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1848, European revolutions of, 14, Allen, William, 13, 84–6, 89, 103, 110, 137 144, 234 beginnings of, 94 on the 1846 rivers and harbors bill, 61 and coinage of the phrase Young as ally of Marcus Morton, 197 America, 6 as Chairman of Senate Foreign and Democratic views on race and Relations Committee, 8 immigration, 162 and Cumberland Road, 44 failure of, 104, 107 and Greenbacks, 85–6 and George Law, 87 instructions from constituents to, 51, and Margaret Fuller, 100 55, 56 related to movement, 135 and internal improvements funding, related to New Democratic economic 50 outlook, 65, 68 later career of, 8 relevance to the American situation, as lifelong Democrat, 200 102 and monopolies, 77 role in party competition, 67 and Monroe Doctrine, 120 socioeconomic aspects of, 106 as Ohio governor, 7 Young American interest in, 94 and Oregon crisis, 121–7 Abolitionism, 185, 196 pro-French resolution of, 103 and Arthur and Lewis Tappan, 183 views of commerce, 40 and context of northern reform, 145 views of slavery, 192 and John L. O’Sullivan, 75, 198–99 voted out of the Senate, 231 relationship to Democratic Party, as western representative, 124 184 American Anti-Slavery Society, 26, 185 Adams, Charles Francis, Sr., 186, 207 American Colonization Society, 26, 34, Adams, John, 17, 21, 31 190, 192–3 Adams, John Quincy, 18, 23 American System, 18, 23, 71, 176, 218 Agassiz, Louis, 165 American Whig Review, 225 Albany Argus, 189 Anti-Federalists, 21 Albany Regency, 27, 186, 189 Anti-Masonry, 145 Albert, Prince, 168 Arcturus, The, 3 Alien and Sedition Acts, 21, 99 Articles of Confederation, 21


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Ashburton, Lord, 123 Belmont, August, 36, 38–40, 64, 86, 88, Atchison, David R., 197 138, 139, 143, 144, 164, 169, 234 Auld, Jedediah, 3 as banker, 36, 38, 87 and Cuba, 138 Bagby, Arthur, 50 and currency policy, 86 Bancroft, George, 13, 58, 64, 89–90, 100, Democratic allegiance of, 11, 39, 200, 102, 106, 128, 130, 141–2, 144, 202 153, 181–2, 185, 203, 205–6 and European revolutions of 1848, 111 during Civil War, 200, 234 and free trade, 37, 38, 42, 43 and European revolutions of 1848, generational cohort of, 6 102 as leader of New Democracy, 2, 13, and free trade, 42, 43, 141 16, 36, 38 and the French revolution of 1848, as minister to the Netherlands, 37, 38, 142 110, 112, 114 and Harvard University, 90, 141 as national chairman of the as historian, 89, 90, 109, 143, 185, Democracy, 36, 225 206 and nativism, 163–4 as investor, 89 views of slavery, 193–4 and Mexican War, 82 Bennett, James Gordon, 13, 102, 142 as minister to England, 40, 141, 144 Benton, Thomas Hart, 10, 169, 197 as Navy secretary, 180–1 and electric power, 166 and U.S. Naval Academy, 150–1 and internal improvements, 61 young Democracy, as part of, 16 and railroads, 71, 77 and repeal of the British Corn Laws, and slavery issue, 28 42 Biddle, Nicholas, 29, 79, 81 Bank of the , 22–3, 29, Birney, James G., 190 79 Black Warrior incident, 113, 139 Banks, Nathaniel P., 98 Bleeding Kansas, 221, 227, 231, 234 Barksdale, William, 224 Boston Mercantile Association, 5 Barnburner Democrats, 14, 78, 112, 136, Breckinridge, John C., 210, 212 145, 178, 184, 186–90, 199, 202, Breese, Sidney, 13, 46–9, 64, 88 207–8, 213 as ally of Marcus Morton, 197 and antislavery, 184, 186 and Cumberland Road, 44 Dean Richmond as member of, 178 and Central Railroad, 48 generational tensions within, 187 and internal improvements, 47, 50, 57 Hunker Democrats, compared with, and land grants, 47 14 and Monroe Doctrine, 120 John Dix as member of, 187 and Oregon crisis, 126 John L. O’Sullivan as member of, 186, railroad boosterism of, 47 200 on rivers and harbors bill of 1846, 61 Marcus Morton as member of, 157, turned out of the Senate, 98 164, 197 as western representative, 46 relationship with Hunkers, 189 Bright, Jesse, 167, 179–80, 202, 234 return to the Democracy of, 214, 231 civil service reform proposals of, 179, revolt of, 187, 207–8, 215 182 Samuel J. Tilden and the revolt of, and Compromise of 1850, 219 172 generational cohort of, 6 Bear Flag Republic, 82 and internal improvements, 62 Beecher family, 147 and Monroe Doctrine, 120

