DIVEDCO) and the Politics of Cultural Production, 1949-1968 By

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DIVEDCO) and the Politics of Cultural Production, 1949-1968 By Poetic Pragmatism: The Puerto Rican Division of Community Education (DIVEDCO) and the Politics of Cultural Production, 1949-1968 by Mariam Colón Pizarro A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Romance Languages and Literatures: Spanish) in the University of Michigan 2011 Doctoral Committee: Associate Professor Jossianna Arroyo, Co-Chair, University of Texas Associate Professor Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes, Co-Chair Professor Jorge Duany, Universidad de Puerto Rico Associate Professor Jesse Hoffnung-Garskof Associate Professor, Gustavo Verdesio © Mariam Colón Pizarro ________________________________________________________________________ 2011 Table of Contents List of Figures ............................................................................................................... iv Abstract ......................................................................................................................... vi Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................. 1 A. The Nation-State Binary .................................................................. 6 B. Poetic Pragmatism ........................................................................... 15 C. Overview ......................................................................................... 18 Part One. Towards the Modernization of Colonial Subordination: State Formation, Democracy Building, and Popular Education ............................................... 21 Chapter 2: Puerto Rican Experiments in Popular Education ................................ 24 I. Background to Popular Education Initiatives ................................................. 27 II. The Genesis of a Popular Education Program ............................................. 38 A. The Initial Proposal ......................................................................... 44 B. The Official Program ....................................................................... 53 C. The Structure ................................................................................... 59 D. The People ........................................................................................ 63 E. The Production Process ................................................................... 67 F. The Audiovisual Corpus ................................................................... 70 G. International Projection .................................................................... 74 H. Conclusion ........................................................................................ 79 Part Two. Modern Strategies for Cultural Processing: From Audiovisual Technology to Community Organizing .......................................................... 81 Chapter 3: Unpacking the Rural library ................................................................... 85 A. Modern Libraries for the People ...................................................... 86 B. Popular Books ................................................................................. 88 C. New Editorial Approaches .............................................................. 108 D. Conclusion ....................................................................................... 123 Chapter 4: Portraying the People: The Collectible Jíbaro ...................................... 124 A. Graphic Art and the Democratization of the Image ......................... 125 B. From the Studio to the Workshop .................................................... 133 C. The Rediscovery of Self and Other ................................................... 139 ii D. Recurrent Images of Democratic Participation ................................ 142 E. Seeing Through Representation ....................................................... 159 F. Conclusion ....................................................................................... 164 Chapter 5: The Schoolhouse on the Screen .............................................................. 166 A. Take One: Democracy on Wheels .................................................... 167 B. Take Two: Producing Educational Films for the People .................. 175 C. Take Three: Disseminating Educational Films Among the People .. 183 D. Take Four: The People‘s Drama on Screen ..................................... 192 E. Conclusion ....................................................................................... 204 Chapter 6: Where They Men of the People? ............................................................ 206 I. Preliminary Notes on Fieldwork as a State Intervention Practice ................. 206 II. Field Workers as State Referents ................................................................. 210 A. The Emergence of the Field Worker Figure as the People ............... 213 B. The Educator as Conscious Technician ........................................... 225 C. The State as an Unknown Friend ..................................................... 232 D. Conclusion ....................................................................................... 243 Chapter 7: Conclusion ................................................................................................ 245 Bibliography ................................................................................................................ 251 iii List of Figures Figure 1 DIVEDCO-sponsored float parades down the streets ............................................... 22 2 Staff from the Comission ........................................................................................... 47 3 Image of a mobile unit ............................................................................................... 52 4 DIVEDCO‘s staff offering technical advice ............................................................... 76 5 Using a pedagogical program based on the rights of women ..................................... 77 6 Graphic artist Lorenzo Homar designing the poster .................................................. 78 7 Community meeting ................................................................................................... 90 8 Almanaque del pueblo 1949 ...................................................................................... 96 9 Recording and developing studios ............................................................................. 101 10 Sound editing and projection rooms ........................................................................ 102 11 Illustrating and printing rooms ................................................................................. 103 12 Silkscreen and writing workshops ........................................................................... 104 13 Copy of DIVEDCO‘s mural newspaper Nuestro Mundo ......................................... 117 14 Copy of DIVEDCO‘s magazine Nosotros ............................................................... 118 15 Fieldworker posting a silkscreen poster ................................................................... 128 16 DIVEDCO‘s poster were integrated into the visual aesthetics ................................ 129 17 In their search for fidelity to the original ................................................................. 140 18 Rafael Tufiño. Raíces de felicidad, 1967, silkscreen ................................................ 146 19 Julio Rosado del Valle. Vecinos, 1950, silkscreen .................................................. 148 iv 20 Rafael Tufiño. Aniversario División de Educación de la comunidad ..................... 150 21 Antonio Maldonado. El de los cabos blancos, 1957, silkscreen .............................. 152 22 Rafael Tufiño. El Santero, 1967, silkscreen ........................................................... 156 23 Carlos Raquel Rivera. Nenén de la rura mora, 1956, silkscreen ............................. 159 24 Bridge built by a group of neighbors ....................................................................... 162 25 Eduardo Vera Cortés. El puente 1965-68, silkscreen .............................................. 164 26 Fieldworker transporting technical equipment ........................................................ 173 27 Film crew shooting a scene for Los peloteros ......................................................... 180 28 Fieldworker announcing a film screening ................................................................ 186 29 Musical performance taking place after a film screening ........................................ 187 30 DIVEDCO‘s film crew shooting a scene on location .............................................. 194 31 Fieldworker visiting isolated rural communities ..................................................... 224 32 Almanaque del pueblo 1952 inside cover ................................................................ 236 33 Illustration for the story ―El amigo desconocido‖ story .......................................... 238 v Abstract Poetic Pragmatism: The Puerto Rican Division of Community Education (DIVEDCO) and the Politics of Cultural Production, 1949-1968 by Mariam Colón Pizarro Co-Chairs: Jossianna Arroyo and Lawrence La Fountain-Stokes During the late 1940s, the Popular Democratic Party (PPD) led by Luis Muñoz Marín began to articulate a series of educational policies that led to the creation of a popular education campaign known as the Division of Community Education (DIVEDCO). This
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