I* I


Bnll will save you money on your pu rnritiers' Sco This. Now ia the timo to purchaaa wool twine, chaaca—give you good goodant (air prices, You oan get tho best fivo foot mower in fjargo atock. Prices low at Fitcli & Ray See the benn pinnter.-i nt .Tohn Lnsenby's. the mnrket for $10. Binders nnd horao mond's. *w2 Tlie county suparintendenls of the poor rakes in proportion. Be auro nnd aoo me ClRi'Oiico li. Holt. Mra. C. W. Chnpinnii moved into her new hnve a fine baby boy they would like to azaar ME HE before you buy. Joiis LASKNRY, Mason. Tills well known actor will hnvo the honor homo last Monday. have some one adopt, of appearing nt the opern houae Monday Best 30o tobacco in town nt Hoyt Bros S, A. Fowler, uttoriiey at law, hna moved Filch & Raymond are sprucing up their night next in a dramntic veraion of Wilkio from Sloekhridge In Leslie, hardware atnrn with a liberal dresa of paint Born, lo Mr. and Mrs. Allred Ramsdill of Collins' well known novel, entitled "The both on the exterior and inaide. New Mngdalene," in wliieh ho eharactcrizea Ball (jivea you a good aeleetion in gauzo northeast Vevay, last Tuesday night, a son an Engliah clorgymaii—Julian Gioy. By are underwear, and also in hosiery. * Don't forgel the nice goaaamer for $1.00 weighing niiie ponuds. many compotnnt critics it is said thnt his al Ball's. One-quarter oil' aalo on all niillinery Ronieinbor Clareneo Holt at Rayner pnrfornianoo is ono of the fineet over given Last Saturday evening Fred McKeever goods. Special sale on ribbons. To those who nro not through Who ai-e Selling opera bouao next Monday evenincr. in America, The Grand llapidfl Telegrain was looling with a revolver at Iho opera *w2 L. fluciiaoN &, SHANKS. says: Clnrenoo Holt has done no bvltcr G. C, Fox (il Charlotte, hna sued thnt House Cleaning we would say house ond aiiot himself witli a blank car Last Tuesday before Jtislice Parkhurst acting, in Grand Rapids, thnii Im did last city for services na rity nttornoy last year, Iridge. Tho charge struck liiui juat abov evening in thn rolu of Julian Grey. lie Etlwiii Pluuimnr complnineil ol Fred Gni that wo have a Complete Liiw the bridge of llio noso. Dr, Culver took Lsat Saturday nflernoon -^'hile nl practice ley for Inroeny. Both ol Ihe pnrtiea linil was equal to all demands upon him, iu this him in cliarge and picked the uowder out of Geo, Searle brolto ?0 out of 74 bluo roelta from White Oiik. virile nnd exacting role. His powerlnl, and are receiving New Wall ' bis face nnd eyes. It wns a fortunate acci tnelndioua and finely modulated voice lenda Don't buy any lawn hose until you hnve Window ahndns at S, 1?. Stroud & Cn's. dent. itself to the interpretation of all plinses of Papers right (dong, and at CHEAP. seen our linn nnd prioea, C. P. BiiowN. emotion. His powers nre held discreetly iu ''The New Ma{;daleiin" nt Rayner opera John B. Clark comes to our city with the reserve, and ho never loses his head in the liouae ne.\t Monday fivoiiiiif,'. Prices best of reoomnieiidniions from the clergy Married, laat Saturday, June 4th, at the prices that will sell them. "whirlwind of paadion," Hia portrayal of i)0 ntiii 25 cents. and press. His "To nnd Fro in London Clark Houae, by Justice Ferguson, Benj thia cliaractot; is heyond all quealioti an nd And if you need a Nice Water We do not quote prices. Call is one ol his best efi'drls, I\t the oporn min Vickermnn ol Whoatfiold, nnd Miss Last Friday a son wei/jhini; 10 lbs. was mirahle one. Ample, ooinprehenaive, sat at our store and we will cou- house Tliursday and Friday ovonings of Vina' Campbell nf Alaiedon. horn to Mr. and Mrs, L, P, Converse of isfying. Sat or Chamber Set, or Croclt- vince you we are doing just next week, Admission, 75 cents to boll Alniedon township. Children's day exercises at the M. E lectures. as we advertise. church will ho held oil tho morning ol Juno Ball will put on aalo Saturday a lot of ery of any kind it will pay Tho "Dangler Siirpriso," aonielhiut; now 19lh. The progrnm will be rendered by TliH best (raaoiino atove in tlie tnarltet nt Ladies, if you desire a cool dress see Ball boya' waists lo close out nl 22 ceiiia each, members of the Sunday school. you to see what we offer be­ Fitcll & llaytnond'a. *w2 about it. * former price from 35 to 50 cents. * Pntriok Heaney ol Bunkerhill, charged G. C, Lawronco haa hnon engaged fo Laat Tnesday a match bluo rock aboot BIiisoii riilillc Schools, fore you buy. Ecsp'y, with rape, will havo nn examiiialion before nnollier year na principal ol the aonth sid between the Etcliella and Leslie gun clubs The following is thn report of tho Maaon 1 Yir B* a» took place nt tho latter village. Each team Justice Hammond lo day. Complaint aoliool nt Grand Ledge, publio schools lor the month ending May mado by Rose Curtis of same township. was composed of seven man nnd each man 27th: Len Smith lias moved into n.liouso shot len sliols. The score was '13 to 1)2 JuNt UlC Saiuci as Casts. Total uuinbor enrolled for the year lo dale 61 iMnsnti street ao as lo be near hia worlc nt in favor of Elcliells. This is protty good Lust week Tuesday between Win. Clin FORD 4 KJRBY„ Number belonging at dale 357 ihe depot nnd freight liouao, , shooting for a new club nnd tho victors feel er's nnd Luke Asoltitie's n light weight grny Average dally atlondaiice for month ,320 W. M. PRATT. much elated over tlinir succces. overcoat wns lost. Tho finder will be re Number ef vlsllora , , i^ Buy No. 1 line aalt at S. A, Phddock & wurdud by leaving at Dr. S'. H. Culver's. Nniiiber of foreign pupils 13 Son's, only 7;") ceiiia per barrel. Cnll on Dr.Gihson, tlin ooulial, for glassea Last Tnesday aftornoou n team bolong noLL OF HONOR. BusliioflE directory. Mra. 1101111 B, Dakin of U'illinmston, hna •Tohn R, Clark ia noted this country ng to .S, H, MoCorniick ran away breakin, High scliool—A.ilce Barker, Frank llnleiiian,Teresa over as n fine lecturer and eiitcrtniner. Rums, Evart Clark, Harvey Curtis, lloll O, Dart, purcliaacd n houso and lot in Lansing fo a leg of ono of .thein, injuring her so bndly Stella DeCaiiiii, Etta Doollltle, Orrla Frceland, Oharh'a a cash coiisiiienition of ?fi,500. He delivers fivo lectures tho best of whicli tliat she had to be shot. This is the tenl' I'oler, Loule'flanaloy, Alia Illlllard, Mnliol May, Lu PHVSICIANS. is ''To and Fro iti London," This one he clua Mills, Nellie Price, Gertrude ilByumml,fiuy Ray horse that Mr, McCormick lias lost in moiid, llDbbiiii Baynor, Roy Rohb, Joaiipii Itobliison Change of lime on tho Central will not will deliver nl the opern house next week R. A. J. TIIOMSOiN, I'hyslclaii and Sui-geen or- many years, Edna Seaman, Ireiio Snillh, Grace Tubtis, Sadie Van D lice over H. M. Williams' drng store, Mi go into oO'ect unlil next Sunday. It wns Thursday eveiiiiig. Mr. Clark haa lectured Oslraud, Kiigeno Warllehi, Lena Wliltlug, Georg Jiesidence, Mcllolierl house. Oak street. too liirgu n job to get ready for Inst Sunday, in some places as high as ten times. You ahould uso White Rose Gnsoline, for Wiilhiuia, Edna Goheeii, Jennie Harper, Eigiitli grade—Gay Cnaterllii, Floyd Cady, Lena o. OlIISON, Physician, SuiBeon aud Oculist. Tickets lor tho two lectures 75 cents. sale nt Hoyt Bros.' * Karle, Fred Fanson, Bertha Fanson, Eddie Fleming, Night calls answered. tllUce nvei I'estolllco. Tho M. ]i, camp moetiiig At Baton Rap Madge Irhli, Clarence Green, Ella Lambert, Wliiu' L ids will bo held from July 21 to .31 aud Ihe Before purchnaiug n spray pump call at June 29th the people ol Lnnaiug will ! Nellls, Klla Nea*, Werele Rubinson, KHlo Harden. D.OREEN,M.l).,nonioipalhiBi, Ollloein Polar Fitch &, Raymond's and see the best nnd enllod upon to yote for three propoaition Grnmniardeparlnienl—Arthur Barnes, Myrtle Bar- block. nesidenoe,hrBtdooreaatPres.church outlook ia protuieitig for a auocesafui meet don, Mniidu Beniont, Monzo Cadj, Mabel Dyer,Mabel G. i"K- chenpest pump in tlie inarliet. - *w2 for bonding tho city. One for §00,000 for Green, George llnullngten, Lillian Uowe,Ina Jewell. an electric ligliting plant, 850,000 for a city Spray Maybee, Stella Plillleo, Madge llhoilea. Coral ATTORNF.VS. Frank Rohb has ptircliased the agrioul Chnrlea Willinnis, claiming to liye four .Soiithwick. Charllo Baraw, Teniplelun,'Netllu liall and $20,000 for a new bridge ncrosa Best Gasoline Sold for tnral hail building Irotn the driving club tnilea north ol Lansing,, waa arrested Inst Teiii[iletoii, Blunclio Vanilercook, Uessle Webb. M. CUMMINS, Attorney and Counselor at Grand river al li'ranklin street, Interniedlale deiiartiiient—Goorgle Barnes, Stella and will move it to hia liirui for a slieeii Salurday nt BaltleCreok, by Depnly SlierilT A. Law, Olllce over lluward'a Orocery, Mason. Oross, Maiidte Freeland, Maiidlo KIrby, Earnest Kel- shed, S. Leo Cook, charged with stealing a horse Supt, R. H. Gulley haa been appointed ley. Loo Lasenby, Oeorglo Ward, Ada Snillti, Julia T. HEMANS, Alloruey and OoiiiiBolor at ^Lnw Miliar, Tun Teiniileton, Madge llovlon, Julian Ury, 8c per Gallon. Tho complaint is made by H. C. Ward, conductor ol a four weeka' leachera insti L. , '6l'l'lc7'i)VOlllce ' e?'Ki'rsi s'lale and Savings Ihink General hardware, building materinl Sccoiiil and third grades—Iva Itayiior, Zulla Moody Lnnsing liver •man. Williams wns lodged tnle al Lexington. There aro three in Mliiiile Farley, Alia Ward, Frankle I'errin, Kdd o Mason, Mich, cook and gaaoliiie sloviis. Anything yon in iho city nil last Monday morning lo alriielors. The institnio will begin July 5th Frii'^el, Wilbur Boiitliwick, Qoiiylh Baldwin, Ba ' J.llOOl), Alloruey at Law. Ollleo ovor Brown want. Prices the lowest, GEO A. Caslorlin, Nellie Brown, Bessie Ball, Bertlo Brow , EARLEawai t examinntion. This will close Mr. Gulley'a school work O. Bros' shoe store. Mason, Mich, Mason. * Geneva Gretton, The tenchera of Sanilac county will be aa First primary (A )-Gus»le Frazel, Annie Templeton, V, J, TelTt of the Albion Recorder, spent Maude Story, Johnnie Fowler, Cera Frazol, Borlle a. AVKRV, Alloruey and Counselor at Law, Last Tuesday's Free Proas contained n aured of having a firat claaa iiiatiiute. WAIMTED! Oniceover Eariners' Bank, Mason, Sunday in the city. In tlie evening at tlie Nellls, Bruce Ball, llussell Whliiiiore,01iarlloFra-/.ol E. good picture and n write up of Bert M Mildred Gregor, Clare Nooly, Jean Fuller. opera houso lie gave our people an address W, WHA LLON, Atlurney and Oonnsoloral Law (ionid, editor nnd publisher of the Leslie Hoyt Bros, liandio higli White Rose Gaa SECOND WARD. , Olllce lu narrow Block, Mason, Mich, on the subject of the hi chloride of gold mv J LBcnl, oliub. * Third, llh and 5th gradea-Uliarlle Callahan, Llllle institute iu hia city. Mr. TelFt was greeted Callahan, Sadie Rogers, Klla Swan. HARDWARE, This evening nt eight o'clock nt the resi First and 2il grades—llertlia Giinii, Roy Odell, Ray Fres: B Make prejiarntiona to come to Mason tlie with a large nudieiice aud waa given the Odell, Xalla Rogers. 71IT0I1 RAYMOND, dealers iu General Hard- glorioua Fourth. She will certniuly cela. closest uttention as he described tlie treat, deuce of the bride's fnlher on Lanaiiig R. 11. GuLLEY, Superintendent. I1 waro, I'aluta, Oils and Farmers' Supplies, Main brate. Yon know you alwaya liuye n good ment, its elTects ami beimGis, etc. Btreet, occurs tho marriage of Prank Mc For wliicli wo will pay B t.. Mason. , . , time whilo hero. Oormick ol Vevay, nnd Mias Beaaie Tubba Special snle of carpels all this week at All those indebted to the late Gnu of < CASH. VETERINARY. The ceremony will be porlormed by Rev Ball's. " • ' ' * Lnwn hose and reels cheapest nnd best Rowe & Rnymoud will plenae settle by cash J. A. Barnes, This young couple have GKO. O. MOODV, VoterHiary Surgeon and in tho city nt C. F. Brown's. or note before July 1st, 1892. S. P. Stroud & Co. have more bed room TPVK. many frienda in the cily who will congrat XJ DentlBl. (OradiiateOutarlu Veterinary College.) 23w4 RowE & uilB than they know what to do witli,which •Treats all diseases of Horses and Cattle. Will attend C, F. Underbill, the graveyard inaurnnce RAY.MOND. ulate them' upon the taking of this im they are selling al your own prioea. .calls day or night. Ollloo and rcBldeuce corner A portant step^_ VANDERCOOK & RICE. .and Mill alroets. Mason, Mich. awindior of Roohestor, N. Y., has been son The Michigan Mutual Benefit Aasoeia tenced to four years and eight uionlhs in tion of Hillsdale, haa heen compelled; to Bert Hnrte'a young daughter, Mias Jea RenI Estiilo I'raiisl'ors. AUOTIONEER. enrcerntion in the Auburn prison. close up ita oH'airs owing to heavy losae aamy Harte, will make her literary debut in caused by the epidemic of the past three OUN mMELUERGKR.Anctlouoer. Propertysold Grand Ledge haa sLv drug atorea and the July Ladiea' Home Journnl with niiioat The following transfera have been record Itch on human nnd horses and nil nni- months. Tho company has arranged will: at reasonable rates. Holt, Mich. |l-81l anotlior one aprouting. .There must be entertainitig description of "Camp Life iu ed ill the olfice of tha Regiator of Deuda fo mala cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's J the Mutual of Galesburg, III., to reinsuro soinetliinc wrong about such a state of the Adirondacka," in which it la claimed [iigham county, for the week ending June Sanitary Lotion. This never fails, Sold its members without expense to thoin, nnd tor • REAL ESTATE AGENT. airaira in a village with local option. every evidence shows itself of inherited Gth, where conaideralion ia $300 or oyer: by Henry M. Williaais, Druggist, Mnaon, tha members seemed well pleased with tho L.CvSTUHLIN, Loan, Collection, Insurance iterary tendencies not unlike those eyideno Goorgo W. I'rlne to Rrldgott Driacoll, a part of Mich. 14w2fi ,' and Koal Eatato llrokor, Olllce over Webb's Next Monday evening will probably be arraiigeinenta; ed in Bret Hnrte'a earlier work,' Mm land on w % o( iiw ]/, ot aoo 15, Lansing 52,000 C JIandsoiiie versus Jlonidy. ' Shoo Store, Mason, Mich. ilin last appearance ofChirance B, Holt iu Harte is n girl still in her teena, and has Liioliida Bynii lo Alexander Blair, w of a SJi; this cily aa he opens a solid year'a engage Manager Culver has nrrnnged for two rda of u •L]41'Ja of lot 5, blk 211, Lanalng 1,'iOO Who ia that fine looking lady that wo OHN DDNSUAOK, Ileal IBstate-and Loan Agent artiatic aa well as literary prooliyities, aa Siiaaii Thoiiiiisoii lo John W, Wilson, w K of s first-class lectures at the opera house nexl juat'passed, Clara'/ Why, thnt ia Mra; Mainstroet.soulhef postolllco.Maaen innnt iu Now York nc.\t Seplember. one of the illustraliona aocompanyiug her ol4ol sw K of BOO 9. Delhi 1,<00 J week Thursday and Friday evenings, John Illrain A, Simmons to Goorge 11, Simmons, und Snow. Well, there, what a clinngu; when All those indohled to the late Grin of R. Clarke, a'popular lecturer, will deliver firat nrliole ahows. jiij ofo J-i of lot 2,blk l.Towusond'asub, Lan­ INSURANCE. I aaw her laat, her akin was ao sallow nnd Howe & Raymond will pleaae settle by onsb his mnslerpieco, "Toand Fro in London," sing 326 it You can aava money hy buying lawn IMwln M. novoT to Ohnrios W. Bush," ao of muddy looking, it'a no wonder I didn't' A. BAllNES, Nolary and Oonvoyancer, Loan', In- or nolo before July 1st, 1892, on Thursclay evening, nnd thn audience , lurance nnd Oulluclinn Agent. Tornado Insur- hose of C. P.Brown. * sec 1 and no '/i- of sec 1-2 an-d w }4 - aeRe f know her. What haa produced that lovelv J 2oW'l ' RoWE & will mnke the selection of subject for Friday Bool2,Locko ;.; 0,000 ance a specialty. Olhceat residence, Mason. . RAYMOND, Patrick Bnland to Alexander McMillan, a par- complexion? I hoord that she took Sul­ evening. Tickets for the two entertain William Benson, a resident of Lansing ABMEKS MDTOAL FIIIK INSmiANOK COM- M. B. Carpenter, for tho past 28 yenra a col of land 20x00 ft on s'/, of blk 09, LauBlni; 2,800 phur Bitters, the great blood purifier, and menls, 75 centa. who baa served the people of the Qoo.-E, Brlndlo to Ira H, llandall, oO rdsoflots pauyof Ingham oounly . SafeBt,cheapi'at,best. resident of Lnnaiug, haa purchased a half now would not bo without them. ToFr information write to O. F. Miller,seoretary, wealth of Michigan in vurioti.s places of 1,2 and 3, blk 230, Lanalng 1,000 Unaon. It. J. Uulleii,president,Mason; interest in an iiiauranca buaineas at Jack Ocorgo Finooiit to Frank N, Turner, VA ac on I aell lawn hose lor aix cents per foot incarcemtioii, has been arrested by E, S. son and wili aoon make his home in the noMof no i(f of aoo 16, While Oak m and up. C. P. BROWN. Bates charged with the,recent jobs of safe Alsa olallin to Mcnun Korkiorveaki, 11-10 no on Business Isocals. FINANCIAL. Cenlrai City_^_ cracking at Stockbridge and North Lan so '/i of aoo 21, Lanilng 303 p.::—_ J. H. Irish bus a piece ol piioh piue that John L, Bradford to lliloy Docker, n of a 0-10 fe.i;';, T 11, DHHSSEU.OlllooatFnrmers'Bank,Mason Mrs. Susanna MofTutl, motlier of Dr. W, ho prizes very highly. It is a piece of tha sing, onicer Bales paased through this ol lols 8 Olid Q of Pai-Bona' aub oo • blk 21.1, Cook wanted at Hotel Horton, 22wl '•J'i;',. U. Midi., haa monny to loan. Buainess promptly Andersonville prison stocknde, being pre­ city wilh hia prisoner laat Monday evening Lanalng : 1,000 iw;t|.. attended to. N. MolTeii, a former resident of this city, Walter R. iloiiglilon lo Uyril Biatt, e i rds of To rnruiors sented to him by 0, S. Wilson, wlio got it Inking him to Stockbridge to have him died at his home in Knluma'Enterprise. ical University, Cleveland, 0,, will be at :.. : , NOnTUWAIin. of atfaira ha'laid to the weather or the dem­ Bnll'haa in stock the celebrated auminer the Horton House, Mason, Monday;::T^iea-; ' .Maaon...M.'*',?:05a.m: 10:62a.m. 6::i0p,m. g;65p.ni. ocratic administration ? Principal Williams, Limn Seminary, .N. gauze coraet in two gradea, They ore the day and Wed'neaday,'June 13, 14 and' 15, iianslng..., .1:2.5 11:13 6:55 10:16 The Riley Dramalic Company' cloaed a ., says:—The efl'ort-:"To and Fro in best the ninrketaCFords.i: He has also in for the purpose o( extracting teeth without ; • Owoaio 0:07 12:10 p.m. 7:11 , ,—•- Rate of one lowest first-olnaa fare for the week's engagement in thia city laat Satur London"—given by John B. Clarke in Col­ alook tha (eatherbone waist and (eatherbone pain or sleep. Eo usee no chloroform, •BayOlty.,.. 8:10 •1:30 0:2B Lunaing round trip to Chicago from all M. C. R. R, day evening with the rendition of "Davy lege Hall, on Friday evening last, before extra long waist corset, alao the popular H ether, vitalized au' or cocaine. Free of ' •: Qladwln,., C;66 Aco'n stationB on account of democratic National Crockett," Thia nlso dosed n. senaon of .S5 the faculty and students and .citizens ol H J, and other popular makea. * •; charge if not satisfactory to patient. The • Uiicklnaw. TiOO'p.ra. 7:20n.m. convention, Datea of aalo June 16,17,18, weeka for theni. This company gave uni­ Lima, wiia one of the most satisftictOry doctor is the inventor .and patentee nf this 'ill 1!). 20, 18!)2. .Final return limit July ,8, versal aalistaction with their acting and so- process.; Don't fail lo,:'see himi'.Teatim'o' ;•,;'" ...•Daily ever held in this place. . For pathos and M. C.Exctirsious. .•:'.'.-ii^^;^!i5?!| i nt, J. MunnAV, O. W. RuaoLiB, . 1892. - ^ * lectionannd promised to play a return en­ hiimor alike,^ (or fine deacriptive and elo­ ninla: Messrs. James, Horton, J, Shiifer,',,; Supreine'Lodge A, 0. U. W., Helena, •.v'iv;:?iS|l .! Ticket Agent, aon,Paaa.nnd Ticket Agt. gagement next season. The membere took A. C, Sanders, J, Parish," G. W. Cross, J. " Mnaon., Chicago. : P, Henderson, nuoiioueer, will sell the quent characterization -Mr. Clorke • deaerv- Montana, Rate of one loweat; firBt:cla3S S, Brush; Henry Bignal, P. BHiinett I Mea'v ' houaehold goods of Mra. J. W. Day next tho south bound iriiin Sunday night for edly stahda ill the firat rank. The'beat of miled fard lor the round trip, ,:• Date o( domea J. Shafer, M. Durrow, K. L. '.Mead, . Saturday afternoon. upon the court houae tieir various homes; , it all ia thepurehnd lofty moral tone of all aale, Juhei7 to;ll.incluaives.. Return not J. N. Croaa, Kapellar, A. Smith, G. Bell, ' square if tbe| weather will permit. If not| the': speaker,siiya. • .It',ia,"such on eflbrt.to The New Process and N ew Idea gasoline later than July 7. '92. P, Doyle; Miaa C. M. Williams, all of Ma- in the vacant, store juat east;of Webb's kindle,high hopes and true aspirations.;in atoves for aale at Geo. A. Earle's.^ Buy no Baptiat Young People'a Union of Amer- aon;: Midi. !, ': ,••'• -j-^:^^-" shoe fttore. • :• •„ . " : • * the heai:tB of young men and women. \' other until you see them. •. •' , . * ..Jl, Detroit. Rote,,one: lo'VveBt 'firat-olaaa m • Tha Mail Houto from ' fore for the round trip; extiepl from Toledo All kinds of Xaddera, -Window. Screens The cprreaporidents of the Leslie Local There will be ft State Checker! Tourna­ Formers iri this' county' who .desire to DANSVILLE TO MASON Diviaion. Diitea of anloj JulylI3,diid 14; And Screen Doors motlo and for sale by 0. • •;^;:fe|i will meet at the Alien House in that yillaeo ment at Detroit on Noyetiiber^lG ! next,; at make' maple sugar next spring under the :»' nttvlng boon •llacontlnne'd, tho-aiibacribor will horo- bounty law should apply at once fijr pupera Retiirning not later than July 19, '92.: ^, Oaborn, on; Woat,street;;MaBon,';^•20w4I^ pfenftor run a vohiolo over.tlio road dally (Sunday, nnd nest week Tuesday for the,purpose of or­ which the;prizes will aggregate $2501 the to Otis Pullerj deputy collector, St.' Johna, Prohibitioii!convention at Cincinnati, 0. M'j; jyourlh of July oxooptod) for tho convoyahoo of pna- ganization lind a aocial time. Several.pa. first prize will be §100. Now is, the time :'';l,'. Monoy lo Loan.;,^•;;:':'.':;V,i:\:',s'l;''.5'i? teiongora, exproae nnd freights, at roaaonahlo. ratoa, Bile of one 'lowest first clnaa limited fare pers have been aseigned and'diacuaaion will for ourlbcal oheoiier players to brush • up; Mich.; as bondsmust be filed before July caving SanavUlont eight o'clock u.m;, nail arriving (or rouiid trip,:'.'Date of;sale, Jiin^ 0n,real estaiiei'dt the Pa'rm'ers'/.Ba'rilf,';.?^^^^ lik^iit Mnion at or before 10 a, m.; and returning nt such follow enob. i.v''^''-• 'rhewinner will have his expetiBes paid as 1;'1892, in order't()8Bcure;ythe,bounty: on Return not later than July S, '92/, ;'•;,' •' Bqn';^Mich.^;'^;:::::^^'5^:.^':^y^;;;';^!;^ Siijijiuoa oaoh day as almil boat promote the conTonlonoo a participant of the ,World's, Fair Toiirna- nextyear'a; crop',-,: The bounty is:: 1 J/cenia .Is^fe'of the publio'. , •: vpeople's'.piirtyiBtati), ^ • Mr. Howell.intends apendingJiia summer meijitin,Ohica,go;jin 1893. iAll inteirested )drpound upon'augor that.!ihapectaovi^^ JackaouStonoUrttltiTllo ||:i!B»navJila,Mloh.;.Oct. 17;:^ ; QUO. P. GLYNN.', sing.'; Ktt'eiqf-'one and'.one^ iira quiet book in New England, 'devoting from the interior, i'w iO°polat'isoope'teBt, iViid;^ 'And Se^r Pipe of all Bizeribn^^^ a lai'ige portion of liis'limefV --1*8 at.Detroitliotela ain^ paid'to diiy'person who makes less thoin 500 Bale by J. W. CUAPIN, Eden, ^|p:;|AdfOTti8* of.'hia hovel.'6f:Ameriban girl-lif(3,V.tbv pbiinda!wbicb^iyill;paa8'!ihe;testKi^^ jiibllsiiod, ill / the Auttimn •..in the'/ Ltidlca': yHeQdc]uiirters for hose;-reels and all!wailer be?;:bbiledi''dry;^in>-ordbry;tb5:iiiBpeota ^;'^';;;&i^.';;;®^ • 3ome;^Jdttrnal/;^.i:':';f;'i"iy:!{y;^^ , xtur'eB.'-Perleol workmanship guaroiitee^ ;Aboiitsone-thlrdiofltUov;Bug^ ^frbtMiithis'MistriclUhiaXyaa . Ci L.^ Caaterlin has purchased, of Ci'C. ' ' GEO, A. EARLC. •" .thelTeqiiited: tesiSiSiigaranoyi; be5 weigbed Rolfe{twa.lota':juist/iBa8t"^^ ;';••, Miflsl'IreiittiSm ()n;:bDe,!dBy:;bf.'eBn lit 6rPr.'Miller'Bi:reoeived;iii^ aiirvn i.'. DfinB.\'t.' o f'ontYtn'hnnl,.,i1'niM n f . in' an nn' wall was part of tho building boing de dofraylng tbo expenses of passage Irom { FULL OF FKESH FACTS. Gettysburg, whoro tho Oonfedorat* mollshfid by tho Brand Browing Company Japan, . TO TQE PATRIOT DEAD ormy began its rob'oat on that fateful Ingtem^Oeniocrat. to mako way for a now structure, Bead In nis Coll. July 3. It wos thb "high-water mark" • % ALL RELATING TO PEOPLE AND Ilfust IIuvu been Itiirn I.iiiiky. On May I, Charles 11111 enticed his di­ STATUES OF HEROES IN MARof­ the rebellion, and from tho moment IHASOKT, MaIllgti-Wuter< protoot it from rollo-hunters. Tho Tho other day his wife diod, and whon Mark" nioiiiorlul Survlooa nt Cottyaburg vlid's JIunI T.uuk—liritlns Hor AKCii Uua- whip, burning tho cover off for about monument stands on tho oast sido ot JUNE two feet at tho point or small end, and the prisoiior hoard of it lie cut his throat —ruoplo of I'routliioiiou I'reHont. the copso and was erected by tho States hiind, down tho stock through tho buggy into Willi an old caso knifo. nearly severing of Maine, Now Hainpslilro, Vermont, his head Irom his body, and waa found Slinfts to Tliulr niomory. Su Mo Tu We Th Pr Sa J'LOATING I'LAMUS. thecround beneath. 'Tlio explosion was Massachusetts, Rhode Island,.Oonnooti- directly bonouih the buggy, and caused dead In his cell. Time is lending Its halo as tho yo»n! In­ out. Now I'ork, New Jersey, Delaware, ® ® ® 1 2 8 4 AiiolliLM* Jdlinstuwii llurror at Tllusvllle, his horse to run awav. Conklln was A llori'lblc .Siileldo. crease tho perspective of those troub­ Ponnsyivauia, Wost Virglania, Ohio, lous times, times when "troops of heroes runiisylvaiilu, badly frightened but succooded in stop­ A horrible suicide occurred at tho 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 ping his horse. He took an invoice of undlsUnguIshod died," and We of a later A siioeial from TItusvillo, Pa„ dated Michigan asylum, at Kalamazoo. Mrs. 18 U 15 16 18 damages, and found, aside from thu generation aro arising more nnd moro to 12 17 tho 0th Insts, says: TItusvillo is the Belle 'Talbot, whon alone, broke a look­ shock and tho burning of his whip and ing glass and cut lior throat, nearly sov- that worship, ovor tho inoenlivo to a 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 victim of Ilro and Hood and a groat part some of the leather about tbo buggy, fresh lovo of country, which a later of the biisliioss and residoiico portion lies erliig hor lieaa from the body. 