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as New Democratic leader, 13 as western representative, 124 relationship with Marcus Morton, 197 Catholics, as targets of public animosity, as western representative, 124 68 Brown, Joseph, 91 Causes of New Democratic heterodoxy, Brownson, Orestes, 141, 185 7, 66–9, 73, 125 Bryan, William Jennings, 234 Cazneau, Jane McManus Storm, 14, 130, Buchanan, James, 129, 215 159–61, 182 in campaign of 1852, 39, 213 Channing, William Ellery, 196 and Jane Cazneau, 160 Charles River Bridge case, 196 as minister to England, 93, 112 Chartists, 95 as Old Fogy, 209, 214 Chase, Salmon P., 111, 188, 231 and , 139 Cherokee Indians, 24 on protective tariff, 53 Chicago, 71 relationship with , John Wentworth as mayor of, 72 141 Chicago Daily Tribune, 158, 225 as secretary of state, 112 Civil War, role of in fostering Young and slavery issue, 28 American self-consciousness, 7 on Stephen A. Douglas, 208 Clay, Henry, 69, 82, 177 Buffalo and Rochester Railroad, 88 and American System, 18, 22–3, 71, Butler, Benjamin F., 75, 188, 210 176, 218 as colonizationist, 34, 192 Calhoun, John C., 27, 50, 69, 177, 202, in election of 1844, 127–8 203 as great compromiser, 219 and American System, 23 as National Republican leader, 69 in election of 1844, 203–5 role in Cilley-Graves duel, 155 on French revolution of 1848, 103 as southern Whig, 26, 34 and land grants, 50 Clayton, John, 50 and Monroe Doctrine, 120 Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 120, 138 and Oregon crisis, 123–4 Cleveland Daily Plain Dealer, 189–90 role of in Hayne-Webster debates, 25 Clinton, DeWitt, 57 theory of government of, 54 Cobb, Howell, 218 theory of slavery of, 198–9 Colonizationism, 34, 99, 184, 191–4, and Yucatan,´ 134 200 Camden and Amboy Railroad, 84 Colt, Samuel, 168 Capital punishment, John L. O’Sullivan’s Committee on Foreign Relations, Senate, campaign against, 156–7 84, 120, 122, 167, 170 Cass, Lewis, 10, 28, 177, 190, 210, 215 Committee on Military Affairs, Senate, in campaign of 1852, 213 180 in election of 1848, 190, 197 Committee on Naval Affairs, Senate, on European revolutions of 1848, 96, 167 105 Committee on Roads and Canals, Senate, and Monroe Doctrine, 120 167 as Old Fogy, 166 Committee on Territories, Senate, 52 and Oregon crisis, 126 Committee on the Public Lands, Senate, as originator of popular sovereignty 47 doctrine, 194, 195 Compromise of 1850, 195, 214, 219, relationship with George Law, 87 226, 231 on rivers and harbors bill of 1846, Democrats, 172, 195 61 Corn Laws, 40–43, 154, 162

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Corry, William, 13, 113, 212 and currency policy, 86 and free land movement, 149 and Dean Richmond, 87–8 Corwin, Thomas, 50 defining the New Democracy within, Cotton Whigs, 190 10 Crawford, William H., 23 and Democratic Review, 75 Crystal Palace Exhibition in , 168 doughfaces within, 27 Cuba, 75, 88, 102, 113, 114, 118, 135–9, East-West tensions within, 58 208, 220 and early attitudes toward slavery, 25 attempted acquisition of, 11, 76, 87, and early labor unions, 30 88, 105, 112, 114, 118, 128, 130, and European revolutions of 1848, 42, 135–9, 144, 217, 219, 232–3 95, 104 and , 38 and , 205 George William Curtis on, 1 and free land movement, 148–50 Jane Cazneau on, 159 and free soil, 200 and John A. Quitman, 88 and George Bancroft, 90, 141 southern designs on, 220 and George Law, 192 Spanish Africanization policy in, 106, and the grand tour, 142 138 and Hunkers (also see Hunker as Spanish colony, 138 Democrats), 186 Cumberland Road (also see National ideological essence of, 12 Road), 44–5 impact of Young America on, 4, 203, Curtis, George William, 1 227 Cushing, Caleb, 153, 168, 205, 212 importance of immigrants within, 68 influence of local pressures, 53 Dallas, George M., 76 influence of new commercial spirit on and capital punishment, 157 in Europe, 141 and Smithsonian Institution, 150 and internal improvements, 59, 61 Dartmouth College, 72, 195 and James K. Polk, 168 Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 22 and James Shields, 98 Davis, Garrett, 46 and Jane Cazneau, 158–61 Davis, Jefferson, 170, 180 and John L. O’Sullivan, 8 and Raritan Canal Company, and John Wentworth, 73, 195 84 and Kansas-Nebraska Act, 222 De Leon, Edwin, 5, 110, 200, 212 link with early Republican Party, 13, Democratic Party 227, 233 anticipation of future policies, 174 and Marcus Morton, 196–8 and August Belmont, 38–40 new attitudes toward commercial August Belmont as national chairman growth within, 41 of, 36, 164 and new internationalism of, 59, 79, and Barnburners (also see Barnburner 142, 144 Democrats), 186, 188, 189 northwestern contributions to, 125 and Benjamin Tappan, 183, 185 overlap with Whigs in early 1850s, 2, bottom-up pressure from constituents 43, 222, 224–7 within, 73 periodization of New Democracy, 12 changing issues, 67 and Pierce administration, 111 after the Civil War, 234 and Pierce’s diplomatic appointments, and colonizationism, 192 111 competing strands of thought within, and popular sovereignty, 194 19 probanking Democrats within, 30

