upcoming board member vacancy Mackenzie King from Dubbe’s firm was not able to get her application in before the deadline but would still like to be considered for the position. Johnson submitted his application. Dubbe and Wonson will meet with Smokey Rhea to indicate their preference for new board members. The board will know by the June meeting who will be chosen.

Mercer Cabin Relocation Proposal A Brooklyn art promoter based in Wilson is looking to set up an architecture and art expo and proposed using the Mercer Cabin as a part of the show, which would take place on the Center for the Arts lawn. He proposed then moving the cabin to Wilson after the expo. It was decided the Kurt would continue to try to reach Rush and Klaus as they were the first to offer to take the cabin.

Cerise Kudar Correspondence See above in Staff Report


Engle • Write brief historical significance for Hawtin house Ankeny • Follow up with Kelly Lockhart re: awards/plaques Wonson • Reach out to town and CC Hawtins re: demo of house • Meet with Tyler Sinclair re: rezoning options • Follow up with Mackenzie King Johnson • Call Bruce Walker re: TSS cabin Smith • Contact Bob Smith re: TSS cabin Dubbe • Follow up with Kudar’s (site visit with KW) • Follow up with Mackenzie King • Contact Rush and Klaus Gibbs • Add tab to demo permit list for those homeowners working with the board • Fill in demo permit log sheet • Send notifications to homeowners re: intensive survey (email Korral first) • Keep in contact with Hawtins • Start documentation folder in Demo Permits

BOARD MEMBER ISSUES Smith reported that JHHSM is starting the conversation of moving some of the smaller cabins to Kearns Meadow. Smith shared her experience with the JHHSM board and the challenges associated with the decisions around next steps for the building currently housing JHHSM. Wonson and Engle shared their meeting with JHHSM from February.

ADJOURNEMENT The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote at 9:05 p.m.


CALL TO ORDER Wonson called the meeting to order in the Commissioner’s Meeting Room of the Teton County Administration Building at 7:05 p.m.

PRESENT WERE: Katherine Wonson, President; Bob Zelnio, Vice President; Betsy Engle, Secretary, Sherry Smith, board member; Kurt Dubbe, board member; Frank Johnson, board member; Shawn Ankeny, board member; Smokey Rhea, town and county liaison; JP Schubert, advisor; Morgan Albertson, advisor; Erin Gibbs, administrative assistant; and Amy McCarthy, Porgy McClellen, and Jamie Riley from the Teton Raptor Center.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES: The agenda was approved as presented, moved by Johnson and seconded by Ankeny. The June minutes were approved as presented, moved by Wonson and seconded by Dubbe.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Amy McCarthy, Porgy McClellen, and Jamie Riley from the Teton Raptor Center were present for public comment to discuss their plans for the Hardeman barns. Dubbe is on retainer as an architect for the Raptor Center and was asked to speak to the board concerning the Raptor Center’s plans. The Raptor Center recently purchased the barns after occupying the property for some time. The Teton County Land Trust has placed a conservation easement on the property that recognizes and respects the historic buildings located on the property. A modified HSR has been completed for the historic structures, including evaluations of integrity, significance, and condition, with the exception of the historic ranch house. The Raptor center made it clear they value the historic buildings and are planning on integrating the majority of them into their programmatic needs. However, the Raptor Center will need additional buildings which would necessitate the demolition or moving of some existing structures. The largest issue will be moving one of the two barns that have historically been connected; the Raptor Center explained who will be doing this and how. Some board members expressed concern over an adverse effect to the property’s National Register status. The Raptor Center will be circulating their plans to the county, which they expect in turn to be supplied to the board and welcome their comments.

STAFF REPORT: Admin reported on correspondence during late May and early June. The board received no mail or email correspondence for the previous month, but had a few phone messages. These included a message from Kelly Sluter with Town Planning who inquired about Thekla’s cabin and if she was allowed to put an addition on the structure. Dubbe notified the board that he had spoke to Kelly and explained that additions were allowed for historic structures and encouraged any additional questions he might have. Admin also received a message from Cerise Kudar looking to schedule an appointment to tour the cabins. Wonson volunteered to follow up with her. Lastly, Ray Pilgrim, an American Legion member contacted the board looking for Albertson for the purposes of securing the hall for the plaque/awards ceremony in September.

REVIEW OF JUNE ACTION ITEMS The board quickly went through the list of action items for the past month.

