From : Secretary for Education To : Heads and Teachers of all Kindergartens, Secondary Schools and Primary Schools Ref. : EDB(CDI/TR)/300-1/1/20 (2)

Date: 28 August 2020

(Note: This circular memorandum should be read by heads and teachers of all secondary schools, primary schools and kindergartens.)

Learning and Teaching Resources in Support of Students’ Home Learning


This circular memorandum aims to inform schools about the variety of learning and teaching resources and reference materials developed by the Education Bureau (EDB) for schools to support students’ home learning in e-learning modes.


2. In light of the severity of the epidemic, which is anticipated to persist for a period of time, the EDB has announced that all face-to-face classes and activities will have to be suspended with the commencement of the 2020/21 school year until further notice. For the time being, schools may adopt alternative modes of teaching, including online lessons, to facilitate students’ home learning.

3. In view of COVID-19, the EDB has developed a series of learning and teaching resources covering various subjects at both the primary and secondary levels to support teachers in enriching students’ knowledge about fighting against the epidemic, instilling in them positive values and attitudes, developing their information literacy, and fostering the development of generic skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, and self-learning skills. Teachers can download the latest resources from the EDB website (

4. Over the past few months of class suspension, many teachers have adopted the learning and teaching resources provided by the HKEdCity Educational Television (ETV) website to support students’ learning at home, bringing in an average monthly pageview of over one million. With effect from 1 September 2020, the website will be renamed the Educational Multimedia (EMM) website ( Existing ETV resources will remain accessible via the new website and the EMM mobile application. Besides, ETV programmes suitable for the junior primary levels will be aired on RTHK TV 31 from 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Mondays to Fridays, in September and October 2020, to cater for students’ learning needs and consolidate their learning.

5. To assist schools in adopting e-learning modes to support students’ home learning, the EDB has launched a dedicated webpage ( during the class suspension. Relevant resources have been uploaded for teachers’ reference, including:

 video clips elucidating the skills of using e-learning platforms, flipped classroom approach and real-time online teaching;  a set of 30 video clips for teachers’ self-learning on the basics and practices about using e-teaching tools;  video clips of webinars on various topics sharing the relevant teaching skills and planning strategies;  reference principles on supporting students’ home learning with e-learning modes during the class suspension;  relevant school-based practices consolidated by the IT in Education Centres of Excellence (CoE); and  the dedicated webpages of the Education City.

6. Furthermore, in mid-August, the IT in Education Section launched a new series of webinars, including more subject-specific e-pedagogical skills and success experience in effective use of e-learning in supporting students’ learning at home. Teachers are welcome to attend the webinars and refer to the above designated webpage for details. Besides, schools are also invited to apply for the remote online support services provided by the CoE catering for the needs of individual schools. For details, please refer to the EDB webpage (

7. Learning and teaching resources come in different varieties and sources; textbooks are not the only resource. The EDB continues to develop diversified learning and teaching resources that cover different Key Learning Areas / subjects and meet the curriculum aims and objectives for teachers’ reference. Although students will not return to schools for lessons for the time being, teachers can help students acquire relevant knowledge and skills, instill in them positives values and facilitate critical thinking and

2 whole-person development through various e-learning resources and effective teaching strategies. The list of EDB learning and teaching resources, including the recommended curriculum resources for different Key Learning Areas / subjects is provided in Appendix 1 for teachers’ reference. In addition, the Preset Assessment Tasks on Basic Competency of , English Language and Mathematics for Key Stages 1-3 have been uploaded to the Student Assessment Repository (STAR) platform ( For details, please refer to Appendix 2.


8. For enquiries about the school-based remote support services provided by the CoE, please contact Ms Maggie LAU or Mr Paul LEE of the IT in Education Section at 3698 3596 or 3698 3601. For enquiries about curriculum resources, please contact the Curriculum Resources Section, Curriculum Development Institute by email ([email protected]) or by phone at 3698 3947. For enquiries about the STAR platform, please contact Ms HUI Lai-yin, Connie (Senior Curriculum Officer/Assessment and Support) of the Assessment and HKEAA Section, Education Infrastructure Division, EDB at 2123 6032. Schools may also contact the Hong Kong Education City at their hotline at 2624 1000 to inquire the various functions and tips on actual operations of the STAR platform.

Dr Gloria PW CHAN for Secretary for Education

c.c. Heads of Sections - for information


Appendix 1

Summary Table of Annexes

Annex No. Learning and Teaching Resource Lists Page No. 1 EDB’s Learning and Teaching Resource List 5-6

2 Recommended Curriculum Resources for Different Key Learning Areas / Subjects (a) Chinese Language Education 7-10 (b) English Language Education 11-14 (c) Mathematics Education 15-18 (d) Science Education 19-21 (e) Technology Education 22-34 (f) Personal, Social and Humanities Education 35-43 (g) Arts Education 44-52 (h) Physical Education 53-55 (i) Liberal Studies for Senior Secondary Level 56 (j) General Studies for Primary Schools 57-61 (k) Moral, Civic and National Education 62-63 (l) Gifted Education 64 (m) Kindergarten Education 65


Annex 1

EDB’s Learning and Teaching Resource List

Learning and Teaching Resources QR Code Curriculum Resources about COVID-19 Teachers may make use of the curriculum / subject resources which cover topics or contents relating to COVID-19 to enhance students' understanding of the virus, instil in them positive values and attitudes, and foster their generic skills such as critical thinking skills and problem-solving skills.

Learning and Teaching Resources Developed by the EDB A range of resources are developed by the EDB to support learning and teaching. They include web-based and printed resources of different KLAs and subjects.

Educational Multimedia Resources The HKEdCity Educational Multimedia (EMM) website provides resources that align the school curriculum, such as short videos, animations, songs, photos. The service target groups include students of kindergartens, primary and secondary levels, teachers, parents and the public.

EDB One-stop Portal for Learning and Teaching Resources (EDBOSP) Designed in accordance with the curriculum framework, the EDBOSP is an online portal providing learning and teaching e- resources, assessment tasks, curriculum documents, useful examples and good practices of school experience as well as information on the professional development of teachers.

Educational Resources Online Platform (EROP) The Educational Resources Online Platform provides e-resources, including e-databases and e-books to support learning and teaching and the professional development of teachers. Teachers are welcome to browse the EROP webpage.


"Book Works Reading Site" "Book Works Reading Site" is a reading platform providing more than 400 articles covering various categories for primary students. It aims at promoting extensive reading among students and facilitating students to read with proper methods.

Schools can access the "Book Works School Administrators’ Page" to obtain students’ utilisation rate of the site for analysis. "Book Works School Administrators’ Page" Application Form (Chinese version only)


Annex 2 Recommended Curriculum Resources for Different Key Learning Areas / Subjects

The following tables listed out the recommended curriculum resources for different KLAs / Subjects for teachers’ reference, so as to facilitate students to conduct online learning.

(a) KLA:Chinese Language Education Key Stage / Topic Description of the QR Codes of the Remarks Level Resources / related Resources Learning Objectives Primary / Traditional  To learn traditional  teaching resources Junior Chinese virtue: Chinese Virtue through  self-learning Secondary personal growth; the resources including □ others: ______interpersonal learning items on https://www.edbchines development; positive values and our Group, our attitudes (17), (Software on Path to Country and our traditional tales (51) and Moral Excellence: world Chinese classic sayings Primary Chinese (153). Language Learning  Annotations and Software on Traditional English translation are Chinese Virtues) provided. Senior Chinese classic  To enable students and  teaching resources Primary / sayings the community to learn  self-learning Junior the very essence of the □ others: ______Secondary Chinese culture and the wisdom embodied in /tc/curriculum- the Chinese classic development/kla/chi- sayings, as well as to edu/chinese- foster their positive culture/chi-culture- values and attitudes. main.html (Designated webpage on “Chinese Classic Sayings”)


Primary / Chinese learning  To learn words  teaching resources Junior materials for non- commonly used in daily  self-learning Secondary Chinese speaking lives, understand the □ others: ______students: stories, and express character their ideas through recognition and writing and speaking /tc/curriculum- writing, Chinese development/kla/chi- stories with edu/second- recording of lang/student.html reading aloud and (Self-learning students’ work Resources for Non- Chinese Speaking Students) Junior Learning  To provide teachers  teaching resources Primary Putonghua with learning materials  self-learning (Primary) and teaching plans □ others: ______ To enable students to learning pinyin through a range of activities, hi/resource/index.htm such as reading aloud, (Learning Putonghua listening stories pinyin)  Learning features of Putonghua phonetics Primary / Putonghua self- The resources include:  teaching resources Junior learning  a total of 200 reading  self-learning Secondary resources: materials with pinyin □ others: ______reading aloud, reading aloud recording pinyin and word for different learning https://www.edbchines learning levels (The Self-learning (including  pinyin exercises at four Software for Putonghua exercises, games levels of difficulty at the Primary Level) and word search)  3 kinds of games for learning pinyin  approximately 3000 pairs of and Putonghua vocabularies for searching  Hanyu pinyin scheme