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and the progressive Democracy, 2 and Democratic rebirth, 8, 67 and protective tariffs, 53 and Democratic reform tradition, 147, and railroads, 69–70 152, 157, 163 refashioned orientation of, 2, 9, 11, and dueling, 155 13, 15, 19, 36, 50, 65–9, 132, 144, and economic orientation of New 223 Democrats, 79, 90 reform tradition within, 34, 145–6, and election of 1844, 203 156, 157, 163, 185 and election of 1852, 208 renewed international vigor of, 118, encapsulating ideals of Young 135 America, 1 and rise of bottom-up instructions, 55 and European revolutions of 1848, and Robert F. Stockton, 82, 83, 192 95–6 and Samuel J. Tilden, 172–4, 217 and free trade, 40 and sectionalism, 124, 147, 219 and George N. Sanders, 93, 99, 210 and Sidney Breese, 46–7 and income taxes, 154 and slavery, 27–8, 161, 184–5, 194–6, and Independent Treasury, 41 198, 201 and Jane Cazneau, 159, 160 split in 1860, 202 and John L. O’Sullivan, 3, 13, 73, 75, and spoils system, 174–5 234 and state banks, 79 and Mexican War, 130, 131 and Stephen A. Douglas, 13, 52, 53, and Monroe Doctrine, 119 151 and Narciso Lopez,´ 136 and use of phrase “Young America,” 3 and new internationalism of and William Allen, 86 Democratic Party, 117 and young Democracy, 7–8, 11, 12, and slavery, 185 16, 60, 66, 129, 130, 142, 162, and spoils system, 174, 175 204, 208–10, 219, 231 and temperance, 155 strong executive authority under Polk, and Texas annexation, 127 152 views of immigrants, 163 under , 2, 6, 16, 60 as Young American clearinghouse, 10 under Stephen A. Douglas and August and young Democracy, 209 Belmont, 2 Depression of 1837–43, 40, 66 unified under Young America Dial, The, 100 reformism, 182 Disraeli, Benjamin, 94 unity of under Young America, 15, 49, Dix, Dorothea, 34, 149 202–4 Dix, John, 186, 187 views of immigrants, 67, 163 Dobbin, James, 170 writing about Young America’s impact Douglas, Stephen A., 13, 36, 48, 52–3, on, 4, 9 60, 76, 142, 151, 167, 171–2, 174, Young America’s decline within, 232 177, 180, 182, 195, 208, 212, 226, young Democracy and immigration, 229, 234 162 and air travel, 167 Democratic Review, 63, 68, 110, 118, and August Belmont, 39 147, 212, 216 in campaign of 1858, 229 and American neutrality laws, 137 on colonizationism, 193 and Benjamin Tappan, 185 competition with Sidney Breese over and condition of women, 158 the railroad, 47–9 and cultural dimension of Young and Compromise of 1850, 195, 219 America, 3 and Dean Richmond, 88

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Douglas, Stephen A. (cont.) and spoils system, 178, 180, 181 Democratic allegiance of, 200 on tonnage duties, 60 as Democratic unifier, 208, 212–13, as unionist, 202 218 views of slavery, 193–5 in election of 1852, 99, 208–10, views on size of federal government, 212–13, 215, 217 172 in election of 1860, 36, 64 visit to Europe of, 112, 142–4 and European revolutions of 1848, visit to White House with John L. 103 O’Sullivan of, 135 and founding of University of as western representative, 58, 62, 124 Chicago, 151 and William A. Richardson, 13, 62, and Franklin Pierce, 111, 112 224 and free land movement, 148–50 and Young Europe, 5 and free trade, 42 Dred Scott decision, 28 generational cohort of, 6, 64 Dueling, 155 and George N. Sanders, 59, 99–100, Duyckinck, Evert, 3 210–12 Dwight family, 90 and Illinois Central Railroad, 48–9 and instructions from state legislature, Ebony Line, 99, 193 55 Election of 1844, 12, 203–5 on internal improvements and land Election of 1848, 207 grants, 49, 51–2, 58–60, 70 Election of 1852, 208–14 and James Shields, 98 Election of 1860, 202, 213 and Jane Cazneau, 160–1 Electricity, experiments in, 166 and John C. Breckinridge, 212 Emancipation Proclamation, 201 and John Wentworth, 58, 72–3, 195 Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 3, 230 and Kansas-Nebraska Act, 12, 72, 98, and coinage of “Young America,” 5 114, 192, 195, 200, 221–2, 226, England 227, 231 America’s Navy, as example for, 169 as leader of New Democracy, 2, 13, in Asia, 139 16, 36, 60 and Canada, 102 and Louis Kossuth, 107–9 and Chartists, 95 and mail steamers, 167 and Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 43, 120, and Mexican War, 133 138 and monopolies, 77–8, 171–2, compared with Continental 174 absolutism, 108 and new internationalism of conflicts with during 1840s, 35, 67 Democracy, 118, 144 designs on Cuba, 106, 136, 138, 159 and popular sovereignty, 191, 194–5, and European revolutions of 1848, 207 93 on the progressive Democracy, 2 and free land movement, 148 racial views of, 161–3 and free trade, 58 railroad boosterism of, 47–9, 70–1, George Bancroft as minister to, 141–2 77, 217, 220 George N. Sanders as consul to, 99 railroad investments of, 71 as minister to, 112 on railroads and Chicago, 70 and mercantilism, 42, 138 and rivers and harbors improvements, and Monroe Doctrine, 120 59 stationed in, and Smithsonian Institution, 151 110

