I* I VOL. XVIL MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 9. 1892. NO. 23 Bnll will save you money on your pu rnritiers' Sco This. Now ia the timo to purchaaa wool twine, chaaca—give you good goodant (air prices, You oan get tho best fivo foot mower in fjargo atock. Prices low at Fitcli & Ray See the benn pinnter.-i nt .Tohn Lnsenby's. the mnrket for $10. Binders nnd horao mond's. *w2 Tlie county suparintendenls of the poor rakes in proportion. Be auro nnd aoo me ClRi'Oiico li. Holt. Mra. C. W. Chnpinnii moved into her new hnve a fine baby boy they would like to azaar ME HE before you buy. Joiis LASKNRY, Mason. Tills well known actor will hnvo the honor homo last Monday. have some one adopt, of appearing nt the opern houae Monday Best 30o tobacco in town nt Hoyt Bros S, A. Fowler, uttoriiey at law, hna moved Filch & Raymond are sprucing up their night next in a dramntic veraion of Wilkio from Sloekhridge In Leslie, hardware atnrn with a liberal dresa of paint Born, lo Mr. and Mrs. Allred Ramsdill of Collins' well known novel, entitled "The both on the exterior and inaide. New Mngdalene," in wliieh ho eharactcrizea Ball (jivea you a good aeleetion in gauzo northeast Vevay, last Tuesday night, a son an Engliah clorgymaii—Julian Gioy. By are underwear, and also in hosiery. * Don't forgel the nice goaaamer for $1.00 weighing niiie ponuds. many compotnnt critics it is said thnt his al Ball's. One-quarter oil' aalo on all niillinery Ronieinbor Clareneo Holt at Rayner pnrfornianoo is ono of the fineet over given Last Saturday evening Fred McKeever goods. Special sale on ribbons. To those who nro not through Who ai-e Selling opera bouao next Monday evenincr. in America, The Grand llapidfl Telegrain was looling with a revolver at Iho opera *w2 L. fluciiaoN &, SHANKS. says: Clnrenoo Holt has done no bvltcr G. C, Fox (il Charlotte, hna sued thnt House Cleaning we would say house ond aiiot himself witli a blank car Last Tuesday before Jtislice Parkhurst acting, in Grand Rapids, thnii Im did last city for services na rity nttornoy last year, Iridge. Tho charge struck liiui juat abov evening in thn rolu of Julian Grey. lie Etlwiii Pluuimnr complnineil ol Fred Gni that wo have a Complete Liiw the bridge of llio noso. Dr, Culver took Lsat Saturday nflernoon -^'hile nl practice ley for Inroeny. Both ol Ihe pnrtiea linil was equal to all demands upon him, iu this him in cliarge and picked the uowder out of Geo, Searle brolto ?0 out of 74 bluo roelta from White Oiik. virile nnd exacting role. His powerlnl, and are receiving New Wall ' bis face nnd eyes. It wns a fortunate acci tnelndioua and finely modulated voice lenda Don't buy any lawn hose until you hnve Window ahndns at S, 1?. Stroud & Cn's. dent. itself to the interpretation of all plinses of Papers right (dong, and at CHEAP. seen our linn nnd prioea, C. P. BiiowN. emotion. His powers nre held discreetly iu ''The New Ma{;daleiin" nt Rayner opera John B. Clark comes to our city with the reserve, and ho never loses his head in the liouae ne.\t Monday fivoiiiiif,'. Prices best of reoomnieiidniions from the clergy Married, laat Saturday, June 4th, at the prices that will sell them. "whirlwind of paadion," Hia portrayal of i)0 ntiii 25 cents. and press. His "To nnd Fro in London Clark Houae, by Justice Ferguson, Benj thia cliaractot; is heyond all quealioti an nd And if you need a Nice Water We do not quote prices. Call is one ol his best efi'drls, I\t the oporn min Vickermnn ol Whoatfiold, nnd Miss Last Friday a son wei/jhini; 10 lbs. was mirahle one. Ample, ooinprehenaive, sat at our store and we will cou- house Tliursday and Friday ovonings of Vina' Campbell nf Alaiedon. horn to Mr. and Mrs, L, P, Converse of isfying. Sat or Chamber Set, or Croclt- vince you we are doing just next week, Admission, 75 cents to boll Alniedon township. Children's day exercises at the M. E lectures. as we advertise. church will ho held oil tho morning ol Juno Ball will put on aalo Saturday a lot of ery of any kind it will pay Tho "Dangler Siirpriso," aonielhiut; now 19lh. The progrnm will be rendered by TliH best (raaoiino atove in tlie tnarltet nt Ladies, if you desire a cool dress see Ball boya' waists lo close out nl 22 ceiiia each, members of the Sunday school. you to see what we offer be­ Fitcll & llaytnond'a. *w2 about it. * former price from 35 to 50 cents. * Pntriok Heaney ol Bunkerhill, charged G. C, Lawronco haa hnon engaged fo Laat Tnesday a match bluo rock aboot BIiisoii riilillc Schools, fore you buy. Ecsp'y, with rape, will havo nn examiiialion before nnollier year na