Engle • Write brief historical significance for Hawtin house Ankeny • Follow up with Kelly Lockhart re: awards/plaques Wonson • Reach out to town and CC Hawtins re: demo of house • Meet with Tyler Sinclair re: rezoning options • Follow up with Mackenzie King Johnson • Call Bruce Walker re: TSS cabin Smith • Contact Bob Smith re: TSS cabin Dubbe • Follow up with Kudar’s (site visit with KW) • Follow up with Mackenzie King • Contact Rush and Klaus Gibbs • Add tab to demo permit list for those homeowners working with the board • Fill in demo permit log sheet • Send notifications to homeowners re: intensive survey (email Korral first) • Keep in contact with Hawtins • Start documentation folder in Demo Permits

COMMITTEE REPORTS Incentives Committee: Hardeman Ban Update See above in Public Comment

Moulton Cabin Report Wonson informed the board that the Moulton cabin on Mormon row, own by Blake family may be going up for sale. The Grand Teton National Park Association has expressed no interest in purchasing the property, which would be sold for 5 million. Wonson clarified that the Blakes would prefer to see the property pass into park hands, rather than a private investor. While nothing has been confirmed yet, Wonson urges the board to have a plan in place if the property is put on the market. The board planned on facilitating a meeting between the Blakes, Park, and Association as a first step to addressing the problem if the property is planned to be sold.

Housing Authority Wonson updated the board on her meeting with the Teton Housing Authority. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss accessory residential units (ARUs) and how historic buildings could accomplish additional housing for the county through variances allowing ARUs. April Norton with the Housing Authority was receptive to this ideal. The next steps are to write an amendment addressing exemptions for historic structures and submitting it to the county for review. The meeting also addressed a revolving fund to act as a loan system to help move and fix historic buildings. Norton experienced her enthusiasm for partnering with the board and supports the broad goal of increasing latitude for historic structures vis a vis zoning and code.

Table/tent for People’s Market (8/16) Gibbs reported she had secured a spot at the Peoples Market on 8/16. Next month will require planning for the event.

Kudar Update Wonson and Dubbe reported that the youngest generation of the Kudar family is interested in keeping the majority of the historic guest cabins. However, there are other members who are not receptive to this idea. Next steps with the board included proving the benefits and feasibility of winterizing the cabins as a more effective financial move than demolishing them.

JHHSM update (Wonson, Albertson, and Engle) Wonson, Albertson, and Engle met with the JHHSM, whose members also include member Smith. Smith reported that the discussion concerning next steps for preserving the building housing the museum was informative for the JHHSM members. A meeting is scheduled for next month, and JHHSM is considering inviting elected officials to attend. Rhea added that the issue of the museum is a community problem, and that the county, museum, town, and board will need to move forward together to be effective.

Preservation Ordinance Committee: 330 Snow King. Gibbs reported that 330 Snow King was demolished, but that Snow King had tried repeatedly to contact the board through the County Website, underscoring the need to resolve IT issues with the county.

640 S. Glenwood The ranch one-story was built in 1955 according to county records. The board voted unanimously to not recommend a stay.

160 E. Broadway The core structure of the building is recorded as dating to the 1930s. Johnson volunteered to look up some of the history of the property. The board voted unanimously to not recommend a stay.

225 Redmond The board voted unanimously to not recommend a stay due to the age of the structure.

Rockefeller Chicken Coop Wonson reported that coop was moved and will ensure that a demo permit is put in for it.

Bar BC MOA Dubbe and Smith reviewed draft and agree with SHPOs comments and would appreciate continued discussion.

Grand Oversight Committee: No new reports.

Awards Program Committee: Albertson provided an update on the awards program, including sending out plaque blurbs and contacting property owners. The hall at the American Legion has been booked for September 26 6-8 PM. Kurt requested Rhea to attend.

NEW BUSINESS Gros Ventre Land Acquisition and Exchange Documents Overview J.P. Schubert updated the board on the documents sent to SHPO after the comment period and SHPO confirmed the report. No demolition will take place for any structures, with some structures’ status changed to unevaluated rather than ineligible. Two sheds deemed ineligible will be moved to local rancher’s property. There will be some cleaning of the properties in order to comply with safety and wildlife concerns.

For the Land exchange, the Hay Cribs status were changed from eligible to unevaluated. The Gap Puche Cabin owned by Wisconsin Senator Cole is undergoing an MOA with TCHPB as a consulting party. The preference of the USFS and Cole is to not put an easement on the property but rather to have the cabin’s continued use be guiding/outfitting. The permit allowing this has expired, but a new permit is possible. The MOA timeline will be issued to the board in the coming months.

