Estonian Representative to NATO and EU Military Committees


Was born in Valga () on June 28, 1955


1972 Graduated from Kohtla-Järve Secondary School

Military education:

1972-1976 Higher Air Defense Radio Electronic Military College in Zhitomir, Ukraine 1983 Academic course in Air Defense Academy in Harkiv, Ukraine 1994-1996 Academy in Hamburg, 2000 General and Flag officers course in the NATO Defense College in Rome, 2001 Military Terminology course for Flag officers, 2002 International Joint Staff course, Romania 2004 Baltic Defense College, Higher Command Studies Course in

Military Career:

1976-1981 Engineer, Chief of Radar Station in the Air Defense unit 1981-1991 Engineer, Senior engineer, Chief of maintenance section, Deputy Chief of department in the Moscow Ballistic Missile Defence system 1992 Air Defense specialist in the General Staff of the Estonian Defense Forces 1992-1996 Commander of Single Radio Technical Air Defense Battalion 1996-2003 Chief of Staff of the Estonian 2003-2005 Deputy Chief of General Staff of the Estonian Defense Forces 2005-2006 Chief of Staff of the 2006-2007 Deputy Chief of Staff, NATO Training Mission- 2007-2012 Commander of the Estonian Air Force 2012- Estonian Military Representative to NATO and EU Military Committees


1992 1994 1998 Colonel 2008


Order of the Cross of Eagle, 3 th class The Order of Merit of the Ministry of Defence of Estonia, 2 nd class Estonian Distinguished Service Decoration General Staff Cross of Merit Estonian Air Force Cross Memorial Medal “10 Years of the Re-Established Defence Forces”


Estonian, English, Russian, German

Marital status:

Married, two daughters