Catedra Anatomie Topografică Şi Chirurgie Operatorie
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Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu” Catedra Anatomie topografică şi Chirurgie operatorie Set de teste la Anatomie topografică Chişinău – 2017 U P P E R L I M B INFRACLAVICULAR REGION 1. Boundaries of the infraclavicular region are: a) inferior border of the major pectoral muscle b) edge of the sternum c) anterior border of the deltoid muscle d) clavicle e) 3’rd rib 2. Which fascia forms the capsule of the mammary gland? a) pectoral fascia b) clavipectoral fascia c) superficial fascia d) transversal fascia e) endothoracic fascia 3. Determine which of the following statements are true: a) the sheath of pectoralis major muscle represents superficial fascia b) the sheath of pectoralis major muscle is formed by pectoral fascia c) retromamar space is limited by pectoral fascia end sheath of mammary gland d) pectoralis major muscle forms the anterior wall of the superficial subpectoral space e) pectoralis major muscle is surrounded by clavipectoral fascia 4. The deep lamina of pectoral fascia is called: a) coracoclavicostalis fascia b) pectoral fascia c) endocervical fascia d) clavipectoral fascia e) Gruber’s fascia 5. The following statements are true: a) deltoidopectoral triangle is limited by: clavicle, deltoid muscle and pectoralis major muscle b) the cephalic vein is situated in the deltoidopectoral triangle c) supraclavicular nerves are situated in the subcutaneuous layer of infraclavicular region d) superficial fascia forms the suspensory ligament of mammary gland e) the cephalic vein flows into the basilic vein 6. The sheath of which muscle is formed by clavipectoral fascia? a) subclavicular muscles b) serratus anterior muscle c) pectoralis minor muscle d) deltoid muscle e) and pectoral major muscle 7. Superficial subpectoral space is limited by: a) posteriorly by pectoralis minor muscle and clavipectoral fascia b) anteriorly by posterior face of pectoralis major muscle c) posteriorly by superficial fascia d) anteriorly by anterior lamina of pectoralis fascia e) inferiorly by suspensory ligament of axilla 8. Deep subpectoral space is located between: a) subcutaneous fatty tissue b) pectoralis major muscle and posterior lamina of its fascial sheath c) anterior and posterior laminas of the clavipectoral fascia d) posterior surface of pectoralis minor muscle and posterior lamina of clavipectoral fascia e) posterior lamina of pectoral fascia 9. The collection of pus from the superficial subpectoral space may spread to other regions along the following structures: a) cephalic vein b) supreme thoracic artery c) coracohumeral ligament d) thoracoacromial artery and anterior thoracic nerves e) lateral thoracic artery and vein 10. Clavipectoral fascia inserts on the following structures: a) clavicle b) coracoid process of the scapula c) medial edge of sternum d) ribs I-V e) pectoralis major muscle 11. The mammary gland is inervated by: a) branches of the intercostal nerves II-VII b) branches of the cervical plexus c) anterior thoracic braches of brachial plexus d) phrenic nerves and intercostobrachial nerve e) suprascapular nerves and coracobrachial nerve 12. What vessels and nerves pass through superficial subpectoral space? a) branches of thoracoacromial trunk b) supreme thoracic artery c) lateral thoracic nerves and arteries d) anterior thoracic nerves e) thoracodorsal artery and descending scapular artery 13. Where does cephalic vein flow? a) into axillary vein b) into brachial vein c) into basilic vein d) into internal jugular vein e) into subclavicular vein 14. What is the projection line of the axillary artery in the infraclavicular region? a) a line drawn from the border between the medial and middle third of the clavicle to the interior part of the coracobrachial muscle, in arm adduction b) a line drawn from the lateral edge of the sternum to the greater tubercle of the humerus, in arm adduction c) a line drawn from the sternal manubrium to the greater tubercle of the humerus, in arm adduction d) a line drawn from the lateral edge of the sternum to the greater tubercle of humerus, in arm abduction. e) a line drawn from the border between the medial and middle third of the clavicle to the internal margin of coracobrachial muscle, in arm abduction 15. In the clavipectoral triangle, the vessels and nerves are placed in the following sequence: a) inferior - axillary vein, middle - brachial plexus and superior - axillary artery b) inferior - axillary artery, middle - axillary vein and superior - brachial plexus c) inferior - axillary vein , middle - axillary artery and superior - brachial plexus d) inferior - axillary artery, middle - brachial plexus and superior - axillary vein e) inferior - brachial plexus, moddle - brachial vein and superior - brachial artery 16. Which of the following arteries starts from axillary artery in the clavipectoral triangle? a) a. clavipectoralis b) a. thoracoacromialis c) a. thoracica suprema d) ramus pectoralis e) ramus deltoideus 17. Lymphatic drainage from the infraclavicular region occurs in: a) infraclavicular lymph nodes b) sternal lymph nodes c) brachial lymph nodes d) axillary lymph nodes e) prescapular lymph nodes SCAPULAR REGION 1. Deep fascia of scapular region forms the sheath for the following muscles: a) supraspinatus muscle and seratus posterior superior muscle b) infraspinatus muscle and rhomboid muscles c) teres minor and teres major muscles d) latissimus dorsi muscle e) trapezius muscle 2. The superficial group of muscles from the scapular region are: a) teres major and m. seratus posterior sup. muscles b) teres minor and teres major muscles c) latissimus dorsi muscle d) supraspinatus and rhomboid muscles e) trapezius muscles 3. The osteofibrous scapular sheaths are filled with: a) trapezius and seratus posterior sup. muscles b) supraspinatus muscle c) latissimus dorsi and rhomboid muscles d) infraspinatus muscle e) teres minor et major muscles 4. Main arteries that form the scapular arterial anastomosis are: a) a. suprascapularis b) a. axilaris c) a. toracoacromialis d) a. circumflexa scapulae e) ramus descendens a. transversae colli 5. The scapular region is innervated by the following nerves: a) suprascapular n. b) infrascapular and axillary nerves c) subscapular n. d) lateral thoracic and infraclavicular nerves e) dorsal scapular n. 6. What is the optimal segment for the axillary artery ligation? a) more distal to the site of emergence of the subscapular artery b) in the segment between subscapular artery and thyrocervical trunk c) more distally from the origin of anterior and posterior humeral circumflex arteries d) in the segment between subscapular artery and supreme thoracic artery e) proximally to the site of emergence of the thyrocervical trunk 7. What is the critical segment for the axillary artery ligation? a) proximal to the site of emergence of the thyrocervical trunk b) in the segment between subscapular artery and supreme thoracic artery c) in the segment between subscapular artery and thyrocervical trunk d) in the segment between the subscapular artery and deep brachial artery e) in the segment between the lateral thoracic artery and supreme thoracic artery 8. What are the osteofascial lodges within the scapular region? a) supraspinatus lodge (between the supraspinatus fossa and supraspinatus fascia) b) middle lodge (between fossa supraspinatus and infraspinatus fascia) c) infraspinatus lodge (between the infraspinatus fossa and infraspinatus fascia) d) prescapular space (anteriorly to scapula, between subscapular fossa and fascia covering the subscapularis muscle) e) subscapularis lodge (between infraspinatus fascia and supraspinatus fossa) 9. The pus from the space between trapezius muscle and supraspinatus muscle can be spread to: a) axillary cavity b) subdeltoid space c) lateral triangle of the neck d) in deep subpectoral space e) superficial interpectoral space 10. The pus from prescapular space can spread to: a) axillary cavity b) subdeltoid space c) lateral triangle of the neck d) deep subpectoral space e) superficial subpectoral space DELTOID REGION 1. Select the site where axillary nerve can be injured in the deltoid region: a) at the level of acromial process b) on the posterior margin of deltoid muscle c) on the anterior margin of deltoid muscle d) at the inferior limit of deltoid muscle, 3 cm above the deltoid tuberosity e) at the superior limit of deltoid muscle, 3 cm below the acromion 2. What vessels and nerves are situated in the subdeltoid space? a) anterior circumflex humeral a. b) posterior circumflex humeral a. c) dorsal scapular n. and dorsal scapular artery d) axillary n. e) subscapular a. and suprascapular n. 3. A patient with a wound on the posterior margin of deltoid muscle has difficulties to abduct the arm. What can be the cause? a) injury of brachial plexus b) injury of suprascapular and supraclavicular nerves c) injury of axillary nerve d) injury of musculocutaneus and median nerves e) injury of radial and ulnar nerve 4. In case of fracture of surgical neck of the humerus, the following elements can be injured: a) long head of the brachial biceps muscle b) circumflex posterior humeral artery c) axillary nerve d) radial and median nerves e) circumflex anterior humeral artery 5. What vessels supplies the deltoid muscle? a) deltoid branch of thoracoacromial artery b) posterior circumflex artery of humerus c) anterior circumflex artery of humerus d) scapular artery e) circumflex artery of the scapula ! Trebuie revizuit 6. The pus from subdeltoid space can spread to: a) axilary cavity, along the neurovascular