Year VII • No. 74 • Festive edition • Ministry for Security Force


Prishtina, 27th November 2018 2 OPEN DAY

Year VII • No. 74 • Festive edition • Ministry for OPEN DAY 3

Year of impressive developments for KSF and Kosovo

I’m delighted to state that this year saw very USA is our main impetus for mowing forward towards impressive developments for KSF which enabled the creation of Kosovo’s defense capabilities, as final step Force for a successful transition. Parallel to retaining in wrapping up the statehood of Kosovo. This state and advancing current mission- related capabilities, in component will make Kosovo a safe environment for support of civil authorities respectively communities, all its citizens. So special gratitude for USA which we as MKSF and KSF have intensified our coopera- will be a forever partner in defense and inter-state re- tion at regional level with our strategic partners and lations. KSF great achievements in accomplishing its NATO decision making centers. Through informing mission, good results from bilateral cooperation with visits and meetings, we have managed to obtain sup- friendly and partner countries in defense and security port and confirmation pertaining the Kosovo’s right field, great achievements in education and staff prepa- on KSF transition. We have pledged that this process ration, success in joint exercises with regional and will be gradual, transparent, all inclusive and in com- NATO countries, made KSF an institution unanimous- pliance with laws and constitution of this country. We ly supported by domestic political spectrum. This was also ensured our partners that KSF mandate will con- proved when absolute majority of members of Koso- tinue preserving its professional feature, with protec- vo’s assembly voted for first reading of legal base for tion mission, and be represented by all ethnicities in KSF transition and new mandate. This year will see us Kosovo. Also pledged that this region will have an ex- dealing with objectives, vital for building the defense tra allied force, interoperable, in preserving peace and and security system such as the relations with NATO, steady stability in region and beyond. The transition is integration into regional and euro Atlantic security ini- due to the professional steady development of Kosovo tiatives. Officers, NCO, privates, civil staff, hard work Security Force that makes it capable to undertake new and huge commitment by all are to be extolled for the defense responsibilities. high trust KSF has among citizens. Once again i thank each and every one of you for your commitment in Massive gratitude goes for International Mil- KSF success, and congratulation the Force’s day. itary Presence stationed here, especially to the NATO advising and liaison team ( NALT), putting their day Rrustem Berisha, to day efforts throughout this process. No doubt that Minister for Kosovo Security Force 4 OPEN DAY

Year of big changes for KSF

Those values which make treat people equally and give hope for a better future. But, this progress, value and commitment of the KSF is impeding different establishments (authorities) out of the country. Pressure and forms of the last century used over our Serbian community during this year are the ugliest forms and against any democratic principle. The KSF is the Institution managed and operated on the basis of the highest values and principles where citizens are treated in the same way where the future is a hope and the human dignity is a principle. No doubt that the KSF is the Institution with highest scale of readiness at country level and will continue to be like this. Overseas deployments , field exercise “Eagle 6”, were the activities with high intensity and readiness for operating , increasing interoperability and contributing in peace and security in region and wider. TRADOC has played a key role in professional upgrading of the KSF members proving of having capabilities and modern infrastructure for realisation of the institutional trainings. Despite, transition process, we assure that we will be in full readiness for giving Today, reflecting in the achievements of the our support and expertise in benefit of the country and Kosovo Security Force, I feel privileged and honored citizens. to command and direct the best girls and boys of Dear soldiers, NCOs and officers, my focus and this country. Reliability, Inclusiveness, Readiness efforts, during this year have been oriented in creation characterizes the year which will remain in the new of the transition conditions. It was a year with an history of Kosovo due to the fact of mission changing extraordinary intensity, in national and international of the Kosovo Security Force in building of the new coordination level in order to have made our efforts capabilities for territorial integrity defense gradually. synchronized for the mission changing of the KSF. Initially, reliability of the Force consists of the Therefore, I only have represented your professional spirit of team and professional education of the new voice which has made feel proud all Kosovo`s citizens generations. The education and exercise at home about your successes. and abroad have increased interoperability with our Wishing you the feast, I congratulate you for partners, at the same time have built trust between the new duties and responsibilities. This give us the KSF and partners. The KSF used to be, and still motivation and hope for having a better future. The remains committed to support civil authorities and Kosovo Security Force continues to be a model for assist citizens of the Republic of Kosovo, regardless. all the country’s institutions, as well as a model for all The reliability is increased due to our commitment in military institutions in the region and beyond. real operations and hard work of the Demining teams, At the same time, on your behalf I want to publicly search and rescue, chemical protection, Engineering say thank you to our friends, U. S , NALT/NATO and and Medical. Without forgetting the RRB who made other countries which have helped us, advised and us feel proud in all its collective activities at home and supported in our path. Our future is in partnership and abroad. All that enterprise of the devoted people and full confidence with NATO member countries, KFOR with a high character is making bridges of confidence and in particular with our interstate partnership, the and is placing foundation of our strategic orientation IOWA National Guard. towards NATO integration. During this year, our vision aimed building of an Wishing you all the best to You and Your families. inclusive organisation where diversity is a value. LTG Rrahman Rama OPEN DAY 5 Draft-law on transformation of MKSF /KSF unanimously are approved in government of Republic of Kosovo

In a session of Government of At the meeting of the Government by the government cabinet of the Republic of Kosovo with unanimous of the country, Minister of the Republic of Kosovo. vote of the Government Cabinet Ministry for the Kosovo Security Subsequently is given the full are approved the three basic laws Force, Rrustem Berisha, presented expose of Minister for Kosovo on the KSF transformation with a an exposition with reasoning on Security Force, Mr. Rrustem Berisha mission and additional duties: Law the process and approval of the Law presented in the Government of on Force, Law on Force Service and on transformation of the Kosovo Republic of Kosovo dated: 13 Sept Law on the Ministry of Defense. Security Force, which was approved 2018.

Members of parliament of the Republic of Kosovo voted for first reading of three MKSF/KSF draft laws

Following the review of the Minister of the Kosovo Security Force (MKSF) Rrustem Berisha, on three draft laws for the Ministry for the Kosovo Security Force / Kosovo Security Force, the deputies of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo voted in first reading: the Draft Law on the Ministry of Defense, the Draft Law on the Kosovo Security Force and the Draft Law for service in the Kosovo Security Force. Exhibits of the Minister of the Kosovo Security Force, Rrustem Berisha, before the deputies of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo, for all three draft laws. 6 OPEN DAY President of Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaqi promoted and appointed the KSF Generals

The President of Republic of Kosovo ,Hashim Thaqi in the position of the Supreme Comamnder and having the constitutional competencies in coordination with Minsiter and COMKSF in presence of Minister for Kosovo Security Force , Mr.Rrustem Berisha and COMKSF, LT. Gen. Rrahman Rama, has promoted and appointed the KSF Generals. Today, President Hashim Thaqi promoted; BG.Bashkim Jasharin to Major General also, promoted BG. Zymer Halimi to Major General. Brigadier General Gëzim Hazrolli was promoted to Major General Col. Naim Hazirin is promoted to to BG. And appointed as Chief of and was appointed Director of Brigadier General and appointed Staff of Deopartment of Personnel Operations Directorate in MKSF. to Operational Support Brigade in MKSF. The promotion of Col. Today, President Thaqi appointed, Comamnder. Col. Xhevahir Geci Irfete Spahiut to the rank of the BG. BG.Enver Cikaqin to Comamnder is promoted to BG and appointed marks the first female in the KSF of Land Force Command of the as Dep/Comamnder of Land Force history to hold the rank of General KSF.Col.Irfete Spahiu promoted Comamnd.Col.Fadil Hadergjonajn .Irfete Spahiu since today is the to Brigadier General Rank, also promoted to BG and appiointed first Officer of the KSF to hold the appointed her as Commander of as Commander of RRB pf th KSF. General rank. Training and Doctrine Command. Col. Skender Zhitia is promoted KSF minister hosted the Montenegro’s defense minister

The Minister of the Kosovo Security Force, Rrustem Berisha hosted an official visit in MKSF, the Minister of Defense of Mon- tenegro, Predrag Boskovic. The Minister of Defense of Montene- gro, Boskovic was received with high honors from the Ceremoni- al Platoon and the musical band of the KSF. Minister Berisha and Minister Boskovic first held a head-to-head meeting to continue later with a joint meeting of the achievements of the KSF, the pro- lateral relations, continuation of two delegations. fessional upgrading and KSF tran- cooperation in the future and mu- Minister Berisha, after wel- sition process. During the meet- tual support based on the memo- coming Minister Boskovic, also ing, the two ministers also talked randum of cooperation between recognized him with the overall about the cooperation, good bi- the two ministries. OPEN DAY 7 Minister of KSF, Mr. Rrustem Berisha hosted the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Macedonia, Mrs. Radmila Shekerinska

With official ceremony, Minis- was talked for good bilateral rela- education and field exercises. ter of Kosovo Security Force, Mr. tions, concrete activities as well to Minister Berisha affirmed the Rrustem Berisha hosted for a visit keep having relations in the future. aspiration of the Republic of Koso- the Minister of Defense of the Re- On this occasion, Minister Ber- vo for membership to NATO and public of Macedonia, Mrs. Radmilla isha thanked Minister Shekerinska integration in the European Union Shekerinska-Jankovska. on good and concrete cooperation thus emphasiszing that our priority Firstly two Ministers hold a tete with Ministry that she leads for is having good relations with NATO a tete meeting afterwards a joint readiness of cooperation extension member countries and those who meeting of both delegations where and exchanges in other training, aspire membership to NATO.