'The wo­ 28 29 30 ® that ho was all right. 'The lightning, goneraUon showed for Washington, for 26 27 in ruins. Many lives iiavo boon lost- man was 57 years of age and wus tho too, tore a couploof buitonsoll liisshoes. wlfo of a painter at Battlo Crook. She Wellington, for Bluohor, or in tho dim­ e 9' © how many, God alone knows Tlie blow ® ® ® 0 was takon lo tho asylum a short time mer past for au Arnold Wlnkolriod. On fell while the Inhabitants wore siceplns A .lowulry Sloro lllown Up. DecoraUon Day throo monuments of ea In their beds all uiiniindriil of the death URo, and wai not ilioiiglit to havo a sui­ An explosion of dyiiamlto occurred at cidal mania. poolal noto woro unvollod, and loter In YWm HILL AND DALE, aiisel lioverlng abovo tliem, About, 2 Kensington, Po., in tho house of J. K. tho woolt another was dedicated on tho o'clock a. 111. tho old dam at Sparllns- Turner, a Jewoler. Two porson.s woro Slniufirled by ,Sniill'. Hold of Uio batUo of Gettysburg. All burir, seven miles abovo the clly, gave killed instantly. Thoy aro J. K.'Turner, After a suvere storm at Cadiz, Ohio, a of those unveillngs this year wero mndo AND EVERY NOOK OF EARTH way. and an Immense, roarlii«, surKliii,' jewoler, and l^Iiiis Emma Scholl'er of 7-vear-old colored lad, son of Hoiiry occasions of noto, occasions for tho out­ Hood came tearliiK down the valley loav- THIS NEWS WAS GLEANED, Fnileatoii, Pa. Tho wife and two chll­ 'Thomas, was discovered In an out-b;illd- pouring of a younger gonorntlon's liiK death and disaster in its wake, Ing dead. 'The Coroner found ho had gratitude and appreciation. At lUoh- liousos woro lifted from their founda- dron of Turner woro badly Injiirod. That <^'(MMies fir.SiiR'oi'ing und DovastaliMn CaiiHud been niioked to death from anufi', wlilch niond tho men who fouglit under Gen. lloiis, and borne away upon tliu bosom tho liouso was blown up dollberalnly It ia likoly ho had In his nioutli whon a A. P. Hill revealed tho marblo proeont- liy I'icr and I'looil—ToiTlUlf und iriiliil IJx- of tho Hood like toys, tossed lillliuraiid seems cortain, as Mr. Turner was novor sudden peal of tliuiidor caused him to mout of tho SouUioni horo to the publio pld.slfiM —India at; ILu AVoriil'ii li'air— thillier at tho innrcy of tho waves. known to havo dyiinmilo In his dwelling or htoro. I'lio explosion was of great draw it in Ills wind'plpo, sirangllng him. oyo. At Lenox, Mass., tho statuo of Cuwlioys KiMiMd IlnnBlutf. In ono dread iiioinuiil death eaiiio revolutionary hero. Gen. Patorson, wos force, breaking windows and doors at to—bow many, no one can loll. A •Iiiinpi'd on aXallniid llii,s Ihu l.i)nUod-,rmv. unvollod, and nt Rooliostor Uio donizons numbor of lari,'o oil roliiiorles located some distance. A posso lias beoii or OIL <;iTV irourtou. Albert Spears, a laborer of South of that ontiro section of tho Stato in Iho track of the Hood woro wroekod ganlzod, and Is now eiidoavorliig to find Charlealoii, Ohio, mot with a seilons ac­ listened to wlint tho orators of tho day and o.vpiosloii after o.vplosloii /ollowed some clow to tho fiend who caused tho .'ilroiiR: ;\Ion .Sliiidiliir und Tender IVoinon cident while In the country shearing said In praise of the soldiers who fell In tiiu advent of the waters. Thoso ex­ explosion. Woo p. slieop, on the larni of Cluise Colvlii. Ho the olvll war. Then oamo tho capstone plosions cast adrift millions of barrels of niOH-WATEll MAllK .HO.NBMIJNT AT QE'lirS- A siificlal fi'om OII, City, Pa., datetl the nirs. lliiiTison Vory ni. jumped from tho hay mow on a rusty ot tho week's events, the dedication ot oil, iiaptlia and boir/.Ino, which soon UUltO. 7Ui InsL, say.s: Only with dayllRlit was A special from Washington says tiio nail that ran through his foot, niiikinga tho "Higli-'Watcr Mark" monuraont at sproad on lliu besom of thn waters, and it possible to eoinpiilo uiiy ostlinato or many friends of Mrs. liarrlsoii nro serious if not fotal wound, as ho is now Gottysburg on tho vory spot whoro llio sea of water soon bucamn a soa of Michigan and Minnesota. Troops from obtain particulars of thu property d(>- alarmed al tlioroporl tiiat slio has crown threatened with iocked-jnw. Hall's and Harrow's brigade attookod .siri^ved hy thti lato; disaslei', caused li; llanies. Tho Haines coinmoiiced with worse wHlilii the last fow dav.s. Tho Longstroot'S'Column on July 3, 1803. all of those Stalos fought and repulsed tho famous assault. An open tironzo tho dain broakliig. A conservative osii- ovorythlng In Its track and soon tho report proves to bo true, but it is not bo­ -Inon.'iiHU ill llio Cli'onlalioii. Tbo Ilooboator Monument. book surmounts tho nionumont. It mate of'the uniount destroyed and dam­ bulldlncrs, business lioiises and reslilciicos llovod that Mrs. Harrison Is in any im- The monument at Eochestor is splen­ alike wero In Hamos and the oeeiipants, According to a statomonl prepared at weighs 1,272 pounds and Is supported by age ill and around Oil City places thu mediate danger. Tliere is no doubt that Uio Treasury Dopartmoiit tlioro was a didly designed and is the outoomo ot a (iKiiro atg.lCl.'.OOO. many ol them, woro bnrnod to doalli a pyramid of cannon balls. Tlio loft slie Is nxtroniely III—so III, in fad, tliat not liicroaao of ,?n,'i;i7,ll8,'i In circulation page boars a legend describing tho as­ Tbo scones and Incldoiila and the oara- without waking up. No one can estl- it has boon deoinod iiiiwiso tn attempt lo diirlae tho month of May, and a not in­ sault and that on Uio right tells of tho est olTorts ot ibo rulief comniillcos, to- mato tlio number of dead or tlio amount roiuovn lior to the Capo May Cottage. croaso of 87,010,008 ill money and bullion repulse. 'Tho wholo rests on a highly gothnr witli the KOiinral air of of property dnsiroyed, for all Is confusion KIOOIU It has boon found necessary iu order that 111 Ihe'Treasury during tlio samo period, polished plinth and baso ot Maine and which iirovalls overywhoru, boar a stir- and excllemniil, but at tills wrltlnc Mrs. llarrlsonslioiild liavo alisoliiloiinlot Massachusetts gninito with a massive rliiii rosoiiiblanco to tho scenes wllnossod tlilrty-sevoii bodies have boon taken oui, Cblne.so Doolor. to order the Marino Band, which has for water tabie of Gottysburg granite. Tha at .lohiistown tho woolt following tho and the numbor of dead will probably yoars played In the Whilo Houso Don Sang, a woaltliv Cliliioso phy­ dodicatlon services exooiied in inlorest groat dl.saslor. Mayor Hunt is In oxcoed double that mini bur. grounds, lo jilay hereafter In Lafayette sician, and tho only Afongolian practi­ any that havo yet takon placo on tho roool|)i of tolofjrapli mo.ssaK'cs from Till 1,001) I,0,S,SMS park. tioner In Iiuilaiia, has located at Crown famous batUo-fleld. almost evory .soctloii of iho United Point. Iio SI married, lias a largo fani-| Stalos, 'Tho western New Yorl; A Kiisliin lu Kansas. in Moiiiory of I'utoraon. WillUuiuili 111.) ICnoriiious FlRuro of ISliO,- lly of youthful Celostlais aud is ruporlod •/-| and Pennsylvania Cnnipaiiy and olllclals OIIO.OIIII. Thn iiuostloii of fiialnu In Kansiia bo­ to bo liiiinenselv wealthy., To Dr. Thomas Egloston is duo most bavo given ,?l,.'i(lO. li'arrar it Trefls of twoen tbo Pooplo's party and the Demo­ ot tho orodlt for tho splendid monumonl ilnlTalo, SI'IO, aiul Palorson & .ionos of SU Louis special: Now that tho groat Tlimnas .1. .Slophons Doad. which was dedicated at Lenox in mem­ flood has about iiassod away la tlie crats was settind al a conference hold In Plttsbiirch. ,?aoo for the relief of tlio Kansas City. Tho solo topic of discus­ Ex-Mayor Thomas, .1. Stophons died at ory ot Gon. John Patorson. Ho is n siilferors. .South, tho following eslliiiato is iipide of grandson ot that rnvolutlonary horo the losses oocasloiiod by ilio hlgli water, sion was llin distribution of tlie oniees, ills home in Cincinnati, aged Oil. He was There wero sovoral small waslioiits at tbo i)iiestioii of fusion having been ac­ mayor of tliat city at tho time of Uie and, together with other mombors of his a loss unprecedented In the history of family, has secured the erection of a various points and the trastin Is gone al Hoods: cepted from the start. It Is aiitliorl- riots III hSS'l, but al that Umo lie. was Ceiitcrvllln. Thn city i.s crowded with tailvnly slated that an aRrceinnnl pro- coiiliiieil to Ilia houso by sickness. fitting monument in the heart of Lonos Missouri-Wheat and corn dostroyod, straiiRors to-day and nvory train brings vidiis tliai tlio IDomocrats bo given tho and near tho spot wlioro tho horo onoo acres, SIO,000,01)1); homos riiliied, more. Prom all niilKliborimr towns .'•JDCOOO Congrossinon al larso, Congressmen in ,S\iil7,iM'laiid Is All Kljrlil:. rosidod. The bronze presenlmont ol 51,000,000: cattle drowned, &iO,0()0; rail­ come hoards ol iiiirloslty sonkors and tho the ii'lrst and Second dlstricls and one Borne special: 'Tlie Foiloral Council Uio General stands upon a granite shaft, road projiertv destroyed, 8150,000. KiMirds of Couniaiiy D, yi.vtoeiiUi ilegl- position on the Supremo Boiicli. Tbo hern has accepted tho Invltallon of thn on whloh Is engraved tho story ot hia 'Total, ,<511,000,600, iiioiit, arc most iiowcrloss lo keep back iDeiiioerats aro tosupport Ivos for Gover­ monetary conference on condition that | aoUvo llfo, of Ills school-days at Yalo, crowds from riiliioii parts of llio clly 'Tnnnossoe—Cotton loss, ?I100,000; nor. The oiiliro electoral llckells glvou tho oilier Slates of tho Latin union also his work in Uio Provincial Congress o( .SI whoro huiidrods of worlfiiion, and ovorv whoat loss, ,;JdO,O0n; homos and cattle, to the People's party. accept. 177'1 and 1775 nnd ot his quick response 8100,000. Total, 81.(100,000, lo Uie call lo arms after the battlo of available loam and wai,'oii have boon A Itad Wieok. prossud into sorvico, cloarlni? away llio Koiiliiclcy—IJOSS, 8200,000, A l.ooln.'i'oiis llridi!. Lexington, It tolls Uiat ho crossed the Arkansas—Farms Inundnlnd, n,.138 There has boon n serious wreck on the ruins and roiiioving the bodies of tho Otis Brown, a marriod man with a Delaware with Washington, narrowly dead. acres; loss as follows; Corn, 82,500,000; Dolawaroit Hudson Canal Kallroad noar escaping death at Saratoga, nnd was eotloii, 8,5,000,000; ollinr products, 82,- grown-up Iniiilly, was arroaied at Kicli- Hydevllle, Vt. Condiielnr ^Vood Is A liu'KO tlirco-slory bulkllni,' on Seneca i-.0p,«OO; t,olal, 810,000,000, moiid, Ind,, on tho cliargo of having at­ fatally liijiirod and about twenty other.'; street has boon coavorted Into a hos­ tempted to coiiinut an oulrago upon soLnrnits' MONOMKN. T AT nocnESTBn. Mississippi—Loss, 810,000,000, hart. movement started nearly twenty yoars pital, whoro the liijiiriHl and dying aro Louisiana—Loss, .?r),000,000. Maggie Decker, tbo lO-yoar-ohl daughter Ifo ]''iigiTioerod li lltMiol Rain. ago by citizens of Uiat place. It is being cared for. Clillilnm aiid women 'Total loss—8,'IS,000,000. of Williani Decker. He was hold to III! on cols seroamliiK in agony, kind and answer lo the Circuit Court In nearly forty-throe foot in height, with a 'This ostlinato does net Include the •Tolin W. Tynan, ongiiieoron the Coii- ground base twenty-two foot square, teiider-lioaried woinmi weep by llie side stagnation In biisiiioss among tho mer-,82,000. lie Is a proiiiliinnt iiinui- federalo ram Morrliiiac, lu the famous of the ciii.s, so sad is Ibo scone. ICvery- hor of tho Friends Cliiireli and tho jani­ 'Tlio baso ot tho monument rises about chants and transporlaiioii Hues. A i;oii- battlo with Uio Monitor in eleven foot above this and the shaft Is a tiling po.sslbio Is boliiu' done for thoir re­ sorvatlvo estimate of the ainountof dam­ tor at Temporaiico Hall. It Is alleged Roads in 18(52, is dying at Savannah, Ga. lief. ]\llss Sarah a trained nurse tliatoii thn ovonlng of May 23, at a chil­ magnlHceut piece of solid granite nbout IJOVO, age caiiaod by tho loss from the high ten foot in height. At the four coniers from riitsbiirfih, lia.s hoon jilaced in walors from Kansas City to Now Orleans dren's mooting al the hall, Brown ac- Oaiiibling irmiseH WIdn Open. charge, and undor her directions the oonipanlod Miss Doclvor to the basement of Uio baso are bronze figures emblem­ will roach the enormous figure of Si'iO,- The Mayor of Omaha has signed the atic of tho four departiiionts ot tho siill'iirors are boiiig cared for in the best 000,000. of tlio hall to goi hor a drink of water, ordinance licensing gambling bouses and possiblo iiianiior. and wliilo thoro attomptod the .assault. sorvico—Uio cavalry, the arUllery, the everylliliig In that lino Is running wide infantry and tlio navy, 'These aro of Jllvd al lli,s I'ltsl. A ll CHICAGO, a ploco of boiler. lie died in a few Theso include Howoli & Bro., limited; CAiTH'-Common to Prime,,,, ,^.•''11 m i.iry recipient. The florist, has an -agent ,' Sho is owned by the Mllwaulino Trans­ hours. All were marriod. ' 'The con­ CrosswelUt Washburn; Tho Carey Com­ Hoos—Shipping GrodOB 3,50 131 5.00 or correspondent in Vienna to whom portation Company. " Tho Britton SHKEP—I'ttirto Choloo,., •1,00 & 7.00 cussion was torriblo and the mill was pany; Keystone Wall Paper Coinnany, belongs to the samo company, Is a 1,800 WHE.VT-NO, a Sprlug .aa ,Si he cables the order, stating the num. • completely domoiislied. and the Frankfort Wall Paper Mills. CORN—No, 2, now ton vessel and is valued at 8200,000. ,51 _ . ber of flowers of each kind, etc, and V The proposed trust has boon thought of OA'TB—No. ••• .31 'US KW She carried a cargo of iron ore. 1 or some time. Two months ago It waKYK—s No, 2.; .74 iS .70 the name Of the glvpr is written ori a Jadla at the Wiirlil's Fiilr. BurrEn—Cho','08 i re«,mory...... K',''').' first talked of. Wall papor maniifao- ^^m .i8« I card and "attached to the bunch ol /I London special: A strong disposition Tbo Tormido's TorHl)lo AVorlc. CuEB,-iE-Fuli.Creiim, llata .III) & ,mi has boon evinced by India to have her tiirers then denied tiiat thoy wero going Eooa—Frosh... .uhm -.ifiji blossoms before it is conveyed to tha,' products and manufactures exhibited Harper (Kan.) special: Reports aro into It, , POTATOES—Choiv'o old, por bu... A5 & ,5i address indicated. It is the • samo •iit tho World's Fair at Chicago, and the now coming in frohi districts lying awa); CATrCE-Shlllpini...; 3.95 0 i.m with other cities in Europe and; from the railroad and telegraph wires,' Torriblo Tragedy. Hoaa—Ohoioo Light.....INpiAKA. POLIS. a.50 (ij 5.00 Governmont will be asked, nn the reas- America. I£ your lady love is In San . j.- which were supposed to have escaDod A torriblo tragedy, resulting In threo SniiEP—Common to Pi'imo 3,0C @ «,S0 UNVHrLED AT ntCHMOND, senibling of oarllaiiiont, whether WnEAT-No. 2 Ucd\ SSVQ .6tt« Francisco you can send her abuncb ':;.'dl,,, from thn ravogos of tho cyelono last deaths, occurred at Benton', Mo. A COBN-No. 1 Wbitol 40(9 .51 the Indian Government Is prepared monument took on tho nature of a State of violets or a bouquet; Of roses by, V'|M«t^ to niiike tho necessary'grant to enable wook, and It is learned that groat dam­ larmor named 'Taylor, who suspected a OAia-No. SWhito.;... Mm- .85'« celebration. Col. W. H. Palmer, Gon. age was done to whoat crops ail over neighbor named Foster of undue InH SI'.VLOUIS. wire, as it were, within a .-fevi -f:^^^^ tho business men of that country to CATTLE \ . .S.O O 3 4.00 Harry Heth, and other oflloors, under send their goods. this part of tho Stato. While it -was maoy'with his wifo, mot him and shot Ui:r,3 V.' .. 3.60 & 5.00 Hill raised tho fund for this'marblo and minutes. • • ' • ' .'. ; ;;:.-'^^^^'lilpll generally supposed that there would bo him dead, afterwards boating his head to WUEAT—No. 2 Kod .8(1 a .8/ CoitN—No.2 '.tSUtS .4654 ,bronze' embodimout, and they took a .MntoUlUL'Tootb. - , -,' v.-j^^tj^l' Miiitlorod for Monoy. 100,000 acres of whoat In this county. It a lolly. Mrs. Taylor witnessed the prominent part in the servloos.'• Gon. OiTa-No.3 -miO .32H An old veteran at tho Dayton Soldier's is now oatlmatod that fully 15,000 acres shooting and ran for assistance. Taylor BYE-NO. 2 V .71 & ,73 James A. Wallcor, of "Wythevllle, Va., Perhaps.the greatest clifflculty'that''vt-^f^j Homo, named Nicholas Doolon, was hit havo been destroyed by tho storin. followed and shot her through tho head. „ i OINUINNAI'I. was the orator of the day, and General dentists meet :with is the matching of:;;'i"ililill on tlip head with a stone aud killed. Ho thou returned to the body ot bis first OATILE. ....> 3.00 & 4.50 The appeal for aid sont out by' the ^oaa \ 3,00 o S.OO Hari7 Heth tho Chief, Marshal. The false teeth with the natural The yoteran wasat tho south gate, and Mayor is already moeUng with responses vlcMm and shot himself, dying a;lino3t SuKEr -\ 4,00 m B.OO widow nnd two daughters bf Gen. Hill their customers,. The tooth immediately. it is supposed that somo one. followed Ironrtho charitably inclined,-and soveral WHEAT—No. 2 Hod \ .87 O ,68 attended tho uriveiilng. Tho ' Governor supply dentists with rings upon :whicb himfroin Dayton, oi" from some of the .hundred 'dollars . have been (recolvod. \,W 0 ,61 An Indiana Oonvlot'a Hard I.uok. OOBN—No, 2, ',30 (fl .37. and. staff: had seats ot honor. At the are strung tliin. short, metal- ba^s^ • Wost SidodivBS, for tho purpose of rob­ 'The loss at .this place Is' ostimatod at uuvoiling all the oivio' organizations of bery.'. At any rate, a deep gash was ,8200,000, many people losing ovorythlng John Perry, who had just completed 8,00. ® 4',2S each carrying a tooth at its extreml- "l - •^••i' 2 UixeS. - ;. the county took part. Among the noted found in his skiill.'aiid his pockets rlflod. .his term in the Indiana Ponitontiary, OAT3—No, 3,l)0V.(9 4.75 ty. There """" thoy possessed, evdn to theif wearing ap­ „ • xliaTBOl'l'. 3.M '(!S S.75 • guests wore Seerotary of War'Elklns parel, and are utterly destitute. was roa,rrostod aiid taken td Springfield, CATTLE • ,,92« and Frederick Douglass, 'sample . wife Murderer irnngod, Ohio, to aiiswor to the chargo of horso HOOH...... ,. .eiliSv ,5'i« from nearly stoallng. Ho stole a horse four years SHKEr...... i...... ; l/nvallcd itt'FarmlnKtoii. . , Edward McMillan, tho wlfo mnrdorer, Crazy Aniituda liiti'liaiii ISralns ilor Aguil WuEAT-No. 2liod .8!) es y.si . was -banged in ,tho jail yard at Wilkes- , , , Xliisbuiid. , • ago near South Charleston, was cap CoBM—No.2 Yollow..; Amid tho milsic Of two bands and a tured and jailed in. Wilmington, bnt OATB-NO. 2 \Vhito '.. .oijj®,-jaji large chorus of voices, the oioquonoeof .barre,:Pa. Illsiiock was brokon. He Belford Bniriiam, an old, colored man 'I'OLBDO, killed his •wife while drunk on Feb, 20, 80 yoars old,: was- inurdorodinNorth- brolceout,' Ho went through the State ,« tS) ,61 native orators, and , the plaudits of the WHEAT—No. 2; :..'ia,'i9 .33, people, the find soldiors' monument waB. rate,: ,enal?les the dentist ^^to-^niatbb:SMi||il '•:i80I." '',;;.•. ••:.,:;•..''..',,':;-/,•.••: •:••;'-,•,-;:,•,•'• • ampton County, North Carolina, by, hia stoallng ono -horso' after' another and Conii-No, 2 Whi,o ,71), & ,S1[ wife, Amanda,, also 80 years,of age. avoided arrest for a.iong. time, but was OATS-NO.2 White,...:. ..• & 5.1S linveilod ' at Parraington, 111,,,' in .the the teeth by iippl ication a,t thaf iiotbry^?|||^ V AnoUior i,6voo ISroiiIcK, IlVE Amanda Is crazy, bnt was consldorod finally captured and convicted In In­ ' . liUFPALO. .' @ 5.25 'presonoo of, soldiors, sons ot.voterdns, ^-T^^;i'^):'si?i-';J?asi'lfe Under,tlio; prossui-b of extreme ,-high diana.',', ^;:; ' .•'V.. • • „:,',•,•,•'', BEEP CAHLB.....:...... ioa•lii .01 ' and ciUzbns' from all tlie country around. ': A.,SnBar-noot'GrtmoM.:;,,;.';->.j.'o^«.,,.M^-:^J.•te^.?:4;^l. S harmless. Sjio beat the bid ina;n's brains Hoas s 7,6& .61 water,, the iovoo.protecting tiie Hunt LIVE Parmlngton, • the- first town. in Fulton. Eichard;G-ird is'p^bbilblJ^M^iiivirg-Si^^ out with a hatchet. They'had'lived' as . ; , ,To Coloiil'zo llio JnpN. WuEAT-No. 1 Hard...... ;.... oi -drainage district ;bolow AVarsaw, 111,, man and 'wifo for fifty-six, -yoars, and OonN—No, 2...... 53 County to'respond to thddall to arms in est •lndiYldua,rgrowet':otrsupar: lieiJta ' •„ ; • „AflI.'WAUlCEB,- 18(11, was, in ;189'2,^ thpflrst to testify Its brokoi'-flooflhig. thousands of aoros, of havoVgrahdchlldron , and^ great-grahd- :: Informiitioii., has boon rbooivod at WBEAT-NO, 2Spring,,.,,.',,...... 82 0 ,81 ln;theworl(]r;>Ho:has;50iM0racres'o^ - rich fdrniiiig laiids;; and oausiiig groat, cbildfon;',..;';; V;':.'tV'-,: WasiiinRtdn of, a movement instituted in conN-No,3.:.;-...:....;..-.„.. • .a m ..ia : regard :'fpr the. defenders of. the'Union. ;ground-surrounding,; GhinbKOali'jIandsi^ destruction td prooorty.,:,•„;,:,• ,• ••,,'/;.;','• tho,.;stii,te of Slnaloa,',. Mexico,- to ostab- OATS-No,^2 White....35. i 30 Thei^ihpnumontVwas; presented';td''the. ; this,:yeai:,::,wlll':: have ;4,'0()05M^ llshvthdrp,-and In,L;diyor Califorrila,i;'HeKi8Xundci3i^6ffi :'A,f Cbidiigoklilod Eddie 'anbsocoldiiibsdn;lis,largo a sci^ BAISLKY—NO.2„;..*....,.....,..65' ® !o7 •'r(ilseVall;jiho^:l3eets:tlia,tva^ Clanboy,: --'-•"--- --^ . . - 'bo;--iidsslbln.',.;'A;;.'foreignsyndicate CATTLE...'....'i..\.-,.....;,,-.,.,,:.;:':-3,80: 'a 0,00 'Fred ,boeh,"oi'ffaiiizedfor,tlip'''pui^posd^of. pur?: for,thoSbeet-sugar,:,:,fabibr^^^^^^^ ehas^ig: lariro I'tracts^"^ Hoas;:...;;-;-....:.;V3.oo i.K),.;. Hls'it'ontraijt reiiuif^ pliicds .;;'t;d',: ? be: 'J'i: after vvards dis trl tdd acres of beets next year, aad"^'

n m('in(T:''f..K/iV..I nnn nrta.t.' /.nln^»la|.o'',','n n 'average.theri.fonowlnff-yeiir.f •' who had thus far evaded discovery nnd the alarm, nnd be wns thoroughly on hta Subscription to Detroit Post and Trib­ whom the most skillful of his ogents had guard. A PEETTY STATE OF THINGS. une (page 31) 10 00 failed to "locate" ahould escape now. Aiidftoruoucral; j „ ... From the evening when Paxton bad SubscrlptlBn to Dotroit Post and Trlb- Ho bounded fonvarti and eelised his shadowed him to the olllce of Pratt & Publio Money Mlsapproprlatod for uno (pago if)) 10 00 man. SubBcrlpllon to Ropubllcnn (page 4!)) AVeeks, Levi Krodgo had experienced Private But, like a flash, tho other wheeled and UBOB. Commissioner of land ofllcu: the koonost anxiety for his personal Sub.scrlptlou to Ztepubilcun (page 75),.,. S 00 deolt tho detective a blow that staggered UJI"" -OF,.-. safety. Subscription to Detroit Post and Trib- him. ''Thoy aro on my train Do thoy sus­ The Constitution and Dooenoy FroUlb- uno(pagu7a) 10 00 Then tho stranger darted away nnd Ued It But Bopubllcun Of- State treasuro:;.' . pect tho truth?" he asked himself over Subsoripliou to nepubllcan (page 87).... 3 OOj vonishod In a oassage between two und ovor again. llclala Did It Just tbe Sulwcrlpllon to Detroit Post and Trib- ; buildings. For tho prosont ho did not visit Pratt Sunio. uno(pago87) lOOOl Paxton pursued, but he did not over­ it AVeeks, for tho wily brokers had In­ Aliornoy general; ' take or even sight him. Section four, article eight of the Subscription lo Republican (pogeOfl)..., S OOi structed him not to do so. Subscription lo Dotroit Post and Trlb- , Enrogod with himaolf nt his want ot Levi Kredgo mot his alater in tho rear Michigan constitution provides that "tlie uno (pago 00) 10 OOi caution iu attempting tho arroBt, and murdor, and at tho hour when tho crime of Garrison's offloo by appointment, aud secrotary of state, stato treasurer and Suporlntondont pubUo Instruction! fully satislied tliat ho had a desperate was committed, had neglected ono pro- the moment Judith saw his face she commissioner of tlio state land ofllcc Subscription lo Dotroit Post nnd Trlb- man. to deal with, Paxton retraced his oeoding -whloh his principal had ad­ know that he wns troubled. sbali constitute a board of state audi­ uno (pago lot) ^10 00; steps. I. St4ito librarian: vised, Ho bad failed to search tho jani­ "What is it Lovi; you look frightened?" tors, to examine and adjust all claims AU thought of tho busInesB -which had Subsorlplion to Itppubllcnn (page 11,1).,. 3 001 tor's room. said Judith. against the state, not othcrwko pro Subscription lo Dotroit Poat and Trlb- i brought hlin to that locality was, for Paxton roBolvod to viait this apart­ "I am frightoned, Judith; tho detoet- vided for by the general law." lino (pngcliro 10 00' tho time, banished from his mind, and Coinmissloner of insurance: ment in person. Ives nro shadowing mo dny nnd night." he hastened in tho direction of Jason Section one, article nine fixes the sal Subscription lo Ropubllcnn (page 139)... S 00; The next evening the detoctlvo re­ "I« that u factr cried Judith, start­ Subacrlptton to Uutrolt Post und Trib­ Garrison's oflloo, hoping to iutoroept aries of tho stato officers and declares paired to his boarding place. ing. une (pugo HO) 10 00 Marlon Oakburn. "that thoy shall reeeivo no fees or por- The landlady admitted him, and he "Yes. Thoy surely havo some sus­ Coinmissloner niilroada: Monn-wlillo, after parting ivlth her quiiiitea wliiitcver for the performnnco Sub.scrlption lo Detroit Poat nnd Trlb- OHAI'TKU XlV.-Contlniioil. said: . picion against me." mystorlous companion, Marion hurried of any duties connected with their uuo (piigu 111)) 10 00 "I -will Bupposg that John Oakburn "I called to BOO Jlr. Kredgo." "AVhutdo you foar?" homoward. office. It shall not bo competent for ronlly siivod tho monoy his daughtor "He is not at homo, sir," replied the "You know well enough, I fwir I shall Total for tho year MSO S5 Sho had reached tho door and was BuppoBod ho did, and that it woe in hiB landlady, be charged with John Onkburn'f mur­ tho legislature to increase tho salaries MISAl'PROinUATWN TOR1863 , about to enter her homo when Paxton email, private safe, Kredgo, knowing "In that cnBoIwlU wait, if you please; der." herein provided." Secretary of stato: overtook hor. Tho detective had resolved about thia monoy, might have opened I havo an ongagomont with Levi. Ho "Thnt ahould not alarm you. You it is plain thnt tho constitution il.ves Subscription lo Dotroit Post and Trib- upon a bold and determined courso, and, tiie safo, taken tho monoy, reloekod the asked mo to run up to his room and make didn't kill tho old man." niio (pago ^1) no 00 ' jlldlng forward, ho placed his hand on upon thu throe stato oilleials above re­ SuliHcrlplfon loDolrollFreo Press (iiugo . 