Primary / Reading aloud  To enhance students’  teaching resources Junior with Putonghua confidence and  self-learning Secondary competence in using □ others: ______Putonghua through appreciation of 53 pieces of classics and /tc/curriculum- modern literary works development/kla/chi- edu/resources/pth-  This set of learning shengqingbingmao.htm materials provide the l text, tips and (Learning materials for demonstrations of Reading aloud in reading aloud, reading Putonghua) aloud demonstrations with background music, and background music alone. Students may learn how to read loud and practice after listening to the demonstrations. Senior Classical set texts  To enable students to  teaching resources Secondary understand the  self-learning significance of the □ others: ______Chinese literature and culture through learning the classical set texts. The resources include: /tc/curriculum-  the texts and reading development/kla/chi- aloud recordings edu/nss-lang/settext-  teaching reference index.html materials (Resources for classical  exemplars of set texts) teaching  exemplars of assessment


Secondary Chinese Culture  To enhance students’  teaching resources language competence  self-learning and understanding of □ others: ______the Chinese culture, leading to their introspection and /tc/curriculum- conscious attempt to development/kla/chi- identify with the edu/resources/secondar culture. The resources y- include: edu/lang/culture.html#c  analysis of 50 ulture-text reference materials (Chinese culture for learning Chinese learning package at culture Secondary Level)  6 teaching plans with different topics (e.g. “Study”, “Parental Respect”, “Beauty and Kindness”)


(b) KLA:English Language Education Subject:English Language Key Stage / Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of Remarks Level related Learning Objectives the Resources Junior Learning Tasks for  Development of language  teaching resources Primary Key Stage 1 skills, vocabulary building  self-learning skills and phonics skills □ others: ______

Senior Learning Tasks for  Development of language  teaching resources Primary Key Stage 2 skills, vocabulary building  self-learning skills and phonics skills □ others: ______

Senior Primary English e-  Multimedia materials for  teaching resources Primary Learning Resources listening and viewing  self-learning (PEER)  Development of language □ others: ______skills Primary Learning and  Development of reading  teaching resources Teaching Resources skills  self-learning on Teaching  Connecting students’ □ others: ______Information Texts reading and writing (Primary) experiences through adopting information texts Primary Using Storytelling to  Development of language  teaching resources Develop Students’ skills and positive values □ self-learning Interest in Reading – □ others: ______A Resource Package for English Teachers Junior Using Storytelling to  Development of language  teaching resources Secondary Develop Students' skills and positive values  self-learning Literacy Skills and □ others: ______Positive Values Junior When Language Arts  Development of phonics  teaching resources Secondary Meets Phonics - skills □ self-learning Phonics in Action at  Creative language use □ others: ______Junior Secondary Level Senior Exploring Text Types  Knowledge of features and  teaching resources Secondary – Persuasive Writing organisation of persuasive  self-learning writing □ others: ______


Senior Exploring Text Types  Knowledge of features and  teaching resources Secondary – News Report and organisation of news reports  self-learning Editorial and editorials □ others: ______

Senior Exploring Text Types  Knowledge of features and  teaching resources Secondary – Feature Articles organisation of feature  self-learning articles □ others: ______

Secondary Teen Time Remix:  Development of listening  teaching resources Using Authentic skills  self-learning Materials for □ others: ______Developing Secondary Students' Listening Skills Secondary Enhancing Students'  Development of multimodal  teaching resources Language Skills with literacy skills □ self-learning Multi-modal Texts □ others: ______

Secondary Enhancing English  Development of vocabulary  teaching resources Vocabulary Learning building skills □ self-learning and Teaching at □ others: ______Secondary Level Secondary A Treasury of  Appreciation of short stories  teaching resources Literary Classics and Greek mythology  self-learning  Creative language use □ others: ______ Development of reading skills Secondary Poetry Appreciation  Appreciation of poetry by  teaching resources Hong Kong-based poets  self-learning □ others: ______

Secondary Short Film  Appreciation of short films  teaching resources Appreciation – My and analysis of audio-visual  self-learning Grandmother effects □ others: ______ Development of viewing skills


Senior Using English for  Communication skills  teaching resources Primary / social and emotional  Goal setting  self-learning Junior learning: Growing up  Growth mindset □ others: ______Secondary  Recognising strengths  Perspective taking  Identifying emotions  Stress management  Accurate self-perception  Empathy Senior Using English for  Communication skills  teaching resources Primary / social and emotional  Self-discipline  self-learning Junior learning: Now and  Appreciating diversity □ others: ______Secondary then  Analysing situations  Problem-solving Primary Using English for  Communication skills  teaching resources social and emotional  Respect for others  self-learning learning:  Identifying emotions □ others: ______Relationships  Goal setting Primary Using English for  Self-discipline  teaching resources social and emotional  Optimism  self-learning learning: Good habits  Growth Mindset □ others: ______ Communication skills  Self-reflection  Self-efficacy  Organisational skills  Problem-solving


Subject:Literature in English Key Stage / Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of Remarks Level related Learning Objectives the Resources Senior A Treasury of  Appreciation of short  teaching resources Secondary Literary Classics stories and Greek  self-learning mythology □ others: ______ Creative language use Senior Poetry Appreciation  Appreciation of poetry by  teaching resources Secondary Hong Kong-based poets  self-learning □ others: ______

Senior Short Film  Appreciation of short films  teaching resources Secondary Appreciation – My and analysis of filmic  self-learning Grandmother techniques □ others: ______

Senior Resource Materials  Appreciation of poetry and  teaching resources Secondary on the Learning and analysis of poetic  self-learning Teaching of Poetry techniques □ others: ______

Senior Resource Materials  Appreciation of short films  teaching resources Secondary on the Learning and and analysis of filmic  self-learning Teaching of Film techniques □ others: ______

Senior A Guide to Writing  Literary research skills  teaching resources Secondary and Referencing for  Academic writing styles  self-learning Literature in and conventions □ others: ______English Paper 3  Citation and referencing Portfolio/ School- methods based Assessment


(c) KLA:Mathematics Education Key Stage / Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of Remarks Level related Learning Objectives the Resources Junior Building a Small  2S1 3-D Shapes (II)  teaching resources Primary Castle  3M1 Length and distance (IV)  self-learning  Recognise different 3-D  others: ______shapes with the use of 3D design software  STEM Education Junior Healthy Diet  3N5 Mixed operations (I)  teaching resources Primary (Intake of Table  Solve problems involving  self-learning Salt) mixed operations of addition  others: ______& subtraction, addition & multiplication, and subtraction & multiplication, plus estimations of calculation results  STEM Education Primary Arrangement and  Include examples related to  teaching resources Examples for the the transitional period of the  self-learning Transitional implementation of the revised  others: ______Period of the Mathematics curriculum Implementation of the Revised Mathematics Curriculum (Chinese version only) Senior Using Coding to  4N1 Multiplication (II)  teaching resources Primary Facilitate the  Apply coding to assist the  self-learning Learning of exploration of multiplication  others: ______Multiplication of 2-digit numbers  STEM Education Senior Printing a Cup  6M1 Volume (II)  teaching resources Primary  Consolidate students’  self-learning recognition of the relation  others: ______between capacity and volume through designing cups  STEM Education


Senior Four Seasons  6D2 Broken line graphs  teaching resources Primary  Read and discuss broken line  self-learning graphs, and construct broken  others: ______line graphs  STEM Education Senior Inquiry in  Recognise the process and  teaching resources Primary Mathematics different methods of inquiry  self-learning (Numbers) in Mathematics  others: ETV clips

Junior Liu Hui and the  Consolidate students’  teaching resources Secondary Circle Dissection recognition of pi and the  self-learning Algorithm formula of areas of circles  others: ______(Chinese Version  Appreciate the achievements only) of ancient Chinese mathematicians from the history of mathematics  Appreciate mathematics from a cultural perspective Junior The Shortest Path  Congruent triangles  teaching resources Secondary and Reflection  STEM Education  self-learning  others: ______

