Wassenaar 20 jaar 20 september 2018 In september 2018 bestaat de Engelstalige wijk Wassenaar 20 jaar. Hierbij een korte weergave van de geschiedenis van deze wijk/gemeente, in het Engels en in het Nederlands. Former members of Wassenaar ward/branch may request a copy of the ward history newsletter ‘One Accord’ by sending an e-mail to:
[email protected] The Wassenaar ward is the English-speaking ward of the The Hague stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We meet in the Zoetermeer chapel. The address is: Zegwaartseweg 47 2723 PA Zoetermeer. We are a thriving ward of 110 active members, welcoming visitors, investigators and new arrivals. In 2018, our sacrament meeting starts at 12 AM and the meeting block ends at 3 PM. We warmly invite you to join us at Church ! Our ward theme for 2018 is: ”That we may be one, even as Heavenly Father and Jesus are one.” In September 2018 we will celebrate our 20th anniversary as a ward/branch. We would like to share this short ward history with you ... Bishop Orlando J. Casares
[email protected] 2 From Group to Branch to Ward: A 20-year Journey An informal group of American expatriates who lived in Wassenaar village, and who were members of the The Hague ward, joined the Leiden branch in 1995 because it was closer to where they lived. After that initial Wassenaar group, more expats and expat families joined. Because of these new arrivals, the Leiden branch quickly expanded into a ward. The Leiden chapel was flled to capacity, then overfowing.