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tt'-YOTJK DAILY TRIBT'NE. THURSDAY. MAY 3. 10M. 5 of PIIOFKSSfO.XAL LEAGUE' BASEBALL Books and Publication*. Books and Publications. cTK^^OQ^Lp 7 v J!IX fX J.KAGVE. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Giants Win Ten Inning Game on The Highlanders Forced H WmA New Macmillan Novels Passes and Timely Hitting. Because of the Ram. Rcadv This Day Radtke was hard at him with the whip, master loomed as Auru- NATIONAL GAMES TO-DAY. CURRICULUM IS REATEX up dangerously. LEAGUE" AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES TO-DAY. Mr.John Luther Long's / KHlochan. who was graduated New at I Philadelphia from the mald- York Boston. Cincinnati at St. Ixmls. at Hew York. '. St. Louis at Cleveland. he B*COnd race « waß Brooklyn at Philadelphia, ; Washington ?r?««^?i, < plunged on by at Boston. |Chicago at Detroit. those ho knew of a fast workout, and was The Way oi the Gods <**\u0084«. OX backedAfrom 10 to 1 to sto 1. Sterling RESULTS OF GAMES YESTERDAY. Since SEWELL WINS SEWELL closing race, won the RESULTS OF GAME3YESTERDAY. the death of Uafcadto Hearn there la no em who aynaasliss fls* a handicap at five and a half fur- NATIONAL. author of "Madame Butterfly"in ings, beating LEAGUE. _ AMERICAN LEAGUE. the ability to mate his readers feet the the erratic Baitleaxe a head. Preen, New 4; Boston. 3. IChicago. 1. charm and atmosphere of Japan, he the favorite, tried to rare Idle Pittsburg.Tork. 5; St. Louis. Detroit. 8: Chicago. 2. | New York vs. Philadelphia while tells of the fair HosMko*a Dream into sub- 4; Cincinnati. 1. | , Cleveland. 2; St. Louis. 1. I (rain). longing for the Intense Joy offered her at the price of eternal obliteration. mission In the first half mile, but stopped him- Washington, a; • phi Finch Gallops Home (n the at the stretch, Boston. 2- 1 self head of the allowing Sterling NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDING. and Battleaxe togo on and fight out the Issue. AMERICAN' LEAGUE STANDING. Handicap at Jamaica. Clubs. Won. tost. P.c.l Clubs. Won.Lest P. 0. Mr.Owen Wisier's Yotk "'14 3 .824 St. Louis 6 » .400 Clubs. Won.Lost. P.e.t Clubs. Won. Lost. Pp. gewcll. an added starter, won RADTKE AND MILLER 225**°Ji*» •• 12 rt .667 Boston « 11 .853 Philadelphia .. 0 « .«Joi Detroit 7 7 .50s the SHARE HONORS. .623; Cleveland ft .871 St. Louis Greenfield S?,^"^*.; 8 Cincinnati 7 14 .*>* .683, 7 S .4«7 Lady at Jamaica yesterday, after a spirited Philadelphia 9 .029 Brooklyn 4 13 .235 Washington ...*» 7 Chicago « 8 4» Baltimore ftakec New York 7 7 .8001 Boston « » .4ft) By fcead and head drive all through the Radtke was back in the saddle again yesterday th* Author of "The Virginian." Clotk, SIJO. stretch after a day. (By Telegraph to tfith August Belmonfs Curriculum. The two suspension, and in five mounts won The Tribune.1 The opening game of a That the author of "The Virginian- deHdoosty finish ra< s and was second twice. He divided the Boston, May 2.— who for series between the High- could deal with such a brought the crowd to Its feet, as jockeytZS. honors Miller, Strang. batted Mc- Philadelphia, rich Held . might be assumed. But both horses with who also rode two win- Ginnlty in the eight game, landers and which was scheduled to cacy, . with what charm and deli- heavily played, ners and two seconds. Garner are now inning of to-days place at League fine humor and Insight, the work has been done, only tad been and hundreds of per- tied, Radtke and take American Park yesterday, a direct with six victories each for winningmounts at made a timely hit which changed the aspect was postponed acquaintance with the finished volume can Justly show. Xhe Southerner fcns had a rooting Interest. who "»« meeting, while Miller comes with five, on account of rain. As a result a will certainly find enchanting home touches and every Sewell. had boy* third and turned apparent Into victory double played Saturday. In"it. reader w« mount on his namesake, the ear to •be Setting the pick of the defeat for the header will be on feel the spell of the quiet old southern town and all d%inty the had satisfaction n£f£*L A3a dJ1 aII thr?e.. are ridin* la ' - Giants, who A big — the tender. Radtke, * * «ood orm beat the Bostons in a ten inning crowd made the journey to the grounds and humoroas southern life and atmosphere. St. Lomi* dobc-Dcm. et timingthe decision over who had the BtSriiJ?".5 3vlctor>' over Battleaxe was largely due to Mmii?Millers clever handling, while struggle by a score of 