
UBC_Trade_Catalogue_CR 5/3/04 4:39 PM Page 2 UBCPress FALL| WINTER 2004

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Fight or Pay Northern Exposures The Behavior and Ecology of Federalism Page 1 Page 2 Pacific Salmon and Trout Page 4 Page 3

Advocacy Groups Legislatures Aboriginal Conditions Shifting Boundaries Page 5 Page 5 Page 6 Page 6

Emerging from the Mist Hunters and Bureaucrats Corporate Governance in Misplaced Distrust Page 6 Page 7 Capital Markets Page 7 Page 7

Cover image: Soldier: CEF 135th C Company, Marika Pirie, private collection Mother and child: detail from “Mother with boy mounted on horse,” QC, 1917. Wm. Notman & Son, 1883-1993 Fight or Pay: Soldiers’ Families in the Great , page 1 UBC PRESS

Fight or Pay Soldiers’ Families in the Great War

Desmond Morton

“Our slogan has always been ‘Fight or Pay.’ We call upon the people Desmond Morton is Hiram Mills Professor in the Department of to enlist or help others enlist. We sometimes say: ‘If you cannot History at McGill University. put the “I” into fi ght, put the “pay” into patriotism,’ and that serves SEPTEMBER as a slogan on any platform.” 350 pages est., 6 x 9” —Sir Herbert Ames, founder of the Canadian Patriotic Fund 20 b/w illus. hc $39.95 Unlike the Second , the Great War exists in the collective ISBN 0-7748-1108-0 memory of Canadians as a tragic war. Characterized by the brutality History of warfare, the First World War is remembered largely for the immense sacrifi ce in life and limb of Canadian soldiers. In Fight STUDIES IN CANADIAN or Pay, renowned historian Desmond Morton turns his eye to the Published in association with the stories of those who paid in lieu of fi ghting—the wives, mothers, and families left behind when soldiers went to war. Aware that the recruiting effort would fail if men were forced to • AUTHOR TOUR choose between their families and the , the Canadian govern- ment and its wealthy backers introduced the Canadian Patriotic • MAJOR PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN WITH NATIONAL PRINT AND BROADCAST MEDIA Fund, known in its day as “the Patriotic.” Charged with support • NATIONAL ADVERTISING of soldiers’ loved ones, the Patriotic and its volunteers set out to take over their lives and transform them into a middle-class model of frugal self-denial. Meanwhile, the Militia Department took on the task of deciding which dependants a soldier could support. Sud- denly, the State and private philanthropists were managing family decisions that had never been their business before. A pan-Canadian story, Fight or Pay brings to light the lives of thou- sands of valiant women whose sacrifi ces have been overlooked in previous histories of the Great War. It is also an incisive and honest look at the beginnings of a social welfare system that Canadians have come to think of as intrinsic to citizenship. Social and military historians, scholars of gender studies, descendants of First World War families, and anyone with an interest in popular history will fi nd Morton’s tale a rich addition to the landscape of Canadian history.

“Fight or Pay is a beautifully written book about the history of a society and its government in wartime. Not only does Morton shed fascinating light on the topic of soldiers’ dependants, but he reveals the much broader implications for the study of gender, class, state power, and race.” —Jonathan Vance, author of Death So Noble: Memory, Meaning, and the First World War

“Fight or Pay is a fascinating story of how families managed during the absence of their male relatives, told by a scholar with a deep knowledge of the Great War. A major contribution to Canadian history.” —Margaret Conrad, co-author of History of the Canadian Peoples


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Northern Exposures Photographing and Filming the Canadian North, 1920–45

Peter Geller

To many, the North is a familiar but inaccessible place. Yet images derstanding the past. It will be of interest to those concerned of the region are within easy reach: in magazine racks; on our coffee with Canadian and cultural history, Northern and Aboriginal tables; and on television, computer, and movie screens. In Northern studies, fi lm and communication, art history, anthropology, Exposures, Peter Geller uncovers the history behind these popular and visual culture. conceptions of the Canadian North. “Northern Exposures makes a very signifi cant contribution to the This book examines the photographic and fi lm practice of the fi eld. Its important subject—how southern attitudes towards the Canadian government, the Anglican Church of Canada, and the North have been manipulated—has not been previously tackled, Hudson’s Bay Company, the three major colonial institutions involved and Geller’s scholarship is very sound indeed.” in the arctic and sub-arctic. In the fi rst half of the twentieth century, —William Barr, Arctic Institute of North America visual representations of the region were widely circulated in offi cial publications and presented in fi lm shows and lantern slide lectures. Peter Geller lives and teaches in northern Manitoba and is currently a Focusing on the work of prominent and prolifi c northern imagemak- member of the University College of the North Implementation Team. ers, including federal government special investigator Major Lach- AUGUST lan T. Burwash, fi rst Bishop of the Arctic Archibald Lang Fleming, 256 pages est., 6 x 9” Beaver magazine editor and publicity expert Douglas McKay, and 85 b/w photos, photographer-fi lmmaker-author Richard Finnie, this book engages hc $85.00 in a contextual approach to “reading” images, analyzing the inter- ISBN 0-7748-0927-2 related aspects of production, circulation, and reception. Geller Native Studies/History reveals the varied ways in which taking and displaying pictures of northern people and places contributed to the extension of control over the northern reaches of the Canadian nation. Northern Exposures contributes to understandings of twentieth- century visual culture and the relationship between photographic ways of seeing and the expansion of colonial power, while raising important questions about the role of visual representation in un-

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The Behavior and Ecology of Pacifi c Salmon and Trout

Thomas P. Quinn

Few subjects have generated as much emotional dialogue around “No book on salmon and salmon ecosystems is as integrated confl icting scientifi c and policy agendas as the protection and or as up-to-date as this one. Thomas Quinn has brought together management of Pacifi c salmon resources. In this major new work, a wealth of information on salmon behaviour, life history, and esteemed fi sheries expert Thomas P. Quinn distills from the vast ecology.” scientifi c literature the essential information on the behaviour and —Peter Bisson, Pacifi c Northwest Research Station, US Forest ecology of Pacifi c salmon, including steelhead and cutthroat trout. Service Unlike other books that examine only selected life stages, habitats, or species, this book—richly illustrated with beautiful photographs Thomas P. Quinn is Professor of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences at and original artwork—thoroughly covers the complete life cycle, the University of Washington. emphasizing common themes and differences among the various NOVEMBER species of salmon. 400 pages est., 8 x 10” Representing the range of species and geographic regions, Quinn 190 illus., 64 in colour; 62 tables hc $85.00 includes examples from classic studies by pioneers of salmon ISBN 0-7748-1127-7 biology and from the most current research in order to illustrate pb $45.00 the important features of salmon life history and behaviour and the ISBN 0-7748-1128-5 complex physical, biological, and human factors that affect them. Environmental Studies/Nature He introduces salmon and trout as a group, with a brief description Canadian rights only of each species, and compares them to other fi shes. The book then follows salmon on their amazing homeward migration from the open ocean, through the complex coastal waters, upstream to the precise location where they were spawned years earlier. The Behavior and Ecology of Pacifi c Salmon and Trout explains the patterns of mate choice, the competition for nest sites, and the fate of the salmon after their death. It describes the lives of offspring during the months they spend incubating in gravel, growing in fresh water, and migrating out to sea to mature. Quinn emphasizes the importance of salmon to humans and natural ecosystems and the need to integrate sound biology into conservation efforts. This thorough, up-to-date survey should be on the shelf of everyone with a professional or personal interest in Pacifi c salmon and trout. Written in a technically accurate but engaging style, it will appeal to a wide range of readers, including students, anglers, biologists, conservationists, legislators, and armchair naturalists.


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ince Spring 2004, UBC Press has been publishing a groundbreaking Jennifer Smith S new series that examines the status of Canadian democracy at the outset of the twenty-fi rst century. The result of a milestone research project of the Centre for Canadian Studies at Mount Allison University, the AUGUST Canadian Democratic Audit series makes a monumental contribution to 160 pages est., 5½ x 8½” our understanding of political life in Canada. hc $65.00 ISBN 0-7748-1060-2 Much has been written in recent years concerning the “democratic defi cit Politics and malaise” affl icting Canada, and there is substantial evidence that many citizens are dissatisfi ed with the state of our democratic practices and institutions. At the same time, phenomena such as increased pressures of globalization and changing communications technologies pose new challenges to Canadian politics. To consider these issues, a team of top political scientists from across the country has come together to conduct this century’s fi rst wide-ranging examination of democracy in Canada.

The Audit comprises a series of volumes, each examining a different aspect Jennifer Smith In a world where federal states seem to exist pre- of Canadian democracy. Throughout the series, three central questions is Professor and cariously, politicians and academics from around guide the investigation: How participatory is Canadian democracy? How Department Chair of the globe continue to look to Canada as a model responsive are our political institutions? How inclusive is our public deci- Political Science at of federalism. And yet, our own system of organi- sion making? Dalhousie University. zation and governance also appears strained: Expertly designed to introduce readers at all levels to the fundamentals Quebec nationalism, First Nations’ claims, the of Canada’s democratic institutions, this series will also be of interest to regionalization of party politics, and the uneven scholars, policymakers, journalists, politicians, and anybody interested in and shifting delivery of essential services have the current state of democracy in Canada. all altered the face of federal politics. Federalism explains how Canada came to be a federation Further information on the Canadian Democratic Audit project can be found (what reasons there were for it, and against it, at www.CanadianDemocraticAudit.ca historically); what the challenges to federalism currently are; and how we might fortify some areas of weakness in the federal system. Jennifer Smith argues that federalism is part of the democratic problem now; however, reformed, it can be part of the solution. Since theorists disa- VOLUMES IN THE CANADIAN DEMOCRATIC AUDIT SERIES gree on the democratic credentials of federalism, it is essential to look at how a real federal system RELEASED SPRING 2004 operates. Smith examines the origins of Canadian federalism and its special features, then analyzes Elections Political Parties Citizens it in relation to the benchmarks of the Canadian John C. Courtney William Cross Elisabeth Gidengil, Democratic Audit project: responsiveness, inclu- hc $65.00 hc $65.00 André Blais, Neil siveness, and participation. Finding that Canadian ISBN 0-7748-0917-5 ISBN 0-7748-0940-X Nevitte, and Richard federalism falls short on each benchmark, she Nadeau recommends changes ranging from virtual hc $65.00 regionalism to a Council of the Federation that ISBN 0-7748-0919-1 includes Aboriginal representatives.

FORTHCOMING SPRING 2005 Democracy is about more than the House of Com- mons or elections. It is also about federalism. Communications The Courts Cabinets and First This sparkling account of Canadian federalism Technology Ian Greene Ministers is a must-read for students and scholars of Ca- Darin Barney Graham White nadian politics, politicians and policymakers, and those who care about Canadian democracy.

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Advocacy Groups Legislatures

Lisa Young and Joanna Everitt David Docherty

SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER 176 pages est., 5½ x 8½” 240 pages est., 5½ x 8½” hc $65.00 hc $65.00 ISBN 0-7748-1110-2 ISBN 0-7748-1064-5

Politics Politics

Lisa Young is an Seventy percent of Canadians think that “advo- David Docherty Legislatures, and the men and women who associate professor cacy groups” are a better vehicle for change is Professor and serve in them, form the very heart of Canadian in the Department of than political parties; however, people involved Department Chair of democracy. After all, with the very rare exception Political Science at the in these groups are actually more involved in Political Science at of nationwide referendums, Canadians speak University of Calgary. Wilfrid Laurier University. traditional political circles and party politics. Joanna Everitt is an collectively only when voting for the people who associate professor This volume looks at who participates in these will be representing their interests in Ottawa. The in the Department of groups, which kinds of groups dominate the same is true provincially. History and Politics at political agenda, what infl uence lobbying has But how “democratic” are legislative assemblies the University of New on the government, and how, exactly, to make in Canada? After we elect our representatives, are Brunswick, Saint John. advocacy groups a more vibrant and accountable we comfortable that we are being properly, and part of political life in this country. democratically, represented? Apparently not— Advocacy Groups uses the Audit standards of respect for legislatures and legislators in Canada responsiveness, inclusiveness, and participation has steadily declined, and this perception is only to examine advocacy groups in Canada and as- aggravated by the current political climate. sess the ways that they contribute to, or detract Legislatures provides a democratic audit of from, Canadian democracy. It argues that group Canada’s provincial and national representative activity represents an important form of po- assemblies. It argues that the problem existing litical participation. Though some interests face in these bodies is not a lack of talent so much as » ALSO OF INTEREST greater organizational challenges than others, » ALSO OF INTEREST a lack of institutional freedom. Specifi cally, the advocacy groups can play critical compensatory Feminists and Party Mr. Smith Goes to problem is largely one of resources and rules. roles for interests that are often unrepresented Politics Ottawa The move to a more multi-party system nationally in traditional political institutions. It also fi nds Lisa Young David Docherty and the increasing tendency to downsize provin- that while Canadian advocacy groups employ cial assemblies has placed additional hurdles in pb $25.95 a wide range of strategies to draw attention pb $29.95 ISBN 0-7748-0774-1 ISBN 0-7748-0639-7 the path to good governance. Docherty uses to their concerns, those with greater fi nancial the series’ criteria of responsiveness, inclusive- resources generally have greater access to ness, and participation to evaluate critically the government decision-makers. This has been performance of legislatures in Canada, and accentuated by recent trends in the reduction makes recommendations for legislative reform of government funding to advocacy groups. The in Canada. book concludes with several recommendations for “best practices” that groups can follow in A crucial and timely overview of legislatures, their internal organization, and efforts to infl u- this book will appeal to students and scholars ence public policy, as well as for actions that of Canadian politics, as well as politicians and governments can take to engage in constructive policymakers and anyone interested in the cur- consultation with groups. rent state of Canadian democracy.


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NOW IN PAPERBACK NOW IN PAPERBACK NOW IN PAPERBACK Aboriginal Conditions Shifting Boundaries Emerging from the Mist Research as a Foundation for Aboriginal Identity, Pluralist Studies in Northwest Coast Public Policy Theory, and the Politics of Culture History Self-Government Jerry P. White, Paul S. Maxim, and R.G. Matson, Gary Coupland, and Dan Beavon, eds. Tim Schouls Quentin Mackie, eds.

What role does social science research play in Canada is often called a pluralist state, but few Our understanding of the precontact nature of public policy decisions on Aboriginal issues? commentators view Aboriginal self-government the Northwest Coast has changed dramatically How can policymakers, Aboriginal organizations, from the perspective of political pluralism. over the last twenty years. This book brings and social scientists collaborate to best serve Instead, Aboriginal identity is framed in terms together the most recent research on the Aboriginal communities and the policymaking of cultural and national traits, while self-govern- culture, history, and archaeology of a region processes that affect them? ment is taken to represent an Aboriginal desire of longstanding anthropological importance, to protect those traits. Shifting Boundaries whose complex societies represent the most Aimed at three main constituencies—Aboriginal challenges this view, arguing that it fosters a prominent examples of hunters and gatherers. and non-Aboriginal social scientists, government woefully incomplete understanding of the politics and Aboriginal policymakers, and Aboriginal Combining archaeology, ethnohistory, and eth- of self-government. communities—Aboriginal Conditions has mul- nography, this collection investigates several tiple purposes. First, it presents fi ndings from Using relational pluralism as a theoretical lens, aspects of this cultural complexity, carrying on recent research, with the goal of advancing the Schouls contends that Aboriginal self-government the intellectual traditions of Donald H. Mitchell research agenda and stimulating positive social is better understood when an “identifi cation” and Wayne Suttles. Its interdisciplinary approach development. Second, it encourages greater links perspective is adopted instead of a “cultural” or creates a broader context in which to interpret the between the social scientifi c and external research “national” one. He shows that self-government past. The generously illustrated chapters address communities and demonstrates the kind of re- is not about preserving cultural and national a wide range of topics, and include original and search needed as a foundation for public policy. differences as goods in and of themselves, but penetrating analyses of the fur trade, migration, Finally, it acts as a guide to research methods rather is about equalizing current imbalances in household structures, and precontact metallurgy for Aboriginal communities and organizations, power to allow Aboriginal peoples to construct and architecture. and promotes cooperation between researchers their own identities. Scholars and students of archaeology and anthro- and Aboriginal peoples in an effort to ensure that Shifting Boundaries adds an important perspec- pology, and those with an interest in Northwest research decisions serve both groups equally. tive to existing theoretical approaches to Aborigi- Coast history, will fi nd this volume especially A vital addition to public policy and Native studies, nal self-government. It will appeal to academics, rewarding. Aboriginal Conditions will be welcomed by social students, and policy analysts interested in R.G. Matson teaches in the Department of Anthropol- Aboriginal governance, cultural studies, political scientists, policymakers, and academics working ogy and Sociology at the University of British Columbia. in these fi elds. theory, nationalism studies, and constitutional Gary Coupland and Quentin Mackie are members theory. of the Department of Anthropology at the University of Jerry P. White is Chair of the Sociology Department Toronto and the University of Victoria, respectively. at the University of Western Ontario; Paul S. Maxim is Tim Schouls divides his time between the University Associate Dean (Research) at the University of Western of British Columbia and Capilano College, teaching and JULY Ontario; and Dan Beavon is Director of the Strategic doing research in Canadian politics, Aboriginal govern- 336 pages, 111 fi gures, 34 tables, 6 x 9” Research and Analysis Directorate, Indian and Northern ance issues, and political theory. pb $39.95, ISBN 0-7748-0982-5 Affairs Canada. JULY Archaeology JULY 240 pages, 6 x 9” 288 pages, 43 fi gures, 43 tables, 6 x 9” pb $24.95, ISBN 0-7748-1047-5 PACIFIC RIM ARCHAEOLOGY SERIES pb $29.95, ISBN 0-7748-1022-X Native Studies/Politics Native Studies