'strongbox,' and returned tho key to myself at homo in case I arrived beforo "No, that's a faot, But there are olr- Harlon's arm. ferred to the duties necessarily devolv­ ii) 10 00 Onkburn's pocket. Or, it is posaiblo ho rotumed." oumstancos against mo, Judith, of which Auditor general: Tho girl turned with a frightened ox- ing uppn tho board of state auditors. that ho may havo privately provided "A''ory well. Tho second door on tho you do not know." Subaerlplioii lo Detroit Post nnd Trlb- olainatlon, and by reason of his disguise, Tho board is required to meet once a hlmBolf •with a dnplicato. 'I'hough the right at tho head of tho stairs." "Ah, you havo secrets from your af­ uno (iiago 09) rs 10 00 she did not recognize Paxton. mouth nt Lansing and pass upon ilie Bafo WIU3 not found open It does not fol­ Paxton nsoonded to Lovi Krodgo's fectionate sister, oh?" Conimlsuiuner land odlco: low that it was not robbed. I was very room, entered and closed and soourod "A\Tio nro you, sir?" demanded Ma­ "I toll you I four I shnll yet bo placed claims presented against the slate. If Subscrlfllion to Dotroit Post and Trib- \ rlon, na she indignantly confrontod tho tho board is satisiied that such claims uno (pago 80) 10 00 1< near oommlttlng an oversight in neg­ tho door. in peril ot my llfo, on account of John lecting thia point In tho case," thought Tho janitor's room was a small Bleep­ dotoctive. Oakburn's murder." are a just cluirgo upon tho people, and Stulo treasurer: Subaeriplioii to Detroit Poat and Trib­ Paxton, ing apartment, with a closet opening "I am your friend. Miss Oakburn, and "It it oomos to that, I'll save you. I'll not forbidden by the constitution, it is. I am eeoking to discover your father'a une (pago 103) 10 00 I'axton shadowed Krodgo baok to the from It. point out the real assassin, and provo their duty to allow them. And assassin. Toll mo who tho man was Attorney general: olty. Besides tho usual furniture, tho room that person's guilt." if thoy aro plainly unjust charges Subscription to Pitroit Post and Trib­ whom you mot to-night, and who os- 'i'ho dotootlvo next Inatltntod an In- contained Kodge's trunk. It was looked, After this, they conversed at somo against tho stato, or aro foi'- unu (pago 112) 10 00 .capod mo?" veatlgation whloh elloltcd tho Informa­ but Paxton opened ic by means ot a length, but thoy dlsoussed personal af­ biddeii by tho constitution, it is the Superintendent publio Instruction: Marlon loaned agalnat the door and fairs, of no interest to our readens. Suliscription lo Detroit Post and Trib­ tion that Donnld Wnyburn, tho author akolotoa koy, and searched it. Ho dis­ plain duty of the board to reject them. une (page 110) 10 00 hor form trembled with agitation, but Paxton's faithful auxiliary, whoso duty ot tho threatening letter found among covered nothing to reward his quest. That the duties of this board should be Subscription lo 1. jpubllcan (page 120).... 1 60 John Onkburn's oorrespondonoo, was a Then he ranaackcd all tho drawora, Bhe did not speak. it waa to track Kredgo, overheard this performed honestly aud without par­ State librarian: young man who had boen obliged to lloo and still ho made no discovery. "AViU you not answer mo?" perslBtod conversation, for he had not neglected Sul).icrlptlon to DotroltPostand Trlbuna tiality will bo realized when It is stated from Now York on account of having Completing tho search of tho slooplng- Paxton. to track the janitor on this occasion. (pngo 128) 10 00, been tho iiromotor of a gigantic swindle, room, ho entered the closet. •Still Mnrlon was ailont. Tho detoctlvo agent repeated what ho that the exact amount of claims allowed Coiiiinlsaionor of Insiiranco: V,i by tho board for the year ending Juno Subscrlpliou lo Dally 'i'rlbuao (iinge HO). IS 00 which hnd rosultod In tho Ihianolal ruin Presently Pnxton emerged from tho Paxton bocomo Impatient. had overheard of tho oonversotlon just Snb.scrlptlou lo Detroit Post and Trlb- of a largo number of people. closet with a small canvas bag, such aa "I win tell you who tho man you mot recoi-dod to his principal. 30, 1889, was $3'10,-in.-13 and for 1800 uno(pugo l.'il) 05 Is. Ho Is Donald AVayburn!" ho cried, This intelllgonoe seemed, nt tho flrat was $'i22,-M5.10. This board, which Conirpissionor ot railroads: Some of his Information tho detoctlvo gold coin Is packed in at the mint, in his Subacr/iitlon to Detroit Post and Trib­ rooeived from Jnson Garrison, wiio ro- hand. suddenly. "I am Gerald Paxton," ho view, to overthrow tho detootlvo'a draws its warrants upon the people's une (pago 158) 10 00 markod in the course of tlio conversa­ "I thought somo dladovory might be added. theory ot the guilt of Krodgo. But tretisury for a quarter of ii million dol­ Total for tho year. '..$ IW 16 tion: mado hero," aaid tho dotootlvo to him­ He sought to Burprlao Marlon into Paxton was not yet ready to admit that lars annually, should honestly represent M1SAI?1'I10PK1ATI0N TOn 1881. "Yes, AVnyburn was a scoundrel. My self, in a tone of satisfaction, aa ho aomo oonflrmatlon of his atatement, If It Kredgo was not tlio assassin or his ac- tbe people whose servants tliey arc. Secrotary 01* stato: oomplleo, nnd he thought: SubscrlpUon lo Dotroit Poat nnd Trib- old onslilor, John Oakburn, could havo placed tho amnll onnvaa bag in his was tho truth. During the years from and inclu.iing u.io (page 2,1) V 00 I believe that mnn BI your father's "Kredgo mny have been concerned In told you more nbout hira than I ortn, for pocket. 1879 down to Juno 30, 1890, tho board of SuliHCrtpt on loDotroitFroo Press (pago ho had several thousand dollars in tho Then ho ran down stairs. murderer. Miss Oakburn, I warn you the crime, and Judith be Ignorant of tho 2i>),... 7 00 state auditors—all this timo republican swindle of which thatmnn was tho head. Tho landlady mot him in tho hall. that tho timo has como when you should fact." Auditor general: —allowed uliiiins for subscriptions for SubscrlpUon lo Detroit Post nnd Trlb- , Poor old John! He was never tired of "Are you going, sir?" she asked. explain the euuso of your mysterious Ono point, however, seemed ostab- mio (iiagu iti) • 7 00 partisan iiew.spapcrs to tho amount of " denouncing AVayburn as a villain." "Yes, I'll run round and see Levi at conduct sluoo your father's death. You liahed. Judith Krodgo was slnooro In Coinmiasloner land offlee; ?l,137.1)3, and most of these newspapers SubscrlpUon to Dotroit Post and Trib­ "Ua!" thought I'axton. "This In­ tho offloo." aro venturing Into peril, it may be. AVlU believing she could produce enough to une (pago 7.3) 7 00 formation favors my tliuory that AVay- Paxton was well satlsflod. you not save yourself! AVill you not procure tho conviction of some one, -who wero for state officers, who are forbid­ Statu treasurer: burn may have been tho assassin, with Ho had madosoinotlilngof a discovery, trust mo?" tho detoctlvo •ontinnod, as was not Stunrt Harland. den any perquisites whatever in addi Sub.acriptlon to Dotroit Post and Trlb- . Marlon mado no sign In confirmation of uno (pago88).,.: 7 00 Kredgo for n confodornto. But stayl ho fancied, but regarding It ho main­ Tho perplexing complloations and tion to their regular salary. Tho bal­ Atiornoy gouornl: Tito uamo Pratt .t Weeks gave tho man tained the most profound aocrooy. his statementthat hor recent companion's mysteries with whloh tho caso abounded ance of tho bill \vns for newspapers Subsoriptlon to Poat and Tribuno (pago who carried tho skoleton koys waa Giir- At tho time -when Pnxton undorlook name was Donnld AVayburn. would have confused a non-profesaional, furnished to republican heads of stnt< 08) 7 00 Suiiorlntcnrtent publio Inatruotion; nar, and yot that does not provo thnt ho tho solution ot the mystery of John "AVhatls there In my oondnot that you but Paxton saw his way clear. His next bureaus. Subscription to Post und Tribuno (pago Is not really AVayburn. Garnarmnybo Oakburn's murdor, ho was engaged in regard as mysterious?" aaid Marlon at stop was Indicated by the Intblligenue 100) 7 00 an alias." another invostlgntlon whloh related to last, • he lad just received. Tho following itemized statement Stale librarian^ "Thia night meeting. Your having shows what officer.s claimed—that the Subacrlptioii lo Post nnd Tribuno (pago Pnxton continued his invostlgntlon certain aftnlrs which do not Interest us. Judith Krodgo must be compelled to UO) 7 00 relating to 'Wayburn, hoping to thoreby Somo buainess pertaining to tho mat­ given your inhoritnnoe to JudiUi Krodgo. reveal the knowledge of tjj,p crime whioii people should pay fo'i their iiew.spapcrs, arrive at n rovolatlon ot tho truth re­ ter induced Paxton to mako a visit to a Your positive declaration that Harland she waa concealing. and whoso claims were allowed by tho Total tor the year $.10 00 garding tho secret ot tlio supposed as­ ocrtaln obsouro East Sldo street, where is an Innocent mnn," replied Paxton.' To accomplish this, Pnxton resolved state auditors. The items are in the MiaAlTIiOPRIA'CION pon 1885. "You wrong mo cruelly. I can explain Ciovomor: sassin's identity. the dangerous undorourront ot tho great to nrrpst Levi Krodgo and charge him records and retoronce is made to tho re­ SubscrlpUon to Post and Tribune (pago Ho did not Buooooil in ostablishlng tho city's human tldo wns ovor to bodroadod, nothing; but, by my dead father's mem­ with John Oakburn's murder. port and the pago on which tho ro- 31) : W71 ory, I BAVOar that Donald AVayburn has Subscription to DotroitFroePress (pago fact whloh ho had hoped to provo, thnt ono nlglit soon after tho ocourronco last Ho meant to thoroughly frighten spectivo items appear. They but em­ no knowledge of ray father's murder. ;W)„,. 7 00 AVaybiirn had roturnod to Now York nnd rooordod. Krodgo, and lead them to believe that phasize tho scandalously extravagant, Seerouiry of atate: was in tho olty nt tho time of tho murder. Tho detoctlvo was elaborately dla- Ho la innooenti" the danger of conviction, as Oakburn's unju.st and illegal methods practiced by SubscrlpUon to Post nnd Tribuno (pago Tills fnihiro loft his theory wanting In gulsed, for ho was too well known to tho AVlth thoao words she unlocked tho assassin, was iinmlnont, and ho counted •14) 7 00 trusted republican officiiils. 'J^ho re­ a most Important link ot presumptlvo orlmlnal olaasos, nnd he had too many door and entered tho house. on Judith keeping her promise and re­ Subscription to Detroit Free Press (iMgO port of tho board of stale auditors for 40) 7 00 evidence. enomles among thorn to think of ventur­ "Now, indeed, la my oup ot misery vealing what aho claimed to know, Auditor general: BntPnxlon thought: ing among them in his own proper per­ nUed to tho brim. Too lato I discover thinking only by such a courso could the year ending September 30, 1879, Subscription to Post nnd Tribuno (pago "If Donnld AVayburn returned to tho that I havo made a fatal mistake, but I shows that tho following claims wero 02).,.. ,' 7 00 sonality. Lovi bo saved, Cominlssionor of land onico: olty ho would hnvo the boat possible rea­ As ho tTiivorscd tho dimly lighted way, cannot determine to abandon my pur­ But meanwhile, during the timo oocu- allowed: Subaeription to I'osl and Tribuno (pago son for eoncoallng the fact, since dis­ Pnxton noticed a female form flitting pose yet," thought Marion, as she crept pied by Pnxton In making the Investiga­ Sooretiiry of stato: 88).... 7 00 eovory would no doubt result in his ar­ to her room. State treasurer: along beforo him, and ho fancied tlioro tions rooordod, the Grand Jury had hold SuUsorlpUon to Detroit Post and Trih- Sub.scrlption to Post and Tribuno (pago rest by the parties wlioin ho swindled waa something familiar about tho wom­ Paxion made no attempt to detain uuo([)ttBo4i;) H7 00 a Bosslon. Stuart Harland'a case had 15 00 m).... 7 00 years ago. Even If ho did return It Is an's appoiiranoo. Marlon, and as the evening was not far Superintendent public Instruction: been considered, and a true bill was re­ Suh.scriptloAuditor (,'onoruln to Evonln: B News (pago 42) not surprising that I hnve been unablo advanced and ho had concluded to Subscription to Post nnd Tribuno (pago In n moment or so ho was at tho turned ngalnst hlra. Suhscriptlon to Dotroit Post and Trib- 142) 7 00 to establish tlio tact." womnn's aide, nnd ns sho passed beneath abandon the business whloh had taken Stuart Harland had endured his im­ uno(pa8oBG) IT 00 Coininisaionor of Insurnneo: A day or two Inter ono ot Paxton's a street inmp at a corner the night wind him out that night, for tho present, ho prisonment bravely. Land comnii.'isloner; Subscrlpliou to Post und Tribuno (pago Subscription to Dotroit Post and Trib­ lUO)... 7 00 ngeiits shndo^yod Judith Kredgo to a lifted a veil which she wore, and ho proooodod to visit certain shops devoted Edna Garrison was an almost con­ savlrigs iiank, w-hero sho was scon to caught a gllmpso of her face and recog­ to tho solo ot curiosities in tho way of unu (page 8,1) 17 00 stant visitor to his cell, and the imper­ Stato troaauror: Total for tho year $112 71 deposit monoy, aud Inquiry solloltod tho nized It. ancient coins, weapons, and tho like. In iled young man was cheered and sus­ MlSAl'PIlOPKIA'nON roR 1860. SuhsorlpUon to EvonlnR News (pago fl7) B 00 Governor: faot that the woman had opened nu no- Tho woman wns Starlon Oakburn. ovory shop ho exhibited tho.bullot which tained by her unfailing devotion. auhsorlptlon to Kvoning News (paffo &I) 5 00 had caused John Oakburn's death, and SuhHorlptlon to Now York I'lmua (pago Subaorlption to Dally and Weekly Trib­ count there. Of oourso I'axton wns surprised at Harland's attorney was a shrewd and une (iiugo 33) ,$8 00. asked it they over had a pistol which tho 08) 10 00 At Paxton's roquost an oxamination finding Marion alone nt niglit In such a Bucceasful criminal lawyer, and when Secrotary ot slate: ' •, ball would lit. Suhscriptlon to Dotroit Post and Trih. of tho books was mado, wliich resulted dangerous locality. Stuart had positively answered him uno (paRoOB).... 17 flO Subscription lo Daily and Weekly Trib- . In tho diseovory that all tho money to But his curiosity and his detective In­ In every Instanoo tho doteotlvo re­ that tho real truth regarding the motive Suhscriptlon to Detroit Post aud Trih- line (pugo .10) 6 00 Judith Krodgo's credit hnd boen dopoa- stinct prompted him to follow her. ceived a negative answer, until at last uno to Flint (pugo 08) 10 00 Audllor general: for his visit to Albany on tho night ot Attorney genoral: Subscription to Dally and AVoeUly Trib­ . ited since John Oakburu's murdor. A fow blocks further down the street, ho entered a little shop whose proprie­ the crime could not bo told under any Suhscriptlon to Dufroit Post and Trih- uno (page 00) 6 00 This the detoctlvo regarded as aig- tho detoctlvo saw Marlon pause beforo tor informed tho detective that be had oircumstonoos, he said: uno 20 00 Cominisaionor of land onico: • ' nlfloant. the door ot ft gloomy building. sold nn nnoiont air pistol provided with "I will not question your motive, but Suporlntondont of publio inatrucllon: Sub.scrlption to Daily and Weekly Trib­ such bullota as' the one Paxton exhib­ SuUsorlpUon lo Dotroit Post and' Trih- une (page 81).,., 6 00 Tho bank had rooolvod no marked 'The cashier's daughter glanood about -we must Invent somo plausible defense bnne (page 113) 17 00 ited. Treasurer: , . , , . money, however. as though she expooted to meet some or you are lost." Statu librarian: Subscrliilion lo Daily and AVookiy Trib­ Prompted by a susplolon which ho bad ono, but she did not discover the detoct­ "Onn you toll me the purohaser'B "AVhftt, resort to falsehood?" demand­ Subscription to Detroit Post and Trib­ uno (pago lOi) OOO lvo, who had promptly stopped baok Into name?" asked Paxton, thinking a posi­ une (pago 123) 10 00 all along cntortained, Pnxton visited the ed Stjiart^_.^ Comintasionor of Inauranco: Attorncy/toneral; window at which Stnnmore and himsolt tho alloy. tive oluo to tho solution of the mystery "A Btbrymust bo told to account for Subscription to Dotroit Post and Trlb Subscription lo Dally and AVeoltly Trib- • had spied when the detoctlvo was shad­ A moment elapsed, nnd, peering from was found at lost. une (lingo 108) 20 00 - une (pago 113) 6 00 your midnight journey. Listen to me. Superintendent publio inatruotion: owing Kredgo. his hiding place, tho dotootlvo's osplon- "I keep a memorandum ot purebnsors' Subscrliitlon to Dally Tribune (page IflO) IS 00 I have made a study of the case, and Commlaslouor ot railroads: Subscription lo Daily and Weekly Trib­ Orou'ehlng at the Itltchen window of ago was rewarded by tho appearance of names and addrossea when, instead ot here la what you must say when you aro Subscription to Dotroit Post and Trib­ uno (page 122) 0 00 Oakburn's apartment as before, lie again a man who cumo skulking stealthily along taking tho goods with thom'j^ at the time brought to trial. une (pago 205) 13 7B Stato librarian'., , • ; Subscription to Daily and AVookly Trlb- • saw Marion and Judith. tho street as though fearful of discovery, of tho sale, they order them to be sent "Your aunt, whose prospective.heir home. I believe I wrote the name of Total for tho year $214 75 uno (page 130), - 0 00 Tho ourtalns wore drawTi, but at tho and joined Marlon at tho door. vou aro said to bo,. resides In Albany. Tho next year's misappropriation ot tho peo­ Coinmlaalonor of rnilrofida: side ot the window there was a narrow Tho girl gavo tho man both her hands tho man who bought tho air pistol in my Very good. 'You mado your midnight ple's monoy for newspaper luxuries Is found in Subaorlption to Dally and • Weekly Trib­ 'tlio report for tho year onUing Soptembor 30, uno (page 100) 0 00 spaoo whloh the curtain did not covor, and soemod to greet liim warmly. book. Yes', hero it Is," answered tho journey to visit her. shopkeeper. ,1880, through whloh ho eould command a view The detoctlvo was 'so near that, as the "Someone had Informed you that the Secretary ot state: Total for the year.... 154 00 "Head it?" cried Paxton breathlessly. of tho room. man presently raised his voioo a trifle, first train In the morning would take SubscrlpUon to Detroit Post and Trib­ MiaAPPRoraiATioN Fon 1887. There waa a surpriao in store for him une fpiigo 54) JIO 00 Pnxton wltnosaod a aoono whloh ho hoard him say; AVoeka to Albany to soe your aunt, to Governor: he littlo dreamed ot. Auditor general: If''- • served to further mystify and perplex "Come, let us enter tho parlor. I have whom he meant to reveal thot you had Subscription to Dotroit Poat and Trlb- Subscription toDotroltPreoProsa (pago ; him, and It also ocousloned him tho much to say to you." 1)...... 17 00 , \m. • become Involved lu stock gambling, to uno(pagoOt»);..i. 10 00 Subaeription to Dally Tribune (pago 2). 0 00 , Then they opened the door and disap­ . Commiasionor ot stato land odlOB: groatost surprise. Tho proprletp/i-'of tho curiosity shop the extent of ten thoasand dollars. . Subaeription to Dally Tribuno (pago 2).. 150 peared within the house. •Subsoriptlon to Detroit Post and Trlb- Ho saw Marlon Oakburn count out a dJd not shoro trio detective's excite­ "You had obtained a sightotj'our note - uno (page 102) 10 00 Secrotary of state: i • Paxton remained where he was. Subscription to Detroit Free Press (page • large sum ot monoy and give It to Judith ment, and he very doliberatoly read tha for ono thousand dollars, which you hod State treaaurer: , Ho did not follow Marlon and her com­ Subscription to Evening Nowa (page 8)...... • : Krodgo. following memorandum from his order- given the scoundrel, and when you saw Subscription to Daily Tribuno (pago 0).. - 8 00 : panion into the liouse, tor, as it was not „1H) 6 00 Tho detootive was oonfldent that tho book; It had been raised to ten, you know Subsoriptlon to Now York Timea (page Auditor general: • ' • Subaeription to Dally Tribuno 6 00 ; omount thus givon to tho woman by an ordinary publio resort, he deemed it May 8th, 18—, Pratt and AVeeks meant to swindle your '. 10 00 advisable to proceed with caution. . (Joramiasionor of land offloo: Marlon eould not havo boou less than John Oaktiurn, No— Wall Street, Olty, aunt. Subscription to Detroit Poat and Trib­ Subsoriptlon to Dally Tribuno (page 40). 000 flvo hundred dollars. A moment or so olapsod, and then tho uno (page IIB) 10 00 Ono ancient air pistol J8. "You secretly took the midnight train Isuperlntondent of publio Inatruotion; State treaaurer; Xho recolloetlon of thb conversation doteotlvo saw a faint light reflootod Subscription to Dally Tribune (page 51). 0 00 To he dolivurod to-day. in order to^ see your aunt and explain Subaoriptiou to Dotroit Poat and Trib­ Superintendent ot publiu instruction; which he had overheard bet-ween Judith through tho opening between the blinds The name ot the murdered man waa matters before AVeeks oame. une (pngo 120) 10 00 Subsoriptlon to Dally Tribune (pago 03). fl 00 1 Kredgo and hor brother Levi returned to of a couple of windows in tho side of tho „ State librarian: . Commiasioner ot inauranco: the vory last ono the doteqtlve antioi- "You did not toll the truth at the Coro­ Subaorlption to Detroit Post and Trib­ Paxton's mind, freighted with startling building fronting the alloy. patod bearing, announced as that ot tho Subscription to Daily Tribuno (pago 70). 0 00 • ner's Inquest, because to do so would une (pago 137)...... '... 10 00 Commiasionor of railroads; Blgnlfloanco. Ho glide^ to the nearoat window, purchaser of the air pistol, and ho was have been to lead to tho betrayal of the Commisslonorot Insumnca: - Subscription to Detroit Poat and Trlb- Subscription to Daily, Tribuno (page 80). 0 00 *It ia then from Marlon Oakburn thnt thinking it might bo tho window to'the completely surprised. person who had warned you of AVeeks' uno (pago 158) 10 00 Total for the year Ml 00 •Judjth Kredgo has rocolvod her money. little back parlor mentioned by tho man Paxton hod entertained the hope that Intention of visiting Albony, on the Subscription to Dally Tribuno (page But'wheroforo? If I oan road tho oxpros- who had net Marlon Oakburn. the fatal bullet which hod 'occoslonod , 158)..:... 11! 00 • MISAl'PllOI'BIA'riON FOR 1888. mornlng.followlng..the night otthq mur­ Governor: . fllon on Marion Oakburn's fooo aright, Paxton hoped to sco and hear .more of tlie death of John Oakburn would serve Comraiaalonorot rallroada: der. That person wos a young clerk, Subscription to Detroit Post and Trlb Subscription to Daily Tribune (pago3)., W 00 sho Is ih deadly fear of Judith Kredgo. tho portios who had just entered tho as an important cluo in traoing tho un- John Sand by name, employed by Prott uno (page 105) 10 00 Subscription to Dotroit Free Press • (pago 3). - TOO Onn it be tliat thero is another mystery house, but as ho reached tho window tortunato miin's assassin. 6 00 .: nosB closed upon tho scene in tlie room doteotlvo waited patiently in the alley' Now the purpose of the man-trailer Secretary of stato: • State treasurer;; • . •.;;'•; thought the helpless ones dependent upon Subscription to Detroit Post and Trib­ whero the monoy changed hands a few tor Marlon arid her companion to reap­ was no longer posslblb to bo executed, Subsoriptlon to Daily Tribuno (pago 70). 0 00 ;; his salary for support might .suffer. une (pago 63).;.., 10 00 Attorney genoral; ' • ., moments after tho transfer was mado. pear on the atroot. and tho hope whloh tho possession of This oonalderatioh prevented your risk­ Subsoriptlon to Evening News (pago 64). 3 50 Subaeription to Daily Tribuno (pago 70);; • fl 00 .: • Tho; detective then rotumed'to his At tho oxplrntlon ot half an hour, thb dedth-mlBsIlqhiid given him was de- ; Auditor general: > • Superintendent publio Inatruotion: ; ,,' ' ing the betrayal, of your friefad' by tell­ Subscription to Detroit Post and Trib­ offloo to examine a roport made by one perhaps, tho door through which the stroyed. ' Subscription to Dally Tribune (page 80). - 0 00 c ing the truth. Besides you will add that une (pago (iO).... 10 00 Stato librarian; .•• •• ' :!•..• •• •'••.•Vfi of his agents, which established tho faot subject of Pnxton's surveillance had en­ ' "So John Oakbui-n -was'murdered with you did not at the timo of your exam­ Commissioner of land olllce:.' Subaeription to Daily Tribuno (pagol03). r 6 Ofl,;: .-t ot Lovi Krodgo's timo on the tered opened, and they came out. his own weapon, Tho assassin probiibly ination fully reoUze how great your Subscription to Detroit Post and Trib­ ,CommissionerofJnsnrnnco;. ';'....;..'.•; found the weapon in the oflloe and used une (pago 07).... .•. 10 00 Subaeription to Dally Tribuno (pagoll5). .0 08 iji; • , night oit the murdor had boon accounted ; A brightly burning gas-jot in the hall, peril was." State treasurer: whloh must have been lighted sinbo they It to kill Oakburn, very possibly, with Commissioner ot railroads: i for except ono hoiir—from ono. quarter flO Ul! CONTiSOEO.] Subsoriptlon to Dotroit Post and Trlb Subsoriptlon toDallyTrlbuno(page 129). ;0 OO:')' •:: '•• or fltteon minutes;after,twolvo to the ontorod the place, roflected'"a brilliant the, intention of perplex ng the inves­ une (pago 111)....,...... 10 00 Subsoriptlon to New York Times : same time after one o'clock. light upon the couple as thoy Stood for a tigator,; should the weapon bo traced," ; Total for tho year.;..8 "CO Ofl,-:;,f.»l thought the detootive. . ^ -i^^ hasmade an interest­ (page 111). 