principal ol the aonth sid between the Etcliella and Leslie gun clubs The following is thn report of tho Maaon 1 Yir B* a» took place nt tho latter village. Each team Justice Hammond lo day. Complaint aoliool nt Grand Ledge, publio schools lor the month ending May mado by Rose Curtis of same township. was composed of seven man nnd each man 27th: Len Smith lias moved into n.liouso shot len sliols. The score was '13 to 1)2 JuNt UlC Saiuci as Casts. Total uuinbor enrolled for the year lo dale 61 iMnsnti street ao as lo be near hia worlc nt in favor of Elcliells. This is protty good Lust week Tuesday between Win. Clin FORD 4 KJRBY„ Number belonging at dale 357 ihe depot nnd freight liouao, , shooting for a new club nnd tho victors feel er's nnd Luke Asoltitie's n light weight grny Average dally atlondaiice for month ,320 W. M. PRATT. much elated over tlinir succces. overcoat wns lost. Tho finder will be re Number ef vlsllora , , i^ Buy No. 1 line aalt at S. A, Phddock & wurdud by leaving at Dr. S'. H. Culver's. Nniiiber of foreign pupils 13 Son's, only 7;") ceiiia per barrel. Cnll on Dr.Gihson, tlin ooulial, for glassea Last Tnesday aftornoou n team bolong noLL OF HONOR. BusliioflE directory. Mra. 1101111 B, Dakin of U'illinmston, hna •Tohn R, Clark ia noted this country ng to .S, H, MoCorniick ran away breakin, High scliool—A.ilce Barker, Frank llnleiiian,Teresa over as n fine lecturer and eiitcrtniner. Rums, Evart Clark, Harvey Curtis, lloll O, Dart, purcliaacd n houso and lot in Lansing fo a leg of ono of .thein, injuring her so bndly Stella DeCaiiiii, Etta Doollltle, Orrla Frceland, Oharh'a a cash coiisiiienition of ?fi,500. He delivers fivo lectures tho best of whicli tliat she had to be shot. This is the tenl' I'oler, Loule'flanaloy, Alia Illlllard, Mnliol May, Lu PHVSICIANS. is ''To and Fro iti London," This one he clua Mills, Nellie Price, Gertrude ilByumml,fiuy Ray horse that Mr, McCormick lias lost in moiid, llDbbiiii Baynor, Roy Rohb, Joaiipii Itobliison Change of lime on tho Central will not will deliver nl the opern house next week R. A. J. TIIOMSOiN, I'hyslclaii and Sui-geen or- many years, Edna Seaman, Ireiio Snillh, Grace Tubtis, Sadie Van D lice over H. M. Williams' drng store, Mi go into oO'ect unlil next Sunday. It wns Thursday eveiiiiig. Mr. Clark haa lectured Oslraud, Kiigeno Warllehi, Lena Wliltlug, Georg Jiesidence, Mcllolierl house. Oak street. too liirgu n job to get ready for Inst Sunday, in some places as high as ten times. You ahould uso White Rose Gnsoline, for Wiilhiuia, Edna Goheeii, Jennie Harper, Eigiitli grade—Gay Cnaterllii, Floyd Cady, Lena o. OlIISON, Physician, SuiBeon aud Oculist. Tickets lor tho two lectures 75 cents. sale nt Hoyt Bros.' * Karle, Fred Fanson, Bertha Fanson, Eddie Fleming, Night calls answered. tllUce nvei I'estolllco. Tho M. ]i, camp moetiiig At Baton Rap Madge Irhli, Clarence Green, Ella Lambert, Wliiu' L ids will bo held from July 21 to .31 aud Ihe Before purchnaiug n spray pump call at June 29th the people ol Lnnaiug will ! Nellls, Klla Nea*, Werele Rubinson, KHlo Harden. D.OREEN,M.l).,nonioipalhiBi, Ollloein Polar Fitch &, Raymond's and see the best nnd enllod upon to yote for three propoaition Grnmniardeparlnienl—Arthur Barnes, Myrtle Bar- block. nesidenoe,hrBtdooreaatPres.church outlook ia protuieitig for a auocesafui meet don, Mniidu Beniont, Monzo Cadj, Mabel Dyer,Mabel G. i"K- chenpest pump in tlie inarliet. - *w2 for bonding tho city. One for §00,000 for Green, George llnullngten, Lillian Uowe,Ina Jewell. an electric ligliting plant, 850,000 for a city Spray Maybee, Stella Plillleo, Madge llhoilea. Coral ATTORNF.VS. Frank Rohb has ptircliased the agrioul Chnrlea Willinnis, claiming to liye four .Soiithwick. Charllo Baraw,Norman Teniplelun,'Netllu liall and $20,000 for a new bridge ncrosa Best Gasoline Sold for tnral hail building Irotn the driving club tnilea north ol Lansing,, waa arrested Inst Teiii[iletoii, Blunclio Vanilercook, Uessle Webb. M. CUMMINS, Attorney and Counselor at Grand river al li'ranklin street, Interniedlale deiiartiiient—Goorgle Barnes, Stella and will move it to hia liirui for a slieeii Salurday nt BaltleCreok, by Depnly SlierilT A. Law, Olllce over lluward'a Orocery, Mason. Oross, Maiidte Freeland, Maiidlo KIrby, Earnest Kel- shed, S. Leo Cook, charged with stealing a horse Supt, R. H. Gulley haa been appointed ley. Loo Lasenby, Oeorglo Ward, Ada Snillti, Julia T. HEMANS, Alloruey and OoiiiiBolor at ^Lnw Miliar, Tun Teiniileton, Madge llovlon, Julian Ury, 8c per Gallon.
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