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Urg ,, Tail,bUin Circulation Eaittr• n 'Kent and Job Printinf wMtern Ionia Counties THE LOWELL LEDGER prices. Phone 200 —'V —L--— —^ VOL. XXVI Uh*«r.v LOWELL, MICHIGAN, DEC. IQ, IQIS No. 28 IT T THE REXALL STORE To the Farmers Mra. John A. Arehart Taken From Wage Ldaa in Michigan Alone ia Her Little Ones. $2,000,000. ALWAYS IN THE LEAD Mrs. John A. Arehart passed away Lansing, Mich., Dec. 17.—Spanish " mm Only useful and sensible Christmas gifts ere offered of This Community at her home in this village at 0 p. influenza continues to increase in m., December 15, after a brief ill- Michigan, despite efforts of health by us this year and you are sure of both satisfaction end ness. aged 33 years. Private funeral oflicers to.check it by individual economy if you make your Christmas r ureHases a t the A New Yeer it elmosl here end we ere going services were conducted at the home quarantine, Rexell Store. Here are a few of the many lines we offer. Monday by Bev. Jos. Ellig, pastor of . This latest order of the state to help you stert Nineteen-Nincteen right, by sup- - St. Mary's Catholic church; burial board of health is apparently being msi mm msm plying you with e worth-while System Celende^. in St. Mary's cemetery. utterly ignored in some places, but Genuine White Ivory Books Frances Izene Bergm. daughter of is being rigidly enforced in others. John S. and Mary Bergin, was born So far no general good result has Goods All the new Popular Copyrights This celender not only hes good tiled figures Uuc. Gift Bookw and Hooks for which you can reed ecrott the roonii but on the in Vergennes April 10, 1885. She at- appeared. Brushew, MirrorH, Truyn, .Mauiciny tended the Lowell schools and Until the fifteenth of December (iDodH, Jewel Cases, K-rfurne l.mi- boys and Kirls—the largest line beck or each month sheet there it e piece pro- graduated with the claks of 1904. there had been reported to the state tleH, Coiiilm, Etc., boufclit luM Ap- riliown in Lowell. vided to enter ell itemt of income and outgo at She was united in marriage Nov. 24, board of health all told 82,000 cases ril at Pre war jmoen. well as other importent memoranda. •1909, to John A. Arehart, and to of the influenza. Dr. Olin's idea is Perfumes and Toilet them were born three children, that this is just about half and that Box Stationery Waters George Anthony, age 8 years; Mary the Bed Cross survey will prove HIk artHortmeiii hou^'iii direri l'alim*r.-, Colgaiea, Harmony of Those of you who will have to make income Frances, six, and William Bernard, this. returns to the Government will greatly appreciate from the uianufacturerB in plu'nor I'.Ofdou. Jontwl, aud many other who will be two years old March I Basing jigures on the estimate iimkcs in any -i/.e bottlfo at popu- next. ('liriMlom# IIOM'H—A jfilt of -tu this feature. You will also find a digest of the in- that at least one-half of the 82,000 tionm ih nnicli uppn.viii fe<l lai prices. come tex lew with instructions. Beside the young husband and were working men and working CHARLES ALTHEN. these little ones thus early bereaved women, and basiiiK their illness on of wife and mother, Mrs. Arehart is Conklin Fountain Pens Cigars Lowell's old time business man an average of five days, and their In addition to the feature elready mentioned, survived by her father, J. S. Ber- 11 in- Hinokus tlien- h nolbiug died Wednesday afternoon at his daily wages at ^4, it would appear NORTON L. AVERY. Look for t lit,* iTt-Mceni fllli-r u lien gin, sisters, Mrs. O. J. Howard and pit um-.s inn, inuru than a box of there is a stock breedert' teble with tpece pro- home in Grand Bapids, 1410 Sigsbee that already the epidemic has cost you buy your Kouutuin i'on—u Miss Eva Bergin, and brothers, .1. Letter from N. L. Avery to Lowell 1 ii;ai>—W- hau the kind he vided for keeping breeding record. street. Funeral services will be held Michigan nearly 'S2,000,000 in wages point to til cvt-ry harui writing 'Kaymond, Frank and Carl Bergin, Home Folks. smokcH aid we ad vise early buying there Sunday at one o'clock p . m. of the sick alone, to say nothing of and every oiH'Kuarantei'iJ to prove all of whom, especially those in the Nov. I I, 1918. sHtiufactorv. hefore the tax