13 00 AVo know that John Oakburn met his- moinent iii the open' door addressing ; DR. WILDER Attorney genoral: , MISAPPIlOrniATIONS IN 1S89. ' \'' i;-y somo remarks to a person within. . He recalled to mind the tabt'thot no ing note relative to prairie dogs. Subsoriptlon to Dotroit Post and Trib­ death- between thei hours of twelve o,nd The governor ;read the,TribuncFrea;; " . Por two minutes Poston scrutinized one : had' m'entlonod hiiviiig ever-seen They seem to lack anysense of height; uno (pago 1 li)).. ; 10 00 ono o'clock. , Superintendent publio InstruoUon: . Press, Evening News and Evening Jour- iiv;! tho faoo of Marlon's companion under such a weapon 08 the alr-plstoMn tho or distance, owlnff. It is thought, to . V Hero was another item of presumptlvo Subscription - to Dotroit Poat'and Trib­ nal, and tho total for all tho oflicos-,forlipi^'j eAddenoo against Kredgo. tlio glare of the gas light. ,,, possession of John Oakburn; and as a: the nature'of their ordinary surround-; uno (page 127)...... ; 10 00 State librarian: . this year was $71.13, and for;- the flscaVwiiiil Slhoo'the cunning ngont of the doteo- ; Ho saw thnt the man was in disguise.' > new idea entoired his inihd hb cried: > . ing8---a flat, level "plain, destitute • of Subsoriptlon-to" Detroit Po'st.'and Trib^ year ending Juno 80, 1800,'the ;bill'waa liksl <' tivo'-had; booh ablo to trace• Krodgo for .The next Instant Paxton believed that • "Ihave itl The. strango.weapon; with pitfalls of. ;any kind.' Several dogs,' uno;(pago 150)..'..;.;...'...... 10 00 hohad mtidoa great discovery.; • whloh Oakburn, was murdered formed Commissioner ot insuronco; $07.00, making-the grand-total $1,-137.33; aj.Jiii fM?'-' i; • ; every ..moment of-the .night of the mur- experimtjnted with, .walke'ii oyer,thoi ; Ho saw a soar, on tho man's oyobiowj oiie ot.-hls collection'of curl6u8,,,iin(!ionii Subsoriptlon to'Detrolt Post and Trlb- This sum, $1,137.38, was'taken Iromi'?/ ,/ " • der-(viti: unerring f'oortitude, oxioept for edgesof:'tablesj ;;chairsand"•othter, "iuno(pago 165). , ,10 00 ond from- thisas.Ayblins his general ap-' •weapons..;.? ^.,•;>•;^^^';,;.;v,«J•V:.•V•^•^ the public treasury and from i the tai-Yp pieces of'furnittir'e,'an'd^^;s^ Subsoriptlon to Daily Tribuno (pago 150).; ;i2oo pearnnbo,; which ioorresponded: with .the • ••"Thb assassin had'oponed the old cash-; Commi'ssionor of railroads; payers' pockets ^for-a ipurely private,^^^tf gretitly surprised - when-'-theirJadveii-^ SubscrlpUon • to Detroit; Post and Trlb- ' general dosorlption given .by Stuart Har: ,iet:|s!llttlo8ofo; robbed ;lt,'^,-and 8^^^ porsonal purpose;t-.,It mighttas.reasona-j^!.j|- ;turi3''eiidea in'ia faUV t()'';;the'^;g^ uno (page Ifld) : 10 00 ij.'jv thiit' one, hour with.ovory prooautlon; ot land, thb.doteotlve beliovod that Marion's •the/air-plstol ,whenr;hb hbii'rdv 0 bly havobeen usod'to;purchaso food^iforTjvSf companion was thesuspeoted assassin of .doming. Thb'metch'htiddlscbverodthat- l«5f?$v!!K;Bbereisbbreoy.i ' ' v • •One^'dogSfell'^'froin'^a^ ;Tqtal fill year 8120 25 the tables of these oiBcials as for tho'6uy-Sf^ her fathbrrrtho; mtih dw^^^ 'itho'^plstol was loaded;lind ready^ J;V,S|n?MiSAPPnopraA!rioN;iroR'i882.;;;! •Paxtonscould,; arrest Kredgo - at'any. ,>;pnti^ei3tUtioye;a^ ing of newspapers. / It^showed a woeful^fc' Pratt'& AYeeks, -wlio oarried; tho slc'qlo ton 'He.used ;lt;io klU hlSjylbtlm^^^^ ; Governor • , mado no sound." Subscription to Evening News'(page 21)1- {2 35 laclc of appreciation.of^theif jtrustdn'tho .p; ';;5'Paxton;-tvas'8atIi3fl ;;'.-i;,liB'5rTdpe^ Subscription totho Republican' (pago 21)' 300 t ' In the matter of the estnto of Martha W, Hose, It antlslactorily appearing tu ino by allldnvit that MABON, moUlQAS, the said delendant, Carrie A, IVatneld, is not n rest Mason, In said county, all the right, title and luteroatV late of said county, deceased. dent of thu slate of MIcliIgan.but lesldes In Jhe town of Daisy M,(;oojior, l''lovd 1), Cooper und Clyde E,i. White Oak and riitiiilii|; tlieiice as follows, to wit; On readlngnnd tiling the petition, duly verifled.ol ship uf ('atiaoilaigun. In Ontario countv. In (he state Cooper, niinors. Ill and lu certalu real estate in said PRICES : Albert L, Rose, praying Hint adnitulstratlou ot said uf New Volk; On niotloii of Lnwlon T, tleinans, so- county, described ns ail Hint part of tlie oaat half 'A) Ohe'Vear, Jl.SOi $1.25 in advance. Arrearagea e>tnie he grunted to him or lonio oilier suitable per­ itclloi for the comphihiniit, it is ordered Uiat the said of the nonhwesi ijuarter ()4) of aoctlon olovon 11) son, totlloil atlliB rale of $1.50 a year. 'Coiirsoof the Drain's JJlstauco, No, Ot defendant cause her appearance In said cause to be lylug south uf the Howell and Lansing plank (now Uio U, H, ,Siirvoy Lilies and l''iirin .Subdivision l.liies, Therehpoii II Is ordered, that tho 13tk dny Of entered within Ibur mouths from this date und that gravel) road,. Also the nortbesst (luarter of tho liearliigs. Cli'iis i/uks Aiifedo, June, next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, be in case of ber appcnnince, be cauio her nnswer 10 the southwest quarler (Y,) of said section olovon (II),ex­ fiatorod»tthoroiitofflco,Mn»ou,Mich.,aa(econd assigned fer lite hearing of said petition, and that the dassuiattor. compluinnut's lilll ul coniplnint In this cause to bo cept the liglu uf way of Ilie 11., L, ,t M. It. R! and heirs ut law of said deceased, and ull other persons tiled, unit a copy thereof to be served on Hie coiiipinin. tlie.soulhiHst iinart.'r(',4) nf said section eleven (II), except ten (111) acres - On see lino between sees 21 and '-'2iit a nnliit session ufsaid conrt, then to be helden in theprebat copy of said hill nud a u-jtice of this order; nnd that THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1892. .SSo'lfi' 0 U OR the east side ihen'ofj in nil aliout 80J.!i acres o( Iks north ot lot iiost at so corner of tie K of otllce. In tho city of Vinson, und sliow cause. If nny in dofunit thereof Ihe said bill be taken as confessed laud, and known i^s ilje Durwln Edwards farm, nil K of seo 21. JCiiler it 'A of iiwj;^ of sec 22. there be, why tho pruyer of tlie petitioner should no- by the said defeiidaiiC. bilng in lownship iliree (,'t) north of i-augolwo (2) .S2'' c Lot line and center ot liichway In .sees 21 and bo granted; AiiiIid'fc/nrlIK-rertIerifiI, that said pell And it Is Jurtherordered, That within twenty il.-iys east (Leroy) in the conuly uf Inghnin nud stato of Two huniired ntid thirlncii new inunilier.i 22. Leave iioU of iieU of sec 21 anil ti}llchlgan; said mliiois'interest lieing nn undivided were added to the Woahlenaw ctiuiity har y. of sec 22. IJnler sc|^ of no of sec L'l and sw estnto,of the pendency of said petition, nnd the hear- in tholNoil.iM DtMocn.iT, a newspaper pubone.foiirll. i part of said hintis, Yi of nvty of see 22. liigtliereof, by causing a copy of thisorder te bo pub* COUNTV last weeh. Thia is not a tenth pnrt of llshed and printed In S5 h'uriii lino between sw!.i of tiwK and suK of aw A true copy, GEO, W, BRISTOL, days before the time prescribed for hia appearance. Adinliilrttrator's Sale, y, of see '22,7 clis and 1 Ik uorlli of fariii eoi'iior. 20W-I .Iiidge of Probate, JOHN O. SIJUIEUS, Rv virtue of a license, to me gianled, on the ninth Ix lliu Houae last Monday bills wore Leavu sw!i of iiwK and enter sc'/f of iiwi^ of WiLus ll, HoliTON, Probate Itegister, Circuit Court Ooinnilssioner, Ingliam County, day of .May, 1802, hv Hon, W, Bristol, Judgo of I'rc rnsFed for the admission of Arizona and section 22. liAwro.v T, IIi'.snNs, Complainant's Solicitor. tiale of the county oi Ingiiiini and slato of Michigan , . Hast c 21 Attest—A true copy of record. 10w7 I siiatl sell at pnbllc aiiciiuii, on tile ti-ltil day uf ' New Me.xico ns atntos. A joint resohitinn STfi'tO'e 12 00 CuiinnlHslunvrH'Notiue. E, O.DAUI.INO, Deputy Iteglsler in Cliaiicery. J mm, I8IVJ, at iwo o'clock in tho ailernoon, at Uio was iiitrodueod by Mr. McMillan, tho dein­ .S^n».io'e •1 50 ESTATE 01' ERAS'CIS niROlI, DECEASED, dw-elliiig boiiMo sitnnte on tlie premises lioreliinftor •lU X and s'/f line in set! 22 at a jioliit ao clisMlks di-scribed In the low-iisiiip of Anrelins, in snid county,. ocratio leader, for the final adjouriiineiit of | The nndersigned, liaving been appointed hy Ihe .south of U, S, K tiost hetwoen sections IB and probate court for the county of Ingham, commlaslou- rrobato Order. nil the liglit, title nnd Interest of which Joseph Ilowo, both houses oti the -lib day of July. II 22, Leave so^^ of nw !4 of sec 22, Ijiiler sw}.,{ ers on the estate uf Erancts lllrch, hue of Uuiiker- late of Aurelius, In said county, deceased, died, seized, there istiotn speedy adjournment of con of ncK of section 22, Iilli townsiiip, le settle and ailjiist all clnlnis ngnbist ESTATE OF MATTHEW KINO, IlEOEASEI), In and to tlie foiiowlng hind, lo wit; Tho southeast •d5 Kiiil ot drain, uradu stake Nn, ltd, wltuessed by Sliilo of Michigan, connty of Iiifham, ss. At a i|iiarter (!4) of the -iMeliMsi ipiarter {}/,) of suction gress it will bo the iiiult uf the republican snld estate, do liereliy give notice tltiit they w-iil swp\\'0 2oniielies, drain bears s .'Wt'," e liid meet for Hint purpose al the homo of,tohn Murray, ?i session of the probate conn for said connty, liehl at No. iweniy.elglii (2H) In lownsliip No. two (2), north Senate. Iks, lUek. 10 liiclics dliiuieter, boars ii 'iiyj^w mile north of ritchhiirg, tlm llrst ineelhig 10 he on the proliate olllce, In the clly of Mason, on tlie -JOtli of rniige' iwo (2) wesi, (Aurelius) In tbo county of " 110 Iks. the :iale,aiid tiie execntion Hiere- .irobatecourt for liie couni.v of ingiinm, coniinis- of granted lo tier, the execiilress mimed in said will, blacks the olhnr, ilepitblicnn platforms opeiiiuiilii dlteli as eonstriieled Ihu uutlre leiiKUi thereof for llie purpose of iilaeliii; Uio excavations ESTATE OE MAIIV TINKER, DECEASED, sinners on ihoeshiie of Phillip Tinker, late of Unn- iiro like u fop oQicer, bein• ' g fo' r dres" s paiade lliereuf. All of the said open main dlleli bulilf; situated lu thu Imviislilp ol Wlilic Oak, Couiily of or some other siiitablo person; kerlilil, in said countv, deceased, to settle nud ndjust liiKliam, Staleof Mlehigan, slakes lieliiK placed aloiijr Iliu center lino nf snld dlleli as follows, lo State of Michigan, county of Ingham, ss. At n ses. Thereupon It is nrdured that tiie Stlcli day ol ull cinims against said ('slali>, do hereby give notice and not act nal service. wll; .Slake al the enimiieiieeiiieiil nnd end llieroof aud al all angles, and also rei;itbir grade stake ifon oftheprobatecourt for said county,hold at Ihe iliiiio, next, ut toil o'clock In llie forenoon, tie naslgii- thai liiey will meet for thai purpiise III tbo resldeiico , at every two elmliis dlslimt the uiilire leniilli, except from griidu slake No, Mio (rradu stake No, ;io prebaleoIIice,ln tho oily of Mnson, on Hie 7lii dny ol ed for Ihe henring of snld iietitioii, and Hint the heirs of Eranh ,McCreory, in sahl luwiishlp of Runkoriilil, Tllua tar the republican eonventinii at the eiiif of drain Is 0,'i links lu tUslanoi!, All of said last named itrtido stakes anil angle slakes are dune, in the year one thousand elglit iiundred at law of s-ild deceased, and nii olher persons Interest- on tho vntU day of June und on Hie JUtli day of ;.,..o,,r„ilio i,„a ir. tin „„,.,.„Ki,, iiiiiuhd'ed sopafittely iiud cousecittlvely ffoui the eoiumeiieemeiit to nnd Inwards the end thereof, and iiinety.two. " : ed ill said estate, nro reiplired to nppenr nl a session Novi'iiiber, 1802, al ten o'clock In Iho forenoon of W l'resenl,Geo. W. Bristol,Judge of probate. or said conn, then le be tiolden in llio prohale ollice. said days. Six inonllij Ireni the itilli day of Mny, innenpohs has proven to be a yerilablo ^,||,|,.,,|,,[,„i|, ,,f't|,c s„id main dlt?di Is7().05elmlusam In tile matter of the estate, of Mnry Tinker, In Hie city of Mason, and sliow cause, if any tliere be, A. 1), 1802,1s the time ilniited for the presentation of benr dance, with adherents of Harrison and Mnrveyed and leveled December 2W and 2ilh, A, U, 1801, ' .lOllN JlcOHUAllV, tale of said county, decensml, ,- why tho prayer of the petitioner should not begrant- claims. L, ii, iMuOREEIlY, Blaine as the chief aolora. Gov, McKiiiley • Surveyor, On reading and tiling llie petition, duly verill(id,of ed; And il ia hirtlier ordered, that iiald petitioner JAMES .11, WIIALLON, nf Ohin wnn plinann nprmnnnnt pbnlrrnnn .Saldjob will ho lotby auctions. The section at tho outlet of the drain will ho let drst, and tho roniainlnB Mary E. Henry, praying that ndiiiiuistratlou of said givn notice to llio persons liileresteil In said estate, of Duted May lOlh, IS02. 2Iwl Comnilsslonors, Ol uiiio, wns oiioaen pLrmanoiii cnairman ^pj,,,,,,, i,, ||,„|r order upslroain,in accordance wllb Hie diagram now on llio wilh IhooUiorimporRportninini! oMato lie gran tod to Joiiii W, Wliailon or somo oilier tiio pendency of said petition, and the hearing tliereol', yesterday nfterilOOIl and the convention nd- lo said drain, in Hie olUce or the County Drain OoinniUsloiior, to which reference may he had hy all parties rtllitaljle person. by ctiising a copv of Ihis order to be piiblislied in tile jotiriied liutii eleven o'clock to day, A hnl* | luterested, and Idda will be made and received accerditiiriy. ContrncIs will ho made with tlio lowest respon- Thereupon itls ordered tliat,llie fitli dny of lNnii.\M COUNTV Dr.Mocii.w, a nowspsper printed and HhorltyH Siilo. i„. ...Ill l,,^.,ll.. u„ i,.„l ....ill .„ I lilble tddder KIVIIIK adeipiato .security for the peiformauce of tho work, in n sniii Uien and thoro to he ILved uly noxt, at ten o'clock In' the lorennon circiiinloil In said comity, three succrsslve weeks pi-e- Notice Is hureliy given, that hy virtue of a lOl will naruiy no roaenea until tomorrow, ,,,0, roservlnKlo myNoir Uio right to reject any nnd all bids, Tho date fer tlie conipletioii of such contract. 10 assigned lor the hearing of said pelltltin, and that loiis to said day of heariiiK, writ of liori facias, iHsiied ont of tho circuit The fight la very bitiorbetween the 13iailie and the terms of payment therefor, slialHioannonncod at the time nnd place of letiinK, Uie heirs at law of said deceased, und uil other per. A truo copy. GEO. W. RItl.STOL, Judge of Proliate. court for tho county ol' Ijgliiiiii, In fnvor niul l-liireionn fanilniio nnil iinnnrii moll fur Notice Is hereby further glviiii, that at Hie time niui place Of said letting, or nt siicli oilier llmo nnd pincc sons Interested In snid estate, arerejiuircd to appear Wll,l,is II, lloiiTON, Probate Register, 2twl of I-'dmonil V, Jolls, agulnsl ilio goods nnd anu llliri ISOll laoiions anu nugura well mi | „,„„„,i„r to wiiich r, the drain comnilPsloner aferesnid, may adjourn the same, Hie assessment for henellls the deiiioeracy, it may continue iiiilil ihe j nt a session of said court, tlien tobolioi)liin In the nro. ohttttels ami real estate of Marion J, I'Vye, in said and the lands comprised witliln tho "Patrick Ooiinly Urain Special Assomnent DIstrlol" will bo subject lo bate otllco.lii tho clly ot Mnson, nnd 8liowi;'a«so,ifany coiiiily, lo Ilie direcieil anil delivered, I did on tho g, 0, p, mny havo to atep out and lake ii|i review. tliorobo,wliy tho prayer of the pel ilionerslion Id not b(i Admlnlntrntor'H Sale. Ilith day of May, 1802, levy npon and tnko nil the 'rlie rollowing is a description of the several tracts or paicelsof land constitntlng Uie spocial assossnitnt a dark horse before hariuoiiy ean bn rencli granted, Aud il is fnrtlierordered,tliatsald peUtloii. ESTATE OE JANE RUSSELL, DECEASED, right, title and Interesi of the said .Marion J, Fryo In dislrici of snld drain, viz; S o of n o)4 of sec 21; n e^ ef n e of sec 21; s w i^of n w sec 22; n w J<; of a of s w J/i of seetlon 10 and 1 iniproaelon nnd firat look ata jjnUont more The doctor ia anrronndod with tho fiaoat and enter N U W of section ll. j Umn all olso,and Dr.Hnrapliroy m never mla- moat extonslvo ooUootlon ot Inatnunonta ovor im- 3 taken in hia dingnoais in imy case. |)ortod to thia conntr; for oznminins and treat- inir all forms nt ohronio allmonta ot the hcad,taae UtielileR's Arnica Snlvo. H 87K° Wi.'Sl 2(1 i Tho doctor's raethode differ markodly from lilid of drain and witnessed by a IMnplo 22 Inches, aya,oar,throat, noee, ohoet-, langa, boart, atomaoh, 'i'he biist salve in ihe world for.bruises, S•IB' IJ 2-vj links, JUekory lo inolios, S 2,5M° W 3 tho general pnujUtionor to all roepoote. liver, aploon, kldnoya, bowels, reprodacUve or­ 1152 links. 9 Kollowlns tho plan of St. QoorKO's Hoapitnl gana, nrlnary organs, brain and nervons ayatom, ci'ils, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever sores, I ot London, ho roRistore every narUeulnr ns poralyeia, rhbnmatlem, aiok lioadaoho, iMokaohe, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns und S to tho pationt'a physical oondltlon and men- tnmora, growthe. Joint dlsanaoB.pllos.hipdjseaao, All of Uie abnve deseribed drain being the main line of Uio .siUd Haywood County Drain anil eolation, akin diseasoe, nlcera and every form of nil skin eriiplioiis, and positively cures piles WIciiigaii "'"^ ^ •*' " '° " township ot White Oak, County ot IiiKliiiui, .Slate of l tal state. Tho oondltlon ot oiioh organ, lo- wnakieae ot eiUior male or female. J cation of any and aU dlsonsed porta, and or no pay required, it is guaranteed to Also a branch drain. No, l,ol the Haywood County Drain, to iio and forma part of Hio said main draini The doctor's epeeUio medloinee go straight to give pet-feet aatiafaction or money refunded, as one eiiliro drain, heginBlng nt grnde stake No, ,i(l, which said grade stake is a stake Nd, 2-1 of said main 0 whether aympnthotio or organic, topother the diAOflsed organ, and can MI plainly fait at 3 with Uie amount and nnturo ot Uio dhioaso, work in tho difloaatid porta very ahortly utter their Priee.'Zoo per box, ' For sale by H, M, drain, and tlio said angle and gniilo stake isslnko No, Oof said hrnncli drain No, 1, which said branch drain S la this way tho entire amoont ot vital eaor- runs tlionce from said stake as follows, to wit: nao is began. Thoy are pleoetuit to tako.mild bnt WilhaniB, Mason, and P.H,Field, IDansville, 3 gioe nre readily oompntod und the restoring aenrohing in aotion, yet agree with the meet deli­ 3 power ot the body menanred ngainat tho cate Indy or oliUd, do not rednoo tho etrengtb,und 1 torco and energy and doatraoUvo cnpabUi- IJEAlthvas, Itods Link Angle can be need while at Uio naoal oconpatlon, ua Will he Given Awny. V, S. aovoriiiiieut and Farm Survey Lines. ] ties of the dieoaao. Thna knowing Uio no- many patienta etiU able tor bard work and oloee Onr etiterpriaiiig druggists, Longyear J tniil condition nt Uio OsBaoa nnd tho offeot attention to bnsinoes are often slowly, anrely, yet i of. apooiiio inodiolnea npon ovory atruotnre Bros,, who carry the linest stock of drugs, imconsoionaly dying, knowing thomaelvee III, yot N riO^» west, S ot the body, unlike moat doctors, ho is ena- dooelyod Into a false eoonrity, thoy proornatlnato perfRiueries,toilet articles, brushes, spongea, N 112° C west, j bled to any poeitively -whether any givon and pnt oft tho matter nntll the oaao is rendered etc, are giving away a largo number of| N'nO» west,., ij oaao ia ourabfe or not nnd oim idao give the incnrablo. The doctor aarneetly reqneata alt per­ 9 npproilmnte time nnd exponae of trontmont, sons ondet tioatmont to writo bim ofton, as ad- trial bouies of Dr, Miles' celebrated Restor- S r.S° fl' west.. S;ii°wesi.... 9 nnd wonid hero point ont the uttor delnslon vioo may be necoeaary weelt attqr wook lii order '1 oheriahod by mnny patients that they onaht to pnah nny givon oaao on us rapidly as poaaiblo, iitivo Neryiiie. They guaranloe it to cure SCO" west.... DR. HOLMM S. HUMPHREY and a good oommon-aenae statement on the part NiiYi' west. 3 to get weU fn a tew days or wooks, notwlth- headache, dizziness, nervous proalratioii, 3 Btnuding the taot that thoy have auifered for ot the patient by maU ia tho next thing to a por- 1< I eleeplessness, the ill ofTeets of spirita, to­ S yenra. Cures After M\ Others Fail. apnnl eonanltatlnn. • sss° west.,.. Seotlpii line between seellons •'.) and 10,20 rods bacco, coifee, etc, Drnggials say it ia ihe S 88° west.,,. ••:C^^iii and 2 links soiiUi of section corner sections 3 Deluya are Uiuigeroua.. VoctB for JUea of oil Asea, greaieat seller they ever knew, and is uiii ami i and 0 and 10. Leave N W K of aeetlou Many dlaeoaoe are so deceptive tlmt hnndroda ore ailing with diio^br- 1(1, KnterN IS .".iot seetlon 0, versnily satisfactory, • They also guarantee i ona, yet ineidloaa mnlndiea, nil nncooacloua ot their tme ooodltiotL By reoaon ot talao modoBty tfie yonth of oar lond are kept In Ignoronbis of die Boriooa reoolta which oofttUn aolitory andindlaoroet prootiooe pro- Ny°'20' west. J Thoy know they ore not well,'bnt are entirely Ignorant ot tha doa«lly : Dr, Miles' New Heart Cure iti ail cases ot 31 20 Section lino sections .1 and 9,31 rods 3 links west 1 fangs fastening npon eome vital organ, which moat sooner or later at- daoo. Theeo vices it perelstod in oventnolly nnderniino the oonatltn- nervous or organic heart; diaease, -palpila. of section corner sections 3 and .1 and n and 111, J terly dootroy them nnloas roacnod by n skilled hand. Are yoo'niHiotod? Uon, Indnoe nervooa debility and early decoy, bvganlc wealinesa, proma- Leave N Iil, 14 of section 0, iJiiter S Ii; y, of S 3 Yonr 0880 may bo ooaUy onrablo now, bnt. remember, every, moment- of tare loaa ot the manly powora, Involantary loss ot vitid Dnida, gonoral lion, pain in aide, smothering, etc. Fine I! K of section J, • j neglect brings yon nearer the day.when im incnrable stage may. aapor- jiroetration, and oft timee imbeoillty and ohranio epilepsy. Of all mill-1 , -boolf on "Nervous and Heart DiBoaaea" lP0^ N a' -itr west, 20 ! vene, whon tlio moat akillfnl phyaloinn can render yon no oaalatimoia.' ndieaaflllatlngmankind thereto probably nono nbont which the com'.' free. . 3 The grMant la ogra. The futnro may lieTOO LATB.': -'•'"•-•""• noQ tomUy doctor in genonil praotioe knows so little, yot no ouSorors - '•, :'.,^^'.i'd>:^ 'lind of drain, 31 rods 3 links west and '20 links need the attenUon ot the experienced apeoialiet msre than these, oa lioro I north ol said section corner ot aeeUoiis 3 and 4 A Lifo of Eiporionco and Opportuntiiy'.';: ., JOrnnUonnesB, or tbc Ijliiiior Unbit, t'osl- wo have to minister to u diaeaaod body, a dlsoaaod mind; and imnirina- , Dr. Hbmphroy'a ontiro lite haa been devoted to'tho'atndy and work tlona lilled wiUi morbid deeirua and feurtnl approhonalons. Dr. Hnm- tivol]' Cured by niliulntsterini; Ur. i nt hia proteeaion, and Is rich In priiotical experien(^eIu hospital, diapeo- BnlnoH' Oolilen Sponlflo. pbrey'a onporaUoIed enooeee with these onfortnnatcs arlaoe not only I sary dnd private practice, and many ot tho traly wOodortnlthingB he lina trom tho fuot of tho moetaoiontlfioand apeoifiomodlcuUon known either It is iiianiifncturod ns a powder, which can hogivon 9 seen and done, U told,.woald rood moro like tiotion th&n sober tmth. in a glass ol boor, a cap of coifee or ten, or in food, ,.it ,^ 1, o ^^.JV.IM^, f w?^i^' '?f i"""'"' laiaonted thereby nnd assessed llierefor,beInK In this or any other oonntry, bat also to tbe-faet ot- tbo direct inHnonoo altnnlcd in tho towi s lip of While Onk and connty of Inghnm, stnto of Michigan. Tiio nbove deicrlhed In the great hoepitoia ot Enrone hie opportnnitioa havo been sooond to ot hia poworfal wilt npon the poenUar mental dopreeaion olwaya found- v-lthonttlieknowlodgeofthopaUont. ItIsabsoluto- no living man's; not only ao, bat he hna thoronghly traveled, and hia ' ly harmless, and will offoot n perinnnent and speedy open main drain and its branch drain is marked ou and along its center lino by grndo stakes, at ennal dis- ,tn anch ouaee, bywhioh he ia enabled to infaae a [xirt ot hia own energy j anceaol ton rods eiioh and nnmhiired consecutively from No,Oat the commencemmit, on and to tlio end views ofllto, disease, etc., ore ao brood urd oosmopoltton that like u ; cnrn, whether the patient Is a moderate drlakor or ftonld or a vandetbllt in railroad bosinosa, he koopa wntoh ot imd ovep- 'into their hopeleea lives.. Wero not all anoh oiiaos held in tho most so-1 nil alcoholic wreck. It hns been given In thonannds tlioreof, Tho abovo described dran and Its biantSi to have an average doptli of not moro than four feet wiili orod oonfideooe the doctor ooald print letters trom thoaaanda ot grute- nbotiom width of om; and ono-hnlf foot, wilh Ita banks sloping outward at an-anglo of fortytlvo degrees looka tho entire medloal world oonatanUy. The moUioda ot MoKonitie, tat paUents who have boon onred. and are today perfect mon, phyaionlly of cnsos, nnd in ovory Inatnnco n perfect curo haa fol- making annvorago width on lop 0 not more tlinn nine nnd ono-hulf foot, together with a atrip of land eight Virohow, Poatonr.'Koeh, Drown Soqnard, M. Borgeon, FothergUl, Bei- .lowed. It ncvor fails, Tho system onco Impregnntcd feet \yide, lying next to and ndjoinhig enoli side of the snid drnin' nnd Its branoli, ns oonstrncteiJ, tho entire nard, etc., ore aa familiar to him oa to thomaelvee, and while over ready and mentally. Dlaoeao or debility ot the roprodnotive organa of either -tvilli the Spocillo, it'hecoinoa nn nttor Impossibility loiiglh ihoreof, for the purpoao of placing the oxcavations thereof, Tho grade hiiba, from wlilcli tliegrado Is to groap and retobi a foot, he holds toat to old frionda tonaolously, and BOX rapidly deetroys the energies of both li'-dy and mind, robs the atop for the Iliiuor appetite to oxist. Onres giiarnntecd, olltlraatod, nro p need nnd driven opposite the rogulnr grnde atnkea tho entire length of the said propoHod miikoa new ones oanUonaly, experience having long since proven that of ita elastiolty, dims the bright eye, palen the cheek, devolopa ooward- dS page book of pnrtlcnlars froo. Address drnin, ^ The written descriptions of the U,S.8urvoy lliioa nud their respective corners aro given imZtlio one old truth woU applied la worth a doaen oonjeotaraa however ploaai- lee,'and often doetroya the brlghtoat mteUeut.: The reprodaotlvetanc- GOLDEN SrKOIiriO CO., 185 Ilaoo St., lend of U. S. Kovornniout nnd farin snrvoy lines and clearly sot forUi and doflno^ tlie place ol entering a id ble. • • • - ' • • ,.•..•,.: „ tion la tbo malnapring ot animal lito-Drosorve It at all hazarda, . Cinolnuati, O. -21yl leaving oach parco and Individual ownership of lands thronghwhloh thosald mnln drnin nnd said bia 101 drnin passes, and tho bonrlngs nnd'distanooa givon lu the survey thhs clearly delino tho Inud to bo tnkiin for tho iiso nnd purposes of tho above described drain. • " miteu lor J Latest Dlaoovorleii and Improvoiuents. tlasao (rfiange In aotno important organ or organs and hervoas dabllity, also for proetatitla. vn- hna taken place as to nfieot tho proper function rioocole andall privatedisonses.'whothorfrom' CoinmlssionorN'Notloo. . : The lines nud bonringa abovo given nre run with roforiince toihotrno gcogrnplilcal morldlnn, the mngnetio I • Dr.'iHnmplirey Is. the only phyaloion who ot said or«m ond finally break down tbo aotoal impradont habits of yoath or eexnal exccaaoa I : ESTATE OP DAVID j; POTTER, DKOEASED, , vuriatloDS being sot oil by tho vernier of the corapnas. 