Minister of KSF hosted for a visit Minister of Defense of France, Mrs. Genevieve Darrieussecq

The Minister for Kosovo Security Force (MKSF) Mr. Rrustem Berisha hosted in official visit, with a military ceremony, the Minister of Defense, Mrs. Genevieve Darrieussecq. Minister Berisha together with Minister of France, Mrs.Darrieussecq headed joint meeting of both delegation where it was talked about mutual cooperation between Kosovo and France , MKSF and Ministry of Defense as well developments in the security area in Kosovo , region and wider. 8 OPEN DAY Minister Rrustem Berisha visits Ministry of Defense of Macedonia

Minister of Kosovo Security Force Rrustem Berisha hosted by the Minister of Defense of Republic of Macedonia Mrs. Radmilla Shekerinska on November 2 in Skopje. Both minister, in this meeting discussed about developments in Kosovo and Macedonia, security situation, mutual cooperation in security and defense field and steps to be taken by both sides for speedy and better integration in euro Atlantic mechanisms. They also talked about possible fields of cooperation such as defense and security realms. While in Skopje, minister Berisha met also with speaker of Macedonia parliament Mr. Talat Xhaferi

Minister Rrustem Berisha hosted with high military honor in the Ministry of Defense

Minister of the Kosovo Security Force, Rrustem Berisha, invited by the Minister of Defense of Croatia, Damir Krsticevic, was on official visit to Zagreb. Min- ister Berisha and Minister Krstićevic talked about the current security situation in both countries, the region and be- yond, as well as the excellent rela- tions between the two countries and the two ministries. Minister Berisha informed Mr Krsticevic also with current devel- opments in the country, as well as with the transition process of the KSF. While the minister of Cro- atia re-confirmed Croatia’s readiness for compre- hensive support to Kosovo. OPEN DAY 9 Minister Berisha hosted by president Ilir Meta and Minister Olta Xhaçka

KSF minister Rrustem Berisha, and provider of peace stability and While on visit in Tirana, Minister while on visit in Albania was hosted supporter of democratic countries, Rrustem Berisha met with also with separately by president about possibility of Albanian state Albanian minister of Defense Mrs. Ilir Meta and minister of defense to support the Republic of Kosovo Olta Xhacka, and talked about ex- Olta Xhaçka. Minister Berisha with and building its security and de- cellent cooperation between Koso- president Meta discussed about fense capabilities as well as support- vo and Albania and about mutual Kosovo-Albania relations, situation ing KOSOVO in its path towards cooperation between KSF and Min- in the region and beyond, and the integration in into international se- istry of Defense of Republic of Al- role of Albania as NATO member curity initiatives and organizations. bania.

Visit of Assistant to Defense Secretary of USA, Mr. Robert S. Karem in MKSF

Minister Berisha thanked the of SSSR, the citizens and institu- USA for the overall assistance giv- tions of the country are waiting the en to the KSF as well Personnel conclusion of transition process of engagement and for very intensive KSF into KAF. and overall cooperation. This coop- Commander of the KSF, LTG. eration reaches the top especially Rrahman Rama, on his side men- the KSF cooperation having with tioned that the KSF is a profes- IOWA`s National Guard. Minis- sional Force with western concept ter Berisha spoke about the high and basis on American doctrine standard that KSF has, professional and concept. High achievements preparation and many engagements in international cooperation field, in carrying out duties with dedica- in particular with countries that tion based on the current mission. we have signed bilateral agree- After 19 years of liberation, and ments. He emphasized also the high 10 years of independence, as well as percentage of representatioin of after the derived recommendations non-majority communities in KSF. 10 OPEN DAY KSF commander hosted the German Chief of Defense

The Commander of the Kosovo discussed the excellent relations member state, said that the Min- Security Force, Lieutenant General between Germany and Kosovo, istry for KSF and KSF, within the Rrahman Rama, hosted today in namely the Ministry of KSF and the framework of bilateral cooperation the ministry the military chief of KSF with the Ministry of Defense agreement, have very good rela- defense of the Federal Republic of and the German Armed Forces. On tions with the Ministry of Defense Germany General Eberhard Zorn. this occasion, the commander of and the Armed Forces of Germany General Rama and General Zorn the KSF, thanking the German De- and that these relations will contin- together with their delegations fense Chief for the contribution of ue in the future, said General Rama. held a joint meeting where they Germany within KFOR, as a NATO

LTG. Salvatore Farina hosted with military ceremony in the KSF

Commander of Kosovo Security Force, Lieutenant General Rrahman Rama at the Ministry for the Kosovo Security Force, hosted the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Italy, Lieutenant General Salvatore Farina with military ceremony. Minister Rrustem Berisha, General Rama, Deputy Ministers Burim Ramadani, Agim Çeku, Secretary General Shkelzen Sylaj and senior staff of MKSF / KSF held a joint meeting with the Italian delegation of the Armed Forces, except the Farina were also the commander Cuoci and the Italian Ambassador head of the delegation, General of KFOR, Major General Salvatore in Kosovo, Piero Cristoforo Sardi. OPEN DAY 11 Minister of KSF hosted Mr. John Manza, Dep/Assistant of General Secretary to NATO related to operational affairs

the KSF hosted a senior delegation of NATO headed by Mr. John Manza, Dep/Minister of General Secretary of NATO who was accompanied to the meeting, also by the Dep/Director of NALT, Mr.Mark Theobald. Minister Berisha has highly appreciated so far cooperation with NATO and has thank for given contribution of NALT in MKSF and the KSF as well good cooperation with KFOR. He mentioned good cooperation with neighboring countries particular with those who have signed bilateral cooperation.Commander of KSF, Rrahman Rama on his speech informed the senior delegation from Brussels with the KSF activities; cadets successes in different countries of the world; the KSF successes in the operational areas; training level with NATO standard; the KSF participation to trainings and international field exercises; preparation for the Minister of KSF, Rrustem Berisha together with April Conference “KSF and Partners”; preparation the KSF Commander, Lt. Gen. Rrahman Rama, for conducting of the FTX “Eagle -6”, where will be accompanied by officials and senior of the Ministry and participating 12 partner countries of Kosovo.

Minister of KSF, Rrustem Berisha hosted in official visit Minister of Defense of Ireland, Mr. Paul Kehoe

The Minister of Ministry for Kosovo Security Force (MKSF), Mr. Rrustem Berisha hosted Minister of Defense of Ireland, Mr. Paul Ke- hoe. In to the joint meeting among both delegations, Minister Berisha together with Minister of Republic of Ireland, Mr. Kehoe talked about mutual cooperation among Kosovo and Republic of Ireland, MKSF and Ministry of Defense of Ireland as well on developments in the securi- ty area in Kosovo, region and wider. Minister Rrustem Berisha has thanked Minister of Rep. of Ireland, Mr. Paul Kehoe for so far coop- eration by informing with overall developments in Ministry and the Kosovo Security Force. 12 OPEN DAY Minister for Kosovo Security Force, Mr.Rrustem Berisha was hosted by the State Secretary at Ministry of Armies of France, Mrs. Geneviève Darrieussec The Minister for Kosovo Security Force, Mr. Rrust- em Berisha was hosted in Paris by the State Secretary at Ministry of Armies of France, Ms. Geneviève Dar- rieussecq. In a friendly meeting were mentioned excellent re- lations among both countries and talked about bilateral cooperation in the defense and security area. Minister Berisha informed French Minister on achievements and objectives of the KSF. Ms. Darrieussecq congrat- ulated Minister on successes specifically in integration of non-majority community. France is an important partner of Kosovo and visit of Minister Berisha is done in the eve of the 10th Anniversary of Kosovo`s inde- pendence to Express gratitude to France for its contri- bution in the Kosovars path.

Minister and Commander of the KSF hosted Commander of IOWA`s National Guard, Major General Timothy Orr

The Minister of KSF , Rrustem Berisha today , host- country, this credibility now has a positive trend for the ed Commander of IOWA`s National Guard , MG. Tim- Serb citizens of the north, has presented the result and othy Orr, who was accompanied by a broad delegation success of the KSF in the integration of minority com- of civil and military staff from IOWA and Col. Jeffrey munities, in particular of the Serb community from the H. Fisher, Defense Attaché at U. S Embassy in Pristine. north of Kosovo. Also the commander of the Iowa Na- Minister Berisha, on this occasion highly appreci- tional Guard, Major General Timothy Orr had a sep- ated the extensive cooperation in frame of the existing arate meeting with the commander of the KSF, Lieu- partnership between MKSF and the IOWA`s National tenant General Rrahman Rama, where was discussed Guard mentioning the archived KSF successes belong, about developments in the KSF, the preparation of the also to you and of having a good cooperation with you. plans for transformation and the current challenges Minister Berisha emphasized the fact that KSF contin- that this process has been having. ues to be the most trusted security institution in the OPEN DAY 13 Memorandum of Cooperation between MKSF and Ministry of Defense of Italy signed