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NOW IN PAPERBACK NOW IN PAPERBACK NOW IN PAPERBACK Hunters and Bureaucrats Corporate Governance Misplaced Distrust Power, Knowledge, and in Global Capital Markets Policy Networks and the Aboriginal-State Relations in Environment in France, the Southwest Yukon the United States, and Canada Paul Nadasdy Janis Sarra, ed. Éric Montpetit

Governments and First Nations in Canada The recent failures of Enron, WorldCom, and Citizens of industrialized countries largely share a have long been operating on the assumption that other large, publicly traded corporations have sense that national and international governance is land claims agreements and the co-management catapulted the issue of corporate governance inadequate, believing not only that public authori- of wildlife and other resources will resolve onto the international stage. In this timely ties are incapable of making the right policy deci- centuries-long inequities. This book challenges book, Janis Sarra draws together the work sions, but also that the entire network of state and this premise, arguing that co-management of legal scholars and practitioners from across civil society actors responsible for the discussion, and land claims processes, based as they are North America to provide a comprehensive negotiation, and implementation of policy choices on European concepts of “knowledge” and analysis of corporate governance issues in global is untrustworthy. “property,” are in many ways incompatible with capital markets. Using agro-environmental policy development in First Nations beliefs and practices regarding This collection explores the theoretical underpin- France, the United States, and Canada, Éric Mont- human-animal-land relations. To participate nings of corporate governance and provides petit sets out to investigate the validity of this dis- effectively in these processes, Aboriginal peoples concrete illustrations of different models and their trust through careful attention to the performance have had to develop bureaucracies that parallel outcomes. While the perspectives of the authors of the relevant policy networks. He concludes that those of the governments with which they must sometimes differ, their common project is to distrust in policy networks is, for the most part, deal. These bureaucracies reproduce existing explore different normative conceptions of the misplaced because high levels of performance power relations and compel Aboriginal peoples corporation in order to contribute to an analysis by policy networks are more common than many to speak and act in uncharacteristic ways. As of global trends in corporate governance. The political analysts and citizens expect. Opposing a result, Nadasdy argues, land claims and co- book measures diverse theoretical perspec- the tenets of state , his study reveals management may be working to undermine the tives against the reality of corporate operations that providing participation in governance to re- very way of life they are supposed to protect. in current capital markets. Relationships both sourceful interest groups and strong government Based on the author’s fieldwork in Burwash within and outside the fi rm are explored, includ- bureaucracies is an essential component of sound Landing, a village of seventy people, most of ing issues of accountability, ethics in decision environmental policies for agriculture. whom are members of the Kluane First Nation, making, and notions of effi ciency in generation A timely contribution to the good governance this book is a revealing exploration of how land of corporate wealth. debate, this book should be required reading for claims and co-management, as aspects of an Legal scholars and practitioners with an interest policymakers and politicians, as well as students evolving relationship between the Kluane First in corporations, insolvency, and securities, as and scholars of public policy, political science, Nation and the state, are affecting Kluane people well as corporate directors, will welcome this environmental studies, and government. and their way of life. addition to their libraries. Éric Montpetit is with the Département de science Paul Nadasdy is Assistant Professor of Anthropol- Janis Sarra is a professor of law at the University of politique at the Université de Montréal. ogy and American Indian Studies at the University of British Columbia. Wisconsin-Madison. JANUARY 2004 JULY 168 pages, 6 x 9” JULY 400 pages, 6 x 9” pb $24.95, ISBN 0-7748-0909-4 328 pages, 23 b/w illus., 3 maps, 6 x 9” pb $34.95, ISBN 0-7748-1005-X pb $29.95, ISBN 0-7748-0984-1 Public Policy Law Native Studies • SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2003/2004 DONNER BOOK PRIZE


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Frigates and Foremasts The Oriental Question The Red Man’s on the Warpath Selling British Columbia The North American Squadron Consolidating a White Man’s The Image of the “Indian” and Tourism and Consumer Culture, in Nova Scotia Waters, 1745– Province, 1914–41 the Second World War 1890–1970 1815 Patricia E. Roy R. Scott Sheffi eld Michael Dawson Julian Gwyn A revealing history of the political and A revealing look at English Canadians’ An entertaining and illustrated account of A meticulously researched study of the public opposition to Asian immigration in perceptions of First Nations people, with the development of BC’s tourist industry activities and motivations of the Brit- British Columbia from 1914 to 1941. an emphasis on how the Second World between 1890 and 1970, examining how ish Navy on North America’s eastern JULY War and the of Native BC’s history of colonialism was deftly seabord. 344 pages, 16 b/w illus., 6 x 9” people affected these perceptions. marketed to potential tourists. JULY pb $29.95, ISBN 0-7748-1011-4 AUGUST OCTOBER 224 pages, 18 b/w photos, 6 x 9” Asian Studies 248 pages est., 10 b/w illus., 6 x 9” 288 pages est., 25 b/w illus., 2 maps pb $27.95, ISBN 0-7748-0911-6 hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1094-7 8 tables, 6 x 9” Military History Native Studies hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1054-8 History/Tourism LAW AND SOCIETY SERIES

People and Place Canadians Behind Enemy Hometown Horizons The Courts and the Colonies Historical Infl uences on Legal Lines, 1939–1945 Local Responses to Canada’s The Litigation of Hutterite Culture With a New Preface Great War Church Disputes Jonathan Swainger and Constance Roy MacLaren Robert Rutherdale Alvin J. Esau Backhouse, eds. Back in print after two decades, this Alive with personal stories, Hometown A detailed account of the litigation A groundbreaking collection of essays bestseller is a history of the activities and Horizons considers how people and between various Hutterite factions and demonstrating the fascinating ways in lives of undercover Canadian operatives communities on the Canadian home front colonies in Manitoba and the US that led which personalities interact with physical in Europe and Asia during the Second perceived the Great War. to a major in the 1990s. World War. locale in shaping the law. OCTOBER OCTOBER JULY MARCH 352 pages est., 20 b/w illus. 416 pages est., 6 x 9” 256 pages, 6 x 9” 352 pages, 38 b/w illus., 3 maps 10 charts, 3 maps, 6 x 9” hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1116-1 pb $29.95, ISBN 0-7748-1033-5 6 x 9” hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1013-0 Law/Religious Studies Law pb $25.95, ISBN 0-7748-1100-5 Military History LAW AND SOCIETY SERIES LAW AND SOCIETY SERIES Military History

Collective Insecurity When Coal Was King The Dominion and the Despotic Dominion The Liberian Crisis, Ladysmith and the Coal- Rising Sun Property Rights in British Unilateralism, and Global Order Industry on Vancouver Island Canada Encounters Japan, Settler Societies Ikechi Mgbeoji John R. Hinde 1929–41 John McLaren, A.R. Buck, and Nancy A probing analysis and critique of the This readable history of the Ladysmith John D. Meehan E. Wright, eds. historical dysfunction of the postcolonial miners, the Great Strike of 1912–14, and An overview of Canada’s initial foray This collection on the evolution of colo- African state and the tragic collapse of the coal-mining industry on Vancouver into Pacifi c affairs, beginning with the nial property law locates property law Liberia. Island will appeal to anyone interested in opening of its legation in Tokyo in 1929 and rights within the broader contexts of JANUARY the history of Vancouver Island. and concluding with the outbreak of the the societies in which they operated. 200 pages, 6 x 9” JANUARY Second World War in 1941. DECEMBER pb $24.95, ISBN 0-7748-1037-8 288 pages, 22 b/w illus., 3 maps NOVEMBER 352 pages est., 10 b/w illus., 6 x 9” Law/African Studies 6 x 9” 288 pages est., 20 b/w illus., 1 map, 6 x 9” hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1072-6 LAW AND SOCIETY SERIES pb $24.95, ISBN 0-7748-0936-1 hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1120-X Law History History LAW AND SOCIETY SERIES

Masculinities without Men? Gender and Change Canada and the End of Gay Male Pornography Female Masculinity in in Hong Kong Empire An Issue of Sex Discrimination Twentieth-Century Fictions Globalization, Postcolonialism, Phillip Buckner, ed. Christopher N. Kendall and Chinese Patriarchy Jean Bobby Noble This thoughtful collection surveys Cana- Using the 2000 Little Sisters v Customs Noble examines how the construction of Eliza W.Y. Lee da’s relations with Britian since the Canada case as a springboard, Kendall gender was thrown into crisis during the An analysis of women’s changing roles Second World War, and examines the argues that gay male pornography twentieth century, and how masculinity amidst the forces of globalization, signifi cance of the British connection in violates the legal right to sex equality, has become altered across time, region, postcolonialism, and Chinese patriarchy. Canada’s past and present. and that there is little to be gained from social class, and ethnicity. sexualized conformity. JANUARY NOVEMBER JULY 224 pages, 6 x 9” 352 pages est., 6 x 9” SEPTEMBER 222 pages, 6 x 9” pb $29.95, ISBN 0-7748-0995-7 hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-0915-9 320 pages, 6 x 9” pb $29.95, ISBN 0-7748-0997-3 Asian Studies/Gender Studies History hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1076-9 Law/Gender Studies Gender Studies CONTEMPORARY CHINESE STUDIES SERIES SEXUALITY STUDIES SERIES US paperback rights not available LAW AND SOCIETY SERIES

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ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 8 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:40:35:40 PPMM UBC PRESS | NEW SCHOLARLY BOOKS

From UI to EI Social Policy and the Ethic Shaped by the West Wind “Real” Indians and Others Waging War on the Welfare State of Care Nature and History in Georgian Mixed-Blood Urban Native Peoples Georges Campeau Olena Hankivsky Bay and Indigenous Nationhood Translated by Richard Howard Over the last twenty years, the feminist Claire Elizabeth Campbell Bonita Lawrence An examination of the history, structure, ethic of care has had a significant An environmental history of the eastern A pioneering look at how mixed-blood ur- and evolution of Canada’s unemployment impact on the study of ethics and politi- shore of Georgian Bay that explores land- ban Native people understand their identi- insurance system and the rights it grants cal philosophy. Hankivsky develops the scape, culture, and regional identity. ties and struggle to survive in a world to the unemployed. concept of a publicly viable ethic of care, that often fails to recognize them. NOVEMBER and applies it to several Canadian social NOVEMBER 256 pages est., 16 colour plates JULY policy issues. 288 pages est., 6 x 9” 10 b/w photos, 10 b/w illus., 5 maps 320 pages est., 6 x 9” hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1122-6 SEPTEMBER 6 x 9” hc $69.95, ISBN 0-7748-1102-1 Law 192 pages est., 6 x 9” hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1098-X pb $34.95, ISBN 0-7748-1103-X LAW AND SOCIETY SERIES hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1070-X Environmental Studies Native Studies Politics/Gender Studies NATURE | HISTORY | SOCIETY SERIES Canadian rights only

International Environmental If I Had a Bioregionalism and Civil Our Box Was Full Law and Asian Values Retraining That Really Works Society An Ethnography for the Legal Norms and Cultural Margaret Hillyard Little Democratic Challenges to Delgamuukw Plaintiffs Infl uences Corporate Globalism A book about heroes, If I Had a Ham- Richard Daly Roda Mushkat mer explores the very best Canadian Mike Carr This fi rst-hand account provides fasci- A comprehensive assessment of relevant retraining programs, and is fi lled with Carr supports bioregional values and nating insight into British Columbia’s Asian policies and their applications in fascinating interviews with the women community-building tools for a diverse, landmark Delgamuukw case and sheds key areas in light of international envi- involved (many of whom are Aboriginal), democratic, socially-just civil society. much-needed light on the role of anthro- and innovative policy prescriptions. pology in Aboriginal rights litigation. ronmental norms and practices. SEPTEMBER JULY NOVEMBER 352 pages est., 8 maps, 3 b/w illus. NOVEMBER 264 pages est., 6 x 9” 192 pages est., 20 b/w photos 1 fi gure, 6 x 9” 394 pages est., 39 b/w illus., 6 x 9” hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1056-4 4 tables, 6 x 9” hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-0944-2 hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1074-2 Law/Environmental Studies hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1118-8 Environmental Studies Native Studies/Anthropology Politics/Gender Studies SUSTAINABILITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT SERIES

The Canadian Yearbook of Holding the Line Intensive Agriculture and Imagining Difference International Law/Annuaire Borders in a Global World Sustainability Legend, Curse, and Spectacle canadien de droit interna- Heather N. Nicol and Ian A Farming Systems Analysis in a Canadian Mining Town tional Townsend-Gault, eds. Glen Filson, ed. Leslie A. Robertson Volume/Tome XLI, 2003 This collection looks at the signifi cance An analysis of intensive agriculture and This analysis of a popular local legend Donald M. McRae, ed. and implications of the world’s border- sustainable farming examining food qual- about a curse cast on Fernie, BC, reveals lands in political, social, and cultural Issued annually by the Canadian Branch ity, manure runoff, greenhouse gases, how successive interpretations of the contexts. of the International Law Association, the extra-label use of , pesticide story show a complicated landscape Yearbook contains the latest articles in SEPTEMBER use, and rural confl ict. of memory and silence, and offi cial and the fi eld of international legal studies. 384 pages est., 10 maps, 5 tables SEPTEMBER contested histories. 6 x 9” DECEMBER 256 pages est., 16 b/w illus., 6 x 9” NOVEMBER hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-0931-0 600 pages est., 6 x 9” hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1104-8 320 pages est., 20 b/w illus., 6 x 9” Geography/Planning hc $145.00, ISBN 0-7748-1124-2 Environmental Studies hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1092-0 Law SUSTAINABILITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT SERIES Anthropology/Native Studies

Insiders and Outsiders Second Growth This Elusive Land Student Affairs Alan Cairns and the Reshaping Community Economic Develop- Women and the Canadian Experiencing Higher Education of Canadian Citizenship ment in Rural British Columbia Environment Lesley Andres and Finola Finlay, Gerald Kernerman and Philip Sean Markey, John Pierce, Mark Melody Hessing, Rebecca Raglon, eds. Resnick, eds. Roseland, and Kelly Vodden and Catriona Sandilands, eds. This collection reveals how much institu- A celebration of the work of Alan Cairns, A look at historical and contemporary This thought-provoking, multi-discipli- tional change has occurred in the social one of the most influential Canadian restructuring, linking development of rural nary collection introduces readers to organization of postsecondary education, social scientists of the contemporary communities with resource development women’s experience of the Canadian and how much more change is required to period. and Aboriginal marginalization. environment. achieve equitable access and inclusion. NOVEMBER NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER DECEMBER 384 pages est., 6 X 9” 352 pages est., 43 tables, 15 fi gures 384 pages est., 6 x 9” 224 pages est., 6 x 9” hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1068-8 6 x 9” hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1106-4 hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1114-5 Politics hc $85.00, ISBN 0-7748-1058-0 Environmental Studies/Gender Studies Education Law


ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 9 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:41:35:41 PPMM BROOKINGS INSTITUTION PRESS

Going Critical Neither Star nor God and Caesar in China The First North Korean Sanctuary Policy Implications of Church- Nuclear Crisis Constraining the Military Uses State Tensions of Space Joel S. Wit, Daniel B. Poneman, Jason Kindopp and Carol Lee and Robert L. Gallucci Michael E. O’Hanlon Hamrin, eds.

