Compiled by I. PETTMAN




The Freshwater Biological Association was founded on nth June 1929 and will thus celebrate its Jubilee in 1979. The main object of the Association, as set out in its Memorandum of Association, is: "To promote the investigation of the biology (in the widest interpretation of the word) of the and plants found in fresh (including brackish) waters". These investigations have been carried out by the scientific staff of the Associa- tion, and students and visiting researchers working at its laboratories. The results of these researches have nearly all been published, mostly in scientific journals but some in books or in the Association's own Scientific Publications or Occasional Publications. These papers and other publications have been listed in the Annual Reports and also in the annual sets of collected reprints bound for exchange with other libraries, but we have thought it appropriate, in our jubilee year, to issue a full list of all the publications emanating from the Association's work and its laboratories of which we are aware and which had been published up to January 1979. The total number of publications in this list is 1488+122 translations. They include work in several different fields of biology, but most have an ecological approach and others are on physical and chemical aspects of the freshwater environment. Taken together they provide the best measure of the Association's achievement as a research organisation in the first fifty years of its existence, and the principal way in which it would wish to be judged.

E.D. LeCren. Director.


Page List of Publications Part I 1 (papers distributed as FBA reprints) List of Publications Part II 101 (other publications)

Author Index to Lists of Publications 117

List of Translations (New Series) 122

All enquiries and correspondence to: The Librarian, Freshwater Biological Association, The Ferry House, Ambleside, Cumbria LA22 OLP, England. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1929-1978


Part I includes all papers which have been distributed as FBA reprints, together with the series of Scientific Publications. An up-to-date list of the latter may be obtained from the Librarian. Many of the papers listed are out of print, but those which are not are still available for distribution to members.

ULLYOTT, P. and BEAUCHAMP, R. S. A. 1931. Mechanisms for the prevention of self-fertilisation in some species of fresh-water Triclads. Q. Jl microsc. Sci. 74, 477-489. BEAUCHAMP, R. S. A. and ULLYOTT, P. 1932. Competitive relationships between certain species of fresh-water Triclads. J. Ecol. 20, 200-208. BEAUCHAMP, R. S. A. 1932. Some ecological factors and their influence on competition between stream and lake-living Triclads. J. Anim. Ecol. I, 175-190. ULLYOTT, P. 1932. Notes on Planaria vitta Duges. Q. Jl microsc. Sci. 75, 483-494. BEAUCHAMP, R. S. A. 1933. Rheotaxis in Planaria alpina. J. exp. Biol. 10, 113-129. PEARSALL, W. H. 1932. Phytoplankton in the English Lakes. II. The composition of the phytoplankton in relation to dissolved substances. J. Ecol. 20, 241-262. BEAUCHAMP, R. S. A. 1932. A new dredge. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 27, 467-469. PEARSALL, W. H. and ULLYOTT, P. 1933. Light penetration into fresh water. I. A thermionic potentiometer for measuring light intensity with photo-electric cells. J. exp. Biol. 10, 293-305. PEARSALL, W. H. and HEWITT, T. 1933. Light penetration into fresh water. II. Light penetration and change in vegetation limits in Windermere. J. exp. Biol. 10, 306-312. PEARSALL, W. H. and ULLYOTT, P. 1934. Light penetration into fresh water. III. Seasonal variations in the light conditions in Windermere in relation to vegetation. J. exp. Biol. 11, 89-93. 2 PAPERS—1932-36 11 ULLYOTT, P. 1934. Photoelektrische Apparate im Dienste der limnologischen Forschung. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 30, 164-180. 12 MOON, H. P. 1934. An investigation of the littoral region of Windermere. J. Anim. Ecol. 3, 8-28. 13 MOON, H. P. 1934. A quantitative survey of the Balaton mud fauna. Arb. ung. biol. ForschInst. 7, 170-189. 14 LOOSE, L., PEARSALL, W. H. and WILLIS, F. M. 1934. Carbon assimilation by Chlorella in Windermere. Proc. Leeds phil. lit. Soc. 2, 519-524. 15 BEAUCHAMP, R. S. A. 1935. The rate of movement of Planaria alpina. J. exp. Biol. 12, 271-285. 16 MOON, H. P. 1935. Methods and apparatus suitable for an investigation of the littoral region of oligotrophic lakes. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 32, 319-333. 17 PEARSALL, W. H. 1932. Freshwater Biological Laboratory on Windermere. J. Flyfishers' Club 21, 141-147. 18 PEARSALL, W. H. 1933. The Freshwater Biological Laboratory. J. Flyfishers' Club. 22. 19 "ARGUS" OF "GAME AND GUN". 1933. Research in freshwater biology. Vertical movements of the Plankton. Game Gun 10, 520-521. 20 PEARSALL, W. H. and ULLYOTT, P. 1933. Measurement of light for biological purposes. Nature, Lond. 131, 694. 21 PEARSALL, W. H. 1933. Urenoglopsis americana in Windermere. Naturalist, Hull, June, pp. 122-123. 22 ALLEN, K. R. 1934. The food of young perch. Game Gun, February. 23 ANON. 1934. Freshwater Biological Association of the British Empire. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 30, 247-250. 24 ALLEN, K. R. 1935. The food and migration of the perch (Perca fluviatilis) in Windermere. J. Anim. Ecol. 4, 264-273. 25 BRITISH WATERWORKS ASSOCIATION. 1936. Freshwater Biological Association of the British Empire. Off. Circ. Br. WatWks. Ass. 18, 155-157. PAPERS—1935-1937 3 26 HUMPHRIES, C. F. 1936. An investigation of the profundal and sublittoral fauna of Windermere. J. Anim. Ecol. 5, 29-52. 27 MOON, H. P. 1936. The shallow littoral region of a bay at the north-west end of Windermere. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. pp. 491-515. 28 PEARSALL, W. H. 1936. Uncommon and interesting algae in the Lake District. Naturalist, Hull, Sept. pp. 205-206. 29 ULLYOTT, P. 1936. The behaviour of Dendrocoelum lacteum. I. Responses at light-and-dark boundaries. J. exp. Biol. 13, 253-264. 30 ULLYOTT, P. 1936. The behaviour of Dendrocoelum lacteum. II. Responses in non- directional gradients. J. exp. Biol. 13, 265-278. 31 PICKEN, L. E. R. 1936. The mechanism of urine formation in invertebrates. I. The excretion mechanism in certain Arthropoda. J. exp. Biol. 13, 309-328. 32 EASTWOOD, T., PEARSALL, W. H. and MOON, H. J. 1936. The Lake District. Scientific survey of Blackpool and District. (British Association — Notes for Blackpool Meeting.)

33 PICKEN, L. E. R. 1937. The mechanism of urine formation in invertebrates. II. The excretory mechanism in certain Mollusca. J. exp. Biol. 14, 20-34.

34 BEAUCHAMP, R. S. A. 1937. Rate of movement and rheotaxis in Planaria alpina. J. exp. Biol. 14, 104-116.

35 ULLYOTT, P. and HOLMES, P. 1936. Thermal stratification in lakes. Nature, Lond. 138, 971.

36 GODWARD, M. 1937. An ecological and taxonomic investigation of the littoral algal flora of Lake Windermere. J. Ecol. 25, 496-568.

37 MOON, H. P. 1935. Flood movements of the littoral fauna of Windermere. J. Anim. Ecol. 4, 216-228.

38 SAUNDERS, J. T. and ULLYOTT, P. 1937. Thermo-electric apparatus for limnological research. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 34, 562-577.

39 HOLMES, P. F. 1937. Pseudocandona elongata, a new species of Ostracod. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (Ser. 10) 19, 422-430. 4 PAPERS—1937-1938 40 ROSENBERG, M. 1937. Algae and trout. A biological aspect of the poor trout season in 1937 Salm. Trout Mag. 89, 313-322. 41 BUXTON, P. A. 1937. The work of the Freshwater Biological Association of the British Empire. Off. Circ. Br. WatWks Ass. 19, 670-674. 42 ULLYOTT, P. 1937. An apparatus for plankton counting. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 34.15-23. 43 WAILES, G. H. 1938. A new Tintinnid from Lake Windermere. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (Ser. 11) 1, 496-497. 44 WAILES, G. H. 1938. A note on some Rhizopoda of the genus Nebela from Westmorland. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (Ser. 11) 1, 553-555. 45 ALLEN, K. R. 1938. Deterioration of Windermere trout. An attempt at an explanation. Salm. Trout Mag. 91, 152-156. 46 MACAN, T. T. 1938. Evolution of aquatic habitats, with special reference to the distribution of Corixidae. J. Anim. Ecol. 7, 1-19. 47 NATURE. 1938. Research in freshwater biology in Great Britain. Nature, Lond. 142, 238. 48 MISRA, R. D. 1938. Edaphic factors in the distribution of aquatic plants in the English Lakes. J. Ecol. 26, 411-451. 48a MISRA, R. 1937. Lake muds and their plant succession. Rep. Br. Ass. Advmt Sci. 1937 (Nottingham). 49 JENKIN, B. M. and MORTIMER, C. H. 1938. Sampling lake deposits. Nature, Lond. 142, 834. 50 WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1938. Some aspects of British freshwater research. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. Session 150, part 2, 100-102. 50a WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1937. On the evolution of in the Great Lakes of Africa. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 35, 304-317. 51 ALLEN, K. R. 1938. Some observations on the biology of the trout (Salmo trutta) in Windermere. J. Anim. Ecol. 7, 333-349. 52 MOON, H. P. 1938. The growth of Coenis horaria (L), Leptophlebia vespertina (L), and L. marginata (L) (Ephemeroptera). Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 108, 507-512. PAPERS—1939-1940 5 53 MORTIMER, C. H. 1939. The nitrogen balance of large quantities of water. Off. Circ. Br. WatWks Ass. 21, 154-162. 54 ROSENBERG, M. 1939. Algae as indicators of water conditions. Off. Circ. Br. WatWks Ass. 21, 163-167. 55 BEDDINGTON, R. and WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1939. Improving our fisheries. Game Gun, March. 56 WORTHINGTON, E. B. MORTIMER, C. H., ROSENBERG, M. and GARDINER, A. C. 1939. Discussion on freshwater biology and its applications. Ann. appl. Biol. 26, 165-177. 57 MACAN, T. T. 1939. (Scientific Publication No. 1) A key to the British species of Corixidae (Hemiptera-Heteroptera) with notes on their distribution. 27 pp. 58 WAILES, G. H. 1939. The plankton of Lake Windermere, England. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (Ser. 11) 3, 401-414. 59 ALLEN, K. R. 1939. A note on the food of pike (Esox lucius) in Windermere. J. Anim. Ecol. 8, 72-75. 60 MACAN, T. T. 1939. The Culicidae of the Cambridge district. Parasitology, 31, 263-269. 61 PEARSALL, W. H. and MORTIMER, C. H. 1939. Oxidation-reduction potentials in water-logged soils, natural waters and muds. J. Ecol. 27, 483-501. 62 TAYLOR, C. B. 1939. Bacteria of lakes and impounded waters. Off. Circ. Br. WatWks Ass. 21, 616-623. 63 MACAN, T. T. 1939. Notes on the migration of some aquatic insects. J. Soc. Br. Ent. 2, 1-6.

64 WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1939. Breeding aquatic insects. Salm. Trout Mag. 96, 213-215.

65 SWYNNERTON, G. H. and WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1939. Brown trout growth in the Lake District. A study of the conditions in acid lakes and tarns. Salm. Trout Mag. 97, 337-355.

66 MORTIMER, C. H. and WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1940. A new application of echo-sounding. Nature, Lond. 145, 212.

67 WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1940. Fish under ice — A warning. Fishg Gaz., Lond. February. 6 PAPERS—1940 68 MACAN, T. T. 1940. Dytiscidae and Haliplidae (Col.) in the Lake District. Trans. Soc. Br. Ent. 7, 1-20. 69 ROSENBERG, M. 1940. Formation and division of binucleate giant cells in Macrasterias americana (Ehrenb.) Ralfs. New Phytol. 39, 80-85. 70 WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1940. Correspondence — Brown trout growth in the Lake District. Salm. Trout Mag. 98, 19-21. 70a WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1940. Geographical differentiation in fresh waters, with special reference to fish. The New Systematics, (Ed. J. S. Huxley), pp. 287-302, Oxford. 71 ALLEN, K. R. 1940. Studies on the biology of the early stages of the Salmon (Salmo salar). 1. Growth in the River Eden. J. Anim. Ecol. 9, 1-23. 72 McCLEAN, W. N. 1940. Windermere basin: Rainfall, runoff and storage. Q. Jl R. Met. Soc. 66, 337-362. 73 HYNES, H. B. N. 1940. (Scientific Publication No. 2) A key to the British species of Plecoptera (Stoneflies) with notes on their ecology. 39 pp. 74 HARTLEY, P. H. T. 1940. (Scientific Publication No. 3) The food of coarse fish, being the interim report on the Coarse Fish Investigation 33 pp. 75 FROST, W. E. 1940. Rainbows in acid water. A note on the trout of a peat lough on Arranmore. Salm. Trout Mag. 100, 234-240. 76 SWYNNERTON, G. H. and WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1940. Note on the food of fish in Haweswater (Westmorland). J. Anim. Ecol. 9, 183-187.

77 MORTIMER, C. H. 1940. An apparatus for obtaining water from different depths for bacteriological examination. J. Hyg., Camb. 40, 641-646.

78 TAYLOR, C. B. 1940. Bacteriology of fresh water. 1. Distribution of bacteria in English lakes. J. Hyg., Camb. 40, 616-640.

79 MACAN, T. T. and MACAN, Z. 1940. Preliminary note on the Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera of the Hampshire Avon and its tributaries. J. Soc. Br. Ent. 2, 53-61.

80 MACAN, T. T. 1941. (Scientific Publication No. 4) A key to the British water-bugs (Hemiptera-Heteroptera, excluding Corixidae) with notes on their ecology. 36 pp. PAPERS—1941 7 81 RICHARDSON, E. G. 1941. A physical analysis of certain lake deposits. Proc. Univ. Durham phil. Soc. 10, 222-227. 82 TAYLOR, C. B. 1941. Bacteriology of fresh water. II. The distribution and types of coliform bacteria in lakes and streams. J. Hyg., Camb. 41, 17-38. 83 JENKIN, B. M., MORTIMER, C. H. and PENNINGTON, W. 1941. The study of lake deposits. Nature, Lond. 147, 496. 84 WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1941. Rainbow trout in Britain. Salm. Trout Mag. 100, 241-260, and 101, 16 and 62-99.

85 ALLEN, K. R. 1941. Studies on the biology of the early stages of the salmon (Salmo salar). II. Feeding habits. J. Anim. Ecol. 10, 47-76.

86 SCOURFIELD, D. J. and HARDING, J. P. 1941. (Scientific Publication No. 5) A key to the British species of freshwater Cladocera with notes on their ecology. 50 pp.

87 SCOURFIELD, D. J. 1941. Discovery of Mysis relicta in Ennerdale. Nature, Lond. 148, 228.

88 HICKIN, N. 1941. Some records of Trichoptera in the Lake District. Entomologist's mon. Mag. 77, 252.

89 PENNINGTON, W. 1941. Plankton as a source of food. Nature, Lond. 148, 314.

90 KIMMINS, D. E. 1941. A new species of Nemouridae (Plecoptera). J. Soc. Br. Ent. 2, 89-93.

91 BUCHANAN-WOLLASTON, H. J. 1941. On tests of the significance of differences in degree of pollution by coliform bacteria, and on the estimation of such differences. J. Hyg., Camb. 41, 139-168.

92 TAYLOR, C. B. 1941. The distribution of bacteria in lakes and their inflows. Proc. Soc. agric. Bact., 1-3. The types of coliform bacteria in rivers and lakes. Proc. Soc. agric. Bact., 4-6. [Abstracts.]

93 WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1941. Perch in British lakes. Nature, Lond. 148, 651.

94 HYNES. H. B. N. 1941. The and ecology of the nymphs of British Plecoptera with notes on the adults and eggs. Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 91, 459-557. 8 PAPERS—1939-1942 95 WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1942. The Windermere perch fishery, and possibilities of its expansion. Fishg Gaz., Lond., January. 96 ALLEN, K. R. 1941. Studies on the biology of the early stages of the Salmon (Salmo salar). III. Growth in the Thurso river system, Caithness. J. Anim. Ecol. 10, 273-295. 97 MACAN, T. T. and MACFADYEN, A. 1941. The water bugs of dewponds. J. Anim. Ecol. 10, 175-183. 98 WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1942. Perch trapping. Saint. Trout Mag. 104, 64-68. 99 FROST, W. E. 1942. River Liffey Survey. IV. The fauna of the submerged "mosses" in an acid and an alkaline water. Proc. R. Ir. Acad. 47, 293-369. 99a FROST, W. E. 1939. River Liffey Survey. II. Food consumed by the brown trout (Salmo trutta Linn.) in acid and alkaline waters. Proc. R. Ir. Acad. 45, 139-206. 99b FROST, W. E. and WENT, A. E. J. 1940. River Liffey Survey. III. The growth and food of young salmon. Proc. R. Ir. Acad.. 46, 53-80.

100 ROSENBERG, M. 1941. Chrysochaete, a new genus of the Chrysophyceae allied to Naegeliella. New Phytol. 40, 304-315.

101 KIMMINS, D. E. 1942. Cyrnus insolutus Mcl., (Trichoptera) new to Britain. Entomologist 75, 66-88.

102 MACAN, T. T., MORTIMER, C. H. and WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1942 (Scientific Publication No. 6) The production of freshwater fish for food. 36 pp.

103 NATURE, EDITORS OF. 1942. Freshwater fish farming. (Review of Sci. Pub. No. 6) Nature, Lond. 149. 435. 104 TAYLOR, C. B. 1942. The ecology and significance of the different types of coliform bacteria found in water. A review of the literature. J. Hyg., Camb. 42, 23-44.

105 MORTIMER, C. H. 1941. The exchange of dissolved substances between mud and water in lakes. I and II. J. Ecol. 29, 280-329. III and IV. J. Ecol. 30, 147-201.

106 BUCHANAN-WOLLASTON, H. J. 1942. Notes on the subject matter of a previous paper (F.B.A. 91). J. Hyg. Camb. 42, 211-217. PAPERS—1942-1943 9 107 TAYLOR, C. B. 1942. Bacteriology of freshwater. III. The types of bacteria present in lakes and streams and their relationship to the bacterial flora of soil. J. Hyg. Camb. 43, 284-296. 108 WENT, A. E. J. and FROST, W. E. 1942. River Liffey Survey. V. Growth of brown trout (Salmo trutta) in alkaline and acid waters. Proc. R. Ir. Acad. 48, 67-84. 109 KIMMINS, D. E. 1942 (Scientific Publication No. 7) Keys to the British species of Ephemeroptera, with keys to the genera of the nymphs. 64 pp. 110 PENNINGTON, W. 1942. Experiments on the utilisation of nitrogen in freshwater. J. Ecol. 30, 326-340. 111 MORTIMER, C. H. and WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1942. Morphometric data for Windermere. J. Anim. Ecol. II, 245-247. 112 JENKIN, P. M. 1942. Seasonal changes in the temperature of Windermere (English Lake District). J. Anim. Ecol. II, 248-269. 113 KIMMINS, D. E. 1943. Some records of Lake District Psocoptera. J. Soc. Br. Ent. 2, 157-158. 114 KIMMINS, D. E. 1943. A list of the Trichoptera (Caddis-flies) of the Lake District, with distri- butional and seasonal data. J. Soc. Br. Ent., 2, 136-157. 115 KIMMINS, D. E. 1943. Amphinemura standfussi Ris (Plecopt.) in the Lake District. J. Soc. Br. Ent. 2, 158-160. 116 WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1943. Freshwater fisheries in the British Colonial Empire. Nature, Lond. 151, 353. 117 LIND, E. M. 1943. Life in fresh water. Sch. Sci. Rev. 93, 187-192. 118 KIMMINS, D. E. 1943. Rhabdiopteryx angelica, a new British species of Plecoptera. Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (B.) 12, 42-44. 119 KIMMINS, D. E. 1943. A species of Caenis (Ephemeroptera) new to Britain, with notes on the nymphs of some other species. Entomologist 76, 123-126. 120 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS. T. G. TUTIN). 1943. Lake sediments: the bottom deposits of the North Basin of Windermere, with special reference to the diatom succession. New Phytol. 42, 1-27. 121 KIMMINS, D. E. and FROST, W. E. 1943. Observations on the nymph and adult of Ephemerella notata Eaton (Ephemeroptera) Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (A) 18, 43-49. 10 PAPERS—1943-1945 122 SCOURFIELD, D. J. 1943. The Entomostraca of the bottom deposits of Windermere. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. Session 154, Part 3, 253-258. 123 KIMMINS, D. E. 1943. Further notes on Caenis moesta Bengetss. (Ephemeroptera) Entomol­ ogist, 76, 199-200. 124 KIMMINS, D. E. 1943. A note on the Caddis Fly, Mystrophora intermedia Klapalek (Trichoptera). Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (A) 18, 96-98. 125 WELMAN, J. B. and WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1943. The food of the crocodile (Crocodilus niloticus L.) Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. (A) 113, 108-112. 126 FROST, W. E. 1943. The natural history of the minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus). J. Anim. Ecol. 12, 139-162. 127 POPHAM, E. J. 1943. Ecological studies of the commoner species of British Corixidae J. Anim. Ecol. 12, 124-136. 128 KIMMINS, D. E. 1943. (Scientific Publication No. 8) Keys to the British species of aquatic Megaloptera and Neuroptera. 20 pp. 129 KIMMINS, D. E. 1944. Supplementary notes on the Trichoptera of the English Lake District. Entomologist 77, 81-84. 130 ROSENBERG, M. 1944. On the variability of the Desmid Xanthidium subhastiferum West. New Phytol. 43, 15-22.

131 ALLEN, K. R. 1944. Studies on the biology of the early stages of the Salmon (Salmo salar.) IV. The smolt migration in the Thurso River in 1938. J. Anim. Ecol. 13, 63-85.

132 SMART, J. 1944. (Scientific Publication No. 9) The British Simuliidae, with keys to the species in the adult, pupal and larval stages. (57 pp.)

133 ROSENBERG, M. 1944. On a blue-green Cryptomonad, Chroömonas nordstedtii Hansg. Ann. Bot. 8, 315-322.

134 BUCHANAN-WOLLASTON, H. J. 1945. (Scientific Publication No. 10) On statistical treatment of the results of parallel trials, with special reference to fishery research. 55 pp.

135 TAYLOR, C. B. 1945. The effect of temperature of incubation on the results of tests for differ- entiating species of Coliform Bacteria. J. Hyg., Camb. 44, 109-115. PAPERS—1945-1947 11 136 FROST, W. E. 1945. River Liffey Survey. VI. Discussion on the results obtained from investigations on the food and growth of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in alkaline and acid waters. Proc. R. Ir. Acad. 50, B321-342. 137 CERNOSVITOV, L. 1945. Oligochaeta from Windermere and the Lake District. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 4, 523-548. 138 FROST, W. E. 1945. The age and growth of eels (Anguilla anguilla) from the Windermere catchment area. Part I. J. Anim. Ecol. 14, 26-36. 139 FROST, W. E. 1945. The age and growth of eels (Anguilla anguilla) from the Windermere catchment area. Part II. J. Anim. Ecol. 14, 106-124. 140 PEARSALL, W. H., GARDINER, A. C. and GREENSHIELDS, F. 1946. (Scientific Publication No. 11) Freshwater biology and water supply in Britain. 90 pp. 141 FROST, W. E. 1946. Observations on the food of eels (Anguilla anguilla) from the Windermere catchment area. J. Anim. Ecol. 15, 43-53. 142 FROST, W. E. 1946. On the food relationships of fish in Windermere. Biol. Jaarb. 13, 216-231. 143 LUND, J. W. G. 1946. Observations on soil algae. I. The ecology, size and taxonomy of British soil diatoms. New Phytol. 44, 196-219 and 45, 56-110. 144 TAYLOR, C. B. 1946. Loss of available phosphate in soil due to micro-organisms. Nature, Lond. 158, 447. 145 PEARSALL, W. H. and PENNINGTON, W. (MRS. T. G. TUTIN). 1947. Ecological history of the English Lake District. J. Ecol. 34, 137-148. 146 MACAN, T. T. 1947. Taxonomy of aquatic insect nymphs and larvae. Nature, Lond. 159, 595. 147 TAYLOR, C. B. 1947. Reduction of potassium permanganate in the presence of glass. Nature, Lond. 160, 56. 148 HARTLEY, P. H. T. 1947. The natural history of some British freshwater . Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 117, 129-206. 149 HARTLEY, P. H. T. 1947. (Scientific Publication No. 12) The coarse fishes of Britain, being the final report of the Coarse Fish Investigation. (40 pp.) 150 TAYLOR, C. B. 1947. Bacteriology of water. Nature, Lond. 160, 583. 12 PAPERS—1947-1948 151 LUND, J. W. G. 1947. Observations on soil algae. II. Notes on groups other than diatoms. New Phytol. 46, 35-60. 152 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS. T. G. TUTIN). 1947. Studies of the post-glacial history of British vegetation. VII. Lake sediments; pollen diagrams from the bottom deposits of the North basin of Windermere. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (B) 233, 137-175. 153 TAYLOR, C. B. 1947. Some aspects of the bacteriology of lakes and streams. Proc. Soc. appl. Bact. I, 31-33. 154 LUND, J. W. G. 1947. Observations on soil algae. III. Species of Chlamydomonas Ehr. in relation to variability within the genus. New Phytol. 46, 185-194. 155 GRAINGER, J. 1947. Nutrition and flowering of water plants. J. Ecol. 35, 49-64. 156 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS. T. G. TUTIN). 1947. The lake sediments of Windermere. Br. Sci. News 50, 1-4. 157 LE CREN, E. D. 1947. The determination of the age and growth of the perch (Perca fluviatilis) from the opercular bone. J. Anim Ecol. 16, 188-204. 158 MACAN, T. T. 1948. Fish production and the use of manures. Country Sportsman, 25, July. 159 TAYLOR, C. B. 1948. The bacteriology of lakes. Endeavour 7, 111-115. 160 HARTLEY, P. H. T. 1948. Food and feeding relationships in a community of fresh-water fishes. J. Anim. Ecol. 17, 1-14. 161 MACAN, T. T. 1948. Mosquitos and malaria in the Kabaw and Kale valleys, Burma. Bull. Ent. Res. 39, 237-268. 162 TAYLOR, C. B. 1948. Phosphorus deficiency in relation to the nitrate reduction test. Comment on a paper by Isobel Dimmick. Can. J. Res. (C) 26, 455-459. 163 CANTER, H. M. and LUND, J. W. G. 1948. Studies on plankton parasites. I. Fluctuations in the numbers of Asterionella formosa Hass. in relation to fungal epidemics. New Phytol. 47, 238-261. 164 MACAN, T. T. 1949. Fresh-water snails. Country Sportsman, 26, February. 165 TAYLOR, C. B. and COLLINS, V. G. 1949. Development of bacteria in waters stored in glass containers. J. gen. Microbiol. 3, 32-42. PAPERS—1948-1949 13 166 FROST, W. E. and T. T. MACAN. 1948. Corixidae (Hemiptera) as food of fish. J. Anim. Ecol. 17, 174-179. 167 MACAN, T. T. 1949. The taxonomy of the nymphs of the British species of the genus Ecdyonurus (Ephem.). Entomologist's mon. Mag. 85, 64-70. 168 CANTER, H. M. 1949. Studies on British Chytrids. VI. Aquatic Synchytriaceae. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 32, 69-94. 169 . CANTER, H. M. 1949. Studies on British Chytrids. IV. Chytriomyces tabellariae (Schröter) n. comb, parasitised by Septosperma anomalum (Couch) Whiffen. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 32, 16-21. 170 CANTER, H. M. 1949. Studies on British Chytrids. V. On Olpidium hyalothecae Scherffel and Olpidium utriculiforme Scherffel. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 32, 23-29. 171 MORTIMER, C. H. 1949. Underwater 'soils': a review of lake sediments. J. Soil Sci. 1, 63-73. 172 MACAN, T. T. 1949. (Scientific Publication No. 13) A key to the British fresh- and brackish-water Gastropods with notes on their ecology. (45 pp.)

173 MACAN, T. T. 1949. Descriptions of the nymphs of the British species of Cloëon, Procloëon and Centroptilum (Ephem., Baëtidae). Entomologist's mon. Mag. 85, 222-228.

174 FOOT, C. H. and TAYLOR, C. B. 1949. The influence of the composition of the medium on the growth of bacteria from water. Proc. Soc. appl. Bact. 1, 11-13.

175 TAYLOR, C. B. 1949. Factors affecting the bacterial population of lake waters. Proc. Soc. appl. Bact. I, 4-10.

176 MACAN, T. T. 1949. Corixidae (Hemiptera) of an evolved lake in the English Lake District. Hydrobiologia 2, 1-23.

177 LUND, J. W. G. 1949. Studies on Asterionella. I. The origin and nature of the cells producing seasonal maxima. J. Ecol. 37, 389-419.

178 LUND, J. W. G. 1949. New or rare British Chrysophyceae. I. New Phytol. 48, 453-460.

179 CANTER, H. M. 1949. On Aphanomycopsis bacillariacearum Scherffel, A. desmidiella n. sp. and Ancylistes spp. in Great Britain. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 32, 162-170. 14 PAPERS—1949-1950 180 MACAN, T. T. 1950. The freshwater shrimp. Country Sportsman 27, 67. 181 MORTIMER, C. H. 1949. Seasonal changes in chemical conditions near the mud surface in two lakes of the English Lake District. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 10, 353-356. 182 MACAN, T. T. 1949. Survey of a moorland fishpond. J. Anim. Ecol. 18, 160-186. 183 LUND, J. W. G. 1950. An alternative to Latin diagnoses. Nature, Lond. 165, 454. 184 LUND, J. W. G. 1950. Contributions to our knowledge of British algae. Hydrobiologia 2, 281-284. 185 TAYLOR, C. B. 1949. The effect of phosphorus on the decomposition of organic matter in fresh water. Proc. Soc. appl. Bact. 1949, No. 2, 96-99.

186 LUND, J. W. G. 1950. Algological notes I-III. I. Pleurocapsa minor Hangs, em. Geitler. 11. Mallomonas reginae Teiling. III. Chlamydomonas proboscigera Korschikoff. Naturalist, Hull, No. 833, 45-49.

187 WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1950. An experiment with populations of fish in Windermere, 1939-48. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 120, 113-149.

188 LUND, J. W. G. 1950. Studies on Asterionella formosa Hass. II. Nutrient depletion and the Spring maximum. Part I. Observations on Windermere, Esthwaite Water and Blelham Tarn. J. Ecol. 38, 1-14.

189 LUND, J. W. G. 1950. Studies on Asterionella formosa Hass. II. Nutrient depletion and the Spring maximum. Part II. Discussion. J. Ecol. 38, 15-35.

190 MACAN, T. T. 1950. Descriptions of some nymphs of the British species of the genus Baëtis (Ephem.). Trans. Soc. Br. Ent. 10, 144-166.

191 LUND, J. W. G. 1950. Algological Notes IV-VI. IV. Motility in unicellular and colonial Myxophyceae and records of the occurrence of some of the species in Great Britain. V. Chlamydomonas terricola Gerloff. VI. The distribution and ecology of Stephanosphaera pluvialis Cohn with a note on Haematococcus lacustris Flotow em. Wille. Naturalist, Hull. No. 835, 143-148.

192 MACAN, T. T. 1950. Malaria survey of the Arakan region of Bengal and Burma. Parasitology 40, 290-297. PAPERS—1950-1951 15 193 FROST, W. E. 1950. The eel fisheries of the River Bann, Northern Ireland, and observations on the age of the silver eels. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer 16, 358-383. 194 CANTER, H. M. (MRS. J. W. G. LUND). 1950. Studies on British Chytrids. VIII. On Rhizophidium anomalum n.sp. New Phytol. 49, 98-102. 195 CANTER, H. M. 1950. Fungal parasites of the Phytoplankton. I. (Studies on British Chytrids, X). Ann. Bot. N.S. 14, 263-289, PI. VIII.

196 CANTER, H. M. 1949. Studies oh British Chytrids. VII. On Phlyctochytrium mucronatum n.sp. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 33, 236-240. 197 FRESHWATER BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. 1950. Opening of Windermere Laboratory. Nature, Lond. 166, 1021-1023.

198 FROST, W. E. and MACAN, T. T. 1950. Pisciculture. Chambers's Encyclopaedia 10, 744-746.

199 MACAN, T. T. 1951. The taxonomy of the British species of Siphlonuridae (Ephem.). Hydrobiologia 3, 84-92.

200 LUND, J. W. G. 1951. Contributions to our knowledge of British algae XII. Hydrobiologia 3, 93-100.

201 MACAN, T. T. 1950. Ecology of fresh-water Mollusca in the English Lake District. J. Anim. Ecol. 19, 124-146.

202 FROST, W. E. 1950. The growth and food of young salmon (Salmo salar) and trout (5. trutta) in the River Forss, Caithness. J. Anim. Ecol. 19, 147-158.

203 CANTER, H. M. 1951. Fungal parasites of the phytoplankton. II. (Studies on British Chytrids, XII). Ann. Bot., N.S. 15, 129-156, pl. VIII-XI.

204 CANTER, H. M. 1950. Studies on British Chytrids. IX. Anisolpidium stigeoclonii (De Wildeman) n. comb. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 33, 335-344.

205 CANTER, H. M. 1950. Studies on British Chytrids. XI. Chytridium oedogonii Couch. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 33, 354-358.

206 MACKERETH, F. J. H. 1951. A colorimetric method for routine estimation of calcium in natural waters. Analyst, Lond. 76, 482-484.

207 MORTIMER, C. H. 1951. The use of models in the study of water movement in stratified lakes. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. II, 254-260. 16 PAPERS—1951-1952 208 CANTER, H. M. and LUND, J. W. G. 1951. Studies on plankton parasites. III. Examples of the interaction between parasitism and other factors determining the growth of diatoms. Ann. Bot., N.S. 15, 359-371, pl. XVI-XVII. 209 LOWE, R. H. 1951. Factors influencing the runs of elvers in the River Bann, Northern Ireland. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer. 17, 299-315. 210 MACAN, T. T. 1951. Mosquito records from the southern part of the Lake District. Entomologist's Gaz. 2, 141-147, pl. 3. 211 LUND, J. W. G. 1951. A sedimentation technique for counting algae and other organisms. Hydrobiologia 3, 390-394. 212 LE CREN, E. D. 1951. The length-weight relationships and seasonal cycle in gonad weight and condition in the perch (Perca fluviatilis) J. Anim. Ecol. 20, 201-219. 213 MACKERETH, F. J. and SMYLY, W. J. P. 1951. Toxicity of copper in solution to the stone-loach. Nature, Lond. 168, 1130. 214 LUND, J. W. G. and SCOTT, L. I. 1952. A new British algal record: Pyramimonas reticulata Korsch. Naturalist, Hull., No. 841, 55-58. 215 MORTIMER, C. H. 1952. Water movements in lakes during summer stratification; evidence from the distribution of temperature in Windermere. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (B). 236, 355-404. 216 MORTIMER, C. H. 1951. Water movements in stratified lakes, deduced from observations in Windermere and model experiments. Assembl. gen. Un. geod. geophys. int. 3. 335-349. 217 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1952. The Entomostraca of the weeds of a moorland pond. J. Anim. Ecol. 21, I-II. 218 FROST, W. E. and SMYLY, W. J. P. 1952. The brown trout of a moorland fishpond. J. Anim. Ecol. 21, 62-86. 219 KNUDSON, B. M. 1952. The diatom genus Tabellaria. I. Taxonomy and morphology. Ann. Bot., N.S. 16, 421-440. 220 FROST, W. E. 1952. Predators on the eggs of char in Windermere. Salm. Trout Mag., No. 136, 193-197. 221 LOWE, R. H. 1952. Letter to the Editor. [Referring to paper 209.] J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer. 18, 241-244. PAPERS—1952-1953 17 222 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1952. Observations on the food of the fry of perch (Perca fluviatilis Linn.) in Windermere. Proc. zool. Soc, Lond. 122, 407-416. 223 MACAN, T. T. 1952. Taxonomy of the nymphs of the British species of Leptophlebiidae (Ephem.). Hydrobiologia 4, 363-376. 224 LUND, J. W. G. 1952. On Dinobryon suecicum Lemm. var. longispinum Lemm; Chlamydomonas gloeophila Skuja; C. dinobryoni G. M. Smith and Planktosphaeria gelatinosa G. M. Smith with a note on Sphaerocystis schroeteri Chodat. Naturalist, Hull, No. 843, 163-166. 225 INGOLD, C. T. and CHAPMAN, B. 1952. Aquatic Ascomycetes. Loramyces juncicola Weston and L. macrospora n.sp. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 35, 268-272, pl. 12. 225a THOMPSON, G. J. and GILSON, H. C. 1952. How to remove unwanted perch and pike: F.B.A. experiments described. J. Br. WatWks. Ass. 35, 88-98. 226 KNUDSON, B. M. 1953. The diatom genus Tabellaria. II. Taxonomy and morphology of the plankton varieties. Ann. Bot., N.S. 17, 131-135.

227 LUND, J. W. G. 1953. New or rare British Chrysophyceae. II. Hyalobryon polymorphum n.sp. and Chrysonebula holmesii n.gen., n.sp. New Phtyol. 52, 114-123.

228 CANTER, H. M. and LUND, J. W. G. 1953. Studies on plankton parasites. II. The parasitism of diatoms, with special reference to lakes in the English Lake District. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 36, 13-37.