Junior Learning and  The test of divisibility of 3  teaching resources Secondary Teaching  Concepts of prime numbers  self-learning Materials for the and composite numbers  others: ______Transitional  Use short division to find the Period of the greatest common divisor and Revised Junior the least common multiple of Secondary two numbers Mathematics  The formula for areas of Curriculum circles  Angle (degree)  Pie chart Junior Investigating  Errors in measurement  teaching resources Secondary Errors in  Trigonometry  self-learning Measurements of  STEM Education  others: ______Distance Measuring Apps


Junior Mathematics  Areas and volumes  teaching resources Secondary Cabinet Series  Appreciate the achievements  self-learning (25) Areas and of ancient Chinese and  others: Reading Volumes Western mathematicians from material (Chinese Version the history of mathematics only)  Appreciate mathematics from a cultural perspective Senior Genetics and  Compulsory Part:More  teaching resources Secondary Mathematics about probability  self-learning (Chinese Version  Understand the multiplication  others: ______only) law of probability and the concept of independent events  Use permutation and combination to solve problem related to probability  STEM Education Senior Linear  Compulsory Part:  teaching resources Secondary Programming and Inequalities and linear  self-learning Food Intake programming  others: ______ Represent the graphs of linear inequalities in two unknowns in the rectangular coordinate plane  Solve linear programming problems  STEM Education Senior Centre Finder  Compulsory Part:Basic  teaching resources Secondary properties of circles  self-learning  Understand the properties of  others: ______chords and arcs of a circle  STEM Education


Senior Modelling the  Compulsory Part:  teaching resources Secondary Spread of a Exponential and logarithmic  self-learning Disease functions  others: ______ Use exponential functions and logarithmic functions to solve problems  Module 1:Indefinite integration and its applications  Use indefinite integration to solve problems Senior Mathematics  Module 2:Matrices  teaching resources Secondary Cabinet Series  Understand the concept,  self-learning treasure trove (5) operations and properties of  others: _Reading Applications of matrices material_ Mathematics:  Understand the concept, Image Processing operations and properties of - Revolution of inverses of square matrices of Matrix order 2 and order 3 (Chinese version  Recognise how to apply only) Matrices to deal with image processing, for example image compression  STEM Education


(d) KLA:Science Education Key Stage / Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of Remarks Level related Learning Objectives the Resources Senior Biology/ Biology Learning & Teaching  teaching resources Secondary Combined Resource Kit- Supplementary  self-learning Science Materials (Practical Work): □ others: ______(Biology part):  This online resource Topics 1-3 includes biological experiments procedures and demonstration videos. Senior Biology/ Biology Learning & Teaching  teaching resources Secondary Combined Resource Kit- Supplementary  self-learning Science Materials (Fact Sheet): □ others: ______(Biology part):  This online resource Topics 2-4 & includes reading materials Biology: Topic 8 on related topics. Senior Chemistry – Chemistry Experiment  teaching resources Secondary Topics I to XV Techniques  self-learning  This online resource □ others: ______Combined includes 23 videos Science demonstrating chemistry (Chemistry Part) experiment techniques and – Topics I to VII chemical analyses. Senior Chemistry – Learning and Teaching  teaching resources Secondary Topics I to XV Resources for Senior Secondary  self-learning Chemistry and Combined □ others: ______Combined Science (Chemistry Part) Science  This website compiles (Chemistry Part) various learning and – Topics I to VII teaching resources appropriate for Chemistry and Combined Science (Chemistry Part) curricula. A wide variety of resources are listed and categorised according to the learning objectives and outcomes of topics.


Senior Physics / Using the “AP Sensor” Apps  teaching resources Secondary Combined and build-in sensors of mobile  self-learning Science devices to conduct Physics □ others: ______(Physics part) experiments Topics:  This website provides the Force and “AP Sensor” Apps and Motion, Wave related teaching materials of Motion, the application, which Electricity and include user manual, Magnetism laboratory manual and demonstration video clips. Senior Physics-Related Short Video Clips for Self-Paced  teaching resources Secondary Maths Learning of Physics-Related  self-learning Techniques: Maths Techniques □ others: ______Graph Sketching,  This website provides short Trigonometry, video clips and learning and Unit teaching materials to Conversions, facilitate students in learning Logarithmic fundamental mathematics Functions, concepts pertinent to physics Vectors learning. Senior Integrated Integrated Science (S4-6)  teaching resources Secondary Science (S4-6) Learning and Teaching  self-learning Compulsory & Resources □ others: ______Elective Modules  The learning and teaching resources include student handouts, PowerPoint presentations, experiments/ activity worksheets and assessment resources. Junior Science (S1-3) “Science (S1-3) – Learning and  teaching resources Secondary Units 2, 4, 9, 11 Teaching Resources” (Set A) □ self-learning and 13 This online resource includes □ others: ______scientific investigations, practical work, and design & make activities, to support the learning and teaching of the updated Science (S1-3) Curriculum.


Junior Science (S1-3) “Science (S1-3) – Learning and  teaching resources Secondary Units 1, 5, 6, 7, 8 Teaching Resources” (Set C) □ self-learning and 14 This online resource includes □ others: ______scientific investigations, practical work, and design & make activities, to support the learning and teaching of the updated Science (S1-3) Curriculum. Junior Science (S1-3) “Science (S1-3) – Learning and  teaching resources Secondary Unit 4: Cells, Teaching Resources” (Set D)  self-learning Human  This online resource □ others: ______Reproduction and includes design & make Heredity activities to support learning and teaching of “DNA and Heredity”. Junior Science (S1-3) “Science (S1-3) – Learning and  teaching resources Secondary Units 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, Teaching Resources” (Set E) □ self-learning 8, 9 and 11 This online resource includes □ others: ______scientific investigations, practical work, and design & make activities, to support the learning and teaching of the updated Science (S1-3) Curriculum.


(e) KLA:Technology Education Key Stage / Topic Description of the Resources QR Codes of Remarks Level / related Learning Objectives the Resources Junior TE KLA Curriculum  Theme-based Resources: EDB web page:  teaching resources Secondary “Strategies & The set of resource materials  self-learning Management” is compiled with Teacher □ others: ______Knowledge Context Version and Student Version  Core Module: K7 for teachers’ reference and Business adaptation. Students can Environment, acquire knowledge of a Operations & particular knowledge context Organisations through different theme-  Extension Module based learning. During the E4 Resources learning process, students Management also can develop positive  Extension Module value and attitudes, and even E5 Marketing take part in an entrepreneurial experience.  Modular-based Resources: Each module is complied with different cases and examples for explanation of relevant concepts. The set of resource materials includes lesson plans, PowerPoint presentation slides with teaching notes, student worksheets, in-class exercises and home assignment, quiz, in-class learning activities such as case study, information analysis, group discussion.


Junior Robotics learning and  To support the  teaching resources Secondary teaching resources implementation of STEM  self-learning education in schools, the □ others: ______Technology Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute has developed the “Robotics learning and teaching resources " for front-line teachers' reference.  This learning and teaching resource provides teaching content with fundamental knowledge, assignments, project works, extended activities and reference materials, etc. for learning and teaching of "Robotics".


Junior Learning and  To support the  teaching resources Secondary Teaching Resources implementation of the  self-learning for Technology "Enriched Technology □ others: ______Education at Junior Education(TE) KLA Secondary level - Curriculum" in junior Modules related to secondary level in schools, technological subjects the Technology Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute has developed a set of learning and teaching resources covering the learning element units related to technological subjects for teachers' reference and use.  Teachers can guide students in a flexible mode according to the learning progress recommended in the learning and teaching resources, as well as to understand and master the three aspects including Technological knowledge, Technological capability and Technological awareness that are emphasised under TEKLA.