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and Oregon crisis, 85, 121–6, 130, General Land Office, 152 168, 170 Generational consciousness of New post-Revolutionary problems with, 31 Democrats, 6–7, 9, 116, 204–6, and repeal of the Corn Laws, 40–1 208, 213, 216, 234 and Texas annexation, 118 Geographical and Statistical Society, 153 in War of 1812, 31, 133 Giddings, Joshua, 104 and Webster-Ashburton Treaty, 156 Gilded Age, 12, 70, 79, 84, 86, 118, 171, and Young England. See Young 233 England Glorious Revolution of 1688, 20 and Young Ireland rebels, 97 Gold Rush, California, 68, 152 English Civil War, 20 Grant, Ulysses S., 173 Erie Canal, 49, 56 Greeley, Horace, 96, 100, 101 Evans, George Henry Green, Duff, 69 and coinage of “Young America,” 5 Greenbacks, 85 and free land movement, 148 Everett, Edward, 52 Haitian Revolution of 1791, 26, 134 Hale, John P., 96, 103, 188, 214 Federalist Party,17–18, 21–2, 59, 99, 196 Hamilton, Alexander, 17, 18, 21, 32 Filibustering, 14, 105, 128 Hannegan, Edward, 13 Fillmore, Millard, 96, 104, 105, 110, 137, on the 1846 rivers and harbors bill, 191, 216 61 Flagg, Azariah C., 187 as ally of Marcus Morton, 197 Fourierism, 145 and colonizationism, 192 Franklin, Benjamin, 31, 112, 144 and European revolutions of 1848, Fredrickson, George M., 9 103 Freehling, William W., 26 and Monroe Doctrine, 120 Free land movement, 12, 30, 145, 147–50 and Oregon crisis, 126 , 14, 34, 75, 145, 172, 184, as western representative, 124 187, 189, 195, 197, 199, 207, 214 and Yucatan,´ 134 Free trade, 7, 37–43, 58, 63–5, 83, 103, Hard Hunker Democrats, 188 106, 125, 130, 140, 141, 154, 187, Harrison, William Henry, 176 221, 225, 226 Hartford Convention, 156 and August Belmont, 38 Harvard University, 72, 89, 141, 195 in Europe, 68 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 3, 101, 110, and George N. Sanders, 99 223 and James K. Polk, 13 Hayne, Robert Y., 25 in , 131 Henshaw, David, 205 and Robert F. Stockton, 83 Hofstadter, Richard, 9, 21 French Revolution, 104 Holden, William Woods, 91 Fugitive Slave Act, 195, 219, 231 Holt, Michael F., 226 Fuller, Margaret, 13, 100–1, 107, 142, Homestead Act, 50, 149, 150 143, 159 Horner, Peter, 89 Houston, Sam Gadsden, James, 169, 211, 217 and Compromise of 1850, 219 Gag rule, 191, 199 and free land movement, 148 Garibaldi, Giuseppe, 93 relationship with George Law, 87 Garrison, William Lloyd, 26, 33, 147, Hunker Democrats, 14, 78, 112, 153, 183, 185, 196, 201 178, 186–8, 197, 205, 208, 212, General incorporation laws, 74, 171 213

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Illinois Central Railroad, 48, 77, 143, and protective tariff, 19, 23 171, 218 and Roger Taney, 28, 164 Illinois State Register, 13, 43, 49, 163 and Sidney Breese, 46–7 Imperialism, and, 12, and slavery, 27–8 118, 144, 149, 156 and spoils system, 174 Independent Treasury, or sub-Treasury, and states’ rights, 24 15, 38, 41, 66, 79–82, 92, 195 and Stephen A. Douglas, 52 Indian Affairs, Office of, 152 and strict constitutional construction, Indian Removal Act of 1830, 29 61 Instructions, to representatives from and territorial expansion, 29 constituents, 54–5 theory of the Union of, 24 Interior Department, 152 and the veto, 23 Internal improvements, 12, 15, 37, 44, and Whig Party, 18 51, 56, 57, 59, 63, 65, 125, 186, and William Allen, 84 199, 233 Jacksonian ideology (also see and Andrew Jackson, 44 Jeffersonian-Jacksonian tradition), and August Belmont, 38 19 and James K. Polk, 12 , Perry’s expedition to, 139–40 and John A. Quitman, 89 Jay, John, 31 and John L. O’Sullivan, 74 Jay Treaty, 31 and John Wentworth, 58–9 Jefferson, Thomas, 17–18, 22, 23, 31, and land grants, 47–9 104 moving Democrats closer to Whigs, in election of 1800, 17–18 222, 225 foreign policy of, 31, 116 and railroads, 47 and Library of Congress, 151 and Robert F. Stockton, 83 and Purchase, 22, 29, 31, and Samuel J. Tilden, 173 222 and Sidney Breese, 46, 47 party ideology of, 17–20, 24, 29, 30, and Stephen A. Douglas, 52, 58 32, 148 and western development, 124 and trade embargo, 31 and William A. Richardson, 224 and Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, 21 Jackson, Andrew, 19, 23–4, 27, 28, 36, and William Allen, 84 46, 84, 85, 91, 129, 157, 177, 184, Jeffersonian-Jacksonian tradition, 18, 37, 194, 210, 227 55, 69, 70, 149, 171 and Bank of the United States, 29, 79, Jeffersonians versus Hamiltonians, 82, 92, 129 17–18 and Battle of New Orleans, 31 Johnson, Andrew, 91, 146, 149 and currency policy, 85, 86 and free land movement, 148 as duelist, 155 and spoils system, 179 and early Democracy, 2, 6, 15, 16, Jones, William Alfred, 3 18–20, 23, 25, 34, 36, 41, 50, 60, Jungen Amerika, 162 233 in election of 1828, 23 Kansas-Nebraska Act, 12, 52, 72, 114, and election of 1844, 205 138, 139, 170, 189, 192, 195, 199, and executive authority, 129, 176–7 203, 217, 221–2, 226, 227, 231, and internal improvements, 44 232, 234 and nullification, 24 Kennedy, Andrew, 129 and Panic of 1837, 66 King, Preston, 187