229 MORTIMER, C. H. 1953. A review of temperature measurement in limnology. Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. I, 25 pp.

230 MORTIMER, C. H. and MOORE, W. H. 1953. The use of thermistors for the measurement of lake temperatures. Mitt, int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 2, pp. 42.

231 MORTIMER, C. H, 1953. The resonant response of stratified lakes to wind. Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 15, 94-151.

232 KNUDSON, B. M. 1953. The diatom genus Tabellaria. III. Problems of infra-specific taxonomy and evolution in T. flocculosa. Ann. Bot., N.S. 17, 597-609.

233 MACKERETH, F. J. 1953. Phosphorus utilization by Asterionella formosa Hass. J. exp. Bot., 4, 296-313. 18 PAPERS—1953-1954 233a FROST, W. E. 1953. Sport fishing in the British Isles. Mich. Conserv., July-August 1953, 7-10.

234 FRYER, G. and SMYLY, W. J. P. 1954. Some remarks on the resting stages of some freshwater cyclopoid and harpacticoid copepods. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. Ser. 12, 7, 65-72, pl. 2. 235 CANTER, H. M. 1953. Annotated list of British aquatic chytrids. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 36, 278-303. 236 LUND, J. W. G. 1954. The seasonal cycle of the plankton diatom, Melosira italica (Ehr.) Kütz. subsp. subarctica O. Müll. J. Ecol. 42, 151-179. 237 MORTIMER, C. H. and HICKLING, C. F. 1954. Fertilizers in fishponds. Fish. Publ., Lond. No. 5, 155 pp. 238 MACAN, T. T. 1954. The Corixidae (Hemipt.) of some Danish lakes. Hydrobiologia 6, 44-69. 239 LUND, J. W. G. 1954. Contributions to our knowledge of British algae. XIII. Chlamydomonas gordalensis n.sp., Golenkinia chlorelloides n.sp. and Uroglena eustylis Skuja. Hydrobiologia 6, 136-143.

240 INGOLD, C. T. 1954. Aquatic Ascomycetes: Discomycetes from lakes. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc, 37, 1-18.

241 MACAN, T. T. 1954. A contribution to the study of the ecology of Corixidae (Hemipt.) J. Anim. Ecol. 23, 115-141.

242 SWIFT, D. R. 1954. Influence of mammalian growth hormone on rate of growth of fish. Nature, Lond. 173, 1096.

243 CANTER, H. M. 1954. Fungal parasites of the phytoplankton. III. (Studies on British chytrids. XIII). Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 37, 111-133, pl. 3-5.

244 MACAN, T. T. and LUND, J. W. G. 1954. Records from some Irish lakes. 1. Mollusca, Gammarus, Asellus, Ephemeroptera and Heteroptera. 2. Phytoplankton. Proc. R. Ir. Acad. 56, B. 135-157.

245 KNUDSON, B. M. 1954. The ecology of the diatom genus Tabellaria in the English Lake District. J. Ecol. 42, 345-358.

246 LE CREN, E. D. 1954. A subcutaneous tag for fish. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer. 20, 72-82. PAPERS—1954-1955 19 247 MOORE, W. H. and MORTIMER, C. H. 1954. A portable instrument for the location of subcutaneous fish-tags. J. Cons, perm. int. Explor. Mer. 20, 83-86. 248 LUND, J. W. G. 1954. Three new British algal records and spore-formation in Micractinium pusillum Fres. Naturalist, Hull, 81-85. 249 LUND, J. W. G. 1954. The importance of algae to waterworks engineers. J. Instn Wat. Engrs. 8, 497-504. 249a MANN, K. H. 1954. (Scientific Publication No. 14) A key to the British freshwater leeches with notes on their ecology. 21 pp. 250 MORTIMER, C. H. 1954. Models of the flow-pattern in lakes. Weather, 9, 177-184. 251 MACAN, T. T. 1954. Corixa dorsalis Leach (Hem. Corixidae) raised from synonymy in the British list. Entomologists's mon. Mag. 90, 216. 252 MACKERETH, J. C. 1954. Taxonomy of the larvae of the British species of the genus Rhyacophila (Trichoptera). Proc. R. ent. Soc, Lond. A, 29, 147-152. 253 MORTIMER, C. H. 1955. Some effects of the earth's rotation on water movements in stratified lakes. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 12, 66-77. 254 LE CREN, E. D. 1955. Year to year variations in the year-class strength of Perca fluviatilis. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 12, 187-192. 255 KNUDSON, B. M. 1955. The distribution of Tabellaria in the English Lake District. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 12, 216-218. 256 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1955. Comparison of the Entomostraca of two artificial moorland ponds near Windermere. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 12, 421-424. 257 MUNDIE, J. H. 1955. On the distribution of Chironomidae in a storage reservoir. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 12, 577-581. 258 MACAN, T. T. 1955. Littoral fauna and lake types. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 12, 608-612. 259 MOORE, W. H. 1954. A new type of electrical fish-catcher. J. Anim. Ecol. 23, 373-375. 260 FROST, W. E. 1954. The food of pike, Esox lucius L. in Windermere. J. Anim. Ecol. 23. 339-36o. 20 PAPERS—1955 261 FROST, W. E. 1955. An historical account of the Char in Windermere. Salm. Trout Mag. No. 143, 15-24. 262 MACAN, T. T. 1955. A key to the nymphs of British Ephemeroptera. Salm. Trout Mag. No. 143, 59-70. 263 LUND, J. W. G. 1955. Further observations on the seasonal cycle of Melosira italica (Ehr.) Kütz. subsp. subarctica O. Müll. J. Ecol. 43, 1, 90-102. 264 FROST, W. E. 1955. Observations on the biology of eels (Anguilla spp.) of Kenya Colony, East Africa, Fish Publ., Lond. 6, pp. 28. 265 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1955. On the biology of the Stone-loach, Nemacheilus barbatula (L.) J. Anim. Ecol. 24, 167-186. 266 GORHAM, E. 1955. On some factors affecting the chemical composition of Swedish fresh waters. Geochim. cosmochim. Acta 7, 129-150. 267 GORHAM, E. 1955. On the acidity and salinity of rain. Geochim. cosmochim. Acta, 7, 231- 239. 268 MACKERETH, F. J. H. 1955. Ion-exchange procedures for the estimation of (I) total ionic concentra- tion, (II) chlorides and (III) sulphates in natural waters. Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 4, pp. 16. 269 INGOLD C. T. 1955. Aquatic Ascomycetes: Further species from the English Lake District. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 38, 157-168. 270 MACAN, T. T. 1955. A key to the nymphs of the British species of the family Caenidae (Ephem.) Entomologist's Gaz. 6, 127-142. 271 TALLING, J. F. 1955. The relative growth rates of three plankton diatoms in relation to under- water radiation and temperature. Ann. Bot., 19, 75, 329-341. 272 GORHAM; E. 1955. Vegetation and the alignment of environmental forces. Ecology, 36, 514-515. 272a LUND, J. W. G. 1955. Felix Eugen Fritsch (1879-1954). In Memoriam. Revue algol. I, 3, 131-140. 273 MACKERETH, F. J. H. 1955. Rapid micro-estimation of the major anions of freshwater. Appendix:— MOORE, W. H. A conductivity measuring instrument for ion-exchange resin columns. Proc. Soc. Wat. Treat. Exam. 4, 27-42. PAPERS—1955 21 274 HERON, J. and MACKERETH, F. J. H. 1955. The estimation of calcium and magnesium in natural waters, with particular reference to those of low alkalinity. Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 5, pp. 7. 275 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1955. A "minnehaha" form of Daphnia longispina O. F. Müller. J. Quekett Microsc. Club, ser. 4, 4, 217.

276 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1955. Seasonal variation in the length of furcal rami in the subgenus Eucyclops (Cyclopidae). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. Ser. 12, 8, 636-638. 277 SWIFT, D. R. 1955. Seasonal variations in the growth rate, thyroid gland activity and food reserves of brown trout. (Salmo trutta Linn) J. exp. Biol. 32, 751-764. 278 CANTER, H. M. 1955. Annotated list of British aquatic Chytrids (Supplement I). Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 38, 425-430. 279 MORTIMER, C. H. 1955. The dynamics of the Autumn overturn in a lake. Gen. Assembly int. Un. Geod. Geophys., Rome, 3, 15-24. 280 LUND, J. W. G. 1955. Contributions to our knowledge of British Algae XIV. Three new species from the English Lake District. Hydrobiologia, 7, 219-229. 281 MACAN, T. T. 1955. A plea for restraint in the adoption of new generic names. Entomologist's mon. Mag. 91, 279-282. 282 LUND, J. W. G. 1955. Species of Characiopsis, Pseudostaurastrum and Scenedesmus new to Britain. Naturalist, Hull, No. 856, 13-16. 283 LUND, J. W. G. 1955. The ecology of algae and waterworks practice. Proc. Soc. Wat. Treat. Exam. 4, 83-109. 284 TUTIN, W. (PENNINGTON, W.). 1955. Preliminary observations on a year's cycle of sedimentation in Winder- mere, England. Memorie 1st. ital. Idrobiol., Suppl. 8, 467-484. 285 NEWBOULD, P. J. and GORHAM, E. 1956. Acidity and specific conductivity measurements in some plant com- munities of the New Forest valley bogs. J. Ecol. 44, 118-128. 286 GORHAM, E. and PEARSALL, W. H. 1956. Acidity, specific conductivity and calcium content of some bog and fen waters in northern Britain. J. Ecol. 44, 129-141. 287 GORHAM, E. 1956. The ionic composition of some bog and fen waters in the English Lake District. J. Ecol. 44, 142-152. 22 PAPERS—1955-1956 288 MORTIMER, C. H. 1956. An explorer of lakes. SELLERY, G. C. E. A. Birge: A memoir. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, pp. 165-211. 289 BUNTING, W. and LUND, J. W. G. 1956. A new blue-green alga epizooic on Daphnia pulex L. Naturalist, Hull, No. 858, 88-90. 290 LUND, J. W. G. 1956. On certain planktonic palmelloid green algae. J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 55, 593-613. 291 FROST, W. E. 1956. The growth of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in Haweswater before and after the raising of the level of the lake. Salm. Trout Mag., No. 148, 267- 275. 292 MORTIMER, C. H. 1956. The oxygen content of air-saturated fresh waters, and aids in calculating percentage saturation. Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 6, 1-20. 293 MUNDIE, J. H. 1956. Emergence traps for aquatic insects. Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 7, 1-13. 294 MACAN, T. T. 1956. (Scientific Publication No. 16) A revised key to the British water bugs (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). 74 pp. 295 MUNDIE, J. H. 1956. The biology of flies associated with water supply. Instn publ. Hlth Engrs J. 55, 178-193. 296 GORHAM, E. 1956. On the chemical composition of some waters from the Moor House Nature Reserve. J. Ecol. 44, 375-382. 297 MACKERETH, J. C. 1956. Taxonomy of the larvae of the British species of the sub-family Glosso- somatinae (Trichoptera). Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. A. 31, 167-172. 298 DOUGLAS, B., MACAN, T. T. and MACKERETH, J. C. 1956. Abstracts of papers in the field of freshwater biology published in British journals in 1954. Hydrobiologia, 8, 300-322. 299 GELDIAY, R. 1956. Studies on local populations of the freshwater limpet Ancylus fluviatilis Mailer. J. Anim. Ecol. 25, 389-402. 300 MUNDIE, J. H. 1956. A bottom sampler for inclined rock surfaces in lakes. J. Anim. Ecol. 25, 429-432. 301 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1957. A note on the number of eggs in the ephippium of Acantholebris curvirostris (O. F. Müller), (Cladocera, Macrothricidae). J. Quekett microsc. Club, (4), 4, 315-316, 1956. PAPERS—1956 23 302 GORHAM, E. 1957. The chemical composition of rain from Rosscahill in County Galway. Ir. Nat. J. 12, 122-126. 303 TALLING, J. F. 1957. Photosynthetic characteristics of some freshwater plankton diatoms in relation to underwater radiation. New Phytol. 56, 29-30. 304 KNUDSON, B. M. (MRS. T. H. KIPLING). 1957. Ecology of the epiphytic diatom Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kütz. var. flocculosa in three English lakes. J. Ecol. 45, 93-112. 305 GORHAM, E. 1957. The chemical composition of lake waters in Halifax County, Nova Scotia. Limnol. Oceanogr. 2, 12-21. 306 GORHAM, E. 1957. The ionic composition of some lowland lake waters from Cheshire, England. Limnol. Oceanogr. 2, 22-27. 307 COLLINS, V. G. 1957. Planktonic bacteria. J. gen. Microbiol. 16, 268-272. 308 MACAN, T. T. and MACKERETH, J. C. 1957. Notes on Gammarus pulex in the English Lake District. Hydrobiologia, 9, 1-12. 309 PEARSALL, W. H. and GORHAM, E. 1956. Production ecology. I. Standing crops of natural vegetation. Oikos, 7, 193-201. 310 GORHAM, E. and PEARSALL, W. H. 1956. Production ecology. III. Shoot production in Phragmites in relation to habitat. Oikos, 7, 206-214. 311 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1957. Studies on soil chytrids. II. On Karlingia dubia Karling. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 40, 9-16. 312 FROST, W. E. 1957. First record of the elver of the African eel, Anguilla nebulosa labiala Peters. Nature, Lond. 179, 594. 313 GORHAM, E. 1957. The chemical composition of some western Irish fresh waters. Proc. R. Ir. Acad. 58, B, 237-243. 314 FROST, W. E. 1957. A note on eels (Anguilla spp.). Piscator, II, 38, 104-106. 315 MACAN, T. T. 1957. The life histories and migrations of the Ephemeroptera in a stony stream. Trans. Soc. Br. Ent. 12, 129-156. 316 MACAN, T. T. 1957. A description of the nymph of Baetis buceratus with notes on and a key to the other species in the genus. Trans. Soc. Br. Ent. 12, 157-164. 24 PAPERS—1957 317 LUND, J. W. G. 1957. Fungal diseases of plankton algae. Biological Aspects of the Transmission of Disease. London: Oliver and Boyd Ltd. for the Institute of Biology, pp. 19-23. 318 TALLING, J. F. 1957. The growth of two plankton diatoms in mixed cultures. Physiologia Pl. 10, 215-223. 319 MACKERETH, F. J. H. 1957. Chemical analysis in ecology illustrated from Lake District tarns and lakes. 1. Chemical analysis. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 167, 159-164, 1954-55. 320 LUND, J. W. G. 1957. Chemical analysis in ecology illustrated from Lake District tarns and lakes. 2. Algal differences. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 167, 165-171, 1954-55. 321 MACAN, T. T. 1957. Chemical analysis in ecology illustrated from Lake District tarns and lakes. 3. Faunistic differences. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 167, 172-175, 1954-55. 322 GORHAM, E. 1957. The chemical composition of some waters from lowland lakes in Shropshire, England. Tellus, 9, 174-179. 323 HERMAN, F. A. and GORHAM, E. 1957. Total mineral material, acidity, sulphur and nitrogen in rain and snow at Kentville, Nova Scotia. Tellus, 9, 180-183. 324 EDWARDS, R. W. 1957. Vernal sloughing of sludge deposits in a sewage effluent channel. Nature, Lond. 180, 100. 325 GORHAM E. 1957. The chemical composition of some natural waters in the Cairn Gorm — Strath Spey district of Scotland. Limnol. Oceanogr. 2, 143-154. 326 SMYLY W. J. P. 1957. The life history of the Bullhead or Miller's Thumb (Cottus gobio L.). Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 128, 431-453. 327 HAWKING, F. 1957. Trypanosomes of English freshwater fish. Trans. R. Soc. trop. Med. Hyg. 51, 375-376. 328 MUNDIE, J. H. 1957. The ecology of Chironomidae in storage reservoirs. Trans. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 109, 149-232. 329 LUND, J. W. G. 1957. Four new green algae. Revue algol. n.s. 3, 26-44. 330 MACAN, T. T. 1957. A description of the nymph of Baëtis macani Kimmins. Notul. ent., Helsingf. 37, 58-60. PAPERS-I957 25 331 TALLING, J. F. 1957. The phytoplankton population as a compound photosynthetic system. New Phytol. 56, 133-149. 332 FRYER, G. 1957. The feeding mechanism of some freshwater cyclopoid copepods. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 129, 1-25. 333 GORHAM, E. 1957. The development of peat lands. Q. Rev. Biol. 32, 145-166. 334 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1957. Distribution and seasonal abundance of Entomostraca in moorland ponds near Windermere. Hydrobiologia, 11, 59-72.

335 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1957. Observations on the life-history of the harpacticoid copepod, Cantho- camptus staphylinus (Jurine). Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (12), 10, 509-512. 336 TALLING, J. F. 1957. The longitudinal succession of water characteristics in the White Nile. Hydrobiologia, 11, 73-89. 337 KIPLING, C. 1957. The effect of gill-net selection on the estimation of weight-length relation- ships. J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 23, 51-63. 338 COLLINS, V. G. and KIPLING, C. 1957. The enumeration of waterborne bacteria by a new direct count method. J. appl. Bact. 20, 257-264. 339 MACAN, T. T. 1957. Some records of water-bugs in Scotland. Entomologist's Gaz. 8, 236-241. 340 LUND, J. W. G. and TALLING, J. F. 1957. Botanical limnological methods with special reference to the algae. Bot. Rev. 23, 489-583. 341 FRYER, G. 1957. The food of some freshwater cyclopoid copepods and its ecological significance. J. Anim. Ecol. 26, 263-286. 342 MACAN, T. T. 1957. The Ephemeroptera of a stony stream. J. Anim. Ecol. 26, 317-342. 343 MACKERETH, J. C. 1957. Notes on the Plecoptera from a stony stream. J. Anim. Ecol. 26, 343-351. 344 MOON, H. P. 1957. The distribution of Asellus in the English Lake District and adjoining areas. J. Anim. Ecol. 26, 403-409. 345 GORHAM, E. 1958. The influence and importance of daily weather conditions in the supply of chloride, sulphate and other ions to fresh waters from atmospheric precipitation. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (B) 241, 147-178. 26 PAPERS—1957-8 346 GORHAM, E. 1958. Free acid in British soils. Nature, Land. 181, 106. 347 MACAN, T. T. 1958. Methods of sampling the bottom fauna in stony streams. Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 8, 1-21. 348 SCOURFIELD, D. J. and HARDING, J. P. 1958. (Scientific Publication No. 5, 2nd Edition). A key to the British species of freshwater Cladocera with notes on their ecology. 55 pp. 349 HYNES, H. B. N. 1958. (Scientific Publication No. 17) A key to the adults and nymphs of British Stoneflies [Plecoptera) with notes on their ecology and distribution. 87 pp. 350 GORHAM, E. 1958. The physical limnology of Northern Britain: an epitome of the Bathy- metrical Survey of the Scottish Freshwater Lochs, 1897-1909. Limnol. Oceanogr. 3, 40-50. 351 GORHAM, E. 1958. The salt content of some ice samples from Nordaustlandet, (North East Land), Svalbard. J. Glaciol. 3, 23, 181-186. 352 LE CREN, E. D. 1958. Preliminary observations on populations of Salmo trutta in becks in Northern England. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 13, 754-757. 353 MACAN, T. T. 1958. Causes and effects of short emergence periods in insects. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 13, 845-849. 354 MORTIMER, C. H. and MACKERETH, F. J. H. 1958. Convection and, its consequences in ice-covered lakes. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 13, 923-932.

355 LUND, J. W. G., KIPLING, C. and LE CREN, E. D. 1958. The inverted microscope method of estimating algal numbers and the statistical basis of estimations by counting. Hydrobiologia, 11, 143-170.

356 MACKERETH, F. J. H. 1958. A portable core sampler for lake deposits. Limnol. Oceanogr. 3, 181-191.

357 GORHAM, E. 1958. Accumulation of radioactive fall-out by plants in the English Lake District. Nature, Lond. 181, 1523-1524.

358 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1958. The Cladocera and Copepoda (Crustacea) of the tarns of the English Lake District. J. Anim. Ecol. 27, 87-103.

359 GORHAM, E. 1958. Atmospheric pollution by hydrochloric acid. Q. Jl R. met. Soc. 84, 274-276. PAPERS—1958 27 360 GORHAM, E. 1958. Observations on the formation and breakdown of the oxidized microzone at the mud surface in lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 3, 291-298. 361 MACAN, T. T. 1958. A comparison of the nymphs of the British species of the genus Ephemera. J. Soc. Br. Ent. 6, 27-33. 362 EDWARDS, R. W. 1958. The relation of oxygen consumption to body size and to temperature in the larvae of Chironomus riparius Meigen. J. exp. Biol. 35, 383-395. 363 MACAN, T. T. 1958. Descriptions of the nymphs of the British species of Heptagenia and Rhithrogena (Ephem.). Entomologist's Gaz. 9, 83-92. 364 COLLINS, V. G. 1958. The ecology and distribution of photosynthetic bacteria in freshwater. VIIth International Congress of Microbiology. Abstracts of communications delivered at paper sessions, p. 71. 365 DOUGLAS, B. 1958. The ecology of the attached diatoms and other algae in a small stony stream. J. Ecol. 46, 295-322. 366 GORHAM, E. 1958. Soluble salts in dune sands from Blakeney Point in Norfolk. J. Ecol. 46, 373-379. 367 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1958. Studies on soil chytrids. III. On Karlingia rosea Johanson and a multi-operculate chytrid parasitic on Mucor. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 41, 309-319. 368 EDWARDS, R. W. 1958. The effect of larvae of Chironomus riparius Meigen on the redox potentials of settled activated sludge. Ann. appl. Biol. 46, 457-464. 369 GORHAM, E. 1958. Bronchitis and the acidity of urban precipitation. Lancet. Sept. 27, 1958. p. 691.

370 LE CREN, E. D. 1958. Some observations on methods of speeding up fish population assessments. In: Some problems for biological fishery survey and, techniques for their solution. A symposium held at Biarritz, France March 1-10, 1956. Spec. Pubis. int. Commn nthwest Atlant. Fish. No. 1, 97-104.

371 LUND, J. W. G. 1958. Primary production in inland waters. The Biological Productivity of Britain. London: Institute of Biology, pp. 61-66.

372 LE CREN, E. D. 1958. The production of fish in fresh waters. The Biological Productivity of Britain. London: Institute of Biology, pp. 67-72. 28 PAPERS—1958-9 373 GORHAM, E. 1958. Free acid in Minnesota podzols. Ecology, 39, 770. 374 LE CREN, E. D. 1958. Observations on the growth of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) over twenty-two years with special reference to the effects of temperature and changes in population density. J. Anim. Ecol. 27, 287-334.

375 MACAN, T. T. 1958. The temperature of a small stony stream. Hydrobiologia, 12, 89-106. 376 GORHAM, E. 1958. Soluble salts in a temperate glacier. Tellus, 10, 496-497. 377 LUND, J. W. G. 1959. A simple counting chamber for nannoplankton. Limnol. Oceanogr. 4, 57-65. 378 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1959. A pure culture of Chytriomyces aureus Karling. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 42, 67-71. 379 SWIFT, D. R. 1959. Seasonal variation in the activity of the thyroid gland of yearling brown trout Salmo trutta Linn. J. exp. Biol. 36, 120-125. 380 GORHAM, E. 1959. On the correlation of lung cancer with tar in air pollution. Med. Offr, 101, 178. 381 GORHAM, E. 1959. A comparison of lower and higher plants as accumulators of radioactive fall-out. Can. J. Bot. 37, 327-329. 382 FROST, W. E. and KIPLING, C. 1959. The determination of the age and growth of pike (Esox lucius L.) from scales and opercular bones. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 24, 314-341. 383 GORHAM, E. 1959. Chlorophyll derivatives in woodland soils. Soil Sci. 87, 258-261. 384 LE CREN, E. D. 1958. The application of science to inland fisheries. A review of the biological basis of freshwater fisheries. Fish. Stud. F.A.O. No. 8, pp. 52. 385 CANTER, H. M. 1959. Fungal parasites of the phytoplankton. IV. Rhizophidium contrac- tophilum sp. nov. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 42, 185-192. 386 LUND, J. W. G. 1959. Buoyancy in relation to the ecology of the freshwater phytoplankton. Br. phycol. Bull. No. 7, 1-17. 387 SMITH, A. J. 1959. Description of the Mackereth portable core sampler. J. sedim. Petrol. 29, 246-250. PAPERS—1958-9 29 388 GORHAM, E. 1959. Pneumonia and atmospheric sulphate deposit. Lancet, Sept. 5, 1959, pp. 287-288. 389 GLEDHILL, T. 1959. The life-history of Ameletus inopinatus (Siphlonuridae, Ephemeroptera). Hydrobiologia, 14, 85-90. 390 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1959. The effects of organisms on pollution. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 170, 171-172, 1957-58. 391 PEARSALL., W. H. 1959. The Freshwater Biological Association and its laboratory. Advmt Sci., Lond. 15, 521-523. 392 MORTIMER, C. H. 1959. The physical and chemical work of the Freshwater Biological Association, 1935-57. Advmt. Sci., Lond. 15, 524-530. 393 LUND, J. W. G. 1959. Investigations on the algae of Lake Windermere. Advmt Sci., Lond. 15. 530-534. 394 LE CREN, E. D. 1959. Experiments with populations of fish in Windermere. Advmt Sci., Lond. 15, 534-538. 395 LUND, J. W. G. 1959. Biological tests on the fertility of an English reservoir water (Stocks Reservoir, Bowland Forest). J. Instn Wat. Engrs, 13, 527-549. 396 SMITH, A. J. 1959. Structures in the stratified late-glacial clays of Windermere, England. J. sedim. Petrol. 29, 447-453.

397 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1959. A species of Blastocladiella from Great Britain. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 42, 287-291.

398 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1959. Studies on soil chytrids. IV. A chytrid parasite of rotifer eggs. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 42, 292-294.

399 MUNDIE, J. H. 1959. The diurnal activity of the larger invertebrates at the surface of Lac la Ronge, Saskatchewan. Can. J. Zool. 37, 945-956.

400 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1959. The effects of biological communities on conditions in polluted streams. The Effects of Pollution on Living Material. London: Institute of Biology. PP. 25-31. 401 MOORE, W.H. 1960. Electronics and freshwater biology. Br. Commun. Electron. 7, 1, 20-23. 30 PAPERS—1959-60 402 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS. T. G. TUTIN). 1959. Relict fauna of Ennerdale Water; a problem of distribution. Nature, Lond. 184, 1421-1423. 403 BRINKHURST, R. O. 1959. Alary polymorphism in the Gerroidea (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). J. Anim. Ecol. 28, 211-230. 404 GORHAM, E. 1960. Chlorophyll derivatives in surface muds from the English Lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr. 5, 29-33. 405 TALLING, J. F. 1960. Comparative laboratory and field studies of photosynthesis by a marin planktonic diatom. Limnol. Oceanogr. 5, 62-77. 406 GORHAM, E. and CRAGG, J. B. 1960. The chemical composition of some bog waters from the Falkland Islands. J. Ecol. 48, 175-181. 407 LUND, J. W. G. 1960. Concerning Calycomonas Lohmann and Codonomonas Van Goor. Nova Hedwigia,. 1, 423-429. 408 CANTER, H. M. 1960. Studies on British chytrids. XV. Chytridium coleochaetes Nowakowski. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 43, 14-18.

409 MACAN, T. T. 1960. (Scientific Publication No. 13, 2nd Edition) A key to the British fresh- and brackish-water gastropods with notes on their ecology. 47 pp.

410 HARDING, J. P. and SMITH, W. A. 1960. (Scientific Publication No. 18) A key to the British freshwater cyclopid and calanoid copepods with ecological notes. 54 pp.

411 MACKERETH, J. C. 1960. Notes on the Trichoptera of a stony stream. Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. (A), 35. 17-23. 412 LLEWELLYN, J. and OWEN, I. L. 1960. The attachment of the monogenean Discocotyle sagittata Leuckart to the gills of Salmo trutta L. Parasitology, 50, 51-59.

413 GLEDHILL, T. 1960. The Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera caught by emergence traps in two streams during 1958. Hydrobiologia, 15, 179-188.

414 GLEDHILL, T. 1960. Some water-mites (Hydrachnellae) from seepage-water. J. Quekett microsc. Club, (4), 5, 293-307.

415 LUND, J. W. G. 1960. Some new British algae. Naturalist, Hull, No. 874, 89-96. PAPERS—1960 31 416 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1960. Water-weed and water management. J. Instn publ. Hlth Engrs, 59, 148-164. 417 HYNES, H. B. N„ MACAN, T. T. and WILLIAMS, W. D. 1960. (Scientific Publication No. 19) A key to the British species of Crustacea: Malacostraca occurring in fresh water with notes on their ecology and distribution. 36 pp. 418 BELCHER, J. H. and SWALE, E. M. F. 1960. Some British freshwater material of Asterocytis. Br. phycol. Bull. 2, 1, 33-35. 419 FRYER, G. 1960. The feeding mechanism of some atyid prawns of the genus Caridina. Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. 64, 10, 217-244. (Not available for general distribution; sold by: Royal Society of Edinburgh, 22 George Street, Edinburgh.)

420 LUND, J. W. G. 1960. Some new or rare Chrysophyceae from the English Lake District. Hydrobiologia, 16, 97-108. 421 MACAN, T. T. 1960. The effect of temperature on Rhithrogena semicolorata (Ephem.). Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 45, 197-201.

422 SWIFT, D. R. 1960. An improved feed for experimental fish. Nature, Land. 187, 1133.

423 SWIFT, D. R. 1960. Cyclical activity of the thyroid gland of fish in relation to environmental changes. Cyclical activity in endocrine systems. Symp. zool. Soc. Lond., No. 2, pp. 17-27.

424 CANTER, H. M. 1960. Fungal parasites of the phytoplankton. V. Chytridium isthmiophilum sp. nov. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 43, 660-664.

425 MACAN, T. T. 1960. The occurrence of Heptagenia lateralis (Ephem.) in streams in the English Lake District. Wett. Leben, 12, 231-234.

426 TALLING, J. F. 1960. Self-shading effects in natural populations of a planctonic diatom. Wett. Leben, 12, 235-242.

427 ROUND, F. E. 1960. Studies on bottom living algae in some lakes of the English Lake District. IV. The seasonal cycles of the Bacillariophyceae. J. Ecol. 48, 529-547.

428 EDWARDS, R. W. and LEARNER, M. A. 1960. Some factors affecting the oxygen consumption of Asellus. J. exp. Biol. 37, 706-718. 32 PAPERS—1960-1 429 FRYER, G. 1960. Some controversial aspects of speciation of African fishes. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 135, 569-578. 430 GORHAM, E. 1960. The relation between sulfur and carbon in sediments from the English Lakes. J. sedim. Petrol. 30, 466-470. 431 SWIFT, D. R. 1960. A preliminary note on a multiple apparatus recording the activity of fish in semi-wild conditions. Proc. Indo-Pacif. Fish. Coun. 8th Session, Section 3, pp. 71-72, 1958. 432 FRYER, G. 1960. The spermatophores of Dolops ranarum (Crustacea, Branchiura): their structure, formation, and transfer. Q. Jl microsc. Sci. 101, 407-432. 433 LUND, J. W. G. 1961. The taxonomy and nomenclature of certain palmelloid, planktonic, green algae described previously. J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.), 56, 459-465. 434 LUND, J. W. G. 1960. New or rare British Chrysophyceae. 3. New records and observations on sexuality and classification. New Phytol. 59, 349-360. 435 BELCHER, J. H. 1960. Culture studies of Bangia atropurpurea (Roth) Ag. New Phytol. 59, 367-373. 436 COLEBROOK, J. M. 1960. Plankton and water movements in Windermere. J. Anim. Ecol. 29, 217-240. 437 COLEBROOK, J. M. 1960. Some observations of zooplankton swarms in Windermere. J. Anim. Ecol. 29, 241-242. 438 GORHAM, E. 1961. Chlorophyll derivatives, sulphur, and carbon in sediment cores from two English Lakes. Can. J. Bot. 39, 333-338. 439 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS. T. G. TUTIN) and FROST, W. E. 1961. Fish vertebrae and scales in a sediment core from Esthwaite Water (English Lake District). Hydrobiologia, 17, 183-190. 440 CANTER, H. M. 1961. Studies on British chytrids XVIII. (Further observations on species invading planktonic algae). Nova Hedwigia, 3, 73-78, Tab. 38-41. 441 MACAN, T. T. 1961. Factors that limit the range of freshwater animals. Biol. Rev. 36, 151-198. 442 ROUND, F. E. 1961. Studies on bottom-living algae in some lakes of the English Lake District Part V. The seasonal cycles of the Cyanophyceae. J. Ecol. 49, 31-38. PAPERS—1960-1 33 443 GORHAM, E. 1961. The chemical composition of some waters from dune slacks at Sandscale, North Lancashire. J. Ecol. 49, 79-82. 444 TOLPA, S. and GORHAM, E. 1961. The ionic composition of waters from three Polish bogs. J. Ecol. 49, 127-133. 445 GORHAM, E. 1961. Factors influencing supply of major ions to inland waters, with special reference to the atmosphere. Bull. geol. Soc. Am. 72, 795-840. 446 FRANKS, J. W. and PENNINGTON, W. (MRS. T. G. TUTIN). 1961. The late-glacial and post-glacial deposits of the Esthwaite Basin, North Lancashire. New Phytol. 60, 27-42. 447 ROUND, F. E. 1961. The diatoms of a core from Esthwaite Water. New Phytol. 60, 43-59. 448 CANTER, H. M. 1961. Studies on British chytrids XVII. Species occurring on planktonic desmids. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 44, 163-176. 449 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. and TOWNLEY, P. J. 1961. Two new saprophytic chytrids from the Lake District. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 44, 177-184. 450 LUND, J. W. G. 1961. The microscopical examination of freshwater. Proc. Soc. Wat. Treat. Exam. 9, 108-144, 1960. 451 HEAPS, N. S. 1961. Seiches in a narrow lake, uniformly stratified in three layers. Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc. 5, 134-156.

452 WEBB, M. G. (MRS. D. M. GUTHRIE). 1961. The effects of thermal stratification on the distribution of benthic Protozoa in Esthwaite Water. J. Anim. Ecol. 30, 137-151.

453 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1961. The life-cycle of the freshwater copepod Cyclops leuckarti Claus in Esthwaite Water. J. Anim. Ecol. 30, 153-169.

454 FRYER, G. 1961. Variation and systematic problems in a group of lernaeid copepods. Crustaceana, 2, 275-285.

455 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1960. The occurrence of some lower fungi (Chytridiales) in lake muds and soil with special reference to a site at Esthwaite. The Ecology of Soil Fungi. Liverpool: University Press, pp. 29-32.

456 TALLING, J. F. 1961. Photosynthesis under natural conditions. A. Rev. Pl. Physiol. 12, 133-154. 34 PAPERS—1960-1 457 MACAN, T. T. 1961. (Scientific Publication No. 20) A key to the nymphs of the British species of Ephemeroptera with notes on their ecology. 64 pp. 458 MOORE, W. H. 1961. An eighteen-point fish movement recorder. Proc. Instn Electron. 4, 2, 38-42. 459 LUND, J. W. G. 1961. The periodicity of μ-algae in three English lakes. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 14, 147-154. 460 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1961. Aquatic macrophytes and the oxygen balance of running water. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 14, 499-504. 461 MACAN, T. T. 1961. A review of running water studies. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 14, 587-602 462 FROST, W. E and KIPLING, C. 1961. Some observations on the growth of the pike, Esox lucius in Windermere. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 14, 776-781. 463 FOGG, G. E. and BELCHER, J. H. 1961. Physiological studies on a planktonic "μ-alga". Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 14, 893-896. 464 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1961. Some aspects of the biology of Cyclops leuckarti. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 14, 946-949. 465 HERON, J. 1961. The seasonal variation of phosphate, silicate, and nitrate in waters of the English Lake District. Limnol. Oceanogr. 6, 338-346. 466 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1961. The ecology of some lower fungi at Esthwaite Water. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 44, 305-332. 467 SWIFT, D. R. 1961. The annual growth-rate cycle in brown trout (Salmo trutta Linn.) and its cause. J. exp. Biol. 38, 595-604. 468 ROUND, F. E. 1961. Studies on bottom-living algae in some lakes of the English Lake District. Part VI. The effect of depth on the epipelic algal community. J. Ecol. 49, 245-254. 469 CANNON, D., LUND, J. W. G. and SIEMINSKA, J. 1961. The growth of Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kütz. var. flocculosa (Roth) Knuds. under natural conditions of light and temperature. J. Ecol. 49, 277-287.

470 LUND, J. W. G. 1961. The algae of the Malham Tarn district. Fld Stud. 1, 3, 85-119. PAPERS—1961 35 471 COLLINS, V. G. 1961. The distribution and ecology of gram-negative organisms other than Enterobacteriaceae in lakes. I. appl. Bact. 23, 510-514, 1960. 472 FRYER, G. 1961. The developmental history of Mutela bourguignati (Ancey) Bourguignat (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (B) 244, 711, 259-298. (Not available for general distribution; copies may be bought from the Royal Society, 6, Carlton House Terrace, London S.W.I.)

