Using 3D Integration Technology Yuan Xie Pennsylvania State University Science and Department University Park, PA, 16802, USA [email protected]

Abstract (4)Smaller form factor, which results in higher pack- ing density and smaller footprint due to the addition of The emerging three-dimensional (3D) chip architec- a third dimension to the conventional two dimensional tures, with their intrinsic capability of reducing the wire layout, and potentially results in a lower cost design. length, is one of the promising solutions to mitigate This tutorial paper first presents the background on the interconnect problem in modern de- 3D integration technology, and then reviews various ap- signs. 3D memory stacking also enables much higher proaches to design future 3D , which memory bandwidth for future chip-multiprocessor de- leverage the benefits of fast latency, higher bandwidth, sign, mitigating the “memory wall” problem. In addi- and heterogeneous integration capability that are offered tion, heterogenous integration enabled by 3D technol- by 3D technology. The challenges for future 3D archi- ogy can also result in innovation for future mi- tecture design are also discussed in the last section. croprocessors. This paper serves as a survey of various approaches to design future 3D microprocessors, lever- 2. 3D Integration Technology aging the benefits of fast latency, higher bandwidth, and The 3D integration technologies [25,26] can be clas- heterogeneous integration capability that are offered by sified into one of the two following categories. (1) 3D technology. 1 Monolithic approach. This approach involves sequen- tial device . The frontend processing (to build the 1. Introduction device layer) is repeated on a single wafer to build mul- tiple active device layers before the backend processing With continued technology scaling, interconnect has builds interconnects among devices. (2) Stacking ap- emerged as the dominant source of circuit delay and proach, which could be further categorized as wafer-to- power consumption. The reduction of interconnect de- wafer, -to-wafer, or die-to-die stacking methods. This lays and power consumption are of paramount impor- approach processes each layer separately, using conven- tance for deep-sub-micron designs. Three-dimensional tional fabrication techniques. These multiple layers are integrated circuits (3D ICs) [3] are attractive options for then assembled to build up 3D IC, using bonding tech- overcoming the barriers in interconnect scaling, thereby nology. Since the stacking approach does not require the offering an opportunity to continue performance im- change of conventional fabrication process, it is much provements using CMOS technology. more practical compared to the monolithic approach, 3D integration technologies offer many benefits for and become the focus of recent 3D integration research. future microprocessor designs. Such benefits include: Several 3D stacking technologies have been explored (1) The reduction in interconnect wire length, which re- recently, including wire bonded, microbump, contact- sults in improved performance and reduced power con- less (capacitive or inductive), and through-silicon vias sumption; (2)Improved memory bandwidth, by stack- (TSV) vertical interconnects [3]. Among all these inte- ing memory on microprocessor cores with TSV con- gration approaches, TSV-based 3D integration has the nections between the memory layer and the core layer; potential to offer the greatest vertical interconnect den- (3) The support for realization of heterogeneous integra- sity, and therefore is the most promising one among all tion, which could result in novel architecture designs. the vertical interconnect technologies. Figure 1 shows a 1This work is supported in part by grants from NSF (0702617, conceptual 2-layer 3D with TSV and 0903432) and SRC. microbump. 3D stacking can be carried out using two main Face-2-Face (F2F) Face-2-Back (F2B) techniques [8]: (1) Face-to-Face (F2F) bonding: two substrate Metal layers wafers(dies) are stacked so that the very top metal layers Device layer are connected. Note that the die-to-die interconnects in Device layer Metal layers face-to-face wafer bonding does not go through a thick substrate buried Silicon layer and can be fabricated as microbump. Metal layers Metal layers The connections to C4 I/O pads are formed as TSVs; (2) Face-to-Back (F2B) bonding: multiple device layers are Device layer Device layer substrate substrate stacked together with the top metal layer of one die is bond together with the substrate of the other die, and Microbump C4 Pad TSV (Through-Silicon-Via) direct vertical interconnects (which are called through- silicon