Board Member Vacancy Rhea reported that the board will be notified who was chosen for the board in the coming weeks.

Raptor Center Discussion See above

Creation of Subcommittee for grant oversight See above in Staff Report


Yes No Moved Awards Committee • Meet one more time to discuss plaques/awards • Contact the Lockharts Engle • Meet with County IT • Grant report at next meeting • Circulate refined scope of work before next meeting Albertson • Follow up with Lockhart and Gill re: awards • Send plaque blurbs to everyone Wonson • Follow up with Cerise Kudar and share contact with Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund • Guarantee meeting with Tyler Sinclair to see plans and comment on Raptor Center plan Dubbe • Meet with Rush and Klaus re: Kearns Meadow cabin Gibbs • Follow up with IT • Fill in demo permit log sheet • Send notifications to homeowners re: intensive survey • Letter to Raptor Center requesting existing documentation for the Hardeman property • Facebook post for moving Hawtin house Johnson • Look up information re: core structure of 160 E Broadway


ADJOURNEMENT The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote at 9:32 p.m.


CALL TO ORDER Wonson called the meeting to order in the conference room at Pierson Landworks at 7:05 p.m.

PRESENT WERE: Katherine Wonson, President; Bob Zelnio, Vice President; Betsy Engle, Secretary, Sherry Smith, board member; Kurt Dubbe, board member; Frank Johnson, board member; Makenzie King, board member; Michael Stern, board member; Morgan Albertson, advisor, Larry Kummer, former board member.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES: The agenda was approved as presented, moved by Smith and seconded by Engle. The June minutes were approved as presented, moved by Wonson and seconded by Dubbe.


STAFF REPORT: Admin was absent but provided a summary of correspondence between late June and early July. Correspondence included notice that the TCHPB FY17 budget request was approved. No phone messages were received. The only email received was from AHW regarding a TCHPB informational “interview.” Gibbs will respond to the interview questions on behalf of the board.

REVIEW OF JUNE ACTION ITEMS The board quickly went through the list of action items for the past month.

Awards Committee • Meet one more time to discuss plaques/awards • Contact the Lockharts Engle • Meet with County IT • Grant report at next meeting • Circulate refined scope of work before next meeting Albertson • Follow up with Lockhart and Gill re: awards • Send plaque blurbs to everyone Wonson • Follow up with Cerise Kudar and share contact with Wyoming Cultural Trust Fund • Guarantee meeting with Tyler Sinclair to see plans and comment on Raptor Center plan Dubbe • Meet with Rush and Klaus re: Kearns Meadow cabin Gibbs • Follow up with IT • Fill in demo permit log sheet • Send notifications to homeowners re: intensive survey • Letter to Raptor Center requesting existing documentation for the Hardeman property • Facebook post for moving Hawtin house Johnson • Look up information re: core structure of 160 E Broadway ______

COMMITTEE REPORTS Incentives Committee:

Moulton Cabin Report Sherry, Bob and George Phocas met with GTNP superintendent David Vela and his advisor Gary Pollock and Moulton Cabin owners Hal and Iola Blake and their realtor at the cabins. They reported that the Blakes are committed to selling the property, though it was an agonizing decision. The Blakes hope the property will end up in NPS hands. David stated that the NPS has no land acquisition funds available, but that he would bring the topic to his management team on Tuesday, July 11 for discussion. All parties agreed the GTNP Foundation could be approached and asked to fundraise for the property. The board discussed several alternatives, including meeting with the Foundation and considering alternative private owners who may respect the historic value of the property. Kurt pointed out that there are many examples of successful private campuses within national parks, including the McGraw Ranch in Rocky Mountain NP. Katherine and Betsy recused themselves from any decisions due to potential conflict of interest.

Next Steps: Bob, Sherry, and (hopefully) George will reach out to Leslie at the GTNP Foundation to discuss whether the board can be of assistance and to show local support for any Moulton Cabin project. Kurt will reach out to the JH Land Trust to gauge their temperature on holding preservation easements since they are holding the Hardeman Barn easement and their mission includes ranching values and their “about us” states that they preserve “open space and the critical wildlife habitat, magnificent scenic vistas, and historic ranching heritage of Western Wyoming.” Bob will also write a thank you to the park and the Blakes for meeting.