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King, William, 188, 203 and Cuba, 136 Kirkland, Caroline, 142, 159 end of, 139 Know-Nothing Party, 199, 200, 226–7 and European revolutions of 1848, 96 Kossuth, Louis, 93, 96, 99, 107–9, 113, and Jane Cazneau, 159 118, 136, 220 and John L. O’Sullivan, 75, 130 Kriege, Herman, 162 and Mexican War, 144 and Oregon crisis, 125 Law, George, 14, 45, 87–9, 92 and Perry’s Japan expedition, 140 and European revolutions of 1848, and railroads, 71 113, 128 sectionalism as result of, 221 journey to Republican Party, 192, 234 and young Democracy, 205 in Know-Nothing Party, 200 Mann, A. Dudley, 136 and Mexican War, 99 Mann, Horace, 34 relationship with George N. Sanders, manufacturing, 64 212 Marcy, William L., 187 relationship with Stephen A. Douglas, and August Belmont, 37 167 in campaign of 1852, 213 and spoils system, 178 and Franklin Pierce, 214 Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre-Auguste, 93 as secretary of state, 112, 113, 138, 178 Lee, Robert E., 192 and slavery issue, 28 Leggett, William, 28 and spoils system, 174 Liberia (also see Colonizationism), 26 Market revolution, 2, 7, 11, 12, 29–30, Liberty Party, 33, 145, 185, 190 36, 44, 46, 56, 61, 63, 67, 131, 223, Library of Congress, 46, 151 233 Lincoln, Abraham, 188, 201 Marshall, Edward, 105 as colonizationist, 34, 192 Marshall, John, 18, 22–4, 28 and Dean Richmond, 88 Martineau, Harriet, 143 in debates with Stephen A. Douglas, Mason, John Y. and Ostend Manifesto, 161 139 and James Shields, 98 Mathews, Cornelius, 3, 5 and John Wentworth, 72, 195 Maysville Road, and Jackson’s veto of and Kansas-Nebraska Act, 221 funding for, 24 and land grants, 50 Mazzini, Giuseppe, 5, 93–5, 99–101, 131 and Samuel J. Tilden, 172 McConnell, Felix, 97 on Young America, 15, 229–31 McCulloch v. Maryland, 22 , 30, 65, 72, 90, 219, 223, 225 McDuffie, George, 50 Railroad, 89 Medary, Samuel, 14 Loose construction of the U.S. Melville, Gansevoort, 142 Constitution, 17, 22 Melville, Herman, 3 Lopez,´ Narciso, 75, 88, 105, 136 Mercantilism and free trade, 41 Louisiana Purchase, 22, 26, 29, 31 Mexican War, 4, 50, 118, 128–33, 163 Louis-Philippe, 210 and the Democratic Review, 119 end of, 135 Madison, James, 18, 21–2, 24, 29, 31, 54 and executive branch, 128 Mail steamers, 167–8 financing of by August Belmont, 39 Mangum, Willie, 50, 140 Franklin Pierce as veteran of, 110 , 11, 103, 114, 117, 136, and George Law and George N. 147, 218 Sanders, 87 and Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 120 and James Shields, 98

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Mexican War (cont.) National Republicans, 22–4, 32, 69 and Jane Cazneau, 159 National Road (also see Cumberland opposed by , 229 Road), 44–5 John A. Quitman as general during, 88 Naval Academy, U.S., 150 Robert F. Stockton as commander Navy, United States, 69, 84 during, 82, 181 Bancroft’s reforms of, 180 and taxation, 154 proposals for use of steam power in, and William Allen, 85, 192 168–9 Mexico, 118, 132–3, 135 Neutrality laws, 137 British designs upon, 125, 126 Newburyport, Massachusetts, 168 and free trade, 131, 133 New Democrats. See Democratic Party and Jane Cazneau, 160 New Orleans, Battle of, 84 John A. Quitman as occupation Central Railroad, 88 governor of, 88 New York Daily Times, 53, 140, 188 and Mexican War, 35, 50, 67, 118, New York Evening Post, 41, 57–8, 76 121, 122, 127–33, 141, 144, 162, , 13, 72, 76, 90, 102, 168, 170, 207 132–3, 142, 145, 177, 214, 216 occupation of, 132 New York Literary World, 3 and Old Fogies, 210 New York Morning News, 172, 188 quest to annex all of, 14, 76, 117, 134 New York Public Library, 173 southern designs upon, 123–4 New York Sun, 159 and Texas, 128 New York Tribune, 96 and William Allen, 126 Niles, John, 47 and Yucatan,´ 134 North American Review, 94, 212 Miami University, 149 Northwest Ordinance of 1787, 188 Compromise, 26, 27, 184, 188, Norton, Andrews, 141 191 Nott, Josiah, 165 and Kansas-Nebraska Act, 114, 192, Nullification, 19, 24, 26, 83, 124, 176 221, 231 Monroe, James, 32 Ohio State Democrat, 192 Monroe Doctrine, 32, 77, 144, 214 Ohio Statesman, 13, 120, 126 revival of, 118–21 Old Democrats. See Democratic Party and Yucatan,´ 134 Old Fogies, 8, 91, 96, 166, 204, 208–12, Monterrey, Battle of, 88 214, 230 Montgomery, Cora. See Cazneau, Jane Old Republicans, 23, 50, 91 McManus Storm Oregon, 85, 97, 117, 118, 120–7, 135, Morrill Act, 50, 149, 150 207 Morris, Thomas, 28 Ostend Manifesto, 114, 139 Morse, Samuel F. B., 166 O’Sullivan, John L., 8, 13, 67, 73–6, 78, Morton, Marcus, 14, 164, 175, 181, 196, 90–1, 95, 105, 129, 141, 144, 172, 201, 205, 206 185, 203–5, 211, 234 and capital punishment, 157 and capital punishment, 156, 182 views of slavery, 196–7 and Cilley-Graves duel, 155 Munn v. Illinois, 47 conception of reform, 157 as Confederate agent, 200 Napoleon, 31, 32, 102, 130, 222 and Cuba, 113, 136 Napoleon, Louis, 99, 103, 107, 111, 138, as editor of Democratic Review, 10 143 as Free Soiler, 190, 198 Napoleonic wars, 31 generational cohort of, 6