A decade before gaining notoriety as a charter As the military and technological capabilities of Religion’s dramatic revival in post-Mao China has member of the “axis of evil,” North raised the world’s great powers have advanced, concern generated tensions between the ruling Commu- concerns when a robust plutonium production over the future role of in space has nist party-state and China’s increasingly diverse program of an alarming scale was revealed, increased. Michael E. O’Hanlon, noted expert in population of religious adherents. Such tensions which, unconstrained, would soon be big enough military and security issues, argues that space are rooted in centuries-old governing practices, to build about thirty Nagasaki-sized nuclear has become home to many tools of the tactical and refl ect pressures of rapid modernization. The weapons annually. warfi ghter, particularly since the end of the cold Party-state’s policy response has been a mixture war. Satellites have been used for decades by of accommodation and repression with the aim In Going Critical, three key players in the 1994 major powers to provide strategic communica- of preserving monopoly control over religious crisis trace the intense efforts that led North tion, early warning of missile launch, and arms organization. Its inability to do so effectively has Korea to freeze—and pledge ultimately to control verifi cation. The United States increas- led to cycles of persecution of religious groups dismantle—its dangerous plutonium produc- ingly uses space assets to fi nd targets on the that resist the Party’s control efforts. American tion program. Drawing on internal government battlefi eld, quickly communicate their locations concern over offi cial acts of religious persecution documents, memoranda, cables, and notes, the from one platform to another, and guide weapons has become a leading issue in US policy toward authors chronicle the complex web of diplomacy to strike them. China. The passage of the 1998 International that led to the negotiation of an Agreed Frame- Religious Freedom Act, which institutionalized work to resolve the nuclear dispute. Neither Star Wars nor Sanctuary asserts that the concern over religious freedom abroad in US goal of American policy should be to slow the Nearly a decade later, the Agreed Framework lies foreign policy, cemented this issue as an item movement toward weaponizing space, without in ruins and North Korea claims to possess some on the agenda of US-China relations. going as far as preventing the option of devel- nuclear weapons, while threatening to produce oping space weapons if necessary. O’Hanlon God and Caesar in China examines religion policy even more. The story of the 1994 crisis provides believes that extreme positions that would either in China, the history and growth of Catholic and important lessons as it grapples once again with hasten to weaponize space or permanently rule it Protestant churches in China, and the implica- a nuclear crisis on a peninsula that once claimed out are not consistent with technological realities tions of church-state friction for US-China rela- 50,000 lives and today bristles with arms along and US security interests. tions. It concludes with recommendations for the last frontier of the confrontation: US policy. the De-Militarized Zone separating North and Michael E. O’Hanlon is a senior fellow in Foreign South Korea. Policy Studies at the Brookings Institution and holder Jason Kindopp is a visiting scholar at the Sigur Center of the Sydney Stein Jr. Chair. for Asian Studies, George Washington University. Carol Joel S. Wit served for 15 years in the Department Lee Hamrin is a Chinese affairs consultant and re- of State and was coordinator for the 1994 US–North APRIL search professor at George Mason University. Korea Agreed Framework. Daniel B. Poneman served 120 pages, 6 X 9” on the National Security Council under Presidents pb $23.95, ISBN 0-8157-6457-X MARCH Bush and Clinton. Robert L. Gallucci led the team that 144 pages, 6 x 9” negotiated the Agreed Framework and served in the Politics/Security Studies pb $28.95 ISBN 0-8157-4937-6 Department of State for over twenty years. Politics/Religious Studies APRIL 448 pages, b/w photos, 6 x 9 hc $45.00, ISBN 0-8157-9386-3


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ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 1100 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:41:35:41 PPMM BROOKINGS INSTITUTION PRESS

AWARD WINNER The Broadband Problem Coping with Methuselah America Unbound Anatomy of a Market Failure The Impact of Molecular The Bush Revolution in and a Policy Dilemma Biology on Medicine and Foreign Policy Society Charles H. Ferguson Ivo H. Daalder and James M. Henry J. Aaron and William B. Lindsay Schwartz, eds.

While the Internet revolution has vastly improved Many medical authorities predict that average President George W. Bush is leading a revolu- communication among businesses and individu- life expectancy could well exceed 100 years by tion in American foreign policy. Galvanized als, pressure has been building for faster and mid century and rise even higher soon thereafter. by the terrorist attacks of September 11, less expensive broadband data services. Such This astonishing prospect, brought on by the he has radically amended, and in some cas- services could not only yield vastly improved and revolution in molecular biology and information es abandoned, strategies and institutions less expensive provision of traditional applica- technology, confronts policymakers and public that for decades guided America’s engage- tions such as voice telephony and Web browsing, health offi cials with a host of new questions: ment in the world. With terrorists, tyrants, but could also enable new applications such as How will increased longevity affect demographic and technologies of mass destruction posing Internet-based television, videoconferencing, trends, government taxation and spending, the a grave and growing danger, Bush believes that and software distribution. However, broadband workplace, and health care? What ethical and the best—if not the only way—to ensure Ameri- services and prices have not kept pace either quality-of-life issues are raised by these new ca’s security is to shuck the constraints imposed with demand or with progress in information breakthroughs? by friends, allies, and international institutions. technology. Coping with Methusaleh explores these ques- In America Unbound, Ivo Daalder and James The Broadband Problem analyzes the markets tions as a group of practicing scientists and Lindsay explore how Bush became a foreign and policy issues underlying the broadband public policy experts come together to address policy revolutionary. They show how Bush dilemma. The combined result of these is inad- the technical aspects and policy implications of believed from the outset that the confident equate technological progress, innovation, and increased longevity. This book is intended to and unilateral exercise of American power productivity growth in advanced Internet services, begin a discussion in political, social, and medi- was the best way to promote America’s national and in telecommunications services gener- cal circles, and will serve to prepare us for the interests. September 11, rather than transform- ally. This signifi cantly retards global economic extraordinary possibilities that may await us. ing US foreign policy, in fact reinforced Bush’s growth, perhaps by as much as one percent worldview. For Bush, the need to defeat enemies Henry J. Aaron is Bruce and Virginia MacLaury Senior per year.Ferguson recommends several policy abroad before they could strike again became Fellow in Economic Studies at the Brookings Insitution. changes, including limits on confl icts of interest William Schwartz, M.D. is a professor of Medicine not just his priority, but his mission. in government and academia, and possibly tax at the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Ivo H. Daalder is a senior fellow in Foreign Policy measures to stimulate construction of competi- Southern California. Studies at the Brookings Institution, and holds the tive infrastructure systems. Sydney Stein Jr. Chair in International Security. James MAY M. Lindsay is vice president and director of studies Charles Ferguson founded and served as the CEO 264 pages, 6 X 9” of the Council on Foreign Relations, where he holds of Vermeer (sold to Microsoft). He is a nonresident pb $28.95, ISBN 0-8157-0039-3 senior fellow in Economic Studies at the Brookings the Maurice R. Greenberg Chair. Institution, and his area of interest is international Science 2003 economic policy. 246 pages, 6 x 9” JUNE hc $32.95, ISBN 0-8157-1688-5 150 pages, 6 X 9” Politics pb $24.95, ISBN 0-8157-0645-6 • WINNER OF THE 2003 LIONEL GELBER PRIZE Policy/Current Events FOR BEST BOOK ON INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS


ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 1111 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:43:35:43 PPMM EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS

RECENTLY RELEASED RECENTLY RELEASED RECENTLY RELEASED The American Horror Film The Cultures of the Islamic Political Thought An Introduction American New West

Reynold Humphries Neil Campbell W. Montgomery Watt

“Humphries encourages readers to delve further This book is an introductory survey of the im- Examining the close relationship between re- into issues important to horror by providing a use- portant debates about key issues in the cultural ligious beliefs and political doctrine in Islamic ful fi lmography and bibliography … The author’s history of the contemporary American West. Neil countries, Islamic Political Thought offers a clear passion and respect for the horror fi lm contrib- Campbell introduces the ways in which the West account of how Islamic political thought has utes to the energy and force of this study.” has been represented and interpreted within developed from the politico-religious structure — European Association of American Studies American culture, myth, and ideology, especially established by Mohammed and his immediate questioning the concept of the “New West.” In so successors. The American Horror Film is the fi rst overview of doing he looks at the way contemporary theories this popular genre. It moves from Dracula in 1931 W. Montgomery Watt is Professor Emeritus of Arabic such as feminism, multiculturalism, and environ- to contemporary fi lms such as Scream and The at Edinburgh University, and author of many works on mentalism can be used to revise long-held notions Sixth Sense. The various characters that recur Islamic history, philosophy, and culture. of the West. The book looks in turn at the ways in horror fi lms—Dracula, Frankenstein, Dr Jekyll, the West has been represented in landscapes 1998 the Mummy, the Werewolf—are discussed, as and environments, art and photography, fi lm, 186 pages, 5½ x 8½” are repeated themes such as the mad scientist, and literature. pb $36.95, ISBN 0-7486-1098-7 nuclear anxiety, psychological “monsters,” the living dead, and “slasher” movies. Key directors The Cultures of the American New West is original Politics including Jacques Tourneur, David Cronenberg, in its combining of ideas, texts, and materials Roger Corman, and Joe Dante are covered. rarely brought together, and in its employment of the tools of cultural studies and interdisci- The emphasis is on accessibility. While theory plinary practice. As such it will challenge the is included through reference to gender and reader to reconsider conventional ideas about the politics, women’s studies and psychoanalysis, it American West. Illustrated with black and white is introduced carefully and in direct relation to the photographs, this is an accessible and exciting fi lms being discussed. An extensive fi lmography intervention in one of the most popular aspects is included and reference is made at the appropri- of American history. ate point to the most pertinent writing on horror. Overall, this will be an ideal introduction for all Neil Campbell is Principal Lecturer and Head of readers interested in the American horror fi lm. American Studies at the University of Derby.

Reynold Humphries is Professor of Film Studies at 2000 the University of Lille III. 182 pages, 10 b&w illus., 5½ x 8½” pb $29.95, ISBN 0-7486-1176-2 2002 224 pages, 6 x 9” History pb $39.95, ISBN 0-7486-1416-8


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ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 1122 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:44:35:44 PPMM EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY PRESS

RECENTLY RELEASED RECENTLY RELEASED RECENTLY RELEASED Jewish-American Literature New Age Terms of Endearment since 1945 A Guide Hollywood Romantic Comedy An Introduction of the 1980s and 1990s

Stephen Wade Daren Kemp Peter William Evans and Celestino Deleyto, eds.

“A broad-ranging student guide which offers a “A nuanced, meticulously researched overview of Taking into account romantic comedy’s cur- comprehensive and accessible introduction to different approaches to the New Age. In addition rent popularity and the genre’s adaptability to major writers and their cultural and philosophical to being an ideal textbook, this work contains the changing historical circumstances, as well as backgrounds.” most comprehensive, up-to-date literature review its powerful tendency to contain and assimilate — The Years work in English Studies in the burgeoning fi eld of New Age studies. A social changes, Terms of Endearment explores must read for anyone with a serious interest in the complex ways in which recent cultural dis- Jewish-American writing is an exciting and con- this area.” courses on gender and sexuality have found troversial genre within post-war literature. In this — James R. Lewis, University of Wisconsin their way into the apparently infl exible structure book, Stephen Wade offers a guide to major of romantic comedy. Focusing on a wide range of writers and their key works and to infl uential back- What is New Age? Crystals, meditation, and well-known fi lms (including Working Girl, Murphy’s ground factors including the postmodern, the astrology. T’ai Chi, Reiki, and Feng Shui. Refl ex- Romance, Peggy Sue Got Married, When Harry masternarrative, and metafi ction. The themes, ology, aromatherapy, and past-life regression. Met Sally, and Green Card), the chapters cover issues, and philosophies of writers including Esalen, the Findhorn Community, and Damanhur. topics relating to formal, historical, and ideologi- Saul Bellow, Philip Roth, and Isaac Bashevis Marianne Williamson, Deepak Chopra, and David cal questions, including issues of romance, love, Singer are inter-related, and wider literary and Spangler. and female subjectivity. historical topics are alluded to and explained. But many such examples of alternative spirituali- Covering women’s writing, novels, poetry, and Peter William Evans is Professor in the Department ties are explicitly not New Age—and few practi- drama, Jewish-American Literature since 1945 of Hispanic Studies at Queen Mary and Westfi eld Col- tioners now describe themselves as New Age. offers a readable guide to the achievements lege, London. Celestino Deleyto is Senior Lecturer Scholars cannot agree on a defi nition of New of a key group of writers in twentieth-century in Philosophy at the University of Zaragon, Spain. Age, or even whether it exists at all! American literature. 1998 New Age surveys the whole range of descriptions 240 pages, 6 x 9” Stephen Wade is Senior Lecturer in English at the pb $24.95, ISBN 0-7486-0885-0 University of Huddersfi eld. of New Age from a wide variety of angles. New Agers themselves are consulted, as well as their Film 1999 critics in the Church, the media, and other inter- 224 pages, 5½ x 8½” est groups, including rationalists, feminists, and pb $39.95, ISBN 1-85331-226-6 Native American Indians.

Literature/Jewish Studies Daren Kemp is author of The Christaquarians? A Sociology of Christians in the New Age and has pub- lished a number of academic journal articles on New Age. He is book review editor for the Journal of New Age Studies.

2003 224 pages, 6 x 9” pb $36.95, ISBN 0-7486-1532-6

New Age/Spirituality


ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 1133 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:45:35:45 PPMM UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS

¡Carnaval! 600 Moons Fifty Years of Philip McCracken’s Art

Edited by Barbara Mauldin Deloris Tarzan Ament Foreword by Theodore F. Wolff

NOVEMBER JULY 352 pages, 8½ x 11” 160 pages, 9½ x 12” 335 colour illus., 11 maps 149 illus., 106 in colour pb $59.95 HC $59.95 ISBN 0-295-98427-9 ISBN 0-295-98411-2

Published with Museum of International Folk Art Published with Museum of Northwest Art, La Conner, Washington World Art /Anthropology Sculpture/Northwest Art

Barbara Mauldin Carnival, Fasnacht, Entroido—the annual pre- Deloris Tarzan Ament Phillip McCracken is a native son of the North- is curator of Latin Lenten festival most people know as Mardi is author of Iridescent west whose art may be regional but is never American folk art at the Gras—is celebrated in cities and rural villages Light: The Emergence provincial. McCracken’s sculpture has been Museum of International throughout Europe and the Americas. With more of Northwest Art, winner informed as much by the time he spent working Folk Art in Santa Fe, of a 2003 Washington than 300 dazzling photographs, this book offers in Henry Moore’s studio and during a sojourn in New Mexico. The other State Book Award. From contributors are Jason a look at Carnivals around the world. 1971 to 1995 she was New York as a young artist as it has by the fl ora, fauna, and climate of Western Washington. Fa- Berry, Donald Cosentino, Carnival takes shape everywhere European art critic for the Seattle Alessandro Falassi, Times. She lives on mous for his birds, he refuses to be pinned down Catholics carried their religion and its festivals. Valeria Fol, Carl Lindahl, Whidbey Island, in Puget to one theme or medium; McCracken’s probing People parade through the streets in costumes Antonio Muñoz Carrión, Sound. Theodore F. creativity and quest for both signifi cant subjects or masks, eating, drinking, and making music, John Nunley, Katarina Wolff is an art critic and formal perfection have also manifested in art before Lenten fast begins on Ash Wednesday. Real, Mariana Regalado, and writer who lives in about war, humorous tableaux, future fossils, and Cynthia LeCount Indigenous customs have become integrated New York City. He is the in paintings and sculptures of the night sky. Samaké, and Peter into the festival to give each one distinctive local author of Morris Graves: Tokofsky. fl avor. In the rural sites, festival rituals are meant Flower Paintings; The In this fi rst comprehensive publication on the to promote fertility; in urban Carnivals, groups Many Masks of Modern artist since 1980, Deloris Tarzan Ament recounts Art is an anthology of his compete through ingenious masquerades and McCracken’s formative experiences on Puget writings as art critic for spectacular performances. The Christian Science Sound and traces his career from his early studies and fi rst solo show in New York in 1960 ¡Carnaval! takes readers on a colorful journey to Monitor. » ALSO OF INTEREST to the present. The text incorporates numerous far-fl ung places, outlining the history of Carnival in unpublished artist statements and chronicles a Dress and each area and its present form. The major mas- diverse body of work concerned with the pro- Globalisation querades are introduced—from Venice’s classic found mysteriousness of nature—and humanity. Margaret Maynard Harlequin and Pierrot to Bulgaria’s “Kouker” and 600 Moons establishes McCracken as an impor- Port of Spain’s “Midnight Robber”—along with pb $33.95 tant link between contemporary Northwest art the groups who participate, such as Recife and ISBN 0-7190-6389-2 and infl uential artists of the “Northwest School” Olinda’s African “nations” and Tlaxcala’s charro (see page 18) who were his friends and exemplars. The book dancers. The Carnival events in each location are will be an important addition to the libraries of described, from excited preparation to last-gasp collectors, students, and lovers of contemporary revelry, with tastes of festival food and drink, and American art and of the Pacifi c Northwest. the rhythm of music along the way. Whatever deeper religious or civic signifi cance Carnival may hold, it is always a time of play, conviviality, and fantasy—a time when alterna- tives to the status quo can be imagined and people feel unleashed from everyday restraints. This book is a joyous celebration of this many- faceted festival and a tribute to those who have kept Carnival traditions alive.

