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Toyota Motor Introduction Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the world‘s leading automakers, offering a full range of models, from mini vehicles to large trucks. Global sales of its Toyota and Lexus brands, combined with those of Daihatsu and Hino, totaled 6.78 million units in CY2003*. Besides its own 12 plants and 11 manufacturing subsidiaries and affiliates in Japan, Toyota has 45 manufacturing companies in 26 countries/locations, which produce Lexus- and Toyota-brand vehicles and components. As of March 2003, Toyota employs 264,000 people worldwide (on a consolidated basis), and markets vehicles in more than 140 countries. Automotive business, including sales finance, accounts for more than 90% of the company's total sales, which came to a consolidated ¥16.05 trillion in the fiscal year to March 2003. Diversified operations include telecommunications, prefabricated housing and leisure boats. American Samoa India Saipan Australia Indonesia Samoa Bahrain Israel Saudi Arabia Brunei Darussalam Singapore China Kiribati Solomon Islands FijiFiji Kuwait Sri Lanka Guam Malaysia Tahiti Hong Kong, China Nepal Taiwan New Caledonia Thailand New Zealand Tonga Oman United Arab Emirates Pakistan Vanuatu Papua New Guinea Viet Nam Philippines •• Mission “Toyota seeks to create a more prosperous society through automotive manufacturing And to sustain profitable growth by providing the best customer experience and dealer support." Geographic Region Total Sales ( Yen in millions) Japan 8,152,884 North America 8,771,495 Europe 3,346,013 Asia 1,969,957 Others 1,707,742. Toyota International Portfolio Passenger AAvvaalloonn CCaammrryy CCoorroollllaa AAvveennssiiss TTaarraaggoo PPrriiuuss EEcchhoo Sports MMRR2 CCaammrry SSppoorrttiivvo Coorroolllla SSppoorrttiivvo Ceelliiccaa 4 W/D RRaav 4 LLaannddCCrruuiisseer PPrraaddoo LLaannddCCrruuiisseer 11000 KKlluuggeer r Commercial LLaannddCCrruuiisseer 778 HHiiaacce CCooaasstteer HHiilluuxx Town Ace Toyota In Pakistan Indus Motors Indus Motor Company (IMC) is a joint venture between the House of Habib ,, Toyota Motor Corporation Japan (TMC) , and Toyota Tsusho Corporation Japan (TTC) for assembling, progressive manufacturing and marketing of Toyota vehicles in Pakistan since July 01, 1990. IMC is engaged in sole distributorship of Toyota and Daihatsu Motor Company Ltd. vehicles in Pakistan through its dealership network. The company was incorporated in Pakistan as a public limited company in December 1989 and started commercial production in May 1993. The shares of company are quoted on the stock exchanges of Pakistan. Toyota Motor Corporation and Toyota Tsusho Corporation have 25 % stake in the company equity. The majority shareholder is the House of Habib with 50 % of the equity. IMC's production facilities are located at Port Bin Qasim Industrial Zone near Karachi in an area measuring over 105 acres. Indus Motor company's plant is the only manufacturing site in the world where both Toyota and Daihatsu brands are being manufactured. Heavy investment was made to build its production facilities based on state of art technologies. To ensure highest level of productivity world-renowned Toyota Production Systems are implemented. IMC's Product line includes 6 variants of the newly introduced Toyota Corolla, Toyota Hilux Single Cabin 4x2 and 2 versions of Daihatsu Cuore. Quality Policy WE AS A TEAM AT INDUS MOTOR ARE COMMITTED TO FOCUS ALL OUR ACTIVITIES LEADING TO: •• MANUFACTURING HIGH QUALITY PRODUCTS. •• CUSTOMER SATISFACTION. •• SERVICE TO SOCIETY. •• MAINTAIN MARKET LEADERSHIP. Environmental Policy WE AS A TEAM AT INDUS MOTOR ARE COMMITTED TO CONTINUOUSLY IMPROVE OUR ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TO: •• IDENTIFY AND AVOID/MITIGATE THOSE ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS WHICH HAVE NEGATIVE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS. •• COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE LEGAL, REGULATORY AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS. •• ASSIST SOCIETY BY MAKING THE ENVIRONMENT MORE FRIENDLY... OBJECTIVES OF THE COMPANY To be the market leader and satisfy the requirements of its customers, the company has set certain objectives. These are: 11.. IImmpprroovve QQuuaalliittyy 22.. EEnnhhaanncce EEffffiicciieennccyy 33.. MMiinniimmiizze CCoosstt 44.. IInnccrreeaasse PPrroodduuccttiivviittyy Over the previous years, the company has put in its best efforts to manufacture quality cars designed for its customers. To improve their efficiency, the company gives great importance to its human resource as the company believes that satisfieded and quality conscious team can produced quality products. The company is using the philosophy of Kaizen for continuous improvement. It has become a way of life for the management of the company by doing these efforts towards their objectives. Indus Motor Business Portfolio BUSINESS PORTFOLIO: “The collection of businesses and products that makeup the company. “ Business portfolio of Indus motors includes •• Corolla •• HiLux •• Cuore •• CBU Unit (completely built up unit) Corolla, HiLux and cuore are manufacturing in Pakistan, 65% of the car manufactured in Pakistan which includes body and other parts except the engine which is being imported from Japan Known as CKD (completely knocked down) Engine. Portfolio Analysis: ““A tool by which management identifies and evaluates the various businesses that makes up the company.”