473 FRYER, G. 1961. The parasitic Copepoda and Branchiura of the fishes of Lake Victoria and the Victoria Nile. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond, 137, 41-60. 474 FRYER, G. 1961. Larval development in the genus Chonopeltis (Crustacea: Branchiura). Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 137, 61-69. 475 FOGG, G. E. and BELCHER, J. H. 1961. Pigments from the bottom deposits of an English lake. New Phytol. 60, 129-138. (Appendix: BARTON, D. E. A statistical examination of the variation in the chlorophyll degradation product: epiphasic carotenoid ratio in the Esthwaite deposits. pp. 139-142). 476 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. and TOWNLEY, P. J. 1961. A further contribution to our knowledge of Phlyctochytrium unispinum Paterson. Jl R. microsc. Soc. 80, 131-136. 477 FRYER, G. 1961. Observations on the biology of the cichlid fish Tilapia variabilis Boulenger in the northern waters of Lake Victoria (East Africa). Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 64, 1-33. 478 BELCHER, J. H. and SWALE, E. M. F. 1961. Some new and uncommon British Volvocales. Br. phycol. Bull. 2, 2, 56-62. 479 LUND, J. W. G. 1961. Asterionella formosa Hass var. acaroides Lemm. a phycological enigma. Br. phycol. Bull. 2, 2, 63-66. 480 KIPLING, C. 1961. A salt spring in Borrowdale. Trans. Cumb. Westm. antiq. archeol. Soc. N.S. 61, 57-70. 481 CANTER, H. M. 1961. Studies on British chytrids XIX. On Phlyctidium apophysatum Canter emend. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 44, 522-528. 482 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1961. Chitinophylic chytrids from lake muds. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 44, 586-592. 483 MACAN, T. T. 1961. Notonecta striata Linnaeus, 1758 (Insecta, Hemiptera): designation of a neotype. Z.N.(S.) 640. Bull. zool. Nomencl. 18, 328-329. 36 PAPERS—1961-2 484 MACAN, T. T. 1962. Why do some pieces of water have more species of Corixidae than others? Arch. Hydrobiol. 58, 224-232. 485 LE CREN, E. D. 1961. How many fish survive? Yb. River Bds Ass. 9, 57-64.

486 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1961. New species of Nephrochytrium from the English Lake District. Nova Hedwigia, 3, 439-444, Tab. 112-116.

487 MACAN, T. T. 1962. Ecology of aquatic insects. A. Rev. Ent. 7, 261-288.

488 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1962. The fruiting behaviour and nutrition of Cladochytrium replicatum Karling. Ann. Bot. N.S. 26, 13-36.

489 SWALE, E. M. F. 1962. The development and growth of Thorea ramosissima Bory. Ann. Bot., N.S. 26, 105-116.

490 LE CREN, E. D. 1962. The efficiency of reproduction and recruitment in freshwater fish. The exploitation of natural populations. LE CREN, E. D. and HOLDGATE, M. W. (Eds). Oxford: Blackwell. Symp. Br. ecol. Soc, No. 2, pp. 283-296.

491 LUND, J. W. G. 1962. Classical and modern criteria used in algal taxonomy with special reference to genera of microbial size. Microbial classification. Cambridge: University Press. Symp. Soc. gen. Microbiol., No. 12, pp. 68-110.

492 HUGHES, J. C. and LUND, J. W. G. 1962. The rate of growth of Asterionella formosa Hass. in relation to its ecology. Arch. Mikrobiol. 42, 117-129.

493 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS T. G. TUTIN). 1962. Late-glacial moss records from the English Lake District: data for the study of post-glacial history. New Phytol. 61, 28-31.

494 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1962. The ecology of some lower fungi in the English Lake District. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 45, 121-136.

495 PARKE, M., LUND, J. W. G. and MANTON, I. 1962. Observations on the biology and fine structure of the type species of Chrysochromulina (C. parva Lackey) in the English Lake District. Arch. Mikrobiol. 42, 333-352.

496 LUND, J. W. G. 1962. Unsolved problems in the classification of the non-motile Chrysophyceae with references to those in parallel groups. Preslia, 34, 140-146. PAPERS—1962 37 497 SWIFT, D. R. 1962. Evidence for the absence of an endogenous growth-rate rhythm in brown trout (Salmo trutta Linn.). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 6, 91-93. 498 COLLINS, V. G. and WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1962. The distribution of bacteria and fungal spores in Blelham Tarn with particular reference to an experimental overturn. Arch. Mikrobiol. 43, 294-307. 499 LUND, J. W. G. 1962. The periodicity of Melosira islandica O. Müll, in Great Slave Lake. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can. 19, 501-504. 500 FRYER, G. 1962. Secretions of the labral and trunk limb glands in the cladoceran Eurycercus lamellatus. Nature, Lond. 195, 97. 501 LUND, J. W. G. 1962. Concerning a counting chamber for nannoplankton described previously. Limnol. Oceanogr. 7, 261-262.

502 MACAN, T. T. 1962. Ephemeroptera in Britain. Verh. XI. int. Kongr. Ent., Wien, 1960, 3, 258-262. 503 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1962. The composition of haemolymph in aquatic insects. J. exp. Biol. 39, 325-343. 504 SWIFT, D. R. 1962. Activity cycles in the brown trout (Salmo trutta Lin.). I. Fish feeding naturally. Hydrobiologia, 20, 241-247.

505 McCORMACK, J. C. 1962. The food of young trout (Salmo trutta) in two different becks. J. Anim. Ecol. 31, 305-316.

506 EDMONDSON, W. T. 1962. Food supply and reproduction of zooplankton in relation to phytoplankton population. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 153, 137-141. 507 SWIFT, D. R. and PICKFORD, G. E. 1962. Seasonal variations in the growth hormone content of pituitary glands of the perch, Perca fluviatilis L. Am. Zoologist, 2, 3, p. 451, Abstract No. 332.

508 KIMMINS, D. E. 1962. (Scientific Publication No. 8. 2nd Edition) Keys to the British species of aquatic Megaloptera and Neuroptera with ecological notes. 23 pp.

509 LUND, J. W. G. 1962. A genus new to Britain: Amphichrysis Korsh. Br. phycol. Bull. 2, 3, 116-120. 38 PAPERS—1962 510 BELCHER, J. H. and SWALE, E. M. F. 1962. Some Chlorococcales new to Britain. Br. phycol. Bull. 2, 3, 121-125. 511 BELCHER, J. H. and SWALE, E. M. F. 1962. Culture studies on Ankistrodesmus and some similar genera. 1. Some less common and new British species. Br. phycol. Bull. 2, 3, 126-132. 512 LUND, J. W. G. 1962. A rarely recorded but very common British alga, Rhodomonas minuta Skuja. Br. phycol. Bull. 2, 3, 133-139. 513 SWALE, E. M. F. 1962. Notes on some algae from the Reddish Canal. Br. phycol. Bull. 2, 3, 174-176. 514 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1962. Laboratory experiments with stage V copepodids of the freshwater copepod, Cyclops leuckarti Claus, from Windermere and Esthwaite Water. Crustaceana, 4, 273-280. 515 HERON, J. 1962. Determination of phosphate in water after storage in polyethylene. Limnol. Oceanogr. 7, 316-321. 516 KIPLING, C. 1962. The use of the scales of the brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) for the back- calculation of growth. J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 27, 304-315. 517 FROST, W. E. 1962. Einige Beobachtungen über Aale aus dem Windermere-Fanggebiet, England. Z. Fisch. N.F. 10, 599-607. 518 FROST, W. E. 1962. Diskussionsbeitrage über Probleme in Verbindung mit der Blankaal- fischerei in Flusse Bann, Nordirland. Z. Fisch. N.F. 10, 609-610. 519 LUND, J. W. G. 1962. Phytoplankton from some lakes in northern Saskatchewan and from Great Slave Lake. Can. J. Bot. 40, 1499-1514. 520 CANTER, H. M. 1962. Studies on British chytrids. XXI. Chyfridium confervae (Wille) Minden. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 45, 532-538. 521 CANTER, H. M. 1963. Fungal parasites of the phytoplankton. VI. Zygorhizidium chlorophycidis sp. nov. Nova Hedwigia, 5, 1-6, Tab. 1-2, 1962. 522 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1963. A new genus of the Chytridiales from soil and a new species from fresh- water. Nova Hedwigia, 5, 335-340, Tab. 52-53, 1962. 523 CANTER, H. M. 1963. Fungal parasites of the phytoplankton. VII. Polyphagus serpentinus and P. elegans, two new species parasitizing planktonic algae. Nova Hedwigia, 5, 419-428, Tab. 71-76, 1962. PAPERS—1962-3 39 524 SWIFT, D. R. and PICKFORD, G. E. 1962. Seasonal variations in the growth hormone content of pituitary glands of the perch, Perca fluviatilis L. Gen. comp. Endocr. 2, 627.

525 TALLING, J. F. 1963. Origin of stratification in an African rift lake. Limnol. Oceanogr. 8, 68-78.

526 SLICHER, A. M. and SWIFT, D. R. 1962. Seasonal changes in the hematopoietic potency of pituitary glands of the perch (Perca fluviatilis L.). Am. Zoologist, 2, 4, pp. 558-559, Abstract No. 298.

527 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1962. The occurrence and distribution of reproductive spores of Saprolegniales in fresh water. J. Ecol. 50, 733-759.

528 MACAN, T. T. 1962 Biotic factors in running water. Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 24, 386-407.

529 FROST, W. E. 1963. The homing of charr, willughbii (Günther), in Windermere. Anim. Behav. 11, 74-82.

530 COLLINS, V. G. 1963. The distribution and ecology of bacteria in freshwater. Proc. Soc. Wat. Treat. Exam. 12, 40-73.

531 MACKERETH, F. J. H. 1963. (Scientific Publication No. 21) Some methods of water analysis for limnologists. 71 pp.

532 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1963. The chemical composition of haemolymph in insects and some other arthropods, in relation to their phylogeny. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 9, 121-135.

533 LUND, J. W. G., MACKERETH, F. J. H. and MORTIMER, C. H. 1963. Changes in depth and time of certain chemical and physical conditions and of the standing crop of Asterionella formosa Hass. in the North Basin of Windermere in 1947. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (B) 246, 731, 255-290. (Not available for distribution. Copies may be bought from the Royal Society, 6, Carlton House Terrace, London S.W.I.)

534 SWALE, E. M. F. 1963. Notes on Stephanodiscus hantzschii Grun. in culture. Arch. Mikrobiol. 45, 210-216.

535 FRYER, G. 1963. The functional morphology and feeding mechanism of the chydorid cladoceran Eurycercus lamellatus (O. F. Müller). Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. 65, 14. 335-381. (Not available for distribution. Copies may be bought from the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 22 George Street, Edinburgh 2.) 40 PAPERS—1963 536 CANTER, H. M. 1963. Concerning Chyiridium cornutum Braun. Trans. Brit. mycol. Soc. 46, 208-212. 537 SWALE, E. M. F. and BELCHER, J. H. 1963. Morphological observations on wild and cultured material of Rhodochorton investiens (Lenormand) nov. comb. (Balbiania investiens (Lenorm.) Sirodot). Ann. Bot. N.S. 27, 281-290. 538 TALLING, J. F. and DRIVER, D. 1963. Some problems in the estimation of chlorophyll-a in phytoplankton. Proceedings, Conference on Primary Productivity Measurement, Marine and Freshwater, Hawaii, 1961. TLD-7633. pp. 142-146.

539 SWIFT, D. R. 1963. Influence of oxygen concentration on growth of brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Trans. Am. Fish. Soc. 92, 300-301. 540 SWALE, E. M. F. 1963. Notes on the morphology and anatomy of Thorea ramosissima Bory. J. Linn. Soc. {Bot.), 85, 429-434. 541 BELCHER, J. H. and SWALE, E. M. F. 1963. Some new and uncommon British Volvocales. II. Br. phycol. Bull. 2, 4, 210-218. 542 SWALE, E. M. F. 1963. Note on the taxonomy of Pteromonas angulosa (Carter) Lemmermann. Br. phycol. Bull. 2, 4, 259-261. 543 CANTER, H. M. 1963. Studies on British chytrids. XXIII. New species on chrysophycean algae. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 46, 305-320. 544 BRINKHURST, R. O. 1963. (Scientific Publication No. 22) A guide for the identification of British aquatic Oligochaeta. 52 pp.

545 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1963. Comparisons of plant productivity. Biol. Rev. 38, 385-425.

546 FRYER, G. 1963. Crustacean parasites from cichlid fishes of the genus Tilapia in the Musée Royal de l'Afrique centrale. Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 68, 386-392.

547 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1964. A study of the distribution of some lower fungi in soil. Nova Hedwigia, 7. 133-150. 548 MACKERETH, F. J. H. 1964. An improved galvanic cell for determination of oxygen concentrations in fluids. J. scient. lustrum. 41, 3S-41.

549 LE CREN, E. D. and KIPLING, C. 1963. Some marking experiments on spawning populations of char. Spec. Pubis, int. Commn, nthwest Atlant. Fish. 4, (1963). PAPERS—1963-4 41 550 KIPLING, C. 1963. Some estimates of theoretical minimum expected sizes of perch in gill nets. Spec. Pubis, int. Commn. nthwest Atlant. Fish. 5 (1963). 551 SWIFT, D. R. 1964. Activity cycles in the brown trout (Salmo trutta L.). 2. Fish artificially fed. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can. 21, 1, 133-38. 552 JEFFREY, J. M. and WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1964. A note on the distribution of Allomyces in Australia. Nova Hedwigia, 7, 507-15. 553 LUND, J. W. G. 1964. Primary production and periodicity of phytoplankton. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 15, 37-56. 554 GILSON, H. C. 1964. Lake Titicaca. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 15, 112-127. 555 TALLING, J. F. 1964. The annual cycle of stratification and primary production in Lake Victoria (E. Africa). Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 15, 384-5. 556 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1964. Light extinction, standing crop and photosynthesis within weed beds. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 15, 415-25.

557 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1964. An investigation of some benthic entomostraca of three lakes in Northern Italy. Memorie Ist. ital. Idrobiol. 17, 33-56.

558 MACAN, T. T. 1964. The Odonata of a moorland fishpond. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 49, 2, 325-60.

559 SWIFT, D. R. 1964. The effect of temperature and oxygen on the growth rate of the Winder- mere char (Salvelinus alpinus willughbii). Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 12, 179-83.

560 COLLINS, V. G. 1964. The fresh water environment and its significance in industry. J. appl. Bact. 27, 1, 143-50.

561 GORHAM, E. 1964. Molybdenum, manganese and iron in lake muds. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 15, 330-32.

562 MACAN, T. T. 1964. Emergence traps and the investigation of stream faunas. Riv. Idrobiol. 3, 1, 75-92.

563 DUCKER, S. C. and WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1964. Potassium tellurite as a bacteriostatic agent in isolating algae. Nature, Lond. 202, 4928, 210. 42 PAPERS—1964 564 GLEDHILL, T. and DRIVER, D. B. 1964. Bathynella nutans Vejdovsky (Crustacea: Syncarida) and its occurrence in Yorkshire. Naturalist, Hull, July-September 1964. 104-6. 565 DICK, M. W. 1964. Apodachlyella completa (Humphrey) Indoh. J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.), 59, 376, 57-60. 566 BELCHER, J. H. 1964. Observations on Spermatozopsis exsultans Korshikov in culture. Nova Hedwigia, 8, 127-33. 567 MUNDIE, J. H. 1964. A sampler for catching emerging insects and drifting materials in streams. Limnol. Oceanogr. 9, 3, 456-9. 568 SWALE, E. M. F. 1964. A study of the phytoplankton of a calcareous river. J. Ecol. 52, 433-46. 569 FRYER, G. 1964. Further studies on the parasitic crustacea of African freshwater fishes. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 143, 1, 79-102. 570 BELCHER, J. H. 1964. Further notes on Scourfieldia caeca. Br. phycol. Bull. 2, 5, 371-3.

571 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS. T. G. TUTIN). 1964. Pollen analyses from the deposits of six upland tarns in the Lake District. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (B), 248, 746, 205-44. (Not available for distribution. Copies may be bought from the Royal Society, 6, Carlton House Terrace, London S.W.I.)

572 SWALE, E. M. F. 1964. Notes on Siderocystopsis fusca (Korshikov) nov. comb. (Siderocystis fusca Korshikov) in culture. Br. phycol. Bull. 2, 5, 313-16.

573 BELCHER, J. H. 1964. Some new and uncommon British Volvocales, III. Br. phycol. Bull. 2, 5, 307-12.

574 MANN, K. H. 1964. (Scientific Publication No. 14. 2nd. Edition.) A Key to the British freshwater leeches with notes on their ecology. 50 pp.

575 DICK, M. W. 1964. A note on the occurrence and host range of Aphanomyces parasiticus. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 47, 4, 627-8.

576 EDMONDSON, W. T. 1965. Reproductive rate of planktonic rotifers as related to food and temperature in nature. Ecol. Monogr. 35, 61-111.

577 MACKERETH, F. J. H. 1965 Chemical investigations of lake sediments and their interpretation. Proc. R. Soc. (B), 161, 295-309. PAPERS—1964 43 578 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS. T. G. TUTIN). 1965. The interpretation of some post-Glacial vegetation diversities at different Lake District sites. Proc. R. Soc. (B), 161, 310-23. 579 FOGG, G. E. 1965. A contribution to the history of forest clearance. Proc. R. Soc. (B), 161, 353-4. 580 CHAMBERS, T. C. and WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1964. The fine structure of Rhizophlyctis rosea, a soil phycomycete. Jl R. microsc. Soc. 83, 4, 355-64. 581 CANTER, , H. M. and WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1964. A parasitic Blastocladiella from Windermere plankton. Jl R. microsc. Soc. 83, 4, 365-72. 582 LE CREN, E. D. 1964. The interaction between freshwater fisheries and nature conservation. Proceedings of the MAR Conference organized by IUCN, ICBP and IWRB (Les Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer, Nov. 1962). IUCN Pubis, N.S., 3, 1964. (Part I/E, pp. 431-7).

583 LUND, J. W. G. 1965. Professor W. H. Pearsall, F.R.S. Nature, Lond. 205, 21.

584 FRYER, G. 1965. Studies on the functional morphology and feeding mechanism of Monodella argentarii Stella (Crustacea: Thermosbaenacea). Trans. R. Soc. Edinb. 66, 4, 49-60. (It is regretted that cost precludes the distribution of this paper free of charge. Copies may be purchased from the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 22 George Street, Edinburgh, 2.)

585 FROST, W. E. and KIPLING, C. 1965. Some observations on the age and growth of pike (Esox lucius L.) in Windermere. Salm. Trout Mag. January, 1965, 21-27.

586 TALLING, J. F. 1965. The photosynthetic activity of phytoplankton in East African lakes. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 50, 1-32.

587 AUBROOK, E. W. and FRYER, G. 1965. The parasitic copepod Tracheliastes polycolpus Nordmann in some Yorkshire rivers: the first British records. Naturalist, Hull, No. 893, 51-6.

588 BELCHER, J. H. and FOGG, G. E. 1964. Chlorophyll derivatives and carotenoids in the sediments of two English lakes. In "Recent Researches in the Fields of Hydrosphere, Atmosphere and Nuclear Geochemistry", 1964. Tokyo. Maruzen Co.

589 GLEDHILL, T. 1964. Axonopsalbia (Hexaxonopsalbia) angulata Viets 1955 and the genus Barbaxonella Lundblad 1954 (Hydrachnellae, Acari). J. Quekett microsc. Club, 29, 296-302. 44 PAPERS—1965 590 BELCHER, J. H. 1965. An investigation of three clones of Monomastix Scherffel by light micros- copy. Nova Hedwigia, 9, 73-82 + 2 pls. 591 LUND, J. W. G. 1965. The ecology of the freshwater phytoplankton. Biol. Rev. 40, 231-93. 592 SWALE, E. M. F. and BELCHER, J. H. 1964. The algal flora of the River Lee. 3. Volvocales and Chlorococcales. Essex Nat. 31, 193-8. 593 SWIFT, D. R. 1965. Effect of temperature on mortality and rate of development of the eggs of the pike (Esox lucius L.) and the perch (Perca fluviatilis L.). Nature, Lond. 206, 528. 594 FRYER, G. 1965. Predation and its effects on migration and speciation in African fishes: a comment. With further comments by P. H. Greenwood and a reply by P. B. N. Jackson. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 144, 301-22. 595 MACAN, T. T. 1965. The influence of predation on the composition of fresh-water communities. IN "Biological problems in Water Pollution," 3rd Seminar, 1962, 141-4. 596 FRYER, G. 1965. A new isopod of the genus Lironeca, parasitic on a cichlid fish of Lake Tanganyika. Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 71, 376-84. 597 MACAN, T. T. 1965. The fauna in the vegetation of a moorland fishpond. Arch. Hydrobiol. 61, 273-310.

598 FOGG, G. E., NALEWAJKO, C. and WATT, W. D. 1965. Extracellular products of phytoplankton photosynthesis. Proc. R. Soc. (B) 162, 517-34. 599 GORHAM, E. and SWAINE, D. J. 1965. The influence of oxidizing and reducing conditions upon the distribution of some elements in lake sediments. Limnol. Oceanogr. 10, 268-79.

600 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1965. Some observations on the location of sites of fungal activity at Blelham Tarn. Hydrobiologia, 25, 352-6.

601 FRYER, G. 1965. Crustacean parasites of African freshwater fishes, mostly collected during the expeditions to Lake Tanganyika, and to Lakes Kivu, Edward and Albert by the Institut Royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgiques. Bull. Inst. r. Sci. nat. Belg. 41, (7), 1-22.

602 SWIFT, D. R. 1965. Effect of temperature on mortality and rate of development of the eggs of the Windermere Char (Salvelinus alpinus). J. Fish. Res. Bd Can. 22, 913-7. PAPERS—1965 45 603 SWIFT, D. R. and PICKFORD, G. E. 1965. Seasonal variations in the hormone content of the pituitary gland of the perch, Perca fluviatilis L. Gen. comp. Endocr. 5, 354-65. 604 LE CREN, E. D. 1965. A note on the history of mark-recapture population estimates. J. Anim. Ecol, 34, 453-4. 605 FRYER, G. 1965. Parasitic crustaceans of African freshwater fishes from the Nile and Niger systems. Proc. zool. Soc. Lond. 145, 285-303. 606 McCORMACK, J. C. 1965. Observations on the perch population of Ullswater. J. Anim. Ecol. 34, 463-78. 607 LE CREN, E. D. 1965. Some factors regulating the size of populations of freshwater fish. Mitt, int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 13, 88-105. 608 FROST, W. E. 1965. Breeding habits of Windermere charr, Salvelinus willughbii (Günther), and their bearing on speciation of these fish. Proc. R. Soc. (B) 163, 232-84. 609 SWALE, E. M. F. 1965. Observations on a clone of Lagerheimia subsalsa Lemmermann (Chodatella subsalsa Lemm.) in culture. Nova Hedwigia 10, 1-10. 610 (a) KIPLING, C. 1965. Pike in Windermere. [Description of a demonstration.] Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 13, 197-8. (b) MACAN, T. T. 1965. The effect of the introduction of Salmo trutta into a moorland fishpond. [Description of a demonstration.] Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 13, 194-7. (c) McCORMACK, J. C. 1965. Populations of fish in the English Lake District. [Description of a demon- stration.] Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 13, 198-9. 611 BELCHER, J. H. 1965. Some new and uncommon British Volvocales. IV. Br. phycol. Bull. 2, 414-21. 612 SWALE, E. M. F. 1965. Observations on a population of Lagerheimia genevensis Chodat in Oak- mere, Cheshire. Br. phycol. Bull. 2, 422-8. 613 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1965. Some problems in the measurement of radiation under water: a review. Photochem. Photobiol. 4, 849-68. 614 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1965 A study of Chytridiales from Victorian and other Australian soils. Arch. Mikrobiol. 52, 101-31. 46 PAPERS—1965 615 MACAN, T. T. 1965. Predation as a factor in the ecology of water bugs. J. Anim. Ecol. 34, 691-8. 616 TREWAVAS, E. and FRYER, G. 1965. Species of Tilapia (Pisces, Cichlidae) in Lake Kitangiri, Tanzania, East Africa. J. Zool. 147, 108-18. 617 BELCHER, J. H. 1965. Volvulina steinii Playfair from the English Lake District, a new British record. Br. phycol. Bull. 2, 501-2. 618 BAXTER, R. M., PROSSER, M.V., TALLING, J. F. and WOOD, R. B. 1965. Stratification in tropical African lakes at moderate altitudes. (1,500 to 2,000 m.) Limnol. Oceanogr. 10, 510-20. 618a MACAN, T. T. 1965. (Scientific Publication No. 16, 2nd edn. revised.) A revised key to the British water bugs (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). 78 pp. 619 FRYER, G. 1966. Branchinecta gigas Lynch, a non-filter-feeding raptatory anostracan, with notes on the feeding habits of certain other anostracans. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. 177, 19-34. 620 CANTER, H. M. 1965. Studies on British chytrids. XXIV. Entophlyctis molesta sp. nov., para- sitic on Stylosphaeridium stipitatum (Bachm.) Geitler et Gimesi from the plankton. Jl R. microsc. Soc. 84, 549-57. 621 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1965. Invertebrate drift in a mountain stream in Norway. Norsk ent. Tidsskr. 13, 97-9. 622 MACAN, T. T. 1966. The influence of predation on the fauna of a moorland fishpond. Arch. Hydrobiol. 61, 432-52. 623 TALLING, J. F. and TALLING, I. B. 1965. The chemical composition of African lake waters. Int. Revue ges. Hydro- biol. Hydrogr. 50, 421-63.

624 MACAN, T. T. and MAUDSLEY, R. 1966. The temperature of a moorland fishpond. Hydrobiologia, 27, 1-22.

625 BELCHER, J. H. 1966. Microglena butcheri nov. sp., a flagellate from the English Lake District. Hydrobiologia, 27, 65-9.

626 BAGENAL, T. B. 1966. The ecological and geographical aspects of the fecundity of the plaice. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 46, 161-86.

627 FRYER, G. 1966. Habitat selection and gregarious behaviour in parasitic crustaceans. Crustaceana, 10, 199-209. PAPERS—1966 47 628 MACKERETH, F. J. H. 1966. Some chemical observations on post-glacial lake sediments. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (B), 250, (765), 165-213. (Not available for distribution. Copies may be bought from the Royal Society, 6, Carlton House Terrace, London, S.W.I.) 629 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1966. Downstream movements of trout fry (Salmo trutta) in a Dartmoor stream. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can. 23, 157-9. 630 DICK, M. W. 1966. The Saprolegniaceae of the environs of Blelham Tarn: sampling technique's and the estimation of propagule numbers. J. gen. Microbiol., 42, 257-82. 631 HEAPS, N. S. and RAMSBOTTOM, A. E. 1966. Wind effects on the water in a narrow two-layered lake. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (A), 259, (1102), 391-430. (Not available for distribution. Copies may be bought from the Royal Society, 6, Carlton House Terrace, London, S.W.I.) 632 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1966. Some basic data for investigations of the productivity of aquatic macrophytes. Memorie Ist. ital. Idrobiol., 18, Suppl. 229-48. 633 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1966. Theoretical aspects of the comparability of productivity data. Memorie Ist. ital. Idrobiol., 18, Suppl. 313-22. 634 TALLING, J. F. 1966. Comparative problems of phytoplankton production and photo- synthetic productivity in a tropical and a temperate lake. Memorie Ist. ital. Idrobiol., 18, Suppl. 399-424.

635 BRINKHURST, R. 0. 1966. Population dynamics of the large pond-skater Gerris najas Degeer (Hemiptera-Heteroptera). J. Anim. Ecol. 35, 13-25.

636 TALLING, J. F. 1966. Photosynthetic behaviour in stratified and unstratified lake populations of a planktonic diatom. J. Ecol. 54, 99-127.

637 SERBAN, E. and GLEDHILL, T. 1966. Concerning the presence of Bathynella nutans stammeri Jakobi (Crustacea: Syncarida) in England and Rumania. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. 8, 513-22.

638 LUND, J. W. G. 1966. The importance of turbulence in the periodicity of certain freshwater species of the genus Melosira. (Translation). Bot. Zh. SSSR, 51, 176-87 + 6 figs.

639 CROSS, T. and COLLINS, V. G. 1966. Micromonospora in an inland lake. IX Int. Congr. Microbiol. Moscow, 11 pp. 48 PAPERS—1966 640 MUNDIE, J. H. 1966. Sampling emerging insects and drifting materials in deep flowing water. Gewäss. Abwäss. 41/42, 159-62. 641 BAGENAL, T. B. 1966. The Ullswater Schelly. Field Naturalist, 11 (NS), (2). 642 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1966. A conidial Actinoplanes isolate from Blelham Tarn. J. gen. Microbiol. 44, 69-72. 643 FRYER, G. 1966. The amphipod Gammarus lacustris G. O. Sars in the extreme south-west of Ireland. Ir. Nat. J. 15, an. 644 SWALE, E. M. F. and BELCHER, J. H. 1966. Ochromonas ostreaeformis nov. sp., a large compressed chryso- monad. New Phytol. 65, 267-72. 645 BELCHER, J. H„ SWALE, E. M. F. and HERON, J. 1966. Ecological and morphological observations on a population of Cyclotella pseudostelligera Hustedt. J. Ecol. 54, 335-40 + 1 pl. 646 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1966. An unusual chytrid from incubated leaf litter. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 49, 451-55 + 1 pl. 647 CANTER, H. M. 1966. On the protozoan Enteromyxa paludosa Cienkowski. J. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), 46, 143-54 + 4 pl. 648 BROWN, M. E. and COLLINS, V. G. 1966. Irish salmon disease. An interim report. Salm. Trout Mag. Sept. 1966, 180-8.

649 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1966. A model for quantitative studies of photosynthesis by higher plants in streams. Int. J. Air Wat. Pollut. 10, 883-96.

650 BELCHER, J. H. 1966. Colony structure in Chrysocapsa epiphytica Lund. Br. phycol. Bull. 3, 81-2.

651 BELCHER, J. H. 1966. Prasinochloris sessilis gen. et sp. nov., a coccoid member of the Prasinophyceae, with some remarks upon cyst formation in Pyramimonas. Br. phycol. Bull. 3, 43-51.

652 SWALE, E. M. F. 1966. Stephanosphaera on acidic rock. Br. phycol. Bull. 3, 83-5.

6,53 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. and COLLINS, V. G. 1966. A study of the distribution of fungal spores and bacteria in Blelham Tarn and its associated streams. Nova Hedwigia, 12, 150-71 + 6 pl. PAPERS—1966 49 654 TALLING, J. F. 1966. The annual cycle of stratification and phytoplankton growth in Lake Victoria (East Africa). Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 51, 545-621. 655 TALLING, J. F. 1966. Productivity of phytoplankton in Lake Victoria. J. appl. Ecol. 2, 415 [abstract only] 656 JOHNSON, L. 1966 Experimental determination of food consumption of pike, Esox lucius, for growth and maintenance J. Fish, Res. Bd Can. 23, 1495-1505. 657 JOHNSON, L. 1966. Consumption of food by the resident population of pike, Esox lucius, in Lake Windermere. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can. 23, 1523-35. 658 CANTER, H. M. 1966. Studies on British chytrids. XXV. Chytriomyces heliozoicola sp. nov., a parasite of Heliozoa in the plankton. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 49, 633-8 + I pl.

659 MACAN, T. T., McCORMACK, J. C. and MAUDSLEY, R. 1966/67. An experiment with trout in a moorland fishpond. 1. Salm. Trout Mag. Sept. 1966, 206-11. 2. Salm. Trout Mag. Jan. 1967, 59-69.

660 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1966. The biomass and productivity of Glyceria maxima. 1. Seasonal changes in biomass. J. Ecol. 54, 745-53.

660a SCOURFIELD, D. J. and HARDING, J. P. 1966. (Scientific Publication No. 5, 3rd edition.) A key to the British species of freshwater Cladocera, 55 pp.

661 CANTER, H. M. 1967. Studies on British chytrids. XXVI. A critical examination of Zygorhizidium melosirae Canter and Z. planktonicum Canter. J. Linn. Soc. (Bot.), 60, 85-97 + 4 Pl.

662 CHAMBERS, T. C, MARKUS, K. and WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1967. The fine structure of the mature zoosporangium of Nowakow- skiella profusa. J. gen. Microbiol. 46, 135-41 + 5 pl.

663 BELCHER, J. H. 1967. Reproduction and growth of the mixotrophic flagellate Furcilla stigmatophora (Skuja) Korshikov (Volvocales). Arch. Mikrobiol. 55, 327-41.

664 CRISP, D. T. 1966. Input and output of minerals for an area of Pennine moorland: the importance of precipitation, drainage, peat erosion and animals. J. appl. Ecol. 3, 327-48. 50 PAPERS—1966-7 665 CANTER, H. M. and LUND, J. W. G. 1966. The periodicity of planktonic desmids in Windermere, England. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 16, 163-72. 666 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1966. The light climate for plants in rivers. In: Light as an ecological factor, 99-119. Oxford, Blackwell. 667 LUND, J. W. G. 1966. Limnology and its application to potable water supplies. J. Br. WatWks Ass. 49, 14-26. 668 BAGENAL, T. B. 1967. A method of marking fish eggs and larvae. Nature, Lond. 214, 113. 669 MACAN, T. T. 1966. Predation by Salmo trutta in a moorland fishpond. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 16, 1081-7. 670 GLEDHILL, T. 1967. Atractides latipalpis (Mot. & Tan.) a phreaticolous water-mite (Hydrachnellae, Acari) new to Britain. Naturalist, Hull, No. 901, 51-4. 671 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1967. A note on the feeding of Simocephalus vetulus (O. F. Müller) (Crustacea; Cladocera) in light and dark. J. not. Hist. 1, 113-7. 672 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1967. Some effects of low-velocity currents on the metabolism of aquatic macrophytes. J. exp. Bot. 18. 187-205. 673 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1967 Invertebrate drift in a Dartmoor stream. Arch. Hydrobiol. 63, 202-37. 674 WALKER, B. 1967. A diver-operated pneumatic core sampler. Limnol. Oceanogr. 12, 114-6. 675 LUND, J. W. G. 1967. Eutrophication. Nature, Lond. 214, 557-8. 676 LUND, J. W. G. 1966. A genus new to Poland; Prasiococcus Vischer. Acta hydrobiol., Krakow, 8, Suppl. 1, 303-9. 677 GILSON, H. C. 1967. Biological considerations in the conservation of water. J. Instn Wat. Engrs, 21, 250-4. 678 ELLIOTT, J. M. and ELLIOTT, J. I. 1967. The structure and possible function of the buccopharyngeal teeth of Sigara dorsalis (Leach) (Hemiptera: Corixidae). Proc. R. ent. Soc. Lond. 42A, 83-6. PAPERS—1967 51 679 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1967. The life histories and drifting of the Plecoptera and Ephemer- optera in a Dartmoor stream. J. Anim. Ecol., 36, 343-62. 680 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1967. Sodium regulation in the amphipod Gammarus duebeni from brackish-water and fresh-water localities in Britain. J. exp. Biol. 46, 529-50. 681 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. and SHAW, J. 1967. The sodium balance mechanism in the fresh-water amphipod, Gammarus lacustris Sars. J. exp. Biol. 46, 519-28. 682 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1967. Sodium regulation in the fresh-water amphipod, Gammarus pulex (L.). J. exp. Biol. 46, 499-518. 683 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1967. The food of trout (Salmo trutta) in a Dartmoor stream. J. appl. Ecol. 4, 59-71. 684 LIND, E. M. and CROASDALE, H. 1966. Variation in the desmid Staurastrum sebaldi var. ornatum. J. Phycol. 2, 111-6 685 LUND, J. W. G. 1967. Planktonic algae and the ecology of lakes. Sci. Prog., Lond. 55, 401-19. 686 MACAN, T. T. 1967. The Corixidae of two Shropshire meres. Fld Stud. 2, 533-5. 687 BELCHER, J. H. 1967. Notes on the carbon and nitrogen requirements of Furcilla stigmatophora. Arch. Mikrobiol. 58, 181-5.

688 LIND, E. M. 1967. Some East African desmids. Nova Hedwigia, 13, 361-87 + 13 pl.

689 BELCHER, J. H. and SWALE, E. M. F. 1967. Observations on Pteromonas tenuis sp. nov. and P. angulosa (Carter) Lemmermann (Chlorophyceae, Volvocales) by light and electron microscopy. Nova Hedwigia, 13, 353-9 + 5 pl.

690 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1967. A resting stage in Cyclops dybowski Lande (Crustacea: Copepoda). Naturalist, Hull, No. 903, 125-6.

691 BELCHER, J. H. and SWALE, E. M. F. 1967. Chromulina placentula sp. nov. (Chrysophyceae), a freshwater nannoplankton flagellate. Br. phycol. Bull. 3, 257-67.

692 SWALE, E. M. F. 1967. A clone of Scenedesmus with Chodatella-stages. Br. phycol. Bull. 3, 281-93. 52 PAPERS—1967 693 SWALE, E. M. F. and BELCHER, J. H. 1968. The external morphology of the type species of Pyramimonas (P. tetrarhynchus Schmarda) by electron microscopy. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond., 179, 77-81 + 1 pl. 694 BELCHER, J. H. 1968. The fine structure of Furcilla stigmatophora (Skuja) Korshikov. Arch. Mikrobiol. 60, 84-94. 695 FRYER, G. 1967. Parasitic copepods from African cichlid fishes in the Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale. Revue Zool. Bot. afr. 76, 357-63. 696 FROST, W. E. and KIPLING, C. 1967. A study of reproduction, early life, weight-length relationship and growth of pike, Esox lucius L., in Windermere. J. Anim. Ecol. 36, 651-93. 697 SEBER, G. A. F. and LE CREN, E. D. 1967. Estimating population parameters from catches large relative to the population. J. Anim. Ecol. 36, 631-43. 698 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1967. A re-examination of observations on the distribution of Gammarus duebeni Lilljeborg in relation to the salt content in fresh water. J. Anim. Ecol. 36, 579-97.

698a HYNES, H. B. N. 1967. (Scientific Publication No. 17, 2nd revised edition) A key to the adults and nymphs of British Stoneflies (Plecoptera). 90 pp.