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ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 1144 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:46:35:46 PPMM UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON PRESS

Japanese Kite Prints Looking Forward, Glancing Back Selections from the Skinner Collection Northwest Designer Craftsmen at Fifty

John Stevenson Lloyd Herman

SEPTEMBER JULY 200 pages, 10 x 12” 80 pages, 8½ x 11” 115 illus., 100 in colour 136 colour illus. hc $65.00 pb $29.95 ISBN 0-295-98454-6 ISBN 0-295-98431-7

Distributed for Drachen Foundation, Seattle Distributed for Northwest Designer Craftsmen and Whatcom Museum of History and Art Asian Art Crafts/Northwestern Art

Graduating from Oxford The popular urban culture that developed in Lloyd Herman is found- Looking Forward, Glancing Back documents at the age of twenty with the city of Edo, now called Tokyo, during the ing director of the Smith- the fi ftieth anniversary of the fi ve-state craft a degree in modern his- seventeenth and eighteenth centuries is vibrantly sonian’s Renwick Gallery. membership organization Northwest Designer tory, John Stevenson conveyed through colour woodblock prints. In a He lives in Seattle. Craftsmen, with 136 colour photographs of art hit the road. He worked book that brings together two of Edo culture’s objects made by its members. and studied in the United most colourful traditions, prints and kites, States and Nigeria and, Lloyd Herman discusses the evolution of hand- author John Stevenson celebrates the charm for twenty years, in Asia. made objects in the past fi fty years, contrast- He served as acting and signifi cance of the mass-produced, elegant ing objects made in the 1950s with objects curator of Chinese art at broadsheets known collectively as ukiyo-e. The made in the present. He observes not only the Seattle Art Museum and term means “pictures of the fl oating world,” a change from functional to purely expressive art currently works in book pun on the Buddhist concept of the fl eeting world objects in clay, metal, wood, fi bres, and glass, production. He has writ- of desires that is, coincidentally but poetically, ten books on Japanese but the technical and stylistic diversity in the appropriate for a study of kites borne on the woodblock prints and fi eld today. ancient Vietnamese wind. Edo artists experimented with woodblock- ceramics. printing techniques during the eighteenth century as kite-fl ying became increasingly popular. Each infl uenced the other: kite-makers copied wood- block-print designs to decorate their creations of bamboo, cloth, and paper, and printers used » ALSO OF INTEREST images of kites in their designs. John Cole The prints from the Skinner Collection illustrated The Enduring Northwest in Japanese Kite Prints are products of Tokugawa Landscape Edo (1603–1867) and Meiji Tokyo (1868–1912). DelorIs Tarzan Arment They record highlights of the Kabuki , brothels, and Sumo wrestling, enthusiastically pb $35.95 ISBN 0-938506-09-9 presenting star actors and celebrity courtesans and vignettes of everyday life. These images (see page 32) capture for us the character of life as it was lived and imagined by the printmakers and kite-fl iers of Old Japan. It seems that everyone thrills to the sight of a kit straining upward into the sky, and woodblock prints are perhaps the most acces- sible form of traditional Japanese visual culture; kite afi cionados and lovers of Japanese art alike will be delighted by this study.


ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 1155 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:46:35:46 PPMM PLUTO PRESS

God Willing? Growth Fetish Political Fundamentalism in the White House, the “War on Terror” and the Echoing Press

David Domke Clive Hamilton

SEPTEMBER APRIL 256 pages, 5½ x 8½” 288 pages, 5 x 8” 20 fi gures pb $29.95 pb $35.00 ISBN 0-7453-2250-6 ISBN 0-7453-2305-7 Economics/Politics Politics

David Domke is As- In the aftermath of the September 11 terror- Clive Hamilton is “Right on target and badly needed.” sociate Professor of ist attacks, President George W. Bush and his Executive Director of — Noam Chomsky Communication at the administration offered a “political fundamental- the Institute, “Breaks new ground by asking us to think what University of Wash- ism” that capitalized upon the fear felt by many Australia’s foremost ington. His research public-interest think . a post-growth, environmentally stable society Americans. Political fundamentalism is the adap- examines how political He has held visiting might actually be like ... Clearly, stylishly writ- tation of a conservative religious worldview, via leaders and news media academic positions at ten.” strategic language choices and communication shape public discourse, the ANU, University of — Hugh Stretton policy, and opinion within approaches, into a policy agenda that feels politi- Sydney, University of the US political system. cal rather than religious. These communications Technology Sydney, and For decades US political leaders and opinion Domke is a former jour- dominated public discourse and public opinion the University of Cam- makers have touted higher incomes as the way nalist and received his for months on end and came at a signifi cant cost bridge. Described in the to a better future. Economic growth means bet- PhD from the University press as Australia’s most for democracy. ter lives for us all. of Minnesota in 1996. infl uential economist on In particular, the administration closed off a the left and Australia’s But after many years of sustained economic substantive societal—and international—conver- leading environmental growth and increased personal incomes we must sation about the meaning of the terrorist attacks economist, he is the au- confront an awful fact: we aren’t any happier. This thor of six books, and his and the direction of the nation by consistently is the great contradiction of modern politics. views feature regularly in showing antipathy toward complex conceptions major news outlets. In this provocative new book, Clive Hamilton of reality, framing calls for immediate action on argues that, far from being the answer to our » ALSO OF INTEREST administration policies as part of the nation’s problems, growth fetishism and the marketing “calling” and “mission” against , issuing How America Gets society lie at the heart of our social ills. They declarations about the will of God for America Away with Murder have corrupted our social priorities and political and the values of freedom and liberty, and dem- Michael Mandel structures, and have created a profound sense onstrating an intolerance for dissent. pb $29.95 of alienation among young and old. ISBN 0-7453-2151-8 The administration had help spreading its mes- Growth Fetish is the fi rst serious attempt at a poli- sages. The mainstream press consistently tics of change for rich countries dominated by echoed the administration’s communications sicknesses of affl uence, where the real yearning —thereby disseminating, reinforcing, and is not for more money but for authentic identity, embedding the administration’s fundamentalist and where the future lies in creating a society worldview and helping to at bay Congress that promotes the things that really do improve and any substantive public questioning. our well-being. God Willing? analyzes hundreds of administration communications and news stories from Septem- ber 2001 to spring 2003 to examine how this occurred and what it means for US politics and the global landscape.

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ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 1166 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:48:35:48 PPMM PLUTO PRESS

A Century of War Negotiating Outside the Bad News from Israel Anglo-American Oil Politics Law and the New World Order Why Camp David Failed

Ray Helmick Greg Philo and Mike Berry William Engdahl Foreword by Jesse Jackson (Glasgow University Media Group)

“This is the only accurate account I have seen of In the summer of 2000, President Clinton, Ehud “This superb study ... is extensive in scope, and what really happened with the price of oil in 1973. Barak and Yasser Arafat came together to negoti- scrupulously fair. It will be a landmark.” I strongly recommend reading it.” ate peace between Israel and . It was a — Edward S. Herman, co-author (with Noam — Sheikh Zaki Yamani, former Oil Minister of moment laden with hope that ended in infamous Chomsky) of Manufacturing Consent Saudi Arabia failure. But why did it fail? This authoritative book examines media coverage Already a bestseller in Europe, this book is a The Camp David negotiations made headlines of the current confl ict in the Middle East and the gripping account of the murky world of the inter- around the world, but the real debates took place impact it has on public opinion. Bringing together national oil industry and its role in world politics. behind closed doors. Jesuit priest and longtime senior journalists and ordinary viewers, it exam- From George W. Bush’s election victory to the peace activist Ray Helmick is one of the few ines how audiences understand the news and wars in Iraq and , US politics and oil people who maintained communication with all how public belief and opinion have been shaped enjoy a controversially close relationship. The parties throughout the process. by media reporting. US economy relies upon the cheap and unlimited This book is his startling account of the argu- Focusing on television news, the authors illustrate supply of this single fuel. ments, the relationships, and the strategies that major differences in the way Israelis and Palestin- A Century of War takes the reader through a played out over the summer of 2000. Based on ians are represented, including how casualties history of the oil industry’s grip on the world personal correspondence and position papers are shown and the presentation of the motives economy. Moving from the post- pe- with all three leaders, Negotiating Outside the and rationales of both sides. They combine riod up to the present day, Engdahl shows how oil Law offers a unique account of the real reasons this with an extensive audience study involving is—and has always been—the motivating factor behind the failure of Camp David. hundreds of participants from the US, Britain, in international policy and confl icts. and Germany, which shows extraordinary differ- Helmick believes that a key factor in this failure ences in levels of knowledge and understanding, Shedding light on the 1970s oil shocks and Wash- was the scant attention given to international especially among young people. ington’s after the Cold War, the law. He explains the negotiations and subsequent author presents a convincing case that geopoli- Taba talks, detailing the complex history of Israeli Bad News from Israel looks at patterns of own- tics and oil were behind the collapse of the Soviet and Palestinian efforts to achieve peace. ership and at how public relations, information Union, the breakup of Yugoslavia, and the rise and control and the close political links between the Written with empathy for all parties involved, fall of the Taliban. He reveals evidence to show US and Britain affect what we see and hear in the above all it is a hopeful book: Helmick shows that the US and UK decision to go to war in Iraq media. The authors set the study in context by that, despite the renewed violence, people have was not simply an issue of corporate greed, but providing a history of the present crisis from the an enormous capacity to overcome animosity. a strategic move to control the world economy period of the British mandate in Palestine through for the following half century or more. Ray Helmick is a Jesuit Priest and professor of Confl ict to the Oslo and Wye Accords and the intifadas. Resolution at Boston College. He has been active in William Engdahl has written on issues of energy, confl ict resolution activities since 1972, fi rst in northern Greg Philo and Mike Berry are with the Glasgow politics, and economics for more than 30 years. Ireland and then in the Middle East. University Media Group.

NOVEMBER OCTOBER JULY 312 pages, 8 b&w photos, 5½ x 8½” 336 pages, 6x9” 304 pages, 5 maps, 5½ x 8½” pb $35.95, ISBN 0-7453-2309-X hc $45.00, ISBN 0-7453-2219-0 pb $26.95, ISBN 0-7453-2061-9

Economics/Current Events Politics/Current Events Media/Politics/Current Events


ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 1177 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:49:35:49 PPMM MANCHESTER UNIVERSITY PRESS

Cubism and its Histories Dress and Globalisation Secret Shakespeare Studies in theatre, religion, and resistance

David Cottington Margaret Maynard Richard Wilson

Cubism was the most infl uential artistic movement Dress and Globalisation introduces a new ap- Shakespeare’s Catholic context was the most of the many that emerged within . The proach to the subject of dress. It is the fi rst important literary discovery of the last century. hallmarks of its visual style were stamped on the attempt to account for dress around the world, No biography or criticism of the Bard is now art, design, and architecture of a whole genera- and draws together the threads of studies of complete without chapters on the paranoia and tion, and its aesthetic principles governed the consumption, ethnicity, gender, and the body, persecution in which he was educated, or the representation of modernity across all the arts, as well as anthropological accounts and studies treason that engulfed his family. from cinema to music. Yet just what cubism was, of representation. In Secret Shakespeare, Wilson asks why the or stood for, at the time of its emergence is still It examines international western style dress, dramatist remained so enigmatic about his own in dispute, while the explanations offered for its including jeans and business suits, headwear and beliefs and so mute on the atrocities he survived. importance and legacy through the twenty-fi rst hairdressing, ethnicity and so called “ethnic chic,” Shakespeare’s ghosts included not only his pa- century are continually bewildering. clothes for the tourist market, the politicization pist father calling for revenge, but also Edmund This groundbreaking book by a leading historian of traditional dress, “alternative” dressing, and Campion, the charismatic Jesuit whose mission of cubism offers a way beyond this confusion: T-shirts as temporary markers of identity. The to Stratford and horrifi c execution must have a narrative of its beginnings, consolidation, and fi nal chapter considers dress and environmental been among the most traumatic episodes of the dissemination that takes into account not only issues, touching on adventure gear, the “green” dramatist’s life. In recoil from this martyrdom, what the style and the movement signifi ed at consumer and the impact of “smart” clothing. Shakespeare staged the “bloody question” of al- the time of their emergence—and why—but legiance in play after play, where rulers demand Incontrovertibly dispelling the myth of universal, also the principal writings through which their to know who “doth love us most,” but subjects “world” attire, this book demonstrates that subsequent signifi cance for modernism has been refuse to heave their hearts into their mouths. western style clothing transcends geographical established. boundaries, and can form a montage of differ- Born into a world of secret chapels, priest-holes, Cubism and its Histories, for the fi rst time, brings ing tastes, ethnic preferences, and national and subterranean passages, and trap-doors, Shake- cubism’s historiography into its history, revealing local imperatives. Theorizing about the nature of speare constructed a theatre—not of discovery, the interests and allegiances that, from the po- globalization, this book shows that, if economics like his rivals—but of darkness, deferral, evasion, lemics of Apollinaire to the semiotics of Rosalind permit, all cultures are selective in their choice and disguise, where, for all his hopes of a “golden Krauss, have shaped this most seminal contribu- of what to wear. time” of future toleration, “what’s to come” is tion to the history of modernist art. always still unsure. So, whether or not “he died a Margaret Maynard is Senior Lecturer in the School of papist,” it is because we can never “pluck out the David Cottington is Professor of Art History at Fal- English, Media Studies and Art History at the University heart” of his mystery that Shakespeare’s writing mouth College of Arts. of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. continues to resist interpretation and retains the AUGUST AUGUST secrets of the crypt. 352 pages,100 b/w illus., 20 colour plates 192 pages, 28 b/w illus., 6½ x 9½” 6½ x 9½” pb $38.95, ISBN 0-7190-6389-2 Richard Wilson is Professor of Renaissance Studies in pb $42.95, ISBN 0-7190-5004-9 the Department of English at the University of Lancaster. STUDIES IN DESIGN SERIES JULY CRITICAL PERSPECTIVES SERIES Design History 320 pages, 6 x 9” Art History pb $37.95, ISBN 0-7190-7025-2


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ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 1188 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:50:35:50 PPMM UNIVERSITY PRESS OF NEW ENGLAND

The Song of Songs Building the Next Ark Love Lyrics from the Bible How NGOs Work to Protect Biodiversity

Marcia Falk Michael M. Gunter, Jr.

NOVEMBER JULY 128 pages, 5½ x 8” 280 pages, 6 X 9” pb $24.95 17 illus. ISBN 1-58465-423-6 pb $26.95 ISBN 1-58465-384-1 Religion/Poetry Ecology & Environmental Studies / Brandeis University Press International Studies

Dartmouth College Press

Marcia Falk is a widely “An exceptional poetic job. Marcia Falk has great Michael M. Gunter, Jr. With the extinction of perhaps 50,000 species published poet and power in her language.” holds a PhD in Political per year, we are at a critical juncture in history. translator of Hebrew —Isaac Bashevis Singer Science and a graduate Humanity’s most basic resource, the diversity of and Yiddish poetry. Her certifi cate in Environmen- life on earth is threatened, and this rapid decline most recent publications “Insightful and inspired ... Falk’s Song of Songs tal Systems from the Uni- of global biodiversity is too vast to be handled include a groundbreak- has a lasting life ahead of it in lovers’ laps, versity of Kentucky. He solely by states or their existing international ing new prayer book, whether those lovers are lovers of the literature received his bachelor’s institutions. In an eye-opening appraisal of the The Book of Blessings of the Bible, or lovers of the clear sound of an degree with honors from (1996), and a volume Vanderbilt University. current threat to global biodiversity, Gunter American poet in intimate embrace with a tradi- of translations of the A former Eagle Scout, concludes that nongovernmental organizations tion, or simply lovers.“ modern mystic poet Gunter is currently an (NGOs) are the best, and perhaps only, actors —Cynthia Ozick Zelda, The Spectacular Assistant Professor at situated to negotiate the powerful array of politi- Difference (2004). Rollins College in Winter “Marcia Falk’s translation is a beautiful and sen- cal and economic interests involved in species Park, Florida. sual poem in its own right ... one of the great loss as well as species preservation. classics of the art of translation. It’s always a thrill Showing how NGOs fi t into the landscape of when (as rarely happens) the scholar’s mind and international biodiversity protection and what the poet’s soul come together.” makes them so effective, Gunter’s innovative —Adrienne Rich work demonstrates that NGOs provide invaluable The Song of Songs is an acclaimed translation of assistance by fostering fundamental linkages be- » ALSO OF INTEREST the Bible’s celebrated collection of love poetry. tween domestic and international, ecological and economic, and short- and long-term considera- The Goddess Striking in its appeal to the senses, this transla- Power, Sexuality, and tion of the Bible’s only book of love poems is tions. These strategic linkages defuse special- the Feminine Divine remarkable for its lack of sexual stereotyping interest political agendas and open up avenues Shahrukh Husain and its expression of mutuality in relationships for discussing biodiversity issues worldwide. In between men and women. Marcia Falk’s rich short, they help build the next ark. pb $22.95 and lyrical translation, praised by poets and ISBN 0-472-08934-X Gunter focuses on the strategies employed by a scholars alike, is paired here with the original diverse group of well-known environmental NGOs (see page 33) Hebrew text. (Sierra Club, World Wildlife Fund, etc). Determin- ing which strategies work and which do not, this text offers a detailed prescription for how NGOs can improve their species protection efforts. It looks at how NGOs work within the system, how NGOs work with people, and how NGOs must work on themselves. While other books have previously outlined the essential functions of NGOs, Building the Next Ark is the fi rst to look at how their day-to-day operations translate into truly effective biodiversity protection.


ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 1199 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:51:35:51 PPMM UNIVERSITY PRESS OF NEW ENGLAND

Barbed Wire Civic Agriculture An Ecology of Modernity Reconnecting Farm, Food, and Community

Reviel Netz Thomas A. Lyson

OCTOBER SEPTEMBER 304 pages, 5½ X 8½” 160 pages, 5½ X 8½” 9 maps/fi gures pb $25.95 hc $37.95 ISBN 1-58465-414-7 ISBN 0-8195-6719-1 Current Events/Resource Management/ History/Ethics/General Interest Economics

Wesleyan University Press Tufts University Press

Reviel Netz is Associate “Stunningly thought-provoking and beautifully Thomas A. Lyson is While the North American agricultural and food Professor at Stanford grim in bearing witness to a larger meaning of Liberty Hyde systems follow a path of industrialization and University, teaching his- technology, this book makes a supple use of Professor, Department globalization, a counter trend has appeared tory and the philosophy traditional sources to discuss place and contain- of Development Sociol- toward localizing some agricultural and food of science. His books ogy, Cornell University. ment, with utterly novel generalizations about production. Thomas A. Lyson calls this rebirth include The Shaping His most recent book, of Deduction in Greek human economic activities and the appropriation co-edited with Richard of locally based agriculture and food production Mathematics: A Study in of space.” K. Olsen, is Under the “civic agriculture” because these activities are Cognitive History (1999), —Paul F. Starrs, author of Let the Cowboy Blade: The Conversion of tightly linked to a community’s social and eco- and the forthcoming Ride Agricultural Landscapes nomic development. Civic agriculture embraces Archimedes: Translation (1998). Lyson is cur- innovative ways to produce and distribute food, In this original and controversial book, histo- and Commentary. rently Associate Editor of and it represents a sustainable alternative to the rian and philosopher Reviel Netz explores the the Journal of Sustain- destructive practices associated with conven- development of a controlling and pain-inducing able Agriculture. tional large-scale agriculture. technology—. Surveying its devel- opment from 1874 to 1954, Netz describes Lyson argues that farming in the United States its use to control cattle during the colonization was modernized using the same techniques of the American West and to control people in that transformed the manufacturing sector from Nazi concentration camps and the Russian Gu- a system of craft production to one of mass lag. Physical control over space was no longer production. Viewing agriculture as just another symbolic after 1874. » ALSO OF INTEREST industrial sector that leads to transformations in both the production and the processing of This is a history told from the perspective of its Intensive Agriculture food, Lyson enumerates the shortcomings of the victims. With vivid examples of the interconnect- and Sustainability current agriculture and food systems, and then edness of humans, animals, and the environment, A Farming Systems Analysis introduces the concept of community problem this dramatic account of barbed wire presents solving and demonstrates that a re-localization of modern history through the lens of motion be- Glen Filson, ed. the food production system is underway. ing prevented. Drawing together the history of hc $85.00 humans and animals, Netz delivers a compelling ISBN 0-7748-1104-8 Civic Agriculture is an engaging analysis of food new perspective on the issues of colonialism, (see page 9) production emphasizing that sustainable agricul- capitalism, warfare, globalization, violence, and ture is important to community health. suffering. Theoretically sophisticated but written with a broad readership in mind, Barbed Wire calls for nothing less than a reconsideration of modernity.

20 ORDER FROM uniPRESSES TEL: 1 877 864 8477

ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 2200 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:52:35:52 PPMM UNIVERSITY PRESS OF NEW ENGLAND

Winter Music American Science Fiction TV Composing the North Star Trek, Stargate, and Beyond

Jan Johnson-Smith John Luther Adams Foreword by Kyle Gann

NOVEMBER DECEMBER 166 pages, 6 x 9” 304 pages, 5½ X 8½” 11 b/w illus., 15 musical examples 10 b/w illus. Audio CD pb $29.95 hc $37.95 ISBN 0-8195-6738-8 ISBN 0-8195-6742-6 AMERICAN SCIENCE FICTION SERIES Music/Nature/Alaska Popular Culture Wesleyan University Press Wesleyan University Press

John Luther Adams “John Luther Adams is one of the most important Jan Johnson-Smith is “An original and signifi cant study. American Sci- has released 11 recordings American composers who defi nes his work in the Senior Lecturer in Film ence Fiction TV is the fi rst thoroughgoing analysis and worked with many context of the natural world. His delicate essays and Television Theory at of the genre. Johnson-Smith writes with both the prominent performers. collected here help to illuminate why his music Bournemouth University’s authority of a scholar and the passion of a genre He has taught at the Media School in the UK. is so different, and so powerful.” fan. The book is to be welcomed as an important University of Alaska, Bennington College and —David Rothenberg, author of Sudden Music contribution to TV studies.” —James Chapman, author of Licence to Thrill: the Oberlin Conservatory “It would be my hope that John Luther Adams’s of Music. A Cultural History of the James Bond Films book might inspire other musicians and compos- Kyle Gann is a composer, new music critic for The ers to explore ways that music can celebrate and From The Next Generation and The X-Files to Village Voice, and author serve the greater community of life on Earth.” Farscape and Enterprise, science fi ction televi- of American Music in the —Paul Winter, musician sion shows have millions of devoted fans. Ameri- (1997). can Science Fiction TV is the fi rst full-length study Composer John Luther Adams makes his home of this popular genre. Writing with the clarity of in the boreal forest near Fairbanks, Alaska, where a scholar and the passion of a fan, Jan Johnson- he has created a unique musical world grounded Smith shows how science fi ction television has in the elemental landscapes and indigenous displaced the Western in the American cultural cultures of the North. Winter Music, a collection imagination. As advances in special effects have of Adams’s essays, journal entries, and other made science fi ction television technically fea- writings is poetic and inspirational and delves into » ALSO OF INTEREST » ALSO OF INTEREST sible on a more lavish scale than ever before, the environmental and cultural awareness that visual style has become as important as nar- Water Music creates his refl ective, almost spiritual, approach H.G. rative—sometimes even more important—in Photographed and to music. The accompanying audio CD includes Traversing Time expressing the meaning of the genre. Orchestrated by two previously unrecorded works by Adams. W. Wagar Marjorie Ryerson The main part of the book uses case studies Adams’s music explores natural phenomena hc $47.95 hc $54.95 ISBN 0-8195-6725-6 of several key science fi ction series, including from the songs of birds to the complex nature ISBN 0-472-11338-0 Space: Above and Beyond, StarGate SG-1, and of chaos, fractal geometry, and elemental noise. Babylon 5, to exemplify particular narrative (see page 33) Similarly, his writings explore “that region be- patterns and visual styles. The case studies tween place and culture, between environment explore themes such as politics, ideology, race and imagination,” refl ecting a philosophy of deep and ethnicity, gender difference, , and awareness that makes him one of the most the use of science fi ction narratives as allegories original composers working today. of present-day social and political concerns. American Science Fiction TV opens an important new area of genre studies and will be of interest to scholars and fans alike.


ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 2211 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:53:35:53 PPMM UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA PRESS

Navajo Weaving in the Late The Hanford Reach Twentieth Century A Land of Contrasts Kin, Community, and Collectors

Ann Lane Hedlund Susan Photographs by Skip Smith

OCTOBER OCTOBER 160 pages, 132 color plates, 10 x 10” 100 pages, 14 halftones, 6 x 7” hc $45.00 pb $18.95 ISBN 0-8165-2412-2 ISBN 0-8165-2376-2

Art/Native American Studies DESERT PLACES SERIES


Ann Lane Hedlund is This book presents 74 dazzling color plates of Susan Zwinger is the The desert country along the Columbia River Director of the Gloria F. Navajo rugs and wall hangings woven between author of The Last Wild is one of the American West’s loneliest desert Ross Center for Tapestry 1971 and 1996, representing the work of sixty Edge: One Woman’s Jour- places—one that most people don’t even drive Studies and curator of of the fi nest native weavers in the American ney from the Arctic Circle through unless they are unusually curious travel- ethnology at the Arizona to the Olympic Rain For- Southwest. The creations depicted here refl ect ers. The Hanford Reach is the last free stretch of State Museum. est. Skip Smith is a pro- a number of styles—revival, sandpainting, fessional photographer in the river between the McNary and Priest Rapids pictorial, miniature, sampler—and a number of Langley, Washington. Dams, a place boasting a varied landscape of major regional variations, from Ganado to Teec fl oodplains, wetlands, deserts, orchards—and Nos Pos. nuclear reactors. Textile authority Ann Lane Hedlund provides an Known primarily for hosting the country’s most introductory narrative about the development toxic nuclear , this is public land that of Navajo textile collecting and a brief review of barely exists in public consciousness. But be- the history of Navajo weaving. She then com- cause the Reach has been posted off-limits by ments on the shaping of the particular collection the military since 1943, this book offers readers represented in the book, offering a rich source a little-seen glimpse into what the Pacifi c North- of knowledge and insight for other collectors. west’s arid east was like before the postwar Hedlund introduces each section of plates with a boom. Susan Zwinger outlines the geographical description of the representative style, its signifi - extent of the Reach, reviews its history, and takes » ALSO OF INTEREST cance, and the weavers who perpetuate and devi- » ALSO OF INTEREST readers through the terrain by foot, on road, and ate from it. Additional color photographs show on the river. Skip Smith’s striking photos capture Blanket Weaving in Living with Wildlife in the Southwest the families, landscapes, livestock, hogans, and the Pacifi c Northwest the subtleties of its contrasting vistas. looms that surround today’s Navajo weavers. Joe Ben Wheat Russell Link In 2000, President Clinton protected 560 square hc $99.95 Navajo Weaving in the Late Twentieth Century pb $38.95 miles of land as the Hanford Reach National ISBN 0-8165-2304-5 explores many of the important connections ISBN 0-295-98386-8 Monument. The Hanford Reach celebrates what that exist today among weavers through their is preserved in that buffer zone at the dawn of a (see page 34) (see page 32) families and neighbors, and the signifi cant role new era of environmental responsibility. that collectors play in perpetuating this dynamic art form.

22 ORDER FROM uniPRESSES TEL: 1 877 864 8477

ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 2222 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:53:35:53 PPMM CANADIAN MUSEUM OF CIVILIZATION

626 by 9 The Whaling Indians: West Coast Legends A Goal-by-Goal Timeline of Maurice “The and Stories. Legendary Hunters Rocket” Richard’s Scoring Career in Pictures, Part 9 of the Sapir-Thomas Nootka Texts Stats and Stories Eugene Arima, Terry Klokeid and Katherine Sheldon Posen Robinson, eds.

MARCH MARCH 36 pages, 11 x 8½” 456 pages 6¾ x 9” 50 b&w and 68 colour photos, 20 graphs 6 fi gures, 7 maps pb $10.95 pb $45.00 ISBN 0-660-19255-1 ISBN 0-660-19167-9

Sports Native Studies

Sheldon Posen is “626” and “9.” For hockey fans, these two num- Edward Sapir was In 1910–1923, Edward Sapir—then head of curator of the Canadian bers conjure up one of the most important fi gures a leader in the devel- the Division of Anthropology, Geological Survey Folklife Programme at in the history of Canadian hockey: Maurice “The opment of modern of Canada—together with his chief West Coast the Canadian Museum Rocket” Richard. For 18 seasons—from 1942 linguistics, as well as a interpreters, Frank Williams and Alexander Tho- of Civilization. He is an perceptive ethnologist. to 1960—the Montreal Canadiens’ right winger mas, collected an extensive corpus of Native ardent fan of Maurice In 1910, he was invited “The Rocket” Richard. in sweater Number 9 dominated the sport, elec- to Ottawa to head the accounts of the Nuu-chah-nulth (“Nootka”) from trifying spectators and blazing his way into the Division of Anthropology Alberni Inlet and Barkley Sound, Vancouver Is- record books with 626 career goals. His “fi re on at the Geological Survey land. These accounts covered a wide spectrum ice” awed journalists and won the hearts of fans. of Canada at the new of traditional life, and were intended by Sapir to Hockey old timers who played with The Rocket National Museum. Over provide an ethnography of these peoples from or against him still reverently declare, “From the the following decade, Dr. the Native point of view. blue line in, there was no one like him.” Sapir not only amassed the corpus known as the Sapir organized the texts into a dozen sections, Richard’s unique status outlasted his playing Nootka Texts, but also each dealing with a major cultural or social as- career. Quebeckers never forgot what The wrote outstanding works pect of life among the Nuu-chah-nulth and related Rocket had meant to them, and by the end of his such as Time Perspec- groups. Of the 147 known texts, 79 have already tives in Aboriginal life, far from losing his heroic stature, Maurice been published by Sapir and his colleague, Mor- American Culture: A Richard had become a living legend. His Number Study in Method (1916) ris Swadesh, in volumes which appeared in 1939 9 hockey sweater took on a life of its own as a and Language: An and 1955. Sadly, all of the principals mentioned 626 by 9 is based on a Canadian icon. Introduction to the Study in these volumes passed on before the third and of Speech (1921). In fi nal volume could be prepared. Because of the section of the Canadian Maurice Richard has become a part of Canadian Museum of Civilization’s 1925, he returned to quantity of material involved, and for practical myth, folklore, and history, and 626 by 9 is a 2004-2008 exhibition, the United States to reasons, the third volume appears in installments goal-by-goal chronicle in pictures, stats, and “Rocket” Richard: The teach at the University as part of the Canadian Museum of Civilization’s stories celebrating his remarkable career. The of Chicago and at Yale. Legend—The Legacy. Mercury Series, under the overall title The Whal- book is amply illustrated with pictures of The Sapir’s brilliant career ing Indians. Rocket in action, the sticks he used to score the was cut short by his milestones, and the awards and trophies he won untimely death in 1939, The present Part 9 of the original dozen sections, the year in which the fi rst for setting record after scoring record. Other Legendary Hunters, focuses on Native whalers volume of the Nootka images of items and events in Richard’s life hint Texts appeared. of the West Coast. Of the book’s 28 texts, Sapir at how important he was not only to hockey but collected 11 of these in 1913; the remainder also to Canada’s history and sense of itself. were collected by Thomas in 1915–1916. Whaling is the subject of 24 of these accounts, which include two narratives about “drift-whal- ing,” whereby a chief magically causes a dead whale to drift ashore in his territory. These texts are rich in information on whaling techniques and practices, and details on the lengthy rituals required for success in whaling.


ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 2233 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:54:35:54 PPMM PLUTOUNIVERSITY PRESS OF MICHIGAN PRESS

Slaves to Fashion Louie, Louie Poverty and Abuse in the New Sweatshops The History and Mythology of the World’s Most Famous Rock ‘n’ Roll Song; Including the Full Details of Its Torture and Persecution at the Hands of the Kingsmen, J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI, and a Cast of Millions; and Introducing for the First Time Anywhere, the Actual Dirty Lyrics Robert J.S. Ross Dave Marsh

OCTOBER OCTOBER 336 pages, 6 x 9” 268 pages, 6 × 9” 17 fi gures, 13 photographs 21 photographs pb $26.95 pb $24.95 ISBN 0-472-03022-1 ISBN 0-472-03023-X

Current Affairs Pop Culture

Robert J.S. Ross is Just as Barbara Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed Since his days as the The subtitle says it all. Louie, Louie, the song, Professor of Sociology, exposed the plight of North America’s working original editor of Creem, has been around for nearly half a century, and Clark University. He is poor, Slaves to Fashion is both a lesson in Dave Marsh has been this new edition of Dave Marsh’s classic work an expert in the area of American business history and a warning about revered as one of rock’s reminds us why it was an inspiration for an entire sweatshops and globali- greatest critics. During one of the most important issues facing the generation of rock ‘n’ rollers and the song that zation. He is an activist the 70s he was record academic who travels global capital economy: the reappearance of editor at Rolling Stone, will never die. the sweatshop. and lectures extensively and in 1983 he founded Praise for the original: and has published nu- Rock & Roll Confi den- In vivid detail supported by carefully researched merous related articles. tial. His other books “A tale as compelling as any John Grisham evidence, author Robert J.S. Ross traces the include Glory Days: thriller.” twentieth-century fall and tragic rebirth of sweat- Bruce Springsteen in the —Rolling Stone shop conditions in the American apparel industry. 1980s (1987), and Be- He explains the new sweatshops as a product fore I Get Old: The Story “Dave Marsh’s Louie, Louie is part rant, part rock of unregulated global capitalism and associated of the Who (1983). criticism, and part cultural analysis, with a good deregulation, union erosion, and exploitation of dose of Ripley’s Believe It or Not! thrown in.” undocumented workers. Using historical material — Book Review and economic and social data, the author shows “Marsh the story of one trashy song in- that after a brief thirty-fi ve years of fair practices, teresting by revealing how ‘three chords and a the US apparel business has once again sunk to cloud of dust’ contains within it the history and shameful abuse and exploitation. » ALSO OF INTEREST future of rock ‘n’ roll.” Refreshingly jargon-free but documented in One Nation under a —Booklist depth, Slaves to Fashion is the only work to Groove “Crammed with trivia and wit, this text convinc- estimate the size of the sweatshop problem and Motown and American Culture ingly argues in mock-profound terms its thesis to systematically show its impact on apparel that Louie is a melodic phenomenon far bigger workers’ wages. It is also unique in its analysis Gerald Early than the mere mortals who performed it.” of the budgets and personnel used in enforcing pb $22.95 —Publishers Weekly the Fair Labor Standards Act. ISBN 0-472-08956-0 “What you don’t know about Louie, Louie prob- Anyone who is concerned about this urgent social (see page 33) ably won’t hurt you. But everything you need to and economic topic and wants to go beyond the know is in Marsh’s book, including the lyrics—the headlines should read this important and timely real ones and the ones people thought they contribution to the rising debate on low-wage heard. If there is a better measure of your pop- factory labour. cultural IQ, I don’t know where to fi nd it.” —USA Today

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ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 2244 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:55:35:55 PPMM UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PRESS JESSICA KINGSLEY PUBLISHERS

Politics and Propaganda ADD and Me Weapons of Mass Seduction Forty Years in a Fog

Nicholas Jackson O’Shaughnessy Ken Patterson

NOVEMBER SEPTEMBER 240 pages, 6 x 9” 240 pages, 6 x 9” hc $49.95 pb $26.95 ISBN 0-472-11443-3 ISBN 1-84310-777-5

Politics/Current Events Biography/Health

Nicholas A far-ranging and erudite look at the history Ken Patterson holds “I’m always in a fog. I just don’t seem to think O’Shaughnessy is a of propaganda, this innovative book asks two both an AA degree in very well. I am a man who has Attention Defi cit Fellow of Hughes Hall, urgent questions: Why, in this time of widespread Journalism from Canada Disorder and I invite you to take an impromptu Cambridge, and of the distrust of politics and the media, do politicians College and a BA degree trip through my life. But put on your fog lights Royal Society of Arts. in Creative Writing from continue to use the familiar techniques of propa- and hold on for the ride.” His most recent books San Francisco State are The Phenomenon ganda? And why are we still so vulnerable to their University. He has written —Ken Patterson nonrational appeals? One answer may lie in the of Political Marketing four novels and numer- In his personal account of life with Attention (Palgrave Macmillan) and power of emotional appeal and the tenacity of ous short stories. He has Defi cit Disorder (ADD), award-winning author The Marketing Power belief once established. also received four literary of Emotion (Praeger). A awards for four different Ken Patterson richly illustrates the way in which former political consult- Nicholas O’Shaughnessy, a renowned author, pieces of fi ction. Most the symptoms of ADD curtail the ability of an ant, he is currently work- scholar, and founder of the fi eld of political recently, Ken published intelligent man to succeed in the most ordinary ing on a book entitled marketing, fi nds propaganda to be one of the a behind-the-scenes of life’s events. Through episodes of childhood, Selling Hitler. prime movers of . Filled with article on training sheep educational experiences, employment, military elegant examples and anecdotes, Politics and dogs. He was also the career, and relationships, he reveals the subtle Propaganda explores one of the most-studied but subject of interest in his complexities of coping with situations most local newspaper which least-understood aspects of civilized society. people take for granted. showcased his life as a This is the fi rst book to draw on a comprehensive writer and a stay-at-home This entertaining and compassionate book un- dad. Ken currently lives » ALSO OF INTEREST study of rhetoric, myth, and symbol in order to sparingly describes a life distorted by impulsivity, in Rhode Island with his explain the evolution and success of propaganda. distractions, obsessions, and anger. Illuminating, wife and two children. Bad News from Israel O’Shaughnessy asks provocative and essential and deeply insightful, it will fascinate anyone who Greg Philo and Mike questions about why propaganda persists—and has come into contact with ADD. Berry succeeds—in our age of high media literacy and pb $17.95 intense political and social skepticism. ISBN 0-7453-2061-9 (see page 17)


ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 2255 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:55:35:55 PPMM JESSICA KINGLSEY PUBLISHERS

Parent to Parent A Special Kind of Brain Information and Inspiration for Parents Dealing Living with Nonverbal Learning Disability with Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome

Ann Boushéy Nancy Burger Foreword by Byron P. Rourke

NOVEMBER DECEMBER 176 pages, 6 x 9” 224 pages, 6 x 9” pb $28.95 pb $28.95 ISBN 1-84310-774-0 ISBN 1-84310-762-7

Health/Parenting Health/Parenting

Ann Boushéy is When a child is diagnosed with autism or As- Nancy Russell Burger Sharing the experience of bringing up a child with the parent of Jon, a perger’s Syndrome, what a parent needs most is a freelance writer nonverbal learning disability (NLD), this warm teenager with autism. is information and inspiration. After her son Jon whose eight-year-old son, and accessible book offers advice on subjects She has a Master’s was diagnosed with high-functioning autism in Jimmy, was diagnosed ranging across diagnosis and therapy, children’s Degree in Creative with NLD at the age of kindergarten, Ann Boushéy soon learned that, interaction with each other, suitable activities Writing and lives with her three. She lives in Red- family in the Midwest, US for her, knowledge was the key to peace. Written ding, Connecticut. for a child with NLD, and how to discuss NLD out of her own experience, this inspirational book with children. An essential guide, this book will provides the information that will empower other reassure, advise, and inform parents and profes- parents who fi nd themselves in her situation, and sionals who work with children with NLD. inspire them in their quest for the right diagnosis CONTENTS and the right help for their child. Foreword, Byron P. Rourke With a good dose of humour, she encourages 1. What’s the Matter with Jimmy? parents in the day-to-day challenges they face 2. The Diagnosis and Dealing With It in parenting a child with autism or Asperger’s 3. At Home: Parenting the NLD Child Syndrome. Short vignettes—“Chicken Nuggets 4. Managing “Infl ow”: The Kid in the Candy Store for the Soul”—at the end of each chapter make 5. Persever-What? Fountain Soda and Batman the reader feel like sitting down with her, Parent 6. Socialization: It’s a Jungle Out There to Parent, over a cup of coffee. After reading 7. Teaching Social Skills this book, parents will come away with a sense » ALSO OF INTEREST 8. Activities for the NLD Child of empowerment and feeling that they are not 9. NLD at School: Working with the System How to Live with alone, while professionals will gain a valuable and 10. Discussing NLD with Your Child Autism compassionate insight into the world of parenting 11. Living with NLD Every Day Practical Strategies for a child on the autism spectrum. Parents 12. Trips, Holidays, Vacations Chris Williams and Barry 13. Getting Involved: Support Groups, Septas, Wright Workshops 14. Seeking Outside Help for Your NLD Child pb $26.95 ISBN 1-84310-184-X Afterthoughts Acknowledgements (see page 35) Resources Bibliography

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ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 2266 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:56:35:56 PPMM JESSICA KINGSLEY PUBLISHERS

Understanding Your Baby Understanding Your One- Understanding Your Three- Year-Old Year-Old

Sophie Boswell Sarah Gustavus-Jones Louise Emanuel

How do you decide whether to breastfeed your How does a baby’s mind and personality develop What changes when babies begin to leave tod- baby—and what are the emotions involved for and grow? What happens when a child begins dler-hood behind them? How can parents manage mother and baby when the baby rejects a feed or to walk and explore the world around her? This their child’s transition from home to nursery? What when breastfeeding stops? What happens when book considers what it feels like to be a parent is the best way to cope with temper tantrums? a baby starts moving around on its own? What as your baby becomes a toddler, trying out her Providing detailed and reassuring advice, Louise if your baby’s distress makes you feel that you fi rst words, learning to dress herself and share Emanuel explains everything a parent needs to cannot cope? This book takes the reader through toys. know about three-year-olds, from how to get a the entire fi rst year of a baby’s life, anticipating good night’s sleep, to managing sibling rivalry CONTENTS parents’ questions and covering topics ranging and encouraging imaginative play and conver- from parental feelings during pregnancy to a Introduction sation. ten-month-old’s sociability and relationships with 1. Brave new world CONTENTS other children. 2. The value of exploration 3. Emerging personality Introduction Sophie Boswell is a child psychotherapist, trained 4. Having a good idea and keeping it at the Tavistock Clinic. She lives in London and is the 1. Understanding your child mother two children, one of whom is a young baby. 5. A life of my own 2. Family life Conclusion 3. A new baby in the family NOVEMBER References 4. Coping with anger 108 pages, 5½ x 8½” Index 5. Working things out pb $18.95, ISBN 1-84310-242-0 6. Off to nursery Sarah Gustavus-Jones works at the Tavistock Clinic, Education/Parenting London. Conclusion References and Acknowledgements NOVEMBER Further reading 108 pages, 5½ x 8½” UNDERSTANDING YOUR CHILD SERIES Helpful organizations pb $18.95, ISBN 1-84310-241-2 Index The guides in this series present balanced and Education/Parenting sensitive advice that will help adults to become, Louise Emanuel is consultant child psychotherapist or to feel that they are, “good enough” parents. in the Child and Family Department of the Tavistock Clinic, London, and works with families with young Each book concentrates on a key transition in children. She lives in London with her husband and a child’s life from birth to adolescence, look- two children. ing especially at how parents’ emotions and experiences interact with those of their children. NOVEMBER Written by professionals working in the child and 108 pages, 5½ x 8½” adolescent department at London’s internation- pb $18.95, ISBN 1-84310-243-9 ally respected Tavistock Clinic, the titles in the Education/Parenting Understanding Your Child series are essential reading for new and experienced parents, relatives, friends and carers, as well as for the multi-agency professionals who are working to support children and their families.


ttraderade ffo4.inddo4.indd 2277 55/3/2004/3/2004 33:35:57:35:57 PPMM SELECTED BACKLIST

Aboriginal Plant Use Agenda-Setting Ancient People of At Home with the Awe for the Tiger, Being a Tourist in Canada’s Northwest Dynamics in Canada the Arctic Bella Coola Indians Love for the Lamb Finding Meaning in Boreal Forest Stuart N. Soroka Robert McGhee T.F. McIlwraith’s Field A Chronicle of Sensibility Pleasure Travel Robin J. Marles 2003, pb $27.95 2001, pb $27.95 Letters, 1922–4 to Animals Julia Harrison 2000, pb $25.95 0-7748-0959-0 0-7748-0854-3 John Barker and Rod Preece 2003, pb $27.95 0-7748-0738-5 Douglas Cole, eds. 2003, pb $29.95 0-7748-0978-7 2004, pb $29.95 0-7748-0897-7 0-7748-0980-9

Bill Reid Birds of the Yukon Citizens Plus The Cost of Climate Couture and The Co-Workplace Beyond the Essential Territory Aboriginal Peoples and Policy Commerce Teleworking in the Neigh- Form Pamela H. Sinclair, the Canadian State Mark Jaccard, John The Transatlantic Fash- bourhood Karen Duffek Wendy A. Nixon, Cam- Alan C. Cairns Nyboer, and Bryn ion Trade in the 1950s Laura C. Johnson eron D. Eckert, and Sadownik 1986, pb $16.95 2001, pb $25.95 Alexandra Palmer 2003, pb $27.95 Nancy L. Hughes, eds. 0-7748-0263-4 0-7748-0768-7 2002, pb $29.95 2001, hc $65 0-7748-0970-1 2003, hc $125.00 0-7748-0951-5 0-7748-0826-8 0-7748-1012-2

First Do No Harm First Nations The First Nations Globalization and The Halifax Explosion The Heiress vs the Making Sense of Cana- Education in Canada of British Columbia Well-Being and the Royal Cana- Establishment dian Health Reform The Circle Unfolds An Anthropological John F. Helliwell dian Navy Mrs. Campbell’s Cam- Terrence Sullivan and Marie Battiste and Jean Survey 2003, pb $19.95 Inquiry and Intrigue paign for Legal Justice Patricia M. Baranek Barman, eds. Robert J. Muckle 0-7748-0993-0 John Griffi th Armstrong Constance Backhouse 2002, pb $16.95 1995, pb $29.95 1998, pb $19.95 2003, pb $24.95 and Nancy Backhouse 0-7748-1016-5 0-7748-0517-X 0-7748-0663-X 0-7748-0891-8 2004, hc $45.00 0-7748-1052-1

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ttraderade ff04backlist.indd04backlist.indd 2288 44/29/2004/29/2004 110:49:170:49:17 AAMM SELECTED BACKLIST

Hidden Agendas Hollywood North The Impact of War In the Long Run We’re The Integrity Gap Japan at the How Journalists The Feature Film Industry on Children All Dead Canada’s Environmental Millennium Infl uence the News in British Columbia Graça Machel The Canadian Turn to Policy and Institutions Joining Past and Future Lydia Miljan and Mike Gasher 2001, hc $39.95 Fiscal Eugene Lee and David W. Edgington, ed. Barry Cooper 2002, pb $24.95 0-7748-0867-5 Timothy Lewis Anthony Perl, eds. 2004, pb $29.95 2003, pb $24.95 0-7748-0968-X 2004, pb $27.95 2004, pb $29.95 0-7748-0899-3 0-7748-1020-3 0-7748-0999-X 0-7748-0986-8

Journey to the Killer Whales, 2nd ed. The Klondike Life Lived Like a Story Making Native Space Murdering Holiness Ice Age The Natural History and Stampede Life Stories of Three Colonialism, Resistance, The Trials of Franz Cref- Discovering an Genealogy of Orcinus Tappan Adney Yukon Native Elders and Reserves in British fi eld and George Mitchell Ancient World orca in British Columbia 1994, pb $22.95 Julie Cruikshank Columbia Jim Phillips and Peter L. Storck John K.B. Ford, Ken- 0-7748-0490-4 1991, pb $25.95 R. Cole Harris Rosemary Gartner 2004, hc $39.95 neth C. Balcomb, and 0-7748-0413-0 2003, pb $29.95 2003, hc $45.00 0-7748-1028-9 Graeme M. Ellis 0-7748-0901-9 0-7748-0906-X 1995, pb $22.95 0-7748-0800-4

New Perspectives No Place to Run Not the Slightest A Passion for Wildlife Pepper in Our Eyes Pilgrims, Patrons, and on the Public-Private The Canadian and Chance The History of the Cana- The APEC Affair Place Divide Gas Warfare in the First The Defence of Hong dian Wildlife Service W. Wesley Pue, ed. Localizing Sanctity in The Law Commission World War Kong, 1941 J. Alexander Burnett 2000, hc $24.95 Asian Religions of Canada Tim Cook Tony Banham 2003, pb $27.95 0-7748-0779-2 Phyllis Granoff and 2004, pb $27.95 2000, pb $29.95 2004, pb $29.95 0-7748-0961-2 Koichi Shinohara, eds. 0-7748-1043-2 0-7748-0740-7 0-7748-1045-9 2004, pb $29.95 0-7748-1039-4


ttraderade ff04backlist.indd04backlist.indd 2299 44/29/2004/29/2004 110:49:210:49:21 AAMM SELECTED BACKLIST