Junior Case Study for  To facilitate the  teaching resources Secondary Technological implementation of  self-learning Subjects (Secondary “Technological subjects” at □ others: ______1-3) junior secondary level in schools, the Technology Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute has developed the " Case Study for Technological Subjects (Secondary 1-3) " learning and teaching resources for front-line teachers' reference.  This learning and teaching resources provides case studies related to daily life, including exploratory activities, assignments, assessment rubrics, extended activities and reference materials, etc. Junior Understanding the Programming Concepts  teaching resources Secondary Interaction between  Problem solving procedures  self-learning Programming and and techniques □ others: ______Physical Objects  Data manipulation through Micro:bit  Using sensors and actuators Activities to interact with the environment Junior Computer Computer Network  teaching resources Secondary Networking - Ideal  Common hardware of  self-learning Office Project computer networks □ others: ______ Applications and Impacts of computer communication


Senior Business, Accounting  Modular-based Resources: EDB web page:  teaching resources Secondary and Financial Studies The set of resource materials  self-learning  Compulsory Part, is complied with various  others: including topics of cases for reference and The set of resource Management examples for explaining materials was Function, Stock concepts of different topics. uploaded onto the Trading as an Each topic includes lesson EDB One-stop Portal Investment, Basic plans, PowerPoint for Learning & Ratio Analysis presentation slides, case Teaching Resources,  Business study and other teaching where assessment Management activities, in-class exercise items for each topic Elective Part: and home assignment as are also available for Topics of Risk well as quiz with suggested teachers' reference Management answer.  Accounting Elective Part: Topics of Cost Accounting  Business  Activity-based Resources: EDB web page:  teaching resources Management The series of resource  self-learning Elective Part: materials was developed to  others: Topics of Human support teachers with This set of resource Resources different learning and materials was Management teaching strategies provided, uploaded onto the including Training as well as a wide range of EDB One-stop Portal and Development teaching activities about for Learning & as well as real-life cases. Each topic is Teaching Resources, Recruitment compiled with guiding notes where assessment Methods; topics of for teachers, explanatory items for each topic Financial notes on concepts, reference, are also available for Management suggested reading, and teachers' reference including Financial student worksheets, etc. Analysis and Sources of Financing; topics of Marketing Management including E- marketing and Promotion Mix


Senior Simplified Version of  To facilitate the  teaching resources Secondary the Learning and implementation of "Design  self-learning Teaching Resources and Applied Technology" at □ others: ______for Design and senior secondary level in Applied Technology schools and to cater for (Secondary 4-6) students’ learning diversities, the Technology Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute has developed the "Simplified Version of the Learning and Teaching Resources for Design and Applied Technology (Secondary 4-6) " learning and teaching resources for front-line teachers' reference.  This learning and teaching resources has re-arranged the content of the original resource materials in a timely manner, by updating images and adding latest technological knowledge to facilitate the learning and the teaching of "Design and Applied Technology”.


Senior 設計與應用科技(中  為支援學校於高中有效推  teaching resources Secondary 四至中六)主題式學 行「設計與應用科技」,課  self-learning 習 程發展處科技教育組開發 □ others: ______(Chinese version only) 的《設計與應用科技(中四 至中六)主題式學習》學與 教資源,以供前線教師參 考。  本學與教資源提供十個不 同主題的學習單元,當中 包括教學計劃、相關設計 及科技知識內容探討、個 案研究、科技探究活動、 課業習作、專題研習、評 估題目及細則,以及延伸 活動和參考資料等。 Senior Case Study for  To facilitate the  teaching resources Secondary Design and Applied implementation of "Design  self-learning Technology and Applied Technology" at □ others: ______(Secondary 4-6) senior secondary level in schools, the Technology Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute has developed the "Case Study for Design and Applied Technology Secondary 4-6)" learning and teaching resources for front- line teachers' reference.  This learning and teaching resource provides case studies related to daily life, including exploratory activities, assignments, assessment rubrics, extended activities and reference materials, etc.


Senior Learning and  To support the  teaching resources Secondary Teaching Resources implementation of "Design  self-learning for Design and and Applied Technology" □ others: ______Applied Technology (Secondary 4-6), the (Secondary 4-6) Technology Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute, Education Bureau has produced a set of learning and teaching resources.  This learning and teaching resources aims to provide the support on the learning and teaching of knowledge required for the compulsory and elective parts of "Design and Applied Technology" (Secondary 4-6). A set of eight learning and teaching learning resources includes a teacher's guide and student learning resources, covering every strands and modules of "Design and Applied Technology" (Secondary 4- 6).


Senior Health Management Themes  teaching resources Secondary and Social Care e- 1) Personal Needs and  self-learning learning Resources Development across Lifespan □ others: ______2) Concepts of Health and Well-being 3) Physical Well-being 4) Mental Well-being 5) Social Well-being 6) Healthy Community 7) Caring Community 8) Ecology and Health 9) Building a Healthy City 10) Health Care System 11) Social Welfare System 12) Medical and Social Care Professions 13) Health and Social Care Policies 14) Social Care in Action 15A) Ageing Population 15B) Discrimination 15C) Domestic Violence 15D) Addiction 15E) Poverty Senior Compulsory Part -  Students can understand  teaching resources Secondary Using Scratch in programming concepts in  self-learning teaching Algorithm Scratch □ others: ______Testing  Students can write Scratch programs for specific scenarios  Understand the rationales of using different test cases for Algorithm Testing  Know how to determine test cases according to the structure of programs


Secondary Using Freehand  To support teachers in  teaching resources Sketching as a Visual nurturing students’ visual  self-learning Thinking and thinking and freehand □ others: ______Communication Tool sketching presentation abilities in learning Design and Technology subjects, the Technology Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute has developed the teaching notes of "Using Freehand Sketching as a Visual Thinking and Communication Tool" for frontline teachers' reference.  This learning and teaching resources includes teaching materials, learning activities, assessment tasks and reference materials. Secondary 機械及機械元件(學  為進一步支援學生學習設  teaching resources 習資源及教師培訓 計與科技科目中與機械結  self-learning 影片) 構及機械元件相關的課題, □ others: ______(Chinese version only) 課程發展處科技教育組開 發《機械及機械元件》學與 教資源,以供前線教師參 考。  本學與教資源共有四個教 學單元,內容採用循序漸進 形式,配合生活例子及專題 研習部分,幫助學生由認識 到動手實踐,並以多角度了 解各種類的械結構及機械 元件。


Secondary Robotics Project  To further support the  teaching resources Learning implementation of STEM  self-learning Education in schools, the □ others: ______Technology Education Section of the Curriculum Development Institute has developed the “Robotics Project Learning” learning and teaching resources for front-line teachers' reference.  This learning and teaching resources includes teaching materials and learning activities, which aims to support teachers in nurturing students’ self-exploration spirit, problem-solving competence, creativity and ability to integrate and apply knowledge. Secondary School Workshop  To enhance the safety  teaching resources Safety Guidelines awareness of students and  self-learning (Video) – with teachers in school □ others: ______English subtitles only workshops, the Technology Education Section of the Curriculum Development

Institute has produced a video of "School Workshop Safety Guidelines" for teachers' reference and use.


Secondary Food Science and  Food and Nutrition  teaching resources Technology - Meal planning  self-learning □ others: ______

- Nutrition and Health  teaching resources  self-learning □ others: ______

- Understanding  teaching resources Ingredients  self-learning □ others: ______

 Food Preparation and  teaching resources Processing  self-learning - Principles of Food □ others: ______Processing / Technology

- Basic Food Science  teaching resources  self-learning □ others: ______

- STEM in Food Science  teaching resources  self-learning □ others: ______

- Food Technology and  teaching resources Health  self-learning □ others: ______


Secondary Fashion, Clothing and  Fabric and Clothing  teaching resources Textiles Construction: Textile  self-learning Technology, Clothing □ others: ______Technology  Fashion and Dress Sense: Fashion Design Basics and Image Building, Fashion and Culture Secondary Family Living  Family  teaching resources  self-learning □ others: ______

Secondary Home Management  Food Product Development  teaching resources and Technology  self-learning □ others: ______

 Consumer Education  teaching resources  self-learning □ others: ______

 Management of Resources  teaching resources  self-learning □ others: ______


(f) KLA:Personal, Social & Humanities Education Subject:Chinese History Key Stage / Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of Remarks Level related Learning Objectives the Resources Junior History of War  The Battle of Changping  teaching resources Secondary in China  The Battle of Red Cliffs (Chibi)  self-learning (Also  The Battle of Fei River □ others: ______suitable for  The Battle of Xiangzhou NCS  The Battle of Yancheng students)  The Battle of Ningyuan and Senior  The Battle of the Bogue Secondary  The Battle of the Yalu River  The Gin Drinker’s Line Junior Historical The History of Modern China  teaching resources Secondary Images of  1841-1911  self-learning (Also Modern China -  1912-1949 □ others: ______suitable for Selections of  1949-1999 NCS the Hsu Chung students) Mao Collection and Senior Secondary Junior The 70th  The War of Resistance against  teaching resources Secondary anniversary of Japanese Aggression  self-learning (Also the victory of □ others: ______suitable for the War of NCS Resistance students) against and Senior Japanese Secondary Aggression: Selections from the Hsu Chung Mao Collection


Subject:History Key Stage / Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of Remarks Level related Learning Objectives the Resources Secondary History Trip Go  Revised Junior Secondary Download the iOS  teaching resources Easy: Cheung History Curriculum version:  self-learning Chau Jiao  Topic 4: Case Study: Cheung □ others: ______Festival Chau Jiao Festival (Mobile App)  Senior Secondary History Curriculum  Modernisation and transformation of Hong Kong: Inheritance of local Download the heritage Android version:  Includes routes for field trips, learning activities, historical video clips and reference articles  Can be used online or offline; equipped with Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) functions Secondary Junior  Cover various topics in both *The e-reading  teaching resources Secondary Junior and Senior Secondary platform accessible  self-learning History e- History curricula to all local □ others: ______Reading  Students can login the online e- secondary students Platform (Trial reading platform, read history is tentatively Version) articles and complete relevant scheduled for use questions in October. Relevant information will be disseminated to all schools through EDB circular memoranda in October.