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and George N. Sanders, 212 and , 68 and the isthmian canal, 73 and Cuba, 135 and Jane Cazneau, 161 and European revolutions of 1848, and literary Young America, 3 104 and Manifest Destiny, 133, 159 and free trade, 42 as minister to Portugal, 138 and George Bancroft, 102, 141–2, and the New York Morning News, 172 180 as pacifist, 129, 155–6 on immigration, 163 and spoils system, 176 and the Independent Treasury, 80 views of women, 158 and Interior Department, 152 visit to White House with Stephen A. and James Shields, 98 Douglas of, 135 and Jane Cazneau, 159–60 and Marcus Morton, 175 Pacifism, 156 and Mexican War, 131, 133 Panama canal, 73, 92 and Oregon crisis, 123–4, 207 Panic of 1819, 22, 79 and presidential power, 128–9 Panic of 1837, 38, 66–7, 79 and protective tariff, 84 Patent Office, 152 and rivers and harbors improvements, Peel, Sir Robert, 41, 43 46, 56–8, 62–3, 72, 124 Pendleton Civil Service Act, 176 and Smithsonian Institution, 150 Perry, Matthew C., 1, 39, 43, 87, 108, as southern New Democrat, 11, 146 139, 169 and spoils system, 177 Pettit, John, 62 and the telegraph, 166 Philippines, the, 159 and Texas, 127 Phillips, Wendell, 26, 196, 201 on tonnage duties, 60 Pierce, Franklin, 141, 177, 188, 212–16, and U.S. Navy, 169 220, 231 as Young American, 12, 13, 84, 119, and August Belmont, 37, 39 127, 144, 155, 204, 207 and Cuba, 137, 138 and young Democracy, 8, 16 and , 189 and Yucatan,´ 134 and European revolutions of 1848, Polk, William H., 105, 167, 212 104 Popular sovereignty, 64, 171, 184, 191, and federal patronage, 177, 188 194–5, 199, 200, 208 and George Bancroft, 206 Populist Party, 86, 234 and George N. Sanders, 93, 212 Progressive era, 12, 150, 154, 171, 173–4, inaugural address of, 214–15 233–4 and James Shields, 164 Puerto Rico, 159 and Jane Cazneau, 159 and John Wentworth, 195 Quasi-war against France, 31 and military reform, 170 Quitman, John A., 14, 88–9, 91, 215–17 and rivers and harbors improvements, and Cuba, 14, 105, 113, 128, 137–8, 56, 58, 62, 224 219 role of in Democratic overlap with in election of 1852, 215 Whigs, 225 and internal improvements, 45–6 as Young American, 13, 110, 142, and Mexican War, 132 144, 209–10, 212, 217, 234 as southern New Democrat, 11, 184 Pinckney Treaty, 31 Polk, James K., 67, 90, 141, 168, 177, Race and ethnicity, New Democratic 213, 215, 220, 234 views of, 161–5

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Railroads, 89, 92, 149, 171–2, 218, and Mexican War, 99 220–2 relationship with George Law, 87 in Europe, 68 as southern New Democrat, 11, 146 as part of the New Democratic and Young Europe, 5, 87, 107, 109, agenda, 69–72 113 Rantoul, Robert, 190 Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr., 146 Republicanism, classical, 18, 20–1, 28 Scott, Winfield, 88, 213, 216 Republican Party, 203, 221, 226, 231, Second Great Awakening, 33 234 , 27, 32, 175, 226 and currency policy, 86 Sectionalism, New Democracy and, and Dean Richmond, 88 11–12 and free land movement, 150 Sedgwick, Theodore, 218 and John Wentworth, 72, 195 Seneca Falls Convention, 158 link with New Democrats, 13, 79, 89, Seven Years’ War, 31 176, 184, 189, 199, 200, 227, 233 Seward, William H., 149 and railroads, 70 Shields, James, 13, 46, 49, 96–8, 170 and Robert F. Stockton, 189, 192 and Compromise of 1850, 219 and William Allen, 85 and free land movement, 148, 149 Revolutions of 1848 in Europe. See 1848, and Mexican War, 132 European revolutions of and Navy reform, 181 Rhett, Robert Barnwell, 59 and opening of Japan, 140 Richardson, William A., 13, 62, 180, racial views of, 165 212, 224 on Stephen A. Douglas, 53 Richmond, Dean, 71, 88–9, 177 views of immigrants, 164, 182 Richmond Junto, 27 and Young Europe, 112 Ritchie, Thomas, 27, 81 Ship Island, Mississippi, 45 Rivers and harbors improvements, 15, Sickles, Daniel, 110, 114 46, 55–65, 73, 124, 195, 223–4 Simms, William Gilmore, 3 legislation of 1846, 63 Slave Power, 124, 186, 189–90, 217, 221 legislation of 1854, 62, 224 Slavery, New Democrats and, 14, 27 , 109 Slidell, John, 39, 106, 180 Roosevelt, Franklin D., 234 Smith, Gerrit, 187 , 36, 38 Smith, William, 23 Smithsonian Institution, 150 Sanders, George N., 13, 59, 71, 99, 117, Soft Hunker Democrats, 188 144, 180, 199, 209, 210, 212, 215, Soule,´ Pierre, 11, 13 232, 234 and George N. Sanders, 212 and colonizationism, 193 as minister to , 110, 113, 138 as Confederate agent, 200 and Ostend Manifesto, 139 as consul to England, 110 and slavery, 184 as editor of Democratic Review, 10 as supporter of Confederacy, 200 and executive authority, 129 and Young Europe, 96, 103 and Franklin Pierce, 212 Specie Circular, 66 generational cohort of, 6 Spoils system, 146, 174–81 on immigration, 163 Stanford, Leland, Sr., 70, 79 and internal improvements, 45, 57 Steam power, 168 and Jane Cazneau, 160 Stockton, Robert F., 13, 82–4, 89, 92 and the London dinner of 1854, 93 and European revolutions of 1848, on Margaret Fuller, 159 109