Planning the New Plant Technology of Prometheus Wired Reclaiming Saints, Sinners, Stepping Stones to Suburbia First Peoples of British The Hope for Democra- Indigenous Voice and Soldiers Nowhere Flexibility by Design Columbia cy in the Age of Network and Vision Canada’s Second The Aleutian Islands, Alas- Avi Friedman Including Neighbouring Technology Marie Battiste, ed. World War ka, and American Military 2002, pb $29.95 Groups in Washington, Darin Barney 2000, pb $29.95 Jeffrey A. Keshen Strategy, 1867–1945 0-7748-0859-4 Alberta and Alaska 2001, hc $27.95 0-7748-0746-6 2004, hc $45.00 Galen Roger Perras Nancy J. Turner 0-7748-0796-2 0-7748-0923-X 2004, pb $25.95 1998, pb $25.95 0-7748-0990-6 0-7748-0687-7

Street Protests and Taking Stands Tales of Ghosts Totem Poles A Trading Nation Training the Excluded Fantasy Parks Gender and the First Nations Art in Brit- An Illustrated Guide Canadian Trade Policy for Work Globalization, Culture, Sustainability of Rural ish Columbia, Marjorie M. Halpin from Colonialism to Marjorie Griffi n and the State Communities 1922-61 1981, pb $16.95 Globalization Cohen, ed. David R. Cameron and Maureen Reed Ronald W. Hawker 0-7748-0141-7 Michael Hart 2004, pb $29.95 Janice Gross Stein, ed. 2004, pb $29.95 2003, pb $27.95 2003, pb $29.95 0-7748-1007-6 2002, pb $24.95 0-7748-1018-1 0-7748-0955-8 0-7748-0895-0 0-7748-0881-0

Undelivered Letters Unnatural Law The Vancouver A War of Patrols Women Filmmakers Introducing the to Hudson’s Bay Rethinking Canadian Achievement Canadian Army Refocusing Dragonfl ies of British Company Men on the Environmental Law and Urban Planning Operations in Korea Jacqueline Levitin, Ju- Columbia and the Northwest Coast of Policy and Design William Johnston dith Plessis, and Valerie Yukon America, 1830-57 David R. Boyd John Punter 2003, hc $45.00 Raoul Robert A. Cannings Judith Hudson Beattie 2003, pb $29.95 2004, pb $34.95 0-7748-1008-4 2003, pb $34.95 2002, pb $12.95 and Helen M. Buss, eds 0-7748-1049-1 0-7748-0972-8 0-7748-0903-5 0-7726-4637-6 2003, pb $29.95 0-7748-0974-4

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ttraderade ff04backlist.indd04backlist.indd 3300 44/29/2004/29/2004 110:49:250:49:25 AAMM SELECTED BACKLIST

The Magic Leaves Out of the Mist Songhees Pictorial Tales from the Attic Adventurers in the Country Post A History of Haida Argil- Treasures of the Nuu- A History of the Song- Practical Advice on New World Rural Postal Service in lite Carving chah-nulth Chiefs hees People as Seen by Preserving Heirlooms The Saga of the Canada, 1880 to 1945 Peter L. Macnair Martha Black Outsiders,1790-1912 and Collectibles Coureurs des Bois Chantal Amyot and 2002, pb $39.95 1999, pb $36.95 Grant Keddie Colleen Wilson Georges-Hébert John Willis 0-7726-4773-9 0-7718-9547-X 2003, pb $39.95 2002, pb $15.95 Germain 2003, pb $39.95 0-7726-4964-2 0-7726-4638-4 2003, hc $39.95 0-660-18998-4 0-660-19075-3

Dene Ts’ukegháí Tene Enduring Hardship The Implements of The Lands within Me Birds of Oregon Gathering Moss Rahesi / Dene Spruce The Chinese Laundry Golf Expressions by Canadian A General Reference A Natural and Cultural Root Basketry in Canada A Canadian Perspective Artists of Arab Origin David B. Marshall, History of Mosses Revival of a Tradition Ban Seng Hoe W. Lyn Stewart and Aïda Kaouk and Domin- Matthew G. Hunter, and Robin Wall Kimmerer Suzan Marie and Judy 2003, pb $19.95 David R. Gray ique Bourque, eds. Alan L. Contreras, eds. 2003, pb $27.95 Thompson 0-660-19078-8 2001, pb $12.95 2003, pb $45.00 2003, hc $110.00 0-87071-499-6 2003, pb $14.99 0-660-17848-6 0-660-19088-5 0-87071-497-X 0-660-18830-9

Hive of Dreams Living with Salmon Nation Company Towns of the The Cruise of the Faith in Nature Contemporary Science Earthquakes in the People, Fish, and Our Pacifi c Northwest Janet Nichol among Environmentalism as Fiction from the Pacifi c Pacifi c Northwest Common Home Linda Carlson the South Sea Islands Religious Quest Northwest A Survivor’s Guide Edward C. Wolf and 2003, pb $34.95 A Diary by Mrs. Robert Thomas Dunlap Grace Dillon Robert S. Yeats Seth Zuckerman, eds. 0-295-98332-9 Louis Stevenson, Edited 2004, hc $35.95 by Roslyn Jolly 2003, pb $29.95 2004, pb $42.95 2004, pb $13.95 0-295-98397-3 0-87071-555-0 0-87071-024-9 0-9676364-1-8 2004, hc $35.95 0-295-98370-1


ttraderade ff04backlist.indd04backlist.indd 3311 44/29/2004/29/2004 110:49:290:49:29 AAMM SELECTED BACKLIST

Freeze Frame Gay Seattle The Hong Kong Ballet Icons and Legends John Cole Ladies Who Lunge Alaska Eskimos in the Stories of Exile and Siu Wang-ngai The Photographs of The Enduring Northwest Celebrating Diffi cult Movies Belonging 2003, hc $69.95 Michael Childers Landscape Women Ann Fienup-Riordan Gary Atkins 9-622-09618-2 Christine Giles and Deloris Tarzan Ament Tara Brabazon 2003, pb $39.95 2003, hc $39.95 Dave Hickey 2003, pb $35.95 2002, pb $29.95 0-295-98337-X 0-295-98298-5 2003, pb $35.95 0-983506-09-9 0-86840-421-7 0-295-98396-5

Lawren Stewart Harris Lelooska Life and Work Lifesaving Letters Living with Wildlife in Natural Grace A Painter’s Progress The Life of a Northwest Challenging Economic A Child’s Flight from the the Pacifi c Northwest The Charm, Wonder, Andrew Hunter and Ian Coast Artist Man Holocaust Russell Link and Lessons of Pacifi c M. Thom Chris Friday Charles Birch and Milena Roth 2004, pb $38.95 Northwest Animals and 2001, pb $37.95 2003, pb $38.95 David Paul 2004, hc $35.95 0-295-98386-8 Plants 1-87912-821-7 0-295-98324-8 2003, pb $29.95 0-295-98377-9 William Dietrich 0-86840-670-8 2003, pb $25.95 0-295-98293-4

The Nature of Gold Passion for Peace Sari to Sarong Captured Honor Railscapes Unsettled Boundaries An Environmental History Exercising Power Five Hundred Years of POW Survival in the A Northern Pacifi c Brass- Fraser Gold and the Brit- of the Klondike Gold Creatively Indian and Indonesian Philippines and Japan pounder’s Album ish-American Northwest Rush Stuart Rees, Foreword Textile Exchange Bob Wodnik Jim Fredrickson Robert E. Ficken Kathryn Morse by Archbishop Robyn Maxwell 2003, pb $30.95 2003, pb $46.95 2003, pb $29.95 Desmond Tutu 2003, hc $39.95 2003, pb $63.95 0-87422-260-5 0-87422-271-0 0-87422-268-0 0-295-98329-9 2003, pb $33.95 0-642-54113-2 0-86840-750-X

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ttraderade ff04backlist.indd04backlist.indd 3322 44/29/2004/29/2004 110:49:320:49:32 AAMM SELECTED BACKLIST

Arboretum America Elevator Music Fishes of the Great A Garden for Life The Goddess Mary Schafer, A Philosophy of the A Surreal History of Lakes Region The Natural Approach Power, Sexuality, and the American Quilt Maker Forest Muzak, Easy Listening, Revised Edition to Designing, Planting, Feminine Divine Gwen Marston Diana Beresford- and Other Moodsong Carl L. Hubbs and Karl and Maintaining a North Shahrukh Husain 2004, pb $29.95 Kroeger Joseph Lanza F. Lagler, Revised by Temperate Garden 2003, pb $22.95 0-472-06855-5 Gerald R. Smith 2003, pb $38.95 2003, pb $29.95 D. Beresford-Kroeger, 0-472-08934-X 0-472-06851-2 0-472-08942-0 2004, pb $35.95 Photos by C.H. Kroeger 0-472-11371-2 2004, pb $35.95 0-472-03012-4

One Nation under Open the Door Rogue Scholar Taking Trade to the Water Music Women and War a Groove The Life and Music of The Sinister Life and Cel- Streets Marjorie Ryerson Jenny Matthews Motown and American Betty Carter ebrated Death of Edward The Lost History of 2003, hc $54.95 2003, hc $45.95 Culture, Revised and William R. Bauer H. Rulloff Public Efforts to Shape 0-472-11338-0 0-472-08964-1 Expanded Edition 2003, pb $29.95 Richard W. Bailey Globalization Gerald Early 0-472-06791-5 2003, hc $39.95 Susan Ariel Aaronson 2004, pb $22.95 0-472-11337-2 2003, pb $30.95 0-472-08956-0 0-472-08867-X

Civic Literacy Double or Nothing? Popular Music in Star Maker Stars of David The Sensitive Self How Informed Citizens Jewish Families and Theory Olaf Stapledon, Edited Rock ’n’ Roll’s Jewish Michael Eigen Make Democracy Work Mixed Marriage An Introduction with an Introduction by Stories 2004, pb $25.95 Henry Milner Sylvia Barack Fishman Keith Negus Patrick McCarthy Scott Benarde 0-8195-6685-3 2002, pb $32.95 2004, hc $42.95 1996, pb $30.95 2004, pb $32.95 2003, hc $38.95 1-58465-173-3 1-58465-206-3 0-8195-6310-2 0-8195-6693-4 1-58465-303-5


ttraderade ff04backlist.indd04backlist.indd 3333 44/29/2004/29/2004 110:49:330:49:33 AAMM SELECTED BACKLIST

Too Much of a Good Wedding Song Exposing Electronics The Light People Love in Good Time On the Brink Thing Is Wonderful Memoirs of an Iranian Bernard Finn, Robert Gordon Henry A Memoir The Great Lakes in the Regina Barreca Jewish Woman Bud, and Helmuth 2003, pb $30.95 Claire Robson 21st Century 2000, pb $27.95 Farideh Goldin Trischler 0-87013-664-X 2003, pb $38.95 Dave Dempsey 0-93988-306-6 2003, hc $38.95 2003, pb $39.95 0-87013-694-1 2004, pb $35.95 1-58465-344-2 0-87013-658-5 0-87013-705-0

They Can’t Take That Being Chinese Blanket Weaving in Smokechasing ¡Tequila! Asperger Syndrome, Away From Me Voices from the the Southwest Stephen J. Pyne A Natural and Cultural Adolescence, and The Odyssey of an Diaspora Joe Ben Wheat; Ann 2003, pb $27.95 History Identity American POW Wei Djao Lane Hedlund, ed. 0-8165-2285-5 Ana G. Valenzuela- Looking Beyond the Label Ralph M. Rentz 2003, pb $29.95 2003, hc $99.95 Zapata and Gary Paul Latika Vasil and Harvey 2003, hc $38.95 0-8165-2302-9 0-8165-2304-5 Nabhan Molloy 0-87013-6720 2004, pb $19.95 2004, pb $26.95 0-8165-1938-2 1-84310-126-2

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Aaron, Henry J. 11 Boyd, David R. 30 Different Minds 34 Aaronson, Susan Ariel 33 Brabazon, Tara 32 Dillon, Grace 31 Aboriginal Conditions 6 Brennan, Maeve 35 Djao, Wei 34 Aboriginal Plant Use in Canada’s Northwest Broadband Problem, The 11 Docherty, David 5 Boreal Forest 28 Broswimmer, Franz 35 Dominion and the Rising Sun, The 8 Adams, John Luther 21 Buck, A.R. 8 Domke, David 16 ADD and Me 25 Buckner, Phillip 8 Double or Nothing? 33 Adney, Tappan 29 Bud, Robert 34 Dress and Globalisation 18 Adventurers in the New World 31 Building the Next Ark 19 Duffek, Karen 28 Advocacy Groups 5 Burger, Nancy 26 Dunlap, Thomas 31 Agenda-Setting Dynamics in Canada 28 Burnett, J. Alexander 29 al-Zayyat, Montasser 36 Buss, Helen M. 30 Early, Gerald 33 Ament, Deloris Tarzan 14, 32 Eckert, Cameron D. 28 American Horror Film, The 12 Cairns, Alan C. 28 Ecocide 35 American Science Fiction TV 21 Cameron, David R. 30 Edgington, David W. 29 America Unbound 11 Campbell, Claire Elizabeth 9 Eigen, Michael 33 Amyot, Chantal 31 Campbell, Neil 12 Elections 4 Ancient People of the Arctic 28 Campeau, Georges 9 Elevator Music 33 Andres, Lesley 9 Canada and the End of Empire 8 Ellis, Graeme M. 29 Annuaire canadien de droit international 9 Canadians Behind Enemy Lines, 1939–1945 Emanuel, Louise 27 Arboretum America 33 8 Emerging from the Mist 6 Arima, Eugene 23 Canadian Yearbook of International Law, The Employment for Individuals with Asperger Armstrong, John Griffi th 28 9 Syndrome or Non-Verbal Learning Disability Asperger Syndrome, Adolescence, and Cannings, Robert A. 30 34 Identity 34 Captured Honor 32 Enduring Hardship 31 Asperger Syndrome in Young Children 34 Carlson, Linda 31 Engdahl, William 17 Asperger’s Syndrome 34 ¡Carnaval! 14 Esau, Alvin J. 8 Atkins, Gary 32 Carr, Mike 9 Evans, Peter William 13 Attwood, Tony 34 Century of War, A 17 Everitt, Joanna 5 At Home with the Bella Coola Indians 28 Citizens 4 Exposing Electronics 34 Awe for the Tiger, Love for the Lamb 28 Citizens Plus 28 Civic Agriculture 20 Faith in Nature 31 Backhouse, Constance 8, 28 Civic Literacy 33 Falk, Marcia 19 Backhouse, Nancy 28 Coe, Cassandra 34 Fast, Yvona 34 Bad News from Israel 17 Cohen, Marjorie Griffi n 30 Federalism 4 Bailey, Richard W. 33 Cohen, Stephen Philip 36 Feminism, Femininity and Popular Culture 35 Balcomb, Kenneth C. 29 Cole, Douglas 28 Feminists and Party Politics 5 Banham, Tony 29 Collective Insecurity 8 Ferguson, Charles H. 11 Baranek, Patricia M. 28 Company Towns of the Pacifi c Northwest 31 Ficken, Robert E. 32 Barbed Wire 20 Contreras, Alan L. 31 Fienup-Riordan, Ann 32 Barker, John 28 Cook, Catherine 36 Fight or Pay 1 Barman, Jean 28 Cook, Tim 29 Filson, Glen 9 Barney, Darin 30 Cooper, Barry 29 Finlay, Finola 9 Barreca, Regina 34 Coping with Methuselah 11 Finn, Bernard 34 Barry, Peter 35 Corporate Governance in Global Capital First Do No Harm 28 Battiste, Marie 28, 30 Markets 7 First Nations Education in Canada 28 Bauer, William R. 33 Costas, Bob 36 First Nations of British Columbia, The 28 Beattie, Judith Hudson 30 Cost of Climate Policy, The 28 Fischer, Conan 35 Beavon, Dan 6 Cottington, David 18 Fishes of the Great Lakes Region 33 Beginning Theory 35 Country Post 31 Fishman, Sylvia Barack 33 Behavior and Ecology of Pacifi c Salmon and Coupland, Gary 6 Fitzgerald, Michael 35 Trout, The 3 Courtney, John C. 4 Food for Thought 35 Being a Tourist 28 Courts and the Colonies, The 8 Ford, John K.B. 29 Being Chinese 34 Couture and Commerce 28 Fredrickson, Jim 32 Benarde, Scott 33 Co-Workplace, The 28 Freeze Frame 32 Beresford-Kroeger, Diana 33 Cross, William 4 Friday, Chris 32 Berlin, Isaiah 36 Cruikshank, Julie 29 Friedman, Avi 30 Berry, Mike 17 Cruise of the Janet Nichol among the South Frigates and Foremasts 8 Best Democracy Money Can Buy, The 35 Sea Islands, The 31 From UI to EI 9 Beyond Tiananmen 36 Cubism and its Histories 18 Bill Reid 28 Cultures of the American New West, The 12 Gaddy, Clifford G. 36 Bioregionalism and Civil Society 9 Gallucci, Robert L. 10 Birch, Charles 32 Daalder, Ivo H. 11 Gann, Kyle 21 Birds of Oregon 31 Daly, Richard 9 Garden for Life, A 33 Birds of the Yukon Territory 28 Dawson, Michael 8 Gartner, Rosemary 29 Black, Martha 31 Deleyto, Celestino 13 Gasher, Mike 29 Blais, André 4 Dempsey, Dave 34 Gathering Moss 31 Blanket Weaving in the Southwest 34 Dene Spruce Root Basketry 31 Gay Male Pornography 8 Boswell, Sophie 27 Dene Ts’ukegháí Tene Rahesi 31 Gay Seattle 32 Bourque, Dominique 31 Despotic Dominion 8 Geller, Peter 2 Boushéy, Ann 26 Dietrich, William 32 Gender and Change in Hong Kong 8


