This Is a Free Sample of Content from the Dawn of Human Genetics. Click Here for More Information Or to Buy the Book. © 2005 By
This is a free sample of content from The Dawn of Human Genetics. Click here for more information or to buy the book. Index Abich, H.W., Academician, 237, 250 Alapovsky, Ye., 337 detailed list of generations, 411–414 Abramov, M.P., 395 Albinism, 116 ethnicity and possible inborn traits, Abrikosov, A.I., 469, 470 Albrecht, W., 561 410 Academy of Sciences Album of Confessions (L.F. Dostoev- father’s traits and life story, 407–409 attacks on members’ defense of sci- skaya), 441–442 Friedrich Witte’s descendents, 406– ence, 680–682 Alchevskaya, Kh.D., 450 407 campaign to keep Koltsov out, 684 Alcoholism and natural selection, 143 German heritage, 405–406, 410 membership study (See Academy of Aleksandr Nevsky, Prince, 358 mother’s traits and life story, 409 Sciences membership study) Aleksandrov, A.D., 697 talents of S.Yu. Witte, 334 Academy of Sciences membership study Aleksandrova, F.I., 301 Anderson, 607 age at election and life span, 234–237 Alekseev, Academician, 233 Andreev, A.A., 469 birthplace and place of origin, 240– Alekseev, K.S. See Stanislavsky, K.S. Andreev, F.A., 531 243 Alexander I (Romanov), 321, 328, 335, Andreev, L.N., 462 children and grandchildren, 265–270 368, 386, 394, 408 Andres, A.G., 544, 545, 582, 593, 624, conclusions and observations from Alexander II (Romanov), 325, 327, 409 654 the survey, 276–278 Alexander III (Romanov), 409 Andreski, Stanislav L., 723 data collection method, 230 Alexander the Great, 441, 646 Andreyevich, Ya.M., 343 date of birth and grouping of the data, All-Union Academy of Agricultural Scien-
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