698b REYNOLDSON, T. B. 1967. (Scientific Publication No. 23) A key to the British species of freshwater Triclads. 28 pp.

699 GRAYSON, R. F. and HAYES, D. A. 1968. The British freshwater hydras. Country-side, 20, 539-46.

700 MACAN, T. T. and MAUDSLEY, R. 1968. The insects of the stony substratum of Windermere. Trans. Soc. Br. Ent., 18, 1, 1-18.

701 FROST, W. E. and KIPLING, C. 1967. Removal of pike (Esox lucius) from Windermere and some of its effect on the population dynamics of that fish. Proc. 3rd Br. coarse Fish Conf., 1967, 53-6.

702 MANN, R. H. K. 1967. The production of coarse fish in some southern chalkstreams. Proc. 3rd Br. coarse Fish Conf., 1967, 37-41.

703 TALLING, J. F. and RZÓSKA, J. 1967. The development of plankton in relation to hydrological regime in the Blue Nile. J. Ecol., 55, 637-62. PAPERS—1967-8 53 704 BELCHER, J. H. and STOREY, J. E. 1968. The phytoplankton of Rostherne and Mere Meres, Cheshire. Naturalist, Hull (905), 57-61. 705 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1968. Atlantic salmon disease fungus. Nature, Land., 217, 872-3. 706 INGOLD, C. T., DANN, V. and McDOUGALL, P. J. 1968. Tripospermum camelopardus sp. nov. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc, 51. 51-6. 707 CANTER, H. M. 1968. On an unusual fungoid organism, Sphaerita dinobryoni n. sp., living in species of Dinobryon. J. Elisha Mitchell scient. Soc., 84, 56-61. 708 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1968. Sodium regulation and adaptation to fresh water in gammarid crustaceans. J. exp. Biol., 48, 359-80. 709 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. and SHAW, J. 1968. Sodium regulation in the amphipod Gammarus duebeni Lilljeborg from freshwater localities in Ireland. J. exp. Biol., 48, 339-58. 710 ELLIOTT, J. M. and MINSHALL, G. W. 1968. The invertebrate drift in the River Duddon, English Lake District. Oikos, 19, 39-52. 711 CANTER, H. M. 1968. Studies on British chytrids. XXVIII. Rhizophydium nobile sp. nov. parasitic on the resting spore of Ceratium hirundinella O. F. Müll, from the plankton. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond., 179, 197-201. 712 CANTER, H. M. and LUND, J. W. G. 1968. The importance of Protozoa in controlling the abundance of planktonic algae in lakes. Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond., 179, 203-19. 713 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1968. Ecological work on the lower fungi in freshwater — substrate relationships. Veröff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerh., 3, 125-32. 714 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1968. Aquatic Actinomycetales with particular reference to the Actinoplanaceae. Veröff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerh., 3, 19-26. 715 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1968. The daily activity patterns of mayfly nymphs (Ephemeroptera). J. Zool., 155, 201-21. 716 HAYES, D. A. and GRAYSON, R. F. 1968. The freshwater hydras: symbionts and predators. Country-side, 21, 23-8. 717 BELCHER, J. H. 1968. Notes on the physiology of Botryococcus braunii Kützing. Arch. Mikrobiol., 61, 335-46. 54 PAPERS—1968 718 MOORE, W. H. 1968. A light-weight pulsed D.C. fish shocker. J. appl. Ecol., 5, 205-8. 719 INGOLD, C. T., McDOUGALL, P. J. and DANN, V. 1968. Volucrispora graminea sp. nov. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc, 51, 325-8. 720 WILLOUGHBY, L. G., BAKER, C. D. and FOSTER, S. E. 1968. Sporangium formation in the Actinoplanaceae induced by humic acids. Experientia, 24, 730-1. 721 FROST, W. E. and KIPLING, D. 1968. Experiments on the effect of temperature on the growth of young pike, Esox lucius L. Salm. Trout Mag., No. 184, 170-8. 722 BELCHER, J. H. 1968. A study of Pyramimonas reticulata Korshikov (Prasinophyceae) in culture. Nova Hedwigia, 15, 179-88 + 20 pl. 723 FRYER, G. 1968. The parasitic Crustacea of African freshwater fishes; their biology and distribution. J. Zool., 156, 45-95. 724 FRYER, G. 1968. A new parasitic isopod of the family Cymothoidae from clupeid fishes of Lake Tanganyika — a further Lake Tanganyika enigma. J. Zool., 156, 35-43. 725 LIND, E. M. 1968. Notes on the distribution of phytoplankton in some Kenya waters. Br. phycol. Bull., 3, 481-93. 726 LIGHT, J. J. and BELCHER, J. H. 1968. A snow microflora in the Cairngorm mountains, Scotland. Br. phycol. Bull., 3, 471-3. 727 REYNOLDS, C. S. and ALLEN, S. E. 1968. Changes in the phytoplankton of Oak Mere, following the intro- duction of base-rich water. Br. phycol. Bull., 3, 451-62. 728 SWALE, E. M. F. 1968. The phytoplankton of Oak Mere, Cheshire, 1963-1966. Br. phycol. Bull., 3, 441-9. 729 BELCHER, J. H. 1968. Lorica construction in Pseudokephyrion pseudospirale Bourrelly. Br. phycol. Bull., 3, 495-9. 730 FRYER, G. 1968. The parasitic copepod Lernaea cyprinacea L. in Britain. J. nat. Hist., 2, 531-3. 731 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1968. Some observations on the effect of sampling technique under different conditions on numbers of some freshwater planktonic Entomostraca and Rotifera caught by a water bottle. J. nat. Hist., 2, 569-75. PAPERS—1968 55 732 FRYER, G. 1968. Evolution and adaptive radiation in the Chydoridae (Crustacea: Cladocera): a study in comparative functional morphology and ecology. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (B), 254, 795, 221-385. (Not available for distribution. Copies may be obtained from The Royal Society, 6, Carlton House Terrace, London, S.W.I.) 733 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1968. Methods used to determine the annual production of reedswamp plants with extensive rhizomes. International symposium, "Methods of productivity studies in root systems and rhizosphere organisms", pp. 226-34. Soviet National Committee for IBP. Nauka, Leningrad. 734 CANTER, H. M. 1968. Studies on British chytrids. XXVII. Rhizophydium fugax sp. nov., a parasite of planktonic cryptomonads with additional notes and records of planktonic fungi. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc, 51, 699-705. 735 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1968. The weight of water-weed in the River Frome. Yb. Ass. River Auth. 1968-69, pp. 3-12. 736 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1968. The biology of aquatic weeds in relation to their management. Proc. 9th Br. Weed Control Conf., 1968, pp. 372-9. 737 PROSSER, M. V., WOOD, R. B. and BAXTER, R. M. 1968. The Bishoftu crater lakes: a bathymetric and chemical study. Arch. Hydrobiol., 65, 309-24. 738 BAILEY-WATTS, A. E., BINDLOSS, M. E. and BELCHER, J. H. 1968. Freshwater primary production by a blue-green alga of bacterial size. Nature, Land., 220, 1344-5. 739 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1968. The life histories and drifting of Trichoptera in a Dartmoor stream. J. Anim. Ecol., 37, 615-25. 740 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1968. Observations on the planktonic and profundal Crustacea of the lakes of the English Lake District. J. Anim. Ecol., 37, 693-708. 741 GLEDHILL, T. and LADLE, M. 1968. Observations on the life-history of the subterranean amphipod Niphargus aquilex aquilex Schiödte. Crustaceana, 16, 51-6. 742 BELCHER, J. H. 1968. A morphological study of Pedinomonas major Korshikov. Nova Hedwigia, 16, 131-9 + 6 pl. 742a DAVIES, L. 1968. (Scientific Publication No. 24) A key to the British species of Simuliidae (Diptera) in the larval, pupal and adult stages. 126 pp. 56 PAPERS—1968 743 MANN, R. H. K and ORR, D. R. 1968. A preliminary study of the feeding relationships of fish in a hard water and a soft-water stream in southern England. J. Fish Biol., 1, 31-44. 744 MINSHALL, G. W. 1969. The Plecoptera of a headwater stream (Gaitscale Gill, English Lake District). Arch. Hydrobiol., 65, 494-514. 745 FRYER, G. 1969. The parasitic copepod Ergasilus sieboldi Nordmann new to Britain. Naturalist, Hull, 909, 49-51. 746 BAGENAL, T. B. 1969. The relationship between food supply and fecundity in brown trout Salmo trutta L. J. Fish Biol., 1, 167-82. 747 FRYER, G. 1969. A new freshwater species of the genus Dolops (Crustacea: Branchiura) parasitic on a glaxiid fish of Tasmania — with comments on disjunct distribution patterns in the Southern Hemisphere. Aust. J. Zool., 17, 49-64.

748 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1968. Number of eggs and body-size in the freshwater copepod Diaptomus gracilis Sars in the English Lake District. Oikos, 19, 323-38.

749 CANTER, H. M. and LUND; J. W. G. 1969. The parasitism of planktonic desmids by fungi, Öst. hot. Z., 116, 351-77. 750 FRYER, G. 1968. Tubular and glandular organs in the Cladocera, Chydoridae. Zool. J. Linn. Soc., 48, 1-8.

751 SWALE, E. M. F. 1969. A study of the nannoplankton flagellate Pedinella hexacostata Vysotskii by light and electron microscopy. Br. phycol. J., 4, 65-86.

752 BELCHER, J. H. 1969. Prasiococcus calcarius (Boye Petersen) Vischer in the South Sandwich Islands. Br. phycol. J., 4, 119-20.

753 BELCHER, J. H. 1969. A morphological study of the phytoflagellate Chrysococcus rufescens Klebs in culture. Br. phycol. J., 4, 105-17.

754 BELCHER, J. H. 1969. Further observations on the type species of Pyramimonas (P. tetrarhynchus Schmarda) (Prasinophyceae): an examination by light microscopy, together with notes on its taxonomy. Bot. J. Linn. Soc, 62, 241-53. PAPERS—1969 57 755 MACKERETH, F. J. H. 1969. A short core sampler for subaqueous deposits. Limnol. Oceanogr., 14. 145-51. 756 FRYER, G. 1969. The parasitic copepods Achtheres percarum and Salmincola gordoni Gurney in Yorkshire. Naturalist, Hull, 910, 77-81. 757 DICK, M. W. 1969. The Scoliolegnia asterophora aggregate, formerly Saprolegnia asterophora de Bary (Oomycetes). Bot. J. Linn. Soc, 62, 255-6.

758 MATHEWS, C. P. and WESTLAKE, D. F. 1969. Estimation of production by populations of higher plants subject to high mortality. Oikos, 20, 156-60.

759 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1969. Life history and biology of Sericostoma personatum Spence (Trichoptera). Oikos, 20, 110-18.

760 HARMSWORTH, R. V. 1968. The developmental history of Blelham Tarn (England) as shown by animal microfossils, with special reference to the Cladocera. Ecol. Monogr., 38, 223-41.

761 MACAN, T. T. 1969. The study of mayflies (Ephemeroptera). Leafl. Amat. Ent. Soc., No. 31, pp. 16.

762 LE CREN, E. D. 1969. Estimates of fish populations and production in small streams in England. Symposium on salmon & trout in streams, 269-80. Macmillan Lect. Br. Columb. Univ.

763 CANTER, H. M. 1969. Studies on British Chytrids. XXIX. A taxonomic revision of certain fungi found on the diatom Asterionella. Bot. J. Linn. Soc, 62, 267-78.

764 SWALE. E. M. F. 1969. The fine structure of a species of the amoebo-flagellate Pseudospora Cienk. Arch. Mikrobiol., 67, 71-90.

765 SWALE, E. M. F. 1969. Phytoplankton in two English rivers. J. Ecol., 57, 1-23.

766 LADLE, M. and BARON, F. 1969. Studies on three species of Pisidium (Mollusca: Bivalvia) from a chalk stream. J. Anim. Ecol., 38, 407-13.

767 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1969. Salmon disease in Windermere and the River Leven; the fungal aspect. Salm. Trout Mag., No. 186, 124-30. 58 PAPERS—1969

768 BAGENAL, T. B. 1969. Relationship between egg size and fry survival in brown trout . Salmo trutta L. J. Fish Biol., 1, 349-53. 769 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1969. Pure culture studies on the aquatic phycomycete, Lagenidium giganteum. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc, 52, 393-410. 770 KIPLING, C. and FROST, W. E. 1969. Variations in the fecundity of pike Esox lucius L. in Windermere J. Fish Biol., 1, 221-37. 771 MINSHALL, G. W. and KUEHNE, R. A. 1969. An ecological study of invertebrates of the Duddon, an English mountain stream. Arch. Hydrobiol., 66, 169-91. 772 JONES, J. G. 1969. The determination of microbial hydrocarbon metabolism in natural environments. Arch. Mikrobiol, 67, 397-407. 773 BELCHER, J. H. 1969. A re-examination of Phaeaster pascheri Scherffel in culture. Br. phycol. J., 4,191-7. 774 BURGIS, M. J. 1969. A preliminary study of the ecology of zooplankton in Lake George, Uganda. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., 17, 297-302.

775 DUNN, I. G., BURGIS, M. J., GANF, G. G., McGOWAN, L. M. and VINER, A. B. 1969. Lake George, Uganda: a limnological survey. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., 17, 284-8.

776 FRYER, G. 1969. Speciation and adaptive radiation in African lakes. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., 17, 303-22.

777 MACAN, T. T. and MAUDSLEY, R. 1969. Fauna of the stony substratum in lakes in the English Lake District. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., 17, 173-80.

778 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. and BAKER, C. D. 1969. Humic and fulvic acids and their derivatives as growth and sporulation media for aquatic Actinomycetes. Verh. int. Verein. theor: angew. Limnol., 17, 795-801.

779 TALLING, J. F. 1969. The incidence of vertical mixing, and some biological and chemical consequences in tropical African lakes. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., 17, 998-1012.

780 CANTER, H. M. 1970. Studies on British chytrids. XXX. On Podochytrium cornutum Sparrow. Bot. J. Linn. Soc., 63, 47-52. PAPERS—1969 59 781 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1969. A study of the aquatic Actinomycetes of Blelham Tarn. Hydrobiologia, 34, 465-83. 782 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1969. A study on aquatic Actinomycetes: the allochthonous leaf com- ponent. Nova Hedwigia, 18, 45-113. 783 ARCHER, J. F. and WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1969. Wood as the growth substratum for a freshwater foam spore. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc, 53, 484-6. 784 HAWORTH, E. Y. 1969. The diatoms of a sediment core from Blea Tarn, Langdale. J. Ecol., 57, 429-39. 785 HELLAWELL, J. M. 1969. Age determination and growth of the grayling Thymallus thymallus (L.) of the River Lugg, Herefordshire. J. Fish Biol., 1, 373-82. 786 TUTIN, W. 1969. The usefulness of pollen analysis in interpretation of stratigraphic horizons, both late-glacial and post-glacial. Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., 17, 154-64. 787 JONES, J. G. 1969. Studies on lipids of soil micro-organisms with particular reference to hydrocarbons. J. gen. Microbiol., 59, 145-52. 788 FRYER, G. and ILES, T. D. 1969. Alternative routes to evolutionary success as exhibited by African cichlid fishes of the genus Tilapia and the species flocks of the Great Lakes. Evolution, 23, 359-69. 788a MACAN, T. T. 1969. (Scientific Publication No. 13) A key to the British fresh- and brackish-water Gastropods. 3rd edition. 46 pp.

789 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1970. Observations on rate of development, longevity and fecundity of Acanthocyclops viridis (Jurine) (Copepoda, Cyclopoida) in relation to type of prey. Crustaceana, 18, 21-36.

790 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1969. Diel periodicity in invertebrate drift and the effect of different sampling periods. Oikos, 20, 524-8.

791 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1970 The diel activity patterns of caddis larvae (Trichoptera). J. Zool., 160, 279-90.

792 ARNOLD, F. & MACAN, T. T. 1969. Studies on the fauna of a Shropshire hill stream. Fld Stud., 3, 159-84. 6o PAPERS—1969 793 KIPLING, C. & FROST, W. E. 1970. A study of the mortality, population numbers, year-class strengths, production and food consumption of pike, Esox lucius L., in Windermere from 1944 to 1962. J. Anim. Ecol., 39, 115-57. 794 McCORMACK, J. C. 1970. Observations on the food of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in Winder- mere. J. Anim. Ecol., 39, 255-67. 795 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1970. Diel changes in invertebrate drift and the food of trout Salmo trutta L. J. Fish Biol., 2, 161-5. 796 BAGENAL, T. B. 1970. An historical review of the fish and fisheries investigations of the Freshwater Biological Association, mainly at the Windermere Laboratory. J. Fish Biol., 2, 83-101. 797 BAGENAL, T. B. 1970. Notes on the biology of the schelly Coregonus lavaretus (L.) in Haweswater and Ullswater. J. Fish Biol., 2, 137-54. 798 COLLINS, V. G. 1969. Pollution and freshwater in the future. Agric. Prog., 44, 98-102.

799 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1970. Mycological aspects of a disease of young perch in Windermere. J. Fish Biol., 2, 113-16.

800 BELCHER, J. H. 1969. Some remarks upon Mallomonas papulosa Harris and Bradley and M. calceolus Bradley. Nova Hedwigia, 18, 257-70.

801 MAXWELL, T. R. A. 1970. Hydramoeba hydroxena (Entz) discovered on Hydra graysoni sp.nov. Nature, Land., 225, 1068.

802 CRISP, D. T. 1970. Input and output of minerals for a small watercress bed fed by chalk water. J. appl. Ecol., 7, 117-40.

803 MORTIMER, C. H. & MOORE, W. H. 1970. The use of thermistors for the measurement of lake temperatures. Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., No. 2, i-v + 1-42.

804 GLEDHILL, T. 1969. Some observations on the phreaticolous water-mite Neoacarus hibernicus Halbert (Hydrachnellae, Acari). Proc. 2nd int. Congr. Acarology, 1967, 75-80.

805 VINER, A. B. 1969. The chemistry of the water of Lake George, Uganda. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., 17, 289-96. PAPERS—1970 61

806 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1970. Occurrence of the freshwater calanoid copepod, Diaptomus laciniatus Lilljeborg (Copepoda, Crustacea) in North Wales. Naturalist, Hull, No. 913, 69.

807 STOCKNER, J. G. & LUND, J. W. G. 1970. Live algae in postglacial lake deposits. Limnol. Oceanogr., 15, 41-58.

808 FROST, W. E. 1970. Conservation — fish. Salm. Trout Mag., No. 189, 104-8.

809 COLLINS, V. G. 1970. Recent studies of bacterial pathogens of freshwater fish. Wat. Treat. Exam., 19, 3-31.

810 JAWORSKI, G. & LUND, J. W. G. 1970. Drought resistance and dispersal of Asterionella formosa Hass. Beih. Nova Hedwigia, H. 31, 37-48.

811 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1970. A note on variation in larvae of Sericostoma personatum (Trichoptera). Entomologist, 103, 213-14.

812 FRYER, G. 1970. Biological aspects of parasitism of freshwater fishes by crustaceans and molluscs. Symp. Br. Soc. Parasit., 8, 103-18.

813 BURGIS, M. J., DUNN, I. G., GANF, G. G., McGOWAN, L. M. & VINER, A. B. 1970. Lake George, Uganda. Studies on a tropical freshwater ecosystem. IBP/UNESCO Symposium on Production Problems in Freshwaters, Kazimierz Dolny, 5-13 May 1970. 14 pp.

814 PENNINGTON, W. & BONNY, A. P. 1970. Absolute pollen diagram from the British Late-Glacial. Nature, Lond., 236, 871-3.

815 CRISP, D. T. & LE CREN, E. D. 1970. The temperature of three different small streams in northwest England. Hydrobiologia, 35, 305-23.

816 PICKERING, A. D. & MORRIS, R. 1970. Osmoregulation of Lampetra fluviatilis L. and Petromyzon marinus (Cyclostomata) in hyperosmotic solutions. J. exp. Biol., 53, 231-43.

817 GOULDER, R. 1970. Day-time variations in the rates of production by two natural communities of submerged freshwater macrophytes. J. Ecol., 58, 521-8.

818 JONES, J. G., KNIGHT, M. & BYROM, J. A. 1970. Effect of gross pollution by kerosine hydrocarbons on the microflora of a moorland soil. Nature, Lond., 227, p. 1166. 62 PAPERS— 1970 819 CRISP, D. T. & GLEDHILL, T. 1970. A quantitative description of the recovery of the bottom fauna in a muddy reach of a mill stream in Southern England after draining and dredging. Arch. Hydrobiol., 67, 502-41. 820 HORNE, A. J. & FOGG, G. E. 1970. Nitrogen fixation in some English lakes. Proc. R. Soc. (B), 175. 351-66. 821 JONES, J. G. 1970. The origin and distribution of hydrocarbons in an upland moor- land soil and underlying shale. J. Soil Sci., 21, 330-9. 822 FRYER, G. 1970. Defaecation in some macrothricid and chydorid cladocerans, and some problems of water intake and digestion in the Anomopoda. Zool. J. Linn. Soc, 49, 255-70. 823 RUTTNER-KOLISKO, A. 1970. Synchaeta calva nov.spec, a new rotifer from the English Lake District. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr., 55, 387-90. 824 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1970. Experimental populations of Gammarus duebeni in fresh water with a low sodium content. Nature, Lond., 228, 875-6. 825 GLEDHILL, T. 1970. The genus Wandesia Schechtel (Hydrachnellae, Acari) and a description of a new species Wandesia (Wandesia) racovitzai from England. Emile G. Racovitza 1868-1968: livre du centenaire, Bucarest. 231-8. 826 LUND, J. W. G. 1970. Primary production. Wat. Treat. Exam., 19, 332-58. 826a MACAN, T. T. 1970. (Scientific Publication No. 20) A key to the nymphs of British species of Ephemeroptera. 2nd revised edition. 68 pp. 827 HELLAWELL, J. M. & ABEL, R. 1971. A rapid volumetric method for the analysis of the food of fishes. J. Fish Biol., 3, 29-37.

828 MACAN, T. T. 1971. Pollution, enrichment and animal communities. Preprint of a paper presented to a Sessional Meeting of the Institute of Public Health Engineers, 18 March 1971.

829 BELCHER, J. H. 1970. The resistance to desiccation and heat of the asexual cysts of some freshwater Prasinophyceae. Br.phycol. J., 5, 173-7.

830 TALLING, J. F. 1970. Generalized and specialized features of phytoplankton as a form of photosynthetic cover. Prediction and measurement of photosynthetic productivity. Proceedings of the IBP/PP Technical Meeting, Třebon, 14-21 September 1969. 431-45. PAPERS—1971 63 831 CANTER, H. M. 1971. Studies on British chytrids, XXXI. Rhizophydium androdioctes sp. nov. parasitic on Dictyosphaerium pulchellum Wood from the plankton. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc, 56, 115—20.

832 JONES, J. G. 1970. Studies on freshwater bacteria: effect of medium composition and method on estimates of bacterial population. J. appl. Bact., 33, 679-86.

833 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1971. Sodium influx and loss in freshwater and brackish-water popula- tions of the amphipod Gammarus duebeni Lilljeborg. J. exp. Biol, 54, 255-68.

834 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1971. Upstream movements of benthic invertebrates in a Lake District stream. J. Anim. Ecol., 40, 235-52. 835 MANN, R. H. K. 1971. The populations, growth and production of fish in four small streams of southern England. J. Anim. Ecol., 40, 155-90. 836 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1970. Methods of sampling invertebrate drift in running water. Annls Limnol., 6, 133-59. 837 ATKINSON, K. M. 1970. Dispersal of phytoplankton by ducks. Wildfowl, 21, 110-11. 838 GRAYSON, R. F. 1971. The freshwater Hydras of Europe. 1. A review of the European species. Arch. Hydrobiol., 68, 436-49.

839 BURGIS, M. J. 1971. The effect of temperature on the development time of eggs of Thermocyclops sp., a tropical cyclopoid copepod from Lake George, Uganda. Limnol. Oceanogr., 15, 742-7.

840 PENNINGTON, W. (Mrs T. G. TUTIN) & LISHMAN, J. P. 1971. Iodine in lake sediments in northern England and Scotland. Biol. Rev., 46, 279-313. 841 COLLINS, V. G. 1970. Distribution and ecology of selected groups of bacteria in a stratified lake. [Abstract.] 10th int. Congr. Microbiol., Aa-14. 842 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1971. Life histories and drifting of three species of Limnephilidae (Trichoptera). Oikos, 22, 56-61.

843 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1971. The effect of calcium on sodium influx and loss in Gammarus (Amphipoda). J. exp. Biol., 54, 485-96. 64 PAPERS—1971 844 HELLAWELL, J. M. 1971. The food of the grayling Thymallus thymallus (L.) of the River Lugg, Herefordshire. J. Fish Biol., 3, 187-97.

845 HELLAWELL, J. M. 1971. The autecology of the chub, Squalius cephalus (L.), of the River Lugg and the Afon Llynfi. I. Age determination, population structure and growth. Freshwat. Biol., 1, 29-60.

846 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1971. Observations on some aquatic actinomycetes of streams and rivers. Freshwat. Biol., 1, 23-7.

847 GLEDHILL, T. 1971. The genera Azugofeltria, Vietsaxona, Neoacarus and Hungaro- hydracarus (Hydrachnellae: Acari) from the interstitial habitat in Britain. Freshwat. Biol., 1,61-82.

848 LADLE, M. 1971. The biology of Oligochaeta from Dorset streams. Freshwat. Biol., 1, 83-97. 849 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1971. Water plants and the aqueous environment. Biology hum. Affairs, 36, 2, 10 pp. 850 BAGENAL, T. B. 1971. The interrelation of the size of fish eggs, the date of spawning and the production cycle. J. Fish Biol., 3, 207-19. 851 CRANWELL, P. A. & HAWORTH, R. D. 1971. Humic acid — IV. The reaction of α-amino acid esters with quinones. Tetrahedron, 72, 1831-37. 852 ARCHER, J. F. 1971. Perithecium formation by Nectria lugdunensis on natural material. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc, 56, 475-7. 853 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1971. The distances travelled by drifting invertebrates in a Lake District stream. Oecologia, 7, 350-79.

854 FRYER, G. 1971. Functional morphology and niche specificity in chydorid and macrothricid cladocerans. Trans. Am microsc. Soc, 90, 103-4.

855 BURGIS, M. J. 1971. The ecology and production of copepods, particularly Thermocyclops hyalinus, in the tropical Lake George, Uganda. Freshwat. Biol., 1, 169-92. 856 HELLAWELL, J. M. 1971. The autecology of the chub, Squalius cephalus (L.), of the River Lugg and the Afon Llynfi. II. Reproduction. Freshwat. Biol., 1, 135-48. PAPERS—1971 65 857 LE CREN, E. D. 1971. The experimental approach to fishery research and management (The F.T.K. Pentelow Lecture). Proc. 4th Br. coarse Fish Conf., 1969. 3-5. 858 LUND, J. W. G. 1971. An artificial alteration of the seasonal cycle of the plankton diatom Melosira italica subsp. subarctica in an English lake. J.Ecol, 59, 521-33.

859 GOULDER, R. 1971. Vertical distribution of some ciliated Protozoa in two freshwater sediments. Oikos, 22, 199-203. 860 MILLIS, L. 1971. How much and what sort of water do we need? Jl R. Soc. Arts, 119, 730-5.

861 GILSON, H. C. 1971. The impact of water abstraction on river ecology. Jl R. Soc. Arts, 119,753-5. 862 FRYER, G. 1971. Allocation of Alonella acutirostris (Birge) (Cladocera, Chydoridae) to the genus Disparalona. Crustaceana, 21, 221-2. 863 JONES, J. G. 1971. Studies on freshwater bacteria: factors which influence the population and its activity. J. Ecol., 59, 593-613.

864 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1971. Regulation of water and some ions in gammarids (Amphipoda). I. Gammarus duebeni Lilljeborg from brackish water and fresh water. J. exp. Biol, 55, 325-44. 865 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1971. Regulation of water and some ions in gammarids (Amphipoda). II. Gammarus pulex (L.). J. exp. Biol., 55, 354-5. 866 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1971. Regulation of water and some ions in gammarids (Amphipoda). III. Three euryhaline species. J. exp. Biol., 55, 357-69. 867 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1971. The life history and biology of Apatania muliebris McLachlan (Trichoptera). Entomologist's Gaz., 22, 245-51. 868 LUND, J. W. G. 1971. Die Bedeutung der genauen quantitativen Erfassung des Planktons in der Limnologie und der Meeresforschung. Natur. Mus., Frankf., 101, 311-17. 869 HEANEY, S. I. 1971. The toxicity of Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz. from some English reservoirs. Wat. Treat. Exam., 20, 235-44. 66 PAPERS—1971 870 LUND, J. W. G. 1971. The Fritsch collection of illustrations of freshwater algae. Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., No. 19, 314-16. 871 LUND, J. W. G. 1971. The seasonal periodicity of three planktonic desmids in Windermere. Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., No. 19, 3-25. 872 TALLING, J. F. 1971. The underwater light climate as a controlling factor in the production ecology of freshwater phytoplankton. Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., No. 19, 214-43. 873 PICKERING, A. D. & DOCKRAY, G. J. 1972. The effects of gonadectomy on osmoregulation in the migrating river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis L. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 41A, 139-47. 874 MACKERETH, F. J. H. 1971. On the variation in direction of the horizontal component of remanent magnetisation in lake sediments. Earth planet. Sci. Lett., 12, 332-8. 875 ATKINSON, K. M. 1971. Further experiments in dispersal of phytoplankton by birds. Wildfowl, 22, 98-9. 876 COLLINS, J. M. 1971. The Ephemeroptera of the River Bela, Westmorland. Freshwat. Biol., 1, 405-9. 877 HELLAWELL, J. M. 1971. The autecology of the chub, Squalius cephalus (L.) of the River Lugg and the Afon Llynfi. III. Diet and feeding habits. Freshwat. Biol., 1, 369-87. 878 LUND, J. W. G. 1971. Eutrophication. In The scientific management of animal and plant communities for conservation. Symp. Br. ecol. Soc, No. 11, 225-40. 879 GOULDER, R. 1971. The effects of saprobic conditions on some ciliated Protozoa in the benthos and hypolimnion of a eutrophic pond. Freshwat. Biol., 1, 307-18. 879a BRINKHURST, R. 0. 1971. (Scientific Publication No. 22) A guide for the identification of British aquatic Oligochaeta, 2nd edn, revised. 55 pp. 879b ELLIOTT, J. M. 1971. (Scientific Publication No. 25) Some methods for the statistical analysis of samples of benthic invertebrates. 144 pp. PAPERS—1972 67 880 KEYMER, I. F., SMITH, G. R., ROBERTS, T. A., HEANEY, S. I. & HIBBERD, D. J. 1972. Botulism as a factor in waterfowl mortality at St. James's Park, London. Vet. Rec, 90, 111-14. 881 FRYER, G. 1972. Observations on the ephippia of certain macrothricid cladocerans. Zool.J. Linn. Soc, 51, 79-96.

882 ELLIOTT, J. M. & BAGENAL, T. B. 1972. The effects of electrofishing on the invertebrates of a Lake District stream. Oecologia, 9. 1—11.

883 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1972. Effect of temperature on the time of hatching in Baetis rhodani (Ephemeroptera: Baëtidae). Oecologia, 9, 47-51.

884 LUND, J. W. G. 1972. Eutrophication. Proc. R. Soc. (B), 180, 371-82. 885 REYNOLDS, C. S. 1971. The ecology of the planktonic blue-green algae in the north Shropshire meres. Fld Stud., 3, 409-32. 886 MAXWELL, T. R. A. 1972. The freshwater hydras of Europe. 2. Description of Hydra graysoni sp. nov. Arch. Hydrobiol. 69, 547-56. 887 HAWORTH, E. Y. 1972. Diatom succession in a core from Pickerel Lake, north-eastern South Dakota. Bull. geol. Soc. Am., 83, 157-72. 888 WILLOUGHBY, L. G., SMITH, S. M. & BRADSHAW, R. M. 1972. Actinomycete virus in fresh water. Freshwat. Biol., 2, 19-26. 889 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1972. Rates of gastric evacuation in brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Freshwat. Biol., 2, 1-18. 890 BAGENAL, T. B. 1972. The variability in numbers of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., caught in traps. Freshwat. Biol., 2, 27-36. 891 BAGENAL, T. B. 1972. The variability of the catch from gill nets set for pike, Esox lucius L. Freshwat. Biol., 2, 77-82. 892 LADLE, M. & CASEY, H. 1972. Growth and nutrient relationships of Ranunculus penicillatus var. calcareus in a small chalk stream. Proc. Eur. Weed Res. Coun. 3rd int. Symp. aquatic Weeds, 1971, 53-64. 893 LE CREN, E. D. 1972. Fish production in freshwaters. Symp. zool. Soc. Lond. No. 29, 115-33. 68 PAPERS—1972 894 JONES, J. G. 1972. Studies of freshwater bacteria: association with algae and alkaline phosphatase activity. J. Ecol., 60, 59-75.

895 CREER, K. M., THOMPSON, R., MOLYNEUX, L. & MACKERETH, F. J. H. 1972. Geomagnetic secular variation recorded in the stable magnetic remanence of recent sediments. Earth planet. Sci. Lett., 14, 115-27.

896 LADLE, M., BASS, J. A. B. & JENKINS, W. R. 1972. Studies on production and food consumption by the larval Simuliidae (Diptera) of a chalk stream. Hydrobiologia, 39, 429-48.

897 BONNY, A. P. 1972. A method for determining absolute pollen frequencies in lake sediments. New Phytol., 71, 393-405.

898 ELLIOTT, J. M. & CORLETT, J. 1972. The ecology of Morecambe Bay. IV. Invertebrate drift into and from the River Leven. J. appl. Ecol., 9, 195-205.

899 CORLETT, J. 1972. The ecology of Morecambe Bay. I. Introduction. J. appl. Ecol., 9. 153-9.

900 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1972. U.D.N. of Lake District trout and char: outward signs of infection and defence barriers examined further. Salm. Trout Mag., No. 195, 149-58.

901 CORLETT, J. 1972. Water quality in estuarine barrage reservoirs with special reference to Morecambe Bay. Part 2. Biology. Wat. Treat. Exam., 21, 119-26.

902 REYNOLDS, C. S. 1972. Growth, gas vacuolation and buoyancy in a natural population of a planktonic blue-green alga. Freshwat. Biol., 2, 87-106.

903 HAWORTH, E. Y. 1972. The recent diatom history of Loch Leven, Kinross. Freshwat. Biol., 2, 131-41.

904 GOULDER, R. 1972. The vertical distribution of some ciliated Protozoa in the plankton of a eutrophic pond during summer stratification. Freshwat. Biol., 2, 163-76. PAPERS—1972 69 905 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS T. G. TUTIN), HAWORTH, E. Y., BONNY, A. P. & LISHMAN, J. P. 1972. Lake sediments in northern Scotland. Phil. Trans. R. Soc.(B). 264, 861, 191-294. (Copies of this paper may be bought from The Royal Society, 6 Carlton House Terrace, London S.W.I, price £2.85).

906 LE CREN, E. D., KIPLING, C. & McCORMACK, J. C. 1972. Windermere: effects of exploitation and eutrophication on the salmonid community. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 29, 819-32.

907 GOULDER, R. 1972. Grazing by the ciliated protozoon Loxodes magnus on the alga Scenedesmus in a eutrophic pond. Oikos, 23, 109-15.

908 PICKERING, A. D. 1972. Effects of hypophysectomy on the activity of the endostyle and thyroid gland in the larval and adult river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis L. Gen. comp. Endocr., 18, 335-43.