Junior New  Tryout lesson plans and  teaching resources Secondary Inspirations in worksheets showcase the new  self-learning Learning and learning elements and features of □ others: ______Teaching: New different topics in the revised Resource Pack Junior Secondary History for the Revised curriculum Curriculum of  S1: Topic 1, 2 and 4 Junior  S2: Topic 7 and 8 Secondary  S3: Topic 9, 10 and 12 History (Volume 1) Secondary Teacher  Teachers can study differentiated Information  teaching resources Training Series instruction strategies on the e- about the first □ self-learning for the Revised learning platform round of the □ others: ______Junior  Watch video clips course: Secondary  Complete relevant questions History  The first-round of the course Curriculum: takes place from 1 August to 15 Online Course September 2020 on "How to  The second-round of the course cater for will be re-run in late September learning the earliest. Please refer to the diversity in announcement on the TCS for History class" further details and enrolment Secondary Historical History of Modern and  teaching resources Images of Contemporary China:  self-learning Modern China -  1841-1911 □ others: ______Selections of  1912-1949 the Hsu Chung  1949-1999 Mao Collection


Secondary The 70th  The War of Resistance against  teaching resources anniversary of Japanese Aggression  self-learning the victory of □ others: ______the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression: Selections from the Hsu Chung Mao Collection Secondary Learning and  Different differentiated  teaching resources Teaching instruction tools and strategies, □ self-learning Resource Pack such as Equalizer, Frayer Model, □ others: ______for Secondary RAFT, Think Dots, Learning History Menu, etc. Curriculum -  With 14 examples of How to cater differentiated lesson plans for for learning both junior and senior secondary diversity in History lessons History class Senior Learning and  The international economic,  teaching resources Secondary Teaching social and cultural cooperation  self-learning Resource Pack since 1945 □ others: ______for Senior  International cooperation and Secondary regional politics since 1945 - History China, Japan and SE Asia Curriculum – International Cooperation and Regional Politics since 1945


Subject:Geography Key Stage / Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of Remarks Level related Learning Objectives the Resources Senior Title of the Following the senior secondary  teaching resources Secondary resources: geography curriculum, this set of  self-learning Using web- curriculum resources has the □ others: ______based VR 360° following two learning focuses: panoramic  Learning the fieldwork skills of photographs urban fieldwork, such as data and online maps collection, presentation and for conducting analysis skills. virtual urban  Learning how to use e-learning field study resources (such as VR360° (Related topic: panoramic photos and online Fieldwork) maps) for conducting virtual geography fieldwork effectively. Senior Title of the Following the module – “Climate  teaching resources Secondary resource: change” in the senior secondary  self-learning Geography e- geography curriculum, this set of □ others: ______Learning curriculum resources has the Package about following learning focuses: Climate Change  The situation of global and Hong (Related topic: Kong climate change Climate change)  Causes of global warming  Impacts of climate change  Measures to deal with climate change


Subject:Economics Key Stage / Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of Remarks Level related Learning Objectives the Resources Senior Cover all topics This project is funded by the Quality  teaching resources Secondary in the Senior Education Fund. Around 200  self-learning Secondary animated short videos, developed by □ others: ______Economics the Chinese University of Hong curriculum Kong, will be uploaded onto the web platform by stages for teachers’ and students’ use for free. Senior How does the Brief introduction to the linked  teaching resources Secondary Linked exchange rate system in Hong Kong  self-learning Exchange Rate □ others: ______System Work?


Subject:Life and Society (Secondary 1-3) Key Stage / Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of Remarks Level related Learning Objectives the Resources Junior Teaching Manual The Teaching Manual aims to  teaching resources Secondary for Enhancing demonstrate how the learning of  self-learning Students’ English subject contents and development □ others: ______Writing Skills of writing skills can be through interweaved in carefully designed Promoting scaffolding activities and tasks. Language across the Curriculum in The Teaching Manual includes four Life and Society sample units (Secondary 1-3) 1. Coping with Adversities (English version 2. Bullying only) 3. Managing Cyber-friendship 4. Enhancing Family Life


Junior “3-minute The learning and teaching  teaching resources Secondary Concept” resources help students understand  self-learning Animated Video abstract concepts and contents in □ others: ______Clips Series: the Life and Society (Secondary 1- Video 1 “Media 3) curriculum more effectively. Literacy” Students may view the video clips (Chinese version and complete the worksheets on only) their own for pre-lesson Video 2 preparation or post-lesson revision “Triangular so as to encourage self-directed Theory of Love” learning in students. At the end of (Chinese version each video clip, a reflective only) question(s) is/are provided to Video 3 “Smart facilitate extended discussion. City” (Chinese and English Related curriculum contents: versions) Video 1: Media and Our Life Video 4 Video 2: Sex and Sexuality: “Diversity and Learning to Love Inclusiveness” Video 3: “Global City”: Social (Chinese and Characteristics of “Global City” as English versions) Demonstrated by Hong Kong Video 5 “Global Video 4: One World One Family: Citizenship” Appreciating Diversity of Values (Chinese and Video 5: Global Citizenship and English versions) Humanitarian Work: Video 6 Consciousness of Global “Economic Citizenship and its Contribution to Performance Humanitarian Work Indicators” Video 6: Economic Performance of (Chinese and Hong Kong: Ups and Downs of the English versions) Hong Kong Economy Video 7 Video 7: The Use of Resources: “Personal Managing Finance and Being Your Resource Own Master with Money Management: Managing Finance” (Chinese and English versions)


Subject: Tourism and Hospitality Studies Key Stage / Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of the Remarks Level related Learning Objectives Resources Senior Meetings,  Understand the functions of the  teaching resources Secondary Incentives, Programme subcommittee with  self-learning Conventions examples from Hong Kong □ others: ______and Book Fair. Exhibitions

Senior Theme Parks  Understand the important  teaching resources Secondary characteristics of theme park:  self-learning Factors contributing to the □ others: ______success of theme parks  One of the factors contributing to the success of Theme Parks: Adapt to market changes Senior Assessment  EDB One-stop Portal for teaching resources Secondary Tasks Learning and Teaching  self-learning Reference Resources □ others: ______


(g) KLA:Arts Education Key Stage / Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of the Remarks Level related Learning Objectives Resources Senior Music and  Connect the knowledge of  teaching resources Secondary Language different key learning areas, and  self-learning (Other across the develop the ability to appreciate Learning Curriculum and think from multiple □ others: ______Experiences - perspectives Aesthetic  Study materials of different text Development) types for music appreciation, and learning of the related vocabulary (Chi only) and rhetoric  Strategies of music appreciation and criticism Senior Music in  Describe and analyse the use of  teaching resources Secondary Film shot angle and movement, self-learning (Other framing and lighting effects used  Learning and interpret the message  others: ______Experiences - conveyed in the selected excerpt Aesthetic of The Pianist

Development)  Analyse the use of Chopin “Ballade No.1 in G minor Op.23” (Chi only) for conveying message in the excerpt of the The Pianist  Create video works on self- selected topics to express perseverance, equality or caring Senior Exploring  Describe and analyse the  teaching resources Secondary Video Art presentation techniques of self-learning (Other conceptual videos and music  Learning videos  others: ______Experiences -  Interpret the meaning of Aesthetic conceptual videos and music Development) videos from multiple perspectives (Chi only)  Use simple shooting techniques to create video works  Draw up assessment criteria to appraise video works