4 to 3. With the bases yesterday to soe the American League champions, Charmingly illustrated from original drawings. jao-jnt on Mr. Belmont's colt. Royal Breeze '" Masaniello would but had go 11 leM competent bands than full in this Inning, on two bases on balls and to home disappointed. Philadelphia is tacked from 15 to 1 to '7 to 1. finished a good those oTßadtke* leading the league race, but the Highlanders are a muff by Bates of Devlin's fly. Strang sent out close enough to make the outcome of the present third series of great apd George 8. Davis, an added starter in the Green. a double which enabled Dhlen and Devlin to importance to both teams. Agnes Egerton Castle's \u2666 ;• was for two-year-olds stake at five fur- Btak •« named after the ball player cross plate, tying the twelve «Sl2 h5o of that the' the score. In tenth 5; 8. lcrip*.end horses went to the post, there ,. ,was wlth h* Glantß for a number of inning ' DETROIT. CHICAGO. vl™^a r d 10w Playing55 shortstop the Giants made their winning when At B. H. E. IIYoii«h being no less than four added starters to aeipnia . for the Phfla- Detroit— ' Bui Knew «-m« those de Americans.JV The horse Is a Boo<l looking Devlin walked, stole second and came in on Detroit 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 x—s 9 3 who had been sent out over night. Those who n|fi.er and had quite a strong following? but Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 o—2 9 3 "The story shows that rare combination of poetic tenderness and ro- wT«was always outrun and proved a disappointment. Marshall's long single to centre. — mantic adventure which is the unfailing charm of the fiction of these ver? added at the last minute were Sewell, Batteries Detroit, Donovan and Schmidt; Chi- Howard, besides batting the ball hard for cago, Owen — •authors.'— Record-Herald, Chicago. Royal Compensation George and Sullivan. Umpire Connolly. Breeze. and S. "W. 8. Vosburg. the official handlcapper. Boston, made a fly. Curriculum, which has an- fine catch of Devlin's A P&via. had won the Wash- ca'p dId l1™WelghIS to the *****County Handi- good catch by Mertes up against the fence of CLEVELAND. 2; ST. LOUIS, 1. ington Nursery Stakes at Bennings to Tamalca on Saturday. — and the tOD . ,i J Hermla is Tenny's long fly was At Cleveland R. H.E. w°ii*» Ji^ feature of with Sf^i,,^ h P°»»n<l". while Roseben gets in another the 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 x—2 5 0 Cs-Tiarste Stakes at Aqueduct was always the- B.8 and Merry game. Cleveland In Preparation Immediate Issue, Excelsior^^.e rr .' Lark- which won the St. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 o—l 7 0 for favorite,but Sewell. which had won his first start, wefg HfuUl^H mUSt takG UP m pOUnda- Tha — hu? m fuUl^io : Boston took the lead In the opening inning. Batteries Cleveland. Benhard and —Clarke; St. last Saturday, had a strong following Rickey. Umpires O'Lougblin - and was " BridweH's grounder bounced up and hit Dahlen Louis. Glade and backed from 6 to 1 to 4 to 1. closing and Connor. Miss Marie Van Vorst's second SSBT ' a x in the face, and a triple by Howard allowed him choice. Of the others Kilter. Royal Breeze, Stalwart TikIS grenade 102 to cross the plate. A single by Brain scored WASHINGTON, 3; BOSTON, 2. "' 1 — 6oQy M George and ' The George Warrener . S. Davis Euseblo were well RotebenV JS Aeronaut 100 Howard. first run for the visitors was At Boston R. H.E. supported. forced in in the second inning. Mertes and Dev- Washington ...2 0000001 o—B 9 1 A study among people at a suburban town, by walked and Gilbert pitched Boston 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 I—2 9 1 of life and manners tto The start was poor. lin was hit by a ball. — author of "Amanda of the Mill." The story Is realistic and human; and Radtke rushed Curric- ' HcGinnity was in same manner Batteries Washington. Patten and Heydon; • " treated the and fearlessly. 0 Cntt — Its Interesting Is handled ulum to the front in the first and Ormonde^Tßlrtit""** nf F**.*?. Boston. Young, Winter and Graham. Umpire theme quarter made - - Mertes walked home. Boston made Its third Sheridan. the pace around the turn and Into the ::::::: flKrpeVuin:::::::::: run in the seventh inning, when Maroney sin- stretch. Bad News s gled c bjMi Campaigner, Royal Solly . 11A "* ye and got to third on Mertes's fumble. On Breeze and M. Polly Spanker. ?u"?v F OT BridweH's single Maxoney «.\u25a0: racing head «S scored. EASTERN LEAGUE. Dr. Andrew Macphail's and head behind.