The Minister of Ministry for Kosovo Security Force, Commander of the KSF, LTG. Rraham Rama, Minister Mr. Rrustem Berisha and Minister of Defense of Italy, of Defense of Rep. of Italy, Elisabetta Trena and Ambas- Mrs. Elisabetta Trena, at the environment of the Repub- sador of Italy in Kosovo, Piero Cristoforo Sardi. lic of Kosovo s Government signed off Memorandum Memorandum of Cooperation between Ministry of of Cooperation between Ministry for Kosovo Security KSF and Ministry of Defense of Italy foresees mutual Force and Ministry of Defense of Republic of Italy. cooperation in the training area, education, experience Attended Prime Minister of Republic of Kosovo Ra- exchanges towards Euro-Atlantic integration path etc. mush Haradinaj, Minister of MKSF, Rrustem Berisha,

Minister Berisha and Ambassador Ruairi O’Connell signed the amendment to continue cooperation

The Minister of the Kosovo Security Force, Mr. Rrustem Berisha, and the Ambassador of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, Mr. Ruairi O’Connel signed today in the premises of MKSF the amendment of the Bilateral Co-operation Agreement between the Ministry for KSF and the Ministry of KSF United Kingdom Defense, signed in 2009. Initially, at the joint meeting of PM Berisha and Ambassador O’Connel, talks were held on the very good relations between the two countries, with special emphasis on the excellent relations in the field of defense and security and the readiness of both parties that these relationships will rise to an even higher level in the future. 14 OPEN DAY Presidenti Hashim Thaçi dekoron gjenerallejtënant Rrahman Ramën me medaljen presidenciale

Presidenti i Republikës së Kosovës, Hashim Thaçi, ka dekoruar me Medaljen Presidenciale komandantin e Forcës së Sigurisë së Kosovës (FSK), gjenerallejtënantët Rrahman Ramën, me rastin e shënimit të 10- vjetorit të Pavarësisë së Kosovës. Dekorimi është bërë me motivacionin për kontributin e dhënë për lirinë dhe Pavarësinë e Kosovës. Medalja Presidenciale në 10-vjetorin e Pavarësisë u jepet personave që kanë dhënë kontribut për lirinë dhe pavarësinë e vendit.

President Hashim Thaçi decorated Lt. Gen Rrahman Rama with Presidential Medal

The President of Republic of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, yesterday decorated Commander for Kosovo Security Force (KSF), Lt.Gen. Rrahman Rama with presidential Medal on the occasion of marking tenth anniversary of Kosovo`s Independence. This decoration was made upon given contribution for freedom and indepen- dence of Kosovo. The Presidential medal on the tenth anniversary of the Independence is given to people who gave contribution for freedom and independence of Kosovo.

President Hashim Thaçi awarded deputy minister Agim Çekun with presidential medal

President of Republic of Kosovo Hashim Thaqi on the contribution for the freedom and independence on February 22 awarded with presidential medal of Kosovo. Presidential medal for the tenth anniversary MKSF deputy minister Agim Ceku, ex-chief of staff of of Independence is given to individuals for their on the tenth anniversary of contribution in independence of this country. Declaration of Independence. Award was given based OPEN DAY 15 Meetings of KSF minister Rrustem Berisha in Halifax conference KSF minister Rrustem Berisha meets with Canadian minister of defense Harjit Sajjan

KSF minister, Rrustem Berisha, while attending in- ternational security forum in Halifax, met with his Ca- nadian counterpart HARJIT Sajjan, and briefed him on KSF transition and achievements of this force. Minister Berisha ensured his counterpart that KSF will remain professional, multiethnic and all inclusive force serving all its citizens and committed for regional peace and stability.

Meeting between KSF minister and commander with deputy secretary general of NATO Mrs. Rose Gottemoeller Rama had a joint meeting with NATO deputy secretary general Mrs. Rose Gottemoellr. They in- formed deputy secretary about the KSF transition, and ensured her that KSF will continue to be com- mitted, all inclusive and profession- al in line with NATO standards. Minister Berisha and Commander Rama informed NATO second in charge about current challenges KSF is grappling with, especially about destructive approach On the margins of internation- minister Rrustem Berisha and KSF is nurturing to discourage Serbs to al security forum in Halifax, KSF Commander LT general Rrahman join KSF.

Minister Rrustem Berisha meets American senator Jeanne Shaheen Minister of the Kosovo Security Force, Rrustem Berisha, in Halifax had a meeting with the US Senator, a member of the Senate Commit- tee for Armed Forces, Ms. Jeanne Shaheen. In the meeting, Minister Berisha and KSF commander, Lieu- tenant General Rrahman Rama, have expressed their concern to Senator Shaheen regarding the in- timidating campaign coming from outside directed to e Serb commu- nity who are discouraged to serve in the Kosovo Security Force. 16 OPEN DAY Commander of the Kosovo Security Force, LTG. Rrahman Rama was for a visit in U.S

Jeffrey H. Fisher as well IOWA Na- tional Guard, MG. Timothy Orr on 17th May 2018 took part at cere- mony of 25th Anniversary of State partnership program of National Guard of IOWA where he was re- ceived by G. Joseph L. Lengyel, Commander of National Bureau at War College, National Defense University, Ft McNair, Washington DC. General Rama thanked Gen- eral Lengyel for outstanding part- nership. He mentioned his last visit in Kosovo of over 100 citizens of IOWA from a lot of sections such as: education, agriculture, small business, sport, army and security. Especially thanks were expressed for the contribution given to the field exercise “Shqiponja 6”. In frame of this visit, General Rama met with senior officials of the State Department, Mr. Matt Palmer and Assistant to Secretary of Defense, MS. Laura Copper where was dis- cussed on the latest developments The Commander of KSF , LTG. Vlora Çitaku, Military Attaché in of the KSF , security challenges in Rrahman Rama, accompanied by U. S, Col.Ilir Qeriqi, U.S Military the region and the KSF transforma- ambassador of Republic of Kosovo, Attaché of the U. S in Pristina Col. tion process into the KAF.

NATO special operation commander visited KSF civil protection regiment force commander Rrahman Rama watced closely the KSF “first diving level’ training in Batllava Lake. For the high delegation, a presentation material about the training was presented by the Director of the KSF Training and Rescue Training Center (QTKSH) John Doone and Chief of HRC, Captain Besnik Hasani, who talked about the importance of this train- ing, which was carried out in three locations, Pomozo- tin (theoretical part), Banjë of Malisheva and Batllavë (practical part of training). Head of the instructors, Captain Valdrin Kelmendi, told about the progress of the training that was accomplished in order to increase Rear admiral Colin J. Kilrain, NATO special oper- the number of divers within the KSF. In this intensive ation commander accompanied by Kosovo secuirty training took part all units of the KSF. OPEN DAY 17 “Adriatic Charter A-5” directors meeting

Meeting of Directors of the of Montenegro. The meetingHercegovina became known. He Directorates of Policies and focused on regional stability, while said that it is our goal that during Ministerial Defense Plans - Adriatic discussions were about the action the presidency of Montenegro Charter A-5 was held. Mr. Faruk plan for this year. Director Faruk to find common consensus for Geci, director of the Directorate of Geci, considered the participation of Kosovo’s membership in A-5. In Policies and Plans of the Ministry of the representative of the Directorate this meeting was also signed a Kosovo Security Force, participated of Policies and Plans of the Ministry bilateral cooperation plan between in this meeting. The meeting took for the KSF as very important, for the two directorates of policies and place in Podgorica under the the fact that the request for Kosovo plans of MKSF and the Ministry of auspices of the Ministry of Foreign membership into Adriatic charter, Defense of Montenegro, by Faruk Affairs and the Ministry of Defense by all members but Bosnia and Geci and Ivica Ivanovic.

Minister Rrustem Berisha took part in the defense ministers’ conference USA-ADRIATIC CHARTER in Montenegro

MKSF minister, Rrustem Ber- isha, upon invitation by minis- ter of defense of Montenegro Mr. Predrag Boshkoviq, took place in the conference of defense minis- ters USA-ADRIATIC CHARTER A-5 that took place in Budva. Part of this conference was also the US deputy assistant of secretary of de- fense Laura Cooper, KSF minister Mr. Berisha, Minister of BAH, Ma- rina Pendes, minister of Croatia, the conference, whereas, the Minis- fense Laura Cooper spoke about the Damir Krstiqeviq, of Macedonia ter of Defense, importance and role of the Adriatic Radmilla Shekerinska, Minister of Boskovic, said: „USA ADRI- Charter in strengthening mutual Albania Olta Xhaçka, state secre- ATIC CHARTER“ is an important understanding and confidence in the tary of MoD of Slovenia Millosh Bi- forum to promote euro Atlantic as- countries of the region. Participants zjak, as well as secretary of state of pirations of south eastern Europe confirmed their determination to Serbia MoD Aleksandar Zhivkoviq. and solid instrument to strength- contribute to regional security and Prime minister of Montenegro gov- en regional cooperation in defense stability through strengthening good ernment Dushko Markoviq opened field. US Assistant Secretary of De- neighborly relations. 18 OPEN DAY Minister Rrustem Berisha attends Conference of Ministers of Defense “U. S – Adriatic Charter -A5” in Croatia

isha,upon invitation of Minister of Defense of Republic of Croatia, Mr. Damir Krstiçeviq, attended pro- ceedings of the special conference “U. S – Adriatic Charter A-5”, which is taking place in Zagreb, Croatia. In this conference attended De- fense secretary of the U.S James Mattis, Ministers of Defense of Cro- atia, Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Purpose of this conference, U.S- Adriatic Charter A5” is regional integration with impacts from out- side actors and sharing of respon- sibilities and burden. The Kosovo delegation, on this occasion, in- formed US Secretary of Defense James Mattis and all the ministers of defense of the region about KSF achievements, capabilities building and advancement in the profession- The Minister for Kosovo Secu- rity Force (MKSF) ,Rrustem Ber- al aspect.