7 • ' "'""*•""'"• 1 has hod tho apeotol odvantogo ot ISaropean Btraotore itself,'.Kvoo In aome oases.when this in mat.ara years, or any oonso that debllltaton ) hoapitnl Btndiea In mloroaoppyot the blood ' Ths undersignod,. having been appointed by the ,. BnrvoyodApr»27th,28lh nnd29th,. 1801. , , JOHN McOREJillY, Surveyor. boa happened vmmuU shiH may stop the de- thoaexnal tanotlana, apoediiyimd [iorDiauont-- land tiaeneB, who carries with him o fall line stioouve operation, stay the inrnoda nf tho dla- ,ly cared. OiasaltatioQ free and btrlotly oon- ' 'tirobato court for tho county of Ingham, commlsaioii- i ot .inatrnments and apparatoa' for making ; cirs on tho estnto of David J, Potter, dooonsod, to sot- eoae, and gWe tha pntfont a oomfortablo and nao- lidoDtiaL Absolate oaree-gauraute^, 1 Mo' S.Btrlotly flolontiflo BinmlnaUonB ot the varlona tat life. Other coeos. It nogleotoil,-after pnssing :, llo nnd ndjust nil claliiu against said estnto, do horoby 1 textnroa ond sooretiona of tho body, ,oo. Uie ?rlakinonrrod. ';• -vv..;;,•„..i.y;^:,v:''J,.';4r j-Ivo nolice that thoy will moot for tliut purpoao at a certain stum, dlo In ajplcs ot all that akill oan I arino, blood, dlaoharges of any kind, cotorrh- do. - Hence it Is not onb' daogerooe to tlotny, bat, Knilopity or FltMaolentlflooUy troatodnnd'L . ' Iho late roBidonce' of doooaBod, in tlio townstilp of 1 nl aeoreUona, etc., eto.i. -wbioh piuminationa Auroliusion tho 8th tiny of July and on tho OtU oftUmes orimlool, for moet all ot oa'Iive tor (PpafUvely oared by a neyor-fuUing method, I ore now oonaiderod IndispeDslble to a correct those wo love, tor more than for onrselves, and ; Porsous unihllUnlly troiU«d .by IgiKiri.' ( • . hlfl opUiion cdiee,', i; DloeiB. tamom, fibrokl' and^ polypoid bility, prematore doolfnn of mimly;powbro',,6 j nnd loom wheUior the dootaiof - hope.?;ore yot growthaoarod wlthonttbo nao of ttie knito or and kindred aflootiona, which havo been one-.i :,.••:',•••' Frobnto Ordur.- I open ot farovor oloued asolnat them.; • ;. ,^ • oMiBtloB.j'No oQtting. oopoin.nodangoc. ;,,:'( lectod or nnakUUally ttelll«I;'•,:^^l-«xlv>ri.'^ ^:',E8'rATE OFrilANKBAna,UKOB48ED,'! ., i '.%ioro cornea a taming point in''Uio ooorae Olunbood I'erfoetJy Bostorod. menta or foilaroa. , PaUeuta trentwl by:;iii:illi:!i i. .Stateof'Mlchignn;county of Ingham; B8,.:Pr6tnto j ot every diaouao; this bmpeolualy^^e^ot^alt ond:modIoinoB,'Bont;by cxpn«aiV,Pei'Bim'.'.;GS court for said county, i'v Qoiolc, poliilora and oo'ro tni- impotbaoii; • oonsaltolion preferable. ^ We gaariiatoe cur-i-'j' .W.;'.Estate of FrankHarr.lnto of aald county, doooaaod, I oambloa'p^toa^rtalntltaoit^ aooh inet manhood, eponnatorrhaia;: losses.: weaknoaa bIo,0OflOBv"'''','-:;-::i,:.i; ,••.•::' '---b,::-'; ,)'': :Kotioo Is horoby, given, that, Loonn Barr, ndmln- Dated UIO 28tli day of May 1802 oi 0 W BIIISTOL Judge of Piobitc .' •. aalratrosa of aalil' oatato, hnii, Hied hor ttDnl: ho^ 1 ,-Froo UrlnulyBla (Bxombittrtnnot UrIae).7-AU poraonB anffuring with obeonre daioMos. nr Boapocted kldnoy aftooUona. wonld do well to bring I "'"«onnt' and- that I.hnvo-nppoiDtoil tho STtli day of I from two to toaroanoOBot Uio flrat arino noBscd In tbo morning for oxamiiwiUon. Whiio Dr. iHnmphroy'B pormonent nddrcea:; la- Chlosgti; III..'" '-••f;«runo Inst.at ton:o'clock',in;,lho foronoon.mt tho I owing to tho largo nnmborolpstlontB In SotithernMIijUwnana Hortiiewtotn todloDuaod Ohio.' ho law looBtod u brunoh iiffloeand dlspeniini? At'i rotate oDloe, IB,gald county, ng the Umoof lioarlng 1; iThB-'greate8t:;worm,:deatroyer on earth I HilIedulo,Ulohisim, whore till kittorBticm this aootloaoeA bo iiddrawed Ji>okbos 823, ' 18 Dallam 8 Great - Germon'Worm Lozen- Bated Juuo8>I892,'-:^>-,M^';ii^;','K:'i-;i.';,;,-?t:/-^:,i\.!i-d: LEQAL BLANKS ' pgr All lottora luoloittug stumpfor postttfie unswenid froo.. An.oorreepondonoo'fuul oooBultiktiiMilaalrloteBt oonadenoe: i ii"^ 1 aiwZ GEO W UniBTOL Juilgoof IrobntB', gerB,,only,i5'oeut8 .per. boa.For sole by 1. iViuH 0 DoUTON, Proliato Bogiitor ., ETalplpnd L mi leur Folbs nnti Oar Folks. Clr.ciilt Coiirt. TME CKILEKKATEO Mrs, i, Boollo wis In Loallo yeslorday, The following hiisiness has hpoii imns- A, L. Webb of Detroit, spent Sunday in tlie city. acleii sineu our Inst publication : Sfli Of a L8St SpriDi usttfiet/iin^. 8.1), Pilto returned to thia city last Monday uiglit, ISSUltS OK KACT, lITilBiBICA 108 anil 110 Washington Ave., oils Fnllor of St. Johns, was in Iho clly yostordav. Lester ,S, Builson vs. Wlllliini .Saltir-trespass I on the case, Dotenilaiit allowed 30 days Iiiitlnir Clly Olork Uluuian of Lansing, was In Iho city lu«t lltllo in wlileli 10 sottle bill of tjifuiillons fur | Friday, sniireiiie ooiirl lioarliiK'. Oh f]owchea^. lilcnnor KUIIOKK VS. Jli'irlti I., (•oloiiiiin-lrov- liANSING, MICH. Mrs. R, U. Galley Is In Delroll tills week house or. Trial roiuiminet'il l''ridiiy, Willi vvrdlot of huntlns, Onward the seasons jog; S'.'.ma UBilast Colomau, wliureal .MerrlU "pro- Lar^e size.. J, V, Lockwood, flu|iorvlaoro f Meridian, was ia tlie fanelU.'' . The months' race ran on in train; I oil]' laat Monday, •folin I, Ciirpeiller vs. lillifiilfje Wooil-slaniler, , Onler ciitcrwt rwiiilrliig iiliilniltt to Hie seuiiriiy April was wrapped in fog, Mrs,Wallo Olickner visllod Mrs, E, M, Parks al for costs wltliln l'.s days frnm .liinu Itti, |,0W JDrice/ 1,000 YARDS I Jacksou last week. •foliii Abbott VK, I'Vaiik ClialVuo-lre.siias.s on AndMay was drenclicd with rain. the ease. Dofonilaiit l.s urailled his iiiolluii to Miss MiKKlo nnd 0. P. Lindilay of Alaiedon, speul oxtenil time lo .liiluj llilli fur liliii lo rcninvfi ca.su Sunday in Jacksou. lo supremo court. I Our suniiner comes incog ; ,liliae5 J, llalnl vs, ('oiilral Mielilcaii Aur'l So Misses IClttIo Kice aud tine Itoystoii s|ient last VVe hardly know the thing; bu Want it» M'cok with friends at Ionia. elely-as.iiiiiipslt. Slay ot jiroeei-dluKS eulweil . „, allowliiR plaliiUir uiilll lir.st day ot next term tn Vyp'we rertniiilv slitmeH .n rncr A, II. harliOB, a proinlnont liorsoninn ol Arlnnd, reiiiovewisu to supreme court under Acl'J7d,law.s * , ccicaini) Slippta a COg Choice Styles. lo YartJs for waa iu tho clly last Saturday. ot 1887, „ , ^ , ,,, ,, , vVe vc .skipped a spring, II. M.McOloyandilaUBhtorand A. lilll of Sloct- Ooorgo 11, Harris vs. Georijo A. Woodtord- I ' ' i fa trosimsson llio mse, Dcteiulaiit Is gninled a bridge, wero iu tho city last Monday. turtlier stay ot procwidlngs until seeoud ilayof RY If. 43 cts. iCeariioy Oils haa returned from Shullz, Unny next term of court, I county, and la working for B. B, Nnyca, 'i'liomits Keating vs, M, 0, Ii, li, Co.-lrespass on tliu case. .Iitdge I'crsoti takes case trout jury S/C rOR IT, Mayor noinaiii wni In Loallo, Elves Junction and on account of slalillont lliiiitations and al taslt On .Iccount of the above (unsea­ I Jackson last Kridny upou legal business, reiiiicst of iilaliitlll's coini.sel sii that iinesllons can ho sullied lu Biiproiiie cnttrl at less oxponsp. sonable weather), Twenty Pieces Fine Imported , Rev, Napoleon Smith attended Oio Jackson Daptlil Will, T, I.iuiieraiix vs, Wllliains&Coburu, wool I Asjotlatluu at Alblou last Tuesday nnd Wednesday, buyers, for commissions, is ou irhil, , IIon,0, F.Barnoaof LansinK, wniio tho city last CllA.NCKItV. I Thnrsdiiy nnd wltnosied the test of our water system. Lewis C, 'Webli v.s. Ailii'i'iiylor.otiih-torcciii.s- iire, Oeoree iind order ot siilegraiiki(ltur.?S!i,';.n7 S, p. STROUD & CO.,j Misses Maine Henderson aud Maude Mohan attend­ with sale any tlinn after .Ian. 1,18!i3, ed Ihe Held day exercises and rocoptiou nt Iho M. A. Oriln llcdglon vs, i.uey I', llcilgloii-dlvorco. l^I.tNon, - n]iclilir.iii. O, last week. Dooreo granlod, giving faUier custody ot two Mrs, \V. W. Torwllllger of Jackson, waa called to minor clitidroii, Arlliur and (Jlmrlos A., and that Fcntonvllle last week by Iho death of hor father, wife siiiill not marry again wit lliu two yeitrs from Elegant Styles and Newest Coloi-s, Phillip Kidney. dale of decree, .Tune 2d. 1 (Ion, V. Stanllcid vs. .Susan \'\ .Slaiillold-di- including Opera-Sltades Orla Cannon and Miss Addlo Mellon of Mason, vis- vorcu. Ueerou ^nulled dissolving luiirrlligo and Itfd at J. J, Jones' Satnrday.-Dlmoudale Item In iirevoutliig Susan froiii niiirryliig iiKaln tvlliilti for evening wear, Cliarlotto Leader. two years. Kllii ItlcD vs. Oco. W. niec-divoveo, Decree Will offer for the Next 30 Days J.W. Clark, A.J. Halljand K, A, Tyler attended graiileil tor failure tosiipiinrl and iiinvciiling WORTH 85 CENTS, tho Jackson Baptist Association al Albion last Tues­ (leorge from iiiiirrying tigaiii fol: two years frniii their entire stock of Oldest and Stronijosl Stale and Savings Bank day and Wednesday, ,luti«;id, in the City, J, O. Klininol, Jr,, oama'hoiiio from Omaha Inst Sat- Catiieiiiie Cressoy vs. Samuel Crossoy—dlvoreo., To close the line we offer them at unlay night, Uoluteiidiitoinnkea month's stay with Deercn grantcil for cnioity and liilliirc losiiiiiiort. his parents and friends. and giving wife tiio eiistodyuf .Siiiiiiiol, jr., Kiltio 1!„ ftlary 1,. and Steplieu ii., iiiiil iircvoiillng CAPITAL, $76,000.1 John \V. Wliallon of Fllchhurg, was In tho city last Samuel frnm iiiitrryliiK iiKiila wllliln two yoars. 54 cts. I TlnirHday, lie was very lanio, caused by running a Minnie K. lirnoUs vs. KroiLJ. llruoks—divorce. I rj Sflois, M. D. OnATTKllTON Presldout | I wire nail into his right foot. Ileci-eu granted for cruelly iiliil iioii-siiiniorr, and L.O.WKnn Vlco-rrosident wife given custody of cliUilron, Dovlllo, violet | Mr. and Mrs, A, N. Austin and Mr. and Mrs. A, 0, and llolland, J.M.DUKJSKI! ..Caslilei Lyon weio guests of the family of L, II. Frcaliour of I Aurelliis township, last Sunday, 1 11' CdBUium Coiniell I'nincetllugs. , Secretary Uanihdl nf the Lansing Improvement I I IIIJIF d nierest Pjld on time Gertifioales of Deposit Company, was In the city last Friday and disposed ol' | Linen Gliambraf I several lots In dm Oreen Oak iiddltlon, .MAY HO, 1,S!)2. loB^cco G. F, Hart of Tiicoma, Wnsli.,ft brother ot Mrs. O' Council met. There hoiiiK no quorum | MONEVTOLOAN. COME AND SEE US. Worth 35c, at L. Ileollo, visited her .Uonday nnd Tuesday of this present conncil adjourned for ono week. I week, lie has many friends iu the city, e\/er oifered for J. C. Fi.VGERLE, City Clerk. Dlreolors-D;'p. Wliltmnro, L. O. Wobb, J. K II. N, Miller waa homo from Albion College tho hit] | Elmer, Geo. W. Bristol, II. M. Wllliains, Harper I lor part of last week. A portion of the lliiio ho at Heed, M. D. Clialterton,J. M. Dresser, O. 0. Hunting­ 19 cents. I tended Held day exercises at the M. A. 0. MASON, June C, 1892. At .such Low Figures that we are ton. ',. Couneil mot, and was called to order liy ] Mosdamos Oertnido Camiibell ami W. L, Clark wero confident wo can please you. I In Ann Arbor the fore part of this week, Mrs. Camp- Mayor Hemans, bell wont to make arraiigeinents for attending the Pruseiil, Aids. I3rnwn, Drew, Millbury, j I medical department of the Unlvorslly. Sinilli, Thorburn nnd VaiiSlylte, GO TO THE Mrs. O. O. Caso nnd dniighler Ilohy arrived at lias- Tha ininutes of Inst ineotiilg iifinii loll Park, May 'iTth, whore sho will spoiiil about two boitig read were approved, Bill FBI ills! months with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, 1). V. Binltli. Mrs.Case'left Bucoda, Washington, Mny IBth,coming through Citliforiila and slopping olPat several places uEPoiiT (IE o(.i.\t.\tiTn;Es, I Intending to start for the East- of liiteresL She wHl visit hor cousin, Mrs. Ilattlo' The finuneiieomiiiitteoivpnrtod hack il)i'crn markets in a few day.s, to niak I-Iemstitciied Effects, Reduced to I Smilh, at Onondaga, who Is very 111 wllhconsninptlou. lollowtng claims and recoiuinendcd their j largi e purcliasc, s for_ r. next fall, our During tho past wook S, 1), Mnddon has boon visit­ allowaaoo as lollows i ^Quf de^jer t^aslt ed by reliillves who reiiresont live Ronorntlona, Ills D ,'Southwtck, I'I nlglits on sircot 8 IS 1)0 Summer I..ight Weight Dress grandiiiotber, Mrs. Silas Madden of Mouroo county, 25 cts. N, a. Payne,ono tap and drill d 6I| (Two, 'fTNZEn oaiiv/d £ N, y„ Iier danghter, Mrs. M. Yangolaon of Jackson, IJ. Gregory, frulght and draying 1 37 Goods, consisting of Challies, PKO'S,,L her daughter, Mrs. LIbble Allen of Lukovlew, Mich., II, K, Cobiiril,aorvlcosns engineer for iiioiitli Lawn.s, Outing Flannels, Prints, fn Ihe Paddock Block, for hor daughter, Mrs, Frank Kellogg aud her llllle of May , fiS 00 I daughler of Jaokson, One night last week Ihoy all, Phillip KIce, unloading I car coal,.,,,. d 770» Sateens, Laces and Hamburg Edg- iiicupl the groat groat granddaughter attended tho Detroit Lend Pipe Works, brass goods 3o0 (1e"0 I . ,, 1 , . . . '^ I opera lioiiso. illsgi'aiidiiiother is 1)1 years of ago and Coluinliiis ,V niicking L'oal ()o.| 1 cur nut nnd Ul .If. It was tiio Ural time she ever wltnessud a piny. Michigan Central R. 11, Co., freight on car of ings will be sold strictly at cost By the Quart, coal , 96 price. Great bargains in all de­ Dentil Lores a SliIuBig Murk. J, T, Campbell, aji; days un board of review,, 7 (111 Can or Olsli. 36 in. wide. Fast Colors, at M, A. Dement, RJ.!;, days on board of review... 7 00 partments. Call and see. Died, at her home in southeast Vevay, Stephen Harper, ii'ork In cemetery „ 2 fiO Saturday evening, Juno 4111, Delia M., wife Clinrles Ilrailoy, work lu coiiiotory 3 12 .1. G, Ivollv, work tn cemetery,,. 3 16 12'- cts. of Luoius E, Olds, aced 'H years, Mrs, J. 0. Sipiiers, work In cemetery and as soxton S IS Warm Meals S LunnfiES Olds was tlio daughler of Joseph and Dolly I •'• i'- ii'arinoii.wor•k •in cemoio'ry,, 3 12 P.l,,,.,. Sl,„ ,e„= 1.^. l,„ ,„„,.,.),•,„ Whiting, work In coiuetcrcometc, y 3 12 Cliaso, She was born in the township in n. W. Aseltine, work Inconiotcry 1 (iO ai flII Hnurs, which she died. Beautiful in life and G. L, Barnaby, nnd men on street ',10 3S I 3III-7 WiiHhinK;ton A in., r.miHiii(,', Hilch, ehiiracter, rich in all tho graces that go to G. L. Barnaby, and men ou street t.'i 01 Thorough, well-trained, piacllcnl, Oneni Ihe lin-- S, P. Strond, 'I woiilis dura In building associa­ THE - FAIR, ostsiiitea of rooms lu llie eoiinlry, and a large, wide ' mako tho finest typo of lovely womanhood. tion for heirs of 0. O. Swai 8 20 awake faculty, Depnrtnienls: L'eniniercliil..°lMirlliand, Her friends wero only limited by iier ac Alva M.0niniiilna,,3i^jdiiyson board oli'uvlew 7 llll All Kinds of Home Made 'rypewrUiiig,ElociittitnniiilOralnry,Niirninl, Pen mnn- quaiataiicB, After three aud ono half years Paddock v'^ llendersuii, electric llglitliig tor ship, E.vpenses low. In.n't deciile lo go elsewhere • inonlb ef Way 11)1 07 Sherman Block, Mason, Candles Pure and Cheap. until yon linvo sent for onr year bunk. ol happy wifeliood, she had gone to be with S. I). Illadilen, for time of iiioiiibors of depart- Slyl \V, A, JOtIJISON,V.anai;i>r. tho babo slio never saw on earth in the niontinnkingtost ID 75 Headquarters for Fruit, Nuts, summer land, Slie was buried from the Moved and supported that the roport o family residenco at '2 p, m, Tuesday, Rev, the Qnanco committee be accepted and Tobaccos and Cigars. Women are Slow J, A, Barnes olBoiating. Her beautiful adopted. Carried. Yens, Alda. Brown, Mason Blarkets. oftcntlinoB to adopt a good thing, but form WHS tenderly born from the desolate Drew, Thorbura, and VanSlyke. Nays, home by six youiifr ladies and deposited Millbury and Smith. Oorrooted ovory Tliuradny mariiins, nUAlN. Remember, we bake ]5read, Cakes in the Kirby cemetery. Tile attendance On motion the city surveyor was instruct WIlKAT,]lod,Ko.2, porbushel ® 85 Men are Quick was the largest ever witnessed in the com- WIIIJAT, White, No. 1, por bushel m 83 ed to make a survey, profile and estimate of WllBAT,Whlte,No. 2, por bushel @ 78 and Pies Every Day. to try nnd toiiannnyniliiK llintwlll Mpthem. miinity. The warmest sympathy is felt for a grade heginning at McRohert street on Lcaru a leaaoii from tho men, ladlefl. WHEAT, liejeotod fj Mr, Olds in this peeuliarly sad allliotion. Ash street, running west to intersection of llYE ® OA'I'S, per bushel... ; 30(eK The Responsibility West sireet, thence on West street running I oSiiS^,Sedii^r humlVmC:;:;;;: m Hoyt Bros, aro aelliae oil aud gasoline iiorlh to iColumbin street. Carried by yoas OLOVEUSKKi), per busnoi @ SHULTS, for many a poor baleli of Jtread Is cimrgcd ta for 8 cents per gallon. * ' as follows• •• ' ! Aid, Brown, Drew- , Millbury- , ' TIMOTHY SKKD,por bnahel 1 00@1 76 Proprietor, the dour, when It really bclDuga to poor yeaat. aaouiiiiias ANU I'lioviaioHa, Smith, Thorburn and VanSlyke, Nolice the change of ads. of Hoyt Bros., 8ALT, Saginaw, per harrni 1^1 00 On motion Goo, Acker be appointed nUANS. Unpicked, per bushel „,1 00@1 20 I grocers, and Burnham & Co., dry goods POTATOICS, per bushel @ 2,1 I dealers, Jjanaing. diief ol Mnaon ii'iro Departiuoiit lor the FLOUH, por lOOpounds, 2 00@2 40 WALTERS' Wl ETA Lie are made from the ensuing yeur. Curried. Yeas, Aid, Brown. nUOKWHEAT FLOUn.porlOO rounds ®2 60 best braiiils of roof­ I'he graduating e.teroises of tho Dans. Drew, Millbury, Smith, Thorburn and EQQS, Fresh,poruo/.on (3) 13 ing Tin Plain, and BUTTER @ 12 SHINGLES steel slinots gnlyan-1 j ville high scilool will lake place at tho M, 1.VanSlyke, LAltI),iierpound @ 7 Izcd, Yon ciiii buy P, church next week Friday evening, com | On moliioi n Jack Fowler bii iippointed a 1 A"pi'L'i5s',Driod,porponnd• • - . 3 them painted or not. Oiir Galvanized .Slilngles nre rain and rust proof, wltlinntthii necessllvof painting, monelng at eight o'clock. member of fire departmen(Icnurtmonlt ton filfilll vacancy. Pl!AOIIE3,Drlod, pel-pound... 10 l,IV«aTO0i; AKDMsAT, Oiir painted Tin Hlilnglea aro more dnrable and orna- Tlie hand boys have decided to give a Carried, Yens, Aid, Brown, Drew, Mill­ OATTLH,por 100 pounds 2 6a®'i 00 mental than it Is possible to make a tin roof, put on bury, Smith, Thorburn und VanSlyke, BEEF, Dressed,perlOO peuuda 3 0U®6 00 In the old fashioned style. Write for prico list It, j lawa social upon the court house square noaS.porlOOpounda H O0Si).| 26 Till) 17atIoail Choot Motll Soofins Co., next Thursday evening. Turn out and On inoliou tho clerk bo inslructod to i'OBK, Dressed, por 100 pounds 4 76ffl6 00 inw2(l _ 9 Olllf St., New York, | I give tbo boyn a liberal patronage. proeure one-half dozen spanners. Carried, IJAMS,perponnd 8l3 10 On motion a coinmitteH ol three toaot in SUODLDEIIS,por pound ® 7 —_J OniOK]!NS,DroBBOd, per pound I.... 8® 10 We have not and do not intijnd to sell ,. • t ,1 .. T , • , I Uii iuji.J',i,o,^/ruDnuii, per nonou...... : 0 I our oil and pasolino wagon. Wo aro not conjunction with tlie city clerk in regard to oniCKi!Ns,Llve,perpound ® I ill llio ring. Live and let live is our motto, Iho purchasu of drinking fonntaitiD and |TUiiKEy8,LiTii,porpound....Tt)BKKYS,Dreasod, per poun_d „, iiaii.BiNa MATnniAi,. '*lf CiiAPiy & Co, • water tanks for public use. Carried. Yeas, WATER LTMK.perburrtl @1 60 Aid. Brown, Drew, Millbury, Smith Thor- CALCINED rLASTUll, por barrel 02 60 Yesterday afternoon while playing in buru and VanSlyke. Such onmmittee con­ PLASTEKtNGUAlK,perbnshel 0 30 I the yard a little eightyear-old daughter of aEIINGLES,portlioiiBiind 90®'3 76 sists of Aid. Brown, Drew ond Millbnry. Ezra Bianehard o( Alaiedon, fell over a LIME,Oood,perbarrol „ ® 76 On motion council adjourned until Juno LATH ,porM.foot .4 60®6 60 board and broke her right arm, Dr, Cul- Olh, 1892. J. C. PiNOERLB, City Clerk. I vor attended her, ^ The water boord has not taken action ]g;:h ALWAYS GOOD and always raady. Mills Dry Goods Co, make'an announce Horso Jfotos. I upon the official test held last Thursday. Jt'-Jit-SJife'^i ' •• '^''^ "'° '"•nm/.aad help meat of warm weather dress goods in their H. J, Donnelly takes pride in a fine yourself, as a man Vvonici.' space this week. You will find many new I£KV'' ''' Greenbacks colt fouled by » Ben Harris W, D. Landfair of Vovny, died yesterdny ||v(ji;''.'AtyourOrociir'a. styles this season from which to select. mare. forenoon at eleven o'clock of paralysis Special inducements nnd out prices are : . Last Mond.ay L. C. Wobb shipped one Funeral services will be hold at his lale ofFsred you, • mare to Saginaw to bo bred to Spli.inx and I'esidence to morrow.. Following is the program of the Ingham another to Battle Creek to be bred to Pilot Oounty Pomona Grange; to be held at Medium. , Card of Thanks. Felts' Grange flail, on Friday and Siitur County Cjerk J. P. Rouse haa purchased I desire to extend ray sincere and heart­ day, June lOand 11, '92, beginning Friday of Turner & Dodgo of Lansing, a hand- felt thanks to those who extended aid and 40 DOZES, ot 7:30 p. m. in secret session, for tha tran- some browa filly, Princess, by PocahontaPoca s sympathy to me during my recent aflJiction.' saction of business and conferring the fifth Prince2:21.21,^K, Also to the M. E. choir and those who SAMPLES FHEE, ''.'.'''-'I degree: furnished the beautiful floral offerings. L. C. Webb is the possessor of a fine For Sale and Guaranteed by I Saturday, OiSO a. m.. LONOYEAll BROS, filly by Sphinx 2:20i, out of May Woirgon . LnoiUB E. OLUS.' I Song. Prayor. er, by Strathmore, by Hanibletonian 10; KBSiiy-Tliroo Bnlos of Success, . i; j o „ no « , n I Vi'ns ])lsgtisl«d . MiBB Klla Binding, White Oak first dam, Mary S, '2-.28, by Alcantara 2:23; With the learned doctors after swallowing ERS mTv..,,L ; m li'™'second dam. Lady Carr, by American Clay, ::v.;:s':::fi The Fanner and His Ilonie, J. B. Webb, W Hams on „i„,t,„„ „/• |i„„„ ;,. i;„, ,rL cii their costly medicine'in vain for over a I Salary or cominlBSinn to good' mon. I'aat selling I liecltation, . . LauraoilI,FItolibiirK °' '""^''8'' ally OQIU- year for the relief of catarrh in my head, j Imported SpeclalUes; also full line ; Dinner. • bines the blood of Green Mouafoin Maid, when loured myself by using six bottles of " ODAiiANrEBD.KUiisKRy's'rbnK'.';- ' • Sutnrdny, 1:30 r. in. : Waterwitch, Alma Mater, Lady Carr and Sulphur.Bitters. My wife is -now taking ISlocU laltlng to live replaced fi'uo.'. 7M'W 116wl3, R. D, Laelchford ,t (^o., Rochester, .S'.Y. The^irannor vs. tho Mechanic, K. B.Dowoy.FitchhurB Sprite, five brood marBB which have pro them for riervous debility.—;Abiel Corter, The Grange, " •. J. U. Fo'rstor, Willlomston duced 2<1 performers with ridcords of '2:30 Parker Biiatnn.' irii Bocltatlon-Tho Escape, May Grimes, White Oak or bat lor HOUII'B. Uot Watorns nn Insootioido, Q. O. Davis, Agr'i Ooli ' Very JHiich.Suri)rise(L 7mm I Essay, . . Mra.O. B. Wiley, Alaiedon The annual meeting of the Pioneer Ihayi) boot) allllctod withnoiiralgln^for nearly two m:7m Tho publlo aro cordially Invited to atload and take Aoars, iiaving tried physicians and all known rem-' will losononeot Its popularity tvhilc under tho IWILCOX& TYLER, part In tho discussion, Geo, II. Proctor, Master, Society, Will DC held in this City next Tues- edioa, but found no permanent: reliof until I tried a managementol its present Dropriolors, Dansyilloi flarria P.MulIolt, Loctntor, Willlamston; davi : It is expected'thilt this will: be the bottio of Dullam's Groat German Llnimoqt and It OarrloM. Uovens, Soorelory, ritciburg, • ' ,.,„ot „„, v. i,i AII gave mo Inatimt and permanent relief. 2S cents por iFrEsh, Sail and; SmnkEd _L ; . , I most interesting ever held, All arrange­ liottlo. Signed, A. B.flNEf,!,, Hamilton, Mich,, April n, 1801.'. For aale byO, W. Halstoad .t; Son, : ; Marriage LIconsos. ments ate eotnplete' to warraiit this; In- m7m0 ; Jatead of tha usual dinner, an old fashioned : • '. Mll^ auli IlYcr Pills, baaket picnic will be held on court house Thefollowing marriage: licenses, have Luare,^; Tables, seats, tea and coffee.will Aotonanewprincple--^reeulolethe liver, They always keep the Very Ohoicoat of AllKlnilB been granted since our last report:; i; , , be furnished by the society: Everybody is Btoiraoh and bowels through the nerves. A of L : ,,Namo and Residence, ;,v,^^ ' Ago inyiled;to briilgOOTll fiiled-luiichvlbasket. now dis(30very; Dr.,Miles' pillsspeedily Cures oure bilioiisnees, bad taste; torpid liver, piles ind' oohstipalioh.; ,; IJhec['iialed' for.men,- FrEsh^Salt Meaf s. Mary unollonbook, Onondaga; womoii, :ohii(lren;.,SIn'alle8t,•mildest,sureBt.• Curl Blanlieoburg, tiansiDg;..., 23' boSefi: •• Mr.ondiMrs.-J."H." 'ahufer atid 50 dosed, .25,ceutfl.: .Sainples free ot Long- Panlona Latka, Lansing... Mr;:n:ii:(iMrs;p;^C;'Smith.-;;.Tbem yeor,Bros.' ''^'V'p'r ::;•!,V'^-'.,• |;;25yl'?f: I Clinrtes W. Olark, lanBiDg...... ^ ^i^iltictlish Spavin'Lh "^tjjpr-General; HousehdIcI •Use.l v^^'juSi^t^eM!^^!^^!" islng.;...;..;.'.'. ^ Cash for Hides and Felts soft oir'/oallouBe^^ Holoh A.GitibB,0DOQdagB.M.'.'.,.;i.'. h(ir8eB,bl6od 8^^^^^ ney;;;riii(t;boniyBlifle8,''6pt^(ilns^ ^•^m^T^'MM^I W^!^7i^7&0-mi7ii ^ newly $20 per box. As imported tin Ago hoard of reciprocity, that friend of P. TOPICS' OF THE TBfES. countrymen to arms, like the French | THE SHODDY INDDSTKY. plate is soiling for botwoen ?i5 and $ts the farmer whloh was to opon up now INCREASE OF CIRCULATION. "Marseillai.se," or, like our own, de­ por box, it is safo to say eithoi that this markets for his produots in those tea, PortlioJUunthorSIuylt Aiununta to SOi- A CHOICE SELECTION OF IN­pict a banner floating amid • bombs WOOLTARIFFS BRING IT GREAtiTn plate company Is not ostablishod up­ coffee, sugar nnd hide producing regions 437,08S-T«tttl Is S24. 