909 FRYER, G. 1972. Some hazards facing African lakes. Biol. Conserv., 4, 301-2. 910 FRYER, G. 1972. Conservation of the Great Lakes of East Africa: a lesson and a warning. Biol. Conserv., 4, 256-62. 911 DOCKRAY, G. J. & PICKERING, A. D. 1972. The influence of the gonad on the degeneration of the intestine in migrating river lampreys: Lampetra fluviatilis L. (Cyclostomata). Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 43A, 279-86. 912 McGOWAN, L. M. 1972. Description of the larvae of Chaoborus (Neochaoborus) anomalus Edwards and Chaoborus (Sayomyia) ceratopogones Theobald (Diptera Chaoboridae) from Lake George, Uganda, and their morphological variation in other African lakes. Revue Zool. Bot. afr., 85, 357-68. 913 LUND, J. W. G., JAWORSKI, G. H. M. & BUCKA, H. 1971. A technique for bioassay of freshwater, with special reference to algal ecology. Acta Hydrobiol., Krakow., 13, 235-49. 914 LUND, J. W. G. 1972. Preliminary observations on the use of large experimental tubes in lakes. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., 18, 71-7. 915 MACAN, T. T. & KITCHING, A. 1972. Some experiments with artificial substrata. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., 18, 213-20. 916 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1972. An examination of subspecific differences in the merus of the fifth walking leg of the amphipod Gammarus duebeni Lilljeborg. Freshwat. Biol., 2, 203-16. 70 PAPERS—1972 917 MOORE, W. H. 1972. A simple portable field nephelometer. Freshwat. Biol., 2, 279-83. 918 KIPLING, C. 1972. The commercial fisheries of Windermere. Trans. Cumb. Westm. antiq. archaeol. Soc., 72, (N.S.), 156-204. 919 HELLAWELL, J. M. 1972. The growth, reproduction and food of the roach Rutilus rutilus (L), of the River Lugg, Herefordshire. J. Fish Biol., 4, 469-86. 920 CASEY, H. & NEWTON, P. V. R. 1972. The chemical composition and flow of the South Winterbourne in Dorset. Freshwat. Biol., 2, 229-34. 921 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1972. The crustacean zooplankton, past and present, in Esthwaite Water. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 18, 320-26. 922 KIPLING, C. & FROST, W. E. 1972. Certain effects of an annual removal of pike (Esox lucius) from Windermere. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., 18, 1122-7. 923 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1972. Notes on the chemistry and fauna of water-bodies in Northumberland with special emphasis on the distribution of Gammarus pulex (L.)., G. lacustris Sars and Asellus communis Say (new to Britain). Trans. nat. Hist. Soc. Northumb., 17, 5(N.S.), 222-48. 924 ATKINSON, K. M. 1972. Birds as transporters of algae. Br. phycol. J., 7, 319-21. 925 JONES, J. G. 1972. Studies on freshwater micro-organisms: phosphatase activity in lakes of differing degrees of eutrophication. J. Ecol., 60, 777-91. 926 DECAMPS, H. & ELLIOTT, J. M. 1972. Influence de la mesure chimique du débit sur les invertébrés d'un ruisseau de montagne. Annls Limnol., 8, 217-22. 926a KIMMINS, D. E. 1972. (Scientific Publication No. 15) A revised key to the adults of the British species of Ephemeroptera, with notes on their ecology. 2nd revised edn. 75 pp. 926b HOLLAND, D. G. 1972. (Scientific Publication No. 26) A key to the larvae, pupae and adults of the British species of Elminthidae. 58 pp. 926c MAITLAND, P. S. 1972. (Scientific Publication No. 27) A key to the freshwater fishes of the British Isles, with notes on their distribution and ecology. 139 pp. PAPERS—1973 71 927 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1973. Bionomics of Cyclops strenuus abyssorum Sars (Copepoda: Cyclopoida). Oecologia, 11, 163-86. 928 PICKERING, A. D. 1973. The measurement of unidirectional sodium fluxes in the non- stressed ammocoete river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis L. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 44A, 613-23. 929 FRYER, G. & PAGGI, J. C. 1972. A new cladoceran genus of the family Macrothricidae from Argentina. Crustaceana, 23, 255-62. 930 MARKER, A. F. H. 1972. The use of acetone and methanol in the estimation of chlorophyll in the presence of phaeophytin. Freshwat. Biol., 2, 361-85. 931 JONES, S. W. & GOULDER, R. 1973. Swimming speeds of some ciliated Protozoa from a eutrophic pond. Naturalist, Hull, No. 924, 33-5. 932 CANTER, H. M. (MRS J. W. G. LUND). 1973. A new primitive protozoan devouring centric diatoms in the plankton. Zool.J. Linn. Soc, 52, 63-83. 933 PICKERING, A. D. & MORRIS, R. 1973. Localization of ion-transport in the intestine of the migrating river lamprey. Lampetra fluviatilis L. J. exp. Biol., 58, 165-76. 934 WESTLAKE, D. F., CASEY, H., DAWSON, H., LADLE, M., MANN, R. H. K. & MARKER, A. F. H. 1972. The chalk-stream ecosystem. In Productivity problems of fresh- waters (ed. Z. Kajak & A. Hillbricht-Ilkowska). Proceedings of the IBP-UNESCO Symposium, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland. 6-12 May, 1970. Warszawa-Krakow, 615-35. 935 LIND, E. M. 1971. Some desmids from Uganda. Nova Hedwigia, 22, 535-85. 936 REYNOLDS, C. S. 1973. The seasonal periodicity of planktonic diatoms in a shallow eutrophic lake. Freshwat. Biol., 3, 89-110. 937 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1971. Aquatic fungi from an Antarctic island and a tropical lake. Nova Hedwigia, 22, 469-88. 938 CANTER, H. M. 1971. On Zygorhizidium venustum (Canter) n. comb., together with an illustrated list of chytrids occurring on Chrysophycean algae. Nova Hedwigia, 21, 577-97. 939 TALLING, J. F., WOOD, R. B., PROSSER, M. V. & BAXTER, R. M. 1973. The upper limit of photosynthetic productivity by phyto- plankton: evidence from Ethiopian soda lakes. Freshwat. Biol., 3, 52-76. 72 PAPERS—1973 940 MANN, R. H. K. 1973. On the coarse fish of the Dorset Stour. Proc. 5th Br. coarse Fish Conf. 1971, 129-34. 941 WILLIAMS, E. G. & LUND, J. W. G. 1972. The structure and development of a form of Dinococcus oedogonii (Geitler) Fott. Nova Hedwigia, 23, 493-513. 942 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1973. The food of brown and rainbow trout (Salmo trutta and S. gairdneri) in relation to the abundance of drifting invertebrates in a mountain stream. Oecologia, 12, 329-47.

943 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. & REDHEAD, K. 1973. Observations on the utilization of soluble nitrogen by aquatic fungi in nature. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc, 60, 598-601. 944 LADLE, M. & ESMAT, A. 1973. Records of Simuliidae (Diptera) from the Bere Stream, Dorset, with details of the life history and larval growth of Simulium (Eusimulium) latipes Meigen. Entomologist's mon. Mag., 108, 167-72. 945 VINER, A. B. 1973. Responses of a mixed phytoplankton population to nutrient enrichments of ammonia and phosphate, and some associated ecological implications. Proc. R. Soc. (B), 183, 351-70. 946 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1973. Aquatic macrophytes in rivers. A review. Polskie Archwm Hydrobiol., 20, 31-40. 947 BAGENAL, T. B., MACKERETH, F. J. H. & HERON, J. 1973. The distinction between brown trout and sea trout by the strontium content of their scales. J. Fish Biol., 5, 555-7. 948 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. & ARCHER, J. F. 1973. The fungal spora of a freshwater stream and its colonization pattern on wood. Freshwat. Biol., 3, 219-39. 949 CRANWELL, P. A. 1973. Chain-length distribution of n-alkanes from lake sediments in relation to post-glacial environmental change. Freshwat. Biol, 3, 259-65. 950 CRANWELL, P. A. 1973. Branched-chain and cyclopropanoid acids in a recent sediment. Chem. Geol, 11, 307-13. 951 THOMPSON, R. 1973. Palaeolimnology and palaeomagnetism. Nature, Lond., 242, 182-4. 952 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS T. G. TUTIN), CAMBRAY, R. S. & FISHER, E.M. 1973. Observations on lake sediments using fallout 137Cs as a tracer. Nature, Lond., 242, 324-6. PAPERS—1973 73 953 BURGIS, M. J. 1973. Observations on the Cladocera of Lake George, Uganda. J. Zool, 170, 339-49. 954 REYNOLDS, C. S. 1973. The phytoplankton of Crose Mere, Shropshire. Br. phycol. J., 8, 153-62. 955 GOULDER, R. 1973. Observations over 24 hours on the quantity of algae inside grazing ciliated protozoa. Oecologia, 13, 177-82. 956 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1973. Decrease in abundance of the freshwater ostracod Cypria ophthalmica (Jurine), (Crustacea, Ostracoda) in a small lake. Naturalist, Hull, No. 925, 65-9. 957 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1973. The life cycle and production of the leech Erpobdella octoculata (L.) (Hirudinea: Erpobdellidae) in a Lake District stream. J. Anim. Ecol., 42, 435-48.

958 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1973. The diel activity pattern, drifting and food of the leech Erpobdella octoculata (L.) (Hirudinea: Erpobdellidea) in a Lake District stream. J. Anim. Ecol., 42, 449-59.

959 BEGENAL, T. B. 1973. Fish fecundity and its relations with stock and recruitment. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 164, 186-98.

960 LE CREN, E. D. 1973. The population dynamics of young trout (Salmo trutta) in relation to density and territorial behaviour. Rapp. P.-v. Réun. Cons. int. Explor. Mer, 164, 241-6.

961 REYNOLDS, C. S. 1973. Growth and buoyancy of Microcystis aeruginosa Kutz. emend. Elenkin in a shallow eutrophic lake. Proc. R. Soc. (B), 184, 29-50.

962 MORIARTY, D. J. W. 1973. The physiology of digestion of blue-green algae in the cichlid fish Tilapia nilotica. J. Zool., 171, 25-39.

963 MORIARTY, D. J. W. & MORIARTY, C. M. 1973. The assimilation of carbon from phytoplankton by two herbivorous fishes Tilapia nilotica and nigripinnis. J. Zool., 171, 41-55.

964 CASEY, H. & NEWTON, P. V. R. 1973. The chemical composition and flow of the River Frome and its main tributaries. Freshwat. Biol., 3, 317-33. 74 PAPERS—1973 965 FRYER, G. 1973. Hopeful empiricism versus scientific method: the Nile perch controversy revived. Biol. Conserv., 5, 222-3.

966 TALLING, J. F. 1973. The application of some electrochemical methods to the measurement of photosynthesis and respiration in fresh waters. Freshwat. Biol., 3, 335-62.

967 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS G. T. TUTIN). 1973. The recent sediments of Windermere. Freshwat. Biol., 3, 363-82. 968 JONES, J. G. 1973. Use of nonparametric tests for the analysis of data obtained from preliminary surveys: a review. J. appl. Bact., 36, 197-210. 969 MORIARTY, C. M. & MORIARTY, D. J. W. 1973. Quantitative estimation of the daily ingestion of phytoplankton by Tilapia nilotica and Haplochromis nigripinnis in Lake George, Uganda. J. Zool., 171, 15-23.

970 HORSLEY, R. W. 1973. The bacterial flora of the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.) in relation to its environment. J. appl. Bact., 36, 377-86. 971 HELLAWELL, J. M. 1973. Automatic methods of monitoring salmon populations. International Atlantic Salmon Symposium, 1973, 317—37. 972 REYNOLDS, C. S. 1973. Phytoplankton periodicity of some north Shropshire meres. Br. phycol. J., 8, 301-20.

973 JONES, J. G. 1973. Studies on freshwater bacteria: the effect of enclosure in large experimental tubes. J. appl. Bad., 36, 445-56. 974 THOMPSON, G. J. & BAGENAL, T. B. 1973. Pike gill netting in Windermere. (J. Inst.) Fish. Mgmt, 4, 97-101. 975 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. & CARRICK, T. R. 1973. Studies on mountain streams in the English Lake District. I. pH calcium and the distribution of invertebrates in the River Duddon. Freshwat. Biol., 3, 437-62.

976 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1973. Clutch-size in the freshwater cyclopoid copepod, Cyclops strenuus abyssorum Sars in relation to thoracic volume and food. J. nat. Hist., 7, 545-9.

977 ELLIOTT, J. M. & DECAMPS, H. 1973. Guide pour l'analyse statistique des échantillons d'invertébrés benthiques. Annls Limnol., 9, 79-120. PAPERS—1973 75 978 FRYER, G. 1973. The Lake Victoria fisheries: some facts and fallacies. Biol. Conserv., 5, 304-8. 979 MANN, R. H. K. 1973. Observations on the age, growth, reproduction and food of the roach Rutilus rutilus (L.) in two rivers in southern England. J. Fish Biol., 5, 707-36. 980 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS T. G. TUTIN). 1973. Absolute pollen frequencies in the sediments of lakes of different morphometry. In Quaternary plant ecology (ed. H. J. B. Birks & R. G. West), 79-104. Oxford. Blackwell. 14th Symp. Br. ecol. Soc. 981 BAILEY-WATTS, A. E. & LUND, J. W. G. 1973. Observations on a diatom bloom in Loch Leven, Scotland. Biol. J. Linn. Soc, 5, 235-53. 982 GREENWOOD, P. H. & LUND, J. W. G. 1973. Introductory remarks. Proc. R. Soc. (B), 184, 229-33. 983 VINER, A. B. & SMITH, I. R. 1973. Geographical, historical and physical aspects of Lake George. Proc. R. Soc. (B), 184, 235-70. 984 BURGIS, M. J., DARLINGTON, J. P. E. C, DUNN, I. G., GANF, G. G., GWAHABA, J. J. & McGOWAN, L. M. 1973. The biomass and distribution of organisms in Lake George, Uganda. Proc. R. Soc. (B), 184, 271-98. 985 MORIARTY, D. J. W., DARLINGTON, J. P. E. C., DUNN, I. G., MORIARTY, C. M. & TEVLIN, M. P. 1973. Feeding and grazing in Lake George, Uganda. Proc. R. Soc. (B), 184, 299-319. 986 GANF, G. G. & VINER, A. B. 1973. Ecological stability in a shallow equatorial lake (Lake George, Uganda). Proc. R. Soc. (B), 184. 321-46. 987 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. & CARRICK, T. R. 1973. Studies on mountain streams in the English Lake District. II. Aspects of water chemistry in the River Duddon. Freshwat. Biol, 3, 543-60. 988 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. & CARRICK, T. R. 1973. Studies on mountain streams in the English Lake District. III. Aspects of water chemistry in Brownrigg Well, Whelpside Ghyll. Freshwat. Biol., 3, 561-8. 989 LOCK, J. M. 1973. The aquatic vegetation of Lake George, Uganda. Phyto- coenologia, 1, 250—62. 990 GEORGE, D. G. & EDWARDS, R. W. 1973. Daphnia distribution within Langmuir circulations. Limnol. Oceanogr., 18, 798-800. 76 PAPERS—1974 991 DAWSON, F. H. 1973. Notes on the production of stream bryophytes in the High Pyrenees (France). Annls Limnol., 9, 231-40.

991a MACAN, T. T. 1973. (Scientific Publication No. 28) A key to the adults of the British Trichoptera. 151 pp.

992 PICKERING, A. D. 1974. The distribution of mucous cells in the epidermis of the brown trout Salmo trutta (L.) and the char Salvelinus alpinus (L.) J. Fish Biol., 6, 111-18.

993 KIPLING, C. 1973. The netting sites of Windermere. Trans. Cumb. Westm. antiq. archaeol. Soc, 73 (N.S.), 111-19.

994 GANF, G. F. 1974. Rates of oxygen uptake by the planktonic community of a shallow equatorial lake (Lake George, Uganda). Oecologia, 15, 17-32.

995 BAGENAL, T. B. 1974. A buoyant net designed to catch freshwater fish larvae quantitatively. Freshwat. Biol., 4, 107-9.

996 HEANEY, S. I. 1974. A pneumatically-operated water sampler for close intervals of depth. Freshwat. Biol., 4, 103-6.

997 HAWORTH, E. Y. 1974. Some problems of diatom taxonomy in Scottish lake sediments. Br. phycol. J., 9, 47-55.

998 GOULDER, R. 1974. The seasonal and spatial distribution of some benthic ciliated Protozoa in Esthwaite Water. Freshwat. Biol., 4, 127-47.

999 ANDERSON, N. H. 1974. The eggs and oviposition behaviour of Agapetus fuscipes Curtis (Trich., Glossomatidae). Entomologist's mon. Mag., 109, 129-31.

1000 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS T. G. TUTIN). 1974. Seston and sediment formation in five Lake District lakes. J. Ecol., 62, 215-51.

1001 MANN, R. H. K. 1974. Observations on the age, growth, reproduction and food of the dace, Leuciscus leuciscus (L.) in two rivers in southern England. J. Fish Biol., 6, 237-53. PAPERS—1974 77 1002 GLEDHILL, T. 1973. Observations on the numbers of water-mites (Hydrachnellae, Porohalacraidae) in Karaman/Chappuis samples from the interstitial habitat of riverine gravels in Britain. In: Lime du cinquantenaire de l'Institut de Speologie "Entile Racovitza", (ed. T. Orghidan), 249-58. Bucuresti ARSR.

1003 BOLAS, P. M. & LUND, J. W. G. 1974. Some factors affecting the growth of Cladophora glomerata in the Kentish Stour. Wat. Treat Exam., 23, 25-51.

1004 MACAN, T. T. 1974. Freshwater invertebrates. In: The changing flora and fauna of Britain (ed. D. L. Hawksworth), 143-55. London. Academic.

1005 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1974. Changes in body-length, and in shape of the furcal ramus, of a freshwater cyclopoid copepod. Zool. J. Linn. Soc., 54, 137-44.

1006 FRYER, G. 1974. Attachment of bivalve molluscs to corixid bugs. Naturalist, Hull, No. 928, 18.

1007 ATKINSON, K. M. & SHEPHERD, K. 1974. The wildfowl of Windermere. Natural History in Cumbria, 1973, 10-17. 1008 JONES, J. G. 1974 A method for observation and enumeration of epilithic algae directly on the surface of stones. Oecologia, 16, 1-8. 1009 GANF, G. G. 1974 Phytoplankton biomass and distribution in a shallow eutrophic lake (Lake George, Uganda). Oecologia, 16, 9-29. 1010 FROST, W. E. 1974. A survey of the rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) in Britain and Ireland. London. Salmon and Trout Association, p. 36. 1011 MACAN, T. T. 1974. Twenty generations of Pyrrhosoma nymphula (Sulzer) and Enallagma cyathigerum (Charpentier) (Zgyoptera: Coen- agrionidae). Odonatologica, 3, 107-19. 1012 MACAN, T. T. 1974. Running Water. Mitt. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., 20, 301-21. 1013 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1974. On Gammarus from fresh waters in the islands of Orkney and Shetland. Crustaceana, 27, 109-11. 1014 GEORGE, D. G. 1974. Dispersion patterns in the zooplankton populations of a eutrophic reservoir. J. Anim. Ecol., 43, 537-51. 78 PAPERS—1974 1015 FRYER, G. 1974. Une nouvelle espece de Chonopeltis (Crustacea: Branchiura), parasite d'un poisson congolais. Revue Zool. Bot. afr., 88, 437-40. 1016 GWAHABA, J. J. 1973. Effects of fishing on the Tilapia nilotica (Linne' 1757) population in Lake George, Uganda over the past 20 years. E. Afr. Wildl. J., 11, 317-28.

1017 GOULDER, R. 1974. Relationships between natural populations of ciliated protozoa Loxodes magnus Stokes and L. striatus Penard. J. Anim. Ecol., 43. 429-38. 1018 ARMITAGE, P. D., MACHALE, A. M. & CRISP, D. C. 1974. A survey of stream invertebrates in the Cow Green basin (Upper Teesdale) before inundation. Freshwat. Biol., 4, 369-98.

1019 FRYER, G. 1974. The cladoceran Moina brachiata (Jurine) and the copepod Cyclops furcifer Claus in Yorkshire. Naturalist, Hull, No. 930, 91-4.

1020 LE CREN, E. D. 1974. The effects of errors in ageing in production studies. In: The ageing of fish, (ed. T. B. Bagenal), 221—4. Old Woking. Unwin. 1021 LACK, T. J. & LUND, J. W. G. 1974. Observations and experiments on the phytoplankton of Blelham Tarn, English Lake District. I. The experimental tubes. Freshwat. Biol., 4, 399-415. 1022 GREENE, K. L. 1974. Experiments and observations on the feeding behaviour of the freshwater leech Erpobdella octoculata (L.) (Hirudinea: Erpobdellidae). Arch. Hydrobiol., 74, 87-99.

1023 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1974. Vertical distribution and abundance of Ceriodaphnia quad- rangula (O. F. Müller) (Crustacea, Cladocera). Freshwat. Biol., 4, 257-66.

1024 GANF, G. G. 1974. Incident solar irradiance and underwater light penetration as factors controlling the chlorophyll a content of a shallow equatorial lake (Lake George, Uganda). J. Ecol., 62, 593-609.

1025 GANF, G. G. 1974. Diurnal mixing and the vertical distribution of phytoplankton in a shallow equatorial lake (Lake George, Uganda). J. Ecol., 62, 611-29. PAPERS—1974 79 1026 GANF, G. G. & BLAZKA, P. 1974. Oxygen uptake, ammonia and phosphate excretion by zooplankton of a shallow equatorial lake (Lake George, Uganda). Limnol. Oceanogr., 19, 313-25.

1027 FRYER, G. 1974. Evolution and adaptive radiation in the Macrothricidae (Crustacea: Cladocera), a study in comparative functional morphology. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (B), 269, 137-274.

1028 JONES, J. G. 1974. Some observations on direct counts of freshwater bacteria obtained with a fluorescence miscroscope. Limnol. Oceanogr., 19, 540-3. 1029 KIPLING, C. 1974. Some documentary evidence on woodlands in the vicinity of Windermere. Trans. Cumb. Westm. antiq. archaeol. Soc, 74 (N.S.), 65-88.

1030 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1974. The effect of temperature on the development time of the eggs of three freshwater cyclopoid copepods from the English Lake District. Crustaceana, 27, 278-84.

1031 CRANWELL, P. A. 1974. Monocarboxylic acids in lake sediments: indicators, derived from terrestrial and aquatic biota, of paleoenvironmental trophic levels. Chem. Geol., 14, 1-14. 1032 HELLAWELL, J. M., LEATHAM, H. & WILLIAMS, G. I. 1974. The upstream migratory behaviour of salmonids in the River Frome, Dorset. J. Fish Biol., 6, 729-44. 1033 GORHAM, E., LUND, J. W. G., SANGER, J. E. & DEAN, W. E. 1974. Some relationships between algal standing crop, water chemistry, and sediment chemistry in the English Lakes. Limnol. Oceanogr., 19, 601-17.

1034 GEORGE, D. G. & EDWARDS, R. W. 1974. Population dynamics and production of Daphnia hyalina in a eutrophic reservoir. Freshwat. Biol., 4. 445-65.

1035 BAKER, C. D., BARTLETT, P. D., FARR, I. S. & WILLIAMS, G. I. 1974. Improved methods for the measurement of dissolved and particulate organic carbon in fresh water and their application to chalk streams. Freshwat. Biol, 4, 467-81.

1036 CRAIG, J. F. 1974. Population dynamics of perch, Perca fluviatilis L. in Slapton Ley, Devon. I. Trapping behaviour, reproduction, migration, population estimates, mortality and food. Freshwat. Biol., 4, 417-31. 80 PAPERS—1974 1037 CRAIG, J. F. 1974. Population dynamics of perch, Perca fluviatilis L. in Slapton Ley, Devon. II. Age, growth, length-weight relationships and condition. Freshwat. Biol., 4, 433-44.

1038 SNEATH, P. H. A. & COLLINS, V. G. 1974. A study in test reproducibility between laboratories: Report of a Pseudomonas Working Party. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek, 40, 481-527.

1039 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1974. Sodium regulation and adaption to freshwater in the isopod genus Asellus. J. exp. Biol., 61, 719-36.

1040 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1974. The ecology of lower freshwater phycomycetes in the tube experiment at Blelham Tarn. Veröff Inst. Meeresforsch. Bermerh., Suppl. 5, 175-95.

1041 CRISP, D. T., MANN, R. H. K. & McCORMACK, J. C. 1974. The populations of fish at Cow Green, Upper Teesdale, before impoundment. J. Appl. Ecol., 11, 969-96.

1042 McGOWAN, L. M. 1974. Ecological studies on Chaoborus (Diptera, Chaoboridae) in Lake George, Uganda. Freshwat. Biol., 4, 483-505. 1042a HARDING, J. P. & SMITH, W. A. 1974. (Scientific Publication No. 18) A key to the British freshwater cyclopid and calanoid copepods. 2nd edn. 56 pp. 1043 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1975. Weight of food and time required to satiate brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Freshwat. Biol., 5, 51-64. 1044 GANF, G. G. & HORNE, A. J. 1975. Diurnal stratification, photosynthesis and nitrogen-fixation in a shallow equatorial lake (Lake George, Uganda). Freshwat. Biol., 5, 13-39. 1045 BURGIS, M. J. 1974. Revised estimates for the biomass and production of zooplankton in Lake George, Uganda. Freshwat. Biol, 4, 535-41. 1046 HELLAWELL, J. M. 1974. The ecology of populations of dace, Leuciscus leuciscus (L.) from two tributaries of the River Wye, Herefordshire, England. Freshwat. Biol., 4, 577-604. 1047 HAWORTH, E. Y. 1975. A scanning electron microscope study of some different frustule forms of the genus Fragilaria found in Scottish late-glacial sediments. Br. phycol. J., 10, 73-80. PAPERS—1975 81 1048 GANF, G. G. 1975. Photosynthetic production and irradiance-photosynthesis relationships of the phytoplankton from a shallow equatorial lake (Lake George, Uganda). Oecologia, 18, 165-83. 1049 CRANWELL, P. A. & HAWORTH, R. D. 1975. The chemical nature of humic acids. In: Humic substances; their structure and function in the biosphere (ed. D. Povoledo & H. L. Golterman), 13-18. Wageningen, Pudoc. 1050 CRISP, D. T. & CARRICK, S. M. 1975. Some observations on the growth and length: weight relationship of the South Georgia cod Notothenia rossi marmorata Fischer during the first four years of life. J. Fish Biol, 7, 407-9. 1051 ELLIOTT, J. M. & DAVISON, W. 1975. Energy equivalents of oxygen consumption in animal energetics. Oecologia, 19, 195-201. 1052 VINER, A. B. 1975. The supply of minerals to tropical rivers and lakes (Uganda). In: Coupling of land and water systems (ed. A. D. Hasler), 227-61. N.Y. Springer.

1053 PINDER, L. C. V. 1974. The Chironomidae of a small chalk-stream in southern England. Ent. Tidskr. 95 (Suppl.), 195-202. 1054 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1975. Number of meals in a day, maximum weight of food consumed in a day and maximum rate of feeding for brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Freshwat. Biol., 5, 287-303. 1055 SMYLY, W. J. P. & COLLINS, V. G. 1975. The influence of microbial food sources and aeration on the growth of Ceriodaphnia quadrangula (O. F. Müller) (Crustacea- Cladocera) under experimental conditions. Freshwat. Biol, 5, 251-6. 1056 CRAIG, J. F. 1975. Seasonal variation in the catching power of traps used for perch, Perca fluviatilis L. Freshwat. Biol., 5, 183-7. 1057 DAWSON, F. H. 1975. Alternatives to the use of tabulated values of distributions in statistical programmes. Nature, Lond., 256, 148. 1058 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. & MINSHALL, G. W. 1975. Further observations on Tricladium giganteum. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc, 65, 77-82. 1059 FURNASS, T. I. & FINDLEY, W. C. 1975. An improved sorting device for zooplankton. Limnol. Oceanogr., 20, 295-7. 82 PAPERS—1975 1060 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1975. Sodium uptake and loss in Crangonyx pseudogracilis (Amphipoda) and some other crustaceans. Comp. Biochem. Physiol, 52A, 255-7. 1061 CRISP, D. T., MANN, R. H. K. & McCORMACK, J. C. 1975. The populations of fish in the River Tees system on the Moor House National Nature Reserve, Westmorland. J. Fish Biol., 7, 573-93. 1062 JONES, J. G. 1975. Some observations on the occurrence of the iron bacterium Leptothrix ochracea in fresh water, including reference to large experimental enclosures. J. appl. Bact., 39, 63-72. 1063 REYNOLDS, C. S. 1975. Temperature and nutrient concentration in the characterization of the water supply to a small kataglacial lake basin. Freshwat. Biol, 5, 339-56. 1064 REYNOLDS, C. S. 1975. Interrelations of photosynthetic behaviour and buoyancy regula- tion in a natural population of a blue-green alga. Freshwat. Biol, 5, 323-38. 1065 LADLE, M. & BASS, J. A. B. 1975. A new species of Metacnephia Crosskey (Diptera: Simuliidae) from the south of England, with notes on its habitat and biology. Hydrobiologia, 47, 193-207. 1066 ARMITAGE, P. D., MACHALE, A. M. & CRISP, D. C. 1975. A survey of the invertebrates of four streams in the Moor House National Nature Reserve in northern England. Freshwat. Biol, 5. 479-95. 1067 DUNN, I. G. 1975. Ecological notes on the Haplochromis (Pisces: Cichlidae) species- flock of Lake George, Uganda (East Africa). J. Fish Biol, 7, 651-66. 1068 GOULDER, R. 1975. The effects of photosynthetically raised pH and light on some ciliated Protozoa in a eutrophic pond. Freshwat. Biol, 5, 313-22. 1069 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1975. The growth rate of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) fed on maximum rations. J. Anim. Ecol, 4, 805-21.

1070 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1975. The growth rate of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) fed on reduced rations. J. Anim. Ecol., 44, 823-42. PAPERS—1975 83 1071 CASEY, H.. & WESTLAKE, D. F. 1975. Growth and nutrient relationships of macrophytes in Sydling Water, a small unpolluted chalk stream. Proc. Eur. Weed Res. Court. 4th int. Symp. Aquatic Weeds (1974), 69-76.

1072 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS T. G. TUTIN). 1975.. A chronostratigraphic comparison of Late-Weichselian and Late- Devensian subdivisions, illustrated by two radiocarbon-dated profiles from western Britain. Boreas, 4, 157-71.

1073 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS T.G. TUTIN) & SACKIN, M. J. 1975. An application of principal components analysis to the zonation of two Late-Devensian profiles. I. Numerical analysis. New Phytol., 75. 419-40. PENNINGTON, W. (MRS T. G. TUTIN). 1975. An application of principal components analysis to the zonation of two Late-Devensian profiles. II. Interpretation of the numerical analysis in terms of Late-Devensian (Late-Weichselian) environmental history. New Phytol., 75, 441-53. (Two papers bound in one reprint.)

1074 MORRIS, R. & PICKERING, A. D. 1975. infrastructure of the presumed ion-transporting cells in the gills of ammocoete lampreys, Lampetra fluviatilis (L.) and Lampetra planeri (Bloch). Cell Tiss. Res., 163, 327-41.

1075 GWAHABA, J. J. 1975. The distribution, population density and biomass of fish in an equatorial lake, Lake George, Uganda. Proc. R. Soc. (B), 190, 393-414. 1076 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS T. G. TUTIN). 1975. The effect of Neolithic man on the environment in north-west England: the use of absolute pollen diagrams. In: The effect of man on the landscape; the highland zone. (ed. J. G. Evans, S. Limbrey & H. Cleere), 74-86. Research Report No. 11. The Council for British Archaeology. 1077 VINER, A. B. 1975. The sediments of Lake George (Uganda). I. Redox poentials, oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide output. Arch. Hydrobiol., 76, 181-97.

1078 VINER, A. B. 1975. Non-biological factors affecting phosphate recycling in the water of a tropical eutrophic lake. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., 19, 1404-15.

1079 JONES, J. G. & SIMON, B. M. 1975. Some observations on the fluorometric determination of glucose in freshwater. Limnol. Oceanogr., 20, 882-7. 84 PAPERS—1975 1080 McGOWAN, L. M. 1975. The occurrence and behaviour of adult Chaoborus and Procladius (Diptera: Nematocera) from Lake George, Uganda. Zool. J. Linn. Soc, 57, 321-34.

1081 LUND, J. W. G., JAWORSKI, G. H. M. & BUTTERWICK, C. 1975. Algal Bioassay of water from Blelham Tarn, English Lake District and the growth of planktonic diatoms. Arch. Hydrobiol. (Suppl.), 49, 49-69.

1082 REYNOLDS, C. S. & WALSBY, A. E. 1975. Water-blooms. Biol. Rev., 50, 437-81.

1083 JONES, J. G. & SIMON, B. M. 1975. An investigation of errors in direct counts of aquatic bacteria by epifluorescence microscopy, with reference to a new method for dyeing membrane filters. J. appl. Bact., 39, 317-29.

1084 CASEY, H. 1975. Variation in chemical composition of the River Frome, England from 1965 to 1972. Freshwat. Biol., 5, 507-14.

1085 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. & CARRICK, T. R. 1975. Respiration in relation to ion uptake in the crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet). J. exp. Biol., 63, 689-99.

1086 SUTCLIFFE, D. W., CARRICK, T. R. & MOORE, W. H. 1975. An automatic respirometer for determining oxygen uptake in crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) (Lereboullet) over periods of 3-4 days. J. exp. Biol, 63, 673-88.

1087 MACAN, T. T. 1975. Structure of the community in the vegetation of a moorland fishpond. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., 19, 2298-304.

1087a SMITH, I. R. 1975. (Scientific Publication No. 29) Turbulence in lakes and rivers. 79 pp.

1087b INGOLD, C. T. 1975. (Scientific Publication No. 30) An illustrated guide to aquatic and water-borne Hyphomycetes (Fungi Imperfecti) with notes on their biology. 96 pp.

1087c DISNEY, R. H. L. 1975. (Scientific Publication No. 31) A key to the larvae, pupae and adults of the British Dixidae (Diptera). The meniscus midges. 78 pp.

1088 REYNOLDS, C. S. & ROGERS, D. A. 1976. Seasonal variations in the vertical distribution and buoyancy of Microcystis aerguinosa Kutz. emend. Elenkin in Rostherne Mere, England. Hydrobiologia, 48, 17-23. PAPERS—1976 85 1089 VINER, A. B. 1975. The sediments of Lake George (Uganda). III. The uptake of phosphate. Arch. Hydrobiol., 76, 393-410.

1090 VINER, A. B. 1975. The sediments of Lake George (Uganda). II. Release of ammonia and phosphate from an undisturbed mud surface. Arch. Hydrobiol., 76, 368-78.

1091 LUND, J. W. G. 1975. The uses of large experimental tubes in lakes. In: The effects of storage on water quality. Medmenham. WRC. 291-312.

1092 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1976. Body composition of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in relation to temperature and ration size. J. Anim. Ecol., 45, 273-89.

1093 MANN, R. H. K. 1976 Observations on the age, growth, reproduction and food of the pike Esox lucius (L.) in two rivers in southern England. J. Fish Biol., 8, 179-97. 1094 MANN, R. H. K. 1976. Observations on the age, growth, reproduction and food of the chub Squalius cephalis (L.) in the River Stour, Dorset. J. Fish Biol., 8, 265-88.

1095 CASEY, H. & LADLE, M. 1976. Chemistry and biology of the South Winterbourne, Dorset, England. Freshwat. Biol., 6, 1-12. 1096 CRANWELL, P. A. 1976. Decomposition of aquatic biota and sediment formation: organic compounds in detritus resulting from microbial attack on the alga Ceratium hirundinella. Freshwat. Biol., 6, 41-8. 1097 MACAN, T. T. & KITCHING, A. 1976. The colonization of squares of plastic suspended in midwater. Freshwat. Biol., 6, 33-40. 1098 PINDER, L. C. V. 1976. Morphology of the adult and juvenile stages of Microtendipes rydalensis (Edw.) comb. nov. (Diptera, Chironomidae). Hydrobiologia, 48, 179-84. 1099 CRANWELL, P. A. 1976. Organic geochemistry of lake sediments. In: Environmental Biogeochemistry Volume 1 Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and selenium cycles, (ed. J. O. Nriagu), 75—88. Ann Arbor Science. 1100 TALLING, J. F. 1976. The depletion of carbon dioxide from lake water by phytoplankton. J. Ecol., 64, 79-121. 86 PAPERS—1976 1101 JONES, J. G. 1976. The microbiology and decomposition of seston in open water and experimental enclosures in a productive lake. J. Ecol., 64, 241-78. 1102 MARKER, A. F. H. 1976. The benthic algae of some streams in southern England. I. Biomass of the epilithon in some small streams. J. Ecol., 64, 343-58. 1103 MARKER, A. F. H. 1976. The benthic algae of some streams in southern England. II. The primary production of the epilithon in a small chalk-stream. J. Ecol., 64, 359-73. 1104 DAWSON, F. H. 1976. The annual production of the aquatic macrophyte Ranunculus penicillatus var. calcareus (R. W. Butcher) C. D. K. Cook. Aquat.Bot., 2, 51-73. 1105 CASEY, H. & DOWNING, A. 1976. Levels of inorganic nutrients in Ranunculus penicillatus var. calcareus in relation to water chemistry. Aquat. Bot., 2, 75-9. 1106 WESTLAKE, D. F. & DAWSON, F. H. 1976. The construction and long term field use of inexpensive aerial and aquatic integrating photometers. Symp. Br. ecol. Soc, 16, 27-42.

1107 LACK, T. J. & BERRIE, A. D. 1976. Phytoplankton production in the rivers Thames and Kennet at Reading during 1970. Symp. Br. ecol. Soc, 16, 43-62. 1108 TALLING, J. F. 1976. Water characteristics. In: The Nile, biology of an ancient river. (ed. J. Rzóska). 357-84. The Hague. Junk. 1109 TALLING, J. F. 1976. Phytoplankton: composition, development and productivity. In: The Nile, biology of an ancient river, (ed. J. Rzóska). 385-402. The Hague. Junk.

1110 DAWSON, F. H. 1976. Organic contribution of stream edge forest litter fall to the chalk stream ecosystem. Oikos, 27, 13—18.

1111 PICKERING, A. D. 1976. Synthesis of n-acetyl neuraminic acid from [14C] glucose by the epidermis of the brown trout, Salmo trutta L. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 54B, 325-8.

1112 MACAN, T. T. 1976. Relation entre la faune de quelques rivieres du nord ouest de l'Angleterre et les activites humaines. Bull. fr. Piscic, No. 260, 153-60. PAPERS—1976 87 1113 PICKERING, A. D. & MORRIS, R. 1976. Fine structure of the interplatelet area in the gills of the macro- phthalmia stage of the river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis (L.). Cell Tiss. Res., 168, 433-43.

1114 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1976. The downstream drifting of eggs of brown trout, Salmo trutta L. J. Fish Biol, 9, 45-50.

1115 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1976. Some effects of enclosure on the zooplankton in a small lake. Freshwat. Biol., 6, 241-51.

1116 ARMITAGE, P. D. 1976. A quantitative study of the invertebrate fauna of the River Tees below Cow Green Reservoir. Freshwat. Biol., 6, 229-40.

1117 BASS, J. A. B. 1976. Studies on Ephemerella ignita (Poda) in a chalk stream in southern England. Hydrobiologia, 49, 117-21.

