14613 Extensions of Remarks
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June 23, 1965 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE 14613 silver certificates in 4 years instead of The motion was agreed to; and (at Robert 0. Doyle, of Georgia, to be U.S. 15 years. 6 o'clock and 12 minutes p.m.) the Sen marshaJ for the middle district of Georgia for the term of 4 years. Mr. President, I cannot under any ate adjourned, under the order previ Ellis Maylett, of Utah, to be U.S. marshal circumstances support S. 2080 without ously entered, until tomorrow, Thursday, for the district of Utah for the term of 4 amendments. I did not support the re June 24, 1965, at 10 o'clock a.m. years. peal of the Silver Purchase Act, because Cato Ellis, of Tennessee, to be U.S. marshal no amendments were accepted and if this for the western district of Tennessee for the body takes the present bill as reported NOMINATIONS term of 4 years. by the committee, it will not have my Executive nominations received by Fred F. Hoh, of Ohio, to be U.S. marshal support. the Senate June 23, 1965: for the southern district of Ohio for the term of 4 years. I will not be a party to debasing our FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY R. Ben Hosler, of Ohio, to be U.S. marshal coinage for the purpose of supplying any Gen. William F. McKee, U.S. Air Force, re for the northern district of Ohio for the private industry with our valuable silver tired, of Virginia, to be Administrator of the term of 4 years. bullion. Federal Aviation Agency. Anton T. Skoro, of Idaho, to be U.S. mar I have several amendments which I David D. Thomas, of Virginia, to be shal for the district of Idaho for the term of will offer to the present bill. I am hope Deputy Administrator of -the Federal Avia 4 years. ful that this body will not again adopt tion Agency. Wesley H. Petrie, of Hawaii, to be U.S. NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD marshal for the district of Hawaii for the standby legislation, which, in my mind, term of 4 years. will do no more than satisfy the needs of Francis A. O'Neill, ·Jr., of New York, to be Elmer W. Disspayne, of Tennessee, to be our silver users for a very short time be a member of the National Mediation Board U.S. marshal for the middle district of Ten for the term expiring July 1, 1968. (Reap nessee for the term of 4 years. fore the day of reckoning. The price pointment.) of silver will have to move upward if we William J. Andrews, of Georgia, to be U.S. are to expect increases in production. marshal for the northern district of Georgia More important, as I stated, I will not CONFIRMATIONS for the term of 4 years. be a party to taking the silver out of our u.s. COAST GUARD Executive nominations confirmed by The following-named persons to the rank coinage system. I will support an the Senate June 23, 1965: amendment calling for a reduction in indicated in the U.S. Coast Guard: the silver content of all of our silver coins DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE To be lieutenants and I hope others of this distinguished Donald Frank Turner, of Massachusetts, to Marcus J. Wallace, Jr. body will approve such an amendment. be an Assistant Attorney General. Clayton D. Morrison John H. Reddy, of Tennessee, to be U.S. William H. Tydings attorney for the eastern district of Ten nessee for the term of 4 years. To be lieutenants (junior grade) ADJOURNMENT UNTIL 10 A.M. Floyd M. Buford, of Georgia, to be U.S. Alfred T. Wilcox Donald P. Billings attorney for the middle district of Georgia John T. Keating Charles W. Judge TOMORROW for the term of 4 years. · Hugh A. Dayton Robert D. Weddell Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, in ac Carl W. Feickert, of illinois, to be U.S. Edward L. Weilbacher Donald J. Strathern cordance with the previous order, I move attorney for the eastern district of illinois Roger R. Roznoski Jack W. Wroton that the Senate adjourn until 10 o'clock for the term of 4 years. Richard R. Bock Dennis R. Kay tomorrow morning. Milton J. Ferguson, of West Virginia, to Alfred W. Harrell Milford G. Gillam, Jr. be U.S. attorney for the southern district James L. Van Horn David A. Meadows The PRESIDING OFFICER <Mr. of West Virginia for the term of 4 years. John N. Malsom, Jr. David C. Newton DoMINICK in the chair) . The question is Charles B. Bendlage, Jr., of Iowa, to be William A. Swansburg Richard G. Gobble on agreeing to the motion of the Sen U.S. marshal for the southern district of Thomas V. Fielding, Robert C. Wright ator from Pennsylvania. Iowa for the term of 4 years. Sr. · Harold D. Willis EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS Weston Instruments Wins Defense the objectives of the Defense Manpower 1,400. General Manager Warnken says that Policy which was designed to channel as the contract, for 1,500 practice bombs for the Contract much defense work as possible into areas Air Force, will provide enough work to main having labor surpluses. And while Weston tain this force. is not a small business, it operates in an area Congressman McDADE, who announced the EXTENSION OF REMARKS in which there is a high rate of surplus labor. contract award, deserves credit for. having OF It took several weeks but the Defense De fought the original Defense Department rul partment gave favorable consideration to the ing that the Archbald plant was not eligible HON. ROBERT J. CORBETT Congressman's plea and on April 28 reversed because it was not a small business. The OF PENNSYLVANIA the limited bidding rule in this case. The Congressman argued that Pentagon policy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES new bids, including Weston's, were opened calls for funneling defense contracts into last week at Washington, followed by the areas with a labor surplus and that under Wednesday, June 23, 1965 contract award Monday to Weston. this policy Weston should be allowed to bid. Mr. CORBETT. Mr. Speaker, on By virtue of the new contract, the local Congressman McDADE's argument produced June 9 the following editorial appeared plant will be able to continue for some time a decision by the Department to advertise its present fine employment total of some for new bids without any restrictions on the in the Scranton Tribune: 1,400 workers from the region. size of the companies bidding. · The receipt KEEPING LOCAL PLANT BUSY That these workers are highly skilled for of the contract by Weston is due largely to Congressman JosEPH M. McDADE is ·to be this type of work is seen in the fact that the the Congressman's insistence. commended for his part in paving the way practice bombs are intricate pieces of equip Both of these newspapers, Mr. Speak for Weston Instruments, Inc., Archbald, to ment. They are designed to simulate the bid on a sizable defense order. action of real bombs when dropped from air er, reflect the continuing concern of our Through the intervention and convincing planes. colleague, Congressman JosEPH M. Mc arguments advanced by the Congressman, DADE, with the problem of unemployment Weston not only was permitted to offer a Two days later, on June 11, the follow in northeastern Pennsylvania. bid but was succesful in obtaining the $1.2 ing editorial appeared in the Scranton Two and a half years ago, when he million contract for the production of some Tinies: came to Congress, my colleague from the 1,498 practice bombs for the use of the U.S. NEW CONTRACT FOR WESTON lOth District of Pennsylvania was faced Air Force trainees. The announcement that Weston Instru with an unemployment rate of approxi When the Air Force originally asked for ments, Inc.-popularly known here as Day bids in a U.S. Department of Commerce mately 14 percent in his district. strom-has received a $1.2 million contract Today, that rate of unemployment has publication, McDADE found that it was lim from the Air Force was accompanied by the iting them to small businesses. disclosure that the company has added been cut nearly in half; and no one has The Congressman was quick to explain nearly 400 employees to its payroll since the worked harder to fight unemployment that such a limitation would be contrary to first of the year, to bring the total to about and save jobs than JoE McDADE. 14614 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- SENATE June 23, 1965 In April of this year, my colleague The sum total of the gambling situa Cuba, in Brazil, and most recently in the came to grips with a situation which tion in California is this-the Federal Dominican Republic. And all of this over would have prohibited a company in his Government and the California State the brief span of 20 years. The contrast between the world of today district from bidding on an Air Force government, by refusing to recognize and the world of yesterday reminds me of a contract--even though that company and regulate gambling, have left it wide cartoon that appeared many years ago in was currently producing the very item open for mob operation. The syndicates the New Yorker. Two businessmen were the Air Force needed. As a result of have been happly to fill the vacuum left slouched in overstuffed chairs in their club Congressman McDADE's intervention, the by the blue-nosed governments, and by room, reminiscing about the past.