Lucas Family/Lazy Double A: Johnson updated the board on the request for assistance from the Lucas family. A conservation easement held by the Nature Conservancy was set up in 1998. The easement states that the two plots are allowed a single hay storage structure each, and are requiring the removal of the Lucas homestead cabin, which is in poor condition. The cabin is over 100 years and cannot likely be moved. Johnson report that Clarene Law had put the Lucas’s in touch with her son and they were working on a solution. Johnson will follow-up to see if issue gets resolved.

ARU Update: Wonson reported that the housing authority is putting teogether a committee to explore ARUs. The housing authority has noted that ARUs are not being built. They are not being built because: 1) People who would like to build ARUs and would like the added income can’t afford to build them; 2) People who can afford to build ARUs have no incentive to because they don’t need the extra income from a rental property. They are exploring two incentives: 1) a prefab ARU, 2) historic structures, including possible amendments to the ARU language that would allow for larger historic ARUs. Wonson stated that the TCHPB had been asked to come up with a cost/sf comparable for historic vs. new construction, as well as “typical” sf for historic properties to be included in the amendment and to draft amendment language. Stirn stated that he had local experience with ARUs. Wonson and Stirn will draft amendment language.

Preservation Ordinance Committee: 115 Nelson Update Peterson House: Board discussed how to get the word out. A facebook post has been created and Wonson will mention it to JH News and Guide. Will also share with “You know you grew up in Jackson if” facebook page.

Grant Oversight Committee: Engle will submit grant paperwork.

Awards Program Committee: Engle and Albertson provided a summary of planning for the plaques and awards program in September. Board members need to review the guest list and share addresses if needed. The actual plaques and awards will cost $2,400.

NEW BUSINESS JHHSM Meeting: Smith reported that members of the TCHPB and JHHSM board had met with Sinclair to discuss the possibility of keeping the buildings. Both groups were encouraged and committed to presenting the commissioners with a proposal to preserve the JHHSM in its current Mercill location, and had (happily) deferred discussion of moving the cabins. During their meeting, Sinclair told the board members that any presentation to the commissioners would need to include the context of a larger JHHSM space plan. Wonson posed the question to TCHPB: Could TCHPB financially assist with creation of a professional plan to present to the commissioners. Stirn asked how a physical plan could be completed without a strategic plan. The board discussed supporting hiring a space planner/museum specialist to assist with reviewing space needs and strategic plan. No conclusion on whether TCHPB can financially assist another TC entity. Need to follow-up.

Election of Officers: Katherine Wonson was reelected president (Nominated by Zelnio, seconded by Smith) Mackenzie King was elected vice president (Nominated by Wonson, seconded by Engle) Bob Zelnio was elected treasurer (Nominated by Wonson, seconded by Smith) Betsy Engle was reelected secretary (Nominated by Wonson, seconded by Johnson)

BOARD MEMBER ISSUES Need to schedule a retreat and possibly a tour. Mackenzie will circulate some dates in October.

Calendar Entries to Note: - Mackenzie King will set up a shared TCHPB calendar for relevant events. 7/20/2017: Welcome event for Morgan Albertson, new executive director of JHHSM at Cache St. Museum. 8/16/2017: People’s Market Booth. Gibbs, Engle, Dubbe, and Smith will help man the booth. Will need to set up a tent and table and have some available information. Will also have a sign-up for people to learn about when cabins are available to be moved. Will work out details at August meeting.

Next Meeting: August 8, 2017

ADJOURNEMENT The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote at 9:00 p.m.

New and Moved Action Items:

Gibbs: - Renew TCHPB no-fee PO Box - Share 115 Nelson Facebook post with the “you know you grew up in JH” facebook page - Send notifications and surveys to homeowners - Follow up with IT (Betsy will too) - Circulate AHW email when it is received Wonson: - Share incentives scope with Sinclair - Send Pierson Landworks a TY note for use of conference room - Share bylaws, current projects, ordinance, contact info, login, etc. with new members (Betsy will help) - Draft ARU amendment language (with Stirn) - Continue ARU discussion with Sinclair and Housing Authority - Ask George (or county attorney?) if TCHPB could financially support planning effort for JHHSM - Send a thank you note to county commissioners for their excellent selection in new and returning board members Zelnio: - Determine if a follow-up to budget approval is required - Meet with GTNP Foundation to discuss Moulton Ranch Cabins property (with Sherry and (possibly) George) - Write thank you note to Vela and Blake re: Moulton Cabins meeting - Contact Cheryl to transfer Wells Fargo account. Add Zelnio and Wonson as signatories Engle: - Submit grant report to SHPO (by August 1) - Circulate refined IT scope - Send Wonson draft incentives scope - Ask IT about setting up a conference line for meetings Dubbe: - Meet with Rush and Klaus re: Kearns Meadow cabin - Ensure requested Hardeman Barn documentation is sent to TCHPB - Reach out to Land Trust to gauge their interest in holding preservation easements (since they now hold the Hardeman Barn easement and their mission includes preservation of “historic ranching heritage”) Smith: - Meet with GTNP Foundation to discuss Moulton Ranch Cabins property (with Bob and (possibly) George) - Facilitate next JHHSM/TCHPB meeting on August 23, 10am in Mercill Cabin Johnson: - Follow up regarding Lucas cabin and whether a solution can be found to save the cabin Stirn: - Draft ARU amendment language (with Wonson) and attend ARU discussion meetings (if any) King: - Circulate possible dates for a board retreat - Create a TCHPB shared calendar