1118 PINDER, L. C. V. & CRANSTON, P. S. 1976. Morphology of the male imagines of Orthocladius (Pogono- cladius) consobrinus and O. glabripennis with observations on the taxonomic status of O. glabripennis (Diptera: Chironomidae). Ent. scand., 7, 19-23.

1119 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1976. The activity of streptomyces phage-virus in fresh water. Hydrobiologia, 49, 215—28.

1120 REYNOLDS, C. S. & SINKER, C. 1976. The meres: Britain's eutrophic lakes. New Scient., 71, No. 1007, 10-12.

1121 DE SILVA, P. K. 1976. The factors affecting the feeding of Dendrocoelum lacteum [Müller] (Turbellaria, Tricladida) on Asellus aquaticus (L.) (Crustacea, Isopoda). Arch. Hydrobiol., 77, 347-74.

1122 PICKERING, A. D. 1976. Effects of gonadectomy, oestradiol and testosterone on the migrating river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis (L.). Gen. Comp. Endocrinol., 28, 473-80.

1123 LE CREN, E. D. 1976. The productivity of freshwater communities. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (B), 274, 359-74.

1124 GREENWOOD, P. H. 1976. Lake George, Uganda. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (B), 274, 375-91. 88 PAPERS—1976 1125 BAKER, J. H. & BRADNAM, L. A. 1976. The role of bacteria in the nutrition of aquatic detritivores. Oecologia, 24, 95-104.

1126 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1976. Energy losses in the waste products of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.). J. Anim. Ecol., 45, 561-80.

1127 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS T. G. TUTIN), CAMBRAY, R. S., EAKINS, J. D. & HARKNESS, D. D. 1976. Radionuclide dating of the recent sediments of Blelham Tarn. Freshwat. Biol., 6, 317-31.

1128 HAWORTH, E. Y. 1970. Two late-glacial (Late Devensian) diatom assemblage profiles from northern Scotland. New Phytol., 77, 227-56.

1129 REYNOLDS, C. S. 1976. Succession and vertical distribution of phytoplankton in response to thermal stratification in a lowland mere, with special reference to nutrient availability. J. Ecol., 64, 529-51.

1130 DAVISON, W. 1976. Comparison of differential pulse and D.C. sampled polarography for the determination of ferrous and manganous ions in lake water. J. Electroanal. Chem.., 72, 229-37.

1131 DAVISON, W. & RIGG, E. 1976. Performance characteristics for the spectrophotometric deter- mination of total iron in freshwater using hydrochloric acid. Analyst, Lond., 101, 634-8.

1132 MOORE, W. H. 1976. A battery-operated, flow-through thermistor thermometer. Freshwat. Biol., 6, 409-11. 1133 GEORGE, D. G. 1976. A pumping system for collecting horizontal plankton samples and recording continuously sampling depth, water temperature, tur- bidity and in vivo chlorophyll. Freshwat. Biol., 6, 413-19.

1134 REYNOLDS, C. S. 1976. Sinking movements of phytoplankton indicated by a simple trapp- ing method. I. A Fragilaria population. Br. phycol. J., 11, 279-91. 1135 ARMITAGE, P. D. & CAPPER, M. H. 1976. The numbers, biomass and transport downstream of micro- crustaceans and Hydra from Cow Green Reservoir (Upper Teesdale). Freshwat. Biol., 6, 425-32. PAPERS—1976 89 1136 HAWORTH, E. Y. 1976. The changes in the composition of the diatom assemblages found in the surface sediments of Blelham Tarn in the English Lake District during 1973. Ann. Bot., 40, 1195-205. 1137 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1976. The energetics of feeding, metabolism and growth of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) in relation to body weight, water temperature and ration size. J. Anim. Ecol., 45, 923-48. 1138 MACAN, T. T. 1976. A twenty-one year study of the water-bugs in a moorland fishpond. J. Anim. Ecol., 45, 913-22. 1139 BERRIE, A. D. 1976. Detritus, micro-organisms and animals in freshwater. Symp. Br. ecol. Soc, 17, 323-38. 1140 MORRIS, R. & PICKERING, A. D. 1976. Changes in the ultrastructure of the gills of the river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis (L.), during the anadromous spawning migration. Cell Tiss. Res., 173, 271-7. 1141 FRYER. G. 1976. Adaption, speciation and time. Zool. Scr., 5, 171-2. 1142 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS T. G. TUTIN). 1975. Climatic changes in Britain, as interpreted from lake sediments, between 15,000 and 10,000 years ago. In: Paleolimnology of Lake Biwa and the Japanese Pleistocene (ed. Shoji Horie), Vol. 3, 536-69. 1143 DE SILVA, P. K. 1976. The importance of mucus of Dendrocoelum lacteum (Müller) (Turbellaria, Tricladida) in community existence. Arch. Hydrobiol., 78, 363-74.

1144 BONNY, A. P. 1976. Recruitment of pollen to the seston and sediment of some Lake District lakes. J. Ecol., 64, 859-87.

1145 REYNOLDS, C. S. 1976. Sinking movements of phytoplankton indicated by a simple trapping method. II. Vertical activity ranges in a stratified lake. Br. phycol. J., 11, 293-303.

1146 PINDER, L. C. V. 1976. Micropsectra aristata, a new species of chironomid (Dipt. Nematocera) from southern England. Hydrobiologia, 51. 275-80.

1147 HEANEY, S. I. 1976. Temporal and spatial distribution of the dinoflagellate Ceratium hirundinella O. F. Muller within a small productive lake. Freshwat. Biol., 6, 531-42. 90 PAPERS—1976 1148 CRANWELL, P. A. 1976. Decomposition of aquatic biota and sediment formation: lipid components of two blue-green algal species and of detritus resulting from microbial attack. Freshwat. Biol., 6, 481-8.

1148a GLEDHILL, T., SUTCLIFFE, D. W. & WILLIAMS, W. D. 1976. (Scientific Publication No. 32) A revised key to the British species of Crustacea: Malacostraca occurring in fresh water with notes on their ecology and distribution. 72 pp.

1148b RAMSBOTTOM, A. E. 1976. (Scientific Publication No. 33) Depth charts of the Cumbrian lakes. 39 pp.

1148c PAGE, F. C. 1976. (Scientific Publication No. 34) An illustrated key to freshwater and soil amoebae with notes on cultivation and ecology. 155 pp.

1148d GLEDHILL, T. & VIETS, K. O. 1976. (Occasional Publication No. 1) A synonymic and bibliographic check-list of the freshwater mites (Hydrachnellae and Limnohalacaridae, Acari) recorded from Great Britain and Ireland. 59 pp.

1149 DAVISON, W. & WHITFIELD, M. 1977. Modulated polarographic and voltammetric techniques in the study of natural water chemistry. J. electroanalyt. Chem., 75, 763-89.

1150 MACAN, T. T. 1977. The influence of predation on the composition of fresh-water animal communities. Biol. Rev., 52, 45-70.

1151 FRYER, G. 1977. Studies on the functional morphology and ecology of the atyid prawns of Dominica. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (B), 277, 952, 57-129.

1152 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. & SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1976. Experiments on feeding and growth of the amphipod Gammarus pulex (L.) related to its distribution in the River Duddon. Freshwat. Biol., 6, 577-86.

1153 PICKERING, A. D. 1976. Stimulation of intestinal degeneration by oestradiol and testosterone implantation in the migrating river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis L. Gen. comp. Endocr., 30, 340-6.

1154 LE CREN, E. D., KIPLING, C. & McCORMACK, J. C. 1977. A study of the numbers, biomass and year-class strengths of perch (Perca fluviatilis L.) in Windermere from 1941 to 1966. J. Anim. Ecol., 46, 281-307. PAPERS—1977 91 1155 VINER, A. B. 1977. Relationships of nitrogen and phosphorus to a tropical phyto- plankton population. Hydrobiologia, 52, 185-96.

1156 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS T. G. TUTIN) 1977. Lake sediments and the Late-glacial environment in Northern Scotland. In: Studies in the Scottish Lateglacial environment (ed. J. M. Gray & J. J. Lowe), 119-141. Oxford. Pergamon.

1157 JONES, J. G. 1977. The effect of environmental factors on estimated viable and total populations of planktonic bacteria in lakes and experimental enclosures. Freshwat. Biol., 7, 67-91.

1158 MARKER, A. F. H. & GUNN, J. M. 1977. The benthic algae of some streams in southern England. III. Seasonal variations in chlorophyll a in the seston. J. Ecol, 65, 223-34. 1159 MACAN, T. T. 1977. Changes in the vegetation of a moorland fishpond in twenty-one years. J. Ecol., 65, 95-106.

1160 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. & PICKERING, A. D. 1977. Viable Saprolegniaceae spores on the epidermis of the salmonid fish Salmo trutta and Salvelinus alpinus. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc, 68, 91-5. 1161 CASEY, H. 1977. Origin and variation of nitrate nitrogen in the chalk springs, streams and rivers in Dorset and its utilisation by higher plants. Prog. Wat. Technol., 8, 225-35.

1162 ATKINSON, K. M. 1977. Ornithological importance of inland waters in Cumbria. Birds in Cumbria, 1976-77, 6-10. 1163 HANCOCK, R. S. 1977. The impact of water transfers and associated regulation reservoirs on the fish populations of the Tyne, Tees and Swale. Proc. 8th Br. Coarse Fish Conf., 137-58. 1164 PICKERING, A. D. & MACEY, D. J. 1977. Structure, histochemistry and the effect of handling on the mucous cells of the epidermis of the char Salvelinus alpinus (L.). J. Fish Biol., 10, 505-12. 1165 PICKERING, A. D. 1977. Seasonal changes in the epidermis of the brown trout Salmo trutta (L.). J. Fish Biol., 10, 561-6.

1166 PICKERING, A. D. & MORRIS, R. 1977. Sexual dimorphism in the gills of the spawning river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis L. Cell Tiss. Res., 180, 1-10. 92 PAPERS—1977 1167 CRISP, D. T. 1977. Some physical and chemical effects of the Cow Green (Upper Teesdale) impoundment. Freshwat. Biol., 7, 109-20.

1168 ARMITAGE, P. D. 1977. Invertebrate drift in the regulated River Tees, and an unregulated tributary Maize Beck, below Cow Green dam. Freshwat. Biol., 7, 167-83. 1169 ELLIOTT, J. I. 1977. Seasonal changes in the abundance and distribution of planktonic rotifers in Grasmere (English Lake District). Freshwat. Biol., 7, 147-66. 1170 HORSLEY, R. W. 1977. A review of the bacterial flora of teleosts and elasmobranchs, including methods for its analysis. J. Fish Biol., 10, 529-53.

1171 CRISP, D. T. & MANN, R. H. K. 1977. Analysis of fishery records from Cow Green Reservoir, Upper Teesdale, 1971-1975. Fish. Mgmt, 8, 23-34.

1172 CRAIG, J. F. 1977. The body composition of adult perch Perca fluviatilis, in Winder- mere, with reference to seasonal changes and reproduction. J. Anim. Ecol., 46, 617-32.

1173 JONES, J. G. & SIMON, B. M. 1977. Increased sensitivity in the measurement of ATP in freshwater samples with a comment on the adverse effect of membrane filtration. Freshwat. Biol., 7, 253-60.

1174 FRYER, G. 1977. Evolution of species flocks of cichlid fishes in African lakes. Z. zool. Syst. EvolutForsch., 15, 141-65.

1175 HEANEY, S. I. & JAWORSKI, G. H. M. 1977. A simple separation technique for purifying micro-algae. Br. phycol. J., 12, 171-4.

1176 VINER, A. B. 1977. The sediments of Lake George (Uganda). IV. Vertical distribu- tion of chemical features in relation to ecological history and nutrient recycling. Arch. Hydrobiol., 80, 40-69.

1177 MACAN, T. T. 1977. The fauna in the vegetation of a moorland fishpond as revealed by different methods of collecting. Hydrobiologia, 55, 3-15.

1178 JONES, J. G. 1977. The long term effects of kerosene pollution on the microflora of a moorland soil. J. appl. Bact., 43, 123-8. PAPERS—1977 93 1179 CRAIG, J. F. 1977. Seasonal changes in the day and night activity of adult perch, Perca fluviatilis L. J. Fish Biol., 11, 161—6.

1180 DARLINGTON, J. P. E. C. 1977. Temporal and spatial variation in the benthic invertebrate fauna of Lake George, Uganda. J. Zool, 181, 95-111.

1181 LADLE, M., BASS, J. A. B., PHILPOTT, F. R. & JEFFERY, A. 1977. Observations on the ecology of Simuliidae from the River Frome, Dorset. Ecol. Ent., 2, 197-204. 1182 DAVISON, W. 1977. Sampling and handling procedures for the polarographic measure- ment of oxygen in hypolimnetic waters. Freshwat. Biol., 7, 393-401. 1183 ELLIOTT, J. M. & TULLETT, P. A. 1977. The downstream drifting of larvae of Dixa (Diptera: Dixidae) in two stony streams. Freshwat. Biol., 7, 403-7.

1184 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS T. G. TUTIN) 1977. The late Devensian flora and vegetation of Britain. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (B), 280, 247-71.

COOPE, G. R. & PENNINGTON, W. 1977. The Windermere Interstadial of the Late Devensian. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (B), 280, 337-9.

1185 CRANWELL, P. A. 1977. Organic geochemistry of Cam Loch (Sutherland) sediments. Chem. Geol., 20, 205-21.

1186 MARKER, A. F. H. 1977. Some problems arising from the estimation of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in methanol. Limnol. Oceanogr., 22, 578-9.

1187 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1977. An abbreviated life cycle in the salmonid fish Saprolegnia. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc, 69, 133-66.

1188 FRYER, G. 1977. On some species of Chonopeltis (Crustacea: Branchiura) from the rivers of the extreme South West Cape region of Africa. J.Zool, 182, 441-55.

1189 HEANEY, S. I. & DAVISON, W. 1977. The determination of ferrous iron in natural waters with 2,2' bipyridyl. Limnol. Oceanogr., 22, 753-60.

1190 DAVISON, W. 1977. 2+ 2+ 2- The polarographic measurement of O2, Fe , Mn and S in hypolimnetic water. Limnol. Oceanogr., 22, 746-53. 94 PAPERS—1977 1191 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. & DURRANT, P. M. 1977. Geometric mean shape of the shell in lacustrine and riverine limpets, Ancylus fluviatilis Müller. Freshwat. Biol., 7, 479-85.

1192 ARMITAGE, P. D. 1977. Development of the macro-invertebrate fauna of Cow Green reservoir (Upper Teesdale) in the first five years of its existence. Freshwat. Biol., 7, 441-54.

1193 GLEDHILL, T. 1977. Numerical fluctuations of four species of subterranean amphipods during a five year period. Crustaceana, Suppl. 4, 144-52.

1194 STOCK, J. H. & GLEDHILL, T. 1977. The Niphargus kochianus-group in north-western Europe. Crustaceana, Suppl. 4, 212-43.

1195 PICKERING, A. D. & WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1977. Epidermal lesions and fungal infection on the perch, Perca fluviatilis L., in Windermere. J. Fish Biol., 11, 349-54.

1196 HA WORTH, E. Y. 1977. The sediments of Lake George (Uganda). V. The diatom assemblages in relation to the ecological history. Arch. Hydrobiol., 80, 200-15.

1197 BAKER, J. H. & FARR, I. S. 1977. Origins, characterization and dynamics of suspended bacteria in two chalk streams. Arch. Hydrobiol., So, 308-26.

1198 KELSO, J. R. M. & BAGENAL, T. B. 1977. Percids in unperturbed ecosystems. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 34, 1959-63.

1199 BAGENAL, T. B. 1977. Effects of fisheries on Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) in Windermere. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 34, 1764-8.

1200 HELLER, M. D. 1977. The phased division of the freshwater dinoflagellate Ceratium hirundinella and its use as a method of assessing growth in natural populations. Freshwat. Biol., 7, 527-33. PAPERS—1977 95 1201 CRISP, D. T. & MANN, R. H. K. 1977. A desk study of the performance of trout fisheries in a selection of British reservoirs. Fish. Mgmt, 8, 101-19.

1202 LE CREN, E. D. 1977. The application of scientific principles to stock management and exploitation. [Conference Preprint.] In: Recreational Fresh- water Fisheries. Their conservation management and develop- ment, Paper 3, Session 1, pp. 16. Stevenage. Water Research Centre.

1203 MACAN, T. T. 1977. A twenty-year study of the fauna in the vegetation of a moorland fishpond. Arch. Hydrobiol., 81, 1-24.

1204 KOONCE, J. F., BAGENAL, T. B., CARLINE, R. F., HOKANSON, K. E. F. & NAGIEĆ, M. 1977. Factors influencing year-class strength of percids: A summary and a model of temperature effects. J. Fish. Res. Bd Can., 34, 1900-9.

1205 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1977. A note on the resting egg of Holopedium gibberum Zaddach (Crustacea: Cladocera). Microscopy, 33, 170-1.

1205a MACAN, T. T. 1977. (Scientific Publication No. 13) A key to the British fresh and brackish water Gastropods with notes on their ecology. 4th revised edn. 46 pp.

1205b ELLIOTT, J. M. 1977. (Scientific Publication No. 25) Some methods for the statistical analysis of samples of benthic invertebrates. 2nd edn. 160 pp.

1205c ELLIOTT, J. M. 1977. (Scientific Publication No. 35) A key to British freshwater Megaloptera and Neuroptera with notes on their life cycles and ecology. 52 pp.

1205d KIPLING, C. & ROSCOE, M. E. 1977. (Occasional Publication No. 2) Surface water temperature of Windermere. Monthly and yearly totals of degree-days centigrade and monthly mean temperatures, 1933 to 1975. 60 pp.

1205e HORNE, J. E. M. 1977. (Occasional Publication No. 3) A bibliography of the rivers North Tyne, Wear, Tees and Swale. 54 pp. 96 PAPERS—1978

1206 CRISP, D. T. & CUBBY, P. R. 1978. The populations of fish in tributaries of the River Eden on the Moor House National Nature Reserve, northern England. Hydrobiologia, 57, 85-93. 1207 DAVISON, W. 1978. Defining the electroanalytically measured species in a natural water sample. J. electroanal. Chem. 87, 395-405.

1208 MARCUS, J. H. & WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1978. Fungi as food for the aquatic invertebrate Asellus aquaticus. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 70, 143-46.

1209 RICHARDS, R. H. & PICKERING, A. D. 1978. Frequency and distribution patterns of Saprolegnia infection in wild and hatchery-reared brown trout Salmo trutta L. and char Salvelinus alpinus (L.). J. Fish Dis. 1, 69-82.

1210 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1978. Saprolegnias of salmonid fish in Windermere: a critical analysis. J. Fish Dis. 1, 51-67.

1211 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1978. Effect of temperature on the hatching time of Ephemerella ignita (Poda) (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). Freshwat. Biol. 8, 51-8.

1212 CRAIG, J. F. 1978. A study of the food and feeding of perch, Perca fluviatilis L., in Windermere. Freshwat. Biol. 8, 59-68.

1213 FROST, W. E. 1977. The food of Charr, Salvelinus willughbii (Günther), in Windermere. J. Fish Biol. 11, 531-47.

1214 FOX, P. J. 1978. Preliminary observations on different reproduction strategies in the bullhead (Cottus gobio L.) in northern and southern England. J. Fish Biol. 12, 5-11.

1215 HEANEY, S. I. 1978. Some observations on the use of the in vivo fluorescence technique to determine chlorophyll-a in natural populations and cultures of fresh- water phytoplankton. Freshwat. Biol. 8, 115-26.

1216 JONES, J. G. 1978. The distribution of some freshwater planktonic bacteria in two strati- fied eutrophic lakes. Freshwat. Biol. 8, 127-40.

1217 HALL, G. H., COLLINS, V. G., JONES, J. G. & HORSLEY, R. W. 1978. The effect of sewage effluent on Grasmere (English Lake District) with particular reference to inorganic nitrogen transformations. Freshwat. Biol. 8, 165-75. PAPERS—1978 97 1218 GUMA'A, S. A. 1978. The food and feeding habits of young perch, Perca fluviatilis, in Windermere. Freshwat. Biol. 8, 177-87.

1219 ARMITAGE, P. D. 1978. Downstream changes in the composition, numbers and biomass of bottom fauna in the Tees below Cow Green Reservoir and in an unregulated tributary Maize Beck, in the first five years after impound- ment. Hydrobiologia, 58, 145-56.

1220 COLLINS, V. G., D'SYLVA, B. T. & LATTER, P. M. 1978. Microbial populations in peat. In Production ecology of British moors and montane grasslands (ed. O. W. Heal & D. F. Perkins), Berlin. Springer-Verlag. 94-112.

1221 CRISP, D. T., MANN, R. H. K. & McCORMACK, J. C. 1978. The effects of impoundment and regulation upon the stomach contents of fish at Cow Green, Upper Teesdale. J. Fish Biol. 12, 287-301.

1222 GEORGE, D. G. & HEANEY, S. I. 1978. Factors influencing the spatial distribution of phytoplankton in a small productive lake. J. Ecol. 66, 133-55.

1223 DE SILVA, P. K. 1978. Evidence for aggregation from a field study of a flatworm population. Arch. Hydrobiol. 81, 493-507.

1224 PICKERING, A. D. 1978. A note on the failure of vitamin A to influence the epidermis of the brown trout, Salmo trutta L. J. Fish Biol. 12, 441-7.

1225 DAVISON, W. & WOOF, C. 1978. Comparison of different forms of cadmium as reducing agents for the batch determination of nitrate. Analyst, Lond. 103, 403-6.

1226 CANTER, H. M. & JAWORSKl, G. H. M. 1978. The isolation, maintenance and host range studies of a chytrid Rhizo- phydium planktonicum Canter emend., parasitic on Asterionella formosa Hassall. Ann. Bot. 42, 967-79.

1227 GUMA'A, S. A. 1978. On the early growth of 0+ perch, Perca fluviatilis in Windermere. Freshwat. Biol. 8, 213-20.

1228 GUMA'A, S. A. 1978. The effects of temperature on the development and mortality of eggs of perch, Perca fluviatilis. Freshwat. Biol. 8, 221-7.

1229 MANN, R. H. K. 1978. Observations on the biology of the perch, Perca fluviatilis, in the River Stour, Dorset. Freshwat. Biol. 8, 229-39. 98 PAPERS—1978 1230 DAWSON, F. H. 1978. Aquatic plant management in semi-natural streams: the role of marginal vegetation. J. envir. Mgmt. 6, 213-21.

1231 FRYER, G. 1978. A remarkable inland brackish-water crustacean fauna from the lower Aire Valley, Yorkshire: A conundrum for the ecologist. Naturalist, Hull, 103, 83-94.

1232 FOX, P. J. 1978. Caddis larvae (Trichoptera) as predators of fish eggs. Freshwat. Biol. 8, 343-45. 1233 CAMPBELL, P. G. C. & BAKER, J. H. 1978. Estimation of bacterial production in fresh waters by the simultaneous measurement of [35S] and D - [3H] glucose uptake in the dark. Can. J. Microbiol. 24, 939-46.

1234 LUND, J. W. G. 1978. Experiments with lake phytoplankton in large enclosures. Rep. Freshwat. biol. Ass. 46, 32-9.

1235 PICKERING, A. D. 1978. Physiological aspects of the life cycle of the river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis L. Rep. Freshwat. biol. Ass. 46, 40-6.

1236 ARMITAGE, P. D. 1978. The impact of Cow Green Reservoir on the invertebrate populations in the River Tees. Rep. Freshwat. biol. Ass. 46, 47-56.

1237 SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1978. Water chemistry and osmoregulation in some arthropods, especially Malacostraca. Rep. Freshwat. biol. Ass. 46, 57-69.

1238 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1978. Limnetic crustaceans in Esthwaite Water and adjacent lakes. Rep. Freshwat. biol. Ass. 46, 70-3.

1239 REYNOLDS, C. S. & JAWORSKI, G. H. M. 1978. Enumeration of natural Microcystis populations. Br. phycol. J. 13, 269-77.

1240 TAYLOR, A. H. 1978. An analysis of the trout fishing at Eye Brook - a eutrophic reservoir. J. Anim. Ecol. 47, 407-23.

1241 CRANWELL, P. A. 1978. Extractable and bound lipid components in a freshwater sediment. Geochim. cosmochim. Acta, 42, 1523-32. PAPERS—1978 99 1242 MINSHALL, G. W. & MINSHALL, J. N. 1978. Further evidence on the role of chemical factors in determining the distribution of benthic invertebrates in the River Duddon. Arch. Hydrobiol. 83, 324-55.

1243 BONNY, A. P. 1978. The effect of pollen recruitment processes on pollen distribution over the sediment surface of a small lake in Cumbria. J. Ecol. 66, 385-416.

1244 ARMITAGE, P. D. 1978. Catches of invertebrate drift by pump and net. Hydrobiologia, 60, 229-33. 1245 MARSHALL, E. J. P. & WESTLAKE, D. F. 1978. Recent studies on the role of aquatic macrophytes in their ecosystem. Proc. EWRS 5th Symp. on Aquatic Weeds, 1978, 43-51.

1246 DAWSON, F. H. 1978. The seasonal effects of aquatic plant growth on the flow of water in a stream. Proc. EWRS 5th Symp. on Aquatic Weeds, 1978, 71-8.

1247 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1978. Further observations on limnetic zooplankton in a small lake and two enclosures containing fish. Freshwat. Biol. 8, 491-95.

1248 REYNOLDS, C. S. 1978. Notes on the phytoplankton periodicity of Rostherne Mere, Cheshire, 1967-1977. Br. phycol. J. 13, 329-35.

1249 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS. T. G. TUTIN). 1978. The impact of man on some English lakes: Rates of change. Polskie Archwm Hydrobiol. 25, 429-37.

1250 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS. T. G. TUTIN). 1978. Responses of some British lakes to past changes in land use on their catchments. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 20, 636-41.

1251 KIPLING, C. & FROST, W. E. 1978. The weight-length relationship of charr, Salvelinus willughbii (Günther), in Windermere. J. Cons. perm. int. Explor. Mer, 38, 216-19.

1252 FROST, W. E, 1978. The scales of the charr, Salvelinus willughbii (Günther), in Winder- mere, and their use for the determination of age and growth. J. Cons, perm. int. Explor. Mer, 38, 208-15.

1253 MARCUS, J. H., SUTCLIFFE, D. W. & WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1978. Feeding and growth of Asellus aquaticus (Isopoda) on food items from the littoral of Windermere, including green leaves of Elodea canaden- sis. Freshwat. Biol. 8, 505-19. 100 PAPERS—1978

1254 HANSFORD, R. G. 1978. Life-history and distribution of Simulium austeni (Diptera; Simuliidae) in relation to phytoplankton in some southern English rivers. Freshwat. Biol. 8, 521-31.

1255 JONES, J. G. 1978. Spatial variation in epilithic algae in a stony stream (Wilfin Beck) with particular reference to Cocconeis placentula. Freshwat. Biol. 8, 539-46. 1256 CRAIG, J. F., KENLEY, M. J. & TALLING, J. F. 1978. Comparative estimations of the energy content of fish tissue from bomb calorimetry, wet oxidation and proximate analysis. Freshwat. Biol. 8, 585-90.

1257 ATKINSON, K. M. & HEWITT, D. P. 1978. A note on the food consumption of the Red-breasted Merganser. Wildfowl, 29, 87-91.

1258 LIVINGSTONE, D. & CAMBRAY, R. S. 1978. Confirmation of 137Cs dating by algal stratigraphy in Rostherne Mere. Nature, Lond. 276, 259-61.

1259 ELLIOTT, J. M. & PERSSON, L. 1978. The estimation of daily rates of food consumption for fish. J. Anim. Ecol.47,977-91.

1259a MACKERETH, F. J. H., HERON, J. & TALLING, J. F. 1978 (Scientific Publication No. 36) Water analysis: some revised methods for limnologists. 120pp.

1259b PINDER, L. C. V. 1978 (Scientific Publication No. 37) A key to the adult males of the British Chironomidae (Diptera), the non-biting midges. In two vols. 169 pp.+189 figs.

1259c PONTIN, R. M. 1978. (Scientific Publication No. 38) A key to the freshwater planktonic and semi-planktonic Rotifera of the British Isles, 178 pp.

1259d REYNOLDSON, T. B. 1978. (Scientific Publication No. 23) A key to the British species of freshwater triclads (Turbellaria, Paludicola). 2nd (revised) edition 32 pp.

1259e ELLIOTT, J. M. & TULLETT, P. A. 1978 (Occasional Publication No. 4) A bibliography of samplers for benthic invertebrates. 61 pp. LIST OF PUBLICATIONS 1929-1978


Part II is a list of published papers and books by FBA staff and others, not included in Part I because they have never been available as FBA reprints.

A1 FRESHWATER BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1929. The Memorandum and Articles of Association.

A2 COUNCIL OF THE FRESHWATER BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIA­ TION OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1930. Outline of the aims of fresh water biology in the British Isles.

A3 COUNCIL OF THE FRESHWATER BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIA­ TION OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1930. The Freshwater Biological Association of the British Empire.

A4 FRESHWATER BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE. 1930. Report of the conference held at Fishmongers' Hall on Friday, 21st February, 1930.

A5 FELL, SIR M. H. G. 1939. A note on the work of the Freshwater Biological Association. J. Fly- fisher's Club, 27, 145-9.

A6 FROST, W. E. 1940. Fly life in the Liffey. Salm. Trout Mag. 98, 22-3.

A7 MOON, H. P. 1940. An investigation of the movements of freshwater invertebrate faunas. J. Anim. Ecol. 9, 76-83.

A8 WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1940? The work of the Freshwater Biological Association of the British Empire. Proc. Congr. int. Aquic. Pêche, Liège, 1939,142-7.

A9 PENNINGTON, W. 1941. Diogenes rotundus gen. et sp. nov. — A new alga from experimental tubs. J. Bot., Lond. 1941, 83-5.

A10 PENNINGTON, W. 1941. The control of the numbers of freshwater phytoplankton by small invertebrate animals. J. Ecol. 29, 204-11. 102 ADDITIONAL PAPERS

A11 MACAN, T. T. 1942. Key to the anopheline mosquitoes of the Mediterranean region and the lands adjoining the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Jl R. Army med. Cps, 79, July 1942.

A12 McCANCE, R. A. 1944. The chemistry of growth and the food value of the common eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). Biochem.J. 38, 474-80.

A13 CANTER, HILDA M. 1947. On Myzocytium megastomum. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc, 31, 80-5.

A14 CANTER, HILDA M. 1947. Studies on British Chytrids. II. Some new monocentric chytrids. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 31, 94-105.

A15 CANTER, HILDA M. 1947. Studies on British Chytrids. III. Zygorhizidium Wilki Lowenthal and Rhizophidium columnaris n. sp. Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 31, 128-35.

A16 LUND, J. W. G. 1947. Recent cultural work on the lower algae in relation to their taxonomy and ecology. Sci. Prog. Lond. 35, 536-8.

A17 CANTER, HILDA M. 1949. The importance of fungal parasitism in limnology. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 10, 107.

A18 GORHAM, E. 1949. Some chemical aspects of a peat profile. J. Ecol. 37, 24-7.

A19 LE CREN, E. D. 1949. The effect of reducing the population on the growth rate of Perca fluviatilis. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 10, 258.

A20 MACAN, T. T. 1949. The ecology of fresh-water mollusca in a soft-water district. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 10, 277.

A21 MACAN, T. T. 1950. The anopheline mosquitoes of Iraq and North Persia. Memoir Ser. Lond. Sch. Hyg. trop. Med. No. 7, 109-219.

A22 FRITSCH, F. E. 1951. The Windermere Laboratory of the Freshwater Biological Association. Hydrobiologia, 3, 293-6.

A23 FROST, W. E. 1951. Some observations on the biology of the char, Salvelinus willughbii Gunther, of Windermere. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 11, 105-10. ADDITIONAL PAPERS 103 A24 LUND, J. W. G. 1951. Recent researches on algae in relation to waterworks practice. J. Inst. Wat. Engrs, 5, 558-9.

A25 MACAN, T. T. & WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1951. Life in Lakes and Rivers. London. Collins: The New Naturalist.

A26 LOWE, ROSEMARY H. 1952. The influence of light and other factors on the seaward migration of the silver eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). J. Anim. Ecol. 21, 275-309.

A27 LUND, J. W. G. 1953. Chemical and habitat factors in relation to freshwater phytoplankton. Proc. 7th int. bot. Congr. (Stockholm 1950), p. 263.

A28 LUND, J. W. G. 1953. Article 44 of the International Code in relation to the algae. Taxon, 2, 17-19.

A29 MOORE, W. H. 1954. A sensitive end-point indicator for chloride titration using a cathode ray tude. Proc. Instn Electron. No. 35, 10-15.

A30 MACAN, T. T. 1955. Felix Eugen Fritsch. Hydrobiologia, 7, 1-7.

A31 MACAN, T. T. 1959. A Guide to Freshwater Invertebrate Animals. London. Longmans Green. 118 pp.

A32 LUND, J. W. G. 1961. The Fritsch Collection of Illustrations of Freshwater Algae. Phycol- ogia, 1, 193.

A33 MUNDIE, J. H. 1961. D. S. Rawson, F.R.C.S. 19.1.1905 - 16.2.1961. Int. Rev. ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr. 46, 307-8.

A34 COLLINS, V. G. 1962. The distribution and ecology of bacteria in freshwater. Abstr. 8th int. Congr. Microbiol, p. 52.

A35 LUND, J. W. G. 1962. Physiological aspects of ecology. Soil algae. In: Physiology and biochemistry of algae (ed. R. A. Lewin). New York. Academic Press. 759-70.

A36 MACKERETH, F. J. H. 1962. Improvements relating to electro-chemical cells. British Patent Application No. 19294/62. Application date 14 May, 1962. 10pp.+ drawing. 104 ADDITIONAL PAPERS

A37 TALLING, J. F. 1962. Physiological aspects of ecology. Freshwater algae. In: Physiology and biochemistry of algae (ed. R. A. Lewin). New York. Academic Press, pp. 743-57.

A38 TALLING, J. F. 1962. Report on limnological work during a visit to EAFFRO between August 1960, and September 1961. Rep. E. Afr. Freshwat. Fish. Res. Org. 1961, 40-2.

A39 DRIVER, D. B. 1963. Some simple techniques and apparatus for the collecting and preserva­ tion of animals from cave habitats. Trans. Cave Research Group, 6, 2, 91-101.

A40 JACKSON, P. B. N., ILES, T. D., HARDING, D. & FRYER, G. 1963. Report on the survey of northern Lake Nyasa 1954-55 by the Joint Fisheries Research Organization. Zomba, Nyasaland: Government Printer, pp. xii + 171, 6 maps, 6 plates.

A41 MACAN, T. T. 1963. Freshwater ecology. London. Longmans. 338 pp.

A42 FROST, W. E. 1964. The pike — its age, growth and predatory habits. Proc. Ist Br. Coarse Fish Conf., 1963, 35-9.

A43 FRYER, G. 1964. Egg-less frog spawn. Naturalist, Hull, No. 890, 87-8.

A44 LE CREN, E. D. 1964. Population dynamics and exploitation in some freshwater fish. Ann. appl. Biol., 53, 495-7.

A45 MUNDIE, J. H. 1964. The activity of benthic insects in the water mass of lakes. Proc. int. Congr. Ent., 12, 1964.

A46 CRISP, D. T. & NELSON, J. M. 1965. The Ephemeroptera of the Moor House National Nature Reserve, Westmorland. Trans. Soc. Br. Ent., 16, 7, 181-7.

A47 FRYER, G. 1965. of Nyasa. Animals, 6, 8, 205-7.

A48 GOLTERMAN, H. L., KRAUSE, H. R. & WESTLAKE, D. F. 1965. Symposium on new methods of determining biogenic and organic substances in water and organisms. Summarising Report. Hydro- biologia, 26, 121-30. ADDITIONAL PAPERS 105

A49 HEAPS, N. S. 1965. Storm surges on a continental shelf. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. (A), 257, A.1082.

A50 LE CREN, E. D. 1965. The Freshwater Biological Association's new River Laboratory. Yb. Ass. River Auth., 1965, 29-37.

A51 COLLINS, V. G. 1966. The distribution of bacteria in stratified lakes [abstract]. Abstr. 9th int. Congr. Microbiol., p. 330.

A52 GILSON, H. C. 1966. The biological implications of the proposed barrages across Morecambe Bay and the Solway Firth. In Man-made lakes (ed. R. H. Lowe- McConnell), pp. 129-37. London. Academic Press.

A53 LUND, J. W. G. 1966. Synecological problems: summation of a discussion of the second Con- ference on Marine Biology, 1962. In Marine Biology II, pp. 227-49. N.Y., Acad. Sci.

A54 RZÓSKA, J. & TALLING, J. F. 1966. Plankton development in relation to hydrology and reservoir regime in the Blue Nile. [Abstract.] Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., 16, 716-18.

A55 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1966. Some effects of low velocity currents on the metabolism of macrophytes. [Abstract.] Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol., 16, 678-9.

A56 BACKIEL, T. & LE CREN, E. D. 1967. Some density relationships for fish population parameters. In The biological basis of freshwater fish production, 261-93. Oxford. Blackwell.

A57 BAGENAL, T. B. 1967. A short review of fish fecundity. In The biological basis of freshwater fish production, 89-111. Oxford. Blackwell.

A58 FROST, W. E. & BROWN, M. E. 1967. The trout. London. Collins: The New Naturalist.

A59 LUND, J. W. G. 1967. Soil algae. In Soil biology, 129-47. London. Academic Press.

A60 BAGENAL, T. B. & BRAUM, E. 1968. Eggs and early life history. In Methods for assessment of fish produc- tion in fresh waters. IBP Handbook No. 3, 159-81. Oxford. Blackwell. 106 ADDITIONAL PAPERS

A61 LUND, J. W. G. 1968. An algae-bloom threat to Windermere? Westmorland Gazette, 2 August 1968.