.” Techniques or Tools for the Portfolio Analysis: There are two different techniques used for the portfolio analysis: BBoossttoon CCoonnssuullttiinng GGrroouup MMaattrriixx BBCCG AApppprrooaacchh GGeenneerraalEE lleeccttrriicMM aattrriixx GGEAA pppprrooaacchh TO TOYOTA COROLLA BCG MATRIX HIGH Business Growth Rate LOW HIGH LOW Relative Market Share The McKinsey / General Electric Matrix TThehe GE / McKinsey Matrix is more sophisticated than the BCG Matrix in three aspects: 1.1. Market (Industry) attractiveness replaces market growth as the dimension of industry attractiveness. Market Attractiveness includes a broader range of factors other than just the market growth rate that can determine the attractiveness of an industry / market. Compare also: Porter's Five Competitive Forces model 2.2. Competitive strength replaces market share as the dimension by which the competitive position of each SBU is assessed. Competitive strength likewise includes a broader range of factors other than just the market share that can determine the competitive strength of a Strategic Business Unit. 3. 3. Finally thethe GE / McKinsey Matrix works with a 3*3 grid, while the BCG Matrix has only 2*2. This also allows for more sophistication. Typical factors that affect Market Attractiveness: Typical factors that affect Competitive Strength of a STAR QUESTIONStrategic Business Unit: - Market size 2.0D MARK - Market growth rate - Strength of assets and competencies Xli 1.3 GLI - Market profitability - Relative brand strength - Pricing trends - Market share - Competitive intensity / rivalry ++ -DOGS Market share growth - Overall risk of returns in the industryCASH COWS - Customer SE loyalty Saloon - Opportunity to differentiate products and2.0D services - Relative cost position (cost structure compared with - Demand variability Saloon competitors) - Segmentation Altis - Relative profit margins (compared to competitors) - Distribution structure - Distribution strength and production capacity - Record of technological or other innovation - Access to financial and other investment resources GROWTH STRATEGIES MARKET PENETRATION PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MICRO AND MACRO ENVIRONMENTS Macro Environment The larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment- demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cultural forces. These factors represent constraints within which all organizations including the automobile industry must function. The various components of general environment are: 11.. PPoolliittiiccaall 22.. EEccoonnoommiicc 33.. DDeemmooggrraapphhiiccss 44.. CCuullttuurraall 55.. TTeecchhnnoollooggiiccaall 1.1. Polilititicacal Factctororss Government at all levels is an important component of the general environment no organization or industry is immune from the various decisions made by the government. The Pakistan, Government’s in consistent policies, frequent change in duty tariff and smuggling are main reasons of unstable market conduction. Like other motor companies Toyota is also affected by the current changing policies of the government. Previously the automobile industry had to cope with more than 77000 yellow cabs that were imported during the yellow cabs scheme and was later turned lose to the market after a change of government and the policy scrapped. In 1995, all the previous taxes and duties were rolled into one import duty of 30 percent on CKD kits as well as CBU vehicles. In 1996 the sales tax on CBU was increased cost to 18 percent. In 1997 the ministry of industries and production recommended that duty on CKD be reduced form 40 percent to 35 percent while the car sales should be exempted from CVT and the deletion programme should be accelerated. Just a few days back the general sales tax has been increased to 15 percent promoting more price like. So there is going to be a Rs.20000 increase in vehicles. 2.2. Economic Fororcecess Government economic policies at the federal level clearly influence the ability of the industries to survive and progress. Inflation is a major economic factor which has affected the Pakistan. Automobile industry including Toyota. The current inflation rate is 21% to 23% annually prices in the auto market were deregulated in 2000 and grew almost 20 percent to 30 percent per annum to allow