77 I'er Cliplttt. TERESTING ITEMS. on a sound econoinlo bais or that tho of; tlie earth? Is it • possiblo that this The 'Treasury Department's monthly bursting in air. As music for tho PROSPERITY. era of tin plat« osaggeratloii is not yot "new cornor etono of protection" is mis­ Ikinimcntii and Orltivltiua JIused Upon statomont of changes in the circulation Sabbath they are essentially out of past, behaving so oxtenslvoly and betraying shows a conslderiiblo not incronso dur­ Uie Hupponlnea uf the DBjr-Ulsturical place. To substitute them for tlie rroo TCnol U'oidil Ito Its Cerlnln Doiith— 'That the duty on tin piate is a tax Is tho (rust ot its ardent supporters? ing tho hist month, There was a and Hovrt NotoH. Boniu Tin I'lalo Jfiicls and Fuiiolos—Mo- certillod lo by every iiuiubcr of the Iron dooroaso of $U,',132,559 In United instruction and intellectual pleasure KInlcy's Aucount CoMtlniied—Now KIIB- Age; e, g., on page 910, of May 12, we nobit Tboao to JInKlnlny. States notes, $039,I'M in na­ _,TiiE New Yorlc World is getting to be conferred upon hosts of persons luud J'nrnierii LVlvun Out liy tho Tiirlflii. find 10 coke lin, l'lx20, quoted at $j.;iO, It will bo remembered that tho tional bank notes, $457,533 in boastful because it \s nine years old. On UiG opposito page wo lind this sumo by the opening of the Fair would bo Molvinloy bill wns to boom business, standard silver dollars, and $97,189 in; Though only about the same age as Jlloro .Slioddy than Wool. grade quoted in London at $2.94, leav­ subsidiary silver. On tho other hand both illogical and foolish. ing a difference ot $2.ati in favor of for­ raise wages, kill trusts, oto. 'Tho follow­ Thoro cnn bo little doubt that Iho tlioro was iin Incroaso of $5,50(5,902 In the Grant monuiaeatfuiid itls a good eign consumors—just about tlio amount ing fow of tho more than ono hundred I American people wear more shoddy than Treasury sliver notes, $3,581,610 in gold REi'OiiTthat the Prince of Wales is of Iho MoKlnley duty. As wo consume Itoins ou tho debit side of tho MoKlnley deal bigger. do the jiooplo of any other country on certificates, $3,520,000 in currency oer- about 7,000,(100 boxes a year wo uro Uix-^ account for nnotlier week show how tho liable to fall a victim to cancerous tho face of the globe. Hero aro a fow lliloatos, $1,295,708 In gold cortlllcates, ing ourselves at tho rate of about $60 bill is getting lu its work: W. K. A''ANDKitiin;r's cottage at tliroiit is likely to (ind quiet cred­ of the pi'ools of tills statement, and $2(19 in silver certlilciites, 'This ' ]ier day to provide work for a fow hun­ Jluy 15. 'To th(? roport that nil tho shows a net increase during llie month Newport, upon which over $250,000 1. According to tho census stutlBtlcs ence tliroughout Europe. The hered­ dred iaborons, many of whom havo been innnors of tho United Slates have signed of $8,437,98J, The total clronlutlon of has been exi)ended, is nearingcomple­ of 1880, tho ititiil amount of raw lua- imported for work in (his new industry. an ngroumoht lo curtail production CO itary taint that lias sent SO many of tcrlal consumed in tlie manufacture of tho country .luiio 1 is placed nt $1,020,- 'This is what our protectionist statosiucn per cent, for the next four months by per oaplta circulation of tion. Mr. Vanderbilt is said to be a his stock to the grave has assumed woolon goods was -lO-l,000,0(10 "pounds, 010,229—a call a good investment and point to with shutting down all tanneries for two or moro than Juno llrni believer in tho "love-in-ii-cot- Aftor reducing wool to a scoured basis, $24,77, $115,278,509 1, various forms in the family. In some pj.'ido. months. 1891, Tlio changes in tho circulation ot wo find that only 118,000,000 pounds of tagc" theory of human happiness. it has alTcctcd the brain, tennlnat- May 17. 'To the report that Carnogio, , during May, to- puro wool woro consumed, 'This shows Asrlculturo aiid tlio Tarlfl". Pliipps .fc Co., Carnegie Bros, .fc Co, and various kinds of aniountmonoy s In circulation ing In in.sanity, the present einpcror that the composition of woolen goods SoMj5 Of the New York newspapers "Our civilization rests upon agricul­ tho Keystone nrldgo Co. will eonsolldato | getiioJune r 1wit, arh eth eshow aniounn Iin tho following promising to add another to that mado in 11)80 was 108 parts of adulter­ ture. 'Jo It every slrong state must July 1 under tho niimp of "'Tho Carnegie tables: that have been the virulent enemies ants and 118 parts of pure wool, Tho group, In others it has been scrofu- look, not only for broad, but in largo Stool Company," 'The combined onpital of the World's Fair would now like census of 18110 shows (liat the number of nioasuro for men who are to uphold Its will bo $10,700,000, It will bo the chiot May 1,18115. •Tuno 1,1892. lous; In others epilepsj'. Tlie duke pounds of jjuro wool used had iiiereasod (iold coin $ 407,C16,l>«li $ 103,011,067 »'to undo what they have done society. Wo have won und maintained ot the groat iron and steel coneo.rns and l}taudard silver dol­ Of Clarence and Avondale was one of to 12-1,000,000, and of shoddy, cotton, our institutions In peaoo and war by tho will make it easy for all lo 'sustain lars 67,ri,M,l57 67,090,925 amiss." It is always uphill work, the victims to its malignant fertility. and other adnlloraiitB from 100,000,000 aid of tlio sturdy citizens who wore born present high prions and exorbitant Subaldlnry allver (15,8:i3;li2;l 1)2,730,331 pounds in 1880 to 151,000,000 pounds in Gold oertfUoatOH ir.ll,7i;i,l!li!l 167,2116,200 and in this case mighty little time and broil upon farms; thoroforo itls the profits, Sliver oortllloates.... ;i'n.'j«ii,«Iifl 317,2(10,1115 The dukeot Albany w.as another. The 1890, thus giving a ratio of 15 parts of .to do it. llrst duty of our legislators to take care Jlay 19, To a report, in the Iron Ago, Silver TreoHnry notes ai,N)l,770 87,008,1)72 stock from which the intermarried puro wool to ,55 parts of adulterants, that tho laws do not endanger the pros­ that an attempt is being made at Pitts­ United StttteK notes.. 3',!l,7l»,851 316,163,302 2, Since the JfcKlnloy bill woift into Curronoy cortlllcates. .10,510,IKIO 33,730,000 .SoMii; excitement has been created reigning houses, havedi'awn so much perity of tlioso who till tho soli. burg to form a new trust of all the National bank notos , ill8,ua7,0S0 107,127,1)05 effect tho shoddy business has enjoyed In Dubuque by the discovery of an bad and .some good blood is not des­ "'The present condition of agriculture plate-glass faotorloa In America, an era of unusual prosperity. As an in­ in New England shows clearly that the May 19, 'To notices in tho Journal of Totals..., $l,0'J0,01U,2'.''.l $1,601,278,601) underground lake. Large deposits of tined to rule indcdnltely Baby info dication of this, wo quote tho following protective tariff is harmful to the inter­ tho Knights of Labor advising liiborors The general stock of monoy coined or beer are frequently found underground may yet have a chance in the llritlsh under the heading, "Rags, Shoddies, ests of the farmer. Thirty years ago to stay away from Pinoviiio, Ky,, be­ issued and in tho 'Treasury June I is In Iowa, hut this di,scovci'y of water islands. Revolution is more likoly Wastes, and ICxtracts," from the Ameri­ this part of (ho United States contained cause the nilnors there aro on a look­ shown by tho followiiiK table. can "Wool nnd Cotton Reporter of May out against a reduotlon of wages; from In such a position is thought to he to end the dynastyin Germany. thousands of small farms which aro now Coined or Issued. In Treasury. 19, 1892: abandoned. In every neighborhood wo LaCrosso, Wis., booauso a serious lock­ Ooldooln $ «02,186,'237 $ 1113,673,680 without precedent in a prohibition "NEW Ciiips.—'There has been a Standard silver dol­ see these abandoned homesteads falling out In tho sawmills has thrown hun­ lars <13,6(i6,3r.O 36l),4a8,435 steady current of business during tho State. Tfii2 folly of building fllm.sy war In ruins and tlieir Holds returning lo dreds out of euiployinent; from ."Ward- finbfltdlary silver 77,1116,831 11,1511,197 past week, and results havo been alto­ forests. 'Tlio traveler in those districts ner, Idaho, bocniiso ot tho striko at the Oold certlBontes 171,!06,730 11,170,62* ships has received dire illustration in gothcr satisfactory. Merchant tailors' Silver eortllloatoR 3311,004,1)02 ll,0i;i,B37| iNracTKi) ships continue to send feels that some groat plague has Occur d'Alone sliver and load mines 97,3(11,080 10,1123,314 clips, darks and black, aro picked up as Silver Treasury notes loads of immigrants to all sections of .South Anieric.'L In the harbor of fallen upon tho poopio. Thus in against a reduction of wages; from United Statofl notes.. Illll.OSl.nifi 28,227,7U fastasniado, Tlio pronounced demand tho towns of Tisbury and Cliilmark, 'Tarkio, Mo„ bocauso wages have boon Ourreuoy ecrliacatea. 31,020,000 290,000 the country. The Ohio State Board Montevideo the Soliinoe.s, a double National bank notes . 17'J,11I1I,!U1I 6,071,33*. for darks and black worsted, noted last in Dukes County, IiIassachuBOttB, greatly reduced; from Littlo Rook and turreted man-of-war with twelve-inch week, continues. 'Tliero is more or loss Of Health gives notice thiit twenty more than tliroo-llfths of tho district Argontn, Ark., because tho cotton mills Totals •2,240,1.03,610 tfl'ifl,49a,281 •inquiry for all the various grades of Jmmigi-ints from the infected ship armor, built on the Siene in 1.87.') at a farmsteads, only olght remain, and tho are shutting down and tlio railroads are During May there was a net incroaso now woolen riigs. groator part of tho Holds has grown up laying off men. Sixteen otiior similar of $7,910,008 in the Treasury store ot Bclgeiiliind have settled in Ohio cost Of neaiiy $;i,000,000, struck a "WooLij.N RAGS.—Somo dealers iivor in brushwood. Soveral of tho Now notices appear In this same journal. monoy and bullion. There was a do­ cities. They notify the board.s in sunken I'ock and, before the men in that thoy liavo sold In tlie two woelts of England Slates havo been led to tho May 21. 'To the report from Detroit, orcase of $1,758,(171 In the store ot gold' May, 1892, within a fow hundred dollars Cleveland, Toledo, and other places her hatches could reach deck, went extraordinary measuro of making a Mioh., that 150 girls ouiployed in Iho bullion, $1,403,00('. in silver Treasury' of all last May's (1891) sales. In the down with I2;i prisoners of dcuLli; census of thoir abandoned farms, with pearl button faotory tlioro aro on striko notes, $337,(193 in gold coin, nnd $1-10,-; Of their danger. salo during tlie past week of red, blue, tho hopo that foreigners might be in­ against a reduction in wages. 'The fac­ 930 in subsidiary silver, while thoro was Designed like her twin, the Javarl, gray knit thoro has been no let up. duced to buy thom. Altnough thoso tory was started soon nflor tho passage on inoreiise of $0,332,659 in United' Tnis cilttlcincn were foi-ccd either White linsoys have moved well, so has for harbor and river duty, It had not lists aro imperfeot, in that tlioy tako of the MoKlnley bill, and -was visited by States notes, $3,588,919 in silver bul­ hood stock gonorally. Dark and light to submit to deprediitions or to tako hecn deemed uccessiiry to build her account only of those jilacos whoro tho Governor MoKlnley at tho time of tho lion, $907,532 In standard silver dollars, merinos are selling fast. Red and blue houses and Holds are still lit for uso, tho Michigan Club banquet on Fob. 22 last. and $001,808 in the '.i'roasury store of the law Into their own liands, as they hull in w.'itcr-tiglib compjii'tments. flaiinols are selling to some extent. results aro startling. They show that 'The girls who wero making $3.50 a. week national bank notos. Gold cortillcatoB have done. The dilTerenoo between Skirted seams and .soft black oarpots All her costly equipment and power­ tho small farmer is rapidly being driven will now bo able to iniiko only $3. In­ hold in cash by liio Troasuiy June 1 havo been sold; dolalnes continuo in thera and tlieir opponents is the dif­ ful guns wero meant only for armed from tlio land which for centuries has stead of striking, tliese poor girls should amounted to $14,470,620, a dooroaso good demand; some ordors havo boon ference between ji ni;in protecting maintained his forofathoi's in prosperity. potitlon Coiigross to raise tiie 100 por during May ot $7,-I00,(i(10; silver cortlll- enemies. She Wiis without means to received for dark cut cloths. 'Tho census of 1890 sliows a loss of pop­ oont. duty on pearl buttons to above catos hold in eaoh amounted to $3,013,- his property, to tliosbcddingof blood, "SiionniES.—Business for the first defend her orew or herself against ulation in 9;i0 towns, in Now England. 1,000 per oont. to enable tho manufact­ 837, an Incronso during last month ot half of May (Monday, lU) has favorably and the man wlio murders intending the concealed dangers of a subaqueous Ono reason why tho small farmers urers to pay good wages, you know. $404,731; and currency eertlfloatos hold compared with last year's record In tho to rob. ' have been driven to nbandon their Holds In cash woro $290,000, $50,000 less than' reef or the fury of the sea once ad­ samo period. Thoro is unmistakably an is found in tho tact that tlic protcctivo Tbo Su(fiir Trust. May 1. 'The storo of gold bullion in Increased demand for liner slock. JrcALLLSTisn, a scion - of mitted within her sides. Ten-inch tariff greatly increases the expenses of tho 'Treasury June 1 aggregated $7,953,- YOUNO "ExTiiAcrs,—Jliinufaclurors in gen­ Tiiore is much food for tluoucht in "the New Yoric 400," miirricd a boJin- armor might I'csist a moderate shot. tlieir housosholds. In a family of flvo Ropresentatlvo Scott's recent motioa to 512, aud ot silver bullion $72,501,570. eral are having all tlioy can do to 1111 persons engaged In fanning, nnd living tlful girl on the sly, and now' de­ It W!is paper to the teeth of a rock. . ordors, placo all sugars on the free list, and witli strict economy, at least threo hun­ thoro are thousands -who agree with him clares: "I hiivc never lived witli her "WOOTJ •WASTK.—Th.ore has been no dred and fifty dollars has to bo ,spent falling off this month In this trade, that the sugar trust "has succooded in WEALTH OF THE WEST. and never will." Is that the kind of DKSPITO the generally pciiceful for olotliing, household utensils, farm­ oomplotoly stilling and destroying com­ Viiluatlon ol Central Stiiles Aooordlus: to lJurliig the past wook a good deal ot ing tools uiui the materials whloh aro llK! Coiisns. material "the -100" turns out? It conditions that pi'cvail among the high grade wiisto has boon sold, petition by its unlioly, unjust, and oruol used 111 repalilng buildings and fences. oxaotlons." This is a bold sto.temont, 'The Census Office has issued a bnl- would at least be wise if this young gi'oat nations at present, r.apid prog­ "PLOOKS,—lUisiness in this lino for On the averago moro than llfty dollars the month thus far has boon quite satis­ but tho Representative backs it up by lotln sliowing by States and geographi­ ress is being made in the art of of this sum is due to tho protcctivo son of New York snobdom would factory," showing that the trust has lately added cal divisions tho total and per capita as- Inriff, 'This tax is great onougi to make make less use of his tonguo. The wholesale killing. The next great This same page of tlie Aniorloan Wool $25,000,000 to Us capital stack and has BOBSOd value ot property for 1890 and a llfo-and-deatli dill'orcnoo In the strug­ and Cotton Koportcr contains ovor thus absorbed all outstanding competi­ 1880, and tho increase por cent, of such young lady possibly has friends, and war will possess many novel features gle of a man who lias to depend for his twenty advertisements of shoddy manu­ tive rollners of sugar. Tlio trust would valuation. For the Nortli Central Di­ and will pi'Oliiibly be fatal to an un­ success oa his own strength and tho it may be a case whei'e a good old- facturers, receive a crushing blow if all sugars vision, which, among others, includes' niitunii resources of a siiiali tract of or­ fashioned larnipinp would do good as precedented extent. Smokeless pow- 3, No other country has a duty on were plaood on tlio free list; and slnco tho States ot Illinois, Indiana, Michi­ dinary Now England land, AVith that wools that will averago (iO or 70 per tho interests ot logltiniate eompotltlon gan, AVlsconsIn, Kansas, Iowa, and Mis­ an cduciitor in decency, dei' has been successfully experimen­ nmount ot money on tho right side of oont,—thus depriving us of Iho purer can bo served thereby, wo sinooroly souri, tho following liguros aro given; ted with in Europe. In the late civil his account ho can subsist his family TO'rAL •n-ooi and oompolling us to uso all kinds hope thatthey will bo plaood on the free ASSESSED VALUATION, TBiuiiNCii; V. Po-WDisiiLY, hcud Of and put by somotliing for his old age, Stato, 1890, 168U, conflict with Chile rifles of great car­ ot adulterants—rugs, hair, cotton, etc. list. Where an article of food is con­ Witliout it ho must fail, Illinois $727,41(1,2,W *780,018,394- the greatest organization ever ef­ That our tariff is u godsend to tho cerned no trust should bo allowed to Indlana 8^0,087,018 7'J7,816,1.11 rying power and of deadly effect AVhon • the systoni of the protective siioddy nianutaotui'ors Is testillod to by control the price and defy oonipotition. Miohlptan 927,fi77,7'18 . 617,0(15,360 - fected by worklngmcn, asks that the gained the vicloi'y for one p.irty. In tariff was begun, the farmers -wero WIsoonslu 092,800,719 408,971,761 tho fact that in 1888, when tho Mills bill —National Provisionor, May 14, 1892. 100,801,089 gates ot the exposition be kept open promised that tlio maiiufactorlos which Kanaiis !I48,4,V,(,044 one instance, at least, the torpedo proposed to give us free wool, seventeen Iowa 6:10,096,141 303,071,261 it would induce would afford thom a Missouri 780,1143,763 632,705,801 Sunday so that'its art and other edu­ has proved an instrument of fearfully rag and shoddy dealers signed a eiroiiliir, higli-prlced market for the products ot "TitE idea that wagos are iiigh in pro­ used by the Ropubliean National Com­ Tho bulletin says that as tho laws of cative departments may be enjoyed destructive powers in naval battle. their flolcis, 'This tiioory has proved to tected industries because tho tariff en­ mittee, in whioli thoy denounood tlio Illinois provide that property shall bo by the people who work six days in bo utterly in error; except in the case ot ables manufacturers lo obtain largo The balloan is also being successfully Mills bill as a freo-tnuio measuro, and assessed for taxation at its true value tlio market gardens noar tho great cities, profits, is one of tho worst fallacies con­ the week and have only Sunday for experimented with and will probably said tliat free wool would ruin tlieir in that' Slato, but that tho Board of which aro owned by men of capital and nected witli the whole lailff discussion. business, Purthor testimony comes from EquallKation for. 1880 ollloialiy. declared education, I'cci'eation, and rest. He soon become an important factor in tilled by hired labor, no part ol our Employers do not raise wagos merely tho petition of the Kensington Reform tliat tho assessed value for that year does not ask that any liibor, mechan­ a'griculturo has had any considerable bocauso profits are largo. Wagos are the art Of warfare. But perhaps the Club of Philadelphia (which contains was but one-lialf of the truo value, the •:" : advantage from tiio establishment of not increased, except In rare cases, ical or Other, be done Sundiiy in the most interesting and suggestive in­ about 250 wool workers), prosontod to liguros ot tho assessed viiluation ot Illi-' g:- fnotorlos in Now England. It is now through liio generosity of omployors, exiiosition, nor does any rational man Congress April 0, 1892, After asking nois property sliould be increased four-^,,'',-; vention in this line is thatof thesiib- made clear by experlonco, as it is evi­ but through the pressing demands of for 'free wool to help tho woolon busi­ fold to sliow tho truo incroaso during tho ' v want that. Tlie good brethren re­ dent from reason, that tho prico of our laborers. Every laborer knows, and marinc cruiser. The possibilities ness, and ineidontally to provide steadier decade. ;:'',-,, soli products is determined by tlie mar­ every journalist and statesman ought to cently in confci'cnce at Omaha who suggested by such an invention arc oniploynient for mere labor at higher The per capita assessed value in the ',,'-'; ket rates of European countries where know, that wages in protected indus­ rest six days in tlie week aud work wages, aud to givo cheaper clothing to samo States in 1890 and 1880 is given as, , - • .; almost beyond belief. Perhaps the our surplus is sold. Tlio notion of tho tries are governed by the same pruielplo the consumer, tliey say that tho materi­ follows: Sundays want the exposition closed advantages of a homo market is shown HS those In non-proleclod Industries. naval battle of the future will take als of manufacture aro deteriorating and State. laao. i«3o. . by the facts to bo fallacious. Instead " • * 'The truth is, a protooUvo tii.riff ininois ..$190.11 fj."i6,57 . •-:.,/ Sundays. _^ place entii'cly under water. That tho manufacturers "dure, not put thoir of being a blessing to tho small farmer, does not affect wages in any such man­ Indiana :I8I1,10 • !I07,00 '',''/ worklngmcn on tho stand to testify Michigan...... 142,09 IUll.2.1 spiteful little war ships will soon be tho tariff Is a eurso which stealthily ner. Wages nre not determined by TniJUK will be ab undant sympathy undor oath, for then there would bo a full WlBoonsln 3.'U,47 :«ll.on works for his ruin.—Prof. N. S, Shaler, Inlluenees that operiito,,, upon tho em­ Kansas 241,17 101,52 expressed for Mr. McAllister, the constructed capable of coming up un­ corroboration of the statement made, to member of the Massachusetts State ployers' prollts, but by thoso which Iowa , 277,68 2«,3» der the lurabcrtng old hulks. on tho your honorablo Oonimlttoo of ^Vay8 and Missouri •.>',l',),60 246.71; chief cook of New York's "four hun­ Board of Agriculture. affoct tiio laborors' social lito and char­ Moans by the,committee ot the 'Wool dred," because of his misfortune in surface, and bf inflicting deadly acter."—Georgo Gnnton, at dinner of For tho decades ending with I860,1870, Oonsuinors' Association, that tho Mc­ wounds froiu below, seems already an Tbo Iforotcnor Does Not J'liy tbo Tux, ' tlio American Protective 'Tariff Loaguo, and 1880 the ostimatod truo value of all having a son who dared to get married KInloy law has largely promoted the April 29, 1891. property in tho United States and the Mr. J^bez Pox ot Cambridge, Mass,, without consulting with so eminent assured fact. adulteration of wool manufacturers." value Of real estate and personal prop­ author ot a tariff prinior printed und erty as assessed is as follows: an authority upon social matters. used by tho New England Tariff-Rotorm AVlien n Kodiilc Gue.i risblng. "Talk about all the lies told aliout Assessed • Estimated ' The father wanted his son to defer PAUL and Minne are at it again Tin IMiito Fnot.1 and Fiinolos. Loaguo in 1888, has mado up from tho 'i'oars. valuation, truo valuation. reports on oommeroo and navigation the marriage until he should have estab hammer and tongs. This time it is During tho debate on tho MoIClnloy fish and Ashing," said a friend of 1860 $12,08l,6(KI,0O.'i $111,169,010,008 . 1870 »,178,9H0,7;i2 ;IO,008,618,607 bill wo heard many promises mado by tables showing tho averago foreign prioo mine who knows what he is talk!UR lished himself in a position tosupport over tlie Eepublican 'National'Con­ of - forty-four different artlolos for. tho 1860 10,002,993,643 : 43,O.l'2,O0O,0OO' •;'''u'-'.' MoKlnley and others in rogard. to tho about, "the biggest fish liar is the 1890...... ,24,061,685,406 ,,....'...... ; year ending June 30, 1891, upon all of a wife. But the son remembered the vention. Statements having been marvelous offoot tho iacroasod duty on kodak. If you get a picture of the whloh tho duty was raaterialiy Increased. Should it bo found upon complotion of paternal saying that at least $30,000 made that Minnie is unable to enter­ tinplato would havo in building up this fisherman and his fish you've got the tlie Inquiry,in relation to tlio true vaiuo-i v'v'jVwi Industry here. 'We have heard how sor­ Ho finds that "tho average foreign prlco a year was required for a respectable tain the Convention ns she should of thirty-oight out of forty-four differ­ combination. Just lie down with your of oil property in tho United States,'yfrj;^ ry McKInloy has boon -since ho made feet toward the camera and you'll that tho same relation exists - in 1890' living.in New York, and preferred to Paul wants It understood he washes such rash promises-and will not ask him ent articles was apparently higher after the passage of tho ilcKinloy tariff tlian understand. Your feet will appear between the assessed valuation and tho . follow his own inclinations. He may his hands of responsibility for any to face his rocord. Since tho passage of it was boforo. So tliat tho increase in bigger and longer than your body. truo valuation as existed in 1880, the' ;,''.;'i;;;i;t', disappointment that may ensue. He tho aot tiio tin plato lldr has boon absolute wealth of tho country may be kept out of his mther's set, but in cost to tho importer was groator than "When the fish liar wants • cor- be,',,',.''MI*.-'. abroad and has has kopt tho newspaper estimated at $(i3,6'48,000,000, or mow'"''^''^-' time he will become reconciled to is furthor ungallant enough to charge reports busy looking for phantom tin tho more incroaso In duty alone,' On only fwo out of tho forty-four articles roboration—and he,always does want than'$1,000 por oapil:a, iis against $514i'''S||3' that. that Minne, "full of tho spirit of plato factories. At last thoro' is somo Ibr-he hangs up his fish a littlo .to per capita, in 18C0, $781 per capita in;-;:,!#/;« ovldonoo that mimito quantities of tin was tho prioo plus tho dut.y as low in grasping selfishness at any -cost to 1891 as in 1890. A second table shows onnnea atrTnside annnr\d iIn fronffnTit-nft of bIrhimo . ThtlVinllHTe 1870O , annn/dI «8T$870n r,npor /..inlfcapitna Il.i-lH«n 1880n . '.