Gary Groth,,George Lucas | 252 pages | 17 Jul 2012 | Fantagraphics | 9781606995358 | English | Seattle, United States Walt Disney's Uncle Scrooge: Only a Poor Old Man

Feb 17, Nathan Dehoff rated it it was amazing. Views Read Edit View history. Fantagraphics Books. Are you sure you want to Yes No. Also in this volume are the full- length "The Secret of Atlantis" and over two dozen more shorter stories and one-page gags. Dec 30, Kim rated it it was amazing Shelves: comic-books. Books by Carl Barks. The fact that this is the first time that the original english stories have been properly collected tells a lot about the reception that Carl Barks's characters got stateside compared to places like Italy, Sweden or The Netherlands. The beautiful thing about Barks' work is that it was already written and drawn about as good as it could be made for it's given original format, and this was pretty close to original printed comic size. Also in this volume are the full-length "The Secret of Atlantis" and over two dozen more shorter stories and one-page gags. Nov 14, Stephen rated it really liked it. I love Carl Barks; his duck comics are just so much fun, full of amazing artwork, great jokes, exciting adventure, and nice character bits. I began with the war comics Sgt. The presentation of this hardcover is very nice. Why not share! Jakes Christian Inspirational No ratings or reviews yet. SlideShare Explore Search You. Donald acts as his comic foil, a rube forever getting duped into get-rich-quick schemes. Nov 05, Geoff Sebesta rated it it was amazing. The clear affection between him and Donald - and the three little nephews - brings additional nuance to the stories. What you get in this series of books is completeness. Even when Scrooge is trying to wiggle out of his promise of payment twenty whole cents an hour! Prior tothe creator of these stories remained a mystery to his readers. I even learned a few new expressions--"to dun" and "ducking stool. Doesn't really seem to be a need to review this book. But alas, like so many times in life theese unwanted, unread, books turned out to be some of the best stuff I have ever read. The action's always clear and the background's well rendered, but it's like watching a movie from Walt Disneys Uncle Scrooge: Only a Poor Old Man early s when sound equipment was massive that the camera couldn't Walt Disneys Uncle Scrooge: Only a Poor Old Man. This volume is actually numbered as "12" due to the fact that Fantographics is also releasing Barks' earlier Donald-centric comics. Realizing that the have found out where he hid his money, Scrooge immediately calls his nephews to help him guard the lake. Everything that needs to be there, is there, in its proper place. You just clipped your first slide! The flat 2 x 4 grid Barks uses throughout this collection does not serve the stories as well as the lively page layouts he experimented with in "" stories like "Vacation Time. In this collection you get Back the Klondike classicthe Journey to Atlantis classic but one I don't love as much as others dothe Tralla La bottle cap story classic and a tale of the Beagle Boys - Only a Poor Rick Man fun but not classicthe Horseradish delivery Classicand another tale of the Beagle Boys Hawaiian island caper. The one occasion when he does a more complex layout, it really stands out. George Lucas Introduction. Jun 09, Kristin rated it liked it. Cancel Save. Nothin to say about it, because George Lukas wrote "a priceless part of our literary heritage " on the cover, you can see the writing on it if you zoom in. Readers also enjoyed. There was however still a large pile of leftover stuff that neither one us wanted like Richie Rich, Archie Comics, Disney, and all the different war comics you could ever want. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. Don't quite get all the excitement but enjoyed reading comics from a different age when a certain level Walt Disneys Uncle Scrooge: Only a Poor Old Man education was assumed and political correctness was not the order of the day. Every one of them is a demonstration of how penny-pinching Scrooge goes to great lengths to gain or avoid spending small sums. They were at the bottom of my bottom pile of comics and on the bottom Walt Disneys Uncle Scrooge: Only a Poor Old Man the Disney pile lay Uncle Scrooge. What more could I ask. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that Scrooge is entirely his character, whereas Donald has Disney's influence still clinging to him - but the stories are funnier and more imaginative, and the dialogue snaps along at a impressive pace while retaining its intellectual and emotional depth. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Most relevant reviews. Reading in preparation for Ducktales - hope it'll be a good reboot, for once. Well, I finally read Carl Barks!