goes on. Burial in Oakwood cemetery. Low the money lost by those engaged in lt*t a calender with which every ferm house stricken home have the sympathy Dear Mother and Father: ell. industries which have been closed in this territory should be supplied. of the entire commuiiity in their for fear of the epidemic. This is Thursday afternoon and I Candy Gibson Art Cards This Thursday morning's Herald have my work all caught up so will great alTliction. I iy^'ls—Buntes—llHriselinaiih 1 f you want a little remembrance has the following: To the sister. Miss Eva Bergin, try aiui write a few lines. for your friend a (litison Art Card You can sccure the one we have for you by Charles Althen, for nearly 40 Caution Once More. in boxes or bulk. Sonv speHnl who was sumnioned from Camp This has been an eventful week in tills the bil All engraved work years a clothing merchant of Lowell, We were ordered by the State bargains ut ."iU aud liilc pi-r llj. in calling at the bank Saturday, Dec. 21. The cal- •Taylor at Louisville, Ky., was given France as the signing of the arm- and ••iiVflopt". to match. died at his home here, 1410 Sigsbee Board of Health on Dec. 14 to es- pretty boxes. endars are now reedy for distribution and we sug- the privilege of assisting in the care stice was celebrated in regular street, S. E., Wednesday noon, after tablish a rigid quarantine in all of the stricken one from Thursday style. I went to town Tuesday af- gest that you get yours at once before the matter a few hours* illness. cases of influenza. There are under Maaicuresets nairbru-<lie.->. Military brushe-. Suitity razors. Fitall cases, etc. until the end. ternoon and stayed until about 7;li0 slips your mind. Mr. Althen was 77 years old and quarantine at present only five To Mrs. Arehart, one who knew in the evening and believe me the came to Lowell from New York houses. Don't fail to sec the big values we are her best pays this tribute: French people, and Americans too, offerintr for state in 18G8 to engage in business. A quarantine means that nothing were having a great old time. 1 (About ten years ago he retired. A She was a devoted and kind moth- can come out of the house. No mail, er. Her first and last thoughts were saw several French and U. S. sol- short time ago he came to Grand no money, no dish, no person. diers going down the streets arm in Bapids and took a residence at 1410 of her family whom she deeply We have the disease nearly stop- loved and for whom she always arm and everyone was very happv. D. G. LOOK Sigsbee street, S. K., in order to be ped in l-owcll. If every person 111 The working hours have been near his daughters here. Wednes- Jived. Her illness was of short dura- Lowell will consider himself an as- One of the 8000 Rexall Drugstores. tion but she bore it witii Christian changed now to eight hours a day day morning about 10 he was strick- sistant hiealth ofllcer we shall soon and no work Saturday or Sundavs. en with an attack of heart trouble fortitude and she remarked that have no 'cases here. Help us make while she had so much to live for The band went hack on special dvitv and died about eight hours later. our quarantine rigid. If you learn again but 1 thought it best to stav at He is survived by the widow, two and apparently was needed so much of any cases that are not cared for for her little ones that if it was the my work so as to get it all done as daughters, Mrs. J. Schrouder and phone the health ofllcer. Keep four soon as possible. You see all of our Mrs. M. E. Simpson, both of this Svill of her Heavenly Father that she feet distance when talking to any- must go, she was ready, feeling sure work here has to go back to Wash- Member Federal Reserve System city, and two sons, P. C. Althen of one. Don't get the other man's ington for the files there so we will l^owell and C. F. Althen of Colum- that those left behind would take breath. Stay home. Don't shop in care of those entrusted to her. have to compile a lot of data and bus, Ohio. near by towns for a couple of weeks. make it up in hook form so we will 1 in 1 ••i—f A beautiful life was thus brought Don't encourage outside visitors to to, what seems to be, an untimely have at least a couple 111011(1^' work NEEDS 100,000 NEW MEMBERS come into Lowell.