Review Paper The status of herpetofauna of Bhutan 1* Jigme Tshelthrim Wangyal Nanorana sp. from Rigsoom Gonpa, Trashiyangtse Abstract gularis), Annandali’s Paa (Nanorana annandalii), and Pygmy Leaf Frog (Chiromantis This paper presents the state-of-the-knowledge vittatus) bring the total number of species on herpetofauna (reptiles and amphibians) of Bhutan. Through a comprehensive review of reported species, Gharial (Gavialis gangeticus) andknown the in AmericanBhutan to Bull191. FrogTwo (previouslyLithobates catesbeianus) are removed from the list. The oneliterature, caecilian the paperand a identifiesHimalayan 84 Salamander snakes, 23 paper highlights which species need further knownlizards, 20to tortoisesoccur in andBhutan. turtles, Based 56 anurans,on the research or special conservation protection status.confirmation, and which warrant further (author’sOligodon field taeniolatus work, six), previouslyYunnan Bamboo unreported Pit Viperspecies (Trimeresurus of herpetofauna cf. stejnegeri viz. Russel’s yunnanensis Kukri), Keywords: Tibetan Pit Viper (Trimeresurus cf. tibetanus), tortoises and turtles, amphibians, Ptyctolaemus anurans, Bhutan Herpetofauna, snakes, lizards, Blue Fan Throated Lizard ( 1* Corresponding author’s email:
[email protected] District Forest Office, District Administration, Trashigang, Bhutan 20 Herpetofauna of Bhutan Introduction the population. As such, they indicate short- term changes in their environment. Therefore, depend on prosthetic devices to keep ourselves andWilson the (1998) biosphere states thatalive, “To thewe extentwill thatrender we Thisstudy paper of the presentstaxa is very a comprehensiveimportant. update on the herpetofauna of Bhutan, to promote the rest of life, we will impoverish our own attention for research priorities in the specieseverything for fragile.all time.” To He the offers extent a that tremendously we banish grave cautionary to Homo sapiens, a caution and the world as a whole.