vias (TSV)) tunneling through the substrate. In Figure 1: of F2F and F2B 3D bonding. such F2B bonding, TSVs are used for both between- layer-connections and I/O connections. Figure 1 shows 3. Designing 3D Processor Architecture a conceptual 2-layer 3D IC with F2F or F2B bonding, with both TSV connections and microbump connections The following subsections will discuss various archi- between layers. tecture design approaches that leverage different ben- efits that 3D integration technology can offer, namely, All TSV-based 3D stacking approaches share the fol- wire length reduction, high memory bandwidth, hetero- lowing three common process steps [8]: (i) TSV forma- geneous integration, and cost reduction. It will also tion; (ii) Wafer thinning and (iii) Aligned wafer or die briefly review 3D network-on-chip architecture designs. bonding, which could be wafer-to-wafer(W2W) bond- 3.1 Wire Length Reduction ing or die-to-wafer(D2W) bonding. Wafer thinning is have resorted to technology scaling to im- used to reduce the impact of TSVs. The thinner the prove microprocessor performance. Although the size wafer, the smaller (and shorter) the TSV is (with the and switching speed of transistors benefit as technology same aspect ratio constraint) [8]. The wafer thickness feature sizes continue to shrink, global interconnect wire could be in the range of 10 µm to 100 µm and the TSV delay does not scale accordingly with technologies. The size is in the range of 0.2 µm to 10 µm [3]. increasing wire delays have become one major impedi- ment for performance improvement. In TSV-based 3D stacking bonding, the dimension of the TSVs is not expected to scale at the same rate as Three-dimensional integrated circuits (3D ICs) are feature size because alignment tolerance during bond- attractive options for overcoming the barriers in inter- ing poses limitation on the scaling of the vias. The TSV connect scaling, thereby offering an opportunity to con- size, length, and the pitch density, as well as the bond- tinue performance improvements using CMOS technol- ing method (face-to-face or face-to-back bonding, SOI- ogy. Compared to a traditional two dimensional chip based 3D or bulk CMOS-based 3D), can have a signifi- design, one of the important benefits of a 3D chip over a cant impact on the 3D microprocessor design. For exam- traditional two-dimensional (2D) design is the reduction ple, relatively large size of TSVs can hinder partitioning on global interconnects. It has been shown that three- a design at fine granularity across multiple device layers, dimensional reduce wiring length by a fac- and make the true 3D component design less possible. tor of the square root of the number of layers used [9]. On the other hand, The monolithic 3D integration pro- The reduction of wire length due to 3D integration can latency improvement vides more flexibility in vertical 3D connection because result in two obvious benefits: and power reduction the vertical 3D via can potentially scale down with fea- . ture size due to the use of local wires for connection. Latency Improvement. Latency improvement can be Availability of such technologies makes it possible to achieved due to the reduction of average interconnect partition the design at a very fine granularity. Further- length and the critical path length. more, face-to-face bonding or SOI-based 3D integration Early work on fine-granularity 3D partitioning of pro- may have a smaller via pitch size and higher via density cessor components shows that the latency of a 3D com- than face-to-back bonding or bulk -CMOS-based inte- ponents could be reduced. For example, since intercon- gration. Such influence of the 3D technology parameters nects dominate the delay of accesses which deter- on the microprocessor design must be thoroughly stud- mines the critical path of a microprocessor, and the regu- ied before an appropriate partition strategy is adopted. lar structure and long wires in a cache make it one of the best candidates for 3D designs, 3D cache design is one reduces power by 15% with a temperature increase of of the early design example for fine-granularity 3D par- 14 degrees. After using voltage scaling to lower the leak tition [26]. Wordline partitioning and bitline partition- temperature to be the same as the baseline 2D design, ing approaches divide a cache bank into multiple layers their 3D Pentium 4 processor still showed a performance and reduce the global interconnects, resulting in a fast improvement of 8%. cache access time. Depending on the design constraints, 3.2 Memory Bandwidth Improvement the 3DCacti tool [21] automatically explores the design for a cache design, and finds out the optimal par- It has been shown that circuit limitations and lim- titioning strategy, and the latency reduction can be as ited instruction parallelism will diminish the bene- much as 25% for a two-layer 3D cache. 