Subject:Music Key Stage / Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of the Remarks Level related Learning Objectives Resources Junior Creating a  Identify the characteristics of  teaching resources Primary Story with music and describe its features □ self-learning Sounds with simple musical terms  Express personal feelings upon □ others: ______listening to music  Create sound effects for an original story using basic musical skills, simple musical ideas and (Chi only) different sounds  Record music in graphic notation  Apply predetermined assessment criteria to appraise compositions and performances Junior Melodica  Sing in unison and play melodica  teaching resources Primary Playing and accurately □ self-learning Singing  Read music in treble staff  Differentiate dynamic changes □ others: ______ Improvise responses in a call- and-response structure

(Chi only) Senior Creating a  Describe and analyse music of  teaching resources Primary Story with simple structures □ self-learning Music  Create music with structure and organisation □ others: ______ Create and record music through the application of IT  Apply predetermined criteria to appraise compositions and (Chi only) performances using appropriate musical terms Senior Shigonggunhu  Sing shigonggunhua in  teaching resources Primary a (士工滾花) Yizixingqiang (依字行腔) style □ self-learning Teaching Unit  Identify different xu (序 ) of shigonggunhua, as well as ending □ others: ______notes of zihou (子喉) and pinghou (平喉)  Create and perform (Chi only) shigonggunhua Junior Qiziqingzhong  Sing qiziqingzhongban in  teaching resources Secondary ban (七字清 yizixingqiang style  self-learning 中板)  Identify different xu of Teaching Unit qiziqingzhongban, as well as  others: ______ending notes of zihou and pinghou  Create and perform bailan (白欖) (Chi only)


Junior Analysis of  Learn about the features of  teaching resources Secondary Joseph Koo’s popular music and the use of  self-learning Cantopop musical elements, such as Songs structure, lyrics and melody □ others: ______through analysing 10 Joseph Koo’s Cantopop songs Junior Self-learning  Explore various composition  teaching resources Secondary materials for techniques through different  self-learning music examples and exercises composition  Study simple tonal harmony,  others: ______composing of rounds, composition techniques of melodic motives and rhythms, as well as the use of instrumentation and tone colour Senior Banghuang Description  teaching resources Secondary (梆黃) of Focus on the area of Cantonese  self-learning Music Cantonese Operatic music in the Compulsory □ others: ______Elective Opera Module I (Listening) of the senior Subject secondary Music elective subject. There are four types of banshi (板 式 ) in banghuang, i.e. (Chi only) qiziqingzhongban, shigonggunhua, fanxianshizijuzhongban (反線十字 句中板) and bazijuerhuangmanban (八字句二黃慢板)

Learning Objectives  Analyse the structure of three types of changqiang (唱腔)  Understand the dramatic functions of banqiang (板腔) music  Identify the differences on the xu of four banshi  Analyse the structure of the excerpts on banqiang, qupai (曲 牌 ) and shuobai (說白)


Senior Local Popular Description  teaching resources Secondary Music Focus on local popular music in the  self-learning Music Compulsory Module I (Listening) of □ others: ______Elective the senior secondary Music elective Subject subject

Learning Objectives  Understand the background and features of the local musicians/bands of popular music, e.g. Eason Chan, Tai Chi and Beyond  Analyse local popular songs with four focuses, i.e. harmony, rhythm utilisation, instrumentation and structure


Subject:Visual Arts Key Stage Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of Remarks / Level related Learning Objectives the Resources Primary Talking about 1. Describe artwork with suitable 《美術欣賞》  teaching resources Art visual arts vocabulary  self-learning 2. Understand ways of art  others: ______appreciation

3. Develop observation and analytical skills

4. Understand the relationship between art and society Primary Interdisciplinary 1. Understand ways of implementing  teaching resources Learning in Interdisciplinary Learning in  self-learning Visual Arts Visual Arts  others: ______2. Through critical appreciation of artwork of different cultures, help students learn to respect diverse cultures, and treasure history and cultural heritage 3. Guide students to discuss and appreciate artwork critically from the perspectives of science, technology and mathematics, for broadening their horizons Senior Auspicious 1. Critically appreciate three pieces Art  teaching resources Primary tableware: of Chinese utensils, e.g., “青釉劃 Appreciation  self-learning Understanding 蓬瓣紋十繫罐”, “淺綠釉蓮瓣盞 and Criticism in  others: ______Chinese Art 托” and “青花八吉祥紋盉”, by Context Series: Through focusing on analysing their forms Examples of Culture and surface decorations (motifs Understanding and their symbolic meanings), and Chinese Art interpret their messages from the Through social, cultural and religious Culture perspectives 2. Incorporate auspicious elements, e.g. forms, motifs and colours in designing a set of Chinese style tableware for expressing blessings to the students’ family (only Chinese version is available)


Junior What is art 1. Develop verbal skills for art Art  teaching resources Secondary criticism: appreciation Appreciation  self-learning Understanding 2. Understand different and Criticism in  others: ______art from perspectives for art appreciation Context Series: different and criticism such as those from What is Art perspectives a viewer, a creator, as well as Criticism? from the sociological and psychological perspectives

Junior Using Flowers 1. Through critically appreciating Art  teaching resources Secondary to Express Own “層疊冰綃圖” by 馬麟, “四梅 Appreciation  self-learning Aspiration: 花圖卷” by 楊無咎 and “俏不 and Criticism in  others: ______Understanding 爭春” by 關山月, explore the Context Series: Chinese Art relationship between Chinese Understanding through Culture paintings and Chinese Chinese Art philosophical thoughts, e.g. through Taoism and Confucianism Culture 2. Analyse the impact of culture, politics and other factors on the development of Chinese painting 3. Create a painting with Chinese paint, brush and techniques, and use flowers as a metaphor to (Only Chinese express students’ own aspiration version is available) Junior My Idol: 1. By using appropriate visual arts Art  teaching resources Secondary Understanding vocabularies, compare the formal Appreciation  self-learning Western Art qualities of two Western portrait and Criticism through Culture paintings of different periods (e.g. in Context  others: ______Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance Series: or Modern) Understanding 2. Interpret the artworks from Western Art historical, cultural, economic and through technological perspectives Culture 3. With the theme “My Idol”, paint a portrait using appropriate art language and techniques to express feelings about the selected idols


Junior Hong Kong. 1. Critically appreciate and compare Art  teaching resources Secondary The Hay Wain by John Constable Appreciation Impression:  self-learning Understanding and Impression, Sunrise by and Criticism in Western Art Claude Monet by focusing on Context Series:  others: ______through Culture their space and depth, colour, and Examples of brushstroke in creating moods Understanding and atmosphere Western Art 2. Understand the impact of culture Through on art Culture 3. Compare the facets about the two societies of the paintings, and interpret the paintings from the perspectives of art history, culture and economy 4. With the theme “Hong Kong. Impression”, create a landscape painting to express an impression of Hong Kong (e.g. colourful, speedy and packed) Junior Be Indomitable: 1. Critically appreciate several Art  teaching resources Secondary Understanding pieces of 3-D artworks of Hong Appreciation  self-learning Hong Kong Art Kong artists of different periods and Criticism in through Culture by focusing on analysing the Context Series:  others: ______materials, formal qualities and Examples of visual effects Understanding 2. Interpret the artworks from the Hong Kong Art perspectives of culture (e.g. East Through and West), economy and Culture technology 3. Experimenting the use of paper as a medium for 3-D art making 4. With the theme “Be Indomitable”, create a piece of 3- D artwork to express strength and courage Senior Upcycling: 1. Understand the relationship Art  teaching resources Secondary Understanding between design and daily-life. Appreciation  self-learning Visual Visual Arts 2. Appreciate design work from the and Criticism in  others: ______Arts Work with perspectives of aesthetics, Context Series: Elective Functions from function and technology Understanding Subject Various Visual Artwork Perspectives 3. Redesign the function of an with Functions object and upcycle it into a daily- from Various use appliance in response to the Perspectives need of users (e.g. family members) by considering its aesthetic quality, function and cost of production 4. Sketch the design with markers and sign pens 50