In the KSF Ministry took place the eight Conference, KSF and Partners’’

partners for all the KSF partners, constantly contribution and support towards achieving of objective for the Ministry for Kosovo Security Force. Commander of Kosovo Security Force, Lieutenant General Rrahman Rama said: “Without your support, Kosovo Security Force would not be here where it is today. In our organization we cultivate three principles, of leadership, relationship, and In the Ministry for the Kosovo gratitude to international friends: friendship. “ During the first Security Force, has started the “We are indebted to be a partner session of the conference spoke two- days “KSF and Partners” with you, because you helped us KFOR Commander Major General conference in which are attending in critical times and enabled us to Salvatore Cuoci, Director of NALT, ambassadors and military attaches be here today. On his side Minister Brigadier General Ralf Hoffmann, of partner countries. The Prime of KSF, Rrustem Berisha on his Ambassador of the United States Minister of the Republic of Kosovo opening remark, of the Conference of America, UK, Germany, Turkey expressed proceeding primarily thanked all and Croatia. OPEN DAY 19 The KSF presented achievements and challenges in conference ,,Kosova safe and secured” In the environment of the Kosovo`s Government dated 15th May under auspices of Prime Minister of Kosovo was held the conference ,,Kosovo safe and secured”. “Kosovo has managed to reach level of development , completed needed reasoning to make the KSF transformation into Kosovo`s Army and decide on the way ahead ”, this is how the Prime Minister was declared in the Presentation meeting of achievements and plans for the overall security with special emphasizing to the KSF, meeting COMKSF gave clarifications on the of KSF, Rrustem Berisha, COMKSF, with ambassadors accredited in overall achievements of the KSF. On and LTG. Rrahman Rama, NALT Kosovo. The meeting was headed behalf of the President of Rep. of Director, General Ralf Hoffmann by Dep/ Minister of the KSF,Burim Kosovo Hashim Thaçit, spoke Mr. and other representatives of the Ramadani, whereas Col. Jeton Blerim Shala. Attended accredited Security Institution in the country. Dreshaj, Military Advisor to the Ambassadors in Kosovo, Minister

In Pentagon and Washington D.C are met working group for Security Policies USA-Kosovo

Delegation of MKSF/KSF during Dep/Assistant to the U. S Defense lateral relations between Kosovo and the official visit in the United States of Secretary, Laura Cooper co-head- United States. Also, there were discussed America has conducted bilateral ed meeting of the working group detailed issues on joint engagements in f meeting concerning promotion of for security and defense policies, the American support for the future Min- the U. S – Kosova relations in the U. S – Kosova. At the meeting were istry of Defense with special emphasizes security and defense area. Dep/ discussed and set strategic orientations on the KSF in the new mandate and mili- Minister, Burim Ramadani and in the field of security and defense in bi- tary –defense duties. 20 OPEN DAY A high KSF delegation visited government of Germany

The Deputy Minister for the KSF Commander General Rama future. Kosovo Security Force, Burim Ra- during the visit to the Government During joint meetings, senior of- madani, Commander of the KSF, of Germany held joint meetings ficials of the German Government Lieutenant General Rahman Rama where they talked about develop- have confirmed the support for the and Colonel Jeton Dreshaj, as of ments and overall achievements KSF and Kosovo, supporting the de- 16.07.2018, are staying for an offi- of the KSF, the advancement and velopment of professional capacities cial visit to the Federal Government deepening of cooperation between of Kosovo’s security institutions in or- of Germany. the two countries, as well as plans for der to deepen cooperation with Ger- Deputy Minister Ramadani and advancement and cooperation in the many and NATO in this regard.

Kosovo and Italy expand security and defense cooperation

ed by the high level of the Italian Government and the Armed Forces of Italy. At the meeting of Deputy Minister Ramadan and Command- er Rama with the Italian Deputy Defense Minister, Raffaele Volpi discussed the Kosovo’s objectives for NATO membership, deepen- ing bilateral cooperation with Italy, KSF achievements, a comprehen- sive plan for KSF transformation into the military, as well as the will The Deputy Minister for the Gen. Rahman Rama stayed for a of Kosovo to send troops of the KSF Kosovo Security Force (KSF) Burim two day visit to Rome. to assist peoples in various areas of Ramadan and KSF Commander Lt. The MKSF delegation was host- crisis around the world. OPEN DAY 21 A high KSF delegation visits France Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Deputy Minister of Kosovo Security Force (MKSF) Mr. Burim Ramadan, KSF commander L t general Rahman Rama and senior officer colonel Jeton Dreshaj are on the visit in the Republic of France. MKSF delegation, accompanied by the ambassador of republic of Koso- vo in Paris Mr. Qwndrim Gashi were hosted by Mr. Thomas Bertin, director for western Balkan at min- istry of foreign affairs in France. In meetings held by the KSF dele- gation in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the French Ministry of Defense, were discussed KSF achievements, bilateral co-opera- tion and advancement of relations between the two ministries.

Secretary General at “NATO annual conference ’’

Secretary General of the Minis- try for the Kosovo Security Force (MKSF) Shkelzen Sylaj participat- ed in the NATO Anual Defense Conferencing for Building Integri- ty, held at NATO Defense College in Rome, Italy, with organization NATO and support from Norway (Norwegian Center for Building In- tegrity in the Defense Sector). The main speech during the proceed- ings of this conference was held by the Secretary General of MKSF, Shkelzen Sylaj, who announces the participants with the achievements of MKSF in increasing the integri- ty. He also offered the professional capacities of the Ministry of KSF in support of states that are in the pro- cess of drafting the integrity plan in their institutions. 22 OPEN DAY General Secretary, Mr. Shkëlzen Sylaj stayed for a visit in United Kingdom

A delegation of Ministry for Kosovo Security Force (MKSF) headed by the General Secretary, Mr. Shkëlzen Sylaj upon invitation of Minister of Armed Forces of the United Kindgom, Mr.Mark Lancaster visited the UK and Northern Ireland. The General Secretary of MKSF, Mr. Sylaj primarily met Minister of Armed Forces, Mark Lancaster, then Chief of Europian Policy, Mrs.Paula Hothersall as well with Director of International Security Policies, Mr.Nick Gurr. The General Secretary, Shkëlzen Sylaj informed Minister Lancaster with developments of the Kosovo Also, in a meeting was expressed the MKSF and the MoD of United Security Forces and the security the readiness by both parties for Kingdom. situation of Republic of Kosovo. deepening of cooperation among

KSF Commander LT General Rrahman Rama is taking part in Annual American military conference for Europe

Commander of Kosovo Security in Germany. vo, namely the KSF and the Iowa Force(KSF) LT General Rrahman The aim of this conference National Guard (Iowa) is the best Rama, from 19-21.2018 is taking is to enhance cooperation with- model that shows how in a short part at Annual Conference orga- in the interstate Partnership Pro- period progress can be made at all nized by American Military for gram. levels of professional development Europe, taking place in Garnish Cooperation between Koso- of a force. OPEN DAY 23 The KSF parade on 10th Anniversary of marking the Kosovo`s Independence

In the tenth Anniversary of dec- Attended at the stand: Minister intonation of state Hymn of Kosovo laration of the Independence of Re- of the KSF, Mr. Rrustem Berisha, by the the KSF wind orcherstra, fol- public of Kosovo in the boulevard COMKSF, and LTG. Rrahman lowed by the COMKSF LTG Rrah- “Zahir Pajaziti” in Pristina held a Rama, IOWA`s National Guard, man Rama reporting to the pres- major manifestation where drilled Gen. Timothy Orr and Senior Of- ident Thaçi, on Kosovo Security Units of the Kosovo Security Force ficer of the Ministry and the KSF. Force readiness for parade. and Kosovo Police have paraded. The manifestation began with the 24 OPEN DAY In the KSF barrack ,,Adem Jashari” in Pristina was held ceremony of 20th Anniversary of “Epopee of KLA”

In the barrack “Adem Jashari” After inspection of the KSF drilled of the Jashari Family , Rifat Jashari, of the Kosovo Security Force and Units by President Hashim Thaçi laid down flowers wreath to the under patronage of the Prime and Commander of the KSF, LTG. Martyrs Obelisk in remembrance Minister of Republic of Kosovo, Rrahman Rama, the manifestation and honoring of all heroes of the Ramush Haradinaj was held central started with intonation of the nation. At the end of manifestation, manifestation on marking of the state and national anthem. Then, the KSF Musical Band played some 20th Anniversary of the Epopee President Hashim Thaçi, |Prime musical points with traditional of KLA in honor of the Legendary Minister Ramush Haradinaj, motives, resistance and culture of Commander Adem Jashari, Family Minister of MKSF, Rrustem Berisha, our country. of Jashari and all martyrs and heroes The KSF Commander , LTG. of the nation fallen for freedom. Rrahman Rama and representative OPEN DAY 25 In honor of “KLA Epopee” Minister and Commander of KSF paid homage to the tomb of Legendary Commander Adem Jashari