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and Hunker Democrats, 188 and Sam Houston, 148 journey to Republican Party, 234 southern Democratic position on, 124 and Mexican War, 128 Van Buren opposed to annexation of, and Navy reform, 169, 180–1 203 railroad investments of, 71, 86 Thoreau, Henry David, 100, 131 views of slavery, 190 Tilden, Samuel J., 2, 13, 169, 172–4, 187, Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 158, 196, 200, 217–18 231 and Dean Richmond, 88 Strict construction of the U.S. and executive authority, 129 Constitution, 10–12, 22, 25, 55, as Free Soiler, 184, 186, 187, 190 65, 166, 167, 170, 198 generational cohort of, 6 Sub-Treasury. See Independent Treasury and the Independent Treasury, 80 Sumner, Charles, 231 and John L. O’Sullivan, 155 Sumner, George, 102, 106 as New York governor, 7 and Peter Horner, 89 Tammany Hall, 173, 209, 219 railroad investments of, 71 Taney, Roger, 28, 125, 164 and spoils system, 178, 182 Tappan, Arthur, 26, 50, 146, 183–5 and William Tweed, 174 Tappan, Benjamin, 183–5, 187, 190, 192, and young Democracy, 8, 212 201 Toombs, Robert, 199 Tappan, Lewis, 26, 43, 183–5 Trail of Tears, 29 Tariff, protective, 23, 37–8, 53, 83–4, Transcendentalism, 34, 147 154, 195, 225 Treat, Samuel, 178 Taxation, New Democratic proposals for, Treaty of 1783, 30 12, 154–5 Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 134 Taylor, Zachary, 26, 104, 110, 175, 179, Treaty of New Granada, 77 207 Trevett, Russell, 3 Telegraph, the, 166 Troup, George, 215 Temperance reform, 155–6 Trumbull, Lyman, 98 Texas, 127–8, 136, 233 Tucker, Beverley, 117 annexation of, 97, 118, 119, 122, 130, Turner, Nat, 184 144, 187, 207 Tweed, William, 87, 174, 178 annexation of as cause of Mexican Tyler, John, 26, 58, 81, 82, 123, 127, 176, War, 127 177 annexation of opposed by Abraham Lincoln, 229 Uncle Tom’s Cabin, 231 British designs on, 118 University of Chicago, 151 effect of annexation of on partisan University of the City of New York, 172 politics, 127, 198, 203 Utopian communities, 34 foreign perceptions of, 128 and future of slavery, 185 Vallandigham, Clement, 195 and George N. Sanders, 99 Van Buren, John, 14, 87, 189, 197 and James K. Polk, 204, 206 Van Buren, Martin, 78, 189, 202, 205, and Jane Cazneau, 159, 182 207 John A. Quitman in, 88 and Barnburner Democrats, 145, 186 and John C. Calhoun, 123 and Benjamin F. Butler, 188 and Mexican War, 170 as doughface, 27, 28 revolution of in 1836, 114, 169 and early Democracy, 2, 15, 18, 27, and Robert F. Stockton, 128, 191 36, 233

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Van Buren, Martin (cont.) Wentworth, John, 13, 64, 72–3 in election of 1844, 127, 203–5 generational cohort of, 6 in election of 1848, 207 journey to the Know-Nothing and as Free Soiler, 27, 145, 186, 197, Republican Parties, 200 207 and Pacific railroad, 72 and the Independent Treasury, 66, 67, on rivers and harbors improvements, 79, 81, 195 58, 61 and the isthmian canal, 76 views of slavery, 195 and John L. O’Sullivan, 75 Whig Party, 7, 9, 18, 53, 64, 81, 85, 89, and John Wentworth, 195 91, 142, 151, 161, 190, 196, 233 and Marcus Morton, 196–7 and Abraham Lincoln, 50, 229 and Samuel J. Tilden, 172 alliances with southern New and Second Party System, 27 Democrats, 220 Venable, Abraham, 105 and August Belmont, 39, 163 Victoria, Queen, 112, 143, 158, 168 and Bank of the United States, 79, 82, Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions, 21, 129 99 and Benjamin Tappan, 185 and Clayton-Bulwer Treaty, 120, 138 Walker, Isaac P., 14, 45, 46, 55, 103, 104, and colonizationism, 34 149 contributions to Free Soil Party, 145 Walker, Robert J., 13, 144, 146 and Cuba, 138 and capital punishment, 157 and Daniel Webster, 25, 126, 190, 224 diplomatic appointment under Pierce, decline of after Kansas-Nebraska Act, 110 221 and free trade, 43, 54 Democratic overlap with in early railroad investments of, 71 1850s, 2, 11, 43, 50, 69, 222–7 as southern New Democrat, 11 in election of 1844, 127, 203 and Stephen A. Douglas, 143 in election of 1848, 190 and the Walker Tariff (also see Walker in election of 1852, 213–14, 224–6 Tariff), 84 and European revolutions of 1848, 96 and young Democracy, 209 on executive authority, 129, 152 on Young Europe, 142 formation of in 1830s, 18 on Yucatan,´ 134 and free trade, 43, 154, 225 Walker Tariff, 40, 43, 54, 80, 84, 154 and Garrett Davis, 46 Walsh, Mike, 219 and George Bancroft, 90 War of 1812, 10, 22, 25, 31, 32, 156 and , 101 comments on by James K. Polk, 133 and Horace Mann, 34 compared to the Mexican War, 133 ideology of, 11, 30, 64, 79, 96, 188, new economic nationalism following, 197, 198 22 and the Independent Treasury, 81 and Robert F. Stockton, 82 and internal improvements, 57, 60, 78 role of in fostering Young American and the isthmian canal, 74 self-consciousness, 6–7 and John L. O’Sullivan, 79 Washington, George, 104, 119, 173 and John Tyler, 127, 176 Washington Sentinel, 59, 117 and John Wentworth, 61 Washington Union, 13 and Lewis Tappan, 43 Webster, Daniel, 24, 25, 90, 96, 126, 177, in Massachusetts, 196 191, 224 and , 105 Webster-Ashburton Treaty, 126, 156 and Monroe Doctrine, 120