CALL TO ORDER Wonson called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

PRESENT WERE: Katherine Wonson, President; Mackenzie King; Bob Zelnio, Treasurer; Sherry Smith, board member; Kurt Dubbe, board member; Frank Johnson, board member; Shawn Ankeny, board member; Smokey Rhea county liason; Erin Gibbs, admin assistant.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES: The agenda was approved with one modification to Preservation Ordinance Reports, moved by Johnson and seconded by Smith. The July minutes were approved as presented, moved by Dubbe and seconded by Johnson.


STAFF REPORT: Admin reported that the board had received an award from the Keeper of the National Register of Historic Places, Stephanie Toothman, for 21 years as a CLG as part of the 50th anniversary celebration of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1996.

Admin went through phone, email and mail correspondence, presenting the board the FY 2018 operating budget check of $13,000 and a copy of contract for services (for TCHPB records). Admin reported on a phone message from Dick Bressler, who was connected with Johnson regarding his historic cabin at Bar B Bar.

Admin reminded the board of the upcoming People’s Market and TCHPB booth (Dubbe and Engle to attend).

REVIEW OF JUNE ACTION ITEMS The board quickly went through the list of action items for the past month.

Yes No Moved Awards Committee

• Meet one more time to discuss plaques/awards X • Contact the Lockharts X Engle • Submit grant report to SHPO (by August 1) X • Circulate refined IT scope X • Send Wonson draft incentives scope X X • Ask IT about setting up a conference line for meetings Smith • Meet with GTNP Foundation to discuss Moulton Ranch Cabins X* property (with Bob and (possibly) George) • Facilitate next JHHSM/TCHPB meeting on August 23, 10am in Mercill X Cabin Wonson • Share incentives scope with Sinclair X • Send Pierson Landworks a TY note for use of conference room X • Share bylaws, current projects, ordinance, contact info, login, etc. with X new members (Betsy will help) X • Draft ARU amendment language (with Stirn)

• Continue ARU discussion with Sinclair and Housing Authority X • Ask George (or county attorney?) if TCHPB could financially support X** planning effort for JHHSM • Send a thank you note to county commissioners for their excellent X selection in new and returning board members Dubbe • Meet with Rush and Klaus re: Kearns Meadow cabin X • Ensure requested Hardeman Barn documentation is sent to TCHPB X • Reach out to Land Trust to gauge their interest in holding preservation X easements (since they now hold the Hardeman Barn easement and their mission includes preservation of “historic ranching heritage”) Gibbs • Renew TCHPB no-fee PO Box X • Share 115 Nelson Facebook post with the “you know you grew up in X JH” facebook page • Send notifications and surveys to homeowners X X • Follow up with IT (Betsy will too) X • Circulate AHW email when it is received Johnson • Follow up regarding Lucas cabin and whether a solution can be found X to save the cabin Zelnio • Determine if a follow-up to budget approval is required X • Meet with GTNP Foundation to discuss Moulton Ranch Cabins X* property (with Sherry and (possibly) George) • Write thank you note to Vela and Blake re: Moulton Cabins meeting X

• Contact Cheryl to transfer Wells Fargo account. Add Zelnio and X Wonson as signatories Stirn • Draft ARU amendment language (with Wonson) and attend ARU X discussion meetings (if any) King • Circulate possible dates for a board retreat X*** • Create a TCHPB shared calendar X ______

* Zelnio and Smith did not meet with GTNP Foundation to discuss Moulton Ranch Cabins because the Foundation was unresponsive/uninterested in setting up a meeting. **Smokey Rhea volunteered to look into seeing if TCHPB could financially assist JHHSM. *** King was able to take an informal poll during the meeting and it was decided that the board would have their retreat sometime in October.