3D arithmetic- fits of modern superscalar microprocessors by increased component designs also show latency benefits. For ex- architectural complexity, which leads to the advent of ample, various designs [7, 16, 18, 22] have shown that Chip Multiprocessors (CMP) as a viable alternative to the 3D arithmetic unit design can achieve around 6%- the complex superscalar architecture. The integration 30% delay reduction due to the wire length reduction. of multi-core or many-core on a sin- Such fine-granularity 3D partitioning was also demon- gle die is expected to accentuate the already daunting strated by [1], showing that by targeting the heav- memory-bandwidth problem. Supplying enough data ily pipelined wires, the modifications resulted to a chip with a massive number of on-die cores will in approximately 15% improved performance, when the become a major challenge for performance scalabil- Intel Pentium-4 processor was folded onto 2-layer 3D ity. Traditional off-chip memory will not suffice due implementation. to the I/O pin limitations. Three-dimensional integra- Note that such fine-granularity design of 3D proces- tion has been envisioned as a solution for future micro- sor components increases the design complexity, and the architecture design (especially for multi-core and many- latency improvement varies depending on the partition- core architectures), to mitigate the interconnect crisis ing strategies and the underlying 3D process technolo- and the “memory wall” problem [14, 15, 17]. It is an- gies. For example, for the same Kogge-Stone de- ticipated that memory stacking on top of logic would sign, a partitioning based on logic level [22] demon- be one of the early commercial uses of 3D technology strates that the delay improvement diminishes as the for future chip-multiprocessor design, by providing im- number of 3D layers increases; while a bit-slicing par- proved memory bandwidth for such multi-core/many- titioning [16] strategy would have better scalability as core microprocessors. In addition, such approaches of the bit-width or the number of layers increases. Fur- memory stacking on top of core layers do not have thermore, the delay improvement for such bit-slicing the design complexity problem as demonstrated by the 3D arithmetic units is about 6% when using a bulk- fine-granularity design approaches, which require re- CMOS-based 180nm 3D process [7], while the improve- designing all processor components for wire length re- ment could be as much as 20% when using a SOI-based duction (as discussed in 3.2). 180nm 3D process technology [16], because the SOI- Intel [1] explored the memory bandwidth benefits us- based process has much smaller and shorter TSVs (and ing a base-line Intel Core2 Duo processor, which con- therefore much smaller TSV delay) compared to the tains two cores. By having memory stacking, the on- bulk-CMOS-based process. die cache capacity is increased, and the performance is improved by capturing larger working sets, reducing Power Reduction. Interconnect power consumption off-chip memory bandwidth requirements. For exam- becomes a large portion of the total power consumption ple, one option is to stack an additional 8MB L2 cache as technology scales. The reduction of the wire length on top of the base-line 2D processor (which contains translates into the power saving in 3D IC design. For 4MB L2 cache), and the other option is to replace the example, 7% to 46% of power reduction for 3D arith- SRAM L2 cache with a denser DRAM L2 cache stack- metic units were demonstrated in [16]. In the 3D Intel ing. Their study demonstrated that a 32MB 3D stacked Pentium-4 implementation [1], because of the reduction DRAM cache can reduce the cycles per memory access in long global interconnects, the number of repeaters by 13% on average and as much as 55% with negligible and repeating latches in the implementation is reduced temperature increases. by 50%, and the 3D clock network has 50% less metal PicoServer project [10] follows a similar approach RC than the 2D design, resulting in a better skew, jit- to stack DRAM on top of multi-core processors. In- ter and lower power. Such 3D stacked redesign of Intel stead of using stacked memory as a larger L2 cache (as Pentium 4 processor improves performance by 15% and shown by Intel’s work [1]), the fast on-chip 3D stacked DRAM main memory enables wide low-latency buses core or memory bank into multiple layers (as shown to the processor cores and eliminates the need for