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and North American Review, 75, 212 as Democratic unifier, 15, 49, 202, opposition to Jeffersonian-Jacksonian 207, 208, 212–20, 222, 227, 232 tradition, 22, 32, 81, 190 etymology of, 3, 5–6 opposition to Mexican War, 122, 128, and European revolutions of 1848, 93, 129, 131 95, 96, 101, 104, 107, 113 presidencies of Zachary Taylor and and Franklin Pierce, 13, 111, 141, 212, Millard Fillmore, 110 214, 216–17 reform within, 15, 33–4, 145, 147, and free land movement, 147–8 150, 157, 161 and free trade, 40 and Robert Toombs, 199 generational consciousness of, 6–7, 9, in Second Party System, 27, 32, 40 14, 116 and slavery, 27, 34, 161, 184, 187, and George Bancroft, 206 190, 197 and George Law, 87 southerners within, 26 and George M. Dallas, 76 and spoils system, 175 and George N. Sanders, 57, 210–12 and tariff of 1842, 43, 53, 54, 83 George William Curtis on, 1 on Texas annexation, 127 and immigration, 162, 164 views of immigrants, 162–5 and the Independent Treasury, 80 and William A. Richardson, 224 and industrialization, 64 and William H. Seward, 149 and internal improvements, 45 on Yucatan,´ 134 internal party evolution of, 11 and Zachary Taylor, 179 and James K. Polk, 119, 204 Whitney, Asa, 171 and James Shields, 97, 98 Wilentz, Sean, 20 and Jane Cazneau, 160 Wilmot, David, 14, 154, 185, 187, 189, and Jesse Bright, 180 190, 194, 198, 201, 203, 207 and John A. Quitman, 89 , 60, 67, 188, 189, 192, and John L. O’Sullivan, 74, 75 194, 195, 203 and John Wentworth, 72, 195 Wilson, Woodrow, 234 and Kansas-Nebraska Act, 114, 221–2 Winston, John, 91 link with early Republican Party, 13, Women, Young American views of, 73, 79, 200, 227 157–61 literary and cultural dimension of, 3–5 Woodbury, Levi, 28 and Louis Kossuth, 108, 110 Wright, Silas, 53, 224 and Margaret Fuller, 100–1 and Matthew C. Perry, 139 Yale University, 172 and Mexican War, 128–33 Young America, 9, 158, 168, 208, 209 new internationalism of, 116–17, 119, Abraham Lincoln on, 229–31 121, 141, 143 and August Belmont, 38 New York Herald as organ of, 72, 132 bisectional nature of, 11, 146, 199, and Oregon crisis, 122–3, 125–7 219 and orthodox Jacksonian beliefs, 19, causes of the movement, 37, 54, 61, 35 66, 125 and Ostend Manifesto, 114, 139 and Compromise of 1850, 219 periodization of, 12 and Cuba, 113, 114, 135, 136, 138, 144 in poem in Democratic Review, 1 and David Yulee, 49 racial views of, 162–4 decline of, 232, 234 and railroads, 69, 71, 218 definition and ideology of, 1–2, 6, 7, refashioned economic orientation of, 10, 12, 14, 233 36–7, 44, 63, 65, 78, 82

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Young America (cont.) women in, 159 reform tradition of, 145–7, 150, 155, and Young Europe, 94, 95, 98 161, 174, 181 and Yucatan,´ 134 and rivers and harbors improvements, Young America (newspaper), 5 62 Young England, 5, 94 and Robert F. Stockton, 82 Young Europe,5, 94–6, 98, 101, 106, 113 and Robert J. Walker, 110 Young Germany, 5, 94 role in overlap with Whigs, 223, Young Hegelians, 94 225–7 Young Ireland, 5, 94–6 Samuel J. Tilden on, 2 Young Italy, 5, 93–5, 101 sectionalism within, 103, 104, 115, Young Poland, 94 124, 200, 202–3, 220–1 Yucatan,´ 97, 133–4 and slavery, 184, 194, 201 Yulee, David, 13 and Smithsonian Institution, 151 and August Belmont, 194 and spoils system, 174–5, 177 generational cohort of, 6 and steam power, 168–9 and internal improvements funding, and Stephen A. Douglas, 13, 47, 51–3, 49, 50 59, 144, 208, 210, 213, 231 and Monroe Doctrine, 120 and William Allen, 84, 85 on Pierce’s election, 216

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