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Germain, Georges-Hébert 31 Hunters and Bureaucrats 7 Life and Work 32 Gidengil, Elisabeth 4 Husain, Shahrukh 33 Life Lived Like a Story 29 Giles, Christine 32 Lifesaving Letters 32 Globalization and Well-Being 28 Icons and Legends 32 Light People, The 34 Global Corruption Report 2004 35 Idea of Pakistan, The 36 Lindsay, James M. 11 Goddess, The 33 If I Had a Hammer 9 Link, Russell 32 God and Caesar in China 10 Imagining Difference 9 Little, Margaret Hillyard 9 God Willing? 16 Impact of War on Children, The 29 Living with Earthquakes in the Pacifi c Going Critical 10 Implements of Golf, The 31 Northwest 31 Goldin, Farideh 34 Insiders and Outsiders 9 Living with Wildlife in the Pacifi c Northwest Granoff, Phyllis 29 Integrity Gap, The 29 32 Gray, David R. 31 Intensive Agriculture and Sustainability 9 Looking Forward, Glancing Back 15 Greatest Sedition Is Silence, The 35 International Environmental Law and Asian Louie, Louie 24 Gregorian, Vartan 36 Values 9 Lovecky, Deirdre V. 34 Growth Fetish 16 Introducing the Dragonfl ies of British Columbia Love in Good Time 34 Gunter, Jr., Michael M. 19 and the Yukon 30 Lyson, Thomas A. 20 Gustavus-Jones, Sarah 27 Invisible Giant 35 Gwyn, Julian 8 In the Long Run We’re All Dead 29 Machel, Graça 29 Iraqi Predicament, The 35 Mackie, Quentin 6 H.G. Wells 21 Islam 36 MacLaren, Roy 8 Halifax Explosion and the Royal Canadian Islamic Political Thought 12 Macnair, Peter L. 31 Navy, The 28 Ismael, Jacqueline S. 35 Magic Leaves, The 31 Halpin, Marjorie M. 30 Israel/Palestine 36 Making Native Space 29 Hamermesh, Mira 36 Mandel, Michael 16 Hamilton, Clive 16 Jaccard, Mark 28 Marie, Suzan 31 Hamrin, Carol Lee 10 Jackson, Jesse 17 Markey, Sean 9 Hanford Reach, The 22 Japanese Kite Prints 15 Marles, Robin J. 28 Hanieh, Adam 36 Japan at the Millennium 29 Marsh, Dave 24 Hankivsky, Olena 9 Jewish-American Literature since 1945 13 Marshall, David B. 31 Hardy, Henry 36 Johnson, Laura C. 28 Marston, Gwen 33 Harpur, John 35 Johnson-Smith, Jan 21 Mary Schafer, American Quilt Maker 33 Harris, R. Cole 29 Johnston, William 30 Masculinities without Men? 8 Harrison, Julia 28 John Cole 32 Matson, R.G. 6 Hart, Michael 30 Jolly, Roslyn 31 Matthews, Jenny 33 Hawker, Ronald W. 30 Journey to the Ice Age 29 Mauldin, Barbara 14 Hawkins, Gail 35 Maxim, Paul S. 6 Health Care and the Autism Spectrum 34 Kaouk, Aïda 31 Maxwell, Robyn 32 Hedlund, Ann Lane 22, 34 Karb, Marvin 36 Maynard, Margaret 18 Heiress vs the Establishment, The 28 Kay, Adah 36 May the Best Team Win 36 Helliwell, John F. 28 Keddie, Grant 31 McCarthy, Patrick 33 Helmick, Ray 17 Kemp, Daren 13 McGhee, Robert 28 Henry, Gordon 34 Kendall, Christopher N. 8 McLaren, John 8 Herman, Lloyd 15 Kernerman, Gerald 9 McRae, Donald M. 9 Herman, Patrick 35 Keshen, Jeffrey A. 30 Media and the War on Terrorism, The 36 Hess, Stephen 36 Killer Whales 29 Meehan, John D. 8 Hessing, Melody 9 Kimmerer, Robin Wall 31 Mgbeoji, Ikechi 8 Hickey, Dave 32 Kindopp, Jason 10 Miljan, Lydia 29 Hidden Agendas 29 Klokeid, Terry 23 Miller, David 35, 36 Hill, Fiona 36 Klondike Stampede, The 29 Milner, Henry 33 Hinde, John R. 8 Kneen, Brewster 35 Misplaced Distrust 7 Hinde, Robert 36 Kroeger, Christian H. 33 Modern Jihad 36 Hive of Dreams 31 Kuper, Richard 35 Molloy, Harvey 34 Hoe, Ban Seng 31 Kurtz, Lisa A. 35 Montpetit, Éric 7 Holding the Line 9 Morse, Kathryn 32 Hollows, Joanne 35 Ladies Who Lunge 32 Morton, Desmond 1 Hollywood North 29 Lagler, Karl F. 33 Morton-Cooper, Alison 34 Homeschooling the Child with Asperger Landau, Saul 36 Mr. Smith Goes to Ottawa 5 Syndrome 34 Lands within Me, The 31 Muckle, Robert J. 28 Hometown Horizons 8 Lanza, Joseph 33 Munitions of the Mind 35 Hong Kong Ballet, The 32 Lawlor, Maria 35 Murdering Holiness 29 Howard, Richard 9 Lawrence, Bonita 9 Mushkat, Roda 9 How America Gets Away with Murder 16 Lawren Stewart Harris 32 How to Find Work that Works for People with Law Commission of Canada, The 29 Nabhan, Gary Paul 34 AS 35 Lee, Eliza W.Y. 8 Nadasdy, Paul 7 How to Help a Clumsy Child 35 Lee, Eugene 29 Nadeau, Richard 4 How to Live with Autism 35 Legendary Hunters 23 Napoleoni, Loretta 36 Hubbs, Carl L. 33 Legislatures 5 Natural Grace 32 Hughes, Nancy L. 28 Lelooska 32 Nature of Gold, The 32 Humphries, Reynold 12 Leventhal-Belfer, Laurie 34 Navajo Weaving in the Late Twentieth Century Hunter, Andrew 32 Levitin, Jacqueline 30 22 Hunter, Matthew G. 31 Lewis, Timothy 29 Negotiating Outside the Law 17

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Negus, Keith 33 Rees, Stuart 32 Taking Stands 30 Neither Star Wars nor Sanctuary 10 Regime Unchanged 36 Taking Trade to the Streets 33 Netz, Reviel 20 Rentz, Ralph M. 34 Tales from the Attic 31 Nevitte, Neil 4 Reporters without Borders 36 Tales of Ghosts 30 New Age 13 Resnick, Philip 9 Tell Me Lies 36 New Perspectives on the Public-Private Divde Rise of the Nazis, The 35 ¡Tequila! 34 29 River of Angry Dogs, The 36 Terms of Endearment 13 Nicol, Heather N. 9 Road to Al-Quaeda, The 36 They Can’t Take That Away From Me 34 Nixon, Wendy A. 28 Robertson, Leslie A. 9 This Elusive Land 9 Noble, Jean Bobby 8 Robinson, Katherine 23 Thom, Ian M. 32 Northern Exposures 2 Robson, Claire 34 Thomas, Mark 35,36 Not the Slightest Chance 29 Rogue Scholar 33 Thompson, Judy 31 No Place to Run 29 Roseland, Mark 9 Too Much of a Good Thing Is Wonderful 34 Nyboer, John 28 Ross, Robert J.S. 24 Totem Poles 30 Rotblat, Joseph 36 Townsend-Gault, Ian 9 O’Hanlon, Michael E. 10 Roth, Milena 32 Trading Nation, A 30 One Nation under a Groove 33 Rourke, Byron P. 26 Training the Excluded for Work 30 On the Brink 34 Roy, Patricia E. 8 Transparency International 35 Open the Door 33 Rutherdale, Robert 8 Trischler, Helmuth 34 Oriental Question, The 8 Ryerson, Marjorie 33 Turner, Nancy J. 30 O’Shaughnessy, Nicholas Jackson 25 Tutu, Archbishop Desmond 32 Our Box Was Full 9 Sadownik, Bryn 28 Out of the Mist 31 Saints, Sinners, and Soldiers 30 Undelivered Letters to Hudson’s Bay Company Overton, Jennifer 35 Salmon Nation 31 Men on the Northwest Coast of America, 30 Sandilands, Catriona 9 Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders 35 Palast, Greg 35 Sari to Sarong 32 Understanding Your Baby 27 Palmer, Alexandra 28 Sarra, Janis 7 Understanding Your One-Year-Old 27 Parent to Parent 26 Schouls, Tim 6 Understanding Your Three-Year-Old 27 Passion for Peace 32 Schwartz, William B. 11 Unnatural Law 30 Passion for Wildlife, A 29 Second Growth 9 Unsettled Boundaries 32 Patterson, Ken 25 Secret Shakespeare 18 Paul, David 32 Selling British Columbia 8 Valenzuela-Zapata, Ana G. 34 People and Place 8 Sensitive Self, The 33 Vancouver Achievement, The 30 Pepper in Our Eyes 29 Shaped by the West Wind 9 Vasil, Latika 34 Perl, Anthony 29 Sheffi eld, R. Scott 8 Vodden, Kelly 9 Perras, Galen Roger 30 Shevtsova, Lilia 36 Philip Larkin I Knew, The 35 Shifting Boundaries 6 Wade, Stephen 13 Phillips, Jim 29 Shinohara, Koichi 29 Wagar, W. Warren 21 Philo, Greg 17 Siberian Curse, The 36 Wang-ngai, Siu 32 Pierce, John 9 Sinclair, Pamela H. 28 War No More 36 Pilgrims, Patrons, and Place 29 600 Moons 14 War of Patrols, A 30 Pitt, William Rivers 35 626 by 9 23 Water Music 33 Planning the New Suburbia 30 Slaves to Fashion 24 Watt, W. Montgomery 12 Plant Technology of First Peoples of British Smith, Gerald R. 33 Wedding Song 34 Columbia 30 Smith, Jennifer 4 Weldon, Fay 36 Plessis, Judith 30 Smith, Skip 22 Whaling Indians, The 23 Political Parties 4 Smokechasing 34 Wheat, Joe Ben 34 Politics and Propaganda 25 Snapshots of Autism 35 When Coal Was King 8 Poneman, Daniel B. 10 Social Policy and the Ethic of Care 9 White, Jerry P. 6 Popular Music in Theory 33 Songhees Pictorial 31 Williams, Chris 35 Posen, Sheldon 23 Song of Songs, The 19 Willis, John 31 Preece, Rod 28 Soroka, Stuart N. 28 Wilson, Colleen 31 Pre-Emptive Empire, The 36 Soviet Mind, The 36 Wilson, Richard 18 Primakov, Yevgeny M. 36 Special Kind of Brain, A 26 Winter Music 21 Prometheus Wired 30 Stapledon, Olaf 33 Wit, Joel S. 10 Pue, W. Wesley 29 Star Maker 33 Wodnik, Bob 32 Punter, John 30 Stars of David 33 Wolf, Edward C. 31 Putin’s Russia 36 Stein, Janice Gross 30 Wolff, Theodore F. 14 Pyles, Lise 34 Stepping Stones to Nowhere 30 Women and War 33 Pyne, Stephen J. 34 Stevenson, John 15 Women Filmmakers 30 Stevenson, Mrs. Robert Louis 31 World Challenged, A 36 Quinn, Thomas P. 3 Stewart, W. Lyn 31 Wright, Barry 35 Stolen Youth 36 Wright, Nancy E. 8 Raglon, Rebecca 9 Storck, Peter L. 29 Rai, Milan 36 Street Protests and Fantasy Parks 30 Yapko, Diane 35 Railscapes 32 Student Affairs 9 Yeats, Robert S. 31 Raoul, Valerie 30 Succeeding in College with Asperger Young, Lisa 5 “Real” Indians and Others 9 Syndrome 35 Reclaiming Indigenous Voice and Vision 30 Suettinger, Robert L. 36 Zimbalist, Andrew 36 Red Man’s on the Warpath, The 8 Sullivan, Terrence 28 Zuckerman, Seth 31 Reed, Maureen 30 Swainger, Jonathan 8 Zwinger, Susan 22


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America Unbound ¡Carnaval! Negotiating Outside the Law Cubism and its Histories Page 11 Page 14 Page 17 Page 18

Civic Agriculture Winter Music Navajo Weaving in the Late 626 by 9 Page 20 Page 21 20th Century Page 23 Page 22

Slaves to Fashion Going Critical Japanese Kite Prints Page 24 Page 10 Page 15 UBC_Trade_Catalogue_CR 5/3/04 4:38 PM Page 1

2003/2004 AWARD WINNERS Making Native Space PUBLISHERS REPRESENTED The Co-Workplace by Cole Harris WORLDWIDE by Laura C. Johnson • Winner, 2002 Sir John A. Canadian Forest Service • Winner, 2003 National Women Macdonald Prize, Canadian Laval University Press in Planning Award, American Historical Association (English Language Books) Planning Association • Winner, 2002 Clio Award for Royal British Columbia Museum British Columbia, Canadian Sierra Legal Defence Fund The Cost of Climate Policy Historical Association Western Geographical Press by Mark Jaccard, John Nyboer, and • Finalist, Hubert Evans Non-Fiction Bryn Sadownik Prize for best non-fiction literary • Shortlisted, 2002/2003 Donner PUBLISHERS REPRESENTED book, BC Book Prizes Prize, the Donner Foundation IN CANADA • Winner, 2003 Massey Medal, • Winner, 2002 Canadian Policy Brookings Institute Press Royal Canadian Geographical Research Award for Outstanding Canadian Museum of Civilization Society Research Contribution, Policy Edinburgh University Press • Winner, 2003 K.D. Srivastava Research, Government of Canada Hong Kong University Press Prize for Excellence in Scholarly • Shortlisted, 2003 Doug Purvis Jessica Kingsley Publishers Publishing Memorial Prize KITLV Press Misplaced Distrust Manchester University Press Gendering Government by Éric Montpetit Michigan State University Press by Louise Chappell • Shortlisted, 2003/2004 Donner National Gallery of Australia • Selected, Outstanding Academic Prize, Donner Foundation Oregon State University Press Title, CHOICE Paul Holberton Publishers • Winner, 2003 Victoria Schuck Taking Stands Pluto Press Award, American Political Science by Maureen Reed Silkworm Press Association • Winner, 2004 K.D. Srivastava Prize for Excellence in Scholarly University of Arizona Press Globalization and Well-Being Publishing University of Michigan Press by John F. Helliwell University of Washington Press A Trading Nation • Winner, 2002/2003 Donner University Press of New England by Michael Hart Prize, the Donner Foundation University of New South Wales Press • Nominated, 2002/2003 Donner The Halifax Explosion and the Waanders Publishers Prize, The Donner Foundation Royal Canadian Navy Washington State University Press • Shortlisted, 2003 Donald Smiley by John Griffith Armstrong Wesleyan University Press Award, Canadian Political Science • Winner, 2003 John Lyman Book Association Award for Canadian Naval and • Selected, Outstanding Academic Maritime History, the North Title, CHOICE American Society for Oceanic • Shortlisted, 2003 Dafoe Book History Prize, J.W. Dafoe Foundation • Honourable Mention, 2003 Keith • Shortlisted, 2003 Doug Purvis Matthews Prize, The Canadian Memorial Prize Nautical Research Society • Shortlisted, 2003 Dartmouth Unnatural Law Book Award, Non-fiction by David R. Boyd • Shortlisted, John and Mary • Shortlisted, 2004 Donald Smiley Savage First Book Award, Award, Canadian Political Science Dartmouth Book Awards Association Hidden Agendas The Vancouver Achievement by Lydia Miljan and Barry Cooper by John Punter • Shortlisted, 2003/2004 Donner • Recipient, 2004 City of Prize, Donner Foundation Vancouver Heritage Award of Recognition, City of Vancouver When Coal Was King by John Hinde • Honourable Mention, 2003 Lieutenant-Governor’s Medal for Historical Writing, BC Historical Foundation

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