an L2 in [21, 26]), each core or cache bank remains to be a 2D cache, whose silicon area is allocated to accommodate design. Communication among cores or cache banks are more cores. Increasing the number of cores by removing via the network-on-chip(NoC) topology. The core layer the L2 cache can help improve the computation through- and the L2 cache layer are connected with TSV-based put, while each core can run at a much lower frequency, . Because the short distance between layers, TSVs and therefore result in an energy-efficient many core de- provide a fast access from one layer to another layer, sign. For example, it can achieve a 14% performance and effectively reduce the cache access time because of improvement and 55% power reduction over a baseline the faster access to cache banks through TSVs. multi-core architecture. 3.3 Heterogenous Integration As the number of the cores on a single die in- creases, such memory stacking becomes more impor- 3D integration also provides new opportunities for tant to provide enough memory bandwidth for proces- future architecture design, with a new dimension of de- sor cores. Recently, Intel [19] demonstrated an 80-tile sign space exploration. In particular, the heterogenous terascale chip with network-on-chip. Each core has a integration capability enabled by 3D integration gives local 256KB SRAM memory (for data and instruction designers new perspective when designing future CMPs. storage) stacked on top of it. TSVs provide a band- 3D integration technologies provide feasible and width of 12GB/second for each core, with a total about cost-effective approaches for integrating architectures 1TB/second bandwidth for Tera Flop computation. In composed of heterogeneous technologies to realize fu- this chip, the thin memory die is put on top of the CPU ture microprocessors targeted at the ”More than Moore” die, and the power and I/O signals go through memory technology projected by ITRS. 3D integration supports to CPU. heterogeneous stacking because different types of com- Since DRAM is stacked on top of the processor ponents can be fabricated separately, and layers can be cores, the memory organization should also be opti- implemented with different technologies. It is also pos- mized to fully take advantages of the benefits that TSVs sible to stack optical device layers or non-volatile mem- offer [13, 15]. For example, the numbers of ranks and ories (such as magnetic RAM (MRAM) or phase-change memory controllers are increased, in order to lever- memory (PCRAM)) on top of microprocessors to enable age the memory bandwidth benefits. A multiple-entry cost-effective heterogeneous integration. The addition row buffer cache is implemented to further improve the of new stacking layers composed of new device tech- performance of the 3D main memory. Comprehen- nology will provide greater flexibility in meeting the of- sive evaluation shows that a 1.75x speedup over com- ten conflicting design constraints (such as performance, modity DRAM organization is achieved [15]. In ad- cost, power, and reliability), and enable innovative de- dition, the design of MSHR was explored to provided signs in future microprocessors. a scalable L2 miss handling before accessing the 3D Non-volatile Memory Stacking. Stacking layers of stacked main memory. A data structure called the Vec- non-volatile memory technologies such as Magnetic tor Bloom Filter with dynamic MSHR capacity tuning is Random Access Memory (MRAM) [4] and Phase 17.8% proposed. Such structure provides an additional Change Random Access Memory (PRAM) [24] on top performance improvement. If stacked DRAM is used of processors can enable a new generation of proces- as the last-level caches (LLC) in chip multiple proces- sor architectures with unique features. There are several sors (CMPs), the DRAM cache sets are organized into characteristics of MRAM and PRAM architectures that multiple queues [13]. A replacement policy is proposed make them as promising candidates for on-chip memory. for the queue-based cache to provide performance iso- In addition to their non-volatility, they have zero standby lation between cores and reduce the lifetimes of dead power, low access power and are immune to radiation- cache lines. Approaches are also proposed to dynami- induced soft errors. However, integrating these non- cally adapt the queue size and the policy of advancing volatile memories along with a logic core involves ad- data between queues. ditional fabrication challenges that need to be overcome The latency improvement due to 3D technology can (for example, MRAM process requires growing a mag- also be demonstrated by such memory stacking design. netic stack