COMMITTEE REPORTS Incentives Committee:

Incentives Scope Update Moved due to Engle’s absence

ARU update Wonson reported that there is an email out to Tyler Sinclair but that she has not yet heard back. Item moved to September agenda

GRTE HMPM/Bar BC update Smith reported that the park’s draft MOA was eventually agreed upon by the involved parties. The MOA included 3-4 topics that allowed for some of the structures at Bar BC to continue to deteriorate, some later additions to be removed despite being within the Period of Significance) and increased training for interpretive guides.

Preservation Ordinance Committee: 265 E Broadway Demo Permit The board used photos provided by Dubbe to consider the demolition of garage and shed structures at 265 E. Broadway. Due to their age being less than 50 years without any significance, the board voted unanimously to approve the demo permit, put forth by Ankeny and seconded by Johnson. Dubbe, who is acting as the architect on record for the project, abstained.

400 W. Snow King Demo Permit The demo permit for the structure at 400 W Snow King was considered by the board, who determined that more information was needed on the history of the structure to make a determination. Initial discussion suggested that the building did not have sufficient significance historically or architecturally to put a stay on the demo permit. The board voted unanimously, with King abstaining, to allow the demo permit unless additional information was brought forth on the property. King was tasked with reaching out to the owners (Town of Jackson) to gain more information on the structure.

Kearns Meadow Cabin update. Dubbe reported the difficulty he has been experiencing getting in touch with Rush and Klaus. The board decided to attempt to contact Rush and Klaus for one more month in order to confirm that their interest in the property has waned; it is possible that Jackson Parks and Rec may be interested in the building.

115 Nelson Drive update Wonson reported that the Hawtins would work with the board if there was an interested party, even if a move could not be made until after the demo permit stay deadline of August 24. Wonson had talked with the paper about the property but was unsure if or when the feature would run.

Grant Oversight Committee: The grant deadline for FY 2018 CLG grants is in October. This year, the board plans to focus on a residential context survey for the county.

Awards Program Committee: Results of meeting/awards update Moved as no meeting had occurred. The committee is responsible for scheduling a meeting.

NEW BUSINESS Treasurer’s Report Zelnio reported that the board is in good financial shape and that all the documents /signatures needed were successfully transferred over from Katz-Gagnon. The board currently has a balance of $55,000. The board discussed a list of potential projects to draw from this amount, including the incentives contract, in- kind contribution for the CLG grant, Admin wages, etc.

People’s Market TCHPB will have a booth at the People’s Market, happening on August 16th from 4-6. The board divided tasks to prepare for the market: King will make a poster on foam core, and provide sign up sheet for an updated mailing list and gauge interest in being contacted for cabins that are being moved. Gibbs will help pull together interactive materials, including historic window exercise (and provided window) and printing out coloring pages. Dubbe and Engle will man the booth.

Moulton Ranch Property The GRTE Foundation is not interested in purchasing the land on Mormon Row. Next steps include Zelnio and Smith reaching out directly to their contacts involved with the process to explore other options. Dubbe was tasked with contacting the Land Trust; Wonson will contact Melissa at JHNG to run a story on the issue.

BOARD MEMBER ISSUES Dubbe suggested doing a Rockefeller tour for the fall outing, and combining this with a retreat. The board was receptive to this idea.

Rhea reported that the commission is pleased with the board’s activity and involvement.

Zelnio will speak to Sam Ford regarding book to see if she is still interested in doing the project.

Sam Ford contacted the board to alert them that the South Park School House is involved in a land swap that could result in its demolition. Johnson was tasked with following up with the Lucases while Zelnio will speak with Polly Friess from the Classical Academy.

Next Meeting: September 12, 2017

ADJOURNEMENT The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote at 9:01 p.m.

New and Moved Action Items:

Awards Committee: - Meet one last time to review awards ceremony particulars - Try to contact the Lockharts Gibbs: - Share 115 Nelson Facebook post with the “you grew up in Jackson WY if” facebook page - Send notifications and surveys to homeowners - Send Mackenzie TCHPB mailing list - Email People’s Market to find out what they provide Wonson: - Send Pierson Landworks a TY note for use of conference room - Share bylaws, current projects, ordinance, contact info, login, etc. with new members (Betsy will help) - Draft ARU amendment language (with Stirn) - Send a thank you note to county commissioners for their excellent selection in new and returning board members - Send Zelnio AHW membership renewal letter - Contact Melissa with JHNG re: Mormon Row Zelnio: - Work out check amount with American Legion - Send check ($500) to AHW - Follow up with designated person (I’m sorry I don’t know all the players!) for Mormon Row - Call Classical Academy (Polly Friess) re: South Park School House (land swap) - Contact Sam Ford while she is in town to discus book Engle: - Circulate refined IT scope - Ask IT about setting up a conference line for meetings - People’s Market booth - Send invitations for awards ceremony Dubbe: - Contact Scott Pearson at Land Trust re: Mormon Row - Site visit to 400 W Snow King - Meet with Rush and Klaus to confirm that their interest in the cabin has waned - Ensure Hardeman barn documentation is sent to TCHPB - People’s Market booth Smith: - If there is further development with the GTNP Foundation to discuss Moulton Ranch Cabins property, keep Zelnio in the loop (and vice-versa) - Follow up with designated person (I’m sorry I don’t know all the players!) for Mormon Row Johnson: - Call Lucases re: South Park School House (land swap) Stirn: - Draft ARU amendment language (with Wonson) and attend ARU discussion meetings (if any) King: - Circulate possible dates for a board retreat- Doodle Poll - Ensure Hardeman barn documentation is sent to TCHPB - Reach out to owners of 400 Snow King- Public Works? - Put awards program on calendar - Create poster for People’s Market booth Rhea: - Try to determine if TCHPB could financially support planning effort for JHHSM Ankeny - Try to meet with Rush and Klaus to confirm interest in Kearns cabin has waned so the building can be offered to other parties MINUTES TETON COUNTY HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING TETON COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING October 10th, 2017; 7:00 PM

CALL TO ORDER Wonson called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

PRESENT WERE: Katherine Wonson, President; Mackenzie King, Vice President; Bob Zelnio, Treasurer; Betsy Engle, Secretary; Sherry Smith, board member; Frank Johnson, board member; and Michael Stern, board member.

APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES: The agenda was approved with modification, moved by Wonson and seconded by King. The September minutes were approved with modification, moved by Smith and seconded by King.

PUBLIC COMMENT: Emily and Adam Janak were present for public comment.

The Janaks own the property at 240 and 244 E. Hanssen, purchased in March of 2016. A historic log cabin makes up the core of the house, with two additions dating from a later period that do not appear to confer any historic significance. The modern additions cross the property line and will be demolished. The Janak’s are actively working on restoring the historic exterior appearance of the original cabin. The interior will be adaptively reused for a kitchen and living space, and a new addition will be added to the rear of the building. The Janaks will vault the ceiling on the cabins interior, resulting in changes to the cabin’s structural system: the corners of the cabin will need to be pinned in order to comply with current load/seismic requirements.

As the building currently sits, it is within the town setback requirements. The Janaks seek a letter of support from the board explaining the historic significance of the building, which would then allow the structure special consideration vis a vis setback requirements and avoid the need to move the structure.

The board expressed their support for the project. Wonson brought up potential issues with future engineering considerations and historic buildings, suggesting a special consideration may be appropriate for those historic structures that may not be compliant within modern code requirements, but are still structurally sound. Johnson asked if the cabin potentially moved from the elk refuge. Smith suggested that the Janak’s efforts be brought to the attention of the JH News and Guide; the Janaks expressed their support of this action and agreed to send the board the blog they are writing during the rehabilitation process. Engle asked if the Janaks would be willing to share information they gather during the process; the Janaks agreed. Engle made a motion to support the project and write a letter of support before October 24, seconded by Johnson. The motion wan unanimously approved.

STAFF REPORT: Wonson went through the phone, email and mail correspondence, presenting the board the RSVP’s for the Plaque party, as well as a phone call with Sam Petrie; Johnson returned the call and determined the 1979 stick frame structure isn’t historically significant.

Wonson reminded the board of the upcoming Plaque Party on September 26th.

REVIEW OF JUNE ACTION ITEMS The board quickly went through the list of action items for the past month.

