3Tic. T) Aliasy Cuba, and the Slection of 1856
Qeorge <3tiC. T) aliasy Cuba, and the Slection of 1856 ISTORIANS have viewed Franklin Pierce's election to the presidency in 1852 both as a confirmation of the nation's H acceptance of the Compromise of 1850, securing sectional amity and balance, and as a mandate for the resumption of manifest destiny and expansion so vigorously pursued under James K. Polk.1 Yet within three years Pierce's policies and measures destroyed that sectional amity and all prospects of immediate expansionism, and nearly destroyed the Democratic Party which had elected him. The chief measures responsible for this turn of fortune were the Kansas- Nebraska Act and attempts to acquire Cuba. Numerous conserva- tive, "Old Fogey" Democrats entered the presidential field in 1855- 1856 to preserve the party by blocking Pierce's efforts to secure renomination. The major contenders included James Buchanan, William L. Marcy, Stephen A. Douglas and George M. Dallas of Philadelphia. Although the Kansas-Nebraska struggle destroyed the Demo- cratic Party's unity and working majority, it was Pierce's Cuban policies which revealed that collapse and prevented restoration of party harmony. Between 1853 and 1855, Pierce sought the acquisi- tion of Cuba, first, through filibuster and revolution, then through purchase, and, finally, by means of public threat. His shifting course l Among the better known works supporting this theme are: H. Barrett Learned, "William L. Marcy/' in Samuel F. Bemis, ed., American Secretaries of State and Their Diplomacy (New York, 1928), VI, 146-147; Albert K. Weinberg, Manifest Destiny (Baltimore, 1935), 182, 190, 200-201, 208-209; Henry H.
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