A62 LUND, J. W. G. 1968. Problèmes de Productivité Biologique. [Book review.] Nature, Lond. 219, 1394.

A63 LUND, J. W. G. & LUND, H. M. 1968. Freshwater algae. Zeiss Information, 65, 88-90.

A64 MACAN, T. T. & WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1968. Life in lakes and rivers (2nd edn.). London. Collins: The New Naturalist. 272 pp.

A65 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS. T. G. TUTIN). 1968. Mountains and moorlands; by W. H. Pearsall (2nd edn.). (Revised.) Collins: Fontana Library. 415 pp.

A66 [PENNINGTON, W.] TUTIN, W. 1968. Late-glacial soils and vegetation in north-west England. [Abstract.] J. Ecol, 56, 31P-32P.

A67 TALLING, J. F. 1968. Annual cycles of phytoplankton abundance, as indicated by records of chlorophyll a, in some English lakes. [Abstract.] Br. phycol. Bull., 3, 602.

A68 FRYER, G. 1969. Some lake cichlids of Africa. Aquarium, 2, 6-7, 38-44, 71-5.

A69 BAGENAL, T. B. 1970. Fishes. The Shell natural history of Britain (ed. M. Burton), 315-51. London. Michael Joseph.

A70 BAGENAL, T. B. 1970. The Observer's Book of freshwater fishes (revised edition). London. Warne. 140 pp.

A71 BAGENAL, T. B. 1970. The fish populations of Windermere: introduction. [Abstract.] Proc. Challenger Soc, 4, 67. (See FBA 796.)

A72 BROWNE, P., FREETHY, M. & GLEDHILL, T. 1970. The aquatic fauna of some caves in the Buckfastleigh area of Devon. Newsl. William Pengelly Cave Studies Trust Ltd., 13, 1-4.

A73 CASEY, H. 1970. The chemical composition of some southern English chalk streams and its relation to discharge. Yb. Ass. River Auth., 1969, 100-13. ADDITIONAL PAPERS 107 A74 CORLETT, J. 1970. Biological aspects of the Morecambe Bay barrage feasibility study. [Abstract.] Proc. Challenger Soc., 4, 74-5.

A75 FROST, W. E. 1970. The fish populations of Windermere: charr, Salvelinus alpinus willughbii, with particular reference to its breeding habits. [Abstract.] Proc. Challenger Soc, 4, 68-9.

A76 JONES, J. G. & YOUNG, B. V. 1970. Major paraffin constituents of microbial cells with particular reference to Chromatium sp. Arch. Mikrobiol., 70, 82-8.

A77 KIPLING, C. 1970. The fish populations of Windermere: pike, Esox lucius L. [Abstract.] Proc. Challenger Soc, 4, 70.

A78 MACAN, T. T. 1970. Life in the water. In Natural History of the Lake District (ed. G. A. K. Hervey & J. A. G. Barnes), 81 -111. London. Warne.

A79 MACAN, T. T. 1970. Amphibians and reptiles. In Natural History of the Lake District (ed. G. A. K. Hervey & J. A. G. Barnes), 147-8. London. Warne.

A80 MACAN, T. T. 1970. Biological studies of the English lakes. London. Longman. 260 pp.

A81 McCORMACK, J. C. 1970. Conservation or sterilisation. Country-side, 21, 251.

A82 McCORMACK, J. C. 1970. The fish populations of Windermere: perch (Perca fluviatilis L.). [Abstract.] Proc. Challenger Soc, 4, 67-8.

A83 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS. T. G. TUTIN). 1970. Vegetational history in the north-west of England: a regional synthesis. In Studies in the vegetational history of the British Isles (ed. D. Walker & R. G. West), 41-79. Cambridge. Univ. Press.

A84 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1970. Interrelations of planktonic cyclopoid copepods in the English Lake District. [Abstract.] Proc. Challenger Soc., 4, 73-4.

A85 TALLING, J. F. 1970. Vertical mixing and the productivity of freshwater phytoplankton. [Abstract.] Proc. Challenger Soc., 4, 70-1.

A86 FRYER, G. 1971. Excessive abundance of Hyponomeuta evonymella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Hyponomeutidae). Naturalist, Hull, No. 917, 47-8. 108 ADDITIONAL PAPERS A87 LADLE, M. 1971. Studies on the biology of Oligochaetes from the phreatic water of an exposed gravel bed. Int. J. Speleol. 3, 311-16.

A88 LUND, J. W. G. 1971. Algae. In Encyclopaedia of occupational health and safety. Vol. 1, p. 77. Geneva. ILO.

A89 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1971. Population dynamics of Glyceria maxima. Hydrobiologia, 12, 133-4. A90 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1971. Observations on fungal parasites of Lake District salmonids. Salm. Trout Mag. No. 192, 152-8.

A91 CANTER, H. M. 1972. A guide to the fungi occurring on planktonic blue-green algae. In Taxonomy and biology of blue-green algae (ed. T. V. Desikachary). Madras Symposium, 1970, 145-58. Univ. of Madras.

A92 CHESHIRE, M. V. & CRANWELL, P. A. 1972. Electron-spin resonance of humic acids from cultivated soils. J. Soil Sci. 23, 424-30.

A93 FRYER, G. & ILES, T. D. 1972. The cichlid fishes of the great lakes of Africa: their biology and evolu- tion. Edinburgh. Oliver & Boyd. 641 pp.

A94 GANF, G. G. 1972. The regulation of net primary production in Lake George, Uganda, East Africa. In Productivity problems of freshwaters (ed. Z. Kajak & H. Hillbricht-Ilkowska). Proceedings of the IBP-UNESCO Symposium, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 6-12 May 1970. Warszawa- Krakow. 693-708.

A95 LADLE, M. 1972 (1973). Larval Simuliidae as detritus feeders in chalk streams. Memorie Ist. ital. Idrobiol. 29 (Suppl.), 429-39.

A96 LE CREN, E. D. 1972. A commentary on "Uses of a river: past and present". In River ecology and man (ed. R. T. Oglesby, C. A. Carlson & J. A. McCann), 251-60. London. Academic Press.

A97 LUND, J. W. G. 1972. Changes in the biomass of blue-green and other algae in an English lake from 1945-69. In Taxonomy and biology of blue-green algae (ed. T. V. Desikachary). Madras Symposium, 1970, 305-27. Univ. of Madras. ADDITIONAL PAPERS 109 A98 MACAN, T. T. & WORTHINGTON, E. B. 1972. Life in lakes and rivers (paperback revised edition)' London. Collins: The Fontana New Naturalist. 320 pp.

A99 PEARSALL, W. H. 1972. Mountains and moorlands (revised by W. Pennington) London. Collins: The New Naturalist. 321 pp.

A100 BAKER, J. H. 1973. An apparatus for measuring the growth of bacteria in a river. In Modern methods in the study of microbial ecology (ed. T. Rosswall), 340-41. Stockholm. Bull. ecol. Res. Comm. No. 17.

A101 BERRIE,. A. D. 1973. Snails, schistosomes and systematics: some problems concerning the genus Bulinus. In Taxonomy and ecology (ed. V. H. Heywood), 173-88. London. Academic Press. Spec. Vol. Syst.Ass. No. 5.

A102 COLLINS, V. G., JONES, J. G. et al. 1973. Sampling and estimation of bacterial populations in the aquatic environment. In Sampling — microbiological monitoring of environ- ments (ed. R. G. Board & D. W. Lovelock). Soc. appl. Bact. tech. Ser. No. 7., 77-110.

A103 FRYER, G. 1973. Unusual egg spoilage in the common frog. Naturalist, Hull, No. 926, 105-06.

A104 GLEDHILL, T. 1973. The water-mites (Hydrachnellae, Acari) of a stony stream. Proc. 3rd int. Congr. Acarol. (1971), 159-67.

A105 HEANEY, S. I. & TALLING, J. F. 1973. The use of turbidity measurements in lakes. Proc. Challenger Soc. 4, 203-04.

A106 JONES, J. G. 1973. Studies on phosphatase producing bacteria in freshwater. Proc. Challenger Soc. 4, 166-7.

A107 LE CREN, E. D. 1973. On the fluctuations and long-term changes in fish populations. Sylva, Edinb. No. 52, 8-12.

A108 LE CREN, E. D. 1973. Some examples of the mechanisms that control the population dynamics of salmonid fish. In The mathematical theory of the dynamics of biological populations (ed. M. S. Bartlett & R. W. Hiorns), 125-35. London. Academic Press.

A109 LUND, J. W. G. 1973. Phytoplankton as indicators of change in lakes. Environment & Change, 2,273-81. 110 ADDITIONAL PAPERS

A110 MACAN, T. T. 1973. Ponds and lakes. London. Allen & Unwin. 148 pp.

A111 McCORMACK, J. C. & LE CREN, E. D. 1973. Thirty years of perch investigations in Windermere. Proc. 5th Br. coarse Fish Conf., 1971, 104-8.

A112 PEARSALL, W. H. & PENNINGTON, W. 1973. The Lake District. A landscape history. London. Collins: The New Naturalist. 320 pp.

A113 PICKERING, A. D. 1973. The effects of hypophysectomy on iodine metabolism in the endostyle and thyroid gland of the river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis L. Proc. Challenger soc. 4, 142.

A114 REYNOLDS, C. S. 1973. The north Shropshire meres: an ecological basis for their conservation. Bull. Shropshire Conserv. Trust, 28, 2-7.

A115 REYNOLDS, C. [S.]. 1973. A mere at Bomere Heath? Bull. Shropshire Conserv. Trust, 29, 18-21.

A116 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1973. Practical consequences of light sensitivity of organisms. Proc. Challenger Soc. 4, 199-200.

A117 BAGENAL, T. B. (ed.). 1974. The ageing of fish. Proceedings of an international symposium, Reading, 1973. Old Woking. Unwin. 234 pp.

A118 BAKER, C. D. & WILLIAMS, G. I. 1974. Semi-automatic collecting and discharging gas reservoir. Lab. Pract. 23, 113-15. A119 BAKER, J. H. 1974. Comparison of the microbiology of four soils in Finnish Lapland. Oikos, 25, 209-15.

A120 CANTER, H. M. 1974. New British Record from the Lowes. [Chytridium mallomonadis Fott.] J. Scott. Wild Life Trust, 10, 3, 18.

A121 CRANWELL, P. A. 1974. Organic compounds in lake sediments. [Abstract.] Proc. Challenger Soc. 4, 231-2.

A122 FRANKLAND, J. C. & COLLINS, V. G. 1974. A bacterium in Quercus leaf litter resistant to sterilizing doses of gamma-radiation. Soil Biol. Biochem. 6, 125-6. ADDITIONAL PAPERS 111

A123 FROST, W. E. 1974. Concerning the rainbow trout survey. Salm. Trout Mag. No. 200, 16-19.

A124 FRYER, G. 1974. Aggressive behaviour by buzzards at nest. Br. Birds, 67, 238-9.

A125 HAWORTH, E. Y. 1974. Diatoms in late-glacial and early post-glacial deposits of northern Scottish lochs. [Abstract.] Proc. Challenger Soc. 4, 232-3.

A126 HOLDING, A. J., COLLINS, V. G., FRENCH, D. D., D'SYLVA, B. T. & BAKER, J. H. 1974. Relationship between viable bacterial counts and site characteristics in tundra. In Soil organisms and decomposition in tundra (ed. A. J. Holding et al.), 49-64. Stockholm. Tundra Biome Steering Com- mittee.

A127 LADLE, M. 1974. Aquatic Crustacea. In Biology of plant litter decomposition (ed. C. H. Dickinson & G. J. F. Pugh), 2, 593-608. London. Academic.

A128 LUND, J. W. G. 1974. Phosphorus and the eutrophication problem. Nature, Lond. 249, 797. A129 MACAN, T. T. 1974. Freshwater ecology. Second edition. London. Longman. 343pp.

A130 MACAN, T. T. 1974. Life in river systems. In Encylopaedia britannica, 15th edn. 874-91.

A131 REYNOLDS, C. S. 1974. Wem Moss Nature Reserve. Bull. Shropshire Conserv. Trust, No. 31, 9-12.

A132 SMYLY, W. J. P. 1974. Changes in the crustacean plankton of Esthwaite Water. [Abstract.] Proc. Challenger Soc. 4, 233.

A133 VAUGHAN, D., BAKER, C. D. & WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1974. Some effects of humic acid on two different biological systems. Pl. Soil, 40, 429-34.

A134 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1974. Decomposition of litter in fresh water. In Biology of plant litter decomposition (ed. C. H. Dickinson & G. J. F. Pugh), 2, 659-81. London. Academic.

A135 BOMBÓWNA, M., BUCKA, H., ZYGMUNTOWA, J. & JAWORSKI, G. 1975. Interdependence between several different species of algae investigated in cultures. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 19, 2741-8. 112 ADDITIONAL PAPERS A136 CASEY, H. 1975. Origin and variation of nitrate nitrogen in the chalk springs, streams and rivers in Dorset and its utilisation by higher plants. Conference on nitrogen as a water pollutant, Copenhagen, 1973, Vol. 2 (Session B.I. 1). International Association on Water Pollution Research.

A137 CLARHOLM, M., LID-TORSVIK, V. & BAKER, J. H. 1975. Bacterial populations of some Fennoscandian tundra soils. In Fennoscandian tundra ecosystems, Part 1 (ed. F. E. Wielgolaski), 251-60. Berlin. Springer-Verlag.

A138 COLLINS, N. J., BAKER, J. H. & TILBROOK, P. J. 1975. Signy Island, maritime Antarctic. In Structure and function of tundra ecosystems. Ecol. Bull. (Stockholm), 20, 345-74.

A139 CRAIG, J. F. 1975. Sampling of fish in a lake where the population is concentrated in an area of limited accessibility. Tech. Pap. EIFAC, No. 23, Suppl. 1, 502-6.

A140 CRANWELL, P. A. 1975, Environmental organic chemistry of rivers and lakes, both water and sediment. In Environmental chemistry, 1, (ed. G. Eglinton), 22-54. London. Chemical Society.

A141 JONES, J. G. 1975. Heterotrophic micro-organisms and their activity. In River ecology (ed. B. A. Whitton), 141-54. Oxford, Blackwell.

A142 KIPLING, C. 1975. The effects of variation in growth on the gill net selection of a popula- tion of pike. Tech. Pap. EIFAC, No. 23, Suppl. 1, 80-9.

A143 KIPLING, C. & LE CREN, E. D. 1975. Experiments in Windermere with estimating population numbers by tag-recapture methods. Tech. Pap. EIFAC, No. 23, Suppl. 1, 611-19.

A144 LE CREN, E. D., BAGENAL, T. B. & KIPLING, C. 1975. Experience with fish sampling methods in Windermere. Tech. Pap. EIFAC, No. 23, Suppl. 1, 58-65.

A145 MACAN, T. T. 1975. Life in lakes and rivers. Third edition. London. Collins New Naturalist. 320 pp.

A146 MANN, R. H. K. 1975. Production of pike in the River Frome, Dorset. Proc. 7th Br. Coarse Fish Conf. 109-13.

A147 MANN, R. H. K. 1975. Quantitative fish sampling in two hard water rivers in southern England. Tech. Pap. EIFAC, No. 23, Suppl. 1, 194-200. ADDITIONAL PAPERS 113

A148 MARKER, A. F. H. 1975. The chlorophyll a content of suspended solids and its relationship to the attached algae in some small English streams. [Abstract.] Verh. int. Verein. theor, angew. Limnol. 19, 1686.

A149 TALLING, J. F. 1975. Primary production in freshwater microphytes. In Photosynthesis and productivity in different environments (ed. J. P. Cooper), 225-47, Cambridge, University Press.

A150 TALLING, J. F. 1975. Primary production of aquatic plants — conclusions. In Photo- synthesis and productivity in different environments (ed. J. P. Cooper), 281-94. Cambridge, University Press.

A151 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1975. Macrophytes. In River ecology (ed. B. A. Whitton), 106-28. Oxford, Blackwell.

A152 WESTLAKE, D. F. 1975. Primary production of freshwater macrophytes. In Photosynthesis and productivity in different environments (ed. J. P. Cooper), 189-206. Cambridge, University Press.

A153 CASEY, H. 1976. The changing chemical composition of chalk streams and rivers. Rep. Freshwat. biol. Ass. 44, 28-35.

A154 FRYER, G. 1976. Crayfish eaten by tawny owl. Naturalist, Hull, 936, 35.

A155 KIPLING, C. 1976. Year class strengths of perch and pike in Windermere. Rep. Freshwat. biol. Ass. 44, 68-75.

A156 LADLE, M. & WESTLAKE, D. F. 1976. Rivières crayeuses de l'Angleterre et activités humaines. Bull. fr. Piscic. No. 261, 198-207.

A157 LOCKWOOD, A. P. M., CROGHAN, P. C. & SUTCLIFFE, D. W. 1976. Sodium regulation and adaptation to dilute media in Crustacea as exemplified by the isopod Mesidotea entomon and the amphipod Gammarus duebeni. In Perspectives in experimental biology, Vol. 1, Zoology (ed. P. Spencer Davies), 93-106. Oxford, Pergamon.

A158 MACAN, T. T. 1976. The communities of running water in Cumbria. Rep. Freshwat. biol. Ass. 44, 59-67.

A159 MARKER, A. F. H. 1976. The production of algae growing on gravel in a chalk stream. Rep. Freshwat. biol. Ass. 44, 46-52, 1 Plate. ADDITIONAL PAPERS

A160 PICKERING, A. D. 1976. Iodide uptake by the isolated thyroid gland of the river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis (L.). Gen. comp. Endocr. 28, 358-64.

A161 REYNOLDS, C. S. 1976. The ecology of phytoplankton in Shropshire and Cheshire meres. Rep. Freshwat. biol. Ass. 44, 36-45.

A162 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1976. Freshwater actinomycetes. In Recent advances in aquatic mycology (ed. E. B. G. Jones), 673-98. London, Paul Elek.

A163 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1976. Freshwater biology. London, Hutchinson. 163 pp.

A164 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1976. Actinomycetes and actinophage in fresh water. Rep. Freshwat. biol. Ass. 44, 53-8, 2 Plates.

A165 CRANWELL, P. A. 1977. Organic compounds as indicators of allochthonous and autochthonous input to lake sediments. In Interactions between sediments and fresh water (ed. H. L. Golterman), 133-40. Hague; Junk, & Wageningen; Pudoc.

A166 CRISP, D. T. 1977. Aspects of the ecology of the northern Pennines. Freshwater biology. Occ. Pap. Moor House, No. 5 (revised), 28 pp. Nature Conservancy Council.

A167 DAVISON, W. 1977. The use of polarography in the investigation of hypolimnetic waters and the sediment-water interface. In Interactions between sediments and fresh water (ed. H. L. Golterman), 453-7. Hague; Junk, & Wageningen; Pudoc.

A168 ELLIOTT, J. M. 1977. Feeding, metabolism and growth of brown trout. Rep. Freshwat. biol. Ass. 45,70-7.

A169 FRESHWATER BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION. 1977. Experimental chalk-stream channel. NERC News J. 2, 4, 4-5.

A170 FRYER, G. 1977. The atyid prawns of Dominica. Rep. Freshwat. biol. Ass. 45, 48-54, 2 Plates.

A171 FURSE, M. T. 1977. The ecology of the Gussage, a lined winterbourne. Rep. Freshwat. biol. Ass. 45, 30-6, 1 Plate. ADDITIONAL PAPERS 115 A172 HOSSELL, J. C. & BAKER, J. H. 1977. The distribution and characterization of bacteria on the surfaces of some river macrophytes. J. appl. Bact. 41, xiv-xv. [Abstract only.]

A173 JONES, J. G. 1977. Variation in bacterial populations in time and space. Rep. Freshwat. biol.Ass. 45, 55-61.

A174 JONES, J. G. 1977. The study of aquatic microbial communities. In Aquatic Micro- biology (ed. F. A. Skinner & J. M. Shewan). Symp. Soc. appl. Bad. No. 6, 1-30. London. Academic,

A175 KERN-HANSEN, U. & DAWSON, F. H. 1977. Vandlobsvedligeholdelsen i okologisk perspektiv. Stads-og Havnein- genioren, 6, 3-8.

A176 LADLE, M., BAKER, J. H., CASEY, H. & FARR, I. S. 1977. Preliminary results from a recirculating experimental system: observa- tions on interaction between chalk stream water and inorganic sediment. In Interactions between sediments and fresh water (ed. H. L. Golterman), 252-7. Hague; Junk, & Wageningen; Pudoc.

A177 NORTHUMBRIAN WATER AUTHORITY. 1977. Report on experimental releases from Cow Green reservoir on the River Tees (23rd-28th June 1976). In conjunction with the Central Water Planning Unit, Hydraulics Research Station, Freshwater Biological Association, and University of East Anglia. Newcastle. NWA. 48 pp. + tables, etc.

A178 PENNINGTON, W. (MRS. TUTIN), CRANWELL, P. A., HAWORTH, E. Y., BONNY, A. P. & LISHMAN, J. P. 1977. Interpreting the environmental record in the sediments of Blelham Tarn. Rep. Freshwat. biol. Ass. 45, 37-47.

A179 PINDER, L. C. V. 1977. The Chironomidae and their ecology in chalk streams. Rep. Freshwat. biol. Ass. 45, 62-9.

A180 BACKIEL, T. & LE CREN, E. D. 1978. Some density relationships for fish population parameters. In Ecology of freshwater fish production (ed. S. D. Gerking), 279- 302. Oxford. Blackwell.

A181 BAGENAL, T. B. 1978. Aspects of fish fecundity. In: Ecology of freshwater fish production (ed. S. D. Gerking), 75-101. Oxford. Blackwell.

A182 CRISP, D. T. & MANN, R. H. K. 1978. Aspects of the ecology of the northern Pennines. II. Fish populations. Occ. Pap. Moor House, No. 11, 15 pp. 116 ADDITIONAL PAPERS A183 FRYER, G. 1978. Parasitic Copepoda and Branchiura. In Limnofauna Europaea (ed. J. lilies), 2nd edn, 224-6. Stuttgart. Fischer.

A184 HORSLEY, R. W. 1978. A technique for the enumeration of heterotrophic nitrate-reducing bacteria. In Techniques for the study of mixed populations (eds. D. W. Lovelock & R. Davies), 71-87. London. Academic. (Soc. appl. Bact. Tech. Ser. no. 11.)

A185 LADLE, M. 1978. Vertebrates: fish. (Natural history reports). Proc. Dorset nat. Hist. Archaeol. Soc. 98, 114-15.

A186 LUND, J. W. G. 1978. Changes in the phytoplankton of an English lake, 1945-1977. (In Russian.) Gidrobiol. Zh.,Kiev, 14, 1, 10-27.

A187 LUND, J. W. G. 1978. Eutrophication. Pollut. Rep. Dep. Environ. U.K. No. 3, 1-8.

A188 LUND, J. W. G. & VINBERG, G. G. (eds.). 1978. Elaboration of the scientific bases for monitoring the quality of surface water by hydrobiological indicators. Report of first UK/USSR Seminar, Valdai, 1976. Pollut. Rep. Dep. Environ. UK. No. 3 [also published in Russian by Gidrometeoizdat, Leningrad (1977)].

A189 WILLOUGHBY, L. G. 1978. Methods for studying micro-organisms in decaying leaves and wood in freshwater. In Techniques for the study of mixed populations (eds. D. W. Lovelock & R. Davies), 31-50. London. Academic. (Soc. appl. Bact. Tech. Ser. No. 11.) AUTHOR INDEX to Part I and Part II Abel, R., 827. Cannon, D., 469. Allen, K. R., 22, 24, 45, 51, 59, 71, 85, 96, Canter, H. M. (Mrs. J. W. G. Lund), 163, 131. 168, 169, 170, 179, 194, 195, 196, 203, Allen, S. E., 727. 204, 205, 208, 228, 235, 243, 278, 385, Anderson, N. H., 999. 408, 424, 440, 448, 481, 520, 521, 523, Archer, J. F., 783, 852, 948. 536, 543, 581, 620, 647, 658, 661, 665, "Argus" (Game and Gun), 19. 707, 711, 712, 734, 749, 763, 780, 831, Armitage, P. D., 1018, 1066, 1116, 1135, 932, 938, 1226. A13, A14, A15, A17, A63, 1168, 1192, 1219, 1236, 1244. A91, A120. Arnold, F., 792. Capper, M. H., 1135. Atkinson, K. M., 837, 875, 924, 1007, 1162, Carline, R. F., 1204. 1257. Carrick, S. M., 1050. Aubrook, E. W., 587. Carrick, T. R., 975, 987, 988,1085,1086. Casey, H., 892, 920, 934, 964, 1071, 1084, 1095, 1105, 1161. A73, A136, A153, A176. Backiel, T., A56, A180. Central Water Planning Unit, A177. Bagenal, T. B., 626, 641, 668, 746, 768, Cernosvitov, L., 137. 796, 797, 850, 882, 890, 891, 947, 959, Chambers, T. C, 580, 662. 974, 995, 1198, 1199, 1204. A57, A60, Chapman, B., 225. A69, A70, A71, A117, A144, A181. Cheshire, M. V., A92. Bailey-Watts, A. E., 738, 981. Clarholm, M., A137. Baker, C.D., 720, 778, 1035. A118, A133. Colebrook, J. M., 436, 437. Baker, J. H., 1125, 1197, 1233. A100, A119, Collins, J. M., 876. A126, A137, A138, A172, A176. Collins, N. J., A138. Baron, F., 766. Collins, V. G., 165, 307, 338, 364, 471, 498, Bartlett, P. D., 1035. 530, 560, 639, 648, 653, 798, 809, 841, Barton, D. E., 475. 1038, 1055, 1217, 1220. A34, A51, A102, Bass, J. A. B., 896, 1065, 1117, 1181. A122, A126. Baxter, R. M., 618, 737, 939. Coope, G. R., 1184. Beauchamp, R. S. A., 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 15, 34. Corlett, J., 898, 899, 901. A74. Beddington, R., 55. Cragg, J. B., 406. Belcher, J. H., 418, 435, 463, 475, 478, 510, Craig, J. F., 1036, 1037, 1056, 1172, 1179, 5". 537. 541, 566, 570, 573, 588, 590, 1212, 1256. A139. 592, 611, 617, 625, 644, 645, 650, 651, Cranston, P. S., 1118. 663, 687, 689, 691, 693, 694, 704, 717, Cranwell, P. A., 851, 949, 950, 1031, 1049, 722, 726, 729, 738, 742, 752, 753, 754, 1096, 1099, 1148, 1185, 1241. A92, A121, 773, 800, 829. A140, A165, A178. Berrie,A.D., 1107, 1139, A101. Creer, K. M., 895. Bindloss, M. E., 738. Crisp, D. C, 1018, 1066. Blazka, P., 1026. Crisp, D. T., 664, 802, 815, 819, 1041, 1050, Bolas, P. M., 1003. 1061, 1167, 1171, 1201, 1206, 1221. A46, Bombówna, M., A135. A166, A182. Bonny, A. P, 814, 897, 905, 1144, 1243. Croasdale, H., 684. A178. Croghan, P. C, A157. Bradnam, L. A., 1125. Cross, T., 639. Bradshaw, R. M., 888. Cubby, P. R., 1206. Braum, E., A60. Brinkhurst, R. O., 403, 544, 635, 879a. British Waterworks Association, 25. Dann, V., 706, 719. Brown, M. E., 648. A58. Darlington, J. P. E. C, 984, 985, 1180. Browne, P., A72. Davies, L., 742a. Buchanan-Wollaston, H. J., 91, 106, 134. Davison, W., 1051, 1130, 1131, 1149, 1182, Bucka, H., 913. A135. 1189, 1190,1207, 1225. A167. Bunting, W., 289. Dawson, F. H., 934, 991, 1057, 1104, 1106, Burgis, M. J., 774, 775, 813, 839, 855, 953, 1110, 1230, 1246. A175. 984, 1045. Dean,W. E., 1033. Butterwick, C, 1081. Décamps, H., 926, 977. Buxton, P. A., 41. DeSilva, P. K., 1121, 1143, 1223. Byrom, J. A., 818. Dick, M. W., 565, 575, 630, 757. Disney, R. H. L., 1087c. Dockray, G. J., 873, 911. Cambray, R. S., 952, 1127, 1258. Douglas, B., 298, 365. Campbell, P. G. C, 1233. Downing, A., 1105. 118 AUTHOR INDEX

Driver, D. B., 538, 564. A39. Gledhill, T., 389, 413, 414, 589, 637, 670, D'Sylva, B. T., 1220. A126. 741, 804, 819, 825, 847, 1002, 1148a, Ducker, S. C, 563. 1148d, 1193, 1194. A72, A104. Dunn, I. G., 775, 813, 984, 985, 1067. Godward, M., 36. Durrant, P. M., 1191. Golterman, H. L., A48. Gorham, E., 266, 267, 272, 285, 286, 287, 296, 302, 305, 306, 309, 310, 313, 322, Eakins, J. D., 1127. 323, 325, 333, 345, 346, 350, 351, 357, Eastwood, T., 32. 359, 360, 366, 369, 373, 376, 380, 381, Edmondson, W. T., 506, 576. 383, 388, 404, 406, 430, 438, 443, 444, Edwards, R. W., 324, 362, 368, 428, 990, 445, 561, 599, 1033. A18. 1034. Goulder, R., 817, 859, 879, 904, 907, 931, Elliott, J. I., 678, 1169. 955, 998, 1017, 1068. Elliott, J. M., 621, 629, 673, 678, 679, 683, Grainger, J., 155. 710, 715. 739. 759, 790, 791. 795, 811, Grayson, R. F., 699, 716, 838. 834, 836, 842, 853, 867, 879b, 882, 883, Greene, K. L., 1022. 889, 898, 926, 942, 957, 958, 977, 1043, Greenshields, F., 140. 1051, 1054, 1069, 1070, 1092, 1114, 1126, Greenwood, P. H., 982, 1124. 1137, 1183, 1205b, 1205c, 1211, 1259, Guma'a, S. A., 1218, 1227, 1228. 1259c A168. Gunn, J. M., 1158. Esmat, A., 944. Guthrie, Mrs. D. M., 452. Gwahaba, J. J., 984, 1016, 1075. Farr, I. S., 1035, 1197. A176. Fell, Sir M. H. G., A5. Findley, W. C, 1059. Fisher, E. M., 952. Hall.G. H., 1217. Fogg, G. E., 463, 475, 579, 588, 598, 820. Hancock, R. S., 1163. Foot,C. H., 174. Hansford, R. G., 1254. Foster, S. E., 720. Harding, D., A40. Fox, P. J., 1214, 1232. Harding, J. P., 86, 348, 410, 660a, 1042a. Frankland, J. C, A122. Harkness, D. D., 1127. Franks, J. W., 446. Harmsworth, R. V., 760. Freethy, M., A72. Hartley, P. H. T., 74, 148, 149, 160. French, D. D., A126. Hawking, F., 327. Freshwater Biological Association, 23, 197. A1, Haworth, E. Y., 784, 887, 903, 905, 997, A2, A3, A4, A5, A8, A22, A50, A169, A177. 1047, 1128, 1136, 1196. A125, A178. Fritsch, F. E., A22, A30. Haworth, R. D., 851, 1049. Frost, W. E., 75, 99, 99a, 99b, 108, 121, 126, Hayes, D. A., 699, 716. 136, 138, 139, 141, 142, 166, 193, 198, Heaney, S. I., 869, 880, 996, 1147, 1175, 1189, 202, 218, 220, 233a, 260, 261, 264, 291, 1215, 1222. A105. 312, 314, 382, 439, 462, 517, 518, 529, Heaps, N. S., 451, 631. A49. 585, 608, 696, 701, 721, 770, 793, 808, Hellawell, J. M., 785, 827, 844, 845, 856, 922, 1010, 1213, 1251, 1252. A6, A23, 877,919,971, 1032, 1046. A42, A58, A75, A123. Heller, M. D., 1200. Fryer, G., 234, 332, 341, 419, 429, 432, 454, Herman, F. A., 323. 472, 473, 474, 477, 500, 535, 546, 569, Heron, J., 274, 465, 515, 645, 947, 1259a. 584, 587, 594, 596, 601, 605, 616, 619, Hewitt, D. P., 1257. 627, 643, 695, 723, 724, 730, 732, 745, Hewitt, T., 9. 747, 750, 756, 776, 788, 812, 822, 854, Hibberd, D. J., 880. 862, 881, 909, 910, 929, 965, 978, 1006, Hickin, N., 88. 1015, 1019, 1027, 1141, 1151, 1174, 1188, Hickling, C. F., 237. 1231. A40, A43, A47, A68, A86, A93, Hokanson, K. E. F., 1204. A103, A124, A154, A170, A183. Holding, A. J., A126. Furnass, T. I., 1059. Holland, D. G., 926b. Furse, M. T., A171. Holmes, P. F., 35, 39. Horne, A. J., 820, 1044. Horne, J. E. M., 1205e. Ganf, G. G., 775, 813, 984, 986, 994, 1009, Horsley, R. W., 970, 1170, 1217. A184. 1024,1025, 1026, 1044, 1048. A94. Hossell, J. C., A172. Gardiner, A. C., 56, 140. Hughes, J. C, 492. Geldiay, R., 299. Humphries, C. F., 26. George, D. G., 990, 1014, 1034, 1133, 1222. Hydraulics Research Station, A177. Gilson, H. C, 225a, 554, 677, 861. A52. Hynes, H. B. N., 73, 94, 349, 417, 698a. AUTHOR INDEX 119

Iles.T. D., 788.A40, A93. Lund, J. W. G., 143, 151, 154, 163, 177, 178, Ingold, C. T., 225, 240, 269, 706, 719, 1087b. 183, 184, 186, 188, 189, 191, 200, 208, 211, 214, 224, 227, 228, 236, 239, 244, 248, 249, Jackson, P. B. N., A40. 263, 272a, 280, 282, 283, 289,290, 317,320, Jaworski, G. H. M., 810, 913, 1081, 1175, 329, 340, 355, 371, 377, 386, 393, 395, 407, 1226, 1239. A135. 415, 420, 433, 434, 450, 459, 469, 470, 479, Jeffery, A., 1181. 491, 492, 495, 496, 499, 501, 509, 512, 519, Jeffrey, J. M., 552. 533, 553. 583, 591, 638, 665, 667, 675, 676, Jenkin, B. M., 49, 83. 685, 712, 749, 807, 810, 826, 858, 868, 870, Jenkin, P. M., 112. 871, 878, 884, 913, 914, 941, 981, 982, 1003, Jenkins, W. R., 896. 1021, 1033, 1081, 1091, 1234. A16, A24, A27, Johnson, L., 656, 657. A28, A32, A35, A53, A59, A61, A62, A63, Jones, J. G., 772, 787, 818, 821, 832, 863, A88, A97, A109, A128, A186, A187, A188. 894, 925, 968, 973, 1008, 1028, 1062, 1079, 1083, 1101, 1157, 1173, 1178, 1216, 1217, Macan, T. T., 46, 57, 60, 63, 68, 79, 80, 97, 1255. A76, A102, A106, A141, A173, A174. 102, 146, 158, 161, 164, 166, 167, 172, 173, Jones, S. W., 931. 176, 180, 182, 190, 192, 198, 199, 201, 210, 223, 238, 241, 244, 251, 258, 262, 270, 281, Kelso, J. R. M., 1198. 294, 298, 308, 315, 316, 321, 330, 339, 342, Kenley, M. J., 1256. 347, 353, 361, 303, 375. 409, 417, 421, 425. Kern-Hansen, U., A175. 441, 457, 461, 483, 484, 487, 502, 528, 558, Keymer, I. F., 880. 562, 595, 597, 610, 615, 618a, 622, 624, Kimmins, D. E., 90, 101, 109, 113, 114, 115, 659, 669, 686, 700, 761, 777, 788a, 792, 118, 119, 121, 123, 124, 128, 129, 508, 826a, 828, 915, 991a, 1004, 1011, 1012, 926a. 1087, 1097, 1112, 1138, 1150, 1159, 1177, Kipling, C, 337, 338, 355, 382, 462, 48b, 1203, 1205a. An, A20, A21, A25, A30, 516, 549, 550, 585, 610, 696, 701, 721, A31, A41, A64, A78, A79, A80, A98, Al10, 770. 793. 906. 918. 922. 993. 1029. 1154. A129, A130, A145, A158. 1205d, 1251. A77, A142, A143, A144, Macan, Z., 79. A155. Macey, D. J., 1164. Kipling, Mrs. T. H., 304. MacFadyen, A., 97. Kitching, A., 915, 1097. Machale, A. M., 1018, 1066. Knight, M., 818. Mackereth, F. J. H., 206, 213, 233, 268, 273, Knudson, B. M., 219, 226, 232, 245, 255, 274. 319. 354. 356, 531, 533. 548. 577. 628, 304. 755,874,895,947,1259a. A36. Koonce, J. F., 1204. Mackereth, J. C, 252, 297, 298, 308, 343, 411. Krause, H. R., A48. Maitland, P. S., 926c. Kuehne, R. A., 771. Mann, K. H., 249a, 574. Mann, R. H. K., 702, 743, 835, 934, 940, 979, Lack, T. J., 1021, 1107. 1001, 1041, 1061, 1093, 1094, 1171, 1201, Ladle, M., 741, 766, 848, 892, 896, 934, 944, 1221, 1229. A146, A147, A182. 1065, 1095, 1181. A87, A95, A127, A156, Manton, I., 495. A176, A185. Marcus, J. H., 1208, 1253. Latter, P. M., 1220. Marker, A. F. H., 930, 934, 1102, 1103, 1158, Learner, M. A., 428. 1186. A148, A159. Leatham, H., 1032. Markus, K., 662. Le Cren, E. D., 157, 212, 246, 254, 352, 355, Marshall, E. J. P., 1245. 370, 372, 374, 384, 394, 485, 490, 549, Mathews, C. P., 758. 582, 604, 607, 697, 762, 815, 857, 893, Maudsley, R., 624, 659, 700, 777. 906, 960, 1020, 1123, 1154, 1202. A19, Maxwell, T. R. A„ 801, 886. A44, A50, A56, A96, A107, A108, A111, McCance, R. A., A12. A143, A144, A180. McClean, W. N., 72. Lid-Torsvik, V., A1 37. McCormack, J. C., 505, 606, 610, 659, 794, Light, J. J., 726. 906, 1041, 1061, 1154, 1221. A81, A82, Lind, E. M., 117, 684, 688, 725, 935. A111. Lishman, J. P., 840, 905. A178. McDougall, P. J., 449, 476, 706, 719. Livingstone, D., 1258. McGowan, L. M., 775, 813, 912, 984, 1042, Llewellyn, J., 412. 1080. Lock, J. M., 989. Millis, L., 860. Lockwood, A. P. M., A157. Minshall, G. W., 710, 744, 771, 1058, 1242. Loose, L., 14. Minshall, J. N., 1242. Lowe, R. H., 209, 221. A26. Misra, R. D., 48, 48a. Lund, Mrs. J. W. G., see Canter, H. M. Molyneux, L., 895. 120 AUTHOR INDEX