^'; THAI most ingenious machin­ plato aro being mado in this country, -the which we hiive been accustomed, is that of twelve artlolos placed upon the kodak does the rest. I've seen a live- ery will not act effectually without ond wo can begin to detect a grain of OrnlUN of Gold.' quite prepared to put the public, to free list by the McKlnlo.y not; tho avor­ pound flsh loolc four feot long and truthfulness in the statements ot pollt- HowE'ER^it bo, it,-Beoras;''to me:'tis^;;;^? guidance by honest and'intelligent leal tin plate manufacturers, Tho fol ago foreign cost of llvo. Including raw like it ought to weigh at least flfty inconvenience ilnd to send thousands sugar, was lower In 1891 than in 1800. only nohilo tobo good;;,' , . -,.,;-K';'';);%,^ human service was demonstrated at a lowing iB from tho Now Yoi:k Dally pounds, all by the artistic accuracy ol of people away cursing the day that Commercial Bulletin,of May 13, 1892: The prlco of one article remained tlio the kodak. To make a fish look NEVEB to do gdod means that you ara,.;;','fe.^:'^l suburb Of Cincinnati, where six lives same and six wero higher. In only one a convention was sent to , the North­ "Early in January tho Tin Plato Man­ large, all you liave to do is to get it continually doing bad. • were sacrificed because a man forgot caso out of twelve, in beeswax, was the west rather than share with any one ufaoturors' Association issued a circular well in tiie foregitmnd of the object to adjust the block signals according giving -tho weekly product of each os- cost without the duty In 1891 asgreat as else the dutlcsof hospit.ility whichit is tho cost plus the duty in 1890. with which the eyes makes compari­ to.his orders. 'The block signal sys­ tablishmont in tho association. It will son.. Oh,. I tellyou the kodak knows simply impossible- for her to, discliarge bo interesting to compare, the; state­ "Theso aro official liguros. It is prop­ its business when it goes llshlng."— believe we are sbraob'ody'^ tem promises more than any otlier de­ ments then mndo with actual facts as er to say, however, that thoy probably unassisted." "The pitiful .attempts Np POONTAiN,is'sb'snialilliat.hdayenV'i.'.ffjfllil vice yot coiistructod for tho saving of determined' by Col, Ayor, 'Tho follow­ do not exactly, roprcsont tho actual Pittsburg Dispatch.. ' : - m;;;'^^A:'5|J^^ life on railways. Its performances ing is a comparison ot .'the capacity aa them around' in private houses and 1890 and 1891. Somo .allowando must givoa' in the miinufaoturors' circular Do NOTHINO in thy passion; it is llko' K'hh „ are dependent on the skill and, fldel- with the actual production as given by undoubtddly bo mado for tho adminis­ . A LONDON atitlrority speaks'Of the , . , ,- ^ preparing porlc and beans for them in iff Inr. frt cno In li • vinlnnf afrirni '- .-• ' ;';'.',;; •.'-,jn'i^f;,^'r4 ity 6£ thijse tb whom its operation is Ool. Ayor, in tho-cascof-^tho-sls con- trative bill, which caused an apparent great e?ccess of • domestic servants in Pitting to .sea ln,a-violent storms -,i'V>^;|«i lumberman's style, in d,oing anything odrns which mako .their own black increase in tho foreign values by chang­ London.'a:nd: other;;.cities. of • Great ,;i"^™N. yoil.:talk',to_n.;.man, about hl8,M)?^^ intrusted. -The employe of the Big ing the basis of vaiuatioii.. It is prob­ and everything' that can prevent a plates: ,, -' '•' -'' Britain. The i report just, issued by '^"'^ * stond.over him with a olub. • l'.,.;/ IS®';., ITour that expected the machinery to Weekly, produo- able, too, that there was in some oases lift;.!;-; delegate from, -going .elsewhtjre, iii-o the newly organized London Domestic ' ^'YNS^ "'i"'"give? n -,to.what';'he;?^CicS'"'"^ ,^ I * ^^^workwithout direction should not be , ,,', . tion —;l)Oxos of a ohange in the grade of tho artlolos im­ Servants' Union states -that' there''^'^'"^attention is given,to .what;.'he;?i/xMa the'mcasure of a local jealousy which : , ]!)8 pounds, ported. But after ranking all reasonable f5^ri;"^,;/.permitt^ from Oonccma, .. , . , ^. Manfi's,-Col, Ayor, w threatens serious consequences," says Norton Bros;.,., 6,000 (U.O , allowaiieos for all those variations, I , due punishment, an erroneous iin'- Paul, and he. winds up by calling St. Loula Stomping Company..,11,000 83.1,3 think that the table's sliow with sufflolent 1', H, Laufinan it Co. l;000 .l'Jl.8 certainty that tho foreign prloo does not ''^ presslon tb that effect on other signal TJ. S. lion and Tln-plato Co. 11,000 : :' 86.2 Miufie'a hog. : If this be tlic; :condi- go down as.tho diity goes lip, and that station.'binbiais;''•;•,•'.-^ .;•..''•:;.;• '.: 'WaUaoe, Bonflold.tCo.;...... 1,000 37.0 iion of things; it is evident Minne ApoUoliolltaKinil...... '.;...... - . - 157.7 It does not go up as tho dutygoesdown; Jii0mm• •:.-'\:''V"m. inust-liustle, and'show;;the;.country• Another evidenoo that tin plate is be­ that tho duty is. paid by our people and y^^:lfSmj.'Nim reform;-. ing produced in this country is obntalned not by the forolgners; and, in short, that that she.bah take care of her conVen-: 1^,^]^ ers who are engaged in divislng ways in the Iron Ago of May Vi; 1892.'" This the protedtod dnps.kno.w exactly what - journal devotes six, pages to illuBtratlons thoy Svantod 'when' theyfraraed theMd- tb; open ^ tibii: withbut the help of; her'' iii'vidl- "nd dosorlptions of tho St. Loiilo Stamp-; u'.-._"i-.'li!.. .'-j-'.i:'v''_-i..'...'-;L:ii-i i,:-:' Inii COrriDanv!,; 'This •,>i8imllv.;'eon6orva-' Iiinley: tarilf,: and .thatthoy got, what |)^||?;:|Hiliayln^ ;they,wantod;>-;':Tlierd::;i8'','no;. doubtv that I^|gi;;;j;|might;l3p;,ii'^^ ,thoy;,wantpd tb;.-shut;-,dut ;cotiipdting arf ; irritability;; which. i • Mif-pllftiieweh'rt^j'i'?'^^-VTI(TP1I+.',^ l-\n' n 'rr/in/l • Vilon', f s^ -I+'^M^ ri/I'A ' ;tlcles:'a8,'muoh;as;,|possi^ 'sulky ;dispositibri',;,' •ino'ntj'-;'oausd''-:iihtold ,' ij'.;.• riotiQconcerts at which the liational 3dssi;biiek;v:tp.';mino'tand,-forest;-will J- employmont^'to .000 ,^p'ers6n''at' it 'whb'aro dxpdsod ; llatli'or; 6inineo. ||^|:ajrs|o|ai|n^ allydxponditnrdbf fi;dm;$l,500,,t^^^ 'f all ?:^lth'-: thd'vheiayldst; ',M;i&M'Iiu'iro-'i-),ind,ci^^ r,i';-lriKA.. ..'nTi/.l .'+i.h n onnl'l ri^Irtti ;;.-|.*Pii^.|.lTi r. Agdjof MaylOjsnys;, ;hbu8oli6ld'"dr;;'bii'' . „. iespdrfc trade Iij'^dbttdn'^^gbbds.ijis'i^^ ;;.bdfbro''-wlibm';;no.,s^ ',oally;at:a'8tttiid8tIli;;;;-Tlid;deii^ 'tained;;v':-AVitho.iit.liitdiitioh;8'iidK:;p^^ 'Unto One of tie Least." To CleanM tlie System MICHIGAN STATE NEWS ANOTHER LIFE SAVED From a Buftsian journal we take tliis EfTootuallj' yot' gently, whon ooatlve , or incident of Garibaldi, heretofore un- bilious or whon tho blood is Impure or OCCURRENCES DURING published. In 1865, writes one of hia sluggish, to permanently euro habitual Given Up to Dle—RoBtored to PAST WEEK. THE followers, ho was at Oaprorii, a sterile ooostlpatlon, to awaken tho Uldnoys and Health by Swamp-Root little island, liring in a' poor cottage, Ilvor to 11 healthy iiotlvity, without Irrltiit fheatrloal iSplsoile at nrunlatlque—Small' with five or sis devoted aiiheronts. ing or weakening' tliein, to dlspol hoad- X'ox Iiiiiulernnls In AIlolilBuii—Noeflud One day two of thoso young men aohos, colds or fovors, uso Syrup of Pigs. Rafurm In ths Asaeaaniont of Sitgluuiv. found on a neighboring island a Cretin Ruguii reualun Claimant. In Japan, of 18, almost idiotic, nenrly ualtod Tho AInos of Japan burn tholr dead "One of my neighbors, Mf. John and starving. .Thoy brought him to Gilbert, has been sick for a long:, from I'lir iiiid Near. and place tho ashes in a ]irayor houso Caprora, where Garibaldi, with tho ten- noxt to tholr dwelling. This prayer time. All thought him pastrecovery. THE proprietor ol tho Hurd Houso doreat caro, fed, nrmod and gave him a house Is made of deals, und Is generally Jackson oushod a $35 chock lor He was horribly emaciated from the home. moro than two loot hich, and In It tho stranger. It was a forgery. inaction of his liver and' kidneys. Dut what to do for clothes? The Gen- ancestral tablet is placed. This tablet It is difficult to describe his appear­ MRS. WiiiLiAM JIOT'i'itAJf, a pioneer oral himself liad but trousers and a consists of a long upright plank, cut ot Kalamazoo, nnd widow of the lato Dr. short jacliot, and liis followers wero slantingly at tho ujiper end and tied ance and the miserable state of his Mottram, died, aged 7-1: years, quite as poor. He had, howovor, a mili­ round with six loops. At tho foot lies a health at that time. Help from any •ToDOE Conn holds that the notes tary cosluine which ho liiul Itopt as a fish nnd two tobacco loaves. A special source seemed impossible. He tried given by West Day Clly citizens in aid souvenir of his iiust glorious campaign. chapel Is built for tho spirits that guard your August Flower and the effect Th«7 nonlUced her feet and poulHced her head, nu bllttertd tier back till 'ttrag cmarllnx and red, of tho Battle Crook und Day City Kail, He took it down aud looked at it ro- tho houso, in whicii a round tube upon upon him was magical. It restored ^ ried touica, alliirs, paln-kiliera aud aalrci, road must bo paid. which a hntnan laco Is engraved Is Io ironilcr Ita pralies so loudly Ihey tpcak, Lucea than a useless souvenir!" ho onuso. Possibly it may bo duo to oliango of Bha grew boilor al once and waa.wcll In n week. dropped tt perfect egg. said. season, oUinato or lifo; possibly to ovor Tho torturluff pains and distressing MAT KUSSIJER'S rcsidonoo at Clioboy Ho dotorniinod, in 8j)ito of remon­ work or ovorstudy, to monliil suffering, nervousness which accompany, at times, gnu was partly doslroyod by Ilro Jlon nervousness, or vnrlons bodily iillinoiitfl. strance, to etiiicato Lnccn, to try if ho certain forms of "I'omalo weakness,' day evening, but tho household Rooda Hut thoro is no mistaking its oireuta. Yon Tho abovo Is a good Ilkonoas of Mr. Geo. could awaken, not create, a soul in this kno^y you fool "almost tlrod to doatli,' G Oradlck onsravod from a plioto takon a ylold like magic to I5r. Pierce's Favorite woro saved. Loss about $1,500, fully dull brain. Every day for months ho wlthoutstrongth to do anything; ambition short tlino ago and sent to Dr. ICIlmor .& Prescription. It Is purely vegetable, covered by Insuranco. Booma to bo nil, gono, und In Its plaeo in- Co., with his letter and package of perfectly Imrmlesa, and adapted to the gave the idiot a lo.sson trith untiring pa­ OifiCACO submarine divers are now at dilVoroaco to how tho world wngs—an In Knivdl lio speaks about, which was dellcutc organization of woman. It tience; but tho los.sons woro torture to Alpoiia waiting for fair weather and doaerlbablo languor and v/oiiknoss. You (llNNolrcd and uxpullod after UMIIIR ullays and subdues tho nervous aymi>- the iinbeciln brain. Lucca would cry havo no appotlto. do not enro about food, a fuw bottloH of iiiwaiiip-iCaot, Thu smooth water, whon Ihoy will make an toins nnd,relieves tlio pain ncooinpany- and ))lead every dny to be let off. and only oat boeaiisn it la tlio hour for oat- following is Mr. Oradlck's un.sollclted ac­ oITort to lind the hull of the Powablc Ini,', or from foreo of habit. count of Ills dlstresilng und painful case: Ing functional and organic troubles. "Clonoral," he said onco, "unless you and recover tho treasure In hor hold. 'fliin miut. be nlopiml. Your condition Clvupoii, Jml, Jon. ISIh, tS!)Z It's n legitimate medicine—an Invig­ clio|) O])eii my hnad, you \vill never got JACon who brought suit in the must bo olinngod al once, or like a ship T)n KiLMEii iS: Co., Hi.NanA.Mro.v, N. y.; orating, restorative tonic, a soolhliiij JIAIER, tho.so letters inside of it." Bnt without I do not know how to oxpross niy heartfelt Saginaw Circuit Court (igninst Thoinas drifting with tho inward tido, yon will soon nnd strcngtlioniiig norvlno, nnd a posi­ lessons ho absorbctl the .S])irit of patriot­ bo ilasliod upon tho rooks of Iiiourablo dis- thanks to you for tho bonollt I havo re­ Burns to recover Sin,O0U dninngoa for ceived from using your Swamp Hoot Kldnoy, tive rcnicdy for."female weaknesses" ism, of all'ection and solf-nacriiico wliich ea.su and death, liouso the torpid kidneys aud aliments. All functional disturt- In.|nrles rocolved from an assault by aud liver, tone tho dlgosifvo organs, ereato Liver and Illiiddor Ouro. I am now tiU animated the littlo household. years old, and bavo sult'ored almost death Buces, Irregiilaritles. and dernngoments Burns, has boon awarded $250 by tho a now apjiotito. purify and vitali/.o tbo lin­ jury. When Garibaldi embarked to opon puro and alngglsh blood, cii'-o tlio Iioadnulio for about throo yours. I had given up to arc cured by it. There's nothing liito die, but, us I profiiss to bo n Obrlstlun man flio cnmpaign of 18GG, Lucca followed and ovoreoiiio all tho proatratliig oftoots ot it in tlio way it acts—t.Iiore's nothing tV.MAN' who olainia lo ho John Donnoy, TbiilTirod Fooling by taking JInocVs Sarsn- aad a groat bill lover In the prayer ot tho like It hi tho way it's sold. It's gttar- him, weeping, begging to go with him righteous, I jirayod that God .would sond a niomhorof tlio'rwonly-sccoiKl Mlchi imrilla. It la just what you need, luid to RELIEVES all Stomach DIstrosa. ankcd to givo satisfaction in every case, gait Inl'itiilry, appeai'od bol'oro a board to fight for Italy. dolny taking it is unwise. somothing that would prolong my life, and or the money paid for it is promptly "But yon will bo killed, my poor boy," Hood's Sarsnpnrllla ia sold by drucglata, fuul thankful to him and you for tho REMOVES Kanscn, Sense of Fullncsl^ of oxainliiliig physioians at East Tniyas CONOESTioN, refunded. "Then in jiaradise thoro will be no $1; six for $.5. Prepared by 0.1. Hood .fc means that was soul. May God nparu yoiir PAIN. as a claimant for a pension. Ho had life many yours yet that you may hoar tbo REVIVES ENERGY. les.sons!" said Litcoa, joyfully. Co., Lowoll, Mass. KAILISO i Read tho guarantee on the wrapper. Donnoy's diseliargo papers, bnt it groat good that your medleino Is doing. On RESTORES Normal ClrciiliiUon, cajl • You lose nothing if it doosn't lielp olalniod that lils name isTfoinbloy. Ilo Tlio Gonoral laughed. "Come on, Troiitinuiit nf Kuraoliu, the 20th day of August, 18D1, Mr. Frank WAHMS TO TOE TIPS. was arrostod pending nn invosllgatioii then*" ho said. A French professor, says that ho has. Lawson.your drugKlst atSponcor, por.s*adod you—but it will mo to take a bottle on trial 1 havo takon OH. HARTER Si. Louit. Mi; THE good wonion ot Maiiiftiiiuo The poor Cretin woro a soldier's uni­ In person, found relief In sevnro oaracho, a fow bottles, and It has brought out of my MEDICINE CO., form now, and fought bravely llirough aftur othor means liad been tried In vain, bladder llmo or gravel, wblch I havo saved They all Testi^ turned out tho oilier night and pnllod a THERE ARE ONLY A FEW LEFT. troiipo of Knglish Galely Girls down tho winter. Thoy wore in the mouut- from the use of a mixture of equal parts ill quantity the si'/.o of a goose ogi;. and f now fool like a now man. May God bless who can design and trim Ohil- To tho Elllcatiy from their porch on .iho b.ll-boards, ami aiiia of the Tyrol aud dosiierato fighting of chloroform and laudanum; a little be­ dnni's Carriages that will com­ ing Introducod on a piece of cotton, yon luid your mediclno. pare Willi oiirs for beauty and oltho wiionovor Iho pas'oO proved loo adhosivo wius dono to defend the gorgos. On the atroiiRlh? Wo enioy thuroput*- thoy took a pot0i'io:l ]iiiint and gave morning of tlio battle of Jtonto Stolo, Tho Iirst oilort produced is a sensation I roinain your huniblo servant. lloii of liavlng the handsonieat World'Ronowned of cold; then tlioro Is iiiiiubiiess, followed Box 2711. GiJonnE 0. deslKiiaofany carrlaau niunnfae- tliniii sonio llninliig sklrtfl. The troupe Lucca did not answer to tho roll-call. CIIAUICIC tured ill Hie United States, ai^d came tho iiu.\t day, nnd tli'itoveliing Iho Tlio next dny lie was found dead in n by scarcely procopllble pain and refresh .SKCOWW IcI'IT'I'KBE. I'oii can depend n|vin llieiirlcef ing sloop. DEAR I tako great ploasuro in JieiiiK"ro;k hotloni." Ovor one iniinngy hung out the sign "Slaiuilng narrow pass, with ono of the enemy, DOCTOR; Iiiiiidred designs to select from answering your letter which 1 rocuivod to­ and ail up in date. room only." against Avhom.he had evidently waged a Tho Magnotto lUInorut Mud llalhs. day. Vou say "you would Ilko to publish We are also nianitfactiirori of long and desperate battle. A luippy my tostlinonlal in your Ouldo to Health for Ilicyolos, Refrigerators, Rt- ' The old-time almplo JUDGE Buoichas passed sontonco np Given at tho Indiana Minoral Springs, cliiilni;and InvalidItnulng on those oonvictod in tlio Kalaniii'.ioo sinilo was on his fnco. ".Such n tri- Wnrron County, Indiana, on tho 'Wabnsli awlillu." I have no abjections at all, for f Chairs, Roller Top Dcska, fromodyfrom thoOoorgla want to do ail In my powor for aflllutod liu- .tc, and on'er liberal dia- Bwninpa nud flolda haa Circuit this torni aa follows: 'I'lionias timphant smile," siiy.s the narrator, "as Lino, altraot moro nttontlon to-day tliim any coiiiits to tlio trade. Name otiiorhoaltli roaort in thia country. ninulty. 1 send by this mall a lot of tho I gone forth to tho antipodes, Jiaiiuol, storo-broakliig, tlireo years goods liesired and cataloga* ' rjto^IshhiB tho skeptical and wo used lo soe on his face when he hnd Itundrods of peoplo aulTorlug from rlion- gravol (about ono-lial( of what I saved) will ho sent. jjconTounclIng tho llioorica of Slate Prison; Ghiirkia Hymns, larceny fiiiialied hia lessons." inatlsin. kldnoy Iroiiblo. and akin dlsoasoa, that Swaiiip-Uuot dissolved nnd expelled. ' thoao who depend aololy on the from tho person, oiiu year in the Stnto When iving Victor Kmainiel, at tho havo boon cured within tlio last year by tho Two yuars ago laat Septenitior I was UUBURQ MFC. CO. I physician's oklll. Thoro In no blood liouso of Corroclioii; I''raiilc Kolly, bur­ wonderful niagnotle mud anil mluenil wator ' tnlntwhloh Itdoosnotlromcdlntely end of tho war, sent to Garibaldi for takon with pain almost all ovor mc. my Nos. l)i>i,i!i!it.tlli;r.North glary, two years in Stato Houso of Cor- batlis. If yon aro anll'orlng with any ot head and back, niy logs and foot bocanio crnillcato. Polsona outwardly absorbed or tho tho names of those who should bo gth St., Philadelphia, Pa. roault ot vile dlsense.1 from within nit yield to tlila oction; Cliarles Hays, burglary, si.x thoao dlsoiisofl, invostlgato this, naturo'a cold, would gut sick nl my stomach nnd potent but simple remedy. It la nu tinciiimloit ea])ocially rewarded for ])crsonal own roinndy, atoiieo, 'I'lio snnllarlnm build­ voiiilt often, sullorlug a great deal from years in Stale Prison. ings, batli-liouao, wator works, and olootrlo fonio, bullisup tho old nnd foehio, euros all dlaeases bravery, ho wrote first on tlie list, chills and at timus thoso woro .su severe jEWIS' 98% LYE arising from linpuro blooil or wookouod vitality. sleaniship Aurnnin, wbioh light plant, costing ovor SL-ilLOOO, just.eom- that I thought I would froozo to dualli. 6oud tor a treatlao. Einmino tho proof. UPON UIO 'Lucca .Spaiio." D I'owdcroil and I'orl'uinod. ploted, open nil tho yonr round. Jly system was all run down nnd I folt bad HOI (rATii.s-TKii.) arrived in Now York, was a wi 11 defined The silvor medal Avaa given by Gar- Wrllo at onco for boautlful llliistratod cnso of siiiall-pox. The |iat;oiit wns re­ all over. Tbo condition of my nrlno waa '1710.9(i'oii|7<,i( and jmrostLyo madet Rooks on " niood nnd Skin DIaoiLses " iiinllod Cruo. baldi, liiniself, to hia ai.ster, a poor prlntod iniittor, oonlalning complete Infor­ not so bad ihrough the day, but during tho Unlike other Lyo, It being a Una moved lo Ilo.Tiiiaii's Islaiul, biitn largo :>rugai.it,i Sell II. mation and rodueed railroad rates. Ad­ night, at times, I had to get up ovory powdorand packed in aoan \yitii servant girl, who troasuroa it as her romovabhi lid, the contents ar* umber of piissongi rs wore allowed to dress F. Ohandlor, Gonornl PasRoiiBur Agont. hour, und ofton ovory half honr. I suf­ SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., lifo-blood.—roIti/t'.s Companion. alwaya ready Ior unu. Will mak* lopart I'or their dostlnatioiis in tl.o lii- St. Louis, Mo,, or H. L. iCranior. Oonoral fered terribly from burning nnd scaldlns Jtanngor ot Indiana Mineral Springs, tho bmt pcrfuniod Hani Soap In 10 lorior parts ot the country. Thirty ot tlio sensation. mlnulou wilUout lioilini). Jt la th* HoIlr,V. Indiana. Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga. jaaaongors oamo to llfleen points In Would iirbiato sometimes a gallon n boat for oIoiinBlng wante-plpoi, *« I Hate to Oh, Woman! The word ''Bijifry" had originally no night, tlion It'scoined my kidneys nnd back ilIalnIoctlng sinks, oloeots, wash­ Hichigan, having sncceoiod in passing A LiTTLK while'ago. In Yorkshire, a ing botlloa, palutH, Irooo, oto. coiiiicclloii with "bell," an idea whicli is would kill mo. I bad boon troubled with False modesty iiuarantino iiispeotloti. mother liroiight hor male infant and I'KNNA. .S.Al.T Hl'If'O CO.. now iiitliiialoly associated witli llio term. constipation for many years, but slnco Gen, Agtn., Phlla,, Pa. Aslc .ind procrastina­ asked that ho should be christened A itEASSESsirEN-r of Saginaw will be The llrst meaning givon is "watcli using your Swamp-Koot have boon bettor tion arc responsi­ "I.^rincess Beatrice," This namo the mado shortly, tho council having inndo tower,"' from tho Jliddje English "bor- than for a long timo. Tho medicine baa T/ie OUtsI Meilicint in Hit il'arld isfrobailf My Doctor." ble for much of clergyman refused to accept, but the an appruprlalion of $'2,000 for that pur­ fry," a watch towor. Tho llrst part of holpod my appetite wondorfully and It DK. ISAAC! 'I'JIOITIVKSON'S your suffering. proud niother would only give way so far soums as though I could not oat enough. pose. Formally years It lias boon charged this word is connected with "borotigh, CELEBRATED EYE-WATER,. We can excuse as to substitute "Prince" for "Princess." I live about sl.t nilloi In tho country TIiLi ariTcio la a careruTIy prcparcu pnyslclan'a pr». the delicacy of the young, but there is that the citizen wiio has iitvostod his tlto second with "froo." As the prac from Oosport. I waa born and raised hero, Rcrtpilon, ami liai boon In coni,lant use for ncarlr savings In a homo worth $'2,000 or undor ceiiuiry. Tticronrofewillsoasea to wlilch nmnicind no excuse for a woman who neglects the tico grew of iianging = "bells" in sucli Tlio Only Oiiu Gvor I'riiited-Caa I'uu Find llio and have been a member of tho M. E. ore aubjnct moro ilLstrcwtng than sore eyes, and freely offered assistance of n woman. nssosaod to almost Its full valuation, towers, pooplo roniliidod tlionisolvcs of Wonl? church tor forty-two years. none, perhaps, for which more ronindlea have.been whiio' thoso owning $10,001) worth of Pardon me for writing so much, for I tool tried wttlioulanccesa. Foratloxtornat Inllammatloa Lydia E. Pinkham's l'tf;clabU Compoiind Iho fact by changing the word "borfry Thoro is a 3-lneh display advortisomonl of thooyofl tt l.s nn Infallible roniody. If tho dire*. is tho product of a life's practice ()f .1 property ol- tiiiwanl aro assessed on it ilo the modern "hnlfry." In modern In tills paper this week whicli has no two that I would novor got through praising tioniaro foIlo^v«I It.wlll novor tail. Wepantoularlr downward scuio. '.l'hls vlrlunlly moans nies, wilh onr wide ililfuslon of odu words allko oxeopt ono word. 'I'lio samo la your groat remedy tor Kldnoy, Llvor aud Invito llio attention of physioians tn its merits. For- woman among women, and an _unf.iiling Bladder troubles. Your truo frloiid. salebyftIIdruKffi''ts. .7OII.V L. TflOilPSON, SONS cure for woman's ills. tho nssossinoiit of tho Siiiall proporty cation, tbo spread ot books and the truo of oach now ono appoarlng enoh wook & CO., Taov, N. Y. establUliod 1707. owner of much moro than his share. A steady Itillitencos of printing, the ten from Tho Dr. Hartor Modlolno Co. This It removes at once house nlneos a "Crescent" on ovorythlng GKO. 0. CllADICK. those pains, aches, and reform in liiis dlroclion and a more dency llluslratod abovo to sacrilico ac­ thoy m'nko and publish. Look for it, sond Tlioso who try Swamp-ltoot havo gener­ mablMml IM. we.ikncsses, brightens oqunblo apportionmont ot Iho laxos ia curacy 111 terminology to sinipilcity In thom tho name of tho word, and-tlioy will ally llrst ouiployod tho family jihyslolan, ono of tho cliiof results looked for by a form and sound, cannot much longo return yoiw.ooK, Ln'uooJiAi'Jts, Nature's Summer Remedies. the spirits, and invigo­ BEAUTIFUL or used ail tho proscriptions within reach 'the r,ovd crmua meUMiicn out of tht tartH. rates the entire system. roasscssniontof tho ontiro cily. hope to find illustration. without benotll^ As a last resort, when ^ Ami he Umt /»wise lo/iI nocabhor then.' An unc.vcelled remedy on SAMI'I,KS I'REE, tholr ciiso has bocomo ohronlu, the .symp- 3)v o. i». niJi-own'M KALA.MAZDO had viiriablo weather for nrj<>«!»T) u'unrt und for Kidncv Troubles. A .SivodlsU Custom. TiiE l\falagasy who chances to lind a tnnis coinpllcutcd and tholr constitution hor Momorlal Day. Stinsliiiic followed run down, tbon tlioy take this rcmody, and MVKR ri>-VI«0JtAT01,t partridge's nest Is, according to Sakaiava lOkl Itcllabio Ileiiiodics-Standard u All Tlnijlfthti Dell ll, or ami \ by a showor which would havo soallorod You take wine with your neighbor in It Is Just such uaaos and cures as tlin one iloiir in alt niarketa. i couipoaed o2 by latil, la fiirin of Pill, or I an assoiiiblagn around an ordinary Sweden in a pectfliar inannor. It is not triidition, placed in an awkward predica­ abovo that havo made Swnm,i>-liotJt famous best blood herbs,tl; S of horlis which I.OECllK'^", en r^'ci^int el'S 1.0ANe stomacSh, llTorouTABULEdTiowelBS , purl- yot recoivod with strongost approval. Price, »(Jo. Ofllco, 30 Farlc I'lnco, N. Y. • , .^^"^ffltMln ty the blood, are safe and ottectua] i wants to know I the best mediclno known for.bUIou* Bowels, Ho deoliirod this to be a counlry No Snporhuinan Strength, but Natural WALTER BESANT drspejisla,', foul whore anarchy cannot slay, nor forolgn Vigor. where all tho poets have gono. A Penn­ i l«!