Yes No Moved Awards Committee X • Meet one last time to review awards ceremony particulars • Try to contact the Lockharts X

Gibbs • Share 115 Nelson Facebook post with the “you grew up in Jackson, WY X if” Facebook page • Send notifications and surveys to homeowners X • Send Mackenzie TCHPB mailing list X • Email People’s Market to find out what they provide X Wonson • Share bylaws, current projects, ordinance, contact info, login, etc. with X new members (Betsy will help) • Send Zelnio AHW membership renewal letter X • Contact Melissa with JHNG re: Mormon Row X

Zelnio • Work out check amount with American Legion X • Send check ($500) to AHW X • Follow up with designated person (Gary Pollock) for Mormon Row X

• Call Classical Academy (Polly Friess) re: South Park School House (land X swap)

• Contact Sam Ford while she is in town to discuss book X Engle • Circulate refined IT scope X • Ask IT about setting up a conference line for meetings X • People’s Market booth X X • Send invitations for awards ceremony Dubbe • Contact Scott Pearson at Land Trust re: Mormon Row X • Site visit to 400 W Snow King X • Meet with Rush and Klaus to confirm that their interest in the cabin has waned X

• Ensure Hardeman barn documentation is sent to TCHPB X

• People’s Market booth X Johnson • Call Lucases re: South Park School House (land swap) X King • Circulate possible dates for a board retreat – Doodle Poll X • Ensure Hardeman barn documentation is sent to TCHPB X • Reach out to owners of 400 Snow King – Public Works? X • Put awards program on calendar X • Create poster for People’s Market booth X

Rhea • Try to determine if TCHPB could financially support planning effort for X JHHSM Ankeny • Try to meet with Rush and Klaus to confirm interest in Kearns cabin has X waned so the building can be offered to other parties ______

COMMITTEE REPORTS Incentives Committee:

Incentives Scope Update Moved due to Engle’s absence

ARU update Item moved to October agenda

Preservation Ordinance Committee: 400 W. Snow King Demo Permit The demo permit for the structure at 400 W Snow King was discussed. Wonson suggests the application be rescinded and they resubmit at a later date. Wonson also made the suggestion of hiring someone to do a full historical survey to vet whether the structure has any historical significance to the area.

Grant Oversight Committee: Wonson made a motion for the grant to go to a residential context survey for the county. It was seconded by Smith, and was approved.

Awards Program Committee: Confirmed Plaque Party is September 26th at 6:30pm. Plan to be there by 6pm to meet and greet. The awards have been delivered but not the plaques. Food options were discussed.

NEW BUSINESS Fall Retreat Scheduling Wonson discussed the agenda of the retreat to be strategic planning with a hired facilitator. Will plan to revisit the Mission Statement and Goals & Objectives of the board. Dubbe would like to add an open discussion on the bylaws, and recommends all board members reacquainting themselves with the bylaws before the retreat. King made a motion for adding marketing discussions and website development. The board will meet at White Grass at 9:00am to go through agenda, 1:00pm break for lunch and then head out for site tours (Sky Ranch, Rockefeller, Alpenhof) 1:30pm-4:00pm.

Moulton Ranch Property Smith and Zelnio don’t get the impression, after their meeting with Mark Barry (sp?) with the GRTE Foundation, that they are in any rush to make a move on the land.

JHHSM Status Update They are applying for a grant for one the Deloney building, but have not heard anything yet. JHHSM asks for the board’s assistance with a Mercill Cabin feasibility analysis. Leasing possibility on the Cache property first floor. Mercill property has limited square footage. September 28th at 10am is the next JHHSM/TCHPB board members joint meeting.

BOARD MEMBER ISSUES Farmer’s Market Follow Up Smith discussed the event outcome. Initial issues with the tent set up. Smith and Engle met an executive with Snow King Resort who is new to Jackson Hole. He is interested in beginning a conversation with the TCHPS re: Snow King’s development plans. Engle has contact info.

Ankeny brought up the Terry Winchell’s properties and the deconstruction of the historic cabins and then being reconstructed to meet code. It was decided that though the board is disappointed, it cannot play a role to influence the process.

Next Meeting: October 10th, 2017

ADJOURNEMENT The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote at 9:01 p.m.

New and Moved Action Items:

Gibbs: - Food options for retreat Wonson: - Share National Historic Survey with Lynn Friess - Meet with April Norton to discuss ARU’s - Contact Fran VanHouten of Rainmaker Coaching for facilitating the retreat - Send out new bylaws to board members - Send email to Smokey to follow up financial support planning for the JHHSM Engle: - Circulate refined IT scope - Send invites to the Plaque Party to the mailing list from the People’s Market Dubbe: - Get in touch with Larry Rockefeller for a site visit during retreat - Contact Scott Pearson at Land Trust re: Mormon Row Johnson: - Review history of fire stations in Jackson along with efforts by the Historical Society. King: - Contact owners of the Alpenhof for site visit during retreat - Meet with Steve Ashworth at Parks & Rec re: Kearns Cabin Rhea: - Try to determine if TCHPB could financially support planning effort for JHHSM