The Vitality and Resilience of Inherited Japanese Houses -100 Years of Shimizu-Gumi Houses-
The Vitality and Resilience of Inherited Japanese Houses -100 Years of Shimizu-gumi Houses- Preface Since its foundation in 1804, residential architecture had been one of the primary business focuses for Shimizu-gumi, the present Shimizu Corporation. Many books have been published to showcase its works, such as Sekkei zushū, jūtaku no maki, ji 1907 nen shi 1923 nen (Drawing collection: house, from 1907 to 1923) and Sekkei zushū, shitsunai narabini kagu dentō no maki, ji 1909 nen shi 1913 nen (Drawing collection: interior, furniture and lighting, from 1909 to 1913). These books feature painted drawings of large houses, which could be considered mansions in the Western sense, designed and built by Shimizu-gumi, and include plans, elevations, development plans, and illustrations of furniture. The books enable the reader to visualize many aspects of mansions in the Meiji era (1868-1912) and Taisho era (1912-1926,) and to understand how these mansions were significant as elements of urban culture. Additionally, an academic work based on these earlier texts was published to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Housing Research Foundation JUSOKEN: Meiji/Taisho no teitaku, Shimizu-gumi sakusei saishiki-zu no sekai (Mansions in Meiji and Taisho, the world of colored drawings created by Shimizu-gumi, Kashiwashobo, 2009, currently unavailable). This book is the product of joint research by “Shimizu Kensetsu Teitaku Shiryō Kenkyūkai” (Shimizu Corporation Mansion Document Study Group, 2004 to 2009) in the “Jūtaku Shiryō Iinkai” (Committee for historical materials about houses) of Jusoken. For the next phase of study, surveys and research on Jūtaku kenchiku zushū (Residential architecture catalog, 1st volume: 1935, 2nd volume: 1939) should be conducted.
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