Moon, H. J., 32. Roscoe, M. E., 1205d. Moon, H. P., 12, 13, 16, 27, 37, 52, 344. A7. Rosenberg, M., 40, 54, 56, 69, 100, 130, 133. Moore, W. H., 230, 247, 259, 273, 401, 458, Round, F. E., 427, 442, 447, 468. 718, 803, 917, 1086, 1132. A29. Ruttner-Kolisko, A., 823. Moriarty, C. M., 963,969, 985. Rzóska, J., 703. A54. Moriarty, D. J. W., 962, 963, 969, 985. Sackin, M. J., 1073. Morris, R., 816, 933, 1074, 1113, 1140, 1166. Sanger, J. E., 1033. Mortimer, C. H., 49, 53, 56, 61, 66, 77, 83, Saunders, J. T., 38. 102, 105, 111, 171, 181, 207, 215, 216, 229, Scott, L. I., 214. 230, 231, 237, 247, 250, 253, 279, 288, Scourfield, D. J., 86, 87, 122, 348, 660a. 292, 354, 392, 533, 803. Seber, G. A. F., 697. Mundie, J. H., 257, 293, 295, 300, 328, 399, Serban, E., 637. 567, 640. A33, A45. Shaw, J., 681, 709. Nagięć, M., 1204. Shepherd, K., 1007. Nalewajko, C, 598. Sieminska, J., 469. Nature, 47, 103, 197. Simon, B. M., 1079, 1083, 1173. Nelson, J. M., A46. Sinker, C, 1120. Newbould, P. J., 285. Slicher, A. M., 526. Newton, P. V. R., 920, 964. Smart, J., 132. Northumbrian Water Authority, A177. Smith, A. J., 387, 396. Smith, G. R., 880. Orr, D. R., 743. Smith, I. R., 983, 1087a. Owen, I. L., 412. Smith, S. M., 888. Smith, W. A., 410, 1042a. Page, F. C, 1148c. Smyly, W. J. P., 213, 217, 218, 222, 234, 256, Paggi, J. C, 929. 265, 275, 276, 301, 326, 334, 335, 358, 453, Parke, M., 495. 464, 514, 557, 671, 690, 731, 740, 748, 789, Pearsall, W. H., 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 17, 18, 20, 21, 806, 921, 927, 956, 976, 1005, 1023, 1030, 28, 32, 61, 140, 145, 286, 309, 310, 391. 1055, 1115, 1205, 1238, 1247. A84, A132. A99, A112. Sneath, P. H. A., 1038. Pennington, W. (Mrs. T. G. Tutin), 83, 89, 110, Stock, J. H., 1194 120, 145, 152, 156, 284, 402, 439, 446, 493, Stockner, J. G., 807. 571, 578, 786, 814, 840, 905, 952, 967, 980, Storey, J. E., 704. 1000, 1072, 1073, 1076, 1127, 1142, 1156, Sutcliffe, D. W., 503, 532, 680, 681, 682, 698, 1184, 1249, 1250. A9, A10, A65, A66, 708, 709, 824, 833, 843, 864, 865, 866, 916, A83, A112, A178. 923, 975, 987, 988, 1013, 1039, 1060, 1085, Persson, L., 1259. 1086, 1148a, 1152, 1191, 1237,1253. A157. Philpott, F. R., 1181. Swaine, D.J., 599. Picken, L. E. R., 31, 33. Swale, E. M. F., 418, 478, 489, 510, 511, 513, Pickering, A. D., 816, 873, 908, 911, 928, 933, 534, 537, 540, 541, 542, 568, 572, 592, 609, 992, 1074, 1111, 1113, 1122, 1140, 1153, 612, 644, 645, 652, 689, 691, 692, 693, 728, 1160, 1164, 1165, 1166, 1195, 1209, 1224, 751,764,765. 1235. A113, A160. Swift, D. R., 242, 277, 379, 422, 423, 431, 467, Pickford, G. E., 507, 524, 603. 497, 504, 507, 524. 526, 539, 551, 559, 593, Pinder, L. C. V., 1053, 1098, 1118, 1146, 602, 603. 1259b. A179. Swynnerton, G. H., 65,76. Pontin, R. M., 1259c. Popham, E. J., 127. Tailing, I. B., 623. Prosser, M. V., 618, 737, 939. Tailing, J. F., 271, 303, 318, 331, 336, 340, 405, 426, 456, 525, 538, 555, 586, 618, 623, Ramsbottom, A. E., 631, 1148b. 634, 636, 654, 655, 703, 779, 830, 872, 939, Rawson, D. S., A33. 966, 1100, 1108, 1109, 1256, 1259a. A37 Redhead, K., 943. A38, A54, A67, A85, A105, A149, A150. Reynolds, C. S., 727, 885, 902, 936, 954, Taylor, A. H., 1240. 961, 972, 1063, 1064, 1082, 1088, 1120, Taylor, C. B., 62, 78, 82, 92, 104, 107, 135, 1129, 1134, 1145, 1239, 1248. A114, A115, 144, 147, 150, 153, 159, 162, 165, 174, 175, A131, A161. 185. Reynoldson, T. B., 698b, 1259d. Tevlin, M. P., 985. Richards, R. H., 1209. Thompson, G. J., 225a, 974. Richardson, E. G., 81. Thompson, R., 895, 951. Rigg,E., 1131. Tilbrook, P. J., A138. Roberts, T. A., 880. Tolpa, S., 444. Rogers, D. A., 1088. Townley, P. J., 449, 476, 706, 719. AUTHOR INDEX 121

Trewavas, E., 616. Whitfield, M., 1149. Tullet.P.A., 1183, 1259c Williams, E. G., 941. Tutin, Mrs. T. G., see Pennington, W. Williams, G. I., 1032,1035. A118. Williams, W. D., 417, 1148a. Ullyott, P., 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 11, 20, 29, 30, 35, 38, Willis, F.M., 14. 42. Willoughby, L. G., 311, 367, 378, 397, 398, University of East Anglia, A177. 449, 455, 466, 476, 482, 486, 488, 494, 498, 522, 527, 547, 552, 563, 580, 581, 600, 614, Vaughan, D., A133. 642, 646, 653, 662, 705, 713, 714, 720, 767, Viets,K. O., 1148d. 769, 778, 781, 782, 783, 799, 846, 888,900, Vinberg, G. G.,A188. 937, 943, 948, 1040, 1058, 1119, 1152, 1160, Viner, A. B., 775, 805, 813, 945, 983, 986, 1187, 1195, 1208, 1210, 1253. A90, A133, 1052, 1077, 1078, 1089, 1090, 1155, 1176. A134, A162, A163, A164, A189. Wood, R.B., 618, 737, 939. Wailes, G. H., 43,44, 58. Woof, C., 1225. Walker, B., 674. Worthington, E. B., 50, 50a, 55, 56, 64, 65, 66, Walsby,A. E., 1082. 67, 70, 70a, 76, 84, 93, 95, 98, 102, 111, Watt, W. D., 598. 116, 125, 187. A8, A25, A64, A98. Webb, M. G., 452. Welman, J. B., 125. Went, A. E. J., 99b, 108. Westlake, D. F., 390, 400, 416, 460, 545, 556, Young, B. V., A76. 613, 632, 633, 649, 660, 666, 672, 733, 735, 736, 758, 849, 934, 946, 1071, 1106, 1245. A48, A55, A89, A116, A151, A152, A156. Zygmuntowa, J., A135. LIST OF FBA TRANSLATIONS (NEW SERIES)

These translations have not, for the most part, been made by experts in the languages concerned, nor have they been checked by the original authors.

TR1 LIPEROVSKAYA, E. S. 1948. On the feeding of freshwater ostracods. Zool. Zh., 27, 2, 125-36. (31 pages)

TR2 MONAKOV, A. V. 1963. Occurrence of Macrocyclops distinctus (Richard) (Copopepoda, Cyclopoida) in Rybinsk reservoir. In Materialy po biologii i gidrologii Volshskikh vodokhranilishch. Moskva, 13-16. (3 pages)

TR3 BUTORINA, L. G. 1965. Observations on the behaviour of Polyphemus pediculus and functions of its extremities in the process of feeding. Trudy Inst. Biol, vnutr. Vod, 8(11), 44-53. (20 pages)

TR4 BUTORINA, L. G. & SOROKIN, YU. I. 1966. On the nutrition of Polyphemus pediculus (L.). Trudy Inst. Biol, vnutr. Vod. 12 (15), 170-4. (9 pages)

TR5 BUTORINA, L. G. 1963. Some data on the distribution and life cycle of Polyphemus pediculus. [SUMMARY ONLY.] Trudy Inst. Biol. Vodokhran., 6, 143-52. (1 page)

TR6 ELSTER, H. J. 1954. On the population dynamics of Eudiaptomus gracilis Sars and Heterocope borealis Fischer in the Bodensee-Obersee. Part B. Eudiaptomus gracilis Sars. Arch. Hydrobiol. (Suppl.), 20, 550-98. (31 pages)

TR7 RZOSKA, J. 1927. Some observations on the temporal variations of size of copepods and some answers to questions on their biology. Int. Revue ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr., 17, 99-114. (9 pages)

TR8 SMIRNOV, N. N. 1967. On the sensillae of the limbs of Cladocera. Zool. Zh., 46, 286-8. (4 Pages) TR9 SMIRNOV, N. N. 1965. Structure of the limbs and its significance for the ecology and systema- tics of the family Chydoridae. [?] Voprosy Gidrobiologii, 385. Moskva. (1 page)

TR10 MORDUKHAI-BOLTOVSKAYA, E. D. 1960. On the nutrition of the predatory cladocerans Leptodora and Bythotrephes. Byull. Inst. Biol. Vodokhran., 6, 21-2. (4 pages) TRANSLATIONS 123

TR11 MONAKOV, A. V. & SOROKIN, YU. I. 1961. Quantitative data on the feeding of daphnids. Trudy Inst. Biol. Vodokhran., 4 (7), 251-61. [SUMMARY ONLY.] (1 page)

TR12 MONAKOV, A. V. 1959. The predatory feeding of Acanthocyclops viridis (Jur.) (Copepoda, Cyclopoida). Trudy Inst. Biol. Vodokhran., 5, 117-27. (17pages)

TR13 MAKRUSHII, A. V. 1967. On the structure of the ephippium of Eurycercus lamellatus (O. F. Müller). Inf. Byull. Biol, vnutr. Vod, 1, 27-31. (5 pages)

TR14 ERGASHEV, A. E. & TAUBAEV, T. T. 1967. Contribution to the biology and geographical distribution of Aegagropila sauteri (Nees) Kütz. Gidrobiol. Zh., Kiev, 3, 68-9. (2 pages)

TR15 PODDUBNAYA, T. L. 1958. The state of the benthos in the Rybinsk reservoir, 1953-55. [SUM- MARY ONLY.] Trudy biol. Sta. Borok, 3, 195-213. (1 page)

TR16 LEVANIDOVA, I. M. & LEVANIDOV, V. YA. 1962. On the problem of migrations of bottom invertebrates in the mid-water in Far Eastern rivers. [SUMMARY ONLY.] Izv. tikhookeansk Nauch.-issled. Inst. Rybn. Khos. Okean., 48, 178-89. (1 page)

TR17 MANUILOVA, E. F. 1962. The influence of blue-green algae on development of the zooplankton. Byull. mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prir. (Biol.), 67, 128-31. (8 pages)

TR18 SECONDARI, A. 1950. The presence in the Marche of Sericostoma siculum McL. (Insecta- Trichoptera). Boll. Soc. Eustachiana, 43, 2, 47-50. (3 pages)

TR19 TAUBE, I. 1966. The temperature dependence of the development of the embryo in Mesocyclops leuckarti (Claus) and Cyclops scutifer Sars. Thesis, Limnol. Inst., Uppsala. (32+30 pp. of tables)

TR20 PIROCCHI, L. 1943. A cyclopid from the depth of Lake Como. Boll. Zool. 14, 33-47. (11 pages)

TR21 SOKOLOVA, N. YU. 1968. Production of the chironomids of the Uchinsk reservoir. In Methods for the estimation of production of aquatic animals (Handbook and papers). Soviet Nam. Comm. IBP, Acad. Sci. USSR, Minsk, Part 2, 226-39. (14 pages)

TR22 STELLA, E. 1964. Megacylops viridis Jurine, abyssal form in Lake Maggiore. Memorie Ist. ital. Idrobiol. 17, 57-79. (12 pages) 124 TRANSLATIONS

TR23 VYSOTSKII, A. V. 1888. Mastigophora and Rhizopoda found in saline lakes Weissovo and Repnoie (near Slaviansk). Trudy Obshch. Prir. Kharkov, 21, 119-40. [Selected passages describing Ochromonas species and Pedinella.] (8 pages)

TR24 GORYUSHIN, V. A. & CHAPLINSKAYA, S. M. 1968. Discovery of viruses lysing blue-green algae in the Dneprovsk reservoirs. In Tsvetenie vody, 171-4. Dumka, Kiev. (5 pages)

TR25 BERGGREN, S. 1871. Algae from the inland ice of Greenland. Kongl. Vetenskaps- Akademiens Forhandlingar 1871, No. 2, 293-6. (2 pages)

TR26 BOGATOVA, I. B. 1951. Quantitative data on the feeding of Cyclops strenuus Fischer and Cyclops viridis Jurine. Trudy Saratov. Otd. vses. nauchno-issled. Inst. ozer. rech. ryb. Khoz. 1, 163-76. (18 pages)

TR27 MITROPOL'SKII, V. I. 1969. Life cycle of Pisidium obtusale Jenyns. Inf. Byull. Biol, vnutr. Vod, 3, 17-21. (5 pages)

TR28 BOGATOVA, I. B. 1965. Feeding of daphnids and diaptomids in ponds. Trudy vseross. nauchno-issled. Inst. prud. ryb. Khoz., 13, 165-78. [SUMMARY ONLY.] (1 page)

TR29 MAKRUSHIN, A. V. 1966. Observations on the ovogenesis of certain Cladocera. Formation of winter eggs in Eurycercus lamellatus and Daphnia pulex. Trudy Inst. Biol, vnutr. Vod, 12(15), 175-82. [SUMMARY ONLY.] (1 page)

TR30 BORUTSKII, E. V. i960. On the methods of determining size/weight characteristics of food organisms of fish. (Determination of the length of Copepoda in larval stages by egg-laying females of the free living freshwater Copepoda.) Vop. Ikhtiol. vyp. 14, 182-94. (20 pages)

TR31 SATAVA, M. 1969. Tests of some specific effect substances in duck nutrition. In Biologisace a chemisaze vyzivy svirat, 5, 1, 43-8. (11 pages)

TR32 AMELINA, L. 1927. Die Süsswasser Cyclopidenlarven. Arb. biol. Stat. Kossino, 5, 31-9, 38-9. [Translation of key to the identification of the naupliar instars of the genus Cyclops.] (2 pages) TRANSLATIONS 125 TR33 STEFFENS, W., LIEDER, U., NEHRING, D. & HATTOP, H.-W. 1962. The possibilities and dangers in using malachite green in pisci-culture. Z. Fisch. Bd. 10, N.F., 745-71. (33 pages)

TR34 IONESCU, A. 1969. Rhythms of division of some algae in situ and in laboratory culture. Studii Cerc. Biol. (Bot.), 21, 61-5. (5 pages)

TR35 SPINDLER, K.-D. 1969. Significance of the photoperiod for the development of Cyclops vicinus. Zool. Anz. Suppl. Bd. 33, 190-5. (6 pages)

TR36 LEVANIDOVA, I. M. & NIKOLAEVA, E. T. 1968. Benthodrift in Kamchatka rivers. Izv. Tikhookeansk. nauchnoissled. Inst. rybn. Khoz. Okeanogr. 64, 291-9. [ABSTRACT ONLY, from Ref. Zh. (Biol.) 1969, 5y127.] (1 page)

TR37 BELYATSKAYA, YU. A. 1958. Generation time and utilization of energy by aquatic bacteria. Nauchn. Dokl. vyssh. Shk., 1958, 2, 147-51. (8 pages)

TR38 DAVYDOVA, N. N. 1970. Application of diatom analysis for the study of the history of the lakes of north-west USSR. Istoriya Ozer, Vilnius, 1970, 561-75. (10 pages)

TR39 PYRINA, I. L. & MOKEEVA, N. P. 1966. On a method of determination of chlorophyll in cells of algae collected on a membrane filter. Trudy Inst. Biol, vnutr. Vod, 11(14), 198-202. (8 pages)

TR40 EINSLE, U. 1969. Investigations on the vertical migration of planktonic Crustacea in the Bodensee-Obersee. Schr. Ver. Gesch. Bodensee, 87, 177-87. (12 pages)

TR41 SEILER, K., SEILER, R. & STERBA, G. 1970. Histochemical investigations on the interrenal system of the brook lamprey (Lampetra planeri Bloch). Acta biol. med. germ., 24, 553-4. (3 pages)

TR42 ELSTER, H.-J. 1967. Recent investigations of zooplankton in the Limnological Institute of the University of Freiburg, in Falkau (Germany). Acta dent, venez., 18, 94-7. (8 pages)

TR43 MACYS, J. & JANKEVICIUS, K. 1971. On methods of evaluation of bacterial production. Liet. TSR Mokslu Akad. Darb. (C), 2 (55), 3-8. (9 pages) 126 TRANSLATIONS TR44 SPINDLER, K.-D. 1971. Investigations on the influence of external factors on the duration of the embryonic development and on the moulting rhythm of Cyclops vicinus. Oecologia, 7, 342-55. (16 pages)

TR45 FISCHER, G. & ALBERT, W. 1971. A biologically active peptide in the skin of lampreys (Eudontomyzon danfordi vladykovi). Z. Naturforsch., 26b, 1021-3. (4 pages)

TR46 MAKRUSHIN, A. V. 1971. A case of development of the parthenogenetic embryo in the ovary of Moina macrocopa Straus (Crustacea, Cladocera). Vest. Zool., Kiev, 4,86. (1 page)

TR47 KLYUCHAREVA, O. A. 1963. On drift and diel vertical migration of bottom invertebrates of the Amur. Zool. Zh., 42, 1601-12. (14 pages)

TR48 KÜHNELT, W. & DOLLING, L. 1952. A marked effect of water snails on small crustaceans. Anz. öst. Akad. Wiss., 1952, No. 10, 95-9. (3 pages)

TR49 NAUMANN, E. 1919. Some aspects of the ecology of the limnoplankton, with special reference to the phytoplankton. Svensk hot. Tidskr., 13, 129-63. (22 pages)

TR50 LUPPA, H. & ERMISCH, A. 1967. Investigations into the structure and function of the exocrine pancreas of lampreys. Morph. Jb., no, 245-69. (24 pages)

TR51 SERGEEV, V. N. 1971. Behaviour and mechanism of feeding of Lathonura rectirostris (Cladocera, macrothricidae). Zool. Zh. 50, 1002-10. (10 pages)

TR52 CUKERZIS, J. 1966. Investigations of certain eco-physiological characteristics of Astacus astacus and A. leptodactylus in connection with their interspecific relationships. Liet. TSR Mokslu Akad. Darb. Ser. C, 2(40), 279-86. (10 pages)

TR53 ESIPOVA, M. A. 1969. Growth and reproduction of Moina rectirostris (Leydig) and Ceriodaphnia quadrangula (O. F. Muller) with feeding on detritus. Sbornik po prudovomu rybovodstvu, 79-89. Moskva, VNIRO. (10 pages)

TR54 PANKRATOVA, V. YA. 1970. [Key to the larvae of the genera of the sub-family Orthocladiinae] from Larvae and Pupae of midges of the sub-family Orthocladiinae of the fauna of the USSR, 51-5. Leningrad, Nauka. (8 pages) TRANSLATIONS 127

TR55 MESSIKOMMER, E. 1948. Evidence of algae in the excrement of ducks. Hydrobiologia, 1, 22-7. (5 Pages)

TR56 LOFFLER, H. 1963. Bird migration and the spread of crustacea. Verh. dt. zool. Ges. 27, 311-16. (8 pages)

TR57 THIENEMANN, A. 1950. The transport of aquatic animals by birds. Binnengewasser, 18, 156-9.

TR58 SERGEEV, V. N. 1973. Methods of feeding of some macrothricids (Cladocera, Macrothricidae). Inf. Byull. Biol. vnutr. Vod, 16, 29-34. (5 Pages)

TR59 QUENNERSTEDT, N. 1955. The diatoms of Langans lake-vegetation. Fossil diatom flora. Acta phytogeogr. suec. 36, 73-86. (23 pages)

TR60 MAKRUSHIN, A. V. 1970. Changes in the organism of females of some Cladocera in transition to gamogenesis. Zool. Zh. 49, 1573-5. (5 pages)

TR61 KABAILENE, M. V. 1966. On distribution of pollen in lakes. Palynology in geological research in the Baltic Soviet Republics. Vilnius. 113-19. (8 pages)

TR62 HISAUCHI, K. 1960. 'Fa Tsai', a Chinese edible Nostoc in market. Bull. Jap. Soc. Phycol. 8, 124-6. (2 pages)

TR63 TONOLLI, V. 1961. Study on the dynamics of the population of a copepod {Eudiaptomus vulgaris Schmeil). Memorie Ist. ital. Idrobiol. 13, 179-202. (17 pages)

TR64 PANKRATOVA, V. YA. 1970. Keys to the larvae of the species of the genera Diamcsa, Eukiefferiella, Orthocladius, Cricotopus, Psectrocladius and Chaetocladius. In Larvae and pupae of midges of the sub-family Orthocladiinae of the fauna of the USSR. Leningrad, Nauka, 76-8, 151-2, 173-4, 188-9, 211-12, 231. (14 pages)

TR65 SMIRNOV, N. N. 1971. Keys to subfamilies, genera, species and subspecies. In Chydoridae of the world's fauna. Fauna SSSR, Crustacea, 1, 2. (52 pages)

TR66 ULOMSKII, S. N. 1965. On the ecology of species belonging to the genus Mesocyclops Sars (Crustacea, Copepoda) dwelling in the water-bodies of the Urals and Pri-Ural territory. Zool. Zh. 44, 127-30. (7 pages) 128 TRANSLATIONS

TR67 STENGEL, E. 1970. The changes in various iron compounds in culture media for algae. Arch. Hydrobiol. (Suppl.) 38, 151-69. (27 pages)

TR68 ALTMANN, H. J. 1972. Determination of dissolved oxygen in water with leukoberbelin-blue I. A quick Winkler method. Z. analyt. Chem. 262, 97-9. (5 pages)

TR69 ROCH, K. & KAFFKA, A. 1972. Determination of the activity of nitrifying bacteria in surface waters by a modified BOD-test. Zentbl. Bakt. Parasitkde, Abt. I orig., 156, 414-21. (8 pages)

TR70 MOLNAR, B. & SZABO, S. 1973. Cytological aspects of gonadotropic cells and pre-opticoneurohypo- physial neurosecretion during the ovarian cycle of Eudontomyzon danfordi. Studia Univ. Babes-Bolyai, Ser. Biol., 18, 105-13. (10 pages)

TR71 BULNHEIM, H.-P. 1972. Comparative investigations on the respiratory physiology of euryhaline gammarids with special reference to salinity adaptation. Helgoländer wiss. Meeresunters. 23, 485-534. (62 pages)

TR72 IVOLGINA, S. V., MESHCHERYAKOVA, A. L. & AL'BITSKAYA, O. N. 1972. Special carbon requirement of Spirulina platensis cultures. Mater. vses. Rab. Soveshch. Vop. Krugovorota Veshchestv. Zamknutoi Sist. Osn. Zhiznedeyatel' Nizshikh Organizmov, 7, 1971, 55-7. (3 pages)

TR73 SPODNIEWSKA, I. 1973. Nitrogen and phosphorus forms in water and the food requirement of algae. Wiad. ekol. 19, 238-44. (6 pages)

TR74 FILIMONOV, L. A. 1970. On the structure of the seminal receptacle in cyclopids (Copepoda, Cyclopoida). Inf. Byull. Biol, vnutr. Vod, No. 6, 26-32. (6 pages)

TR75 GODE, P. & OVERBECK, J. 1972. Studies on heterotrophic nitrification in a lake. Z. allg. Mikrobiol. 12, 567-74. (13 pages).

TR76 DOBROWOLSKI, K. A. 1973. Waterfowl and their role in lake ecosystems. Wiad. ekol. 19, 355-71. (19 pages)

TR77 GRAS, R. 1970. Individual weight, duration of development and production of different stages of Tropodiaptomus incognitus (Crustacea Copepoda). Cah. ORSTOM ser. Hydrobiol. 4, 63-70. (11 pages) TRANSLATIONS 129

TR78 MONAKOV, A. V. 1958. On the problem of the distribution of Acanthocyclops viridis Jurine in the Rybinsk reservoir. Byull. Inst. Biol. Vodokhran. No. 1, 36-9. (4 Pages) TR79 DUCRUET, J. 1975. Action of ecdysterone on the moulting of amphipod females: Gammarus pulex (L.) and G. fossarum Koch. Early results. Crusta- ceana, 28, 86-8. (4 pages)

TR80 BUA, B. & SNEKVIK, E. 1972. Experiments with the hatching of salmon spawn 1966-1971. Vann, No. 1, 86-93. (9 Pages) TR81 TAN, T. L. 1973. Physiology of nitrate reduction in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Z. allg. Mikrobiol. 13, 83-94. (14 pages)

TR82 SHCHERBAKOV, A. P. 1952. Relationship of dimensions and weight in freshwater planktonic crustaceans. Dokl. Akad. Nauk. SSSR, 84, 1, 153-6. (4 pages)

TR83 STARMACH, K. 1972. Family: Cladophora Kützing 1843. [IDENTIFICATION KEY.] Flora Slodkowodna Polski, 10, 227-63. (30 pages)

TR84 STARMACH, K. 1966. Anabaena circinalis Rabenhorst & A. flos aquae Brebisson, ex Bornet et Flahault. [IDENTIFICATION KEY.] Flora Slodkowodna Polski, 2, 499-504. (4 pages)

TR85 LARSSON, P. 1968. Holopedium gibberum — an indicator of soft-water lakes? Fauna, 21, 130-2. (3 pages)

TR86 LUBYANOV, I. P. & ZUBCHENKO, I. A. 1970. Fundamental aspects of the feeding of the amphipod Gammarus (R.) balcanicus (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Nauchn. Dokl. vyssh. Shkoly (Biol. Nauk), No. 7, 12-16. (5 pages)

TR87 DUDKA, I. A. 1964. Some biological features of Saprolegnia parasitica Coker — cause of fish dermatomycosis. Pervaya nauchnaya konferentsiya molodykh Uchenykh Biologov (Tezisy Dokladov). Kiev, ANUkr. SSR., 84-6. (2 pages)

TR88 LIND, E. A., KUKKO, O., KERANEN, M. & ELLONEN, T. 1972. Diurnal periodicity of activity in the spawning perch P. fluviatilis L. Kalamies 1972 (7); 3. (7 pages)

TR89 ELLONEN, T. & LIND, E. A. 1973. Diurnal periodicity of winter activity in the perch, Perca fluviatilis L. Kalamies 1973 (1); 3. (7 pages) 130 TRANSLATIONS

TR90 LIND, E. A., ELLONEN, T., KERANEN, M., KUKKO, O. & TENHUNEN, A. 1973. Seasonal variation in the diurnal periodicity of activity of the perch, Perca fluviatilis L. Kalamies, 1973, (3); 3. (7 pages) TR91 TENHUNEN, A., HYTINKOSI, P., KUKKO, O., LIND, E. A. & TURUNEN, J. 1973. Activity of perch, Perca fluviatilis L. in relation to water temperature. Kalamies 1973 (6); 4. (6 pages)

TR92 CZOPEK, M. 1963. Cultivation methods for Lemnaceae. Wiadomosci Botaniczne, 7, 2, 153-64. (15 pages)

TR93 FRESENIUS, W. & SCHNEIDER, W. 1965. For the determination of iron (II) and total iron with 2,2' — dipyridyl in mineral waters. Reduction of iron (HI) with' ascorbic acid. Z. analyt. Chem. 209, 340-1. (2 pages)

TR94 TECKELMANN, U. 1974. The effects of temperature on growth and metabolism of flowing water cold-stenotherms. Arch. Hydrobiol. 74, 479-95 & 516-22. (18 pages)

TR95 PRIVOL'NEV, T. I. 1956. Reaction of fish to light [CONCLUSIONS ONLY]. Vop. Ikhtiol. Vyp. 6, 17-20. (5 pages) TR96 PROSPERI, A., BERNAGOZZI, M., ROMANO, G. C. & TONELLI, E. 1975. Application of algal bioassays in the determination of eutrophic power of waste water. Ig. Sanita pubbl. 31, 257-67. (7 pages)

TR97 BALDI, E. 1941. Mechanism of red colouration in Tovel-See. Arch. Hydrobiol. 38, 299-302. (4 pages)

TR98 HERZIG, A. & MOOG, O. 1976. The vertical distribution of zooplankton in the Goggausee (The influence of algae and Chaoborus flavicans). Carinthia II, 166/86, 373-85. (11 pages)

TR99 SHIROTA, A. 1970. Studies on the mouth size of fish larvae [METHOD AND CON- CLUSIONS ONLY.] Bull. Jap. Soc. scient. Fish. 36, 353-68. (2 pages)

TR100 ROMANENKO, V. I., PERES EIRIS, M., KUDRYATSEV, V. M. & AURORA PUBIENES, M. 1975. Radioautographic method of determination of number of bacteria in water-bodies. Inf. Byull. Biol. vnutr. Vod. No. 26, 65-7. (4 pages) TRANSLATIONS 131 TR101 SVIRSKII, A. M., MALININ, L. K. & OVCHINNIKOV, V. I. 1976. On the diel rhythm of motor activity in perch. Inf. Byull. Biol, vnutr. Vod, No. 30, 12-14. (4 Pages)

TR102 BOROVITSKAYA, M. P. 1956. Biology of the amphipod Gammarus pulex L. in water-bodies of the Leningrad district, and its piscicultural importance. Trudy vses. gidrobiol. Obshch. 7, 99-122 [pp. 108-12 only], (6 pages)

TR103 BAUER, O. N. 1959. Chilodonella cyprini (Moroff, 1902). In Ekologiya parasitov presno- vodnykh ryb. Izv. gos. nauchno-issled. Inst. ozern. rechn. rybn. Kohz. 49, 25-8. (4 pages)

TR104 PANEK, E. S. 1976. On the occurrence of Pithophora oedogonia (Mont.) Wittr. var. polyspora Rendle et West fil (Cladophoraceae) in the pond of the Wroclaw Botanical Garden. Fragm. flor. geobot. 22, 255-60. (5 pages)

TR105 SMIRNOV, N. N. 1976. Keys to families of Cladocera and to subfamilies, genera, species and subspecies of Macrothricidae and Moinidae. Fauna SSSR, Crustacea 1(3). (14 pages)

TR106 DECAMPS, H., CAPBLANCQ, J. & HIRIGOYEN, J. P. 1972. Study of flow conditions near the substratum in an experimental channel. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 18, 718-25. (7 pages)

TR107 ARRIGNON, J. 1972. Fish zoning of some watercourses in Normandy. Verh. int. Verein. theor. angew. Limnol. 18, 1135-46. (11 pages)

TR108 LEGIER, P. & TALIN, J. 1973. Comparison of permanent and temporary streams of calcareous Provence. Annls Limnol. 9(3), 273-92. (13 pages)

TR109 LEGIER, P. & TALIN, J. 1976. Recolonisation of temporary streams and evolution of a degree of stability of the zoocenose. Ecologia Mediterranea, No. 1, 149-64. (17 pages)

TR110 FERRARI, I. 1970. Ecological significance of seasonal variation in clutch-size of Arcto- diaptomus bacillifer in alpine lakes of high altitudes (Val Bognanco). Boll. Zool. 37, 491-2. (1 page) 132 TRANSLATIONS

TR111 DALENE, M. 1973. Red char (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) in Katnosa. Age, growth, size of stock, mortality and assessment. Thesis in the principal subject of specialized zoology for a science degree at the University of Oslo, the spring term 1973. [ABSTRACT ONLY.] (3 pages)

TR112 SCHWERDTFEGER, W. K. & BEREITER-HAHN, J. 1977. Glycocalyx production in teleosts. Verh. dt. zool. Ges. 1977, 286. (2 pages)

TR113 SCHIEMER, F., DOLEZAL, E., GNAIGER, E. & JANTSCH, A. 1975. Observations on the distribution, daily migration and food intake rates of Chaoborus flavicans (Meigen) in the Goggausee. Carinthia II, 165, 85, 184-90. (6 pages) TR114 SPANOVSKAYA, V. D., GRIGORASH, V. A. & LYAGINA, T. N. 1963. The dynamics of the fecundity of fishes, for example the roach, Rutilus rutilus (L.). [CONCLUSIONS AND FIGURE/TABLE CAPTIONS ONLY.] Vop. Ikhtiol. 3, 1, 67-83. (8 pages)

TR115 ALEKSEEV, N. K. 1965. On the feeding of the larvae of Chironomidae during the planktonic period of life. Nauch. Dokl. vyssh. Shk., Biol. Nauk. 1, 19-21. (3 pages)

TR116 PANKRATOVA, V. YA. 1977. The family of chironomids or midges - Chironomidae. [KEYS TO LARVAE AND PUPAE.] In Opredelitel' presnovodnykh bespozvono- chnykh evropeiskoi chasti SSSR (Plankton i bentos). (Zoologicheskii Institut Akademi Nauk SSSR), 371-431. Leningrad, Gidrometeoizdat. (63 pages)

TR117 SHILOVA, A. I. 1955. Some abundant Tendipedid species (Diptera, Tendipedidae) of the Amu-Darya drainage basin. Ent. Obozr. 34, 313-22. (3 pages) [Acalcarella Shilova, gen. n. ONLY.]

TR118 TONOLLI, V. 1954. Predation and selection in copepod populations of Alpine waters. Boll. Zool. 21, 541-5. (3 pages)

TR119 ITURRIAGA, R. & RHEINHEIMER, G. 1975. A simple method for counting bacteria with active electron transport systems in water and sediment samples. [METHODS SECTION ONLY.] Kiel. Meeresforsch. 31, 2, 83-6. (3 pages)

TR120 RIEHL, R. & SCHULTE, E. 1978. An identification key of the most important German freshwater teleost fishes by means of their eggs. Arch. Hydrobiol. 83, 200-12. (13 pages) TRANSLATIONS 133 TR121 PEDUZZI, R., NOLARD-TINTIGNER, N. & BIZZOZERO, S. 1976. Investigations on Saprolegniasis. II. Study on the process of penetra- tion, showing evidence of a proteolytic enzyme and histopathological aspects. Riv. ital. Piscicolt. Ittiopatol. 11, 109-17. (18 pages)

TR122 GUISSANI, G. 1974. Selective plankton feeding by the coregonid "bondella" (Coregonus sp.) of Lake Maggiore. Memorie Ist. ital. Idrobiol. 31, 181-203. (23 pages) TRANSLATORS

Mrs. T. Armitage, 88, 89, 90, 91.

M. T. Furse, 109.

J. P. Harding, 65, 105. L. Heller, 68, 75, 81, 93, 97, 98. D. J. Horne, 42. J. E. M. Horne, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 38, 39, 46, 47, 51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 60, 61, 64, 74, 78, 79, 82, 86, 87, 95, 100, 101, 102, 103.

Y. Itoh, 109.

G. H. M. Jaworski, 73, 76, 83, 84, 92, 104.

J. W. G. Lund, 14, 21, 23, 24.

P. Moorhouse, 114, 115, 116, 117.

P. L. Nock, 12, 31, 33, 34, 35, 40, 41, 44, 45, 50, 55, 56, 57, 67, 69, 70, 71, 112, 113.

I. Pettman, 43, 62, 66. D. Powell, 119, 120, 121.

W. J. P. Smyly, 18, 20, 22, 32, 48, 63, 77, 96, 110, 118, 122. F. Spaun, 6, 7.

I. B. Tailing, 19, 25, 49, 59, 72, 80, 85, 111.

V. A. Wilson, 106, 107, 108.

H. Zschorn, 94.