between metal layers). Consequently, it may For example, Li et al. [12] proposed a 3D chip mul- incur extra cost and additional fabrication complexity to tiprocessor design using network-in-memory topology. integrate MRAM with conventional CMOS logic into In this design, instead of partitioning each processor a single 2D chip. The ability to integrate two differ- 3D stacking incurs extra manufacture cost due to extra steps for 3D integration and may cause a yield loss dur- ing stacking. Depending on the original 2D micropro- cessor die size, it may be cost-effective to implement Processor Core Layer the chip using 3D stacking [5], especially for large mi- DRAM Layer croprocessors. The heterogenous integration capability Fiber: to off-chip Non-volatile Memory Layer Fiber: to off-chip that 3D provides can also help reduce the cost. Optical Die

Package In addition, as technology feature size scales to reach the physics limits, it has been predicted that moving to the next technology node is not only difficult but also Figure 2: An illustration of 3D heterogeneous architecture prohibitively expensive. 3D stacking can potentially with non-volatile memory stacking and optical die stacking. provide a cost-effective integration solution, compared ent wafers developed with different technologies using to traditional technology scaling. 3D stacking offers an ideal solution to overcome this 3.5 3D NoC Architecture fabrication challenge and exploit the benefits of PRAM and MRAM technologies. For example, Sun et al. [20] Network-on-chip (NoC) is a general purpose on-chip demonstrated that the optimized MRAM L2 cache on interconnection network architecture that is propsoed top of multi-core processor can improve performance by to replace the traditional design-specific global on-chip 4.91% and reduce power by 73.5% compared to the con- wiring, by using switching fabrics or routers to connect ventional SRAM L2 cache with the similar area. processor cores or processing elements (PEs). Typically, the PEs communicate with each other using a packet- Optical Device Layer Stacking. Even though 3D switched protocol. Even though both 3D integrated cir- memory stacking can help mitigate the memory band- cuits and NoCs are proposed as alternatives for the in- width problem, when it comes to off-chip communica- terconnect scaling demands, the challenges of combin- tion, the pin limitations, the energy cost of electrical ing both approaches to design three-dimensional NOCs signaling, and the non-scalability of chip-length global have not been addressed until recently [6, 11, 12]. Re- wires are still significant bandwidth impediments. Re- searchers have studied various NoC router design with cent developments in silicon nanophotonic technology 3D integration technology. For example, various design have the potential to meet the off-chip communica- options the NoC router for 3D NoC has been investi- tion bandwidth requirements at acceptable power levels. gated: 1) symmetric NoC router design with a simple ex- With the heterogeneous integration capability that 3D tension to the 2D NoC router; 2) NoC-bus hybrid router technology offers, one can integrate optical die together design which leverage the inherent asymmetry in the de- with CMOS processor dies. For example, HP Labs pro- lays in a 3D architecture between the fast vertical inter- posed a Corona architecture [23], which is a 3D many- connects and the horizontal interconnects that connect core architecture that uses nanophotonic communication neighboring cores; 3) True 3D router design with major for both inter-core communication and off-stack com- modification as dimensionally-decomposed router [11]; munication to memory or I/O devices. A photonic cross- 4) Multi-layer 3D NoC router design which partitions a bar fully interconnects its 256 low-power multithreaded single router to multiple layers to boost the performance cores at 20 terabyte per second bandwidth, with much and reduce the power consumption [6]. 3D NoC topol- lower power consumption. ogy design was also investigated [27]. More details can Figure 2 illustrates such a 3D heterogenous proces- be found in [2]. sor architecture, which integrates non-volatile memories and optical die together through 3D integration technol- 4. Challenges for 3D Architecture Design ogy. Even though 3D integrated circuits show great bene- fits, there are several challenges for the adoption of 3D 3.4 Cost-effective Architecture technology for future architecture design: (1) Thermal Increasing integration density has resulted in large management. The move from 2D to 3D design could die size for microprocessors. 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