Usefull Website Links for Newcomers to Leiden

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Usefull Website Links for Newcomers to Leiden Usefull website links for Newcomers to Leiden Relocation/registration/immigration Leiden Municipality: Oegstgeest Municipality: oegstgeest/ Voorschoten Municipality: Leiderdorp : Katwijk : Zoetermeer: Registration and de-registration in Leiden registration-and-procedures Address registration form ( company address): Change of address form: df Address change online ( requires DigiD): move-to-or-within-leiden/ Municipality tax (sewerage, water and waste management) menu/english.html Transport: Travelcard: Travelplanner: Trains: Buses in Leiden area: Arriva Connexxion: Legal Help Free legal advice: Leidse Rechtswinkel Het Juridisch Loket - Leiden branch Groenendijk en Kloppenburg Advocaten: ECL Partners – Legal Law Firms De Clercq Advocaten:. TeekensKarstens: RWV Advocaten: Van den Heuvel law firm: services/van-den-heuvel-lawfirm Tax consultants Limes International: SAS for Expats:, An Valuations Services: (Leiden): De Ward Kramer (Lisse): House of Tax (Haarlem): Learning English Leiden University: courses/english The local library (BplusC) also provide English courses: The VKC (Woman and Child Center): Foundation Thuis in Taal ( English and Dutch courses ): Facebook group Leiden Language Exchange: Learning Dutch Free options; Bart de Pau's Duolingo The local library (BplusC) . Taalcafe in the library: Gilde Samenspraak: Facebook group Leiden Language Exchange: Only for low income/low level education: Other options that will incur a cost: The library (B+C) Leiden University: courses/dutch Lingua Franca: The foundation Thuis in Taal : The VKC - Vrouw en Kind Centrum (Woman and Child Center) information is all in Dutch): UNITIXT: Leiden Language: Taalthuis: Taalservice Leiden: Key To Dutch: Road to Dutch: Dutch language courses for children: Young Expat Services: Kick Start School in Den Haag: Dutch courses for business: Alpha Talen: Commerce Talen: Dutch- “Inburgering” Learning Dutch is part of the integration process.: inburgeringsexam-and-who-has-to-take-it/#questions-1864 Social Groups and Events Libertas Leiden: Meet & Mingle (by Expat Centre Leiden): leisure/see-do/calendar We are Leiden: MeetupLeiden: iden%2C+Netherlands&mcId=c1029989&mcName=Leiden%2C+NL&sort=default Social media sites Leiden Leiden Expats: Leiden friends: Leiden mix: Leiden mamas: For international students: Summer Camps for Children: Summer Camps in English content=/Leiden/eropuit/Engels-voor-Bengels/zomervakantie-vakantiekamp-zomerkamp- 2019-go Summer Camps in Dutch - most counsellors will speak English. kaag/jeugdcursus/?gclid=CjwKCAjwza_mBRBTEiwASDWVvgEEJTagcPSrwZUISa8nYluw S9_mMkSwiyvMOZnxMU3xOIauG6gk5xoC4eIQAvD_BwE kamp/ Recycling – separating waste Leiden: Recycling: Recycling container locations: Bulk waste (drop of): Bulk Waste (pick up): General household waste in Leiden outer areas: Trash bins – pick up schedule: ondernemers/afval/ophaalschema-afval/ General household waste within Singel and selected outer areas of Leiden – underground containers: General information: afvalcontainers/ Apply for a new card: card/ Leiderdorp: Oegstgeest: General Trash: Plastic- cans: verpakkingen-blik-en-drankpakken/ Bulkwaste: Working Job agencies/ interim agencies in Leiden: YoungCapital Leiden: Job motion: Unique: Volunteering in Leiden: Idoe Housing: Eigen Haard Makelaars: partners/housing/eigen-haard-makelaars Tweelwonen: KamerRaad: De Leeuw Makelaars: leeuw-makelaars Lindy Nikken Real Estate: partners/housing/lindy-nikken-real-estate Rotsvast: Expat Mortgage: mortgages Information on rental contracts, rental disputes rights_4xA5_lores_schone.pdf (Amsterdam) Arranging services Electricity: Water DUNEA: Gas LIANDER: Healthcare Health insurance: Zorg en Zekerheid insurance company – Leiden based: The CAK (Central Administration Office):
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