On the occasion of the Jubilee all of those who fell for freedom, to- endary Commander Adem Jashari manifestation of the 20th anniver- day KSF Minister Rrustem Berisha at the memorial complex in Prekaz. sary of the “KLA Epopee”, the hero- and Commander of the KSF Lieu- After the homage, the senior dele- ic resistance of the Jasharaj family, tenant General Rrahman Rama, ac- gation of MKSF and KSF paid a vis- the other fighters, and the fall of companied by generals, senior KSF it to the Jashari family, where they the legendary commander Adem officers, senior ministry officials were received by Rifat Jashari’s host Jashari, Jashari family members and paid homage to the tomb of Leg- of the house. Minister Berisha and Commander Gen. Rama toop art in the manifestation of “Ditet e Shqipes” (Days of Albanian) in Koshare The event “Days of Albanian” was organized under the patron- age of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo, Ramush Ha- radinaj. This event was attended by thousands of citizens from all Alba- nian lands, as well as the President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaci and the Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj. Prime Minister Berisha and Lieutenant General Rrahman Rama paid tribute to the martyrs of the Memorial Complex in Koshare and met the family of martyrs, who during the conversation expressed gratitude for the sublime work of fall- en martyrs on the altar of freedom. 26 OPEN DAY Land Force Command Change Ceremony

In the barrack ,,Adem Jashari’’ Hofmann, Major General Zymer public of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi for of the KSF in Pristine is conduct- Halimi, BG. Nazmi Brahimaj, BG. appointment of Brigadier General ed ceremony of changing for Land Irfete Spahiu, BG.Naim Haziri, BG. Enver Cikaqi, Comamnder of Land Force Command. Attended by: Fadil Hadërgjonaj, representative Force Command and Dep/Co- MKSF Dep/Minsiter, Burim Rama- of diplomatic chorus diplomatik, mamnder of Kosovo Secuirty Force dani, COMKSF, LT.Gen.Rrahman NALT representatives and Officer started changing of Land Force Com- Rama, General Secretary Shkël- and NCOs of the KSF. After reading mand from Major General Gëzim zen Sylaj, NLAT Director, General of decree –law of President of Re- Hazrolli to BG. Enver Cikaqi.

The KSF held a changing command ceremony of TRADOC

In the barrack,, Skënderbeu’’ of the KSF in Ferizaj, is conducted ceremony of changing Command of Training and Doctrine (TRADOC). The commander in charge until that period of time, BG. Enver Cikaqi handed over a duty of Commander to newly promoted Birgadier Gen- eral, Irfete Spahiu. Brigadier Gen- eral, Irfete Spahiu is the first female officer promoted to general of the Kosovo Security Forcec as well the first female Officer in the duty of the Brigade Commander. In front of the attandees, LTG Rrahman Rama, BG Enver Cikaqi and BG Ir- fete Spahia conducted the handover of command. OPEN DAY 27 The KSF successfully completed field exercise “Eagle 6”

State and military leaders of partner countries, Unit dislocation, Iowa National Guard from USA, Kosovo and partner countries on camp establishing, command of contigents from Croata, United the 11th of May 2018 visited the fi- forward and planning as well activ- Kingdom, Turkey, Macedonia and nal operations of the international ities for execution of this exercise. the Republic of Albania, which exercise “Eagle 6”, in Kastriot, Bat- In the end, the participants drilled were attached in the KSF units and llavë and Koliq. for exercise, have thanked the KSF then the Kosovo Police, Emergency Primarily, at the briefing in Min- commander, LTG Rrahman Rama Management Agency and Koso- istry, COMKSF, LTG. Rrahman Rama welcomed generals, officers of the partner countries and head of Kosovo`s agencies where he thanked for cooperation, coordi- nation and interoperability during planning and implementation of the field exercise “Shqiponja 6”, the first exercise of this kind , execut- ed by the KSF together with local agencies and partner armies of the various countries. On his side , Director of the field exercise “Shqi- ponja 6”, BG.Naim Haziri explained objectives and scenario of the exer- cise of the biggest annual exercise of the KSF. General Haziri, informed and Iowa National Guard Com- vo Red Cross. In the international about operational order, academic mander MG Timothy Orr. In the field exercise “Shqiponja 6’’ in total week, well-reception and embedded international field exercise “Eagle were engaged; 1167 militaries with to the KSF Units, contingent of the 6” with military units took part: over 147 vehicles. 28 OPEN DAY

“Silver Sabre 18” Joint exercise

Kosovo Police Force (KSF), demonstrations were; Minister of operations executed successfully by KFOR and Emergency Manage- KSF, Rrustem Berisha, Commander the security and emergency institu- ment Agency, Kosovo Police, after of KSF, Lt General Rrahman Rama, tions and agencies in Kosovo. the demonstration of the final ac- KFOR Commander, Major General Joint Field Exercise “The Silver tivities, successfully completed the Salvatore Cuoci, United Kingdom Sword 2018 is an exercise based on Field Exercise “Silver Sword 18” Ambassador, Director of National the National Reaction Plan, which at the Civil Protection Regiment Security Council, Emergency Man- tests the first, second and third re- (RMC) ) of the Operational Support agement Agency, and generals and sponse interventions capabilities. Brigade (BMO) of the KSF “Young senior officers of the KSF, KFOR, The” Silver Sword 2018 “exercise is a Europeans” in Pomozetin. EULEX and Police good indicator of KSF cooperation On the day of the visitors to this Kosovo. All attendees had the with other institutions and agencies exercise, to closely see the final opportunity to closely monitor the in Kosovo.

KSF holds workshop “Capacity Building for Strengthening Transparency, Accountability and Integrity in Security Sector”

Under the leadership of NATO experts, the Norwegian Ministry of Defense and KFOR, MKSF held a workshop on “Capacity Building for Strengthening Transparency, Accountability and Integrity in the Security Sector”. The workshop was held in the framework of enhancing NATO-Kosovo cooperation. The first session of the workshop was at- tended by: Minister Berisha, Com- mander of KSF, General Rrahman Sylaj and Director of NATO Advi- General Ralf Hoffmann Rama, Secretary General Shkelzen sory Liaison Team for MKSF/KSF, OPEN DAY 29 KSF members trained in Germany

The Commander of the Land Forces Commander (LFC), Briga- dier General Enver Cikaqi, visited closely the operations of the “Com- abined Resolve X” exercise, attend- ed by 15 members of the KSF on the distinguished Visitor’s Day, in addi- tion to other international person- alities in Germany. General Cikaqi, from the executives of the exercise, received very high evaluations and comments of the engagement, dis- cipline and professionalism that the members of the KSF are presenting, who during this exercise have been able to work and operate side by side with their colleagues from interna- jective of this exercise is the opera- US Army Department Headquarters, tional armies, benefiting from the tional interaction of all participants to train a certain US regional brigade exchange of experiences on how to from the NATO military and other force in support of the objectives of work and operate in a multinational allies to understand and establish the European Command of the Unit- environment. The KSF participated joint operational procedures. This is a ed States (EUCOM), for cooperation in this exercise with a contingent of multinational operation of the Multi and security, building of readiness 15 members. The focus and the ob- Unified Land Operation, led by the with NATO allies and partners.

KSF police took third place in the law enforcement Competition

well as other police tasks. All par- ticipating teams during the tests / competitions have gone through these disciplines: active throws, physical fitness, emergency driving skills, 9mm pistol guns, high risk traffic stoppage, engagement skills in the incident and neutralization of a person. Six law enforcement teams participated in this competi- tion: Kosovo Security Force Police, KFOR International Military Po- lice, Kosovo Police, Kosovo Border Police, German Military Police and US Military Police. The Kosovo Se- curity Force Police Team took third Friday, 22 June 2018. At the conducted on the teams of law en- place, ranking behind the US Mili- American KFOR camp in Bond- forcement units in Kosovo and tary Police Team (1st place) and the steel (Ferizaj / Urosevac), on 20 partner countries for their physical KFOR International Military Police June 2018, a test competition was and psychological preparation as (second place). 30 OPEN DAY 2018 Kosovo security force generation of cadets graduated

In the Training and Doctrine in Pristina. On this occasion, Min- to the rank of second lieutenant. Command of Kosovo Security ister Berisha said: “Today is a spe- Your promotion to KSF officer is Force in Ferizaj took place the grad- cial day for the KSF, because in this happening at a very important stage uation ceremony of Cadets, gener- ceremony are graduating and are in the development of the KSF, when ation 2018” from KSF university being promoted 11 KSF cadets of it is also expected that this Force will study center. After graduation, 11 the 20178 Generation. During this advance operational capabilities and new officers became second lieuten- four-year period, you have under- change its mission. This achieved ants, who successfully completed gone through the many challenges standard is a clear example of the de- their 4 year schooling for leadership that you have successfully complet- velopment and progress that the KSF at university study center and aca- ed thanks to your work, engagement is making with professionalism and demic one at American university thus from today, you are promoted high military standards of NATO. “

At Defense Academy in Skopje has graduated another KSF Officers from community ranges

At Defense Academy, Republic of Macedonia dated 19th Oct an officer has graduated and started studies another new KSF cadet to this academy for the next four com- ing years. A solemnly ceremony was held in Embassy of Republic of Kosovo in Skopje where both KSF members took oath for service in the KSF along with officers, NCOs and KSF soldiers. A ceremony was attended by a delegation of the KSF, headed by General Nazmi Brahi- maj, director of the Department of Operations and Training in MKSF. OPEN DAY 31 The new KSF cadets from ranges of non-majority community have graduated

At barrack “Skënderbeu” of the KSF Doctrine and Training Com- mand in Ferizaj dated 16th March is held ceremony of graduation of the new KSF recruits form the non-ma- jority community, the first genera- tion for the year 2018. On this occa- sion, Prime Minister of Kosovo, Mr. Ramush Haradinaj congratulated the new KSF recruits from non-ma- jority community successfully com- pletion of the basic training wish- ing them having a good start for successful service and career in the KSF. Whereas, Minister Berisha said the KSF structure. Based on strategy izens of it therefore it’s your duty that : „Today`s ceremony make us on the community integration and and ours to make the KSF in the overjoyed because it proves that the in this engagement currently the future a compact force , multiethnic KSF has become a reliable Force for KSF has exceeded the quote of 10% and reliable one”. Whereas, Charge all citizens of Kosovo , multiethnic of inclusiveness of the non-majori- d`Affaires at the U. S Embassy, Force, opened to all and in service ty community. The KSF for years in Colleen Hylland congratulated new of all. One of our priority is integra- row was rated as the most reliable recruits on successfully completion tion of non-majority community in institution into the country by cit- of the basic training.