Senior What is art 1. Present a short piece of writing of Art  teaching resources Secondary appreciation art appreciation and criticism Appreciation  self-learning Visual and criticism: 2. Understand some theories of art and Criticism in  others: ______Arts perspectives appreciation and criticism, e.g., Context Series: Elective and theory of the relationship among art history, What is Art Subject art appreciation art criticism and art theory for Criticism? enhancing the knowledge of art appreciation 3. Critically appreciate artworks from different perspectives, e.g., the viewer’s and creator’s contexts, the perspectives of sociology, psychology and semiology Senior Little 1. Compare the paintings of two Art  teaching resources Secondary Universe.Big Hong Kong artists, analyse how Appreciation  self-learning Visual World: the artworks reflect traditional and Criticism in Arts Understanding Chinese culture and thoughts, as Context Series:  others: ______Elective Hong Kong Art well as the concepts of western Examples of Subject from Cultural art Understanding Perspective 2. Interpret artworks from the Hong Kong Art historical, social and cultural Through perspectives Culture 3. Use Western, Chinese or mixed medium to paint with the theme “Little Universe.Big World” to express one’s own world view

Senior Exploring . 1. Critically appreciate a few Art  teaching resources Secondary Self: photographic works from the Appreciation  self-learning Visual Photograph and formal perspective and the and Criticism in Arts Context contextual perspective, Context Series:  others: ______Elective understand the different meanings Examples of Subject of the two approaches Photography in 2. By applying contextual approach Context in art appreciation and criticism, develop multiple-perspectives thinking, as well as ways of seeing and making art

3. Use the camera of a mobile device to record excerpts within a short period (e.g. a week) about a student’s own daily-living, for exploring a new dimension of themselves (e.g. little habit, preference)


Senior Building 1. Understand the functions of Assessment for  teaching resources Secondary Portfolios portfolios in Visual Arts learning Learning Visual  self-learning Visual and assessment Arts Portfolio  others: ______Arts 2. Understand the ways and Elective processes of developing Subject portfolios: exploration of ideas, appreciation and criticism of art/ design works, experimentation of skills and media, reflection of learning 3. Understand the way and criteria of assessing portfolios (including the artworks) in classroom learning Senior Analysing 1. Through analysing the annotated EDB One-stop  teaching resources Secondary Annotated assessment tasks (examination Portal for  self-learning Visual Assessemnt scripts and portfolios): Learning and Arts Tasks understand the requirements and Teaching  others: ______Elective (examination assessment criteria of the public Resources - Arts Subject scripts and assessment of the senior Education Key portfolios) secondary Visual Arts subject Learning Area - 2. Acquire ways to improve art Assessment appreciation and art making Tasks Reference through making reference to the suggested learning activities.


(h) KLA:Physical Education Key Stage / Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of the Remarks Level related Learning Objectives Resources Junior Fundamental Fundamental Movement (FM)  teaching resources Primary Movement Games at Home  self-learning for Junior Primary (Powerpoint) others: ______

Primary Physical  Physical Fitness activities at  teaching resources Fitness home (Powerpoint)  self-learning □ others: ______

Primary Physical  Fitness Dance at home  teaching resources Fitness (Powerpoint)  self-learning □ others: ______

Primary/ Physical  Introduction of Fitness  teaching resources Secondary Fitness Dance  self-learning  Demonstration of different □ others: ______movements and dancing steps (Website)

Primary/ Physical  Introduction of Fitness  teaching resources Secondary Fitness Dance  self-learning  Demonstration of dancing □ others: ______steps and different movements with different difficulties to cater for learner diversity (Website) Senior Physical  Introduction of 20 Physical  teaching resources Primary/ Fitness Fitness Games (Website)  self-learning Secondary □ others: ______


Senior Physical  Introduction of different  teaching resources Primary/ Fitness physical fitness activities  self-learning Secondary (without equipment, with others: ______equipment & specific equipment) (Webpage)

Senior Physical  Introduction of 12 physical  teaching resources Primary/ Fitness fitness activities with  self-learning Secondary different difficulties others: ______(Webpage)

Secondary Physical  Doing Physical Activities at  teaching resources Fitness Home (Secondary  self-learning Schools)—Physical Fitness others: ______(Basic Level) (PowerPoint)

Secondary Physical  Doing Physical Activities at  teaching resources Fitness Home (Secondary  self-learning Schools)—Physical Fitness others: ______(Advanced Level) (PowerPoint)

Secondary Physical  Doing Physical Activities at  teaching resources Fitness Home (Secondary  self-learning Schools)—Fitness Dance others: ______(PowerPoint)

Primary/ Active and  Introduction of Active and  teaching resources Secondary Healthy Healthy Lifestyles (Video  self-learning Lifestyle clip) □ others: ______


Primary/ Active and  Introduction of Active and  teaching resources Secondary Healthy Healthy Lifestyles (ETV “健  self-learning Lifestyle 康動起來” trailer) (Video □ others: ______clip)

Senior e-Assessment  Make use of Online learning For detail, please  teaching resources Secondary in SS PE platform for conducting e- contact Mr. YEUNG  self-learning PE Elective Elective assessment (provided by SS Tat-man by email:  others: ______PE network teachers) to [email protected] enhance students’ learning effectiveness


(i) Subject:Liberal Studies for Senior Secondary Level Key Stage Topic Description of the Resources / related QR Codes of Remarks / Level Learning Objectives the Resources Senior Liberal Studies  The learning and teaching resources  teaching resources Secondary Learning and of Liberal Studies have been  self-learning Teaching uploaded to the Liberal Studies  others: ______Resources Web-based Resource Platform to support the learning and teaching of Liberal Studies ( php) Senior Learning and  This exemplar is designed to help  teaching resources Secondary Teaching students grasp the concept of “one  self-learning Exemplar: country, two systems”, and  others: ______Understanding understand how the concept is “One Country, incorporated into the articles of the Two Systems” Basic Law, and reflected in daily life. (P.91-119) and the Basic  The exemplar is relevant to Themes 1 and 2 of the “Hong Kong Today” Law Module in the Liberal Studies Curriculum. Senior Learning and  PowerPoint slides and videos for the  teaching resources Secondary Teaching 9 concepts in the Liberal Studies  self-learning Resources of Curriculum Resources Booklet  others: ______“Hong Kong Series: Hong Kong Today (e.g. Basic Today” Module Law, “One Country, Two Systems”, Rule of Law) were developed for teachers’ reference and use. They also help students understand these concepts.


(j) Subject:General Studies for Primary Schools Key Stage Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of the Remarks / Level related Learning Objectives Resources Junior Light, Sound,  General Studies Strand:  teaching resources Primary Electricity Science and Technology in  self-learning Everyday Life □ others: ______ Related learning activities: “Secret of Shadow”, “Making Sound Models” and “About Electricity” Junior The Living  General Studies Strand:  teaching resources Primary World People and Environment  self-learning  Related learning activities: □ others: ______“Identification of Living and Non-living Things”, “Characteristics of Animals” and “Parts of a Plant”, etc. Junior Forces and  General Studies Strand:  teaching resources Primary Simple Science and Technology in  self-learning Machines Everyday Life □ others: ______ Related learning activities: “Pulling Force” and “Pushing Force” Junior Materials  General Studies Strand:  teaching resources Primary Science Science and Technology in  self-learning Everyday Life □ others: ______ Related learning activities: “Properties and Uses of Materials” and “Making Roofs” Junior Our  General Studies Strand:  teaching resources Primary Wonderful Health and Living  self-learning Body  Related topics: “Sensory □ others: ______Organs”, “Skeleton and Muscles in Our Body” and “Healthy Diet”, etc.


Junior Green Living  Cross-strand learning  teaching resources Primary activities – “Reducing Food  self-learning Waste”, “Energy Saving” and □ others: ______“Treasuring Resources”, etc.

Junior Water and Air  Cross-strand learning  teaching resources Primary activities – “Model Making of  self-learning Diving Squids”, “Properties of □ others: ______Air” and “Model Making of Air-Powered Rockets”, etc.

Junior Engineering  Cross-strand learning  teaching resources Primary Work in China activities – Engineering Work  self-learning (Chinese of Railways: Rail model □ others: ______Version Only) making

Senior Light, Sound,  General Studies Strand:  teaching resources Primary Electricity Science and Technology in  self-learning Everyday Life □ others: ______ Related learning activities: “Reflection of Light”, “Making Noise Barriers” and “Electrical Circuit Investigation”, etc. Senior The Living  General Studies Strand:  teaching resources Primary World People and Environment  self-learning  Related learning activities: □ others: ______“Characteristics of Living Things”, “Classification of Animals” and “Functions of Different Parts of a Plant”, etc. Senior Forces and  General Studies Strand:  teaching resources Primary Simple Science and Technology in  self-learning Machines Everyday Life □ others: ______ Related learning activities: “Magnetic Force”, “Action and Reaction Forces” and “Simple Machines”, etc.