^ffi^^ii^ breath'! hMdacho.menntai t depression, . sylvania insane asylum suporlntondont'l « TraaMnr"^ painful digestion, bad coinptextoii. Liver, tyranny destroy hor inatltiiUons. This To attain tho muaoulnrity of tho Individnal * ^ISRmv' aud all diseases caused by failure of who anaiiB stool shaoklea liko twigs by aimply reports that eight out of every ton of his | * ' /Tair^;, • tho stomach, liver or bowels to per is a Govoriimont ot conslitulionnl libor- • ferra' their iiropor functions. Poraons fflTsn to Brer. Kidneys, ty and of freedom, where llio rights of bonding ills arm la voucbaufed to few, Rut to Innialos are addicted to writing versos. eating are lienohto- d by. taUtnf. f- on e after. each• * nuU. acqulro a roaaonahio nniouat. ot phyaicnl powor Price, PJ sampln.irtods; . At Onigglsls. or sent bj mnlL tho peoplo are plainly stated and pre­ I Brpr«uni7ln,irs;r'At Driiggl'sls. or sent "In _ Inside Skin, anu canatltatlonal energy, to eat, a loop, and Dropsy. • niPlNB OIlfanOAOIlfallOAL CO.,, to Siiraoo St., New YorkYol . served for all time. No dlfforonco In digest well, to pOHBoaa an equable, quiet nervosa • •••••••••••**0««««*(.|t«**««******«, ayatom, la poaainlo to tbo norvoua, ontoeblod, Wo oall tho attention of* thoso sufTorlng I Outside Skin, men Is known to tho (constitution and dyupoptlo lu-ynlid who bogiuB and puranoa a with dropsy to tho fair proposition ot Dr, Congross shall make no laws rospectlng courae ot Hoatotter'a Stomach BIttora. 'I'ho H. H. Green & Sons in tholr advertisoinont | Driving everything before tt that ought an establlshnient of roUgion, or prohib­ fruition of hia hopeo is not I'omoto oither. on this page. 'Xry thom; It costs you noth­ $40,000,000 to bo out. WP iting tho froo exorclso thereof," or Speedily folt are tbo toulo etlooto of tbo inimit­ ing to do so^^ Eamodby the Doll ToIephono'Patont In 1801, Yow able Invlgorant, »nd theynre no loon permanent abridging froodom of speoeli or of tho Inyoutlon may bo valuable. You should protect It bjr You knoiu whether you than, prompt of attainment, ^'ho bowola, tho AN old dairyman who Is growing rich patent, Addresa for full and lutelligont advlce,'y)'M press, or the right oC people pnaceably ilvor, tbo atomaoh, the kldneya-all co-operate, 0/ charge, W, W. DUDLEY & CO., need it or not. nndor tho boulgnaiit influence of thia ; com- at it says that ho has novor lost any 'No Itloro II6aiIachc'8."''"^"'Xn to assemble and to pot tion the Govern- , SolIcltoraofPatiints, m Bold by every druggist, and manufactured by prohouolvo modloinn, to Inaiiio thoao atablo cows of tnllk fever since he adopted the ' , ST, Hl5LKN,'Mioli., March a^'1831. Paclllo Dldg., lia F St.N. W„ WiialUniflou,,D. C mtint for redress of grievances. No logls- gunrontooi of health, harmony, regularity, plan of giving each cow two ottncos of Before naing Paotor Koonig'a Nervo Tonio my Mention thin paper. [• , vigor of ootlon. Never waa there dlaoovorod ik laturo- shall pass a law to prpvont any sweet spirits of niter iminodiatoly after m DONALD KENNEDY, modiolnal motor bettor calculated to actuate wile snfferod from norvonB hoadaohoo ond ohoot Intlionlckoftlmt , person from worshiping Almighty God and keep movlai! the main eprluga of healthful caiying. ' tronblo. Aftor using this remedy both have comes Outohor'* lit/ ROXBURY, MASS. I'M' ' according to the dictaluaof his own con­ vitality. Use it for inaloila, rheumatiam, in- ooaaod. A NBUGEBAtTKR. Fly Killer. Coi» li'& science, or compel any person to attend diKoation, billousnosB, Udnoy complaint, la LntK OIL 0W>H TjionnLiD WiTEns is tho In- talo death to filet. grippe. N. AiinEnsT, Ohio, Feb, 28,1801. No mors buz^lsc or support any place of religious wor­ Huonoe ot Sj.i,t.'s BbMKY OF BOBKHOOMD ANDPor overSyoors I bad opileptio fits sevornl , around yonr OMS TAH uron a cold. , _lvTnral,your niiso.or coliraing ivlth your eyofc .: filothers! ship. No money can bn appropriated Cliallongiiigaii UiiUiiowii Coward. PiKB's Toornionii Dnops Cure in ono Minute, Umeaamontii, Slnco I used Paator Eoonlg's Uaefroely; prevent,roprodiiotlon und secure poaolw for sectarian purposes. He spoko of the Norvo Tonic I have nothuil an attaek. Tiio m Offtr Tan d Stmeatf In .the Hungarian Parliament tbo modlolno ia very good. AUGUSTA DBA VEa results of the rebellion, and closed with AsiNOLEbeo, with all its Industry, FRED'KDUTCHER DRUG CO.. St. Albans,Yt.r wMeh Xmum Safety to ether day the Secretary of Stato refused (Pun BEV, ' J. BovEn.) lines which appealed lo tho hearts'of all ooergy, and Innumerable journeys it has , X perform, will not collect mere than a Uy norvoas ayateiii waa oomplotely run down, It Day. At Pontiao a church liulon private soldier, alleging tliat publicity toaspoonjul of honey in a single season. and I wna oo nervouo and weak tiat I woB oon-^ vi'-Sal G.A. R. nteniorlal service wns held at fined to my bod for, 2 ycora. I noed Paotor MOTHER'S FRIEND wonid bo a double penalty. Dpon this tho opera house. Tho memorial address BuEOnAM's PILLS act liko niajle on tlio Kocnig'a Norvo Tonio and am now onUroIy well Itobt Confinement of ita •was delivered by the Dev. M. H. 'Wal­ a moinbor of tho opposition roso lind Ilvor and other vital organs. • One doso re- and doing ray own houaowork. ' ' , :: (MRfi,,,7.D.'.BrOKEL, Pain, horror aniXtitli. lace, of tho Congregational Church,' to said: ','1 call that nameless oflicor a pig loves sick hoadauho In 20 minutos. AftornalogoiieboUleof" Bloiher', Friend 1 and a scoundrel, and now 1 think 'he i-A Taliiablo Hook on Merroiu (ufforod but little pnla, and Old noioxperleooo that an unprocodontedly largo assembly. I Is a L UL L Uiaouaoasent iroo to aiiyaddroaii, FH'TFOIK^ REDUCED woakneaa ofterirnrd uaual In auch cuu.—Un. The day was unusually fine. _ Tho ora will bo anxious tO'give us his name." THE man who deals at tho faro toblo ' w B*i» V pnOonta can OIBO obtila Mrs.'AIlM^M*vlD: •Otegan, Mo., nrll Aanii: OiSE, Lamar, He., Jan. >3tb, letl. Perhaps iiof The unnamed offender is, ylco presldont. this inqdicliio 1^00 of oliargo. ,..I"MTr weightweight ?wnatiS - .iponnaa,now,ltia . tion was given by the Itov. C.'C. Millor, I Thia remedy, haa boon jropiirod ,by the Bovorond _8eBt by'exprou,ch»rlOi:pr«p«lil, oa receipt of ox hyppthesl, a coward, and may prefer blonolof.if 12ab Ibi." JTor elrealars addreea, with I Srloo,«l.M)por boitlit. Book to Itolhoramklluit trea, Of the Baptist Churoh, and was pro­ Putor KoontK,- of Port Wayne, Ind., BlncolS?&nnd iEIt.:Ueyi«kti'I'eTliaAtrfcOluoiufO.e l to remain In the safe shelter of obscurity. I Unowproporodundorhia direction by tho ; ; , , '.ii'.aMVB: IUtAIIPIELD£BGlII.ATOB CO., nounced tho fullest and most touching Blboid Pdisbning —London Globe. ,'"^ 'ATLANTA,-OA. elTort'of Its!kind overheard in Poiitiac. • "Mra.'Mary E. CrPallon, a KOENIC MED./20.,Chlcago; HI, •. , - BOLD ay ALL DBuacusia, • The andlohoe was large imd gave un­ We will givo $100 ro-waid for any,case ot voryihtdlligent ladyof Pi- AN'AKIilSIij ntvoB tnatant stinted expressions of appreciation. At qua,O.,waa poiaonod wliilo Sold by Dnisiflsts at 81 poir Bottle. Otm SK relief, und is nn INVALLI. catorrh that cannot btoured with Hall's Catarrh IILE OURK for PILES. Saginaw, Lansing, Bay Oily, .lackson, Cure. ,Takon intornally. naabitlng physicians at an ,lar«o Slio. Sl.'jl!. 0 Bottloa for IBO. i ' IMcOitt; nt driigKlBlH or Dotroit, Grand Biipids, and ether cities . P. J. CHENEY &. CO,, Props., Toledo, 0.. outoiisyp years Ofto, andfiooa .' hy mail. - Samplea free, torrlblo uluorr .troke out AAadroa( a "ANAKKSIS,'* the exorcises wore unusually impressive. •'oxWIli, NEW Yonx OiTX. GREAT men stand like solitary towers on her head; arras,'tbbguo , 1)1 Observance of tlio day was general throughout the State, and iiitlicatiid an In the cityof God, and secret passages and throat. 'Hor ' Knin .all : ' • cnma out.' Sho wolghoaf but lOVELL^DIAMOND^ CYCLES' IBEST, P0i;.l8H IN THE^WORLD. increasing ihtbrest In theovon't. ,' running deep beneath external .nature, ic-^';",'-''','?,.''-'.'-.| give their thoughts Intercourse with -~ 78 pounds, and aaw no'proa- For Ladles nnd Oontthj.fi AT.Lansing,:Wm., Cotus, .foreman at, higher .intolllgences, which strengthens .:Poct of: help. ,At, laat' aho PneumatloOusblon and I'Diarnond :Franie';'Steei' Orei the Eiyorsido: brickyard,.In attempting ana cotisoies thptn,. and , of which^- the i began to tnko Uood'sSarfid- -IVlw. Itt. Ei O'Fallon.'^jfjila, ' and ' at: once; ii- Tubing.Adluita'bie QaHBetri,.. mm to remove • obstructions from One of the laborers on the: surface do not oven proved; could'sbon'get.oiit'of bodilmdwalk^ ;6ho I Inciudinir' Podaii,,.Su«ponslon' dreatn.—Longfellow.',' ,, briijk; machines had his!,arm caught by Bays!i,"Ibecamb porlootiycured by V"\-''AV^ ' ,'i the preteature starting of the machine, 8oiid Oxonti In ntamps for oar.lOO-nige lllagtrutod eat*. orushin.'tit to a piilp and neCessitoting A uotniLE'folio le'ttcir of Queen Eliza­ ] i,ri, DIeyato'Cattloiao VuMl.l:t'°: logae of, Uuna, Itlllei,'BCTolTcrB, fiportlns.CooJi;- etc; litl amputftt\6n above the tilbbw. beth, beautifully subscribed and signed, Hobd's Sar^^^ dated Greenwlch,'May 30, 15CS.,;'was ro- THBEAOX:presidents of, tho', Michigan DO NOT BR DECEIVED* ,M,i-i,,, 7. . centl y sold at Sotlierby's for $75., ,;.' ! ;,' and sm nowwelli'l'weigh la'ponijds, eat weU and MM'-' with'Pastes; Enaniolai' and Pftints -which Pioiibeir! tfoolety' have died of'grip "slnco dothowork foral«rgofamlly.'',v;^v^;;,, ' / staia tho bands, Injure the Iron, and burn June 1,'liV'ill, and thov.rankshavobeen off.',! Tho Rising Sun Stovo Poliah is Bril- sadly deciiAatod :;.by tho same disease. lIaj.t;,:Odorless, Durable,, and tbo con- This; was ^'tl|{o:ireport.:;bf;th6y^ opmmittob''p;f«i;8'ohtoiJ^atlthb.;^^ Lnn$lne:< ^ Lansing city ia alive in all ihiiit'S.—The j Highest of all in Leavening Power.—U. S, Gov't Report, Aug. 17,1889. IIV Y. U. C. A. is of (ireal Kood, also tha Y. | W. L. Si CO. \V, C. A. Till! latter is opened every Sat­ urday afternoon and evening of this month, I *3-Ci)i'rosi)onac)nceMlioulil roach tJilsiilHce IJverybody wt looina—Mrs, S, B. and Frae | ou TuoHdiiy of euoli uuuic—aud not later Wiley apent a very uleiumni day nt the col- than WeiliioHdiiy lunrniui;, lego in company with Ueury IJverett and I wile.—Lunaing eelebraled decoration day THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1892. very appropriatvly. Only one accident, a We hope it may be, at least, by tlic time yoii gaze on littlo boy pulled an urn over on hiiu whilo | IsIniKl Conivrs. nt the cemetery and waa hurt quite badly. this page. In anticipation of your wants otir .supply of A larfce number of peoiile attcnried phil —Mr. Rider and wife and Mra. Darling I (Iron's day exercises last Sabbath at thu spent Sunday in Lansing.—Monday waa a Island.—Allie Chapin closes school at the very notable diiv for Lanaing aa she waa Bennett FridDy'.—Mrs. Arllinr Collins wns visited by so many noted nilizens from called home bv her broilier'a sorioua illness.. other atntea, About a dozen states were | —Mrs. Slnli'y"ia yiaiting Iriends near Lain; '•RPfcsented ua loohiug after Iho best melb- Odeaaii.—IJ. B, Parker is repnintiiip his od of health. Eden. Try DuUnin'a Groat German IS cent 'bouse.—Harvey Bennett is bnildingn large Dniisvlllo. Liver Pills, 40 in each package, nt Ualstond •worl£ shop and woodhnuae. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Whipple of Dana There will be an ice cream social Satur villo, were tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. & Sou's. day evening, June llth, on Ihe lawn ol A. illcrldlnii SfRlIoii. F.M. Child over Sunday,-W. M. Rolle Is unusually large. Tlic season this year has been against A rnrable. Who saya wo linven't bad enouj;b rain V iiaers. for the benefit of the M. P. church, was in Charlotte on business the first of All are invited,—'J'he game of ball lust A certnin man was journeying along —\V, J. Kline and aon aro at worli on the tbe week.—Chas, Gibson of Saginaw, was us. We therefore announce this week race track nt Lansing,—Chris, Robnolt has Satui'ilay was declared off on account of in town on business Inst Saturday,—It only rond beset wilh many dangnrs nnd loading been grnnted a pension.—P. .Miller lost a rain, but will bo played iie.Yt Suiurday.— mined .SO.daya in the monlli ol Mny.—Rev. to n fatal precipice. Aa he walked he cauio vnluablu colt lust weeli.—Tho W.M. Sun Horn, to David Burgeaa and wife, June 2d, A. Chapin arrived iu fiden Inst • Tuesdny in contact with two peraons whose buainess dny school will bold their piciiiu at Pine a boy. The child lieed hut a few miuutea. ovoning,—Mark. Blood ia the owner of a it was to stop travelnra from proeeoding Lake last Saturday,—I.Aanlline and r)ain,'h Mother doini; well.—Ifrod Bpardsloy haa handsome filly by Jubilee 821H. It ia a fni'tber in tlint dir.ietion. Oiui of them ter, Alice, spoilt a day in Detroit a slion i»one to Owosso.—Wm. Wells of Deiroil, beautiful briglit bay, niid is 11 iintural horn aeoiiig that the ninu waa intent ou prcHaing MIAii mm i MS time ago.—.^lioe .'Vsrltine lias purchased visittid his aister, Mra, Pnrit l<'or),'U8on, the pacer. Mark, hna reliiaed a nice price for forward, nnd not wisliinij to he thouirht dia nn upriplit rosewood piiinn, anil she ia ready paat wenlc—Jofiiali Wolooil hud a severe it already.—D. N. Ulniadnll baa just cotn- ngreoable, eticouraKod liim^in liia danger to give inuBio lessons to anyone desiring to nllack of iiouralBla of llio heart,—Winnie pleloi) a patent wire fence lor R. A. Fuy. ous courao, by aiiming the llalti-ring song taite lessonSj Goer was lionie over Sunday froui her He lina built over 200 roda and will build "He's a jolly'good fellow," and by neglect On all Thin Dress Goods, In our selections you will school,—Thore will bu n social danco at the aa much more ihis weak.—Children's day ing to show tho danger aignal. The niha Felt Dhslrlcl. Danavillo rink, Friday evtiiing, Juno 17tli. will be observed next Sunday.—Tho rail being determined to do hi« duty in th find the following at the extremely Low Price of 5c, 7c, Mosquitoes and refreshing showers are Music by Lnrnnger'a band,—W, D, Scott road couipntiy hnve just completed the park ollico lo which the King of the conntry hnd the mnin topics of tho day,—Mrs. Gecirgi? has t'oiifi to Benloii llarhar to ivoric at hia by pninting the foiice, they have (liven il nppoinled hitn—whether he secured tho IOC, and 121/c per yard; LoiiK nnd mother of Dansville, visited trade.—The Unptist aoeialy will servo ice three ccals, and it looks elegant. Nothing good will of travelers or not—wavoil thn Irioiids in thia vicinity last week,—Children's I orauni on Salurday eveniuir, .Tune llth, like slanaiiig in with the rnilroud company, danger signal in tlio air. ami, finding llin day will be observed at the school house on tho lawn ol Dr. Lemon.—Ilev. J. W. They have also painted the signals and lhat waa nullified by the withhnldini! 61 the iie.\'t Sunday, June V2. A good program fjumb and wife aro attending tho Baptiat switches, lilveryihiiig is now, clean and aignal on tho part of hia liruther onioei, he .is being prcpan/J.—L. .M. Potter ol Albion, Association nt Albion. neat.—Wheat and grass nre now growing at allot the traveler in oim of his feat. Tho spent a I'eiv days with his parents and wound caused couaiderablci pain for a time Challies, Lawns, White Goods, Alftlcdoii Center. an enormous rale, alao oata nnd corn nre friends in this vicinity last week,—Decora coining rapidly.—Sheep shearing ia in was ncuompaniod by u hnrd feeling inwan tion day was highly obaorviHl al the school K, N. Wilkiiia went to Saginaw laal ordor at proaent.—Geo. M. Smith was tlieullioer who fired tho pialol, slackened the trnvelcr'a apeod nnd ultiiuaiely cauai-d him liQu.ie .'ifay .'lOih, with Uoii. M. E UuuiBoy week.-—D. C, Peabody and wife go to called to Fiiicontiing laat Monday evening Pine Apple Tissues, Satines, ol Losiio, ns speaker. Gratiot county this week lo visit relatives to attend the lunernl of a cousin. An to aeok the aid of a notable doctor who and friends.—Alya G. True of Rives, opernlor of Jnokaon, has taken his place promptly nnd grntuitoiialy hoali'd the wound ' Okemos. visited Ilia brotlier, Orvillo and other rela. till ho returns.—Rev, A, Chapin of Cliioago, and induced liim lo jminicy along a bottu .Bedford Cords, Dragon Cloth, Several from this pincc niteiided ilio hall lives Sntiirday and Sunday,—OrvilleTrue ia will deliver nn nddreas nt the acliool houae rond. (fame nl the college Salurday nfteruoou,- ifftlting ready to put up a granary, aliaep thia week Friday evening. Subjoci, Which of the two olTieera waa lhi> travel Mr. Miller nf Danavillo, visited his sisiar, .ilieil and tool house with bnseuient, Orrin VVorld'a Fair. Admisaion free.—Mrs. Geo. or'» frieiuU The conduct of the first olli Mrs, C. M. Vouun last week,—Ed. Cnuk Batista, Inverness Cloth, 'i'rue of Rtvea, will do the inasoti work.— W. Hicks was cnllinj; on friends hero last ear reminds ua of Jer. GiM "Saving peace, moved tojthu AjfricMiliiiral College the llrsl Thi're will bo pruacbiiii; at llie Alniedon Monday.-Oliirord Hill will return frnui pencR ; when there is no pence." Tlip con of this week—Mv. d. .f, lirnwn a|ioiit Fri­ Cftiiler ficlinol house, next Sunday at '2;3'i college thia weak.—P, J. Convorae and duel of Ibe aocoiid brings to mind Piov day in Orand Ledt'O—Edninrd Young of |i, tu and Sunday aidiooi at '.)M o'clock,— wile of North Lansing, were in Eden laat 27;0| ''Faithful nro tho wounds of a rrieiid, Figured India Linen, Dausvilln, is spending the week wilh his Several friiin this viciiiily took iu thu field Monday.—Mias Metiio Lyon closes a very and llie hard feeling of lliu wonndi-d iravnl son, C, M. Yiinng--rn our laal. week's liny exircisea nt llie cnlleu'e Satunlny.—Il succesflliii term of acliool at the Roll'e er aiiggeals Gal. 'lilO, "Am I ih('r,irrire bo ilenis we stated tliat hud reopened, statedtha.Hcho.i HCIUIOl Ihad reopeiieti, doea not look very eiicouragoing for much "l''^,^?".'f°' "7'°"' T • como your enemy, because I toll yon the Shantong Pongee, which wa as a misialu'. On Tunsday so „( „ corn crop it, Ihis locnliiy, but very few ^."'^'^ ! '•'."'^''>'' -^.""^ ^"''l' .^I' I'leevening I ru th '?" - A .M1 (.'lis, many of the pupils wero .till sick that i< r,,,„,orfl have planted yel.-PW, Cochran, h''^•'n ^'.""^.'Tf "'T• AilllUlon l.''rl(!nil,s. ^'ht best 10 keep acliool closed the ,vbo Ims bean sick for some lime, died Mot, cordtally invited,-Mra, I. C Olds, wife ol and Summer "Flannels. Remainder ofthe'weekr' Itnpenod .Monday, Id.l^jjlir'e^ | '^"'•'i"" 'i^' Olds.died last-Salufdny evouing, A friend in need is a friend indned, nn however,-Mr. I.la.'adorii is very ill with dntigblera, Mrs. Chas. Gilbert of Chicago, ^''"""^''V'7'"""T' ^,2"": not less than one million people have found '"oasloa. and Mias Inez. The family were all „Tlh r°"'T''"^""'^''^if just such a friend iu Dr, King's Now Dia covery lor conauinption, coujilis nnd cnlds Wlipnl/ldld, him during hia aickuess and death. The ,7'° ^"''^ T ". ""ci """''"''^ ^T^- Many of these styles are new this season. You will be luneral snrvices wore held yesterday alter- 'VT If you have never usnd this great cougli JUNEG, 1892, medleina, otto trial will convince you thnt William Curtis haa the cellar and I'ouii noon at four o'clock, couduoted by Rev, J.V'^P '"^"'f ''f"'"' """'y sorrowing it has wonderful eurntive powers in all dia pleased with them. An early call will be to your advan­ dation walls up Ibr his new hnuao,—Delhi A, Uarnes. Ho will be laken to Galva, 111,, eases ol throat, chest nnd lungs. Each . Goraline, who iina been vi.>ry sick with tv Thursday, for burial. Mr Cochran waa 13 Slockbriage. bottle is guaranteed to do all that is claim tage. plioid fever, ia alowly recovering from hor years of ago and had been a reaident of ed oruionoy will be refunded. Trail linttlea long illness,—William Froat of Grnliot Aiaiadon tor 18 yeara. Our marshal marched a couple of hord free nl H. M Williams', Mnson, and F. H county, was the cuestof his lather, James looking fellows to the lockup Friday night, Fields', Dansville, Large bottles. 50 cents B. Frost, last week,-George lladdy of Di- Oiiondngn. about half past five o'clock. They had been lounging around the depot aiicl waro. aud .iii.00. : monilalp, waa in town last week looking up Dr, .lordan haa mine lo Put-in-Bay,— houses all day, and shortly afier there was witnossBS Ibr his law suit in tlie circuit Ruby Preston haa boen very sick, hut ia a a third ono seen rniining for dear life nnd Bliouinatlsni Cured in a Day. court,—Wool liuyers are oll'oring from liitio better at this writing,—Mose Rosatnan entering R. H, Mitteer's woods waa soon "Mystic Cure" for rheumatism and neu^ to 22 eanta per pound. So much lor home and wife will reside in Toledo,—George lost to sight, A bag (lontaininij a powder ralgia radionlly cures in one to three dnys. protection.—Walter Frost is doini,' a Inrge Townaend ia home from Florida, whero he '° T, J

kely and daught Has 'Mason a ' ^Pf"}' I Eaton Rapids, visited ot'ilie farm Tuesdav! I S^'lk of Anderson, visited at Geo. Phelps ANEW PAINLESSe Sunday near Stockbridge with Mr. last week.—Mra. Dakin ia nt Webberville CERTAIN . CURE.S brother in law, Hugh Royce, who, wo are TM'wife visited at Dimon- I working for P. Owen in^the hotel.—The W. GIVES INSTANT! • sorry to learn, is quite ill.-The Felt schoolr>'9|_, fSmiday—j^lrsQ A A .,.,!„ . Carrie Ranne-J ...y ha^s ' - SfiELIEF C. T. H. will meet with Miss Betsy Pickett AND LASTING CURE. HEVER RE-R •includin.:;„pl,ullng„ botKnih KlteacheeAhner ann,„di ....oitpupiiao , are en­' | boon allowcd a claim 0^110,000 in the J. ITURNS. TO PROVE IT and to convinccB this week.—Levi Palmer will wield the jyou that it will promptly curennycnseK tertaining the mumps.—Mra. S. Preoinau E. Clark estate.—Warren' Bollowa nnd wife visited at Chas. Lott's Sunday.--C, blade.and serve cuatomera at Clark's meat The Greatest Blood Purifier^ liii is preparing to snnd hor eldest doughter, market hereafter, in the place vacated by whose mind is afl'ected, to an asylum for Darrof Dimoudalw viaited at W. Bellow's KNOWN. ' fl Lonnielabell.—I'he Grecian entertainment Tills Cirent Gorman Modicino la tho •medical treatment. BONWIR SOOTLAXD. Sunday.—Melvin 'Holbrook of Lansing, visited his parents last Sunday.—Wo have given by Misa Farrand at the G. A. R. hall, Schenpcst nnd lioat.. 328 doses oE SUTJ-' laat week wos simply i/rantZ. IPIIUR lUT'i'ERS for §1.00, losa tiian ., Agricultural College. had to be the jnwamilhbf the firm for the j of riles, External, Internal, nieediiii,',} \ ono cent a doso. It will cure the Joh-E?, 1892. past few daya, as our big half'went fishing, . SonYzzYcnKzs. 1 Protruding or Itcliing, we will send a! [worst C1V603 or skin diseiuo, from JTRIAL PACKAGE FREE to any nddress.B 9n common pimplo on tiio faooX Mm Field day has nt Inst come and gone, no Hecaught three thunder show'era, four i Send stamps to cover postage & address c a to tlint awful disenao, Scrof ula. ^; ; 5. not gone for pleasant memoriea of _i t will baby bullheads and.a fine batch, of neural- Tho Greatest Strllio. ISULrilUK BmEKS la tho « THE PYRAMID DRUQ CO,, I Shest niedicino to. use. in'nil 1^ ever linger we believe' wilh each college I and is now oiling the hinges to his /Among the greateat strikes th»t of Dr. n..T4a. AMiToy, luicir. j flYE, SIR, SHE H4S. Jeiisea of such stiibhorn and TwYourKid- i represented.' Though the weather was ex- jiws with quinine. Such is fishormon's Miles in discovering his New Heart Cure Jdoop seated dlsouscs,. • Uo^noya nro ont M'^ m I not over tnico tremely bad,with the complete nrratigementa luck.—Geo. Berger of Detroit, has been has proven'itself to be one of the most im<: #01; order. Use «>:'|ii;''/|?/'" for thecomfort of our viaitorBjBver'yone was ^'i^it"'R friends.near hero.—J. C.Fanoher, portant. The demand for it has become BtUE PIL1.8 m lor niorottry,tlioyaro dead­ ' reasonably wellplensed.' ; Out of'30 firstlR 1"'" ^fivor ofKingslaud, sports a fine astonishing. Already the treatiiient of heart -AT,THE- /you nro alolt, tio( ly, rlnoo your trust lu r inattor wtut ails I •: •'" jitizes, M. A. G. waa , tho' winner of 22. new double buggy; QuiU' drivera are an- disease is being.'rovolutioniaed; and many .SULPHUR lilTTERS, ATyou, uso slv'v V fiold medal was won by ''^'ed to.a few little luxuries now and then unexpected cures effected. • It soon relieves mmmm. Itlio purest and best Sfm • 1 • n>>'i' jmedlclM oyer im&a.ff, jUlpiHf SVmi\ 1 ',''•.• • Burnett of M. A. C. The relay cap by M. is the: opinion of:; .: MINERVA. shortbrealh• , fluttering, pains in aide, arm, aboulder, weak and - hungry spells, oppres- . A. C. and the base ball eup by.M..A:: C. ; \ • jJosoWinir Praisin |W!t,IiivyoUow8tioky#,jro ?S;f^ ;;;•;•: The, Bcore:in the Albioiinnd M; A.agome ™ , '. '''"-""'^.^'^"/f * A ,• , aion, swelling of ankles,, amothering and 8uh8tanoo?-Isyotirjr^ro, flat Son' youri.hack, ||iii^:;.';:,;;,Thuraday stood 16 to 4 iu favor ofth^lat- • '^''^°^ heart dropiy.' Mr. Miles' book on. Heart Tle PlacG Wliere^ i'^«?"H'l*rk'^,"j'#bHt Rot aomo at once; it •"" •' • •" tor. • •This made Albion sick. The iriolem'-11**'?.'*''. l>a»e.been selling Dr.^Kmg'a New and:NervousDiaeaaes, free. The unequal-i L°f1°J!2'r ?; w'/will-' euro: yoa.; SalpUur ed New Heart Cure is sold aiid guaranteed by Longyedr Bros,,' also bis, Restorative Nervine-for hBadaohe, filsfsprees, hbtflM ImmedlatoW.TliOyonnB,tlio,nK«(liana^tot- M- es, ne'rvbut chills, opium habit, oto. I«TourUr-#torliiB: avo soon miido:_woU by ij My Fish are caughff at Bay ino tUiclt;#it3.nflo.;v!;Beinonilior,,wliat'.you y topy,olo-#road: horo,^:lt?:may.;i6avOi'^yot|ir ;. City and shippetd diiKct to me: • ntlyior;#Ilfo,'; It •.I Iia8A:.Bnvoil A', hundrods; i;'..»'-: .VTho'State Norinanads Won tlie next'higher >.?V Don't Get Imiiosctl Upon " •#Don't wnlt:;until;;to-morrow,'i;« |#l'*'^;'.\ •''"'"be'r 6f:medala:afterbuii(iwn, 01^^ is tt good motto to faliow DI biiylnKaniodlVlneua weti in refrigerator; "ca,rf; in such \ '•• 4 1^1, icallyshedid it. Thei.Nornfnl^ bas^:somnR!'??r^^^^^^ uaiDovorythihgolso.-,Uv tho niilvoraul antiafaotlon idby •• yff-i.'. ;..T3 A'lfTl will n '.^ I .'!•';

man- 25 'cent ''^^l^S^^^^lZ^;^m^^ ^iis^iU^^ip JS»^ZlJllJllil $JrfsSi«^^J&«oiitfs 2-c6nt;Btamp^^^^^^^^ ^ lrya!mmm»S: ,^r»riiSioby naliit(iRd'iSoiii=J3l?^^;is^^ M^Wm^^"^ V ' f BMto"JM«Mv