The KSF team won a Bronze Medal at patrolling race called ,,Cambrian Patrol’’

Medal at international race of pa- trolling in Wells. This competition is a very strong where among of 137 teams; out of them 37 were teams of international races. All partici- pating teams at the race were facing with great challenges for realiza- tion of scenario exercising storm, Cullum’’. In this race, the KSF team went through a sailing challenge in length of 80 km via designated scenarios to make leading testing, team work and mental and physical patience of the team. Expect , Re- public of Kosovo, at international race of patrolling in United King- dom took part teams of the Armed Forces of the regional countries The KSF selected team headed Second battalion of the Rapid Re- such as Albania, Macedonia and by LT. Behar Fazliu, officer at the action Brigade did won, Bronze Bosnia Hercegovina. 32 OPEN DAY “Soldier of 2018” of the KSF competition and international competition was announced

cessfully and shows to be the best indicator that we have established a professional troop of the NCOs. At the end are announced both rac- es scores thus “The best soldier of 2018”, at a KSF level is won by the corporal Lorik Ramaj,the second place by corporal Berat Babaj, both of them members of Rapid Reac- tion Brigade a, and the third place is taken by private, Egzon Jashari, member of the Operational Support Brigade. Whereas , winners of the At the “Adem Jashari” barracks from eight countries, altogether 17 international race “Best soldier of of the Land Forces Command of racers. “I thank partner countries 2018” got : the first place was tak- the Kosovo Security Force, today which positively responded to our en by military from Albania , OR-6 solemnly, were announced the re- invitation to be part of this race. Vladimir Haxhijaj,the second place sults of the International and KSF Now, you have created cooperation belong to Corporal Joery Hinssen, Competition “The Best Soldier of bridges and at the same time have and the third place is taken by pri- 2018”. In this case, the KSF Com- created social links which is one of vate Aaron Braun from Canada mander, LTG. Rrahman Rama said the key intention of this race” Armed Forces. This competition that this race already has become an Whereas, the first srg. Major of was attended by 22 competitors international one and purpose of it, the KSF , Genc Metaj mentioned from the KSF and 17 international is promotion of the racing spirit of that the race “Best soldier of 2018”, competitors, as from Albania, Bel- militaries and growth motivation of as at the KSF level and internation- gium, Canada, Croatia, Hungary, them as well expressed admiration al ones is planned , organized and Macedonia, Great Britain and Unit- that at this race took part militaries executed by the KSF Officers suc- ed States. OPEN DAY 33 The KSF cadets successfully completed the field exercise,, Summer Camp 2018” in Krivollak of Macedonia

In the training military range in Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, congratulated all cadets of Krivollak, Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Rumania, Norway and KSF for motivation, discipline, on 6th of July the cadets of the KSF Cadets who demonstrated professionalism and interaction participating countries successfully successfully their professional skills with cadets in the international completed final operations within as well readiness level. The field environment. On the last day of the 12 days-exercise, Summer exercise of the cadets was closely field exercise, the participating Camp 2018’’, where despite cadets followed by Brigadier General cadets during the demonstration of 11 countries such as U. S, Nazmi Brahimaj, Head of the made up a multinational battalion Germany, Albania, Macedonia, Department of Operations at MKSF, charged with their task of carrying Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, who on behalf of KSF Commander out and carrying out the fieldwork.

The new KSF cadets generation solemnly took oath

In an officially ceremony at bar- er of the University study Center, side, COMLFC BG. Enver Cikaqi, rack ,,Adem Jashari” of the Land Major Vegim Kelani. On his occa- spoke about the education system Force Command of Kosovo in Pr- sional speech Minister Berisha con- and preparation of new KSF officers ishtina, on 28th of September the gratulated the new cadets for start- which are being educated in CUS, new cadets who will be studying at ing of the new Academic Year and and as of qualities that they are con- the University Study Center took the oath of the cadet. Minister high- veying in duty and during service. oath. After drilling and intonation ly appreciated their choice for serv- Also he highly praised the academ- of the state anthem, to the Com- ing to the country telling them that ic preparations of the cadets in the mander of the TRADOC, BG. Irfete you will cultivate and upgrade free- American university of Kosovo. Spahiu was reported by Command- dom values of our country. By his 34 OPEN DAY KSF Officers best in the United Kingdom

tenant, Besfort Kurteshi was a part of Royal Military Academy in Sandhurst. This is the 18th candidate of the KSF to be educated in this Military Academy. Whilst, Sc. Lt. Eugen Thaçi stayed in Edinburgh of Scotland for a pre-training which is under Infantry Training School. Sc.Lt. Thaçi was engaged in study- ing of tactic of the British Army and learn how to use the British equipment in weather conditions of Scottish winter. After this challenging training Thaçi was in Wells, where he completed the second officer of the KSF to conduct Combat Course for the Platoon Commander. Whereas, LT. Ismail Hox- ha after successes at Military Academy, Sanhdurst” where he won: Sword” as the best overseas student, proving of having professional skills and at presti- gious race “Cambrian Patrol” took first place with his Unit. Lt. Hoxhaj this time was in the position of the KSF instructor in the UK and Scotland, also he 10 Jan 2018 – The three KSF officers, Sc.LT. Bes- performed the duty of the British cadet whereas in fort Kurteshi, Sc. Lt. Eugen Thaqi and Lt. Ismail Wells was instructor at Warrior Course for the Pla- Hoxha dated 10th January 2018 travelled to United toon Commander. It is very seldom for international Kingdom for a professional training. This period of personnel to be selected for training of the British time marks starting of the successful year of rela- Officers. Thus, this is a big achievement for Lt. Is- tions between the UK and the KSF. Second Lieu- majl Hoxha and the KSF.

KSF members ranked the best at the international medical center In Grafenworth, Germany, was held an international competition called the “Field Physicist Expert”, attended by over 200 members from many countries of the world, including: United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Kosovo etc. Part of this competition were also three (3) paramedical members of the KSF Rescue and Rescue Training Center of the Civil Protection Regiment of the KSF. Among the winners are two members of, Besart Ejupi and Kushtrim Hyseni, who have been declared among the best in Europe. OPEN DAY 35 Lt. Albert Asllani announced to be the best international officer in “Career Captain” course in the USA

of America (USA) was honored with a price “Colonel Alan C. Dexter, OBE, Award”. This price is awarded to the distinguished students who show high academic achievements as well professionalism and leadership while studying. The “Colonel Alan C. Dexter, OBE, Award” for Lt. Asllani is another proof that the KSF is in a right path regarding the professional level of its members, and that this professional quality is being proved also abroad as in: education, training, operations, incliding here the most prestigious The Kosovo Security Force School ,,United States Army academies in the world. In this Officer , Lt. Albert Asllani after Cyber Center of Excellence” in training participated officers a six-months training at Military Fort Gordon of the United States from many countries of the world.

