Registered Charity No: 272098 ISSN 0585-9980 SURREY ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY CASTLE ARCH, GUILDFORD GU1 3SX Tel/Fax: 01483 532454 E-mail:
[email protected] Bulletin N u m b e r 3 2 0 May/June 1998 BRONZE AGE HUT FOUND AT LALEHAM Post-built round house, looking north-west through its entrance. Preliminary work on the finds suggest a date in the late 2nd millennium BC. Ranging Rods marl<ed in 0.20m divisions, but ttie director, Graham t-iayman, provides a human scale whilst demonstrating his understanding of contemporary folk-dancing. Excavations at Home Farm, Laleham in 1997 Graham Hayman In May and June of last year the Surrey County Archaeological Unit undertook excavations at Home Farm, Laleham, for Greenham Construction Materials Ltd, as part of an archaeological scheme of work approved to comply with the conditions of a Planning Permission for the extraction of gravel. Home Farm Quarry Is being worked In phases over several years, with each phase area being restored to Its agricultural purposes once quarrying Is completed. Work in 1997 was in the Phase 6 area and proceeded as a result of discoveries made during an evaluation by trenching in March 1997. Five areas A to E were excavated. Areas A to C in the south revealed occasional small pits and post-holes, two large water-holes, various ditches, and at least two cremation burials. Most features were sparsely distributed, however, with no significant concentrations; and produced only a few pot sherds and/or pieces of struck flint. Such a paucity of finds made it difficult to date some features, but a provisional assessment is that most were of Bronze Age date, some may be Neolithic, and at least one ditch was probably Roman.