Senior Materials  General Studies Strand:  teaching resources Primary Science Science and Technology in  self-learning Everyday Life □ others: ______ Related learning activities: “The Solar System”, “The Moon Phases” and “Making Skyscrapers”, etc. Senior Our  General Studies Strand:  teaching resources Primary Wonderful Health and Living  self-learning Body  Related learning activities: □ others: ______“Importance of the Circulatory System”, “Functions of the Nervous System” and “Common Diseases” Senior Green Living  Cross-strand learning  teaching resources Primary activities – “Greenhouse  self-learning Effect”, “Public Transport” □ others: ______and “Energy Saving”, etc.

Senior Water and Air  Cross-strand learning  teaching resources Primary activities – “Model Making of  self-learning Submarines”, “Model Making □ others: ______of Self-watering Planters” and “Understanding Air Pollution”, etc. Senior Engineering  Cross-strand learning  teaching resources Primary Work in China activities – Construction of  self-learning (Chinese Bridges: Bridge model □ others: ______Version Only) making and investigation of the load capacity of bridge

Senior Stories of Silk  Cross-strand learning  teaching resources Primary Road activities – Zheng He and the  self-learning (Chinese Maritime Silk Road: □ others: ______Version Only) “Investigation of Watertight Compartments” and “Making Safety Alarm”


Senior Learning and  General Studies Strand:  teaching resources Primary Teaching National Identity and Chinese  self-learning Resources Culture □ others: ______related to  Files of powerpoint in pptx Chinese and pdf formats are provided, History and including key points of Chinese learning and teaching, Culture reference materials for (Chinese teachers and sources of Version Only) extensive learning of the two topics – the Opium War and the Chinese People’s War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Teachers can adjust the related teaching content too suit students’ needs Primary Learning and  General Studies Strand:  teaching resources Teaching National Identity and Chinese  self-learning Resource for Culture □ others: ______Primary  This resource package General includes topics: Studies “Understanding the Han (History and Culture through Lei Cheng Uk Culture) Han Tomb”, “Understanding (Chinese History of the Version Only) from Sung Wong Toi” and “Understanding Chinese Culture from Walled Villages in Hong Kong”. Related lesson design, worksheet, student and teacher notes are provided. The resource is suitable to Key Stages 1 and 2


Primary Chinalane  General Studies Strand:  teaching resources (Chinese National Identity and Chinese  self-learning Version Only) Culture □ others: ______ Quality Education Fund – Chinalane consists of four major series, including people, history, Chinese virtues and life season, with 38 volumes in total.


(k) Moral, Civic and National Education Key Stage / Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of the Remarks Level related Learning Objectives Resources Primary/ Moral, Civic “Moral, Civic and National  teaching resources Secondary and National Education – “Life Event”  self-learning Education Exemplars” website by Education  others: ______Bureau

To provide “life event” exemplars of various domains, including personal development and healthy living, family life, social life, school life, community and national domains, and life at work. Primary/ Moral, Civic “Getting to Know the National  teaching resources Secondary and National Flag, the National Anthem and the  self-learning Education Regional Flag” website by  others: ______Education Bureau

To provide L & T resources, including brief descriptions of the national flag, national anthem and regional flag, points to note for schools while displaying the national flag and regional flag, relevant information and useful links to reference websites. Primary/ Life Education “Orientation through Games,  teaching resources Secondary Enlightenment through Experience:  self-learning (Chinese Interactive Learning Resource for  others: ______Version Only) Life Education” by Education Bureau

To provide exemplars for life education, and introduce relevant online resources.


Primary Moral, Civic “The Clay Family” online magazine  teaching resources and National by Committee on the Promotion of  self-learning Education Civic Education  others: ______

(Chinese To promote positive values and Version Only) proactive attitudes and introduce knowledge in daily life through comics and games. Primary/ The “The Exhibition of the 30th  teaching resources Secondary Constitution Anniversary of the Promulgation of  self-learning and the Basic the Basic Law” website by the Basic  others: ______Law Law Promotion Steering Education Committee and the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau

To present the key milestones since the promulgation of the Basic Law, and introduce the historical background of the Basic Law, its drafting, promulgation and successful implementation in Hong Kong. Primary/ The “The Basic Law ” homepage by the  teaching resources Secondary Constitution Constitutional and Mainland Affairs  self-learning and the Basic Bureau  others: ______Law Education Apart from the full text of the Constitution and the Basic Law, to introduce the promotion activities of the Basic Law, relevant information and useful links to reference websites.


(l) Gifted Education Key Stage / Topic Description of the Resources / QR Codes of the Remarks Level related Learning Objectives Resources

Senior 詩韻頌 ──  透過研習唐代近體詩,提升感  teaching resources Primary 與古詩人齊唱 受語文美感及欣賞詩歌的能  self-learning (Chinese 和 力,豐富文學素養,體認中華  others: ______Language) (Chinese 文化精髓; version only)  提升文學欣賞和創作的興趣和 能力;  學習古人積極的人生觀及溫柔 敦厚的傳統品格,引起生活和 生命的體悟。 Junior 新詩欣賞及創  掌握欣賞及創作新詩的方法,  teaching resources Secondary 作 ── 校本 並領略創作新詩的趣味;  self-learning (Chinese 抽離式資優培  透過新詩的欣賞和創作,了解  others: ______Language) 育計劃 自我、關心社會、思考人生價 (Chinese 值,從而建立積極正面的人生 version only) 態度。 Junior Debating Out  Enhance students’ critical  teaching resources Secondary of the Box: thinking skills and apply the  self-learning (English A Box of skills in other language contexts  others: ______Language) Strategies to or disciplines; and Ignite Student  Understand how English Thinking language works in debating, and apply the understanding to their learning and use of the language. Senior 獅子山下的筆  閱讀與評析香港文學作品和觀  teaching resources Secondary 跡 ── 校本 看相關的影音片段、搜集資料、  self-learning (Chinese 抽離式資優培 分析及評鑑文學篇章、自行研  others: ______Language) 育計劃 習及評賞文學作品、進行創作 (Chinese 或探究,以了解並發掘更多香 version only) 港今昔的地貌與人情,培養審 美情趣,提高學習語文的興趣 和語文能力;  增強人與人之間的溝通、同感 和同情,引起對生活和生命的 體悟;  培養自主學習的態度和能力。


(m) Kindergarten Education Key Stage / Topic Description of the QR Codes of the Remarks Level Resources / related Resources Learning Objectives Kindergarten Educational  Ways to develop  teaching resources Television, EDB - young children’s pre-  self-learning Fun Ways to Learn to writing skills □ others: ______Write: Developing Pre-writing Skills

Kindergarten I am a Healthy Kid  Healthy Living  teaching resources  Health Education  self-learning  Games and Physical □ others: ______Activities  Reading Activities

 Other References


Appendix 2

Student Assessment Repository (STAR) Online Preset Assessment Tasks on ‘Basic Competency’ (Tasks on Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking for the language subjects)

Purpose This Appendix is to introduce to heads and teachers of Primary and Secondary schools of Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics on the uploading of the captioned online pre-set assessment tasks onto the STAR platform.

Details 2. The STAR platform is an online assessment item bank with more than 57 000 quality assessment items set according to the Basic Competencies (BC) of Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 3, and can provide instant assessment reports. Teachers can make use of the instant assessment reports to review students’ learning situations, providing them with timely and focal feedbacks to enhance learning and teaching, as well as making reference to the learning resource kits available on the Web-based Learning and Teaching Support (WLTS) platform to arrange follow-ups and adjust strategies and plans in learning and teaching.

3. Since February 2020 at when the COVID-19 pandemic has started, the Preset Assessment Tasks of Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics for Key Stages 1 – 3 have been uploaded onto the STAR platform ( To broaden the diversity of learning and assessment resources, online interactive games covering Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics will also be uploaded to the WLTS platform ( on a regular basis from September 2020 and onwards.

4. Teachers can directly use the Preset Assessment Items / Tasks when planning school-based curriculum, or modify them on a need basis and assign them to students via the STAR platform, or encourage students to undergo learning at home. The STAR platform supports electronic devices from major manufacturers (including. tablets, notebooks and desktop computers) and major web browsers and schools may need to update the software of the electronic devices and version of web browsers.

Contact 5. For enquiries, please contact Ms HUI Lai-yin, Connie (Senior Curriculum Officer/Assessment and Support) of the Assessment and HKEAA Section, Education Infrastructure Division, EDB at 2123 6032. Schools may also contact the Hong Kong Education City at their hotline at 2624 1000 to inquire the various functions and tips on actual operations of the STAR platform.