The KSF is equipped with U. S Tactical Vehicle ,,HMMWV”

In Ministry of KSF dated 17th June , Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj and the U. S Ambassador, Greg Delawie signed off the final act of contract for supplying with multi-functional military vehicles with high mobility by Kosovo`s Government with the American company ,,AM General“ for supplying of the KSF. Prime Minister Haradinaj said that: ,, Our Force is modernized with military technique, multi- functional one “HMMWV”. Whereas Minister Rrustem Berisha said : ,, Tactical equipment ,,HMMWV“ will be in service of the KSF and this act of signing is of great importance contributing to deepen cooperation with unsaved assistance continuously said : ,,Today , we are celebrating the U. S , the KSF promotion especially in trainings, education the signing of the contract for as well increase the scale of or equipment via Office of supplying between the KSF and interoperability with NATO Defense Cooperation (ODC) company ,,AM General’’ and I feel countries“. Minister Berisha and IOWA National Guard. On good that the KSF has selected has thanked the U. S for the his side, Ambassador Delawie HMMWV as its future vehicle. 36 OPEN DAY Germany donated to the KSF 44 tactical vehicles and other accompanying equipment

Ministry of Defense and the Ger- man people for this donation, he sad: „It was Germany that, since the beginning of the KSF upgrad- ing in 2009, assisted the KSF with 204 tactical vehicles, medical equipment, spare parts, etc. Now, another German donation comes, with 44 tactical vehicles and ac- companying equipment“. This donation it is extreme- ly important for to continue our journey straight expanding skills and continuation of good works in the ministry of all citizens and people of Kosovo “. Ambassador of Albania Germany, Christian Heldt, pointed emphasis on good relations between the German Commander of Kosovo Secu- the German Contingent signed Army and the Kosovo Security rity Force, LTG. Rrahman Rama off LTC. Dr. Eric Offermann. On Force. And NALT chief, General and Chief of NATO Advisory and this occasion, Minister of the KSF Uwe Becker said he feels privi- Liaison Team for Ministry and Rrustem Berisha said: Today is a leged on behalf of the Ministry Force (NALT),BG. Uwe Becker, special day for the Kosovo Secu- Defense is giving it these KSF ve- solemnly made handover of 44 rity Force because German dona- hicles. “These vehicles will belong tactical vehicles and 77 sets of tions of 44 military vehicle will to you as a protector of the people special equipment which Armed impact directly growth of the op- of Kosovo. Security in Kosovo is Forces of Germany have grant- erational capabilities of the Koso- being moved every day many to ed to the KSF. Signature of two vo Security Force. The German the Kosovar authorities that will Generals was preceded placing of state continually has supported be the only ones and the main signature of the Hand over offi- the KSF and the Republic of Koso- ones for security and stability in cial act of the donation , on behalf vo in the aspect political, econom- Kosovo, not only on paper but of Ministry of KSF was signed by ic, and so on of security. Whereas, also General Secretary , Dr. Shkelzen the Commander of the Kosovo in practice”. Sylaj whereas , on the behalf of Security Force after hi thanks the

U. S Air Force Band performs together with The KSF

In the hall of Ministry for Kosovo Security Force on the oc- casion of the tenth Anniversary of Kosovo`s Independence , Musical Band of U. S Air Force Band of U. S Army Europe have executed varicolored music. OPEN DAY 37 Mobile bridge constructed from the KSF in Albania is inaugurated

On 15th Feb with solemn cer- Among others he said we are here porting each other, the path toward emony is inaugurated mobile to prove readiness of Kosovo, Insti- euro-Atlantic integration. Whereas, bridge in village Zemblak of Korça tutions and of the KSF to provide Minister of Defense , Mrs. Xhaçka County. Dep/Minister Burim Ra- help even for the others, for Alba- has thanked the Government of madani congratulated the KSF En- nia, region and wider. The only path Kosovo and the KSF for the sup- gineer and of Albania for the excel- to have success and sustainability port given in quick restoring of the lent work done for installation of for all of us, in region is the path of situation after flooding in Albania. bridge in village Zemblak of Korça. inter-state cooperation, path of sup-

KSF donated hundreds of blood donations to Kosovo citizens

Ministry for the KSF. The KSF already has a tradition of orga- nizing humanitarian actions for voluntary blood donation, with the motto “a drop of blood for the salvation of a life”. Deputy. Min- ister Burim Ramadani said: “The KSF always responds not only to organized blood donation but also whenever there is a need and indi- vidual calls for assistance includ- ing blood donation.” While, dr. Bukurije Zhupi, from the Nation- al Blood Transfusion Center of Kosovo, added: “Members of the KSF have become a good example to help Kosovo citizens and raise awareness among citizens in re- sponding to humanitarian action Based on the 2018 Action Plan Kosovo, the Ministry and the KSF, for blood donation and similar of the Department of Civil-Mil- have conducted humanitarian ac- humanitarian actions “. The KSF itary Cooperation and the De- tion on blood donation, in two donates hundreds of blood dona- partment of Medicine in MKSF, phases. This action is answered tions each year to the NBTC. in coordination with the Nation- by a large number of members al Blood Transfusion Center of of the KSF and civil staff of the 38 OPEN DAY The KSF commander participates in the graduation of two cadets at the Royal Military Academy “Sundhurst”

Commander of Kosovo Se- curity Force, Lt. Gen. Rrahman Rama, attended the graduation ceremony of two KSF cadets, the two Sc. Lt. Kemajl Haliti and Çlir- im Morina. Both KSF cadets suc- cessfully completed the 12-month training, which was based on a rather intensive program, in or- der to prepare new officers; to be competent leaders, able to make fair judgments, and to perform their duties professionally. Sc.Lt. Kemajl Haliti, is a new KSF offi- cer from the Ashkali community who had previously completed her education at the KSF’s Cen- ter for University Studies and was selected for studies at the Royal Military Academy, Sundhurrst. , applied equally to all members of the KSF. Upon returning from with the task of commanding of- the Second Rapid Reaction Battal- the United Kingdom, Sc.Lt. Haliti ficer, at the First Rapid Reaction ion in Istog. and Morina will serve in the KSF, Battalion in Gjilan, respectively at

LTG. Rrahman Rama decorated with, “Selfless Service ’’ medal members of Search and Rescue

05 June. At a ceremony orga- nized by Civil Protection Regiment, Commander of Kosovo Security Force, LTG. Rrahman Rama deco- rated with, Selfless Service ’’ medal members of search and Rescue Task Force. On this occasion General Rama said: ,,I congratulate you for your work and commitment. I know and understand in what circumstance you do act, and risk that you face in your work. I was personally at scene for searching of the two po- to find and withdraw a victim but It shall be mentioned that the lices of the accident. Also, searching with your work you showed to be members of search and rescue of and finding of the victim in the last ready and prepared for each situa- the Kosovo Security Force are con- weekend proves the serious work tion. tinually engaged in real operations and engagement that you are doing. At the end General Rama award- and successfully have completed Hoping to never have such a kind of ed with “Selfless service” medal them. cases because we know how hard is members of the SAR OPEN DAY 39 Kosovo Security Force the most reliable to Kosovo`s citizens

Thursday, 1st Feb 2018. Kosovo Security Study tion in the country. 78% of citizens canvassed trust Center (KSSC) has made publication of the seventh on the KSF. Trustiness form the previous year has edition of the Kosovar security survey and based on marked an increase of 11%.This has impacted trusti- results the KSF is the most trusted Security Institu- ness growth in the north part of our country.

Commemorative obelisk revealed in honor of NATO and KFOR soldiers

Under patronage of the Prime Minister of Repub- In this obelix is written: ‘’ In memory of the men lic Kosovo, Mr. Ramush Haradinaj at a capital center and women who have served with their partners in of Kosovo in Prishtina is revealed memorial obelisk KFOR and have given life as a result of their service. to honor NATO and KFOR soldiers fallen in Kosovo We honor and commemorate their sacrifice.’’ dated from 12th June 1999. 40 OPEN DAY KSF- supports Suhareka Locals in inundations

17 August 2018.Crises Reaction Liaison Unit and engineering bat- talion to help out citizens of Su- hareka locals in coping with the af- termath of deluge, in order to have these people recovered soon. KSF operations are continuing to clean the road, pumping out water, removing many debris from narrow paths bought by pouring raining on august 15 in this municipality. After the floods, in Suhareka Municipality, many neighborhoods have suffered material damage, ei- ther in road infrastructure, in pri- engaged its appropriate technique ing and transporting soil and gravel vate homes and other business fa- for these cases, such as: road tank- as well as excavators for carrying cilities. ers for road cleaning and erosion out works to avoid damages in the In this operation, the KSF has prevention; Kipper trucks for load- villages Greiqec, Papaz and Leshan.

The KSF Police conducted training in Bondsteel

In frame of cooperation be- ed on 15th January up to the 30th. U. S Army and are a result of good tween the KSF and KFOR for two Topics of the training were re- cooperation between both coun- weeks, Bondsteel Camp conduct- sponse in road traffic and the ac- tries. The U. S Instructors were ed training,, Law Application in cident investigation; Traffic bans; hosted by BG. Gëzim Hazrolli Military Force”. This training is bans on traffic with high risk etc. who thanked for the given help in conducted by instructors of the U. This training and other trainings the professional upgrading of the S Military Police. Training start- are conducted by instructor of the KSF members OPEN DAY 41 Soldier Alban Fazliu, the second one in the National Cross-country Marathon in Albania

Në shënimin e Ditës Ndër- kombëtare të Sporteve Ushtarake, “CISM DAY-RUN FOR PEACE’’, në Maratonën e mbajtur në Ti- ranë më 12.02.2018 morën pjesë edhe 10 pjesëtarë të FSK-së. Forcat e Armatosura të Republikës së Shqipërisë iu bashkuan ushtrive të 135 vendeve nga mbarë bota në Ditën Ndërkombëtare të Sporteve në Ushtri. Në maratonën e Ti- ranës morën pjesë ushtarë, nëno- ficerë dhe oficerë të të gjitha gra- dave dhe nga të gjitha komandat, njësitë dhe repartet e Forcave të Armatosura të Shqipërisë. The KSF participated in the action for “Day of Earth”

The KSF with personnel and of Environment and Spatial Plan- Advisory and Liaison Team for engineering equipment partic- ning of Kosovo. Officers, soldiers MKSF/KSF, students and citizens, ipated on April 22-23rd in the and senior officials of MKSF / who engaged throughout the day marking of the “Day of earth “ KSF participated in support of the in cleaning and planting of orna- and supported the voluntary ac- action, along with officials of civil mental trees and flowers in the tion “Let’s Clean Up Kosovo”, an society organizations, Kosovo Po- municipalities of Kosovo. action organized by the Ministry lice, representatives of the NATO 42 OPEN DAY Contents Viti i zhvillimeve pozitive për FSK-në dhe Kosovën...... 3 Viti i ndryshimit të madh për FSK-në...... 4 Deputetët e Kuvendit të Republikës së Kosovës votuan në lexim të parë tri projektligjet për MFSK/FSK-në...... 5 Projektligjet për transformimin e MFSK/FSK-së miratohen unanimisht në Qeverinë e Republikës së Kosovës....5 Presidenti i Republikës së Kosovës Hashim Thaçi ka graduar dhe emëruar gjeneralët e FSK-së...... 6 Ministri i FSK-së priti në vizitë ministrin e Mbrojtjes të Malit të Zi...... 6 Ministri Rrustem Berisha priti ministren e Mbrojtjes të Maqedonisë Radmilla Shekerinska...... 7 Ministri i FSK-së Rrustem Berisha priti në vizitë ministren e Mbrojtjes të Francës, znj. Genevieve Darrieussecq...... 7 Ministri Rrustem Berisha viziton Ministrinë e Mbrojtjes të Republikës së Maqedonisë...... 8 Ministri Rrustem Berisha u prit me nderime të larta ushtarake në Ministrinë e Mbrojtjes të Kroacisë...... 8 Ministri Berisha u prit nga presidenti Ilir Meta dhe ministrja Olta Xhaçka...... 9 Vizita e asistentit të Sekretarit të Mbrojtjes së SHBA-ve Robert Karem në MFSK...... 9 Komandanti i FSK-së priti në vizitë shefin e Mbrojtjes të Gjermanisë...... 10 Shefi i Ushtrisë së Italisë Gjenerallejtënant Salvatore Farina u prit në FSK...... 10 Ministri FSK-së priti zëvendës-asistentin e Sekretarit Gjeneral të NATO-s për çështje operacionale,John Manza...... 11 Ministri i FSK-së, Rrustem Berisha, priti në vizitë ministrin e Mbrojtjes të Irlandës, z. Paul Kehoe...... 11 Ministri Rrustem Berisha u prit nga Sekretarja e Shtetit pranë ...... 12 Ministrisë së Armatave të Francës znj. Geneviève Darrieussecq ...... 12 Ministri dhe komandanti i FSK-së pritën komandantin e Gardës Kombëtare të Ajovës, gjeneralmajor Timothy Orr...... 12 Nënshkruhet Memorandumi i bashkëpunimit ndërmjet MFSK-së dhe Ministrisë së Mbrojtjes së Italisë...... 13 Ministri Berisha dhe ambasadori O’Connell nënshkruan vazhdimin e marrëveshjes së bashkëpunimit...... 13 Presidenti Hashim Thaçi dekoron gjenerallejtënant Rrahman Ramën me medaljen presidenciale...... 14 Presidenti Hashim Thaçi dekoron Agim Çekun me medaljen presidenciale...... 14 Ministri dhe komandanti pritën zëvendësshefin e Politikave dhe Planeve të ushtrisë së SHBA-ve për Evropë.....14 Takimet e ministri të FSK-së Rrustem Berisha në Konferencën e Halifaksit...... 15 Takim i përbashkët i Ministrit dhe Komandantit të FKS-së me Zëvendës Sekretaren e Përgjithshme të NATO-së znj. Rose Gottemoeller...... 15 Ministri Berisha takon senatoren amerikane Jeanne Shaheen...... 15 Komandanti i Forcës së Sigurisë së Kosovës, gjenerallejtënant Rrahman Rama, qëndroi për vizitë në SHBA.....16 Komandanti i Operacioneve Speciale të NATO-svizitoi Regjimentin e Mbrojtjes Civile të FSK-së...... 16 Mbahet takimi i drejtorëve “Karta e Adriatikut –A5”...... 17 Ministri Rrustem Berisha mori pjesë në konferencën e ministrave të mbrojtjes SHBA-Karta e Adriatikut në Mal të Zi...... 17 Ministri Rrustem Berisha merr pjesë në konferencën e ministrave të Mbrojtjes “SHBA-Karta e Adriatikut-A5” në Kroaci...... 18 Ministri Rrustem Berisha merr pjesë në konferencën e ministrave të Mbrojtjes “SHBA-Karta e Adriatikut-A5” në Kroaci...... 18 FSK-ja prezantoi të arriturat dhe sfidat në konferencën ,,Kosova e sigurt dhe e mbrojtur”...... 19 Në Pentagon dhe Uashington D.C takohen Grupet Punuese për Politika të Sigurisë SHBA-Kosovë...... 19 Delegacion i lartë i FSK-së vizitoi Qeverinë e Gjermanisë ...... 20 OPEN DAY 43

Kosova dhe Italia thellojnë bashkëpunimin për siguri dhe mbrojtje...... 20 Zëvëndësministri Burim Ramadani dhe Komandanti i FSK-së Rrahman Rama vizitë në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar...... 21 Sekretari i përgjithshëm në ,,Konferencën vjetore të NATO-s ’’...... 21 Sekretari i përgjithshëm Shkëlzen Sylaj qëndroi për vizitë në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar...... 22 Komandanti i FSK-së gjenerallejtënant Rrahman Rama merr pjesë në Konferencën Vjetore të Ushtrisë Amerikane për Evropë...... 22 FSK-ja parakalon në 10- vjetorin e shënimit të Pavarësisë së Kosovës...... 23 Në kazermën e FSK-së ,,Adem Jashari” në Prishtinë u mbajt ceremonia e 20-të vjetorit të “Epopesë së UÇK-së”...... 24 Në nderim të “Epopesë së UÇK-së” ministri dhe komandanti i FSK-së bënë homazhe te varri i Komandantit Legjendar Adem Jashari...... 25 Ministri Berisha dhe komandantiRama morën pjesë në manifestimin “Ditët e Shqipes’’...... 25 Zhvillohet ceremonia e ndërrimit të komandës së Forcave Tokësore...... 26 FSK-ja mbajti ceremoninë e ndërrimit të komandës në KDS...... 26 FSK-ja përfundoi me sukses ushtrimin fushor ndërkombëtar “Shqiponja 6”...... 27 Ushtrimi i përbashkët “Shpata e Argjendtë 18” përfundoi operacionet stërvitore...... 28 FSK-ja mban punëtorinë ,,Ngritja e Kapaciteteve për Forcimin e Transparencës, Përgjegjshmërisë dhe Integritetit në Sektorin e Sigurisë’’...... 28 Pjesëtarët e FSK-së stërviten në Gjermani...... 29 Policia e FSK-së zuri vendin e tretë në garën për forcimin e ligjit...... 29 Diplomoi gjenerata 2018 e kadetëve të Forcës së Sigurisë së Kosovës...... 30 Në Akademinë e Mbrojtjes në Shkup diplomoi edhe një oficer i FSK-së nga radhët e komuniteteve...... 30 Diplomojnë rekrutët e rinj të FSK-së nga radhët e komuniteteve joshumicë...... 31 Ekipi i FSK-së fitoi medaljen e bronztë në garën e patrullimit ,, Cambrian Patrol’’...... 31 Shpallet “Ushtari i vitit 2018” i garës së FSK-së dhe garës ndërkombëtare...... 32 Kadetët e FSK-së përfunduan me sukses ushtrimin fushor ,,Kampi veror 2018” në Krivollak...... 33 Gjenerata e re e kadetëve të FSK-së solemnisht dhanë betimin...... 33 Oficerët e FSK-së më të mirët në Mbretërinë e Bashkuar...... 34 Pjesëtarët e FSK-së më të mirët në garën ndërkombëtare të mjekësisëv...... 34 Toger Albert Asllani oficeri më i mirë ndërkombëtar në kursin “Kapiten i karrierës” në SHBA...... 35 FSK-ja pajiset me automjete taktike amerikane ,,Hamvi’’...... 35 Gjermania i dhuroi FSK-së 44 automjete taktike dhe pajisje të tjera përcjellëse...... 36 Performojnë së bashku Bendi i Forcave Ajrore Amerikane dhe ai i FSK-së ...... 36 Përurohet ura mobile e ndërtuar nga FSK-ja në Shqipëri...... 37 FSK-ja dhuroi qindra doza gjak për qytetarët e Kosovës...... 37 Komandanti i FSK-së merr pjesë në diplomimin e dy kadetëve në Akademinë Ushtarake Mbretërore “Sundhurst’’...... 38 Komandanti i FSK-së, dekoroi me medaljen ,,Shërbim vetëmohues’’ pjesëtarët e Kërkim-Shpëtimit...... 38 FSK-ja më e besueshmja për qytetarët e Kosovës...... 39 Zbulohet Pllaka përkujtimore në nderim të ushtarëve të NATO-s në Prishtinë...... 39 FSK –ja mbështet qytetarët e Komunës së Suharekës pas vërshimeve...... 40 Policia e FSK-së realizon trajnim në Bondsteel...... 40 Ushtari Alban Fazliu i dyti në Maratonën Kombëtare të Krosit në Shqipëri...... 41 FSK-ja mori pjesë në aksionin për “Ditën e Tokës”...... 41